Updated on 2024/10/24


TAKEMURA, Kazuhisa
Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Job title
博士(学術) ( 東京工業大学 )
博士(医学) ( 北里大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2023.03

    Medical Safety Promotion Organization   Director and Guest Professor

  • 2018.06

    International Association of Applied Psychology   Fellow

  • 2010.04

    Research Institute of Socionetwork Strategies, Kansai University   Reseacher and Steering Committee

  • 2009.04

    Waseda Universty   消費者行動研究所   研究所員

  • 2007.04

    Waseda Universty   Center for Decision Research   所長

  • 2003.04

    Waseda Universty   Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Researcher

  • 2002.04

    Waseda Universty   文学部   Professor

  • 2016.09

    Waseda Universty   Waseda Institute for Adovanced Study   vice director

  • 2009.04

    Osaka Kyoiku University   National Mental Support Center for School Crisis   共同研究員

  • 2018.10

    Konstanz University   Institute of Advanced Studies   Guest researcher

  • 2008.08

    スウェーデン王国ストックホルム大学   心理学部   客員研究員

  • 2008.05

    ロシア国立サンクトペテルブルグ大学   心理学部   客員教授

  • 2003.04

    Doshisha University   研究推進機構   客員フェロー

  • 1995.06

    University of Tsukuba   Institute of Policy and Plannning Sciences   Associate Professor

  • 1999.12

    アメリカ合衆国カーネギーメロン大学   社会意思決定学部   フルブライト上級研究員

  • 1997.04

    University of Tsukuba   先端学際領域研究センター   プロジェクト研究員

  • 1999.03

    スウェーデン王国イエテボリ大学   心理学部   文部省短期在外研究員

  • 1996.03

    La Trobe University, James Cook University, Erasmus University Rotterdam   文部省短期在外研究員

  • 1992.04

    University of Tsukuba   Institute of Policy and Plannning Sciences   Assistant Professor

  • 1989.04

    Koka Womens Junior College   Assistant Professor

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Education Background


    Kitasato University   Ph.D in Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Sciences  


    Tokyo Institute of Technology   Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering   Ph.D in System Science  

  • 1990.04

    Graduate School, Kyoto Institute of Technology   工芸科学研究科   情報・生産科学専攻  

  • 1985.04

    Doshisha University   Faculty of Literature   Department of Psychology  

  • 1983.04

    Doshisha University   Graduate School, Division of Letters   Department of Psychology  

  • 1981.04

    Doshisha University   Faculty of Letters  

  • 1979.04

    Doshisha University   Faculty of Economics  

  • 1976.04


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Committee Memberships

  • 2023.09

    Scientific Reports (Springer Nature)  Editorial board

  • 2021.04

    The Japanese Society of Social Psychology  editorial board

  • 2018.04

    The Japanese Society of Theoretical Psychology  Editor in Chief

  • 2007.04

    Japan Society of Kansei Engineering  Editorial Board

  • 2006.04

    Behaviormetric Society  Editorial Board

  • 2013.12

    Association of Behavioreconomics and Finance  Editorial Board

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Professional Memberships






    International Association of Applied Psychology




    European Association of Decision Making


    Society for Judgment and Decision Making


















    Japanese Psychological Association

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Research Areas

  • Social psychology   behavioral decision theory

Research Interests

  • social psychology

  • decision science

  • behavioral metrics

  • clinical social psychology

  • behavioral decision theory

  • behavioral economics

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  • Award for Science and Technology ( Research Category), The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

    2024.04   the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology   Reconstruction of Behavioral Decision Theory and Its Social Practical Research

    Winner: Kazuhisa Takemura

  • Outstanding User Modeling Paper Award

    2023.06   Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI):The International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM)   Personal History Affects Reference Points: A Case Study of Codeforces. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 17 507-518.

    Winner: Takeshi Kurashima, Tomoharu Iwata, Tomu Tominaga, Shuhei Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Toda, Kazuhisa Takemura

  • Distinctive Achievement Award (Chikio Hayashi Award)

    2022.08   Behaviormetric Society  

    Winner: Kazuhisa Takemura

  • Kimura Award

    2021.05   Transdisciplinary Federation of Science and Technology   Understanding consumer decision process and consumer support

    Winner: Kazuhisa Takemura, Group, Kazuhisa Takemura, Hajime Murakami

  • Fellow Award

    2018.06   International Association of Psychology   International Association of Psychology, Fellow Award

    Winner: TAKEMURA, Kazuhisa

  • 杉山明子賞(出版賞)

    2016   the Behavioralmetric Society   「Behavioral Decision Theory: Psychological and mathematical descriptions of human choice behavior」Springer

    Winner: Takemura, K

  • Motoaki Poster Award

    2010   アジア健康心理学会  

    Winner: 松村治, 岩満優美, 竹村和久

  • 出版賞

    2010   the Jpanese Society of Social Psychology   「行動意思決定論―経済行動の心理学―」日本評論社

    Winner: 竹村和久

  • Best Paper Award

    2003.11   Japan Society of Kansei Engineering  

  • Outstanding Performance Award (Chikio Hayashi Award)

    2002.09   Behavioralmetrik Society of Japan  

    Winner: 竹村和久

  • Young Psychologist Award

    1992   日本心理学会  

    Winner: 竹村 和久

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  • An Eye-Tracking Study on the Effects of Using Highlighted Multi-attribute Tables: A Preliminary Report

    Masahiro Morii, Takashi Ideno, Yuki Tamari, Kazuhisa Takemura, Mitsuhiro Okada

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science     467 - 471  2024.09  [Refereed]



  • Perspectives on the odor effects of consumer behavior

    Shuzo Abe, Hisashi Kawamata, Tsuyohsi Moriguchi, Kazuhisa Takemura

    Advances in Consumer Studies   30 ( 1 ) 1 - 36  2024.09  [Refereed]

  • Mathematical Modeling of Possibility Markov Chains by Possibility Theory

    Uemura, Y, Takemura,K, Kitak

    Applied Mathematics   15 ( 8 )  2024.08  [Refereed]


  • Measuring Risk Tolerance Among Japanese Adults and Cross-National Comparison of Its Role in COVID-19 Attitudes

    Yiyun Shou, Fang Liu, Kazuhisa Takemura, Joel Olney

    European Journal of Psychological Assessment    2024.06  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Abstract: Risk propensity and attitudes influence how one responds and behaves in situations with different levels of risk. To date, limited studies have investigated domain-specific risk attitudes and their measurement in Japanese contexts or had direct comparisons between Japanese and other cultural contexts. In Study 1 ( N = 567), we developed a Japanese version of the multi-domain risk tolerance (MDRT) scale applicable to Japanese populations. The scale was further examined in Study 2 ( N = 509). We also tested cross-cultural measurement invariance between the Japanese and a US sample ( N = 495). In addition, we explored cultural differences in the predictive validity of MDRT on the concerns and attitudes relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results demonstrated that MDRT has promising structure validity, reliability, convergent validity, and measurement invariance in the Japanese population. Results also showed that domain-specific risk attitudes as measured by MDRT have similarly important relationships with individuals’ concerns about COVID-19 in many life aspects, and their support for COVID-19 restrictions in both Japanese and US samples.



  • Progress in Access and Oral Polio Vaccine Coverage Among Children Aged <5 Years in Polio Campaigns After the Political Change in Afghanistan

    Wrishmeen Sabawoon, Shion Seino, Bakht Mohmmad Pason, Nek Wali, Shah Momin, Sayako Kanamori, Connor Bender, Kazuhisa Takemura

    The Journal of Infectious Diseases, jiae129, https://doi.org/10.1093/infdis/jiae129   129  2024.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author


  • Report for Type 2 Bayes-Fuzzy Estimation in No-Data Problem

    Houju Hori, Kazuhisa Takemura, Yukio Matsumoto

    Applied Mathematics   15 ( 01 ) 46 - 50  2024.01  [Refereed]


  • Multiattribute regret: theory and experimental study

    Yoichiro Fujii, Hajime Murakami, Yutaka Nakamura, Kazuhisa Takemura

    Theory and Decision    2023.06  [Refereed]



  • Personal History Affects Reference Points: A Case Study of Codeforces

    Takeshi Kurashima, Tomoharu Iwata, Tomu Tominaga, Shuhei Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Toda, Kazuhisa Takemura

    Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media   17   507 - 518  2023.06  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Humans make decisions based on their internal value function, and its shape is known to be distorted and biased around a point, which the research community of behavior economics refers to as the reference point. People intensify activities that come to lie within the reach of their reference point, and abstain from acts that would incur losses once they've crossed the point. However, the impact of past experiences on decision making around the reference point has not been well studied. By analyzing a long series of user-level decisions gathered from a competitive programming website, we find that history has a clear impact on user's decision making around the reference point. Past experiences can strengthen, and sometimes weaken, the decision bias around the reference point. Experiences of past difficulties can strengthen the tendency towards loss aversion after achieving the reference point. When a person crosses a reference point for the first time, the cognitive decision bias is significant. However, repeating this crossing gradually weakens the effect. We also show the value of our insights in the task of predicting user behavior. Prediction models incorporating our insights may be used for motivating people to remain more active.


  • 図形分割課題における統合失調症患者の眼球運動の分析 性別と年齢をマッチングさせた健常対照群との比較

    川杉 桂太, 岩滿 優美, 小山 聡大, 村松 円香, 轟 慶子, 小平 明子, 延藤 麻子, 塚本 康之, 西澤 さくら, 轟 純一, 竹村 和久

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   86回   252 - 252  2023.03

  • Avoiding the Worst Decisions: A Simulation and Experiment

    Kazuhisa Takemura, Yuki Tamari, Takashi Ideno

    Mathematics   11 ( 5 ) 1165 - 1165  2023.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Many practical decisions are more realistic concerning preventing bad decisions than seeking better ones. However, there has been no behavioral decision theory research on avoiding the worst decisions. This study is the first behavioral decision research on decision strategies from the perspective of avoiding the worst decisions. We conducted a computer simulation with the Mersenne Twister method and a psychological experiment using the monitoring information acquisition method for two-stage decision strategies of all combinations for different decision strategies: lexicographic, lexicographic semi-order, elimination by aspect, conjunctive, disjunctive, weighted additive, equally weighted additive, additive difference, and a majority of confirming dimensions. The rate of choosing the least expected utility value among the alternatives was computed as the rate of choosing the worst alternative in each condition. The results suggest that attention-based decision rules such as disjunctive strategy lead to a worse decision, and that striving to make the best choice can conversely often lead to the worst outcome. From the simulation and the experiment, we concluded that simple decision strategies such as considering what is most important can lead to avoiding the worst decisions. The findings of this study provide practical implications for decision support in emergency situations.



  • A Study of Normative Decision Making under COVID-19 Pandemic


    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   22 ( 1 ) 39 - 49  2023  [Refereed]


  • Price Judgment of Goods

    Kazuhisa TAKEMURA, Fang LIU

    Journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   20 ( 3 ) 136 - 142  2022.09  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author


  • The Relationship Between Fear of Isolation and Thinking Ability about Social Issues1

    Mikiya Hayashi, Takashi Ideno, Kazuhisa Takemura

    Japanese Psychological Research    2022.07  [Refereed]



  • シリーズ「消費者を理解する ― 消費者を守るための知見と取り組み ―」1.消費者理解と消費者の意思決定支援――誤認とトラブルの回避のために――

    劉 放, 川杉 桂太, 竹村 和久

    繊維製品消費科学   62 ( 9 ) 19 - 24  2021.09

  • 統合失調症患者における対称性選好と精神症状との関連について

    岩滿優美, 小林史乃, 川杉桂太, 竹村和久, 西澤さくら, 塚本康之, 延藤麻子, 小平明子, 轟純一, 轟慶子

    精神医学   63 ( 8 ) 1269 - 1278  2021.08  [Refereed]

  • Behavioral Decision Theory

    Kazuhisa Takemura

    Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics    2020.09  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    <p>Behavioral decision theory is a descriptive psychological theory of human judgment, decision making, and behavior that can be applied to political science. Behavioral decision theory is closely related to behavioral economics and behavioral finance. Behavioral economics is an attempt to understand actual human economic behavior, and behavioral finance studies human behavior in financial markets. Research on people’s decision making represents an important part of these fields, in which various aspects overlap with the scope of behavioral decision theory. Behavioral decision theory focuses on the decision-making phenomena that are broadly divisible into those under certainty, those under risk, and others under uncertainty that includes ambiguity and ignorance.</p>
    <p>What are the theoretical frameworks that could be used to explain the decision-making phenomenon? Although numerous theories related to decision making have been developed, they are, in essence, often broadly divided into two types: normative theory and descriptive theory. The former is intended to support rational decision making. The latter describes how people actually make decisions. Both normative and descriptive theories reflect the nature of actual human decision making to a degree. Even descriptive theory seeks a certain level of rationality in actual human decision making. Consequently, the two are mutually indistinguishable. Nonetheless, a major example of normative theory is regarded as the system of utility theory that is widely used in economics. A salient example of descriptive theory is behavioral decision theory. Utility theory has numerous variations, such as linear and nonlinear utility theories. Most theories have established axioms and mathematically developed principles. In contrast, behavioral decision theory covers a considerably wide range of variations of theoretical expressions, including theories that have been developed mathematically (such as prospect theory) and those expressed only with natural language (such as multiattribute decision-making process models). Behavioral decision theory has integrated the implications of the normative theory, descriptive theory, and prescriptive theory that help people to make better decisions.</p>


  • 統合失調症患者による臨床描画のファジィエッジ推論による分析

    川杉 桂太, 竹村 和久, 岩滿 優美, 西澤 さくら, 塚本 康之, 延藤 麻子, 小平 明子, 轟 純一, 轟 慶子

    人間環境学研究   18 ( 1 ) 63 - 71  2020.06  [Refereed]

  • On Effects of Changing Multi-attribute Table Design on Decision Making: An Eye-Tracking Study

    Takashi Ideno, Masahiro Morii, Kazuhisa Takemura, Mitsuhiro Okada

    Diagrammatic Representation and Inference     365 - 381  2020  [Refereed]



  • An Experimental Study of the Effect of Energy Label Design on the Correct Evaluation of Buildings¡¦ Energy Performance and Promotion of Energy Saving.

    Fujisawa, M, Takemura, K, Funaki, Y, Uto, N, Takahashi, R

    International Real Estate Review   23 ( 1 ) 733 - 762  2020  [Refereed]

  • 公的主体に対するルサンチマンが新自由主義支持意識に及ぼす影響に関する実証的研究

    沼尻了俊, 宮川愛由, 林幹也, 竹村和久, 藤井聡

    実践政策学   6 ( 2 ) 121 - 130  2020  [Refereed]

  • 心理物理学と社会物理学−意思決定研究史からの展望とその課題


    感性工学   17 ( 3 ) 122 - 129  2019.09

  • Image analysis of the tree test using wavelet transform, singular value decomposition, and Fourier transform

    Keita Kawasugi, Kazuhisa Takemura, Yumi Iwamitsu, Hitomi Sugawara, Sakura Nishizawa, Yasuyuki Tsukamoto, Asako Nobutou, Akiko Kodaira, Junichi Todoroki, Keiko Todoroki

    The Japanese journal of psychology   90 ( 3 ) 284 - 293  2019.08  [Refereed]



  • 地域課題解決型PBLにおいて課題の発見を支援する手法の提案 : 基盤となる価値を発見・共有するための「構え」づくりに注目して

    井出野尚, 大坂遊, 玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    徳山大学総合研究所紀要   41   13 - 21  2019.03

  • 心理学と行動経済学―古典的心理学と確率荷重関数の関係を中心に

    竹村和久, 村上始

    行動経済学   12   37 - 50  2019.02  [Refereed]


  • Complex Markov decision process

    Hori, H. J, Takemura, K, Matsumoto, Y

    The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics   27 ( 4 ) 957 - 971  2019  [Refereed]

  • 新自由主義支持意識とその規定因に関する実証的研究: 日本低評価意識と新自由主義化スパイラル

    沼尻了俊, 宮川愛由, 林幹也, 竹村和久, 藤井聡

    実践政策学   5 ( 2 ) 159 - 166  2019  [Refereed]

  • Individual differences in the effectiveness of the participatory risk-communication method

    Takagi, A, Akiyama, H, Sugiura, J, Takemura, K, Kikkawa, T, Ori, A

    Japanese Journal of Food Chemistry and Safety   26 ( 3 ) 119 - 124  2019  [Refereed]


  • 省エネ誘導のためのエネルギーラベルデザインに関する研究

    藤澤美恵子, 竹村和久, 船木由喜彦, 高橋遼

    行動経済学   11   54 - 59  2018.12  [Refereed]


  • 消費者行動の脳機能画像 解析と眼球運動解析

    竹村 和久

    流通情報   ( 535 ) 1 - 12  2018.11  [Invited]

  • A Testing Method of Probability Weighting Functions from an Axiomatic Perspective.

    Takemura, K, Murakami, H

    Frontier in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, section Quantitative Psychology and Measurement   4  2018.10  [Refereed]



  • シリーズ「消費者の心理と行動を理解する ― マーケティングへの応用を目指して ―」4.消費者の眼球運動分析

    村上始, 川杉桂太, 柏万菜, 竹村和久

    繊維製品消費科学   59 ( 8 ) 605 - 612  2018.08


  • シリーズ「消費者の心理と行動を理解する ― マーケティングへの応用を目指して ―」3.消費者の意思決定方略

    竹村和久, 玉利祐樹, 原口僚平

    繊維製品消費科学   59 ( 7 ) 520 - 533  2018.07


  • シリ−ズ「消費者の心理と行動を理解する−マーケティングへの応用を目指して−」2.選好形成と消費者行動

    井出野尚, 竹村和久

    繊維製品消費科学   59 ( 6 ) 434 - 438  2018.06


  • 意思決定研究と実験法


    基礎心理学研究   36 ( 2 ) 210 - 221  2018.03


  • 心理学における因果論の役割

    竹村 和久, 唐沢 かおり, 藤井 聡, 境 敦史, 出口 康夫, 繁桝 算男

    日心大会論文集   71 ( 0 ) WS084 - WS084  2018.01

    DOI CiNii

  • 不合理な意思決定―記述と処方―

    竹村 和久, 藤井 聡, 岩滿 優美, 楊 政達, 坂上 貴之

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   82 ( 0 ) SS - 071  2018.01

    DOI CiNii

  • Effects of sequences of outcomes on decision makings

    Ideno Takashi, Sakagami Takayuki, Morii Masahiro, Tamari Yuki, Takemura Kazuhisa

    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association   81   2A-011 - 2A-011  2017.09

    DOI CiNii

  • SB2-15-1 意思決定研究における眼球運動データの測定と分析

    森井 真広, 井出野 尚, 坂上 貴之, 竹村 和久, 岡田 光弘

    日本行動計量学会大会抄録集   45   122 - 122  2017.08

    DOI CiNii

  • Qualitatively Coherent Representation Makes Decision-Making Easier with Binary-Colored Multi-Attribute Tables: An Eye-Tracking Study

    Masahiro Morii, Takashi Ideno, Kazuhisa Takemura, Mitsuhiro Okada

    FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY   8  2017.08  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We aimed to identify the ways in which coloring cells affected decision-making in the context of binary-colored multi-attribute tables, using eye movement data. In our black-white attribute tables, the value of attributes was limited to two (with a certain threshold for each attribute) and each cell of the table was colored either black or white on the white background. We compared the two natural ways of systematic color assignment: "quantitatively coherent" ways and "qualitatively coherent" ways (namely, the ways in which the black-white distinction represented the quantitative amount distinction, and the ways in which the black-white distinction represented the quality distinction). The former consists of the following two types: (Type 1) "larger is black," where the larger value-level was represented by black, and " smaller is white," and (Type 2) "smaller is black." The latter consisted of the following two types: (Type 3) "better is black," and (Type 4) "worse is black." We obtained the following two findings. [Result 1] The qualitatively coherent black-white tables (Types 3 and 4) made decision-making easier than the quantitatively coherent ones (Types 1 and 2). [Result 2] Among the two qualitatively coherent types, the "black is better" tables (Type 3) made decision making easier; in fact, the participants focused on the more important (black) cells in the case of "black is better" tables (Type 3) while they did not focus enough on the more important (white) ones in the case of the "white is better" tables (Type 4). We also examined some measures of eye movement patterns and showed that these measures supported our hypotheses. The data showed differences in the eye movement patterns between the first and second halves of each trial, which indicated the phased or combined decision strategies taken by the participants.



  • How previous choice affects decision attribute weights: a field survey.

    Hatori, T, Fujii, S, Takemura, K

    Behaviormetrika   44 ( 2 ) 477 - 487  2017.07  [Refereed]



  • Special feature: psychological science of survey questionnaires

    Kazuhisa Takemura, Michael Smithson

    Behaviormetrika   44 ( 2 ) 535 - 537  2017.07



  • Markov decision process in fuzzy events based on the mapping extension principle.

    Hori, H, Takemura, K, Matsumoto, Y

    International Journal of Business and Marketing Management   5 ( 2 ) 5 - 8  2017.05  [Refereed]

  • Decision Method in Type-2 Fuzzy Events under Fuzzy Observed Information.

    Hori, H, Takemura, K, Matsumoto, Y

    International Journal of Business and Marketing Management   5 ( 1 ) 1 - 4  2017.03  [Refereed]

  • Difficult Relationships between Probability Theory and Science of Risk-2

    Takemura Kazuhisa, Hayashi Fumi

    Kodo Keiryogaku (The Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics)   44 ( 1 ) 27 - 27  2017

    DOI CiNii

  • 対談 全体主義を生み出す危険な「小池現象」

    藤井 聡, 竹村 和久

    新潮45   36 ( 9 ) 76 - 83  2017.01


  • Ambiguity aversion in schizophrenia: An fMRI study of decision-making under risk and ambiguity.

    Junya Fujino, Kimito Hirose, Shisei Tei, Ryosaku Kawada, Kosuke Tsurumi, Noriko Matsukawa, Jun Miyata, Genichi Sugihara, Yujiro Yoshihara, Takashi Ideno, Toshihiko Aso, Kazuhisa Takemura, Hidenao Fukuyama, Toshiya Murai, Hidehiko Takahashi

    Schizophrenia research   178 ( 1-3 ) 94 - 101  2016.12  [Refereed]  [International journal]

     View Summary

    When making decisions in everyday life, we often have to choose between uncertain outcomes. Economic studies have demonstrated that healthy people tend to prefer options with known probabilities (risk) than those with unknown probabilities (ambiguity), which is referred to as "ambiguity aversion." However, it remains unclear how patients with schizophrenia behave under ambiguity, despite growing evidence of their altered decision-making under uncertainty. In this study, combining economic tools and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we assessed the attitudes toward risk/ambiguity and investigated the neural correlates during decision-making under risk/ambiguity in schizophrenia. Although no significant difference in attitudes under risk was observed, patients with schizophrenia chose ambiguity significantly more often than the healthy controls. Attitudes under risk and ambiguity did not correlate across patients with schizophrenia. Furthermore, unlike in the healthy controls, activation of the left lateral orbitofrontal cortex was not increased during decision-making under ambiguity compared to under risk in schizophrenia. These results suggest that ambiguity aversion, a well-established subjective bias, is attenuated in patients with schizophrenia, highlighting the need to distinguish between risk and ambiguity when assessing decision-making under these situations. Our findings, comprising important clinical implications, contribute to improved understanding of the mechanisms underlying altered decision-making in patients with schizophrenia.

    DOI PubMed


  • A report that Fukushima residents are concerned about radiation from Land, Food and Radon

    Yuki Tamari, Yujiro Kuroda, Ryu Miyagawa, Kanabu Nawa, Akira Sakumi, Naoko Sakata, Nozomi Mizushima, Osamu Sakura, Yumi Iwamitsu, Kazuhisa Takemura, Keiichi Nakagawa

    JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH   57 ( 4 ) 418 - 421  2016.07  [Refereed]

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    The Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster occurred on 11 March 2011, which caused the leakage of radioactive materials into the environment. In this study, we report public concerns about radiation in Fukushima and Tokyo almost one year after the nuclear disaster. We examined the public concerns by analyzing the data from 1022 participants, 555 in Fukushima and 467 in Tokyo. They were asked whether they were concerned about radiation from some of six different types of sources, which could be answered in a binary way, 'yes' or 'no'. We found not only similarities, but also significant differences in the degrees of concerns between Fukushima residents and Tokyo ones. Fukushima residents more concerned about radiation from land, food and radon in larger rate than that of Tokyo ones, while Tokyo residents were concerned about radiation from medical care. Residents in neither location were concerned about radiation from space. Our results suggested that careful risk communication should be undertaken, adaptively organized depending on location and other factors, e.g. comprehension about radiation, presence of the experience of evacuation, and also age and gender of the people.



  • ニューロマーケティングと意思決定研究

    竹村 和久

    オペレーションズ・リサーチ   61   429 - 434  2016.07  [Invited]

  • 統合失調症患者における図形の対称性選好について 健常者との比較

    菅原 ひとみ, 岩満 優美, 川杉 桂太, 轟 慶子, 小平 明子, 西澤 さくら, 竹村 和久, 山本 賢司, 宮岡 等

    日本外来精神医療学会プログラム・抄録集   16回   104 - 104  2016.06

  • 感情と経済行動の意思決定ープロスペクト理論と神経経済学からの展望

    竹村 和久

    マーケティング・ジャーナル   35   2 - 18  2016.05  [Invited]

  • 7
  • Cognitive Effort and Accuracy of Decision Strategies in Multi-Attribute Decision Making Process::A Behavioral Decision Theoretic Approach Using Computer Simulation Technique

    Takemura Kazuhisa, Haraguchi Ryohei, Tamari Yuki

    Cognitive Studies   22 ( 3 ) 368 - 388  2015.09  [Refereed]

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    This paper examines two-stage multi-attribute decision strategies in different condi-tions where numbers of alternatives, and attributes are varied. A Monte-Carlo com-puter simulation using the concept of elementary information processes identified de-cision strategies that approximate the accuracy of normative procedures while savingcognitive effort in the two-stage decision making process. The elementary strategiesexamined in the simulation were nine decision strategies: lexicographic, lexicographicsemi-order, elimination by aspect, conjunctive, disjunctive, weighted additive, equallyweighted additive, additive difference, and majority of confirming dimensions strategies.Elementary information process and relative accuracy were computed for all combina-tion of two decision strategies for two-phased decision making process. The result ofthe computer simulation suggested that comparatively effortless and accurate heuristicwas the two-phased strategy that used lexicographic strategy to eliminate until a fewalternatives in the first stage and used weighted additive strategy in the second stage.Lastly, theoretical and practical implications of this study were discussed.

    DOI CiNii

  • Are ambiguity aversion and ambiguity intolerance identical? A neuroecononnics investigation

    Yusuke Tanaka, Junya Fujino, Takashi Ideno, Shigetaka Okubo, Kazuhisa Takemura, Jun Miyata, Ryosaku Kawada, Shinsuke Fujimoto, Manabu Kubota, Akihiko Sasamoto, Kimito Hirose, Hideaki Takeuchi, Hidenao Fukuyama, Toshiya Murai, Hidehiko Takahashi

    Frontiers in Psychology   5   1 - 7  2015.02  [Refereed]

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    In recent years, there has been growing interest in understanding a person's reaction to ambiguous situations, and two similar constructs related to ambiguity, "ambiguity aversion" and "ambiguity intolerance," are defined in different disciplines. In the field of economic decision-making research, "ambiguity aversion" represents a preference for known risks relative to unknown risks. On the other hand, in clinical psychology, "ambiguity intolerance" describes the tendency to perceive ambiguous situations as undesirable. However, it remains unclear whether these two notions derived from different disciplines are identical or not. To clarify this issue, we combined an economic task, psychological questionnaires, and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) of structural brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in a sample of healthy volunteers. The individual ambiguity aversion tendency parameter, as measured by our economic task, was negatively correlated with agreeableness scores on the self-reported version of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory. However, it was not correlated with scores of discomfort with ambiguity, one of the subscales of the Need for Closure Scale. Furthermore, the ambiguity aversion tendency parameter was negatively correlated with gray matter (GM) volume of areas in the lateral prefrontal cortex and parietal cortex, whereas ambiguity intolerance was not correlated with GM volume in any region. Our results suggest that ambiguity aversion, described in decision theory, may not necessarily be identical to ambiguity intolerance, referred to in clinical psychology. Cautious applications of decision theory to clinical neuropsychiatry are recommended.



