Updated on 2025/03/13

Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title
Master of Literature ( 神戸大学大学院 )
Doctor of Literature ( 京都大学大学院 )
Mail Address

Research Experience

  • 2024.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Professor

  • 2016.04

    Kyoto Prefectural University   Faculty of Letters

  • 2000.10

    Kyoto Prefectural University   Faculty of Letters

  • 1999.04

    University of Miyazaki

  • 1998.02

    University of Miyazaki   Faculty of Education

  • 1993.10

    University of Miyazaki   Faculty of Education

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Education Background


    Kyoto University  


    Kyoto University   Graduate School, Division of Letters  


    Kobe University   Faculty of Letters  


    Kobe University   Faculty of Literature  

Committee Memberships

  • 2014

    史学研究会  評議員

  • 2014

    東洋史研究会  評議員

  • 2001

    洛北史学会  評議員

Professional Memberships













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Research Areas

  • History of Asia and Africa

Research Interests

  • 財政金融

  • 貿易

  • 外交

  • 朝貢

  • 中国海関

  • Chinese Maritime Customs; Tribute; Diplomacy; Commerce; Finance

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  • アジア太平洋賞特別賞


    Winner: 岡本 隆司

  • 樫山純三賞

    2017   樫山奨学財団  

    Winner: 岡本 隆司

  • サントリー学芸賞


  • Suntory Attainments Prize


  • 大平正芳記念賞


  • Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prize


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  • Two "Chinas": Notions of "China" during the Ming and Qing Period and the West

    Okamoto Takashi

    The Journal of Oriental Researches   82 ( 4 ) 36 - 66  2024.03  [Refereed]

  • 歴史教育と歴史研究 : 主題学習とアジア史をめぐって—高校歴史教育 ; 研究と教育

    岡本 隆司

    思想   ( 1188 ) 134 - 146  2023.04

  • 清朝をめぐる国際関係

    岡本 隆司

    荒川正晴ほか編『岩波講座 世界歴史12―東アジアと東南アジアの近世 15~18世紀』岩波書店     111 - 138  2022

  • 今みなおす江南史(第2回)「マンジ」の変貌

    岡本 隆司

    アステイオン = Αστειον / サントリー文化財団・アステイオン編集委員会 編   ( 97 ) 252 - 266  2022

  • 琉球の「兩屬」から朝鮮の「兩截」へ―「自為一國」をめぐる一考察

    岡本 隆司

    岡本隆司編『交隣と東アジア―近世から近代へ』名古屋大学出版会     210 - 231  2021

  • 序章―「交隣」とは何か

    岡本 隆司

    岡本隆司編『交隣と東アジア―近世から近代へ』名古屋大学出版会     1 - 17  2021

  • 中国の問題、中国という問題

    アステイオン = Αστειον   ( 94 ) 29 - 39  2021


  • 世界のなかの日本――一三世紀~現代

    岡本 隆司

    上島享・吉田一彦編『日本宗教史2世界のなかの日本宗教』     64 - 89  2021

  • 世界史と中国史――グローバル・ヒストリーとアジア史と漢語概念


    七隈史学   ( 22 )  2020.03

  • グローバル・ヒストリーとアジア史と漢語概念


    越境する歴史学と世界文学    2020.03

  • 中国(1)――史学から俯瞰する

    岡本 隆司

    近藤孝弘編『歴史教育の比較史』     11 - 69  2020

  • 近代東アジアの「主権」を再検討する : 藩属と中国

    歴史学研究 = Journal of historical studies   ( 989 ) 186 - 196  2019.10


  • 岸本美緒氏の書評に答えて

    岡本 隆司

    中国研究月報   73 ( 8 ) 35 - 38  2019.08

  • China's "Territorial Sovereignty" and Its Origins

    Okamoto Takashi

    Japan Review   3 ( 2 ) 13 - 19  2019

  • The Confucian Temples of Nagasaki : A Study of the Early-Modern and Modern Eras in China and Japan

    岡本 隆司

    史林 = The Journal of history   101 ( 6 ) 967 - 984  2018.11  [Refereed]

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    Heretofore, in discussions of the Confucian temples of Nagasaki, the earlymodern Nakajima Seidō, known as the Japanese Confucian temple at Nagasaki, alone has attracted the attention in the academic world. Today the Kongzi Miao, the Chinese Confucian temple in Nagasaki, is chiefly famed as a tourist destination. The two have been the objects of completely different concerns, and thus the relationship between the two has never been fully addressed. However, this paper makes clear that the building of the Kongzi Miao was a project of the Qing government and that it was seen as a replacement and continuation of the Japanese "early-modern" Nakajima Seidō. After the 1880s, Qing foreign establishments were under the control of overseas Chinese on a global scale, and because the functioning of the Nakajima Seidō at Nagasaki in Japan since the "early modern" period was seen as useful. The Kongzi Miao was run jointly by the Shizhong School and like the Nakajima Seidō, it functioned as an educational institution. Both officials and merchants prayed at the Kongzi Miao built by the authorities, children could study at the school, and its financial operation was supported by Chinese merchants. At this time, there was the parallel movement of Kang Youwei's radical reform movement of Confucianism. Confucianism was to be converted into a religion like Christianity, Confucian temples were to be transformed into the equivalent of churches, and mission schools were to be built, and the children of both the gentry-literati and ordinary people would become their responsibility. The Kōbe Chinese School and the Yokohama School were in fact established. The aim was the unity and creation of a national citizenry as in the advanced Western nations, and to organize overseas Chinese so they could be mobilized politically. Both Japanese Confucianism and Western Christianity lay behind the construction of Nagasaki's Kongzi Miao and the Kang Youwei's radical reform movement of Confucianism, though their beginnings differed. However, as "early-modern" Japan and Western modernity were nearly identical when viewed from China, one can see that they aimed at the same goal of creation and unity of a national citizens citizenry. The historical categories of "early-modern" and "modern" in Japan and China, as in Nagasaki's Kongzi Miao, but also the compartmentalization of the "modern" and "early-modern" are surely issues that will provide an opportunity to reconsider the entire study of Japanese and Chinese history that has nearly been terminated.


