Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of International Research and Education, School of International Liberal Studies
Job title
Dr. phil. ( 2013.09 Université de Toulouse II - Le Mirail : Joint Doctoral Programme with University of Wuppertal, Germany )
M.A. ( 2009.07 Université de Toulouse II / Université Catholique de Louvain / University of Wuppertal: MASTER ERASMUS MUNDUS EuroPhilosophie )
M.A. ( 2007.03 University of Kyoto )

Research Experience

  • 2023.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of International Research and Education   Professor

  • 2019.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of International Research and Education   Associate Professor

  • 2016.04

    Gunma Prefectural Women's University   Liberal Arts   Associate Professor

  • 2014.04

    Osaka University   Graduate School of Human Sciences   post-doctoral research fellow (JSPS)

  • 2013.10

    University of Toulouse - Jean Jaurès   ERRaPhiS (Équipe de recherche sur les rationalités philosophiques et les savoirs)   associate researcher

  • 2010.04

    University of Wuppertal   Philosophy   Research Assistant

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Education Background

  • 2009.10

    Université de Toulouse II - Le Mirail   École Doctorale Allph@ (Arts, Lettres, Langues, Philosophie, Communication)   ERRAPHIS (Équipe de Recherche sur les Rationalités Philosophiques et les Savoirs)  

  • 2009.10

    Bergische Universität Wuppertal   Kultur- und Geisteswissenschaften   Philosophie  

  • 2007.04

    Kyoto University   Graduate School of Letters   Division of Philosophy (Doctoral Program)  

  • 2008.10

    Bergische Universität Wuppertal   Kultur- und Geisteswissenschaften   Master Philosophies française et allemande dans l'espace européen (ERASMUS MUNDUS)  

  • 2008.02

    Université Catholique de Louvain   Philosophie   Master Philosophies française et allemande dans l'espace européen (ERASMUS MUNDUS)  

  • 2007.09

    Université de Toulouse II - Le Mirail   UFR de Lettres, Philosophie et Musique   Master Philosophies française et allemande dans l'espace européen (ERASMUS MUNDUS)  

  • 2005.04

    Kyoto University   Graduate School of Letters   Division of Philosophy (Master's Program)  

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Committee Memberships

  • 2023.07

    Philosophical Association of Japan  Board member

  • 2023.03

    Society for Philosophy of Religion in Japan  Board member

  • 2022.09

    Franco-Japanese Society for Philosophy (Société franco-japonaise de philosophie)  Vice-President

  • 2020.11

    The Phenomenological Association of Japan  committee member

  • 2019.09

    Société franco-japonaise de philosophie  Board member

  • 2019

    The Philosophical Association of Japan  Editorial committee member

  • 2019.09

    Franco-Japanese Philosophical Society  editorial committee member

  • 2018.07

    JFPS (Japanese Federation of Philosophical Societies)  Bid Committee of the Project of Hosting the 25th World Congress of Philosophy (WCP 2023) in Tokyo

  • 2018.07

    日本哲学系諸学会連合(JFPS: Japanese Federation of Philosophical Societies)  世界哲学会議 (WCP: World Congress of Philosophy) 招致委員会委員

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Professional Memberships








    Kyoto Association of Jewish Thought




    Societe Franco-Japonaise de Philosophie

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Research Areas

  • Philosophy and ethics

Research Interests

  • Philosophy of religion

  • phenomenology


  • Encouragement Award

    2017.03   Society for Philosophy of Religion in Japan  

    Winner: NAGASAKA Masumi

  • Research Encouragement Award

    2014.11   The Phenomenological Association of Japan  

    Winner: NAGASAKA Masumi



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Books and Other Publications

  • Phenomenologies of Love

    Veronica Cibotaru & Iulian Apostolescu (eds.)( Part: Contributor, Chapter 3: On a Peculiar Individuation in the Experience of Love: Kant and Husserl in Dialogue with Leibniz)

    Brill  2025.03 ISBN: 9789004724310  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This contribution argues that personal identity is not based on a person’s predicates and the determinability of those attributes, but on a ‘this-ness’ that cannot be simply reduced to perceivable qualities or to concepts. Unlike sensible data and intelligible notions, the individuation of the beloved refers to an absolute haecceity and is compatible with the indeterminability of the predicates. The contribution starts with a brief recapitulation of the Leibnizian idea of thoroughgoing determination and the Kantian criticism of this concept, then refers to Kant’s teaching of aesthetic judgements. Further, to clarify the difference between feelings of love and aesthetic pleasure, this contribution refers to Husserl’s phenomenology of aesthetic consciousness.


  • Introduction to German Philosophy

    Masumi Nagasaka( Part: Contributor, Laszlo Tengelyi)

    2024.10 ISBN: 9784623085248

  • Lexicon of Jewish Culture

    ( Part: Contributor, Genealogy of thoughts on the prohibition of idolatry)

    2024.08 ISBN: 4621309811


  • Reading Derrida: The Heidegger Seminar

    Daisuke Kamei, Masumi Nagasaka( Part: Joint editor, Chapter 5: Imagination and Fact. New facets of the concept of history.)

    Hakusuisha  2023.10 ISBN: 9784560093634

     View Summary

    This book is a collection of essays on Derrida's 1964-65 lectures on Heidegger: The Question of Being and History, presented by the three translators of the book and three Heidegger scholars. In the section 'Imagination and Fact: New Aspects of the Concept of History' (Chapter 5), the question of what history is and how it is constructed is examined on the basis of the concept of history in Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche and Husserl. In conjunction with Derrida, Heidegger's concept of 'authentic historicity' is analysed against the background of these concepts. The guiding thread in this process is the reversal of the relationship between imagination and reason.

  • Levinas et Merleau-Ponty - Le corps et le monde

    Corine Pelluchon, Yotetsu Tunaki (dir.)( Part: Joint author, pp. 43-55 : Levinas et sa transformation du concept de l'expérience : l'inversion de la conscience comme dérangement anarchique)

    Hermann  2023.09 ISBN: 9791037022882

  • A Levinas Reader / レヴィナス読本

    ( Part: Joint editor, II, 'God', III, 'Alterity and Transcendence', IV, 2. Levinas and the History of Philosophy (2) (Modernity))

    Hosei University Press  2022.09 ISBN: 9784588151286

     View Summary

    This book is an introduction to the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas, which has had a major impact on and led to a radical shift in global trends of thought since the Second World War. Along with an overview of Levinas’s central concepts and major works, the book contains articles that describe the intersection of Levinas’s philosophy with various currents of thought and the changes it has brought about in fields beyond philosophy. The section ‘Levinas and the History of Philosophy (2) (Modernity)’ discusses how Levinas’s philosophy was influenced by the course of the history of philosophy in the modern era against the background of the transition from the ontotheology found in Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz and the criticism of the ontotheology by Hume, Kant and Schelling, along with the innovations in Levinas’s philosophy to which this influence has led.