  • 大衆による官僚制化の心理構造に関する実証的研究

    松本和也, 羽鳥剛史, 竹村和久

    科学・技術研究   4 ( 2 ) 165 - 172  2015  [Refereed]


  • SBO1-1-4 状況依存的焦点モデルのChoquet積分表示と行動計量(特別セッション 意思決定の理論と行動計量)

    竹村 和久, 藤井 聡

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   43   42 - 45  2015.01


  • Method of Inducing Attention using Coefficient of Variation in Decision Making Task:- Proposal and an Empirical Test by Eye Movement Measurement -

    MURAKAMI Hajime, IDENO Takashi, OKUBO Shigetaka, TAMARI Yuki, TAKEMURA Kazuhisa

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   13 ( 4 ) 527 - 534  2014.11  [Refereed]

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    Many findings of behavioral decision research suggested that attention had a crucial role in decision-making. We proposed a method to induce attention toward particular attribute such as money using control by coefficient of variation in multi-attribute decision task. The experiment consisted of two steps: 1) arousing attention using the proposed method and 2) testing the effect of the method. We hypothesized that the participants would pay more attention to high, relative to low, CV attributes. The results for the first step of the experiment showed that the participants paid more attention to high, relative to low CV probability and low, relative to high, CV outcome. Results for the second step of the experiment were similar to those observed in the first step. This finding indicates that the proposed method was effective in arousing attention during the decision-making process.

    DOI CiNii

  • アイトラッカーを用いた広告受容時の消費者の意思決定過程の検討-チラシの割引表示効果の検討-

    井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 玉利祐樹, 伊豫部紀子, 村上始, 竹村和久

    日本感性工学会論文誌   13 ( 4 ) 535 - 541  2014.11  [Refereed]


  • A Study of the Waiting Time for the Rewards Using Schedules of Reinforcement.

    Ideno Takashi, Sakagami Takayuki, Morii Masahiro, Tamari Yuki, Okubo Shigetaka, Takemura Kazuhisa

    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association   78   2PM-1-088 - 2PM-1-088  2014.09

    DOI CiNii

  • 確率情報の図的表現下での確率荷重関数

    村上始, 玉利祐樹, 井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 竹村和久

    人間環境学研究   12 ( 1 ) 51 - 56  2014.06  [Refereed]


  • 継続的に行った公園散策による気分と描画の変化

    松村 治, 岩満優美, 竹村和久

    ストレス科学   28 ( 1 ) 53 - 67  2013.06  [Refereed]


  • 精神障害患者の描画とその画像解析:テクスチャー解析、フーリエ解析、特異値分解を用いて

    岩満優美, 竹村和久, 松村治, 王雨晗, 延籐麻子, 小平明子, 轟純一, 轟慶子

    知能と情報   25 ( 2 ) 651 - 658  2013.04  [Refereed]

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    In clinical psychology and psychiatry, projective drawings are used to assess individual personality and holistic understanding of behavior. Especially, Koch developed a tree test, called Baum Test, for the purpose of medical practice and personality assessment. Since there is a poor objectivity and a low reliability in interpretations of drawing pictures when the projective drawing techniques are used, we integrated various image processing techniques to interpret the drawing picture of a mental disorder patient. The proposed analysis in this study was as follow: (1) the gray level histogram moment (GLHM) analysis, (2) the spatial gray level dependence method (SGLDM) analysis, (3) the gray level difference method (GLDM) analysis for the drawing picture, and (4)the singular value decomposition (SVD) method that is a factorization of a rectangular real or complex matrix, with many applications in image processing, (5) the Fourier analysis method that can isolate individual components of a compound waveform for the image, and (6)the clinical interpretation of the drawing picture based on the image analysis techniques. These image analysis techniques for projective tree test were utilized to interpret psychological process of a mental disorder.

    DOI CiNii

  • 物語を用いた多元的価値構造の測定法-「よい社会」のイメージの個別分析-

    竹内潤子, 井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 今関仁智, 竹村和久

    知能と情報   25 ( 2 ) 641 - 645  2013.04  [Refereed]

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    We propose a new method of semi-structured interview, called "Corkboard Image Mapping," to visualize pluralistic values behind the stories of individuals and to quantitatively analyze them. The proposed procedure was as follows: 1) extracting main items from stories, 2) mapping to corkboard (Corkboard map) and interpreting it, 3) making an image map based on Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS map) and interpreting it, 4) comparing the Corkboard map with the MDS map. Interpretation of the maps was made by the interview with each participant. The result of experiment using the proposed method indicated that values were extracted from each stories. It was also suggested that interpretation of axes and mapping enables quantitative analysis of value structure and that comparison between a Corkboard map and a MDS map make it possible to quantitatively discriminate individual mapping strategy. This study demonstrated that common base or dissonance of discussion in a society could be explored, using the proposed method and describing the features of value structures behind stories.

    DOI CiNii

  • 意思決定における確率加重関数の推定実験

    竹村和久, 村上始, 玉利祐樹, 井出野尚

    ソフトサイエンス・ワークショップ講演論文集   23rd ( 1 ) 88 - 91  2013.03

  • Norepinephrine in the brain is associated with aversion to financial loss

    H. Takahashi, S. Fujie, C. Camerer, R. Arakawa, H. Takano, F. Kodaka, H. Matsui, T. Ideno, S. Okubo, K. Takemura, M. Yamada, Y. Eguchi, T. Murai, Y. Okubo, M. Kato, H. Ito, T. Suhara

    MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY   18 ( 1 ) 3 - 4  2013.01  [Refereed]



  • Influence of contact with schizophrenia on implicit attitudes towards schizophrenia patients held by clinical residents

    Ataru Omori, Amane Tateno, Takashi Ideno, Hidehiko Takahashi, Yoshitaka Kawashima, Kazuhisa Takemura, Yoshiro Okubo

    BMC PSYCHIATRY   12  2012.11  [Refereed]

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    Background: Patients with schizophrenia and their families have suffered greatly from stigmatizing effects. Although many efforts have been made to eradicate both prejudice and stigma, they still prevail even among medical professionals, and little is known about how contact with schizophrenia patients affects their attitudes towards schizophrenia.
    Methods: We assessed the impact of the renaming of the Japanese term for schizophrenia on clinical residents and also evaluated the influence of contact with schizophrenia patients on attitudes toward schizophrenia by comparing the attitudes toward schizophrenia before and after a one-month clinical training period in psychiatry. Fifty-one clinical residents participated. Their attitudes toward schizophrenia were assessed twice, before and one month after clinical training in psychiatry using the Implicit Association Test (IAT) as well as Link's devaluation-discrimination scale.
    Results: The old term for schizophrenia, "Seishin-Bunretsu-Byo", was more congruent with criminal than the new term for schizophrenia, "Togo-Shitcho-Sho", before clinical training. However, quite opposite to our expectation, after clinical training the new term had become even more congruent with criminal than the old term. There was no significant correlation between Link's scale and IAT effect.
    Conclusions: Renaming the Japanese term for schizophrenia still reduced the negative images of schizophrenia among clinical residents. However, contact with schizophrenia patients unexpectedly changed clinical residents' attitudes towards schizophrenia negatively. Our results might contribute to an understanding of the formation of negative attitudes about schizophrenia and assist in developing appropriate clinical training in psychiatry that could reduce prejudice and stigma concerning schizophrenia.



  • 潜在的連合テスト (IAT) を用いた精神神経疾患の偏見に関する研究

    小宇佐梨里子, 原恵子, 井出野尚, 竹村和久, 高橋英彦, 松浦雅人

    日本薬物脳波学会雑誌   13 ( 1 ) 23 - 30  2012.06  [Refereed]

  • Reply to Yang et al.: Gender is not a confounding factor of our result

    Hidehiko Takahashi, Harumasa Takano, Takashi Ideno, Yuki Tamari, Kazuhisa Takemura, Tetsuya Suhara




  • Honesty mediates the relationship between serotonin and reaction to unfairness

    Hidehiko Takahashi, Harumasa Takano, Colin F. Camerer, Takashi Ideno, Shigetaka Okubo, Hiroshi Matsui, Yuki Tamari, Kazuhisa Takemura, Ryosuke Arakawa, Fumitoshi Kodaka, Makiko Yamada, Yoko Eguchi, Toshiya Murai, Yoshiro Okubo, Motoichiro Kato, Hiroshi Ito, Tetsuya Suhara


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    How does one deal with unfair behaviors? This subject has long been investigated by various disciplines including philosophy, psychology, economics, and biology. However, our reactions to unfairness differ from one individual to another. Experimental economics studies using the ultimatum game (UG), in which players must decide whether to accept or reject fair or unfair offers, have also shown that there are substantial individual differences in reaction to unfairness. However, little is known about psychological as well as neurobiological mechanisms of this observation. We combined a molecular imaging technique, an economics game, and a personality inventory to elucidate the neurobiological mechanism of heterogeneous reactions to unfairness. Contrary to the common belief that aggressive personalities (impulsivity or hostility) are related to the high rejection rate of unfair offers in UG, we found that individuals with apparently peaceful personalities (straightforwardness and trust) rejected more often and were engaged in personally costly forms of retaliation. Furthermore, individuals with a low level of serotonin transporters in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) are honest and trustful, and thus cannot tolerate unfairness, being candid in expressing their frustrations. In other words, higher central serotonin transmission might allow us to behave adroitly and opportunistically, being good at playing games while pursuing self-interest. We provide unique neurobiological evidence to account for individual differences of reaction to unfairness.



  • An examination of the relationship between Hegel's concept of "alienation" and Ortega's concept of the "masses"

    Hatori Tsuyoshi, Watanabe Nozomu, Fujii Satoshi, Takemura Kazuhisa

    JHES   10 ( 2 ) 99 - 107  2012  [Refereed]

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    This study examined the relationship between Hegel's concept of "alienation" from a community and Ortega's concept of the "masses" in order to explore the empirical implication of the former concept in our society. According to philosophical discussion, it is supposed that Hegel's concept of "alienation" has a positive relationship with Ortega's concept of "Masses." This hypothesis was tested in the survey with a questionnaire (n = 400), by examining the relationship between the alienation scale and the vulgarity scale which were developed based on Hegel's theory of alienation and Ortega's theory of the masses, respectively. The obtained data showed that the sense of alienation from four communities (family, region, organization, and state) was positively related with the autistic factor which constituted the vulgarity scale. The result implied that the two concepts are associated with each other. It also provided the evidence of validity of the alienation scale. Finally, implications of the present result were discussed.

    DOI CiNii

  • シリーズ「消費者行動とマーケティング」3.潜在的認知と消費者行動分析

    井出野尚, 竹村和久

    繊維製品消費科学   53 ( 1 ) 22 - 30  2012.01

    DOI CiNii

  • Analyzing consumer preference by using the latest semantic model for verbal protocol

    Yuki Tamari, Kazuhisa Takemura

    Shinrigaku Kenkyu   82 ( 6 ) 497 - 504  2012  [Refereed]

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    This paper examines consumers' preferences for competing brands by using a preference model of verbal protocols. Participants were 150 university students, who reported their opinions and feelings about McDonalds and Mos Burger (competing hamburger restaurants in Japan). Their verbal protocols were analyzed by using the singular value decomposition method, and the latent decision frames were estimated. The verbal protocols having a large value in the decision frames could be interpreted as showing attributes that consumers emphasize. Based on the estimated decision frames, we predicted consumers' preferences using the logistic regression analysis method. The results indicate that the decision frames projected from the verbal protocol data explained consumers' preferences effectively.



  • よい意思決定とは何か-楠見論文へのコメント-


    心理学評論   55 ( 1 ) 131 - 136  2012

    DOI CiNii

  • シリーズ「消費者行動とマーケティング」2.眼球運動測定と消費者行動

    大久保重孝, 竹村和久

    繊維製品消費科学   52 ( 12 ) 744 - 750  2011.12


  • シリーズ「消費者行動とマーケティング」1. 消費者の多属性意思決定とその分析


    繊維製品消費科学   52 ( 11 ) 670 - 677  2011.11


  • 多属性意思決定の心理モデルと「よい意思決定」


    オペレーションズ・リサーチ   56 ( 10 ) 583 - 590  2011.10  [Refereed]


  • 消費者の意思決定プロセスの特徴と理論


    流通情報   43 ( 3 ) 34 - 50  2011.09


  • 描画の潜在意味解析モデルによる消費者の選好分析

    玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    日本感性工学会論文誌   11 ( 1 ) 89 - 95  2011.02  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of this study is to propose a quantitative method for consumers' preference analysis using picture drawings. In this method, the picture drawings were broken down into its component elements. The component elements are analyzed by using singular value decomposition method, and the latent decision frames are estimated. The consumers' preferences are explained by the estimated decision frames using regression analysis. We demonstrated an example of this method and conducted a survey that the participants were asked to draw a picture of their feelings towards McDonalds and Mos Burger, which are considered competing hamburger restaurants in Japan. The participants in this study were 150 university students. Based on the estimated decision frames, we predicted their preference using logistic regression analysis method. The results indicate that the decision frames projected from picture drawing data explained participants' preference, and the component elements of picture drawings affecting preference were assessed quantitatively.

    DOI CiNii

  • A test of the focusing hypothesis for category judgment: An explanation using the mental-box model

    Tsuyoshi Hatori, Kazuhisa Takemura, Satoshi Fujii, Takashi Ideno

    Shinrigaku Kenkyu   82 ( 2 ) 132 - 140  2011  [Refereed]

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    This paper presents a new model of category judgment. The model hypothesizes that, when more attention is focused on a category, the psychological range of the category gets narrower (category-focusing hypothesis). We explain this hypothesis by using the metaphor of a "mental-box" model: the more attention that is focused on a mental box (i.e., a category set), the smaller the size of the box becomes (i.e., a cardinal number of the category set). The hypothesis was tested in an experiment (N = 40), where the focus of attention on prescribed verbal categories was manipulated. The obtained data gave support to the hypothesis: category-focusing effects were found in three experimental tasks (regarding the category of "food", "height", and "income"). The validity of the hypothesis was discussed based on the results.

    DOI PubMed


  • Dopamine D-1 Receptors and Nonlinear Probability Weighting in Risky Choice

    Hidehiko Takahashi, Hiroshi Matsui, Colin Camerer, Harumasa Takano, Fumitoshi Kodaka, Takashi Ideno, Shigetaka Okubo, Kazuhisa Takemura, Ryosuke Arakawa, Yoko Eguchi, Toshiya Murai, Yoshiro Okubo, Motoichiro Kato, Hiroshi Ito, Tetsuya Suhara

    JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE   30 ( 49 ) 16567 - 16572  2010.12  [Refereed]

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    Misestimating risk could lead to disadvantaged choices such as initiation of drug use (or gambling) and transition to regular drug use (or gambling). Although the normative theory in decision-making under risks assumes that people typically take the probability-weighted expectation over possible utilities, experimental studies of choices among risks suggest that outcome probabilities are transformed nonlinearly into subjective decision weights by a nonlinear weighting function that overweights low probabilities and underweights high probabilities. Recent studies have revealed the neurocognitive mechanism of decision-making under risk. However, the role of modulatory neurotransmission in this process remains unclear. Using positron emission tomography, we directly investigated whether dopamine D-1 and D-2 receptors in the brain are associated with transformation of probabilities into decision weights in healthy volunteers. The binding of striatal D-1 receptors is negatively correlated with the degree of nonlinearity of weighting function. Individuals with lower striatal D-1 receptor density showed more pronounced overestimation of low probabilities and underestimation of high probabilities. This finding should contribute to a better understanding of the molecular mechanism of risky choice, and extreme or impaired decision-making observed in drug and gambling addiction.



  • 曖昧性と意思決定

    竹村和久, 大久保重孝

    知能と情報   22 ( 4 ) 419 - 426  2010.08


  • 多属性意思決定過程における背景情報の効果について—情報モニタリング法を用いて—

    大久保重孝, 井出野尚, 竹村和久

    感性工学研究論文集   9 ( 4 ) 226 - 231  2010.08  [Refereed]

  • 社会的事象と知覚課題の曖昧な判断に関する心理学的研究

    若山大樹, 井出野尚, 竹村和久

    知能と情報   22 ( 4 ) 443 - 449  2010.08  [Refereed]

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    We conducted a psychological study to examine vague judgments in social and perceptual tasks. Two hundred and fifty-two subjects were randomly divided into three groups of roughly equal size. Group 1 was told to make an accurate estimate while group 2 was told to make a vague/rough estimate and group 3 was told to make an estimate with a fuzzy rating method. The results indicated that participants told to estimate with accuracy were better than those with vague condition for two of the perceptual tasks (square area and length of vertical line) but were not significantly different for three of the perceptual tasks (number of dots and length of horizontal line). We also found that participants in the vague condition were more accurate than the accuracy condition for one social task (number of suicides per year), but not significantly different for 2 of the social tasks (number of marriages per year and height of Mt. Fuji). The results suggested that vague judgment was accurate and adaptive strategy in some situations.

    DOI CiNii

  • 書評 『意思決定と経済の心理学』

    竹村 和久

    行動経済学   3   76 - 78  2010

    DOI CiNii

  • 乳幼児の笑顔画像提示による感情誘導手法の提案 -商品選択実験を用いた適用例-

    大久保重孝, 井出野尚, 竹村和久

    日本感性工学会研究論文集   9 ( 3 ) 485 - 491  2010  [Refereed]

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    We proposed a new mood induction technique using pictures of smiling baby faces and presented example of application on the technique in choice experiment. Based on Baby Schema (Kindchenschema: Lorenz, K. 1965), we hypothesized that a baby face which consist of a big head, relatively large eyes, and the rounded shape elicits altruistic emotion and positive affect. We conducted a choice experiment using the proposed technique. Subjects were presented slides of smiling baby faces before the choice task. The result of the experiment showed that the baby faces elicited positive mood and then promoted the uses of simple heuristics. This finding suggested efficiency of the proposed technique as a mood induction method.

    DOI CiNii

  • Perceptions of the Concept of Mutation among Family Members of Patients Receiving Outpatient Genetic Services and University Students

    Noriko Ando, Yumi Iwamitsu, Kazuhisa Takemura, Yukiko Saito, Fumio Takada

    JOURNAL OF GENETIC COUNSELING   18 ( 6 ) 567 - 577  2009.12  [Refereed]

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    Our objectives were to investigate: (1) relationships between perceptions of various terms regarding mutation and the depth of knowledge regarding mutation among family members of patients receiving genetic outpatient services, and (2) differences in perceptions of the term "gene mutation" for family members versus university students. Fifty-eight family members and 178 university students responded to two questionnaires: Impressions regarding the term, and Knowledge about the concept of mutation. Factor analyses were conducted to determine the factor structure of ratings of the terms, and two-way analyses of variance [(1) Term, (2) Group x Knowledge] were conducted to examine differences in perceptions of the terms as measured by scores for each extracted factor. Family members had a significantly more negative perception of the term "gene mutation" than "gene change" and a less negative perception of the term "gene mutation" than "gene lesion"; they had significantly more negative perceptions of the term "gene mutation" than did university students.



  • 認定遺伝カウンセラーの現状と今後-研究職の立場から-

    安藤記子, 岩満優美, 竹村和久, 齊藤有紀子, 高田史男

    日本遺伝カウンセリング学会誌   30   155 - 118  2009.11

  • ニューロマーケティングの可能性


    流通情報   41 ( 4 ) 37 - 45  2009.11


  • 道徳性発達理論に基づく土木技術者倫理に関する実証的研究—倫理規定の解釈可能性が土木技術者の倫理性に及ぼす影響—

    羽鳥剛史, 黒岩武志, 藤井聡, 竹村和久

    土木学会論文集   65 ( 3 ) 262 - 279  2009.10  [Refereed]


  • 消費者の意思決定過程


    基礎心理学研究   28 ( 1 ) 147 - 155  2009.10

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    This paper reviews research on consumer psychology with emphasis on the topics of decision making process and presents recent research on consumer decision process from traditional and alternative framework. Consumer decision research has examined behavioral violations of rational choice theory such as expected utility theory. Whereas expected utility theory does not explain why people are often simultaneously attracted to both insurance and gambling, prospect theory as nonlinear utility theory explains risk seeking preference in loss situation as well as risk aversive preference in loss situation using value function. Contingent focus model also explains such phenomenon and predicts various behaviors which are different from prospect theory. Lastly, this review examines some of the studies in neuroeconomics as it relates to consumer decision process and offers future perspectives in consumer research.

    DOI CiNii

  • 鉱物資源乱掘に従事する労働者のリスク認知—描画法を用いた事例研究—

    佐藤菜生, 高崎いゆき, 吉川肇子, 村尾智, 竹村和久

    日本リスク研究学会誌   19 ( 4 ) 33 - 41  2009.10  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of this study was to examine risk perceptions of artisanal/small-scale miners in the Philippines. We analyzed a survey data using questionnaire technique and drawing picture technique. The results of the questionnaire technique indicated that artisanal/small-scale miners underestimated the risk of artisanal/small-scale mining. However, most of the artisanal/small-scale miners drew cave-ins and collapse of drift, headings or stopes as what they feel dangerous. The complementary use of the drawing picture technique has enabled us to examine risk perceptions of artisanal/small-scale miners from different perspectives. Based on this experience, the possibility of using drawing picture technique in the risk research was discussed.

    DOI CiNii

  • 社会心理学の観点からみた消費者行動と意思決定の満足化


    財団法人建築保全センター季刊   163  2009.07

  • Impact of changing the Japanese term for "schizophrenia" for reasons of stereotypical beliefs of schizophrenia in Japanese youth

    Hidehiko Takahashi, Takashi Ideno, Shigetaka Okubo, Hiroshi Matsui, Kazuhisa Takemura, Masato Matsuura, Motoichiro Kato, Yoshiro Okubo

    SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH   112 ( 1-3 ) 149 - 152  2009.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The old term for schizophrenia, "Seishin-Bunretsu-Byo" (Mind-Split Disease), has been replaced by "Togo-Shitcho-Sho" (Integration Disorder) in Japan. Stigma research requiring individuals to report personal beliefs is useful but is subject to social desirability bias. Using the Implicit Association Test, a measurement designed to minimize this bias, we assessed the impact of this renaming on the stereotype of schizophrenia held by a younger generation. The old term was strongly associated with "criminal", and this association became significantly weaker with the new term. The Strategy of renaming holds considerable Promise for tempering negative bias toward this disorder in Japan. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • 意思決定と神経経済学


    臨床精神医学   38 ( 1 ) 35 - 42  2009.04

  • Construction of a Japanese version of the "Regret and Maximization Scale" in decision making

    Ayami Isobe, Teppei Hisatomi, Yutaka Matsui, Miyoko Ui, Naoya Takahashi, Koji Oba, Kazuhisa Takemura

    Shinrigaku Kenkyu   79 ( 5 ) 453 - 458  2008.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This study developed a Japanese version of the "Regret and Maximization Scale" in decision making, which was originally constructed by Schwartz, Ward, Monterosso, Lyubomirsky, White, and Lehman (2002). This scale measures assess the tendency to experience regret, and individual differences in the desire to maximize or to satisfy. In Study 1, the original version of the "Regret and Maximization Scale" was translated into Japanese and administered to 307 Japanese university students responded the scale. Factor analysis did not replicate the finding of Schwartz et al. (2002). In Study 2, we developed new items, and constructed a "Japanese Version of the Regret and Maximization Scale", based on the interpretation of the factor analysis in Study 1. This new version of the scale was administered to 163 Japanese university students. The result of factor analysis and reliability analysis indicated that this "Japanese Version of the Regret and Maximization Scale" had a considerably high Cronbach's alpha and conceptual validity.

    DOI PubMed


  • 日本語版Life Experiences Survey作成と妥当性・信頼性の検討

    岩満優美, 安田裕恵, 神谷美智子, 和田芽衣, 中島香澄, 安藤記子, 岡崎賀美, 竹村和久

    ストレス科学   23 ( 3 ) 239 - 249  2008.11  [Refereed]

  • Knowledge and impressions regarding the concept of mutation among Japanese university students

    N. Ando, Y. Saito, K. Takemura, F. Takada, Y. Iwamitsu

    CLINICAL GENETICS   74 ( 1 ) 75 - 81  2008.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Although the term mutation is frequently used in genetic counseling, it may carry negative connotations and create misunderstanding. Our objective was to investigate the relationship between the impressions regarding three Japanese terms mutation of gene, change of gene, and lesion of gene as well as to investigate the depth of understanding regarding mutation. A total of 175 university students and auditing students were included and responded to two questionnaires that were Impressions regarding the term in the semantic differential method and Knowledge about the concept of mutation. In factor analysis, three factors (Value, Change Rate, and Intention) were extracted. Participants were divided into three groups depending on their knowledge, and a two-way analysis of variance (Term x Knowledge Group) was conducted on the factor score for each. Results showed that the main effect of the &apos;Term&apos; was significant for the Value Factor and that interaction was significant for the Change Rate Factor, and that the main effect of Knowledge Group was significant for the Intention Factor. The findings suggest that healthcare professionals should demonstrate an awareness of varying impressions of the different terms used to refer to the identical concepts of mutation. This is of particular importance when communicating with patients and their families.



  • 特集「前頭葉と精神機能」—神経経済学と前頭葉—

    竹村和久, 井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 松井博史

    分子精神医学   8 ( 2 ) 119 - 124  2008.02  [Refereed]

  • Effects of reward on self-regulation, intrinsic motivation and creativity

    Marcus Selart, Thomas Nordstrom, Bard Kuvaas, Kazuhisa Takemura

    SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH   52 ( 5 ) 439 - 458  2008  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This article evaluates the effects of two types of rewards (performance-contingent versus engagement-contingent) on self-regulation, intrinsic motivation and creativity. Forty-two undergraduate students were randomly assigned to three conditions; i.e. a performance-contingent reward group, an engagement-contingent reward group and a control group. Results provide little support for the negative effects of performance rewards on motivational components. However, they do indicate that participants in the engagement-contingent reward group and the control group achieved higher rated creativity than participants in the performance-contingent reward group. Alternative explanations for this finding are discussed.



  • シリーズ「心理学研究の最前線」消費者心理学の最前線(第4回)—言語プロトコル解析による消費者心理の把握—

    竹村和久, 玉利祐樹

    繊維製品消費科学   48 ( 12 ) 828 - 836  2007.12


  • Decision making with information search constraints: A process tracing study

    Takemura,K, Selart,M

    Behaviormetrika   34 ( 2 ) 111 - 130  2007.12  [Refereed]


  • シリーズ「心理学研究の最前線」消費者心理学の最前線(第3回)—描画による消費者心理の分析—

    竹村和久, 高崎いゆき, 佐藤菜生

    繊維製品消費科学   48 ( 10 ) 638 - 644  2007.10

    DOI CiNii

  • シリーズ「心理学研究の最前線」消費者心理学の最前線(第2回)—消費者行動における潜在的認知測定—潜在的連想テスト(Implicit Association Test:IAT)の適用可能性について

    大久保重孝, 井出野尚, 竹村和久

    繊維製品消費科学   48 ( 9 ) 578 - 584  2007.09


  • シリーズ「心理学研究の最前線」消費者心理学の最前線(第1回)—過程追跡法による消費者の意思決定過程の分析—

    竹村和久, 大久保重孝, 諸上詩帆

    繊維製品消費科学   48 ( 8 ) 506 - 513  2007.08


  • 潜在的連想テストを用いたリスク・マップの作成

    井出野尚, 竹村和久

    日本感性工学会研究論文集   7 ( 1 ) 101 - 110  2007.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We propose a new risk map using Implicit Association Test (IAT), which measured the strength of association for categories. The proposed procedure for risk map was as follows: 1) selection of risk events (e. g. nuclear power plant, train accident), 2) execution of IAT experiments, 3) mapping risk events using multidimensional scaling analysis for IAT scores (implicit risk map), 4) interpretation of implicit risk map. Interpretation was made by interview with participants and by comparing with another risk map constructed by empirical risk questionnaires. The result of psychological experiment using the proposed method indicated that implicit risk map reflected personal familiarity of risk events. This finding suggested that implicit risk map explored a new dimension of risk perception and applicability of other research areas.

    DOI CiNii

  • Ambiguous comparative judgment: Fuzzy set model and data analysis

    Kazuhisa Takemura

    JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH   49 ( 2 ) 148 - 156  2007.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper proposed two types of fuzzy set models for ambiguous comparative judgments, which did not always hold transitivity and comparability properties. The first type of model was a fuzzy theoretical extension of the additive difference model for preference that was used to explain ambiguous preference strength. The second was a fuzzy logic model for explaining ambiguous preference in which preference strength was bounded, such as a probability measure. In both models, multi-attribute weighting parameters and all attribute values were assumed to be asymmetric fuzzy L-R numbers. For each model, a method of parameter estimation using fuzzy regression analysis was proposed. Numerical examples were also provided for comparison. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications of the proposed models were discussed.



  • 時間的制約が消費者の購買意思決定課題に及ぼす影響—眼球運動測定装置を用いて—

    諸上詩帆, 岩間徳兼, 大久保重孝, 竹村和久

    日本感性工学会研究論文集   7 ( 2 ) 275 - 282  2007.02  [Refereed]

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    In this study, we examined the influence of time constraint on consumer decision making process. We imposed two kinds of choice tasks as to purchase of electric appliances (portable phones and digital audio players) on participants. Moreover, setting three kinds of time constraint (high, middle and low), we examined the decision process under each condition using an eye tracking equipment. The result suggested that we can predict the choice rate from the focus rate under middle time constraint.

