Updated on 2025/03/12


SAKAI, Hironobu
Faculty of Law, School of Law
Job title
法学修士 ( 1989.03 京都大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2024.04

    The Open University of Japan

  • 2024.04

    Kyoto University   Emeritus Professor

  • 2024.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Law

  • 2017.09

    法務省   訟務局   調査員

  • 2005.04

    Kyoto University   Graduate School of Law   Professor

  • 2021.10

    Kyoto University   Graduate School of Law

  • 2021.10

    Kyoto University

  • 2021.10

    Kyoto University   Graduate School of Law Law School

  • 2002.04

    Kobe University   Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Department of International Cooperation Policy Studies   Professor

  • 2002.10

    Kobe University   Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies Department of International Cooperation Policy Studies

  • 2000.05

    The Embassy of Japan in the Netherlands   Special Researcher

  • 1993.04

    Kobe University   Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Department of International Cooperation Policy Studies   Associate Professor

  • 1996.07

    Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva   PSIO Visiting Fellow

  • 1992.04

    Kyoto University   Graduate School of Law   Research Associate

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Education Background

  • 1989.04

    Kyoto University  

  • 1987.04

    Kyoto University   Graduate School of Law  

  • 1983.04

    Kyoto University   Faculty of Law  

Committee Memberships

  • 2024.12

    外務省  外務人事審議会委員

  • 2024.11

    デジタル庁  データセキュリティWG委員

  • 2023.10

    日本-英国包括的経済連携協定  仲裁人候補者

  • 2023.02

    内閣官房  サイバーセキュリティ戦略本部有識者本部員

  • 2021.08

    投資紛争解決国際センター(ICSID)  仲裁人候補者

  • 2019.08

    日本-欧州連合(EU)経済連携協定  仲裁人候補者

  • 2024.06

    内閣官房  サイバー安全保障分野の対応能力の向上に関する有識者会議構成員

  • 2022.11

    法務省  令和5年司法試験考査委員

  • 2022.11

    法務省  令和5年司法試験予備試験考査委員

  • 2021.10

    法科大学院協会  理事

  • 2021.11

    法務省  令和4年司法試験考査委員

  • 2021.11

    法務省  令和4年司法試験予備試験考査委員

  • 2019.08

    同志社大学法学部  第三者専門評価委員会委員

  • 2015.05

    独立行政法人大学改革支援・学位授与機構  法科大学院認証評価委員会専門委員

  • 2020.11

    法務省  令和3年司法試験考査委員

  • 2005.09

    法科大学院協会  司法試験等検討委員会委員

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Professional Memberships

  • 2008.01

    European Society of International Law

  • 2007.04


  • 1999.05

    International Law Association

  • 1999.05

    International Law Association, Japan Branch

  • 1987.05

    World Law Association

  • 1987.05

    Japanese Society of International Law

  • 1987.05

    American Society of International Law

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Research Areas

  • International law   経済安全保障;サイバー活動;国連平和維持活動;国際司法裁判所;集団安全保障;国家承認;海洋境界画定;領域紛争;地域的機関

Research Interests

  • International Law

Media Coverage

  • 露の自衛権主張成立せず

    Newspaper, magazine




  • ロシアの侵攻を法律でただすことはできるのか 国際法学者の見解

    Newspaper, magazine




  • 多数国間枠組みの紛争抑止(インタビュー)

    Newspaper, magazine






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Books and Other Publications

  • 国際法

    酒井啓亘( Part: Sole author)

    放送大学教育振興会  2025.03 ISBN: 9784595325168

  • 国家と海洋の国際法 下巻 柳井俊二先生米寿記念

    浅田正彦, 植木俊哉, 尾﨑久仁子編( Part: Contributor, 日本による直線基線制度の採用とその背景)

    信山社  2025.02 ISBN: 9784797283778

  • Japan’s Territory under International Law

    Masaharu Yanagihara, Atsuko Kanehara( Part: Contributor, Chapter 7 Temporal Elements and Their Regulation in Determining Territorial Disputes: Practical Application to Territorial Disputes of Japan)

    Brill  2024.09 ISBN: 9789004706354

  • エネルギーに関する国際取決めの法的問題の諸相―2017~2018年度エネルギーに関する国際取決めの法的問題検討班報告書―

    日本エネルギー法研究所( Part: Contributor, 日本が締結した経済関係協定における安全保障例外条項について)

    日本エネルギー法研究所  2023.09

  • エネルギー資源確保に関する国内外の法的問題の諸相-2015~2016年度エネルギー資源確保に関する国際問題検討班報告書-

    日本エネルギー法研究所( Part: Contributor, GATT/WTO体制における「安全保障例外」の審査可能性とその意義)

    日本エネルギー法研究所  2023.02

  • Peaceful Maritime Engagement in East Asia and the Pacific Region

    James Kraska, Ronan Long, Myron H. Nordquist( Part: Contributor, Chapter 19 The Quest for a Win-Win Solution in the Delimitation of Continental Shelf in the East China Sea: An Irreconcilable Conflict between China and Japan?)

