Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Job title
博士(理学) ( 東京工業大学 )

Education Background


    Tokyo Institute of Technology   Others   Bioscience  

Professional Memberships







Research Areas

  • Biophysics, chemical physics and soft matter physics / Intelligent informatics / Biophysics

Research Interests

  • 非線形

  • 集団

  • シアノバクテリア

  • 複雑系の生命科学

  • 非平衡

  • 真正粘菌

  • パターン形成

  • リズム

  • 結合振動子系

  • 生物物理学

  • 数理生物学

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  • Diversity in self-organized forms and migration modes in isolated epithelial cells

    Shota Mise, Shimon Shibagaki, Seiya Nishikawa, Hiroko Nakamura, Hiroshi Kimura, Atsuko Takamatsu

    Artificial Life and Robotics   25 ( 4 ) 523 - 528  2020  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

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    © 2020, International Society of Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB). It is widely believed that cells, derived from different species or different cell lines, behave differently. However, this study reports that a variety of forms and migration modes in isolated epithelial cells of Madin–Darby Canine Kidney type were observed, although the cells were taken from the same cell line and the experimental conditions were kept constant. To understand the diverse formation processes in such cell behavior, a simple mathematical model, namely the particle-fiber model, was constructed. In this model, a single cell is assumed to be composed of a multiple of particles, interconnected by stress fibers. The particles mimic focal adhesion biding to a substrate. The stress fibers mimic a cytoskeleton, that plays an important role in maintaining the shape and the movement of the cell. Here, a growth process was introduced, which varied the size of the particles and the thickness of the fibers in dependence on the forces exerted on the particles. Simulation of the results showed that various cell shapes can be self-organized even if the parameters, which describe cell properties and their interactions with environment, were kept constant.



  • Mathematical model for cell competition: Predator-prey interactions at the interface between two groups of cells in monolayer tissue

    Seiya Nishikawa, Atsuko Takamatsu, Shizue Ohsawa, Tatsushi Igaki

    JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY   404   40 - 50  2016.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

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    The phenomenon of 'cell competition' has been implicated in the normal development and maintenance of organs, such as in the regulation of organ size and suppression of neoplastic development. In cell competition, one group of cells competes with another group through an interaction at their interface. Which cell group "wins" is governed by a certain relative fitness within the cells. However, this idea of cellular fitness has not been clearly defined. We construct two types of mathematical models to describe this phenomenon of cell competition by considering the interaction at the interface as a predator-prey type interaction in a monolayer tissue such as epithelium. Both of these models can reproduce several typical experimental observations involving systems of mutant cells (losers) and normal cells (winners). By analyzing one of the model and defining an index for the degree of fitness in groups of cells, we show that the fate of each group mainly depends on the relative carrying capacities of certain resources and the strength of the predator-prey interaction at the interface. This contradicts the classical hypothesis in which the relative proliferation rate determines the winner. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed


  • Hydrodynamic Phase Locking in Mouse Node Cilia

    Atsuko Takamatsu, Kyosuke Shinohara, Takuji Ishikawa, Hiroshi Hamada

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   110 ( 24 ) 248107  2013.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    Rotational movement of mouse node cilia generates leftward fluid flow in the node cavity, playing an important role in left-right determination in the embryo. Although rotation of numerous cilia was believed necessary to trigger the determination, recent reports indicate the action of two cilia to be sufficient. We examine cooperative cilia movement via hydrodynamic interaction. Results show cilia to be cooperative, having phases locked in a certain relation; a system with a pair of nonidentical cilia can achieve phase-locked states more easily than one with a pair of identical cilia.

    DOI PubMed


  • Asymmetric rotational stroke in mouse node cilia during left-right determination

    Atsuko Takamatsu, Takuji Ishikawa, Kyosuke Shinohara, Hiroshi Hamada

    Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics   87 ( 5 ) 050701  2013.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    Rotational movement of isolated single cilia in mice embryo was investigated, which generates leftward fluid flow in the node cavity and plays an important role in left-right determination. The leftward unidirectional flow results from tilting of the rotational axis of the cilium to the posterior side. By combining computational fluid dynamics with experimental observations, we demonstrate that the leftward stroke can be more effective than expected for cases in which cilia tilting alone is considered with the no-slip condition under constant driving torque. Our results suggest that the driving torque is asymmetric. © 2013 American Physical Society.

    DOI PubMed


  • Two rotating cilia in the node cavity are sufficient to break left-right symmetry in the mouse embryo

    Kyosuke Shinohara, Aiko Kawasumi, Atsuko Takamatsu, Satoko Yoshiba, Yanick Botilde, Noboru Motoyama, Walter Reith, Benedicte Durand, Hidetaka Shiratori, Hiroshi Hamada

    NATURE COMMUNICATIONS   3   622  2012.01  [Refereed]

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    Determination of left-right asymmetry in mouse embryos is achieved by a leftward fluid flow (nodal flow) in the node cavity that is generated by clockwise rotational movement of 200-300 cilia in the node. The precise action of nodal flow and how much flow input is required for the robust read-out of left-right determination remains unknown. Here we show that a local leftward flow generated by as few as two rotating cilia is sufficient to break left-right symmetry. Quantitative analysis of fluid flow and ciliary rotation in the node of mouse embryos shows that left-right asymmetry is already established within a few hours after the onset of rotation by a subset of nodal cilia. Examination of various ciliary mutant mice shows that two rotating cilia are sufficient to initiate left-right asymmetric gene expression. Our results suggest the existence of a highly sensitive system in the node that is able to sense an extremely weak unidirectional flow, and may favour a model in which the flow is sensed as a mechanical force.

    DOI PubMed


  • Characterization of Adaptation by Morphology in a Planar Biological Network of Plasmodial Slime Mold

    Masateru Ito, Riki Okamoto, Atsuko Takamatsu

    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   80 ( 7 )  2011.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

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    Growth processes of a planar biological network of plasmodium of a true slime mold, Physarum polycephalum, were analyzed quantitatively. The plasmodium forms a transportation network through which protoplasm conveys nutrients, oxygen, and cellular organelles similarly to blood in a mammalian vascular network. To analyze the network structure, vertices were defined at tube bifurcation points. Then edges were defined for the tubes connecting both end vertices. Morphological analysis was attempted along with conventional topological analysis, revealing that the growth process of the plasmodial network structure depends on environmental conditions. In an attractive condition, the network is a polygonal lattice with more than six edges per vertex at the early stage and the hexagonal lattice at a later stage. Through all growing stages, the tube structure was not highly developed but an unstructured protoplasmic thin sheet was dominantly formed. The network size is small. In contrast, in the repulsive condition, the network is a mixture of polygonal lattice and tree-graph. More specifically, the polygonal lattice has more than six edges per vertex in the early stage, then a tree-graph structure is added to the lattice network at a later stage. The thick tube structure was highly developed. The network size, in the meaning of Euclidean distance but not topological one, grows considerably. Finally, the biological meaning of the environment-dependent network structure in the plasmodium is discussed.