    DOI CiNii

  • Life Experiences Survey日本語版の作成と信頼性・妥当性の検討

    安田 裕恵, 神谷 美智子, 和田 芽衣, 竹村 和久, 中島 香澄, 安藤 記子, 平山 賀美, 岩満 優美

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   71 ( 0 ) 2AM037 - 2AM037  2007

    DOI CiNii

  • The characteristics of trust towards social entities within adults

    高橋尚也, 松井, 豊, 竹村, 和久, 大庭剛司, 宇井美代子, 久富哲兵, 磯部綾美

    Tsukuba psychological research   0 ( 34 ) 45 - 54  2007.01


  • The influence of decision heuristics and overconfidence on multiattribute choice: A process-tracing study

    M Selart, B Kuvaas, O Boe, K Takemura

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY   18 ( 3 ) 437 - 453  2006.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In the present study it was shown that decision heuristics and confidence judgements play important roles in the building of preferences. Based on a dual-process account of thinking, the study compared people who did well versus poorly on a series of decision heuristics and overconfidence judgement tasks. The two groups were found to differ with regard to their information search behaviour in introduced multiattribute choice tasks. High performers on the judgemental tasks were less influenced in their decision processes by numerical information format (probabilities vs. frequencies) compared to low performers. They also looked at more attributes and spent more time on the multiattribute choice tasks. The results reveal that performance on decision heuristics and overconfidence tasks has a bearing both on heuristic and analytic processes in multiattribute decision making.



  • リスク社会における判断と意思決定


    認知科学   13 ( 1 ) 17 - 31  2006.03  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 意思決定現象と行動意思決定論


    知能と情報(日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌)   17 ( 6 ) 4 - 12  2005.12


  • 描画から「心理」を解釈する

    高崎いゆき, 竹村和久, 岩満優美

    感性工学研究論文集   5 ( 3 ) 155 - 164  2005.11  [Refereed]

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    An image analysis method for projective Tree Test was utilized to interpret psychological process of artists and university students. The procedure was as follow: (1) drawing a picture, (2) scanning the drawing picture, (3) dividing the drawing picture, (4) the gray level histogram moment (GLHM) analysis, (5) the spatial gray level dependence method (SGLDM) analysis, (6) the gray level difference method (GLDM) analysis for the drawing picture, and (7) interpretation of the drawing picture. Ink painting drawn by two famous Japanese artists, Seshu and Kohrin were firstly analyzed. Secondly, the tree pictures drawn by three undergraduate students were analyzed. Results were interpreted from the clinical psychological point of view.

    DOI CiNii

  • 潜在的連想テストによるリスク認知へのアプローチ

    井出野尚, 竹村和久

    感性工学研究論文集   5 ( 3 ) 149 - 154  2005.11  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Statistical image analysis of psychological projective drawings

    Takemura,K, Takasaki,I, Iwamitsu,Y

    Journal of Advanced Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Informatics   9 ( 5 ) 453 - 460  2005.09  [Refereed]


  • Fuzzy least squares regression analysis for social judgment study

    Kazuhisa Takemura

    Journal of Advanced Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Informatics   9 ( 5 ) 461 - 466  2005.09  [Refereed]

  • Fitting a psychometric function to price judgments: An analysis of consumers' judgments for discounted prices

    L Fan, K Takemura

    PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS   101 ( 1 ) 223 - 228  2005.08  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We examined a psychometric function of price judgment, comparing the mental ruler model, which predicted inverted S-shaped psychometric function, with a power function. Subjects, 102 citizens living in Japan, were asked to rate satisfaction with specified discounted prices. Analysis indicated that predictions of the mental ruler model gave a better fit than those of the power function.



  • Decision Making and Behavioral Decision Theory

    TAKEMURA Kazuhisa

    Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics   17 ( 6 ) 646 - 654  2005

    DOI CiNii

  • Trust and Acceptance of Risks

    Satoshi Fujii, Toshiko Kikkawa, Kazuhisa Takemura

    Systems and Human Science - For Safety, Security and Dependability     113 - 122  2005  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This chapter seeks to understand the determinants of risk acceptance. Thus, it implements a survey (n=200) to ask participants which policy measures would make people accept each of the following risks: nuclear power plants, traffic accidents, food safety, electrical appliances, and medical mishaps. These results indicate that risk acceptance cannot be fully explained only by objectively achieved security, but other factors, such as scientific understanding and trust in workers and organizations, were also found to be important for increasing risk acceptance. Those who wish to increase the public's risk acceptance should appear trustworthy and try to understand the scientific mechanisms of accidents
    they should also try to minimize risk damage and probability. Trust is important, especially for risks where accidents can be prevented relatively easily by workers and/or organizations. These risks include those associated with food and medical mishaps. Scientific understanding of risk mechanisms is also important for risk acceptance, especially for risks involving mechanisms that are relatively complex, such as nuclear power and electrical appliance risks. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • 不確実性の分類とリスク評価

    竹村和久, 吉川肇子, 藤井 聡

    社会技術研究論文集   2   12 - 20  2004.10  [Refereed]

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    We propose a decision theoretic framework for evaluating uncertainties of several societal risks in society. There are controversies on the theoretical discussions about uncertainties related to the societal risks among scientists, sociologists, and also, possibly, the populace. In the present paper, we propose taxonomy of the uncertainties from the standpoint of the environmental structure of decision makers, and examine the social risk problems as decision making problems uncertainties using it. We also discuss practical implications of our framework for risk evaluation as a process of social technology for social safety and security.

    DOI CiNii

  • 東電シュラウド問題にみる原子力管理への信頼の変化

    藤井 聡, 吉川肇子, 竹村和久

    社会技術研究論文集   2   406 - 413  2004.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In September 2002, it was found out that a Japanese electric power company had been concealing some defects of reactor-core-shroud for more than ten years. The authors examined the changes in trust in administration of nuclear power plants regarding the reactor-core-shroud negative event using data from a three-wave panel survey conducted in August 2002, November 2002, and September 2003. Participants of this panel survey were 142 people living in Tokyo Metropolitan area. The first survey was conducted c immediately before this incident and the second one was conducted a survey after this event, i. e., in November 2002, therefore the changes in attitudes before and after this event could be measured. Furthermore, the authors obtained data from the same sample of participants 1 year after the event, i. e., in September 2003. The questionnaire consisted of items of risk perception and trust in risk experts. The results indicated that trust in the company itself and nuclear power plant system have decreased, and have not recovered even 1 year after the event, the trust being slightly improved instead.

    DOI CiNii

  • 行動的決定理論入門1-12


    経済セミナー    2004.09

  • フレーミング効果について


    経済セミナー   590   21 - 25  2004.02

  • 技術的安全と社会的安心

    吉川肇子, 白戸 智, 藤井 聡, 竹村和久

    社会技術研究論文集   1   1 - 8  2003.11  [Refereed]


  • リスク管理者に対する信頼と監視—炉シュラウド問題が住民意識に及ぼした影響分析—

    藤井 聡, 竹村和久, 吉川肇子

    社会技術研究論文集   1   123 - 132  2003.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    On September 2002, it was found out that a Japanese electric power company had been concealing some defects of reactor-core-shroud for more than ten years. It was fortunate that the authors had been conducting a questionnaire survey immediately before this incident revealed, i.e., August, the survey being concerning risk perception, trust toward risk experts and administrative preference for them. We were also able to conduct a survey after this event, i.e., November, this enables us to examine the changes in attitude before and after this event. Participants of this panel survey were 200 people living in Tokyo Metropolitan area. The results indicated that trust toward the company itself and nuclear power plant system decreased, and that needs for government's monitoring and control over the electronic power companies were increased instead. It was also indicated that sincerity and trust had a crucial role for risk perception and need for control over risk experts.

    DOI CiNii

  • スモールスケールマイニングによる労働安全と環境問題:フィリピンイトゴン地区を対象とした調査

    吉川肇子, 村尾 智, 竹村和久

    地域安全学会論文集   5 ( 5 ) 61 - 70  2003.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of the present study was to examine attitudes toward small scale mining among people living in Itogon area, the Philippines. Although there assumes to be nearly 9,000 small scale miners in the area, the current status of the miners have not been known. This relatively large number of people involved in small scale mining has caused serious problems such as mercury contamination, environmental damage, occupational health problems, and accidents. However, attitudes toward the above mentioned problems are not clear yet The results of a survey and an interview showed that people including small scale miners were generally positive toward small scale mining, and they underestimated risks of small scale mining activities. The implications of the results were discussed.


  • Risk communication between mineral property developpers and local communities

    National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology    2003.03

  • War and peace in East Asia: Sino-Japanese relations and national stereotypes

    Yoshihisa Kashima, Emiko S. Kashima, Michele Gelfand, Sharon Goto, Toshitake Takata, Kazuhisa Takemura, Zhiyong Zhang

    Peace and Conflict   9 ( 3 ) 259 - 276  2003  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    National stereotypes may provide a useful social psychological perspective in which to consider intergroup relations between national groups. Autostereotypes and heterostereotypes of China and Japan were explored to shed light on one of the most critical intergroup relations in East Asia, namely Sino-Japan relations. Chinese and Japanese undergraduate students see themselves as likeable and warmer than the other, though they both view Japan to be more competent than China. We also examined hypotheses that current stereotypes may reflect shared perceptions of the past international conflicts, and may be influenced by the way people frame the international circumstance of their own country-namely, whether to regard it as linked to Asia or to the Pacific Rim. Moderate support was found for these ideas. Chinese who regarded past Sino-Japan conflicts as more important tended to have a more negative autostereotype, but Japanese who did so held a somewhat more positive autostereotype. Japanese students who linked Japan to the Pacific Rim more strongly held more positive stereotypes of themselves and Chinese, although there was no relation between this belief and stereotypes among Chinese students.



  • 「決め方」と合意形成:社会的ジレンマにおける利己的動機の抑制にむけて

    藤井 聡, 竹村和久, 吉川肇子

    土木学会論文集   709   13 - 26  2002.07  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 態度と社会的規範の曖昧性を考慮した消費者の行動意図予測

    若山大樹, 竹村和久

    感性工学研究論文集   2 ( 1 ) 65 - 72  2002.05  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Risk-based decision analysis in support of precautionary policies

    Michael L. Dekay, Mitchell J. Small, Paul S. Fischbeck, R. Scott Farrow, Alison Cullen, Joseph B. Kadane, Lester B. Lave, M. Granger Morgan, Kazuhisa Takemura

    Journal of Risk Research   5 ( 4 ) 391 - 417  2002  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A decision-analytic model for avoiding a risky activity is presented. The model considers the benefit and cost of avoiding the activity, the probability that the activity is unsafe, and scientific tests or studies that could be conducted to revise the probability that the activity is unsafe. For a single decision maker, thresholds are identified for his or her current subjective probability that the activity is unsafe. These thresholds indicate whether the preferred course of action is avoiding the activity without further study, engaging in the activity without further study, or conducting a test or research programme to obtain additional information and following the result. When these thresholds are low, precautionary action is more likely to be warranted. When there are multiple stakeholders, differences in their perceptions of the benefit and cost of avoidance and differences in their perceptions of the accuracy of the additional information provided by the test or research programme combine to create differences in their decision thresholds. Thus, the model allows for the rational expression of differences among parties in a way that highlights disagreements and possible paths to conflict resolution. The model is illustrated with an application to phytosanitary standards in international trade and examined in terms of recent empirical research on lay perceptions of risks, benefits, and trust. Further research is suggested to improve the elicitation of model components, as a way of fostering the legitimate application of risk-based decision analysis in precautionary policy making. © 2002 Taylor &amp
    Francis Ltd.



  • リスク態度と注意-状況依存焦点モデルによるフレーミング効果の計量分析

    藤井 聡, 竹村和久

    行動計量学   28 ( 1 ) 9 - 17  2001.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Identical decision problems in form may yield different decisions, depending on the subjective decision framing as a function of how the situation is described. This is called the framing effect. The Contingent Focus Model (Takemura, 1994) can theoretically explain why the framing effect emerges. The model hypothesizes that a risk attitude depends on how to focus on the possible outcome (focusing hypothesis), and how to focus on them is, in turn, contingent on situations of decision making (contingent focus hypothesis). To test this hypothesis, we conducted 2 experiments which manipulated the relative size of letters of outcomes to the other letters (n=180, respectively). The results indicated that the subjects were more risk-taking when possible outcomes were emphasizing than those when probabilities were emphasizing. The psychometric analysis using the model indicated that the size of effect of emphasizing conditions on decision making is not different from that of positive/negative frame conditions.

    DOI CiNii

  • ファジィ入出力データの可能性線形回帰分析における影響の大きいデータの検出法とその応用

    若山大樹, 竹村和久

    日本ファジィ学会誌   13 ( 6 ) 652 - 661  2001.12  [Refereed]


  • Decision making : Social and creative dimensions

    Springer Verlag     153 - 173  2001.12

  • How do decision heuristics and social value orientation influence the building of preferences?

    Selart,M, Boe,O, Takemura,K

    Goteborg psychological Reports   30 ( 6 )  2000.12

  • Perspective on information acquisition: Rethinking its role in the construction of reason-based preferences

    Selart,M, Boe,O, Takemura,K

    Goteborg psychological Reports   30 ( 2 )  2000.03

  • Human judgment under sample space ignorance

    Michael Smithson, Thomas Bartos, Kazuhisa Takemura

    Risk, Decision and Policy   5 ( 2 ) 135 - 150  2000  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper surveys results of a research program investigating human judgments of imprecise probabilities under sample-space ignorance (i.e., ignorance of what the possible outcomes are in a decision). The framework used for comparisons with human judgments is primarily due to Walley (1991, 1996). Five studies are reported which test four of Walley's prescriptions for judgment under sample-space ignorance, as well as assessing the impact of the number of observations and types of events on subjective lower and upper probability estimates. The paper concludes with a synopsis of future directions for empirical research on subjective imprecise probability judgments. © 2000, Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved.



  • 広告コミュニケーション効果の状況依存性とその説明


    広告科学(日本広告学会)   39 ( 39 ) 163 - 169  1999.09  [Refereed]


  • Decision making with information Constraints: An analysis of information search pattern and perceived inner states

    Takemura,K, Selart,M

    Discussion Paper, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, University of Tsukuba   825  1999.06

  • A fuzzy linear regression analysis for fuzzy input-output data using the least square method and its application to psychological study

    Kazuhisa Takemura

    Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligenace   3 ( 1 ) 36 - 41  1999.02  [Refereed]

  • 状況依存的意思決定の定性的モデル:心的モノサシ理論による説明


    認知科学   5 ( 4 ) 17 - 34  1998.12  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • A mental model of creative process in naturalistic Decision-making: Its qualitative and mathematical representations

    Takemura Kazuhisa

    Discussion Paper, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, University of Tsukuba   800  1998.11

  • ファジィ重回帰分析による広告コミュニケーション効果の研究


    広告科学(日本広告学会)   37 ( 37 ) 119 - 124  1998.08  [Refereed]


  • 消費者の判断のモノサシ:購買意思決定の心的モデル


    繊維製品消費科学(日本繊維製品消費科学会)   39 ( 7 ) 426 - 431  1998.07


  • The procedural effects on public perception of automotive risks measured in triple-values

    Matsuda,N, Shinoda,N, Takemura,K

    Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis(日本リスク研究学会)   8 ( 2 ) 135 - 147  1997.11  [Refereed]


  • 阪神・淡路大震災の避難所リーダーの研究

    清水 裕, 水田恵三, 秋山 学, 浦 光博, 竹村和久, 西川正之, 松井 豊, 宮戸美樹

    社会心理学研究   13 ( 1 ) 1 - 12  1997.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of our study on the 1995 Hanshin Earthquake was twofold. First, we investigated the operation of the relief shelters, including relief activities. In this part of the study, we focused on the leaders of the shelters. The second purpose of this study was to reveal factors contributing to the effective management of the shelters. About three weeks after the Hanshin Earthquake, we conducted interviews with 32 leaders of the relief shelters and of volunteer workers. We were mainly concerned with the conditions of the emergency facilities, how leaders were selected and what managerial problems they faced. The result of our study showed three types of motivation for becoming leaders. The first occurred naturally as an outcome of their activities; the second by their own choice; and the last because of their regular job positions. These results were analyzed and categorized by the type three quantification analysis. We found that the most effective management of the relief shelters was under leaders chosen by the last method; that is, those who held positions of leadership in their regular jobs.

    DOI CiNii

  • 広告効果の状況依存性とその数理的表現—状況依存的焦点モデルに基づく考察


    広告科学(日本広告学会)   33 ( 33 ) 149 - 153  1996.09  [Refereed]


  • 不快感情と関与が意思決定過程に及ぼす影響

    秋山 学, 竹村和久

    実験社会心理学研究(日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会)   34 ( 1 ) 58 - 68  1994.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper investigated the effects of negative affect by odors and involvement with the choice task on the decision-making process. Sixty-two male undergraduates were asked to select one of ten tape recorders, either for actual use of the tape recorder (high involvement condition) or for fictitious use (low involvement condition). The results showed that, in high involvement with the task, people in whom negative affect had been induced tended to search information more slowly and redundantly, and to feel the choice more difficult than did subjects in a neutral affect condition and in low involvement condition. These results were interpreted in terms of a resource allocation model (Ellis & Ashbrook, 1988).

    DOI CiNii

  • ハイパーメディアを利用した情報検索システムの心理効果の分析—エイズに関する公共広告を用いて


    広告科学(日本広告学会)   29   43 - 49  1994.07  [Refereed]

  • 小橋論文へのコメント


    心理学評論   37 ( 3 ) 245 - 246  1994.05

  • フレーミング効果の理論的説明 リスク下における意思決定の状況依存的焦点モデル


    心理学評論   37 ( 3 ) 270 - 291  1994.05  [Refereed]


  • Cognitive structure of Japanese concessional behaviors

    Makino,K, Takmeura,K

    Psychological Report   74 ( 3 ) 771 - 778  1994.04  [Refereed]


  • 不快感情と関与が意思決定過程における情報探索における情報探索パターンに及ぼす影響

    秋山 学, 竹村和久

    対人行動学研究会心理学研究(対人行動学研究会)   12   11 - 22  1994.03

  • 感情と消費者行動 ポジティブな感情の効果に関する展望


    消費者行動研究   1 ( 2 ) 13 - 28  1994.03

    DOI CiNii

  • リスク判断における選択課題とマッチング課題の矛盾


    日本リスク研究学会誌(日本リスク研究学会)   5 ( 2 ) 88 - 95  1994.03  [Refereed]




    JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   128 ( 1 ) 33 - 39  1994.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Two experimental studies were conducted to examine the influence of elaboration on the framing of a medical decision. Subjects (N = 344) were undergraduate students randomly assigned to one cell of a 2 x 2 design (high- and low-elaboration conditions; positive and negative decision frame versions). In the low-elaboration condition, a framing effect (Tversky & Kahneman, 1981) was observed: Most of the subjects chose the riskless option when decision options were phrased positively in terms of gains, whereas most chose the risky option when options were phrased negatively in terms of losses. However, in the high-elaboration condition, the framing effect was not observed.



  • An analysis of information search pattern in the game of twenty questions

    Kazuhisa Takemura

    Perceptual and Motor Skills   78   371 - 377  1994.01  [Refereed]




    JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH   36 ( 1 ) 41 - 48  1994  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of personal involvement and task complexity on the decision making process. Seventy-four female university students were randomly assigned to one cell of a 2 (personal involvement: low or high) x 3 (task comlexity: 2, 6, or 10 alternatives) design. The main results were as follows. (1) The subjects spent a greater amount of time reaching decisions in which they had greater involvement. (2) The subjects inquired about a greater amount of information during the decision task in which they had greater involvement. (3) The subjects more often returned to the information that they had already inquired about during the decision task in which they had greater involvement. (4) An interaction effect between involvement and task complexity was observed. That is, the effect of involvement on decision making process was largest when task complexity was moderate.





    JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY   133 ( 5 ) 675 - 681  1993.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The effect of interpersonal sentiment on helping behavior among Japanese students was investigated in two studies. In Study 1, the effects of interpersonal sentiment, gender of subject, and gender of target person on everyday helping behavior were investigated. In Study 2, the effects of interpersonal sentiment, gender of subject, gender of target person, and type of situation were investigated. Positive sentiment toward a target person increased the subject's willingness to help, and negative sentiment toward a target person decreased the subject's willingness to help. Gender of subject and of target person, and situation had relatively little impact on willingness to help.



  • Protocol analysis of multistage decision strategies

    Kazuhisa Takemura

    Perceptual and Motor Skills   77 ( 2 ) 459 - 469  1993.09  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 店舗内消費者行動に関する心理学的研究

    永野光朗, 佐々木土師二, 林英夫, 高木修, 西道実, 竹村和久

    広告科学(日本広告学会)   27   95 - 99  1993.07  [Refereed]

  • ファジィ多属性態度モデルによる店舗選択の分析


    広告科学(日本広告学会)   27   89 - 93  1993.07  [Refereed]

  • ファジィ理論に基づく広告効果の心理測定


    日経広告研究所報   147   59 - 67  1993.02

  • 大学選好のコンジョイント分析

    竹村和久, 山本嘉一郎, 荒木 実, 相場浩和, 森際孝司

    光華女子短期大学紀要   30   73 - 82  1993.01

  • Japanese concessional behaviors as interpersonal interaction

    Makino,K, Takemura,K

    Psychological Reports   72 ( 1 ) 103 - 109  1993.01  [Refereed]




    JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH   35 ( 1 ) 36 - 40  1993  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of decision frame, decision justification on risky choice. Subjects were 158 men and women. The results were as follows. (1) In the condition where no justification was requested, a framing effect (Tversky & Kahneman, 198 1) was observed: Most of the subjects chose the riskless option when decision options were phrased positively in terms of gains, whereas most of the subjects chose the risky option when options were phrased negatively in terms of losses. (2) However, in the condition where justification was requested, the framing effect was not observed: Most of the subjects showed a consistent choice pattern. (3) The subjects in the justification-requested condition tended to choose risky option more often than the subjects in the no justification-requested condition did.




    PSYCHOLOGIA   35 ( 3 ) 180 - 185  1992.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of time for decision on framing of decision in risky choice problem. Subjects were 114 men and women. The results were as follows. 1. In the condition where decision makers thought about decision problems for a relatively short time, a framing effect (Tversky & Kahneman, 1981, Science, 211, 453-458.) was observed: Most of the subjects chose the riskless option when decision options were phrased positively in terms of gains, whereas most of the subjects chose the risky option when options were phrased negatively in terms of losses. 2. However, in the condition where decision makers thought about problems for sufficiently long time, the framing effect was not observed: most of the subjects showed a consistent choice pattern.

  • Vagueness in judgment process: An application of a fuzzy rating method to the social judgment study

    Kazuhisa Takemura

    International Journal of Psychology   27 ( 3-4 ) 178  1992.08

  • Cognitive structure of "Yuzuriai" (the Japanese behavior of giving concessions to others)

    Makino,K, Takemura,K

    International Journal of Psychology   27 ( 3-4 ) 311  1992.08

  • ファジィ評定による広告効果測定について


    広告科学(日本広告学会)   25   65 - 70  1992.07  [Refereed]



    PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS   70 ( 3 ) 1027 - 1030  1992.06  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to examine the 1982 prediction of Kahneman and Tversky that the regret associated with failures to act was less intense than the regret associated with failure of an action in interpersonal and noninterpersonal situations. Subjects were 58 university students. In the noninterpersonal situation, the result was consistent with the prediction; however, in the interpersonal situation, the result was not consistent with the prediction.


  • 647 情報教育における「ファイル」概念理解の困難性(教授過程(10),口頭発表)

    竹村 和久, 山本 嘉一郎, 荒木 実, 森際 孝司, 相場 浩和

    日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集   34 ( 0 ) 353 - 353  1992  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 文科系女子への情報教育(その2)教育支援システムとしてのコンピュータネットワーク

    山本嘉一郎, 荒木 実, 吉村 英, 竹村和久, 森際孝司

    光華女子短期大学紀要   29   33 - 71  1991.12


  • 判断の曖昧さを考慮した社会的情報統合過程のモデル ファジィ集合論を用いて


    光華女子短期大学紀要   29   91 - 107  1991.12


  • 献血・提供行動と愛他性


    現代のエスプリ   291   86 - 97  1991.09

  • Information seeking and causal inference in moral judgement of six-year-old children

    Kazuhisa Takemura, Yayoi Watanabe

    The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology   39 ( 2 ) 186 - 194  1991  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to investigate information seeking and causal inference in moral judgement of 6 year-old children. The subjects were 59 kindergarten pupils. The original moral judgement task used a pair of stories contrasting intent and consequence in the Piagetian manner. The experimental conditions were as follows : GI : a condition for an absence of intent information about a good intent person
    BI : a condition for an absence of intent information about a bad intent person
    GC : a condition for an absence of consequence information about a good intent person
    and BC : a condition for an absence of consequence informaotion about a bad intent person. In each condition, the subjects were asked which person was naughtier, and were also asked to make inferences about the missing information. The main results were as follows : (1) Only 8.5 percent of all subjects sought causal information in the stories
    (2) Only 32.2 percent of all subjects made causal inferences about missing information in the stories
    and (3) The subjects in the BC condition sought more causal information and made more causal inference than the subjects in any other conditions. © 1991, The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology. All rights reserved.



  • An Analysis of Shopping Choice behavior Using Fuzzy Multiattribute Attitude Model -A Proposal of a New Psychological Method for the Area Marketing

    Kazuhisa Takemura

    Studies in Regional Science   22 ( 1 ) 119 - 132  1991  [Refereed]



  • 態度概念の再検討


    光華女子短期大学研究紀要   28   119 - 132  1990.12


  • 対人感情が援助行動および非援助行動の原因帰属に及ぼす影響

    竹村和久, 高木 修

    実験社会心理学研究(日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会)   30 ( 2 ) 113 - 138  1990.11  [Refereed]


  • プロトコール・データの時系列的分析法 長期的購買意思決定過程研究への適用


    広告科学(日本広告学会)   21   95 - 100  1990.07  [Refereed]

  • Influence of interpersonal affect on causal attribution for helping and non-helping behaviors



     View Summary

    The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of interpersonal affect on causal attribution for helping and non-helping behaviors. Each subject, 168 university students in all, was randomly assigned to one cell of a 3 (positive, neutral, and negative interpersonal affect) ×2 (emergent and non-emergent situations) ×2 (sex of a potential recipient) ×2 (sex of a potential helper) design. The subject were asked to rate the likelihood of 25 different helping motives as a cause of helping behavior and the likelihood of 26 different non-helpingmotives as a cause of non-helping behavior.<BR>Major findings obtained were as follows:<BR>(1) Subjects in the positive and neutral interpersonal affect conditions attributed their helping behavior to internal, stable and general causes. They also attributed their non-helping behavior to external, unstable, uncontrollable, and specific causes.<BR>(2) Subjects in the negative interpersonal affect conditions attributed their helping behavior to external, unstable, and specific causes. They also attributed their non-helping behavior to internal, stable, controllable, and general causes.<BR>(3) The influences of the interpersonal affect on causal attribution was generally stronger than the other factors. Interaction effects between the interpersonal affect and the other factors were observed.

    DOI CiNii

  • 肯定的感情が社会的行動における情報処理に及ぼす影響について


    光華女子短期大学研究紀要   27   23 - 38  1989.12


  • 汎用統計パッケージSPSS^Xのサブプログラミング

    小野寺 孝義, 竹村 和久, 吉村 英, 山本 嘉一郎

    九州大学大型計算機センター広報   22 ( 6 ) 629 - 709  1989.11

    DOI CiNii

  • 消費者の感情ならびに関与が選択過程における評価次元に及ぼす効果


    広告科学(日本広告学会)   18   69 - 74  1989.09  [Refereed]

  • 異性交際相手の選択過程 野外実験における情報探索パターンの検討


    対人行動学研究   7   11 - 16  1988.10

  • 道徳判断過程における情報統合方略の分析


    同志社心理   35   54 - 60  1988.06

  • 決定方略の選好パターンによる消費者分類の試み


    広告科学(日本広告学会)   17   75 - 80  1988.06  [Refereed]

  • 感情、関与、決定フレーミングが消費者の意思決定過程に及ぼす効果


    吉田秀雄記念事業財団助成研究集   21   187 - 199  1988.06

  • ”いじめ”現象に関わる心理的要因 逸脱者に対する否定的態度と多数派に対する同調傾性

    竹村和久, 高木 修

    教育心理学研究(日本教育心理学会)   36 ( 1 ) 57 - 62  1988.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    "Ijime" (in Japanese, a rough equivalent of bullying) is a serious social phenomenon in which some school children are frequently and systematically harassed and attacked by their peers. In this study, differences of negative attitude toward a deviator and conformity to majority were investigated in connection with various roles (victims, assailants, bystanders, spectators, mediators, and unconcerned persons) in the "ijime" situation. The subjects, 195 junior high school students, were asked to respond to a questionnaire which measured (a) negative attitude toward a deviator and (b) conformity to the group in various situations. Major findings obtained were as follows: (1) Regarding attitude: there were no significant differences among the above six roles.(2) Regarding conformity: several significant differences were found in every role. In general, the conformity level of assailants was higher than that of mediators.(3) The result of multivariate analysis suggested that the victims were more deviant in both attitude and conformity than in any other roles.

