Updated on 2025/03/13


TANIMIZU, Yoshitaka
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Job title
Doctor(Engineering) ( Osaka University )

Education Background


    Osaka University   Graduate School of Engineering  


    Osaka University   Graduate School, Division of Engineering  


    Osaka University   Graduate School of Engineering  


    Osaka University   Graduate School, Division of Engineering  


    Osaka University   School of Engineering  


    Osaka University   Faculty of Engineering  

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Professional Memberships

  • 2016.09

    Scheduling Society of Japan








    Japan Industrial Management Association

Research Areas

  • Mechanics and mechatronics / Robotics and intelligent system / Safety engineering / Social systems engineering / Manufacturing and production engineering

Research Interests

  • 社会・安全システム科学

  • 知能機械学・機械システム

  • 機械工作・生産工学

  • Design Engineering ・ Machine Elements and Tribology

  • Intelligent Mechanics and Machine System.

  • Workshop Processes and Production Engineering

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  • Basic Research on Laborer State Prediction Towards the Realization of Human Digital Twin

    Ruriko Watanabe, Yuu Takihara, Kotomichi Matsuno, Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology   729 IFIP   105 - 115  2024

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    In the manufacturing field, the diversification of consumer needs is forcing a shift to variable-mix, variable-volume production, making it increasingly difficult to achieve the conventional uniformity of machine-centered production, the ability to respond to diverse needs, and the improvement of production efficiency. In addition, Japan will become a super-aging society where 40% of the population will be elderly by 2060, and there is an urgent need to restructure the securing and utilization of human resources. To solve these issues, a new manufacturing system in which “people” play a leading role has been proposed. To realize this system, the human-digital twin is attracting attention. The human-digital twin is the reproduction in digital space of an individual’s physical, behavioral, and psychological states in the real world, which is thought to enable prediction of laborer fatigue, improvement of work efficiency, and enhancement of laborer safety. This study conducts basic research on predicting laborer fatigue toward the realization of the human digital twin. By conducting demonstration experiments assuming a cell production site, acquiring biometric information, and analyzing it using an autoencoder, it is clarified the prediction of laborer fatigue and the relationship between biometric information and fatigue.



  • A Job-Shop Scheduling Method Based on Ant Colony Optimization Considering Simultaneous Processing

    Shuqing Cui, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Kotomichi Matsuno

    Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering     11 - 17  2024

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    In this paper, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is used to determine whether or not to perform simultaneous processing and the combination of jobs that make up a batch in a scheduling problem to achieve the objective of minimizing the make-span. After constructing the scheduling model and decision-making model for simultaneous processing, computer experiments in conjunction with a reactive scheduling system based on genetic algorithms (GA) that considered simultaneous processing and preparatory operations of jobs are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.



  • Delay Risk Assessment for Job Shop Scheduling Considering Uncertain Processing Times

    Masaki Sano, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Kotomichi Matsuno, Ruriko Watanabe

    Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering     179 - 185  2024

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    This study expresses the uncertainty of manufacturing processing time as a random variable and proposes a new production schedule evaluation method based on the probability distribution. We obtained results by using this proposed method. The results were compared with simulation results in order to clarify the effectiveness of the proposed method.



  • Setup Operation Time Estimation System for the Adoption of Cyber-Physical Systems in High-Mix Low-Volume Production

    Kotomichi Matsuno, Yasumasa Hasegawa, Nirmala Liyanaarachchi, Jiahua Weng, Ruriko Watanabe, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Shozo Takata, Yudai Kobayashi, Shun Kudo

    Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering     109 - 116  2024

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    The development and application of CPS (Cyber Physical System) to shop floor management has gained particular attention for its potential to revolutionize traditional manufacturing practices in recent years. However, applications in one-piece flow production or in low-volume, high-mix production, where it is necessary to deliver on time under high uncertainty in operations, has not yet made significant progress. Especially for SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) facing budget constraints, the investment for CPS implementation is challenging. Simplified performance management systems using devices like smartphones for manual input have been developed, and their adoption in the field is progressing. Such systems enable the identification of issues in work and production processes using collected data. However, improving accuracy of estimates for operation time and improving precision of production planning remains a challenge due to the limitations in accuracy of collected performance data. In this study, we propose a set-up time estimation system for the machining process of mold production, despite the limited amount of data and low data accuracy. It incorporates a cleansing algorithm based on both actual performance data and the expertise of experienced workers, along with an estimation model utilizing this cleansing algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed system is examined through numerical experiments based on real-world data.



  • Basic Research on Laborer State Prediction Towards the Realization of Human Digital Twin.

    Ruriko Watanabe, Yuu Takihara, Kotomichi Matsuno, Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    APMS (2)   729 IFIP   105 - 115  2024

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    In the manufacturing field, the diversification of consumer needs is forcing a shift to variable-mix, variable-volume production, making it increasingly difficult to achieve the conventional uniformity of machine-centered production, the ability to respond to diverse needs, and the improvement of production efficiency. In addition, Japan will become a super-aging society where 40% of the population will be elderly by 2060, and there is an urgent need to restructure the securing and utilization of human resources. To solve these issues, a new manufacturing system in which “people” play a leading role has been proposed. To realize this system, the human-digital twin is attracting attention. The human-digital twin is the reproduction in digital space of an individual’s physical, behavioral, and psychological states in the real world, which is thought to enable prediction of laborer fatigue, improvement of work efficiency, and enhancement of laborer safety. This study conducts basic research on predicting laborer fatigue toward the realization of the human digital twin. By conducting demonstration experiments assuming a cell production site, acquiring biometric information, and analyzing it using an autoencoder, it is clarified the prediction of laborer fatigue and the relationship between biometric information and fatigue.



  • Efficiency improvement of open delivery locker placement optimization method using node clustering

    Watanabe Ruriko, Kumamoto Yui, Matsuno Kotomichi, Sato Tetsuya, Tanimizu Yoshitaka

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2024   207  2024


  • Preface

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing   16 ( 4 )  2022



  • Supply Chain Optimization Through Cooperative Negotiation by Using Backward Scheduling

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Rika Kanbara


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    In recent years, mass customization is an important issue in manufacturing industries. They may require a make-to-order (MTO) manufacturing system throughout the whole supply chain. Our previous researches proposed a basic three-layered supply chain model for dynamic configuration of supply chains including an MTO manufacturing system. The model consists of three model components named a client, a manufacturer, and a supplier. A negotiation process among the model components were proposed in order to enter into a lot of contracts. This paper presents a cooperative negation method between a manufacturer and a supplier. The objective is to provide a negotiation method for entering into a large amount of contracts with a client. A manufacturer adjusts the requirement of part order for a supplier by reallocating manufacturing operations backwards from the delivery time required by a client. We developed a prototype of simulation system for a three-layered supply chain. We carried out large number of computational experiments by changing experimental conditions and verified the effectiveness of the proposed negotiation method.



  • A study of estimating remaining values of rechargeable batteries for closed-loop supply chains

    Katsuya Tanaka, Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    Proceedings of 2018 ISFA - 2018 International Symposium on Flexible Automation    2018

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    Nowadays, manufacturing enterprises need to plan their strategies considering environment as well as economy. Therefore, closed-loop supply chains have been proposed. Closed-loop supply chains consist of forward supply chains and reverse supply chains in which remanufacturers reuse and recycle the used products. Previous studies proposed a method for remanufacturers to collect many products by estimating suitable product value at the collection time. This study proposes a method to collect appropriate rechargeable batteries by estimating remaining value at the collection time. The variation of internal resistance of batteries is calculated by using a function of the current internal resistance and the period of use. When we measure internal resistance values, they change depending on charging or discharging. Thus we propose a method to estimate internal resistance by using the least square method. We carry out the computational simulation of closed-loop supply chains to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Outsourcing strategy for supply chain resilience to unexpected production disruptions

    Masataka Sugimoto, Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    Proceedings of 2018 ISFA - 2018 International Symposium on Flexible Automation    2018

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    Supply chain resilience has been receiving an attention for the risk management. In this paper, we propose a rescheduling strategy in order to recover the productivity of supply chain after facing unexpected disruptions in manufacturing companies. When suppliers suspend manufacturing processes due to disruptions and products cannot satisfy a given due date, the suppliers reduce the delays and penalty charges for the delays by contracting out the delayed products to external suppliers and restore production capacity to the state before the disruption occurs. This research proposes priority rules using dispatching rules in order to select suitable products for outsourcing from the delayed ones. We carried out computational experiments through the developed simulation system of supply chains. The experimental results demonstrate that outsourcing is effective for the recovery of productivity in supply chains.

  • Optimal disassembly scheduling using an evolutionary algorithm based on a tree structure

    Yousuke Tanaka, Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    Proceedings of 2018 ISFA - 2018 International Symposium on Flexible Automation    2018

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    In recent years, it is required to reduce the amount of waste since there is a growing interest in environmental issues. Hence, it is important to reuse and recycle the used products efficiently. In this paper, we propose a scheduling method by using an evolutionary algorithm in order to find an optimal disassembly schedule including a lot of components of the used products. The relationship between two components in assembly structure can be represented by a tree structure. A whole disassembly process of a product is represented by a combination of tree structures. Each tree structure is exchanged by genetic operations such as crossover and mutation. We carry out a lot of computational experiments though the developed scheduling system. The experimental results demonstrate that the new method is superior to the previous method from the viewpoint of the minimization of the whole disassembly processing times.

  • An evolutionary algorithm for assembly scheduling problems with release times

    Ryota Nakatani, Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century, LEM 2017    2017.11

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    In recent years, most of products consist of lots of parts in order to satisfy customer demand. Assembly sequence planning becomes more complicated in the product development process than before. A suitable assembly sequence has an effect on the reduction of time and cost in the manufacturing process. This research proposes a new evolutionary algorithm for finding an optimal assembly sequence of products with a large number of parts with deferent release times. The experimental results demonstrate that the new method is superior to the previous method from the viewpoint of the minimization of the make-span.



  • A basic study on analysis of heart rate variability in workers for dynamic production management in cellular manufacturing systems

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Takayuki Katsumaru, Daiki Tanaka

    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century, LEM 2017    2017.11

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    The objective of this study is to develop a new method for predicting the processing times of workers in cellular manufacturing systems. In our previous researches, a statistical approach was proposed for predicting the processing times of workers. However, the predicted processing times may not always coincide with the actual processing times since there are individual differences of the learning levels for workers and the decrease ratio of processing times of workers. Therefore, the new method uses the individual biological information such as the heart rate variability in workers in order to estimate the individual difference of learning levels of workers.



  • A partial modification method for disturbed production schedules by using hybrid genetic algorithm

    Tomoya Tanikawa, Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century, LEM 2017    2017.11

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    Most of the existing studies about production scheduling aim to find an optimum production schedule before starting production activities. However, unpredictable disruptions may occur in the actual manufacturing environment. Therefore, the disturbed production schedule needs to be modified for the unpredictable disruptions. In our previous studies, a reactive scheduling method has been proposed by using a genetic algorithm in order to modify the disturbed production schedule without stopping production activities. However, the proposed scheduling method significantly changes the initial production schedule in the modification process of the production schedule in order to optimize the production schedule. The significant changes of production schedules may confuse the actual manufacturing environment. In this research, we propose a partial modification approach by extending the reactive scheduling method. A hybrid genetic algorithm is developed to improve the disturbed production schedule without greatly changing the initial production schedule. Computational experiments demonstrate that the new method is superior to the previous method.



  • Optimal disassembly scheduling with a genetic algorithm

    Hideyuki Nonomiya, Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    24TH CIRP CONFERENCE ON LIFE CYCLE ENGINEERING   61   218 - 222  2017  [Refereed]

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    The growing amount of waste has caused severe environmental problems such as the shortage of landfill space and the high costs of waste disposal. Therefore, it is required to reuse and recycle the end-of-life products effectively from the viewpoint of economic efficiency. In this paper, we propose a disassembly scheduling method which uses a genetic algorithm to generate an optimal disassembly schedule including both the disassembly processes of multiple products and the post processes for reusing and recycling the disassembled parts for the minimization of the whole disassembly and post process times. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.



  • A co-evolutionary algorithm for open-shop scheduling with disassembly operations

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Michisuke Sakamoto, Hideyuki Nonomiya

    MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS 4.0   63   289 - 294  2017  [Refereed]

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    In recent years, many used products are returned from customers through reverse supply chains in order to be reused and recycled. Therefore, it is necessary to provide suitable disassembly procedures from the view point of economic efficiency. This research proposes a scheduling method for open-shop scheduling problems containing both disassembly operations and post-processing operations. A co-evolutionary algorithm is proposed to modify not only the sequences of disassembly and post-processing operations of products but also the sequences of products loaded on disassembly and post-processing machines. Two different kinds of individuals are modeled for both the sequences of operations and the sequences of products in the co-evolutionary algorithm. These individuals alternately repeat evolution at short time intervals, and affect their fitness values each other. We developed a prototype of scheduling system and applied it to some computational experiments for open-shop type scheduling problems including disassembly and post-processing operations. The experimental results of the proposed method were compared with the one of another scheduling method with various heuristic rules in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.




    Nguyen Quang Thinh, Koji Iwamura, Rajesh Shrestha, Seisuke Fukumoto, Ryo Takematsu, Jun-ichi Yamaguchi, Kazunuki Kimura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Nobuhiro Sugimura


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    Plant factories daily produce large amount of high quality vegetables under artificially controlled environments. One of the important problems to be considered is to establish suitable storage systems to achieve an acceptable length of shelf life and to minimize the risk to food borne illnesses. Temperature control is an essential part of food storage in food production and distribution network. Recent researches into food storage technologies have proposed alternative method of extending the shelf life of vegetables, including the use of superchilling (partial freezing) and supercooling (cooling below the freezing point without phase change). This study deals with the application of the supercooling technologies to the extension of the shelf life of the high quality leaf lettuces produced by the plant factories.




    Koji Iwamura, Jie Chen, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    2016 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FLEXIBLE AUTOMATION (ISFA)     206 - 209  2016  [Refereed]

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    Some researches have been carried out to deal with the distributed architectures of AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) systems for ADMS (Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing Systems). However, motion analyses of individual AGV and their influence on efficiency of transportation processes are not considered enough. The Social Force Model is introduced to represent physical interactions and congestions among the people and the environment. The Social Force Model computes a force impact from the pedestrian's self-consciousness while the other two interaction forces from other pedestrians and the walls. The interaction force consists of a psychological force resulting from distance between each other, and a physical force inspired by counteracting body compression and sliding friction. The Social Force Model is applied to the autonomous distributed AGV in order to analyze motion of them and to improve the efficiency of transportation process, in this research.




    Ryo Takematsu, Naoki Satonaka, Nobuhiro Sugimura, Koji Iwamura, Nguyen Quang Thinh, Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    2016 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FLEXIBLE AUTOMATION (ISFA)     348 - 351  2016  [Refereed]

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    The objective of the research is to establish a systematic design method applicable to analysis and design of kinematic motion deviations of five-axis machining centers based on the tolerances of the guide-ways. A systematic procedure is proposed to determine the tolerance values of the guide-ways theoretically under the constraints on the kinematic motion deviations of five-axis machining centers, by applying ISO Tolerance definitions. The proposed method provides us with theoretical way to design the geometric tolerances of the guide-ways connecting the components of five-axis machining centers, based on allowance of the kinematic motion deviation of the tools against the workpieces.



  • Integrated production and transportation scheduling for multi-objective green supply chain network design

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Katuhumi Amano

    FACTORIES OF THE FUTURE IN THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT   57   152 - 157  2016  [Refereed]

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    green supply chain has been attracting attention as a new approach to minimize a product or service ecological footprint. Our previous researches proposed a basic green supply chain network model consisting of two model components, clients and suppliers. The model provided a numerical method to determine suitable prices and delivery times of ordered products through the modification processes of both production schedules by using genetic algorithms and transportation schedules by heuristic rules and the negotiation processes between suppliers and clients by using an auction based method. The objective of this paper is to propose an integrated scheduling method of production and transportation problems in order to further reduce carbon dioxide emissions without decreasing profits of suppliers. The proposed method makes an efficient transportation schedule that ensures a low vacancy rate and a high loading ratio of transportation vehicles by repeating the modification processes of production and transportation schedules alternately. Experiments were carried by using a developed supply chain simulation system. As the results of the experiments, new method was able to decrease carbon dioxide emissions without decreasing profits. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.



  • A Study on estimation of three-dimensional tolerances based on simulation of virtual machining in turning processes including kinematic motion deviations

    Wiroj Thasana, Nobuhiro Sugimura, Koji Iwamura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu


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    The geometric dimensioning and tolerancing is one of the most important characteristics of machined parts. A systematic method is proposed in the paper to simulate the shape generation processes in turning operations, to estimate the geometric dimensioning and tolerancing of the turned faces, based on the machining parameters. The simulation model includes both the models of the shape generation motions considering kinematic motion deviations and the cutting tool geometries. The shape generation motions with deviations are mathematically described by combining 4 by 4 transformation matrices. A set of points on the turned faces are generated through the simulations, and an assessment surface is obtained as the datum reference to estimate the 3-dimensional (3D) tolerances, based on the points generated by the turning process simulations. The proposed method provides us with a systematic method to estimate the geometric dimensioning and tolerancing in the turning processes including the kinematic motion deviations.



  • Production Cost Analysis and Production Planning for Plant Factories Considering Markets

    Nobuhiro Sugimura, Koji Iwamura, Nguyen Quang Thinh, Kousuke Nakai, Seisuke Fukumoto, Yoshitaka Tanimizu


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    Much emphasis is now given to development of fully closed and controlled plant factories, aimed at supplying various vegetables safely and constantly. However, one of the most important issues of the plant factories is the high production costs due to the investment and equipment in the factories and the daily operations. Systematic methods are considered here increase the delivery prices of the vegetables and to reduce the running costs in the plant factories.



  • Dynamic supply chain management for lean manufacturing

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    Handbook of Research on Design and Management of Lean Production Systems     338 - 357  2014.01

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    Lean is a management philosophy to eliminate waste both in the inside and from the outside of factories. A supply chain strategy is a key issue for the improvement of the outside. Recent information technologies provide even small- and medium-sized supplier companies with a chance for entering into contracts with major supplier companies and large manufacturing companies in different Keiretsu groups, but will give the trouble for surviving in the dynamic supply chain environment at the same time. This chapter proposes a strategy for MTO (Make To Order) companies to find suitable business partners in the dynamic supply chain environment and to enter into proper contracts with the partners as well as to obtain appropriate profits. A supply chain model proposed in the chapter provides a negotiation protocol to determine suitable prices and delivery times for ordered products through the iteration of the negotiation process between the organizations, as well as through the modification processes of production schedules. A twolayered supply chain model is firstly proposed as a basic model for dynamic supply chain management of MTO companies. The model is extended to a three-layered supply chain model for representing the negotiation protocol among multi-layered organizations. A prototype of a supply chain simulation system is developed and computational experiments are carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of changing business partners and negotiating among the partners cooperatively.



  • A study on education planning method for human operators considering production plans

    岩村幸治, 西濱大佑, 田中健太郎, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会論文集(Web)   80 ( 814 ) TRANS0144 (WEB ONLY) - TRANS0144  2014

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    This paper deals with an education planning method of human operators considering production plans. The human operators carry out machining operations by using manual machine tools based on their skills in target manufacturing systems. The individual human operators can obtain new skills to operate the machine tools by receiving trainings. New education planning method is proposed based on mixed integer programming problems in this research. The mixed integer programming problem determines suitable numbers of the trainings and that of the machining operations executed by the human operators for productions. Objective functions of the mixed integer programming problem are minimizing overtime hours and maximizing sum of training priorities. The training priorities represent indices of required skills according to production plans, and number of the skills which have already been obtained. Some case studies have been carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed education planning method.


  • Development of a work instruction system based on analysis of learning processes for cellular manufacturing

    谷水義隆, 石井知, 横谷隆志, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会論文集(Web)   80 ( 814 ) TRANS0142 (WEB ONLY) - TRANS0142  2014

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    Cellular manufacturing systems are well known as flexible manufacturing systems for assembly processes. Single workers carry out all assembly processes of products in the typical cellular manufacturing systems. The cellular manufacturing systems are required to cope with dynamic changes of product mix and production volumes. The workers are not able to be trained by repeating same assembly processes. The objective of this study is to propose a work instruction system for workers to understand the assembly processes quickly and reduce their assembly times of products without repeating same assembly processes. According to the learning curve of workers, it is important that the assembly time should be reduced from the first time the workers assemble the products in order to increase the productivity of cellular manufacturing systems. This study firstly records workers' assembly processes by using video equipment and analyzes the learning processes of the workers in order to propose an effective strategy for the workers to reduce the assembly processes in the cellular manufacturing systems. According to the proposed strategy, a prototype of a work instruction system is developed for an assembly cell. The prototype system provides a graphical user interface explaining the information of assembly processes for the workers to facilitate understanding the assembly processes. Some experiments are carried out for assembling a toy car built with Lego blocks in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed work instruction system. Experimental results of the proposed work instruction system are compared with the ones of a simple work instruction system. Through the comparison, it is recognized that the proposed work instruction system is superior to the simple work instruction system from the viewpoint of the reduction of assembly times.


  • A study on estimation of 3-dimensional surface roughness of boring processes including kinematic motion deviations

    Wiroj Thasana, Nobuhiro Sugimura, Koji Iwamura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu


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    The surface roughness is one of the most important characteristics of machined parts. A systematic method is proposed in the paper to simulate the shape generation processes in the boring operations and to estimate the surface roughness of the generated faces, based on the machining parameters. The simulation model includes both the models of the shape generation motions considering kinematic motion deviations and the cutting tool geometries. The shape generation motions with deviations are mathematically described by 4 by 4 transformation matrices. A set of points on the bored holes are generated through the simulations, and an assessment surface is obtained as the datum reference to estimate the 2-dimensional (2D) and the 3-dimensional (3D) surface roughness, based on the points generated by the boring process simulations. The proposed method provides us with a systematic method to estimate the surface roughness in the boring processes including the kinematic motion deviations.



  • Analysis of kinematic motion deviations of machining centers based on geometric tolerances

    Atsushi Takahashi, Arata Yoshida, Wiroj Thasana, Nobuhiro Sugimura, Koji Iwamura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu


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    The objectives of the present research are to investigate relationships between kinematic motion deviations of machine tools and geometric tolerances of their components, to propose mathematical models representing kinematic motion deviations of five-axis machining centers, and to apply the models to analysis of the kinematic motion deviations of five-axis machining centers. A set of models is proposed to represent kinematic motion deviations of both the linear tables and the rotary tables, based on the geometric tolerances of the guide-ways connecting the components. By combing the models, three models of the five-axis machining centers are developed and applied to the analysis of the standard deviations of the shape generation motions of the tools and the workpieces. The proposed models provides us with a systematic method to analyze and to estimate the kinematic motion deviations of the five-axis machining centers, based on the geometric tolerances of the guide-ways connecting the components.



  • A study on development of a work instruction system for assembly cells based on analysis of learning processes

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Satoru Ishii, Takashi Yokotani


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    A cellular manufacturing system is a kind of lean and flexible manufacturing systems in which a worker or a group of workers carry out all assembly processes of a product. Assembly times of workers are generally improved in an exponential manner by repeating same assembly processes. However, the workers in the cellular manufacturing system are not provided with enough time to learn the assembly processes, since product mixes and production volumes are changeable in a short period of time. The objective of this study is to propose a work instruction system for untrained workers in assembly cells to understand the assembly processes quickly and reduce their assembly times of products without repeating same assembly processes. This study firstly records workers' assembly processes by using video equipment and analyzes the learning processes of the workers in order to propose an effective strategy for the workers to reduce the assembly processes in the cellular manufacturing system. According to the proposed strategy, a prototype of a work instruction system is developed for untrained workers in assembly cells. The prototype system provides graphical user interfaces explaining the information of assembly processes for the workers to facilitate understanding the assembly processes. Some experiments are carried out for assembling same toy cars built with Lego blocks in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed work instruction system. Experimental results of the proposed work instruction system are compared with the ones of a simple work instruction system. Through the comparison, it is recognized that the proposed work instruction system is superior to the simple work instruction system from the viewpoint of the reduction of assembly times. At the last part of this study, we propose a prediction method of assembly times of workers by measuring biological information as a heart rate, in order to carry out dynamic production management through the work instruction system.



  • A study on closed-loop supply chain model for parts reuse with economic efficiency

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Yusuke Shimizu


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    This study proposes a basic model for closed-loop supply chains which includes not only traditional forward supply chains for the generation of products but also reverse supply chains for the reuse and recycling of products in consideration of economic efficiency for make-to-order and remanufacturing-to-order companies. The basic model consists of four model components, i.e., clients, manufacturers, suppliers, and remanufacturers. A remanufacturer is added to the previous model of forward supply chains in this study as a new model component which collects used products from clients and provides reusable parts to manufacturers in consideration of the demand of products. Remanufacturers as well as manufacturers and suppliers modify their schedules and negotiate with each other in order to determine suitable prices and delivery times of products. Remanufacturers stimulate clients to discard used products to meet the demand of reusable parts. They can increase the amount of reused products and reduce wastes by creating a balance between supply and demand of reusable parts. A prototype of a simulation system for closed-loop supply chains is developed in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed model and negotiation protocol. Experimental results of the proposed model are compared with the ones of a conventional model which discards the used products without negotiation processes between remanufacturers and clients. Experimental results show that the proposed model can reuse more products than the conventional model.



  • Negotiation Strategy for Economical Reuse in Closed-Loop Supply Chains

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Kenta Matsui, Yuusuke Shimizu, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura


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    Environmental problems are recognized as one of the most serious issues in these last few decades. Green supply chain management and sustainable supply chain management have gained increasing attention within both academia and industry. Previous studies proposed a closed-loop supply chain model and a negotiation protocol for increasing the amount of reused products and reducing waste products. This study improves the negotiation protocol for further increasing the reused products and reducing the waste. A remanufacturer can economically collect a lot of used products by negotiating with a client in consideration of both the required prices from the remanufacture and the possible times to dispose of the used products from the client. A prototype of a simulation system for a closed-loop supply chain is developed in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the new negotiation protocol. Experimental results show that the new protocol can reuse more products than the previous one.



  • Extension of Reactive Scheduling Method Using Co-Evolutionary Genetic Algorithms (Application to Open Shop Scheduling Problems and Experimental Evaluation)

    谷水義隆, 小松悠介, 小澤知里, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会論文集 C編(Web)   79 ( 802 ) 2207-2220 (WEB ONLY) - 2220  2013.07

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    Unexpected disruptions, such as delays of manufacturing processes, addition of emergent jobs and failures in manufacturing equipment, often occur in the actual manufacturing systems, and a predetermined production schedule may not satisfy given constraints due to the disruptions in the manufacturing systems. This research proposed a new reactive scheduling method using the co-evolutionary genetic algorithm. The proposed method alternately modifies the loading sequences of jobs and the machining sequences of jobs in a very short time, in order to improve the disturbed production schedules without interrupting the progress of manufacturing process. A prototype of an extended reactive scheduling system is developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Some computational experiments are carried out for unexpected delays of manufacturing processes. © 2013 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.



  • Applying Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning to Autonomous Distributed Real-time Scheduling

    IWAMURA Koji, MAYUMI Norihisa, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers   26 ( 4 ) 129 - 137  2013.04

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    Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing Systems (ADMS) have been proposed to realize flexible control structures of manufacturing systems. In the previous researches, a real-time scheduling method based on utility values has been proposed and appliedto the ADMS. In the proposed method, all the job agents and the resource agents evaluate the utility values for the cases where the agent selects the individual candidate agents for the next machining operations. Multi-agent reinforcement learning is newly proposed and implemented to the job agents and resource agents, in order to improve their coordination processes. In the reinforcement learning method, an agent must be able to sense the status of the environment to some extent and must be able to takeactions that affect the status. The agent also must have a goal or goals relating to the status of the environment. The status, the action and the reward are defined for the individual job agents and the resource agents to evaluate the suitable utility values based on the status of the ADMS. <br>


  • Extension of reactive scheduling method using co-evolutionary genetic algorithms (application to open shop scheduling problems and experimental evaluation)

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Yusuke Komatsu, Chisato Ozawa, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   79 ( 802 ) 2207 - 2220  2013  [Refereed]

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    Unexpected disruptions, such as delays of manufacturing processes, addition of emergent jobs and failures in manufacturing equipment, often occur in the actual manufacturing systems, and a predetermined production schedule may not satisfy given constraints due to the disruptions in the manufacturing systems. This research proposed a new reactive scheduling method using the co-evolutionary genetic algorithm. The proposed method alternately modifies the loading sequences of jobs and the machining sequences of jobs in a very short time, in order to improve the disturbed production schedules without interrupting the progress of manufacturing process. A prototype of an extended reactive scheduling system is developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Some computational experiments are carried out for unexpected delays of manufacturing processes. © 2013 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.




    Koji Iwamura, Hitoshi Hayashi, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Nobuhiro Sugimura


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    A real-time scheduling method considering human operators has been proposed to generate suitable production schedules for human operators, manufacturing equipment and jobs real-timely in the autonomous distributed manufacturing systems (ADMSs). The proposed scheduling method gives the higher priorities to the human operators, and generates the production schedules based on preference values, in order to improve the human operator's motivation. It was shown, through case studies, that the proposed real-time scheduling method is effective to satisfy the preferences of the human operators. However, the make span is deteriorated especially for the cases where the human operators have similar preferences. Therefore, a new method is proposed to calculate the preference values considering not only the preferences of human operators but also improvement of productivity.




    Koji Iwamura, Hitoshi Hayashi, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Nobuhiro Sugimura


     View Summary

    A real-time scheduling method considering human operators has been proposed to generate suitable production schedules for human operators, manufacturing equipment and jobs real-timely in the autonomous distributed manufacturing systems (ADMSs). The proposed scheduling method gives the higher priorities to the human operators, and generates the production schedules based on preference values, in order to improve the human operator's motivation. It was shown, through case studies, that the proposed real-time scheduling method is effective to satisfy the preferences of the human operators. However, the make span is deteriorated especially for the cases where the human operators have similar preferences. Therefore, a new method is proposed to calculate the preference values considering not only the preferences of human operators but also improvement of productivity.



  • Modeling and Simulation of Closed-Loop Supply Chains Considering Economic Efficiency.

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Yusuke Shimizu, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    Advances in Production Management Systems. Sustainable Production and Service Supply Chains - IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2013, State College, PA, USA, September 9-12, 2013, Proceedings, Part I   414   461 - 468  2013  [Refereed]

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    This study proposes a basic model of closed-loop supply chains which includes not only traditional forward supply chains for the generation of products but also reverse supply chains for the reuse of products in consideration of economic efficiency for MTO (Make to Order) companies. The model consists of four model components, i.e., clients, manufacturers, suppliers, and remanufacturers. A remanufacturer is added to the previous model of forward supply chains as a new model component which collects used products from clients and provides reusable parts to manufacturers. Remanufacturers as well as manufacturers and suppliers modify their schedules and negotiate with each other in order to determine suitable prices and delivery times of products. Remanufacturers stimulate clients to discard used products to meet the demand of reusable parts. They can increase the amount of reused products and reduce wastes by creating a balance between supply and demand of reusable parts.

  • Flexible multi-layered dynamic supply chain models with cooperative negotiation

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Chisato Ozawa, Yusuke Shimizu, Buntaro Orita, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    International Journal of Automation Technology   7 ( 1 ) 128 - 135  2013  [Refereed]

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    Supply chain management has been investigated for the configuring and controlling of material and information flows among different organizations. The trend has been toward even more flexible or dynamic supply chains to find suitable business partners and enter into profitable contracts. Previous studies have proposed a two-layered supply chain model consisting of two kinds of organization: clients and suppliers. This study proposes a new model representing multi-layered dynamic supply chains and a negotiation protocol in multi-layered organizations. The organizations in the middle-layers generate both orders of parts for suppliers and offers of products for clients. Production schedules in the middle-layers continue to be modified after orders are sent to suppliers. Suppliers simultaneously generate and modify sets of production schedules for individual orders to find the most profitable order of all. The effectiveness of the model and the negotiation protocol is evaluated through computational experiments.



  • Computational Evaluation of Order Selection Methods in Dynamic Supply Chains

    Y. Tanimizu, B. Orita, Y. Shimizu, C. Ozawa, Y. Maeda, K. Iwamura, N. Sugimura

    45TH CIRP CONFERENCE ON MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS 2012   3   281 - 286  2012

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    Previous researches proposed a dynamic supply chain model, which consists of three model components; those are clients, manufacturers, and suppliers. The model provided a numerical method to determine suitable prices and delivery times of products through the iteration of both the modification processes of production schedules and the negotiation processes among the model components. This paper proposes an effective order selection method for suppliers to find a suitable order in a number of orders sent from the lower-layer organizations. Computational experiments were carried to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method by using a developed supply chain simulation system. (c) 2012 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Professor D. Mourtzis and Professor G. Chryssolouris.



  • Analysis of kinematic motion deviations of rotary tables based on geometric tolerances

    Nobuhiro Sugimura, Hitomi Watabiki, Wiroj Thasana, Koji Iwamura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    ASME/ISCIE 2012 International Symposium on Flexible Automation, ISFA 2012     145 - 150  2012

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    Machine tools are recognized as key components of manufacturing systems, and product quality and cost mainly depend on performances of the machine tools. Much progress has been made in the machine tool technologies, aimed at improving the performances of the machine tools from various viewpoints, such as accuracy, reliability, productivity, and flexibility. The machining accuracy is one of the most important characteristics of the machine tools. From the viewpoints of the design and the manufacturing of the machine tools and their components, one of the important issues is to clarify the relationships between the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools and the geometric tolerances of the components, such as the guide ways and the bearings. The objective of the present research is to establish mathematical models representing the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools, on the basis of the geometric tolerances of the components, and to apply the models to theoretical analysis of the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tool components. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.



  • Development of Scheduling System Considering Statistical Distributions of Processing Times for Human Operators

    Koji Iwamura, Takuya Yoshioka, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Nobuhiro Sugimura


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    A new scheduling method is proposed, in this paper, to consider the statistical distributions of the processing times which are represented by normal distributions for the manufacturing systems where the human operators carry out the machining operations by using manual machine tools. The proposed scheduling method consists of two steps. In the first step, the machining schedules are determined for the individual machine tools based on average processing times by using utility value based method. In the second step, the candidate human operators are assigned to the individual machine tools taking into consideration of the statistical distributions of the processing times. A new scheduling system is also developed to generate suitable schedules based on the proposed scheduling method by using the processing time data executed by the combination of human operators, manual machine tools and machining operations. Some case studies have been carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.