  • Environment-dependent morphology in plasmodium of true slime mold Physarum polycephalum and a network growth model

    Atsuko Takamatsu, Eri Takaba, Ginjiro Takizawa

    JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY   256 ( 1 ) 29 - 44  2009.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    Branching network growth patterns, depending on environmental conditions. in plasmodium of true slime mold Physarum polycephalum were investigated. Surprisingly, the patterns resemble those in bacterial colonies even though the biological mechanisms differ greatly. Bacterial colonies are collectives of microorganisms in which individual organisms have motility and interact through nutritious and chemical fields. In contrast, the plasmodium is a giant amoeba-like multinucleated unicellular organism that forms a network of tubular structures through which protoplasm streams. The cell motility of the plasmodium is generated by oscillation phenomena observed in the partial bodies, which interact through the tubular structures. First, we analyze characteristics of the morphology quantitatively, then we abstract local rules governing the growing process to construct a simple network growth model. This model is independent of specific systems, in which only two rules are applied. Finally, we discuss the mechanism of commonly observed biological pattern formations through comparison with the system of bacterial colonies. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Spontaneous switching among multiple spatio-temporal patterns in three-oscillator systems constructed with oscillatory cells of true slime mold

    Atsuko Takamatsu

    PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA   223 ( 2 ) 180 - 188  2006.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    Three-oscillator systems with plasmodia of true slime mold, Physarum polycephalum, which is an oscillatory amoeba-like unicellular organism, were experimentally constructed and their spatio-temporal patterns were investigated. Three typical spatio-temporal patterns were found: rotation (R), partial in-phase (PI), and partial anti-phase with double frequency (PA). In pattern R, phase differences between adjacent oscillators were almost 120 degrees. In pattern PI, two oscillators were in-phase and the third oscillator showed anti-phase against the two oscillators. In pattern PA, two oscillators showed anti-phase and the third oscillator showed frequency doubling oscillation with small amplitude. Actually each pattern is not perfectly stable but quasi-stable. Interestingly, the system shows spontaneous switching among the multiple quasi-stable patterns. Statistical analyses revealed a characteristic in the residence time of each pattern: the histograms seem to have Gamma-like distribution form but with a sharp peak and a tail on the side of long period. That suggests the attractor of this system has complex structure composed of at least three types of sub-attractors: a "Gamma attractor"-involved with several Poisson processes, a "deterministic attractor"-the residence time is deterministic, and a "stable attractor"-each pattern is stable. When the coupling strength was small, only the Gamma attractor was observed and switching behavior among patterns R, PI, and PA almost always via an asynchronous pattern named O. A conjecture is as follows: Internal/external noise exposes each pattern of R, PI, and PA coexisting around bifurcation points: That is observed as the Gamma attractor. As coupling strength increases, the deterministic attractor appears then followed by the stable attractor, always accompanied with the Gamma attractor. Switching behavior could be caused by regular existence of the Gamma attractor. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Hidden symmetry in chains of biological coupled oscillators

    A Takamatsu, R Tanaka, T Fujii

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   92 ( 22 ) 228102  2004.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    We experimentally investigated spatiotemporal patterns in chains of coupled biological oscillators with boundaries and found hidden symmetric patterns that are not straightforwardly derived from explicit geometrical symmetry of the systems. We propose a model of coupled oscillators in chains with a hidden oscillator interconnecting its boundaries. The model can explain all observed patterns including the hidden symmetric ones, while other models such as discrete analogs of Neumann boundary conditions in continuous systems cannot.



  • Spatiotemporal symmetry in rings of coupled biological oscillators of Physarum plasmodial slime mold

    A Takamatsu, R Tanaka, H Yamada, T Nakagaki, T Fujii, Endo, I

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   87 ( 7 ) 78102  2001.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    Spatiotemporal patterns in rings of coupled biological oscillators of the plasmodial slime mold, Physarum polycephalum, were investigated by comparing with results analyzed by the symmetric Hopf bifurcation theory based on group theory. In three-, four-, and five-oscillator systems, all types of oscillation modes predicted by the theory were observed including a novel oscillation mode, a half period oscillation, which has not been reported anywhere in practical systems. Our results support the effectiveness of the symmetric Hopf bifurcation theory in practical systems.



  • Time delay effect in a living coupled oscillator system with the plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum

    A Takamatsu, T Fujii, Endo, I

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   85 ( 9 ) 2026 - 2029  2000.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    A living coupled oscillator system was constructed by a cell patterning method with a plasmodial slime mold, in which parameters such as coupling strength and distance between the oscillators can be systematically controlled. Rich oscillation phenomena between the two-coupled oscillators, namely, desynchronizing and antiphase/in-phase synchronization were observed according to these parameters. Both experimental and theoretical approaches showed that these phenomena are closely related to the time delay effect in interactions between the oscillators.



  • Scattered migrating colony formation in the filamentous cyanobacterium, Pseudanabaena sp. NIES-4403

    Hiroki Yamamoto, Yuki Fukasawa, Yu Shoji, Shumpei Hisamoto, Tomohiro Kikuchi, Atsuko Takamatsu, Hideo Iwasaki

    BMC Microbiology   21 ( 1 )  2021.12  [Refereed]

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    Background: Bacteria have been reported to exhibit complicated morphological colony patterns on solid media, depending on intracellular, and extracellular factors such as motility, cell propagation, and cell-cell interaction. We isolated the filamentous cyanobacterium, Pseudanabaena sp. NIES-4403 (Pseudanabaena, hereafter), that forms scattered (discrete) migrating colonies on solid media. While the scattered colony pattern has been observed in some bacterial species, the mechanism underlying such a pattern still remains obscure. Results: We studied the morphology of Pseudanabaena migrating collectively and found that this species forms randomly scattered clusters varying in size and further consists of a mixture of comet-like wandering clusters and disk-like rotating clusters. Quantitative analysis of the formation of these wandering and rotating clusters showed that bacterial filaments tend to follow trajectories of previously migrating filaments at velocities that are dependent on filament length. Collisions between filaments occurred without crossing paths, which enhanced their nematic alignments, giving rise to bundle-like colonies. As cells increased and bundles aggregated, comet-like wandering clusters developed. The direction and velocity of the movement of cells in comet-like wandering clusters were highly coordinated. When the wandering clusters entered into a circular orbit, they turned into rotating clusters, maintaining a more stable location. Disk-like rotating clusters may rotate for days, and the speed of cells within a rotating cluster increases from the center to the outmost part of the cluster. Using a mathematical modeling with simplified assumption we reproduced some features of the scattered pattern including migrating clusters. Conclusion: Based on these observations, we propose that Pseudanabaena forms scattered migrating colonies that undergo a series of transitions involving several morphological patterns. A simplified model is able to reproduce some features of the observed migrating clusters.

    DOI PubMed


  • 【細胞競合による生体制御とがん】細胞競合の力学・動態・数理 細胞競合の数理モデル 組織の運命を決めるものとは?

    西川 星也, 高松 敦子

    医学のあゆみ   274 ( 5 ) 545 - 550  2020.08

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  • Effects of cell death-induced proliferation on a cell competition system

    Seiya Nishikawa, Atsuko Takamatsu

    Mathematical Biosciences   316   108241  2019.10  [Refereed]



  • Asymmetry in cilia configuration induces hydrodynamic phase locking

    Keiji Okumura, Seiya Nishikawa, Toshihiro Omori, Takuji Ishikawa, Atsuko Takamatsu

    Physical Review E   97 ( 3 ) 032411  2018.03  [Refereed]

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    To gain insight into the nature of biological synchronization at the microscopic scale, we here investigate the hydrodynamic synchronization between conically rotating objects termed nodal cilia. A mechanical model of three rotating cilia is proposed with consideration of variation in their shapes and geometrical arrangement. We conduct numerical estimations of both near-field and far-field hydrodynamic interactions, and we apply a conventional averaging method for weakly coupled oscillators. In the nonidentical case, the three cilia showed stable locked-phase differences around ±π/2. However, such phase locking also occurred with three identical cilia when allocated in a triangle except for the equilateral triangle. The effects of inhomogeneity in cilia shapes and geometrical arrangement on such asymmetric interaction is discussed to understand the role of biological variation in synchronization via hydrodynamic interactions.