    DOI CiNii


  • 順社会的行動の意思決定モデルの検討

    竹村和久, 高木 修

    実験社会心理学研究(日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会)   27 ( 2 ) 171 - 180  1988.02  [Refereed]

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  • Preference patterns of decision strategies

    Kazuhisa Takemura

    Behaviormetrika   23 ( 23 ) 69 - 84  1988.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of the present study was, first, to examine the preference patterns of different types of decision strategies — additive (ADD), additive difference (ADD-DIF), conjunctive (CONJ), lexicographic (LEX)— in the decision task with different numbers of alternatives and attributes, and secondly, to investigate the relationships between the preferences of decision strategies and the indexes of the decision making process. The subjects were sixty-seven female and male university students. The main results were as follows: (1) Although there were interrelationships among the preferences of decision strategies, the preference pattern of each strategy was consistent among the different decision task situations. (2) The preference of each decision strategies was more determined by perceived optimizing potential of the strategy than perceived simplifying potential in the decision making process.

    DOI CiNii

  • The effects of decision strategies on decision making process : A case of consumer behavior

    Kazuhisa Takemura

    Shinrigaku Kenkyu   59 ( 2 ) 83 - 90  1988  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of the present study was, first, to investigate the influences of four types of decision strategies-additive (ADD), additive difference (ADD-DIF), conjunctive (CON), and lexicographic (LEX) strategies-on decision time and subjective states, and, second, to investigate the usage frequency of the strategies in various conditions of a consumer choice task. Each subject, 208 university students in all, was randomly assigned to one cell of a 4 (ADD, ADD-DIF, CON, or LEX strategy) × 2 (4 or 10 alternatives)× 2 (4 or 10 attributes) design. (1) Subjects who utilized ADD and ADD-DIF strategies which were compensatory styles required longer decision time, and reported greater perceived information load and greater usage frequency than subjects who utilized CON and LEX strategies which were non-compensatory styles. (2) LEX strategy produced greater perceived uncertainty than ADD, ADD-DIF, and CON strategies. (3) Decision time and perceived information load increased with increased alternatives for all strategies, and they increased with increased attributes for ADD, ADD-DIF, and CON strategies. © 1988, The Japanese Psychological Association. All rights reserved.



  • 援助行動および非援助行動における原因帰属の次元

    竹村和久, 高木 修

    実験社会心理学研究(日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会)   27 ( 1 ) 15 - 25  1987.08  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Various aspects of dimensions of causal attribution for helping behavior and for nonhelping behavior were compared and examined. The subjects made up of 140 university students were rated in terms of each of 25 helping motives as a cause of helping behavior and each of 26 non-helping motives as a cause of non-helping behavior on each of 4 causal dimensions: locus of control, stability, controllability, and globality.<BR>Major findings obtained were as follows:<BR>(1) For both helping and non-helping; subjects perceived differences among 6 types of helping motives (Takagi, 1983, 1986) and 5 types of nonhelping motives (Matsumoto & Takagi, 1981; Takagi, 1987) in causal dimensional location.<BR>(2) For both helping and non-helping; only the correlation between the perceived causal dimensions of stability and globality were significant. The results suggested the conceptual similality between perceived causal dimensions of stability and globality, and validated the orthogonality among 3 causal dimensions proposed by Weiner (1979).<BR>(3) The data from the domains of perceived. causal dimensions for helping and for non-helping were subjected to various multivariate correlation analyses. The results suggested that the pattern of causal attribution for helping behavior differed from that for non-helping behavior.

    DOI CiNii

  • 決定方略のプロトコール分析


    同志社心理   34   21 - 28  1987.05

  • 意思決定過程における情報探索ストラテジーと内的状態:提供行動の場合

    竹村和久, 高木 修

    実験社会心理学研究(日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会)   26 ( 2 ) 105 - 114  1987.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is, first, to examine the pattern of inner states in the decision making process and second, to examine the relationship between the inner states and information search strategies in the decision making process. A method of monitoring information acquisition was used to directly trace the information search strategies. Subjects simulated the search process in which they selected a behavior from available behavioral alternatives which were expected to occur in a situation where donating behavior was needed. After the decision they rated their inner states on five point scales. Major findings obtained are as follows:<BR>(1) The data from the domain of the inner states were subjected to factor analysis, and three rotated factors interpreted as conflict, risk and confidence were extracted.<BR>(2) The data from the domains of the information search strategies and the inner states were interrelated using canonical correlation analysis and two rotated canonical variates interpreted as simplifying and optimizing in the decision making process were extracted. The simplifying variate indicated that strategies designed to eliminate some of the available behavioral alternatives on the basis of only a few attributes were related to reduction of conflict. The optimizing vaiate indicated that strategies focused on only a few behavioral alternatives and on search process for each alternative were related to confidence in decision making. In addition, the analysis revealed that the pattern of relationships between the information search strategies and the inner states changed according to the stages of decision making process.

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  • 641 順社会的行動の動機の構造(V) : 対人感情が援助動機に及ぼす影響(プロソーシャル・反社会的行動,社会5,口頭発表)

    竹村 和久, 小嶋 外弘, 高木 修

    日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集   29   634 - 635  1987

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  • Motives for prosocial behaviors and it's relationships with internal external locus of controls

    Kazuhisa Takemura, Osamu Takagi

    The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology   35 ( 1 ) 26 - 32  1987  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The present study was to examine the relationships between motives for prosocial behaviors and internal-external locus of controls. Rotter's Internal-External scale was administered to 269 male and female university students. A factor analysis of 23 items indicated there were different aspects of internal-external locus of control, and two sub-scales (Loc I and Loc II) were constructed. Subjects, male and female students, were divided into Internals and Externals based on their subscale scores below or above the median of 190. They were then asked to rate the likelihood of 25 different helping motives as a cause of different 7 prosocial behaviors. Major findings obtained were as follows: (1) Internals of both Loc I and Loc II tended to attribute the prosocial behaviors to higher motives than Externals did, though the pattern of relationships was different between Loc I and Loc II. (2) The pattern of relationships varied according to types of prosocial behaviors and sex. The result suggests that the pattern of effects of internal-external locus of controls on the motivational process in prosocial behavior depends on the situation. © 1987, The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology. All rights reserved.



  • Cognitive changes in decision making process underlying prosocial behavior

    Kazuhisa Takemura, Osamu Takagi

    Shinrigaku Kenkyu   58 ( 3 ) 144 - 150  1987  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Using a method of monitoring information acquisition, 76 subjects were instructed to simulate the information search process in which they selected a behavior from available behavioral alternatives which were expected to occur in a situation where donating behavior was needed. In order to measure the cognitive changes, they were asked to rate the importance of behavioral attributes both before and after the decision task. After the decision task, they were asked to rate the inner states. (1) Defensive cognitive changes were found which increased the importance of behavioral costs and decreased the importance of personal moral obligation feelings. This pattern of changes was consistent with the Schwartz &amp
    Howard model (1981, 1982, 1984). (2) The defensive cognitive changes were related to the information search strategies. This pattern of relationship partly confirmed the prediction derived from the Schwartz &amp
    Howard model (1981, 1982, 1984). (3) The result that the cognitive changes were not related to the inner states was inconsistent with the model of either Piliavin, Dovidio, Gaertner, &amp
    Clark (1981, 1982) or Schwartz &amp
    Howard (1981, 1982, 1984). An alternative model was proposed and discussed. © 1987, The Japanese Psychological Association. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed


  • 意思決定過程の分析:シミュレーションによる意思決定ストラテジーの心理的機能の検討


    吉田秀雄記念事業財団助成研究集   19   213 - 226  1986.06

  • 意思決定ストラテジー実行におけるメタ認知過程モデル


    同志社心理   32   16 - 22  1986.06

  • 援助行動の意思決定過程に及ぼす集団の大きさの影響:傍観者効果の生起モデルについて


    同志社心理   33   48 - 56  1986.05

  • 508 順社会的行動の動機の構造(IV) : 状況に依存した援助動機と内的・外的統制志向性との関連性(向社会性・分配,社会1)

    竹村 和久, 小嶋 外弘, 高木 修

    日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集   28   452 - 453  1986

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  • 順社会的行動の意思決定過程の分析

    竹村和久, 高木 修

    社会心理学研究(日本社会心理学会)   1 ( 1 ) 35 - 44  1985.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A method of monitoring information acquisition was used to examine directly the decision making process presumed to underlie prosocial behavior. Subjects simulated the process in which they selected a behavior from available behavioral alternatives which were expected to occur in a situation where donating was needed. In the early decision period, subjects employed search strategies designed to eliminate some of the available behavioral alternatives on the basis of only a few attributes such as behavioral costs. On the other hand, in the late-decision period, subjects employed search strategies consistent with the behavioral alternative-wise decision making process presumed to underlie both Fishbein (1967) and Schwartz & Howard (1980, 1981, 1982) models. Data also indicated that the decision making process, the search strategies and the cognitive importance of individual behavioral attributes, varied according to the decision making period. These results suggested that a prosocial decision making process model incorporating decision making periods was needed.

    DOI CiNii

  • 528 順社会的行動における意思決定過程(IV) : 情報探索ストラテジーと決定過程や決定時における内的状態との関連性について(社会3,社会)

    竹村 和久, 小嶋 外弘, 高木 修

    日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集   27   544 - 545  1985

    DOI CiNii

  • 援助動機と非援助動機の関連性について

    竹村和久, 高木 修

    関西大学社会学部紀要   16 ( 1 ) 51 - 65  1984.12


  • 動機的側面からみた順社会的行動の諸相


    同志社心理   31   36 - 44  1984.07

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • Behavioral Decision Theory: Psychological and Mathematical Descriptions of Human Choice Behavior (2nd ed.)

    Takemura, K.( Part: Sole author)

    Springer  2021.09 ISBN: 9811654522


  • Escaping from Bad Decisions: A Behavioral Decision-Theoretic Perspective (Perspectives in Behavioral Economics and the Economics of Behavior)

    ( Part: Sole author)

    2021.08 ISBN: 0128160322


  • Foundations of economic psychology: A behavioral and mathematical approach

    Takemura,K( Part: Sole author)

    Springer  2019.09 ISBN: 9789811390494

  • 認知心理学のフロンティア 神経経済学と意思決定――心理学,神経科学,行動経済学からの総合的展望――

    E. A. ウィルヘルムス,V, F. レイナ(編, 竹村和久, 高橋英彦( Part: Joint translator)

    北大路書房  2019.09 ISBN: 9784762830761

  • 産業・組織心理学講座第5巻 消費者行動の心理学――消費者と企業のよりよい関係性――(分担執筆)

    産業, 組織心理学会, 永野 光朗( Part: Contributor, 第9章 消費者行動の新展開1:消費者行動研究における行動経済学的アプローチと生体情報活用)

    北大路書房  2019.09 ISBN: 9784762830822

  • リスク学辞典

    竹村 和久( Part: Contributor, 3-2「不確実性下における意思決定」)

    丸善出版  2019 ISBN: 9784621303818

  • 社会・集団・家族心理学

    竹村 和久( Part: Edit)

    遠見書房  2018.11 ISBN: 9784866160610

  • 選好形成と意思決定(フロンティア実験社会科学 5)

    竹村和久( Part: Edit)

    勁草書房  2018.08 ISBN: 9784326349159

  • 基礎心理学実験法ハンドブック

    竹村 和久( Part: Contributor, ゲーム理論 プロスペクト理論)

    朝倉書店  2018.06 ISBN: 9784254520231

  • ヒトの感性に訴える製品開発とその評価

    竹村和久, 村上始, 大久保重孝( Part: Contributor, 眼球運動測定を用いた消費者の商品選択過程分析)

    技術情報協会  2018.06 ISBN: 9784861047152

  • 社会心理学──人と社会の相互作用の探求──

    堀毛一也, 竹村和久, 小川一美( Part: Joint author)

    培風館  2017.04 ISBN: 9784563058739

  • 無縁社会のゆくえ:人々の絆はなぜなくなるの?

    日本心理学会, 高木修, 竹村和久( Part: Joint editor)

    誠信書房  2015.10 ISBN: 9784414311112

  • 経済心理学──行動経済学の心理的基礎──

    竹村和久( Part: Sole author)

    培風館  2015 ISBN: 9784563058906

  • 意思決定の処方-状況依存的焦点モデルの展開

    竹村和久, 藤井聡( Part: Joint author)

    朝倉書店  2015 ISBN: 9784254128260

  • 誠信 心理学辞典【新版】

    下山晴彦, 分担執筆, 行動経済学の章( Part: Contributor)

    誠信書房  2014.09 ISBN: 9784414305074

  • Behavioral decision theory: Psychological and mathematical representations of human choice behavior.

    Takemura, K( Part: Sole author)

    Springer  2014.03 ISBN: 9784431545804

  • 社会心理学研究の新展開──社会に生きる人々の心理と行動── (シリーズ21世紀の社会心理学 ; 別巻)

    高木修, 監修, 大坊郁夫, 竹村和久( Part: Joint editor)

    北大路書房  2014.03 ISBN: 9784762828508

  • APA心理学大辞典

    G. R, ファンデンボス(監, 繁桝算男, 四本裕子, 翻訳を分( Part: Joint translator)

    培風館  2013.09 ISBN: 9784563052348

  • 統計応用の百科事典

    松原望, 美添泰人, 岩崎学, 金明哲, 竹村和久, 林文, 山岡和枝( Part: Joint editor)

    丸善  2012.04 ISBN: 9784621083970

  • 消費者行動論-購買心理からニューロマーケティングまで

    守口剛, 竹村和久( Part: Joint editor)

    八千代出版  2012.04 ISBN: 9784842915715

  • 新・消費者理解のための心理学-消費者の意思決定におよぼす現象

    杉本徹雄, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 4章消費者の意思決定過程に及ぼす影響)

    福村出版  2012.04 ISBN: 9784571250408

  • Fuzzy Logic (Ambiguity and social judgment: Fuzzy set model and data analysis)

    E. Dadio, Takemura, K( Part: Contributor)

    In Tech  2012.04 ISBN: 9789535103936

  • 感情と思考の科学事典

    海保博之, 松原望, 北村英哉, 竹村和久, 住吉チカ(編( Part: Joint editor)

    朝倉書店  2010.04 ISBN: 9784254102208

  • 行動意思決定論—経済行動の心理学

    竹村和久( Part: Sole author)

    日本評論社  2009.10 ISBN: 9784535554771

  • 産業・組織心理学ハンドブック

    産業, 組織心理学会, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, (IV章行動経済学と消費者心理))

    丸善  2009.07

  • テキスト現代心理学入門──進化と文化のクロスロード──

    西本武彦, 福澤一吉, 越川房子, 大藪泰, 編, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 社会と行動)

    川島書店  2009.07

  • 社会心理学事典(第2章,第9章)

    日本社会心理学会, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, (第2章,第9章))

    丸善  2009.06

  • 経済心理学のすすめ

    子安増生, 西村和男, 編, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor)

    有斐閣  2007.12

  • Safety, peace of mind, and consensus for nation, Social technology for safety and peace of mind

    堀井秀之, 吉川肇子, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor)

    東京大学出版会  2006.11

  • 心理学総合事典

    海保博之, 楠見孝, 監修, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 消費者心理学)

    朝倉書店  2006.06

  • 産業・組織心理学

    山口裕幸, 高橋潔, 芳賀繁, 竹村和久( Part: Joint author)

    有斐閣アルマ  2006.04

  • 社会心理学 (朝倉心理学講座 7)

    唐沢かおり, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 態度と態度変化社会心理学)

    朝倉書店  2005.11

  • 社会心理学の新しいかたち (心理学の新しいかたち 8)

    竹村和久( Part: Edit)

    誠信書房  2004.09

  • 価格・プロモーション戦略消費者心理とプロモーション

    上田隆穂, 口剛( Part: Contributor, 3章プロモーションと消費者心理)

    有斐閣  2004.08

  • System and human science for safety, security, and dependability-Trust and Acceptance of risk.: Selected paper of the 1st International Symposium SSR2003, Osaka, Japan, November 2003.

    Arai, T, Yamamoto, S, Makino, K, Fujii, S, Kikkawa, T, Takemura, K( Part: Contributor)

    Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.  2004.03

  • Risk communication between meneral property developpers and local communities. -Conclusion and recommendations.

    Murao, S, Maglambayan, V, Bugnosen, E. (E, Takemura, K( Part: Contributor)

    London: Mining Journal Books.  2003.03

  • 認知科学辞典

    日本認知科学会, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 意思決定規則,選択方式,EBAモデル,プロスペクト理論,優越,優越原理)

    共立出版  2002.09

  • Decision-making: Social and creative dimensions. -Contingent decision making in the social world.

    Allwood, C. M, Selart, S. (E, Takemura, K( Part: Contributor)

    MA: Kluwer Academic.  2001.05

  • 消費者行動の社会心理学──消費する人間のこころと行動── (シリーズ21世紀の社会心理学 7)

    竹村和久( Part: Edit)

    北大路書房  2000.11

  • ファジィとソフトコンピューティングハンドブック

    日本ファジィ学会, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 31章 診断・評価 34章 心理)

    共立出版  2000.09

  • 臨床心理学研究の技法

    下山晴彦, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, ?社会行動研究1−援助行動の研究)

    福村出版  2000.04

  • 体系マーケティングリサーチ事典

    上笹恒, 種田實, 加藤五郎, 林英夫, 編, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 11章,12章,17章,18章,19章)

    同友館  2000.03

  • Soft Computing and Human Centered Machine. Vagueness in human judgment and decision making: Analysis of fuzzy rating data.

    Liu, Z. Q, Miyamoto, S, Takemura, K( Part: Contributor)

    Berlin: Springer Verlag.  2000.03

  • 新版SPSS X 4 (オプション編)

    山本嘉一郎, 小野寺孝義, 編著竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 3章 ロジスティック回帰分析 4章 コンジョイント分析)

    東洋経済新報社  1999.09

  • Amosによる共分散構造分析

    山本嘉一郎, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 12章 消費者の店舗利用の構造:SS利用に関する市場調査データの共分散構造分析)

    ナカニシヤ出版  1999.03

  • 人を支える心の科学

    松井豊, 浦光博, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 1章 共感,利他性,援助行動)

    誠心書房  1998.04

  • 紛争解決の社会心理学(現代応用社会心理学講座 3)

    大渕憲一, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, ?5章 紛争における意思決定)

    ナカニシヤ出版  1997.12

  • 「温かい認知」の心理学—認知と感情の融接現象の不思議 思考・判断と感情

    海保博之, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 思考・判断と感情)

    金子書房  1997.07

  • 消費者理解のための心理学3章 消費者の問題認識と購買意思決定 4章 消費者の情報探索と選択肢評価

    杉本徹雄, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 3章 消費者の問題認識と購買意思決定 4章 消費者の情報探索と選択肢評価)

    福村出版  1997.06

  • 感情心理学(比較発達研究シリーズ)

    Carroll E. Izard, 荘厳舜哉, 比較発達研究会, 竹村和久( Part: Joint translator, 8章,9章)

    ナカニシヤ出版  1996.09

  • 感情と行動・認知・生理──感情の社会心理学──(対人行動学研究シリーズ 4)

    土田昭司, 竹村和久( Part: Joint editor, 7章 ポジティブな感情と社会的行動)

    誠心書房  1996.09

  • 認知心理学(4)思考4章 意思決定とその支援

    市川伸一, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 4章 意思決定とその支援)

    東京大学出版会  1996.02

  • 意思決定の心理—その過程の探求

    竹村和久( Part: Sole author)

    福村出版  1996.02

  • 被服と身体装飾の社会心理学—装いのこころを科学する<下巻>11章 被服と身体装飾の社会心理学(Kaiser, S. B. 1985 The social psychology of clothing and personal adornment. New York: McCmillan.)

    カイザー, 高木修 神山進, 竹村和久( Part: Joint translator, 11章 被服と身体装飾の社会心理学)

    北大路書房  1994.12

  • チャートで知る社会心理学11章 攻撃と援助

    藤原武弘, 高橋超, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 11章 攻撃と援助)

    福村出版  1994.10

  • 社会心理学小辞典(有斐閣小辞典シリーズ)

    古畑和孝, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 個性化, 匿名性, 脱個人化)

    有斐閣  1994.10

  • 心理学マインド

    佐藤香, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 7章 情動・動機づけ)

    ナカニシヤ出版  1993.04

  • Organizational and work psychology. ‐The influence of affect and involvement on decision making process.

    Misumi, J, Wilpert, B, Motoaki H, Takemura, K( Part: Contributor)

    Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.  1992.10

  • General Psychology and Environmental Psychology.-Causal inference and information seeking in infant’s moral judgment.

    Misumi, J, Wilpert, B, Motoaki H, Watanabe, Y, Takemura, K( Part: Contributor)

    Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.  1992.10

  • 社会の中の人間理解8章 援助行動と攻撃行動

    大坊郁夫, 安藤清志, 編, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 8章 援助行動と攻撃行動)

    ナカニシヤ出版  1992.07

  • 対人心理学の最前線

    松井豊, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 13章 人を思いやる)

    サイエンス社  1992.02

  • パソコンSPSS―基礎編―

    山本嘉一郎, 吉村英, 共編, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 13章,14章,15章,16章,17章)

    東洋経済新報社  1991.03

  • 対人行動学ガイドマップ

    対人行動学研究会, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, V-5 消費者行動)

    ブレーン出版  1990.07

  • 行動の発達を科学する

    荘厳舜哉, 根ケ山光一, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, 11章 利他性と向社会的行動の発達)

    福村出版  1990.05

  • 「他者を助ける行動」の心理学

    中村陽吉, 高木修, 竹村和久( Part: Contributor, II-2 援助行動の意思決定モデル)

    光生館  1987.04

▼display all


  • Research on Social valves

  • Study of context - dependency for judgment and decision - making

  • Study on context-dependence of advertising effect.

  • Experimental Study of bargaining game

  • Sutudy on Fuzzy-multiple-regression analysis

  • A study of consumer's satisfaction of service

  • An analysis of personal decision-making

  • A Study of information integration process

  • Analysis of shopping behavior in supper market

  • Research on Worst Decisions

▼display all


  • 規範的行為の焦点理論における焦点パラメータに関する推定法

    村上 始, 須永 直人, 星野 貴仁, 舘岡 大貴, 平塚 将, 原口 僚平, 山下部 駿, 竹村 和久


    Event date:
  • 図形分割課題における統合失調症患者の眼球運動の特徴――健常者との比較から――

    川杉 桂太, 岩滿 優美, 轟 慶子, 小平 明子, 延藤 麻子, 塚本 康之, 西澤 さくら, 轟 純一, 竹村 和久


    Event date:
  • 商品の感性的価格判断-心的モノサシ理論による説明-

    竹村和久, 劉放


    Presentation date: 2021.09

  • 感性的意思決定方略と悪い決定からの回避ー計算機シミュレーションを用いてー

    竹村和久, 玉利祐樹, 井出野尚


    Presentation date: 2021.09

  • 図形分割課題における眼球運動の画像解析による分析――統合失調症患者と健常者の比較――

    川杉 桂太, 岩滿 優美, 轟 慶子, 小平 明子, 延藤 麻子, 塚本 康之, 西澤 さくら, 轟 純一, 竹村 和久


    Presentation date: 2021.09

  • 新型コロナウィルス感染統計報道の表現バイアス

    松原 望, 土谷 隆, 竹村 和久, 角田 弘子, 森本 栄一


    Presentation date: 2021.08

  • Examining the influence of decision strategy combination on group decision making using a computer simulation.

    Tamari, Y, Nakamaru, M, Takemura, K

    Subjective Probability Utility & Decision making SPUDM conference 2021 

    Event date:
  • A Taxonomy of Bad Decisions.

    Liu, F, Takemura, K

    Subjective Probability Utility & Decision making SPUDM conference 2021 

    Event date:
  • The Japanese version of Zhongyong questionnaire.

    Li, Z, Yang, C, Ideno, T, Takemura, K

    Subjective Probability Utility & Decision making SPUDM conference 2021 

    Event date:
  • Multiattribute Regret: Theory and Experimental Study.

    Fujii, Y, Murakami, H, Nakamura, Y, Takemura, K

    Subjective Probability Utility & Decision making SPUDM conference 2021 

    Presentation date: 2021.08

  • 心的モノサシ理論による単数価格づけ現象の分析−日本と中国における単数価格づけの実例を用いて

    劉放, 竹村和久


    Presentation date: 2021.05

  • 新型コロナウィルス感染症の社会的注目に関する心理的要因 感染者数の加速度と速度の検討

    竹村和久, 玉利祐樹, 井出野尚


    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • 消費者行動における意思決定過程の解明と消費者支援

    竹村和久, 村上始


    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • 統合失調症患者の精神症状と対称図形に対する選好

    岩滿優美, 小林史乃, 竹村和久, 西澤さくら, 塚本康之, 川杉桂太, 延藤麻子, 小平明子, 轟慶子


    Event date:
  • Axiomatic Understanding of Bad Decision.

    Takemura, K

    Event date:
  • On Effects of Changing Multi-attribute Table Design on Decision Making: An Eye-Tracking Study.

    Ideno, T, Morii, M, Takemura, K, Okada, M

    11th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams 

    Event date:
  • 製品選択場面における眼球運動の分析手法について

    川杉桂太, 村上始, 渡辺藍丸, 竹村和久

    早稲田大学消費者行動研究所シンポジウム「消費者行動研究における実験アプローチ」  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • 将来世代を考慮した意思決定ーー仮想世代の視点取得が心理的プロセスに及ぼす影響ーー

    加納由将, 西村直子, 竹村和久

    第23回実験社会科学カンファレンス  (明治学院大学 白金キャンパス(東京)) 

    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • Prediction of choice by attention model: Time series analysis of eye-gaze behavior

    Murakami, H, Watanabe, R, Kawasugi, K, Amano, M, Takemura, K

    Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM)  (Montreal (Canada)) 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • 日本語版中庸尺度の作成及び妥当性・信頼性の検討

    竹村和久, 李之林, 楊政達

    日本社会心理学会第60回大会  (立正大学(東京)) 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • 画像解析を用いた購買時眼球運動の検討

    渡辺藍丸, 川杉桂太, 村上始, 天野淳, 竹村和久

    日本社会心理学会第60回大会  (立正大学(東京)) 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • 線描を用いた心的イメージの測定――感情語と幸福概念を題材に――

    井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第83回大会  (立命館大学大阪いばらきキャンパス(大阪)) 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 潜在的連想テストによるリスク認知へのアプローチ

    井出野尚, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第83回大会  (立命館大学大阪いばらきキャンパス(大阪)) 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 統合失調症患者と健常者の樹木画における描画特徴の比較

    川杉桂太, 岩滿優美, 轟慶子, 菅原ひとみ, 小林史乃, 小平明子, 延藤麻子, 塚本康之, 西澤さくら, 轟純一, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第83回大会  (立命館大学大阪いばらきキャンパス(大阪)) 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 商品提示方法の違いによる意思決定過程における視線パターンの比較

    渡辺藍丸, 川杉桂太, 村上始, 天野淳, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第83回大会  (立命館大学大阪いばらきキャンパス(大阪)) 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 日本語版中庸尺度の作成及び妥当性・信頼性の検討

    李之林, 竹村和久, 楊政達

    日本心理学会第83回大会  (立命館大学大阪いばらきキャンパス(大阪)) 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • トピックモデルとシミュレーションによる潜在的決定方略の推定

    玉利 祐樹, 井出野尚, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第83回大会  (立命館大学大阪いばらきキャンパス(大阪)) 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Estimating decision strategies by using topic model and computer simulation

    Tamari, Y, Ideno, T, Takemura, K

    (Amsterdam (The Netherlands)) 

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • Decision style and time perspective in multi-attribute choice

    Ideno, T, Tamari, Y, Takemura, K

    Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making (SPUDM)  (Amsterdam (The Netherlands)) 

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • Axiomatic properties of bad decision


    the50th Meeting of the European Mathematical Psychology Group  (Heidelberg (Germany)) 

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • 統合失調症患者における樹木画の描画特徴について −健常者との比較を中心に−

    川杉桂太, 岩滿優美, 轟慶子, 菅原ひとみ, 小林史乃, 小平明子, 延藤麻子, 塚本康之, 西澤さくら, 轟純一, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第82回大会  (仙台国際センター(宮城県)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 統合失調症患者と健常者の対称性選好の関連要因について―気分状態・精神症状から―

    小林史乃, 菅原ひとみ, 小平明子, 塚本康之, 西澤さくら, 岡本悠花, 川杉桂太, 竹村和久, 岩滿優美, 轟慶子

    日本心理学会第82回大会  (仙台国際センター(宮城県)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 自己コントロール機能の状況依存性の検討

    渡辺藍丸, 村上始, 竹村和久

    日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会第63回大会  (神戸大学(兵庫県)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 行動経済学と行動計量学:心理学と行動計量学・行動経済学の関係について

    竹村和久  [Invited]

    日本行動計量学会第46回大会発表論文抄録集  (慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 不合理な意思決定―記述と処方―

    竹村和久, 藤井聡, 岩滿優美, 楊政達, 坂上貴之

    日本心理学会第82回大会  (仙台国際センター(宮城県)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 社会的状況下の意思決定における規則の影響に関する検討

    井出野尚, 高橋英彦, 竹村和久

    日本社会心理学会第59回大会発表論文集,200.  (追手門学院大学(大阪府)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • スーパーマーケットでの消費者の意思決定と眼球運動解析

    竹村和久, 村上始, 柏万菜, 相川真鈴, 川杉桂太, Jasmin Kajopoulos

    早稻田大学センサリー・マーケティング連続シンポジウム 第2回センサリー・マーケティングと消費者行動研究  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • Time discounting and probability weighting functions.