  • 書評と紹介 李穂枝著『朝鮮の対日外交戦略 : 日清戦争前夜 一八七六-一八九三』

    岡本 隆司

    日本歴史   ( 832 ) 97 - 99  2017.09


  • "East Asia" and "Eurasia"

    岡本 隆司

    歴史評論   ( 799 ) 37 - 46  2016.11


  • Some Remarks on the "Investiture-Tributary" System

    岡本 隆司

    東アジア近代史   ( 20 ) 122 - 126  2016.06


  • Collapse of the Qing Dynasty and the Modernization of China

    岡本 隆司

    アステイオン   ( 84 ) 85 - 98  2016


  • "Tycoon", "Sovereignty", "Independence" : Translated Concepts and International Relations surrounding Modern Korea

    岡本 隆司

    近代日本研究   ( 28 ) 143 - 175  2011

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    はじめに一 「大君」の消滅二 明治維新と「独立」概念三 江華条約と「自主」概念四 「自主」の分裂五 朝鮮における「自主」の重層化六 「自主」の一元化まとめ特集1 : 近代日本の外交


  • The end of the Sino-French War: negotiation and conclusion of the Treaty of Tiensin, 1885

    Takashi OKAMOTO

    The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University Humanities   61 ( 61 ) 19 - 34  2009.12


  • The Way that Leads to the Sino-French War, 1884-1885 : the Li-Fournier Convention and the Rupture of Peace

    Takashi OKAMOTO

    The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University Humanities and social science   60 ( 60 ) 79 - 97  2008


  • "Tribute" (ch'ao-kung), "trade" (hu-shih), and the maritime customs system in 16th-19th-century China

    岡本 隆司

    The Journal of history   90 ( 5 ) 749 - 771  2007.09  [Refereed]


  • Foreign affairs (yangwu), diplomacy (waiwi/waijiao) and Li Hongzhang

    岡本 隆司

    現代中国研究   ( 20 ) 1 - 16  2007.03


  • Between vassalite and protectorat: the Sino-French controversy on the Tonkin affair, 1880-1883

    The Journal of Oriental researches   66 ( 1 ) 1 - 31  2007  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on the Journal of the Imperial Chinese Mission to Korea, 1890

    Takashi OKAMOTO

    The Science reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Humanities and social science   58 ( 58 ) 11 - 37  2006.12


  • 「歴史認識」を認識する--日本と中国のあいだ (日本と東アジアの根本問題--歴史は何を証言するか)

    岡本 隆司

    ラチオ   ( 2 ) 96 - 116  2006.10


  • Modern(China,East Asia,Historical Studies in Japan, 2005)

    OKAMOTO Takashi

    SHIGAKU ZASSHI   115 ( 5 ) 842 - 849  2006

    DOI CiNii

  • 書評 金鳳珍著 九州大学出版会『東アジア「開明」知識人の思惟空間--鄭観応・福沢諭吉・兪吉濬の比較研究』

    岡本 隆司

    中国研究月報   60 ( 1 ) 35 - 38  2006.01


  • 「朝鮮中立化構想」の一考察--日清戦争以前の清韓関係に着眼して (特集 近代東アジア史像をめぐって)

    岡本 隆司

    洛北史学   ( 8 ) 3 - 27  2006


  • The Special Tariff Conference and British China Policy, 1921-1926

    Takashi OKAMOTO

    京都府立大学学術報告. 人文・社会 = The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Humanities and social science   ( 57 ) 35 - 55  2005.12


  • 書評 本野英一著『伝統中国商業秩序の崩壊--不平等条約体制と「英語を話す中国人」』

    岡本 隆司

    アジア経済   46 ( 4 ) 98 - 101  2005.04


  • 紹介 丁文江・趙豐田編、島田虔次編譯『梁啓超年譜長編』

    岡本 隆司

    東洋史研究   63 ( 1 ) 132 - 137  2004.06

    DOI CiNii

  • 井上裕正著, 『清代アヘン政策史の研究』, 京都大学学術出版会, 2004年2月, iv+328頁, 5,500円

    岡本 隆司

    社会経済史学   70 ( 3 ) 370 - 371  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • Sino-Korean Relations in American Perspectives, 1882-1890

    Takashi OKAMOTO

    The Science reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Humanities and social science   55 ( 55 ) 167 - 227  2003.12


  • Pak Chong-yang's mission to the United States and Sino-Korean relations, 1887-1890

    Takashi OKAMOTO

    The Science reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Humanities and social science   54 ( 54 ) 55 - 99  2002.12


  • <Review>Y. Niyimura, Controversy over the Opium Trade : Britain and China, Tokyo, 2000

    The Journal of Oriental researches   60 ( 4 ) 793 - 802  2002.03

    DOI CiNii

  • 辛亥革命九十周年国際学術討論会(武漢)参加記 (辛亥革命90周年記念特集)

    岡本 隆司

    孫文研究   ( 31 ) 1 - 7  2002.01


  • 辛亥革命と海関 (辛亥革命90周年記念特集 日本における清末・民初史の研究) -- (辛亥革命の史的位置)

