Updated on 2024/07/03


Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title
Dr. phil. ( University of Hildesheim, Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies )
博士(学術) ( 東京外国語大学大学院、日本[共同指導による学位授与協定に基づく] )
Mail Address










Research Experience

  • 2022.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Professor

  • 2021.10

    Evaluation Policy Study Group on Relocation of Government Related Organizations, commissioned by the Cabinet Secretariat   Committee Member

  • 2019.04

    Columbia University   Department of Art History and Archaeology   Visiting Research Scholar

  • 2020.04

    Keio University, Faculty of Letters   Lecturer

  • 2017.04

    Dokkyo University   Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of German   tenured Associate Professor

  • 2017.12

    National advisory committee member for the comparative study of cultural policies of overseas, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan

  • 2013.04

    Dokkyo University, Faculty Of Foreign Languages, Dept. of German

  • 2016.04

    NHK Radio Broadcasting II   German lessons for the beginners

  • 2010.04

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology   Post-doctoral JSPS Research Fellow (PD)

  • 2007

    Institut für kulturelle Infrastruktur Sachsen , Germany   Junior Fellow (Collegium PONTES 2007)

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Education Background

  • 2006.04

    Universität Hildesheim, Germany   Institut für Kulturpolitik (Institute for cultural policy)  


    Graduate School of Area and Culture Studies, Tokyo Uviversity of Foreign Studies  

Committee Memberships

  • 2023.06

    Committee Member of the "Study Group on an Comprehensive Evaluation for the Relocation of the Government-Related Organizations" commissioned by the Cabinet Secretariat (2023)

  • 2022.08

    Japan Council of Performers Rights & Performing Arts Organizations (Geidankyo)  Commitee Chair of the Study Group on Social Security for Artists

  • 2017.12

    National advisory committee member for the comparative study of cultural policies of overseas,  Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan

  • 2021.06

    Japanische Gesellschaft für Deutschstudien  Vorstandsmitglied

  • 2022.08

    Committee Member of the "Study Group on an Comprehensive Evaluation for the Relocation of the Government-Related Organizations" commissioned by the Cabinet Secretariat (2022)

  • 2021.10

    Committee Member of the "Study Group on Evaluation Policy for Relocation of Government-Related Organizations" commissioned by the Cabinet Secretariat (2021)

  • 2021.04

    Chairwoman of the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Scientific Society on German Studies "Deutschstudien" Vol. 56

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Professional Memberships


    Japanische Gesellschaft fuer Deutschstudien




    The European Union Studies Association Japan

Research Areas

  • Politics   Cultural Policy Studies (Germany, Japan, the US) / Foreign language education   German / Museology   博物館政策/博物館教育 / Area studies   cultural diplomacy (EU)

Research Interests

  • practical analysis and theorization of the democratic control function on cultural policies through the formation of a space for dialogue through culture as a catalyst

  • cultural policy

  • Relocation of capital city functions (governmental agencies), regional revitalization, policy evaluation

  • Art Law History (Germany, US)

  • Deutsch als Fremdsprache

  • Public Diplomacy

  • theatre policy studies

  • museum policy studies, museum education, Kulturvermittlung

  • Ballet, creative environment development

  • European cultural politics, multiculturalism, diversity and arts and culture

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  • Academic Research Achievement Award 2020

    2021.03   Dokkyo University   Kulturstaat und "kulturelle Daseinsvorsorge"

    Winner: Yuki, AKINO

  • Publication Award for the Year 2019

    2020.06   Japanische Gesellschaft für Deutschstudien (Academic Association for German Studies Japan)   Yuki, Akino: Kulturstaat und „Kulturelle Daseinsvorsorge”(Bigakushuppan, Japan, 2019)

Media Coverage

  • NHK News Soon

    TV or radio program

    NHK   News Soon  


  • Without Theater, there is No City of Culture


    The English-Speaking Union of Japan   Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)  


  • 劇場なくして文化都市なし

    Newspaper, magazine

    Author: Myself  

    毎日新聞社   毎日新聞  



  • かんさい熱視線(出演)

    TV or radio program

    NHK大阪放送局   「あるタカラジェンヌの死 宝塚歌劇団で何が...」  


  • German Cultural Policy

    Newspaper, magazine

    Author: Other  

    The Yomiuri Shimbun   Teens Newspaper Yomiuri  

    Kougi no Tetsujin  


  • NHK Radio Broadcasting - Daily German lessons for beginners (Apr. 2016-Sep. 2016)

