Updated on 2025/03/12


TANI, Seiichiro
Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title
Ph.D. (Computer Science) ( Univ. Tokyo )

Seiichiro Tani is a researcher on the theory of computing and algorithms, especially quantum ones. His research interests include the mathematical aspects of quantum algorithms, quantum complexity theory, and quantum information theory and their application to cryptography.
Seiichiro Tani received a B.E. in information science from Kyoto University, Japan, in 1993 and an M.E. and Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1995 and 2006, respectively. After entering NTT corporation, he worked on the algorithms for delay testing of circuits at NTT LSI Laboratories in 1995 and moved to NTT Network Innovation Laboratories in 1998. From 2003 to 2024, he studied quantum computing theory at NTT Communication Science Laboratories. He was a Distinguished Scientist there, the Leader of the Computing Theory Research Group, and the Project Manager of the Research Center for Theoretical Quantum Information in NTT Basic Research Laboratories. Since 2024, he has been a Professor at Waseda University. He is also an Associate Member of the Science Council of Japan (SCJ).
He was a researcher of the ERATO/SORST Quantum Computing and Information Project, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) from 2004 to 2009, a Visiting Researcher at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), the University of Waterloo from 2010 to 2011, and a Visiting Professor at the Quantum Computing Unit, International Research Frontiers Initiative, Tokyo Institute of Technology, from 2022 to 2024. 
He received the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Achievement Award and the IEICE Information and System Society Best Paper Award. He also received the Maejima-Hisoka Award and the Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Research (SCAT) Chairman Award. He is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), IEICE, and the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ).

Research Experience

  • 2024.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Professor

  • 2020.10

    Science Council of Japan   Member

  • 2023.10

    NTT Basic Research Laboratories   Research Center for Theoretical Quantum Information   Project Manager

  • 2022.04

    Tokyo Institute of Technology   Quantum Computing Unit, Institute of Innovative Research   Visiting Professor

  • 2016.10

    Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

  • 2016.10

    NTT Communication Science Laboratories   Computing Theory Research Group   Group Leader

  • 2016

    Tokyo Institute of Technology   Part-time lecturer

  • 1995.04

    Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.

  • 2010.02

    University of Waterloo   Institute for Quantum Computing   visiting researcher

  • 2005.10

    JST   ERATO-SORST Quantum Computing and Information Project   researcher

  • 2004.04

    JST   ERATO Quantum Computing and Information Project   researcher

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Committee Memberships

  • 2018

    Mext Quantum Leap Flagship Program (MEXT Q-LEAP),  advisory board

  • 2018

    JST CREST [Computational Foundation] Technology for Computing Revolution for Society 5.0.,  research area advisor

  • 2012

    AMS Mathematical Reviews,  reviewer

  • 2024

    Asian Quantum Information Science Conference (AQIS 2024)  Program Committee Chair

  • 2023

    Asian Quantum Information Science Conference (AQIS 2023)  Program Committee

  • 2022.04

    The International Symposium on Quantum Science, Technology and Innovation (Quantum Innovation 2022)  Organizing Committee

  • 2021.04

    The International Symposium on Quantum Science, Technology and Innovation (Quantum Innovation 2021)  Organizing Committee

  • 2015

    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE),  technical committee on Theoretical Foundations of Computing (COMP)

  • 2016

    JST PREST Quantum state control and functionalization,  research area advisor

  • 2021

    21th Asian Quantum Information Science Conference (AQIS 2021)  Program Committee

  • 2018

    Asian Quantum Information Science Conference (AQIS 2018),  program committee

  • 2012

    Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  Review Committee of IPSJ Journal

  • 2016

    Asian Quantum Information Science Conference (AQIS 2016)  program committee

  • 2008

    Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ),  editorial committee of IPSJ Journal

  • 2010

    Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography (TQC 2010),  program committee

  • 2009

    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE),  Guest Editor-in-Chief of Special Section “Frontier of Quantum Computing”, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sceinces, Vol. E92-A, No.5, 2009.

  • 2005

    Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ),  steering committee of Special Interest Group on Algorithms (SIGAL)

  • 2005

    Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ),  Guest Editor-in-Chief of Special Issue on Quantum Computation and Information, IPSJ Journal, Vol.46, No.10, 2005.

  • 2002

    The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE),  editorial committee on the Journal of IEICE (WG A)

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Professional Memberships









Research Areas

  • Theory of informatics

Research Interests

  • distributed algorithm

  • quantum computer

  • quantum information theory

  • quantum information

  • quantum algorithm

  • communication protocol

  • quantum computing

  • binary decision diagram

  • complexity theory

  • distributed computing

  • algorithm

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  • SCAT Chairman Award

    2024.01   Support Center for Advanced Telecommunication Technology Research, General Incorporated Foundation  

    Winner: Seiichiro Tani

  • 前島密賞

    2023.02   公益財団法人通信文化協会   量子計算アルゴリズムの先駆的研究と耐量子計算機暗号の安全性評価への貢献

    Winner: 谷 誠一郎, 高橋 康博

  • Achievement Award

    2019   The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)   Pioneering Study on Quantum Algorithms

    Winner: Seiichiro Tani, Yasuhiro Takahashi

  • Best Paper Award:

    2001   The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Information and Systems Society,   The Complexity of the Optimal Variable Ordering Problems of a Shared Binary Decision Diagram

    Winner: Seiichiro Tani, Koyoharu Hamaguchi, Shuzo Yajima



  • Rewindable Quantum Computation and Its Equivalence to Cloning and Adaptive Postselection

    Ryo Hiromasa, Akihiro Mizutani, Yuki Takeuchi, Seiichiro Tani

    Theory of Computing Systems   69 ( 1 )  2025.01

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    We define rewinding operators that invert quantum measurements. Then, we define complexity classes $$\textsf{RwBQP}$$ , $$\textsf{CBQP}$$ , and $$\textsf{AdPostBQP}$$ as sets of decision problems solvable by polynomial-size quantum circuits with a polynomial number of rewinding operators, cloning operators, and adaptive postselections, respectively. Our main result is that $$\textsf{BPP}^\textsf{PP}\subseteq \textsf{RwBQP}=\textsf{CBQP}=\textsf{AdPostBQP}\subseteq \textsf{PSPACE}$$ . As a byproduct of this result, we show that any problem in $$\textsf{PostBQP}$$ can be solved with only postselections of events that occur with probabilities polynomially close to one. Under the strongly believed assumption that $$\textsf{BQP}\nsupseteq \textsf{SZK}$$ , or the shortest independent vectors problem cannot be efficiently solved with quantum computers, we also show that a single rewinding operator is sufficient to achieve tasks that are intractable for quantum computation. Finally, we show that rewindable Clifford circuits remain classically simulatable, but rewindable instantaneous quantum polynomial time circuits can solve any problem in $$\textsf{PP}$$ .



  • Probabilistic unitary synthesis with optimal accuracy

    seiseki akibue, Go Kato, Seiichiro Tani

    ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing    2024.05

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    The purpose of unitary synthesis is to find a gate sequence that optimally approximates a target unitary transformation. A new synthesis approach, called probabilistic synthesis, has been introduced, and its superiority has been demonstrated over traditional deterministic approaches with respect to approximation error and gate length. However, the optimality of current probabilistic synthesis algorithms is unknown. We obtain the tight lower bound on the approximation error obtained by the optimal probabilistic synthesis, which guarantees the sub-optimality of current algorithms. We also show its tight upper bound, which improves and unifies current upper bounds depending on the class of target unitaries. These two bounds reveal the fundamental relationship of approximation error between probabilistic approximation and deterministic approximation of unitary transformations. From a computational point of view, we show that the optimal probability distribution can be computed by the semidefinite program (SDP) we construct. We also construct an efficient probabilistic synthesis algorithm for single-qubit unitaries, rigorously estimate its time complexity, and show that it reduces the approximation error quadratically compared with deterministic algorithms.



  • Probabilistic state synthesis based on optimal convex approximation

    Seiseki Akibue, Go Kato, Seiichiro Tani

    npj Quantum Information   10 ( 1 )  2024.01  [Refereed]

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    When preparing a pure state with a quantum circuit, there is an unavoidable approximation error due to the compilation error in fault-tolerant implementation. A recently proposed approach called probabilistic state synthesis, where the circuit is probabilistically sampled, is able to reduce the approximation error compared to conventional deterministic synthesis. In this paper, we demonstrate that the optimal probabilistic synthesis quadratically reduces the approximation error. Moreover, we show that a deterministic synthesis algorithm can be efficiently converted into a probabilistic one that achieves this quadratic error reduction. We also numerically demonstrate how this conversion reduces the T-count and analytically prove that this conversion halves an information-theoretic lower bound on the circuit size. In order to derive these results, we prove general theorems about the optimal convex approximation of a quantum state. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this theorem can be used to analyze an entanglement measure.

    DOI DOI2


  • Rewindable quantum computation and its equivalence to cloning and adaptive postselection

    Ryo Hiromasa, Akihiro Mizutani, Yuki Takeuchi, Seiichiro Tani

    Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs   266  2023.07  [Refereed]

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    We define rewinding operators that invert quantum measurements. Then, we define complexity classes RwBQP, CBQP, and AdPostBQP as sets of decision problems solvable by polynomial-size quantum circuits with a polynomial number of rewinding operators, cloning operators, and adaptive postselections, respectively. Our main result is that BPPPP⊇ RwBQP = CBQP = AdPostBQP ⊇ PSPACE. As a byproduct of this result, we show that any problem in PostBQP can be solved with only postselections of outputs whose probabilities are polynomially close to one. Under the strongly believed assumption that BQP ⊉ SZK, or the shortest independent vectors problem cannot be efficiently solved with quantum computers, we also show that a single rewinding operator is sufficient to achieve tasks that are intractable for quantum computation. In addition, we consider rewindable Clifford and instantaneous quantum polynomial time circuits.

    DOI DOI2


  • Space-Bounded Unitary Quantum Computation with Postselection.

    Seiichiro Tani

    Proceedings of the 47th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2022)   241   81:1 - 81:15  2022.08  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

    DOI DOI2


  • Sumcheck-based delegation of quantum computing to rational server.

    Yuki Takeuchi, Tomoyuki Morimae, Seiichiro Tani

    Theoretical Computer Science   924   46 - 67  2022.07  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Delegated quantum computing enables a client with a weak computational power
    to delegate quantum computing to a remote quantum server in such a way that the
    integrity of the server is efficiently verified by the client. Recently, a new
    model of delegated quantum computing has been proposed, namely, rational
    delegated quantum computing. In this model, after the client interacts with the
    server, the client pays a reward to the server. The rational server sends
    messages that maximize the expected value of the reward. It is known that the
    classical client can delegate universal quantum computing to the rational
    quantum server in one round. In this paper, we propose novel one-round rational
    delegated quantum computing protocols by generalizing the classical rational
    sumcheck protocol. The construction of the previous rational protocols depends
    on gate sets, while our sumcheck technique can be easily realized with any
    local gate set. Furthermore, as with the previous protocols, our reward
    function satisfies natural requirements. We also discuss the reward gap. Simply
    speaking, the reward gap is a minimum loss on the expected value of the
    server's reward incurred by the server's behavior that makes the client accept
    an incorrect answer. Although our sumcheck-based protocols have only
    exponentially small reward gaps as with the previous protocols, we show that a
    constant reward gap can be achieved if two non-communicating but entangled
    rational servers are allowed. We also discuss that a single rational server is
    sufficient under the (widely-believed) assumption that the learning-with-errors
    problem is hard for polynomial-time quantum computing. Apart from these
    results, we show, under a certain condition, the equivalence between $rational$
    and $ordinary$ delegated quantum computing protocols. Based on this
    equivalence, we give a reward-gap amplification method.



