Updated on 2025/03/12

Faculty of Sport Sciences, School of Sport and Sciences
Job title
Assistant Professor(without tenure)

Research Experience

  • 2024.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Sport Sciences

Education Background

  • 2021.04

    Aichi Kyoiku University and Shizuoka University   Graduate School of Education  

  • 2019.04

    Shizuoka University   Graduate School of Education  

  • 2009.04

    Chukyo University  

Research Areas

  • Education   スポーツ教育,保健科教育


  • A Qualitative Study of Top Athletes' Risk Responses When Faced with Inappropriate Sports Coaching:: Focusing on Violence and Power Harassment

    Yasunaga Taichi, Mitsushita Kenta, Shiota Shingo

    The Japan Journal of Coaching Studies   37 ( 2 ) 103 - 115  2024.03

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    Inappropriate coaching such as violence and power harassment have occurred in competitive sports in Japan. These problems are thought to be caused by the characteristics of competitive sports, such as strong master-slave relationships and the virtue of perseverance. Previous studies have indicated that athletes accept inappropriate coaching in order to develop their careers and improve their athletic performance, including these characteristics. On the other hand, it is possible that athletes respond in various ways, such as by making accusations or rebelling, in light of problems such as neurosis and early retirement. Thus, when athletes are confronted with inappropriate coaching, they may not simply accept it obediently, but may choose various ways of responding to complex factors, but it has not been clarified how athletes actually judged and chose the ways of responding.

    Therefore, the purpose of this study is to clarify how athletes respond to inappropriate coaching and the factors that influence their responses. The research method was an interview survey of top athletes at the end of their careers. Retrospective interviews were conducted with three former top athletes at the international competition level and analyzed by SCAT.

    The results revealed three types of risk responses: risk aversion, risk reduction, and risk retention. In particular, the risk retention revealed a variety of factors, not only the obedience due to the master-slave relationship as pointed out in previous studies. Based on these results, it is necessary to pay attention to what factors athletes choose risk retention, rather than simply focusing on obedience, in order to improve inappropriate coaching in competitive sports. The results also suggest that inappropriate coaching may be increased when top athletes choose non-strategic retention.


  • 教育用アバターを活用した道徳科におけるライフキャリア教育の実践

    小林渓太, 向井敏幸, 安永太地, 塩田真吾

    福井大学教育実践研究   ( 48 )  2023

  • 小規模学級に多様性を与える転校生アバターの開発と授業実践

    小林渓太, 向井敏幸, 安永太地, 塩田真吾

    福井大学教育・人文社会系部門紀要   ( 8 ) 155 - 166  2023

  • Development and Evaluation of Teaching Materials on Injury Prevention in the Field of Elementary School Health and Physical Education: Cross-curricular attempts with integrated studies

    安永太地, 安永太地, 満下健太, 梶昭彦, 池田明生, 塩田真吾, 塩田真吾

    保健科教育研究   8 ( 1 )  2023  [Refereed]


  • Development of a Class Design Support Tool for Effective ICT Use: Through the Deepening of Learning Activities with the Help of the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

    福井隆介, 安永太地, 塩田真吾

    コンピュータ&エデュケーション   55   56 - 61  2023  [Refereed]


  • Development and evaluation of harassment prevention materials to promote a sense of ownership in top athletes:: Teaching materials for instruction in health and physical education and club activities

    YASUNAGA Taichi, UEDA Daisuke, SHIOTA Shingo

    Taiikugaku kenkyu (Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences)   67   915 - 927  2022.12  [Refereed]

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    As harassment, such as power harassment and sexual harassment, in competitive sports has become a serious social problem in Japan in recent years, there is a need to develop educational approaches to protect the integrity of athletes. This study developed educational materials to promote awareness of harassment issues among top athletes and verify the effectiveness of these materials. To help athletes understand their behavior more objectively and to be more aware of what might be perceived as harassment, teaching materials on “sexual harassment” and “power harassment” situations were developed to educate them on perception differences. Then, a training session was conducted with top athletes to evaluate the teaching materials, and pre- and post-questionnaire surveys were conducted for individual and group events. This analysis revealed significant differences in the
    mean scores for “awareness of sexual harassment and power harassment” in both individual and group events. In addition, significant differences were found in “relevance of sexual harassment and power harassment to oneself” in the individual category. This suggests that these materials had raised athletes' awareness of the parties involved in harassment issues.