    TV or radio program

    Author: Myself  

    NHK Radio Broadcasting  


  • Vom Versuch, einen Ort zu lieben oder: Kultur für alle

    Newspaper, magazine

    Author: Other  

    Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung  


  • 論プラス[国立劇場建て替え]「空白」延ばさぬ努力を

    Newspaper, magazine

    Author: Other  

    毎日新聞社   毎日新聞(東京朝刊)  

    論説委員 濱田元子氏の記事内:コメントの掲載  


  • Topics:シンポ「『舞台で飯を食う』とは 文化産業と政府支援考察 劇団や劇場、制作会社のネットワークが開催

    Newspaper, magazine

    Author: Other  

    毎日新聞社・広瀬登氏による記事   毎日新聞(東京夕刊)  


  • NHK Radio Broadcasting - Daily German lessons for beginners (Oct. 2017-Mar. 2018)

    TV or radio program

    Author: Myself  

    NHK Radio Broadcasting  


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  • Die Kulturpolitik Japans am Wendepunkt

    AKINO, Yuki

    Fachzeitschrift Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen   II ( 161 ) 41 - 42  2018.07  [Invited]

  • Kulturpolitik auf Bundesebene seit1998 - "Kulturstaat" oder "Staatsziel Kultur"?

    AKINO, Yuki

    Deutschstudien   ( 52 ) 93 - 111  2018.03  [Refereed]

  • "locall capitals" as a condition for relocation of governmental offices from Tokyo?

    Yuki Akino

    German Studies   71   1 - 24  2016.09

  • How Germany established "museum education"? : Political backgrounds and finance system

    Yuki Akino

    German Sudies   69  2015.03

  • Abbau und Fusion des Theaters

    AKINO, Yuki

    DER KEIM   ( 36 ) 3 - 20  2013.03  [Refereed]

  • Kultur und Vermittlung. Überlegungen aus einer kulturpolitischen Perspektive

    AKINO, Yuki

    DER KEIM   34   1 - 27  2011.03  [Refereed]

  • „Kulturelle Daseinsvorsorge" als Aufgabe der Kommunalpolitik Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der Frankfurter Museumspolitik seit 1970, Dissertation

    AKINO, Yuki

       2010.03  [Refereed]

  • Museumspolitik als Beitrag zum Konzept "Kultur für alle"

    AKINO, Yuki

    DER KEIM   31   83 - 105  2010.02  [Refereed]

  • "Kulturstaat(culture state)" in the debate on the legalization of cultural policy in Germany: a comparison of the concept of Kulturstaat and Frankfurt's civic culture

      1   297 - 316  2009.03  [Refereed]

  • Empirische Analyse der subversiven Machtunterwanderung in den Medien ―Bericht der Fallstudie „Das Fahnenmeer" bei der WM 2006 in Deutschland. Auflösung der symbolischen Kraft der Nationalfahne―

    AKINO, Yuki

    COLLEGIUM PONTES    2007.09  [Refereed]

  • 「Das Urheberrechtsproblem bei Choreographien in Japan: computergestützte Labanotation als Lösung」

    AKINO, Yuki

    DER KEIM   25   69 - 81  2002.03  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

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  • Keynote Speech: The Status of the Artists? : A Toolbox to stop and think about existing legal framework and measures that support the status of artists and cultural professionals

    Yuki Akino  [Invited]

    UNESCO Seminar on Promoting the Status of the Artists and Culture Professionals in Japan  国際連合教育科学文化機関(ユネスコ)東アジア・マルチセクトリアル地域事務所

    Presentation date: 2023.10

  • The Artists' Social Insurance Act in Germany-its system and discussion process from 1960s

    Yuki Akino  [Invited]

    Study Meeting on Artists' Social Insurance abroad: The Federation of Diet Members for Promotion of Culture and Arts  (House of Councillors The National Diet of Japan)  The Federation of Diet Members for Promotion of Culture and Arts/Arts and Culture Forum

    Presentation date: 2022.11

  • Japan Performing Arts Solidarity Network 2022 Annual Symposium Part 1


    Japan Performing Arts Solidarity Network

    Presentation date: 2022.07

  • Session Chair "Creativity"

    Chair: Dr.Yuki AKINO, Presenter[1] Yi-wen HUANG (Cultural Governance and Local Politics: a Case Study Analysis of Taiwan’s Capital of Culture, Tainan City), Presenters[2] Dr. Jennifer L. Novak-Leonard, Dr. Rachel Skaggs, Dr. Megan Robinson (Is Creativity Artistic? Public Perceptions of Creativity in the United States)  [Invited]

    The 11th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR)  (Online (2021/3/26 9:00-10:30) Paper/Session ii Paper 2-8 Creativity) 