  • Computational self-testing for entangled magic states

    Akihiro Mizutani, Yuki Takeuchi, Ryo Hiromasa, Yusuke Aikawa, Seiichiro Tani

    Physical Review A   106 ( L010601 )  2022.07  [Refereed]  [International journal]


  • Quadratic improvement on accuracy of approximating pure quantum states and unitary gates by probabilistic implementation

    Seiseki Akibue, Go Kato, Seiichiro Tani

    arXive   quant-ph ( 2111.05531 )  2021.11


  • Classically simulating quantum circuits with local depolarizing noise

    Yasuhiro Takahashi, Yuki Takeuchi, Seiichiro Tani

    THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE   893   117 - 132  2021.11  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    We study the effect of noise on the classical simulatability of quantum circuits defined by computationally tractable (CT) states and efficiently computable sparse (ECS) operations. Examples of such circuits, which we call CT-ECS circuits, are IQP, Clifford Magic, and conjugated Clifford circuits. This means that there exist various CT-ECS circuits such that their output probability distributions are anti-concentrated and not classically simulatable in the noise-free setting (under plausible assumptions). First, we consider a noise model where a depolarizing channel with an arbitrarily small constant rate is applied to each qubit at the end of computation. We show that, under this noise model, if an approximate value of the noise rate is known, any CT-ECS circuit with an anti-concentrated output probability distribution is classically simulatable. This indicates that the presence of small noise drastically affects the classical simulatability of CT-ECS circuits. Then, we consider an extension of the noise model where the noise rate can vary with each qubit, and provide a similar sufficient condition for classically simulating CT-ECS circuits with anti-concentrated output probability distributions. (c) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.



  • Theoretical Approach to Overcome Difficulties in Implementing Quantum Computers

    Seiseki Akibue, Yuki Takeuchi, Yasuhiro Takahashi, Go Kato, Seiichiro Tani

    NTT Technical Review   19 ( 5 ) 34 - 39  2021.05


  • Hardness of efficiently generating ground states in postselected quantum computation

    Yuki Takeuchi, Yasuhiro Takahashi, Seiichiro Tani

    PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH   3 ( 013213 )  2021.03  [Refereed]

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    Generating ground states of any local Hamiltonians seems to be impossible in quantum polynomial time. In this paper, we give evidence for the impossibility by applying an argument used in the quantum-computational-supremacy approach. More precisely, we show that if ground states of any 3-local Hamiltonians can be approximately generated in quantum polynomial time with postselection, then PP = PSPACE. Our result is superior to the existing findings in the sense that we reduce the impossibility to an unlikely relation between classical complexity classes. We also discuss what makes efficiently generating the ground states hard for postselected quantum computation.



  • Power of uninitialized qubits in shallow quantum circuits

    Yasuhiro Takahashi, Seiichiro Tani

    THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE   851   129 - 153  2021.01  [Refereed]

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    We study uninitialized qubits, whose initial state is arbitrary and unknown, in relation to the computational power of shallow quantum circuits. To do this, we consider uniform families of shallow quantum circuits with n input qubits, O (log n) initialized ancillary qubits, and n(O(1)) uninitialized ancillary qubits, where the input qubits only act as control qubits. We show that such a circuit with depth O((log n)(2)) can compute any symmetric Boolean function on n bits that is computable by a uniform family of polynomial-size classical circuits. Since it is unlikely that this can be done with only O(log n) initialized ancillary qubits, our result provides evidence that the presence of uninitialized ancillary qubits increases the computational power of shallow quantum circuits with only O (log n) initialized ancillary qubits. On the other hand, to understand the limitations of uninitialized qubits, we focus on sub-logarithmic-depth quantum circuits and show the impossibility of computing the parity function on n bits. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Quantum algorithm for the multicollision problem

    Akinori Hosoyamada, Yu Sasaki, Seiichiro Tani, Keita Xagawa

    THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE   842   100 - 117  2020.11  [Refereed]

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    The current paper presents a new quantum algorithm for finding multicollisions, often denoted by l-collisions, where an l-collision for a function is a set of L distinct inputs that are mapped by the function to the same value. In cryptology, it is important to study how many queries are required to find an l-collision for a random function of which domain is larger than its range. However, the problem of finding l-collisions for random functions has not received much attention in the quantum setting. The tight bound of quantum query complexity for finding a 2-collisions of a random function has been revealed to be Theta(N-1/3), where N is the size of the range of the function, but neither the lower nor upper bounds are known for general l-collisions. The paper first integrates the results from existing research to derive several new observations, e.g., l-collisions can be generated only with O(N-1/2) quantum queries for any integer constant L. It then provides a quantum algorithm that finds an l-collision for a random function with the average quantum query complexity of O(N(2l-1 -1)/(2(l)-1)), which matches the tight bound of Theta(N-1/3) for l = 2 and improves upon the known bounds, including the above simple bound of O(N-1/2). More generally, the algorithm achieves the average quantum query complexity of O(c(N).N(2l-1 -1)/(2l-1)), and runs over (O) over tilde (c(N).N(2l-1 -1)/2l-1)) qubits in a (O) over tilde (c(N).N(2l-1 -1)/2l-1)) expected time for a random function F : X -> Y such that vertical bar X vertical bar >= l . vertical bar Y vertical bar/c(N) for any 1 <= c(N) is an element of o (N1/(2l-1)), where it is assumed that QRAM is available. With the same query complexity, it is actually able to find a multiclaw for random functions, which is harder to find than a multicollision. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Sumcheck-Based Delegation of Quantum Computing to Rational Server

    Yuki Takeuchi, Tomoyuki Morimae, Seiichiro Tani

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   12337   69 - 81  2020

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    Recently, a new model of delegated quantum computing has been proposed, namely, rational delegated quantum computing. In this model, after a client delegates quantum computing to a server, the client pays a reward to the server. In this paper, we propose novel one-round rational delegated quantum computing protocols. The construction of the previous rational protocols depends on gate sets, while our sumcheck technique can be easily realized with any local gate set. We also show that a constant reward gap can be achieved if two non-communicating but entangled rational servers are allowed. Furthermore, we show, under a certain condition, the equivalence between rational and ordinary delegated quantum computing protocols.



  • Quantum Algorithm for Finding the Optimal Variable Ordering for Binary Decision Diagrams.

    Seiichiro Tani

    Proc. 17th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs),   162   36:1 - 36:19  2020  [Refereed]



  • Classically Simulating Quantum Circuits with Local Depolarizing Noise.

    Yasuhiro Takahashi, Yuki Takeuchi, Seiichiro Tani

    Proc. 45th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2020)     83:1 - 83:13  2020  [Refereed]



  • Improved quantum multicollision-finding algorithm

    Akinori Hosoyamada, Yu Sasaki, Seiichiro Tani, Keita Xagawa

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   11505 LNCS   350 - 367  2019  [Refereed]

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. The current paper improves the number of queries of the previous quantum multi-collision finding algorithms presented by Hosoyamada et al. at Asiacrypt 2017. Let an l-collision be a tuple of l distinct inputs that result in the same output of a target function. In cryptology, it is important to study how many queries are required to find l-collisions for random functions of which domains are larger than ranges. The previous algorithm finds an l-collision for a random function by recursively calling the algorithm for finding (l-l) -collisions, and it achieves the average quantum query complexity of (Formula presented), where N is the range size of target functions. The new algorithm removes the redundancy of the previous recursive algorithm so that different recursive calls can share a part of computations. The new algorithm finds an l-collision for random functions with the average quantum query complexity of (Formula presented), which improves the previous bound for all l ≥3 (the new and previous algorithms achieve the optimal bound for l=2). More generally, the new algorithm achieves the average quantum query complexity of (Formula presented) for a random function (Formula presented) such that (Formula presented) for any (Formula presented). With the same query complexity, it also finds a multiclaw for random functions, which is harder to find than a multicollision.



  • Impossibility of blind quantum sampling for classical client.

    Tomoyuki Morimae, Harumichi Nishimura, Yuki Takeuchi, Seiichiro Tani

    Quantum Inf. Comput.   19 ( 9&10 ) 793 - 806  2019  [Refereed]

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    © Rinton Press. Blind quantum computing enables a client, who can only generate or measure singlequbit states, to delegate quantum computing to a remote quantum server in such a way that the input, output, and program are hidden from the server. It is an open problem whether a completely classical client can delegate quantum computing blindly (in the information theoretic sense). In this paper, we show that if a completely classical client can blindly delegate sampling of subuniversal models, such as the DQC1 model and the IQP model, then the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses to the third level. Our delegation protocol is the one where the client first sends a polynomial-length bit string to the server and then the server returns a single bit to the client. Generalizing the no-go result to more general setups is an open problem.

  • Impossibility of Classically Simulating One-Clean-Qubit Model with Multiplicative Error

    Keisuke Fujii, Hirotada Kobayashi, Tomoyuki Morimae, Harumichi Nishimura, Shuhei Tamate, Seiichiro Tani

    Physical Review Letters   120 ( 20 ) 200502 - 200502  2018.05  [Refereed]

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    The one-clean-qubit model (or the deterministic quantum computation with one quantum bit model) is a restricted model of quantum computing where all but a single input qubits are maximally mixed. It is known that the probability distribution of measurement results on three output qubits of the one-clean-qubit model cannot be classically efficiently sampled within a constant multiplicative error unless the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses to the third level [T. Morimae, K. Fujii, and J. F. Fitzsimons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 130502 (2014)]. It was open whether we can keep the no-go result while reducing the number of output qubits from three to one. Here, we solve the open problem affirmatively. We also show that the third-level collapse of the polynomial-time hierarchy can be strengthened to the second-level one. The strengthening of the collapse level from the third to the second also holds for other subuniversal models such as the instantaneous quantum polynomial model [M. Bremner, R. Jozsa, and D. J. Shepherd, Proc. R. Soc. A 467, 459 (2011)] and the boson sampling model [S. Aaronson and A. Arkhipov, STOC 2011, p. 333]. We additionally study the classical simulatability of the one-clean-qubit model with further restrictions on the circuit depth or the gate types.

    DOI DOI2 PubMed CiNii


  • Power of Uninitialized Qubits in Shallow Quantum Circuits.