  • Analysis of Kinematic Motion Deviations of Rotary Tables Based on Geometric Tolerances

    Nobuhiro Sugimura, Hitomi Watabiki, Wiroj Thasana, Koji Iwamura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu


     View Summary

    Machine tools are recognized as key elements of manufacturing systems, and product quality and cost mainly depend on performances of the machine tools. Much progress has been made in the machine tool technologies, aimed at improving the performances of the machine tools from various viewpoints, such as accuracy, reliability, productivity, and flexibility. The machining accuracy is one of the most important characteristics of the machine tools. From the viewpoints of the design and the manufacturing of the machine tools and their components, one of the important issues is to clarify the relationships between the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools and the geometric tolerances of the components, such as the guide ways and the bearings. The objectives of the present research are to establish mathematical models representing the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools, on the basis of the geometric tolerances of the components, and to apply the models to theoretical analysis of the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tool components.


  • Analysis of Kinematic Motion Deviations of Machining Centers with Rotational Axis Based on Geometric Tolerances

    Nobuhiro Sugimura, Wiroj Thasana, Koji Iwamura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    EMERGING TECHNOLOGY IN PRECISION ENGINEERING XIV   523-524   487 - +  2012  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Much progress has been made in the machine tool technologies, aimed at improving the performances of the machine tools from various viewpoints, such as accuracy, reliability, productivity, and flexibility. The machining accuracy is one of the most important characteristics of the machine tools. From the viewpoints of the design and the manufacturing of the machine tools and their components, one of the important issues is to clarify the relationships between the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools and the geometric tolerances of the components, such as the guide ways and the bearings. The objective of the present research is to establish mathematical models representing the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools, on the basis of the geometric tolerances of the components, and to apply the models to analysis of the kinematic motion deviations.



  • Analysis of kinematic motion deviations of rotary tables based on geometric tolerances

    Nobuhiro Sugimura, Hitomi Watabiki, Wiroj Thasana, Koji Iwamura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    ASME/ISCIE 2012 International Symposium on Flexible Automation, ISFA 2012     145 - 150  2012  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Machine tools are recognized as key components of manufacturing systems, and product quality and cost mainly depend on performances of the machine tools. Much progress has been made in the machine tool technologies, aimed at improving the performances of the machine tools from various viewpoints, such as accuracy, reliability, productivity, and flexibility. The machining accuracy is one of the most important characteristics of the machine tools. From the viewpoints of the design and the manufacturing of the machine tools and their components, one of the important issues is to clarify the relationships between the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools and the geometric tolerances of the components, such as the guide ways and the bearings. The objective of the present research is to establish mathematical models representing the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools, on the basis of the geometric tolerances of the components, and to apply the models to theoretical analysis of the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tool components. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.



  • Multi-objective production and transportation scheduling considering carbon dioxide emissions reductions in dynamic supply chains

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Katuhumi Amano, Kana Harada, Chisato Ozawa, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    International Journal of Automation Technology   6 ( 3 ) 322 - 330  2012  [Refereed]

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    Previous studies have proposed a dynamic configuration method for two-layered supply chains consisting of a set of clients and suppliers. The proposed method provides suitable delivery times and prices of products through the modification process of production schedules of the suppliers and the negotiation process between the clients and the suppliers in consideration of transportation constraints. This research proposes a new supply chain model extended for carbon dioxide emissions reductions in the two-layered dynamic supply chains. The suppliers provide transportation plans to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in transportation processes without losing chances to enter into a large number contracts with the clients. The effectiveness of the proposed model is verified through computational experiments from the viewpoints of both the amount of carbon dioxide emitted in transportation processes and the profits of the suppliers.



  • A study on development of adaptive strategies in dynamic supply chains (proposal and experimental evaluation of order selection methods)

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Buntaro Orita, Yuusuke Shimizu, Chisato Ozawa, Yasuhiro Maeda, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugeviura

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   77 ( 784 ) 4339 - 4351  2011  [Refereed]

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    Our previous researches proposed a dynamic supply chain model, which consists of model components such as suppliers, manufacturers, and clients. The model provided a systematic method to determine suitable prices and delivery times of ordered products based on both scheduling processes and negotiation processes among the model components. This research proposes an order selection method using parallel scheduling for suppliers to select a suitable order in a number of orders sent from lower model components in dynamic supply chains. Some heuristic rules are also proposed as other selection methods for suitable orders in the research. The scheduling based selection method is compared with the rule based selection methods though some computational experiments in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. © 2011 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.



  • Multi agent architecture for dynamic incremental process planning in the flexible manufacturing system

    Hossein Tehrani Nik Nejad, Nobuhiro Sugimura, Koji Iwamura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING   21 ( 4 ) 487 - 499  2010.08  [Refereed]

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    Due to rapid changes of markets and pressures of competitions, industries are adopting their production ways to support diversity of customer's needs and increase of new product developments. This paper deals with development of an agent-based architecture of dynamic systems for process planning in the manufacturing systems. In consideration of alternative manufacturing processes and machine tools, the process plans and the schedules of the manufacturing resources are generated incrementally and dynamically. A previously proposed negotiation protocol is customized and improved to generate suitable process plans for the target products real-timely and dynamically, based on the alternative manufacturing processes. The alternative manufacturing processes are presented by the process plan networks and the suitable process plans are searched and generated to cope with both the dynamic status and disturbances of the manufacturing systems. We initiatively combine the heuristic search algorithms of the process plan networks with the negotiation protocols, in order to generate suitable process plans.



  • Manufacturing phronesis (a report on higher skills analysis and proposals for phronesis cultivation)

    Kazuaki Iwata, Masahiko Onosato, Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   76 ( 772 ) 3184 - 3189  2010



  • Lean production and transportation scheduling for dynamic supply chain management

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Kana Harada, Chisato Ozawa, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)     869 - 874  2010

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    This research proposes a two-layered supply chain model consisting of a set of clients and suppliers for dynamic supply chain management considering production and transportation scheduling problems. The model provides a method to optimize both production schedules and transportation schedules simultaneously, in order to estimate suitable prices and delivery times of products. A prototype of simulation system for dynamic supply chain management was developed and some computational experiments were carried out in order to verify the effectiveness of the model. Experimental results show that the prototype system is available to determine suitable production schedules and transportation schedules from the viewpoint of the number of contracted orders and the cost for wasteful shipping. copy
    2010 IEEE.



  • A Study on Real-time Scheduling for Holonic Manufacturing Systems - Application of Reinforcement Learning

    Koji Iwamura, Norihisa Mayumi, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    SERVICE ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS     201 - 204  2010  [Refereed]

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    A real-time scheduling method based on utility values has been proposed and applied to the holonic manufacturing systems (HMS), in the previous paper. In the proposed method, all the job holons and the resource holons firstly evaluate the utility values for the cases where the holon selects all the candidate holons for the next machining operations. The coordination holon secondly determine a suitable combination of the resource holons and the job holons, based on the utility values. Reinforcement learning is newly proposed and implemented to the individual job holons and resource holons, in order to improve their capabilities for evaluating the utility values.


  • Human-Oriented Dynamic Task Reallocation and Rescheduling in Cellular Manufacturing Systems

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Yoshiyuki Sakashita, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    SERVICE ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS     217 - 222  2010  [Refereed]

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    Cellular manufacturing systems are well known as flexible and reliable manufacturing systems for assembly processes. A suitable control method is required for the cellular manufacturing systems to keep the production capacity in the case where unforeseen changes, such as delays of assembly processes, addition of new orders, and unscheduled workers' absences, occur during the progress of assembly processes. This research proposes a dynamic task reallocation and rescheduling method in the cellular manufacturing systems, consisting of a set of assembly cells in which all the assembly processes are carried out by single workers. The method proposed here dynamically modifies an initial production schedule and minimizes the total tardiness by a genetic algorithm and a heuristic rule, called as EDD (Earliest Due Date), to cope with unforeseen changes in the cellular manufacturing systems. A prototype of dynamic task reallocation and rescheduling system was developed and applied to some computational experiments in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • Co-evolutionary Genetic Algorithms for Reactive Scheduling

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Yusuke Komatsu, Chisato Ozawa, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura


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    Previous researches provided a reactive scheduling method using a genetic algorithm to improve disturbed production schedules, due to unexpected disruptions, such as delays of manufacturing operations. This paper deals with an extension of the reactive scheduling method to modify not only the loading sequences but also machining sequences of jobs by using a co-evolutionary genetic algorithm. Two different kinds of individuals for the loading sequences and the machining sequences are generated and improved in co-evolutionary processes. A prototype of new reactive scheduling system was developed, and the effectiveness of the proposed method was verified through computational experiments.



  • A Two-Layered Model for Dynamic Supply Chain Management Considering Transportation Constraint

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Kana Harada, Chisato Ozawa, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura


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    This research proposes a two-layered model for dynamic supply chain management considering transportation constraint. The model provides a method for suppliers to estimate suitable prices and delivery times of products based on not only production schedules but also transportation plans in consideration of constraints about shipping times and loading capacities for transportation. A prototype of dynamic supply chain simulation system was developed and some computational experiments were carried out in order to verify the effectiveness of the model. The prototype system is available to determine suitable shipping times and loading capacities of transportation vehicles.



  • A Study on development of adaptive strategies in dynamic supply chains (Proposal of a framework and two-layered models)

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Masahiko Yamanaka, Chisato Ozawa, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   75 ( 756 ) 2351 - 2358  2009.12

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    This research deals with a two-layered dynamic supply chain model representing decisionmaking processes of individual clients and suppliers, and also negotiation processes among all clients and suppliers. In the model, suitable prices and delivery times are determined through both the scheduling processes of the individual suppliers and the negotiation processes among the clients and the suppliers. Dynamic production scheduling processes of the suppliers are newly considered in the model to deal with the trade-off between the prices and the delively times. The effectiveness of the proposed model is verified through computational experiments from the viewpoints of the profits of the suppliers.

    DOI CiNii


  • Extension of two-layered dynamic supply chain model considering transportation constraint

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Kana Harada, Chisato Ozawa, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century, LEM 2009    2009.12

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    This research proposes a new model of two-layered dynamic supply chains considering transportation constraint. The new model provides a method for suppliers to estimate delivery times and prices of products based on not only production schedules but also transportation plans. The transportation plans generally include constraints about shipping times and loading capacities for transportation. A prototype of dynamic supply chain simulation system was developed and some computational experiments were carried out in order to verify the effectiveness of the new model. The prototype system is available to determine suitable shipping times and loading capacities of transportation vehicles.

  • A Study on Real-Time Scheduling for Holonic Manufacturing Systems - Determination of Utility Values Based on Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning

    Koji Iwamura, Norihisa Mayumi, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Nobuhiro Sugimura


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    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling method for holonic manufacturing systems (HMS). In the previous paper, a real-time scheduling method based on utility values has been proposed and applied to the HMS. In the proposed method, all the job holons and the resource holons firstly evaluate the utility values for the cases where the holon selects the individual candidate holons for the next machining operations. The coordination holon secondly determine a suitable combination of the resource holons and the job holons which carry out the next machining operations, based on the utility values. Multi-agent reinforcement learning is newly proposed and implemented to the job holons and the resource holons, in order to improve their capabilities for evaluating the utility values of the candidate holons. The individual job holons and resource holons evaluate the suitable utility values according to the status of the HMS, by applying the proposed learning method.



  • Integrated Dynamic Process Planning and Scheduling in Flexible Manufacturing Systems via Autonomous Agents

    Hossein Tehrani Nik Nejad, Nobuhiro Sugimura, Koji Iwamura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu


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    Process planning and scheduling are important manufacturing planning activities which deal with resource utilization and time span of manufacturing operations. The process plans and the schedules generated in the planning phase shall be modified in the execution phase due to the disturbances in the manufacturing systems. This paper deals with a multi-agent architecture of an integrated and dynamic system for process planning and scheduling for multi jobs. A negotiation protocol is discussed, in this paper, to generate the process plans and the schedules of the manufacturing resources and the individual jobs, dynamically and incrementally, based on the alternative manufacturing processes. The alternative manufacturing processes are presented by the process plan networks discussed in the previous paper, and the suitable process plans and schedules are searched and generated to cope with both the dynamic status and the disturbances of the manufacturing systems. We initiatively combine the heuristic search algorithms of the process plan networks with the negotiation protocols, in order to generate suitable process plans and schedules in the dynamic manufacturing environment. A simulation software has been developed to carry out case studies, aimed at verifying the performance of the proposed multi-agent architecture.


  • GA based reactive scheduling for aggregate production scheduling

    Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi, Toshihide Kamimura, Keiichi Shirase, Yoshitaka Tanimizu


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    A reactive scheduling method is one of the scheduling methods that improve an initial production schedule disturbed by environmental changes in manufacturing systems. In the previous research, Genetic Algorithm based reactive scheduling method have been proposed. In case of dealing with the aggregate production schedule, it is difficult to modify the initial schedule because of the unknown factors which occur in the manufacturing system. In this research, only part of the initial schedule is modified by setting the suitable scheduling range. Consequently, the reactive scheduling method can be applied for the aggregate production scheduling.


  • Agent-based dynamic process planning and scheduling in flexible manufacturing system

    Hossein Tehrani Nik Nejad, Nobuhiro Sugimura, Koji Iwamura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu


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    This paper deals with an agent-based architecture of an integrated system for process planning and scheduling for multi jobs in flexible manufacturing systems. The process plans and the schedules of the manufacturing resources and the individual jobs are generated dynamically and incrementally. The architecture does not employ a set of predefined process plans, and the process plans of the individual jobs are incrementally and real timely generated from the alternative production routes in the process plan networks. Coordination agents are proposed to generate a suitable the assignment of the job agents to the machine tool agents at each step of the negotiation.


  • Real-time scheduling method considering human operators in autonomous distributed manufacturing systems

    Koji Iwamura, Shinya Kuwahara, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Nobuhiro Sugimura


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    A real-time scheduling method considering human operators is proposed, in this paper, to select suitable combinations of the human operators, the manufacturing equipment and the jobs for the manufacturing processes. The proposed scheduling method consists of three steps. In the first step, the human operators select their favourite processes which they will carry out in the next time period, based on their preferences. In the second step, the machine tools and the jobs select suitable combinations for the next machining processes. In the third step, the automated guided vehicles and the jobs select suitable combinations for the next transportation processes.


  • Analysis of kinematic motion deviations of machining centers based on geometric tolerances

    Naoki Satonaka, Nobuhiro Sugimura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Koji Iwamura

    LEM 2007 - 4th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century, Proceedings    2007.12

     View Summary

    Machine tools are recognized as key components of manufacturing systems, and product quality and cost mainly depend on performances of the machine tools. Much progress has been made in the machine tool technologies, aimed at improving the performances of the machine tools from various viewpoints, such as accuracy, reliability, productivity, and flexibility. The machining accuracy is one of the most important characteristics of the machine tools. From the viewpoints of the design and the manufacturing of the machine tools and their components, one of the important issues is to clarify the relationships between the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools and the geometric tolerances of the components, such as the guide ways and the bearings. The objective of the present research is to establish mathematical models representing the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools, on the basis of the geometric tolerances of the components, and to apply the models to theoretical analysis of the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools.

  • Integrated dynamic process planning and scheduling in flexible manufacturing systems via autonomous agents

    Hossein Tehrani, Nik Nejad, Nobuhiro Sugimura, Koji Iwamura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    LEM 2007 - 4th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century, Proceedings    2007.12

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    Process planning and scheduling are important manufacturing planning activities which deal with resource utilization and time span of the manufacturing operations. The process plans and the schedules generated in the planning phase shall be modified in the execution phase due to the disturbances in the manufacturing systems. This paper deals with a multi-agent architecture of an integrated and dynamic system for process planning and scheduling for multi jobs. Systematic methods are proposed to generate the process plans and the schedules of the manufacturing resources and the individual jobs, dynamically and incrementally. A simulation software has been prepared to carry out case studies, aimed at verifying the performance of the proposed multi-agent architecture.

  • A multi-layered model for dynamic supply chain configuration

    Chisato Ozawa, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    LEM 2007 - 4th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century, Proceedings    2007.12

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    This research proposes a new model representing multi-layered dynamic supply chains. The proposed model consists of three kinds of components. They are clients, manufacturers, and suppliers. The manufacturers, proposed in this research, not only generate the orders to the suppliers but also generate the offers to the clients. The manufacturers continue to modify their production schedules after sending the orders to the suppliers, in order to get the contract with the clients, even if the possible delivery time from suppliers do not satisfy the required delivery time from the manufacturers. The effectiveness of the proposed model is verified through some computational experiments from the viewpoint of the completion of the contracts.

  • Simulation based real-time scheduling method for holonic manufacturing systems - Method for reducing calculation time of simulation

    Koji Iwamura, Atsushi Nakano, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    LEM 2007 - 4th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century, Proceedings    2007.12

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    Real-time scheduling processes based on the utility values have been proposed and applied to the Holonic Manufacturing Systems (HMS), in the previous papers. A simulation based procedure has also been implemented to estimate the future status of HMS and to determine the utility values aiming at improving scheduling method. However, it was assumed that only one holon in the HMS carries out the estimation for the ease of the estimation process. A simulation based real-time scheduling method is newly proposed, in the paper, to improve the estimation process which enable all the holons to estimate the future status of the HMS.

  • Reactive Scheduling Based on Status Monitoring for Dynamic Manufacturing Environment

    SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko, KAMIMURA Toshihide, SHIRASE Keiichi, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    Proceedings of 40th CIRP international seminar on manufacturing systems   CD-ROM  2007.05  [Refereed]

  • Multi-objective reactive scheduling based on genetic algorithm

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Tsuyoshi Miyamae, Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    TOWARDS SYNTHESIS OF MICRO - /NANO - SYSTEMS   ( 5 ) 65 - +  2007  [Refereed]

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    A genetic algorithm based reactive scheduling method was proposed in the previous research, in oder to modify and improve a disturbed initial production schedule without suspending the progress of manufacturing process. This paper proposes a new crossover method to improve the performance of the reactive scheduling method for total tardiness minimization problems and total flow time minimization problems. A multi-objective reactive scheduling method is also proposed based on the reactive scheduling method improved in this research. A prototype of multi-objective reactive scheduling system is developed and applied to computational experiments for job-shop type scheduling problems.


  • A Search Algorithm for Generating Alternative Process Plans in Flexible Manufacturing System

    Hossein Tehrani, Nobuhiro Sugimura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Koji Iwamura


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    Capabilities and complexity of manufacturing systems are increasing and striving for an integrated manufacturing environment. Availability of alternative process plans is a key factor for integration of design, process planning and scheduling. This paper describes an algorithm for generation of alternative process plans by extending the existing framework of the process plan networks. A class diagram is introduced for generating process plans and process plan networks from the viewpoint of the integrated process planning and scheduling systems. An incomplete search algorithm is developed for generating and searching the process plan networks. The benefit of this algorithm is that the whole process plan network does not have to be generated before the search algorithm starts. This algorithm is applicable to large and enormous process plan networks and also to search wide areas of the network based on the user requirement. The algorithm can generate alternative process plans and to select a suitable one based on the objective functions.


  • A study on real-time scheduling for holonic manufacturing systems - Simulation for estimation of future status by individual holons

    Koji Iwamura, Atsushi Nakano, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Nobuhiro Sugimura


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    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of the holonic manufacturing systems (HMS). In the previous papers, real-time scheduling processes based on the utility values have been proposed and applied to the HMS. A simulation based procedure has also been implemented to estimate the future status of HMS and to determine the utility values aiming at improving scheduling method. However, it was assumed that only one holon in the HMS carries out the estimation for the ease of the estimation process. A simulation based real-time scheduling method is newly proposed, in the paper, to improve the estimation process which enable all the holons to estimate the future status of the HMS. An estimation process is developed for the individual holons to estimate the future status of HMS through the simulation. Some case studies of the real-time scheduling are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.



  • Real-time scheduling for holonic manufacturing systems based on estimation of future status

    K. Iwamura, N. Okubo, Y. Tanimizu, N. Sugimura

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH   44 ( 18-19 ) 3657 - 3675  2006.09

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    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of holonic manufacturing systems (HMSs), which were proposed by an international cooperative research consortium called The HMS Consortium for Autonomous Distributed Management and Control of the Manufacturing Systems. The scheduling system generates real-time suitable production schedules, based on decision making by individual constituents named holons and their coordination. The objective of the present research is to improve the decision-making processes of the individual holons through the use of estimation process of the future status of the HMS. Procedures are developed and implemented to the individual holons, in order to estimate the future status of the HMS by applying the simulation model of the HMS. A neural network model is proposed to represent and to simulate the decision-making process of the individual holons.



  • Evolutional reactive scheduling for agile manufacturing systems

    Y. Tanimizu, T. Sakaguchi, K. Iwamura, N. Sugimura

    International Journal of Production Research   44 ( 18-19 ) 3727 - 3742  2006.07

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    A predetermined production schedule is often disturbed in agile manufacturing systems, due to unscheduled disruptions, such as delays of manufacturing operations and addition of new jobs. The objective of the research is to propose a new reactive scheduling method based on the Genetic Algorithm (GA), which generates improved production schedules reactively against the disturbances. A basic reactive scheduling method was proposed in the previous research. The proposed method continuously creates new feasible production schedules, until a new production schedule satisfies the given constraint or all the manufacturing operations have started. This paper deals with a new evolutional method to improve the performance of the GA-based reactive scheduling process for adding new jobs. Several computational experiments were carried out for the delays of manufacturing operations and the addition of new jobs by using the developed prototype system for reactive scheduling, in order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. © 2006 Taylor &amp
    Francis Group, LLC.



  • A study on a real-time scheduling of holonic manufacturing system - coordination among holons based on multi-objective optimization problem -

    Koji Iwamura, Yota Seki, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    Mechatronics for Safety, Security and Dependability in a New Era     195 - 200  2006

     View Summary

    Recently, automation of manufacturing systems has been developed, aimed at realizing flexible small volume batch productions. New distributed architectures of manufacturing systems have been proposed to realize more flexible control structures of the manufacturing systems for coping with the dynamic changes in the volume and the variety of the products and also the unforeseen disruptions, such as malfunction of manufacturing equipment and interruption by high priority jobs. They are called autonomous distributed manufacturing systems, biological manufacturing systems, and holonic manufacturing systems (HMS). The chapter proposes a new real-time scheduling method for HMS to consider both the objective functions of the individual holons and the whole HMS. In this method, all the pareto optimal combinations of the resource holons and the job holons for the machining processes are generated, based on the objective functions of the individual holons. Following this, a most suitable combination is selected from the pareto optimal ones, based on the objective functions of the whole HMS, such as the total make span and the total tardiness. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Genetic algorithm based reactive scheduling in manufacturing system - advanced crossover method for tardiness minimization problems -

    T. Sakaguchi, Y. Tanimizu, K. Harada, K. Iwamura, N. Sugimura

    Mechatronics for Safety, Security and Dependability in a New Era     207 - 212  2006

     View Summary

    Unscheduled disruptions, such as delays of manufacturing processes, addition of emergent jobs and failures in manufacturing equipment, often occur in the actual manufacturing systems. However, most of the traditional scheduling researches assume that manufacturing environments are well stabilized. The manufacturing system becomes impossible for satisfying the constraints on the due dates and the make-span, when the initial schedules are delayed because of the unscheduled disruptions. The chapter discusses a reactive scheduling method based on genetic algorithm (GA) to improve an initial production schedule delayed because of unscheduled disruptions, such as delays of manufacturing processes. The chapter proposes a new GA based reactive scheduling method for tardiness minimization scheduling problems, aiming at improving the disturbed production schedule efficiently and generating suitable production schedules faster than the previous reactive scheduling method. A prototype of reactive scheduling system is developed and applied to computational experiments. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Negotiations among clients and suppliers considering production schedules in dynamic supply chain

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Masahiko Yamanaka, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    LEM 2005 - 3rd International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century     391 - 396  2005.12

     View Summary

    This research deals with a dynamic supply chain model representing decision-making processes of individual clients and suppliers, and also negotiation processes among all clients and suppliers. In the model, suitable prices and delivery time are determined based on both the scheduling processes of the individual suppliers and the negotiation processes among the clients and the suppliers. The production scheduling process of the suppliers are newly considered in the model to deal with the trade-off between the prices and the delivery time. The effectiveness of the proposed model is verified through computational experiments from the viewpoints of the prices, the delivery time and the benefit of the suppliers.

  • A study on real-time scheduling methods in holonic manufacturing systems

    K Iwamura, Y Taimizu, N Sugimura


     View Summary

    Recently, new architectures of manufacturing systems have been proposed to realize flexible control structures of the manufacturing systems, which can cope with the dynamic changes in the volume and the variety of the products and also the unforeseen disruptions, such as failures of manufacturing resources and interruptions by high priority jobs. They are so called as the autonomous distributed manufacturing system, the biological manufacturing system and the holonic manufacturing system. Rule-based scheduling methods were proposed and applied to the real-time production scheduling problems of the HMS (Holonic Manufacturing System) in the previous report. However, there are still remaining problems from the viewpoint of the optimization of the whole production schedules. New procedures are proposed, in the present paper, to select the production schedules, aimed at generating effective production schedules in real-time. The proposed methods enable the individual holons to select suitable machining operations to be carried out in the next time period. Coordination process among the holons is also proposed to carry out the coordination based on the effectiveness values of the individual holons.


  • Multiobjective Modelling of Manufacturing Systems (2nd Report, Consistency Management of Various Production Planning Models)

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, IWATA Kazuaki

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C.   65 ( 632 ) 1725 - 1730  1999.04

     View Summary

    In design and planning of manufacturing systems, a wide variety of models representing the manufacturing systems are required for simulation and verification from various viewpoints. These models are concurrently developed and applied to various application fields, therefore, a computerized support system is needed for concurrent development and consistency management of the various manufacturing system models. The objective of the research is to develop an object-oriented model repository aiming at supporting concurrent development and consistency management of the various manufacturing system models for production planning. Contents and structures of manufacturing system models are discussed from the viewpoint of the concurrent and hierarchical production planning problems. Model components and their relations to be stored in the model repository are proposed. A prototype of a model repository is developed and applied to the production planning problems.



  • Object-oriented simulation of real-time scheduling in holonic manufacturing systems.

    Nobuhiro Sugimura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, S. Ae

    Global Production Management, IFIP TC5/WG5.7 International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, September 6-10, 1999, Berlin, Germany     466 - 473  1999  [Refereed]

  • A study on object-oriented model repository for production planning of manufacturing systems

    Y Tanimizu, M Kurosawa, N Sugimura


     View Summary

    In design and planning of manufacturing systems, a wide variety of models representing the manufacturing systems are required for simulation and verification from various view points. These models may be concurrently developed and applied to various application fields, therefore, a computerized support system is needed for concurrent development and consistency management of the various manufacturing system models. The objective of the research is to develop an object-oriented model repository aiming at supporting concurrent development and consistency management of the various manufacturing system models for production planning. Contents and structures of manufacturing system models are discussed from the viewpoint of the concurrent and hierarchical production planning problems, and model components and their relations to be stored in the model repository are proposed A prototype of a model repository is developed and applied to the production planning problems.

  • A study on object-oriented model repository for manufacturing system modeling

    Y Tanimizu, N Sugimura, K Iwata


     View Summary

    The objective of the present research is to develop a formal modeling method, aimed at realising concurrent development and integration of various manufacturing system models. An object-oriented model repository of the manufacturing system is discussed to establish a systematic and logical criteria for classifying the manufacturing system models from various viewpoints. Contents and structures of manufacturing system models are discussed from the viewpoint of the concurrent and hierarchical production planning problems, and model components and their relations to be stored in the model repository are proposed. A prototype of a model repository is developed and applied to the production planning problems.

  • Multiobjective Modelling of Manufacturing Systems (1st Report, Examination of Consistency among Various Models)

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, IWATA Kazuaki, ONOSATO Masahiko

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C.   63 ( 615 ) 4065 - 4070  1997.11

     View Summary

    Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) draws upon many important areas of manufacturing automation, such as CAD, CAM and MRP. It is not necessarily the sum of these compooents but the linking of them into an interoperable system that satisfies the various strategies and objectives of the CIM systems. The objective of the present research is to develop a formal modelling method in order to realize concurrent development and integration of the various CIM models. A model architecture of the CIM is discussed to establish systematic and logical criteria for classifying the CIM models. A computer-aided method is also proposed based on the model architecture in order to examine the consistency among a set of CIM models which are designed to represent the various aspects of the CIM system being analyzed.



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Books and Other Publications

  • 企業間の戦略的提携 (サプライチェーンマネジメント講座)

    貝原俊也, 谷水義隆, 西 竜志( Part: Joint author)

    朝倉書店  2011.09 ISBN: 4254275447


  • Reactive Scheduling for Unscheduled Changes in Manufacturing Systems

    Current Trends in Production Management, Shaker Verlag.  2003

  • Reactive Scheduling for Unscheduled Changes in Manufacturing Systems

    Current Trends in Production Management, Shaker Verlag.  2003


  • グローバル分散企業の設計・計画及び運用の為のモデリングとシミュレーション環境に関する研究


  • Modelling and Simulation Environments for Design, Planning and Operation of Globally Distributed Enterprises


Research Projects

  • Optimal management strategy for short food supply chains considering heterogeneity and uncertainty

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Development of Fundamental Models for Enterprise Collaborations in Smart Supply Chains

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


  • Game Theoretical Approach for Development of Optimization Methods for Dynamic Reconfigurable Supply Chains

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    We develop dynamically reconfigurable supply chain optimization methods that can dynamically change its software relationships among contractors, customers, and production plans in global supply chains to deal with uncertainty, risks, and unforeseen changes. The optimization methods based on game theoretical approach that takes into consideration the cooperative relationships and non-cooperative relationships of supply chain players are developed. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated under several parameter changes and under asymmetric information. Researchers of production systems, supply chains, and systems optimization shared common models, and the optimization methods are organized systematically by performing performance evaluation to build the foundation of optimization methods by game theoretical approach.

  • Development and experimental verification of a pull type reverse supply chain in consideration of disassembly and remanufacturing schedules

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

     View Summary

    This research proposes a dynamic management method of reverse supply chain in consideration of an economical aspect. The method provides a pull type reverse supply chain model which makes customers throw away the used products positively or negatively according to the demand variation. The effectiveness of the proposed model is evaluated from a viewpoint of economy and verified experimentally. And also, a dynamic optimization method for disassembly and remanufacturing schedules is developed by using an evolutionary computation method, and the efficiency of the method is measured through computational experiments.

  • A study on optimal structure design for multi-axis machine tools based on statistical deviation of shape generation motions

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

     View Summary

    The objective of the present research is to establish a computer-aided design system for specifying a suitable set of the geometric tolerances of the guide-ways considering the trade-off between the requirements on the kinematic motion deviations and the ease of the manufacturing processes. A mathematical model is proposed to represent the standard deviations of the shape generation motions, based on the tolerance values of the guide-ways of the machining centers. A systematic method is proposed here, by applying an optimization method, to determine a suitable set of the tolerance values of the guide-ways under the constraints on the kinematic motion deviations. The method is applied to some design problems of the geometric tolerances of the guide-ways included in the five-axis machining centers. The same method is expanded and applied to the tolerance design for the parallel link robots used for the precise and small product assemblies.

  • Dynamic optimization of production and transportation schedules for green supply chains considering economic efficiency

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    TANIMIZU yoshitaka

     View Summary

    Sustainability issues, such as greenhouse gas emissions, have become serious problems facing the international community. This research proposes a green supply chain model in consideration of carbon dioxide emissions in both production processes and transportation processes in supply chains by modifying the existing dynamic supply chain model. This research also proposes a method to improve production and transportation schedules in order to minimize the carbon dioxide emissions and maximize the profit of manufacturing company and satisfaction of customer. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through some computational experiments by using a developed prototype of green supply chain simulation system.

  • Modeling and analysis of kinematic motion deviations of machine tools based on geometric deviations

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji

     View Summary

    The present research deals with the modeling and analysis of the geometric deviations of the toleranced components. The tolerance zones of the geometric features of the components are investigated and classified based on the definitions of the geometric tolerances. The parameters are defined to describe the deviations of the geometric features within the tolerance zones. An analytical method is proposed to estimate the statistic deviations of the positions and the orientations of the geometric features, based on the deviation parameters and the relationships between the datum features and the toleranced features.

  • Dynamic production management by co-evolutionary multi-objective reactive scheduling in information integrated manufacturing system

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

     View Summary

    Previous researches provided a reactive scheduling method based on a genetic algorithm. The existing method was able to modify and optimize disturbed initial production schedules without interrupting the progress of manufacturing processes. This research proposes a multi-objective reactive scheduling method based on a co-evolutionary approach, and develops a prototype system of reactive scheduling in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • A study on distributed manufacturing systems considering uncertainty of manufacturing processes and transportation processes.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji

     View Summary

    (1)Modeling of distributed manufacturing systems
    A model has been proposed to represent autonomous distributed manufacturing systems of machine products. In the model, all the components and the decision-making units are represented by applying agent modeling methods.
    (2)Description of uncertainty of manufacturing processes
    Uncertainty of manufacturing processes was discussed from the viewpoint of the distribution of the operation time, and a description method was proposed to represent the manufacturing operation time according to the normal distribution.
    (3)Simulation model of distributed manufacturing systems
    A simulation model was proposed to simulate the distributed decision-making processes of the manufacturing system components and the progress of the manufacturing processes. The manufacturing operation time is represented by both the mean values and the standard deviations to give the uncertainty.
    (4)Scheduling system considering uncertainty
    A rule-based production scheduling method was developed to generate a suitable production schedules taking into consideration of the distributions of the manufacturing operation time.
    (5)Production planning considering uncertainty
    A rule-based production planning method was also developed to generate a suitable production plans taking into consideration of the distributions of the manufacturing operation time.
    (6)Verification of proposed method
    The proposed methods have been verified by applying the simulation system.