    Presentation date: 2021.03

    Event date:
  • Vom Versuch, einen Ort zu lieben oder: Kultur fuer alle

    Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung

    ICCPR 2014 

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Session Chair "Cultural Diplomacy"

    AKINO, Yuki  [Invited]

    VIII International Conference on Cultural Policy Research 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • Panel discussion Keynote Speech (Impulsvortrag) „Theaterpolitik- Japan und Deutschland im Vergleich“

    AKINO, Yuki  [Invited]

    International Seminar „Kultur im Spiegel der Wissenschaften“  Kulturcampus Domäne Marienburg, Germany

    Presentation date: 2012.11

  • Without Theater, there is No City of Culture

    Yuki, Akino, Guests: Miyako Icchuu, Hanayagi Sachimaine  [Invited]

    <Chat de Café> JITOW Collaboration Series # 5 

    Presentation date: 2024.03

  • 諸外国の文化政策

    秋野 有紀  [Invited]

    Transform The World研究会  神奈川県立保健福祉大学

    Presentation date: 2023.12

  • Japan’s Challenges Indicated by the Survey "Geidankyo : 2023 Research Report on Social Security for the Artists: A Comparative Study of Japan, Germany, France and South Korea"

    Yuki Akino  [Invited]

    Sustainable Futures of Culture Project International Workshop on Cultural Labour : Experts Session, cultural labour in the changing contexts of cultural policy, social policy and labour policy of Japan  (Kyoto, Japan)  Doshisha Univ. / KCL London

    Presentation date: 2023.06

    Event date:
  • A Comparative Study of Cultural Policies of Six Countries during the COVID-19 Period

    Yuki Akino, Yuki Asakura, Sachiko Kanno, Jinkyung Min, Yukiko Nagashima, Tomoki Sakuta / Presenters: Yuki Akino, Yuki Asakura (Online)

    12th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research  (University of Antwerp hybrid conference)  University of Antwerp

    Presentation date: 2022.09

    Event date:
  • 日独の文化政策から考察する「文化」と「社会」

    秋野有紀  [Invited]

    第10回日独通訳者養成セミナー  (オンライン会議)  ケルン日本文化会館(主催)/ベルリン日独センター(協力)

    Presentation date: 2022.03

  • Challenges and Difficulties in International Comparisons of Cultural Policy: An Attempt to sort the discussing points on the Example of Japan and Germany


    14th The Japan Association for Cultural Policy Research  (Online) 

    Presentation date: 2021.03

  • Is it possible to construct a right of public access to an artistic presentation? - How can we spark discussion on the right for visitors and audiences to attend, know, judge, and discuss in a critic-addicted society?-

    Yuki, Akino

    The 11th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR 2020)  (Online (Paper Session 2-5 Cultural Industry/Popular Culture))  The International Conference on Cultural Policy Research

    Presentation date: 2021.03

    Event date:

     View Summary

    The subject of this paper is a lack of discussion about a right of public access to artistic exhibitions and performances which are cancelled by internal or external pressures. By comparing legal norms, including its aim and background, case studies that online backlash strongly influenced controversial events or even resulted in cut of subsidies and analyzing a gap between legal discussion and recent phenomena, this presentation finds a clue to start a discussion to construct a visitors’ right to attend, know, judge, and discuss regarding access to an artistic presentation as a supplement to international cultural rights.

  • Cultural Policies in Germany under COVID-19

    Yuki, AKINO  [Invited]

    (Aoyama Gakuin University) 

    Presentation date: 2020.12

  • 2020年度日本ドイツ学会大会シンポジウム「東ドイツの長い影:東西ドイツ統一から30年」


    Japanische Gesellschaft für Deutschstudien  (Zoom)  Japanische Gesellschaft für Deutschstudien

    Event date:
  • Forum and Discussion in the Research on Cultural Policies Abroad (FY2017)

    Yuki, Akino, Yuki, Asakura, Sachiko Kanno, Yukiko Nagashima

    he Japan Association for Cultural Policy Research, Forum 2  (Univ. of Kyushu)  The Japan Association for Cultural Policy Research

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • Aspects of Multiculturalism in German Cultural Policies - Common Interest with Herders Concept and a Dilemma between Idea and Practice

    Yuki, Akino  [Invited]

    Herder-Gesellschaft Japan  (Rikkyo University)  Herder-Gesellschaft Japan

    Presentation date: 2017.05

    Event date:
  • Conditions of relocation of governmental offices outside of Tokyo