    Takemura, K, Murakami, H

    2018 European Mathematical Psychology Group Meeting  (University of Genova Department of Educational Sciences) 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • Cognitive effort and accuracy of decision strategies that avoid bad decisions: A computer simulation.

    Tamari, Y, Haraguchi, R, Takemura, K

    Paper presented at 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology (Montreal, Canada), 342.  (Montreal (Canada)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • Effects of physical warmth on decision-making.

    Ideno, T, Tamari, Y, Takahashi, H, Takemura, K

    29th International Congress of Applied Psychology  (Palais de congr_s de Montr_al (Quebec, Canada)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • Avoiding bad decisions: From the perspective of behavioral economics.

    Takemura, K  [Invited]

    29th International Congress of Applied Psychology  (Palais de congr_s de Montr_al (Quebec, Canada)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • 消費者行動研究と選好形成過程

    井出野尚, 竹村和久, 上田雅夫

    第56回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (亜細亜大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • 商品選択における視線測定と注視パターンの解析

    竹村和久, 相川真鈴, 柏万菜, 村上始

    日本感性工学会感性商品研究部会第63回研究会  (キャンパスプラザ京都(京都府)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • リスク下における意思決定の実験―競馬での選択場面を用いて―

    山口耕平, 須永直人, 神谷直樹, 竹村和久

    第12回日本感性工学会春季大会  (上田学園上田安子服飾専門学校(大阪府)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 説得へのリアクタンスを測る実験システムの提案

    村上始, 竹村和久

    第12回日本感性工学会春季大会  (上田学園上田安子服飾専門学校(大阪府)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • マナーに関する場面で他者の立場に立つ経験が視点取得能力に与える影響について――プレゼントゲームを用いて――

    板橋珠恵, 中島穂, 村上始, 竹村和久

    第12回日本感性工学会春季大会  (上田学園上田安子服飾専門学校(大阪府)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • スーパーマーケットにおける消費者の眼球運動の研究

    相川真鈴, 武藤杏里, KajopoulosJasmin, 竹村和久, 戸田晃太郎, 永野光朗, 北林弘行

    第12回日本感性工学会春季大会  (上田学園上田安子服飾専門学校(大阪府)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 身体を温めるあるいは冷やすことがリスク態度に与える影響について

    村上始, 井出野尚, 竹村和久

    第55回消費者行動研究コンファレンス・自由論題研究報告/公募シンポジウムの代替措置  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • セカンドプライスオークション法を用いたリスクコミュニケーションの効果測定

    竹村和久, 杉浦淳吉, 高木彩, 織朱實, 穐山浩, 吉川肇子

    日本社会心理学会第58回大会発表論文集,38.  (広島大学東広島(西条)キャンパス(広島県)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • リスクコミュニケーションのアクティブ手法の開発と効果・普及

    杉浦淳吉, 竹村和久, 高木彩, 織朱實, 穐山浩, 吉川肇子

    日本社会心理学会第58回大会発表論文集,37.  (広島大学東広島(西条)キャンパス(広島県)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • 粘土への接触と作品製作による心理的反応の違いについて

    秋葉杏樹, 川杉桂太, 竹村和久, 岩満優美

    第33回日本ストレス学会学術総会  (関西福祉科学大学(大阪府)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • 粘土に対する心理的反応

    秋葉杏樹, 竹村和久, 岩満優美

    日本健康心理学会第30回記念大会プログラム,52.  (明治大学駿河台キャンパス(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 意思決定研究における情報モニタリング法と計算機シミュレーション

    原口僚平, 竹村和久

    日本行動計量学会第46回大会発表論文抄録集  (静岡県立大学(静岡県)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • Analysis of eyetracking data in decision making.

    Kajopoulos, J, Murakami, H, Kawasugi, K, Aikawa, M, Muto, A, Toda, K, Nagano, M, Kitabayashi, H, Takemura, K

    日本行動計量学会第46回大会発表論文抄録集  (静岡県立大学(静岡県)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 意思決定研究における眼球運動データの測定と分析

    森井真広, 井出野尚, 坂上貴之, 竹村和久, 岡田光弘

    日本行動計量学会第46回大会発表論文抄録集  (静岡県立大学(静岡県)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 行動意思決定論と過程追跡技法


    日本行動計量学会第46回大会発表論文抄録集  (静岡県立大学(静岡県)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • Probability weighting function and time discounting function in decision making: Theory and experimental analysis.

    Takemura, K, Murakami, H

    IFCS-2017  (東海大学高輪キャンパス(東京)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • Image processing methods for gaze pattern analysis in marketing research.

    Kajopoulos, J, Murakami, H, Kawasugi, K, Aikawa, M, Takemura, K

    IFCS-2017  (東海大学高輪キャンパス(東京)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • Eye movement analysis using image processing methods: for gaze data during decision making between a pair of product images.

    Murakami, H, Kawasugi, K, Kajopoulos, J, Aikawa, M, Ogawa, T, Takemura, K

    IFCS-2017  (東海大学高輪キャンパス(東京)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • Image Analysis of Psychological Projective Drawings by Patients with Schizophrenia.

    Takemura, K, Kawasugi, K, Iwamitsu, Y, Sugawara, H, Nishizawa, S, Tsukamoto, Y, Nobutou, A, Kodaira, A, Todoroki, J, Todoroki, K

    MathPsych ICCM 2017  (University of Warwick) 

    Presentation date: 2017.07

  • Decision Making on Type 2 Fuzzy Events under an Observation

    Hori, H, Takemura, K, Matsumoto, Y

    第61回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集,4.  (京都テルサ(京都府)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • スーパーマーケットにおける消費者の眼球運動の研究―チラシ広告の視認パターンの分析―

    戸田晃太郎, 相川真鈴, 武藤杏里, 竹村和久, 北林弘行, 永野光朗

    第54回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • 消費者行動研究におけるアイカメラの利用

    竹村和久, 永野光朗, ジャスミン カジャポーラ, 井出野尚, 森井真広, 阿部周造

    第54回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • 説得へのリアクタンスを測る実験システムの提案

    村上始, 竹村和久

    第12回日本感性工学会春季大会  (上田学園上田安子服飾専門学校(大阪府)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • マナーに関する場面で他者の立場に立つ経験が視点取得能力に与える影響について――プレゼントゲームを用いて――

    板橋珠恵, 中島穂, 村上始, 竹村和久

    第12回日本感性工学会春季大会  (上田学園上田安子服飾専門学校(大阪府)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • スーパーマーケットにおける消費者の眼球運動の研究

    相川真鈴, 武藤杏里, KajopoulosJasmin, 竹村和久, 戸田晃太郎, 永野光朗, 北林弘行

    第12回日本感性工学会春季大会  (上田学園上田安子服飾専門学校(大阪府)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • リスク下における意思決定の実験―競馬での選択場面を用いて―

    山口耕平, 須永直人, 神谷直樹, 竹村和久

    第12回日本感性工学会春季大会  (上田学園上田安子服飾専門学校(大阪府)) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • Discrete Wavelet Analysis of Psychological Projective Drawings by Patients with Schizophrenia.

    Takemura, K, Kawasugi, K, Iwamitsu, Y, Sugawara, H, Nishizawa, S, Tsukamoto, Y, Nobutou, A, Kodaira, A, Todoroki, J, Todoroki, K

    The 3rd International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering  (Tokyo, Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 意思決定における確率荷重関数と時間割引の関係について

    竹村和久, 村上始  [Invited]

    第21回 曖昧な気持ちに挑むワークショップ  (コンパルホール) 

    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • リスク評定の順序尺度における推移性−循環数と主成分分析による検討−

    武藤杏里, 原口僚平, 竹村和久

    第45回あいまいと感性研究部会ワークショップ・感性フォーラムLaQua2016  (中央大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • 目的から逸脱した会議の評価に関する検討

    井出野尚, 坂上貴之, 藤井聡, 唐沢かおり, 羽鳥剛史, 林幹也, 高橋英彦, 玉利祐樹, 村上始, 竹村和久

    日本社会心理学会第57回大会  (関西学院大学(兵庫県)) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 社会科学的解釈を好む人々の集団意思決定における盲点

    林幹也, 竹村和久, 井出野尚

    日本社会心理学会第57回大会  (関西学院大学(兵庫県)) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • リスク認知尺度の推移性から見た妥当性の検討

    武藤杏里, 原口僚平, 竹村和久

    日本社会心理学会第57回大会  (関西学院大学(兵庫県)) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • リスク評定尺度の数量化の妥当性について―順序尺度の表現定理からの検討―

    竹村和久, 武藤杏里, 原口僚平

    日本行動計量学会第44回大会  (札幌学院大学(北海道)) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 描画と言語プロトコル法によるリスク判断の分析

    玉利祐樹, 井出野尚, 竹村和久

    日本行動計量学会第44回大会  (札幌学院大学(北海道)) 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • リスク下での意思決定における確率加重関数とその計量化

    竹村和久, 村上始, 玉利祐樹

    日本行動計量学会第44回大会  (札幌学院大学(北海道)) 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • Consumer's attitude about Burden and Discontent accompanied by Price Fluctuation of Cell-phone Communication Charge.

    Mutoh A, Wakayama D, Takemura, K

    31st International Congress of Psychology  (Yokohama Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Probability weighting function derived from hyperbolic time discounting: The empirical study comparing fits for six probability weighting functions.

    Murakami, H, Takemura, K

    31st International Congress of Psychology  (Yokohama Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Preference construction process by choice: Eye movement and preference analysis.

    Takemura, K  [Invited]

    Paper presented at 31st International Congress of Psychology (Yokohama, Japan), 87.  (Yokohama (Japan)) 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Effects of graphical representation in multi-attribute tables: An eye-tracking study.

    Morii, M, Ideno, T, Okada, M, Takemura, K

    31st International Congress of Psychology  (Yokohama Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Computer simulation study of decision strategies in which each attribute is dichotomous.

    Tamari, Y, Haraguchi, R, Ideno, T, Takemura, K

    31st International Congress of Psychology  (Yokohama Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Comparison between choices by the method of monitoring information acquisition and those by the method of conjoint analysis.

    Takakai, Y, Ideno, T, Takemura, K

    31st International Congress of Psychology  (Yokohama Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • A study of multi-attribute decision making and reasoning process: Using an eye-tracking method.

    Ideno, T, Morii, M, Takemura, K, Okada, M

    31st International Congress of Psychology  (Yokohama Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • The Priority Heuristic in The Effort- accuracy Framework: A Computer Sim- ulation Approach.

    Murakami, H, Niwa, N, Haraguchi, R, Tamari, Y, Takemura, K

    31st International Congress of Psychology  (Yokohama Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Cognitive effort and accuracy of two-stage decision making: A computer simulation approach.

    Haraguchi, R, Tamari, Y, Takemura, K

    31st International Congress of Psychology  (Yokohama Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Effect of spatial distance on consumer choice process in picture and text based advertisings.

    Takemura, K, Katsura, A, Ideno, T, Tatematsu, S, Murakami, H, Moriguchi, T, Abe, S

    31st International Congress of Psychology  (Yokohama Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Preference for symmetrical rectangles in schizophrenic patients.

    Sugawara, H, Kawasugi, K, Kodaira, A, Nishizawa, S, Takemura, K, Yamamoto, K, Miyaoka, H, Iwamitsu, Y

    31st International Congress of Psychology  (Yokohama Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Association between positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia patients and the tree drawing test.

    Kawasugi, K, Todoroki, K, Sugawara, H, Kodaira, A, Nobutou, A, Tsukamoto, Y, Nishizawa, S, Takemura, K, Todoroki, J, Iwamitsu, Y

    31st International Congress of Psychology  (Yokohama Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • 統合失調症患者における図形の対称性選好について_健常者との比較_

    菅原ひとみ, 岩満優美, 川杉桂太, 轟慶子, 小平明子, 西澤さくら, 竹村和久, 山本賢司, 宮岡等

    第16回日本外来精神医療学会  (横浜市開港記念会館(神奈川県横浜市)) 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • 眼球運動測定による多属性意思決定過程の検討:属性値の図的表現の影響

    森井真広, 井出野尚, 竹村和久, 岡田光弘

    第52回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (関西学院大学(兵庫県)) 

    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • 二段階意思決定に関する計算機シミュレーション―各段階で用いる方略の個別分析―

    原口僚平, 竹村和久, 玉利祐樹

    第19回実験社会科学カンファレンスプログラム,16.  (東京大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 精神疾患患者のバウムテスト描画判別手法の検討‐信号解析を用いて‐

    館松詩織, 岩満優美, 川杉桂太, 轟慶子, 轟純一, 小平明子, 延藤麻子, 竹村和久

    第19回実験社会科学カンファレンス  (東京大学(東京大学)) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • アイカメラを用いた消費者の商品選択過程分析

    武藤杏里, 芳賀麻誉美, 竹村和久

    日本感性工学会第43回あいまいと感性研究部会ワークショップ  (西日本総合展示場(福岡県)) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 統合失調症患者による描画の画像解析と心理的解釈

    竹村和久, 館松詩織, 川杉桂太, 岩満優美, 小平明子, 延藤麻子, 轟純一, 轟慶子

    日本感性工学会第43回あいまいと感性研究部会ワークショップ  (西日本総合展示場) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 消費者の決定方略の計算機シミュレーション

    竹村和久, 原口僚平, 玉利祐樹

    第51回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (小樽商科大学(北海道)) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • リスク事象に対する知識とリスク認知の検討—医師と一般的消費者との対比

    井出野尚, 吉川侑記, 小山慎一, 玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    日本社会心理学会第56回大会発表論文集,325.  (東京女子大学(東京)) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • バグオブフィーチャーズ法とサポートベクトルマシンによる精神疾患患者と健常者の樹木画の判別の検討

    館松詩織, 岩満優美, 川杉桂太, 轟慶子, 轟純一, 小平明子, 延藤麻子, 竹村和久

    日本社会心理学会第56回大会  (東京女子大学) 

    Presentation date: 2015.10

  • Context Effects of Recommendations Are Stronger Than Those of Psychological Distance or Direction of Comparison

    Abe, S, Okuse, Y, Ideno, T, Tamari, Y, Takemura, K

    Paper presented at The Association for Consumer Research Conference (New Orleans, USA), 775.  (New Orleans (USA)) 

    Presentation date: 2015.10

  • 選択肢の絞り込みに用いる決定方略が決定過程に与える影響—計算機シミュレーションを用いて

    原口僚平, 竹村和久, 玉利祐樹

    日本心理学会第79回大会  (名古屋国際会議場(愛知県)) 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 統合失調症患者の描画のテクスチャ解析を用いた分析

    川杉桂太, 岩満優美, 轟慶子, 轟純一, 館松詩織, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第79回大会  (名古屋国際会議場(愛知県名古屋市)) 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 福島第一原発事故被災者の決定支援に向けた選好解析

    玉利祐樹, 宮川隆, 山花令子, 作美明, 岩満優美, 竹村和久, 中川恵一

    日本心理学会第79回大会  (名古屋国際会議場(愛知県)) 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 消費者の多属性意思決定過程における多段階的決定方略の検討

    井出野尚, 原口僚平, 村上始, 玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    日本行動計量学会第43回大会発表論文抄録集,388-389.  (首都大学東京(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 潜在意味解析モデルを用いた言語プロトコルと描画による消費者のリスク判断の検討

    玉利祐樹, 井出野尚, 竹村和久

    日本行動計量学会第43回大会発表論文抄録集,382-383.  (首都大学東京(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 状況依存的焦点モデルのChoquet積分表示と行動計量

    竹村和久, 藤井聡

    日本行動計量学会第43回大会発表論文抄録集,42-45.  (首都大学東京(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 「良い意思決定」について考える : 行動意思決定論からの示唆

    竹村和久, 岩満優美

    日本行動計量学会第43回大会発表論文抄録集,126-129.  (首都大学東京(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 消費者の価格判断基準—心的モノサシ理論による検討

    村上始, 井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    第50回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (神戸大学(兵庫県)) 

    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • 職業選択における意思決定過程の検討

    玉利祐樹, 井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 竹村和久

    第50回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (神戸大学(兵庫県)) 

    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • 解釈レベルと比較の方向性

    阿部周造, 奥瀬善之, 井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    第49回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集,70-73.  (明治学院大学白金キャンパス(東京都港区)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • ブランド選択における媒介プライミング効果

    原悠貴, 井出野尚, 林幹也, 竹村和久

    第49回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集,150-153.  (明治学院大学白金キャンパス(東京都港区)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • フーリエ変換を用いた樹木画の画像分析

    川杉桂太, 岩満優美, 竹村和久, 轟純一, 轟慶子

    日本健康心理学会第27回大会  (沖縄科学技術大学院大学(沖縄県国頭郡)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 精神疾患患者と健常者のフーリエ変換を用いた描画画像の判別

    川杉桂太, 岩満優美, 吉田勝明, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第78回大会  (同志社大学(京都府京都市)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • よい社会のイメージの構造に関する研究

    竹内潤子, 今関仁智, 玉利祐樹, 井出野尚, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第78回大会  (同志社大学(京都府京都市)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • がんと放射線の知識が放射線のリスク認知に及ぼす影響の検討

    玉利祐樹, 黒田佑次郎, 岩満優美, 竹村和久, 中川恵一

    日本心理学会第78回大会  (同志社大学(京都府京都市)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • 確率加重関数に対するモデルの提案とその比較検討

    村上始, 玉利祐樹, 井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第78回大会  (同志社大学(京都府京都市)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • 強化スケジュールを用いた待ち時間に関する検討

    井出野尚, 坂上貴之, 森井真広, 玉利祐樹, 大久保重孝, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第78回大会  (同志社大学(京都府京都市)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • 無知に対する態度がリスク認知に及ぼす影響

    吉川侑記, 井出野尚, 小山慎一, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第78回大会  (同志社大学(京都府京都市)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • 社会的判断:測定の問題と現象論

    竹村和久, 坂上貴之, 唐沢かおり, 若山大樹, 林幹也, 羽鳥剛史

    日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会第61回大会  (東洋大学白山キャンパス(東京都文京区).) 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • 地域での価値観の定性的測定と数量化

    竹村和久, 竹内潤子, 今関仁智, 玉利祐樹, 井出野尚

    日本行動計量学会第42回大会  (東北大学(宮城県仙台市).) 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • Probability weighting function from psychophysical and time discounting model

    Takemura, K, Murakami, H, Tamari, Y, Ideno, T

    2014 European Mathematical Psychology Group  (Tübingen (Germany)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • 意思決定後の選択の変更に関する状況の影響:選択機会が生まれたとき、第1志望に乗り換えるのか

    井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 玉利祐樹, 村上始, 竹村和久

    日本社会心理学会第55回大会発表論文集,288.  (北海道大学(北海道札幌市)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • 解釈レベルの測定尺度に関する検討

    守口剛, 金子充, 竹村和久, 井出野尚

    第48回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (和歌山大学栄谷キャンパス(和歌山県)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • 価格判断の文脈依存性—心的モノサシ理論による検討

    村上始, 井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 大久保重孝, 竹村和久

    第48回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (和歌山大学栄谷キャンパス(和歌山県和歌山市).) 

    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • 解釈レベル理論における特性尺度と状態尺度間の関連の検討

    井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 玉利祐樹, 村上始, 阿部周造, 竹村和久

    第48回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (和歌山大学栄谷キャンパス(和歌山県和歌山市)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • 非日常場面における価格判断の変容—メンタル・ルーラー・モデルによる検討

    村上始, 井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 大久保重孝, 竹村和久

    日本広告学会クリエーティブ・フォーラム2014  (電通ホール(東京都港区)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • 消費者の多属性意思決定過程への眼球運動測定装置からのアプローチ

    井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 玉利祐樹, 村上始, 竹村和久

    日本広告学会クリエーティブ・フォーラム2014  (電通ホール(東京都港区)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • Probability weighting function models and psychological experiment for the comparisons

    Takemura, K, Murakami, H, Tamari, Y, Ideno, T

    日本知能情報ファジィ学会 第24回ソフトサイエンス研究部会ワークショップ  (久留米エスプリホテル(福岡県)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • 変動係数による注意の操作方法の提案

    村上始, 井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    日本感性工学会第40回あいまいと感性研究部会ワークショップ  (福岡工業大学FITホール(福岡県)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.02

  • アイトラッカーを用いた広告受容時の意思決定過程の検討

    井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 玉利祐樹, 村上始, 竹村和久

    日本感性工学会第40回あいまいと感性研究部会ワークショップ  (福岡工業大学FITホール(福岡県)) 

    Presentation date: 2014.02

  • 自制する人が自制しない人を嫌う傾向に関する社会心理学的検討

    井出野尚, 林幹也, 田村早紀, 竹村和久

    日本社会心理学会第54回大会発表論文集,476.  (沖縄国際大学(沖縄県宜野湾市)) 

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • 潜在的連想テスト(IAT)を用いた曖昧性への態度測定の試み

    井出野尚, 林幹也, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第77回大会  (札幌コンベンションセンター,札幌市産業振興センター(札幌市白石区)) 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • 描画の画像解析による心理評価

    竹村和久, 岩満優美

    日本行動計量学会第41回大会発表論文抄録集,304-307.  (東邦大学(千葉県)) 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • 眼球運動測定を用いた多属性意思決定における潜在的認知過程の検討―情報モニタリング法を用いて―

    大久保重孝, 井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    日本行動計量学会第41回大会発表論文抄録集,314-315.  (東邦大学(千葉県)) 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • リスク認知における3事象間連想構造の測定―潜在的連想テストを用いて―

    井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    日本行動計量学会第41回大会発表論文抄録集,312-313.  (東邦大学(千葉県)) 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • 描画と言語プロトコルによる選択行動の分析

    玉利祐樹, 井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 竹村和久

    日本行動計量学会第41回大会  (東邦大学(千葉県船橋市)) 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • 選択課題の特徴と解釈レベルの状態に関する検討

    井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 玉利祐樹, 竹村和久, 阿部周造

    第46回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (名古屋市立大学(愛知県)) 

    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • リスクを含む商品に関する選択と意思決定尺度との関係について

    篠塚万理子, 玉利祐樹, 井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 竹村和久, 阿部周造

    第46回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集,139-142.  (名古屋市立大学(愛知県)) 

    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • 食品・住宅選択における消費者のリスク判断の検討―解釈レベル尺度を用いて―

    玉利祐樹, 篠塚万理子, 井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 竹村和久, 阿部周造

    第46回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (名古屋市立大学(愛知県名古屋市)) 

    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • 意思決定の科学と消費者行動研究

    杉本徹雄, 高橋英彦, 坂上貴之, 竹村和久, 守口剛, 坂下玄哲

    第46回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (名古屋市立大学(愛知県)) 

    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • 多属性意思決定に関する情報モニタリング法の実装手法の差違の検討

    大久保重孝, 井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 篠塚万理子, 竹村和久

    第46回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (名古屋市立大学(愛知県名古屋市)) 

    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • 言語プロトコルと描画による消費者の選好分析―潜在意味解析モデルを用いた検討―

    玉利祐樹, 井出野尚, 竹内潤子, 大久保重孝, 竹村和久

    日本広告学会クリエーティブフォーラム2013  (アサツー・ディ・ケイ(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2013.05

  • 意思決定における確率加重関数の推定実験

    竹村和久, 村上始, 玉利祐樹, 井出野尚

    第23回ソフトサイエンス・ワークショップ  (キャンパスプラザ京都(京都府)) 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • リスク下の意思決定における確率加重関数-心的モノサシ理論を適用したモデルに基づく心理実験とパラメータ推定-

    村上始, 井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    日本感性工学会「志学の会」×「而立の会」合同開催若手による研究交流会  (千葉工業大学) 

    Presentation date: 2013.02

  • リスク下の意思決定における確率加重関数の推定

    村上始, 井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    特定領域「実験社会科学」総括シンポジウム  (学術総合センター 一橋講堂(東京都千代田区)) 

    Presentation date: 2013.01

  • Probability weighting function and value function based on unified psychological model.

    Takemura, K, Murakami, H, Tamari, Y, Ideno, T

    2013 Asia-Pacific Meeting of the Economic Science Association.  (Tokyo (Japan)) 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • 統一論題セッションII:パネルディスカッション―グローバル化時代の消費者行動研究の課題と方向―

    守口剛, 清水聰, 竹村和久, 照井伸彦, 水野誠

    第45回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2012.10

  • イメージマップ法によるリスク認知測定


    日本行動計量学会第40回大会発表論文抄録集,131.  (新潟県立大学(新潟県)) 

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • ファジィ正準相関分析-街の印象のファジィ評定データに対する適用-

    秦単飛, 玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第76回大会  (専修大学(神奈川県川崎市)) 

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • 日本における数理心理学の展開XX 言語プロトコルと描画の潜在意味解析モデルによる選好分析

    玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第76回大会  (専修大学(神奈川県川崎市)) 

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • Dimensions of a "good society" using projective cognitive map techniques.

    Takeuchi, J, Imaseki, M, Ideno, T, Takemura, K

    Paper presented at the XXX International Congress of Psychology (Cape Town, South Africa), 730.  (Cape Town (South Africa)) 

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • Causes for attention to nuclear power plant in Japan

    Takemura, K, Ideno, T, Hatori, T

    Paper presented at the XXX International Congress of Psychology (Cape Town, South Africa), 349.  (Cape Town (South Africa)) 

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • Preference construction by choice

    Hatori, T, Takemura, K, Fujii, S

    Paper presented at the XXX International Congress of Psychology (Cape Town, South Africa), 179.  (Cape Town (South Africa)) 

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • Primary attributes and secondary attributes in consumer decision making: Examination of construal level theory

    Tamari Y, Ideno T, Okubo S, Takemura K, Abe S

    Paper presented at the XXX International Congress of Psychology (Cape Town, South Africa), 179.  (Cape Town (South Africa)) 

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • Individual differences in construal level and decision making.

    Ideno, T, Okubo, S, Tamari, Y, Takemura, K, Abe, S

    30th International Congress of Psychology  (Cape Town (South Africa)) 

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • Preference construction process by choice: Eye movement and preference analysis.

    Takemura, K, Tamari, Y, Sakagami, T, Ideno, T, Tannno, T, Hatori, T, Hayashi, M, Okubo, S, Fujii, S, Garing, T

    30th International Congress of Psychology  (Cape Town (South Africa)) 

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • 情報モニタリング法による多属性意思決定過程の分析—望ましい選択肢を選ぶ場合と望ましくない選択肢を選ぶ場合の情報探索過程の差異の検討

    高階勇人, 阪上公一, 馬場崇徳, 大久保重孝, 井出野尚, 竹村和久

    第5回行動経済学会大会  (関西学院大学(兵庫県)) 

    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • 情報モニタリング法を用いた意思決定過程の分析

    大久保重孝, 高階勇人, 阪上公一, 馬場崇徳, 井出野尚, 坂上貴之, 藤井聡, 竹村和久

    第15回実験社会科学カンファレンス  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • 選択行動による選好形成過程の基礎的研究

    井出野尚, 林幹也, 坂上貴之, 藤井聡, 大久保重孝, 玉利祐樹, 丹野貴行, 羽鳥剛史, 竹村和久

    第15回実験社会科学カンファレンス  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • 東日本大震災以降の「原子力」への社会的注目の規定因についての研究

    竹村和久, 井出野尚, 羽鳥剛史

    第15回実験社会科学カンファレンス  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • 描画と言語プロトコルを用いた意思決定の分析

    玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    第15回実験社会科学カンファレンス  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • Study of image about "good society": Pilot study in Bhutan and new method for image research.