    Brill  2022.12 ISBN: 9789004518612

  • ビジュアルテキスト国際法〔第3版〕

    加藤信行, 植木俊哉, 森川幸一, 真山全, 酒井啓亘, 立松美也子( Part: Joint editor, Introduction;Chapter 12)

    有斐閣  2022.12 ISBN: 9784641046924

  • 国際法から見た領土と日本

    柳原正治, 兼原敦子( Part: Contributor, 第7章 領域紛争における時間的要素とその規律-日本の領土問題への具体的適用について-)

    東京大学出版会  2022.03 ISBN: 9784130361569

  • International Relations and the Rule of Law: Festschrift for Judge Owada Hisashi in commemoration of his retirement from the Inernational Court of Justice

    ( Part: Contributor)


  • 現代海洋法の潮流第4巻 国家管轄権外区域に関する海洋法の新展開

    坂元茂樹, 藥師寺公夫, 植木俊哉, 西本健太郎編( Part: Contributor, 条約レジームとしてのBBNJ新協定-他の条約との関係で-)

    有信堂高文社  2021.06

  • Law of Armed Conflict and International Security: A Practitioners' Manual

    ( Part: Joint author)

    2021.02 ISBN: 9784335356926

  • "Visual" textbook of international law

    ( Part: Joint author)

    2020.11 ISBN: 9784641046863

  • 国際法の現在 : 変転する現代世界で法の可能性を問い直す

    寺谷,広司, 伊藤一頼( Part: Contributor, 第4章 国際司法裁判所と「国際立法」-グローバル化時代の国際社会におけるその意義)

    日本評論社  2020.09 ISBN: 9784535524811

  • 実証の国際法学の継承 : 安藤仁介先生追悼

    芹田健太郎, 坂元茂樹, 薬師寺公夫, 浅田正彦, 酒井啓亘( Part: Joint editor, 最近の国家実行における国家承認の「撤回」について)

    信山社  2019.12 ISBN: 9784797280807

  • 国際法のダイナミズム-小寺彰先生追悼論文集

    岩沢雄司, 森川幸一, 森肇志, 西村弓編( Part: Contributor, 「被許可型」軍事活動における関係当事者の同意の意義―平和活動型多国籍軍の実効的実施に向けて―)

    有斐閣  2019.03

  • エネルギーをめぐる国内外の法的問題の諸相―2013~2015年度 エネルギーに関する国際問題検討班報告書―

    日本エネルギー法研究所編( Part: Contributor, パイプラインによるエネルギー輸送とGATT第5条―第3次ロシア・ウクライナ間天然ガス紛争(2014年)との関連で―)

    日本エネルギー法研究所  2018.03

  • ビジュアルテキスト国際法

    加藤信行, 植木俊哉, 森川幸一, 真山全, 酒井啓亘, 立松美也子( Part: Joint author, Introduction; Chapter 12)

    有斐閣  2017.04

  • 21世紀の国際法と海洋法の課題

    松井芳郎, 富岡仁, 坂元茂樹, 薬師寺公夫, 桐山孝信, 西村智朗編( Part: Contributor, 国連海洋法条約における大陸棚限界委員会(CLCS)の役割と機能―国際捕鯨委員会科学委員会(IWC-SC)との比較の観点から―)

    東信堂  2016.11

  • 戦後賠償

    国際法事例研究会( Part: Contributor, 第7章 オーストラリア、第8章 ニュージーランド、第9章 カナダ、第12章 ギリシャ、第13章 アルゼンチン、第23章 ドイツ(安藤仁介・森田章夫との共著)、第24章 オーストリア)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2016.03 ISBN: 9784623075485

  • Whaling in the Antarctic: Significance and Implications of the ICJ Judgment

    Malgotia Fitzmaurice, Dai Tamada( Part: Contributor, After the Whaling in the Antarctic Judgment: Its Lessons and Prospects from a Japanese Perspective)

    Brill  2016

  • 国際法の実践

    柳井俊二, 村瀬信也編( Part: Contributor, 国連南スーダン共和国ミッション(UNMISS)と日本)

    信山社  2015.06

  • “L’être situé”, Effectiveness and Purposes of International Law, Essays in Honour of Professor Ryuichi Ida

    HAMAMOTO Shotaro, SAKAI Hironobu, SHIBATA Akiho( Part: Joint editor, New Relationship between the United Nations and Regional Organizations in Peace and Security: A Case of the African Union)

    Brill  2015

  • 原子力安全に係る国際取決めと国内実施-平成22~24年度エネルギー関係国際取決めの国内実施方式検討班報告書-

    日本エネルギー法研究所( Part: Contributor, 原子力安全とピア・レビュー制度)

    日本エネルギー法研究所  2014.08

  • 国際裁判と現代国際法の展開

    浅田正彦 加藤信行 酒井啓亘( Part: Joint editor, 国際司法裁判所における「適切な裁判運営」概念-付随手続での機能を手がかりとして-)

    三省堂  2014.08

  • 芹田健太郎先生古稀記念 普遍的国際社会への法の挑戦

    坂元茂樹, 薬師寺公夫編集代表( Part: Contributor, 国際再生可能エネルギー機関(IRENA)について)

    信山社  2013.03

  • 現代国際法の思想と構造 Ⅱ 環境、海洋、刑事、紛争、展望

    松田竹男, 田中則夫, 薬師寺公夫, 坂元茂樹編集代表( Part: Contributor, 国際司法裁判所特定事件裁判部再考)

    東信堂  2012.03

  • 国際法

    酒井啓亘, 寺谷広司, 西村弓, 濵本正太郎( Part: Joint author, 第1篇第1章、第3編第1章、第4編第3章・第4章第1節、第5編第3章)

    有斐閣  2011.12 ISBN: 9784641046559

  • 変革期の国際法委員会 山田中正大使傘寿記念

    村瀬信也, 鶴岡公二編( Part: Contributor, 国連国際法委員会による法典化作業の成果―国際法形成過程におけるその影響―)

    信山社  2011.04

  • アフリカの紛争解決と平和構築―シエラレオネの経験―

    落合雄彦編( Part: Contributor, 国連の介入)

    昭和堂  2011.03

  • 藤田久一先生古稀記念 国際立法の最前線

    坂元茂樹編( Part: Contributor, ソマリア沖における「海賊」の取締りと国連安保理決議)

    有信堂  2009.07

  • 国連安保理の機能変化

    村瀬信也編( Part: Contributor, 国連安保理の機能の拡大と平和維持活動の展開)