  • A Study on Integration of Process Planning, Resource Planning and Production Planning for Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing System

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji

     View Summary

    The results of the research project are summarized in the followings.
    (1)Basic Architecture of Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing Systems
    A basic architecture of the distributed manufacturing systems is discussed from the viewpoint of production planning, process planning and resource planning of the machine products. Systematic procedures are proposed in the distributed decision-making environment, in order to generate suitable plans based on the volumes and the varieties of the products to be manufactured in the manufacturing systems. Communication interfaces among the decision-making units are also discussed for the information exchange among the autonomous decision-making units.
    (2)Development of Production Planning, Process Planning and Resource Planning Systems
    Autonomous distributed systems are developed, based on the basic architecture proposed in (1), to carry out the production planning, process planning and resource planning of the manufacturing systems. In the research projects, a real-time scheduling system is proposed to generate the production schedules real-timely, based on the process plans of the products to be manufactured. This system provides us a systematic method to generate a suitable production schedules when executing the manufacturing processes. An integrated process planning and scheduling system is also developed to generate both the process plans and the production schedules in the planning phase.
    (3)Development of Simulation System and Verification of Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing System
    A simulation system is developed, by applying the multi-agent programming method, in order to simulate the process planning and the scheduling process of the manufacturing systems. Some case studies have been carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed systems, by applying the developed simulation system. It was shown, through case studies, that the proposed systems are effective from the viewpoint of the integration of the production planning, the process planning and the resource planning for the autonomous distributed manufacturing systems.

  • 動的な変化を有する生産環境における階層分散型リアクティブスケジューリングシステム

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)

    Project Year :


    谷水 義隆

     View Summary


  • Genetic Algorithm Based Reactive Scheduling

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • A Study on Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling System for Holonic Manufacturing System

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMOTO Masakatsu

     View Summary

    (1) Development of CAM system for plate parts.
    A CAM system has been developed to generate NC data for drilling and reaming processes of the plates of the injection molds and the die-casting dies, based on the input information about the CAD data of the plates given in the IGES and/or DXF formats. The machining technology data for the drilling and the reaming processes are investigated and stored in the machining technology database. The database gives the relationships between the geometric and technological information about the holes to be machined and the machining information about the machining processes, such as the tools, the cutting conditions and the cutter location data.
    (2) Development of distributed scheduling system for HMS
    An object-oriented modeling technique is adopted to represent the holonic components of the manufacturing systems including workpieces and manufacturing resources. An object-oriented simulation system is developed to represent and to simulate real-time scheduling processes in the holonic manufacturing system. A set of simulation is carried our to verify the decision rules for the real-time scheduling from the viewpoint of the total make-span and the adaptability to the failure of the manufacturing resources.
    (3) Verifications of the developed system.
    The systems developed in the research have been verified from the viewpoint of both the process planning and scheduling in the holonic manufacturing systems

  • 階層分散型生産システムのスケジューリング


    Project Year :


  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたリアクティブスケジューリング


    Project Year :


  • Scheduling for Hierarchical Decentralized Manufacturing System

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • グローバル生産における階層分散スケジューリング

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)

    Project Year :


    谷水 義隆

     View Summary


  • A Study on Modeling and Simulation of Holonic Manufacturing Systems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMOTO Masakatsu

     View Summary

    The results of the research project are summarized in the followings.
    (1) A basic architecture of holonic manufacturing systems (HMS) was discussed from the viewpoint of the autonomous decision-making and cooperation of the holonic components (holons). In particular, cooperative scheduling methodologies were investigated to establish a holonic scheduling system of the HMS.
    (2) Simulation models of the holons were proposed by applying the object-oriented modeling method. The models represent the decision-making processes and the machining processes of all the holons imt the HMS.
    (3) An object oriented simulation system has been developed, aimed at verifying the scheduling algorithms of the HMS.The simulation model consists of a set of object representing the machining equipment holons and the workpiece holons.
    (4) A cooperative and hierarchical scheduling method was proposed based on the Genetic Algorithms. The proposed method determines suitable machining schedules of the individual machining holons referring to the pre-determined machining sequences of the workpieces to be machined.
    (5) A prototype of the cooperative and hierarchical scheduling system has been developed by using Smalltalk, and applied to the scheduling problems of the hierarchical manufacturing systems.
    (6) A holonic process planning system was proposed to determine suitable process plans for the workpiece holons based on the machining information about the machining features included in the workpiece holons.
    (7) An optimization method was proposed by applying both the Genetic Algorithm and Dynamic Programming method, in order to select suitable machining sequences and suitable sequences of machining equipment. The proposed method can select suitable sequences of the machining equipment considering the machining schedules of the equipment. The method provides the workpiece holons with a systematic decision-making method to plan a suitable machining processes based on both the machining features and the machining schedules.
    (8) The proposed methods me verified by applying the simulation system of the HMS, and it was shown through the case studies that the proposed methods are effective to establish the autonomous and cooperative decision-making system in the HMS.

  • 生産システムの設計プロセス支援


    Project Year :


  • Design Process of Manufacturing System

    Funded Research

    Project Year :


  • ホロニック生産システムにおけるリアルタイムスケジューリング


    Project Year :


  • Real Time Scheduling in Holonic Manufacturing System

    Funded Research

    Project Year :


  • A Study on Design and Management of Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing System

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMOTO Masakatsu, MORIWAKI Toshimichi

     View Summary

    The objective of the present research is to establish systematic methods for design and management of an autonomous distributed manufacturing system which consists of a set of autonomous manufacturing equipment and workpieces. The results of the research are summarized as follows ;
    1. Architecture of autonomous distributed manufacturing system
    Autonomous functions of individual components of the manufacturing system are discussed and analyzed from the viewpoint of decision making, communication and control functions. It was clarified, through the analysis, that the cooperation between the autonomous manufacturing equipment and the autonomous workpieces play a key role in the design and management of the autonomous distributed manufacturing systems.
    2. Development of simulation systems of the autonomous distributed manufacturing systems
    Simulation systems have been developed based on the object oriented model in order to represent the cooperative function among the autonomous elements in the manufacturing systems and to simulate autonomous controls of the manufacturing systems. Two types of simulation systems have been developed for both the batch type production of mechanical products and the line type production of the composite parts for air crafts.
    3. Application to autonomous real-time scheduling
    Real-time scheduling systems have been developed based on the models proposed 2. It was clarified, through the simulations, that the autonomous real-time scheduling methods are effective to determine suitable schedules for the individual equipment and workpieces in the manufacturing systems.

  • 外乱に対する生産スケジュールの変更

  • Reactive Scheduling for unscheduled changes

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  • 組立作業における作業者の生体情報の解析に基づくヒューマンエラーの予測—特集 働き方改革と生産性向上に向けた施工DX

    谷水 義隆

    クリーンテクノロジー = Clean technology : クリーン環境と清浄化技術の専門誌 / クリーンテクノロジー編集部 編   34 ( 5 ) 12 - 15  2024.05

  • オープン型宅配ロッカーの最適配置計画におけるマトリクス型GAの提案

    谷水 義隆

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会2023講演論文集   -   137 - 140  2023

  • 確率密度関数に基づく処理時間の不確実 性を考慮した生産スケジュールの評価

    佐野正樹, 谷水義隆, 松野思迪

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会2022 講演論文集    2022.03

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 生鮮水産物の直販におけるファジィ推論を用いたダイナミックプライシング

    谷水 義隆

    日本経営工学会2022年秋季大会予稿集   -   159 - 161  2022

  • A Study on Parcel Locker Location Problem in Last Mile Delivery

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, NAKAMURA Masato

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2022   S142-03  2022

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    As the EC markets are expanding, customers are increasingly demanding small lots and short delivery times. The need for efficient, fast, and convenient last mile delivery will likely continue to grow. One of the problems with the last mile delivery in supply chain management is the frequent redelivery of parcels due to the absence of consumers. Therefore, the use of parcel lockers can be expected to be significantly effective in reducing redeliveries. This research proposes a method for deciding parcel locker locations, which highly convenient not only for consumers but also for delivery companies from the viewpoint of minimizing both the detour distance from consumers’ travelling routes and the delivery distance of delivery companies. Numerical experiments are carried out by using road information obtained from detailed map data in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • 金型生産システムのリソース効率向上を目的としたサイバーフィジカルシステムの構築と実装

    松野 思迪, 高岡 隆成, 髙田 祥三, 谷水 義隆, 翁 嘉華, 高本 仁志, 石畝 学, 小島 史夫, 多田 憲生, 中村 昌弘

    日本経営工学会2021年秋季大会予稿集   2021  2021.11

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 共進化遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた分解・後処理スケジューリング手法の提案

    押元 宏樹, 谷水 義隆

    スケジューリング・シンポジウム2021講演論文集     179 - 184  2021.09

    Authorship:Last author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 作業者の準備段取作業を考慮したフレキシブルジョブショップスケジューリング

    山田航雅, 谷水義隆

    日本経営工学会2021年春季大会予稿集     286 - 287  2021.05

    Authorship:Last author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 分解・後処理スケジューリングにおけるスループットタイムを考慮した進化型計算アルゴリズムの改良

    押元宏樹, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会2020年度年次大会講演発表論文集    2020.09

    Authorship:Last author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 低炭素型サプライチェーンにおける生産スケジュールを考慮した積載便決定アルゴリズムの提案

    清田大和, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会2020年度年次大会講演発表論文集    2020.09

    Authorship:Last author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 作業者の準備段取作業を考慮したリアクティブスケジューリングシステムの開発

    谷水義隆, 後藤朱里

    日本機械学会2020年度年次大会講演発表論文集    2020.09

    Authorship:Lead author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • A reuse model based on remaining values of rechargeable batteries in closed-loop supply chains

    TANAKA Katsuya, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2019 ( 0 ) 106 - 106  2019

    DOI CiNii

  • Optimal disassembly scheduling considering post disassembly processes with genetic programming

    TANAKA Yousuke, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2019 ( 0 ) 204 - 204  2019

    DOI CiNii

  • A negotiation model with production consignment in resilient supply chains

    Sugimoto Masataka, Tanimizu Yoshitaka

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2019 ( 0 ) 107 - 107  2019

    DOI CiNii

  • A basic study of a pricing method in off-market distribution for fresh seafoods

    TANIGUCHI Yuya, SUGIMOTO Masataka, TANAKA Katsuya, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2018 ( 0 ) S1420003  2018

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    <p>Recently, off-market distribution of fresh sea foods becomes popular as diversifying of demands, increasing of internet sales, and growing retail businesses. However, it is difficult to determine suitable prices of fresh sea foods in off-market distribution since sea foods cannot be caught stably and stored for a long time. A dead stock or an out of stock of sea foods usually occurs.</p><p>In this paper, we propose a new pricing method of sea foods in off-market distribution. The proposed method changes selling prices of sea foods according to selling times in order to reduce the dead stock and prevent the out of stock of sea foods. A genetic algorithm is applied to the method for determining suitable prices of sea foods hourly to provide a large profit for fishermen.</p><p>Furthermore, we developed a sales simulation system and carried out computational experiments. We compared experimental results using a genetic algorithm and ones using an exhaustive search as a comparative method to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results demonstrate that the proposed method is more effective than the comparative method for pricing sea foods in off-market distributions.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Proposal of a three-layered dynamic supply chain model using backward scheduling

    KANBARA Rika, SUGIMOTO Masataka, TANAKA Katsuya, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2018 ( 0 ) S1420004  2018

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    <p>This research proposes a three-layered dynamic supply chain model using backward scheduling. The three-layered model consists of three components named Client, Manufacturer, and Supplier. The Manufacturers generate and send the orders of the parts of a product to the Supplier. The Manufacturer estimates processing times of the parts made by the Supplier and generates a production schedule by using forward scheduling. After that, the manufacturing operations in the production schedule are reallocated backward from the delivery times of products required by the Client, and the earliest starting times of the operations are determined as the required delivery times of the parts for the Supplier. The proposed model can increase the number of contracts and the profits by estimating the required delivery times of parts correctly in consideration of the lower limit of starting times of manufacturing operations in the Manufacturer. This research shows the effectiveness of the proposed model through computer simulations.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • レジリエントサプライチェーンのための外注を考慮した生産スケジュールの改善

    杉本真隆, 中谷亮太, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.S1420101  2017.09


  • 分解工程を考慮したリアクティブスケジューリングシステムの実機連携に関する検討

    田中耀喬, 野々宮偉之, 谷川智哉, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.S1420103  2017.09


  • 循環型サプライチェーンにおける二次電池の製品価値推定に関する研究

    田中勝也, 中谷亮太, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.S1420102  2017.09


  • 次世代セル生産システム

    谷水 義隆

    機械の研究 = Science of machine   69 ( 7 ) 555 - 560  2017.07


  • 心拍変動の解析による作業時間の予測とその実験的評価

    勝丸貴之, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集   2017   49‐50  2017.03


  • A study on tolerance design of machine tool components based on shape generation motions (Theoretical analysis considering rotational table positions)


    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   83 ( 848 ) 16 - 00561-16-00561  2017

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    &lt;p&gt;The kinematic motion deviations of the five-axis machining centers are deeply influenced by the geometric deviations of the components, such as guide-ways and bearings. A systematic design method is required for specifying suitable geometric tolerances of the guide-ways, in order to improve the kinematic motion deviations of five-axis machining centers. The objective of the present research is to establish a computer-aided design system for specifying a suitable set of the geometric tolerances of the guide-ways considering the trade-off between the requirements on the kinematic motion deviations and the ease of the manufacturing processes. A mathematical model was proposed in the previous papers to represent the standard deviations of the shape generation motions, based on the tolerance values of the guide-ways of the five-axis machining centers. A systematic method is proposed here considering the rotational table positions to determine a suitable set of the tolerance values of all the guide-ways under the constraints on the kinematic motion deviations between the tools and the workpieces. The method is applied to some design problems of the geometric tolerances of the guide-ways included in the five-axis machining centers.&lt;/p&gt;

    DOI CiNii

  • Prediction of assembly times based on analysis of heart rate variability and experimental evaluation

    KATSUMARU Takayuki, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2017 ( 0 ) 202 - 202  2017

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    ln cellular manufacturing systems, workers carry out the whole production activities, and the performance of workers&#039; activities changes during production processes. We are engaged in development of dynamic production management system. The previous study shows that the decrease of processing time depends on the learning level for work procedure. The purpose of this study is to predict processing times of workers in consideration of ability difference. This study proposes a method for analyzing workers&#039; heart rate variability to estimate the learning level in real time. The method determines the amount of change in processing times in response to activation level of parasympathetic nerve. Experimental results show that the proposed method is effective for prediction of processing times with consideration of personal differences.

    DOI CiNii

  • Rescheduling in consideration of contracting out manufacturing to external companies for resilient supply chains

    SUGIMOTO Masataka, NAKATANI Ryota, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2017 ( 0 )  2017

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    &lt;p&gt;Currently, supply chain networks are complicated and extended to worldwide with the globalization on business. When supply chain disruptions unexpectedly occur as a result of natural disaster or industrial accidents, suppliers sustain their business continuously. Supply chain resilience has been receiving an attention for the risk management. Supply chain resilience is known as the ability of adapting to a changing environment. Thus, the collaboration among supply chain members is important for improving supply chain resilience. In this paper, we propose a rescheduling strategy in order to recover the productivity after facing unscheduled disruptions. When suppliers need to interrupt manufacturing processes due to the disruptions and products cannot satisfy a given due date, suppliers can reduce tardiness and penalty charges for delays by contracting out the delayed products to external suppliers and restore production capacity to the state before the disruption occur. Furthermore, we propose a selection rule of delayed products for outsourcing. A prototype of supply chain simulation system is developed in order to evaluate the proposed strategy. We carry out computational experiments though the developed simulation system. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed strategy can reduce tardiness and penalty charge of suppliers and detect the most suitable selection rule for outsourcing.&lt;/p&gt;


  • A study of estimating the values of rechargeable batteries in closed-loop supply chains

    TANAKA Katsuya, NAKATANI Ryota, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2017 ( 0 )  2017

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    &lt;p&gt;Nowadays, environmental issues attract people&#039;s attention. Manufacturing companies need to plan their strategies considering environment as well as economy. Closed-loop supply chains are composed of forward supply chains and reverse supply chains including remanufacturers. Remanufacturers reuse and recycle the used products. Our previous study proposed a closed loop supply chain model for remanufacturers to increase the number of reusable products and their reward by estimating suitable values of the used products. We applied the model to rechargeable batteries. A retaining value of used rechargeable battery was estimated based on the current internal resistance of battery. However, the internal resistance may be changed with different condition of charging or discharging. In this study, we propose an estimation method of batteries&#039; capacity from continuously collected data of batteries&#039; internal resistance by using the least squares method. We carry out computational experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method from the viewpoint of remanufacturer&#039;s reward and the number of reusable products.&lt;/p&gt;


  • Experimental verification of reactive scheduling system for disassembly processes

    TANAKA Yousuke, NONOMIYA Hideyuki, TANIKAWA Tomoya, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2017 ( 0 )  2017

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    &lt;p&gt;In recent years, it is required to reduce the amount of waste since there is a growing interest in environmental issues. Hence, it is important to reuse and recycle the end-of-life products effectively. In the reusing and recycling process of products, a lot of components are disassembled and inspected to get reusable parts from the products. Thus, it is necessary to generate a suitable schedule for disassembly processes. We proposed a scheduling method using a genetic algorithm to find a suitable disassembly schedule. However, in an actual recycle factory, each product has a different condition, such as removing rust and slag, therefore an initial disassembly schedule should be improved considering the actual disassembly processes. Hence, a dynamic scheduling method is required to cope with such unforeseen changes in the actual disassembly processes. In this paper, we propose a reactive scheduling method to find an optimal disassembly schedule considering the operational situation of an actual machine. A prototype of reactive scheduling system is developed in order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. We carry out verification experiments though the developed scheduling system. The experimental results demonstrate that the new method is able to monitor the operational situation of an actual machine and improve a schedule.&lt;/p&gt;


  • 加工・組立工程を考慮した多階層動的サプライチェーンモデルの構築に関する基礎的研究

    中谷亮太, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.S1420101  2016.09


  • Deep Reinforcement Learningを用いたマシニングセンタのジョブ選択基準のモデル化

    菅野翼, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.S1410104  2016.09


  • 分解工程のための遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたスケジューリング手法の提案

    野々宮偉之, 谷水義隆, 谷川智哉, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.S1420205  2016.09


  • リアクティブスケジューリングにおける拡散共進化遺伝的アルゴリズムの拡張

    谷川智哉, 谷水義隆, 野々宮偉之

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.S1420204  2016.09


  • パラレルリンクロボットの構成要素の幾何公差に基づく公差設計に関する研究

    竹松良, 里中直樹, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2016   ROMBUNNO.S1430103  2016.09


  • A Study on Investment Planning Method of Production Equipment by Using Portfolio

    岩村 幸治, 高岡 麻衣, 谷水 義隆, 杉村 延広

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集   60   3p  2016.05


  • A study on modeling and analysis of parallel link robots based on geometric deviations

    竹松 良, 谷水 義隆, 岩村 幸治, 杉村 延広, 里中 直樹

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集   60   4p  2016.05


  • 植物工場におけるレタスの長期保存に関する基礎的研究

    竹松良, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広, 山口仁一, 木村一貫

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   60th   ROMBUNNO.223‐5  2016.05


  • 幾何偏差に基づくパラレルリンクロボットの運動偏差のモデル化と解析に関する研究

    竹松良, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広, 里中直樹

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   60th   ROMBUNNO.223‐7  2016.05


  • ポートフォリオを用いた生産設備の投資計画に関する研究

    岩村幸治, 高岡麻衣, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   60th   ROMBUNNO.223‐1  2016.05


  • A study on prediction of processing times based on analysis of workers' heart rate variability in cellular manufacturing

    勝丸貴之, 谷水義隆, 横谷隆志, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    電気学会次世代産業システム研究会資料   IIS-16 ( 1-4.6-17 ) 59‐62  2016.03


  • 308 Proposal of an economically collecting model for reuse of used products in closed-loop supply chains


    Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2016   95 - 96  2016.03

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    Environmental issues have become a serious problem in the last decade. We have been investigating a closed-loop supply chain model for reuse of used products. This study proposes a new negotiation model for further increasing the reuse of products and, thereby, reducing the waste. A simulation system of closed-loop supply chains is developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed negotiation model.


  • 309 A study on supply chain risk management for a low-frequency large-scale disaster : Experimental evaluation of a production and transportation scheduling method

    Fujita Masahide, Ito Masahiro, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Iwamura Koji, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2016   97 - 98  2016.03

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    This research proposes a scheduling strategy for suppliers to constantly obtain profits in global supply chains, in case where large scale disasters occasionally occur or not. Suppliers in the previous supply chain models minimize tardiness of ordered products in order to enter into a lot of contracts and reduce penalty charges for delays. A prototype of supply chain simulation system is developed to evaluate scheduling strategies of suppliers. We evaluate several scheduling strategies, such as the minimization of both the tardiness and the flow time through computational simulation in order for suppliers to find a suitable scheduling strategy in which the suppliers can manufacture the ordered products and deliver them before the occurrence of unpredictable disasters.


  • 310 Game Theoretical Models for Supply Chain Optimization

    Nishi Tatsushi, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Kaihara Toshiya

    Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2016   99 - 100  2016.03

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    Due to advance of ICT technologies and global manufacturing, the decentralized decision making of multi-tier supply chains for multiple retailers and manufacturers becomes more and more important to achieve cooperative and collaborative production in global supply chains. In such situations, game theoretical approaches for supply chain optimization to analyze coordination mechanism, leader-follower relationship, conflicts, and contracts for different manufacturing facilities are highly requested. In this paper, we address the classification of game theoretical supply chain planning models. Some of basic models and application modes are introduced.


  • A study on tolerance design of machine tool components based on shape generation motions


    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   82 ( 834 ) 15 - 00379-15-00379  2016

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    The kinematic motion deviations of the five-axis machining centers are deeply influenced by the geometric deviations of the components, such as guide-ways and bearings. A systematic design method is required for specifying suitable geometric tolerances of the guide-ways, in order to improve the kinematic motion deviations of five-axis machining centers. The objective of the present research is to establish a computer-aided design system for specifying a suitable set of the geometric tolerances of the guide-ways considering the trade-off between the requirements on the kinematic motion deviations and the ease of the manufacturing processes. A mathematical model was proposed in the previous papers to represent the standard deviations of the shape generation motions, based on the tolerance values of the guide-ways of the five-axis machining centers. A systematic method is proposed here, by applying an optimization method, to determine a suitable set of the tolerance values of all the guide-ways under the constraints on the kinematic motion deviations between the tools and the workpieces. The method is applied to some design problems of the geometric tolerances of the guide-ways included in the five-axis machining centers.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on tolerance design of parallel link robots based on geometric tolerance of components


    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2016 ( 0 )  2016

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    &lt;p&gt;A systematic procedure is proposed to design the tolerance values of the components under the constraints on the kinematic motion deviations of parallel link robots. The kinematic motion deviations of parallel link robots are influenced by geometric deviation of the components, such as bearing and joints. This research focus on the geometric tolerance of the joints and bearings of the parallel link robots. The tolerance values are set smaller and smaller, the manufacturing process become more difficult and costly. It is very important to design a suitable set of tolerance values of machine products from the view point of the both the product quality and the production costs. The objective of the research is to determine the tolerance values of joints theoretically under the constraints on the kinematic motion deviations of parallel link robots by applying ISO tolerance. The proposed method provide us with theoretical way considering both the difficulty and the cost of the manufacturing process by applying ISO tolerance to objective function.&lt;/p&gt;


  • Disassembly scheduling method using a genetic algorithm

    NONOMIYA Hideyuki, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, TANIKAWA Tomoya, IWAMURA Kouji, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2016 ( 0 )  2016

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    &lt;p&gt;In recent years, it is required to reduce the amount of waste since there is a growing interest in environmental issues. Hence, it is important to reuse and recycle the end-of-life products effectively. In the reusing and recycling process of products, a lot of components should be disassembled and inspected to get reusable parts from the products. Thus, it is necessary to carry out disassembly processes efficiently. However, it is difficult to find an optimal disassembly process since the complexity of the disassembly sequence increases with the number of parts of the products. Some studies have proposed scheduling methods using evolutionary algorithms to find a suitable disassembly schedule for a single product. However, these algorithms are considered neither the disassembly processes of multiple products nor the post processes of the disassembly processes, such as cleaning and inspecting, for reusing and recycling the parts disassembled from the products. In this paper, we propose a method using a genetic algorithm to find an optimal disassembly schedule considering both the disassembly processes of multiple products and the post processes for reusing and recycling the disassembled parts. A prototype of scheduling system is developed in order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. We carry out a large number of computational experiments though the developed scheduling system. The experimental results demonstrate that the new method is superior to the previous method from the viewpoint of the minimization of the whole disassembly and post-processing times.&lt;/p&gt;


  • Expansion of a diffuse co-evolutionary genetic algorithm in reactive scheduling

    TANIKAWA Tomoya, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, NONOMIYA Hideyuki

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2016 ( 0 )  2016

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    &lt;p&gt;Most of the existing studies about production scheduling are carried out to find an optimum production schedule before starting production activities. However, unpredictable disturbances may occur in the actual manufacturing environment. In that case, the predetermined production schedule can&#039;t be applied to a manufacturing system. The disturbed production schedule needs to be modified for unpredictable condition changes flexibly. In the previous study, a reactive scheduling method have been proposed in order to modify the production schedule in parallel with the production activities. The proposed method uses a diffuse co-evolutionary genetic algorithm searching for the most suitable production schedule in the solution space with global scope. However, the previous method may not be able to search in the local area of the solution space. Therefore, this study adds a new method to the previous method for searching in a local area as well as a global area. The new method focuses on an idle time in a production schedule to shorten the makespan. A prototype of reactive scheduling system is developed in order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Computational experiments demonstrate that the new method is superior to the previous method.&lt;/p&gt;


  • Modeling of Job Selection Criteria by Machining Center based on Deep Reinforcement Learning

    SUGANO Tsubasa, IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2016 ( 0 )  2016

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    &lt;p&gt;Multi-agent reinforcement learning has been applied to the autonomous distributed scheduling method based on utility values in order to improve the sum of earliness and tardiness of all jobs, in the previous researches. New distributed scheduling method is proposed by using deep reinforcement learning in this research. Firstly, job selection criteria of machining centers are proposed by using Q-learning based on status s of manufacturing system and value &lt;i&gt;Q&lt;/i&gt;(&lt;i&gt;s&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;a&lt;/i&gt;) of action a to determine utility values. Deep Q-network is one of deep reinforcement learning method. The Q-network is neural network model whose input data are status s and output data are value &lt;i&gt;Q&lt;/i&gt;(&lt;i&gt;s&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;a&lt;/i&gt;). Deep Q-network algorithm is applied to the proposed distributed scheduling method by using Q-learning in order to estimate the value &lt;i&gt;Q&lt;/i&gt;(&lt;i&gt;s&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;a&lt;/i&gt;) by machining center to select the suitable job for the distributed scheduling. Training of the Q-network are also carried out efficiently in the Deep Q-network algorithm.&lt;/p&gt;


  • A basic study on development of a multiple-layered dynamic supply chain model for machining and assembly processes

    NAKATANI Ryota, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2016 ( 0 )  2016

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    &lt;p&gt;Recently,supply chain management is required to cope with unforeseen changes of client&#039;s demand for products. We have proposed a multiple-layered dynamic supply chain model in the previous researches. This enables companies to contract with an appropriate company for each product. The proposed model consists of three components named clients, manufacturers, and suppliers. The manufacturers generate and send both the orders of the parts to the suppliers and the offers of the products to the clients. In this study, we propose a new model of manufacturer which not only machines a part but also assembles several parts and produces a product for a client after machining and assembling several parts obtained from different suppliers. We extend the model in order to cope with assembly processes as well as machining processes. The manufacturers receive several orders sent from suppliers and negotiate with the suppliers to generate a suitable offer for a client through machining and assembling scheduling processes. The effectiveness of the proposed model is verified through some computational experiments from the viewpoint of the number of contracts.&lt;/p&gt;


  • Proposal of an economically collecting model for reuse of used products in closed-loop supply chains


    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2016 ( 0 )  2016

     View Summary

    &lt;p&gt;Environmental issues have become a serious problem in the last decade. We have been investigating a closed-loop supply chain model for reuse of used products. This study proposes a new negotiation model for further increasing the reuse of products and, thereby, reducing the waste. A simulation system of closed-loop supply chains is developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed negotiation model.&lt;/p&gt;


  • Game Theoretical Models for Supply Chain Optimization

    Nishi Tatsushi, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Kaihara Toshiya

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2016 ( 0 )  2016

     View Summary

    &lt;p&gt;Due to advance of ICT technologies and global manufacturing, the decentralized decision making of multi-tier supply chains for multiple retailers and manufacturers becomes more and more important to achieve cooperative and collaborative production in global supply chains. In such situations, game theoretical approaches for supply chain optimization to analyze coordination mechanism, leader-follower relationship, conflicts, and contracts for different manufacturing facilities are highly requested. In this paper, we address the classification of game theoretical supply chain planning models. Some of basic models and application modes are introduced.&lt;/p&gt;


  • A study on supply chain risk management for a low-frequency large-scale disaster

    Fujita Masahide, Ito Masahiro, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Iwamura Koji, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2016 ( 0 )  2016

     View Summary

    &lt;p&gt;This research proposes a scheduling strategy for suppliers to constantly obtain profits in global supply chains, in case where large scale disasters occasionally occur or not. Suppliers in the previous supply chain models minimize tardiness of ordered products in order to enter into a lot of contracts and reduce penalty charges for delays. A prototype of supply chain simulation system is developed to evaluate scheduling strategies of suppliers. We evaluate several scheduling strategies, such as the minimization of both the tardiness and the flow time through computational simulation in order for suppliers to find a suitable scheduling strategy in which the suppliers can manufacture the ordered products and deliver them before the occurrence of unpredictable disasters.&lt;/p&gt;


  • 5軸加工機のための3DCAMを用いたスケジューリングシステムの開発

    岩村幸治, 石井大皓, 田宮隆宏, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    スケジューリング・シンポジウム講演論文集   2015   167 - 169  2015.09


  • 拡散共進化遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた生産スケジューリングシテムの開発

    野々宮偉之, 谷水義隆, 坂本道亮, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.S1440101  2015.09


  • 生産システムにおけるポートフォリオを用いた設備投資計画

    高岡麻衣, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.S1410101  2015.09


  • Social forceモデルを用いたAGVの搬送シミュレーションに関する研究

    CHEN Jie, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2015   ROMBUNNO.S1420101  2015.09


  • 形状創成理論に基づく工作機械の精度設計に関する基礎的研究

    竹松良, 杉村延広, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   59th   ROMBUNNO.152-6  2015.05


  • FMSにおける工具の数量・配分・割当決定に関する研究

    岩村幸治, 田中健太郎, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   59th   ROMBUNNO.152-3  2015.05


  • A Study on Method for Determining Number of Tools and Allocating Tools in FMS

    岩村 幸治, 田中 健太郎, 谷水 義隆

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集   59   4p  2015.05


  • 5軸加工機の効率的な運用のための3DCAMを用いたスケジューリングシステム

    石井大皓, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集   2015   91‐92  2015.03


  • Social forceモデルを用いた自律分散型AGVシステムの搬送シミュレーション

    CHEN Jie, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集   2015   69‐70  2015.03


  • 生産システムにおけるアセットマネジメントに基づく設備投資計画に関する研究―コストベースのリターンとリスクの算出―

    高岡麻衣, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集   2015   113‐114  2015.03


  • 総納期ずれ最小化のためのバックワードおよびマルチエージェント強化学習を用いたスケジューリング手法

    菅野翼, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM)   58th   ROMBUNNO.1E1‐5  2015


  • 201 Simulation for Transportation Processes of Autonomous Distributed AGV Systems by Using Social Force Model

    Chen Jie, Iwamura Koji, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2015 ( 0 ) 69 - 70  2015

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    The Social Force Model introduced is to represent physical interactions and congestions among the people and the environment.The Social Force Model computes a force impact from the pedestrian&#039;s self-consciousness while the other two illustrate interaction forces from other pedestrians and the walls.The interation force consists of a pspchological force resulting from distance between each other,and a physical force inspired by counteracting body compression and sliding friction.The Social force model is applied to the autonomous distributed AGV in order to avoid the collision and achieve the effective transportation process, in this research. Simulation model is constructed based on the social force model by using multi method simulator AnyLogic.


  • 214 Scheduling Systems by Using 3D CAM Aimed at High Production Efficiency for 5-Axis Machine Tools

    Ishii Hiroaki, Iwamura Koji, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2015 ( 0 ) 91 - 92  2015

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    In order to realize the efficient manufacturing thorough intensive manufacturing processes, 5-axis machine tools attract a wide attention. New scheduling systems are proposed by using 3DCAM aimed at high production efficiency for 5-axis machine tools, in this research. The scheduling systems consist of 3axis and 5axis CNC machine tools, 3DCAD database, Customized 3DCAM corresponding to types of machine tools, and the jobs. The proposed scheduling systems carry out following 3 steps. The individual machine tools refer the 3DCAD database to obtain the 3DCAD data of jobs which can be carried out next machining process in the first step. 3DCAM creates the NC data and estimates processing time of all jobs in second step. The individual machine tools and jobs carry out the autonomous distributed scheduling process in order to minimize the make-span in third step.


  • 412 A Study on Investment Planning Method of Production Equipment Based on Asset Management : Estimation of Cost Based Return and Risk

    Takaoka Mai, Iwamura Koji, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2015 ( 0 ) 113 - 114  2015

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    A new planning method is proposed to invest manufacturing equipment based on asset management in order to cope with fluctuations in demand for manufacturing systems, in this research. Some portfolios are set to consider candidates of the equipment investment. Returns and risks of the individual portfolios are required to select the best portfolio in the invest planning based on the asset management. The returns and the risks of the portfolios are obtained by using the returns and the risks of the investment of the individual manufacturing equipment. The returns and risks of the investment of the individual manufacturing equipment are calculated based on the averages and the variances of profit for the cases where the individual manufacturing equipment are invested under assumptions that candidate production plans and their probabilities are obtained.