    DOI PubMed


  • 細胞競合の勝敗を規定する組織環境条件の遺伝学および数理学的解析

    片山 宰, 西川 星也, 大澤 志津江, 高松 敦子, 井垣 達吏

    生命科学系学会合同年次大会   2017年度   [3PT19 - 0392)]  2017.12

  • Energy-saving with low dimensional network in Physarum plasmodium

    Atsuko Takamatsu, Takuma Gomi, Tatsuya Endo, Tomo Hirai, Takato Sasaki

    JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS   50 ( 15 ) 154993  2017.04  [Refereed]  [Invited]

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    An adaptation process in the transportation network of Physarum plasmodium was investigated by measuring oxygen consumption during network formation. Simultaneously, the fractal dimension as a measure of network structure was estimated. Oxygen consumption decreased during the development of the network, whereas the network structure changed from a thin mesh-type to a thick dendritic type. Our data suggested that the morphology of the plasmodial network governed energy consumption; a low dimensional network in the sense of the fractal dimension reduced energy consumption. These data were supported by experimental results excluding biological reasons, such as differences in starvation/nutrientfullness states, and aspects of mitochondrial distribution. Model analysis using the Physarum algorithm with volume conservation constraints confirmed the above findings.



  • Body-to-body and body-to-environment interaction emerging dynamical behavior in cell group of motile cyanobacteria.

    Atsuko Takamatsu


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    Dynamical colony pattern formation in motile cyanobacteria Pseudanabaena sp. was investigated. Collectives of the bodies are self-organized and form various motile colony patterns on agar plates. The coexistence of collective movements of four types was observed: translationally moving single strands, bundles, comet-like colonies, and a rotating disk. Additionally, the colony patterns switch to others. Existence of body-to-body and body-to-environment interactions were supposed through experimental observations and the analyses. Investigation by a self-propelled particle model revealed that both interactions are necessary for the diversity of colony morphologies and internal and/or external perturbations can trigger the switching phenomena among the colonies.



  • Asymmetry of Arrangement Induces Phase Synchronization in Mouse Node Cilia

    Keiji Okumura, Seiya Nishikawa, Toshihiro Omori, Takuji Ishikawa, Atsuko Takamatsu

    26th IUPAP International conference on Statistical Physics     421  2016.07

  • 遺伝学と理論的アプローチによる細胞競合機構の解析

    馬場 翔子, 大澤 志津江, 西川 星也, 高松 敦子, 井垣 達吏

    日本生化学会大会・日本分子生物学会年会合同大会講演要旨集   88回・38回   [1LBA029] - [1LBA029]  2015.12

  • 細胞社会を支える適者生存システム 細胞競合の分子基盤とその役割 細胞競合の数理モデル 上皮細胞群境界における捕食者-被食者相互作用

    西川 星也, 高松 敦子

    日本細胞生物学会大会講演要旨集   67回   102 - 102  2015.06

  • 動物のからだの左右を決める回転繊毛間の流体相互作用 (生物流体力学における流れ構造の解析と役割)

    高松 敦子, 石川 拓司, 篠原 恭介, 濱田 博司

    数理解析研究所講究録   1900   97 - 104  2014.06


  • Transportation Network with Fluctuating Input/Output Designed by the Bio-Inspired Physarum Algorithm

    Shin Watanabe, Atsuko Takamatsu

    PLOS ONE   9 ( 2 ) e89231  2014.02  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we propose designing transportation network topology and traffic distribution under fluctuating conditions using a bio-inspired algorithm. The algorithm is inspired by the adaptive behavior observed in an amoeba-like organism, plasmodial slime mold, more formally known as plasmodium of Physarum plycephalum. This organism forms a transportation network to distribute its protoplasm, the fluidic contents of its cell, throughout its large cell body. In this process, the diameter of the transportation tubes adapts to the flux of the protoplasm. The Physarum algorithm, which mimics this adaptive behavior, has been widely applied to complex problems, such as maze solving and designing the topology of railroad grids, under static conditions. However, in most situations, environmental conditions fluctuate; for example, in power grids, the consumption of electric power shows daily, weekly, and annual periodicity depending on the lifestyles or the business needs of the individual consumers. This paper studies the design of network topology and traffic distribution with oscillatory input and output traffic flows. The network topology proposed by the Physarum algorithm is controlled by a parameter of the adaptation process of the tubes. We observe various rich topologies such as complete mesh, partial mesh, Y-shaped, and V-shaped networks depending on this adaptation parameter and evaluate them on the basis of three performance functions: loss, cost, and vulnerability. Our results indicate that consideration of the oscillatory conditions and the phase-lags in the multiple outputs of the network is important: The building and/or maintenance cost of the network can be reduced by introducing the oscillating condition, and when the phase-lag among the outputs is large, the transportation loss can also be reduced. We use stability analysis to reveal how the system exhibits various topologies depending on the parameter.

    DOI PubMed


  • 7G12 Synchronized motion of nodal cilia that determine left-right axis in the mouse embryo

    SHINOHARA Kyosuke, TAKAMATSU Atsuko, ISHIKAWA Takuji, HAMADA Hiroshi

      2012 ( 24 ) "7G12 - 1"-"7G12-2"  2012.01


  • Fluid flow and interlinked feedback loops establish left-right asymmetric decay of Cerl2 mRNA.

    Tetsuya Nakamura, Daisuke Saito, Aiko Kawasumi, Kyosuke Shinohara, Yasuko Asai, Katsuyoshi Takaoka, Fenglan Dong, Atsuko Takamatsu, Jose Antonio Belo, Atsushi Mochizuki, Hiroshi Hamada

    Nature communications   3   1322 - 1322  2012  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Breaking of left-right symmetry in mouse embryos requires fluid flow at the node, but the precise action of the flow has remained unknown. Here we show that the left-right asymmetry of Cerl2 expression around the node, a target of the flow, is determined post-transcriptionally by decay of Cerl2 mRNA in a manner dependent on its 3' untranslated region. Cerl2 mRNA is absent specifically from the apical region of crown cells on the left side of the node. Preferential decay of Cerl2 mRNA on the left is initiated by the leftward flow and further enhanced by the operation of Wnt-Cerl2 interlinked feedback loops, in which Wnt3 upregulates Wnt3 expression and promotes Cerl2 mRNA decay, whereas Cerl2 promotes Wnt degradation. Mathematical modelling and experimental data suggest that these feedback loops behave as a bistable switch that can amplify in a noise-resistant manner a small bias conferred by fluid flow.

    DOI PubMed


  • 1SF-02 Synchronization of rotaional movement in mouse node cilia during left-right determination(1SF Theoretical Approaches to Biological Motion and Deformation,Symposium,The 50th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)

    Takamatsu Atsuko, Shinohara Kyosuke, Ishikawa Takuji, Hamada Hiroshi

    Seibutsu Butsuri   52   S6  2012

    DOI CiNii

  • Traffic optimization in railroad networks using an algorithm mimicking an amoeba-like organism, Physarum plasmodium

    Shin Watanabe, Atsushi Tero, Atsuko Takamatsu, Toshiyuki Nakagaki

    BIOSYSTEMS   105 ( 3 ) 225 - 232  2011.09  [Refereed]

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    Traffic optimization of railroad networks was considered using an algorithm that was biologically inspired by an amoeba-like organism, plasmodium of the true slime mold, Physarum polycephalum. The organism developed a transportation network consisting of a tubular structure to transport protoplasm. It was reported that plasmodium can find the shortest path interconnecting multiple food sites during an adaptation process (Nakagaki et al., 2001. Biophys. Chem. 92, 47-52). By mimicking the adaptation process a path finding algorithm was developed by Tero et al. (2007). In this paper, the algorithm is newly modified for applications of traffic distribution optimization in transportation networks of infrastructure such as railroads under the constraint that the network topology is given. Application of the algorithm to a railroad in metropolitan Tokyo, Japan is demonstrated. The results are evaluated using three performance functions related to cost, traveling efficiency, and network weakness. The traffic distribution suggests that the modified Physarum algorithm balances the performances under a certain parameter range, indicating a biological process. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed


  • A215 Synchronization of nodal cilia underlying left-right axis determination in the mouse embryo


    Proceedings of the ... JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering   2010 ( 21 ) 67 - 68  2010.11


  • Emergence of traveling waves in the zebrafish segmentation clock

    Kana Ishimatsu, Atsuko Takamatsu, Hiroyuki Takeda

    DEVELOPMENT   137 ( 10 ) 1595 - 1599  2010.05  [Refereed]

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    The spatial and temporal periodicity of somite formation is controlled by the segmentation clock, in which numerous cells cyclically express hairy-related transcriptional repressors with a posterior-to-anterior phase delay, creating 'traveling waves' of her1 expression. In zebrafish, the first traveling wave buds off from the synchronous oscillation zone in the blastoderm margin. Here we show that the emergence of a traveling wave coincides with the anterior expansion of Fgf signaling and that transplanted Fgf8b-soaked beads induce ectopic traveling waves. We thus propose that as development proceeds, the activity of Fgf signaling gradually expands anteriorly, starting from the margin, so that cells initiate her1 oscillation with a posterior-to-anterior phase delay. Furthermore, we suggest that Fgf has an essential role in establishing the period gradient that is required for the her1 spatial oscillation pattern at the emergence of the traveling wave.

    DOI PubMed


  • Synchronization and spatiotemporal patterns in coupled phase oscillators on a weighted planer network

    Kagawa, Y, Takamatsu, A

    Phys. Rev. E.   79 ( 4 Pt 2 ) 46216  2009.04  [Refereed]

    DOI PubMed


  • Rail grid optimization by an algorithm biologically inspired from an amoeba-like organism of true slime mold

    S. Watanabe, A. Tero, A. Takamatsu, T. Nakagaki

    Proceedings of the 2009 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, Hokkaido     356 - 359  2009

  • Raid grid optimization by an algorithm inspired from Physarum

    S. Watanabe, A. Tero, A. Takamatsu, T. Nakagaki

    Proceedings of 3nd International Symposium on Mobiligence in Awaji     399 - 402  2009

  • Adaptation by environment-dependent-dynamical network in Physarum

    A. Takamatsu, R. Okamoto, M. Ito, T. Gomi

    Proceedings of 3nd International Symposium on Mobiligence in Awaji     357 - 360  2009

  • 生物の輸送管ネットワークの環境適応機構から学ぶ

    伊藤昌明, 高松敦子

    第51回自動制御連合講演会     336 - 340  2008


  • 真正粘菌変形体における環境依存の輸送管ネットワークトポロジー解析

    伊藤昌明, 高松敦子

    第21回自律分散システムシンポジウム資料     337 - 342  2008

  • 重み付き2次元ネットワーク上の結合力学系における協同現象〜真正粘菌変形体の適応行動発現の解明に向けて〜

    加川友己, 伊藤昌明, 高松敦子

    第20回自律分散システムシンポジウム資料     353 - 358  2008

  • 細胞の形による適応戦略-真正粘菌変形体の環境依存形態のネットワーク解析-


    Proceedings of the 52th Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information engineers, Kyoto     149 - 150  2008

  • 1P-301 Allometric scaling law in Physarum plasmodium controlled into one dimensional shape(The 46th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)

    Hirai Tomo, Gomi Takuma, Takamatsu Atsuko

    Seibutsu Butsuri   48   S68 - S69  2008

    DOI CiNii

  • Network geometry analysis in plasmodial slime mold

    Takamatsu, A, Ito, M, Kagawa, Y

    Proceedings in 2nd International Symposium on Mobiligence in Awaji     275 - 278  2007

  • Mobiligence in an amoeboid cell, plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum

    Takamatsu, A

    Proceedings in 2nd International Symposium on Mobiligence in Awaji     48 - 51  2007

  • MPS法によるマイクロ流路内細胞付着流れのシミュレーション (Numerical simulation of adhesion of cells in micro channels using the MPS method.)

    鈴木幸人, 小石川雅紀, 越塚誠一, 岡本拓士, 金子直嗣, 高松敦子, 藤井輝夫

    日本機会学会論文集B   72 ( 721 ) 2109 - 2116  2006



  • Relationship between hydrophobic beads attachment and fluid flow in PDMS microchannel

    T. Okamoto, T. Yamamoto, A. Takamatsu, N. Kaneko, T. Fujii


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    The hydrophobic beads as mimic of the living cell attachment to microchannel in fluid flow were observed and analyzed. Beads were collided to the microchannel wall by the right angle flow. We found that beads attachment in the fluid flow should be decided by the fluid velocity to the wall, and hydrophobic interaction between the channel and beads. Shear force is less effective in this case.



  • Localised stimulation of slime mould using microfluidic devices

    S Koster, T Kraus, A Takamatsu, T Fujii, E Verpoorte, N de Rooij

    Micro Total Analysis Systems 2004, Vol 1   ( 296 ) 75 - 77  2005

     View Summary

    We present a 3-D microfluidic device that enables localized drug delivery to living slime mould, a giant amoeba-like cell. The device features a flow cell in which drugs can be introduced at several positions, allowing drugs to be delivered to the slime mould at eight different locations. This is in contrast to devices reported in the literature, which allow cells to be addressed at only a few positions. Slime mould patterning is accomplished by insertion of SU-8 structures containing mould into the flow cell. This assembly allowed us to deliver drugs to the cell to evoke a measurable change in its oscillation behaviour.

  • 形が行動を決める-真正粘菌変形体のパターン形成-


    形の科学会誌   20 ( 1 ) 47 - 48  2005

  • マイクロ流路内における疎水性粒子の付着パターン解析

    岡本拓士, 金子直嗣, 高松敦子, 山本貴富喜, 藤井輝夫

    可視化情報(第33回可視化情報シンポジウム講演論文集)   25 ( suppl. no.1 ) 293 - 294  2005

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    Microfluidic devices for cell culture have recently been fabricated for perfusion culture, which can provide more likely in vivo environments for cells by continuously supplying nutrition and oxygen, and removing wastes. To design integrated cell culture microfluidic devices with higher density and larger numbers of cells, a fundamental understanding of relationship between cell adhesions and fluid flow in the channel is necessary Eight types of obstacles were made in centre of the PDMS (polydimetylsyloxane) microchannel, and hydrophobic beads as mimic of living cells were introduced. We found that beads are mostly attached to certain positions of obstacles and microchannel walls, even in the high velocity gradient area. The surface of PDMS microchannel is hydrophobic, and the strong hydrophobic beads are more easily attached to the microchannel wall than that of weak hydrophobic beads. The beads are easily sedimented in the channels with square and circular obstacles, and sometimes finally blocked the fluid flow. Establishment of the evaluation method by the beads would be broadened to integrated cell devices.

    DOI CiNii

  • MPS法によるマイクロ流路内人工細胞付着流れのシミュレーション

    鈴木幸人, 小石川雅紀, 越塚誠一, 岡本拓士, 金子直嗣, 高松敦子, 藤井輝夫

    計算工学講演会論文集   10  2005

  • Pattern formation of adhesive beads to channels in microfluidic devices for cell culture

    T Okamoto, N Kaneko, A Takamatsu, T Fujii

    2005 3rd IEEE/EMBS Special Topic Conference on Microtechnology in Medicine and Biology     176 - 179  2005

     View Summary

    The hydrophobic beads as mimic of the living cell attached to the microchannel were observed. We found that beads are mostly attached to certain positions of obstacles and microchannel walls, even in the high velocity gradient area.