  • The Singular and the Universal: The New Expansion of Levinas’s Philosophy / 個と普遍 レヴィナス哲学の新たな広がり

    ( Part: Joint editor, Levinas and the “Immemorial Past” by Way of Kant and Schelling (レヴィナスと「記憶不可能な過去」――カントおよびシェリングを経由して))

    Hosei University Press  2022.01 ISBN: 9784588151224

     View Summary

    This essay situates Levinas’s philosophy as a phenomenology that is a non-ontotheological metaphysics which describes an actuality prior to all possibilities. The essay thus focuses on Levinas’s notion of the ‘immemorial past’ and determines its proximity to and distance from Schelling’s notion of the ‘transcendental past’. Schelling is selected as a reference point because he describes an ‘immemorial (unvordenklich) being’ that precedes the concept of God – an actuality that precedes all possibilities – and makes his narrative of God and criticism of ontotheology coexist. To achieve this task, the essay first revisits Kant’s critique of ontotheology and then observes how Schelling develops this critique. Third, it turns to Levinas’s reflection on the proof of God’s existence to see how he overcomes ontotheology while still evoking the notion of God.

  • The Heidegger Lexicon / ハイデガー事典

    ハイデガー・フォーラム( Part: Contributor, The Theological Turn of Phenomenology and Onto-theo-logy (現象学の神学的転回と存在-神-学))

    Showa-do  2021.06 ISBN: 9784812220078

     View Summary

    An essay included in The Heidegger Lexicon, this article outlines how contemporary phenomenology answers the questions raised about it, which stem from Janicaud’s The Theological Turn of French Phenomenology; namely, the suspicion that phenomenology, while pretending to overcome onto-theo-logy, secretly reintroduces it. To this end, the article first confirms what onto-theo-logy is for Heidegger and how it overlaps with the ontotheology that Kant tried to overcome. The article then presents Tengelyi’s view that contemporary phenomenology has taken a metaphysical turn that can be described as Schellingian because it inherits Schelling’s critique of ontotheology and is thus far from being a theological turn.

  • Heidegger: The Question of Being and History, The Seminars of Jacques Derrida / ハイデガー : 存在の問いと歴史

    KAMEI Daisuke, KATO Keisike, NAGASAKA Masumi( Part: Joint translator)

    2020.05 ISBN: 9784560098042

     View Summary

    This book is a Japanese translation of the manuscript of a series of nine lectures given by Derrida at the École Normale Supérieure d’Ulm in 1964 and 1965. In these lectures, Derrida reads Heidegger’s Being and Time, occasionally orally translating from the original German into French. He finds the reason why Heidegger did not publish Part 3 of Division I and the later parts of Being and Time in the elusiveness of the phenomenon of the genesis of history. Derrida regards Heidegger as ‘running out of breath’ at the very moment when he is trying to describe the emergence (das Geschehen) of history. By scrutinising the parts that immediately precede the unpublished parts (Chapters 5 and 6 of Part II of Division I), Derrida puts into sharp relief the question of history and temporality that Heidegger raises, in connection with other questions raised in Heidegger’s contemporary and later works.

  • Introduction to the Phenomenology of Marc Richir: A Dialogue with Sacha Carlson / L'écart et le rien - Conversation avec Sacha Carlson / マルク・リシール現象学入門 : サシャ・カールソンとの対話から

    Tetsuo Sawada( Part: Joint translator, Part I-III, Part II-II)

    Nakanishiya  2020.02 ISBN: 9784779514272

     View Summary

    This book is a Japanese translation of a dialogue that Marc Richir, an influential French-speaking phenomenologist who died in 2015, conducted in his final years with his pupil Sacha Carlson. For each of Richir’s written works, whose unique concepts and highly specialised character often make them difficult to read, the reader Carlson, who is deeply familiar with his teacher’s works, raises a number of questions. Richir answers these quetions, offering clear and accessible oral explanations. The book provides an overview of Richir’s philosophy from the very beginning to his mature period: a youth influenced by Derrida, his interest in Heidegger and subsequent devotion to Fichte, his return to Kant and his rediscovery of Husserl. The full scope of a grand phenomenology involving mathematics, physics, mythology and art is opened to readers through the dialogue that revolves around it.

  • Dictionary of Religious Facts / Dictionnaire des faits religieux / 宗教事象事典

    NAGASAKA Masumi( Part: Joint translator, Pluralism (Pluralisme) (多元主義))

    みすず書房  2019.05 ISBN: 9784622087984

     View Summary

    This dictionary is a collection of discursive articles that not only observe and describe various religious phenomena as facts but also analyse their historical backgrounds and consider the problems to be confronted. In the article ‘Pluralism’, the possibilities of religious pluralism in various states and areas are investigated from both theoretical perspectives in philosophical and theological contexts and in terms of practical aspects involving social and political phenomena. Various cases are presented, including the coexistence of Hinduism and Islam in India, the birth of Christianity, which removed its exclusive character from Judaism, the transition in Europe following the hegemony of the Roman Catholic Church and its separation from the Eastern Christian Churches, the separation of church and state in France and the guarantee of religious freedom in the United States after independence. Based on these analyses, the article proposes that large-scale efforts that transcend national borders are necessary for pluralism to be successfully established.

  • Bergson–Jankélévitch–Levinas

    Flora Bastiani( Part: Joint author, Verticality – Two Sorts of Multiplicity in Bergson and Levinas / Verticalité – Deux espèces de multiplicité chez Bergson et Levinas)

    Éditions Manucius  2017.01

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    This essay explores quantitative and qualitative multiplicity in Bergson and Levinas. Bergson’s concept of qualitative multiplicity can be observed in the continuous multiplicity of ‘duration’, whereas Levinas’s version emerges in the discontinuous multiplicity of ‘diachrony’. Moreover, Levinas’s concept of diachrony shows a certain continuity, despite some ruptures, with Bergson’s notion of duration. This essay clarifies both the continuity and discontinuity by tracing Levinas’s accounts of nothingness, the possible and order, which are considered to be ‘false concepts’ by Bergson. The essay further focuses on the concept of ‘trace’ that both thinkers employ. Bergson’s concept of trace allows memory and the present, which are mutually impenetrable in space, to penetrate into each other and coexist without denying the irreversible nature of time. Levinas’s concept of trace, meanwhile, allows the seemingly contradictory disclosure and concealment to coexist in a higher dimension, the introduction of which can be described as the arrival of the vertical.

  • The Endless Derrida – Dialogues with Heidegger, Sartre and Levinas / 終わりなきデリダ――ハイデガー、サルトル、レヴィナスとの対話

    齋藤元紀, 澤田直, 渡名喜庸哲, 西山雄二編( Part: Contributor, Bibliographical Introduction to Derrida’s account of Heidegger, Sartre and Levinas / デリダとハイデガー、サルトル、レヴィナス」に関する文献案内)

    Hosei University Press  2016.11 ISBN: 9784588150814

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    This book is a collection of essays that discuss the multifaceted possibilities of Derrida’s fertile thought in relation to Heidegger, Sartre and Levinas. The bibliographical introduction to Derrida’s account of Levinas includes my presentations of six of Derrida’s works. As a guide to investigating Derrida’s relation to Levinas, focal issues in each work are outlined, including ‘At This Very Moment in This Work Here I Am’, Adieu – To Emmanuel Levinas, ‘The Untouchable, or the Vow of Abstinence’ (Chapter 4 of On Touching—Jean-Luc Nancy) and ‘The Retreat of Metaphor’.