  • S1410101 Investment Planning Method of Production Equipment by Using Portfolio

    TAKAOKA Mai, IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2015 ( 0 ) _S1410101 - -_S1410101-  2015

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    A new investment planning method is proposed to determine purchase of suitable production equipment considering demand fluctuations by using portfolio for manufacturing systems consisted of CNC machine tools and jobs in this research. The portfolios are set to consider candidates of the purchasing production equipment for investment. Returns and risks considering demand fluctuations of the individual portfolios are required to select the best portfolio in the proposed investment planning method. The returns and the risks of the portfolios are calculated by using the returns and the risks of the purchasing individual production equipment for investment under assumptions that candidate production plans and probabilities that production plans correspond to demand have already been obtained. Profit of the manufacturing system is estimated in the cases where the production plans are carried out by using the purchased production equipment and existing that in order to calculate the returns and the risks of the purchasing individual production equipment.


  • S1420101 A study on simulation of transportation process of AGV by using social force model

    Chen Jie, Iwamura Koji, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2015 ( 0 ) _S1420101 - -_S1420101-  2015

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    The Social force Model is introduced to represent physical interactions and congestions among the people and the environment. It introduces a quite general framework in which the details of the collision avoiding behaviour can be expressed through a function depending on the relative and absolute positions and velocities of the pedestrians. Even in its simplest formulation that uses only information about positions, the model describes correctly many qualitative features of pedestrian behaviour. The Social force Model is applied to the autonomous distributed AGV in order to analyze motion of them and to achieve the effective transportation process, in this research. Simulation model is constructed based on the Social force Model by using multi method simulator AnyLogic.


  • S1440101 Development of a production scheduling system using a diffuse co-evolutionary genetic algorithm

    NONOMIYA Hideyuki, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SAKAMOTO Michisuke, IWAMURA Kouji, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2015 ( 0 ) _S1440101 - -_S1440101-  2015

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    Dynamic scheduling methods are required to cope with unforeseen changes in the actual manufacturing environment. We have proposed a reactive scheduling method using a genetic algorithm in the previous researches. The proposed method modifies an initial production schedule, in case where unexpected changes occur in manufacturing systems in the progress of manufacturing processes. Previous study proposed a reactive scheduling method by using a diffuse co-evolutionary genetic algorithm in order to modify an initial production schedule by changing three decision variables, such as loading sequences, machining sequences, and job allocation to machine tools. In this study, we investigate the performance improvement of the existing reactive scheduling method from the viewpoint of minimization of make-span. There are two points to be improved in the genetic algorithm. First, we change the coding method of both machining sequences and job allocation to machine tools to find an optimum solution from a wider range of search space than the previous method. Second, we provide an individual selection method to escape from a local optimum solution. A prototype of reactive scheduling system is developed in order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Computational experiments demonstrate that the new method is superior to the previous method.


  • New Approaches towards "Service Manufacturing System" and "Resilient Manufacturing"

    KAIHARA Toshiya, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering   80 ( 10 ) 888 - 892  2014.10

    DOI CiNii

  • 生産システムにおけるアセットマネジメントに基づく設備投資計画に関する研究

    岩村幸治, 岡田翔太, 岡田翔太, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2014   ROMBUNNO.S1420103  2014.09


  • 大規模災害に対するサプライチェーンリスクマネジメントに関する基礎的研究

    藤田真英, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2014   ROMBUNNO.I70  2014.09


  • 循環型サプライチェーンにおけるリユース率向上のための交渉モデルの提案

    松井健太, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2014   ROMBUNNO.I69  2014.09


  • 生産システムにおけるアセットマネジメントに基づく設備投資計画に関する研究

    岩村幸治, 岡田翔太, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   58th   ROMBUNNO.211-1  2014.05


  • A Study on Equipment Investment Planning Based on Asset Management in Manufacturing Systems

    岩村 幸治, 岡田 翔太, 谷水 義隆

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集   58   3p  2014.05


  • 拡散共進化遺伝的アルゴリズムによるリアクティブスケジューリング手法の拡張

    酒井祐輝, 谷水義隆, 坂本道亮, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   89th   4.27  2014.03


  • グローバルサプライチェーンにおける生産能力の異なるサプライヤの選定方法に関する基礎的研究

    松下渉, 清水悠介, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   89th   4.23  2014.03


  • 歩留まりと作業時間のばらつきを考慮した作業者の工作機械への配置とスケジューリング

    岩村幸治, 森田浩平, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集   2014   95 - 96  2014.03


  • S1420103 A Study on Equipment Investment Planning Based on Asset Management in Manufacturing Systems

    IWAMURA Koji, OKADA Shota, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2014 ( 0 ) _S1420103 - -_S1420103-  2014

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    A new planning method is proposed to invest manufacturing equipments based on asset management in order to cope with fluctuations in demand for manufacturing systems, in this research. Some portfolios are set to consider candidates of the equipment investment. Returns and risks of the individual portfolios are required to select the best portfolio in the invest planning based on the asset management. The returns and the risks of the portfolios are obtained by using the returns and the risks of the investment of the individual manufacturing equipment. The returns and risks of the investment of the individual manufacturing equipment are calculated based on the averages and the variances of loads of manufacturing equipments under assumptions that candidate production plans and their probabilities are obtained.


  • 116 Assignment of Human Operators to Machine Tools and Scheduling Considering Statistical Distributions of Processing Times and Yields

    lwamura Koji, Morita Kohei, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2014 ( 0 ) 95 - 96  2014

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    A systematic method has been proposed, in previous paper, to allocate human operators to machine tools and to determine machining schedules considering statistical distributions of machining times. It was assumed that the processing times executed by the human operators are represented by random variables according to normal distributions, in the previous paper. However, normal distribution cannot express distributions of machining time enough e.g. case that probabilities of delay are larger than that of earliness. A new method is proposed, in this paper, to assign human operators to machine tools and to determine machining schedules considering statistical distributions of processing times under the assumption that the processing times executed by the human operators are represented by random variables according to beta distributions.


  • 427 Extension of a reactive scheduling method using a diffuse co-evolutionary genetic algorithm

    SAKAI Yuuki, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SAKAMOTO Michisuke, IWAMURA Kouji, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2014 ( 0 ) _4 - 27_  2014


  • 423 Basic Study on A Selection Method of Suppliers with Different Manufacturering Capacity in Global Supply Chains

    MATSUSHITA Wataru, SHIMIZU Yusuke, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2014 ( 0 ) _4 - 23_  2014


  • Proposal of a negotiation model for improvement of reuse rate in closed-loop supply chains

    Matsui Kenta, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Iwamura Koji, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2014 ( 0 ) 483 - 484  2014

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  • A basic study on supply chain risk management for large scale disasters

    Fujita Masahide, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Iwamura Koji, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2014 ( 0 ) 485 - 486  2014

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  • D026 A Work Instruction System Based on an Analysis of Learning Processes for Assembly Cells

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, ISHII Satoru, YOKOTANI Takashi, IWAMURA Koji, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st century : LEM21   2013 ( 7 ) 565 - 570  2013.11

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    The objective of this study is to propose a work instruction system for workers to understand the assembly processes quickly and reduce their assembly times of products without repeating same assembly processes. According to the learning curve of workers, it is important that the assembly time should be reduced from the first time the workers assemble the products in order to increase the productivity of cellular manufacturing systems. This study firstly analyzes the learning processes of workers and develops a work instruction system for assembly cells.


  • D024 Analysis of Kinematic Motion Deviations of Machining Centers Based on Geometric Tolerances

    TAKAHASHI Atsushi, YOSHIDA Arata, THASANA Wiroj, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji

    Proceedings of International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st century : LEM21   2013 ( 7 ) 553 - 558  2013.11

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    The objective of the present research is to establish mathematical models representing kinematic motion deviations of 5-Axis machining centers. A systematic procedure is proposed to estimate kinematic motion deviations of linear tables and rotary tables based on geometric deviations of guide-ways. A model is developed by combining both the models of the linear table and the rotary table and applied to the analysis of the 5-axis machining centers.


  • A030 A Simulation of Kinematic Deviations of Boring Processes on CNC Machining Centers

    THASANA Wiroj, TAKAHASHI Atsushi, YOSHIDA Arata, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji

    Proceedings of International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st century : LEM21   2013 ( 7 ) 141 - 146  2013.11

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    A simulation model is proposed in the paper to estimate and to verify the geometry deviations of the machined surfaces in the machining processes of CNC machining centers and single point tools. The model proposed here represents the boring processes based on both the shape generation motions and the cutting tool geometries. The individual motions are mathematically described by 4 by 4 transformation matrices including the kinematic motion deviations. Emphasis is given to the modeling and analysis of the machining process of the single point tools.


  • 生産システムにおけるリスクを考慮した設備投資に関する研究

    岡田翔太, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広, 塩谷景一

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.S142013  2013.09


  • 加工時間の確率分布を考慮した工作機械への作業者配置とスケジューリング

    森田浩平, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2013   ROMBUNNO.S142012  2013.09


  • 植物工場における生産コスト分析と生産計画

    中井晃佑, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2013   ROMBUNNO.M66 - 752  2013.08


  • 負荷平準化および搬送最適化を考慮した工具配分に関する研究

    岩村幸治, 古谷大, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2013   ROMBUNNO.M62 - 748  2013.08


  • 5軸マシニングセンタの運動偏差のモデル化と解析に関する研究

    吉田新, 高橋淳, THASANA Wiroj, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2013   ROMBUNNO.B45 - 98  2013.08


  • 工作機械の運動偏差のモデル化と解析に関する研究(5軸マシニングセンタのモデル化と運動偏差の解析)

    高橋淳, 吉田新, THASANA Wiroj, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   57th   ROMBUNNO.132-3  2013.05


  • 作業者の教育計画に関する研究―生産計画を考慮した研修の優先度―

    岩村幸治, 田中健太郎, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   57th   ROMBUNNO.125-1  2013.05


  • A Study on Education Plans of Human Operators : Priorities of Training Considering Production Plans

    岩村 幸治, 田中 健太郎, 谷水 義隆

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集   57   4p  2013.05


  • 低炭素型サプライチェーンにおける経済性を考慮した生産スケジュールと輸送スケジュールの多目的最適化

    天野勝文, 谷水義隆, 伊藤寛将, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2013   ROMBUNNO.F17  2013.02



    Iwamura Koji, Tagashira Hiroya, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling   2013   8 - 11  2013

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    A new method is proposed, in this paper, to assign human operators to machine tools and to determine machining schedules considering statistical distributions of processing times. The proposed method consists of following three steps. The human operators are assigned to machine tools by using 0-1 integer programming, in order to minimize a total of standard deviations of processing times, in the first step. Some feasible machining schedules are determined for the individual machine tools by using a set of dispatching rules, in the second step. The statistical distributions of the makespans are calculated for the individual scheduling results by applying Clark's formula in order to select the machining schedule which minimizes the estimated maximum value of the makespan, in the third step.


  • S142012 Assingnment of Human Operators to Machine Tools and Scheduling Considering Stochastic Distribution of Processing Times

    MORITA Kohei, IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013 ( 0 ) _S142012 - 1-_S142012-5  2013

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    A systematic method has been proposed, in previous paper, to allocate human operators to machine tools and to determine machining schedules considering statistical distributions of machining times. It was assumed that the processing times executed by the human operators are represented by random variables according to normal distributions, in the previous paper. However, normal distribution cannot express distributions of machining time enough e.g. case that probabilities of delay are larger than that of earliness. A new method is proposed, in this paper, to assign human operators to machine tools and to determine machining schedules considering statistical distributions of processing times under the assumption that the processing times executed by the human operators are represented by random variables according to beta distributions.


  • S142013 A Study on Equipment Investment Considering Risk for Manufacturing System

    OKADA Shota, IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGMURA Nobuhiro, SHIOTANI Keiichi

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013 ( 0 ) _S142013 - 1-_S142013-4  2013

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    A new systematic method is proposed to invest manufacturing equipments in order to cope with fluctuations in demand, in this research. Conventional researches have been carried out to propose the methods for the equipment investment considering the fluctuations in demand. However, the risks of the equipment investment are not discussed in the conventional researches. Returns and risks are defined based on averages and variances in economic science. The returns and the risks for the equipment investment are defined based on the averages and the variances of loads of manufacturing equipments under assumptions that candidate production plans and their probabilities are set to cope with the fluctuations in demand, in this research.


  • 304 Autonomous Distributed Scheduling by Using Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for Minimizing Sum of Earliness and Tardiness

    Iwamura Koji, Yokote Takayuki, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2013 ( 0 ) 33 - 34  2013

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    Multi-agent reinforcement learning have been applied to the autonomous distributed scheduling method in order to improve the objective functions of individual job agents and resource agents, in the previous researches. New distributed scheduling method is proposed to improve the sum of earliness and tardiness of all job agents by applying multi-agent reinforcement learning to resource agents, in this research. The resource agents learn the selection criteria of job agents for next machining operation based on the status of manufacturing systems. Some case studies have been carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • 307 Proposal and experimental evaluation of reactive scheduling method for machining and assembly processes

    Uchino Sosuke, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sakai Yuuki, Sakamoto Michisuke, Iwamura Koji, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2013 ( 0 ) 59 - 60  2013

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    This research proposes a new reactive scheduling method using co-evolutionary genetic algorithms for machining and assembly processes in a manufacturing system. Reactive scheduling is a technique of improving a disturbed initial production schedule due to some changes, such as delays of manufacturing processes, occurred in a manufacturing system. Co-evolutionary genetic algorithms are extended in this research to deal with the modification of production schedules including not only machining processes but also assembly processes. A prototype of reactive scheduling system is developed in order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method through some computational experiments.


  • 309 Development and Evaluation of Dynamic Production Management System Using Multi-Objective Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Cellular Manufacturing

    IWAKURA Tatsuya, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, YOKOTANI Takashi, IWAMURA Koji, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2013 ( 0 ) 63 - 64  2013

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    Cellular manufacturing systems are well known as flexible and reliable manufacturing systems for assembly processes. A suitable control method is required for the cellular manufacturing systems to keep the production capacity in the case where unforeseen changes, such as delay of assembly processes, occur during the progress of assembly processes. This research proposes a new method for dynamic production management in the cellular manufacturing systems. When delays of assembly processes occur in the cellular manufacturing systems, delayed production schedules are modified in real-time by changing initial task allocations for workers and loading sequences of the allocated tasks in order to minimize the maximum tardiness of products. The method also allocates various tasks for untrained workers in order to enhance workers&#039; capabilities and productivities in the case where the cellular manufacturing systems still have enough production capacities for minimizing the maximum tardiness. A prototype of task reallocation and rescheduling system is developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • 115 Proposal of a closed-loop supply chain model for parts reuse considering economic efficiency

    SHIMIZU Yusuke, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, MATSUSHITA Wataru, IWAMURA Koji, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2013 ( 0 ) 97 - 98  2013

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    This research proposes a closed-loop supply chain model which represents not only traditional forward supply chains for the generation of products but also reverse supply chains for the reuse of used products. The proposed model consists of four model components, these are clients, manufacturers, suppliers, and remanufacturers. Remanufacturers receive used products from clients and provide reusable parts to manufacturers. These model components modify their production schedules and negotiate with each other in order to determine suitable prices and delivery times of ordered products. Remanufacturers send orders for used products to clients and stimulate discarding the products, in order to control the balance of demand and supply of reusable parts. A prototype of simulation system for closed-loop supply chains was developed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed closed-loop supply chain model.


  • A Study on Tool Assignment Considering Load Balancing and Optimization of Transportation

    Iwamura Koji, Furutani Dai, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2013 ( 0 ) 747 - 748  2013

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    FMSの主な構成要素であるMCは,多数の工具を配備することにより柔軟性の高い加工を行うことが可能である.ただし,工具のコストや工具マガジン容量の制約のため,加工に必要な工具をすべてのMC に配備できるとは限らない.そこで,FMSを効率良く運用するには,工具を適切にMC に割り当てることが重要になる.本研究では,負荷平準化と搬送効率の両方を考慮した工具配分手法を提案する.

    DOI CiNii

  • Production Planning and Analysis of Production Costs in Plant Factory

    Nakai Kousuke, Sugimura Nobuhiro, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Iwamura Koji

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2013 ( 0 ) 751 - 752  2013

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    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Modeling and Analysis of Kinematic Motion Deviation of Five-Axis Machine Tools

    Yoshida Arata, Takahashi Atsushi, Thasana Wiroj, Sugimura Nobuhiro, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Iwamura Koji

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2013 ( 0 ) 97 - 98  2013

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    本研究では工作機械のうち,5 軸マシニングセンタに着目し,その構成要素において幾何学的偏差を含むモデルを作成した.その上で,構成要素の幾何学的偏差が一定である時,2種類の回転テーブルの回転量の違いが工作物に対する工具の位置と姿勢に与える影響を解析する.

    DOI CiNii

  • Multi-objective optimization of production schedules and transportation schedules considering economic efficiency in low-carbon supply chains

    Amano Katuhumi, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Ito Hiromasa, Iwamura Koji, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2013 ( 0 ) 397 - 398  2013

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    DOI CiNii

  • 工作機械の形状創成運動偏差に関する研究―回転テーブルの運動偏差について―

    杉村延広, THASANA Wiroj, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆

    自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM)   55th   ROMBUNNO.1C205  2012.11


  • 加工時間のばらつきを考慮した工作機械への作業者の配置

    岩村幸治, 田頭宏哉, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM)   55th   ROMBUNNO.1C206  2012.11


  • 数理計画法を用いた作業者の教育計画に関する研究

    岩村幸治, 西濱大佑, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2012   ROMBUNNO.S142014  2012.09


  • 加工・組立を考慮した共進化遺伝的アルゴリズムによるリアクティブスケジューリング

    内野聡介, 谷水義隆, 酒井祐樹, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2012   ROMBUNNO.K42 - 764  2012.09


  • 生産計画を考慮した作業者の教育計画に関する研究―数理計画法に基づく教育計画の作成―

    岩村幸治, 西濱大佑, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   56th   ROMBUNNO.M32-4  2012.05


  • 高循環型リバースサプライチェーンの運用に関する基礎的研究

    清水悠介, 谷水義隆, 松下渉, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   56th   ROMBUNNO.M12-5  2012.05


  • 多目的ハイブリッドGAを用いたセル生産の動的生産管理システムの開発

    谷水義隆, 岩倉達也, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2012   ROMBUNNO.N13  2012.03


  • 104 A Study on Tool Assignment Considering Load Balancing and Optimization of Transportation Based on Mathematical Programming

    Iwamura Koji, Furutani Dai, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2012 ( 0 ) 25 - 26  2012

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    A new tool allocation method is proposed, in this paper, to consider both load balancing and optimization of transportation based on mathematical programming. The proposed tool allocation method consists of two steps. In the first step, the individual tools are divided into tool sets based on the integer programming, in order to balance the total machining time by using the individual tool sets and reduce the number of transportation. In the second step, the individual tool sets are assigned to the MCs based on the quadratic assignment problem, in order to minimize the transportation distance of jobs. Some case studies have been carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • S142014 Education Planning of Human Operators by Using Mathematical Programming

    IWAMURA Koji, NISHIHAMA Daisuke, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2012 ( 0 ) _S142014 - 1-_S142014-4  2012

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    This paper deals with an education planning method of human operators considering production plans. The human operators carry out the machining operations by using manual machine tools based on their skills in the target manufacturing systems. The individual human operators can obtain the new skills to operate the machine tools by receiving the trainings. New education planning method is proposed based on the integer programming in this research. The integer programming determines the suitable numbers of training and that of machining operations executed by human operators for productions.


  • 加工・組立を考慮した共進化遺伝的アルゴリズムによるリアクティブスケジューリング

    内野 聡介, 谷水 義隆, 酒井 祐輝, 岩村 幸治, 杉村 延広

    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集   2012 ( 0 ) 763 - 764  2012

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    DOI CiNii

  • Development of dynamic production management system using multi-objective hybrid GA for cellular manufacturing

    Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Iwakura Tatsuya, Iwamura Koji, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2012 ( 0 ) 1057 - 1058  2012

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    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Development of Adaptive Strategies in Dynamic Supply Chains (Proposal and Experimental Evaluation of Order Selection Methods)

    谷水義隆, 織田文太郎, 清水悠介, 小澤知里, 前田泰宏, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会論文集 C編(Web)   77 ( 784 ) 4339-4351 (WEB ONLY) - 4351  2011.12

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    Our previous researches proposed a dynamic supply chain model, which consists of model components such as suppliers, manufacturers, and clients. The model provided a systematic method to determine suitable prices and delivery times of ordered products based on both scheduling processes and negotiation processes among the model components. This research proposes an order selection method using parallel scheduling for suppliers to select a suitable order in a number of orders sent from lower model components in dynamic supply chains. Some heuristic rules are also proposed as other selection methods for suitable orders in the research. The scheduling based selection method is compared with the rule based selection methods though some computational experiments in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. © 2011 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.


  • Extension of a reactive scheduling method using co-evolutionary genetic algorithms under precedence constraints

    Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Uchino Sosuke, Iwamura Koji, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2011 ( 0 ) 57 - 58  2011.12

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    DOI CiNii

  • マルチエージェント強化学習を用いた自律分散型スケジューリング―納期ずれ最小化のためのジョブ選択の学習―

    横手隆幸, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM)   54th   ROMBUNNO.2J405  2011.11


  • 加工時間のばらつきを考慮した作業者の配置に関する研究

    田頭宏哉, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2011   ROMBUNNO.S141013  2011.09


  • セル生産における習熟過程の分析と作業支援システムの開発

    谷水義隆, 石井知, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2011   ROMBUNNO.S141014  2011.09


  • 順序制約を考慮した共進化遺伝的アルゴリズムによるリアクティブスケジューリング手法の拡張

    谷水義隆, 内野聡介, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2011   ROMBUNNO.B21 - 58  2011.09


  • Adaptive Strategies and Sustainability in Dynamic Supply Chain Environments

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    計測と制御 = Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers   50 ( 7 ) 469 - 475  2011.07


  • 工作機械の形状創成理論に基づく幾何学的偏差のモデル化と解析

    杉村延広, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   55th   ROMBUNNO.W25-4  2011.05


  • 看護動作におけるボディダイナミクスに関する基礎的研究

    入江茉耶, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治, 福井裕

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   86th   7.18  2011.03


  • 二階層動的サプライチェーンにおける二酸化炭素排出量削減のための輸送モデルの拡張

    谷水義隆, 天野勝文, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2011   ROMBUNNO.G67  2011.03


  • FMSにおける負荷平準化および搬送時間を考慮した工具配分に関する研究

    平野正樹, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2011   ROMBUNNO.G64  2011.03



    Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Ozawa Chisato, Shimizu Yusuke, Orita Buntaro, Iwamura Koji, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling   2011   39 - 44  2011

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    Previous researches provided a two-layered supply chain model consisting of a set of clients and suppliers. This research proposes a new model representing multi-layered dynamic supply chains and a negotiation process among multi-layered organizations. The organizations in the middle-layers generate both orders of parts for suppliers and offers of products for clients. Production schedules in the middle-layers continue to be modified after sending orders to suppliers. Suppliers simultaneously generate and modify sets of production schedules for individual orders to find the most profitable order of all. The effectiveness of the model and the negotiation process is evaluated through computational experiments.



    Iwamura Koji, Yoshioka Takuya, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling   2011   51 - 56  2011

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    A new scheduling method is proposed, in this paper, to consider the statistical distribution of processing time of human operators. The proposed scheduling method consists of two steps. In the first step, the machining schedules are determined for the individual machine tools based on average processing time. In the second step, the candidate human operators are assigned to the individual machine tools taking into consideration of the statistical distribution of the processing time which are represented by normal distributions. The scheduling system is also developed to carry out the proposed scheduling method by using processing time database.


  • 10-214 Industry's Expectations and Development Issues on High Technology Specialists

    ONOSATO Masahiko, IWATA Kazuaki, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    Proceedings of Annual Conference of JSEE   2011 ( 0 ) 458 - 459  2011


  • 208 A Study on Education Plan of Human Operators Considering Production Schedules : Modeling of Manufacturing System for Education Plan

    Nishihama Daisuke, Iwamura Koji, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2011 ( 0 ) 55 - 56  2011

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    This paper deals with an education planning method of human operator considering production schedules. The human operators carry out the machining operations by using manual machine tools based on their skills in the target manufacturing systems. The individual human operators can obtain the new skills to operate the machine tools by receiving the trainings. New education planning method is formulated based on the goal programming in this research. The proposed education planning method determine the suitable number of operations for making products and receiving training in order to keep the regular working hours and to maximize the priorities. The priorities represent the indices of the required skills according to the production schedules.


  • 210 Evaluation of multi-layered dynamic supply chain models by using simulation

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SHIMIZU Yusuke, IWAMURA Koji, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2011 ( 0 ) 71 - 72  2011

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    This research proposes a three-layered dynamic supply chain model consisting of suppliers, manufacturers, and clients as a minimum model for multi-layered dynamic supply chains. Each organization can change the configurations of supply chains by selecting the most profitable order. This research provides a cooperative negotiation process among the three-layered organizations. A prototype of simulation system was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the three-layered model. The experimental results showed that the manufactures and the suppliers entered into more contracts and obtained more profits, and the clients obtained ordered products at lower prices than required prices of the initial orders, by continuing to modify the production schedules of the manufacturers after sending the orders to the suppliers.


  • 718 Astudy on motion analysis for nursing operationsbased on two-dimensional skeletal model

    IRIE Maya, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji, FUKUI Yutaka

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2011 ( 0 ) _7 - 18_  2011


  • S141013 A study on allocation of human operators considering statistical distribution of machining time

    TAGASHIRA Hiroya, IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2011 ( 0 ) _S141013 - 1-_S141013-4  2011

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    New operator allocation method is proposed, in this paper, to consider the statistical distribution of machining time executed by human operators. The proposed operator allocation method consists of two steps. In the first step, the candidate human operators are allocated to the individual machine tools based on 0-1 programming problem which minimizes the summation of standard deviation of machining time for all the machining operations. In the second step, the machining schedules are determined for the individual machine tools by using dispatching rules. Monte Carlo simulations are carried out in order to estimate the standard deviation of make span of machining schedule obtained by the proposed operator allocation method.


  • S141014 Analysis of Learning Processes and Development of a Work Support System in Cellular Manufacturing

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, ISHII Satoru, IWAMURA Koji, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2011 ( 0 ) _S141014 - 1-_S141014-3  2011

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    Cellular manufacturing systems are well known as flexible manufacturing systems for assembly processes. Single workers carry out all assembly processes of products in the cellular manufacturing systems. The cellular manufacturing systems are required to cope with dynamic changes of product mix and production volumes. The workers are not able to be trained by repeating same assembly processes. This research proposes a work support method for the workers to shorten assembly times of products without a repeat of training. Based on the analysis of learning curve effects for workers, a prototype of work support system is developed and applied to some experiments.


  • Autonomous Distributed Scheduling by Using Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning

    Yokote Takayuki, Iwamura Koji, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference   54 ( 0 ) 405 - 405  2011

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    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Tool Assignment Considering Load Balancing and Transportation Time in FMS

    Hirano Masaki, Iwamura Koji, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2011 ( 0 ) 555 - 556  2011

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    A new tool allocation method is proposed, in this paper, to consider both the load balancing among the machining centers (MCs) and the transportation time of jobs between the MCs. The proposed tool allocation method consists of two steps. In the first step, the individual tools are assigned to the tool sets based on the integer programming, in order to balance the load among the tool sets. In the second step, the individual tool sets are assigned to the MCs based on the quadratic assignment problem, in order to minimize the transportation time of jobs. Some case studies have been carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    DOI CiNii

  • Extension of transportation models for carbon dioxide emissions reductions in two-layered dynamic supply chains

    Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Amano Katuhumi, Iwamura Koji, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2011 ( 0 ) 559 - 560  2011

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    DOI CiNii

  • 加工ショップにおける生産計画を考慮した作業者の教育計画に関する研究

    西濱大祐, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2010   ROMBUNNO.B37  2010.09


  • 信頼性を考慮した動的サプライチェーンの適応戦略の評価

    谷水義隆, 山崎仁博, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2010   ROMBUNNO.B35  2010.09


  • 作業者の希望と生産効率を考慮した自律分散型リアルタイムスケジューリング

    岩村幸治, 林斉, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2010   ROMBUNNO.B31  2010.09


  • 順序制約を考慮した共進化遺伝的アルゴリズムによるリアクティブスケジューリング

    谷水義隆, 田辺大輔, 小松祐介, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   54th   ROMBUNNO.T26-6  2010.05


  • デジタルヒューマンのための前腕ひねり作業のモデリング―前腕の骨格を考慮した上肢のモデリング―

    平山裕基, 杉村延広, 福井裕, 川野常夫, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   85th   4.23  2010.03


  • 作業者の希望を考慮した勤務スケジューリングとシミュレーションによる評価

    岩村幸治, 中谷圭佑, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集   2010   83 - 84  2010.03


  • 人材の活用と育成を考慮したセル生産システムの動的生産管理

    清水泰介, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集   2010   81 - 82  2010.03


  • ものづくりにおける実践知―国内製造企業調査にみる高度スキルの現状―

    岩田一明, 小野里雅彦, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集   2010   97 - 98  2010.03


  • 工作機械の運動偏差のモデル化と解析に関する研究(回転テーブルのモデル化と解析)

    綿引仁美, 杉村延広, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集   2010   25 - 26  2010.03


  • Development of scheduling system considering statistical distribution of machining time executed by human operators

    Koji Iwamura, Takuya Yoshioka, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   76 ( 766 ) 1602 - 1609  2010

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    In the scheduling problems of the manufacturing systems with human operators, it is not easy to consider variation of machining time which are different from operator to operator. New scheduling method is proposed, in this paper, to consider the statistical distribution of machining time executed by human operators. It is assumed that the machining time executed by human operators are obtained by normal distribution. The proposed scheduling method consists of two steps. In the first step, the sequences of machining operations are determined for the individual machining tools by using utility value based method. In the second step, the candidate human operators are allocated to the individual machining tools taking into consideration of the statistical distribution of the machining time of the individual human operators. The scheduling system is also developed to carry out the proposed scheduling method by using machining time database. Some case studies have been carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • A study on development of adaptive strategies in dynamic supply chains (extension of two-layered model considering transportation constraint)

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Kana Harada, Chisato Ozawa, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   76 ( 772 ) 3752 - 3759  2010

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    Supply chain should be continuously designed and redesigned in order to dynamically configure suitable clients and suppliers in multiple supply chains. Previous researches proposed a dynamic configuration method of two-layered supply chains consisting of a set of clients and suppliers. The proposed method provided suitable delivery times and prices of products by the negotiation between clients and suppliers and by the modification of existing production schedules of suppliers. This research proposes a new model of two-layered dynamic supply chains considering transportation constraint. The new model provides a method for the suppliers to estimate delivery times and prices of products based on not only production schedules but also transportation plans that include constraints about shipping times and loading capacities for transportation. A prototype of dynamic supply chain simulation system was developed and some computational experiments were carried out in order to verify the effectiveness of the new model. The experimental results showed that the prototype system obtained a set of suitable shipping times and loading capacities.


  • A study on development of adaptive strategies in dynamic supply chains (Proposal of models and negotiation processes for multi-layered supply chains)

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Chisato Ozawa, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   76 ( 772 ) 3212 - 3219  2010

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    This research proposes a new model representing multi-layered dynamic supply chains and a new negotiation process among components. The proposed model consists of three components named clients, manufacturers, and suppliers. The manufacturers generate and send both the orders of the parts to the suppliers and the offers of the products to the clients. The manufacturers continue to modify their production schedules after sending their orders of the parts to the suppliers, in order to improve their schedules to manufacture the ordered products. Therefore, the manufacturers are able to satisfy the requirements on the delivery time of the ordered products, even if the possible delivery time from suppliers does not satisfy the required delivery time from the manufacturers. The effectiveness of the proposed model and negotiation processes is verified through some computational experiments from the viewpoint of profits.


  • Development of scheduling system considering statistical distribution of machining time executed by human operators

    Koji Iwamura, Takuya Yoshioka, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   76 ( 766 ) 1602 - 1609  2010

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    In the scheduling problems of the manufacturing systems with human operators, it is not easy to consider variation of machining time which are different from operator to operator. New scheduling method is proposed, in this paper, to consider the statistical distribution of machining time executed by human operators. It is assumed that the machining time executed by human operators are obtained by normal distribution. The proposed scheduling method consists of two steps. In the first step, the sequences of machining operations are determined for the individual machining tools by using utility value based method. In the second step, the candidate human operators are allocated to the individual machining tools taking into consideration of the statistical distribution of the machining time of the individual human operators. The scheduling system is also developed to carry out the proposed scheduling method by using machining time database. Some case studies have been carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    DOI CiNii

  • Manufacturing phronesis (a report on higher skills analysis and proposals for phronesis cultivation)

    Kazuaki Iwata, Masahiko Onosato, Yoshitaka Tanimizu

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   76 ( 772 ) 3184 - 3189  2010

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on development of adaptive strategies in dynamic supply chains (Proposal of models and negotiation processes for multi-layered supply chains)

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Chisato Ozawa, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   76 ( 772 ) 3212 - 3219  2010

     View Summary

    This research proposes a new model representing multi-layered dynamic supply chains and a new negotiation process among components. The proposed model consists of three components named clients, manufacturers, and suppliers. The manufacturers generate and send both the orders of the parts to the suppliers and the offers of the products to the clients. The manufacturers continue to modify their production schedules after sending their orders of the parts to the suppliers, in order to improve their schedules to manufacture the ordered products. Therefore, the manufacturers are able to satisfy the requirements on the delivery time of the ordered products, even if the possible delivery time from suppliers does not satisfy the required delivery time from the manufacturers. The effectiveness of the proposed model and negotiation processes is verified through some computational experiments from the viewpoint of profits.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on development of adaptive strategies in dynamic supply chains (extension of two-layered model considering transportation constraint)

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Kana Harada, Chisato Ozawa, Koji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   76 ( 772 ) 3752 - 3759  2010

     View Summary

    Supply chain should be continuously designed and redesigned in order to dynamically configure suitable clients and suppliers in multiple supply chains. Previous researches proposed a dynamic configuration method of two-layered supply chains consisting of a set of clients and suppliers. The proposed method provided suitable delivery times and prices of products by the negotiation between clients and suppliers and by the modification of existing production schedules of suppliers. This research proposes a new model of two-layered dynamic supply chains considering transportation constraint. The new model provides a method for the suppliers to estimate delivery times and prices of products based on not only production schedules but also transportation plans that include constraints about shipping times and loading capacities for transportation. A prototype of dynamic supply chain simulation system was developed and some computational experiments were carried out in order to verify the effectiveness of the new model. The experimental results showed that the prototype system obtained a set of suitable shipping times and loading capacities.