    Yuki Akino

    The Japan Association for Cultural Policy Research 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • Cultural Policies in Global Society Status quo Comparisons among Germany, China and Japan

    AKINO, Yuki, iz, Moderato

    The 28th Dokkyo International Forum 2016 

    Presentation date: 2016.11

    Event date:
  • Forum franco-japonais

    disputant  [Invited]

    french Cultural deplomacy (Maison franco-japonais) 

    Presentation date: 2016.01

  • The “German image” of Japanese youth: Reconciling the interest gap between Germany’s domestic and foreign cultural policies

    AKINO, Yuki

    VIII International Conference on Cultural Policy Research 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • 「ドイツの文化政策・劇場制度 フランスと比較しつつ」

    秋野有紀  [Invited]

    平成25 年度文化庁大学を活用した文化芸術推進事業「新しい演劇人<ドラマトゥルク>養成プログラム 未来のアートマネジメントに向けて」早稲田大学文化政策研究プロジェクト(第二回) 

    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • 「文化活動を通じた多文化共生―ドイツの試み」(講演会)

    AKINO, Yuki  [Invited]

    Aoyama Gakuin University Joint Research Institute for International Peace and Culture (JRIPEC), Tokyo, JAPAN

    Presentation date: 2012.10

  • What influences public museum policy? A comparison of Japan and Germany since 1980

    AKINO, Yuki

    VII International Conference on Cultural Policy Research  ICCPR 2012,Barcelona, Spain

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • Yuki Akino "Die Politik der kulturellen Bildung in Frankfurt am Main seit 1970", Università di Bologna, Italy

    Culture allo specchio 

    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • Yuki Akino "Empirische Analyse der subversiven Machtunterwanderung in den Medien", Institut für kulturelle Infrastruktur Sachsen, Germany

    Collegium PONTES 2007 

    Presentation date: 2007.07

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Research Projects

  • International comparative study on the ideological genealogy and mutual influence of the 'essential value of culture and art' in cultural policies and philanthropy


    Project Year :



  • Comparative Surveys and Research on Cultural Policies in the six countries 2023: Japan, UK, US, Germany, France, South Korea

    The Agency of Cultural Affairs, Japanese Government  FY 2023 Joint Research Project between Waseda University and The Agency of Cultural Affairs

    Project Year :


    Yuki Akino(PI, Waseda Univ.), Yuki Asakura, Sachiko Kanno, Tomoki Sakuta, Yukiko Nagashima, Jinkyung Min

  • "Research on Structural Changes in Cultural Policies in Six Countries in Relation to the Impact of COVID-19: Japan, UK, US, Germany, France, South Korea"

    Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japanese Government  Agency for Cultural Affairs Joint Research Project with Universities and Research Institutes FY 2022

    Project Year :


    Yuki Akino (PI, Waseda Univ), Yuki Asakura, Sachiko Kanno, Tomoki Sauta, Yukiko Nagashima, Min Jinkyung

  • Comparative Japanese-German Research on Regional Revitalization - The Relocation of Capital City Functions and the Role of Regional Theatres/Halls' Creative Activities

    Project Year :


  • "Research on Structural Changes in Cultural Policies in Six Countries in Relation to the Impact of COVID-19: Japan, UK, US, Germany, France, South Korea"

    Agency for Cultural Affairs Japanese Government  Agency for Cultural Affairs Joint Research Project with Universities and Research Institutes FY 2021

    Project Year :


    Yuki Akino(PI, Dokkyo Univ), Sachiko Kanno, Tomoki Sakuta, Yukiko Nagashima, Min Jinkyung, Yuki Asakura

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)

    Project Year :


    Yuki, Akino

  • Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 

    Project Year :


    Yuki, Akino

  • Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B)

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 

    Project Year :


    Yuki, Akino

  • Grant-in-Aid for Publication

    Dokkyo University 

    Project Year :


    AKINO, Yuki

  • Cultural Policies in Global Society: Status quo Comparisions among Germany, China and Japan

    Dokkyo University  Dokkyo International Forum 2016

    Project Year :


    AKINO, Yuki, Moderato, Coordinat

  • Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows PD

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 

    Project Year :


    Yuki, AKINO

  • International Training Programm for Young Scientists(TUFS-ITP-EUROPA)

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 

    Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies, doctoral fellowship in abroad

  • 日本学術振興会研究拠点形成事業(A.先端拠点形成型)「日欧亜におけるコミュニティの再生を目指す移住・多文化・福祉政策の研究拠点形成」移民・難民をめぐる文化政策

    Project Year :