    岡本 隆司

    近きに在りて   ( 39 ) 45 - 61  2001.08


  • 書評 久保亨『戦間期中国〈自立への模索〉--関税通貨政策と経済発展』

    岡本 隆司

    歴史学研究   ( 746 ) 46 - 49  2001.02


  • 壬午変乱と馬建忠

    岡本 隆司

    京都府立大学学術報告(人文・社会)   ( 53 ) 33 - 81  2001

  • 魏源の塩法論を中心として

    岡本 隆司

    洛北史学   ( 3 ) 1 - 23  2001


  • The Origins of the Ticket Salt System in Late Ching China

    OKAMOTO Takashi

    Shigaku-Zasshi   110 ( 12 ) 2094 - 2118  2001

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    This paper explores the process by which the reform of the salt administration in the Liang-Huai districts, especially the ticket salt system in Huaipei district, was carried out in the late 1820&#039;s and early 1830&#039;s. Although this process seems to be fully explained in the previous studies, a reexamination of the research led to the following results : First, in order to reform Liang-Huai salt administration, there were two leading ideas about what should be done. One was to change the existing system fundamentally, the other to get rid of abuses without changing the system itself. Both of them were proposed by officials in the Peking government. T&#039;ao Chu, who was charged with Liang-Huai salt administration at that time, adopted the latter policy to &quot;lower the price of legal salt enough to compete with the illegal one.&quot; Such a policy, which could be followed in Huainan district, turned out not to be applied to Huaipei. Therefore, T&#039;ao finally decided to change the existing system and put the ticket system into force there. It was also a Peking official, not T&#039;ao Chu or his advisors, who originally planned and proposed the ticket system. Secondly, according to the process mentioned above, the ticket system in Huaipei cannot be identified with &quot;lowering the price of legal salt enough to compete with the illegal one.&quot; A general interpretation in the previous research follows misleading information which originated in Wei Yuan&#039;s accounts. In fact, the ticket system was based on the policy of &quot;establishing official salt warehouses to levy duties,&quot; instead of lowering the legal price. It practically recognized the circulation of illegal salt in Huaipei and attempted to transform smugglers&#039; facilities adjacent to salt factories into authorized organs for tax collection. This is the reason why the ticket system in Huaipei had great effect soon after its inauguration.

    DOI CiNii

  • <Articles>Ma Chien-chung's First Mission to Korea in 1882

    OKAMOTO Takashi

    The Journal of history   82 ( 6 ) 94 - 124  1999.11

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    The year of 1882 was a crucial turning point in the relations between Korea, Japan and the Chinese Empire. Ma Chien-chung, one of Li Hung-chang&#039;s proteges, proved to be important to the march of events of that year. This paper is to inquire into his role with special reference to the U. S.-Korean Treaty of 1882. The original object of Ma&#039;s first mission to Korea was to let the Americans recognize Chinese suzerainty over Korea, which Li Hung-chang was anxious to preserve in his negotiations with Commodore Robert W. Shufeldt in Tientsin. Ma had been planning to request the king of Korea to send a letter to the president of the United States to the effect that Korea was a state tributary to China. After arriving at Inch&#039;on, however, he recognized the arrogant attitude of Korean officials regardless of Korea&#039;s dependent status towards China. In the traditional suzerain-dependency relationship between China and Korea, the kings of Korea had exercised full autonomy in all matters of internal administration and foreign relations. In 1876, moreover, the Koreans had concluded the Kanghwa Treaty with the Japanese stipulating that &quot;Chosen [Korea] being an autonomous state enjoys the same right as does Japan.&quot; In view of these facts, some Korean officials at that time, such as Kim Yun-sik, a Korean envoy to China, though never opposed to Chinese suzerainty over Korea, interpreted it as China&#039;s protection of Korean autonomy. As a matter of fact, it is unclear whether the arrogant attitude towards the Chinese was caused only by the interpretation mentioned above. But Ma found that the Koreans had been influenced by the Japanese enough to lose their respect for China. Therefore, he sought a rupture between the Koreans and the Japanese and a reorganization of Sino-Korean relationship. In order to make the Koreans submit to the Chinese, on one hand, he favored the Korean interest the Korean-Japanese negotiations of the Tariff and Trade regulations. On the other hand, he enhanced the dependence of Korea on China, stating that her autonomy was only in name. China&#039;s policy of intervention in Korea after the outbreak of the Imo Revolt of 1882 was based on Ma&#039;s views against Japan&#039;s Korean policy and Korea&#039;s autonomy.


  • 清末民国と塩税

    岡本 隆司

    東洋史研究   58 ( 1 ) 84 - 117  1999

  • 『關税紀實』にみる国民政府の財政経済

    岡本 隆司

    宮崎大学教育学部紀要社会科学   ( 82-83-84 ) 1 - 28  1998

  • Between the Opening of the Treaty Ports and the Tributary Trade on the China Coast : With Special Reference to Foochow, 1844-1859

    Okamoto Takashi

    Memoirs of the Faculty of Education,Miyazaki University. Social sciences   80 ( 81 ) 1 - 24  1996.09


