Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Job title
Assistant Professor(without tenure)
Doctor of Engineering ( 2024.03 Waseda University )
Master of Engineering ( 2021.03 Waseda University )


Research Experience

  • 2024.04

    Waseda University   Department of Architecture, School of Creative Science and Engineering   Assistant Professor

  • 2024.04

    Tokyo Metropolitan University   Part-time Lecturer

  • 2021.04

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science   JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientist

  • 2022.08

    Technical University of Denmark   Guest PhD

Education Background

  • 2021.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering   Doctor of Engineering  

  • 2019.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering   Master of Engineering  

  • 2015.04

    Waseda University   School of Creative Science and Engineering   Department of Architecture  

Professional Memberships

  • 2024.08

    Japan Society of Energy and Resources

  • 2021.04

    American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, ASHRAE

  • 2019.04

    The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan

  • 2019.04

    Architectural Institute of Japan

Research Areas

  • Architectural environment and building equipment

Research Interests

  • Carbon Neutral

  • Net Zero

  • Energy Efficiency

  • Thermal Comfort


  • Young Researcher Presentation Award

    2022.11   Architectural Institute of Japan   Annual Meeting of the Architectural Institute of Japan

  • JIA Environmental Architecture Award, 22nd Edition (2021), Excellence Award

    2021.12   The Japan Institute of Architects   Miyako Shimojishima Airport Terminal



  • Design and control of radiant heating and cooling systems in Japan: Results from expert interviews

    Kan Shindo, Ken Ikai, Jun Shinoda, Ryota Matsumura, Shin‐ichi Tanabe




  • A comparative study of the whole life carbon of a radiant system and an all-air system in a non-residential building

    Kan Shindo, Jun Shinoda, Ongun B. Kazanci, Dragos-Ioan Bogatu, Shin-ichi Tanabe, Bjarne W. Olesen

    Energy and Buildings    2023.12



  • Resiliency comparison of radiant cooling systems and all- air systems

    Kan Shindo, Jun Shinoda, Ongun B. Kazanci, Dragos-Ioan Bogatu, Shin-ichi Tanabe, Bjarne W. Olesen

    E3S Web of Conferences   396   01089 - 01089  2023

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    <jats:p>Radiant systems have been proven to be an energy-efficient and resource-effective heating and cooling solution for buildings. A key feature of a thermally active building system (TABS), one type of a radiant cooling system, is its ability to activate and control the thermal mass of the building structure. The advantage of this feature is the peak load shifting effect by the thermal mass, which leads to energy saving compared to a conventional system, e.g., an all-air system. This feature of the radiant cooling system could be particularly beneficial under a heat wave and power outage event. Dynamic building simulations were carried out to quantify the resilience of TABS to heat waves and power outages. An all-air system (i.e., airconditioning) was used as the reference cooling system. The simulations were carried out using EnergyPlus. Future weather files (typical meteorological years and years with heat waves) developed in IEA EBC Annex 80 were used for the simulations. In both HVAC systems. Simulation results for future weather data resulted in a decrease in heating demand and an increase in cooling demand.</jats:p>




    SATO Yohei, SHINDO Kan, INABA Manae, FUJII Kanako, ARAI Haruka, NAKAGAWA Jun, TANABE Shin-ichi

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ)   87 ( 802 ) 877 - 887  2022.12

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    As the trend toward a decarbonized society accelerates, Net Zero Energy Houses are expected to become more popular. In recent years, the residential sector has been facing the problem of inadequate adjustment of power supply and demand due to the expansion of renewable energy installations.

    The objective of this study is to understand the actual situation of energy consumption and electricity supply and demand in Net Zero Energy Houses. The primary energy consumption of all-electrified and gas-combination ZEHs were compared. In addition, the relationship between house attribute, occupant lifestyle, and primary energy consumption of all-electrified ZEH were analyzed.

    DOI DOI2


  • Application of a slit ceiling based on thermally activated building systems in a daylight‐harvesting office space with direct solar radiation

    Kan Shindo, Jun Shinoda, Ken Ikai, Takeshi Takenaka, Shuichi Tamura, Tetsuo Kobori, Shin‐ichi Tanabe





    SHINDO Kan, SHINODA Jun, IKAI Ken, TAKENAKA Takeshi, TAMURA Shuichi, KOBORI Tetsuo, TANABE Shin-ichi

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ)   86 ( 787 ) 788 - 796  2021.09

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    With the increasing interest in the effects of solar radiation on indoor environmental quality and occupants’ well-being, a balance should be established between daylight harvesting and reducing solar load. Solar heat removal in space can be realized with the help of radiant cooling systems. Previous studies have reported on the enhancement of the cooling capacity of radiant cooling systems owing to the absorption of solar radiation at cooled surfaces; this characteristic is expected to increase the flexibility of the design of windows and facades in daylight harvesting spaces.