    DOI CiNii

  • 103 A Study on Modeling and Analysis of Motion Deviations of Machine Tools : Rotary Tables

    WATABIKI Hitomi, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2010 ( 0 ) 25 - 26  2010

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    Machine tools are recognized as key components of manufacturing systems, and product quality and cost mainly depend on performances of the machine tools. Much progress has been made in the machine tool technologies, aimed at improving the performances of the machine tools from various viewpoints, such as accuracy, reliability, productivity, and flexibility. The machining accuracy is one of the most important characteristics of the machine tools. From the viewpoints of the design and the manufacturing of the machine tools and their components, one of the important issues is to clarify the relationships between the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools and the geometric tolerances of the components, such as the guide ways and the bearings. The objective of the present research is to establish mathematical models representing the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools, on the basis of the geometric tolerances of the components, and to apply the models to theoretical analysis of the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tool components.


  • 311 Dynamic production management for effective utilization and development of human resources in cellular manufacturing systems

    SHIMIZU Taisuke, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2010 ( 0 ) 81 - 82  2010

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    Cellular manufacturing systems are well known as flexible and reliable manufacturing systems for assembly processes. A suitable control method is required for the cellular manufacturing systems to keep the production capacity in the case where unforeseen changes, such as delays of assembly processes, occur during the progress of assembly processes. This research proposes a new method for dynamic production management in the cellular manufacturing systems. When delays of assembly processes occur in the cellular manufacturing systems, delayed production schedules are modified in real-time by changing initial task allocations for workers and orders of the allocated tasks in order to minimize the total tardiness of products. The proposed method considers learning levels of workers in the task allocation processes. The method allocates various tasks for untrained workers in order to enhance workers&#039; capabilities and productivities in the case where the total tardiness is less than zero and the cellular manufacturing systems still have enough production capacities. A prototype of reallocation supporting system is developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • 312 Work scheduling considering preferences of human operators and simulation for evaluation

    IWAMURA Koji, NAKATANI Kesuke, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2010 ( 0 ) 83 - 84  2010

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    This paper deals with a work scheduling method considering preferences of human operators. The human operators indicate the weights of preference for their holidays, in the proposed scheduling method. The machining skills of human operators are also considered to generate the work schedule. The proposed work scheduling method is formulated by integer programming problem. Its objective function is to maximize the number of holidays which correspond to requests of human operators. And its constraints are number of holidays which are determined by the labor standards act, and the number of human operators which can carry out the machining processes from the view point of their skills.


  • 119 Manufacturing Phronesis : the present situation of higher skills observed in research studies of domestic manufactures

    IWATA Kazuaki, ONOSATO Masahiko, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2010 ( 0 ) 97 - 98  2010

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    Important activities in manufacturing such as R&amp;D, design, production management, production engineering, and manufacturing operation need advanced skills formed as results of a number of practices and thinking. We name these skills manufacturing phronesis. Manufacturing phronesis in Japanese industry has been decreasing while it is a key resource for competitive products. This paper reports the present state of manufacturing phronesis in Japanese manufacturers based on the analysis of questionnaire survey and interviews to engineers.


  • 419 Modeling of twisting motion of forearms for digital human models : Modeling of arms considering forearm structures

    HIRAYAMA Yuki, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, FUKUI Yutaka, KAWANO Tsunao, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2010 ( 0 ) _4 - 23_  2010


  • Autonomous Distributed Real-time Scheduling Considering Preferences of Human Operators and Production Efficiency

    Iwamura Koji, Hayashi Hitoshi, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2010 ( 0 ) 87 - 88  2010

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    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluation of adaptive strategies of dynamic supply chains in terms of reliability

    Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Yamazaki Hitohiro, Iwamura Koji, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2010 ( 0 ) 95 - 96  2010

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    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Education Plan of Human Operators Considering Production Schedules for Machining Shops

    Nishihama Daisuke, Iwamura Kouji, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2010 ( 0 ) 97 - 98  2010

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    DOI CiNii

  • Reactive Scheduling Using Co-evolutionary Genetic Algorithms under Precedence Constraints

    Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Tanabe Daisuke, Komatsu Yuusuke, Iwamura Koji, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers   10 ( 0 ) 173 - 173  2010

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    DOI CiNii

  • Analysis of kinematic motion deviations of machining centers based on geometric tolerances

    Hitomi Watabiki, Nobuhiro Sugimura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Koji Iwamura

    Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century, LEM 2009    2009.12

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    Machine tools are recognized as key components of manufacturing systems, and product quality and cost mainly depend on performances of the machine tools. Much progress has been made in the machine tool technologies, aimed at improving the performances of the machine tools from various viewpoints, such as accuracy, reliability, productivity, and flexibility. The machining accuracy is one of the most important characteristics of the machine tools. From the viewpoints of the design and the manufacturing of the machine tools and their components, one of the important issues is to clarify the relationships between the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools and the geometric tolerances of the components, such as the guide ways and the bearings. The objective of the present research is to establish mathematical models representing the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools, on the basis of the geometric tolerances of the components, and to apply the models to theoretical analysis of the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tool components.

  • Selection of orders by parallel and distributed scheduling in dynamic supply chains

    谷水義隆, 織田文太郎, 小澤知里, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集   2009 ( Vol.4 ) 305 - 306  2009.09

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    The recent information technologies provide us with global and fast communication among the different organizations, such as raw material suppliers, parts suppliers and assembly manufacturers. Each organization requires a strategy for finding suitable business partners for every order and for entering into proper contracts with the partners, in order to make a profit and to survive in dynamic supply chains. The proposed model provided suitable delivery times and prices of products by the negotiation between the clients and the suppliers and by the modification of the existing production schedules of the suppliers using the genetic algorithm. This research proposes a new negotiation protocol for the supplier to select a suitable order from a lot of orders using parallel and distributed scheduling. Some computational experiments were carried out in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the new negotiation protocol.


  • A Study on Facility Layout with Feedback of Execution Data

    平野正樹, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集   2009 ( Vol.4 ) 325 - 326  2009.09

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    This paper deals with a facility layout method with feedback of execution data. The components of target manufacturing systems are machining tools, jobs and AGVs. The machining tools have the alternatives which can carry out the same machining operations of the individual jobs. Therefore the individual jobs have the alternative machining sequences. In the target manufacturing system, the machining sequences are determined by the real-time scheduling which is carried out after the facility layout have determined. The proposed facility layout method estimates the amount of jobs which is machined by the individual machining sequences, based on the execution data which have been carried out in the manufacturing system. The proposed method generates the suitable layout based on the integer programming problem by using estimated amount of jobs.


  • 整数計画問題に基づく作業者の希望を考慮した勤務スケジューリング

    中谷圭佑, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2009   ROMBUNNO.N23  2009.08


  • 工作機械の運動偏差のモデル化と解析に関する研究―回転テーブルのモデル化と回転運動偏差の解析―

    綿引仁美, 杉村延広, 里中直樹, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2009   ROMBUNNO.B23  2009.08


  • A Study on Development of Adaptive Strategies in Dynamic Supply Chains (Proposal of a Framework and Two-Layered Models)

    谷水義隆, 山中聖彦, 小澤知里, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会論文集 C編   75 ( 756 ) 2351 - 2358  2009.08

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    This research deals with a two-layered dynamic supply chain model representing decision-making processes of individual clients and suppliers, and also negotiation processes among all clients and suppliers. In the model, suitable prices and delivery times are determined through both the scheduling processes of the individual suppliers and the negotiation processes among the clients and the suppliers. Dynamic production scheduling processes of the suppliers are newly considered in the model to deal with the trade-off between the prices and the delively times. The effectiveness of the proposed model is verified through computational experiments from the viewpoints of the profits of the suppliers.


  • デジタルヒューマンのための前腕ひねり作業のモデリング―前腕の骨格を考慮した上肢のモデリング―

    平山裕基, 福井裕, 川野常夫, 杉村延広, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2009   ROMBUNNO.C67  2009.08


  • Autonomous Agents for Dynamic Process Planning in the Flexible Manufacturing System


    Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers   22 ( 7 ) 260 - 272  2009.07

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    Rapid changes of market demands and pressures of competition require manufacturers to maintain highly flexible manufacturing systems to cope with a complex manufacturing environment. This paper deals with development of an agent-based architecture of dynamic systems for incremental process planning in the manufacturing systems. In consideration of alternative manufacturing processes and machine tools, the process plans and the schedules of the manufacturing resources are generated incrementally and dynamically. A negotiation protocol is discussed, in this paper, to generate suitable process plans for the target products real-timely and dynamically, based on the alternative manufacturing processes. The alternative manufacturing processes are presented by the process plan networks discussed in the previous paper, and the suitable process plans are searched and generated to cope with both the dynamic changes of the product specifications and the disturbances of the manufacturing resources. We initiatively combine the heuristic search algorithms of the process plan networks with the negotiation protocols, in order to generate suitable process plans in the dynamic manufacturing environment. &lt;br&gt;

    DOI CiNii

  • Parallel and distributed scheduling for selecting orders in two-layered dynamic supply chains

    谷水義隆, 織田文太郎, 小澤知里, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   53rd   ROMBUNNO.W12-7  2009.05


  • A Study on Human Oriented Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing System : Real-time Scheduling Method Based on Preference of Human Operators

    IWAMURA Koji, KUWAHARA Shinya, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers   22 ( 3 ) 89 - 96  2009.03

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    Recently, new distributed architectures of manufacturing systems are proposed, aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of the manufacturing systems. Many researches have been carried out to deal with the distributed architectures for planning and control of the manufacturing systems. However, the human operators have not yet been discussed for the autonomous components of the distributed manufacturing systems. A real-time scheduling method is proposed, in this research, to select suitable combinations of the human operators, the resources and the jobs for the manufacturing processes. The proposed scheduling method consists of following three steps. In the first step, the human operators select their favorite manufacturing processes which they will carry out in the next time period, based on their preferences. In the second step, the machine tools and the jobs select suitable combinations for the next machining processes. In the third step, the automated guided vehicles and the jobs select suitable combinations for the next transportation processes. The second and third steps are carried out by using the utility value based method and the dispatching rule-based method proposed in the previous researches. Some case studies have been carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.&lt;br&gt;

    DOI CiNii

  • 動的サプライチェーンにおける適応戦略の構築に関する研究(多階層モデルにおける協調スケジューリング)

    小澤知里, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集   2009   47 - 48  2009.03


  • 作業者の加工時間のばらつきを考慮したスケジューリングシステムの開発

    岩村幸治, 吉岡卓也, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集   2009   49 - 50  2009.03


  • ハイブリッド進化型計算アルゴリズムによるセル生産の動的生産管理に関する研究

    坂下義幸, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集   2009   29 - 30  2009.03


  • A Study on Human Oriented Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing System-Real-time Scheduling Method Based on Preference of Human Operators

    岩村幸治, 桑原慎也, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    システム制御情報学会論文誌   22 ( 3 ) 89 - 96  2009.03


  • 2階層動的サプライチェーンにおける輸送制約を考慮した納期と価格の決定

    谷水義隆, 原田佳奈, 小澤知里, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2009   E09  2009.02



    Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Komatsu Yusuke, Ozawa Chisato, Iwamura Koji, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling   2009   121 - 126  2009

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    Our previous researches provided a reactive scheduling method using the genetic algorithm to improve disturbed production schedules, due to unscheduled disruptions, such as delays of manufacturing operations. This paper deals with an extension of the reactive scheduling method to modify not only the loading sequences but also machining sequences of jobs by using co-evolutionary genetic algorithms. Two different kinds of individuals for the loading sequences and the machining sequences are generated and improved simultaneously in co-evolutionary processes. A prototype of new reactive scheduling system was developed, and the effectiveness of the proposed method was verified through computational experiments.


  • A Study on Human Oriented Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing Systems

    岩村幸治, 桑原慎也, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆

    自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM)   52nd   ROMBUNNO.A1-6  2009


  • A Study on Development of Adaptive Strategies in Dynamic Supply Chains : Proposal of a Framework and Two-Layered Models(Machine Elements, Design and Manufacturing)

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, YAMANAKA Masahiko, OZAWA Chisato, IWAMURA Koji, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro


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    This research deals with a two-layered dynamic supply chain model representing decision-making processes of individual clients and suppliers, and also negotiation processes among all clients and suppliers. In the model, suitable prices and delivery times are determined through both the scheduling processes of the individual suppliers and the negotiation processes among the clients and the suppliers. Dynamic production scheduling processes of the suppliers are newly considered in the model to deal with the trade-off between the prices and the delively times. The effectiveness of the proposed model is verified through computational experiments from the viewpoints of the profits of the suppliers.

    DOI CiNii

  • S1401-1-3 Selection of orders by parallel and distributed scheduling in dynamic supply chains

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, ORITA Buntaro, OZAWA Chisato, IWAMURA Koji, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2009 ( 0 ) 305 - 306  2009

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    The recent information technologies provide us with global and fast communication among the different organizations, such as raw material suppliers, parts suppliers and assembly manufacturers. Each organization requires a strategy for finding suitable business partners for every order and for entering into proper contracts with the partners, in order to make a profit and to survive in dynamic supply chains. The proposed model provided suitable delivery times and prices of products by the negotiation between the clients and the suppliers and by the modification of the existing production schedules of the suppliers using the genetic algorithm. This research proposes a new negotiation protocol for the supplier to select a suitable order from a lot of orders using parallel and distributed scheduling. Some computational experiments were carried out in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the new negotiation protocol.

    DOI CiNii

  • S1402-2-2 A Study on Facility Layout with Feedback of Execution Data

    HIRANO Masaki, IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2009 ( 0 ) 325 - 326  2009

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    This paper deals with a facility layout method with feedback of execution data. The components of target manufacturing systems are machining tools, jobs and AGVs. The machining tools have the alternatives which can carry out the same machining operations of the individual jobs. Therefore the individual jobs have the alternative machining sequences. In the target manufacturing system, the machining sequences are determined by the real-time scheduling which is carried out after the facility layout have determined. The proposed facility layout method estimates the amount of jobs which is machined by the individual machining sequences, based on the execution data which have been carried out in the manufacturing system. The proposed method generates the suitable layout based on the integer programming problem by using estimated amount of jobs.

    DOI CiNii

  • 3102 A Study on Dynamic Production Management using Hybrid Evolutionary Computation Algorithms in Cellular Manufacturing Systems

    SAKASHITA Yoshiyuki, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2009 ( 0 ) 29 - 30  2009

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    This research proposes new method for a dynamic production management in cellular manufacturing systems. When unforeseen changes, such as delays of manufacturing processes decrease of the number of workers, occur in the manufacturing systems, the predetermined production schedule is dynamically modified, in order to minimize the tardiness of products. All the tasks are reallocated to the individual workers real-timely by using evolutionary computation algorithm, and the execution sequences of the reallocated tasks are determined by using a heuristic rule. A learning curve effect is considered in this research in generation of a suitable production schedule. A prototype of dynamic production management system is developed based on the proposed method, and the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through some computational experiments.


  • 2203 A Study on Construction of Adaptive Strategies in Dynamic Supply Chains : Cooperative Scheduling in Multi-layered Models

    OZAWA Chisato, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2009 ( 0 ) 47 - 48  2009

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    This research proposes a new model representing multi-layered dynamic supply chains and a new negotiation process among components in the model. The proposed model consists of three components named clients, manufacturers, and suppliers. The manufacturers generate and send both the orders of the parts to the suppliers and the offers of the products to the clients. The manufacturers continue to modify their production schedules after sending their orders of the parts to the suppliers, in order to improve their schedules to contract the ordered products. Therefore, the manufacturers are able to satisfy the requirements of the ordered products, even if the suppliers do not satisfy the requirement from the manufacturers. The effectiveness of the proposed model is verified through some computational experiments from the viewpoint of contract completion.


  • 2204 Development of scheduling system considering statistical distribution of machining time by human operators

    IWAMURA Koji, YOHSIOKA Takuya, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2009 ( 0 ) 49 - 50  2009

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    New scheduling method is proposed in this paper, to consider the statistical distribution of machining time executed by human operators. The proposed scheduling method consists of two steps. In the first step, the sequences of jobs are determined for the individual machining tools based on dispatching rules. In the second step, the allocations of human operators to the individual machining tools are determined by considering the statistical deviations of the machining time. The scheduling system is also developed to carry out the proposed scheduling method by using machining time data base. The machining time data base generate the statistical deviations of the machining time obtained by the simulation of machining process.


  • Modeling of twisting motion of forearms for digital human models

    Hirayama Yuki, Fukui Yutaka, Kawano Tsuneo, Sugimura Nobuhiro, Iwamura Koji, Tanimizu Yoshitaka

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2009 ( 0 ) 215 - 216  2009

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  • Modeling and analysis of kinematic deviations of shape generation motions of machine tools

    Watabiki Hitomi, Sugimura Nobuhiro, Satonaka Naoki, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Iwamura Koji

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2009 ( 0 ) 95 - 96  2009

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  • Integer programming problem based work scheduling considering preferences of human operators

    Nakatani Keisuke, Iwamura Kouji, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2009 ( 0 ) 983 - 984  2009

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    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Human Oriented Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing Systems

    Iwamura Koji, Kuwahara Shin-ya, Sugimura Nobuhiro, Tanimizu Yoshitaka

    Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference   52 ( 0 ) 6 - 6  2009

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    DOI CiNii

  • A Determination of Delivery Time and Price Considering Transportation Constraints in Two-layered Dynamic Supply Chains

    Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Harada Kana, Ozawa Chisato, Iwamura Koji, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2009 ( 0 ) 319 - 320  2009

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    DOI CiNii

  • Parallel and distributed scheduling for selecting orders in two-layered dynamic supply chains

    Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Orita Buntaro, Ozawa Chisato, Iwamura Koji, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers   9 ( 0 ) 195 - 195  2009

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    DOI CiNii

  • Agent based integrated system for process planning and scheduling for FMS

    TEHRANI Hessein, 杉村延広, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会生産加工・工作機械部門講演会講演論文集   7th ( 7 ) 265 - 266  2008.11

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    This paper deals with a multi-agent architecture of an integrated and dynamic system for process planning and scheduling for multi jobs. A negotiation protocol is discussed, in this paper, to generate the process plans and the schedules of the manufacturing resources and the individual jobs, dynamically and incrementally, based on the alternative manufacturing processes. The alternative manufacturing processes are presented by the process plan networks discussed in the previous paper, and the suitable process plans and schedules are searched and generated to cope with both the dynamic status and the disturbances of the manufacturing systems.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 人に優しい知能化生産システムの実現をめざして(研究所・研究室紹介)

    杉村 延広, 谷水 義隆, 岩村 幸治

    精密工学会誌   74 ( 11 ) 1166 - 1167  2008.11

    DOI CiNii

  • ホロニック生産システムにおけるリアルタイムスケジューリングに関する研究―マルチエージェント強化学習を用いた効用値の算出―

    眞弓宗久, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会関西地方定期学術講演会講演論文集   2008   89 - 90  2008.07


  • A Study on Dynamic Task Reallocation Considering Learning Curves in Cellular Manufacturing Systems

    坂下義幸, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集   2008   39 - 40  2008.07

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    This research proposes a dynamic task reallocation method for cellular manufacturing systems. When unforeseen changes, such as delays of assembly processes, occur in the manufacturing systems, the predetermined initial task allocation is dynamically modified, in order to minimize the total tardiness of products. All the tasks are reallocated to the individual workers real-timely by using genetic algorithm, and the execution sequences of the reallocated tasks are determined by using a heuristic rule, called as EDD. A learning curve effect is considered in this research in generation of a suitable production schedule. A prototype of reallocation supporting system is developed based on the proposed method, and the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through some computational experiments.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • A Study on Human Oriented Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing Systems-Real-time Scheduling Method Based on Preference of Human Operators-

    岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集   2008   35 - 36  2008.07

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    Recently, new distributed architectures of manufacturing systems are proposed, aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of the manufacturing systems. However, the human operators have not yet been discussed for the autonomous components of the distributed manufacturing systems. A real-time scheduling method is proposed, in this research, to select suitable combinations of the human operators, the resources and the jobs for the manufacturing processes. The proposed scheduling method consists of following three steps. In the first step, the human operators select their favorite manufacturing processes which they will carry out in the next time period, based on their preferences. In the second step, the machine tools and the jobs select suitable combinations for the next machining processes. In the third step, the automated guided vehicles and the jobs select suitable combinations for the next transportation processes.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • A Study on Integrated Reactive Scheduling Using Co-evolutionary Genetic Algorithm

    谷水義隆, 小松祐介, 小澤知里, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集   2008   29 - 30  2008.07

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    A predetermined production schedule may be often disturbed, due to unscheduled disruptions, such as delays of manufacturing operations and failures in manufacturing equipment. A genetic algorithm based reactive scheduling method was proposed in the previous research, in order to modify and improve a disturbed initial production schedule without suspending the progress of manufacturing process. This paper deals with a new reactive scheduling method, which changes both loading sequences of jobs on each resource and machining sequences of each job simultaneously by using a co-evolutionary genetic algorithm. A prototype of integrated reactive scheduling system was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method through some computational experiments.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • A Study on Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems (5th Report, Estimation Method of Future Status Without Decision Criteria of Other Holons)

    岩村幸治, 中野厚, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会論文集 C編   74 ( 742 ) 1662 - 1668  2008.06

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    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of the holonic manufacturing systems (HMS). In the previous papers, real-time scheduling processes have been proposed based on the utility values of the candidate holons. A simulation based procedure has also been implemented to estimate the future status of HMS and to determine the utility values based on the estimated future status. However, it was assumed that the simulation models for estimation include the model representing the decision criteria of all the holons. A new simulation based real-time scheduling method is proposed, in the present paper, to improve the estimation process, which enable all the holons to estimate the future status of the HMS without decision criteria of other holons. An estimation process is developed for the individual job holons and resource holons to estimate the future status of HMS through the simulation. Some case studies of the real-time scheduling are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. It is shown, through case studies, that the proposed methods are effective to improve the objective function values of the individual holons.


  • A Study on Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems : 5th Report, Estimation Method of Future Status Without Decision Criteria of Other Holons

    IWAMURA Koji, NAKANO Atsushi, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers C   74 ( 742 ) 1662 - 1668  2008.06

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    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of the holonic manufacturing systems (HMS). In the previous papers, real-time scheduling processes have been proposed based on the utility values of the candidate holons. A simulation based procedure has also been implemented to estimate the future status of HMS and to determine the utility values based on the estimated future status. However, it was assumed that the simulation models for estimation include the model representing the decision criteria of all the holons. A new simulation based real-time scheduling method is proposed, in the present paper, to improve the estimation process, which enable all the holons to estimate the future status of the HMS without decision criteria of other holons. An estimation process is developed for the individual job holons and resource holons to estimate the future status of HMS through the simulation. Some case studies of the real-time scheduling are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. It is shown, through case studies, that the proposed methods are effective to improve the objective function values of the individual holons.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems (5th Report, Estimation Method of Future Status Without Decision Criteria of Other Holons)

    IWAMURA Koji, NAKANO Atsushi, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C   74 ( 742 ) 1662 - 1668  2008.06

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    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of the holonic manufacturing systems (HMS). In the previous papers, real-time scheduling processes have been proposed based on the utility values of the candidate holons. A simulation based procedure has also been implemented to estimate the future status of HMS and to determine the utility values based on the estimated future status. However, it was assumed that the simulation models for estimation include the model representing the decision criteria of all the holons. A new simulation based real-time scheduling method is proposed, in the present paper, to improve the estimation process, which enable all the holons to estimate the future status of the HMS without decision criteria of other holons. An estimation process is developed for the individual job holons and resource holons to estimate the future status of HMS through the simulation. Some case studies of the real-time scheduling are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. It is shown, through case studies, that the proposed methods are effective to improve the objective function values of the individual holons.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Allocation of Han Operators Considering Statistical Distribution of Operation Time

    吉岡卓也, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   52nd   99 - 100  2008.05


  • 自律分散型生産システムにおける作業者の希望を考慮したリアルタイムスケジューリング

    岩村幸治, 桑原慎也, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   83rd   2.5  2008.03


  • 自律分散型生産システムにおける作業者の希望を考慮した勤務スケジューリング

    豊島翔平, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   83rd   2.6  2008.03


  • A Study on Modeling and Analysis of Kinematic Motion Deviations of Machine Tools (2nd Report, Modeling and Analysis of Linear Tables and Mechine Tools)

    里中直樹, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治

    日本機械学会論文集 C編   74 ( 737 ) 198 - 205  2008.01

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    The objective of the research is to establish mathematical models representing the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools on the basis of the geometric tolerances of the components, and to apply the models to theoretical analysis of the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools. Mathematical models are proposed to represent the kinematic motion deviations of the linear tables of the machine tools. The proposed models give the relationships between the geometric tolerances of the guide-ways of the components and the kinematic motion deviations of the linear tables. The models of the linear tables are combined to represent the whole machine tools to represent the positional deviations of the tools against the workpieces. The developed models are applied to the analysis of the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools, aiming at clarifying the effects of the geometric deviations of the components on the kinematic motion deviations between the tools and the workpieces.


  • A Study on Modeling and Analysis of Kinematic Motion Deviations of Machine Tools : 2nd Report, Modeling and Analysis of Linear Tables and Mechine Tools

    SATONAKA Naoki, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers C   74 ( 737 ) 198 - 205  2008.01

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    The objective of the research is to establish mathematical models representing the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools on the basis of the geometric tolerances of the components, and to apply the models to theoretical analysis of the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools. Mathematical models are proposed to represent the kinematic motion deviations of the linear tables of the machine tools. The proposed models give the relationships between the geometric tolerances of the guide-ways of the components and the kinematic motion deviations of the linear tables. The models of the linear tables are combined to represent the whole machine tools to represent the positional deviations of the tools against the workpieces. The developed models are applied to the analysis of the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools, aiming at clarifying the effects of the geometric deviations of the components on the kinematic motion deviations between the tools and the workpieces.

    DOI CiNii

  • C30 Agent based integrated system for process planning and scheduling for FMS

    TEHRANI Hossein, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    The Proceedings of The Manufacturing & Machine Tool Conference   2008 ( 0 ) 265 - 266  2008

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    This paper deals with a multi-agent architecture of an integrated and dynamic system for process planning and scheduling for multi jobs. A negotiation protocol is discussed, in this paper, to generate the process plans and the schedules of the manufacturing resources and the individual jobs, dynamically and incrementally, based on the alternative manufacturing processes. The alternative manufacturing processes are presented by the process plan networks discussed in the previous paper, and the suitable process plans and schedules are searched and generated to cope with both the dynamic status and the disturbances of the manufacturing systems.


  • 2103 A Study on Integrated Reactive Scheduling Using Co-evolutionary Genetic Algorithm

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, KOMATSU Yusuke, OZAWA Chisato, IWAMURA Koji, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2008 ( 0 ) 29 - 30  2008

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    A predetermined production schedule may be often disturbed, due to unscheduled disruptions, such as delays of manufacturing operations and failures in manufacturing equipment. A genetic algorithm based reactive scheduling method was proposed in the previous research, in order to modify and improve a disturbed initial production schedule without suspending the progress of manufacturing process. This paper deals with a new reactive scheduling method, which changes both loading sequences of jobs on each resource and machining sequences of each job simultaneously by using a co-evolutionary genetic algorithm. A prototype of integrated reactive scheduling system was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method through some computational experiments.


  • 2202 A Study on Human Oriented Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing Systems : Real-time Scheduling Method Based on Preference of Human Operators

    IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2008 ( 0 ) 35 - 36  2008

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    Recently, new distributed architectures of manufacturing systems are proposed, aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of the manufacturing systems. However, the human operators have not yet been discussed for the autonomous components of the distributed manufacturing systems. A real-time scheduling method is proposed, in this research, to select suitable combinations of the human operators, the resources and the jobs for the manufacturing processes. The proposed scheduling method consists of following three steps. In the first step, the human operators select their favorite manufacturing processes which they will carry out in the next time period, based on their preferences. In the second step, the machine tools and the jobs select suitable combinations for the next machining processes. In the third step, the automated guided vehicles and the jobs select suitable combinations for the next transportation processes.


  • 2204 A Study on Dynamic Task Reallocation Considering Learning Curves in Cellular Manufacturing Systems

    SAKASHITA Yoshiyuki, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2008 ( 0 ) 39 - 40  2008

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    This research proposes a dynamic task reallocation method for cellular manufacturing systems. When unforeseen changes, such as delays of assembly processes, occur in the manufacturing systems, the predetermined initial task allocation is dynamically modified, in order to minimize the total tardiness of products. All the tasks are reallocated to the individual workers real-timely by using genetic algorithm, and the execution sequences of the reallocated tasks are determined by using a heuristic rule, called as EDD. A learning curve effect is considered in this research in generation of a suitable production schedule. A prototype of reallocation supporting system is developed based on the proposed method, and the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through some computational experiments.


  • 205 Real-time Scheduling Based on Preference of Human Operators in Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing Systems

    IWAMURA Koji, KUWAHARA Shinya, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2008 ( 0 ) _2 - 5_  2008


  • 206 Work Scheduling Based on Preference of Human Operators in Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing Systems

    TOYOSHIMA Syohei, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2008 ( 0 ) _2 - 6_  2008


  • A Study on Modeling and Analysis of Kinematic Motion Deviations of Machine Tools (2nd Report, Modeling and Analysis of Linear Tables and Mechine Tools)

    SATONAKA Naoki, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji


     View Summary

    The objective of the research is to establish mathematical models representing the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools on the basis of the geometric tolerances of the components, and to apply the models to theoretical analysis of the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools. Mathematical models are proposed to represent the kinematic motion deviations of the linear tables of the machine tools. The proposed models give the relationships between the geometric tolerances of the guide-ways of the components and the kinematic motion deviations of the linear tables. The models of the linear tables are combined to represent the whole machine tools to represent the positional deviations of the tools against the workpieces. The developed models are applied to the analysis of the kinematic motion deviations of the machine tools, aiming at clarifying the effects of the geometric deviations of the components on the kinematic motion deviations between the tools and the workpieces.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Allocation of Human Operators Considering Statistical Distribution of Operation Time

    Yoshioka Takuya, Iwamura Koji, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers   8 ( 0 ) 27 - 27  2008

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    DOI CiNii

  • Consideration of Labor for Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing Systems-Interface of Labor for Real-time Scheduling-

    桑原慎也, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集   2007 ( Vol.4 ) 313 - 314  2007.09

     View Summary

    Recently, new distributed architectures of manufacturing systems are proposed, aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of the manufacturing systems. Many researches have been carried out to discus distributed architectures for planning and control of the systems. However, the labor has not been considered enough for the components of the manufacturing system based on distributed architecture, in the previous researches. In this research, the function of labor is discussed, and real-time scheduling process based on decision making by labor is proposed. The interface between the labor and the real-time scheduling system is also proposed.


  • Development of reallocation supporting system of workers using genetic algorithm

    坂下義幸, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集   2007 ( Vol.4 ) 317 - 318  2007.09

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    This research proposes a reallocation method of workers in a cellular manufacturing system. When the delays of manufacturing processes occur in the manufacturing system, the workers move from one working area to another working area based on a reallocation plan of workers, in order to minimize the maximum tardiness of products without interrupting the manufacturing processes. The reallocation plan modifies the initial allocation of workers and the initial production schedule by using genetic algorithm. A prototype of reallocation supporting system is developed based on the proposed method, and the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through some computational experiments.


  • 生産スケジュールを考慮した動的サプライチェーンに関する研究―多階層モデルにおける協調的交渉―

    小澤知里, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2007   E39  2007.09


  • 生産スケジュールを考慮した動的サプライチェーンの多階層モデルに関する研究

    小澤知里, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    精密工学会関西地方定期学術講演会講演論文集   2007   63 - 64  2007.08


  • ホロニック生産システムにおけるリアルタイムスケジューリングに関する研究―強化学習を用いたホロンの協調―

    眞弓宗久, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会関西地方定期学術講演会講演論文集   2007   61 - 62  2007.08


  • Analysis of Geometric Deviations of Machine Products Under Maximum Material Conditions

    里中直樹, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治

    日本機械学会論文集 C編   73 ( 730 ) 1891 - 1897  2007.06

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    The objective of the present research is to develop systematic methods for planning and analysis of the geometric tolerances of the three-dimensional machine products. The tolerance zones of the geometric features have been investigated, in the previous paper, based on the definitions of the geometric tolerances, and the parameters have been defined to describe the statistical deviations of the geometric features within the tolerance zones. Mathematical methods are discussed, in the present paper, to estimate the statistical deviations of the positions and the orientations of the geometric features, based on the deviation parameters and the relationships between the datum features and the target features. In particular, emphasis is given to the analysis of the statistical deviations of the geometric features under the MMC (maximum material conditions), which specifies the interaction between the dimensional tolerances and the geometric tolerances. The proposed method is applied to the analysis of the deviations of the geometric features, to which both the dimensional tolerances and the geometric tolerances are required.


  • Analysis of Geometric Deviations of Machine Products Under Maximum Material Conditions

    SATONAKA Naoki, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers C   73 ( 730 ) 1891 - 1897  2007.06

     View Summary

    The objective of the present research is to develop systematic methods for planning and analysis of the geometric tolerances of the three-dimensional machine products. The tolerance zones of the geometric features have been investigated, in the previous paper, based on the definitions of the geometric tolerances, and the parameters have been defined to describe the statistical deviations of the geometric features within the tolerance zones. Mathematical methods are discussed, in the present paper, to estimate the statistical deviations of the positions and the orientations of the geometric features, based on the deviation parameters and the relationships between the datum features and the target features. In particular, emphasis is given to the analysis of the statistical deviations of the geometric features under the MMC (maximum material conditions), which specifies the interaction between the dimensional tolerances and the geometric tolerances. The proposed method is applied to the analysis of the deviations of the geometric features, to which both the dimensional tolerances and the geometric tolerances are required.