  • 清代後期における海関制度と中国沿海世界の考察

    平成7年度科学研究費補助金重点領域研究(2)研究成果報告書    1996

  • An Inquiry into the Transformation of the Hong Merchant System at Canton

    岡本 隆司

    The Journal of Oriental researches   54 ( 2 ) 165 - 201  1995.09

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    This paper is an inquiry into the transformation of the hong merchant system at Canton, based on an examination of primary sources, both published and unpublished. Based on these sources, the author first identifies some of the hong merchants in the early 1730&#039;s, such as Suqua, Ton Hungqua, etc., whose identities and activities have not as yet been sufficiently analyzed by previous studies. Secondly, these sources reveal the existence of a system of zonghang 總行 in this same period, within which the Security Merchant/Cohong system originated. The establishment of the Cohong system was intimately related to the class hierarchy of hong merchants at Canton. This hierarchy was structured according to ranking of wealth, and included the positions of waiyang-hang 外洋行, ben&#039;gang-hang 本港行, Fu-Chao-hang 福潮行, or shopkeepers. This hierarchy, on which the so-called Canton monopoly system was based, until the early 19th century changed into a hierarchy comprising two distinct parts, one concerned with the conduct foreign and one with domestic trade. This bifurcation occurred because the shopkeepers directly dealt with foreign merchants under the name of waiyang-hang merchants and because Fu-Chao-hang absorbed ben&#039;gang-hang. This latter absorption occurred due to the Fu-Chao junks&#039; takeover of the Southeast Asian trade which had hitherto been managed by the ben&#039;gang, or Canton junks. Thus, the change in the hierarchy of hong merchants, providing the basis on which Native and Foreign Customs were established during the late Qing period, was a reflection of the Canton trade in transition, Sino-Western or intra-Asian.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Role of the Inspector General of the Chinese Maritime Customs, 1912-1926

    Okamoto Takashi

    SHIGAKU ZASSHI   104 ( 6 ) 1 - 33  1995

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    The research on the Chinese Maritime Customs Service during the early Republican period is generally based upon a given premise that the Customs Service/the Inspector General represented the imperialist powers. This viewpoint prevails especially in the matter of customs revenue, which is commonly regarded as an important part of China&#039;s government revenue controlled by the Inspector General as an imperialist. Both the so-called control over the customs revenue and the so-called relationship between the Inspector General and the powers there, however, are not always investigated thoroughly enough to prove them to be true. In this paper, through reexamination of these points, the role of the Customs Service/the Inspector General between 1912 and 1926 is placed in its true light, so as to reappraise the above-mentioned premise. During this period, the Customs Service constituted a de facto &#039;caisse de la dette,&#039; which at first had been exclusively foreign, but then began to turn domestic in part. China&#039;s customs revenue, which had been committed entirely to pre-1900 foreign loans and the Boxer Indemnity, was also appropriated for some domestic loans after World War I. That was made possible only by the Inspector General supervising the collection and disposal of the customs revenue. In the meantime, he came to have control over the customs revenue surplus to secure domestic loans regardless of the interests of either the foreign powers or the Chinese government, central or provincial. In this respect, the Inspector General came into conflict with the Southern Government, foreign creditors, the Diplomatic Body and the Foreign Offiice. On the other hand, this transformation involved the incorporation of the Inspector General&#039;s credit into the financial system of China. Since the Peking government&#039;s fiscal debt and the treaty, port economy surrounding the Chinese modern banks were linked to each other through the medium of domestic loans, both of them could not but depend on the Inspector General&#039;s credit. This system led to a definite fiscal distinction between the central government and provincial authorities thereafter. The role of the Inspector General in the 1920&#039;s is, therefore, embodied not always in foreign predominance over China, but typically in the financial structure of China bound up with domestic and foreign obligations of the central government.

    DOI CiNii

  • <Articles>The Revenue-Raising System of the Canton Customs House in Transition, with special reference to the Establishment of the Foreign Inspectorate of Customs at Canton

    岡本 隆司

    The Journal of history   77 ( 6 ) 1 - 31  1994.11

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    Prior to the Treaty of Nanking, the Hong-merchants&#039; transactions with foreign traders were, from the viewpoint of the customs house authorities at Canton, an important revenue-producing process. The monopoly held by, and the excessive charges placed on foreign trade by the Chinese are the consequences of this particular structure of trade and taxation. Throughout the 1840 s, whilst the structure itself was not transformed even after the first Treaty settlement, the Hong-merchants&#039; functional involvement in both trade and taxation based on it had been gradually diverging since the 1830 s. In the mid-1850 s, due to changes in the Sino-foreign trade system, the old Hong-merchants eventually retired from the Canton trade, and revenue-raising became a function of the linguists who had played the part of customs house clerks and interpreters in the name of the Hong-merchants in pre-Treaty days. Then the trade between Hongkong and Macao and Canton with river steamers and lorchas had been developing rapidly. The foreign inspectorate of customs at Canton, established in 1859, replaced the linguists who were not able to control the river-steamer trade on the Canton river. In other words, the divergence of the revenue-producing process from the transactions with foreign traders gave rise to an agency for levies on foreign trade at Canton independent of the Hong-merchants, which was in its turn succeeded by the establishment of the foreign inspectorate. This development at Canton, throws light on the relationships between the Ch&#039;ing authorities and the Chinese brokers, and thus is significant for research on trade and taxation during late Ch&#039;ing China as a whole.