    The present study aims to verify the radiant cooling effect of a ceiling slit comprising concrete and embedded water circulation pipes. Field measurements were obtained during spring and summer at a research institute located in Fukui prefecture. A groundwater cooling system was used to provide chilled water to the ceiling slit, enabling both daylight harvesting and solar heat removal. In this study, absorption and removal of solar heat gain at the cooled surface and thermal comfort in the office space were evaluated. The office space was verified to be comfortable, and the usefulness of radiant cooling system under high intensity solar radiation was demonstrated.

    To verify the solar heat removal performance of the ceiling slit, the heat flux measured at the cooled surface (the amount of heat absorbed and dissipated by the cooled surface) was compared with the system-side heat extraction rate (the amount of heat removed by circulating chilled water), which was calculated using the measurement results. The radiant surface heat flux reached a maximum of 190 W/m2, and the heat extraction rate reached a maximum of 126 W/m2 under solar radiation.

    Even when no water supply to the ceiling slit was present, the surface heat flux (heat absorption) reached a maximum of 138 W/m2 during the daytime (August 29). Therefore, the measurement results evidently demonstrate that the radiant cooling capacity should be evaluated by the system-side heat extraction rate rather than the radiant surface heat flux. The fluctuation range of the system-side heat extraction rate was smaller than that of the radiant surface heat flux due to the thermal capacity of the ceiling slit, similar to the self-regulating effect of thermo-active building systems. The field measurement results demonstrated that a comfortable office space with daylighting was realized by directly extracting solar heat and accumulated heat with a concrete ceiling sli comprising embedded water circulation pipes.

    DOI DOI2 CiNii


  • Spectral irradiance simulation for evaluating light environments for indoor plants

    Kan Shindo

    Japan Architectural Review   86 ( 781 ) 337 - 346  2021

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    Ornamental plants are frequently used in office workplaces to improve the well-being and productivity of employees. Additionally, the WELL Building Standard includes definitions for precondition and optimization features related to biophilia. Hence, there is a growing interest in biophilic design and indoor greenery. However, the growth of indoor plants may become stunted due to unfavorable lighting conditions. Therefore, a method for evaluating the light environments required for indoor plants to thrive is needed.

     The purpose of this study is to apply a spectral irradiance simulation to develop a method for evaluating the appropriate light environment for indoor plants based on plant physiology. We used field measurements to verify the accuracy of the spectral irradiance simulations, which were performed by Adaptive Lightning for Alertness (ALFA), a circadian lighting design software. After verification, we calculated the photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), which is strongly correlated to photosynthesis, from the measured and predicted values of spectral irradiance. Based on knowledge of the relationship between PPFD and the light saturation and light compensation points of plants, we evaluated the suitability of the light environment in the building for plant growth.

     The measurements were performed on a sunny day (October 5, 2019). The spectral irradiance was measured in the horizontal and vertical planes at desk and overhead heights (FL+800, 2000 mm) in a university classroom. In the simulation, measurement-based lighting distribution characteristics, spectral distribution, as well as the reflectance of each material were provided as input, and the spectral irradiance was calculated in a 3D model of the classroom. The accuracy of the simulation was verified by comparing the predicted and measured spectral irradiances both inside and outside the classroom.

     The results demonstrate that the ALFA sky model produced errors when predicting the spectral irradiance in wavelength ranges that simulate the Fraunhofer line of sunlight (380–400 nm) and the absorption bands of H2O and O2 molecules in the atmosphere (approximately 680, 730 and 750 nm). In the 405–710 nm wavelength range, the measured and calculated spectral irradiance were almost the same. At indoor measurement points where the influence of direct solar radiation and light luminaire were significant, the spectral irradiance was predicted with a high degree of accuracy. Errors in this study were mainly caused by errors in the spectral transmittance of the glass models, as well as input errors in the spectral reflectance of the ground surface and the surrounding buildings.

     By calculating the PPFD from the measured and simulated spectral irradiance values, it was possible to evaluate the light environment, in an indoor space based on knowledge of plant physiology such as light saturation and light compensation points of plants. This method can be applied to the planning of supplementary lighting for plants and the planning of indoor plant placement that makes effective use of daylight.