  • A Ricoeur Reader / リクール読本

    鹿島徹, 越門勝彦, 川口茂雄編( Part: Joint author, Part II, Chapter 11 (113-121) Ricoeur and Husserl: On Overcoming Dogmatic Metaphysics / リクールとフッサール──独断的形而上学の超克をめぐって)

    Hosei University Press  2016.07

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    This chapter examines the relationship between Ricoeur and Husserl’s phenomenology, drawing primarily on articles from the early 1950s in At the School of Phenomenology (À l’école de la phénoménologie). In the first section, the chapter details how Husserl devoted himself to what he regarded as the crucial task of radicalising Kant’s criticism of dogmatic metaphysics. The second section shows that, contrary to Husserl’s self-interpretation, Ricoeur regards Husserl, rather than Kant, as the one who has fallen, if unconsciously, into dogmatic metaphysics. The third and final section of the chapter demonstrates that Ricoeur also finds in Husserl’s thought signs of overcoming a dogmatic metaphysics that can be compared to the same process in Kant.

  • Rencontrer l'imprévisible - À la croisée des phénoménologies contemporaines

    Flora Bastiani, Svetlana Sholokhova( Part: Joint author, « Il » de l’Illéité / « il » de l’il y a : La philosophie de Levinas et le scepticisme)

    Le Cercle herméneutique  2013.04

  • Humanities and Institutions / 人文学と制度

    NISHIYAMA Yuji( Part: Contributor, Erasmus Mundus)

    Mirai-sha  2013.03

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  • Essence et accidentel - questions laissées en suspens par le dialogue entre André Neher et Paul Ricœur

    Masumi Nagasaka  [Invited]

    Israël/Palestine dans la pensée française  (ZOOM) 

    Presentation date: 2025.02

    Event date:

     View Summary

    Dans le numéro de juin 1958 de la revue Esprit, Paul Ricœur répond, sous le titre « Perplexités sur Israël », à l'article d'André Neher intitulé « Réflexions sur Israël », paru dans la même revue en février 1958 . Cette présentation se concentrera sur la question de la distinction entre l'essence et l'accidentel, ou plutôt de son impossibilité, qui est au cœur de ce court article, afin d'explorer la possibilité d'un dialogue impossible.

  • Resistance to violence and transformation of body - starting from Elsa Dolan's phenomenology of prey


    The Phenomenological Association of Japan  (Hokkaido University) 

    Presentation date: 2024.11

    Event date:
  • Kant and Husserl according to Tran Duc Thao

    Masumi Nagasaka  [Invited]

    The 5th Annual Conference of East Asian Network for Phenomenology 

    Presentation date: 2024.11

    Event date:
  • Zeno’s Arrow and Temporality in the Theatrical Space: A Reflection on Levinas’s Brief Invocation of Chekhov


    Presentation date: 2024.10

    Event date:
  • The Problem of Genesis in Kantian Philosophy: From Tran Duc Thao to Jacques Derrida

    Masumi Nagasaka  [Invited]

    Derrida Studies in Asia  (Tokyo)  EAA - East Asian Academy for New Liberal Arts, the University of Tokyo

    Presentation date: 2024.09

    Event date:
  • Inversion of consciousness - Hegel in Levinas's Otherwise than Being

    Masumi Nagasaka

    7th Congress of the Japanese Society for Levinas Studies  (Rikkyo Univeristy, Tokyo/ZOOM)  Japanese Society for Levinas Studies

    Presentation date: 2024.08

    Event date:
  • Tournant Schellingien dans la Phénoménologie de Marc Richir – Clignotement de la Facticité Précédant Toute Eidétique

    Masumi Nagasaka  [Invited]

    XXV World Congress of Philosophy, Rome 2024 

    Presentation date: 2024.08

    Event date:
  • Revisiting Derrida's account on Levinas in 'Violence and Metaphysics' - Against the background of the univocity of being in Duns Scotus

    Masumi Nagasaka

    Kyoto Association of Jewish Thought  Kyoto Association of Jewish Thought

    Presentation date: 2024.06

    Event date:
  • How can imagination construct history by assuring its authenticity? A novel concept of history in Derrida’s reading of Heidegger

    Masumi Nagasaka

    Derrida Today Conference 

    Presentation date: 2024.06

    Event date:
  • French reception of Kant's notion of self-affection in the second edition of the Critique of Pure Reason

    Masumi Nagasaka

    SFJP (Société franco-japonaise de la philosophie) 

    Presentation date: 2024.03

    Event date:
  • L'auto affection chez Kant selon Benoist - comme indice pour comprendre la critique lévinassienne de Heidegger

    Masumi Nagasaka

    Journée d'études avec Jocelyn Benoist  (Université Rikkyō)  Société japonaise des études lévinassiennes

    Presentation date: 2024.03

    Event date:
  • Approaching Derrida via a Detour through Tengelyi and Richir

    Masumi Nagasaka  [Invited]

    Association for Deconstruction:10th anniversary meeting  (Waseda University)  Association for Deconstruction

    Presentation date: 2024.02

    Event date:
  • 無への問い 丸山文隆著『ハイデッガーの超越論的な思索の研究――『存在と時間』から無の形而上学へ』に寄せて

    Masumi Nagasaka  [Invited]

    【ハイデガー研究会特別企画】 丸山文隆著『ハイデッガーの超越論的な思索の研究――『存在と時間』から無の形而上学へ』合評会  (Rissho University)  Heidegger Association of Tokyo

    Presentation date: 2023.12

    Event date:
  • Uncaused Being: Reading Duns Scouts with Zimmermann and Boulnois

    Masumi Nagasaka

    Workshop: Phenomenology and Medieval Philosophy 

    Presentation date: 2023.12

    Event date:
  • From Schelling to Richir: The dialectical movement of positive philosophy


    (Tohoku University) 

    Presentation date: 2023.11

    Event date:
  • Reality preceding all possibilities – Comments on Mark Losoncz’s reflection on the heightened reality –

    Masumi Nagasaka  [Invited]

    EAA Workshop “Contributions to the Phenomenology of Reality”  (Tokyo)  EAA - East Asian Academy for New Liberal Arts, the University of Tokyo

    Presentation date: 2023.10

    Event date:
  • De l’être sans fondement – Transformation du « moteur non mû » aristotélicien en « cause efficiente » scotiste

    Masumi Nagasaka

    ASPLF (Association des Sociétés de philosophie de langue française) 

    Presentation date: 2023.08

    Event date:
  • Deleuze and Duns Scotus on the Question of Being

    Masumi Nagasaka

    15th International Deleuze and Guattari Studies Conference 

    Presentation date: 2023.07

    Event date:
  • Transcendental Idealism and Its Criticism of Species Relativism

    Masumi Nagasaka  [Invited]

    Qualia Structure Grant MTG 

    Presentation date: 2023.06

    Event date:
  • Beyond the Principle of Thoroughgoing Determination —Kant, Frege and Gabriel—

    Masumi Nagasaka

    Kantian Philosophy, Nature and New Realism  (Waseda University) 

    Presentation date: 2023.05

    Event date:
  • レヴィナスの語りにおけるアリストテレス哲学 ―マイモニデスを背景に

    Masumi Nagasaka

    宗教哲学会 第 15 回学術大会  (Kyoto University)  Society for Philosophy of Religion in Japan

    Presentation date: 2023.03

    Event date:
  • Three constellations of metaphysics - Protology, Katholou-Protology and Katholou-Tinology: From the analyses of Boulnois and Tengelyi

    Masumi Nagasaka  [Invited]

    Workshop: Alternative Approaches to Phenomenology and Metaphysics  (Waseda University, Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2023.02

    Event date:
  • Movement and body

    Masumi Nagasaka  [Invited]

    Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 

    Presentation date: 2022.11

    Event date:
  • Levinas et sa transformation du concept de l'expérience

    Masumi Nagasaka  [Invited]