    東信堂  2009.05

  • Public Interest Rules of International Law. Towards Effective Implementation

    Teruo Komori, Karel Wellens( Part: Contributor, Legitimization of Measures to Secure Effectiveness in UN Peacekeeping: The Role of Chapter VII of the UN Charter)

    Ashgate  2009

  • 国際法基本判例50

    杉原高嶺, 酒井啓亘( Part: Joint editor)

    三省堂  2009

  • 現代海洋法の潮流第2巻 海洋法の主要事例とその影響

    栗林忠男, 杉原高嶺編( Part: Contributor, アキレ・ラウロ号事件と海上テロ行為の規制)

    有信堂  2007.03

  • 安藤仁介先生古稀記念 二一世紀国際法の課題

    浅田正彦編( Part: Contributor, 国連平和維持活動と自衛原則―ポスト冷戦期の事例を中心に―)

    有信堂  2006.07

  • 21世紀の国際機構:課題と展望

    安藤仁介 中村道 位田隆一編( Part: Contributor, 国連平和維持活動における同意原則の機能―ポスト冷戦期の事例を中心に―)

    東信堂  2004.05

  • 国連研究第4号 国際社会の新たな脅威と国連

    日本国際連合学会編( Part: Contributor, 「平和に対する脅威」概念の機能的展開とその意義―<9.11事件>への国連安保理の対応を手がかりとして―)

    国際書院  2003.05

  • 『21世紀国際社会における人権と平和:国際法の新しい発展をめざして 下巻 現代国際法における人権と平和の保障』

    山手治之 香西茂編集代表( Part: Contributor, 国連憲章第三九条の機能と安全保障理事会の役割―「平和に対する脅威」概念の拡大とその影響―)

    東信堂  2003.03

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  • ロシア・ウクライナ戦争をめぐる現状と課題-国際法の観点から

    酒井啓亘  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2025.02

    Event date:
  • アクセス・無害化措置と国際法の関係-能動的サイバー防御(ACD)の国際法上の評価-

    酒井啓亘  [Invited]

    サイバー安全保障分野での対応能力の向上に向けた有識者会議 第1回アクセス・無害化措置に関するテーマ別会合 

    Presentation date: 2024.07

    Event date:
  • 進行中の武力紛争と国際司法裁判所―ロシア・ウクライナ紛争にみる国際司法裁判の役割と限界―

    酒井啓亘  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2023.01

  • 国際法から見た「侵略」とは何か

    酒井啓亘  [Invited]

    一橋大学グローバル・ガバナンス研究センター主催GGRウェビナー「ロシア・ウクライナ戦争に見る『正義』 ―国際法と規範の観点から」 

    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:
  • 国際連合の下での秩序維持の諸相―国際行政・紛争処理・安全保障―



    Presentation date: 2022.05

  • A Quest for Win-Win Solution in the Delimitations of Continental Shelf in East China Sea: An Irreconsilable Conflict between China and Japan ?

    SAKAI Hironobu

    Conference on Ocean Law & Policy: Peaceful Maritime Engagement in East Asia Sea and the Pacific Region 

    Presentation date: 2021.05

    Event date:
  • 東アジアにおける領土・海洋問題と国際法

    酒井 啓亘


    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • 国際裁判における非拘束的文書の役割と裁判所の機能

    酒井 啓亘


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 国連の平和維持活動(PKO)と日本

    酒井 啓亘

    「東京で学ぶ 京大の知」シリーズ27「国際社会の中の日本-日本の果たす役割-」 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • Revisiting the Roles and Functions of the CLCS under UNCLOS: From the Comparative Perspective on the SC of the IWC

    SAKAI Hironobu

    International Workshop on the Legal Aspects of the Establishment of the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf, IWCS 2015 

    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • After the Whaling Case: Its Lessons from a Japanese Perspective

    SAKAI Hironobu

    Whaling in the Antarctic: The ICJ Judgment and its Implications 

    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • 国際司法裁判所による紛争解決の意義

    酒井 啓亘


    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • 最近のパレスチナ情勢と国連

    酒井 啓亘


    Presentation date: 2009.03

  • 国際司法裁判所の仮保全措置の機能について

    酒井 啓亘


    Presentation date: 2007.04

  • ‘As if’ Acting under Chapter VII of the UN Charter?: Rigidity of the Threshold between Chapter VII and no Chapter VII

    SAKAI Hironobu

    Inaugural Conference of the Asian Society of International Law. International Law in Asia: Past, Present and Future 

    Presentation date: 2007.04

  • 国連平和維持活動の新たな展開と日本――ポスト冷戦期の議論を中心に

    酒井 啓亘


    Presentation date: 2005.10

  • 批判法学の国際法ディスクール―現代国際法の「近代性」への挑戦とその意義―

    酒井 啓亘


    Presentation date: 2002.05

  • 武力行使に対する国連のコントロール ―憲章第7章に基づく措置と平和維持活動の交錯―

    酒井 啓亘


    Presentation date: 1995.10

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Research Projects

  • 海洋法における国際裁判機関の役割に関する包括的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    酒井 啓亘

  • 領土紛争解決方式研究会

    公益財団法人日本国際問題研究所  領土・主権・歴史調査研究支援事業

    Project Year :


  • エネルギーに関する国際動向の法的論点の諸相

    日本エネルギー法研究所  エネルギーに関する国際動向の法的論点検討班

    Project Year :


  • The Institutional and Operational Developments of the International Courts and Tribunals in "Global Public Area"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 国際組織を通じた海洋法秩序の展開

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金

    Project Year :


    植木 俊哉, 佐古田 彰, 竹内 真理, 坂巻 静佳, 佐俣 紀仁, 坂元 茂樹, 加々美 康彦, 薬師寺 公夫, 西本 健太郎, 加藤 信行, 高村 ゆかり, 田中 清久, 下山 憲二, 酒井 啓亘, 浅田 正彦, 河野 真理子, 鶴田 順, 瀬田 真, 本田 悠介, 深町 公信

