Search Results
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Human interfaces and interactions
R-DB | Papers 262 | Books 29 | |
Scopus | Papers 190 | Citation 2213 | h-index 25 |
GoogleScholar | Citations 7342 | h-index 45 | i10-index 165 |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Mechanics and mechatronics | Robotics and intelligent systems | Rehabilitation science | Intelligent robotics | Perceptual information processing | Intelligent informatics
R-DB | Papers 236 | Books 13 | |
Scopus | Papers 146 | Citation 781 | h-index 14 |
GoogleScholar | Citations 1524 | h-index 20 | i10-index 43 |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Information security | Electronic devices and equipment | Computer systems
R-DB | Papers 75 | ||
Scopus | Papers 76 | Citation 509 | h-index 12 |
GoogleScholar | Citations 710 | h-index 14 | i10-index 19 |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Information networks
R-DB | Papers 114 | Books 1 | |
Scopus | Papers 219 | Citation 1643 | h-index 20 |
GoogleScholar | Citations 2569 | h-index 25 | i10-index 66 |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Biological, health, and medical informatics
R-DB | Papers 29 | Books 2 | |
Scopus | Papers 32 | Citation 748 | h-index 13 |
GoogleScholar | Citations 1255 | h-index 17 | i10-index 22 |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Applied mathematics and statistics | Basic mathematics | Money and finance | Economic statistics | Statistical science
R-DB | Papers 39 | Books 7 | |
Scopus | Papers 40 | Citation 531 | h-index 13 |
GoogleScholar | Citations 1048 | h-index 17 | i10-index 28 |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Intelligent robotics | Mechanics and mechatronics | Robotics and intelligent systems
R-DB | Papers 955 | ||
Scopus | Papers 504 | Citation 5361 | h-index 35 |
GoogleScholar | Citations 9598 | h-index 46 | i10-index 217 |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Intelligent informatics Artificial Intelligence, Multi-agent systems, Machine learning, Cooperation and coordination, Multi-agent simulation | Soft computing | Software | Information networks
R-DB | Papers 390 | Books 11 | |
Scopus | Papers 215 | Citation 848 | h-index 13 |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Computational science | Mathematical physics and basic theory | Mathematical analysis | Applied mathematics and statistics
R-DB | Papers 100 | Books 5 | |
Scopus | Papers 35 | Citation 1364 | h-index 18 |
GoogleScholar | Citations 3083 | h-index 22 | i10-index 31 |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Bio-, chemical, and soft-matter physics | Intelligent informatics | Biophysics
R-DB | Papers 67 | Books 2 | |
Scopus | Papers 39 | Citation 846 | h-index 14 |
GoogleScholar | Citations 1351 | h-index 16 | i10-index 23 |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Surgical dentistry | Mechanics and mechatronics | Robotics and intelligent systems
R-DB | Papers 944 | Books 6 | |
Scopus | Papers 695 | Citation 10105 | h-index 46 |
Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Information theory | Algebra | Information security
R-DB | Papers 60 | Books 5 | |
Scopus | Papers 48 | Citation 2861 | h-index 18 |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Information, Production, and Systems
Machine elements and tribology | Medical and welfare engineering | Robotics and intelligent systems | Design engineering
R-DB | Papers 71 | ||
Scopus | Papers 102 | Citation 547 | h-index 13 |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Intelligent informatics Computational Linguistics・Natural Language Processing | Mathematical informatics Studies of Language by Complex Systems Theory | Software Natural Language Interface | Linguistics Quantitative Linguistics
R-DB | Papers 60 | Books 17 | |
GoogleScholar | Citations 2365 | h-index 26 | i10-index 46 |
Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Information theory
R-DB | Papers 66 | ||
Scopus | Papers 65 | Citation 551 | h-index 12 |
GoogleScholar | Citations 1420 | h-index 17 | i10-index 24 |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Mechanics and mechatronics | Robotics and intelligent systems | Safety engineering | Social systems engineering | Manufacturing and production engineering
R-DB | Papers 74 | Books 3 | |
Scopus | Papers 81 | Citation 243 | h-index 8 |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Information security | Information theory | Software
R-DB | Papers 45 | ||
Scopus | Papers 51 | Citation 1454 | h-index 16 |
GoogleScholar | Citations 2781 | h-index 21 | i10-index 33 |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Computer systems | Information security
R-DB | Papers 547 | Books 3 | |
Scopus | Papers 344 | Citation 2186 | h-index 21 |
GoogleScholar | Citations 3434 | h-index 25 | i10-index 85 |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Information security
R-DB | Papers 85 | ||
Scopus | Papers 86 | Citation 482 | h-index 9 |
GoogleScholar | Citations 893 | h-index 13 | i10-index 19 |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Information theory | Software
R-DB | Papers 255 | Books 13 | |
Scopus | Papers 88 | Citation 485 | h-index 12 |
GoogleScholar | Citations 2672 | h-index 23 | i10-index 51 |