Updated on 2025/03/09


TANIGUCHI, Yasutoshi
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering
Job title
Junior Researcher(Assistant Professor)
Ph.D (Engineering) ( 2024.03 Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2024.04

    Waseda University   Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Junior researcher

Education Background

  • 2021.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering  

  • 2019.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering  

  • 2015.04

    Waseda University   School of Fundamental Science and Engineering  

Professional Memberships

  • 2021.09


  • 2021.05


  • 2019.02


Research Areas

  • Mechanics of materials and materials   構造力学、アイソジオメトリック解析

Research Interests

  • Structural analysis

  • Computational mechanics

  • Finite element analysis

  • Isogeometric analysis

  • Structural mechanics


  • スカラーシップアワード (2023年度)

    2023.06   日本計算工学会  



  • A hyperelastic extended Kirchhoff–Love shell model with out-of-plane normal stress: II. An isogeometric discretization method for incompressible materials

    Yasutoshi Taniguchi, Kenji Takizawa, Yuto Otoguro, Tayfun E. Tezduyar

    Computational Mechanics    2024.04

     View Summary

    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>This is <jats:italic>Part II</jats:italic> of a multipart article on a hyperelastic extended Kirchhoff–Love shell model with out-of-plane normal stress. We introduce an isogeometric discretization method for incompressible materials and present test computations. Accounting for the out-of-plane normal stress distribution in the out-of-plane direction affects the accuracy in calculating the deformed-configuration out-of-plane position, and consequently the nonlinear response of the shell. The return is more than what we get from accounting for the out-of-plane deformation mapping. The traction acting on the shell can be specified on the upper and lower surfaces separately. With that, the model is now free from the “midsurface’ location in terms of specifying the traction. In dealing with incompressible materials, we start with an augmented formulation that includes the pressure as a Lagrange multiplier and then eliminate it by using the geometrical representation of the incompressibility constraint. The resulting model is an extended one, in the Kirchhoff–Love category in the degree-of-freedom count, and encompassing all other extensions in the isogeometric subcategory. We include ordered details as a recipe for making the implementation practical. The implementation has two components that will not be obvious but might be critical in boundary integration. The first one is related to the edge-surface moment created by the Kirchhoff–Love assumption. The second one is related to the pressure/traction integrations over all the surfaces of the finite-thickness geometry. The test computations are for dome-shaped inflation of a flat circular shell, rolling of a rectangular plate, pinching of a cylindrical shell, and uniform hydrostatic pressurization of the pinched cylindrical shell. We compute with neo-Hookean and Mooney–Rivlin material models. To understand the effect of the terms added in the extended model, we compare with models that exclude some of those terms.</jats:p>



  • A computational model of red blood cells using an isogeometric formulation with T-splines and a lattice Boltzmann method

    Yusuke Asai, Shunichi Ishida, Hironori Takeda, Gakuto Nakaie, Takuya Terahara, Yasutoshi Taniguchi, Kenji Takizawa, Yohsuke Imai

    Journal of Fluids and Structures   125  2024.03



  • Isogeometric boundary element analysis of creasing of capsule in simple shear flow

    Hironori Takeda, Yusuke Asai, Shunichi Ishida, Yasutoshi Taniguchi, Takuya Terahara, Kenji Takizawa, Yohsuke Imai

    Journal of Fluids and Structures   124  2024.01



  • An Extended Kirchhoff–Love Shell Model with Out-of-Plane Normal Stress: Out-of-Plane Deformation

    Taniguchi, Y., Takizawa, K., Otoguro, Y., Tezduyar, T.E.

    Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology   Part F1665  2023



  • A hyperelastic extended Kirchhoff–Love shell model with out-of-plane normal stress: I. Out-of-plane deformation

    Yasutoshi Taniguchi, Kenji Takizawa, Yuto Otoguro, Tayfun E. Tezduyar

    Computational Mechanics   70 ( 2 )  2022.08

     View Summary

    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>This is the first part of a two-part article on a hyperelastic extended Kirchhoff–Love shell model with out-of-plane normal stress. We present the derivation of the new model, with focus on the mechanics of the out-of-plane deformation. Accounting for the out-of-plane normal stress distribution in the out-of-plane direction affects the accuracy in calculating the deformed-configuration out-of-plane position, and consequently the nonlinear response of the shell. The improvement is beyond what we get from accounting for the out-of-plane deformation mapping. By accounting for the out-of-plane normal stress, the traction acting on the shell can be specified on the upper and lower surfaces separately. With that, the new model is free from the “midsurface” location in terms of specifying the traction. We also present derivations related to the variation of the kinetic energy and the form of specifying the traction and moment acting on the upper and lower surfaces and along the edges. We present test computations for unidirectional plate bending, plate saddle deformation, and pressurized cylindrical and spherical shells. We use the neo-Hookean and Fung’s material models, for the compressible- and incompressible-material cases, and with the out-of-plane normal stress and without, which is the plane-stress case.</jats:p>




Books and Other Publications

  • ACM 2023参加報告

    日本計算工学会( Part: Contributor, Vol. 29, pp38-39)



Teaching Experience

  • Programming

    Musashino University  


  • Information technology

    Musashino University  