     View Summary


  • 国家管轄権外区域の海洋生物多様性に関する新しい海洋法形成の調査研究

    日本財団  助成事業

    Project Year :


  • 領土紛争解決方式検討会

    公益財団法人日本国際問題研究所  領土・主権・歴史調査研究支援事業

    Project Year :


  • エネルギー安全保障に関する国際問題の諸相

    日本エネルギー法研究所  エネルギー安全保障に関する国際問題検討班

    Project Year :


  • Effective implementation of the UN Peace and Security Functions through the domestic legal system of the UN Member States

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Sakai Hironobu

     View Summary

    This study makes clear the following three points. First, the consistently revised operational principles of the United Nations peacekeeping operations always applies in a form of non legally binding norms, which may function as the inherent elements to regulate the operations, and they are well established as international standards. Secondly, some of the principles of the UN peacekeeping would apply to the UN multinational military operations under the Chapter VII of the UN Charter within the framework of the UN peace operations. In other words, those multinational forces under the Chapter VII also would be governed by the operational non legally binding norms, the contents of which are very similar to the ones of the UN peacekeeping. Thirdly, the effective implementation of the UN peace operations requires the UN member states to import those operational non legally binding norms into their domestic legal systems, and this is usually done.

  • エネルギーに関する国際取決めの法的問題の諸相

    日本エネルギー法研究所  エネルギーに関する国際取決めの法的問題検討班

    Project Year :


  • Comprehensive reserch on the regime of the UNCLOS

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    Through the four-years' joint and coordinated research work of Japanese scholars on the law of the sea and successive workshops on the law of the sea between Japanese and Chinese scholars, this research work has contributed to the identification and clarification of the contemporary issues relating to the interpretation and application of the UNCLOS and analysed various problems having arisen in the process of the implementation of the UNCLOS after its entry into force including issues concerning the demarcation between the continental shelf and the deep sea bed, definition of the island and rock, suppression of pirates, experimental whale catching, the claim of historic title over vast areas on the high seas etc. Through this research totally 61 articles and 3 books focusing the contemporary issues on the law of the sea has been published.

  • エネルギー資源確保に関する国内外の法的問題の諸相

    日本エネルギー法研究所  エネルギー資源確保に関する国際問題検討班

    Project Year :


  • Alternative Centralized System for the United Nations Peace and Security Functions: Its Prospects and Limits

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKAI Hironobu

     View Summary

    In this research, I confirm the fact that the United Nations has extended its own functions and powers for the international peace and security in facing new various crises: terrorism, nuclear or other arms proliferation, piracy and so on, and then consider the UN recent alternative centralized Chapter VII measures, under which the regional organizations or the coalitions of the willing UN member states have operated against new international threats. This research places these military activities properly and legally in the context of the UN system of international peace and security under UN Charter, and contributes to construct the theoretical and practical framework of the UN functions for strenghtening their legitimacy and effectiveness.

  • 日本の大陸棚延長に関する国際情報発信ネットワーク

    日本水路協会  助成事業

    Project Year :


  • Theoretical and practical response to the juridictionnalisation of international law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Sakamoto Shigeki, IGARASHI Masahiro, SHIBATA Akiho, HAYASHI Mika, TAMADA Dai, KOTERA Akira, ASADA Masahiko, SAKAI Hironobu, KUROKAMI Naozumi, KOBAYASHI Tomohiko, MAEDA Naoko, ABE Tatsuya

     View Summary

    In terms of "juridictionalisation" of international law, this research focused on the international courts and tribunals, which are now expanding in international society in its number and quality. As a result, the following points have been clarified; (1) realisation of international law through litigation, (2) evolutive interpretation of treaties in litigation, (3) dispute settlement and realisation of interests by litigation, (4) creation of case law by a lot of cases and the expansion of foreseeability of law. Furthermore, by analysing the Whaling case between Australia and Japan, it has been clarified that the litigation theory is needed to be combined with the litigation strategy and diplomatic policy.

  • エネルギーをめぐる国内外の法的問題の諸相

    日本エネルギー法研究所  エネルギーに関する国際問題検討班

    Project Year :


  • Toward a theory of global public law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HAMAMOTO Shotaro, ASADA Masahiko, KAMEMOTO Hiroshi, SAKAI Hironobu, SUZUKI Motoshi, SOGABE Masahiro, FUKASAWA Ryuichiro

     View Summary

    In the increasingly globalized international community, where no centralized legislature exists, more and more activities of private persons as well as States are gradually regulated by globalized norms. Such norms tend to be engendered through a network-type law-making process. The phenomenon is particularly conspicuous in international investment law, where a treaty-based arbitral tribunal often refers to and relies on decisions rendered by other arbitral tribunals established on other treaties that are irrelevant to the disputing parties of the case with which the tribunal deals. This process tends to engender norms generally applicable to investment disputes. In many fields other than investment law, one can observe a growing process through which general norms regulating private persons activities are generated. International "jurisprudence" plays an important role in this respect. It is becoming difficult to conceive domestic regulations without referring to global norms.

  • Current Nature and Evolution of the Law of the Sea: From Historical and Theoritical Perspectives

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UEKI Toshiya, ASADA Masahiko, OYAMA Kae, KAGAMI Yasuhiko, KATO Nobuyuki, KAWANO Mariko, KOGA Mamoru, KOTERA Akira, SAKAI Hironobu, SAKAMOTO Shigeki, SAKOTA Akira, SUGIHARA Takane, TAKAMURA Yukari, TAKEUCHI Mari, TANAKA Norio, TSURUTA Jun, TOMIOKA Masashi, FUKAMACHI Kiminobu, YAKUSHIJI Kimio, YOSHII Atsushi

     View Summary

    The year 2012 marked the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS); however, international society has not only faced difficulties around the implementation, interpretation, and application of UNCLOS, but has also encountered issues that were not anticipated at the time of UNCLOS’ adoption in 1982. This research addresses this resulting “vacuum” in the law of the sea. Collaborating with scholars and diplomats from East Asia (China, Taiwan, and the ASEAN countries), we have published several journal articles and books, and have organized international workshops on key problems such as dispute settlement and maritime delimitation. This research project has also succeeded in establishing an international network of specialists in the field.