  • <Articles>The Hong Merchants and Canton Customs House : with special reference to the security merchant system

    岡本 隆司

    The Journal of history   75 ( 5 ) 69 - 99  1992.09

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    個人情報保護のため削除部分あり南京条約以前、中国の対西洋貿易を一方で規定した清朝の体制は、「広東システム」として理論化されているが、その内容にはなお検討すべき課題が残されている。本稿は、粤海関設置より条約締結まで、西洋貿易における広東での取引と徴税のあり方を、粤海関と中国商人の関係を中心に概観するものである。西洋貿易を管轄した粤海関では、商人との関わりから形成されるに至った徴税機構たる保商制度が重視されるべきであり、これまで「広東システム」の中核とみなされてきた「公行」=「独占」とは、厳密にいえば、保商制度の弥縫的維持のための副次的な組織に過ぎなかった。こうした保商制度の展開は、当時の取引のあり方とも密接な連関を有し、条約の内容にまで影響を与えた問題であった。Since H. B. Morse&#039;s authoritative studies, the lincensed guild monopoly known as the &#039;Co-hong&#039; has been regarded as the most important component of the Canton System which regulated China&#039;s European trade untill the Treaty of Nanking in 1842. To be sure, this viewpoint is not false per se, yet it undoubtedly overlooks various other aspects of the hong merchants. Dealing with the hong merchants&#039; relations with the customs house authorities at Canton and with foreign merchants, this paper reveals how the system for levying duties on the Western trade at Canton commenced, developed and finally broke down. The establishment of the Canton customs house, which absorbed rather than succeeded the maritime supervisorate at Macao, involved the distinction of yang-huo hang 洋貨行 from ordinary native brokers in Canton for the purpose of levies on maritime trade. Both the transaction of foreign trade and the collection of taxes from it were entrusted exclusively to several of the more influential brokers among the yang-hang 洋行, who were to be the hong merchants. Under the name of &#039;security merchants &#039;, these brokers were eventually obliged to secure all the duties on Sino-European trade. Since this security merchant system did not work well from the beginning due to a lack of funds on the part of the hong merchants, such remedies as the establishment of the kung-hang 公行 (not identical with the &#039;Co-hong&#039;) and the designation of senior merchants were unsuccessfully attempted. Due to a rise in the outside merchants&#039; unscrupulous dealings with foreign merchants, the system worked worse and worse. In negotiations of the Treaty of Nanking, the British had demanded that consuls be substituted as intermediaries between foreign merchants and the customs houses in place of the security merchants, of whom the country traders especially had complained. Nevertheless, although one of the treaty articles provided for the abolition of the &#039;Co-hong, &#039; the treaty did not actually contain any. stipulations to meet the British demand. This fact was to bring about further problems in the tax collection system of the post-treaty Canton customs house.


  • 洋関の成立をめぐって

    岡本 隆司

    東洋史研究   50 ( 1 ) 58 - 90  1991

  • The Establishment of the Inspector-General of Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs in Late Ch'ing China


    The Journal of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko   70 ( 1-2 ) 49 - 76  1989.01


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Books and Other Publications

  • 物語江南の歴史 : もうひとつの中国史

    岡本, 隆司

    中央公論新社  2023.11 ISBN: 9784121027801

  • 何谓明代 : 『危机』下的世界史与东亚

    岡本, 隆司, 马, 云超

    浙江人民出版社  2023.07 ISBN: 9787213110375

  • 중국사 : 어떻게 읽을 것인가 : 황허문명부터 중국공산당까지 역사 흐름과 그 특징

    岡本, 隆司, 강, 진아

    투비북스  2023.06 ISBN: 9788998286064

  • 悪党たちの中華帝国

    岡本, 隆司

    新潮社  2022.08 ISBN: 9784106038884

  • 曾国藩 : 「英雄」と中国史

    岡本, 隆司

    岩波書店  2022.07 ISBN: 9784004319368

  • Asia reoriented : a new conception of world history

    岡本, 隆司, House, Michael

    出版文化産業振興財団  2022.06 ISBN: 9784866582207

  • 明代とは何か : 「危機」の世界史と東アジア

    岡本, 隆司

    名古屋大学出版会  2022.05 ISBN: 9784815810863

  • Contested perceptions : interactions and relations between China, Korea, and Japan since the seventeenth cantury

    岡本, 隆司

    Japan publishing industry foundation for culture(JPIC)  2022.03 ISBN: 9784866582313

  • 交隣と東アジア : 近世から近代へ

    岡本, 隆司, 中, 純夫, 石田, 徹, 石川, 亮太, 森, 万佑子, 朴, 漢珉

    名古屋大学出版会  2021.11 ISBN: 9784815810443

  • 中国史とつなげて学ぶ日本全史 = A brief history of Japan

    岡本, 隆司

    東洋経済新報社  2021.11 ISBN: 9784492062180

  • 歴史學家寫給所有人的中國史 : 從環境、氣候到貿易網絡, 全球視野下的中國史

    岡本, 隆司

    臺湾商務印書館  2021.09 ISBN: 9789570533521

  • 袁世凱 : 現代中国の出発

    岡本, 隆司

    北京日报出版社  2021.01

  • 李鴻章 : 東アジアの近代

    岡本, 隆司

    北京日报出版社  2021.01

  • 教養としての「中国史」の読み方

    岡本, 隆司

    PHPエディターズ・グループ,PHP研究所 (発売)  2020.10 ISBN: 9784569847221

  • 「中国」の形成 : 現代への展望

    岡本, 隆司( Part: Sole author)

    岩波書店  2020.07 ISBN: 9784004318088

  • A World History of Suzerainty: A Modern History of East and West Asia and Translated Concepts

    OKAMOTO Takashi( Part: Edit)

    The Toyo Bunko  2019

  • ハンドブック近代中国外交史――明清交替から満洲事変まで

    岡本 隆司( Part: Edit)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2019

  • 中國為何反日? : 中日對立五百年的深層結構 = 中國「反日」の源流

    岡本, 隆司, 陳, 心慧

    八旗文化 : 遠足文化事業  2017.09 ISBN: 9789869516822

  • 朝鮮的困境 : 在日清之間追求獨立自主的歴史

    岡本, 隆司, 陳, 彦含

    八旗文化 : 遠足文化事業  2017.04 ISBN: 9789869423182

  • 改訂増補 モリソンパンフレットの世界

    岡本 隆司( Part: Joint editor)