    Yasuhiro Takahashi, Seiichiro Tani

    35th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, STACS 2018, February 28 to March 3, 2018, Caen, France   851   57:1-57:13 - 153  2018  [Refereed]

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    We study uninitialized qubits, whose initial state is arbitrary and unknown, in relation to the computational power of shallow quantum circuits. To do this, we consider uniform families of shallow quantum circuits with n input qubits, O (log n) initialized ancillary qubits, and n(O(1)) uninitialized ancillary qubits, where the input qubits only act as control qubits. We show that such a circuit with depth O((log n)(2)) can compute any symmetric Boolean function on n bits that is computable by a uniform family of polynomial-size classical circuits. Since it is unlikely that this can be done with only O(log n) initialized ancillary qubits, our result provides evidence that the presence of uninitialized ancillary qubits increases the computational power of shallow quantum circuits with only O (log n) initialized ancillary qubits. On the other hand, to understand the limitations of uninitialized qubits, we focus on sub-logarithmic-depth quantum circuits and show the impossibility of computing the parity function on n bits. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI DOI2



    Seiichiro Tani

    QUANTUM INFORMATION & COMPUTATION   17 ( 1-2 ) 15 - 40  2017.02  [Refereed]

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    Solitude verification is arguably one of the simplest fundamental problems in distributed computing, where the goal is to verify that there is a unique contender in a network. This paper devises a quantum algorithm that exactly solves the problem on an anonymous network, which is known as a network model with minimal assumptions [Angluin, STOC' 80]. The algorithm runs in O (N) rounds if every party initially has the common knowledge of an upper bound N on the number of parties. This implies that all solvable problems can be solved in O (N) rounds on average without error (i.e., with zero-sided error) on the network. As a generalization, a quantum algorithm that works in O (N log(2) (max {k,2})) rounds is obtained for the problem of exactly computing any symmetric Boolean function, over n distributed input bits, which is constant over all the n bits whose sum is larger than k for k is an element of{0,1, . . . , N - 1}. All these algorithms work with the bit complexities bounded by a polynomial in N

  • Collapse of the Hierarchy of Constant-Depth Exact Quantum Circuits

    Yasuhiro Takahashi, Seiichiro Tani

    COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY   25 ( 4 ) 849 - 881  2016.12  [Refereed]

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    We study the quantum complexity class of quantum operations implementable exactly by constant-depth polynomial-size quantum circuits with unbounded fan-out gates. Our main result is that the quantum OR operation is in , which is an affirmative answer to the question posed by Hoyer and palek. In sharp contrast to the strict hierarchy of the classical complexity classes: , our result with Hoyer and palek's one implies the collapse of the hierarchy of the corresponding quantum ones: . Then, we show that there exists a constant-depth subquadratic-size quantum circuit for the quantum threshold operation. This allows us to obtain a better bound on the size difference between the and circuits for implementing the same operation. Lastly, we show that, if the quantum Fourier transform modulo a prime is in , there exists a polynomial-time exact classical algorithm for a discrete logarithm problem using a oracle. This implies that, under a plausible assumption, there exists a classically hard problem that is solvable exactly by a circuit with gates for the quantum Fourier transform.

    DOI DOI2


  • Quantum Query Complexity of Almost All Functions with Fixed On-set Size

    Andris Ambainis, Kazuo Iwama, Masaki Nakanishi, Harumichi Nishimura, Rudy Raymond, Seiichiro Tani, Shigeru Yamashita

    COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY   25 ( 4 ) 723 - 735  2016.12  [Refereed]

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    This paper considers the quantum query complexity of almost all functions in the set of -variable Boolean functions with on-set size , where the on-set size is the number of inputs on which the function is true. The main result is that, for all functions in except its polynomially small fraction, the quantum query complexity is Theta (logM/c+log N- log log M + root N) for a constant . This is quite different from the quantum query complexity of the hardest function in F-N,F-M : Theta (root N logM/c+log N- log log M + root N) . In contrast, almost all functions in have the same randomized query complexity as the hardest one, up to a constant factor.




    Yasuhiro Takahashi, Seiichiro Tani, Takeshi Yamazaki, Kazuyuki Tanaka

    QUANTUM INFORMATION & COMPUTATION   16 ( 3-4 ) 251 - 270  2016.03  [Refereed]

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    We study the classical simulatability of commuting quantum circuits with n input qubits and O(log n) output qubits, where a quantum circuit is classically simulatable if its output probability distribution can be sampled up to an exponentially small additive error in classical polynomial time. Our main result is that there exists a commuting quantum circuit that is not classically simulatable unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses to the third level. This is the first formal evidence that a commuting quantum circuit is not classically simulatable even when the number of output qubits is O(log n). Then, we consider a generalized version of the circuit and clarify the condition under which it is classically simulatable. Lastly, using a proof similar to that of the main result, we provide an evidence that a slightly extended Clifford circuit is not classically simulatable.

  • Power of Quantum Computation with Few Clean Qubits.

    Keisuke Fujii, Hirotada Kobayashi, Tomoyuki Morimae, Harumichi Nishimura, Shuhei Tamate, Seiichiro Tani

    43rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, ICALP 2016, July 11-15, 2016, Rome, Italy     13:1-13:14  2016  [Refereed]

  • Quantum algorithms for finding constant-sized sub-hypergraphs

    Francois Le Gall, Harumichi Nishimura, Seiichiro Tani

    THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE   609   569 - 582  2016.01  [Refereed]

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    We develop a general framework to construct quantum algorithms that detect if a 3-uniform hypergraph given as input contains a sub-hypergraph isomorphic to a pre-specified constant-sized hypergraph. This framework is based on the concept of nested quantum walks recently proposed by Jeffery, Kothari and Magniez (2013) [12], and extends the methodology designed by Lee, Magniez and Santha (2013) [18] for similar problems over graphs. As applications, we obtain a quantum algorithm for finding a 4-clique in a 3-uniform hypergraph on n vertices with query complexity O(n(1.883)), and a quantum algorithm for determining if a ternary operator over a set of size n is associative with query complexity O(n(2.113)). (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Commuting Quantum Circuits with Few Outputs are Unlikely to be Classically Simulatable

    Yasuhiro Takahashi, Seiichiro Tani, Takeshi Yamazaki, Kazuyuki Tanaka

    COMPUTING AND COMBINATORICS   9198   223 - 234  2015  [Refereed]

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    We study the classical simulatability of commuting quantum circuits with n input qubits and O(log n) output qubits, where a quantum circuit is classically simulatable if its output probability distribution can be sampled up to an exponentially small additive error in classical polynomial time. Our main result is that there exists a commuting quantum circuit that is not classically simulatable unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses to the third level. This is the first formal evidence that a commuting quantum circuit is not classically simulatable even when the number of output qubits is exponentially small. Then, we consider a generalized version of the circuit and clarify the condition under which it is classically simulatable. We apply these results to examining the ability of IQP circuits to implement fundamental operations, and to examining the classical simulatability of slightly extended Clifford circuits.



  • Impossibility of Classically Simulating One-Clean-Qubit Computation

    Keisuke Fujii, Hirotada Kobayashi, Tomoyuki Morimae, Harumichi Nishimura, Shuhei Tamate, Seiichiro Tani


     View Summary

    Deterministic quantum computation with one quantum bit (DQC1) is a restricted
    model of quantum computing where the input state is the completely mixed state
    except for a single clean qubit, and only a single output qubit is measured at
    the end of the computing. It is proved that the restriction of quantum
    computation to the DQC1 model does not change the complexity classes NQP and
    SBQP. As a main consequence, it follows that the DQC1 model cannot be
    efficiently simulated by classical computers unless the polynomial-time
    hierarchy collapses to the second level (more precisely, to AM), which answers
    the long-standing open problem posed by Knill and Laflamme under the very
    plausible complexity assumption. The argument developed in this paper also
    weakens the complexity assumption necessary for the existing impossibility
    results on classical simulation of various sub-universal quantum computing
    models, such as the IQP model and the Boson sampling.



  • Quantum algorithms for finding constant-sized sub-hypergraphs

    François Le Gall, Harumichi Nishimura, Seiichiro Tani

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   8591   429 - 440  2014  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We develop a general framework to construct quantum algorithms that detect if a 3-uniform hypergraph given as input contains a sub-hypergraph isomorphic to a prespecified constant-sized hypergraph. This framework is based on the concept of nested quantum walks recently proposed by Jeffery, Kothari and Magniez, and extends the methodology designed by Lee, Magniez and Santha for similar problems over graphs. As applications, we obtain a quantum algorithm for finding a 4-clique in a 3-uniform hypergraph on n vertices with query complexity O(n 1.883), and a quantum algorithm for determining if a ternary operator over a set of size n is associative with query complexity O(n 2.113). © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland.



  • Simpler Exact Leader Election via Quantum Reduction.

    Hirotada Kobayashi, Keiji Matsumoto, Seiichiro Tani

    Chicago J. Theor. Comput. Sci.   2014  2014  [Refereed]

  • Collapse of the Hierarchy of Constant-Depth Exact Quantum Circuits

    Yasuhiro Takahashi, Seiichiro Tani

    2013 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY (CCC)     168 - 178  2013  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We study the quantum complexity class QNC(f)(0) of quantum operations implementable exactly by constant-depth polynomial-size quantum circuits with unbounded fan-out gates. Our main result is that the quantum OR operation is in QNC(f)(0), which is an affirmative answer to the question of Hoyer and. Spalek. In sharp contrast to the strict hierarchy of the classical complexity classes: NC0 (sic) AC(0) (sic) TC0, our result with Hoyer and. Spalek's one implies the collapse of the hierarchy of the corresponding quantum ones: QNC(f)(0) = QAC(f)(0) = QTC(f)(0). Then, we show that there exists a constant-depth subquadraticsize quantum circuit for the quantum threshold operation. This allows us to obtain a better bound on the size difference between the QNC(f)(0) and QTC(f)(0) circuits for implementing the same quantum operation. Lastly, we show that, if the quantum Fourier transform modulo a prime is in QNC(f)(0), there exists a polynomial-time exact classical algorithm for a discrete logarithm problem using a QNC(f)(0) oracle. This implies that, under a plausible assumption, there exists a classically hard problem that is solvable exactly by a QNC(f)(0) circuit with gates for the quantum Fourier transform.

    DOI DOI2


  • Exact quantum algorithms for the leader election problem

    Seiichiro Tani, Hirotada Kobayashi, Keiji Matsumoto

    ACM Transactions on Computation Theory   4 ( 1 ) 1:1-1:24  2012.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This article gives a separation between quantum and classical models in pure (i.e., noncryptographic) computing abilities with no restriction on the amount of available computing resources, by considering the exact solvability of the leader election problem in anonymous networks, a celebrated unsolvable problem in classical distributed computing. The goal of the leader election problem is to elect a unique leader from among distributed parties. In an anonymous network, all parties with the same number of communication links are identical. It is well-known that no classical algorithm can exactly solve (i.e., in bounded time without error) the leader election problem in anonymous networks, even if the number of parties is given. This article devises a quantum algorithm that, if the number of parties is given, exactly solves the problem for any network topology in polynomial rounds with polynomial communication/time complexity with respect to the number of parties, when the parties are connected with quantum communication links and they have the ability of quantum computing. Our algorithm works even when only an upper bound of the number of parties is given. In such a case, no classical algorithm can solve the problem even under the zero-error setting, the setting in which error is not allowed but running time may be unbounded. © 2012 ACM 1942-3462/2012/03-ART1 $10.00.