  • The Relationship between Law of International Organization and General International Law in the Implementations of the UN Activities for Peace and Security

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKAI Hironobu

     View Summary

    This study aims to analyze the United Nations functions for maintaining international peace and security, in particular the recent practice of the UN "robust" peacekeeping, of which activities are authorized under Chapter VII of the UN Charter by the UN Security Council, and also to consider the applicability of the law of international responsibility of international organization as well as of the concept of the accountability of international organization to the UN peace operations. The main result of this study is that the UN activities for peace and security have been diversified in response to the changing circumstances of international community after the end of the Cold War whereas they have been also restricted by certain rules of general international law, which may apply to the UN activities in general.

  • 原子力安全に係る国際取決めと国内実施

    日本エネルギー法研究所  エネルギー関係国際取決めの国内実施方式検討班

    Project Year :


  • 国際司法裁判所の仮保全手続の再構成-裁判所と国家の協働とその動態分析-

    財団法人村田学術振興財団  財団法人村田学術振興財団研究助成

    Project Year :


  • The Reform on Teaching of International Law in the Age of Globalization

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MATSUI Yoshiro, MORITA Akio, YAKUSHIJI Kimio, KOTERA Akira, KOUNO Toshiyuki, YANAGIHARA Masaharu, IIDA Keisuke, NOMURA Yoshiaki, SAKAMOTO Shigeki, OOMORI Masahito, DOUGAUCHI Masato, AKANEYA Tatsuo, OKUWAKI Naoya, SAKAI Hironobu, NISHIMURA Tomoaki

     View Summary

    In this study, with the objective of analyzing the current situation and gaining a future perspective of the educational environment of international legal studies including public and private laws and politics, a survey was made of the overseas situation as well as the graduate and undergraduate educational environment in Japan. In addition, by asking for the cooperation of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, the possibility of coordination between theory and practice of international law was also considered. A symposium was held in the final year on the basis of these analyses and it was found that the influence of the reform of the judicial system in Japan is not limited to the law school but extends to institutions for training researchers. It was also pointed out that the globalization of university education is having an impact on the trends of foreign students from various Asian regions and that teaching of international law is also at an important crossroads.

  • Constitutionalism and Functionalism in International Law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MOGAMI Toshiki

     View Summary

    For three plus additional one years, we have pioneered this challenging field with research meetings of and consultations among the researchers in charge. As regards the study in constitutionalism in particular, we believe that our group's research ignited the academic interest in it in Japan. Thus we believe that we have introduced a cutting-edge theory here, and lay the foundation to engage in research at the global level. We have also paved an innovative way as regards the methodology of combining constitutionalism and functionalism

  • Pluralistic Re-construction of the United Nations Peacekeeping Activities and Their Effectiveness

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKAI Hironobu

     View Summary

    Recently, the United Nations (UN) Peacekeeping Activities has been developed in the aspects of their contents as well as of their implementation. This study testifies that the UN Peacekeeping Operations have included various mandate for the peacebuilding after the civil wars or in the failed states, and that the UN has submitted some new operations as the way of collective security in international society, such as the collective responses towards the piracy. It also makes it clear that the richness of the UN Peacekeeping Activities has developed the ways of implementing these operations, like with the appearance of the "robust" peacekeeping or through the organic combinations between the UN and the Member States or the regional organizations.

  • Dynamic analysis of the modern legal system of the sea and its theoretical restructuring

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOSHII Atsushi, UEKI Toshiya, KOTERA Akira, SAKAI Hironobu, ASADA Masahiko, SAKAMOTO Shigeki, FUKAMACHI Kiminobu, KATO Nobuyiki, AOKI Takashi, AKASHI Kinji, MORIKAWA Toshitaka, KAWANO Mariko, TOMIOKA Masashi, YAKUSHIJI Kimio, TANAKA Norio, SUGIHARA Takane, KOGA MAMORU

     View Summary

    Every year during the scientific research fund was provided, there had been several research group meetings and had several presentations and discussions on specific law of the sea issues. Those presentations have been published seratim in the Contemporary Law of the Sea Series. The title of the first volume is Historical Development of the Law of the Sea. Second one is The Influence of Landmark Cases in the Law of the Sea. The third is The Law of the Sea and Japan.

  • Linkages and Coordination of Norm in International Legal Order : The Foundation and Role of Interstitial Norms

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHIBATA Akiho, TAMADA Dai, SAKAI Hironobu, HAMAMOTO Shotaro, NAKAI Itsuko, TAKEUCHI Mari, ABE Tatsuya, KOBAYASHI Tomohiko

     View Summary

    Interstitial norms function, behind the primary rules of international law, to regulate the normative relationship and the coordinated application of these rules, so that the international legal system positively responds to the changing societal needs. This study identified the key normative concepts, namely "l'etre situe" and "effectivite" as theoretical framework that will enable us to grasp the dynamism of international law claiming for its legality, legitimacy and effectiveness.