  • Spontaneous switching of frequency-locking by periodic stimulus in oscillators of plasmodium of the true slime mold

    A Takamatsu, T Yamamoto, T Fujii

    BIOSYSTEMS   76 ( 1-3 ) 133 - 140  2004.08

     View Summary

    Microfabrication technique was used to construct a model system with a living cell of plasmodium of the true slime mold, Physarum polycephalum, a living coupled oscillator system. Its parameters can be systematically controlled as in computer simulations, so that results are directly comparable to those of general mathematical models. As the first step, we investigated responses in oscillatory cells, the oscillators of the plasmodium, to periodic stimuli by temperature changes to elucidate characteristics of the cells as nonlinear systems whose internal dynamics are unknown because of their complexity. We observed that the forced oscillator of the plasmodium show 1: 1, 2:1, 3:1 frequency locking inside so-called Arnold tongues regions as well as in other nonlinear systems such as chemical systems and other biological systems. In addition, we found spontaneous switching behavior from certain frequency locking states to other states, even under certain fixed parameters. This technique can be applied to more complex systems with multiple elements, such as coupled oscillator systems, and would be useful to investigate complicated phenomena in biological systems such as information processing. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • 粘菌のみせる数理的世界

    田中玲子, 高松敦子

    バイオメカニズム学会誌   28   22 - 26  2004


  • Spontaneous switching in coupled biological oscillator systems constructed with living cells of the true slime mold

    A Takamatsu, T Fujii

    SICE 2004 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-3     1760 - 1763  2004

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    Coupled oscillator systems with oscillating cells of plasmodium of the true slime mold were constructed with a cell pattering method using microfabrication technique. Parameters in this system such as coupling strength can be systematically controlled like in computer simulations. We constructed three-oscillator systems in rings and observed spontaneous switching among typical spatio-temporal patterns even when coupling strength was fixed.

  • Control of oscillation patterns in a symmetric coupled biological oscillator system

    A Takamatsu, R Tanaka, T Yamamoto, T Fujii

    EXPERIMENTAL CHAOS   676   230 - 235  2003

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    A chain of three-oscillator system was constructed with living biological oscillators of phasmodial slime mold, Physarum polycehalum and the oscillation patterns were analyzed by the symmetric Hopf bifurcation theory using group theory. Multi-stability of oscillation patterns was observed, even when the coupling strength was fixed. This suggests that the coupling strength is not an effective parameter to obtain a desired oscillation pattern among the multiple patterns. Here we propose a method to control oscillation patterns using resonance to external stimulus and demonstrate pattern switching induced by frequency resonance given to only one of oscillators in the system.

  • BZ反応振動子による結合系の振動パターンの実験的解析と制御

    堀口奈美, 高松敦子, 田中玲子, 相吉英太郎

    計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門学術講演会2002 講演論文集     111 - 116  2002

  • Observation of response to stimuli in oscillating cells patterned by microfabricated structure

    Takamatsu, A, Fujii, T

    Micro Total Analysis Systems Baba, Y. et al. eds., Vol. 1,     10 - 12  2002

  • 粘菌振動子系の解析-対照系のHopf分岐理論の適用

    田中玲子, 山田裕泰, 高松敦子, 中垣俊之

    第14回自律分散システムシンポジウム 資料    2001

  • 生きた細胞による数理モデルの構築-粘菌結合振動子系-

    高松敦子, 藤井輝夫

    第7回創発システムシンポジウム ポスター講演資料    2001

  • 振動子系の結合形態と位相パターン-粘菌ネットワーク形態ダイナミクスの解析をめざして-

    山田裕泰, 中垣俊之, 田中玲子, 高松敦子

    第15回自律分散システムシンポジウム 資料    2001

  • リング状に結合した粘菌振動子系における時空間振動パターン

    高松敦子, 田中玲子, 山田裕泰, 中垣俊之, 藤井輝夫, 遠藤勲

    第13回自律分散システムシンポジウム 資料    2001

  • マイクロ構造を用いたウエットシステムの構築

    藤井輝夫, 高松敦子

    生産研究, 東京大学 生産技術研究所 発行   53   24 - 25  2001

  • Control of interaction strength in a network of the true slime mold by a microfabricated structure

    A Takamatsu, T Fujii, Endo, I

    BIOSYSTEMS   55 ( 1-3 ) 33 - 38  2000.02

     View Summary

    The plasmodium of the true slime mold, Physarum polycephalum, which shows various nonlinear oscillatory phenomena, for example, in its thickness, protoplasmic streaming and concentration of intracellular chemicals, can be regarded as a collective of nonlinear oscillators. The plasmodial oscillators are interconnected by microscale tubes whose dimensions can be closely related to the strength of interaction between the oscillators. Investigation of the collective behavior of the oscillators under the conditions in which the interaction strength can be systematically controlled gives significant information on the characteristics of the system. In this study, we proposed a living model system of a coupled oscillator system in the Physarum plasmodium. We patterned the geometry and dimensions of the microscale tube structure in the plasmodium by a microfabricated structure (microstructure). As the first step, we constructed a two-oscillator system for the plasmodium that has two wells (oscillator part) and a channel (coupling part). We investigated the oscillation behavior by monitoring the thickness oscillation of the plasmodium in the microstructure with various channel widths. It was found that the oscillation behavior of two oscillators dynamically changed depending on the channel width. Based on the results of measurements of the tube dimensions and the velocity of the protoplasmic streaming in the tube, we discuss how the channel width relates to the interaction strength of the coupled oscillator system. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • 粘菌振動子系における時空間振動パターン


    第10回非線形反応と協同現象研究会 予稿集    2000

  • マイクロ構造によるパラメータ制御可能な生きた結合振動子系

    高松敦子, 藤井輝夫, 遠藤勲

    第12回自律分散システム・シンポジウム 資料   12   299 - 302  2000


  • Controlling the geometry and the coupling strength of the oscillator system in plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum by microfabricated structure

    A Takamatsu, T Fujii, H Yokota, K Hosokawa, T Higuchi, Endo, I

    PROTOPLASMA   210 ( 3-4 ) 164 - 171  2000

     View Summary

    The plasmodium of the true slime mold Physarum polycephalum, which shows various oscillatory phenomena, can be regarded as a collective of nonlinear oscillators. Partial bodies in the plasmodium, which are assumed to be nonlinear oscillators, are mutually connected by microscale tubes named plasmodial strand. The interactions among the oscillators can be strongly affected by the geometry and the dimension of the tube network. Investigation of the collective behavior under the condition that the configuration of the network can be manipulated gives significant information on the characteristics of the plasmodium from the viewpoint of nonlinear dynamics. In this study, we have developed a new method to control the geometry and the tube dimension of the plasmodium with a microfabricated structure. It is shown that the geometry of the plasmodium can be manipulated with a microstructure which is fabricated of ultrathick photoresist resin by photolithographic processes. In order to confirm that not only the geometry but also the dimension of the tubes can be controlled with the microstructure, we observed the cross section of the patterned plasmodium with a three-dimensional internal-structure microscope. By observing the oscillatory behavior of the partial bodies of the patterned plasmodium, it was confirmed that the coupling strength between two oscillators, which corresponds to the dimension of the plasmodial strand. can be controlled by the microstructure. It is concluded that the present method is suitable for further studies of the network of Physarum plasmodium as a collective nonlinear oscillator system.