  • Compression of View on Anonymous Networks-Folded View-

    Seiichiro Tani

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS   23 ( 2 ) 255 - 262  2012.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    View is a labeled directed graph containing all information about the network that a party can learn by exchanging messages with its neighbors. View can be used to solve distributed problems on an anonymous network (i.e., a network that does not guarantee that every party has a unique identifier). This paper presents an algorithm that constructs views in a compressed form on an anonymous n-party network of any topology in at most 2n rounds with O(n(6) log n) bit complexity, where the time complexity (i.e., the number of local computation steps per party) is O(n(6) log n). This is the first view-construction algorithm that runs in O(n) rounds with polynomial bits complexity. The paper also gives an algorithm that counts the number of nonisomorphic views in the network in O(n(6) log n) time complexity if a view is given in the compressed form. These algorithms imply that some well-studied problems, including the leader election problem, can deterministically be solved in O(n) rounds with polynomial bit and time complexity on an anonymous n-party network of any topology.



  • Reconstructing strings from substrings with quantum queries

    Richard Cleve, Kazuo Iwama, François Le Gall, Harumichi Nishimura, Seiichiro Tani, Junichi Teruyama, Shigeru Yamashita

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   7357   388 - 397  2012  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper investigates the number of quantum queries made to solve the problem of reconstructing an unknown string from its substrings in a certain query model. More concretely, the goal of the problem is to identify an unknown string S by making queries of the following form: "Is s a substring of S?", where s is a query string over the given alphabet. The number of queries required to identify the string S is the query complexity of this problem. First we show a quantum algorithm that exactly identifies the string S with at most queries, where N is the length of S. This contrasts sharply with the classical query complexity N. Our algorithm uses Skiena and Sundaram's classical algorithm and the Grover search as subroutines. To make them effectively work, we develop another subroutine that finds a string appearing only once in S, which may have an independent interest. We also prove two lower bounds. The first one is a general lower bound of , which means we cannot achieve a query complexity of O(N 1∈-∈ε ) for any constant ε. The other one claims that if we cannot use queries of length roughly between logN and 3 logN, then we cannot achieve a query complexity of any sublinear function in N. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.

    DOI DOI2


  • The One-Way Communication Complexity of Subgroup Membership.

    Scott Aaronson, François Le Gall, Alexander Russell, Seiichiro Tani

    Chicago J. Theor. Comput. Sci.   2011  2011  [Refereed]


    Yasuhiro Takahashi, Seiichiro Tani, Noboru Kunihiro

    QUANTUM INFORMATION & COMPUTATION   10 ( 9-10 ) 872 - 890  2010.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We first show how to construct an O(n)-depth O(n)-size quantum circuit for addition of two n-bit binary numbers with no ancillary qubits. The exact size is 7n - 6, which is smaller than that of any other quantum circuit ever constructed for addition with no ancillary qubits. Using the circuit, we then propose a method for constructing an O(d(n))-depth O(n)-size quantum circuit for addition with O(n/d(n)) ancillary qubits for any d(n) = Omega(log n). If we are allowed to use unbounded fan-out gates with length O(n(epsilon)) for an arbitrary small positive constant E, we can modify the method and construct an O(e(n))-depth O(n)-size circuit with o(n) ancillary qubits for any e(n) = Omega(log* n). In particular, these methods yield efficient circuits with depth O(log n) and with depth O(log* n), respectively. We apply our circuits to constructing efficient quantum circuits for Shor's discrete logarithm algorithm.


    Andris Ambainis, Andrew M. Childs, Francois Le Gall, Seiichiro Tani

    QUANTUM INFORMATION & COMPUTATION   10 ( 3-4 ) 181 - 189  2010.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We study the quantum query complexity of finding a certificate for a d-regular, k-level balanced NANDformula. We show that the query complexity is circle minus(d((k+1)/2)) for 0-certificates, and (circle minus) over tilde (d(k/2)) for 1-certificates. In particular, this shows that the zero-error quantum query complexity of evaluating such formulas is (O) over tilde (d((k+1)/2)). Our lower bound relies on the fact that the quantum adversary method obeys a direct sum theorem.

  • Claw finding algorithms using quantum walk

    Seiichiro Tani

    THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE   410 ( 50 ) 5285 - 5297  2009.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The claw finding problem has been studied in terms of query complexity as one of the problems closely connected to cryptography. Given two functions, f and g, with domain sizes N and M(N &lt;= M), respectively, and the same range, the goal of the problem is to find x and y such that f (x) = g(y). This problem has been considered in both quantum and classical settings in terms of query complexity. This paper describes an optimal algorithm that uses quantum walk to solve this problem. Our algorithm can be slightly modified to solve the more general problem of finding a tuple consisting of elements in the two function domains that has a prespecified property. it can also be generalized to find a claw of k functions for any constant integer k &gt; 1, where the domain sizes of the functions may be different. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Average/Worst-Case Gap of Quantum Query Complexities by On-Set Size

    Andris Ambainis, Kazuo Iwama, Masaki Nakanishi, Harumichi Nishimura, Rudy Raymond, Seiichiro Tani, Shigeru Yamashita

    CoRR   abs/0908.2468  2009.08

     View Summary

    This paper considers the query complexity of the functions in the family<br />
    F_{N,M} of N-variable Boolean functions with onset size M, i.e., the number of<br />
    inputs for which the function value is 1, where 1&lt;= M &lt;= 2^{N}/2 is assumed<br />
    without loss of generality because of the symmetry of function values, 0 and 1.<br />
    Our main results are as follows: (1) There is a super-linear gap between the<br />
    average-case and worst-case quantum query complexities over F_{N,M} for a<br />
    certain range of M. (2) There is no super-linear gap between the average-case<br />
    and worst-case randomized query complexities over F_{N,M} fo...

  • Multi-Party Quantum Communication Complexity with Routed Messages

    Seiichiro Tani, Masaki Nakanishi, Shigeru Yamashita

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS   E92D ( 2 ) 191 - 199  2009.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper describes a general quantum lower bounding technique for the communication complexity of a function that depends on the inputs given to two parties connected via paths, which may be shared with other parties, on a network of any topology. The technique can also be employed to obtain a lower-bound of the quantum communication complexity of some functions that depend on the inputs distributed over all parties on the network. As a typical application, we apply our technique to the distinctness problem of deciding whether there are a pair of parties with identical inputs, on a k-party ring; almost matching upper bounds are also given.



  • Brief Announcement: Exactly Electing a Unique Leader is not Harder than Computing Symmetric Functions on Anonymous Quantum Networks

    Hirotada Kobayashi, Keiji Matsumoto, Seiichiro Tani


     View Summary

    This paper proves that, if quantum communication and computation are available and the number of parties is given, the leader election problem can exactly (i.e., without error in bounded time) be solved with at most the same complexity up to a constant factor as that of exactly computing certain symmetric functions for a distributed and superposed input on an anonymous network of any unknown topology. Together with a novel quantum algorithm that computes a certain symmetric function, this characterization yields a quantum leader election algorithm that is more efficient than existing algorithms.



  • Experimental demonstration of quantum leader election in linear optics

    Yuta Okubo, Xiang-Bin Wang, Yun-Kun Jiang, Seiichiro Tani, Akihisa Tomita

    Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics   77 ( 3 )  2008.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Linear optics is a promising candidate to enable the construction of quantum computers. A number of quantum protocols gates based on linear optics have been demonstrated. However, it is well known that these gates are nondeterministic and that higher order nonlinearity is necessary for deterministic operations. We found the quantum leader election protocol can be operated deterministically only with linear optics, and we have demonstrated the nearly deterministic operation which overcomes classical limit. © 2008 The American Physical Society.



  • Quantum Query Complexity of Boolean Functions with Small On-Sets

    Andris Ambainis, Kazuo Iwama, Masaki Nakanishi, Harumichi Nishimura, Rudy Raymond, Seiichiro Tani, Shigeru Yamashita

    ALGORITHMS AND COMPUTATION, PROCEEDINGS   5369   907 - +  2008  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The main objective of this paper is to show that the quantum query complexity Q(f) of an N-bit Boolean function f is bounded by a function of a simple and natural parameter, i.e., M = vertical bar{x vertical bar f(x) = 1}vertical bar or the size of f's on-set. We prove that: (i) For poly(N) &lt;= M &lt;= 2(Nd) for some constant 0 &lt; d &lt; 1, the upper bound of Q(f) is O(root N log M/ log N). This bound is tight, namely there is Boolean function f such that Q(f) = Omega(root N log M/ log N). (ii) For the same range of M, the (also tight) lower bound of Q(f) is Omega(root N). (iii) The average value of Q(f) is bounded from above and below by Q(f) = O(log M + root N) and Q(f) = Omega(log M/ log N + root N), respectively. The first bound gives a simple way of bounding the quantum query complexity of testing some graph properties. In particular, it is proved that the quantum query complexity of planarity testing for a graph with n vertices Theta(N-3/4) where N = n(n-1)/2.



  • Multi-party quantum communication complexity with routed messages

    Seiichiro Tani, Masaki Nakanishi, Shigeru Yamashita

    COMPUTING AND COMBINATORICS, PROCEEDINGS   5092   180 - 190  2008  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper describes a general quantum lower bounding technique for the communication complexity of a function that depends on the inputs given to two parties connected via paths, which may be shared with other parties, on a network of any topology. The technique can also be employed to obtain a lower-bound of the quantum communication complexity of some functions that depend on the inputs distributed over all parties on the network. As a typical application, we apply our technique to the distinctness problem of deciding whether there are at least two parties with identical inputs, on a k-party ring; almost matching upper bounds are also given.



  • Distributed Quantum Computing

    TANI Seiichiro, LE GALL Francois

    The IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (Japanese edition) A   90 ( 5 ) 393 - 402  2007.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary



  • An improved claw finding algorithm using quantum walk

    Seiichiro Tani


     View Summary

    for any constant integer k &gt; 1, where the domains of the functions may have different size.The claw finding problem has been studied in terms of query complexity as one of the problems closely connected to cryptography. For given two functions, f and g, as an oracle which have domains of size N and M (N &lt;= M), respectively, and the same range, the goal of the problem is to find x and y such that f (x) = g(y). This paper describes a quantum-walk-based algorithm that solves this problem; it improves the previous upper bounds. Our algorithm can be generalized to find a claw of k functions for any constant integer k &gt; 1, where the domains of the functions may have different size.