  • Implementation of Rules Protecting Public Interests of the International Community

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOMORI Teruo, AGO Shinichi, KOYANO Mari, SAKAI Hironobu, KATO Nobuyiki, FURUYA Shuichi

     View Summary

    Last three years starting from 2005, this project has held plenary meeting twice a year and several research meeting. In this process, we have analyzed various problems existing in the implementation processes of institutions and rules protecting public interests of the international community and also considered how those problems have been dealt with from the viewpoints of how the measures to solve them are justified. In the final year of 2007, we held an international workshop on the Implementation of public interests of the international community, inviting Professor Karel Wellens of Nijmegen University, Dr Kern Alexander of Cambridge University, and Director Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger of the Centre for Sustainable Development in Canada as guest speakers. Professor Wellens and the Head Investigator have edited the all the papers submitted by the members of this project and guest speakers into a book consisting of 16 chapters entitled "Implementation of Rules Protecting Public Interests of the International Community: Towards Process-based Concepts of Effectiveness in International Law and submitted it to Cambridge University Press for publication.

  • Fundamental Studies on the Judgment and Reasoning of the International Court of Justice as Viewed from its Judgment Formation Process

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OKUWAKI Naoya, ODA Shigeru, MURASE Shinya, UEKI Toshiya, KAWANO Mariko, SAKAI Hironobu

     View Summary

    The objective of the present research was to invite Shigeru Oda, former Judge of the International Court of Justice, and to study the process of how judgments of international tribunals are formed. In pursuit of this aim, through case studies, we have studied the procedure of the court from the “inside", so to speak, focusing on how the Judges perceived the context of the conflict, how the perception was maintained/modified by collegial deliberation, how this was reflected in the operative part of the judgment, and how this has lead the ICJ to a conclusion that would have a large possibility of substantially contributing to the settlement of the dispute. Moreover, we reached many findings and common understandings on how the arguments of the conflicting parties(arguments of Agents and Counsels) and the manner the judges digested them has influenced the preparation of the judgment in each cases. As of the present, we are preparing our contributions by reorganizing the result of our case studies according to topics in judicial procedure. A book with the provisional title of “The Law and Procedure of International Tribunals" is planned for publication this year, and the deadline for the contribution is set at July 30th of this year. The book will include a case-by-case analysis section that will briefly organize the result of the case studies, to provide greater understanding of the multifaceted aspects of the judgment formation processes of international tribunals. As byproducts of the study, much of the findings gained from the research activities of the study group have already been published as research presentations and articles by individual members.

  • Normative Development of UN Peacekeeping and its Effectiveness after the Cold War

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKAI Hironobu

     View Summary

    In this research, firstly, the features of the "robust" peacekeeping operations and their effectiveness have been considered. The "robust" peacekeeping, which has appeared since the latter half of the 1990's, is permitted the limited use of force under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, moreover with the consents of the parties concerned. The result proves that the new peacekeeping operations may ensure the effectiveness of their mandate ; ceasefire monitoring, humanitarian assistance, rebuilding of the failed States and transitional governance, all of which the UN asks them to implement, especially with the actions under Chapter VII, while the successful achievements by these operations lead the UN to recover the legitimacy of such activities. This consideration shows also that the "robust" peacekeeping still relies on the "self-defence" principle and that this principle can be lawfully applied in the operations, not at variance with the actions under Chapter VII.
    Secondly, the examinations of some recent disguised actions under Chapter VII far example, the Iraqi War in 2003 and the North Korea missile launch incident in 2006, confirm that the UN Member States, especially P5, have attached importance to the distinction between Chapter VII and non Chapter VII, and that the requirements of the actions under Chapter VII should be applied rigidly.
    Finally, this research had planed at first to deal with the performance of the peacekeeping operations by some regional organizations, but in the course of this research period, the preliminary considerations have done only about the case of the UN peacekeeping in Sudan. The operations by the regional organizations and their relationship with the UN remain to be examined in the next research subjects.

  • The Law of Treaties Reexamined in the Contemporary Context :Reality of the State Consent to Treaty Obligations

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKAMOTO Shigeki, IGARASHI Masahiro, SHIBATA Akiho, HAMAMOTO Shotaro, SAKAI Hironobu

     View Summary

    This research tries to reexamine the law of treaties in the contemporary context. Recent developments, particularly those regarding reservations or interpretation, reveal the necessity to reconsider the very foundation of the law of treaties, i.e., voluntarism.
    Sakamoto examined the evolution of treaty obligations through his research on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, with particular emphasis on the rules on treaty interpretation. Igarashi studied international legal issues related to the so-called post-war compensation and examined the evolution of interpretation of the Hague Convention and the Hague Regulation as well as the San Francisco Peace Treaty. Shibata, with his rich experience in practice in the fields, studied the influence exerted by treaty organs on the evolution of treaty interpretation as regards international environmental treaties, particularly the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, and the Antarctic Treaty. Hamamoto studied the role of treaty organs and the evolution of treaty stipulations with regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Investment Agreements. Sakai took in charge of the law of international organizations, especially the law of the United Nations, and carried out case studies on recent peacekeeping operations.
    The results of the research are essentially descriptions of relevant phenomena and the research does not involve an extensive theoretical analysis or an examination of background of these phenomena. However, the research is considered to have produced appreciable results, taking into account the fact that these phenomena have not been sufficiently described in a comprehensive manner.