    東洋文庫  2017

  • 中国の誕生―東アジアの国家形成と近代外交

    岡本 隆司( Part: Sole author)

    名古屋大学出版会  2017

  • 袁世凱 : 左右近代中國的俗吏與強人 = 袁世凱 : 現代中国の出発

    岡本, 隆司

    八旗文化 : 遠足文化事業  2016.12 ISBN: 9789869384407

  • 중국경제사 : 고대에서 현대까지

    岡本, 隆司, 강, 진아

    경북대학교출판부  2016.10 ISBN: 9788971804452

  • 宗主権の世界史 : 東西アジアの近代と翻訳概念

    岡本, 隆司, 黛, 秋津, 藤波, 伸嘉, 望月, 直人, 山添, 博史, 森田, 吉彦, 古結, 諒子, 橘, 誠, 小林, 亮介

    名古屋大学出版会  2014.11 ISBN: 9784815807870

  • 出使日記の時代―清末の中国と外交

    岡本 隆司( Part: Joint author)

    名古屋大学出版会  2014

  • 宗主権の世界史―東西アジアの近代と翻訳概念

    岡本 隆司( Part: Edit)

    名古屋大学出版会  2014

  • 中国経済史

    岡本 隆司( Part: Edit)

    名古屋大学出版会  2013

  • 属国与自主之间 : 近代中朝关系与东亚的命运

    岡本, 隆司, 黄, 栄光

    生活・讀書・新知三联书店  2012.03 ISBN: 9787108039859

  • 近代中国研究入門

    岡本 隆司( Part: Edit)

    東京大学出版会  2012

  • O・N・デニー著『清韓論』岡本隆司校訂・訳註、東北アジア文獻研究叢刊4

    岡本 隆司( Part: Sole translator)

    成文社  2010 ISBN: 9784915730795

  • 中国近代外交の胎動

    岡本 隆司( Part: Edit)

    東京大学出版会  2009 ISBN: 9784130210737

  • Relations between Japan, China and Korea in the Modern World History

    ( Part: Sole author)

    Kodansha  2008 ISBN: 9784062584203

  • Ma Chien-chung's Modern China

    ( Part: Sole author)

    Kyoto University Press  2007 ISBN: 9784876987290

  • 属国と自主のあいだ―近代清韓関係と東アジアの命運

    岡本 隆司( Part: Sole author)

    名古屋大学出版会  2004

  • Between Dependency and Sovereignty, Sino-Korean Relations, 1866-1894

    The University of Nagoya Press  2004

  • 近代中国と海関

    岡本 隆司

    名古屋大学出版会  1999

  • China and the Maritime Customs System in Modern Times


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Research Projects

  • モリソンコレクション形成過程の総合的分析による東アジアをめぐる知的体系の解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    箱田 恵子, 斯波 義信, 新居 洋子, 徐 小潔, 小沼 孝博, 橘 誠, 小林 亮介, 渡辺 千尋, 岡本 隆司, 小風 尚樹

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  • モリソンコレクション形成過程の総合的分析による東アジアをめぐる知的体系の解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    箱田 恵子, 新居 洋子, 岡本 隆司, 徐 小潔, 小沼 孝博, 橘 誠, 小林 亮介, 渡辺 千尋, 小風 尚樹, 斯波 義信

  • Historical transition of Chinese concept on world order and the evaluation of global eyes for it

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Historical transition of Chinese concept on world order and the evaluation of global eyes for it

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 中印比較史の創生 データベースに基づく総合的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    村上 衛, 神田 さやこ, 石川 亮太, 小川 道大, 太田 信宏, 田口 宏二朗, 城山 智子, 岡本 隆司, 梶谷 懐, 富澤 芳亜, 木越 義則

  • Toward a Global History of Inter-State Relations: A Comparative Study on Governmental Controls on Commercial Exchanges and Traffics in Eurasia, 1400-1900

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Comparative Studies on the Annexation of Tributary States in Modern East Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

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  • Historical Transition of the Concept of Chinese World Order

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Comprehensive Studies on the "Kyorin" with special reference to Modern Korea: a Re-examination of the World Order in East Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Okamoto Takashi

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    This study aims at a reexamination of the world order of East Asia during the late 19th century through the research on the "kyorin"which was a unique relationship of the Choson dynasty. The kyorin, literally meaning neighbor intercourse, represented Korea's relations with countries and ethnic groups except China, including Japan and Western states.
    We studied the kyorin from the viewpoints of politics, diplomacy, economics, and ideologies together with Korean researchers of the Korean history, investigated the method of previous studies, and thought of the total structure of the order of modern East Asia. The kyorin was not simply an equal relationship with other countries, but developed into the international relations of modern Korea in mixture with the relations with China.

  • Chinese Diplomacy for Asia : History, Philosophy and Policy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kawashima Shin

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    This joint research project aims to explore continuity and transition of Chinese diplomacy for Asia, from the analysis of its philosophy and policy on each period, late Qing, Min-kuo and PRC China. Prof. Kawashima, project leader, publishes “Xi Jinping’s Diplomatic Philosophy and Vision for International Order: Continuity and Change from the Hu Jintao Era”, Asia Pacific Review, Volume 26. This article argues Chinese philosophy and vision on its diplomacy for neighborhood countries from the historical perspective. And Prof. Okamoto, one of the core members of this project, publishes “Re-consider on the concept of ‘sovereignty’ in modern East Asia: subject states and China”, Rekishigakukenkyu, No.989. This article explores comparative studies on the concept of ‘sovereignty’ in modern East Asia. Other members also advance the substantial researches on the continuity and transition of the philosophy and policies on Chinese diplomacy for Asia, in late Qing, Min-kuo, and PRC period.