    Levinas et Merleau-Ponty : Le corps et le monde 

    Presentation date: 2022.07

    Event date:
  • 不動の動者と作用因としての神 ハイデガーの技術論のデリダによる読解から

    Masumi Nagasaka

    Kyoto Association of Juwish Thought 

    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:
  • Que peut faire la pensée ? – à partir de la lecture derridienne de Heidegger dans son cours "Théorie et pratique" conduit en 1975-1976

    Masumi Nagasaka

    Derrida Today 

    Presentation date: 2022.06

  • Le retournement de la conscience - Hegel et Heidegger lus par Derrida en 1965

    Masumi Nagasaka  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2022.05

  • 想像力と事実 ――歴史概念の新たな相貌――

    Masumi Nagasaka  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.08

    Event date:
  • 普遍的歴史の理念とアペイロン(無限定的なもの)としての個 ――数学的命題の発生を導きの糸とするフッサールの歴史論――

    Masumi Nagasaka  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.08

    Event date:
  • En-deçà de l’idée platonicienne de "participation" : L’empirisme du dernier Schelling à partir de sa lecture d’Aristote

    Masumi Nagasaka

    La Participation : de l'ontologie aux réseaux sociaux, Congrès ASPLF (Association des sociétés de philosophie de langue française), en ligne 

    Presentation date: 2021.05

    Event date:
  • Levinas and Empiricism

    Masumi Nagasaka


    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • 宮﨑裕助『ジャック・デリダ 死後の生を与える』合評会

    Masumi Nagasaka  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2020.06

  • Levinas et le « passé immémorial » – Une étude par le biais de Kant et du dernier Schelling –

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Colloque international: Le singulier et l’universel. Levinas et la pensée de l’Extrême-Orient 

    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • 超越論的観念論を継承する現象学における事実性と偶然性――テンゲリを手引きとする非‐存在神学的な形而上学の輪郭化の試み――

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    The Philosophical Association of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2019.05

  • 非‐存在神学的現象学のための素描 ――神学的転回とは異なる仕方でフランス語圏の現象学を考える――

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Society for Philosophy of Religion in Japan 

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • Imagination et raison – Derrida face à Kant et Husserl

    NAGASAKA Masumi  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • 算術の論理学的基礎付けに対する現象学からの考察

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • 信と知を媒介するもの――類推の図式論をめぐる考察

    NAGASAKA Masumi  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 串田純一著『ハイデガーと生き物の問題』への問い

    NAGASAKA Masumi  [Invited]

    Association for Studies of Culture and Representation 

    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • Témoignage de l’infini et jugement sur le sublime – approche de Levinas à la lumière de Descartes et de Kant

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    De Dieu qui vient à l’idée : de l’altérité à l’illéité A la mémoire de Thomas « Choplair » Gutleben 

    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • 構想される無限とその痕跡――カント『判断力批判』のデリダによる読解から

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Kyoto Association of Jewish Thought 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • La trace, au croisement de l’imagination et l’infini – Derrida, lecteur de la Critique de la faculté de juger de Kant

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    6th Derrida Today Conference 

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • Imagination – est-elle la racine commune de la sensibilité et de l’entendement ? Une lecture croisée de Kant et le problème de la métaphysique et de la Critique de la faculté de juger

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    XXXVII ème Congrès de l’ASPLF (Association des Sociétés de Philosophie de Langue Française)  (Rio de Janeiro) 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 構想力と無限――フランス語圏の現象学におけるカント哲学の現象学的再構築

    NAGASAKA Masumi  [Invited]

    上智大学哲学会 第87回大会 

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • 感性と悟性の共通の根――ハイデガー『カントと形而上学の問題』とカント『判断力批判』の交差点

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    (Kyoto University)  Heidegger-Forum in Japan

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • Faith and Knowledge

    NAGASAKA Masumi  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2017.07

  • Le beau et le schématisme transcendantal – à partir de la lecture richirienne de la Critique de la faculté de juger

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    XXXVI ème Congrès de l’ASPLF (Association des Sociétés de Philosophie de Langue Française)  (Iași) 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • L'antinomie de l'infini : réflexion sur la lecture richirienne de Cantor (in Japanese)

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Société franco-japonaise de philosophie  (Kyoto)  Société franco-japonaise de philosophie

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • Penser avec Levinas une forme possible de critique du pouvoir politique

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Journée d’études « Mises en pratique de la pensée d’Emmanuel Levinas » 

    Presentation date: 2015.12

  • 超限と無限:カントールを経由するテンゲィのフッサール論 (Das Transfinite und das Unendliche: Tengelyis Darstellung der Phänomenologie Husserls mit Hinblick auf die Mengenlehre Cantors)

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    The Phenomenological Association of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • Primat donné à la dialectique transcendantale sur l’esthétique transcendantale – Emmanuel Levinas contre Kant et le problème de la métaphysique

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Colloque international de Philosophie : Représentation et Altérité - Esthétique et Epistémologie à partir d’Emmanuel Levinas 

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • Au-delà de l'être et de l'étant -- à partir de la lecture derridienne de Kant et le problème de la métaphysique de Heidegger

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Société franco-japonaise de la philosophie 

    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • Worin unterscheidet sich die phänomenologische Metaphysik von der ontotheologischen Metaphysik? -- László Tengelyis Entwurf auf den Spuren Marc Richirs

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Journées d‘hommage à László Tengelyi – Tagung László Tengelyi zu Ehren  (Charles University in Prague)  Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Humanities – Erasmus Master Mundus EuroPhilosophie

    Presentation date: 2015.02

  • なぜ「存在」の語に抹消線は引かれなければならなかったのか ――哲学の哲学による自己批判としてハイデガーの思索を読む:デリダの『ハイデガー』講義(1964-65年)より

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    The Phenomenological Association of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • デリダと存在神学(Derrida and Ontotheology)

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    (Waseda University) 

    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • Face à l’ontothéologie – Kant, Heidegger et Levinas

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Journées d'études - LIRE HEIDEGGER Réflexions sur les lectures de Heidegger dans la philosophie française contemporaine  (Toulouse) 

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Derrida et la notion de l’« im-possible » – dans la continuité de Chestov et de Levinas

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Le XXXVe Congrès de l'ASPLF  (Rabat)  ASPLF (Association des Sociétés philosophiques de langue française)

    Presentation date: 2014.08

  • Verwandlung des Verhältnisses zwischen der Möglichkeit und der Wirklichkeit - Tengelyis Skizze der Grundtendenz der neuen Phänomenologie in Frankreich

    NAGASAKA Masumi  [Invited]

    Unterwegs zu einer phänomenologischen Metaphysik – Festtagung für László Tengelyi zum 60. Geburtstag  (University of Wuppertal) 

    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • Derrida et la problématique de la négation

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Journées de recherches en phénoménologies  (Louvain-la-Neuve)  Fonds Michel Henry

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • アポリアの始まり――若きデリダのフッサール『算術の哲学』読解

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    The Phenomenological Association of Japan  (University of Nagoya) 

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • La différance entre le "Denken" et le "Dichten" - A partir de la lecture derridienne de Heidegger

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Journée doctorale - Présentation des sujets de thèse 

    Presentation date: 2013.04

  • 知の不可能性において語ること―ジャック・デリダ『声と現象』 再読 (in Japanese)

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Société franco-japonaise de philosophie 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • 思索と詩作の間 ―デリダのハイデガー読解より (Between Denken and Dichten - Derrida's reading of Heidegger) (in Japanese)