  • UN Peacekeeping Operation and 21^<st> Century -Normative Development of its Operational Principles and their Replacement within the UN Charter System-

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKAI Hironobu

     View Summary

    During the Period of this Study Project, some recent cases of the UN peacekeeping operations-Mission des Nations Unies en Republique democratique du Congo (MONUC), United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), and Operation des Nations Unies en Cote d'Ivoire (ONUCI)-have been examined in detail. The investigation about MONUC, for example, follows that the United Nations has recognized such mandate of MONUC as a "robust" peacekeeping, and that it has never regarded the combination of the peacekeeping activities and the restricted measures under Chapter VII of the UN Charter as a contradiction of principles ; consent v. enforcement. This conclusion is also true of the cases of UNMIL and ONUCI. Thus, the United Nations has recently developed the practice of the "robust" peacekeeping with the Chapter VII of the UN Charter, which is not contrary to the operational principles of the UN peacekeeping. In the case of ONUCI, for example, the principle of consent among the parties concerned and the principle of impartiality are maintained, with an amended principle of use of force in self defense.
    This Study Project deals with not only the case studies of the UN peacekeeping but also one of the UN peacekeeping operational principles - the principle of impartiality itself. This principle in the traditional peacekeeping was established in the context of the international circumstances at that time and due to the neutral character of the United Nations, and so the meaning of impartiality has been limited to the passive and neutral role. As the end of the Cold War has changed the international scene and pulled down the basis on which the principle of impartiality was maintained, however, it proves difficult to apply the original meaning of this principle to some cases. In the "robust" peacekeeping, the reality of impartiality has converted to the equal applicability of law enforcement to the all parties concerned on the basis of the respect of the Peace Accords, so that this principle has been adapted to the real activities of the recent UN peacekeeping.

  • Theory of Humanitarian Intervention -Its normative turn and contemporary meaning

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SERITA Kentaro, HAMAMOTO Shotaro, SAKAI Hironobu, NAKAMURA Osamu, SHIBATA Akiho, NAKAI Itsuko

     View Summary

    This research project explores the much-discussed notion of humanitarian intervention. Although the notion consists of a wide variety of aspects, political, sociological, cultural, etc., we have limited our perspective to a strictly legal one.
    Sakai analyses the notion of "humanitarian intervention by/through the United Nations and points out that this highly ambiguous notion may serve, unconsciously, as a formalistic and facile justification of use of force.
    Nakamura examines the relationship between regional organizations and the United Nations. In the light of recent practice in which the Security Council hardly maintains its effective control on military operations exercised under its authority, he emphasizes the Security Council's primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security.
    Hamamoto inquires about State practice concerning humanitarian intervention without authorization by the Security Council and concludes that States rarely deny the legality of humanitarian intervention categorically but almost always question about the sincerity of "humanitarian" intention of intervening States.
    Shibata, through his historical and doctrinal investigation, reveals Tabata Shigejiro's decisive role on "outlawing" intervention. He also suggests the possibility of a revival of Taoka Ryoichi's theory, which tends to "legalize" interventions in the face of the lack of an enforcement mechanism in the international community.
    Nakai summarized the process of the development of international human rights law and its influence in the Japanese legal order.
    Serita scrutinized international rules and systems of humanitarian assistance in the case of natural disaster, particularly through a detailed account of State practice concerning the 1995 Hanshin-Awaji Great Earthquake.

  • ドイツ「国際共同体」理論の批判的検討

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金

    Project Year :


    酒井 啓亘

     View Summary


  • New Developments in the Maintenance of Peace by the United Nations

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IDA Ryuichi, SAKAI Hironobu

     View Summary

    The International Community in the post-cold-war era needs a new international order, in which the U.N.will play a crucial role for international peace and security. However, a certain gap may be recognized between the practice of the U.N.in the cold-war era and the role which will be expected and realizable after the cold-war. The fact is that a complex of collective security and peace-keeping has been taken in recent cases, like Iraq-Kweit conflict, Ex-Yugoslavia case or Somalia. We examined new developements fo peace function of the U.N., focussing on the interrelationship between collective security and peace-keeping.
    IDA's research began with re-evaluation of the U.N.practice in collective security and peace-keeping as a whole, so as to draw some limits and problems lying on the edge of the theoretical framework of collective security and its practice. He also analyzed the draft articles of Statute of the International Criminal Court. SAKAI tried a precise analysis of various peace-keeping operations taken after 1989 and pointed out some important evolutions of traditional principles of peace-keeping ; (1) lack of consent, (2) ambiguity of control, (3) expansion of competence and (4) loose limit of the use of force for self-defense.

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  • 国際法学者は国際社会における『法の支配』の夢を見るか⑥(最終回) 国際社会における「法の支配」の担い手とはいかなるものなのだろうか


    書斎の窓   ( 692 ) 29 - 40  2024.03

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • 国際法学者は国際社会における「法の支配」の夢を見るか⑤ 国際社会における「法の支配」のための裁判所の役割とは何であろうか


    書斎の窓   ( 691 ) 40 - 50  2024.01

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • 国際法学者は国際社会における「法の支配」の夢を見るか④ 「法の支配」を担う国際法はいかにして形成されるのか


    書斎の窓   ( 690 ) 39 - 47  2023.11

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 国際法学者は国際社会における「法の支配」の夢を見るか③ 「法の支配」が妥当する国際法秩序とはいかなるものだろうか


    書斎の窓   ( 689 ) 44 - 52  2023.09

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • 国際法学者は国際社会における「法の支配」の夢を見るか② 国際社会は「法の支配」の実現に適当な社会なのだろうか


    書斎の窓   ( 688 ) 44 - 51  2023.07

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • 国際法学者は国際社会における「法の支配」の夢を見るか① 国際社会における「法の支配」への憧憬と猜疑心と


    書斎の窓   ( 687 ) 27 - 32  2023.05

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • (判例評釈)仮保全措置命令における被保全権利


    ジュリスト 令和4年度重要判例解説     265 - 266  2023.04

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 日本が締結した二国間投資協定(BIT)における安全保障例外について


    日本エネルギー法研究所月報   ( 265 ) 1 - 3  2020.08

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  • (判例評釈)カメルーンとナイジェリアの領土及び海洋境界


    薬師寺公夫・坂元茂樹・浅田正彦・酒井啓亘編集代表『判例国際法[第3版]』東信堂     628 - 633  2019

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • (判例評釈)訴追か引渡しかの義務事件


    薬師寺公夫・坂元茂樹・浅田正彦・酒井啓亘編集代表『判例国際法[第3版]』東信堂     530 - 533  2019

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • (判例評釈)マヴロマチス事件・マヴロマチス特許改訂事件