  • Frequency coupling model for dynamics of responses to stimuli in plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum

    A Takamatsu, K Takahashi, M Nagao, Y Tsuchiya

    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   66 ( 6 ) 1638 - 1646  1997.06

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    Gathering or escaping behavior in the plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum is considered to relate to an entrainment of the coupled nonlinear oscillators. The behavior has been explained to be caused by the formation of phase gradient between those oscillators, which results from the local frequency modulation at the stimulated site. However, it has not yet been elucidated how the formation process relates to the migration of the plasmodium. In this paper, we have introduced a model with frequency coupling besides the phase coupling in the system of coupled oscillators. By the simulation, we have shown that not only the phase gradient but also the concentration gradient of substances such as Ca2+ and ATP are self-organized and their reverse by the stimulus results in the migration of plasmodium.



  • Asymmetry in the self-sustained oscillation of Physarum plasmodial strands

    K Takahashi, A Takamatsu, ZS Hu, Y Tsuchiya

    PROTOPLASMA   197 ( 1-2 ) 132 - 135  1997

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    The characteristics of the self-sustained oscillation in the plasmodial strand of Physarum polycephalum have been investigated in one steady and two transient conditions. An isolated Physarum strand changes its length periodically when it is suspended. In the behaviour of the self-sustained oscillation under the conditions, we provide the first demonstration that the changes in the periods of the oscillation can be ascribed to effects on the shortening phase, while the lengthening periods are almost unaffected. This result means that the asymmetric self-sustained oscillation of the Physarum strand is composed of an active contracting process, presumably due to actin filaments and myosin-like molecules in the strand, and a passive lengthening process which is merely an extension of the strand under a load.




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    The stochastic behavior of organelles during the recovery process of protoplasmic streaming is investigated in Nitella internodal cells at a nanometer space resolution. The motions of organelles in the components parallel and perpendicular to the alignment of actin filaments in the cell are analysed from the traces of displacement of 860 organelles in 1/30s (=video rate). The analysis of those traces shows that the generation of motive forces to the organelle follows the Poisson process. Therefore, we have been able to estimate the step size corresponding to the single force generation as similar to 100 nm. (C) 1995 Academic Press.





    BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL   64 ( 1 ) 182 - 186  1993.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    Ca2+ ion effect on protoplasmic streaming in an internodal cell of Nitella has been investigated for various temperatures. We have found that the protoplasmic streaming at low temperature is remarkably affected by the Ca2+ ions in the internodal cell but larger concentrations of the Ca2+ ions are needed to suppress the streaming velocity at higher temperatures. These streaming behaviors of the protoplasm, furthermore, have been elucidated on the basis of the reaction equations which take into account ATP hydrolysis due to actin-myosin molecules and inactivity of the molecules due to the Ca2+ ions.





    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   60 ( 9 ) 2847 - 2850  1991.09

     View Summary

    Recovery process of protoplasmic streaming in a Nitella internodal cell has been investigated at various temperatures. It has been found that the protoplasmic streaming, after its cessation by a current stimulus to the cell, begins to occur slowly and more quickly recovers to its original steady flow with larger velocity at higher temperatures. The steady velocity exponentially decreases with increasing inverse temperature, and the recovery time, which is defined as the time required for the protoplasmic streaming to recover to the half-value of its steady velocity, shortens with increasing temperature. It has been shown that the recovery process of protoplasmic streaming is expressed by a function of nondimensional velocity and time scaled by the steady value and the recovery time, respectively. These results have been elucidated on the basis of two motional equations describing the flow dynamics of the protoplasm.




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Books and Other Publications

  • 対称性の破れとパターン形成の数理 The symmetry perspective

    マーチン・ゴルビツキー, イアン・スチュワート 著, 田中玲子, 山田裕康, 高松敦子, 中垣俊之

    丸善  2003

  • Construction of a living coupled oscillator system of plasmodial slime mold by a microfabricated structure Chap. 1.2 in Sensors Update

    Takamatsu, A, Fujii, T

    Wiley-VCH, Weinheim  2002

Research Projects

  • Establishment of the chrono-health science by understanding irregular life style

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


  • Bifurcation of spatio-temporal oscillation pattern on transportation network of slime mold

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Takamatsu Atsuko

     View Summary

    The phenomenon of synchronization among nonlinear oscillators, elements that exhibit flexible and stable oscillations, plays an important role in a wide range of systems from man-made objects to living organisms. In this context, a phenomenon called "chimeric state," in which a group of oscillators with identical properties spontaneously divides into synchronized and asynchronous clusters under certain conditions, has been theoretically discovered. In this study, using an oscillatory cell called a true slime mold as a model organism, to clarify its existence, the spatio-temporal patterns of oscillation during its growth process was investigated. By combining mathematical models, we showed that spatially asymmetric positive and negative interactions in slime molds may generate the diverse oscillatory patterns that emerge as the slime molds grow.

  • Genetic dissection of cell competition in Drosophila

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)

    Project Year :



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    Oncogenic polarity-deficient cells emerged in the epithelial tissue are actively eliminated from the tissue by ‘cell competition’ when surrounded by wild-type cells. We used fruit fly Drosophila as a model organism and identified the molecular mechanisms of how wild-type cells recognize neighboring mutant cells and how mutant cells are eliminated from the tissue by nearby wild-type cells.

  • A mechanism of adaptation by network morphology in plasmodial slime mold

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Takamatsu Atsuko, WATANABE Shin, IKARI Shusuke, YAMAGUCHI Takaki, TSUJI Kyo, TOYODA Satoshi

     View Summary

    Adaptation by transportation network morphology in plasmodial slime mold, Physarum polychephalum, was investigated and the followings are revealed. Under attractive environment, it forms hierarchical mesh-type network, in which short thin tubes are dominant. The plasmodium can decentralize its function. Energy efficiency is relatively low because oxygen is consumed throughout the thin tubes. Instead, it can efficiently absorb nutrients. Under repulsive environment, the plasmodium forms dendritic networks, in which long thick tubes are dominant and the functions are centralized to them. The thick tubes are useful to explore the environment for discovering safety and attractive place. The number of thin tubes consuming oxygen is small then energy efficiency could be high. Furthermore, dynamical adaptation process by network morphology under fluctuating environment is found.

  • 運動性シアノバクテリア集団の細胞間相互作用と動的パターン形成

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)

    Project Year :


    高松 敦子

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  • バクテリア集団が生成するマクロな秩序構造と生物機能

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)

    Project Year :


    高松 敦子

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  • マウスの左右を決めるノード流は繊毛の協同性から生じるか?

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究

    Project Year :


    高松 敦子, 濱田 博司

     View Summary


  • 真正粘菌変形体の環境依存の動的ネットワーク形成による適応行動と機能創発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特定領域研究

    Project Year :


    高松 敦子

     View Summary

    真正粘菌変形体(Physarum polycephalum)は多核単細胞のアメーバ様細胞である。細胞の厚みを振動させながら環境中を遣いまわり、環境からの情報を細胞の状態・形態にフィードバックしながら行動する。一見、特異な生物だが、「移動知」という概念から見た場合、生物実験系のモデル生物として最適な生物システムのうちの1つであろう。

  • 真正粘菌のネットワーク幾何と生物としての機能発現

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特定領域研究

    Project Year :


    高松 敦子, 加川 友己

     View Summary

    振動しながら環境中をはい回るアメーバ様の単細胞生物、真正粘菌(Physarun polycephalum)変形体は、環境に応じてその形態を動的に変化させる。変形体の部分間は管状構造で結ばれており、その内部には原形質の流れが観察され細胞内物質や栄養分を運んでいるる。変形体の振動している各部分を振動子(あるいはノード)、ノード間を結ぶ管状構造をリンクと定義して、変形体全体をネットワークとして捉えることができる。興味深いことに、この細胞は環境の状況に応じてその形態(管状構造ネットワークの形態)と振動周期が著しく変化する。この環境依存の形態変化は一種の適応行動と見て取ることができる。