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Society for Philosophy of Religion in Japan  (Kyoto) 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • Le rêve dans le rêve – le réveil dans l’éveil : Chestov, Levinas et Derrida autour de l’évidence apodictique husserlienne

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Le stage intensif de printemps Erasmus Mundus Europhilosophie  (Paris)  Amical (EuroPhilosophie)

    Presentation date: 2013.02

  • Levinas et la possibilité du discours sceptique – dans le sillage de la critique chestovienne de Husserl

    NAGASAKA Masumi  [Invited]

    Lectures lévinassiennes : Une autre voie phénoménologique  (Paris)  Les Archives Husserl/ENS, Le département de philosophie de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris et le Collège des études juives et de philosophie contemporaine de l’Université Paris IV Sorbonne/Centre Emmanuel Levinas

    Presentation date: 2012.12

  • Au-delà de l'ontologie dans l'ontologie

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Autrement qu’être ou au-delà de l’essence d’Emmanuel Levinas  (Paris)  Les Archives Husserl/ENS de Paris, Le Département de philosophie de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, le Collège des études juives – Centre Emmanuel Levinas de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne

    Presentation date: 2012.12

  • ディディエ・フランクとジャック・デリダ――両者のフッサール読解をめぐる交差と亀裂から浮かび上がる問い――(in Japanese)

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Annual Meeting of the Phenomenological Association of Japan  (Sendai) 

    Presentation date: 2012.11

  • Citoyenneté comme calcul de l’incalculable

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Le XXXIVe Congrès de l'ASPLF  (Louvain-la-Neuve)  ASPLF (Association des Sociétés philosophiques de langue française)

    Presentation date: 2012.08

  • Verticalité – Deux espèces de multiplicité chez Bergson et chez Levinas

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Colloque international : Métaphysique, Morale et Temps / Bergson, Jankélévitch, Levinas  (Toulouse)  SIREL (Société Internationale de Recherche Emmanuel Levinas)

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • Con-tangence et archi-facticité – Jacques Derrida et Didier Franck autour d’Edmund Husserl

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Die Kontingenz und die Faktizität in der Phänomenologie  (Wuppertal)  Amical (EuroPhilosophie)

    Presentation date: 2012.05

  • Die Post-Phänomenologie der Bezeugung und des Versprechens: Derrida’sche Lektüre Heideggers

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Doktorandenkolloquium / Institut für phänomenologische Forschung 

    Presentation date: 2012.01

  • La possibilité de l’impossibilité” – la notion de foi émergeant dans la lecture derridienne de Husserl

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Japanische Gesellschaft für französische Philosophie 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • Surimpression – l’entrelacement entre des strates supérieures et inférieures – Derrida et la question de l’origine

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Gesellschaft für jüdische Gedanken in Kyoto 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • Intentionality without Intuition – Husserl’s notion of “Idea in the Kantian sense”

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Summer School in Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind 

    Presentation date: 2011.08

  • « Il » de l'Illéité / « il » de l'il y a : Levinas et la question de l'antilangage

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    „Retrouver un sens nouveau : rencontrer l'imprévisible“, EuroPhilosophie  (Toulouse)  SIREL

    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • Derrida on transcendental pathology: rethinking democracy with Kant and Husserl

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    The Association for Studies of Culture and Representation 

    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • Autoimmunität der Institution der Philosophie: Die Derrida’sche transzendentale Pathologie

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    „Die Institution der Philosophie“  (Wuppertal)  Amical (EuroPhilosophie)

    Presentation date: 2011.05

  • An Intrusion of Skepticism: The Genealogy of Truth in Levinasian Thought

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Totality and Infinity at 50  (Texas)  NALS (North American Levinas Society)

    Presentation date: 2011.05

  • Deterritorialisierung der Subjektivität bei Levinas – im Kielwasser Kants

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Japanische Gesellschaft für Religionsphilosophie 

    Presentation date: 2011.03

  • (Un)zeitlichkeit — Derrida’sche Lektüre Husserls

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    „Zeitphänomene“  (Wuppertal)  Amical (EuroPhilosophie)

    Presentation date: 2011.02

  • Vivre comme un mort - la question de l’idéalité chez Derrida

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    „Le monde de la vie“  (Toulouse)  Amical (EuroPhilosophie)

    Presentation date: 2011.01

  • Faith as the Possibility of Impossibility in Derrida’s Thought: Beyond the Husserlian Notion of “the Idea in the Kantian sense”

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    The 2nd DERRIDA TODAY International Conference  (London) 

    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • La complicité de la foi et du savoir chez Levinas – en la confrontant avec celle de Kant

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    International Conference: Readings of Difficult Freedom  (Toulouse)  SIREL (Société Internationale de Recherche Emmanuel Levinas), NALS (North American Levinas Society)

    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • Reconnaissance d’un non-reconnaissable – Proust, Rohmer, Ricœur

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    „Genetische Phänomenologie“  (Wuppertal)  Amical (EuroPhilosophie)

    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • Décision - Promesse de la ligne dans la crise de folie - un essai de lecture de la philosophie derridienne

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    Présentation des mémoires de la Promotion 1 

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • Über den Aufschub in der „Idee im Kant’schen Sinne“ und den Satz vom Widerspruch bei Husserl

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    „Grundprobleme der phänomenologischen Erfahrung“, Amical (EuroPhilosophie) 

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • Décision de Foucault, décision de Heidegger – une recherche de l’héritage à travers la lecture de deux articles derridiens

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    „Atelier international sur le rapport Heidegger-Foucault“, Amical (EuroPhilosophie) 

    Presentation date: 2009.01

  • Le « surplus » - de la corporéité au langage de l’éthique dans l’héritage lévinassien de la phénoménologie

    NAGASAKA Masumi

    „Corporeity and Affectivity, Fifth Central and Eastern European Conference on Phenomenology“ 

    Presentation date: 2008.10

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Research Projects

  • 現代独仏現象学における形而上学的転回とその哲学史的意義の研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    長坂 真澄

  • 哲学史的連関におけるレヴィナス哲学とその現代的意義の研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    村上 暁子, 平石 晃樹, 平岡 紘, 馬場 智一, 服部 敬弘, 小手川 正二郎, 渡名喜 庸哲, 長坂 真澄, 藤岡 俊博, 佐藤 香織

  • 20世紀フランス思想におけるハイデガーとベンヤミンの受容史の解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    亀井 大輔, 松田 智裕, 伊藤 潤一郎, 西山 雄二, 長澤 麻子, 辻 敦子, 横田 祐美子, 宮崎 裕助, 長坂 真澄, 柿木 伸之, 日暮 雅夫, 加國 尚志, 青柳 雅文, 郷原 佳以

  • A study of the inheritance of non-ontotheological metaphysics in contemporary German and French phenomenology

    Waseda University  Special Research

    Project Year :


  • A study to situate contemporary German and French phenomenology within the history of philosophy and metaphysics