    薬師寺公夫・坂元茂樹・浅田正彦・酒井啓亘編集代表『判例国際法[第3版]』東信堂     500 - 505  2019

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • 「自国第一主義」と国際秩序-特集にあたって

    酒井啓亘, 森肇志, 西村弓

    論究ジュリスト   ( 30 ) 4 - 6  2019

    Authorship:Lead author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • (判例研究)人種差別撤廃条約適用事件(ジョージア対ロシア)


    国際法外交雑誌   116 ( 1 ) 69 - 98  2017.05

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 「グローバルな公共空間」における法の役割――特集にあたって

    酒井啓亘, 濵本正太郎, 森肇志

    論究ジュリスト   ( 23 ) 4 - 7  2017

    Authorship:Lead author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 国連平和維持活動(PKO)と「駆け付け警護」


    国際法学会エキスパート・コメント   ( 2016-9 )  2016.11


  • 日本をめぐる国際制度の展開と国内受容のメカニズム――特集にあたって

    酒井啓亘, 濵本正太郎, 森肇志

    論究ジュリスト   ( 19 ) 4 - 6  2016

    Authorship:Lead author

    Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • (判例評釈)ベナン=ニジェール国境紛争事件


    杉原高嶺・酒井啓亘編『国際法基本判例50[第2版]』三省堂     54 - 57  2014

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • 国際再生可能エネルギー機関(IRENA)の設立


    日本エネルギー法研究所月報   ( 222 ) 1 - 4  2013.06

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  • (判例研究)ジェノサイド条約適用事件1996年7月11日先決的抗弁判決の再審請求事件


    国際法外交雑誌   112 ( 1 ) 107 - 122  2013.05

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • (判例研究)武力行使の合法性事件(セルビア・モンテネグロ対オランダ)他7件―先決的抗弁判決―


    国際法外交雑誌   112 ( 1 ) 123 - 148  2013.05

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 国連平和維持機能の法的分析とその体系化に向けて―国連平和維持機能の実施における国際機構法と一般国際法の連関―


    有信会誌   ( 58 ) 22 - 24  2013

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • (判例評釈)ベルギー対セネガル事件


    小寺彰・森川幸一・西村弓編『国際法判例百選[第2版]』有斐閣     208 - 209  2011.09

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • (判例研究)国境紛争事件(ベナン/ニジェール)


    国際法外交雑誌   109 ( 4 ) 67 - 92  2011.01

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • (判例評釈)ベナン=ニジェール国境紛争事件


    杉原高嶺・酒井啓亘編『国際法基本判例50』三省堂     50 - 53  2010

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • (判例研究)ラグラン事件


    国際法外交雑誌   106 ( 4 ) 75 - 95  2008.01

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • (判例評釈)カメルーンとナイジェリアの領土及び海洋境界


    松井芳郎編集代表『判例国際法[第2版]』東信堂     570 - 575  2006

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • (判例評釈)マヴロマチス事件・マヴロマチス特許改訂事件


    松井芳郎編集代表『判例国際法[第2版]』東信堂     452 - 457  2006

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • (判例評釈)戦時中の韓国人の被害と日韓請求権協定-元従軍慰安婦損害賠償事件


    ジュリスト 平成15年度重要判例解説     272 - 273  2004.04

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • (判例研究)オイル・プラットフォーム事件―先決的抗弁―


    国際法外交雑誌   100 ( 5 ) 87 - 102  2001.12

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • (判例研究)武力行使の合法性に関する事件―仮保全命令―


    国際法外交雑誌   100 ( 1 ) 50 - 74  2001.04

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • クリッパートン島事件


    山本草二・古川照美・松井芳郎編『国際法判例百選』有斐閣     70 - 71  2001

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • (判例研究)ガブチーコヴォ・ナジマロシュ計画事件


    国際法外交雑誌   99 ( 1 ) 57 - 95  2000.04

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • (判例評釈)マヴロマチス事件・マヴロマチス特許改訂事件


    田畑茂二郎・竹本正幸・松井芳郎編集代表『判例国際法』東信堂     385 - 390  2000

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • (判例研究)ジェノサイド条約適用事件―先決的抗弁判決―


    国際法外交雑誌   98 ( 3 ) 83 - 103  1999.08

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • (判例研究)グリーンランドとヤン・マイエン間の海域の境界画定事件


    国際法外交雑誌   95 ( 5 ) 42 - 69  1996.12

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

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Academic Activities

  • 研究企画委員会委員

    Academic society, research group, etc.


  • Japanese Yearbook of International Law編集委員会委員

    Academic society, research group, etc.


  • 国際法協会2020年京都大会実行委員会幹事

    Competition, symposium, etc.


  • エキスパートコメント委員会委員長

    Academic society, research group, etc.


  • 理事

    Academic society, research group, etc.


  • 理事

    Academic society, research group, etc.


  • 理事

    Academic society, research group, etc.


  • 企画委員会委員

    Academic society, research group, etc.


  • Secretary


    Japanese Society of International Law  

  • 雑誌編集委員会幹事

    Academic society, research group, etc.


  • 研究連絡委員会幹事

    Academic society, research group, etc.


  • 理事

    Academic society, research group, etc.


  • 国際法協会2014年京都大会実行委員会事務局長

    Competition, symposium, etc.


  • Assistant Secretary


    Japanese Society of International Law  

  • 評議員

    Academic society, research group, etc.


  • 企画主任補佐

    Academic society, research group, etc.


  • 研究連絡委員会委員

    Academic society, research group, etc.


  • Assistant Secretary


    World Law Association  

  • 国際交流委員会委員

    Academic society, research group, etc.



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  • Faculty of Law   Graduate School of Law

  • Faculty of Law   Waseda Law School