  • Control of switching behavior among multiple attractors in biological coupled oscillator systems.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    Switching behavior in spatio-temporal oscillating pattern observed in a biological coupled oscillator system constructed with plasmodial slime mold, Physarum polycephalum was investigated.
    In first fiscal year, we investigated pattern variations, its observation frequency and switching rules in coupled three oscillator systems. We found those all depend on interactions strength. We start to construct a mathematical model by combining conservation law of protoplasm (total mass of the plasmodium) and ordinary phase equations that commonly used as one of the simplest models for coupled oscillator systems. We found that all the spatio-temporal patterns observed in the two-or three-oscillator systems can be reproduced by this model. However, switching behavior can not be yet.
    In second fiscal year, we investigated distributions of residence time in every patterns. The histograms seem to have Gamma-like distribution form but with a sharp peak and a tail on the side of long period. That suggests the attractor of this system has complex structure composed of at least three types of sub-attractors: "Gamma attractor"-involved with several Poisson processes, a "deterministic attractor"-the residence time is deterministic, and a "stable attractor"-each pattern is stable. From these experimental results, we proposed a conjecture as follows: As coupling strength increases, the deterministic attractor appears then followed by the stable attractor, always accompanied with the Gamma attractor. Switching behavior could be caused by regular existence of the Gamma attractor.
    The plasmodium shows random spatio-temporal pattern when it is searching food. The switching behavior rather than fixed patterns could be able to generate the spontaneous searching behavior. Mathematical modeling of switching behavior based on these experimental results is one of future works.

  • 生きた結合振動子システムによる生物の非線形振動子集団のダイナミクスの研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)

    Project Year :


    高松 敦子

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▼display all


  • Control of cell dynamics by extracellular environment using a particle-fiber model

    八塚剛志, 三瀬翔太, 柴垣志文, 西川星也, 岡本直樹, 高松敦子

    自律分散システム・シンポジウム(CD-ROM)   34th  2022


  • A Mathematical Model for Differentiation-potencial Maintenance by Cell Competition-Effect of Cell Motility-

    田野口佳奈, 西川星也, 高松敦子

    日本数理生物学会年会(Web)   31st  2021


  • Control of cell morphology by cell-substrate adhesion using a particle-fiber model

    八塚剛志, 三瀬翔太, 柴垣志文, 西川星也, 岡本直樹, 高松敦子

    日本数理生物学会年会(Web)   31st  2021


  • A mathematical model for the cell system generating multiple modes of form and migration

    三瀬翔太, 柴垣志文, 西川星也, 八塚剛志, 中村寛子, 木村啓志, 高松敦子

    日本数理生物学会年会(Web)   30th  2020


  • 上皮組織における異常細胞の排出現象の数理解析

    西川星也, 高松敦子

    自律分散システム・シンポジウム(CD-ROM)   31st  2019


  • Perspective of cell competition using mathematical models : an agent-based model for cell competition

    西川 星也, 高松 敦子

    生体の科学   67 ( 2 ) 155 - 158  2016.03


  • Agent-basedmodelを用いた細胞競合現象のシミュレーション

    西川星也, 高松敦子

    自律分散システム・シンポジウム(CD-ROM)   28th  2016


  • Phase locking due to asymmetric arrangement in a model of three identical cilia

    Okumura K, Nishikawa S, Omori T, Ishikawa T, Takamatsu A

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   71 ( 0 ) 2782 - 2782  2016

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    DOI CiNii

  • 22pBL-8 Synchronized oscillation in a model of three nodal cilia with hydrodynamic interaction

    Okumura K, Nishikawa S, Omori T, Ishikawa T, Takamatsu A

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   70 ( 0 ) 3030 - 3030  2015

    DOI CiNii

  • 16pCX-1 Parameter dependence on synchronization in a model of two nodal cilia

    Okumura K, Nishikawa S, Omori T, Ishikawa T, Takamatsu A

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   70 ( 0 ) 2595 - 2595  2015

    DOI CiNii

  • Lotka-Volterra competition modelに基づく細胞競合モデル

    西川星也, 高松敦子, 大澤志津江, 井垣達吏

    日本数理生物学会大会講演要旨集   23rd  2013


  • アリの運動量と個体数の関係

    久本峻平, 西川星也, 高松敦子

    日本数理生物学会大会講演要旨集   23rd  2013


  • 粘菌アルゴリズムを用いた首都圏鉄道網の輸送量最適化

    渡邊晋, 手老篤史, 高松敦子, 中垣俊之

    日本数理生物学会大会講演要旨集   20th   55  2010


  • 1601 Visualization study on the nodal cilia in the mouse embryo


    Fluids engineering conference ...   2009   483 - 484  2009.11

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    The synchronized oscillation plays an important role in physiological functions in biological systems. Synchronized motion of motile cilia realizes unidirectional transport of fluid in vertebrate body. The collective behavior is believed to arise by hydrodynamic interactions via the extracellular fluid, but how this synchrony appears and develops during the embryogenesis are unknown. We analyze synchrony dynamics of nodal cilia, which determine the left-right axis, by quantifying the fluid flow and cilia rotation. We construct a model based on coupled phase oscillators explaining the offset of the synchronization of cilia after the left-right axis determination. This suggests that the synchronization of nodal cilia is governed by global and local hydrodynamic coupling.


  • Collective behavior in coupled dynamical systems on two-dimensional weighted networks: A step toward understanding adaptive behavior of true slime mold

    Yuki Kagawa, Atsuko Takamatsu


    Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.  

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    Plasmodium of true slime mold, Physarum polycephalum, is an amoeboid<br />
    organism, which spreads with developing tubular network structure and crawls on<br />
    two-dimensional plane with oscillating the cell thickness. The plasmodium<br />
    transforms its tubular network structure to adapt to the environment. To reveal<br />
    the effect of the network structure on the oscillating behavior of the<br />
    plasmodium, we constructed coupled map systems on two-dimensional weighted<br />
    networks as models of the plasmodium, and investigated the relation between the<br />
    distribution of weights on the network edges and the synchronization in the<br />
    system. We found the probability that the system shows phase synchronization<br />
    changes drastically with the weight distribution even if the total weight is<br />
    constant. This implies the oscillating patterns observed in the plasmodium are<br />
    controlled by the tube widths or cross-sections in the tubular networks.

  • 30aTB-1 Analysis on environment dependent network in plasmodial slime mold

    Takamatsu Atsuko, Ito Masateru, Okamoto Riki

    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   64 ( 1 ) 316 - 316  2009.03


  • 30pVC-8 Measurement of phase response curve in plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum

    Matsumoto Hideaki, Takamatsu Atsuko

    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   64 ( 1 ) 399 - 399  2009.03


  • 25pWE-15 Dynamics of coupled oscillators on tow-dimensional weighted networks

    Kagawa Yuki, Ito Masateru, Takamatsu Atsuko

    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   63 ( 1 ) 314 - 314  2008.02


  • Morphology and Biological Function : Spatio-temporal Structure in an Oscillating Amoeboid Unicellular Organism of True Slime Mold

    TAKAMATSU Atsuko

    J. Surf. Sci. Soc. Jpn.   28 ( 11 ) 653 - 658  2007.11

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    Plasmodium of true slime mold, &lt;I&gt;Physarum polycephalum&lt;/I&gt;, is an amoeba-like unicellular organism. It crawls in environment with oscillating the cell thickness. The oscillating parts of the plasmodium are connected through tube structures where the protoplasm (intracellular substance) streams. Thus the plasmodium can be modeled as a network consisting of oscillating nodes (or vertices) and links (or edges). In this paper, the network geometries in various environments were analyzed with considering the relation with the spatio-temporal oscillating pattern in the each network. We show the geometry of the networks depends on environmental condition:It forms lattice networks in pleasant environment, tree-graph networks in unpleasant environment, and intermixture of them in neutral environment. The relation between the morphology and the biological function of the plasmodia is discussed in the context of spatio-temporal structure.