    DOI CiNii

  • Analysis of Geometric Deviations of Machine Products Under Maximum Material Conditions

    SATONAKA Naoki, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C   73 ( 730 ) 1891 - 1897  2007.06

     View Summary

    The objective of the present research is to develop systematic methods for planning and analysis of the geometric tolerances of the three-dimensional machine products. The tolerance zones of the geometric features have been investigated, in the previous paper, based on the definitions of the geometric tolerances, and the parameters have been defined to describe the statistical deviations of the geometric features within the tolerance zones. Mathematical methods are discussed, in the present paper, to estimate the statistical deviations of the positions and the orientations of the geometric features, based on the deviation parameters and the relationships between the datum features and the target features. In particular, emphasis is given to the analysis of the statistical deviations of the geometric features under the MMC (maximum material conditions), which specifies the interaction between the dimensional tolerances and the geometric tolerances. The proposed method is applied to the analysis of the deviations of the geometric features, to which both the dimensional tolerances and the geometric tolerances are required.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Scheduling System Considering Statistical Distribution of Operation Time

    杉村延広, 塩見健, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集   51st ( CD-ROM ) 1T4-3  2007.05


  • Consideration of labor for Holonic Manufacturing Systems-Real-time scheduling process based on decision of labor-

    岩村幸治, 桑原慎也, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集   51st ( CD-ROM ) 1T4-5  2007.05


  • A Study on Dynamic Supply Chain Considering Production Schedules-Parallel Scheduling for Orders-

    谷水義隆, 前田泰宏, 小澤知里, 杉村延広

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集   51st ( CD-ROM ) 1T4-1  2007.05


  • 工作機械の運動偏差の解析に関する基礎的研究

    岩切拓人, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治, 里中直樹

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   82nd   13.14  2007.03


  • 作業時間のばらつきを考慮した生産スケジューリングの評価手法に関する研究

    塩見健, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   82nd   13.18  2007.03


  • 需要変動に対する生産システムの形態変化に関する基礎的研究―習熟を考慮した作業の動的再配分―

    新田悠吉, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   82nd   13.17  2007.03


  • 3708 Development of reallocation supporting system of workers using genetic algorithm

    SAKASHITA Yoshiyuki, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2007 ( 0 ) 317 - 318  2007

     View Summary

    This research proposes a reallocation method of workers in a cellular manufacturing system. When the delays of manufacturing processes occur in the manufacturing system, the workers move from one working area to another working area based on a reallocation plan of workers, in order to minimize the maximum tardiness of products without interrupting the manufacturing processes. The reallocation plan modifies the initial allocation of workers and the initial production schedule by using genetic algorithm. A prototype of reallocation supporting system is developed based on the proposed method, and the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through some computational experiments.

    DOI CiNii

  • 3706 Consideration of Labor for Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing Systems : Interface of Labor for Real-time Scheduling

    KUWAHARA Shinya, IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2007 ( 0 ) 313 - 314  2007

     View Summary

    Recently, new distributed architectures of manufacturing systems are proposed, aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of the manufacturing systems. Many researches have been carried out to discus distributed architectures for planning and control of the systems. However, the labor has not been considered enough for the components of the manufacturing system based on distributed architecture, in the previous researches. In this research, the function of labor is discussed, and real-time scheduling process based on decision making by labor is proposed. The interface between the labor and the real-time scheduling system is also proposed.

    DOI CiNii

  • 1102 Real-time scheduling based on utility values for Holonic Manufacturing Systems : Method for estimation of future status by all holons

    IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2007 ( 0 ) 9 - 10  2007

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    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of the Holonic Manufacturing Systems (HMSs). In the previous papers, real-time scheduling processes based on the utility values have been proposed and applied to the HMSs. A simulation based procedure has also been implemented to estimate the future status of HMSs and to determine the utility values aiming at improving scheduling method. However, it was assumed that only one holon in the HMSs carries out the estimation, in the previous research, for the ease of the estimation process. A simulation based real-time scheduling method is newly proposed, in the paper, to improve the estimation process which enable all the holons to estimate the future status of the HMS. Some case studies of the real-time scheduling are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • 1101 A Study on Scheduling System Considering Statistical Distribution of Operation Time : Application to Real-time Scheduling based on Tardiness

    SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2007 ( 0 ) 7 - 8  2007

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    Uncertainties of operation time of manufacturing operations are not considered in the conventional scheduling problems, however the operation time may have some uncertainty and distributions for the case of the manual operations and the long distance transportations. An approximation method is proposed in the paper to estimate the distributions of the finish time of all the operations in the scheduling results, based on the mean values and the standard deviations of the operation time.


  • 1317 A basic study on reconfiguration of manufacturing system for demand fluctuation : Dynamic reallocation of works considering learning

    NITTA Yuukichi, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2007 ( 0 ) _13 - 17_  2007


  • 1318 A Study on Production Schedules Considering Statistical Distribution of Operation Time

    SHIOMI Ken, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2007 ( 0 ) _13 - 18_  2007


  • 1314 The fundamental research regarding the analysis of motion deviation of the machine tool

    Iwakiri Takuto, Sugimura Nobuhiro, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Iwamura Koji, Satonaka Naoki

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2007 ( 0 ) _13 - 14_  2007


  • A study on dynamic supply chain considering production schedules

    Ozawa Chisato, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Iwamura Koji, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2007 ( 0 ) 369 - 370  2007

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  • Study on Supply Chain Management Based on Inventory Status

    Chai Jia-Yee, Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko, Shirase Keiichi, Tanimizu Yoshitaka

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers   7 ( 0 ) 58 - 58  2007

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    This research deals with the three layered supply chain model which consist of material company, assembly company and client. The supply chain model based on the reactive scheduling and inventory management is proposed in order to decide the suitable price and due-date.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Scheduling System Considering Statistical Distribution of Operation Time

    Sugimura Nobuhiro, Shiomi Ken, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Iwamura Koji

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers   7 ( 0 ) 131 - 131  2007

     View Summary

    Uncertainties of operation time in manufacturing processes are not considered in the conventional scheduling problems, however the operation time may have some uncertainty and distributions for the case of the manual operations and the long distance transportations. An approximation method is proposed in the paper to estimate the distributions of the finish time of all the operations in the scheduling results, based on the mean values and the standard deviations of the operation time.

    DOI CiNii

  • Consideration of labor for Holonic Manufacturing Systems

    Iwamura Koji, Kuwahara Shinya, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers   7 ( 0 ) 133 - 133  2007

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a Holonic Manufacturing Systems (HMS) for machining process. The labors are newly considered for the components of the HMS. Real-time scheduling process based on decision of labor is proposed in this paper.


  • A study on dynamic supply chain considering production schedules

    Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Maeda Yasuhiro, Ozawa Chisato, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers   7 ( 0 ) 129 - 129  2007

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  • Real-time scheduling method using reinforcement learning for Holonic Manufacturing Systems

    岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集   2006 ( Vol.4 ) 1 - 2  2006.09


  • A Study on Scheduling System Considering Statistical Distribution of Operation Time

    杉村延広, 塩見健, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集   2006 ( Vol.4 ) 3 - 4  2006.09

     View Summary

    Uncertainties of operation time in manufacturing processes are not considered in the conventional scheduling problems, however the operation time may have some uncertainty and distributions for the case of the manual operations and the long distance transportations. An approximation method is proposed in the paper to estimate the distributions of the finish time of all the operations in the scheduling results, based on the mean values and the standard deviations of the operation time.


  • 生産スケジュールを考慮した動的サプライチェーンに関する研究―サプライヤの信頼性の評価―

    谷水義隆, 小澤知里, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2006   A22  2006.09


  • 生産スケジュールを考慮した動的サプライチェーンに関する研究―複数のオーダに対するオファの生成―

    前田泰宏, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2006   A23  2006.09


  • A Study on Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems (4th Report, Multi-objective Optimization Process for Individual Holons and Whole HMSs)

    岩村幸治, 関陽太, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会論文集 C編   72 ( 720 ) 2613 - 2620  2006.08

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    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of HMSs (Holonic Manufacturing Systems). A scheduling process based on the utility values have been proposed and applied to the realtime scheduling problems of the HMSs in the previous report. It was shown that the proposed methods generate suitable schedules from the view point of the objective functions of the individual holons in the HMSs. A new real-time scheduling method is proposed, in the paper, to consider both the objective functions of the individual holons and the whole HMSs. In this method, all the pareto optimal combinations of the resource holons and the job holons are generated based on the objective function values of the individual holons. Following this, a most suitable combination is selected from the pareto optimal ones, based on the objective functions of the whole HMSs, such as total make span and total tardiness. It is shown, through case studies, that the proposed method is effective to improve the production schedules from the viewpoint of the objective functions of the whole HMSs in comparison with the previous method.


  • A Study on Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems : 4th Report, Multi-objective Optimization Process for Individual Holons and Whole HMSs

    IWAMURA Koji, SEKI Yota, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers C   72 ( 720 ) 2613 - 2620  2006.08

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of HMSs (Holonic Manufacturing Systems). A scheduling process based on the utility values have been proposed and applied to the realtime scheduling problems of the HMSs in the previous report. It was shown that the proposed methods generate suitable schedules from the view point of the objective functions of the individual holons in the HMSs. A new real-time scheduling method is proposed, in the paper, to consider both the objective functions of the individual holons and the whole HMSs. In this method, all the pareto optimal combinations of the resource holons and the job holons are generated based on the objective function values of the individual holons. Following this, a most suitable combination is selected from the pareto optimal ones, based on the objective functions of the whole HMSs, such as total make span and total tardiness. It is shown, through case studies, that the proposed method is effective to improve the production schedules from the viewpoint of the objective functions of the whole HMSs in comparison with the previous method.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems (4th Report, Multi-objective Optimization Process for Individual Holons and Whole HMSs)

    IWAMURA Koji, SEKI Yota, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C   72 ( 720 ) 2613 - 2620  2006.08

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of HMSs (Holonic Manufacturing Systems). A scheduling process based on the utility values have been proposed and applied to the realtime scheduling problems of the HMSs in the previous report. It was shown that the proposed methods generate suitable schedules from the view point of the objective functions of the individual holons in the HMSs. A new real-time scheduling method is proposed, in the paper, to consider both the objective functions of the individual holons and the whole HMSs. In this method, all the pareto optimal combinations of the resource holons and the job holons are generated based on the objective function values of the individual holons. Following this, a most suitable combination is selected from the pareto optimal ones, based on the objective functions of the whole HMSs, such as total make span and total tardiness. It is shown, through case studies, that the proposed method is effective to improve the production schedules from the viewpoint of the objective functions of the whole HMSs in comparison with the previous method.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on dynamic reallocation of workers in cellular manufacturing systems-Reallocation of workers in consideration of learning-

    谷水義隆, 万代陽, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門講演会講演論文集   2006   25 - 26  2006.06

     View Summary

    Manufacturing systems are required to change the manufacturing performance, such as manufacturing volume and cycle time, since consumer's needs change continuously. A new flexible manufacturing system called cellular manufacturing systems was proposed in order to satisfy this requirement. Cellular manufacturing systems need a suitable control method to change the manufacturing performance in case of unforeseen changes, such as delays of manufacturing processes. This research proposes a dynamic reallocation method of workers in cellular manufacturing systems by using Genetic Algorithm. This method provides new allocations of workers dynamically in order to minimize the maximum tardiness of jobs in consideration of learning of workers. A prototype of reallocation support system was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • A study on a real-time scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems-Labor holons which execute machining process and transportation process-

    岩村幸治, 桑原慎也, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門講演会講演論文集   2006   19 - 20  2006.06

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling method of the Holonic Manufacturing Systems (HMSs). A real-time scheduling process based on the utility values have been proposed and applied to the HMSs in the previous report. The holons in the HMSs are divided into two classes based on their roles in the manufacturing processes. They are, automatic machine tool holons which transform the jobs, and job holons which are transformed by the automatic machine tool from the blank materials to the final products. AGV holons and labor holons in the HMSs are newly considered in this report AGV holons transport the jobs ; labor holons transport the jobs and also transform the jobs.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Simulation based real-time scheduling for Holonic Manufacturing Systems

    中野厚, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門講演会講演論文集   2006   33 - 34  2006.06

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of the Holonic Manufacturing Systems (HMSs). In the previous papers, real-time scheduling processes based on the utility values have been proposed and applied to the HMSs. A simulation based procedure has also been implemented to estimate the future status of HMSs and to determine the utility values aiming at improving scheduling method. However, it was assumed that only one holon in the HMSs carries out the estimation, in the previous research, for the ease of the estimation process. A simulation based real-time scheduling method is newly proposed, in the paper, to improve the objective function values by estimating the future status of HMSs by all the holons. Some case studies of the real-time scheduling are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Investigation of effectiveness of dynamic supply chain considering production schedules

    谷水義隆, 山中聖彦, 杉村延広

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集   50th   233 - 234  2006.05


  • A Study on Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling System for Holonic Manufacturing

    SHRESTHA Rajesh, 杉村延広, 一ノ瀬幸史, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治

    日本機械学会論文集 C編   72 ( 715 ) 909 - 915  2006.03

     View Summary

    New architectures of manufacturing systems have been proposed aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of manufacturing systems, which can cope with dynamic changes in volume and variety of products, and also with unscheduled disruptions. They are so called as autonomous distributed manufacturing systems, random manufacturing systems, biological manufacturing systems, and holonic manufacturing systems. The objective of the present research is to develop an integrated process planning and scheduling system, which is applicable to the holonic manufacturing systems (HMS). A basic architecture and systematic methods are proposed to determine suitable sequences of machining equipment needed to manufacture the products and suitable production schedules for the machining equipment in the HMS. Procedures are developed to select suitable sequences of machining equipment for individual products, and to determine suitable production schendules of machining equipment based on the process plans of the products.


  • A Study on Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling System for Holonic Manufacturing


    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers C   72 ( 715 ) 909 - 915  2006.03

     View Summary

    New architectures of manufacturing systems have been proposed aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of manufacturing systems, which can cope with dynamic changes in volume and variety of products, and also with unscheduled disruptions. They are so called as autonomous distributed manufacturing systems, random manufacturing systems, biological manufacturing systems, and holonic manufacturing systems. The objective of the present research is to develop an integrated process planning and scheduling system, which is applicable to the holonic manufacturing systems (HMS). A basic architecture and systematic methods are proposed to determine suitable sequences of machining equipment needed to manufacture the products and suitable production schedules for the machining equipment in the HMS. Procedures are developed to select suitable sequences of machining equipment for individual products, and to determine suitable production schendules of machining equipment based on the process plans of the products.

    DOI CiNii

  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたリアクティブスケジューリングに関する研究―多目的最適化問題における交叉法の改良―

    宮前勇志, 前田泰宏, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   81st   15.12  2006.03


  • セル生産システムにおける遅延に対する作業者の再配置に関する研究

    万代陽, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   81st   15.9  2006.03


  • ホロニック生産システムにおけるリアルタイムスケジューリングに関する研究‐強化学習を適用したホロンの効用値の算出方法‐

    関陽太, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   81st   15.10  2006.03


  • マルチエージェントによる生産スケジュールを考慮したサプライチェーンの再構築に関する研究

    山中聖彦, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   81st   15.11  2006.03


  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた多目的リアクティブスケジューリングにおける交叉法の改良

    谷水義隆, 宮前勇志, 前田泰宏, 阪口龍彦, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2006   B08  2006.03


  • A Study on Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling System for Holonic Manufacturing



     View Summary

    New architectures of manufacturing systems have been proposed aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of manufacturing systems, which can cope with dynamic changes in volume and variety of products, and also with unscheduled disruptions. They are so called as autonomous distributed manufacturing systems, random manufacturing systems, biological manufacturing systems, and holonic manufacturing systems. The objective of the present research is to develop an integrated process planning and scheduling system, which is applicable to the holonic manufacturing systems (HMS). A basic architecture and systematic methods are proposed to determine suitable sequences of machining equipment needed to manufacture the products and suitable production schedules for the machining equipment in the HMS. Procedures are developed to select suitable sequences of machining equipment for individual products, and to determine suitable production schendules of machining equipment based on the process plans of the products.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems (3rd Report, Modeling of Decision Criteria of Utility Values for Estimation of Future Status of HMS)

    岩村幸治, 大久保敬広, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会論文集 C編   72 ( 713 ) 261 - 266  2006.01

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of HMS (Holonic Manufacturing System). Simulation based procedures have been proposed and implemented to estimate the future status of HMS and to determine the utility values, in the previous paper. The objective of this research is to improve the estimation procedure of the future status of HMS. A neural network model is proposed to represent the decision criteria of the utility values of the job holons and the resource holons. The neural network model proposed here is used by the job holons and the resource holons, in order that a holon estimates the future status of the HMS for selecting its suitable utility values in the real-time scheduling process. Some case studies are carried out for verifying the effectiveness of the proposed model.


  • A Study on Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems : 3rd Report, Modeling of Decision Criteria of Utility Values for Estimation of Future Status of HMS

    IWAMURA Koji, OKUBO Norihiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers C   72 ( 713 ) 261 - 266  2006.01

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of HMS (Holonic Manufacturing System). Simulation based procedures have been proposed and implemented to estimate the future status of HMS and to determine the utility values, in the previous paper. The objective of this research is to improve the estimation procedure of the future status of HMS. A neural network model is proposed to represent the decision criteria of the utility values of the job holons and the resource holons. The neural network model proposed here is used by the job holons and the resource holons, in order that a holon estimates the future status of the HMS for selecting its suitable utility values in the real-time scheduling process. Some case studies are carried out for verifying the effectiveness of the proposed model.

    DOI CiNii


    Sugimura Nobuhiro, Shrestha Rajesh, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Iwamura Koji

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling   2006   18 - 21  2006

     View Summary

    New architectures of manufacturing systems have been proposed aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of manufacturing systems, which can cope with dynamic changes in volume and variety of products, and also with unscheduled disruptions. The purpose of the present research is to develop an integrated process planning and scheduling system, which is applicable to the holonic manufacturing systems (HMS). A basic architecture for the HMS are proposed to determine both suitable sequences of manufacturing equipment needed to manufacture the products and suitable production schedules for the manufacturing equipment. In particular, procedures are developed to modify the process plans based on the scheduling results.


  • “生産技術”の野望~ものづくり,ひとづくり~

    乾正知, 谷水義隆, 寺本孝司, 橋本安弘, 山根八洲男, 楊明

    生産学術連合会議資料   9th   1 - 10  2006


  • A study on a real-time scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems-Consideration of AGV holon and Labor holon-

    桑原慎也, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM)   49th   ROMBUNNO.SA5-2-2  2006


  • Simulation based real-time scheduling for Holonic Manufacturing Systems-Selection of status of HMS in simulation-

    中野厚, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM)   49th   ROMBUNNO.SA5-2-4  2006


  • Study on Adaptive Reactive Scheduling for Dynamic Manufacturing Environment-Reactive Scheduling for Emergent Job-

    阪口龍彦, 谷水義隆, 白瀬敬一, 杉村延広

    自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM)   49th   ROMBUNNO.SU3-1-2  2006


  • 2101 A study on a real-time scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems : Labor holons which execute machining process and transportation process

    IWAMURA Koji, KUWAHARA Shinya, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2006 ( 0 ) 19 - 20  2006

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling method of the Holonic Manufacturing Systems (HMSs). A real-time scheduling process based on the utility values have been proposed and applied to the HMSs in the previous report. The holons in the HMSs are divided into two classes based on their roles in the manufacturing processes. They are, automatic machine tool holons which transform the jobs, and job holons which are transformed by the automatic machine tool from the blank materials to the final products. AGV holons and labor holons in the HMSs are newly considered in this report AGV holons transport the jobs ; labor holons transport the jobs and also transform the jobs.


  • 2104 A study on dynamic reallocation of workers in cellular manufacturing systems : Reallocation of workers in consideration of learning

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, BANDAI Akira, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2006 ( 0 ) 25 - 26  2006

     View Summary

    Manufacturing systems are required to change the manufacturing performance, such as manufacturing volume and cycle time, since consumer&#039;s needs change continuously. A new flexible manufacturing system called cellular manufacturing systems was proposed in order to satisfy this requirement. Cellular manufacturing systems need a suitable control method to change the manufacturing performance in case of unforeseen changes, such as delays of manufacturing processes. This research proposes a dynamic reallocation method of workers in cellular manufacturing systems by using Genetic Algorithm. This method provides new allocations of workers dynamically in order to minimize the maximum tardiness of jobs in consideration of learning of workers. A prototype of reallocation support system was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • 2108 Simulation based real-time scheduling for Holonic Manufacturing Systems

    NAKANO Atsushi, IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2006 ( 0 ) 33 - 34  2006

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of the Holonic Manufacturing Systems (HMSs). In the previous papers, real-time scheduling processes based on the utility values have been proposed and applied to the HMSs. A simulation based procedure has also been implemented to estimate the future status of HMSs and to determine the utility values aiming at improving scheduling method. However, it was assumed that only one holon in the HMSs carries out the estimation, in the previous research, for the ease of the estimation process. A simulation based real-time scheduling method is newly proposed, in the paper, to improve the objective function values by estimating the future status of HMSs by all the holons. Some case studies of the real-time scheduling are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • 201 Real-time scheduling method using reinforcement learning for Holonic Manufacturing Systems

    IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2006 ( 0 ) 1 - 2  2006

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of the Holonic Manufacturing Systems (HMSs). In the previous papers, real-time scheduling method based on the utility values have been proposed and applied to the HMSs. In this method, individual job holons and resource holons determine the utility values for the next machining operation based on their own decision criteria. Reinforcement learning is applied to the job holons, in the paper, in order to make the suitable decision criteria for determination of utility values. Some case studies of the real-time scheduling are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    DOI CiNii

  • 202 A Study on Scheduling System Considering Statistical Distribution of Operation Time

    SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, SHIOMI Ken, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2006 ( 0 ) 3 - 4  2006

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    Uncertainties of operation time in manufacturing processes are not considered in the conventional scheduling problems, however the operation time may have some uncertainty and distributions for the case of the manual operations and the long distance transportations. An approximation method is proposed in the paper to estimate the distributions of the finish time of all the operations in the scheduling results, based on the mean values and the standard deviations of the operation time.

    DOI CiNii

  • 1509 A study on reallocation toward tardiness of cellular manufacturing systems

    BANDAI Akira, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2006 ( 0 ) _15 - 9_  2006


  • 1510 A study on a real-time scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems : Evaluation criteria of utility values based on reinforcement learning for holons

    SEKI Yota, IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2006 ( 0 ) _15 - 10_  2006


  • 1511 A study on multi-agent based supply chain configuration considering production schedules

    YAMANAKA Masahiko, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2006 ( 0 ) _15 - 11_  2006


  • 1512 A study on genetic algorithm based reactive scheduling : Improvement of crossover for multi-objective optimization

    MIYAMAE Tsuyoshi, MAEDA Yasuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2006 ( 0 ) _15 - 12_  2006


  • A Study on Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems (3rd Report, Modeling of Decision Criteria of Utility Values for Estimation of Future Status of HMS)

    IWAMURA Koji, OKUBO Norihiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro


     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of HMS (Holonic Manufacturing System). Simulation based procedures have been proposed and implemented to estimate the future status of HMS and to determine the utility values, in the previous paper. The objective of this research is to improve the estimation procedure of the future status of HMS. A neural network model is proposed to represent the decision criteria of the utility values of the job holons and the resource holons. The neural network model proposed here is used by the job holons and the resource holons, in order that a holon estimates the future status of the HMS for selecting its suitable utility values in the real-time scheduling process. Some case studies are carried out for verifying the effectiveness of the proposed model.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on a real-time scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems

    Kuwahara Shinya, Iwamura Koji, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference   49 ( 0 ) 273 - 273  2006


  • Study on Adapive Reactive Scheduling for Dynamic Manufacturing Environment

    SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SHIRASE Keiichi, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference   49 ( 0 ) 385 - 385  2006


  • Simulation based real-time scheduling for Holonic Manufacturing Systems

    NAKANO Atsushi, IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference   49 ( 0 ) 77 - 77  2006


  • A Study on Dynamic Supply Chain Considering Production Schedules

    Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Ozawa Chisato, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2006 ( 0 ) 23 - 24  2006

     View Summary

    Supply chain should be continuously designed and redesigned in order to dynamically configure suitable clients and suppliers in multiple supply chains. The previous research proposed a dynamic configuration method of supply chains. The proposed method provides suitable delivery time and prices of products by the negotiation between clients and suppliers and by the modification of the existing production schedules of suppliers. The actual delivery time of some products is later than the contracted delivery time in the modification process of the production schedule. The clients permit the delays of actual delivery time by accepting the penalty cost for the delays. However, the supplier loses the credibility with the clients in the actual supply chain. This research evaluates the credibility of suppliers from the viewpoint of the delay of actual delivery time. Some computational experiments are carried out by using a prototype of supply chain simulation system in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method from the viewpoint of the credibility of suppliers.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on dynamic considering production schedules

    Maeda Yasuhiro, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2006 ( 0 ) 25 - 26  2006

     View Summary

    This research deals with a dynamic supply chain model, which represents the decision-making process of a set of clients and suppliers. The suitable prices and delivery time are determined through the iteration of the negotiation process among the clients and the suppliers and the modification process of the production schedule. It is impossible for the suppliers to simultaneously generate suitable prices and delivery time of two or more new products in the decision-making process. This research improves the dynamic supply chain model in order to generate suitable offers for multiple orders from two or more clients.


  • Investigation of effectiveness of dynamic supply chain considering production schedules

    Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Yamanaka Masahiko, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers   6 ( 0 ) 117 - 117  2006

     View Summary


    DOI CiNii

  • Advanced Crossover Method for Multi&ndash;objective Reactive Scheduling based on Genetic Algorithm

    Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Miyamae Tsuyoshi, Maeda Yasuhiro, Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko, Iwamura Koji, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2006 ( 0 ) 75 - 76  2006

     View Summary

    Unscheduled disruptions often occur in the actual manufacturing systems, and an initial production schedule may not satisfy the constraints due to the disruptions. A reactive scheduling method based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) was, therefore, proposed to improve the disturbed production schedule in the previous research. This research deals with a new crossover method to improve the performance of the GA based reactive scheduling process for the tardiness minimization problems and the total flow time minimization problems. The multi&amp;ndash;objective reactive scheduling method is also proposed based on the improved reactive scheduling method in this research. The combination of the dominance of genes is discussed for the multi&amp;ndash;objective reactive scheduling problems of the tardiness minimization and the total flow time minimization. A prototype of reactive scheduling system is developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    DOI CiNii

  • Improvement of crossover operator in genetic algorithm for reactive scheduling

    Tatsuhiko Sakaguchi, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Tsuyoshi Miyamae, Yasuhiro Maeda, Keiichi Shirase, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    LEM 2005 - 3rd International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century     427 - 432  2005.12

     View Summary

    Unscheduled disruptions often occur in the actual manufacturing systems. A systematic scheduling method is therefore required to modify and improve the initial production schedule in order to cope with the unexpected disturbances. The previous researches proposed the Genetic Algorithm based reactive scheduling method that improves the initial production schedule without interrupting the manufacturing processes. This research proposes a new crossover method based on the dominance of gene in order to modify the production schedule faster than the previous method.

  • Mathematical analysis of three-dimensional geometric tolerances of mechanical products - analysis under maximum material condition

    Naoki Satonaka, Akifumi Yoshida, Nobuhiro Sugimura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Koji Iwamura

    LEM 2005 - 3rd International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century     313 - 318  2005.12

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    Dimensional tolerances and geometric tolerances of three-dimensional product shapes are very important for manufacturing process control and quality control of mechanical products. The objective of the present research is to develop systematic methods for planning and analysis of the geometric tolerances of the three-dimensional mechanical products. The tolerance zones of the geometric features have been investigated, in the previous paper, based on the definitions of the geometric tolerances, and the parameters have been defined to describe the deviations of the geometric features within the tolerance zones. Mathematical methods are discussed, in the present paper, to estimate the statistical deviations of the positions and the orientations of the geometric features, based on the deviation parameters and the relationships between the datum features and the target features. In particular, emphasis is given to the analysis of the statistical deviations of the geometric features under the MMC (Maximum Material Conditions), which specifies the interaction between the dimensional tolerances and the geometric tolerances. The proposed method is applied to the analysis of the deviations of the geometric features, to which both the dimensional tolerances and the geometric tolerances are required.

  • A Study on Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems

    Ohkubo Norihiro, Iwamura Koji, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2005 ( 0 ) 220 - 220  2005.12

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of HMS (Holonic Manufacturing System). Simulation based procedures have been proposed and implemented to estimate the future status of HMS and to determine the effectiveness values, in the previous paper. The objective of this research is to improve the estimation procedure of the future status of HMS. A neural network model is proposed to represent the evaluation criteria of the effectiveness values of the job holons and the resource holons. The neural network model proposed here is used by the job holons and the resource holons, in order that a holon estimates the future status of the HMS for selecting its suitable effectiveness values in the real-time scheduling process. Some case studies are carried out for verifying the effectiveness of the proposed model.


  • Genetic Algorithm Based Reactive Scheduling (2nd Report, Modification of Production Schedule for Additional Jobs)

    阪口龍彦, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会論文集 C編   71 ( 711 ) 3299 - 3305  2005.11

     View Summary

    A systematic scheduling method is required to modify the predetermined production schedules in order to cope with unforeseen changes in manufacturing systems. The objective of the present research is to propose a scheduling method based on GA (Genetic Algorithm) for modifying delayed production schedules due to the additional jobs, reactively. A prototype of reactive scheduling system is developed and applied to scheduling problems. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through the numerical expreriments of the reactive scheduling problems.


  • Genetic Algorithm Based Reactive Scheduling : 2nd Report, Modification of Production Schedule for Additional Jobs

    SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers C   71 ( 711 ) 3299 - 3305  2005.11

     View Summary

    A systematic scheduling method is required to modify the predetermined production schedules in order to cope with unforeseen changes in manufacturing systems. The objective of the present research is to propose a scheduling method based on GA (Genetic Algorithm) for modifying delayed production schedules due to the additional jobs, reactively. A prototype of reactive scheduling system is developed and applied to scheduling problems. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through the numerical expreriments of the reactive scheduling problems.

    DOI CiNii

  • Genetic Algorithm Based Reactive Scheduling (2nd Report, Modification of Production Schedule for Additional Jobs)

    SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C   71 ( 711 ) 3299 - 3305  2005.11

     View Summary

    A systematic scheduling method is required to modify the predetermined production schedules in order to cope with unforeseen changes in manufacturing systems. The objective of the present research is to propose a scheduling method based on GA (Genetic Algorithm) for modifying delayed production schedules due to the additional jobs, reactively. A prototype of reactive scheduling system is developed and applied to scheduling problems. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through the numerical expreriments of the reactive scheduling problems.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems(Manufacturing systems and Scheduling)

    IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st century : LEM21   2005 ( 2 ) 421 - 426  2005.10

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of HMS (Holonic Manufacturing System). Rule-based scheduling methods have been proposed and applied to the real-time production scheduling problems of the HMS in the previous report. However, there are still remaining problems from the viewpoint for the improvement of the objective functions of the individual holons. The real-time scheduling method using effectiveness values is proposed in this research, in order to improve the objective functions of the individual holons. The simulation based procedure is also implemented for the individual holons to estimate the future status of HMS and to determine the effectiveness values, aiming at improving the evaluation of the effectiveness values. Some case studies of the real-time scheduling method are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.


  • 生産スケジュールを考慮した動的サプライチェーンに関する研究―納期と価格の決定プロセスに関する検討―

    山中聖彦, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2005   H33  2005.09


  • A Study on Modeling and Analysis of Kinematic Motion Deviations of Machine Tools (1st Report, Modeling and Analysis of Geometric Deviations of Constituting Units)

    里中直樹, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治

    日本機械学会論文集 C編   71 ( 708 ) 2622 - 2628  2005.08

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    The objective of the present research is to develop a systematic method for planning and analysis of kinematic motion deviations of machine tools based on geometric tolerances of three-dimensional components. This paper deals with the modeling and analysis of the geometric deviations of the toleranced components. The tolerance zones of the geometric features of the components are investigated and classified based on the definitions of the geometric tolerances. The parameters are defined to describe the deviations of the geometric features within the tolerance zones. An analytical method is proposed to estimate the statistic deviations of the positions and the orientations of the geometric features, based on the deviation parameters and the relationships between the datum features and the toleranced features.