    竹内潤子, 今関仁智, 竹村和久

    第33回あいまいと日本感性工学会「あいまいと感性,感性脳機能」ジョイントワークショップ  (工学院大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2011.11

  • 曖昧性を考慮した印象評定の研究 —面接場面におけるファジィ評定法を用いたファジィ回帰分析による検討—

    秦単飛, 玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    第33回あいまいと日本感性工学会「あいまいと感性,感性脳機能」ジョイントワークショップ  (工学院大学) 

    Presentation date: 2011.11

  • 国産食品と外国産食品に関するイメージ測定—潜在的連想テストを用いて—

    王雨, 井出野尚, 竹村和久

    第33回あいまいと日本感性工学会「あいまいと感性,感性脳機能」ジョイントワークショップ  (工学院大学) 

    Presentation date: 2011.11

  • 連想が評価に及ぼす影響の検討?—心理実験を用いて—

    金井槙太朗, 井出野尚, 中山真里子, 林幹也, 竹村和久

    第33回あいまいと日本感性工学会「あいまいと感性,感性脳機能」ジョイントワークショップ  (工学院大学) 

    Presentation date: 2011.11

  • 無意味図形の評価における漢字の瞬間呈示の効果—心理実験による検討—

    今関仁智, 井出野尚, 中山真里子, 林幹也, 竹村和久

    第33回あいまいと日本感性工学会「あいまいと感性,感性脳機能」ジョイントワークショップ  (工学院大学) 

    Presentation date: 2011.11

  • 個人的意思決定の不可能性定理 -Arrowの一般可能性定理を基にして


    日本理論心理学会第57回大会  (岡山大学(岡山県)) 

    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • 自分の幸福の選択:合理的意思決定の不可能性と矛盾の中での選択


    日本行動計量学会第39回大会発表論文抄録集,19-22.  (岡山理科大学(岡山県)) 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • 動的フレームとしての物語と意思決定


    日本行動計量学会第39回大会  (岡山理科大学) 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • バウムテストにおける利き手と描画の特徴の関係―画像解析を用いて―

    王雨カン・松村治, 高崎いゆき, 岩満優美, 竹村和久

    第13回日本感性工学会大会予稿集.  (工学院大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • 樹木画の統計的画像解析とその解釈―特異値分解を用いた画像解析―

    高崎いゆき, 松村治, 岩満優美, 吉田勝明, 竹村和久

    第13回日本感性工学会大会予稿集.  (工学院大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • 公園散策による心理的変化―対照条件群の描画データと評定データを加えた検討―

    松村治, 岩満優美, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第75回大会発表論文集,1298.  (日本大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • 樹木画の統計的画像解析とその解釈―一般成人の樹木画の画像解析結果―

    高崎いゆき, 松村治, 岩満優美, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第75回大会発表論文集,415.  (日本大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • 消費者行動研究におけるIATの適用-購買意図から商品選択そして購買行動へ- (WS073 IAT(Implicit Association Test)の課題と将来性(5)-行動指標とIAT測度との関係性-)

    大久保重孝, 井出野尚, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第75回大会  (日本大学) 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • 知覚判断課題を用いた選好形成過程の検討

    井出野尚, 林幹也, 坂上貴之, 藤井聡, 大久保重孝, 玉利祐樹, 丹野貴行, 羽鳥剛史, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第75回大会  (日本大学) 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • 先行する判断課題が意思決定に及ぼす影響

    大久保重孝, 井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 羽鳥剛史, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第75回大会  (日本大学) 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • 選好解析における描画データの分析—潜在意味解析を用いて—

    玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第75回大会  (日本大学) 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • 多属性意思決定における、望ましい選択肢を選ぶ場合と望ましくない選択肢を選ぶ場合の情報探索過程の差異について

    高階勇人, 阪上公一, 馬場崇徳, 大久保重孝, 井出野尚, 竹村和久

    第42回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2011.06

  • 消費者の意思決定における本質的属性と副次的属性

    竹村和久, 大久保重孝, 井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 阿部周造

    第42回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2011.06

  • 曖昧さの理由

    竹村和久, 松本丈広, 若山大樹

    日本知能情報ファジィ学会復興支援学術講演会  (北海学園大学) 

    Presentation date: 2011.03

  • 解釈レベル理論を用いた消費者行動の分析

    阿部周造, 守口剛, 恩蔵直人, 竹村和久


    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • 消費者の意思決定の追求傾向と満足傾向

    竹村和久, 大久保重孝, 玉利祐樹, 井出野尚

    第41回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (関西学院大学) 

    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • 選択の自由さが選好に及ぼす影響

    丹野貴行, 竹村和久, 藤井聡, 羽鳥剛司, 井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 坂上貴之

    日本行動分析学会第28回年次大会  (神戸親和女子大学) 

    Presentation date: 2010.10

  • IATを用いた精神疾患に対する差別的態度の評価:医学生を対象として

    奈古利恵, 西堀瑛美, 森山まどか, 安藤玲奈, 大森中, 川島義高, 舘野周, 大久保善朗, 井出野尚, 高橋英彦, 竹村和久

    第78回日本医科大学医学会総会  (日本医科大学橘桜会館(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • テクスチャー解析、特異値分解、フーリエ解析を用いた投影法による描画の分析

    松村治, 高崎いゆき, 岩満優美, 高橋英彦, ユーリ ガタノフ, 竹村和久

    第12回日本感性工学会大会予稿集  (東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • 意思決定と幸福の条件に関する行動計量学的アプローチ


    日本行動計量学会第38回大会発表論文抄録集,40-41.  (埼玉大学(埼玉県)) 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • 選好解析における言語プロトコルの分析

    玉利祐樹, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第74回大会  (大阪大学(大阪府)) 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • 状況依存的焦点モデルの基礎

    竹村和久, 藤井聡

    日本行動計量学会第38回大会  (埼玉大学(埼玉県)) 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • あいまい事態における形式性追求傾向が組織内での違反に対する意識と社会的判断に与える影響

    高橋尚也, 竹村和久, 井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 玉利祐樹

    日本社会心理学会第51回大会  (広島大学(広島県)) 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • あいまい事態における形式性追求傾向に関する予備的検討

    高橋尚也, 竹村和久, 井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 玉利祐樹

    日本心理学会第74回大会  (大阪大学(大阪府)) 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • 多属性意思決定における背景情報の効果の検討?情報モニタリング法を用いて?

    大久保重孝, 井出野尚, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第74回大会  (大阪大学(大阪府)) 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • 潜在的連想テストを用いた連想構造の検討?繰り返し測定によるIAT効果の変化?

    井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第74回大会  (大阪大学(大阪府)) 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • 社会的事象の変化検出に関する実験と計量分析

    羽鳥剛史, 竹村和久, 藤井聡

    日本社会心理学会第51回大会  (広島大学(広島県)) 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • カテゴリー判断における焦点化効果−心の箱モデルによる説明

    羽鳥剛史, 竹村和久, 藤井聡, 井出野尚

    日本行動計量学会第38回大会  (埼玉大学(埼玉県)) 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • バス利便性への焦点化による居住地選択誘導のためのコミュニケーション

    谷口綾子, 藤井聡, 竹村和久

    日本行動計量学会第38回大会  (埼玉大学(埼玉県)) 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • 交通情報に対する焦点化についての実験研究

    菊池輝, 山本貴之, 竹村和久, 藤井聡

    日本行動計量学会第38回大会  (埼玉大学(埼玉県)) 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • Effect of strolling in a park on mood change and drawing.

    Matsumura, O, Iwamitsu, Y, Takemura, K

    Paper presented at the International Conference of 4th Asian Congress of Health Psychology (Taipei, Taiwan).  (Taipei (Taiwan)) 

    Presentation date: 2010.08

  • Attitudes towards schizophrenia measured with the Implicit Association Test in Medical students and Clinical Residents in Japan.

    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • New analysis method for projective drawings: Texture analysis, singular value decomposition, and Fourier analysis.

    Takemura,K, Takasaki,I, Matsumura,O, Iwamitsu,Y, Ideno,T, Yoshida.,K

    International Conference of Applied Psychology  (Melbourne (Australia)) 

    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • 消費者の評価・選択軸の変化と解釈レベル理論

    石井裕明, 阿部周造, 守口剛, 恩蔵直人, 竹村和久

    第40回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (駒澤大学深沢キャンパス(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • 医学生,研修医の精神疾患に対する態度‐教育,BSL,研修前後の変化についての検討‐

    大森中, 川島義高, 井出野尚, 高橋英彦, 舘野周, 竹村和久, 大久保善朗

    第106回日本精神神経学会学術総会  (広島国際会議場) 

    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • Attitudes towards schizophrenia measured with the Implicit Association Test in Medical students and Clinical Residents in Japan.

    Omori,A, Tateno,A, Ideno,T, Takahashi,T, Kawashima,Y, Takemura,K, Okubo,Y

    The 2nd Asian Congress on Schizophrenia Research  (Seoul (Korea)) 

    Presentation date: 2010.02

  • 消費者の選好判断過程に及ぼす背景効果?fMRIによる脳機能画像計測実験を用いて?.

    竹村和久, 井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 小高文聰, 高橋英彦

    行動経済学会第3回大会  (野依記念学術交流館) 

    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • 消費者の選好に関する神経経済学的研究―認知反応と脳画像解析―

    竹村和久, 井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 小高文聰, 高橋英彦

    第39回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (広島経済大学(広島県)) 

    Presentation date: 2009.11

  • アイカメラを用いた選好形成過程の検討 ?ミネラルウォーターの選択実験を用いて?.

    板東香織, 大久保重孝, 井出野尚, 坂上貴之, 藤井聡, 羽鳥剛史, 丹野貴行, 玉利祐樹, 高橋尚也, 竹村和久

    第14回曖昧な気持ちに挑むワークショップHeart & Mind2009  (関東学院大学) 

    Presentation date: 2009.11

  • 選択に基づく選好形成

    藤井聡, 羽鳥剛史, 竹村和久

    日本社会心理学会第50回大会発表論文集,176-177.  (大阪大学(大阪府)) 

    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • 社会的事象の変化検出と注目率に関する数理モデルと計量分析

    竹村和久, 羽鳥剛史, 藤井聡

    日本社会心理学会第50回大会発表論文集,172-173.  (大阪大学(大阪府)) 

    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • 新たな社会心理学の展開と現状からの脱却:行動意思論の視点から(50周年記念シンポジウム)

    竹村和久  [Invited]

    日本社会心理学会第50回大会  (大阪大学(大阪府)) 

    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • 描画による精神疾患患者の人物イメージの検討―日本人・ロシア人・スウェーデン人大学生の描画を用いて―

    高崎いゆき, 松村治, ユーリ ガタノフ, 大熊希和子, 高橋英彦, 竹村和久

    第11回日本感性工学会大会予稿集CD-ROM.  (芝浦工業大学豊洲キャンパス(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • 生理指標を用いた精神疾患に対する偏見の研究(2)サーモグラフィーによるアプローチ

    大久保重孝, 井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 高橋英彦, 竹村和久

    第11回日本感性工学会大会  (芝浦工業大学) 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • 曖昧な評価に基づいた比較判断と意思決定

    松本丈広, 渡辺成, 竹村和久

    第11回日本感性工学会大会  (芝浦工業大学) 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • 共同意思決定状況における対話と視線挙動の分析?2台のアイカメラを用いて?

    渡辺成, 羽鳥剛史, 井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 竹村和久

    第11回日本感性工学会大会  (芝浦工業大学) 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • 生理指標を用いた精神疾患に対する偏見の研究(1)?SCRによるアプローチ?

    玉利祐樹, 大久保重孝, 井出野尚, 高橋英彦, 竹村和久

    第11回日本感性工学会大会  (芝浦工業大学) 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • 選択行動による選好形成過程の検討?アイカメラを用いて?

    板東香織, 大久保重孝, 井出野尚, 坂上貴之, 藤井聡, 羽鳥剛史, 丹野貴行, 玉利祐樹, 高橋尚也, 竹村和久

    第11回日本感性工学会大会  (芝浦工業大学) 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • 温まると優しくなるか?−生理指標を用いた実験方法の提案−

    井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 大久保重孝, 高橋英彦, 竹村和久

    第11回日本感性工学会大会  (芝浦工業大学) 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • 精神疾患患者による描画の画像解析-樹木画テストの特異値分解-

    竹村和久, 佐藤菜生, 高崎いゆき, 岩満優美, 木ノ下みやま, 菊池裕義, 吉田勝明

    日本行動計量学会第37回大会発表論文抄録集.  (発表場所大分大学医学部校内) 

    Presentation date: 2009.08

  • 継続的に行なった公園散策による気分と描画の変化

    松村治, 岩満優美, 竹村和久

    日本ストレス学会第25回学術総会抄録集,130.  (北里大学(神奈川県)) 

    Presentation date: 2009.08

  • 公園の散策による気分と描画の変化

    松村治, 岩満優美, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第73回大会発表論文集,1393.  (立命館大学(京都府)) 

    Presentation date: 2009.08

  • 状況依存的焦点モデルに基づく居住地選択行動におけるフレーミング効果分析

    Presentation date: 2009.08

  • 意思決定における選好の形成過程

    Presentation date: 2009.08

  • Consumer's ambiguous comparative judgment: Fuzzy theoretic model and data analysis.

    竹村和久, 松山真太郎, 小林雅人

    第37回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  (東海大学短期大学部静岡校舎(静岡県)) 

    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • 描画の画像解析による偏見研究法

    竹村和久, ユーリ ガタノフ, 高橋英彦

    日本社会心理学会第49回大会発表論文集,66-67.  (かごしま県民交流センター(鹿児島県)) 

    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • 法律の解釈可能性とその制定に伴う規範活性化効果

    藤井聡, 羽鳥剛史, 黒岩武志, 竹村和久

    日本社会心理学会第49回大会発表論文集,128-129.  (かごしま県民交流センター(鹿児島県)) 

    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • 確率事象に対する運動制御の検討

    田中大介, 竹村和久

    第10回日本感性工学会大会予稿集(CD-ROM)  (大妻女子大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 描画による典型的人物イメージの検討―日本人、ロシア人大学生の描画を用いて―

    高崎いゆき, 佐藤菜生, 玉利祐樹, 蔵琢也, ユーリ ガタノフ, 高橋英彦, 岩満優美, 竹村和久

    第10回日本感性工学会大会予稿集(CD-ROM),21A-10.pdf.  (大妻女子大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 多属性効用による曖昧な選好判断の検討

    松山真太郎, 小林雅人, 竹村和久

    第10回日本感性工学会大会予稿集(CD-ROM)  (大妻女子大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 企業倫理コードと組織における違反行為

    村山雅子, 竹村和久, 藤井聡, 羽鳥剛史

    第10回日本感性工学会大会予稿集(CD-ROM)  (大妻女子大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 描画の統計的画像解析―精神疾患患者の樹木画を用いて―

    佐藤菜生, 高崎いゆき, 木之下みやま, 吉田勝明, 岩満優美, 竹村和久

    第10回日本感性工学会大会予稿集(CD-ROM)  (大妻女子大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 消費者行動への潜在的測定の展開

    井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 諸上詩帆, 竹村和久

    日本広告学会2008年度第5回関東部会研究会  (成城大学) 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 絵と言葉から消費者の好みを探る〜ハンバーガーショップ選択の事例

    玉利祐樹, 佐藤菜生, 高崎いゆき, 竹村和久

    第36回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集,49-52.  (アサツー、デイ、ケイ) 

    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • ファジィ・グラデーション法を用いた消費者の選好分析

    小林雅人, 落合彩子, 松山真太郎, 竹村 和久

    日本知能情報ファジィ学会・ソフトサイエンス研究部会 第18回ソフトサイエンス・ワークショップ講演論文集,17-18.  (横浜国立大学(神奈川県)) 

    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • 描画と言語による消費者の好みの分析

    玉利祐樹, 佐藤菜生, 高崎いゆき, 竹村 和久

    日本知能情報ファジィ学会・ソフトサイエンス研究部会 第18回ソフトサイエンス・ワークショップ講演論文集,13-14.  (横浜国立大学(神奈川県)) 

    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • 樹木画の数量化による統計解析と心理解釈

    高崎 いゆき, 竹村 和久

    日本知能情報ファジィ学会・ソフトサイエンス研究部会 第18回ソフトサイエンス・ワークショップ  (神奈川県横浜市) 

    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • Image analysis of projective drawings for mental patients and students

    Takemura, K, Takasaki, I, Sato, N, Kinoshita, M, Iwamitsu, Y, Ideno, T, Yoshida, K

    Paper presented at the Second International Workshop on Kansei (Fukuoka, Japan).  (アクロス福岡(福岡県)) 

    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • Analysis of ambiguous comparative judgment for personal computer.

    Takemura, K, Matsuyama, S, Kobayashi, M

    Paper presented at the workshop of Japan society for fuzzy theory and intelligent informations (Fukui, Japan).  (Fukui (Japan)) 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Statistical image analysis of projective drawings.

    Takemura, K, Takasaki, I, Tamari, Y, Sato, N, Kinoshita, M, Iwamitsu, Y, Ideno, T, Yoshida, K  [Invited]

    Invited Seminar at Department of Psychology, Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia).  (Saint Petersburg (Russia)) 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • 招待講演:日本人はいじわるがお好き?

    西條辰義, 上田隆穂, 土田昭司, 竹村和久  [Invited]

    第35回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集.  (九州産業大学(福岡県)) 

    Presentation date: 2007.12

  • 描画と言語プロトコルによる消費者の選好分析

    竹村和久, 玉利祐樹, 佐藤菜生, 高崎いゆき

    第35回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集.  (九州産業大学(福岡県)) 

    Presentation date: 2007.12

  • 描かれた絵から好みを知る―描画の心理分析―

    竹村和久, 高崎いゆき, 佐藤菜生

    第12回曖昧な気持ちに挑むワークショップ講演論文集.  (石川県文教会館(石川県)) 

    Presentation date: 2007.12

  • 自分のまちの好きなところ嫌いなところ―風景描画法による態度の分析―

    高崎いゆき, 佐藤菜生, 吉川肇子, 藤井聡, 桑垣玲子, 堀井秀之, 竹村和久

    第36回土木計画学研究・講演集CD-ROM  (八戸工業大学(青森県)) 

    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • 樹木画の画像解析と心理的解釈の分析

    岩満優美, 高崎いゆき, 佐藤菜生, 木之下みやま, 吉田勝明, 竹村和久

    日本社会心理学会第48回大会発表論文集,166-167.  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2007.09

  • Life Experiences Survey 日本語版の作成―学生版も含めて―

    安田裕恵, 神谷美智子, 和田芽衣, 竹村和久, 中島香澄, 安藤記子, 平山賀美, 岩満優美

    日本社会心理学会第48回大会発表論文集  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2007.09

  • 樹木画の統計的画像解析とその解釈(IV)―樹木画の統計的画像解析とその解釈―

    木之下みやま, 高崎いゆき, 佐藤菜生, 菊池裕義, 五十嵐徹, 西嶋和彦, 細井美郷, 岩満優美, 竹村和久, 吉田勝明

    日本心理学会第71回大会発表論文集,284.  (東洋大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2007.09

  • 樹木画の統計的画像解析とその解釈(III)―画像のパタン分析―

    佐藤菜生, 木之下みやま, 高崎いゆき, 岩満優美, 吉田勝明, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第71回大会発表論文集,283.  (東洋大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2007.09

  • 樹木画の統計的画像解析とその解釈(II)―画像解析結果―

    高崎いゆき, 木之下みやま, 佐藤菜生, 岩満優美, 吉田勝明, 竹村和久

    日本心理学会第71回大会発表論文集,282.  (東洋大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2007.09

  • 樹木画の統計的画像解析とその解釈(I)―理論と方法―

    竹村和久, 高崎いゆき, 佐藤菜生, 木之下みやま, 吉田勝明, 岩満優美

    日本心理学会第71回大会発表論文集,281.  (東洋大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2007.09

  • 自分のまちの好きなところ嫌いなところ―風景描画法による態度の分析―

    高崎いゆき, 佐藤菜生, 吉川肇子, 藤井聡, 桑垣玲子, 堀井秀之, 竹村和久

    第9回日本感性工学会大会予稿集CD-ROM  (工学院大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2007.08

  • 描画によるリスク認知の研究―フィリピンのスモールスケールマイナーの事例―

    佐藤菜生, 高崎いゆき, 村尾智, 吉川肇子, 竹村和久

    第9回日本感性工学会大会予稿集CD-ROM  (工学院大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2007.08

  • 選択肢の優越性と意思決定

    大久保重孝, 井出野尚, 松井博史, 竹村和久

    第9回日本感性工学会大会  (工学院大学) 

    Presentation date: 2007.08

  • 気分が良い時の意思決定過程?アイカメラを用いて

    諸上詩帆, 大久保重孝, 竹村和久, 藤井聡

    第9回日本感性工学会大会  (工学院大学) 

    Presentation date: 2007.08

  • Fuzzy least squares conjoint analysis and its application to Consumer decision research.

    Takemura,K, Ochiai,A, Takakai,Y, Ono,K

    International Meeting of the Psychometric Society  (Tokyo (Japan)) 

    Presentation date: 2007.07

  • Statistical image analysis of psychological projective drawings.

    Takemura,K, Takasaki,I, Satoh,N, Kinoshita, M. Yoshida.K, Iwamitsu,Y

    International Meeting of the Psychometric Society  (Tokyo (Japan)) 

    Presentation date: 2007.07

  • 潜在意味解析による決定フレーミング効果の検討

    竹村和久, 玉利祐樹, 藤井聡

    日本知能情報ファジィ学会第28回ファジィワークショップ講演論文集,27-30.  (首都大学東京南大沢キャンパス(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • バウムテストの画像解析と心理的解釈

    佐藤菜生, 高崎いゆき, 吉田勝明, 木之下みやま, 井出野尚, 岩満優美, 竹村和久

    日本知能情報ファジィ学会第28回ファジィワークショップ講演論文集,25-26.  (首都大学東京南大沢キャンパス(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • Statistical image analysis of projective drawings for mental patients.

    Takemura, K, Takasaki, I, Sato, N, Kinoshita, M, Iwamitsu, Y, Ideno, T, Yoshida, K

    Paper presented at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (Funabori, Japan).  (Funabori (Japan)) 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • コレクションの楽しさとは:食玩購買時の主観的価値の測定

    松井博史, 井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 竹村和久

    第33回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集.  (慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • あいまい性を考慮したコンジョイント分析による消費者行動調査法

    高階勇人, 小野講介, 落合彩子, 竹村和久

    第33回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集.  (慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • 潜在的連想テストによるブランド・イメージ・マップの作成

    井出野尚, 竹村和久

    第33回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集.  (慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • パニック的購買行動は何故起こるのか:情報・同調・社会不安

    大久保重孝, 井出野尚, 松井博史, 竹村和久

    第33回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集.  (慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • 意思決定の追求傾向と消費者行動―Schwartz尺度をもとにして―

    久冨哲兵, 磯部綾美, 大庭剛司, 松井豊, 宇井美代子, 高橋尚也, 竹村和久

    第33回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集.  (慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • 株式売買を用いたシミュレーションゲーム実験

    岡本弘司, 竹村和久

    第33回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集.  (慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • ポジティブ感情が消費者の視線に及ぼす影響

    諸上詩帆, 大久保重孝, 竹村和久, 藤井聡

    第33回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集.  (慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • 食玩を対象とした購買行動について

    松井博史, 井出野尚, 竹村和久

    第8回日本感性工学会大会予稿集CD-ROM.  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2006.09

  • 潜在的連想テストを用いた「食品―健康」連想マップの作成

    井出野尚, 竹村和久

    第8回日本感性工学会大会予稿集CD-ROM.  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2006.09

  • 描画から『心理』を解釈する(II)―樹木テストの画像解析と性格特性との関係―

    高崎いゆき, 佐藤菜生, 竹村和久, 岩満優美

    第8回日本感性工学会大会予稿集CD-ROM.  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2006.09

  • ブランドを持つことの意味―あいまい性を考慮した人物印象評定のファジィ回帰分析

    小野講介, 高階勇人, 竹村和久

    第8回日本感性工学会大会予稿集CD-ROM.  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2006.09

  • 意思決定におけるフレーミング効果の研究

    落合彩子, 竹村和久

    第8回日本感性工学会大会予稿集CD-ROM.  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2006.09

  • アイカメラによる選好逆転現象の研究

    岩間徳兼, 豊田健悟, 藤井聡, 竹村和久

    第8回日本感性工学会大会予稿集CD-ROM.  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2006.09

  • あいまい性を考慮した印象形成の研究―所持ブランドが人物の印象形成に及ぼす効果のファジィ回帰分析―

    高階勇人, 小野講介, 竹村和久

    日本行動計量学会第34回大会発表論文抄録集  (聖学院大学(埼玉県)) 

    Presentation date: 2006.09

  • Statistical image analysis of psychological projective drawings.

    Takemura, K, Takasaki, I, Iwamitsu, Y

    26th International Congress of Applied Psychology  (Athens (Greece)) 

    Presentation date: 2006.07

  • 統一論題研究報告I:店舗内環境が購買意思決定過程に及ぼす影響


    第32回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集.  (函館大学(北海道)) 

    Presentation date: 2006.06

  • 時間的制約が消費者の購買意思決定過程に及ぼす影響―眼球運動測定装置を用いて―

    諸上詩帆, 岩間徳兼, 大久保重孝, 竹村和久


    Presentation date: 2006

  • 感情が商品選択における情報検索過程に及ぼす影響の実験的研究

    大久保重孝, 諸上詩帆, 竹村和久


    Presentation date: 2006

  • 樹木画テストの画像解析とその心理的解釈

    高崎いゆき, 佐藤菜生, 井出野尚, 岩満優美, 竹村和久


    Presentation date: 2006

  • 近赤外分光法(NIRS)を用いたフレーミング効果の脳画像研究

    田中健一, 井出野尚, 竹村和久, 小嶋祥三, 辻井岳雄

    第31回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集.  (中京大学名古屋キャンパス(愛知県)) 

    Presentation date: 2005.11

  • アイカメラを用いた時間的制約下での購買意思決定の研究

    諸上詩帆, 大久保重孝, 岩間徳兼, 竹村和久

    第31回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集.  (中京大学名古屋キャンパス(愛知県)) 

    Presentation date: 2005.11

  • Influence of positive affect on eye movement patterns in decision making.

    Takemura, S, Morokami, S, Ohkubo, S, Fujii, S

    Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making Conference  (Stockholm (Sweden)) 

    Presentation date: 2005.08

  • ファジィ重回帰分析による曖昧な消費購買意図の検討

    田中健一, 若山大樹, 竹村和久

    第29回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集.  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2004.11

  • 感情が消費者の意思決定過程に及ぼす効果―アイカメラによる過程追跡分析―

    竹村和久, 諸上詩帆, 大久保重孝, 藤井聡

    第29回消費者行動研究コンファレンス報告要旨集.  (早稲田大学(東京都)) 

    Presentation date: 2004.11

  • Risk perception, trust, and social value orientation: Model and empirical research.

    Takemura, K, Taniguchi, T, Tsuchiya, T, Kosugi, M

    Paper presented at the Society for Risk Analysis (Paris, France).  (Paris (France)) 

    Presentation date: 2004.11

  • 曖昧な選好と非対称データ―ファジィ選好モデルとファジィ回帰によるデータ解析法の提案―


    日本行動軽量学会第32回大会発表論文抄録集,264.  (青山学院大学相模原キャンパス(神奈川県)) 

    Presentation date: 2004.09

  • 心理描画の画像解析とその解釈

    竹村和久, 高崎いゆき, 岩満優美

    日本行動軽量学会第32回大会発表論文抄録集,130.  (青山学院大学相模原キャンパス(神奈川県)) 

    Presentation date: 2004.09

  • Interpretation of matching law: From the assumptions of Luce Choice Axiom, Fechner Law, and Random Utility Maximization.

    Takemura, K, Fujii, S

    European Mathematical Psychology Meeting  (Ghent (Belgium)) 

    Presentation date: 2004.09

  • Fuzzy logistic regression analysis for fuzzy input-output data

    Takemura, K

    Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent System (Yokohama, Japan), WE8-5.  (Yokohama (Japan)) 

    Presentation date: 2004.09

  • Fuzzy Purchase Intention Model: Sn Extension of Fishbein and Ajzen Model

    Wakayama, D, Takemura, K

    Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent System (Yokohama, Japan), WE8-4.  (Yokohama (Japan)) 

    Presentation date: 2004.09

  • Ambiguous comparative judgment: Fuzzy set model and data analysis

    Takemura, K

    Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent System (Yokohama, Japan), TUA3-4.  (Yokohama (Japan)) 

    Presentation date: 2004.09

  • Probability weighting function derived from the mental ruler model.