  • Analysis of the Actual Situation and Factors of Sport Integrity Attitudes for Top Athletes

    YASUNAGA Taichi, MITSUSHITA Kenta, UEDA Daisuke, SHIOTA Shingo

    Japan Journal of Educational Technology   46 ( 2 ) 275 - 288  2022.05  [Refereed]

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    In recent years, several predicaments have affected the sporting world, which has focused its attention on enhancing and preserving sport integrity. Although educational approaches are considered important, the reality of attitudes toward sport integrity remains unclear because of the lack of survey on problematic situations related to sport integrity. The purpose of this study is to clarify the actual situation and factors of sport integrity attitudes of athletes and coaches by using the scenario assumption method for 10 problems related to sport integrity. The results of the cross-tabulation showed that the sport integrity attitude of "sexual harassment," "violence," and "discrimination/prejudice" was low relative to the 10 troubles. The results of factor analysis suggested that the factor structure of attitudes toward sport integrity was divided according to the clarity of judgment criteria, and that there were two types of situations: situations with clear judgment criteria and situations with unclear judgment criteria. In addition, both players and instructors tended to be more sympathetic to problematic behaviors in scenes with unclear judgment criteria than in scenes with clear judgment criteria.


  • Development and Evaluation of ”Good Media Quitting Skills” to Improve Long-Term Media Use-A Practical Study of Sleep Education in Junior High School Health Sciences-

    安永太地, 近藤悠香, 酒井郷平, 塩田真吾

    保健科教育研究   7 ( 1 )  2022  [Refereed]


  • The Impact of Information Moral Knowledge to Frequency of Trouble Experience

    MITSUSHITA Kenta, YASUNAGA Taichi, SAKAI Kyohei, SHIOTA Shingo

    Japan Journal of Educational Technology   46 ( Suppl ) 61 - 64  2022  [Refereed]


  • A Study on Information Literacy Needed in Japanese School Education: Weighting of Information Literacy by Human Resources in a Major IT Company

    Kachi Hodaka, Yasunaga Taichi, Sakai Kyohei, Shiota Shingo

    Computer & Education   50   100 - 103  2021.06  [Refereed]

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    This study sought to determine the information literacy needed in Japanese school education. Fifty-three employees from two major Japanese IT companies completed a questionnaire focused on the possible information literacy that could be included in future school curricula. The analysis found that “information morality and security” skills were considered the most important and that it would be best to develop these qualities and skills in the early stages of compulsory education.


  • Development of Thinking Tools to Foster Creative Problem Solving Skills: A Trial in Programming Education

    Kazuya Takase, Taichi Yasunaga, Shingo Shiota

    International Journal of Information and Education Technology   10 ( 6 ) 471 - 475  2020  [Refereed]

  • Attempts at Learning Creative Problem-Solving in Remote Schools: Professional CPS Student Evaluation Using a Video Calling Application

    Taichi Yasunaga, Kazuya Takase, Mei Katsumura, Kyohei Sakai, Shingo Shiota

    International Journal of Information and Education Technology   10 ( (7) ) 547 - 551  2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

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Books and Other Publications

  • 体育科教育2024年10月号 特集:キャリア教育×保健体育・スポーツ,「支える」スポーツをテーマにした問題解決型キャリア教育授業

    ( Part: Contributor)

    大修館書店  2024.10

  • 防災教育とICT

    藤井, 基貴, 村越, 真, 中村, 美智太郎, 塩田, 真吾

    ITSC静岡学術出版事業部  2023.03 ISBN: 9784864741736

  • スポーツ・インテグリティ入門(卓球編)

    ( Part: Joint author)

    静岡大学現代教育研究所  2022.04

  • 自律的思考を促すスポーツ・インテグリティ教育 ―理論と実践の構築を目指してー

    藤井基貴, 村越 真, 中村美智太郎, 塩田真吾, 満下健 太, 安永太地

    静岡学術出版  2021.03 ISBN: 4864741484


  • VUCA時代に対応した安全教育: ⑨部活動のけがを予防する考え方を身につけよう

    ( Part: Joint author)

Research Projects

  • レジリエンス性を軸とした安全管理と安全教育の融合によるリスクの見方・考え方の育成

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    村越 真, 酒井 郷平, 中村 美智太郎, 塩田 真吾, 満下 健太, 藤井 基貴, 安永 太地

  • Development of Educational and E-Learning Materials for the Prevention of Violence and Harassment in Competitive Sports

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :





Internal Special Research Projects

  • 大学生アスリート向けスポーツ・インテグリティ教育プログラムの検討


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