  • A study on modeling and analysis of kinematic motion deviations of machine tools (1st Report, Modeling and analysis of geometric deviations of constituting units)


    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C.   71 ( 708 ) 2622 - 2628  2005.08

     View Summary

    The objective of the present research is to develop a systematic method for planning and analysis of kinematic motion deviations of machine tools based on geometric tolerances of three-dimensional components. This paper deals with the modeling and analysis of the geometric deviations of the toleranced components. The tolerance zones of the geometric features of the components are investigated and classified based on the definitions of the geometric tolerances. The parameters are defined to describe the deviations of the geometric features within the tolerance zones. An analytical method is proposed to estimate the statistic deviations of the positions and the orientations of the geometric features, based on the deviation parameters and the relationships between the datum features and the toleranced features.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on dynamic reconfiguration in manufacturing systems-Reallocation of workers in cellular manufacturing systems-

    谷水義隆, 小玉祥平, 万代陽, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門講演会講演論文集   2005   51 - 52  2005.06

     View Summary

    Manufacturing systems are required to change the manufacturing performance, such as manufacturing volume and cycle time, since consumer's needs change continuously. A new flexible manufacturing system called cellular manufacturing systems was proposed in order to satisfy this requirement. Cellular manufacturing systems need a suitable control method to change the manufacturing performance in case of unforeseen changes, such as delays of manufacturing processes. This research proposes a dynamic reallocation method of workers in cellular manufacturing systems by using Genetic Algorithm. This method provides new allocations of workers dynamically in order to minimize the tardiness of jobs. A prototype of reallocation support system was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Genetic Algorithm Based Reactive Scheduling-Generation Method of Initial Individuals for Additional Jobs-

    阪口龍彦, 谷水義隆, 白瀬敬一, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門講演会講演論文集   2005   55 - 56  2005.06

     View Summary

    A systematic scheduling method is required to modify the predetermined production schedules in order to cope with unforeseen changes in manufacturing systems. The objective of the present research is to propose a scheduling method based on GA (Genetic Algorithm) for modifying delayed production schedules due to the additional jobs, reactively. A prototype of reactive scheduling system is developed and applied to scheduling problems. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through the numerical experiments of the reactive scheduling problems.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • A study on a real-time scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems-Determination of effectiveness values based on expectation value of objective function-

    岩村幸治, 中野厚, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門講演会講演論文集   2005   53 - 54  2005.06

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling method of HMS (Holonic Manufacturing System). A real-time scheduling process based on the estimation of future status of the HMS have been proposed and applied to the real-time scheduling problems of the HMS in the previous report. Only one holon estimates the future status of HMS to determine the next machining schedule by using a simulation, in the previous method. New systematic methods for the individual holons are proposed, in the paper, to make all the holons determine the next machining schedules based on the future status of HMS estimated by simulaton, aiming at improving the previous methods. The effectiveness of the proposed methods are verified through the case studies.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Improvement of crossover of genetic algorithm for reactive scheduling

    阪口龍彦, 谷水義隆, 宮前勇志, 前田泰宏, 白瀬敬一, 杉村延広

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集   49th   79 - 80  2005.05


  • Negotiations for delivery dates and prices of products on dynamic supply chain in consideration of production schedules

    谷水義隆, 山中聖彦, 倉崎友美, 杉村延広

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集   49th   97 - 98  2005.05


  • A Study on reallocation of Cellular manufacturing systems

    小玉祥平, 万代陽, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   80th   13.47-13.48  2005.03


  • A Study on Genetic Algorithm Based Multi-objective Reactive Scheduling

    川本順三, 阪口龍彦, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   80th   13.45-13.46  2005.03


  • ホロニック生産システムにおけるリアルタイムスケジューリングに関する研究―ニューラルネットワークを用いた効用値の決定基準のモデル化―

    大久保敬広, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2005   D83  2005.03


  • 動的サプライチェーンのための利益基準生産マネジメント

    谷水義隆, 山中聖彦, 倉崎友美, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2005   D73  2005.03


  • 4108 A study on dynamic reconfiguration in manufacturing systems : Reallocation of workers in cellular manufacturing systems

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, KODAMA Shouhei, BANDAI Akira, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2005 ( 0 ) 51 - 52  2005

     View Summary

    Manufacturing systems are required to change the manufacturing performance, such as manufacturing volume and cycle time, since consumer&#039;s needs change continuously. A new flexible manufacturing system called cellular manufacturing systems was proposed in order to satisfy this requirement. Cellular manufacturing systems need a suitable control method to change the manufacturing performance in case of unforeseen changes, such as delays of manufacturing processes. This research proposes a dynamic reallocation method of workers in cellular manufacturing systems by using Genetic Algorithm. This method provides new allocations of workers dynamically in order to minimize the tardiness of jobs. A prototype of reallocation support system was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • 4109 A study on a real-time scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems : Determination of effectiveness values based on expectation value of objective function

    IWAMURA Koji, NAKANO Atsushi, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2005 ( 0 ) 53 - 54  2005

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling method of HMS (Holonic Manufacturing System). A real-time scheduling process based on the estimation of future status of the HMS have been proposed and applied to the real-time scheduling problems of the HMS in the previous report. Only one holon estimates the future status of HMS to determine the next machining schedule by using a simulation, in the previous method. New systematic methods for the individual holons are proposed, in the paper, to make all the holons determine the next machining schedules based on the future status of HMS estimated by simulaton, aiming at improving the previous methods. The effectiveness of the proposed methods are verified through the case studies.


  • 4110 Genetic Algorithm Based Reactive Scheduling : Generation Method of Initial Individuals for Additional Jobs

    SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SHIRASE Keiichi, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2005 ( 0 ) 55 - 56  2005

     View Summary

    A systematic scheduling method is required to modify the predetermined production schedules in order to cope with unforeseen changes in manufacturing systems. The objective of the present research is to propose a scheduling method based on GA (Genetic Algorithm) for modifying delayed production schedules due to the additional jobs, reactively. A prototype of reactive scheduling system is developed and applied to scheduling problems. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through the numerical experiments of the reactive scheduling problems.


  • 1323 A Study on Genetic Algorithm Based Multi-objective Reactive Scheduling

    KAWAMOTO Junzou, SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2005 ( 0 ) _13 - 45_-_13-46_  2005

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    A reactive scheduling method based on GA (Genetic Algorithm) was proposed in the previous research. The method can improve the delayed production schedules by unscheduled changes, without interrupting the progress of the manufacturing process. This research improves the reactive scheduling method for multi-objective problems by using multi-objective GA.


  • 1324 A Study on reallocation of Cellular manufacturing systems

    KODAMA Shohei, BANDAI Akira, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2005 ( 0 ) _13 - 47_-_13-48_  2005

     View Summary

    Since consumer&#039;s needs dynamically change, manufacturing systems are required for changing manufacturing performance, such as manufacturing volume and cycle time, continuously. A new flexible manufacturing system called cellular manufacturing systems are proposed in order to satisfy this requirement. Cellular manufacturing systems need a suitable control method to change the manufacturing performance in case of unforeseen changes, such as delays of manufacturing processes. This research proposes a dynamic reallocation method of workers in cellular manufacturing systems. This method dynamically provides an allocation of workers in order to minimize the tardiness of jobs. A prototype of reallocation support system was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • A Study on Modeling and Analysis of Kinematic Motion Deviations of Machine Tools (1st Report, Modeling and Analysis of Geometric Deviations of Constituting Units)

    SATONAKA Naoki, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji


     View Summary

    The objective of the present research is to develop a systematic method for planning and analysis of kinematic motion deviations of machine tools based on geometric tolerances of three-dimensional components. This paper deals with the modeling and analysis of the geometric deviations of the toleranced components. The tolerance zones of the geometric features of the components are investigated and classified based on the definitions of the geometric tolerances. The parameters are defined to describe the deviations of the geometric features within the tolerance zones. An analytical method is proposed to estimate the statistic deviations of the positions and the orientations of the geometric features, based on the deviation parameters and the relationships between the datum features and the toleranced features.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on Dynamic Supply Chain Considering Production Schedules

    Yamanaka Masahiko, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2005 ( 0 ) 619 - 620  2005

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    This research deals with a dynamic supply chain model, which represents the decision&amp;ndash;making and communication process among the clients and the suppliers of the products. The suitable prices and delivery dates are determined through the iteration of the negotiation process among the clients and the suppliers. The high priority products on the delivery dates are manufactured more quickly than the low priority products on the delivery date through the modification process of the production schedule. On the other hand, the low priority products come down in the prices by receiving the reward from the clients ordering the high priority products. The suppliers get a chance to accept a lot of orders and become profitable by improving the production schedule.


  • Profit Based Production Management for Dynamic Supply Chain

    Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Yamanaka Masahiko, Kurasaki Tomomi, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2005 ( 0 ) 210 - 210  2005

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    Supply chain should be continuously designed and redesigned in order to dynamically configure suitable clients and suppliers in multiple supply chains. This research proposes a configuration method for dynamic configuration of supply chains. The proposed method provides suitable due-dates and prices of products by the negotiation between clients and suppliers and by the modification of the existing production schedules of suppliers. A prototype system of supply chain simulation was developed and some computational experiments were carried out in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method from the viewpoint of the profit and the customer satisfaction.

    DOI CiNii

  • Improvement of crossover of genetic algorithm for reactive scheduling

    SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, MIYAMAE Tsuyoshi, MAEDA Yasuhiro, SHIRASE Keiichi, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers   5 ( 0 ) 53 - 53  2005

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    DOI CiNii

  • Negotiations for delivery dates and prices of products on dynamic supply chain in consideration of production schedules

    Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Yamanaka Masahiko, Kurasaki Tomomi, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers   5 ( 0 ) 62 - 62  2005

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    近年,複数の顧客・企業間におけるサプライチェーンの形成に関する研究が必要とされており,適切な取引先を逐次組み替える動的サプライチェーン(Dynamic Supply Chain,以下ではDSCと呼ぶ)の研究が行われている.DSCでは,サプライヤの利益を最大化するとともに,クライアントの顧客満足度を最大化する適切な契約手法が必要である.本研究では,納期に対するクライアントの要求の度合いとサプライヤの生産性をリアルタイムに考慮した適切な価格の決定手法を提案する.まず,受注型生産を対象として,クライアントとサプライヤの交渉により,生産スケジュールを考慮して価格を決定する価格モデルを提案する.次に,生産スケジュールの変更およびクライアントとサプライヤ間の交渉の繰返しにより,納期と価格を決定するプロセスを提案する.さらに,複数のクライアントとサプライヤによるDSCシミュレーションシステムのプロトタイプを開発し,簡単な例を用いて,本手法の有効性を検証する.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on A Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems (2nd Report, Determination of Effectiveness Values Based on Estimation of Future Status of HMS)

    岩村幸治, 森下大, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会論文集 C編   70 ( 700 ) 3625 - 3630  2004.12

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of HMS (Holonic Manufacturing System). A decision making process based on the effectiveness values have been proposed and applied to the real-time scheduling problems of the HMS in the previous report. New systematic methods for the individual holons are proposed, in the paper, to determine the effectiveness values based on the estimation of the future HMS status, aiming at improving the previous methods. Simulation based procedures are newly developed and implemented to estimate the future HMS status and to determine the effectiveness values. The effectiveness of the proposed methods are verified through the case studies.


  • A Study on A Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems : 2nd Report, Determination of Effectiveness Values Based on Estimation of Future Status of HMS

    IWAMURA Koji, MORISHITA Yutaka, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C.   70 ( 700 ) 3625 - 3630  2004.12

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of HMS (Holonic Manufacturing System). A decision making process based on the effectiveness values have been proposed and applied to the real-time scheduling problems of the HMS in the previous report. New systematic methods for the individual holons are proposed, in the paper, to determine the effectiveness values based on the estimation of the future HMS status, aiming at improving the previous methods. Simulation based procedures are newly developed and implemented to estimate the future HMS status and to determine the effectiveness values. The effectiveness of the proposed methods are verified through the case studies.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on a real-time scheduling of holonie manufacturing systems (2nd report, determination of effectiveness values based on estimation of future status of HMS)

    Koji Iwamura, Yutaka Morishita, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   70   3625 - 3630  2004.12

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of HMS (Holonic Manufacturing System). A decision making process based on the effectiveness values have been proposed and applied to the real-time scheduling problems of the HMS in the previous report. New systematic methods for the individual holons are proposed, in the paper, to determine the effectiveness values based on the estimation of the future HMS status, aiming at improving the previous methods. Simulation based procedures are newly developed and implemented to estimate the future HMS status and to determine the effectiveness values. The effectiveness of the proposed methods are verified through the case studies.


  • Modeling and Simulations of Manufacturing Systems using Object-Oriented Techniques

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    Journal of Japan Society for Design Engineering   39 ( 11 ) 606 - 611  2004.11


  • Improvement of reactive scheduling system for setup time

    谷水義隆, 宮前勇志, 阪口龍彦, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集   2004 ( Vol.4 ) 51 - 52  2004.09

     View Summary

    Unscheduled disruptions often occur in the actual manufacturing systems, and an initial production schedule may not satisfy the constraints due to the disruptions. A reactive scheduling method based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) was, therefore, proposed to improve the disturbed production schedule in the previous research. This research deals with improvement of the reactive scheduling method for consideration of setup operations. Setup operations are modeled, and the previous reactive scheduling method is modified to generate suitable production schedules that contain setup operations.


  • ホロニック生産システムにおけるリアルタイムスケジューリングに関する研究―システム全体の最適化を考慮したホロンの協調―

    岩村幸治, 関陽太, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2004   C69  2004.09


  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたリアクティブスケジューリング―多目的問題への拡張―

    川本順三, 阪口龍彦, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2004   C68  2004.09


  • サプライチェーンに関する基礎的研究―生産スケジュールに基づく納期と価格の交渉―

    山中聖彦, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2004   C66  2004.09


  • Study on Process Planning System for Holonic Manufacturing (3rd Report, Process Planning Considering Machining Schedules)

    杉村延広, SHRESTHA R, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治

    日本機械学会論文集 C編   70 ( 696 ) 2469 - 2475  2004.08

     View Summary

    New architectures of manufacturing systems have been proposed aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of manufacturing systems which can cope with dynamic changes in volume and variety of products. They are so called as holonic manufacturing systems, autonomous distributed manufacturing systems, random manufacturing systems and biological manufacturing systems. The objective of the present research is to develop an integrated process planning and scheduling system which is applicable to the holonic manufacturing systems. In the previous paper, a systematic method is proposed to select suitable sequences of machining equipment, by applying the genetic algorithm (GA) and the dynamic programming (DP) methods. The method is extended, in the present paper, to consider the production schedules of the machining equipment.


  • Study on Process Planning System for Holonic Manufacturing : 3rd Report, Process Planning Considering Machining Schedules

    SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, SHRESTHA Rajesh, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C.   70 ( 696 ) 2469 - 2475  2004.08

     View Summary

    New architectures of manufacturing systems have been proposed aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of manufacturing systems which can cope with dynamic changes in volume and variety of products. They are so called as holonic manufacturing systems, autonomous distributed manufacturing systems, random manufacturing systems and biological manufacturing systems. The objective of the present research is to develop an integrated process planning and scheduling system which is applicable to the holonic manufacturing systems. In the previous paper, a systematic method is proposed to select suitable sequences of machining equipment, by applying the genetic algorithm (GA) and the dynamic programming (DP) methods. The method is extended, in the present paper, to consider the production schedules of the machining equipment.

    DOI CiNii

  • Study on Process Planning System for Holonic Manufacturing (3rd Report, Process Planning Considering Machining Schedules)

    SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, SHRESTHA Rajesh, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Koji

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C   70 ( 696 ) 2469 - 2475  2004.08

     View Summary

    New architectures of manufacturing systems have been proposed aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of manufacturing systems which can cope with dynamic changes in volume and variety of products. They are so called as holonic manufacturing systems, autonomous distributed manufacturing systems, random manufacturing systems and biological manufacturing systems. The objective of the present research is to develop an integrated process planning and scheduling system which is applicable to the holonic manufacturing systems. In the previous paper, a systematic method is proposed to select suitable sequences of machining equipment, by applying the genetic algorithm (GA) and the dynamic programming (DP) methods. The method is extended, in the present paper, to consider the production schedules of the machining equipment.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on real-time scheduling in holonic manufacturing system-Real-time scheduling based on estimation of system status-

    杉村延広, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆

    電気学会産業システム情報化研究会資料   IIS-04 ( 10-18 ) 13 - 16  2004.06


  • A study on a real-time scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems-Determination of effectiveness values based on estimation-

    岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門講演会講演論文集   2004   57 - 58  2004.06

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of HMS (Holonic Manufacturing System). A decision making process based on the effectiveness values have been proposed and applied to the real-time scheduling problems of the HMS in the previous report. New systematic methods for the individual holons are proposed, in the paper, to determine the effectiveness values based on the estimation of the future HMS status, aiming at improving the previous methods. The effectiveness of the proposed methods are verified through the case studies.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Adaptation of production schedule by reactive scheduling in dynamic environments-Improvement of crossover method for tardiness minimization problem-

    谷水義隆, 原田和弘, 阪口龍彦, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会生産システム部門講演会講演論文集   2004   63 - 64  2004.06

     View Summary

    Unscheduled disruptions often occur in the actual manufacturing systems, and an initial production schedule may not satisfy the constraints due to the disruptions. A reactive scheduling method based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) was, therefore, proposed to improve the disturbed production schedule in the previous research. This research deals with improvement of the reactive scheduling method for tardiness minimization problems. A new crossover method is proposed to generate more suitable individuals in the reactive scheduling process than the previous crossover method. A prototype of reactive scheduling system was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • A study on a real-time scheduling of holonic manufacturing systems-Determination of effectiveness values based on estimation-

    森下大, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   79th   4.17-4.18  2004.03


  • A Study on the re-design of production line using numerical analysis method

    米田隆之, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   79th   4.7-4.8  2004.03


  • A Study on Reactive Scheduling based on Genetic Algorithm-Modify the production schedules from the viewpoint of tardiness-

    原田和弘, 阪口龍彦, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   79th   4.19-4.20  2004.03


  • 段取時間と搬送時間を考慮したリアクティブスケジューリングシステムの開発

    宮前勇志, 川本順三, 原田和弘, 阪口龍彦, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   2004   17.4  2004.03


  • ホロニック生産システムにおけるリアルタイムスケジューリングに関する研究―多目的最適化問題としてのホロンの協調―

    関陽太, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   2004   17.12  2004.03


  • 生産ラインの再設計における数量化理論の適用

    万代陽, 小玉祥平, 米田隆之, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   2004   17.16  2004.03


  • 納期と価格を考慮したAPSシステムの開発

    山中聖彦, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   2004   17.7  2004.03


  • Genetic Algorithm Based Reactive Scheduling

    阪口龍彦, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集   48th   211 - 212  2004


  • Improvement of reactive scheduling system for setup time

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, MIYAMAE Tsuyoshi, SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2004 ( 0 ) 51 - 52  2004

     View Summary

    Unscheduled disruptions often occur in the actual manufacturing systems, and an initial production schedule may not satisfy the constraints due to the disruptions. A reactive scheduling method based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) was, therefore, proposed to improve the disturbed production schedule in the previous research. This research deals with improvement of the reactive scheduling method for consideration of setup operations. Setup operations are modeled, and the previous reactive scheduling method is modified to generate suitable production schedules that contain setup operations.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on a real-time scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems : Determination of effectiveness values based on estimation

    IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2004 ( 0 ) 57 - 58  2004

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of HMS (Holonic Manufacturing System). A decision making process based on the effectiveness values have been proposed and applied to the real-time scheduling problems of the HMS in the previous report. New systematic methods for the individual holons are proposed, in the paper, to determine the effectiveness values based on the estimation of the future HMS status, aiming at improving the previous methods. The effectiveness of the proposed methods are verified through the case studies.


  • Adaptation of production schedule by reactive scheduling in dynamic environments : Improvement of crossover method for tardiness minimization problem

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, HARADA Kazuhiro, SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2004 ( 0 ) 63 - 64  2004

     View Summary

    Unscheduled disruptions often occur in the actual manufacturing systems, and an initial production schedule may not satisfy the constraints due to the disruptions. A reactive scheduling method based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) was, therefore, proposed to improve the disturbed production schedule in the previous research. This research deals with improvement of the reactive scheduling method for tardiness minimization problems. A new crossover method is proposed to generate more suitable individuals in the reactive scheduling process than the previous crossover method. A prototype of reactive scheduling system was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • 404 A Study on the re-design of production line using numerical analysis method

    YONEDA Takayuki, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2004 ( 0 ) _4 - 7_-_4-8_  2004

     View Summary

    Much emphasis has been given to minimize the time not only for design and manufacturing of products but also for development of production lines, in order to deliver products to market as soon as possible. However, planning, design and evaluation processes of production lines are very complicated, and individual engineers carry out the production lines&#039; design based on their own experiences. It is now eagerly required to establish systematic methods and support tools, in order to support re-design of the production lines. The objective of this research is to propose a re-design method for production lines by using the technique of numerical analysis


  • 409 A study on a real-time scheduling of holonic manufacturing systems : Determination of effectiveness values based on estimation

    MORISHITA Yutaka, IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2004 ( 0 ) _4 - 17_-_4-18_  2004

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real time scheduling system of a holonic manufacturing system for machining process. The holonic manufacturing system was proposed aiming at realizing more flexible and robust control structures of the manufacturing systems which can cope with the variety of the products and the unscheduled disruptions, such as status changes of equipment and input of high priority jobs. New systematic methods for the individual holons are proposed in the paper, to determine the effectiveness values based on estimation of system status.


  • 410 A Study on Reactive Scheduling based on Genetic Algorithm : Modify the production schedules from the viewpoint of tardiness

    HARADA Kazuhiro, SAKAGUCHIl Tatsuhiko, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2004 ( 0 ) _4 - 19_-_4-20_  2004

     View Summary

    In the research, a reactive scheduling method based on GA (Genetic Algorithm) is proposed to modify the delayed production schedules. The proposed method modifies the predetermined production schedules from the viewpoint of tardiness, when unforeseen delays of manufacturing processes occur in the manufacturing systems. The proposed method modifies in consideration of alternative resources. Effectiveness of the proposed reactive scheduling method is verified through several computational experiments in terms of the optimization of the production schedules.


  • A Study on A Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems (2nd Report, Determination of Effectiveness Values Based on Estimation of Future Status of HMS)

    IWAMURA Koji, MORISHITA Yutaka, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro


     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real time scheduling system of HMS (Holonic Manufacturing System). A decision making process based on the effectiveness values have been proposed and applied to the real-time scheduling problems of the HMS in the previous report. New systematic methods for the individual holons are proposed, in the paper, to determine the effectiveness values based on the estimation of the future HMS status, aiming at improving the previous methods. Simulation based procedures are newly developed and implemented to estimate the future HMS status and to determine the effectiveness values. The effectiveness of the proposed methods are verified through the case studies.

    DOI CiNii

  • A basic study on supply chain management -Negotiation of due-date and prices based on reactive scheduling-

    山中 聖彦, 谷水 義隆, 杉村 延広

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2004 ( 0 ) 150 - 150  2004

     View Summary



  • A Study on Genetic Algorithm Based Reactive Scheduling - Applications to Multi-objective Problems

    Kawamoto Junzou, Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2004 ( 0 ) 152 - 152  2004

     View Summary



  • A Study on A Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing System -Coordination Among Holons Considered Optimization of Whole HMS-

    Iwamura Koji, Seki Yota, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2004 ( 0 ) 153 - 153  2004

     View Summary



  • Genetic Algorithm Based Reactive Scheduling

    SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers   4 ( 0 ) 87 - 87  2004

     View Summary


    DOI CiNii

  • Genetic Algorithm Based Reactive Scheduling (1st Report, Modification of Production Schedule for Delays of Manufacturing Processes)

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko, SUGIURA Nobuhiro

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C.   69 ( 685 ) 2458 - 2463  2003.09

     View Summary

    A systematic method is eagerly required to modify the predetermined production schedules in order to cope with unforeseen changes in manufacturing systems, such as delays of manufacturing processes. The objective of the present research is to propose a scheduling method based on GA (Genetic Algorithm) for modifying delayed production schedules reactively. A prototype of reactive scheduling system is developed and applied to scheduling problems. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through the comparison of the experimental results of the reactive scheduling with the ones of the rule-based real-time scheduling.


  • ホロニック生産システムにおけるリアルタイムスケジューリングに関する研究―シミュレーションによる目的関数の予測―

    森下大, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2003   57  2003.09


  • 設計プロセス情報に基づく生産ラインの再設計―数値解析手法による複数の属性値の変更―

    米田隆之, 谷水義隆, 小玉祥平, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2003   61  2003.09


  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたリアクティブスケジューリング―分岐限界法に基づくジョブの追加―

    阪口龍彦, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2003   58  2003.09


  • Genetic Algorithm Based Reactive Scheduling (1st Report, Modification of Production Schedule for Delays of Manufacturing Processes)

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C   69 ( 685 ) 2458 - 2463  2003.09

     View Summary

    A systematic method is eagerly required to modify the predetermined production schedules in order to cope with unforeseen changes in manufacturing systems, such as delays of manufacturing processes. The objective of the present research is to propose a scheduling method based on GA (Genetic Algorithm) for modifying delayed production schedules reactively. A prototype of reactive scheduling system is developed and applied to scheduling problems. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through the comparison of the experimental results of the reactive scheduling with the ones of the rule-based real-time scheduling.

    DOI CiNii

  • Design Process Support for Production Lines-Reconfiguration of Production Lines by using Numerical Analysis-

    谷水義隆, 米田隆之, 小玉祥平, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集   2003 ( Vol.4 ) 349 - 350  2003.08

     View Summary

    Design processes of production lines are very complicated, and individual manufacturing engineers carry out production line design based on their own experiences. It is now eagerly required to establish systematic methods and supporting tools, in order to support all the design processes of the production lines. The objective of the research is to establish systematic methods and computerized support systems for the design processes of production lines by using numerical analysis.


  • A Study on A Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems(1st Report,Decision Making Processes Based on Effectiveness Values)

    岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会論文集 C編   69 ( 682 ) 1733 - 1738  2003.06


  • A Study on A Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems : 1st Report, Decision Making Processed Based on Effectiveness Values

    IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C.   69 ( 682 ) 1733 - 1738  2003.06

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real time scheduling system of a holonic manufacturing system for machining process. The holonic manufacturing system was proposed by HMS cooperative research project aiming at realizing more flexible and robust control structures of the manufacturing systems which can cope with the changes of the product volume and variety and the unscheduled disruptions, such as status changes of equipment and input of high priority jobs. Decision-making procedures of individual holons are discussed in the paper to establish a real time scheduling of the holonic manufacturing systems. Systematic procedures are proposed for coordination process among holons based on effectiveness values of the individual holons. The effectiveness values are evaluated by the individual holons referring to their own objective functions.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on a real-time scheduling of holonic manufacturing systems (1st report, decision making processes based on effectiveness values)

    Koji Iwamura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Nobuhiro Sugimura

    Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   69 ( 682 ) 1733 - 1738  2003.06

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real time scheduling system of a holonic manufacturing system for machining process. The holonic manufacturing system was proposed by HMS cooperative research project aiming at realizing more flexible and robust control structures of the manufacturing systems which can cope with the changes of the product volume and variety and the unscheduled disruptions, such as status changes of equipment and input of high priority jobs. Decision-making procedures of individual holons are discussed in the paper to establish a real time scheduling of the holonic manufacturing systems. Systematic procedures are proposed for coordination process among holons based on effectiveness values of the individual holons. The effectiveness values are evaluated by the individual holons referring to their own objective functions.

    DOI CiNii

  • 仮想ホロニック生産システムにおける搬送モジュールの開発

    藤田孝一, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   2003   14.16  2003.03


  • ジョブの追加に対するリアクティブスケジューリング

    川本順三, 原田和弘, 阪口龍彦, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   2003   14.11  2003.03


  • サプライチェーン環境下における企業の戦略的意思決定に関する基礎的研究

    宮脇尚人, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   2003   16.19  2003.03


  • シミュレーションシステムを用いた生産ラインの再設計の支援に関する研究

    小玉祥平, 米田隆之, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   2003   16.16  2003.03


  • Real-time scheduling in holonic manufacturing system-Coordination based on effectiveness values-

    杉村延広, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆

    電気学会産業システム情報化研究会資料   IIS-03 ( 12-23 ) 7 - 10  2003.03


  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたリアクティブスケジューリング―ジョブの追加手法に関する検討―

    谷水義隆, 川本順三, 阪口龍彦, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2003   163  2003.03


  • ホロニック生産システムにおけるリアルタイムスケジューリングに関する研究―予測に基づく効用値の算出―

    岩村幸治, 森下大, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2003   160  2003.03


  • Design Process Support for Production Lines : Reconfiguration of Production Lines by using Numerical Analysis

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, YONEDA Takayuki, KODAMA Syouhei, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2003 ( 0 ) 349 - 350  2003

     View Summary

    Design processes of production lines are very complicated, and individual manufacturing engineers carry out production line design based on their own experiences. It is now eagerly required to establish systematic methods and supporting tools, in order to support all the design processes of the production lines. The objective of the research is to establish systematic methods and computerized support systems for the design processes of production lines by using numerical analysis.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on a Rela-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems : 1st Report, Decision Making Processes Based on Effectiveness Values

    IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro


     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real time scheduling system of a holonic manufacturing system for machining process. The holonic manufacturing system was proposed by HMS cooperative research project aiming at realizing more flexible and robust control structures of the manufacturing systems which can cope with the changes of the product volume and variety and the unscheduled disruptions, such as status changes of equipment and input of high priority jobs. Decision-making procedures of individual holons are discussed in the paper to establish a real time scheduling of the holonic manufacturing systems. Systematic procedures are proposed for coordination process among holons based on effectiveness values of the individual holons. The effectiveness values are evaluated by the individual holons referring to their own objective functions.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on a Real-Time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing System - Estimation of Effectiveness Value

    Iwamura Koji, Morishita Yutaka, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2003 ( 0 ) 201 - 201  2003

     View Summary



  • Genetic Algorithm based Reactive Scheduling - Procedure of Unscheduled Input of Jobs

    Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Kawamoto Junzou, Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko, Harada Kazuhiro, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2003 ( 0 ) 204 - 204  2003

     View Summary



  • A study on real-time scheduling for holonic manufacturing system -Estimation of objective function based on simulation-

    Morishita Yutaka, Iwamura Koji, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2003 ( 0 ) 71 - 71  2003

     View Summary



  • Reactive scheduling using genetic algorithm - Input of emergent jobs based on branch and bound method

    Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2003 ( 0 ) 73 - 73  2003

     View Summary



  • Redesign of production line based on design process information -Modification of attribute values of production line by using numerical analysis technique-

    Yoneda Takayuki, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Kodama Shouhei, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2003 ( 0 ) 76 - 76  2003

     View Summary



  • Real-time scheduling for holonic manufacturing system -Coordination among holons using effectiveness values-

    Proc. of 17th ICPR   CD-ROM, 1-6  2003

  • ホロニック生産システムにおけるリアルタイムスケジューリングに関する研究(第1報, 効用値に基づく意志決定プロセス)

    日本機械学会論文集(C編)   69 ( 682 ) 269 - 274  2003


  • A study on simulation system for real-time scheduling of holonic manufacturing system

    K Iwamura, Y Morishita, Y Tanimizu, N Sugimura


     View Summary

    Recently, new architectures of manufacturing systems have been proposed to realize flexible control structures of manufacturing systems, which can cope with dynamic changes in volume and variety of products and also unforeseen disruptions, such as malfunctions of manufacturing resources and interruptions by high priority jobs. They are so called as autonomous distributed manufacturing system, biological manufacturing system and holonic manufacturing system. Rule-based scheduling methods have been proposed and applied to the real-time production scheduling problems of the HMS (Holonic Manufacturing System) in the previous report. However, there are still remaining problems from the viewpoint for the improvement of the objective functions of the individual holons.
    A new simulation system is proposed in the present paper to verify the real-time scheduling process in the HMS. New procedures are also proposed to select the production schedules, aimed at generating effective production schedules in real-time. The proposed methods enable the individual holons to select suitable machining operations to be carried out in the next time period.

  • Real-time scheduling for holonic manufacturing system -Coordination among holons using effectiveness values-

    Proc. of 17th ICPR   CD-ROM, 1-6  2003

  • A Study on Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems.

    杉村延広, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会生産加工・工作機械部門講演会講演論文集   4th ( 4 ) 13 - 14  2002.11

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real time scheduling system of a holonic manufacturing system for machining process. The holonic manufacturing system was proposed by HMS cooperative research project aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of the manufacturing systems which can cope with the variety of the products and the unscheduled disruption, such as status changes of equipment and input of high priority jobs. Decision-making procedures of individual holons are discussed in the paper to establish a decision making process based on effectiveness for the holonic real time scheduling systems.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 遺伝子アルゴリズムを用いたリアクティブスケジューリング : ジョブの追加に対する対応

    阪口 龍彦, 谷水 義隆, 杉村 延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2002 ( 2 ) 581 - 581  2002.10


  • A Study on a Real-time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems. Development of Emulation System.

    岩村幸治, 森下大, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集   2002 ( Vol.5 ) 379 - 380  2002.09

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real time scheduling system of a holonic manufacturing system for machining process. The holonic manufacturing system was proposed aiming at realizing more flexible and robust control structures of the manufacturing systems which can cope with the variety of the products and the unscheduled disruptions, such as status changes of equipment and input of high priority jobs. Decision making procedures of individual holons are discussed in the paper to establish a real-time scheduling method, and an emulation system for evaluation of real-time scheduling process.


  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたリアクティブスケジューリング ジョブの追加に対する対応

    阪口龍彦, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2002   581  2002.09


  • A Study on Engineering Process Support for Manufacturing Systems : 1st Report, Description of Manufacturing System Engineering Process and Development of Support Tool

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, NAGATA Tomokazu, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, MITSUYUKI Keiji, YURA Yoshiyuki, TOKUNAGA Naohiko

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C.   68, 671, 2211-2216 ( 671 ) 2211 - 2216  2002.07

     View Summary

    Manufacturing system engineering process (MSE process) is investigated to establish a systematic and computerized support system for planning, design and evaluation processes of the manufacturing systems. A description method is proposed to describe the MSE process. The proposed method is applied to description of the MSE process for the automotive parts manufacturing system. According to the analysis of the description, a prototype of a computerized support system is developed for MSE processes in order to support the manufacturing engineering processes.


  • A Study on Engineering Process Support for Manufacturing Systems. 1st Report. Description of Manufacturing System Engineering Process and Development of Support Tool.

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, NAGATA Tomokazu, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, MITSUYUKI Keiji, YURA Yoshiyuki, TOKUNAGA Naohiko

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C   68 ( 671 ) 2211 - 2216  2002.07

     View Summary

    Manufacturing system engineering process (MSE process) is investigated to establish a systematic and computerized support system for planning, design and evaluation processes of the manufacturing systems. A description method is proposed to describe the MSE process. The proposed method is applied to description of the MSE process for the automotive parts manufacturing system. According to the analysis of the description, a prototype of a computerized support system is developed for MSE processes in order to support the manufacturing engineering processes.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Reactive Scheduling for Hierarchical and Decentralized Manufacturing Systems.

    阪口龍彦, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広, 原田和弘

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   77th   4.25-4.26 - 25  2002.03

     View Summary

    In the research, a reactive scheduling method based on GA (Genetic Algorithm) is proposed to modify the delayed production schedules. The proposed method modifies the predetermined production schedules reactively without interrupting the progresses of the manufacturing processes, when unforeseen delays of manufacturing processes are occurred in the manufacturing systems. A reactive scheduling method for multi-layered manufacturing systems is also proposed in order to modify the production schedules of all the layers concurrently and to keep the consistency among the production schedules of all the layers in the manufacturing systems. Effectiveness of the proposed reactive scheduling method is verified through several computational experiments in terms of the optimization of the production schedules and the computation time of the modification processes in the multi-layered manufacturing systems.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Real-time Scheduling in Holonic Manufacturing Systems. Scheduling based on Simulation.

    赤井浩章, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   77th ( 77 ) 4.27-4.28 - 27"-"4-28"  2002.03

     View Summary

    This paper deals with real-time scheduling system in a holonic manufacturing system for machining process. The holonic manufacturing system was proposed by HMS cooperative research project aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of the manufacturing system which can cope with the variety of the products and the unscheduled disruptions, such as status changes of equipment and input of high priority jobs. Decision making processes of Holons are newly proposed here to satisfy not only flexibility but also optimality of real-time scheduling in HMS.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • A Study on Support System for Re-design of Production Lines based on Cluster Analysis.