    Takemura, K

    International Congress of Psychology  (Beijing (China)) 

    Presentation date: 2004.08

  • 感情が情報検索に与える影響についての実験的研究

    大久保重孝, 諸上詩帆, 竹村和久, 藤井聡


    Presentation date: 2004

  • 描画から『心理』を解釈する―樹木テストの画像解析と臨床心理学的解釈―

    高崎いゆき, 竹村和久, 岩満優美


    Presentation date: 2004

  • Risk perception and social value orientation: From questionnaire survey for design of risk communication activities in Tokai.

    Takemura,K, Taniguchi,T, Tsuchiya,T, Kosugi,M

    Society for Risk Analysis  (Baltimore (USA)) 

    Presentation date: 2003.12

  • Attention, frames condition and decision frames condition and decision making under risk: An empirical contingent focus model using eye gaze recorder.

    Fujii, S, Takemura, K

    Society for Judgment and Decision Making  (Vancouver (Canada)) 

    Presentation date: 2003.11

  • Risk perception, trust, and policy preference: A lesson from nuclear power plant trouble in Japan.

    Takemura, K, Fujii, S, Kikkawa, K, Horii, H

    Society for Judgment and Decision Making  (Vancouver (Canada)) 

    Presentation date: 2003.11

  • 眼球運動測定装置を用いた状況依存的焦点モデルの検証

    藤井聡, 竹村和久


    Presentation date: 2003.09

  • リスク認知の諸相―フィリピン・イトゴン市における鉱物資源採掘労働者を中心にした面接調査―

    竹村和久, 吉川肇子, 村尾智, ヴィクター, マグランバヤン


    Presentation date: 2003.09

  • 社会的判断のカテゴリー焦点化仮説の検証実験

    藤井聡, 竹村和久


    Presentation date: 2002.11

  • Fechner Law and random utility hypothesis leads the matching law.

    Fujii, S, Takemura, K

    Paper presented at Judgment and Decision Making Society (Kansas City, USA).  (Kansas City (USA)) 

    Presentation date: 2002.11

  • Context effect in category judgment: Mental box model and its finding.

    Paper presented at Judgment and Decision Making Society (Kansas City, USA).  (Kansas City (USA)) 

    Presentation date: 2002.11

  • 内集団と外集団に対する経済的満足度の推定

    唐沢かおり, 竹村和久, 藤井聡


    Presentation date: 2002.09

  • Fuzzy regression analysis of social judgment.

    Takemura, K

    Paper presented at International Conference on Soft Computing (Tsukuba, Japan).  (Tsukuba (Japan)) 

    Presentation date: 2002.09

  • 状況依存焦点モデルによるフレーミング効果のメタ分析

    藤井聡, 竹村和久


    Presentation date: 2001.09

  • 多属性意思決定の計算論的フレーム理論

    竹村和久, 藤井聡


    Presentation date: 2001.09

  • 拡張原理に基づく最小二乗法を用いたファジィ入出力データに対するファジィ回帰分析

    竹村 和久


    Presentation date: 2001.09

  • 判断の状況依存効果におけるカテゴリー焦点化仮説-メンタル・ボックス・モデル-

    竹村 和久


    Presentation date: 2001.09

  • Empirical tests of psychological judgment models.

    Fun, L, Takemura, K


    Presentation date: 2001.09

  • ファジィ評定データによる消費者の行動意図の予測

    若山大樹, 竹村和久


    Presentation date: 2001.09

  • Focus on the outcome determines risk attitude: Contingent focus model for decision framing.

    Takemura, K, Fujii, S

    Paper presented at the 18th Research Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making (Amsterdam, the Netherlands).  (Amsterdam (the Netherlands)) 

    Presentation date: 2001.08

  • Psychophysical law reconsidered: Statistical analysis of judgment data.

    Takemura, K

    Paper presented at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (Osaka, Japan).  (Osaka (Japan)) 

    Presentation date: 2001.07

  • A detection method of influential observations and outliers in possibilistic linear regression analysis for fuzzy input-output data and its application.

    Wakayama, D, Takemura, K

    Paper presented at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (Osaka, Japan).  (Osaka (Japan)) 

    Presentation date: 2001.07

  • Psychometric Meta-analysis of framing effect by contingent focus model.

    Fujii, S, Takemura, K

    Paper presented at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (Osaka, Japan).  (Osaka (Japan)) 

    Presentation date: 2001.07

  • Experimental studies on price judgment across different frame conditions.

    Fun, L, Takemura, K

    Paper presented at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (Osaka, Japan).  (Osaka (Japan)) 

    Presentation date: 2001.07

  • Mental ruler theory of contingent decision making: Mathematical representation and some empirical findings.

    Takemura, K

    Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Society for Judgment and Decision Making (New Orleans, USA).  (New Orleans (USA)) 

    Presentation date: 2000.11

  • On the value function: Fundamental derivation from Mental Ruler Theory.

    Takemura, K

    Paper presented at 27th International Congress of Psychology (Stockholm, Sweden).  (Stockholm (Sweden)) 

    Presentation date: 2000.07

  • Risk attitude and attention.

    Fujii, S, Takemura, K

    Paper presented at 27th International Congress of Psychology (Stockholm, Sweden).  (Stockholm (Sweden)) 

    Presentation date: 2000.07

  • Contingent focus model of decision framing under risk.

    Takemura, K, Fujii, S

    Paper presented at 17th Biennial Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making (Mannheim, Germany).  (Mannheim (Germany)) 

    Presentation date: 1999.08

  • Human Judgment under sample space ignorance.

    Smithson, M, Bartos, T, Takemura, K

    Paper presented at International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications (Ghent, Germany).  (Ghent (Belgium)) 

    Presentation date: 1999.06

  • Framing effect in the ultimatum bar gaining games.

    Takemura, K, Antonides, G

    Paper presented at 24th International Congress of Applied Psychology (San Francisco, USA).  (San Francisco (USA)) 

    Presentation date: 1998.08

  • A simple linear regression analysis for fuzzy input-output data and its application to psychological study

    Takemura, K

    Paper presented at IEEE international Conference on Inteligent Processing Systems (Beijing, China).  (Beijing (China)) 

    Presentation date: 1997.10

  • Psychological satisfaction for customer services.

    Takemura, K

    Paper presented at 26th International Congress of Psychology (Montreal, Canada).  (Montreal (Canada)) 

    Presentation date: 1996.08

  • Contingent focus model of decision making under risk.

    Presentation date: 1996.08

  • Mathematical explanation of the framing effect: The contingent focus model.

    Takemura, K

    Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Society for Risk Analysis and the Japan Section of SRA (Honolulu, USA).  (Honolulu (USA)) 

    Presentation date: 1995.12

  • Elaboration and framing of decision.

    Takemura, K

    Paper presented at 23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology (Madrid, Spain).  (Madrid (Spain)) 

    Presentation date: 1994.07

  • Cognitive structure of “Yuzuriai” (the Japanese behavior of giving concessions to others).

    Makino, K, Takemura, K

    Paper presented at 25th International Congress of Psychology (Brussels, Belgium).  (Brussels (Belgium)) 

    Presentation date: 1992.07

  • Vagueness in judgment process: An application of a fuzzy rating method to the social judgment study.

    Takemura, K

    Paper presented at 25th International Congress of Psychology (Brussels, Belgium).  (Brussels (Belgium)) 

    Presentation date: 1992.07

  • The influence of affect and Involvement on decision making process.

    Presentation date: 1990.07

  • Information seeking and causal inference in infant’s moral judgement.

    Paper presented at 22nd International Congress of Applied Psychology (Kyoto, Japan).  (Kyoto (Japan)) 

    Presentation date: 1990.07

  • Involvement and decision making process: An informa-tion search analysis of choosing a date partner.

    Takemura, K

    Paper presented at 24th International Congress of Psychology (Sydney, Australia).  (Sydney (Australia)) 

    Presentation date: 1988.08

▼display all

Research Projects

  • 消費者の選択データに基づく意思決定方略の推定と応用研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    玉利 祐樹, 竹村 和久, 井出野 尚

  • 消費者行動における知覚バイアスの発生とその影響に関する体系的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    守口 剛, 恩藏 直人, 竹村 和久, 須永 努, 阿部 周造, 阿部 誠, 奥瀬 喜之, 石井 裕明, 朴 宰佑, 平木 いくみ, 外川 拓, 八島 明朗, 石田 大典

     View Summary

    昨年度に行なった既存研究の整理から、視覚刺激に関連する既存研究が多く存在することが再確認された。これらの研究の整理から、未検証で独自性のある研究テーマとして、商品陳列の方法(horizontal display vs. vertical display)と視覚的情報処理の関係に焦点を当てることとした。20年度前半に、このテーマに関する既存研究の整理と研究仮説についての検討を行った。

  • 描画の統計的画像解析と臨床的利用の検討

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    竹村 和久, 岩滿 優美, 横田 正夫

     View Summary


  • Developing the method to let people speak for the future generation - The effect of role-playing in decision makings at citizen participation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 統合失調症患者における図形対称性の選好と認知機能に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    岩滿 優美, 竹村 和久

     View Summary

    様々な比率で作成された7種類の図形を呈示し,最もきれいだと思われる任意の位置に,1本の垂直線あるいは水平線を描くという図形分割課題を用いて,統合失調症患者の対称性選好についてこれまで調べてきた。その結果,様々な比率で作成された図形,分割線の方向など,いずれの点から検討しても,統合失調症患者は健常者と比較して対称性を選好する頻度が高いことが明らかになった。統合失調症患者の対称性選好には陰性症状や陽性症状と正の関連が,一方,総合精神病理尺度とは負の関連が認められた(精神医学, 63巻8号)。

  • Theoretical and Experimental Research on Money and Market System in the Pacific Island Countries

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • A Study on Multiattribute Regret Theory and Experimental Practise

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Fujii Yoichiro

     View Summary

    This research project consists of two parts. That is, an axiomatic foundation for multiattribute regret theory and an experimental measurement of preferences. First, for the fundamental research part, we have extended Savage's theory of expected utility using subjective probability, and have succeeded in providing an axiomatic foundation for the theory. Moreover, we have provided a construction method of multiattribute regret theory. In the experimental measurement of preference, we conducted experiments with two attributes and found that (1) each attribute is regret aversive and (2) the degree of regret aversion differs by attribute.
    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

  • Free will and moral jugdmentt

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Karasawa kaori

     View Summary

    The results of this research can be summarized as follows. 1) Analysis of the diversity of the free will concept and the development of a scale to measure it, 2) Elucidation of the effect of the message of free will belief denial and the relationship between free will belief, moral judgment, and punishment judgment, 3 ) Elucidation of the effect of free will belief on offensive behavior as retaliation and consideration of self-control, 4) confirmation of external validity of the findings regarding regarding the consequences of inferring the will and intentions for the cases of groups and artificial objects (AI) 5) refining the discussion of problem areas where philosophical and psychological importance of free will intersect, 6) as a discussion that integrates research results, the concepts of free will and self are examined from a conceptual engineering standpoint.

  • A study for theory construction on consumer's preference reversal

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Moriguchi Takeshi

     View Summary

    It has been pointed out in the past that the phenomenon of preference reversal can be explained by a natural change in consumer preferences as time passes, as a consequence of the discrepancy in the cnstrual levels, as well as a response to sensory and physical stimuli. We have conducted empirical research on this subject and compiled the new findings pertaining to these various effects. By focusing on processing fluency and embodied cognition as the theoretical underpinnings of changing consumer preferences due to sensory stimuli, we have compiled the instances of changes in preferences that were triggered by the weight of product packaging, the position of product imagery, the background color, etc., and examined the mechanism behind this phenomenon. These findings constitute a significant contribution to academic research that is related to preference reversal in consumer behavior and sensory marketing.

  • Integrated research on response behaviors to multiple alternative questions: Designing and testing questionnaires for paper and Web surveys

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKAGAMI Takayuki, UEHARA Syunsuke, IDENO Takashi, SATO Fumiko, MORII Masahiro

     View Summary

    We conducted integrated research on respondents' behaviors in surveys. It includes literature review, experimental Web surveys, and laboratory experiments on the response quality or the problematic responses to questionnaires. Through the literature review, we elucidated the history of rating scales as well as the problems that we face in designing self-administered questionnaires for paper and Web surveys. In the laboratory experiments, we analyzed the answering behaviors of the respondents with the help of the paradata on their eye-movement, trajectories of the mouse cursor, and their response time. In the experimental Web surveys, we examined the effects of the following factors: sampling methods, question ordering, the number of alternatives, the layouts of the alternatives and buttons on the screen, and the respondents' cognitive capacity of numeric operation. We also proposed and tested several procedures for detecting problematic responses and found that they worked effectively.

  • Preference for symmetrical rectangles in schizophrenic patients

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    This study examined preferences for symmetrical rectangles in patients with schizophrenia and healthy volunteers. In addition, an analysis was performed to examine the association between schizophrenic symptoms and symmetry preference in patients with schizophrenia. Our results suggest that patients with schizophrenia prefer extremely symmetrical rectangles compared to healthy volunteers. In addition, symmetry preference in patients with schizophrenia reflected their symptoms. Moreover, inflexibility, which is characteristic of the disorder, and cognitive disturbances such as attention deficit, are likely involved in the symmetry preference of patients with schizophrenia. Symmetry preference in healthy volunteers reflected their mood such as anger and tension-anxiety.
    We should continue to examine the relationship between symmetry preference and low activities in the eye movement.

  • Development of the unified analysis method of drawn pictures and verbal protocols and the clinical social psychological study based on the proposed method

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKEMURA Kazuhisa

     View Summary

    In psychology and psychiatry, projective drawings and verbal protocols are used to assess an individual's personality and obtain a holistic understanding of behavior. We proposed a statistical image and singular value decomposition analysis method to address the lack of objectivity in interpreting drawings as well as verbal protocol data. We used a new proposed method to analyze projective tree-test drawings and verbal protocols to interpret psychological processes of university students and patients. We analyzed verbal protocols and pictures drawn by university students and patients with mental disorders, then correlated statistical properties of the analyses with scores from psychological tests, such as State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Self-rating Depression Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, and Yatabe-Guilford Personality Test. The results suggest significant relationships among some statistical properties of the images and verbal protocols and depression.


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKEMURA Kazuhisa, FUKUZAWA Kazuyoshi, FUJII Satoshi, KARASAWA Kaori, OHIRA Hideki, WAKAYAMA Daiki

     View Summary

    We proposed a new analysis method of social judgment for incorporating multiple methods such as psychometrical method, social cognition research method, and physiological method in social judgment study. Several examples showed how to apply the proposed method in social and economic policy making using psychological experiment and social survey. We found several properties of human social judgments in social situations, and then discussed practical implications of the findings. We held several seminars and published several books and papers as research outputs.

  • Empirical Analysis of Organization Structure under Ubiquitous Information Technology

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UKAI Yasuharu, AKIHIKO Shinozaki, WATANABE Shinji, TAKEMURA Toshihiko, TAKEMURA Kazuhisa

     View Summary

    It is clarified that utilization of information and communication technology makes employees communication vital and improve information sharing under a flat organization of enterprises. Therefore, the information and communication technology has a positive effect to the volume and speed of information within the organization. It is also clarified that individual employees subjective evaluation to merit-based wage system has a positive effect to employees utility function. Finally, it is also clarified that degree of PC utilization and mobile PC utilization shift utility functions upward.

  • How to promote cooperation in an unequal society : Extending the findings of studies of basic psychological process to prescriptive studies.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KARASAWA Kaori, TODAYAMA Kazuhisa, TAKEMURA Kazuhisa, FUJII Satoshi

     View Summary

    This study examined the determinants of attitudes toward under-privileged. More specifically, it focuses on the intention of support provision and attitude toward the governmental intervention to reduce the inequality. Furthermore, the study discusses the contribution of social psychological knowledge to solve the real world problems such as inequality, the ethical issues concerning the application of the knowledge, and the methodology of the prescriptive studies whose major thrust is to provide with the practical guidance for social system planning to solve the problems in our society.

  • Study of socio-economic phenomenon using decision process analysis

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKEMURA Kazuhisa

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to examine contingent judgment and decision making process in socio-economic environments using several psychological methods, and to make psychometric models, and mathematical models. Decision making process can be observed in our social lives and socio-economic phenomenon. People judge or make decisions in various situations in socio-economic settings. Investigation of their decision making process is considered to be effective for understanding socio-economic phenomenon.
    Utility theory is a representative system for explaining various decision making phenomena. It uses mathematical methods and is introduced frequently in consumer activity research in the field of political economy. Although utility theory can explain most decision making phenomena, it cannot completely explain contingent decision making due to problem description, decision procedure, and external task factors. For example, as Tversky and Kahneman illustrated, even if the completely same alternatives are formed in the same objective situation, the decision made may be different, depending on the way in which a mental representation is created.
    This study first explained why utility theory cannot completely explain contingent decision making. Secondly, new qualitative models of contingent decision making were proposed in this study, since utility theories (including such nonlinear utility theories as the rank-dependent utility theory) are often violated as pointed out above. Thirdly, we found basic types of social situations and contexts of judgment and decision-making using social survey research, interview methods, and theoretical analysis. Fourthly, we found qualitative and quantitative properties of contingent judgment and decision-making in social environments using several psychological experiments. Fifthly, we found qualitative properties of cognitive process in risk judgment and decision-making using process-tracing techniques in psychological experiments. Finally, based on the empirical findings through experiments and social survey, we made psychometric models using fuzzy set theory and mathematical models to describe contingent judgment and decision-making in socio-economic environments.
    These findings were reported at international and domestic academic meetings. Some of the findings were published in academic journals.

  • A study on prescriptions for social consensus building in society where there are diverse values

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUJII Satoshi, TAKEMURA Kazuhisa, KIKKAWA Toshiko

     View Summary

    In our society, there are various social values. This diversity of social values would be important for survival of society. However, at the same time, such diversity is an important cause of social conflicts. With this cognition, we implemented social survey to investigate people's social valued underlying social behavior in this study. We implemented a survey to ask participants which policy measures would make approve each of the following risks : nuclear power plants, traffic accidents, food safety, electrical appliances, and medical mishaps. These results indicate that risk acceptance cannot be fully explained only by objectively achieved security, but other factors, such as scientific understanding and trust in workers and organizations, were also found to be important for increasing risk acceptance. Furthermore, we implemented panel survey to investigate of trust toward nuclear power plant. The survey indicates the negative event have negative effect on trust and the effect continues at least for a year.

  • Study of contingent judgment and decision making process in social environments

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKEMURA Kazuhisa, NAKAMURA Yutaka

     View Summary

    Contingent judgment and decision-making can be observed in our social lives. The purpose of this study is to examine contingent judgment and decision making process in social environments using several psychological methods, and to make psychometric models, mathematical models, and representation theorems for the predictions of judgment and decision phenomena. First, we found basic types of social situations and contexts of judgment and decision-making using social survey research and interview methods. Second, we found qualitative and quantitative properties of contingent judgment and decision-making in social environments using several psychological experiments. Third, we found qualitative properties of cognitive process in contingent judgment and decision-making using process-tracing techniques in psychological experiments. Fourth, based on the empirical findings through experiments and social survey, we made psychometric models and mathematical models to describe contingent judgment and decision-making. Finally, we found representation theorems of some mathematical models. These findings have been reported at international and domestic academic meetings. Some of the findings have been published in academic journals and books.

  • Experimental study of contingent judgment and decision making and investigation for psychometric and mathematical model as well as the representation theorem.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKEMURA Kazuhisa, NAKAMURA Yutaka

     View Summary

    Contingency in judgment and decision-making is considered to be a phenomenon in which judgment and decision making are dependent with contexts, verbal phrases cues. The purpose of this study is to examine contingent judgment and decision making through several psychological experiments, and to make psychometric models, mathematical models, and representation theorems for the predictions of judgment and decision phenomena. First, we clarified basic types of situations and contexts of judgment and decision-making using social survey methods. Second, we found qualitative and quantitative properties of contingent judgment and decision-making through psychological experiments. Third, we found qualitative properties of cognitive process in contingent judgment and decision-making using process-tracing techniques in psychological experiments. Fourth, based on the empirical findings through experiments and social survey, we made psychometric models and mathematical models to describe contingent judgment and decision-making. Finally, we found representation theorems of some mathematical models. These findings have been reported at international and domestic academic meetings. Some of the findings have been published in academic journals and books.

  • 行動意思決定論を基にした多元的価値下での処方的社会心理学の構築

    竹村 和久

  • 空間的表現による社会的認知の測定法および分析法の開発と臨床社会心理学への応用

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)

  • 消費者の購買意思決定を規定する状況要因の分析とその心理モデルの作成

    科学研究費助成事業(筑波大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

  • 「あいまい」な情報下での意思決定過程の分析とその心理モデルの作成

    科学研究費助成事業(筑波大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

  • 意思決定における心的構成効果の心理計量モデルの作成とその妥当性研究

    科学研究費助成事業(筑波大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

  • 相談による共同意思決定過程の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(筑波大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

  • 判断と意思決定の状況依存性の解明とその心理計量モデルの作成

    科学研究費助成事業(筑波大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

  • 新しい描画調査の開発とその画像解析による社会心理学的応用

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)

  • Support for Experimental Social Science Research

  • Microanalysis of decision making process

  • Study on responsibility judgment for organizations and groups

  • Construal Level Theory and the Determining Factors of Customer Satisfaction

  • イメージ描画と風景構成図の統計的画像処理による社会的認知研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)

  • 行動意思決定研究を基礎とした多元的価値下での処方的社会心理学の構築

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))

  • 状況要因と選択目標を考慮した消費者選択行動の研究~理論の体系化に向けて~

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

  • アイカメラを用いた消費者行動研究

  • 消費者のサービス受容の研究

  • 意思決定過程の分析

  • 無知下の意思決定の研究

  • リスクコミュニケーション研究

▼display all


  • 統合失調症患者と健常者の樹木画における描画特徴の比較

    川杉 桂太, 岩滿 優美, 轟 慶子, 菅原 ひとみ, 小林 史乃, 小平 明子, 延藤 麻子, 塚本 康之, 西澤 さくら, 轟 純一, 竹村 和久

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   83回   396 - 396  2019.08

  • 選好の形成過程に関する実験的検討

    井出野 尚, 竹村和久

    選好形成と意思意思決定 勁草書房    2018.08

  • 効果的なリスクコミュニケーション手法の検討とツールの開発 リスクコミュニケーションツールの普及の検討

    穐山浩, 杉浦淳吉, 吉川肇子, 織朱實, 高木彩, 竹村和久, 佐藤由紀子

    効果的なリスクコミュニケーション手法の検討とツールの開発 平成29年度 総括・分担研究報告書(Web)    2018


  • Preference for symmetrical rectangles in schizophrenic patients

    Hitomi Sugawara, Keita Kawasugi, Keiko Todoroki, Akiko Kodaira, Sakura Nishizawa, Kazuhisa Takemura, Kenji Yamamoto, Hitoshi Miyaoka, Yumi Iwamitsu

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   1172 - 1173  2016.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Context effects in consumer decision making

    Kazuhisa Takemura

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   443 - 443  2016.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • A study of multi-attribute decision making and reasoning process: Using an eye-tracking methods

    Takashi Ideno, Masahiro Morii, Mitsuhiro Okada, Kazuhisa Takemura

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   340 - 340  2016.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Cognitive Effort and Accuracy of Two-Stage Decision Making: A Computer Simulation Approach

    Ryohei Haraguchi, Yuki Tamari, Kazuhisa Takemura

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   1165 - 1165  2016.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Effects of graphical representation in multi-attribute tables: An eye-tracking study

    Masahiro Moril, Takashi Ideno, Mitsuhiro Okada, Kazuhisa Takemura

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   340 - 340  2016.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Computer simulation study of decision strategies in which each attribute is dichotomous

    Yuki Tamari, Ryohei Haraguchi, Takashi Ideno, Kazuhisa Takemura

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   340 - 340  2016.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Effect of spatial distance on consumer choice process in picture and text based advertisings

    Kazuhisa Takemura, Ayaka Katsura, Takashi Ldeno, Shiori Tatem-Atsu, Haiime Murakami, Takeshi Moriguchi, Shuzo Abe

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   443 - 444  2016.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • The Priority Heuristic in The Effort-accuracy Framework: A Computer Simulation Approach

    Hajime Murakami, Natsumi Niwa, Ryohei Haraguchi, Yuki Tamari, Kazuhisa Takemura

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   340 - 340  2016.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • SAO6-1-6 消費者の多属性意思決定過程における多段階的決定方略の検討(特別セッション マーケティングの新機軸-理論と応用の接点-)

    井出野 尚, 原口 僚平, 村上 姶, 玉利 祐樹, 竹村 和久

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   43   388 - 389  2015.09


  • SAO6-1-4 潜在意味解析モデルを用いた言語プロトコルと描画による消費者のリスク判断の検討(特別セッション マーケティングの新機軸-理論と応用の接点-)

    玉利 祐樹, 井出野 尚, 竹村 和久

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   43   382 - 383  2015.09


  • Behavioral decision theory: Psychological and mathematical descriptions of human choice behavior

    Kazuhisa Takemura

    Behavioral Decision Theory: Psychological and Mathematical Descriptions of Human Choice Behavior   9784431545804   1 - 207  2014.12


     View Summary

    This book provides an overview of behavioral decision theory and related research findings. In brief, behavioral decision theory is a general term for descriptive theories to explain the psychological knowledge related to decision-making behavior. It is called a theory, but actually it is a combination of various psychological theories, for which no axiomatic systems, such as the utility theory widely used in economics, have been established
    it is often limited to qualitative knowledge. However, as suggested in the studies of H. A. Simon, who won the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1978, and D. Kahneman, who won the prize in 2002, the psychological methodology and knowledge of behavioral decision theory have been applied widely in such fields as economics, business administration, and engineering, and are expected to become more useful in the future. This book explains various behavioral decision theories related to decision-making processes. Numerous models have been proposed to explain the psychological processes related to such a selection of decision strategies, and this book also introduces some new models that are useful to explain decision-making processes. The book concludes with speculation about the future of modern behavioral decision theories while referring to their relation to fields associated with neuroscience, such as neuroeconomics, that have been developed in recent years. In addition, each chapter includes a bibliography that can be referred to when studying more details related to behavioral decision theory. Reading this book requires no advanced expertise
    nonetheless, an introductory knowledge of psychology, business administration, and economics, and approximately a high school graduate's level of mathematics should facilitate the reader's comprehension of the content.