    Waseda University  Special Research

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    This research is an attempt to clarify how the metaphysical turn in contemporary German and French phenomenology inherits the critique of ontotheology in ancient and mediaeval Western philosophy. Thereby, this study redefines this new turn by situating it within the history of metaphysics. To this end, the research not only references Tengelyi's perspective, which situates German and French phenomenology within the history of Western philosophy (The World and the Infinite), but also independently explores its inheritance of ancient and mediaeval metaphysics from the following three perspectives:
    (i) Levinas's inheritance of Maimonides's critique of Aristotle ('The Actuality of Maimonides', God, Death and Time).
    (ii) Derrida's questioning of Heidegger's critique of mediaeval interpretations of Aristotle (Theory and Practice).
    (iii) Richir's examination of late Schelling's concepts of eternity and creation against the backdrop of Aristotle's philosophy as inherited by the Middle Ages (Experience of Thinking).
    With these three perspectives, this study unveils the background – in ancient and mediaeval philosophy – for the turn of modern phenomenology towards a non-ontotheological metaphysics. The findings of this research include the discovery that the background of Levinas's criticism of Aristotle's philosophy – as the emergence of ontotheology – lies in Maimonides's refutation of Aristotle. The research focuses on Heidegger's claim, together with Derrida, that mediaeval Latin philosophy distorted Aristotle's concept of cause, and an attempt to reconcile this claim with Boulnois's three categories of 13th century metaphysics to consider these divergent interpretations in a consistent manner. Finally, Schelling's 'other deduction of the principles of positive philosophy' – with its close reading by Richir in Experience of Thinking – is challenged. From this, it is deciphered that Schelling's positive philosophy, which explains eternity from creation rather than placing eternity and creation in opposition to each other, does not mark a return to ontotheology but is precisely a break from ontotheology.

  • A study of the inheritance of German idealism in German-French phenomenology

    Waseda University  Special Research

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    This research investigated how German and French phenomenologies inherit German idealism and how the former attempt to critically overcome the latter. Therefore, the research shed light on three reference points: 1) Heidegger’s critical reading of Hegel, 2) Levinas’s confrontation with Hegel and 3) Derrida’s interpretation of Heidegger’s reading of Hegel.
    For research reference point 1, Heidegger’s idea of ‘Hegel’s concept of experience’ (1942–43) was examined alongside Hegel’s Introduction to Phenomenology of Sprit (1807). Levinas’s texts ‘Substitution’ (1968) and Otherwise Than Being or Beyond Being (1974), in which Levinas evokes his interpretation of Hegel’s Introduction to Phenomenology of Sprit, were revisited in point 2. Point 3 analyses Derrida’s comments on Heidegger’s ‘Hegel’s concept of experience’, briefly sketched in his lecture Heidegger: Question of Being and History (1964–65).
    Through these steps, the research clarified how Hegel’s concept of the ‘inversion (Umkehrung) of consciousness’ was critically reinvestigated. Heidegger interprets this concept as an inversion from the ontic to the ontological. Levinas opposes Hegel’s notion with his own idea of ‘inversion from the same to the Other’. Derrida situates Levinas’s thoughts in the continuity of Heidegger’s destruction of the philosophy of presence, culminating in Hegel’s concept of absolute knowledge.

  • A study of the inheritance on Kant and Schelling in contemporary German-French phenomenology and its implications

    Waseda University  Special Research

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    This research investigated how German and French phenomenologies inherit the Kantian and Schellingian criticism of ontotheology by taking three steps: 1) a comparison between Schelling’s and Heidegger’s view on medieval reception of Aristotle’s philosophy, 2) an examination of Derrida’s confrontation between Heidegger’s reading of Aristotle and Aristotle’s own texts and 3) a comparison between the three constellations of metaphysics and the ontotheology criticised by Kant.
    Step 1 compared Shelling’s understanding of Aristotle’s philosophy and of its reception in medieval philosophy, presented in the Introduction to Philosophy of Revelation (1841–42), to the homolog of Heidegger, which was briefly sketched in The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics (1929–30). For step 2, following Derrida’s analysis expanded in his lecture Theory and Practice (1975-76), Heidegger’s exegesis of Aristotle in The Question Concerning Technology (1953) was compared with Aristotle’s explanation in Physics and Metaphysics. Step 3 determined whether the above-mentioned different types of metaphysics could be superposed with ontotheology criticised by Kant in the Critique of Pure Reason (1781/87).
    Through these three steps, the research clarified the range and the background of Tengelyi’s claim, according to which phenomenology should be characterised as a criticism of ontotheology.

  • A study of the inheritance of transcendental philosophy and the metaphysical turn in French phenomenology

    Waseda University  Special Research

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    This research elucidated 1) Schelling’s reading of Aristotle in his later period, 2) Schelling’s “metaphysical empiricism” based on, but different from, Aristotle’s empiricism and 3) an aspect of French phenomenology that inherits Schelling’s metaphysical empiricism. To achieve the aim stated above, the research process unfolded as follows: 1) investigation of the proofs of the existence of God in Plato’s Laws, vol. 10 and Aristotle’s Metaphysics, vol. 12, and a comparison between the two, 2) investigation of Schelling’s reading of Aristotle in his Philosophy of Revelation and his “metaphysical empiricism” as a critical heritage of Aristotle’s empiricism, as well as the latter’s notion of “the unmoved mover”, 3) elucidation of Plato’s notion of “participation” and Aristotle’s criticism of this notion, on the one hand, and the parallels with Kant’s criticism of the principle of thoroughgoing determination, and arguments pertaining to this, as elaborated through Leibniz, Wolff and Baumgarten, on the other hand, 4) clarification of Schelling’s metaphysical empiricism that describes a necessary being as “the unprethinkable being” based on the abovementioned background and 5) investigation of French phenomenology (especially that of Levinas), which distinguishes between the idea of the infinite and the necessary condition of being, and through this shares the structure of Schelling’s metaphysical empiricism.

  • Comprehensive Reexamination of Levinas' Philosophy and Construction of an International Research Network

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    MURAKAMI Akiko

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to reexamine comprehensively the philosophy of French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas through research and analysis of new materials and to build an international research network in order to disseminate its research findings widely throughout the world. The research results were made public through an international symposium “Singular and Universal: Emmanuel Levinas and Far Eastern Thought” held in 2019 at Tokyo and Kyoto and annual conferences organized by the Levinas Society. Throughout the three years of the project, these research results have contributed not only to philosophy and ethics, but also to research in adjacent fields.

  • 想像力と無限――フランス現代思想におけるカント哲学の現象学的再構築

    独立行政法人日本学術振興会(JSPS)  科学研究費助成事業(KAKEN) 若手研究

    Project Year :



  • An investigation of the heritage of Schelling's interpretation of the history of philosophy in contemporary French phenomenology

    Waseda University  Special Research Projects

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    This research clarified how Schelling's reading of Aristotle is related to the contemporary French phenomenology of, among others, Levinas. More precisely, by employing Schelling’s interpretation of Aristotle in the introduction to Philosophy of Revelation, in which Schelling develops his own notion of “empiricism”, the research showed how this concept of empiricism is related to Levinas’s phenomenology and how this relationship makes this a novel rendering of French phenomenology.
    To this aim, the investigation took the following steps: First, it began by clarifying Plato’s basic thoughts on “participation” (methexis), that of ideas shared by sensible things, based on Plato's texts, including the Meno, Phædo, Republic, Phaedrus and Timaeus. Second, by following Schelling's interpretation of Aristotle’s Metaphysics, this study elucidated Aristotle’s critique of Plato’s concept of “participation” as having an analogous structure to Kant's critique of ontotheology. Next, it demonstrated how Schelling's “metaphysical empiricism” differs from what he calls the “empiricism” of Aristotle. Finally, by illuminating how Levinas's phenomenology shares the structure of “metaphysical empiricism”, this research showed that contemporary French phenomenology, while differing from Husserlian phenomenology qua eidetics, also avoids returning to English empiricism.