  • Design and Implementation of the Incrementally Deployable Multicast System Based on Flexcast

    INOUE Takeru, TANI Seiichiro, TAKAHASHI Hirokazu, MINATO Shin-ichi, MIYAZAKI Toshiaki, TOYOSHIMA Kan

    The IEICE transactions on information systems Pt. 1   88 ( 2 ) 272 - 291  2005.02  [Refereed]


  • Exact quantum algorithms for the leader election problem

    S Tani, H Kobayashi, K Matsumoto

    STACS 2005, PROCEEDINGS   3404   581 - 592  2005  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    It is well-known that no classical algorithm can solve exactly (i.e., in bounded time without error) the leader election problem in anonymous networks. This paper gives two quantum algorithms that, when the parties are connected by quantum communication links, can exactly solve the problem for any network topology in polynomial rounds and polynomial communication/time complexity with respect to the number of parties. Our algorithms work well even in the case where only the upper bound of the number of parties is given.



  • Design and implementation of advanced multicast router based on cluster computing

    T Inoue, S Tani, F Takahashi, SI Minato, T Miyazaki, K Toyoshima


     View Summary

    This paper presents the design principles of an advanced multicast router and evaluates its performance in experiments. Our multicast router features cluster computing, which has been used to develop a high performance search engine and GRID computing. The router consists of a small-scale cluster attached to a regular router While it is not a standard router architecture, it offers high extensibility and availability without much investment. Our design is based on the new multicast technology called Flexcast [10], which naturally supports incremental deployment of the multicast infrastructure unlike IP multicast. In Flexcast, multicast packets are replicated at each router like IP multicast. However Flexcast is implemented in the layer above the network layer; the multicast stream is transmitted by unicast between routers that support Flexcast, and bypasses routers that do not support it. The goal of this paper is to bring the concept of incremental deployment to a multicast router as well as the protocol, by means of cluster computing. We implemented several routers on Linux PCs and tested them in experiments. The results of the experiments reveal that forwarding performance and availability are greatly enhanced by cluster computing. Our efforts provide the economy, efficiency, and extensibility needed to realize the multicast infrastructure.



  • Wide-Area Multicasting based on Flexcast: Toward the Ubiquitous Network

    Takeru Inoue, Seiichiro Tani, Katsuhiro Ishimaru, Shin-ichi Minato, Toshiaki Miyazaki

    Proc. of the 5th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information and Telecommunication Technologies (APSITT)     301 - 306  2003.11  [Refereed]


  • A Randomized Online Algorithm for the File Caching Problem

    TANI Seiichiro, MIYAZAKI Toshiaki

    IEICE transactions on information and systems   86 ( 4 ) 686 - 697  2003.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Caching web files reduces user response time as well as network traffic. When implementing caches, the file caching problem must be addressed ; the problem is how to determine which files should be evicted from a cache when there is insufficient space for storing a new file so that the sum of the mis-hit (fault) file costs is minimized. Greedy-Dual-Size (GDS) is the best online algorithm in terms of competitiveness, i. e., k/(k-h+1)-competitive, where k and h are the storage space of, respectively, GDS and an optimal offline algorithm. GDS performs very well even in trace-driven simulations. The worst-case time taken to service a request is another important measure for online file caching algorithms since slow response times render caching meaningless from the client's view point. This paper proposes a fast randomized k/(k-h+1)-competitive algorithm that performs in O(2^<log k>) time per file eviction or insertion, whereas GDS takes O(log k) time, where 2^<log k> is a much slower increasing function than log k. To confirm its practicality, we conduct trace driven simulations. Experimental results show that our algorithm attains only slightly worse byte hit rates and sufficiently large reduced latency in comparison with GDS, and our algorithm is a good candidate for caches requiring high-speed processing such as second-level caches in the large networks.


  • Flexcast: Self-organizing multicast technology

    Seiichiro Tani, Toshiaki Miyazaki, Noriyuki Takahashi, Shin Ichi Minato

    NTT R and D   52 ( 3 ) 213 - 222  2003

     View Summary

    The World Wide Web (WWW) is a tool that lets individuals broadcast contents, and streaming data is rapidly increasing its percentage of the total traffic carried. Conventional broadcast techniques, however, waste too much bandwidth because the servers send streaming data directly to each recipient, even if there are many of them. This paper proposes a new IP-unicast-based multicast technology, called "Flexcast." Flexcast autonomously updates the optimal delivery tree when recipients emerge or disappear. Flexcast also maintains the optimal delivery tree in spite of user host mobility and/or changes in IP routing; the Flexcast protocol is so simple that it is extremely scalable. Its validity and feasibility are confirmed by a bench-test.

  • An Approach to Adaptive Network

    ISHIHARA Shinya, MIYAZAKI Toshiaki, TAKAHARA Atsushi, TANI Seiichiro

    IEICE transactions on information and systems   85 ( 5 ) 839 - 846  2002.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper describes the concept of an adaptive network, that is, a network environment that can rapidly and autonomously adapt its bebavior according to network conditions and traffic status. The user interface of the adaptive network can access any resource in the network as a memory-mapped I/O device, as if it were attached to the local bus of the user's PC. This network concept has several benefits. From the application development viewpoint, no network related programming is required, and applications do not have to be modified even if the network topologies and protocols are changed. Network maintenance and upgrading can be done anytime without having to worry about the application users, because the network itself is concealed from the applications. In addition, the reconfigurable hardware technology functions as an autonomous network control through the use of a lower-layer protocol. We developed a testbed that makes heterogeneous resources available to users and used it to demonstrate the feasibility of our concept by implementing and running some applications over it.


  • A Design Framework for Online Algorithms Solving the Object Replacement Problem

    TANI Seiichiro, MIYAZAKI Toshiaki

    IEICE transactions on information and systems   84 ( 9 ) 1135 - 1143  2001.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Network caches reduce network traffic as well as user response time. When implementing network caches, the object replacement problem is one of the core problems ; The problem is to determine which objects should be evicted from a cache when there is insufficient space. This paper first formalizes the problem and gives a simple but sufficient condition for deterministic online algorithms to be competitive. Based on the condition, a general framework to make a non-competitive algorithm competitive is constructed. As an application of the framework, an online algorithm, called Competitive_SIZE, is proposed. Both event-driven and trace-driven simulations show that Competitive_SIZE is better than previously proposed algorithms such as LRU (Least Recently Used).


  • Infrastructure technology for adaptive network: Active network

    Toshiaki Miyazaki, Noriyuki Takahashi, Takahiro Murooka, Seiichiro Tani

    NTT R and D   50 ( 12 ) 1002 - 1010  2001

     View Summary

    It is very important to realize the adaptive network that can dynamically adapt itself to users' needs and data traffic. We are developing an Active Network (AN) environment as a basic mechanism to realize such a network. AN is a network technology that enables us to introduce new services easily by attaching programs to the packets and evaluating the programs at each router. In this paper, after introducing our AN environment, an active router that is the most important part realizing the AN is described. In addition, a streaming multicast application using the AN is presented.

  • Adaptive Stream Multicast Based on IP Unicast and Dynamic Commercial Attachment Mechanism: An Active Network Implementation.

    Seiichiro Tani, Toshiaki Miyazaki, Noriyuki Takahashi

    Active Networks, IFIP-TC6 Third International Working Conference, IWAN 2001, Philadelphia, PA, USA, September 30-October 2, 2001, Proceedings   2207   116 - 133  2001  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper describes an adaptive IP-unicast-based multicast protocol that dynamicallyc onstructs a multicast tree based onlyo n request packets sent byc lients. Since the protocol is simple but flexible and does not require anyIP multicast addresses or special multicast mechanisms, unlike the IP multicast protocol, it is scalable and suitable for personal stream broadcasting and related services. An application that dynamically attaches advertisements to multicasted streams is also presented. The application attaches advertisements to the streams at active nodes instead of the server so it can deliver advertisements tailored to the individual recipient, according to his/her interests and/or location. An algorithm that minimizes the attachment cost over the corresponding multicast tree is developed. The multicast and advertisement attachment mechanisms are implemented using our own active network environment, and their validityis confirmed.



  • Virtual BUS: A Network Technology for Setting up Distributed Resources in Your Own Computer.

    Toshiaki Miyazaki, Atsushi Takahara, Shinya Ishihara, Seiichiro Tani, Takahiro Murooka, Tomoo Fukazawa, Mitsuo Teramoto, Kazuyoshi Matsuhiro

    Proceedings of the 14th International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'00), Cancun, Mexico, May 1-5, 2000     535 - 540  2000  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A novel distributed-resource abstraction environment is introduced. You can access any resource in a computer network as a memory mapped I/O device, as if it was attached to the local bus of your PC. This network technology gives us several benefits. From the application development viewpoint, no network-related programming is required, and we don't need to modify the applications even if the network topologies and protocols are changed. On the other hand, network maintenance and upgrading can be done anytime without worrying about the application users, because the environment completely separates or hides the network from the applications. The API (Application Program Interface), a resource abstraction mechanism, and a directory service are implemented. In addition, a reconfigurable hardware technology is adopted to perform autonomous network control using a low layer protocol. Furthermore, we introduce a testbed that allows heterogeneous resources to be utilized, and demonstrate the feasibility of our concept using some applications.


  • Efficient path selection for delay testing based on path clustering

    S Tani, M Teramoto, T Fukazawa, K Matsuhiro

    JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC TESTING-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS   15 ( 1-2 ) 75 - 85  1999.08  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this paper, we introduce a way of modeling the differences between the calculated delays and the real delays, and propose an efficient path selection method for path delay testing based on the model. Path selection is done by judging which of two paths has the larger real delay by taking into account the ambiguity of calculated delay, caused by imprecise delay modeling as well as process disturbances. In order to make precise judgment under this ambiguity, the delays of only the unshared segments of the two paths are evaluated. This is because the shared segments are presumed to have the same real delays on both paths.
    The experiments used the delays of gates and interconnects, which were calculated from the layout data of ISCAS85 benchmark circuits using a real cell library. Experimental results show the method selects only about one percent of the paths selected by the most popular method.


  • Virtual BUS: A simple implementation of an effortless networking system based on PVM

    Shinya Ishihara, Seiichiro Tani, Atsushi Takahara

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   1697   461 - 468  1999  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper describes a simple implementation of an effortless networking system. On the analogy of the conventional computer’s bus architecture, we propose the concept “Virtual BUS”. In our approach, an application virtually expands its own local bus into the network and accesses various distributed computing resources as if they are on the local bus. We present a light-weight experimental system using the PVM message passing interface and evaluate our approach.



  • Virtual BUS: An Easy-to-Use Environment for Distributed Resources.

    Atsushi Takahara, Seiichiro Tani, Shinya Ishihara, Toshiaki Miyazaki, Mitsuo Teramoto, Tomoo Fukazawa, Kazuyoshi Matsuhiro

    Proceedings 26th Conference on Local Computer Networks, Lowell, Massachusetts, USA, 17-20 October, 1999     62 - 70  1999  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper discusses how a distributed environment providing effortless networking can be efficiently implemented in a network system. To formalize the distributed environment, we introduce the concept of 'Virtual BUS'. It is similar to the concept of the computer system's bus architecture. We define user behavior as accessing the resources in a network through his/her own bus. Based on this simple formalization, we discuss the key issues in implementing distributed environments to support different requirements for realizing the quality of service desire. We implement an experimental effortless networking environment based on the Virtual BUS concept and show that the concept realizes effortless networking while guaranteeing QoS.