    移民, 難民をめぐる文化政策, 代表者, 藤野一夫, 協力研究者, 秋野有紀

  • Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement for Research 2013

    Dokkyo University 

    Project Year :


    Yuki, Akino

  • 早稲田大学「演劇映像学連携研究拠点」テーマ研究課題「舞台芸術 創造とその環境 日本/世界」

    研究テーマ代表者, 藤井慎太郎, 研究分担者, 秋野有紀

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  • ドイツ連邦文化政策25周年 地域との有機的協同と「共につくる未来」を見据えた国際戦略


    『令和5年度 文化庁と大学・研究機関等との共同研究事業 諸外国の文化政策等に関する調査・研究 報告書』     86 - 122  2024.02

  • Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Regard for Artists' Professions and A Solidary Safety Security

    Yuki Akino

    Geidankyo "Research on Social Security for Artists 2023"     72 - 84  2023.05  [Invited]

  • Conclusion: Discussion Points to Develop the Japan's Cultural Policy in the Future -Findings From the Similarities and Differences in Cultural Support in the Period of COVID-19 in Six Countries

    Yuki Akino, Yuki Asakura, Sachiko Kanno, Tomoki, Sakuta, Yukiko Nagashima, Jinkyung Min

    Joint Research between the Universities and The Agency of Cultural Affairs: Report FY 2021 on Structural Changes in Cultural Policies in Six Countries in Response to The Impact of COVID-19 -Japan, UK, US, Germany, France, South Korea     194 - 197  2022.03  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • Status quo of "Diversity" Related Policies and Projects in the Field of Arts and Culture in Germany

    Yuki Akino

    Research on Cultural Policies Abroad Theme: Diversity (Fiscal 2018), Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan     33 - 50  2019.03  [Invited]

  • Cultural Policy - Federal Republic of Germany

    Yuki Akino

    Research on cultural policies abroad (Fiscal 2017), Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan     77 - 109  2018.03  [Invited]


  • 「令和5年度共同研究事業の概要」「グラフで見る各国政府の文化歳出予算」(ドイツ)

    『令和5年度 文化庁と大学・研究機関等との共同研究事業 諸外国の文化政策等に関する調査・研究 報告書』     1 - 9  2024.02

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • Book review: Tatakau buyo dan (Fighting Dance Company) by Jo Kanamori

    Yuki Akino

    Niigata Nippou    2023.04  [Invited]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • Conclusion: Humanity at a turning point, the possible contribution by cultural policies for future

    Yuki Akino

    Joint Research between the Universities and The Agency of Cultural Affairs: Report FY 2022 on Structural Changes in Cultural Policies in Six Countries in Response to The Impact of COVID-19 -Japan, UK, US, Germany, France, South Korea     44 - 46  2023.02  [Invited]

  • From 'Experiences' to 'Future' : Key Trends and Structural Changes in Cultural Policies in Germany

    Yuki Akino

    Joint Research between the Universities and The Agency of Cultural Affairs: Report FY 2022 on Structural Changes in Cultural Policies in Six Countries in Response to The Impact of COVID-19 -Japan, UK, US, Germany, France, South Korea     26 - 31  2023.02  [Invited]

  • Introduction to the research

    Yuki Akino

    Geidankyo: "Research on Social Security for Artists 2023"     1 - 7  2022.05  [Invited]

  • Chapter 4: Public Support for the Cultural and Creative Industries in Germany in Response to COVID-19

    Yuki Akino

    Joint Research between the Universities and The Agency of Cultural Affairs: Report FY 2021 on Structural Changes in Cultural Policies in Six Countries in Response to The Impact of COVID-19 -Japan, UK, US, Germany, France, South Korea     96 - 128  2022.03  [Invited]

  • Summery Version: Germany - Supports for Cultural and Creative Industries and Businesses

    Yuki Akino

    Research Report FY 2021 on structural changes in cultural policies in six countries in response to the impact of new coronavirus infections   サマリー版/Summary   12 - 13  2022.03  [Invited]

     View Summary


  • CASE05 The Outlook for Japan through the lens of Germany’s pandemic-related cultural policy (Part 2)

    Yuki, AKINO

    Series: Arts on the Globe: Challenges and Prospects under the COVID-19 pandemic    2021.12  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • CASE05 The Outlook for Japan through the lens of Germany’s pandemic-related cultural policy (Part 1)

    Yuki, Akino

    Series: Arts on the Globe: Challenges and Prospects under the COVID-19 pandemic    2021.12  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • 2019年ドイツ学会奨励賞受賞挨拶


    日本ドイツ学会『ドイツ研究』   ( 55 ) 87 - 87  2021.03

  • Symposium: Der lange Schatten der DDR - 30 Jahre nach der Deutschen Einheit

    Yuki, Akino, Tatsushi, Fujihara

    Deutschstudien   ( 55 ) 3 - 5  2021.03  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

  • Is it possible to construct a right of public access to an artistic presentation? - How can we spark discussion on the right for visitors and audiences to attend, know, judge, and discuss in a critic-addicted society? -

    Yuki, AKINO

    The 11th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research “Resilience of Cultural Policy”: All Abstruct     101 - 101  2021.03  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

     View Summary

    Full paper submitted on Jan. 10. 2021.