  • A study on the inseparability of theory and practice in German-French modern and contemporary philosophy

    Waseda University  Special Research Projects

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    This research clarified what lays in the common root of theory and practice on the hither side of the opposition of the two by taking as a guide Derrida's lecture manuscript Theory and Practice.
    To this aim, the research took the following steps: First, it began by clarifying Aristotle's discussions concerning four causes, developed in Physics and Metaphysics, and his discussion regarding the question of techne (art) as one of five approaches to the truth, explained in Nicomachean Ethics. Second, the investigation elucidated, by explicating Heidegger’s Question Concerning Technique and Science and Meditation, how Heidegger interprets Aristotle’s teachings to answer the question of techne situated on the hither side of the theory/practice opposition. Third, it explained how Derrida examines Heidegger's interpretation to uncover its potential unity with Derrida’s reading of Kant, developed around the opposition of theoretical and practical reason. Next, the question of the common root of theory and practice was clarified by focusing on aesthetic reflective judgements, based on Kant's Critique of Judgement. From the above, fifth and finally, it established how this common root is related to techne.

  • A study on the reception of Kant's and Schelling's philosophy in contemporary German-French phenomenology

    Waseda University  2019年度特定課題研究助成費

    Project Year :


    NAGASAKA Masumi

     View Summary

    This research clarified how contemporary phenomenologists have inherited the Kantian and Schellingian critique of ontotheology and how, in doing so, they present their phenomenology as non-ontotheological. This process was guided by the readings of Kant and Schelling as deployed by Courtine, Richir and Tengelyi and examined whether or not one can recognize the Kantian and Schellingian heritage in the work of Derrida and Levinas, philosophers of the preceding generation of these authors. The research concluded four points.
    First, the research clarified, through a Derridian reading of Kant’s Critique of Judgement, the possibility of interpreting Kantian philosophy as a phenomenology thinking about the actual infinite beyond our cognition. Second, by studying Richir’s reading of Frege’s critique of Kant’s transcendental schematism, the research clarified in what form Richir inherits this Kantian idea. Third, this research showed how Richir adopts the Kantian conception of ‘actuality preceding all possibilities’ and the Schellingian idea of ‘unprethinkable being’, and in doing so, inherits their critique of ontotheology. Finally, this research returned to work by Levinas and explored whether the seed of Richir’s conception can be recognized in Levinas. The result confirmed that the late Levinas concept of affection ‘in immemorial past’ describes an actuality that precedes all possibilities and, therefore, implies a non-ontotheological phenomenology.

  • 現代フランス現象学におけるカント批判哲学の継承についての研究――「図式」をめぐって

    群馬県立女子大学  特定教育・研究費 科学研究費助成事業申請研究

    Project Year :


    NAGASAKA Masumi

  • 超越論的仮象としての無限とその射程 ――マルク・リシールによるカント哲学の現象学的再構築の探究

    群馬県立女子大学  特定教育・研究費 萌芽的研究

    Project Year :


    NAGASAKA Masumi

  • « Le beau et le schématisme transcendantal – à partir de la lecture richirienne de la Critique de la faculté de juger »

    群馬県立女子大学  特定教育・研究費 海外渡航

    Project Year :


    NAGASAKA Masumi

  • デリダ哲学の現代フランス現象学における位置づけの研究--出来事の概念を指標として

    JSPS  科学研究費補助金 特別研究員奨励費

    Project Year :


    NAGASAKA Masumi

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Teaching Experience

  • History of Metaphysics and of its Critique

    Waseda University  

  • Considering Theory and Practice

    Waseda University  

  • Philosophical Questioning in Everyday Life

    Waseda University  

  • History of Metaphysics and of its Critique

    Waseda University  

  • Considering Theory and Practice

    Waseda University  

  • Philosophical Questioning in Everyday Life

    Waseda University  

  • 基礎ゼミ


  • 現象学とその周辺


  • Fieldwork (Basic, Advanced, Individual)

    Gunma Prefectural Women's University  

  • Thought and Language 1, 2 (Graduate School)

    Gunma Prefectural Women's University  

  • Introduction to the Academic Reading 1c

    Gunma Prefectural Women's University  

  • Thought and Knowledge

    Gunma Prefectural Women's University  

  • Philosophy Seminar 3, 4

    Gunma Prefectural Women's University  

  • Western Philosophy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

    Gunma Prefectural Women's University  

  • Genealogy of Critical Philosophy

    Gunma Prefectural Women's University  

  • Philosophy A

    Gunma Prefectural Women's University  

  • フィールドワーク基礎・演習・個別


  • リベラルアーツ入門1・2


  • 読書の楽しみ1・2


  • 思考と言語研究(院)


  • 思考と言語演習1・2(院)


  • 表現・思想系演習3・4


  • 西洋思想1~5


  • 思考と認識


  • 批判哲学の系譜


  • 哲学A


  • Philosophical Inquiry in Everyday Life

    Waseda University  

  • Phenomenology in the Context of the History of Critical Philosophy

    Waseda University  

  • Thought, Knowledge and Feeling

    Waseda University  

  • Genealogy of Critical Philosophy

    Waseda University  

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Academic Activities

  • Philosophy in Japan: Beyond the Limits of Translation

    Bid Committee of the Project of Hosting the 25th World Congress of Philosophy (WCP 2023) in Tokyo, JFPS (Japanese Federation of Philosophical Societies)  



  • Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   School of Culture, Media and Society

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 形而上学の哲学史における現代独仏現象学の位置づけの研究


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      This research is an attempt to clarify how the metaphysical turn in contemporary German and French phenomenology inherits the critique of ontotheology in ancient and mediaeval Western philosophy. Thereby, this study redefines this new turn by situating it within the history of metaphysics. To this end, the research not only references Tengelyi's perspective, which situates German and French phenomenology within the history of Western philosophy (The World and the Infinite), but also independently explores its inheritance of ancient and mediaeval metaphysics from the following three perspectives:(i) Levinas's inheritance of Maimonides's critique of Aristotle ('The Actuality of Maimonides', God, Death and Time).(ii) Derrida's questioning of Heidegger's critique of mediaeval interpretations of Aristotle (Theory and Practice).(iii) Richir's examination of late Schelling's concepts of eternity and creation against the backdrop of Aristotle's philosophy as inherited by the Middle Ages (Experience of Thinking). With these three perspectives, this study unveils the background – in ancient and mediaeval philosophy – for the turn of modern phenomenology towards a non-ontotheological metaphysics. The findings of this research include the discovery that the background of Levinas's criticism of Aristotle's philosophy – as the emergence of ontotheology – lies in Maimonides's refutation of Aristotle. The research focuses on Heidegger's claim, together with Derrida, that mediaeval Latin philosophy distorted Aristotle's concept of cause, and an attempt to reconcile this claim with Boulnois's three categories of 13th century metaphysics to consider these divergent interpretations in a consistent manner. Finally, Schelling's 'Other deduction of the principles of positive philosophy' – with its close reading by Richir in Experience of Thinking – is challenged. From this, it is deciphered that Schelling's positive philosophy, which explains eternity from creation rather than placing eternity and creation in opposition to each other, does not mark a return to ontotheology but is precisely a break from ontotheology.