  • China's economic institutions: The relationship between the government, commerce, and industry

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This study defined institutions as customs, norms, common sense, order and behavioral patterns. By empirically investigating the relationship between the government, commerce, and industry, we constructed a model based on China’s economic institutions, and to further understand their unique characteristics, we compared these institutions with Japanese and Indian institutions. Our results were broadly transmitted by panels on the international conference and thesis.

  • Comparative study of modern history education formation in the global world

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WU XIAOYAN, Chung Kyu-Young

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    This study examines what historical approaches have been introduced in the school education of China, Turkey, Germany, and the United States in order to cope with the development of globalization since early modern times.
    The process of formation and spread of modern historical education of these countries is rich in diversity depending on presence or absence of traditional historiography, the relationship between traditional and modern historiography, and the extent of the influence of globalization in each country. The views of the own country and the world presented in history education have been also diverse.
    Recognizing such diversity, we can reconsider our views of the history of own country and the world that are assumed self-evident in each country, and it will be possible to make a realistic proposal on today's historical education reform from a broader perspective.

  • The Historical Transition of Concept of Sovereignty and its Influence on Diplomacy: Discourse and Negotiation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This project designed to make it clear how did Chinese concept of sovereignty form historically. We approach the target from the several perspectives; historical thought, narrative and negotiation, and have the historical bird's-eye view, from late Qing, Min-kuo to PRC period. Through this project, we have a temporal image of this topic. Firstly, in late-Qing, the officials had held the styles to express its sovereignty based on its historical background, like the case of the negotiation of border problem with British Burma. Secondly, in Min-kuo period, many young China came back mainly from USA, who learned the modern international law, and reinforced and completed the concept of sovereignty to hold "China" as a nation-state in the world. Its independence and territorial maintenance were the main purpose of their diplomacy. Thirdly new communist official basically continued to keep the concept of sovereignty, but they added some flavor of communism and the image of Asia-Africa.

  • Historical Reexamination of Modern East Asia: from the Shelves of the George Morrison Pamphlet Collection

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OKAMOTO Takashi, KOIZUMI Junko, TACHIBANA Makoto

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    This research project aimed at two points. The first point was to establish an environment for more effective utilization of the George Morrison Pamphlet Collection, by creating a database with summaries in English of the items in the Pamphlet Collection. Over the course of the project, we finished summarizing more than 800 items in the Pamphlet Collection.
    The second point was to promote researches to utilize the items in the Pamphlet Collection. Through the efforts to explore many items, we have discovered the value and the potential of the Pamphlet Collection as an appealing and informative historical resources. We have written articles and essays not only on academic journals, but we have also jointly published a book on modern East Asian history that contains our research papers utilizing the Pamphlet Collection. We have thus achieved the above-stated objectives of the research project that demonstrates the value and potential of the Pamphlet Collection.

  • Toward a construction of a new concept of " Religious Heritage Studies"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UEJIMA SUSUMU, YMMAGISHI Tuneto, HIGASI Noboru, TAKAGI Hiroshi, MAKABE Jin, KAWASE Takaya, NAKA Sumio, OU Eimei, MUKAI Yusuke, ABE Yasuro, OKAMOTO Takashi, UESUGI Kazuo, INOE Noki, FUJIMOTO Hitofumi, ABE Takuji

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    "Cultural Heritage", which originates from cultural and academic studies in the Western World, consists of visible and invisible cultural properties created by human activities. Regarding "Cultural Heritage", properties are variously classified depending on their form. On the other hand, "Religious Heritage Studies ",at which this research aims, is based on a conviction that it is ideological human action that became the motivation to create various heritages related to religion. This study tries to grasp various kinds of heritage by emphasizing religious thought connected with cultural properties. We clarified the effectiveness of the concept of "religious heritage" and established directions for our future research through specific case sutudies in Japan and East Asia.

  • Long-run Analysis for 150 Years of Chinese Diplomacy: Reexamination of the Continuity and the Transformation Process since the 19th Century

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The purpose of this research is to explore a comprehensive historical framework of modern Chinese & PRC diplomacy. In order to advance this research, we have organized a collaborative team of researchers (specialized to modern diplomacy and PRC diplomatic history) of Chinese diplomacy from the 19th century to the present, and verified critically the preceding divided discourse and narratives of Chinese diplomacy before and after 1949. Additionally, we examined the continuous factor thorough modern and contemporary Chinese diplomacy on the process of this research. This research highlights the importance of "Sovereignty" as an element of underlying the 20th century with the transformation of 10 years after the Sino-Japanese War and around 1949. "Sovereignty" concept formed in the early 20th century in China is an important element that is also inherited by PRC. However, we also confirmed that the research how it was formed and about what has transformed is not sufficient.