    今井智仁, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   77th ( 77 ) 4.19-4.20 - 19"-"4-20"  2002.03

     View Summary

    Much emphasis has been given to minimize the time not only for design and manufacturing of products but also for development of production lines, in order to deliver products to market as soon as possible. However, planning, design and evaluation processes of production lines are very complicated, and individual engineers carry out the production lines' design based on their own experiences. It is now eagerly required to establish systematic methods and support tools, in order to support all the engineering processes for the planning, design, evaluation and redesign of the production lines. The objective of the research is to establish systematic methods and computerized support systems based on cluster analysis, in order to deal with the redesign of the existing production lines.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • ホロニック生産システムのリアルタイムスケジューリング スケジューリングにおけるホロンの協調

    森下大, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   2002   15.1  2002.03


  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたリアクティブスケジューリングの繰り返し処理

    原田和弘, 阪口龍彦, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   2002   15.18  2002.03


  • 生産ラインの設計変更に関する基礎的研究

    米田隆之, 今井智仁, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   2002   15.7  2002.03


  • 生産ライン設計のためのシミュレーションに対する実験計画法の適用

    野村智之, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   2002   15.10  2002.03


  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたリアクティブスケジューリング

    谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    電気学会産業システム情報化研究会資料   IIS-02 ( 1-11 ) 7 - 12  2002.03


  • ホロニック生産システムにおけるリアルタイムスケジューリングに関する研究 効用値を用いた協調動作に関する検討

    杉村延広, 岩村幸治, 谷水義隆

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2002   52  2002.03


  • 階層分散型生産システムにおけるリアクティブスケジューリング リアクティブスケジューリング手法の有効性の検証

    谷水義隆, 阪口龍彦, 原田和弘, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2002   51  2002.03


  • 階層分散型生産システムにおけるリアクティブスケジューリング:リアクティブスケジューリング手法の有効性の検証

    谷水 義隆, 阪口 龍彦, 原田 和弘, 杉村 延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2002 ( 1 ) 51 - 51  2002.03


  • ホロニック生産システムにおけるリアルタイムスケジューリングに関する研究:効用値を用いた協調動作に関する検討

    杉村 延広, 岩村 幸治, 谷水 義隆

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2002 ( 1 ) 52 - 52  2002.03



    Sugimura Nobuhiro, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Iwamura Koji

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling   2002   113 - 116  2002

     View Summary

    The objective of the present research is to develop a distributed real-time scheduling method for holonic manufacturing systems of mechanical products. An object oriented modeling technique is adopted to represent the holonic components of the manufacturing systems including workpieces and manufacturing resources. A simulation system is developed to represent and to simulate a real-time scheduling processes in the holonic manufacturing system. A set of simulation carried our to verify the decision rules for the real-time scheduling from the viewpoint of the total make-span and the adaptability to the failure of the manufacturing resources.


  • A Study on Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems

    SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, IWAMURA Koji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    The Proceedings of The Manufacturing & Machine Tool Conference   2002 ( 0 ) 13 - 14  2002

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real time scheduling system of a holonic manufacturing system for machining process. The holonic manufacturing system was proposed by HMS cooperative research project aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of the manufacturing systems which can cope with the variety of the products and the unscheduled disruption, such as status changes of equipment and input of high priority jobs. Decision-making procedures of individual holons are discussed in the paper to establish a decision making process based on effectiveness for the holonic real time scheduling systems.


  • A Study on Support System for Re-design of Production Lines based on Cluster Analysis

    IMAI Tomohito, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2002 ( 0 ) _4 - 19_-_4-20_  2002

     View Summary

    Much emphasis has been given to minimize the time not only for design and manufacturing of products but also for development of production lines, in order to deliver products to market as soon as possible. However, planning, design and evaluation processes of production lines are very complicated, and individual engineers carry out the production lines&#039; design based on their own experiences. It is now eagerly required to establish systematic methods and support tools, in order to support all the engineering processes for the planning, design, evaluation and redesign of the production lines. The objective of the research is to establish systematic methods and computerized support systems based on cluster analysis, in order to deal with the redesign of the existing production lines.


  • A Study on Reactive Scheduling for Hierarchical and Decentralized Manufacturing Systems

    SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, HARADA Kazuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2002 ( 0 ) _4 - 25_-_4-26_  2002

     View Summary

    In the research, a reactive scheduling method based on GA (Genetic Algorithm) is proposed to modify the delayed production schedules. The proposed method modifies the predetermined production schedules reactively without interrupting the progresses of the manufacturing processes, when unforeseen delays of manufacturing processes are occurred in the manufacturing systems. A reactive scheduling method for multi-layered manufacturing systems is also proposed in order to modify the production schedules of all the layers concurrently and to keep the consistency among the production schedules of all the layers in the manufacturing systems. Effectiveness of the proposed reactive scheduling method is verified through several computational experiments in terms of the optimization of the production schedules and the computation time of the modification processes in the multi-layered manufacturing systems.


  • Real-time Scheduling in Holonic Manufacturing Systems : Scheduling based on Simulation

    AKAI Hironori, IWAMURA Kouji, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2002 ( 0 ) _4 - 27_-_4-28_  2002

     View Summary

    This paper deals with real-time scheduling system in a holonic manufacturing system for machining process. The holonic manufacturing system was proposed by HMS cooperative research project aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of the manufacturing system which can cope with the variety of the products and the unscheduled disruptions, such as status changes of equipment and input of high priority jobs. Decision making processes of Holons are newly proposed here to satisfy not only flexibility but also optimality of real-time scheduling in HMS.


  • A Study on A Real-time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems : Decision Making Processes based on Utilities

    IWAMURA Kouji, AKAI Hironori, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2002 ( 0 ) 21 - 22  2002

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real time scheduling system of a holonic manufacturing system for machining process. The holonic manufacturing system was proposed by HMS cooperative research project aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of the manufacturing systems which can cope with the variety of the products and the unscheduled disruptions, such as status changes of equipment and input of high priority jobs. Decision making procedures of individual holons are discussed in the paper to establish a decision making process based on utilities for the holonic real time scheduling systems.


  • Case based design support system for manufacturing lines

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IMAI Tomohito, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2002 ( 0 ) 35 - 36  2002

     View Summary

    Much emphasis has been given to minimize the time not only for design and manufacturing of products but also for development of manufacturing lines, in order to deliver products to market as soon as possible. However, planning, design and evaluation processes of manufacturing lines are very complicated, and individual engineers carry out the manufacturing lines&#039; design based on their own experiences. It is now eagerly required to establish systematic methods and support tools, in order to support all the engineering processes for the planning, design, evaluation and redesign of the manufacturing lines. The objective of the research is to establish systematic methods and computerized support systems for manufacturing lines&#039; design based on cluster analysis and sensitivity analysis.


  • Description and Analysis of Manufacturing System Engineering Process

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, MITSUYUKI Keiji, ISAGO Souichiro, YURA Yoshiyuki

    The Proceedings of Manufacturing Systems Division Conference   2002 ( 0 ) 95 - 96  2002

     View Summary

    Planning, design and evaluation processes of manufacturing systems are very complicated, and individual manufacturing engineers carry out manufacturing system design based on their own experiences. It is now eagerly required to establish systematic methods and supporting tools, in order to support all the engineering processes for the planning, design and evaluation of the manufacturing systems. The objective of the research is to describe and analyze the actual manufacturing system engineering (MSE) processes in order to establish systematic methods and computerized support systems for the MSE processes.


  • A Study on A Real-time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing Systems : Development of Emulation System

    IWAMURA Koji, MORISHITA Yutaka, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2002 ( 0 ) 379 - 380  2002

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real time scheduling system of a holonic manufacturing system for machining process. The holonic manufacturing system was proposed aiming at realizing more flexible and robust control structures of the manufacturing systems which can cope with the variety of the products and the unscheduled disruptions, such as status changes of equipment and input of high priority jobs. Decision making procedures of individual holons are discussed in the paper to establish a real-time scheduling method, and an emulation system for evaluation of real-time scheduling process.

    DOI CiNii

  • Report of the 35th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems (CIRP-ISMS 2002)

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND INFORMATION   46 ( 10 ) 651 - 651  2002


  • Genetic Algorithm based Reactive Scheduling - Scheduling for additional jobs

    Sakaguchi Tatsuhiko, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting   2002 ( 0 ) 678 - 678  2002

     View Summary



  • Reactive sheduling system for unforseen delays on manufacturing processes

    Proc. of 2002 seventh international pacific conference on manufacturing & management.   2, 714-719  2002

  • Genetic Algorithm based Reactive Scheduling in Malti-layerd Manufacturing System

    Proceedings of 2002 JUSFA   2, 951-958  2002

  • A Study on Reactive Scheduling based on Genetic Algorithm

    Proceedings of the 35th CIRP-ISMS   219-224  2002

  • 階層分散型生産システムにおけるリアクティブスケジューリング リアクティブスケジューリングの繰り返し処理

    阪口龍彦, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2001   375  2001.09


  • 階層分散型生産システムにおけるリアクティブスケジューリング : リアクティブスケジューリングの繰り返し処理

    阪口 龍彦, 谷水 義隆, 杉村 延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2001 ( 2 ) 375 - 375  2001.09


  • A Study on Decision Making Processes for Holonic Manufacturing Systems. Framework of Decision Making Processes.

    岩村幸治, 赤井浩章, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集   2001 ( Vol.3 ) 337 - 338  2001.08

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real time scheduling system of a holonic manufacturing system for machining process. The holonic manufacturing system was proposed by HMS cooperative research project aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of the manufacturing systems which can cope with the variety of the products and the unscheduled disruptions, such as status changes of equipment and input of high priority jobs. Decision making procedures of individual holons are discussed in the paper to establish a framework for the holonic real time scheduling systems.


  • Reactive Scheduling for Hierarchical and Decentralized Manufacturing Systems. Application of GA.

    谷水義隆, 丁顕仁, 阪口龍彦, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集   2001 ( Vol.3 ) 335 - 336  2001.08

     View Summary

    Production scheduling tasks are carried out hierarchically and concurrently, such as production scheduling for manufacturing systems, for factories and for shops, by different persons and/or organizations. Therefore, a systematic procedure is eagerly required to change the production schedules and to keep the consistency among the hierarchical scheduling tasks, when some unforeseen disruptions occur in the manufacturing systems. A rescheduling method is proposed to change the production schedules and to keep the consistency among the production schedules of the hierarchical and decentralized manufacturing systems. A prototype of distributed reactive scheduling system for the hierarchical and decentralized manufacturing systems is developed and applied to the consistency management problems in the rescheduling tasks.


  • User interface systems for holonic manufacturing system simulation.

    杉村延広, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治, FU C

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集   2001 ( Vol.3 ) 327 - 328  2001.08

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a simulation system for holonic manufacturing systems. The holonic manufacturing system was proposed by HMS cooperative research project aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of the manufacturing system which can cope with the variety of the products and the unscheduled disruptions, such as break down of equipment and input of high priority jobs. A real-time scheduling procedure is implemented in the holonic manufacturing system simulation. A user interface system is developed in the study to provide the manufacturing engineers with interactive methods to change the status of the equipment and the jobs. The simulation system is applied to the holonic manufacturing system simulation for adding the high priority jobs and for changing the equipment status.


  • Process planning system taking into consideration of manufacturing schedule.

    杉村延広, 谷水義隆, 井上城太郎

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集   45th   303 - 304  2001.05


  • Distributed reactive scheduling system for large manufacturing systems.

    谷水義隆, 丁顕仁, 阪口龍彦, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会ファクトリーオートメーション部門講演会講演論文集   1st ( 1 ) 23 - 24  2001.03

     View Summary

    Production scheduling tasks are in general carried out hierarchically and concurrently, such as scheduling for manufacturing systems, for factories and for shops, by different persons and/or organizations. Therefore, a systematic procedure is eagerly required to change the schedules and to keep the consistency among the hierarchical scheduling tasks, when some unforeseen disruptions occur in the manufacturing systems. A rescheduling method is proposed to change the schedules and to keep the consistency among the schedules of the large manufacturing systems. A prototype of distributed reactive scheduling system for large manufacturing systems is developed and applied to the consistency management problems in the rescheduling tasks.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • ホロニック生産システムにおける工程設計とスケジューリングの統合化

    井上城太郎, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   2001   13.1  2001.03


  • ホロニック生産システムの入力インターフェースの研究

    升田聡, 富しん, 杉本延広, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   2001   11.7  2001.03


  • 設計変更を考慮した生産システムの設計プロセス支援ツールの開発

    山本大介, 谷水義隆, 杉本延広

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   2001   13.22  2001.03


  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたリアクティブスケジューリングシステムの開発

    丁顕仁, 阪口龍彦, 谷水義隆, 杉本延広

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   2001   13.13  2001.03


  • ライン型生産システムのシミュレーションに関する基礎的研究

    山内啓司, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   2001   13.11  2001.03


  • An Investigation for Simulation of Holonic Manufacturing System.

    FU C, 赤井浩章, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆, 岩村幸治

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   76th   1.23-1.24  2001.03


  • 加工スケジュールを考慮した工程設計

    杉村延広, 谷水義隆, 井上城太郎

    電気学会産業システム情報化研究会資料   IIS-01 ( 1-13 ) 5 - 10  2001.01


  • 109 An Investigation for Simulation of Holonic Manufacturing System

    FU Chen, AKAI Hironori, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Kouji

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2001 ( 0 ) _1 - 23_-_1-24_  2001

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a simulation system of a holonic manufacturing system for machining process. The holonic manufacturing system was proposed by HMS cooperative research project aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of the manufacturing system which can cope with the variety of the products and the unscheduled disruptions, such as status changes of equipment and input of high priority jobs. A real-time scheduling procedure is applied to the simulation of the machining processes. A user interface system is developed in the study in order to provide the manufacturirrg engineers with a method to change the status of the equipment and the jobs. The simulation system is applied to verify the adaptability of the holonic manufacturing system to the addition of the high priority jobs and the status changes of the equipment.


  • 1007 Distributed reactive scheduling system for large manufacturing systems

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, TEI Akihito, SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    ファクトリーオートメーション部門講演会講演論文集   2001 ( 1 ) 23 - 24  2001

     View Summary

    Production scheduling tasks are in general carried out hierarchically and concurrently, such as scheduling for manufacturing systems, for factories and for shops, by different persons and/or organizations. Therefore, a systematic procedure is eagerly required to change the schedules and to keep the consistency among the hierarchical scheduling tasks, when some unforeseen disruptions occur in the manufacturing systems. A rescheduling method is proposed to change the schedules and to keep the consistency among the schedules of the large manufacturing systems. A prototype of distributed reactive scheduling system for large manufacturing systems is developed and applied to the consistency management problems in the rescheduling tasks.


  • F-0613 User interface systems for holonic manufacturing system simulation

    SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, IWAMURA Kouji, FU Chen

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   1 ( 0 ) 327 - 328  2001

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a simulation system for holonic manufacturing systems. The holonic manufacturing system was proposed by HMS cooperative research project aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of the manufacturing system which can cope with the variety of the products and the unscheduled disruptions, such as break down of equipment and input of high priority jobs. A real-time scheduling procedure is implemented in the holonic manufacturing system simulation. A user interface system is developed in the study to provide the manufacturing engineers with interactive methods to change the status of the equipment and the jobs. The simulation system is applied to the holonic manufacturing system simulation for adding the high priority jobs and for changing the equipment status.

    DOI CiNii

  • F-0617 Reactive Scheduling for Hierarchical and Decentralized Manufacturing Systems : Application of GA

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, TEI Akihito, SAKAGUCHI Tatsuhiko, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   1 ( 0 ) 335 - 336  2001

     View Summary

    Production scheduling tasks are carried out hierarchically and concurrently, such as production scheduling for manufacturing systems, for factories and for shops, by different persons and/or organizations. Therefore, a systematic procedure is eagerly required to change the production schedules and to keep the consistency among the hierarchical scheduling tasks, when some unforeseen disruptions occur in the manufacturing systems. A rescheduling method is proposed to change the production schedules and to keep the consistency among the production schedules of the hierarchical and decentralized manufacturing systems. A prototype of distributed reactive scheduling system for the hierarchical and decentralized manufacturing systems is developed and applied to the consistency management problems in the rescheduling tasks.

    DOI CiNii

  • F-0618 A Study on Decision Making Processes for Holonic Manufacturing Systems : Framework of Decision Making Processes

    IWAMURA Kouji, AKAI Hironori, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   1 ( 0 ) 337 - 338  2001

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real time scheduling system of a holonic manufacturing system for machining process. The holonic manufacturing system was proposed by HMS cooperative research project aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of the manufacturing systems which can cope with the variety of the products and the unscheduled disruptions, such as status changes of equipment and input of high priority jobs. Decision making procedures of individual holons are discussed in the paper to establish a framework for the holonic real time scheduling systems.

    DOI CiNii

  • Multi-Objective Modelling of Manufacturing Systems (3rd Report, Concurrent Approach of Rescheduling on Hierarchical and Decentralized Manufacturing Systems)

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Kouji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura, Kazuaki Iwata

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   67 ( 654 ) 573 - 578  2001

     View Summary

    Production scheduling tasks are in general carried out hierarchically and concurrently, such as scheduling for manufacturing systems, for factories and for shops, by different persons and/or organizations. Therefore, a systematic procedure is eagerly required to change the schedules and to keep the consistency among the hierarchical scheduling tasks, when some unforeseen disruptions occur in the manufacturing systems. The objectives of the research are to establish a systematic method for supporting the rescheduling tasks and for keeping the consistency among the various layers of schedules of the hierarchical and decentralized manufacturing systems. Models for hierarchical production schedules are proposed, and rescheduling procedures are also developed based on the models. A rescheduling method is proposed to change the schedules and to keep the consistency among the schedules. A prototype of hierarchical and concurrent rescheduling system is developed and applied to the consistency management problems in the rescheduling tasks. © 2001, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii

  • Multi-Objective Modelling of Manufacturing Systems (3rd Report, Concurrent Approach of Rescheduling on Hierarchical and Decentralized Manufacturing Systems)

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Kouji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura, Kazuaki Iwata

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   67 ( 654 ) 573 - 578  2001

     View Summary

    Production scheduling tasks are in general carried out hierarchically and concurrently, such as scheduling for manufacturing systems, for factories and for shops, by different persons and/or organizations. Therefore, a systematic procedure is eagerly required to change the schedules and to keep the consistency among the hierarchical scheduling tasks, when some unforeseen disruptions occur in the manufacturing systems. The objectives of the research are to establish a systematic method for supporting the rescheduling tasks and for keeping the consistency among the various layers of schedules of the hierarchical and decentralized manufacturing systems. Models for hierarchical production schedules are proposed, and rescheduling procedures are also developed based on the models. A rescheduling method is proposed to change the schedules and to keep the consistency among the schedules. A prototype of hierarchical and concurrent rescheduling system is developed and applied to the consistency management problems in the rescheduling tasks. © 2001, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii

  • Multi-Objective Modelling of Manufacturing Systems (3rd Report, Concurrent Approach of Rescheduling on Hierarchical and Decentralized Manufacturing Systems)

    Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Kouji Iwamura, Nobuhiro Sugimura, Kazuaki Iwata

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   67 ( 654 ) 573 - 578  2001

     View Summary

    Production scheduling tasks are in general carried out hierarchically and concurrently, such as scheduling for manufacturing systems, for factories and for shops, by different persons and/or organizations. Therefore, a systematic procedure is eagerly required to change the schedules and to keep the consistency among the hierarchical scheduling tasks, when some unforeseen disruptions occur in the manufacturing systems. The objectives of the research are to establish a systematic method for supporting the rescheduling tasks and for keeping the consistency among the various layers of schedules of the hierarchical and decentralized manufacturing systems. Models for hierarchical production schedules are proposed, and rescheduling procedures are also developed based on the models. A rescheduling method is proposed to change the schedules and to keep the consistency among the schedules. A prototype of hierarchical and concurrent rescheduling system is developed and applied to the consistency management problems in the rescheduling tasks. © 2001, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.


  • A Real-time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing System.

    杉村延広, 谷水義隆, 井上和顕

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集   2000 ( Vol.3 ) 565 - 566  2000.07

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system for holonic manufacturing systems. An object-oriented simulation model is adopted to develop a simulation model of a holonic machining system. A mechanism is implemented to the simulation system in order to carry holonic out real-time scheduling for the holonic machining system.


  • A Study on Computer Support for Manufacturing System Engineering.

    谷水義隆, 永田智一, 杉村延広, 光行恵司, 由良佳之, 徳永尚彦

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集   2000 ( Vol.3 ) 555 - 556  2000.07

     View Summary

    Planning, design and evaluation processes of manufacturing systems are very complicated, and individual manufacturing engineers carry out manufacturing system design based on their own experiences. It is now eagerly required to establish systematic methods and supporting tools, in order to support all the engineering processes for the planning, design and evaluation of the manufacturing systems. The objective of the research is to establish systematic methods and computerized support systems for the manufacturing system engineering (MSE) processes.


  • 階層分散型生産システムのスケジューリングに関する研究 リスケジューリングプロセスの提案

    谷水義隆, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2000   43  2000.03


  • 階層分散型生産システムにおけるコンカレント・リスケジューリング

    谷水義隆, 岩村幸治, 阪口龍彦, 杉村延広

    電気学会全国大会講演論文集   2000 ( 3 ) 1215 - 1218  2000.03


  • 階層分散型生産システムのスケジューリングに関する研究 : リスケジューリングプロセスの提案

    谷水 義隆, 岩村 幸治, 杉村 延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   2000 ( 1 ) 43 - 43  2000.03


  • 階層分散型生産システムのスケジューリングに関する研究

    谷水義隆, 岩村幸治, 杉村延広

    電気学会産業システム情報化研究会資料   IIS-00 ( 1-12 ) 13 - 18  2000.01


  • 1312 A Real-time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing System : Decision Making Process of Holon and Its Simulation

    INOUE Kazuaki, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2000 ( 0 ) _13 - 23_-_13-24_  2000

     View Summary

    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system of a holonic manufacturing system. Holonic manufacturing system is proposed aiming at realizing more flexible control structures of the manufacturing system which can cope with the variety of the products and the unscheduled disruptions such as breakdown of equipment. An object-oriented modeling method is adopted to represent holonic components of the manufacturing system including workpieces and manufacturing equipment. We develop an object-oriented real-time scheduling system for a holonic manufacturing system. In this system the holonic components can carry out the decision-making referring to the status of the manufacturing system at the same time, and resolve conflicts.


  • 1313 A Study on Production Scheduling for Hierarchical and Decentralized Manufacturing Systems

    Iwamura Kouji, Tanimizu Yoshitaka, Sugimura Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2000 ( 0 ) _13 - 25_-_13-26_  2000

     View Summary

    Production scheduling takes are carried out hierarchically and concurrently, such as scheduling for manufacturing systems, for factories and for shops, by different persons and/or preanizations. Therefore, a systematic procedure is eagerly required to change the schedules and to keep the consistency among the hierarchical scheduling tasks, when some unforeseen disruptions occur in the manufacturing systems. The objective of the research are to establish a systematic method for supporting the rescheduling tasks and for keeping the consistency among the various layers of schedules of the hierarchical and decentralized manufacturing systems. A rescheduling method is proposed to change the schedules and to keep the consistency among the schedules. A prototype of hierarchical and concurrent rescheduling system is developed and applied to the consistency management problems in the rescheduling tasks.


  • 1319 Development of Computer Aided Support System for Manufacturing System Engineering

    NAGATA Tomokazu, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch   2000 ( 0 ) _13 - 37_-_13-38_  2000

     View Summary

    Planning, design and evaluations processes of manufacturing system are very complicated, and individual engineers carry out the manufacturing system design based on their own experiences. It is now eagerly required to support all the engineering processes for planning, design and evaluation on the manufacturing systems with computers. The objective of the present research is to develop computerized system to support manufacturing system engineering (MSE). Models of MSE processes are proposed, and the actual MSE processes are described and analyzed by using of systematic description methods. A prototype of computer aided support system is developed and applied to case studies.


  • A Study on Computer Support for Manufacturing System Engineering

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, NAGATA Tomokazu, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, MITSUYUKI Keiji, YURA Yoshiyuki, TOKUNAGA Naohiko

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2000 ( 0 ) 555 - 556  2000

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    Planning, design and evaluation processes of manufacturing systems are very complicated, and individual manufacturing engineers carry out manufacturing system design based on their own experiences. It is now eagerly required to establish systematic methods and supporting tools, in order to support all the engineering processes for the planning, design and evaluation of the manufacturing systems. The objective of the research is to establish systematic methods and computerized support systems for the manufacturing system engineering (MSE) processes.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Real-time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing System

    SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, INOUE Kazutaka

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2000 ( 0 ) 565 - 566  2000

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    This paper deals with a real-time scheduling system for holonic manufacturing systems. An object-oriented simulation model is adopted to develop a simulation model of a holonic machining system. A mechanism is implemented to the simulation system in order to carry holonic out real-time scheduling for the holonic machining system.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on description method for manufacturing system engineering process

    Proc. of AMSMA'2000     749 - 752  2000

  • Description and Analysis of Manufacturing System Engineering Process

    Proc. of 2000 JUSFA   CD-ROM13096  2000

  • 生産システムのエンジニアリングプロセスに関する研究 エンジニアリングプロセスの記述方法

    谷水義隆, 永田智一, 光行恵司, 由良佳之, 徳永尚彦, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1999   1  1999.09


  • 階層分散型生産システムのスケジューリングに関する研究 分散環境を用いたプロトタイプの開発

    岩村幸治, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1999   4  1999.09


  • 生産システムのエンジニアリングプロセスに関する研究-エンジニアリングプロセスの記述方法-

    谷水 義隆, 永田 智一, 光行 恵司, 由良 佳之, 徳永 尚彦, 杉村 延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1999 ( 2 ) 1 - 1  1999.09


  • 階層分散型生産システムのスケジューリングに関する研究-分散環境を用いたプロトタイプの開発-

    岩村 幸治, 谷水 義隆, 杉村 延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1999 ( 2 ) 4 - 4  1999.09


  • A Real-time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing System.

    阿江賢, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   74th   7.29-7.30  1999.03


  • Multiobjective Modelling of Manufacturing Systems. 2nd Report, Consistency Management of Various Production Planning Models.

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, IWATA Kazuaki


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    In design and planning of manufacturing systems, a wide variety of models representing the manufacturing systems are required for simulation and verification from various viewpoints. These models are concurrently developed and applied to various application fields, therefore, a computerized support system is needed for concurrent development and consistency management of the various manufacturing system models. The objective of the research is to develop an object-oriented model repository aiming at supporting concurrent development and consistency management of the various manufacturing system models for production planning. Contents and structures of manufacturing system models are discussed from the viewpoint of the concurrent and hierarchical production planning problems. Model components and their relations to be stored in the model repository are proposed. A prototype of a model repository is developed and applied to the production planning problems.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Object Oriented Modeling on Holonic Manufacturing System

    Manufactureing Systems   27 ( 3 ) 253 - 258  1999

  • Consistency management among various models for production planning

    Y Tanimizu, M Kurosawa, N Sugimura


  • Research on real-time scheduling in holonic production system.

    杉村延広, 阿江賢, 谷水義隆

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1998   599  1998.09


  • A Model Repository for Hierarchical Production Scheduling.

    谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会全国大会講演論文集   76th ( Vol.5 ) 39 - 40  1998.09


  • ホロニック生産システムにおけるリアルタイムスケジューリングに関する研究

    杉村 延広, 阿江 賢, 谷水 義隆

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1998 ( 2 ) 599 - 599  1998.09


  • 生産システムの設計プロセスモデリングに関する研究 -設計プロセスの分析-

    谷水 義隆, 杉村 延広, 小島 史夫

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1998 ( 1 ) 17 - 17  1998.03


  • Research on modeling of design activity in a production system.

    向井耕三, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   1998   183  1998.03


  • Consistency management of hierarchical production planning models.

    黒沢政晴, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   73rd   5.37-5.38  1998.03


  • Basic research for project management in design process of a production system.

    永田智一, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   1998   243  1998.03


  • Basic research on object oriented simulation of a production system.

    井上和顕, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆, 古賀樹文

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集   1998   231  1998.03


  • Research on design process modeling of production system. Analysis of design process.

    谷水義隆, 杉村延広, 小島史夫

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1998   17  1998.03


  • A Real-time Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing System.

    古賀樹文, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   73rd   5.29-5.30  1998.03


  • CIM化のための生産システムモデリングに関する研究(第6報)-生産計画モデル間の整合性管理-

    谷水 義隆, 黒沢 政晴, 杉村 延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1997 ( 2 ) 506 - 506  1997.10


  • ホロニック生産システムにおけるリアルタイムスケジューリング -オブジェクト指向モデルとシミュレーション-

    古賀 樹文, 谷水 義隆, 杉村 延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1997 ( 2 ) 536 - 536  1997.10


  • Real-time scheduling in holonic production system. Object-oriented model and simulation.

    古賀樹文, 谷水義隆, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1997   536  1997.09


  • Research on production system modeling for CIM-implementation. (6). Consistency control between production planning models.

    谷水義隆, 黒沢政晴, 杉村延広

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1997   506  1997.09


  • A Study on Real-time Scheduling for Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing Systems.

    吉岡辰也, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   72nd   8.9-8.10  1997.03


  • A Study on Modeling and Scheduling of Holonic Manufacturing System.

    杉村延広, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集   72nd   8.11-8.12  1997.03


  • Researches on production system model making for employment of CIM. (Fifth report). Design aid for hierarchical production planning.

    谷水義隆, 杉村延広, 岩田一明, 小野里雅彦

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1997 ( Spring 3 ) 939 - 940  1997.03

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • CIM化のための生産システムモデリングに関する研究(第5報) -階層的な生産計画の設計支援-

    谷水 義隆, 杉村 延広, 岩田 一明, 小野里 雅彦

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1997 ( 1 ) 939 - 940  1997.03


  • Multiobjective Modelling of Manufacturing Systems. 1st Report. Examination of Consistency among Various Models.

    TANIMIZU Yoshitaka, SUGIMURA Nobuhiro, IWATA Kazuaki, ONOSATO Masahiko


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    Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) draws upon many important areas of manufacturing automation, such as CAD, CAM and MRP. It is not necessarily the sum of these compooents but the linking of them into an interoperable system that satisfies the various strategies and objectives of the CIM systems. The objective of the present research is to develop a formal modelling method in order to realize concurrent development and integration of the various CIM models. A model architecture of the CIM is discussed to establish systematic and logical criteria for classifying the CIM models. A computer-aided method is also proposed based on the model architecture in order to examine the consistency among a set of CIM models which are designed to represent the various aspects of the CIM system being analyzed.

    DOI CiNii

  • Basic Concept and Model of Autonomous Distributed Process Planning System for Machining.

    SUYOTO, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会全国大会講演論文集   74th ( Vol 4 ) 241 - 242  1996.09


  • Product Model Based on STEP and Recognition of Machining Feature.

    田中毅, SUYOTO, 杉村延広, 谷水義隆

    日本機械学会全国大会講演論文集   74th ( Vol 4 ) 243 - 244  1996.09


  • Study on production system modeling for CIM-implementation. (Fourth report ). Support of a consistency control between plural models.

    谷水義隆, 杉村延広, 岩田一明, 小野里雅彦

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1996 ( Spring 1 ) 43 - 44  1996.03

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • CIM化のための生産システムモデリングに関する研究(第4報) -複数のモデル間の整合性管理の支援-

    谷水 義隆, 杉村 延広, 岩田 一明, 小野里 雅彦

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1996 ( 1 ) 43 - 44  1996.03


  • A Study on Model Architecture of Computer Integrated Manufacturing System

    Proc. of APMS'96     343  1996

  • CIM化のための生産システムモデリングに関する研究 (第2報) モデル統合のための枠組みの提案

    谷水義隆, 岩田一明, 小野里雅彦

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1994 ( Autumn 2 ) 595 - 596  1994.09


  • CIM化のための生産システムモデリングに関する研究 (第1報) 生産システムモデリングのフレームワークの提案

    谷水義隆, 岩田一明, 小野里雅彦

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1993 ( Autumn 3 ) 763 - 764  1993.09


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Research Institute

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    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 持続可能な低炭素型サプライチェーンマネジメントのための進化型計算手法の開発


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  • グリーンサプライチェーンのための生産スケジュールと輸送スケジュールの全体最適化


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    本課題申請者は,これまでに,製品の供給企業を表すSupplierと,顧客を表すClientの2つの要素で構成される2階層のサプライチェーンモデルを提案した.さらに,Supplierの生産スケジューリングとSupplier からClientへの製品の輸送スケジューリングにより,Supplierの利益の最大化と輸送時の二酸化炭素排出量の最小化を同時に考慮する二目的最適化手法の開発に従事してきた.本研究では,生産工程のジョブショップスケジューリング問題における製品の投入順序を遺伝的アルゴリズムで決定し,粒子群最適化手法を用いて適切な輸送便へ製品の割当を決定する最適化手法を提案した.

  • 地方沿岸都市におけるショートフードサプライチェーンのための地域内流通モデルの提案


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    本研究グループでは,数理最適化手法を活用して,地方沿岸都市に暮らす人々が近海で獲れた多種多様な地魚を新鮮かつ安価な値段で手に入れることができるショートフードサプライチェーン(Short Food Supply Chains: SFSCs)の運用方法の構築を目指している.本研究では,供給者と消費者にとって共に利便性が高く,低コストの地域内流通モデルについて検討した.まず,再配達の回数を削減するために,顧客の配達希望時間を考慮しながら,配送距離を最小化する配送経路の決定手法を提案した.次に,顧客と宅配業者の利便性を考慮したオープン型宅配ボックスの最適配置に関する意思決定手法を提案した.

  • 3階層動的サプライチェーンにおける適正オーダの生成に関する研究


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  • 組立作業者の心拍変動と脳活動量の解析に基づく生産性の予測に関する基礎研究


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  • 分解・再生スケジュールを考慮したプル型リバースサプライチェーンの構築と実験的検証


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  • 心拍変動の解析に基づく組立作業者の疲労予測に関する基礎研究


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  • 段取工程と後処理工程を考慮した生産スケジュールの動的最適化システムの開発


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