  • 現代の独仏現象学におけるカント及びシェリングの継承とその意義の研究


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    This research investigated how German and French phenomenologies inherit the Kantian and Schellingian criticism of ontotheology by taking three steps: 1) a comparison between Schelling’s and Heidegger’s view on medieval reception of Aristotle’s philosophy, 2) an examination of Derrida’s confrontation between Heidegger’s reading of Aristotle and Aristotle’s own texts and 3) a comparison between the three constellations of metaphysics and the ontotheology criticised by Kant. Step 1 compared Shelling’s understanding of Aristotle’s philosophy and of its reception in medieval philosophy, presented in the Introduction to Philosophy of Revelation (1841–42), to the homolog of Heidegger, which was briefly sketched in The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics (1929–30). For step 2, following Derrida’s analysis expanded in his lecture Theory and Practice (1975-76), Heidegger’s exegesis of Aristotle in The Question Concerning Technology (1953) was compared with Aristotle’s explanation in Physics and Metaphysics. Step 3 determined whether the above-mentioned different types of metaphysics could be superposed with ontotheology criticised by Kant in the Critique of Pure Reason (1781/87). Through these three steps, the research clarified the range and the background of Tengelyi’s claim, according to which phenomenology should be characterised as a criticism of ontotheology.

  • 独仏現象学におけるドイツ観念論の継承の研究


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    This research investigated how German and French phenomenologies inherit German idealism and how the former attempt to critically overcome the latter. Therefore, the research shed light on three reference points: 1) Heidegger’s critical reading of Hegel, 2) Levinas’s confrontation with Hegel and 3) Derrida’s interpretation of Heidegger’s reading of Hegel. For research reference point 1, Heidegger’s idea of ‘Hegel’s concept of experience’ (1942–43) was examined alongside Hegel’s Introduction to Phenomenology of Sprit (1807). Levinas’s texts ‘Substitution’ (1968) and Otherwise Than Being or Beyond Being (1974), in which Levinas evokes his interpretation of Hegel’s Introduction to Phenomenology of Sprit, were revisited in point 2. Point 3 analyses Derrida’s comments on Heidegger’s ‘Hegel’s concept of experience’, briefly sketched in his lecture Heidegger: Question of Being and History (1964–65). Through these steps, the research clarified how Hegel’s concept of the ‘inversion (Umkehrung) of consciousness’ was critically reinvestigated. Heidegger interprets this concept as an inversion from the ontic to the ontological. Levinas opposes Hegel’s notion with his own idea of ‘inversion from the same to the Other’. Derrida situates Levinas’s thoughts in the continuity of Heidegger’s destruction of the philosophy of presence, culminating in Hegel’s concept of absolute knowledge.

  • フランス現象学における超越論的哲学の継承とその形而上学的転回の研究


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        This research elucidated 1) Schelling’s reading of Aristotle in his later period, 2) Schelling’s “metaphysical empiricism” based on, but different from, Aristotle’s empiricism and 3) an aspect of French phenomenology that inherits Schelling’s metaphysical empiricism.    To achieve the aim stated above, the research process unfolded as follows: 1) investigation of the proofs of the existence of God in Plato’s Laws, vol. 10 and Aristotle’s Metaphysics, vol. 12, and a comparison between the two, 2) investigation of Schelling’s reading of Aristotle in his Philosophy of Revelation and his “metaphysical empiricism” as a critical heritage of Aristotle’s empiricism, as well as the latter’s notion of “the unmoved mover”, 3) elucidation of Plato’s notion of “participation” and Aristotle’s criticism of this notion, on the one hand, and the parallels with Kant’s criticism of the principle of thoroughgoing determination, and arguments pertaining to this, as elaborated through Leibniz, Wolff and Baumgarten, on the other hand, 4) clarification of Schelling’s metaphysical empiricism that describes a necessary being as “the unprethinkable being” based on the abovementioned background and 5) investigation of French phenomenology (especially that of Levinas), which distinguishes between the idea of the infinite and the necessary condition of being, and through this shares the structure of Schelling’s metaphysical empiricism. 

  • 現代フランス現象学におけるシェリングの哲学史解釈の継承の究明


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        This research clarified how Schelling's reading of Aristotle is related to the contemporary French phenomenology of, among others, Levinas. More precisely, by employing Schelling’s interpretation of Aristotle in the introduction to Philosophy of Revelation, in which Schelling develops his own notion of “empiricism”, the research showed how this concept of empiricism is related to Levinas’s phenomenology and how this relationship makes this a novel rendering of French phenomenology.     To this aim, the investigation took the following steps: First, it began by clarifying Plato’s basic thoughts on “participation” (methexis), that of ideas shared by sensible things, based on Plato's texts, including the Meno, Phædo, Republic, Phaedrus and Timaeus. Second, by following Schelling's interpretation of Aristotle’s Metaphysics, this study elucidated Aristotle’s critique of Plato’s concept of “participation” as having an analogous structure to Kant's critique of ontotheology. Next, it demonstrated how Schelling's “metaphysical empiricism” differs from what he calls the “empiricism” of Aristotle. Finally, by illuminating how Levinas's phenomenology shares the structure of “metaphysical empiricism”, this research showed that contemporary French phenomenology, while differing from Husserlian phenomenology qua eidetics, also avoids returning to English empiricism. 

  • 独仏近現代哲学における理論と実践の不可分性についての研究


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        This research clarified what lays in the common root of theory and practice on the hither side of the opposition of the two by taking as a guide Derrida's lecture manuscript Theory and Practice.    To this aim, the research took the following steps: First, it began by clarifying Aristotle's discussions concerning four causes, developed in Physics and Metaphysics, and his discussion regarding the question of techne (art) as one of five approaches to the truth, explained in Nicomachean Ethics. Second, the investigation elucidated, by explicating Heidegger’s Question Concerning Technique and Science and Meditation, how Heidegger interprets Aristotle’s teachings to answer the question of techne situated on the hither side of the theory/practice opposition. Third, it explained how Derrida examines Heidegger's interpretation to uncover its potential unity with Derrida’s reading of Kant, developed around the opposition of theoretical and practical reason. Next, the question of the common root of theory and practice was clarified by focusing on aesthetic reflective judgements, based on Kant's Critique of Judgement. From the above, fifth and finally, it established how this common root is related to techne.

  • 現代の独仏現象学におけるカントおよびシェリング哲学の受容についての研究


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        This research clarified how contemporary phenomenologists have inherited the Kantian and Schellingian critique of ontotheology and how, in doing so, they present their phenomenology as non-ontotheological. This process was guided by the readings of Kant and Schelling as deployed by Courtine, Richir and Tengelyi and examined whether or not one can recognize the Kantian and Schellingian heritage in the work of Derrida and Levinas, philosophers of the preceding generation of these authors. The research concluded four points.    First, the research clarified, through a Derridian reading of Kant’s Critique of Judgement, the possibility of interpreting Kantian philosophy as a phenomenology thinking about the actual infinite beyond our cognition. Second, by studying Richir’s reading of Frege’s critique of Kant’s transcendental schematism, the research clarified in what form Richir inherits this Kantian idea. Third, this research showed how Richir adopts the Kantian conception of ‘actuality preceding all possibilities’ and the Schellingian idea of ‘unprethinkable being’, and in doing so, inherits their critique of ontotheology. Finally, this research returned to work by Levinas and explored whether the seed of Richir’s conception can be recognized in Levinas. The result confirmed that the late Levinas concept of affection ‘in immemorial past’ describes an actuality that precedes all possibilities and, therefore, implies a non-ontotheological phenomenology.

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