  • Efficient path selection for delay testing based on partial path evaluation

    S Tani, M Teramoto, T Fukazawa, K Matsuhiro

    16TH IEEE VLSI TEST SYMPOSIUM, PROCEEDINGS     188 - 193  1998  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we propose an efficient path selection method for path delay testing. The proposed method selects a very small set of paths for delay testing that covers all paths. Path selection is done by judging which of two paths has the larger real delay by taking into account the ambiguity of calculated delay, caused by imprecise delay modeling as well as process disturbance. In order to make precise judgement under this ambiguity, the delays of only unshared segments between the two paths are evaluated. This is because the shared segments are presumed to have the same real delays on both paths. Experimental results show the method can select about one percent of the paths selected by a conventional method without decreasing fault coverage.


  • The Complexity of the Optimal Variable Ordering Problems of a Shared Binary Decision Diagram

    TANI Seiichiro, HAMAGUCHI Kiyoharu, YAJIMA Shuzo

    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems   79 ( 4 ) 271 - 281  1996.04  [Refereed]

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    An ordered binary decision diagram (OBDD) is a directed acyclic graph for representing a Boolean function. OBDDs are widely used in various areas which require Boolean function manipulation, since they can represent efficiently many practical Boolean functions and have other desirable properties. However, there is very little theoretical research on the complexity of constructing an OBDD. In this paper, we prove that the optimal variable ordering problem of a shared BDD is NP-complete, and briefly discuss the approximation hardness of this problem and related OBDD problems.


  • Computing the Tutte Polynomial of a Graph of Moderate Size.

    Kyoko Sekine, Hiroshi Imai, Seiichiro Tani

    Algorithms and Computation, 6th International Symposium, ISAAC '95, Cairns, Australia, December 4-6, 1995, Proceedings   1004   224 - 233  1995  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Output-size sensitiveness of OBDD construction through maximal independent set problem

    K Hayase, K Sadakane, S Tani

    COMPUTING AND COMBINATORICS   959   229 - 234  1995  [Refereed]

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    This paper investigates output-size sensitiveness of construction of OBDD by analyzing the maximal independent set problem of a graph, which would give several insights to efficient manipulation of Boolean functions by OBDD and graph theory.



  • A Reordering Operation for an Ordered Binary Decision Diagram and an Extended Framework for Combinatorics of Graphs.

    Seiichiro Tani, Hiroshi Imai

    Algorithms and Computation, 5th International Symposium, ISAAC '94, Beijing, P. R. China, August 25-27, 1994, Proceedings     575 - 583  1994  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii


  • The Complexity of the Optimal Variable Ordering Problems of Shared Binary Decision Diagrams.

    Seiichiro Tani, Kiyoharu Hamaguchi, Shuzo Yajima

    Algorithms and Computation, 4th International Symposium, ISAAC '93, Hong Kong, December 15-17, 1993, Proceedings     389 - 398  1993  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii



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  • Probabilistic unitary synthesis with optimal accuracy

    Seiseki Akibue, Go Kato, Seiichiro Tani

    Presentation date: 2022.12

    Event date:
  • Computational self-testing for entangled magic states

    A. Mizutani, Y. Takeuchi, R. Hiromasa, Y. Aikawa, S. Tani

    Beyond IID in Information Theory 10 (Beyondiid10) 

    Presentation date: 2022.09

    Event date:
  • Space-Bounded Unitary Quantum Computation with Postselection

    Seiichiro Tani

    47th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2022) 

    Presentation date: 2022.08

    Event date:
  • Computational self-testing for entangled magic states

    Akihiro Mizutani, Yuki Takeuchi, Ryo Hiromasa, Yusuke Aikawa, Seiichiro Tani

    Presentation date: 2022.05

    Event date:
  • Halving the length of approximate classical representations of pure quantum states with probabilistic encoding

    Seiseki Akibue, Go Kato, Seiichiro Tani

    25th Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing 

    Presentation date: 2022.03

    Event date:
  • Efficiently generating ground states is hard for postselected quantum computation

    Yuki Takeuchi, Yasuhiro Takahashi, Seiichiro Tani

    25th Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing 

    Presentation date: 2022.03

    Event date:
  • Divide-and-conquer verification method for noisy intermediate-scale quantum computation

    Yuki Takeuchi, Yasuhiro Takahashi, Tomoyuki Morimae, Seiichiro Tani

    Presentation date: 2021.12

    Event date:
  • Halving the length of approximate classical representations of pure quantum states with probabilistic encoding

    Seiseki Akibue, Go Kato, Seiichiro Tani

    Presentation date: 2021.11

    Event date:
  • Hardness of efficiently generating ground states in postselected quantum computation

    Yuki Takeuchi, Yasuhiro Takahashi, Seiichiro Tani

    21th Asian Quantum Information Science Conference (AQIS 2021) 

    Presentation date: 2021.09

    Event date:
  • Rational sumcheck protocols for classically delegating quantum computing to a quantum server

    Yuki Takeuchi, Tomoyuki Morimae, Seiichiro Tani


    Presentation date: 2021.08

    Event date:
  • Classically Simulating Quantum Circuits with Local Depolarizing Noise

    Yasuhiro Takahashi, Yuki Takeuchi, Seiichiro Tani


    Presentation date: 2021.03

    Event date:
  • Efficiently generating ground states is hard for postselected quantum computation

    Yuki Takeuchi, Yasuhiro Takahashi, Seiichiro Tani

    16th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC 2021) 

    Presentation date: 2021.07

    Event date:
  • Quantum Algorithm for Finding the Optimal Variable Ordering for Binary Decision Diagrams

    Seiichiro Tani

    Presentation date: 2021.07

    Event date:
  • Quantum Algorithm for Finding the Optimal Variable Ordering for Binary Decision Diagrams

    Seiichiro Tani

    Presentation date: 2021.06

    Event date:
  • Hardness of efficiently generating ground states in postselected quantum computation

    Yuki Takeuchi, Yasuhiro Takahashi, Seiichiro Tani

    Presentation date: 2021.06

    Event date:
  • Classically Simulating Quantum Circuits with Local Depolarizing Noise

    Yasuhiro Takahashi, Yuki Takeuchi, Seiichiro Tani

    Theoretical Computer Science 

    Presentation date: 2021.06

    Event date:
  • Classically Simulating Quantum Circuits with Local Depolarizing Noise

    Yasuhiro Takahashi, Yuki Takeuchi, Seiichiro Tani

    24th Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2021) 

    Presentation date: 2021.02

    Event date:
  • Quantum Algorithm for Finding the Optimal Variable Ordering for Binary Decision Diagrams

    Seiichiro Tani

    Presentation date: 2020.12

    Event date:
  • Almost entanglement-breaking channel approximately generating arbitrary separable states requires exponentially large input system

    Seiseki Akibue, Go Kato, Seiichiro Tani

    Presentation date: 2020.12

    Event date:
  • Polylog-overhead fault-tolerant measurement-based quantum computation by homodyne detection

    Hayata Yamasaki, Kosuke Fukui, Yuki Takeuchi, Seiichiro Tani, Masato Koashi

    15th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC 2020) 

    Presentation date: 2020.06

    Event date:
  • Classically Simulating Quantum Circuits with Local Depolarizing Noise.

    Yasuhiro Takahashi, Yuki Takeuchi, Seiichiro Tani

    Proc. 45th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2020)  Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik

    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • Quantum Algorithm for Finding the Optimal Variable Ordering for Binary Decision Diagrams.

    Seiichiro Tani

    Proc. 17th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 

    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • Impossibility of blind quantum sampling for classical client

    Morimae Tomoyuki, Harumichi Nishimura, Yuki Takeuchi, Seiichiro Tani

    Presentation date: 2019.11

    Event date:
  • Rational sumcheck protocols for classically delegating quantum computing to a quantum server

    Yuki Takeuchi, Tomoyuki Morimae, Seiichiro Tani

    Presentation date: 2019.11

    Event date:
  • Complexity of CPTP maps mapping quantum states into separable states

    Seiseki Akibue, Go Kato, Seiichiro Tani

    Presentation date: 2019.11

    Event date:
  • Improved quantum multicollision-finding algorithm

    Akinori Hosoyamada, Yu Sasaki, Seiichiro Tani, Keita Xagawa

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)  Springer

    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. The current paper improves the number of queries of the previous quantum multi-collision finding algorithms presented by Hosoyamada et al. at Asiacrypt 2017. Let an l-collision be a tuple of l distinct inputs that result in the same output of a target function. In cryptology, it is important to study how many queries are required to find l-collisions for random functions of which domains are larger than ranges. The previous algorithm finds an l-collision for a random function by recursively calling the algorithm for finding (l-l) -collisions, and it achieves the average quantum query complexity of (Formula presented), where N is the range size of target functions. The new algorithm removes the redundancy of the previous recursive algorithm so that different recursive calls can share a part of computations. The new algorithm finds an l-collision for random functions with the average quantum query complexity of (Formula presented), which improves the previous bound for all l ≥3 (the new and previous algorithms achieve the optimal bound for l=2). More generally, the new algorithm achieves the average quantum query complexity of (Formula presented) for a random function (Formula presented) such that (Formula presented) for any (Formula presented). With the same query complexity, it also finds a multiclaw for random functions, which is harder to find than a multicollision.

  • Power of Uninitialized Qubits in Shallow Quantum Circuits.

    Yasuhiro Takahashi, Seiichiro Tani

    35th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, STACS 2018, February 28 to March 3, 2018, Caen, France  Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik

    Presentation date: 2018

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    We study uninitialized qubits, whose initial state is arbitrary and unknown, in relation to the computational power of shallow quantum circuits. To do this, we consider uniform families of shallow quantum circuits with n input qubits, O (log n) initialized ancillary qubits, and n(O(1)) uninitialized ancillary qubits, where the input qubits only act as control qubits. We show that such a circuit with depth O((log n)(2)) can compute any symmetric Boolean function on n bits that is computable by a uniform family of polynomial-size classical circuits. Since it is unlikely that this can be done with only O(log n) initialized ancillary qubits, our result provides evidence that the presence of uninitialized ancillary qubits increases the computational power of shallow quantum circuits with only O (log n) initialized ancillary qubits. On the other hand, to understand the limitations of uninitialized qubits, we focus on sub-logarithmic-depth quantum circuits and show the impossibility of computing the parity function on n bits. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Power of Quantum Computation with Few Clean Qubits.