    DOI CiNii



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Research Projects

  • Development of Cohort-Based Thermal Comfort Evaluation Methodology

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 建築環境性能を向上させるコンピュテーション技術の有効利用法に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    新藤 幹

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    昨年度は日射除去を目的とした躯体蓄熱型放射冷暖房(以下、TABS)が導入されているオフィスビルでの実測調査・シミュレーションによるケーススタディを行い、冷却面での高い日射除去性能を明らかにした。積極的に昼光を採り入れたウェルネスオフィスにて放射冷房で日射除去を行う際の有用性・課題点を確認した。得られた知見を基に論文を執筆し、2022年9月にInternational Journal of Japan Architectural Review for Engineering and Design (JAR) において採録・公開された。今年度より、熱波に対する建築物のレジリエンス性能を評価するために熱収支シミュレーションを用いたケーススタディを行ってきた。さらに空気式・放射冷暖房システムを対象に建物のWhole life carbonを評価するためのケーススタディを行った。


  • A Novel Method for the Design of Outdoor Cool-spot with Thermoregulation Model

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2023.06   21 - 24  2023


  • State-of-the-art building decarbonization in Europe countries

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2023.08   205 - 208  2023


  • Estimating CO2 Emissions from Product and Operational Stages of a Low-rise Office Building through Integration of a 3D Model and a LCA Database

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2023.08   193 - 196  2023


  • Environmental Performance Verification at Open-air ZEB Airport Terminal, Part.6 Effects of Opening and Closing Windows on Thermal Environment and Comfort

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2022.10   237 - 240  2022


  • Environmental Performance Verification at Open-air ZEB Airport Terminal Part.7 The Effect of Opening and Closing Windows on How Biophilia Feels

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2022.10   241 - 244  2022


  • Environmental Performance Verification at Open-air ZEB Airport Terminal, Part.5 Comparison of Environmental Satisfaction Models by Opening and Closing Windows

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2022.10   233 - 236  2022


  • Using CityGML to Estimate Photovoltaic Potential in Urban Districts

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2022.10   493 - 496  2022


  • Environmental Performance Verification at Open-air ZEB Airport Terminal Part 5:People flow survey and visualization using LiDAR

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2021.10   385 - 388  2021


  • Environmental Performance Verification at Open-air ZEB Airport Terminal Part 4: Survey on Environmental Satisfaction and Biophilia

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2021.10   381 - 384  2021


  • オープンエアZEB空港における環境性能検証 (第3報)温熱環境調査結果および Thermal Delight に関する考察

    新藤 幹, 新田 竜, 内田 橘花, 關 信怡, 田辺 新一, 稲坂 まりな, 菅野 颯馬, 落合 涼, 大庭 檀, 浅川 卓也, 永瀬 修, 原田 尚侑, 土田 えりか

    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集   2021.10   377 - 380  2021

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  • Prediction Methods for Thermal Sensation and Comfort, (Part23) Development of Coupled Method of Thermoregulation Model JOS-3 and Thermal Simulations

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2021.6   73 - 76  2021


  • "Evaluation of the Environmental and Equipment system performance of a building aimed for intellectual creativity and energy conservation (Part3) Verification of Design Conditions of TABS Ceiling Slits by Brute Force Analysis"