  • Culture-Related Policies in the Federal Republic of Germany - the Scope of the Federal Government's Culture-Related Measures and Inter-Ministerial Cooperation

    Yuki Akino

    Theme: Inter-ministerial cooperation - Comparative Research on Cultural Policies Abroad (Fiscal 2019), Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan     74 - 121  2020.03  [Invited]

  • German Cultural Policy

    Yuki Akino

    Research on Cultural Policies Abroad (Fiscal 2018), Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan     35 - 47  2019.03  [Invited]


  • German Cultural Policies

    AKINO, Yuki

    Tokyo Metropolitan Theater Arts Academy for Professionals    2019.01  [Invited]

    Lecture material (seminar, tutorial, course, lecture, etc.)  

  • NHK Radio German for the beginners, Kei und die Zwillingslöwen 2016/9

    Yuki, Akino, Marco, Raindl

    NHK Radio German for the beginners, Kei und die Zwillingslöwen   66 ( 6 ) 5 - 92  2016.08

  • NHK Radio German for the beginners, Kei und die Zwillingslöwen 2016/8

    Yuki, Akino, Marco, Raindl

    NHK Radio German for the beginners, Kei und die Zwillingslöwen   66 ( 5 ) 7 - 86  2016.07

  • NHK Radio German for the beginners, Kei und die Zwillingslöwen 2016/7

    Yuki, Akino, Marco, Raindl

    NHK Radio German for the beginners, Kei und die Zwillingslöwen   66 ( 4 ) 5 - 86  2016.06

  • NHK Radio German for the beginners, Kei und die Zwillingslöwen 2016/6

    Yuki, Akino, Marco, Raindl

    NHK Radio German for the beginners, Kei und die Zwillingslöwen 2016/6   66 ( 3 ) 5 - 86  2016.05

  • NHK Radio German for the beginners, Kei und die Zwillingslöwen 2016/5

    Yuki, Akino, Marco, Raindl

    NHK Radio German for the beginners, Kei und die Zwillingslöwen   66 ( 2 ) 5 - 86  2016.04

  • NHK Radio German for the beginners, Kei und die Zwillingslöwen 2016/4

    Yuki, Akino, Marco, Raindl

    NHK Radio German for the beginners, Kei und die Zwillingslöwen   66 ( 1 ) 7 - 86  2016.03

  • ペーター・ヴァイス「ドキュメンタリー演劇に関する覚書」/翻訳


    /『平成25年度文化庁「大学を活用した文化芸術推進事業」新しい演劇人<ドラマトゥルク>養成プログラム』    2014.03  [Invited]

  • 「ドイツにおける文化政策の根拠と「文化のつなぎ手」を巡る近年の動向」


    「アートNPOのための人材育成ミーティング」第三回(鳥の劇場)    2011.02  [Invited]

    Lecture material (seminar, tutorial, course, lecture, etc.)  

  • ドイツにおける「社会」と「文化」の媒介について-制度の発展と現状の課題-


    「アートNPOのための人材育成ミーティング」第二回(NPO法人Dance Box)    2011.01  [Invited]

    Lecture material (seminar, tutorial, course, lecture, etc.)  

  • 「ドイツにおける文化セクターと地域社会の協働」


    社団法人日本住宅協会『住宅』   59 ( 7 ) 31 - 40  2010.07  [Invited]

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  • [日独通訳]「著作権・コピーライト・複製の倫理」


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  • [日独通訳]日本文化政策学会 基調講演「文化政策は地域に貢献できるか」


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    「アートが変える社会 社会が変えるアート 人口動態の変化は文化政策にいかなる課題をもたらすか」【基調講演】ヴォルフガンク・シュナイダー、【事例報告】ドレーン・ゲツキー「文化発展計画の目的、手法、成果― ドイツの事例に基づいて」通訳/日本文化政策学会第6回年次研究大会/鳥取大学

  • [日独通訳]„Kunstvermittlung auf internationalen Kunstausstellungen am Beispiel der documenta 12“