    Keisuke Fujii, Hirotada Kobayashi, Tomoyuki Morimae, Harumichi Nishimura, Shuhei Tamate, Seiichiro Tani

    43rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, ICALP 2016, July 11-15, 2016, Rome, Italy  Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik

    Presentation date: 2016

    Event date:
  • Commuting Quantum Circuits with Few Outputs are Unlikely to be Classically Simulatable

    Yasuhiro Takahashi, Seiichiro Tani, Takeshi Yamazaki, Kazuyuki Tanaka


    Presentation date: 2015

    Event date:

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    We study the classical simulatability of commuting quantum circuits with n input qubits and O(log n) output qubits, where a quantum circuit is classically simulatable if its output probability distribution can be sampled up to an exponentially small additive error in classical polynomial time. Our main result is that there exists a commuting quantum circuit that is not classically simulatable unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses to the third level. This is the first formal evidence that a commuting quantum circuit is not classically simulatable even when the number of output qubits is exponentially small. Then, we consider a generalized version of the circuit and clarify the condition under which it is classically simulatable. We apply these results to examining the ability of IQP circuits to implement fundamental operations, and to examining the classical simulatability of slightly extended Clifford circuits.

  • Reconstructing strings from Substrings with Quantum Queries

    CLEVE Richard, IWAMA Kazuo, LE GALL Francois, NISHIMURA Harumichi, TANI Seiichiro, TERUYAMA JUNICHI, YAMASHITA Shigeru

    IEICE technical report. Theoretical foundations of Computing  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 2012.04

    Event date:

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    This paper investigates the number of quantum queries made to solve the problem of reconstructing an unknown string from its substrings in a certain query model. More concretely, the goal of the problem is to identify an unknown string S by making queries of the following form: "Is s a substring of S?", where s is a query string over the given alphabet. The number of queries required to identify the string S is the query complexity of this problem. First we show a quantum algorithm that exactly identifies the string S with at most 3/4 N + o(N) queries, where N is the length of S. This contrasts sharply with the classical query complexity N. Our algorithm uses Skiena and Sundaram's classical algorithm and the Grover search as subroutines. To make them effectively work, we develop another subroutine that finds a string appearing only once in S, which may have an independent interest. We also prove that any bounded-error quantum algorithm needs Ω(N/log^2N ) queries. For this, we introduce another query model and obtain a lower bound for this model with the adversary method, from which bound we get the desired lower bound in the original query model.

  • DS-1-11 Reconstructing Strings from Substrings with Quantum Query

    Cleve Richard, Iwama Kazuo, Le Gal Francois, Nishimura Harumichi, Tani Seiichiro, Teruyama Junichi, Yamashita Shigeru

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 2011.02

    Event date:
  • Quantum Communication Protocols with Public Coins


    Presentation date: 2009.09

    Event date:
  • Average/Worst-Case Gap of Quantum Query Complexities


    Presentation date: 2009.05

    Event date:
  • On Design and Development of Multicast System Based on Flexcast

    井上武, 谷誠一郎, 高橋宏和, 湊真一, 宮崎敏明, 豊島鑑

    電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告  一般社団法人電子情報通信学会

    Presentation date: 2004.06

    Event date:

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    In this paper, we present the design principles of our economical multicast systems and show performance evaluation results. Our systems realize quick deployment of multicast services and keeps up with demand. The system is based on new multicast technology named Flexcast. In Flexcast, branching points are on routers like IP multicast, branching function is, however, realized in the upper layer. Henceforth, Flexcast works even in such networks that include routers that don&#039;t support Flexcast. In development of Flexcast router, we adopted clustering approach that is succeeding in web search systems and GRID computing. Though this is not a standard router architecture, it brings high scalability and availability to our system without much inventment. Finally, experimental results reveal that our systems achieve high performance, scalability, and availability.

  • An Approach to Inter-Multicasting using Flexcast and Report of Inter-Pacific Experiments

    INOUE Takeru, TANI Seiichiro, MINATO Shinichi, TAKAHASHI Hirokazu, KOTABE Satoshi, MIYAZAKI Toshiaki

    IEICE Technical Report  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 2003.06

    Event date:

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    We proposed an autonomous pervasive multicast scheme - Flexcast. Flexcast uses just unicast messages, so that it can work even in traditional IP networks, where IP multicast routing is not supported. Flexcast delivery trees are construeted automatically without any pre-configurations. In this paper, we introduces Flexcast Gateway, which translates Flexcast protocol and IGMP transparently. This enables IP multicast applications to work in the traditional IP networks. Results of field experiments are also shown.

  • A Study on Traffic Characteristics of FEC-applied Realtime Streaming

    Takahashi Hirokazu, Tani Seiichiro, Minato Shinichi, Miyazaki Toshiaki

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 2003.03

    Event date:
  • Wide-Area Autonomous Multicast Based on Self-Organizing Streaming Technology (Flexcast) : (1) Flexcast-Tunneling Technology of IP Multicast

    Tani Seiichiro, Inoue Takeru, Minato Shinichi, Miyazaki Toshiaki

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 2003.03

    Event date:
  • Wide-Area Autonomous Multicast Based on Self-Organizing Streaming Technology (Flexcast) : (2) On-Demand IP Multicast Tunneling Scheme by Dynamic Address Mapping

    Inoue Takeru, Tani Seiichiro, Minato Shinichi, Miyazaki Toshiaki

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 2003.03

    Event date:
  • Wide-area autonomous multicast based on self-organizing technology (Flexcast) : (3) Experiments over 10,000km long and wide area network

    Kotabe Satoshi, Tani Seiichiro, Inoue Takeshi, Takahashi Hirokazu, Minato Shinichi, Miyazaki Toshiaki

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 2003.03

    Event date:
  • 自律広域マルチキャスト方式 Flexcast におけるソケットAPI の設計と実装

    井上武, 谷誠一郎, 湊真一, 宮崎敏明

    情報処理学会 全国大会 

    Presentation date: 2003.03

    Event date:
  • Traffic Smoothing Effect by an Adaptive Multicast Technique

    OHTA Satoru, TANI Seiichiro, MIYAZAKI Toshiaki

    IEICE technical report. Information networks  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 2002.06

    Event date:

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    Live streaming service is expected to be popular in future IP networks. However, since the traffic generated by this service has a large bandwidth that varies unpredictably, it is very likely to bring about network congestion. This paper clarifies that the intractability of stream distribution traffic is effectively reduced by multicast techniques. The paper focuses on one multicast implementation technique and executes a computer simulation to verify its effectiveness. The simulation results show that the technique successfully decreases the traffic volume and variance for several traffic-change scenarios. It is also shown that traffic burstiness is, as measured by self-similarity, smoothed by multicast. All these characteristics confirm that the multicast technique effectively avoids the congestion possibilities associated with IP streaming services.

  • A job assignment algorithm for transcoding on active multicast

    Tani Seiichiro, Miyazaki Toshiaki, Takahashi Noriyuki

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 2001.08

    Event date:
  • A Stream-data Multicast Protocol Using IP Unicast Address

    MIYAZAKI Toshiaki, TANI Seiichiro, TAKAHASHI Noriyuki

    Technical Report IN, IEICE  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 2001.05

    Event date:

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    We present an adaptive multicast protocol in which the multicast tree is dynamically constructed so as to reduce the network traffic if more than one unicast flow shares the same routing path. Because this protocol does not request any multicast IP addresses and special multicasting mechanisms, it is scalable and suitable for a personal stream-data broadcasting and its related services. In this paper, after describing the protocol and its characteristics, an application based on the protocol is introduced.

  • Adaptive commercial multicast on active networks

    TANI Seiichiro, MIYAZAKI Toshiaki, TAKAHASHI Noriyuki

    IEICE technical report. Information networks  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 2001.05

    Event date:

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    Multicasting a data stream is an attractive network service. It can be naturally commercialized as multicasting the stream with advertisements. Such commercial services are made more effective if advertisements are attached adaptively to the stream according to the clients' tastes obtained by using bidirectional characteristics of networks. This paper proposes an efficient and adaptive advertisement attachment protocol and shows its implementation on active networks.

  • A competitive algorithm for network caching and its design methodology

    TANI Seiichiro

    IEICE technical report. Theoretical foundations of Computing  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 2000.05

    Event date:

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    Network caching is a key technique to reduce network traffic as well as user response time. This paper gives an upper bound of competitive ratio for classes of online caching algorithms. By using this result, the paper proposes a framework that makes a non-competitive caching algorithm competitive by mixing it with LRU(Least-Recently-Used). As an application of the framework, an algorithm generated from LRU and Size algorithm, which evicts larger objects, is proposed, and the computational experiments of the generated algorithm are show.

  • A resource-organizing method in networks

    TANI Seiichiro, ISHIHARA Shinya, TAKAHARA Atsushi, MIYAZAKI Toshiaki, MATSUHIRO Kazuyoshi

    IEICE technical report. Information networks  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 2000.02

    Event date:

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    A novel method for resource abstraction and organization in networks is proposed. This method realizes an effortless-network which can take communication quality into account. Since abstracted resources users require are independent of real resources in the method, networks can relate abstracted resources with real resources as they like. This enables networks to manage traffic load flexibly and increase communication quality.

  • A test path selection method for delay testing

    Tani Seiichiro

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 1999.08

    Event date:
  • B-7-108 Resource Management and Search in Virtual BUS

    Tani Seiichiro, Minato Shin-ichi, Teramoto Mitsuo

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 1999.03

    Event date:
  • Path Selection Based on Real Delay Estimation for Path Delay Fault Testing

    TANI Seiichiro, TERAMOTO Mitsuo, FUKAZAWA Tomoo, MATSUHIRO Kazuyoshi

    Technical report of IEICE. VLD  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 1997.10

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    With recent complicated and high-performance integrated circuits, it becomes more and more indispensable to test delay faults. Delay faults are faults that prevent the circuits from working correctly at specified clock rates. One of the most serious problems is to select which paths are to be tested. In this paper, we propose a new path selection method that considers the differences between calculated delays and real delays. In addition, we discuss the relation among the number of selected paths, the differences, and specified clock rates.

  • Computation of the Tutte Polynomial and BDD

    SEKINE Kyoko, IMAI Hiroshi, TANI Seiichiro

    IEICE technical report. Theoretical foundations of Computing  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

    Presentation date: 1995.07

    Event date:

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    The problem of computing the Tutte polynomial of a graph has interested many researchers in recent years. For this problem, any known algorithm takes exponential time at least. This paper presents a new algorithm by exploiting a fact that there appear many 2-isomorphic minors in the process of computation. The complexity of the algorithm is analyzed in terms of Bell numbers and Catalan numbers in combinatorics. This algorithm enables us to compute the Tutte polynomial of any graph with at most 14 vertices and 91 edges, and that of a planar graph such as 12×12 lattice graph by a standard workstation in about an hour.

  • Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams, Gaussian Elimination and Garph Theory

    Imai Hiroshi, Tani Seiichiro

    IPSJ SIG Notes  Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)

    Presentation date: 1994.09

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    Ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs in short) have been shown as a powerful paradigm in handling Boolean functions and have been applied to many fields such as VLSI CAD, AI, combinatorics, etc. In this paper, we consider OBDDs of Boolean functions representing some concepts in graph theory such as spanning trees, matchings, cliques, etc., as well as concepts in computational geometry such as planar triangulations. We demonstrate that the problem of finding good variable orderings that make the sizes of these OBDDs smaller is strongly related to Gaussian elimination of graphs. Our results have many implications. From the viewpoint of OBDD research, the results give much more insight to the variable ordering problem to minimize the size of OBDDs. From the viewpoint of graphs as well as computational geometry, we provide a new way of solving graph problems by the existing OBDD packages and improve the efficiency of this approach greatly. In fact, we also demonstrate by computational experiments that many can be done by the existing OBDD packages using bipartite matchings and planar tirangulations as examples.

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Research Projects

  • 量子計算資源量に制約がある量子計算のための理論基盤

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)

    Project Year :


    谷 誠一郎, 西村 治道, 森 立平, 森前智行

  • 量子アルゴリズムの理論と実装を接続する革新的基盤の創出

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 学術変革領域研究(A)

    Project Year :


    山下 茂, 山本 直樹, ルガル フランソワ, 森 立平, 谷 誠一郎, 西村 治道

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    万能量子計算モデルに関する研究として, SWAPテストの,量子分散計算における検証に応用可能な良い性質を見つけ,その性質を利用して,一方向量子通信計算量プロトコルから 量子分散計算における検証プロトコルへ変換するための汎用的手法を開発した.その汎用的手法をデータの等価性判定問題に適用することによって,等価性判定問題に対する量子分散検証プロトコルを構成し,古典分散検証プロトコルより指数的に短い証拠の長さで同問題を検証できることを明らかにした.別の研究として,QRAMと呼ばれる量子メモリを必要とするグラフの彩色数を計算する O(1.914^n) 時間の量子アルゴリズムを示した.
    量子回路設計に関して,任意の量子回路をlattice surgeryにマッピングする際に,latticeの回転操作を利用することで,論理量子ビットの充填率を.既存手法と比べて平均して45.9%削減できる手法を考案した.

  • An Approach to Understand the Limitations of Computation based on Quantum Mechanics

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)

    Project Year :


    Yamashita Shigeru, KOBAYASHI Hirotada, TANI Seiichiro, NEMOTO Kae, Murao Mio, Ito Tsuyoshi

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    Quantum computation and communication is a paradigm for next generation computation and communication that exploits phenomena specific to quantum mechanics. This paradigm has been the subject of thorough investigations in past years. While it is known that it can be in several situations significantly more powerful than the paradigms currently used for computation and communication, its full power is nevertheless still not completely understood. In this project we have investigated the power of quantum computation and communication from the perspective of computational complexity. We discovered new capabilities of quantum models, constructed new techniques for analyzing them and then obtained new insights into the full power of quantum computation and communication. We also showed how to apply these new techniques to analyze the power of current models of computation and communication, and in this way obtained new results applicable to the current models as well.

  • Analysis of Quantum Computational Power on Distributed Environments of Various Network Topologies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    TANI Seiichiro


  • Dilemma between Quantum Speedup and Computational Reliability—Overcoming Errors with Efficient Verification Methods for Quantum Computing

    Yuki Takeuchi, Seiichiro Tani

    NTT Technical Review   21 ( 10 ) 26 - 29  2023.10

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    Quantum computers are expected to solve several problems faster than any classical computer. However, they may sometimes output incorrect answers because they are prone to errors. Therefore, to develop reliable quantum computers, it is essential to develop methods of verifying whether the outputs of quantum computers are correct. In this article, we introduce our recent research results on our verification methods.


  • Extracting Quantum Power by Using Algorithms and Their Verification

    Seiichiro Tani, Seiseki Akibue, Yuki Takeuchi

    NTT Technical Review   21 ( 6 ) 43 - 47  2023.06

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    Quantum computers are expected to increase computational speed compared with current and future computers that work in accordance with the conventional computational principle and to revolutionize information processing. Such an increase in speed is achieved using quantum algorithms that extract computational power from quantum-computer hardware. This article briefly introduces our recent results on quantum algorithms, quantum-circuit optimization to support their efficient implementation, and quantum-circuit verification necessary for their reliable execution.


  • 量子技術イノベーションに向けた取り組み 量子コンピュータの能力を引き出すアルゴリズムとその検証技術

    谷誠一郎, 秋笛清石, 竹内勇貴

    NTT技術ジャーナル   35 ( 4 ) 29 - 32  2023.04  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  


  • 多様な知と技術が彩るだれもがどこでも輝ける未来 量子コンピュータにおける計算高速性と信頼性のジレンマ-計算結果の正しさの効率的な検証技術による量子エラーの克服

    竹内勇貴, 谷誠一郎

    NTT技術ジャーナル   35 ( 8 )  2023


  • Divide-and-conquer verification method for noisy intermediatescale quantum computation

    竹内勇貴, 高橋康博, 森前智行, 谷誠一郎

    情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集   85th ( 1 )  2023  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Several noisy intermediate-scale quantum computations can be regarded as logarithmic-depth quantum circuits on a sparse quantum computing chip, where two-qubit gates can be directly applied on only some pairs of qubits. In this paper, we propose a method to efficiently verify such noisy intermediate-scale quantum computation. To this end, we first characterize small-scale quantum operations with respect to the diamond norm. Then by using these characterized quantum operations, we estimate the fidelity psi(t)|(p) over cap (out)| psi(t) between an actual n-qubit output state (p) over cap (out) obtained from the noisy intermediate-scale quantum computation and the ideal output state (i.e., the target state) |psi(t). Although the direct fidelity estimation method requires O(2(n)) copies of (p) over cap (out) on average, our method requires only O(D(3)2(12D)) copies even in the worst case, where D is the denseness of |psi(t). For logarithmic-depth quantum circuits on a sparse chip, D is at most O(log n), and thus O(D(3)2(12D)) is a polynomial in n. By using the IBM Manila 5-qubit chip, we also perform a proof-of-principle experiment to observe the practical performance of our method.


  • 新原理コンピュータへの取り組み 量子コンピュータの実装技術の課題克服に向けた理論面からの取り組み

    秋笛清石, 竹内勇貴, 高橋康博, 加藤豪, 谷誠一郎

    NTT技術ジャーナル   33 ( 3 )  2021.03  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  


  • An Overview of Quantum Algorithms

    Seiichiro Tani

    IEICE Communications Society Magazine   14 ( 2 ) 102 - 112  2020.09  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of Fast Quantum Algorithms

    TANI Seiichiro, TAKAHASHI Yasuhiro

    IEICE ESS Fundamentals Review   14 ( 1 ) 15 - 27  2020.07  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

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    Quantum computers are expected to have an overwhelming computational power that the current computer technology cannot achieve. To derive such a computational power from quantum hardware, quantum algorithms (i.e., algorithms specialized to quantum computers) are crucial. In this paper, the quantum algorithms for a single quantum computer and those for multiple quantum computers that can communicate with each other are reviewed, and then, basic ideas underlying the quantum algorithms that the current authors have developed are illustrated.

    DOI CiNii

  • A period without direction is a time for improving one's basic research abilities-better to change your perspective than follow the crowd

    Seiichiro Tani

    NTT Technical Review   16 ( 2 )  2018.02

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

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    Research toward the development of a practical quantum computer began more than 30 years ago in the 1980s, and it is now entering a new phase. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan recognizes the significance of this development and has included 3.2 billion yen in its budget request as a development fund for photonics-quantum technology. Senior Distinguished Researcher Seiichiro Tani of NTT Communication Science Laboratories has had many world-first achievements in this field. The quantum computer is attracting attention as a driver of future trends, so we asked him to tell us about the current state of quantum computer research and some research achievements. We also asked him his views on how a researcher should approach the work of research.

  • 素因数分解だけではない量子計算の魅力 : 量子探索技術の可能性を探る—特集 コミュニケーション科学の新展開

    谷 誠一郎

    NTT技術ジャーナル / 日本電信電話株式会社 編   26 ( 9 ) 37 - 41  2014.09  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  


  • EVENT REPORTS 「NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所オープンハウス2012」開催報告

    笠原 要, 谷 誠一郎, 木下 慶介

    NTT技術ジャーナル / 日本電信電話株式会社 編   24 ( 9 ) 82 - 84  2012.09


  • Special Section on Frontier of Quantum Computing FOREWORD

    Seiichiro Tani


    Authorship:Corresponding author



    TANI Seiichiro

    IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences   92 ( 5 ) 1253 - 1253  2009.05

    Authorship:Corresponding author

    DOI CiNii

  • Quantum Computer and Quantum Computing : Computational and Physical Aspects of Quantum Search Algorithms

    KATO Go, TANI Seiichiro

    IPSJ Magazine   47 ( 12 ) 1329 - 1334  2006.12  [Invited]

    Authorship:Last author

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  • グループトピックス 「NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所オープンハウス2005」開催報告

    須山 敬之, 高田 敏弘, 谷 誠一郎

    NTT技術ジャーナル / 日本電信電話株式会社 編   17 ( 11 ) 56 - 58  2005.11


  • Editor's Message to Special Issue on Quantum Computation and Information

    谷 誠一郎

    IPSJ Journal   46 ( 10 ) 2383 - 2383  2005.10


  • 『情報学のための離散数学』, 茨木俊秀(著), 昭晃堂, 2004-03, A5判, 定価(本体3,450円+税)

    谷 誠一郎

    電子情報通信学会誌   87 ( 11 ) 997 - 997  2004.11


  • Global Multi-Point Streaming Experiments Based on Flexcast Protocol

    Seiichiro Tani, Takeru Inoue, Shin-ichi Minato, Hirokazu Takahashi, Satoshi Kotabe, Toshiaki Miyazaki

    NTT Technical Review   1 ( 5 ) 24 - 30  2003.08

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)  

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    With more individuals starting to create streaming data as a broadcast service, IP-multicast is the most popular mechanism for multicasting to recipients located over a wide area. However, there are several difficulties in using IP multicast as a personal broadcasting tool. IP-unicast-based multicast technologies are now attracting attention because they offer several advantages. Flexcast, one such technology, offers both excellent scalability and dynamic tree-optimization. This paper describes stream delivery experiments on the Flexcast protocol among widely dispersed locations in Japan and the U.S. The results verify the robustness and stability of the Flexcast protocol.

  • Flexcast:自己組織化多地点配信技術

    谷 誠一郎, 宮崎 敏明, 高橋 紀之

    NTT R & D   52 ( 3 ) 213 - 222  2003.03


  • Active network technology: Towards the adaptive network infrastructure

    T Miyazaki, N Takahashi, T Murooka, S Tani

    NTT REVIEW   14 ( 2 ) 99 - 107  2002.03  [Refereed]

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    It is very important to realize an adaptive network that can dynamically adapt itself to users' needs and data traffic. We are developing the Active Network (AN) environment as a basic mechanism to realize such a network. AN is a network technology that enables us to introduce new services easily by attaching programs to the packets and evaluating the programs at each router. After introducing our AN environment, this article describes the active router, the most important part of the AN. In addition, a streaming multicast application that uses the AN is presented.

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  • Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Education