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2021.3   157 - 160  2021


  • 40952 地中熱を利用したアリーナ施設の実態調査および運用方法に関する研究 その3:設備機器運用状況と室内環境

    渡邊 円, 石渡 高裕, 生井 俊輝, 新藤 幹, 篠田 純, 田辺 新一, 笠原 真紀子, 市川 卓也, 浅賀 潤一

    環境工学I   ( 2020 ) 1999 - 2000  2020.09


  • 40951 地中熱を利用したアリーナ施設の実態調査および運用方法に関する研究 その2:式典時の室内環境と快適性

    石渡 高裕, 渡邊 円, 生井 俊輝, 新藤 幹, 篠田 純, 田辺 新一, 笠原 真紀子, 市川 卓也, 浅賀 潤一

    環境工学I   ( 2020 ) 1997 - 1998  2020.09


  • 40950 地中熱を利用したアリーナ施設の実態調査および運用方法に関する研究 その1 建物概要と省エネルギー計算結果

    笠原 真紀子, 石渡 高裕, 渡邊 円, 市川 卓也, 浅賀 潤一, 田辺 新一, 篠田 純, 新藤 幹, 生井 俊輝

    環境工学I   ( 2020 ) 1995 - 1996  2020.09


  • 41226 バイオフィリックデザインのための波長別光環境解析に関する研究 第1 報:実測およびシミュレーション概要

    菅野 颯馬, 新田 竜, 新藤 幹, 野元 彬久, 依田 柊, 重村 珠穂, 石井 雅久, 田辺 新一

    環境工学I   ( 2020 ) 2579 - 2580  2020.09


  • 41227 バイオフィリックデザインのための波長別光環境解析に関する研究 第2報:精度検証結果と光合成有効光量子束密度の算出

    新田 竜, 菅野 颯馬, 新藤 幹, 野元 彬久, 依田 柊, 重村 珠穂, 石井 雅久, 田辺 新一

    環境工学I   ( 2020 ) 2581 - 2582  2020.09


  • 大学多機能型アリーナにおけるZEB実現に向けて取り組んだ環境手法とその効果検証 その4 設備機器運用実態と物理環境

    渡邊 円, 石渡 高裕, 新藤 幹, 篠田 純, 田辺 新一, 笠原 真紀子, 市川 卓也, 浅賀 潤一

    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集   2020.10   197 - 200  2020

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    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluation of the Environmental and Equipment System Performance of a Building Aimed for Intellectual Creativity and Energy Conservation (Part 1) Outline of the Building and Verification of Daylight Environment by the Ceiling Louvers

    Takenaka Takeshi

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2020.8   357 - 360  2020

    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluation of the Environmental and Equipment System Performance of a Building Aimed for Intellectual Creativity and Energy Conservation (Part 2) Verification of Solar Radiation Removal by Concrete Ceiling Louvers

    Shindo Kan

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2020.8   361 - 364  2020

    DOI CiNii

  • Application of Spectral Irradiance Simulation to Biophilic Design Part.1 Calculation Method of Plant Growth Evaluation Metrics and Case Study Using Office Model

    Sugano Soma

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2020.10   465 - 468  2020

    DOI CiNii

  • Application of Spectral Irradiance Simulation to Biophilic Design Part.2 Validation of Simulation and Evaluation of Light Environments based on Plant Growth Evaluation Metrics

    Nitta Ryo

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2020.10   469 - 472  2020

    DOI CiNii

  • 41610 外断熱建物における躯体蓄熱型放射+床吹出空調システムに関する研究 第18報 ISOの計算方法を用いたTABS運転分析

    古川 亮哉, 生井 俊輝, 新藤 幹, 篠田 純, 田辺 新一, 佐藤 孝輔, 片岡 えり, 吉田 亘佑, 谷口 景一朗

    環境工学II   ( 2019 ) 1245 - 1246  2019.07


  • 41605 外断熱建物における躯体蓄熱型放射+床吹出空調システムに関する研究 第13報 運用改善後の夏季物理環境実測およびアンケート結果

    生井 俊輝, 古川 亮哉, 新藤 幹, 篠田 純, 田辺 新一, 佐藤 孝輔, 片岡 えり, 吉田 亘佑, 谷口 景一朗

    環境工学II   ( 2019 ) 1235 - 1236  2019.07


  • 41619 日射を考慮した放射空調の有効利用法 第2報 Radianceを用いた標準的なオフィスビルにおける建築外皮条件の検討

    新藤 幹, 篠田 純, 古川 亮哉, 生井 俊輝, 田辺 新一

    環境工学II   ( 2019 ) 1263 - 1264  2019.07


  • 41618 日射を考慮した放射空調の有効利用法 第1報 Direct Solar Loadの定義及びケーススタディ

    篠田 純, 新藤 幹, 古川 亮哉, 生井 俊輝, 田辺 新一

    環境工学II   ( 2019 ) 1261 - 1262  2019.07


  • Radiation Cooling and Heating using Building Thermal Storage for External Insulation Building Part 9. Results of Measurement and Questionnaire Survey during Summer Season after Operation Improvement

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2019.3   305 - 308  2019

    DOI CiNii

  • Radiation Cooling and Heating using Building Thermal Storage for External Insulation Building Part 13. Analysis of TABS Operation using ISO Calculation Method

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2019.3   321 - 324  2019

    DOI CiNii

  • Environmental approach and effectiveness verification for ZEB in the arena Part 3 Questionnaire about environment of arena in the graduation ceremony of spring 2019

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2019.10   213 - 216  2019

    DOI CiNii

  • Environmental approach and effectiveness verification for ZEB in the arena Part 2 Environment of the arena in the graduation ceremony of spring 2019

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2019.10   209 - 212  2019

    DOI CiNii

  • Radiant Cooling Capacity Enhancement under High Intensity Solar Radiation

    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan   2019.3   289 - 292  2019

    DOI CiNii

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