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    Henschel Alexander:

  • 文化庁/社会システム株式会社『令和4年度「文化行政調査研究」諸外国の文化行政の基礎情報に関する調査報告書』協力

  • [日独通訳]商業都市における市民の誇り×宮廷都市における威光の誇示


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  • [日独通訳]ふじのくに⇔せかい演劇祭2013『脱線!スパニッシュ・フライ』


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  • [日独通訳]「社会経済情勢の変化に対して文化政策には何ができるか」


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  • [日独通訳]国際文化交流フォーラム「自治体の文化振興はどうあるべきか?―ドイツの先進事例から考える―」基調講演1、2


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  • [日独通訳]つくきえる


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  • [日独通訳]国際演劇交流セミナー2012「ドイツ・トルコ特集」


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  • [日独通訳]シンポジウム「新しいドイツ演劇と若手が語る演劇の可能性」


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    アレクシス・ブーク通訳(分担)/日本演出者協会平成22年度文化庁芸術団体人材育成支援事業「国際演劇交流セミナー2010「ドイツ特集」〜資本主義にのみこまれた若者のポートレート〜アレクシス・ブーク ワークショップ」

  • [日独英通訳]NGO〈Kabawil〉神戸ワークショップ


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    ワークショップ通訳/NPO法人DANCE BOX・神戸市灘区民ホール・神戸大学

  • [日独通訳]シンポジウム『社会と文化が響きあう場としての劇場 ―演劇教育をめぐるドイツ劇場政策の現在』


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    Wolfgang Schneider(ドイツ連邦議会文化諮問委員)/講演通訳/東京外国語大学

  • [日独通訳]公開座談会『劇場が社会とともに在るために』


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    Wolfgang Schneider(ドイツ連邦議会文化諮問委員)/講演通訳/鳥の劇場(鳥取)

  • [日独通訳]神戸国際芸術祭


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  • Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom (C2 level of the CEFR)


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Social Activities

  • 令和3年度「文化芸術創造拠点形成事業」調査業務委託事務局 審査



  • 36th Inter Uni Seminar (Spring)

    foreign cultures - attractve or anxiously? 


  • NHKラジオ第2放送「まいにちドイツ語」(入門編)



  • 申請者が戸惑う助成金申請の世界(講師:作田知樹、司会:秋野有紀)



  • 「360°ヴァーチャルツアーを作成してみよう!」ワークショップ(講師:ダヴィッド藤澤・司会:秋野有紀)

    北海道教育大学・芸術文化政策研究室/獨協大学秋野研究室・藤澤研究室/諸外国の文化政策研究会(iCSCP)  (オンライン開催) 


Academic Activities

  • 内閣官房委託事業「政府関係機関移転の総括的評価に向けた検討会」委員(令和5年度)

    Scientific advice/Review


  • Commitee Member of the Study Group on Social Security for Artists

    Academic research

    Japan Council of Performers Rights & Performing Arts Organizations  

  • Joint research project between the Agency for Cultural Affairs and universities and research institutions: 'Surveys and Research on Cultural Policies In Other Countries'

    Academic research

  • Committee Member of the "Study Group on an Comprehensive Evaluation for the Relocation of the Government-Related Organizations" commissioned by the Cabinet Secretariat (2022)

    Scientific advice/Review

    PwC Japan  

  • 文化庁 大学・研究機関等との共同研究事業「新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響に伴う諸外国の文化政策の構造変化に関する研究」令和3年度獨協大学、令和4年度早稲田大学

    Academic research


  • Committee Member of the "Study Group on Evaluation Policy for Relocation of Government-Related Organizations" commissioned by the Cabinet Secretariat (2021)

    Scientific advice/Review


  • Session Chair "Creativity" Chair: Dr. Yuki AKINO, Presenter[1] Yi-wen HUANG (Cultural Governance and Local Politics: a Case Study Analysis of Taiwan’s Capital of Culture, Tainan City), Presenters[2] Dr. Jennifer L. Novak-Leonard, Dr. Rachel Skaggs, Dr. Megan Robinson (Is Creativity Artistic? Public Perceptions of Creativity in the United States)

    Academic society, research group, etc.

    The 11th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR)   Online academic conference

  • National advisory committee member for the comparative study of cultural policies of overseas, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan

    Academic research

    Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan  

  • Cultural Policies in Global Society: Status quo Comparisons among Germany, China and Japan

    Competition, symposium, etc.

    Yuki, Akino   Dokkyo University Dokkyo International Forum 2016


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    The decision to hold the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo has provided an opportunity to greatly increase the publicʼs interest in the “transmission of culture” to other countries. However, in society at large, this does not necessarily mean that interest and understanding of culture will deepen, or that culture itself will be cultivated.