  • SE3-3 地域での価値観の定性的測定と数量化(特別セッション 文化の測定方法の多様なあり方:定量的手法と定性的手法の活用)

    竹村 和久, 竹内 潤子, 今関 仁智, 玉利 祐樹, 井出野 尚

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   42   208 - 211  2014.09


  • Eye-Tracking Study of Consumer Decision Making Process - An Examination of the Effect of Discount Rate for Advertisement Leaflets -

    井出野尚, 大久保重孝, 玉利祐樹, 伊豫部紀子, 村上始, 竹村和久

    日本感性工学会論文誌(Web)   13 ( 4 ) 535-541 (J-STAGE)  2014


  • SB5-3 リスク認知における3事象間の連想構造の測定 : 潜在的連想テストを用いて(特別セッション 潜在認知の行動計量)

    井出野 尚, 大久保 重孝, 玉利 祐樹, 竹村 和久

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   41   312 - 313  2013.09


  • SB5-1 描画の画像解析による心理評価(特別セッション 潜在認知の行動計量)

    竹村 和久, 岩満 優美

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   41   304 - 307  2013.09


  • SB5-4 眼球運動測定を用いた多属性意思決定における潜在的認知過程の検討 : 情報モニタリング法を用いて(特別セッション 潜在認知の行動計量)

    大久保 重孝, 井出野 尚, 玉利 祐樹, 竹村 和久

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   41   314 - 315  2013.09


  • SB5-5 描画と言語プロトコルによる選択行動の分析(特別セッション 潜在認知の行動計量)

    玉利 祐樹, 井出野 尚, 大久保 重孝, 竹村 和久

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   41   316 - 317  2013.09


  • Preference construction process by choice: Eye movement and preference analysis

    Kazuhisa Takemura, Yuki Tamari, Takayuki Skagami, Takashi Ideno, Takayuki Tannno, Tsuyoshi Hatori, Mikiya Hayashi, Shigataka Ohkubo, Satoshi Fujii


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Primary attributes and secondary attributes in consumer decision making: Examination of construal level theory

    Yuki Tamari, Shuzo Abe, Shigetaka Okubo, Takashi Ideno, Kazuhisa Takemura


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Dimensions of a "good society" using projective cognitive map techniques

    Junko Takeuchi, Masatoshi Imaseki, Takashi Ideno, Kazuhisa Takemura


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Causes for attention to nuclear power plant in Japan

    Kazuhisa Takemura, Takashi Ideno, Tsuyoshi Hatori


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Individual differences in construal level and decision making

    Takashi Ideno, Kazuhisa Takemura, Shigetaka Okubo, Yuki Tamari, Shuzo Abe


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • 自分の幸福の選択 : 合理的意思決定の不可能性と矛盾の中での選択(特別セッション リエゾン心身処方学の展開-行動計量からの挑戦-3)

    竹村 和久

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   39   19 - 22  2011.09


  • 解釈レベル理論を用いた消費者行動の分析

    阿部周造, 守口剛, 恩蔵直人, 竹村和久

    行動経済学   3   178 - 182  2011

  • IATを用いた精神疾患に対する差別的態度の評価 医学生を対象として

    奈古 利恵, 西堀 瑛美, 森山 まどか, 安藤 玲奈, 大森 中, 川島 義高, 舘野 周, 大久保 善朗, 井出野 尚, 高橋 英彦, 竹村 和久

    日本医科大学医学会雑誌   6 ( 4 ) 233 - 233  2010.10

  • 意志決定と幸福の条件に関する行動計量学的アプローチ(リエゾン心身処方学の展開-行動計量学からの挑戦-1,日本行動計量学会 第38大会 抄録集)

    竹村 和久

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   38   40 - 41  2010.09


  • PII-39 The effect of freedom of choice on preference

    TANNO Takayuki, TAKEMURA Kazuhisa, FUJII Satoshi, HATORI Tsuyoshi, IDENO Takashi, OKUBO Shigetaka, SAKAGAMI Takayuki

      ( 28 ) 124 - 124  2010.09  [Refereed]


  • 状況依存的焦点モデルの基礎(認知的・統計的・実践的意思決定モデルとしての『状況依存的焦点モデル』,日本行動計量学会 第38大会 抄録集)

    竹村 和久, 藤井 聡

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   38   134 - 137  2010.09  [Refereed]


  • 交通情報提供に対する焦点化についての実験研究(認知的・統計的・実践的意思決定モデルとしての『状況依存的焦点モデル』,日本行動計量学会 第38大会 抄録集)

    菊池 輝, 山本 貴之, 竹村 和久, 藤井 聡

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   38   138 - 141  2010.09  [Refereed]


  • バス利便性への焦点化による居住地選択誘導のためのコミュニケーション(認知的・統計的・実践的意思決定モデルとしての『状況依存的焦点モデル』,日本行動計量学会 第38大会 抄録集)

    谷口 綾子, 藤井 聡, 竹村 和久

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   38   142 - 145  2010.09  [Refereed]


  • カテゴリー判断における焦点化効果 : 心の箱モデルによる説明(認知的・統計的・実践的意思決定モデルとしての『状況依存的焦点モデル』,日本行動計量学会 第38大会 抄録集)

    羽鳥 剛史, 竹村 和久, 藤井 聡, 井出野 尚

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   38   146 - 147  2010.09  [Refereed]


  • IATを用いた精神疾患に対する差別的態度の評価 医学生を対象として

    奈古 利恵, 西堀 瑛美, 森山 まどか, 安藤 玲奈, 大森 中, 川島 義高, 井出野 尚, 高橋 英彦, 舘野 周, 竹村 和久, 大久保 善朗

    医学教育   41 ( Suppl. ) 193 - 193  2010.07

  • 医学生・研修医における精神疾患への態度 教育・BSL・研修前後の変化についての検討

    大森 中, 川島 義高, 舘野 周, 井出野 尚, 高橋 英彦, 竹村 和久, 大久保 善朗

    精神神経学雑誌   ( 2010特別 ) S - 208  2010.05

  • 特別セッション:消費者の選好判断過程に及ぼす背景効果:— fMRIによる脳機能画像計測実験を用いて—

    竹村 和久, 井出野 尚, 大久保 重孝, 小高 文聰, 高橋 英彦

    行動経済学   3   99 - 102  2010

     View Summary


    DOI CiNii

  • 4.精神疾患者による描画の画像解析 : 樹木画テストの特異値分解(一般セッション 心理学I)

    竹村 和久, 佐藤 菜生, 高崎 いゆき, 岩満 優美, 菊池 裕義, 吉田 勝明

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   37   40 - 41  2009.07


  • パラメータの状況依存性を考慮した環境配慮行動意図に関する分析(セッションS-10(MK202) 特別セッション 意思決定理論と計量)

    太田 裕之, 竹村 和久, 藤井 聡

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   35   209 - 210  2007.09


  • 意思決定研究における方法論 : 多属性意思決定分析を中心にして(セッションS-10(MK202) 特別セッション 意思決定理論と計量)

    竹村 和久

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   35   205 - 208  2007.09


  • 描画によるリスク認知の研究-フィリピンのスモールスケールマイナーの事例-

    佐藤菜生, 高崎いゆき, 村尾智, 吉川肇子, 竹村和久

    日本感性工学会大会予稿集   9th(CD-ROM)  2007


  • 自分のまちの好きなところ嫌いなところ-風景描画法による態度の分析-

    高崎いゆき, 佐藤菜生, 吉川肇子, 藤井聡, 桑垣玲子, 堀井秀之, 竹村和久

    土木計画学研究・講演集(CD-ROM)   36  2007


  • 意思決定過程の心理学


    経済心理学のすすめ     45 - 68  2007


  • A study on formation process of nation's trust toward government that implements public works

    MIYAKAWA Ayu, FUJII Satoshi, TAKEMURA Kazuhisa, KIKKAWA Toshiko

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)   24   121 - 129  2007

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to clarify how to develop people&#039;s trust in the government. The scenario experiment was conducted to verify a cognitive process model for trust development which was proposed in previous research (Fujii, 2006). As a result of the regression analyses, the hypotheses were supported.&lt;BR&gt;These results imply that at first, although the people watches an administrative reliability action with eyes of suspicion, if people understand that the government perform public works to bring up social benefits, a crisis of collapse of trust would be avoided.

    DOI CiNii

  • あいまい性を考慮した印象形成の研究 : 所持ブランドが人物の印象形成に及ぼす効果のファジィ回帰分析(心理I)

    高階 勇人, 小野 講介, 竹村 和久

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   34   86 - 87  2006.08


  • 高レベル放射性廃棄物処分事業の意思決定に影響を及ぼす心理要因の分析~一般市民アンケート調査による賛否態度と情報ニーズの分析結果~

    桑垣玲子, 石橋陽一郎, 鳥海真, 藤井聡, 吉川肇子, 竹村和久, 堀井秀之

    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM)   2006  2006


  • 意思決定フレームの言語プロトコル分析—潜在意味解析を用いて—

    大良宏樹, 竹村和久, 藤井聡

    日本感性工学会大会予稿集   7th   241  2005.09


  • 行動意思決定論入門(11)意思決定のプロセス

    竹村 和久

    経済セミナ-   ( 606 ) 97 - 104  2005.07


  • 行動意思決定論入門(10)フレーミング効果を説明する理論

    竹村 和久

    経済セミナ-   ( 605 ) 92 - 97  2005.06


  • 行動意思決定論入門(9)意思決定のフレーミング効果

    竹村 和久

    経済セミナ-   ( 604 ) 104 - 111  2005.05


  • 行動意思決定論入門(8)プロスペクト理論と意思決定現象

    竹村 和久

    経済セミナ-   ( 603 ) 99 - 106  2005.04


  • 曖昧な選好と非対称データ : ファジィ選好モデルとファジィ回帰によるデータ解析法の提案(非対象データの分析, 第32回 日本行動計量学会大会発表一覧)

    竹村 和久

    行動計量学   32 ( 1 ) 95 - 95  2005.03


  • 心理描画の画像解析とその解釈(心理III, 第32回 日本行動計量学会大会発表一覧)

    竹村 和久, 高崎 いゆき, 岩満 優美

    行動計量学   32 ( 1 ) 88 - 88  2005.03


  • 行動意思決定論入門(7)選好のパラドックスと非線形効用理論

    竹村 和久

    経済セミナ-   ( 602 ) 94 - 100  2005.03


  • 行動意思決定論入門(6)期待効用理論の公理とその反例

    竹村 和久

    経済セミナ-   ( 601 ) 104 - 109  2005.02


  • 行動意思決定論入門(5)期待効用理論と心理学

    竹村 和久

    経済セミナ-   ( 600 ) 121 - 127  2005.01


  • リスク評価と期待効用理論

    竹村 和久

    同志社大学ヒューマン・セキュリティ研究センター年報   ( 2 ) 197 - 213  2005


  • 囚人のジレンマゲームにおける意思決定と焦点化 (〔日本理論心理学会〕年次大会特集 第50回大会) -- (企画セッション1:意思決定の理論と実証)

    藤井 聡, 竹村 和久, 吉川 肇子

    理論心理学研究   7 ( 1 ) 32 - 35  2005


  • 行動意思決定論入門(4)選好逆転の心理と顕著性仮説

    竹村 和久

    経済セミナ-   ( 599 ) 102 - 107  2004.12


  • 意思決定フレームの言語プロトコル分析(<一般セッション13>意思決定)(第31回 日本行動計量学会大会発表一覧)

    竹村 和久, 藤井 聡

    行動計量学   31 ( 2 ) 151 - 151  2004.09


  • 行動意思決定論入門(1)意思決定現象と行動意思決定論

    竹村 和久

    経済セミナ-   ( 596 ) 35 - 41  2004.09


  • 心理描画の画像解析とその解釈(心理III)

    竹村 和久, 高崎 いゆき, 岩満 優美

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   32   130 - 133  2004.09


  • 曖昧な選好と非対称データ : ファジィ選好モデルとファジィ回帰によるデータ解析法の提案(非対称データの分析)

    竹村 和久

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   32   264 - 267  2004.09


  • G5-3 内集団と外集団に対する経済的満足度の推定(一般セッション(G5) : 人間科学)(第30回日本行動計量学会大会発表一覧)

    唐沢 かおり, 竹村 和久, 藤井 聡

    行動計量学   30 ( 2 ) 230 - 230  2004.01


  • A report on workshop for small-scale miners

    KIKKAWA Toshiko, MURAO Satoshi, KURITA Hideyuki, TAKEMURA Kazuhisa, SUZUKI Seiji

    地域安全学会梗概集   ( 15 ) 137 - 138  2004

     View Summary

    The authors briefly report the results and the evaluation of &#039;A meeting to study business practices of small-scale gold-mining in Benguet, Philippines&#039;, held on the 17^&lt;th&gt;, March, 2004. It was the first workshop that almost all of the interested parties of small scale mining participated. In the workshop, various problems, such as safety problems about small scale minig, insurance system, relationship between associations of small scale miners and Benguet Corporation, and so on, were discussed among participants. Interestingly enough, active participation and feedback were obtained from small scale miners. Although some conflicts were found during the discussion, general evaluation of the participants was found to be positive.


  • 意思決定フレームの言語プロトコル分析

    竹村 和久, 藤井 聡

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   31   360 - 363  2003.09


  • Contingent Focus Model of Decision Framing Under Risk

    Technical report   ( 67 ) 51 - 67  2003.03


  • 災害リスク認知とコミュニケーション

    藤井聡, 竹村和久, 吉川肇子, 横松宗太

    土木計画学研究・講演集(CD-ROM)   27  2003


  • Interdisciplinary study on environmental management, environment plan and risk communication in the gold rush region.4) Field study of the mercury contamination and risk communication operation.

    世良耕一郎, 赤木洋勝, 松山明人, 村尾智, 山本真司, 温品廉三, 吉川肇子, 竹村和久, MAGLAMBAYAN V

    ゴールドラッシュ地域における環境管理、環境計画及びリスクコミュニケーションに関する学際的研究 平成12-14年度    2003


  • 内集団と外集団に対する経済的満足度の推定(人間科学)

    唐沢 かおり, 竹村 和久, 藤井 聡

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   30   108 - 109  2002.08


  • Fuzzy Regression Analysis for Fuzzy Input-Output Data using the Least Squares Method Based on the Extension Principle

    TAKEMURA Kazuhisa

      17   799 - 800  2001.09


  • Prediction of Consumer Behavioral Intention Using Fuzzy Rating Data

    WAKAYAMA Daiki, TAKEMURA Kazuhisa

      17   165 - 168  2001.09


  • 状況依存焦点モデルによるフレーミング効果のメタ分析

    藤井 聡, 竹村 和久

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   29   164 - 167  2001.08


  • 多属性意思決定の計算論的フレーム理論

    竹村 和久, 藤井 聡

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   29   160 - 163  2001.08


  • Can eye-gaze recordings explain preferences for frequency- and probability-based alternatives?

    O Boe, M Selart, K Takemura

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   35 ( 3-4 ) 268 - 268  2000.06

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • 消費者の店舗利用の構造 : SS利用に関する市場調査データの共分散構造分析

    竹村 和久

    日本行動計量学会大会発表論文抄録集   26   243 - 246  1998.09


  • 4.消費者の心的モノサシ-状況依存的購買意思決定の定性的モデル-

    竹村 和久

    繊維製品消費科学 = Journal of the Japan Reseach Association for textile end-uses   39 ( 7 ) 27 - 32  1998.07


  • 6. 「ファジィ評定データの可能性線形回帰分析」(評価問題研究会 FAN Symposium'95 オーガナイズドセッション)

    竹村 和久, 侯 徳宇, 呉 俊彦

    日本ファジィ学会誌   7 ( 6 ) 1169 - 1169  1995.12


  • 個人的意思決定の行動論的分析


    東京工業大学平成6年度学位論文    1995


  • 状況に依存する判断および意思決定を相互比較できる条件は何か


    日本グループ ダイナミックス学会第43回大会発表論文集     26 - 29  1995


  • 1. ファジィ評定による心理データの測定とその分析(ノンエンジニアリング・ファジィ第25回研究会)

    竹村 和久

    日本ファジィ学会誌   3 ( 4 ) 97 - 98  1991.11


  • 汎用統計パッケージSPSS^Xのサブプログラム

    小野寺 義孝, 吉村 英, 竹村 和久, 山本 嘉一郎

    大阪大学大型計算機センターニュース   70   71 - 159  1988.08

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  • 人間の合理性、非合理性、利他性、利己性の問題に関心があります。また、応用領域として、リスクコミュニケーションやマーケティングの問題に関心があります。



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Overseas Activities

  • 判断と意思決定の研究


    ドイツ   コンスタンツ大学

    台湾   国立成功大学

  • 意思決定過程の研究


    スウェーデン   ストックホルム大学


  • Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences

  • Faculty of Commerce   Graduate School of Commerce

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2021

    Center for Decision Research   Director of Research Institute

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 社会的意思決定に関する質的資料と計量データの統合研究

    2023   井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 村上始, 川杉桂太

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  • 精神・身体疾患患者の心理相談における意思決定支援法の意思決定科学による研究と 開発

    2022   岩満優美, 川杉桂太, 村上始, 井出野尚, 玉利祐樹

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  • 社会的意思決定事例の文献研究および質的・量的研究

    2022   井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 村上始

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  • 最悪な選択と回避方法の臨床心理学的検討

    2021   井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 村上始, 川杉桂太, 劉放, 李芝林, 高橋英彦, 中丸麻由子, 岩滿優美, 轟慶子

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  • 消費者行動における眼球運動と心理生理過程の統合的理論研究とその応用

    2021   井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 村上始, 川杉桂太, 劉放, 李芝林

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  • 社会的価値観についての認知マップを利用した測定と面接研究

    2020   川杉桂太, 村上始, 岩満優美, 玉利祐樹, 井出野尚, 渡辺藍丸 , 李芝林, 劉放, 楊政達

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  • 人々の社会観についての定性的測定と定量的測定の統合的研究


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  • 不合理な意思決定の微視的過程の研究


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  • 社会デザインの心理科学とその応用

    2017   坂上貴之, 井出野尚, 岩満優美, 羽鳥剛史, 藤井聡, 横尾真

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  • 社会的状況における多属性意思決定過程の微視的分析法の開発と実証研究

    2017   岩満優美, 井出野尚, 玉利祐樹, 坂上貴之

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     本研究では、社会状況における人々の意思決定過程の微視的分析をするための方法論の開発と、その方法論を用いた基礎研究ならびに実務的な応用研究を行うことを目的とした。 具体的には、1)社会的状況における人々の意思決定の微視的過程を明らかにするための方法論の開発、2)開発された方法論によって測定された微視的過程の数理的解析や、計算機シミュレーション研究などによる理論的分析を通じた、意思決定過程における極めて短時間での微視的分析を用いた意思決定モデルの開発、3)実験心理学的手法、観察法、調査法を用いた、社会的状況の意思決定の微視的過程の知見の総合、4)医療心理、リスク・コミュニケーションなど具体的な社会の実務的諸問題に対する事例研究、および5)提案方法の評価研究の、5つを目的とした。 まず、第一の目的では、社会的状況における人々の意思決定の微視的過程を明らかにするための方法論の改良と開発を行う。そのために、公理論的数理モデル、計量的モデルの観点から整備して、つぎに実証的な方法論、すなわち眼球運動解析、情報モニタリング法、プロトコル法などの過程追跡技法の改良を行う。このとき、意思決定過程中の脳機能画像研究による知見にファジィ理論を含んだ数理心理学の知見を導入し、これらの知見を誤差項や個人差を考慮した統計的手法や計量モデリングきる分析スキーマを提示して、社会的状況における意思決定過程の微視的分析の方法論を提示することを目標とした。つぎに、第二の目的のために、社会的状況における意思決定の微視的過程の公理論的観点および数理計量的な観点からの数理的解析、解析的に導出できない場合の大規模計算機シミュレーション研究などによる理論的分析を通じて、意思決定の数理モデル、計量モデルを開発した。第三の目的のために、神経科学的手法、実験心理学的手法、観察法、調査法を用いた、社会的状況の意思決定過程の微視的過程の知見を総合した。これらの方法は従来の方法に加えて、第一の目的の実施のために開発した諸方法をもとに行う。最後に、第四の目的のために、社会問題を意思決定の微視的過程の観点からどのように取り上げて、諸問題に関する事例研究と処方の視点を提示することを検討するが、例えば、医療心理の問題では、癌患者にどのような医療の選択をするかにあたって、臨床心理学的な観点とも統合しながら、意思決定の支援を行い、サポートをどのようにしていったらよいのかということへの示唆を行うための検討を行った。

  • 多属性意思決定の微視的過程追跡調査研究とその応用


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  • 多属性意思決定過程の心理計量モデルの開発とそれに基づく行動経済学的研究


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    &nbsp; 本研究では、社会状況における人々の多属性意思決定過程の分析をするための方法論の開発と、その方法論を用いた意思決定の数理モデルの作成とその数理モデルに基づく心理計量モデルの作成を行い,行動経済学的実験および調査を行った。具体的には、1)社会的状況における人々の多属性意思決定過程を明らかにするための方法論の開発、2)開発された方法論によって測定された微視的過程の数理的解析や数理的モデルの作成,それに基づく心理計量モデルの開発,3)多属性意思決定の数理モデル,および心理計量モデルによる行動経済学的実験、調査法を用いた、社会的状況における多属性意思決定過程に関する知見の考察を行った。これらの研究の成果は、学会発表、研究論文、書籍などにおいて公表された。

  • 質感認知と選好形成に影響を及ぼす社会的要因の検討


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     本研究では、これまであまり扱われていなかった、選択行為、所有行為、社会的交換、社会的文脈情報などの社会的要因が質感認知にどのように影響をするかを明らかにしようとした。特に、質的面接やヒアリング法を用いた社会調査や、眼球運動測定装置と情報モニタリング法などの過程追跡技法を用いて、連続する選択行為が、対象への選好と質感認知に及ぼす効果を検討した。この研究では、2つの選択肢に対する大小判断課題を行った後に、好ましい対象物の選択という選好課題と質感認知判断課題を行った。本研究では、これまであまり扱われていなかった社会的要因に焦点を当てて、この要因の質的認知に及ぼす効果を検討し、芸術や工芸をはじめ、衣食住などの社会的、文化的側面に質感認知がどのようにかかわるか、また、選好形成にどのように係わるかを明らかにした。  質的認知の研究は、多様な側面を持っており、いろいろな歴史資料館、公文書館、博物館などでの質的表現と認知についての調査やヒアリングをまず行った。また、質的認知における実験では、実験時の眼球運動および選好反応を測定した。実験研究では、好ましさや価値に直接的な結びつきが無いと考えられる選択が、後続する選好判断や対象の質感認知に影響を与えるか、また、どのような影響を与えるかを分析した。この研究では、2つの選択肢に対する大小判断課題(以下,知覚判断課題)を行った後に、好ましい対象物の選択という選好課題を行う。知覚判断課題で多数回選択を行った対象刺激の選好課題での選択率およびその質感認知を分析した。さらに、知覚判断課題を通し、特定の刺激が提示されたらボタン押しによって選択を行うといった、刺激と選択行動とのマッチングを学習し,多選択ターゲットへの選好が変容していない可能性があるので、本実験研究では、同一の知覚判断課題によって選好と無関連な選択の操作を行い,選好の測定課題に‘嫌いな対象物の選択課題’を用いても実験を行う。知覚判断課題によって多選択ターゲットの選好が上昇すると仮定した場合,‘嫌いな’対象物の選択課題では、また、その多選択ターゲットの選択率が低下することが予想され、実験結果はその予想を支持した。 質感認知は、様々な心理的要因のもとでの価値判断的側面をもっているが、社会的要因の操作は、注意に影響して、それが選好判断や質感認知に影響を与えると考える。我々が開発した状況依存的焦点モデル(竹村,1994, Fujii,& Takemura,2002)をもとに仮定により、質的認知の理論的考察も行った。 本研究では、質感認知も質感認知も、視覚的、触覚的、味覚的側面の多角性を持って検討し、選好については、好悪や価値判断を含めた形の多角的な検討を行った。本研究を通じ、質感認知が関係する芸術や工芸をはじめ、衣食住などの社会的、文化的側面に質感認知がかかわることが示唆された。

  • 描画の画像解析による計量的心理特徴分析法の開発とそれに基づく実験心理学的研究


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        臨床心理学や精神医学の領域においては、クライエントに描画をさせ、その描画の特徴から、臨床的な診断を行うということがなされている(岩満他,2004)。さらに、発達心理学の領域においても、児童の発達段階を確認したり、児童の問題行動を理解するために、描画が用いられることが多い(Wallon,et.al.1990)。さらに、タブーが存在したり、社会的望ましさの観点から認知を言語報告しにくいような場合、一般成人を対象にして、描画を用いた調査手法が用いられることがある(竹村他,2003)。本研究では、このような心理描画をいくつかの領域に分割し、その濃淡の濃度ヒストグラムによる頻度分布、空間濃度レベル依存法や濃度レベル差分法による描画の定量的特徴、さらに色の配色に関する定量的分析することを第一の目的とした。また、質問紙調査の結果によって、この特徴次元と評価者の印象用語との関連性構造を多変量解析によって明らかにすることを第二の目的とした。さらに、これらの分析によって得られた基本的特徴の心理的効果を、実験心理学的な手法により明らかにし、描画の心理的解釈の妥当性を明らかにすることを第三の目的とした。 研究では一般成人を対象者として描画を求める。この方法は、「実のなる木を描いてください」というよなバウムテストや、「日常の生活で危険と思う出来事を絵にしてください」というようなリスクに関する描画などを求めた。 ここで得られた描画像をスキャナーを用いて計算機の画像に描画を取り込み、画像をいくつかに分割する。バウムテストの場合は、用紙の画像を縦横にそれぞれ2等分し、4つの領域に分けた。分割された画像を画像解析ソフトウェアにより、濃度解析し、濃度ヒストグラムから、平均、分散、歪度、尖度などを求める。さらに、分割された画像に対して、空間濃度レベル依存法によって、エネルギー、エントロピー、相関、局所一様性、慣性などを求めた。また、画像に対して、濃度レベル差分法によって、コントラスト、角度別二次モーメント、エントロピー、平均、逆差分モーメントなどを求めた。また、画像の特異値分析や独立成分分析によって、画像の次元を抽出した。 分析による描画の定量的特徴から描画の解釈を行い、あわせて臨床的観点、あるいは問題解決的観点からの全体的評価との総合評価を行う。この作業は、臨床心理士や精神医学者などの専門家の判断をもとに行った。これによって得られた評価データと描画の特徴との対応関係構造を多変量解析を用いて検討した。 これらの研究成果は、国内外の学会や研究集会で公表された。

  • 判断と意思決定の認知・生理過程の解明とそれに基づく社会的処方研究


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    社会的状況における人間の判断と意思決定は、状況依存的であることがこれまでの研究でわかっている。たとえば、経済学における効用理論に基づいて価格政策を行おうとしても、効用理論の硬直性から、消費者の判断と意思決定の状況依存性に対応出来ず、失敗することがある。また、金融政策において、減税政策を行ったにも関わらず消費が伸び悩んでしまうということがしばしば起こっている。さらに、個人の日常生活における意思決定においても、判断や意思決定が社会的環境に依存してなされるために、社会的予測が間違ったり、無効になったりすることがある。しかしながら、これらの社会的環境における状況依存性を、非合理なバイアスであるとかエラー、誤差であるとみるのではなく、系統的な性質を持っていると考えることによって、個人の意思決定行動の説明、予測、そして意思決定の支援などがより有効になると期待できる。さらには、器質障害や心因的障害に起因した、意思決定に関する臨床的障害などの問題を改善するためにも、判断と意思決定の認知過程や脳内過程を解明することは重要である。 本研究では、社会的状況における判断と意思決定の認知・生理過程を種々の基礎心理実験と調査を通じて解明する。そしてその状況依存性を理論的観点から説明し、予測可能な心理計量モデル、その数理心理モデルを構成し、さらに、この数理心理モデルを脳内メカニズムとの対応において実証的観点から検討した。そうして得られた非常に基礎的な心理学的知見に基づいて,社会的政策や実務的問題解決の処方法を提案することを、最終的な目標とした。 近年、PET、MRI、NIRSなどの脳活動観察装置の発達に伴って、脳活動をより精密に測定する事ができるようになってきた。この発展によって、認知、記憶、言語など知的機能の研究が進展している。本研究では、NIRS, 眼球運動測定装置などの生理的指標を使用することによって、意思決定の数理心理モデルと脳内メカニズムを表現するモデルを統合し、意思決定のメカニズムを究明することを目的とした。そしてその知見を基に社会調査を行い、消費者問題、社会的リスク問題、臨床的問題などの社会的政策への提案を行うことを最終目的とした。 具体的には、第1の研究目的は、個人の意思決定の認知処理がどのように行われているかを最新の眼球運動測定装置などを用いて明らかにすることであった。第2の研究目的は、相互作用する個人間の意思決定において、どのような認知過程が生じるのかを最新の過程追跡技法を用いて明らかにすることであった。第3の研究目的は、個人の意思決定においての脳内過程をfMRIなどの手法によって明らかにすることであった。第4の研究目的は、この実証研究から意思決定の心理計量モデルと数理モデルを構成し、脳内モデルとの統合をすることであった。 これらの研究成果は、国内外の学会や研究集会において公表された。

  • 判断と意思決定の社会心理学的研究


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     我々の判断と意思決定は、状況依存的であると考えられる。たとえば、同じ意思決定問題であっても、その言語的表現の仕方によって判断結果や意思決定結果が変わってしまうフレーミング効果は状況依存性の典型的な例である。また、感情などの内的状態や意思決定問題の複雑性に応じて意思決定結果が変わってしまうような現象も状況依存性としてとらえることができる。このような判断と意思決定の状況依存性をどのようにとらえることができるのか、また、どのような数理的表現、どのような計量的モデルで把握できるのかを本研究では検討した。 この判断と意思決定の状況依存性は、実務的あるいは政策的インプリケーションを持っている。たとえば、消費者の判断と意思決定が状況依存的であると、マーケティングの価格政策や経済政策が失敗することがある。また、リスクコミュニケーション政策においても、市民の判断の状況依存性が、同様の理由により既存の効用分析や価値分析の結果を無効にすることがある。さらには、税制などの施行や金融政策などにおいても、状況に依存してなされる市民の判断や意思決定のために、経済学的予測が間違ったり、無効になったりすることがある。これらの社会的環境における状況依存性を、単にバイアスであるとか誤差であるとみるのではなく、系統的な心理傾向を持っていると考えることによって、判断や意思決定現象の理解がより有効になると期待することができる。 本研究では、判断と意思決定の状況依存性を、さまざまレベルの判断や意思決定現象にわたって、種々の心理実験を通じて解明し、さらに、この状況依存性を理論的観点から説明し、予測可能な心理計量モデルとその数理モデルの作成をすることを主目的とし、その検討を行った。さらに、本研究では、状況依存性を持つデータを解析する方法論の検討をした。判断と意思決定の状況依存性は、その時間的変動や共時的振幅を考慮すると、曖昧性を含む判断や意思決定とみなすことができる。このような観点から、本研究では、心理データ解析のための方法論も幾分開発している。

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