    DOI CiNii

  • 21pTP-5 Synchronization in coupled maps on two-dimensional weighted networks

    Kagawa Yuki, Ito Masateru, Takamatsu Atsuko

    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   62 ( 2 ) 266 - 266  2007.08


  • 21pTP-8 Analysis transportation network formed in growing process of Physarum plasmodium

    Ito M., Takamatsu A.

    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   62 ( 2 ) 267 - 267  2007.08


  • 1P280 Numerical Analysis on spatio-temporal pattern in Zebrafish somitogenesis(Mathematical biology, biological rythms, and non-equilibrium phenomena,Poster Presentations)

    Oshiguchi Atsushi, Takamatsu Atsuko

    Seibutsu Butsuri   47 ( 0 ) S93  2007

    DOI CiNii

  • 1P283 Allometric scaling law in two dimensional organism, Physarum plasmodium(Mathematical biology, biological rythms, and non-equilibrium phenomena,Poster Presentations)

    GOMI Takuma, TAKAMATSU Atsuko

    Seibutsu Butsuri   47 ( 0 ) S94  2007

    DOI CiNii

  • Numerical Simulation of Adhesion of Cells in Micro Channels using the MPS Method

    SUZUKI Yukihito, KOISHIKAWA Masaki, KOSHIZUKA Seiichi, OKAMOTO Takuji, KANEKO Naotsugu, TAKAMATSU Atsuko, FUJII Teruo

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers B   72 ( 721 ) 2109 - 2116  2006.09

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    The MPS method is a particle method which simulates motion of continua with a finite number of particles. Thus it is relatively easy to simulate complex flows such as those in a bioreactor in which the geometry of flow is continuously modified by adhesion of cells. In this study, flows with adhesion of cells in a micro channel are simulated using the MPS method. The adhesion pattern of cells is well reproduced by the simulation.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Synthesis and Systematic Approach for Analysis of Coupled Cell Systems Constructed with Ameboid Unicellular Organism of True Slime Mold(<Special Issue>Learning Life as a System)

    TAKAMATSU Atsuko

    Journal of the Society of Mechanical Engineers   109 ( 1049 ) 253 - 256  2006


  • 粘菌のみせる数理的世界(<特集>生物に学ぶおもしろさ)

    田中 玲子, 高松 敦子

    バイオメカニズム学会誌   28 ( 1 ) 22 - 26  2004.02

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    DOI CiNii

  • 3O1130 Control of Spatio-temporal Symmetric Oscillations in a Coupled Oscillator System of the Plasmodium of Physaurum, polycephalum

    Takamatsu A, Tanaka R, Yamamoto T, Fujii T

    Seibutsu Butsuri   42 ( 2 ) S202  2002

    DOI CiNii

  • Time delay effect in a coupled CSTR system of BZ reaction.

    Takamatsu A, Nakajima K, Tanaka R, Aiyoshi E, Fujii T

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   57 ( 0 ) 272 - 272  2002


  • Building the 'Wet Systems' using Microfabricated Structures

    Fujii Teruo, Takamatsu Atsuko

    Monthly journal of the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo   53 ( 3 ) 172 - 173  2001.03

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    DOI CiNii

  • A living coupled oscillator system with controllable parameters constructed by a microfabricated structure

    TAKAMATSU Atsuko, FUJII Teruo, ENDO Isao

    自律分散システム・シンポジウム資料 = SICE Symposium on Decentralized Autonomous Systems   12   299 - 302  2000.01


  • Time delay effect in a three coupled oscillator system of the physarum plasmodium

    Takamatsu A, Fujii T, Endo I

    Seibutsu Butsuri   40 ( 0 ) S100  2000

    DOI CiNii

  • Control of Coupling Strength in the Network of True Slime Molds by Microfabricated Structure

    TAKAMATSU Atsuko, FUJII Teruo, HOSOKAWA Kazuo, ENDO Isao

    自律分散システム・シンポジウム資料 = SICE Symposium on Decentralized Autonomous Systems   11   89 - 92  1999.01


  • Construction of a living coupled oscillators system for Physarum plasmodium in microfabricated structure.

    Takamatsu A, Fujii T, Endo I

    Seibutsu Butsuri   39 ( 0 ) S199  1999

    DOI CiNii

  • Analysis of nonlinear dynamics in Physarum polycephalum with microfabricated structure.

    Takamatsu A, Fujii T, Hosokawa K, Endo I

    Biophysics   38 ( 2 ) S188  1998.09


  • Observation of Microfube Structure of Physarum polycephalum by the Three Dimensional Internal Structure Microscope

    Fujii T, Takamatsu A, Yokota H, Higuchi T, Endo I

    Biophysics   38 ( 2 ) S91  1998


  • Frequency Coupling Model for Dynamics of Responses to Stimuli in Plasmodium of Physarum

    Takamatsu A, Takahashi K, Tuchiya Y

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   1996 ( 0 ) 786 - 786  1996


  • External Ca^<2+> concentration effect on Recovery process of cytoplasmic streaming in nitella

    Takamatsu A, Aoki T, Tsuchiya Y, Kawakubo T

    Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan   45 ( 0 ) 452 - 452  1990


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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 細胞-組織融合モデル構築を目指した1細胞モデル解析

    2023   福田真大

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  • 細胞の形態と運動性の多様性を示すミニマルモデルの構築


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  • 細胞の運動・形態・組織形成の粒子-ファイバーモデル


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  • 細胞接着-ファイバーモデルを用いた細胞の形態と運動性の多様性の解析


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  • 真正粘菌変形体輸送管ネットワークのスケール則


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  • 真正粘菌変形体細胞形状のスケール則


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  • 脊椎動物における体節パターン形成の数理モデル構築


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    マウス、ニワトリ、ゼブラフィッシュなどの脊椎動物の発生過程における体節形成には、胚の前後軸に沿って配列した未分節中胚葉(Presomitic mesodoerm; PMS)と呼ばれる細胞群で30~90分周期で発現する時計遺伝子群が大きく係わっていることが近年明らかにされてきた。これら細胞群の尾部側では全体が同期した周期的振動が見られるが、頭部に向かってこの振動の波が伝搬していく領域があり、やがでこの波は先端で静止し定在波となり、その部分で分節がおこり体節が順次形成されていく。 この特定課題では、尾部で発生した時計遺伝子群の時間的振動がどのようにして体節という空間周期構造を形成するのかについて数理的考察を行うことが研究目的であった。 反応拡散モデルという系では、パラメータに依存して、振動場、伝搬場、定在波場が形成されることが知られている。一方、ゼブラフィッシュでは尾部から頭部に向かってFGF(繊維芽細胞成長因子)活性が勾配を形成していることが知られているので、この事実に基づき反応拡散モデルにおいてパラメータの空間的勾配を設定した。その結果、ゼブラフィッシュやニワトリ胚に見られるような時計遺伝子群発現の時空間パターンを再現することに成功した。 次の段階として、時計遺伝子の周期的発現について構築された分子反応に基づいたモデルにNotch-Deltaによる細胞間相互作用を導入することで、結合振動子系としてのモデルを構築し解析を行っている。

  • 生物振動子系における時空間パターンの遷移現象の解析


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