    In an increasingly globalized world, criticism is often made that uneven distribution of cultural capital and uniform control over lifestyles by cultural industries are occurring simultaneously. Demands for economic “effects” or “efficiency” result in creativity and diversity being left behind because they are not easily adapted to market principles, and as a result the more attention “culture” attracts, the less diversity there

    Currently, in economically developed countries, expectations regarding the possibilities for the development and promotion of local communities through “culture” are at an unprecedented level. However, what is the meaning of “culture?” What is being sought in “culture,” and what is actually possible through it?

    This forum will focus on domestic and international cultural policies that have addressed these questions for many years and will examine the following questions:

    (1) Today, taking a long-term perspective on the international transmission of culture, what is presented as “culture,” how is “success” defined, and how do transmitters of culture create places for transmission?

    (2) How can this be evaluated in the context of policy studies?

    By looking at examples of policies from Germany, China and Japan this forum will address the future state of domestic and international cultural policies by eliciting common policy issues and mutual understanding of the problems involved.

    Nov. 18. 2016:
    INUI, Tadashi (President, Dokkyo University),
    AKINO, Yuki (Lecturer, Dokkyo University),
    FUJINO, Kazuo(Professor, Graduate School of Kobe University),
    XIONG, Chengyu(Professor, Tsinghua University),
    YOU, Zhishen(Associate Professor, Dalian University of Technology),
    UEDA, Koji(Professor Emeritus, University of Tsukuba, Former-Director of the Japanisches Kulturinstitut Köln)

    Nov.19 2016:
    YOSHIMI, Shunya (Professor, Graduate School of the University of Tokyo),
    Wolfgang SCHNEIDER (Professor, University of Hildesheim, UNESCO Chairholder),
    JIA, Xudong (Professor, Research Center for Cultural Policy of CASS),
    Vladimir KRECK(Associate Professor, Kobe University),
    Volker STANZEL(Visiting Professor of Dokkyo University, Former-German Ambassador to China and Japan)

    Talk & Lecture Workshop
    HARIYAMA, Emi(Ballerina, ex-Staatsballett Berlin)

    FUJII, Shintaro (Professor, Waseda University),
    AKINO, Yuki (Lecturer, Dokkyo University)

    AKINO, Yuki (Lecturer, Dokkyo University)

  • Session Chair "Cultural Diplomacy" VIII International Conference on Cultural Policy Research

    Academic society, research group, etc.

    VIII International Conference on Cultural Policy Research   Germany

  • 新型コロナウィルス感染症に伴う文化芸術に関する諸外国における支援の情報提供(担当国:ドイツ)

    Scientific advice/Review


  • PROMOS(Programm zur Steigerung der Mobilität von Studierenden deutscher Hochschulen)Sponsor


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  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   School of Political Science and Economics

Internal Special Research Projects

  • コロナVSアートワールド~日本の実演業界の対応の記録と政策的課題


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    日本の実演業界において、COVID-19の影響がいかに甚大であったか、そこからの回復はどの程度か、危機により露呈した実演業界の活動基盤の脆弱さに対応するための政策的課題は何か、という点を中心に、昨年度までに実施した自身のコロナ禍における諸外国の文化政策調査や、芸術家の社会保障のあり方の検討を土台に、引き続き、調査研究を行った。また国際比較のために、米・ブロードウェイ俳優の方に、雇用形態や働き方などを含めて、インタビューを行った。この研究課題に関連した成果は、以下の通りである。・Yuki Akino:Japan’s Challenges Indicated by the Survey "Geidankyo : 2023 Research Report on Social Security for the Artists: A Comparative Study of Japan, Germany, France and South Korea," Sustainable Futures of Culture Project International Workshop on Cultural Labour : Experts Session, cultural labour in the changing contexts of cultural policy, social policy and labour policy of Japan, 2023年6月24日 Doshisha Univ. / KCL London・秋野有紀 基調講演:“芸術家”の“地位”? たちどまって、考えるための道具箱 UNESCO:日本における芸術家・文化の担い手の地位向上に関するセミナー 2023年10月3日 国際連合教育科学文化機関(ユネスコ)東アジア・マルチセクトリアル地域事務所このほか、実演業界の働き方についての課題や動向、インフラ整備について、メディア(NHK、毎日新聞)や、複数の研究会でも、コメント・発表を行った。

  • 創造活動拠点劇場の形成を通じた地方創生と首都機能移転に関する日独比較研究


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