  • Creation and dissemination of a new view on modern East Asian history based on utilization of the George Morrison Pamphlet Collection

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NIIMURA YOKO, SHIBA Yoshinobu, YABUKI Susumu, MOTONO Eiichi, KISHI Toshihiko, MATSUSHIGE Mitsuhiro, SHIROYAMA Tomoko, OKAMOTO Takashi, YOSHIZAWA Seiichiro, MURAKAMI Ei, HAMASHITA Takeshi, YAMAMURA Yoshiteru

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    The objectives of this research project were twofold. The first was to establish an environment for more effectively utilizing the George Morrison Pamphlet Collection(hereinafter, GMPC), by creating a catalog with a summary of each item in the GMPC. Over the course of the project, we were able to summarize a total of 483 items in the GMPC.
    The second was to promote research that utilizes items in the GMPC. Based on experimental efforts to explore items,we have discovered the value and the potential of the GMPC as an appealing and informative historical resources. As individuals, we have reported on the value of the GMPC in academic papers.In addition we have jointly published a book on Modern East Asia,that contains several papers utilizing GMPC. The book has garnered worldwide attention.We have thus achieved the above-stated objectives of the research project by creating catalog of items in the GMPC and by publishing a book that demonstrates the value and potential of the GMPC.

  • A study on tribute and regulated trade from 14th to early 20th century and transformation of world order in East Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This research dealing with tribute and trade in East Asia, Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia from 14th century to early 20th century aims to give clear understandings of tribute and trade system, and discusses the process of its transformation. We pointed out that the logical view advocated by Fairbank and Mancall assuming Canton trade as a part of the tribute system of Chinese Empire was inadequate and maintained that the formation of trade institutions with isolation and regulation in East Asia from 17th century should be regarded as important.

  • The end of Celestial Tribute relations and the formation of historiography of it in East Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This project successfully examined and published some case studies which it has planned; firstly Qing's re-formation of tribute relations with surrounding countries in late 19c just before such relations were disappeared; secondly the formation of memories in 20c, as traditional relations with surrounding countries, under the influences of nationalism movement, anti-Japanese war and diplomatic policies at that time.

  • Imperial Russia and the Emergence of "Northeast Asia" from the Viewpoint of International Relations

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAMI Tatsuo, HARA Teruyuki, SASAKI Yo, SAVELIEV Igor, OKAMOTO Takashi, TSUCHIYA Yoshihuru, YANAGISAWA Akira, ENATSU Yoshiki, KATO Naoto, WOLFF David, NAKAJIMA Tsuyoshi, ISHIKAWA Ryota, UEDA Takako

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    This project traces changes in Imperial Russian foreign policy toward East Asia and Qing China, Japan and Korean responses to Russia from the mid 19^<th> century to 1917. Itinvestigated when and how the regional concept of "Northeast Asia" appeared on the world map. The project was implemented through field work at historical sites in the Qing-Russian border area and also by archival research in Russia, China, Korea, and European countries. Several international workshops discussing "Imperial Russia and Northeast Asia" were organized in Australia and Japan.

  • A Preliminary Study on the Diplomatic History of Modern China through Thorough Researches after the Journals of Chinese Diplomatic Missions Abroad in the Late 19th Century

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OKAMOTO Takashi

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    The present gap between the historical studies and the researches of the actual situation of Chinese diplomacy is caused by the few researches for the modern Chinese diplomatic history. In order to fill such gap, it is necessary to enhance research activities of the diplomatic history in 19th-20th century China. Therefore, this research project aims at thorogh collection and investigation of the journals of Chinese diplomatic missions abroad to establish the basis of studies on the modern Chinese diplomatic histoy, especially Chinese diplomatic service abroad during the late 19th century after which has been made few researches.
    Three years' research activities, in addition to presentations at both domestic and international conferences and publication of a monograph and articles, result in two essays and two lists as follows : "Journal of Diplomatic Missions and Diplomatic Service Abroad in Late Ch'ing China," which examines the significance of the journals of Chinese diplomatic missions abroad and their relations with the position of the Chinese diplomatic service, "A Guide to the Journals of Chinese Diplomatic Missions Abroad during the Late Ch'ing Period," "List of the Journals of Chinese Diplomatic Missions Abroad during the Late Ch'ing Period," and "List of the Personnel of Chinese Diplomatic Service Abroad during the Late Ch'ing Period."
    They succeeded to provide some important bases to study the diplomatic histoy in modern China, especially China's diplomatic service. However, according to unexpected complications of the journals of Chinese diplomatic missions abroad, our research activities were insufficient to complete the making of a database and translation of the journals of Chinese diplomatic missions abroad at which had been aimed at the beginning of this research project. This is the point which we should reflect on and continue to study.

  • Re-Construction of Study for Chinese Diplomacy : Re-Bridge and Discussion between Contemporary Studies and Historical Approach on Chinese Diplomacy, for Long-term Perspective

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAWASHIMA Shin, AMAKO Satoshi, MOTEGI Toshio, OKAMOTO Takashi, AOYAMA Rumi, HIRANO Satoshi

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    On this project, two problems which are the origin of the gap between contemporary studies and historical approach on Chinese diplomacy are expected to be solved. The first one is the dis-dialogue between two academic fields (social sciences and history). In order to discuss and cope with this problem, this project consisted of six inter-disciplinary scholars and three foreign scholars. The second one is focused on the discourse of contemporary Chinese diplomacy and diplomatic history which is divided into two different parts at 1949. This project aims to get new perspective beyond 1949, not through easy historical factor like so called Chinese political culture.
    This report is composed of our organization, budget, and process of study, the list of our books and articles, and the research products by this project.
    This project prompts to make dialogue between two fields by symposium and meetings and publishes two books about Chinese diplomacy and diplomatic history. And we can create a kind of atmosphere to make book reviews and discuss issues around us each other. Furthermore, we find both of common and uncommon topics and aspects through two topics. For example of common ones, we find Chinese self-mage as big country, nationalistic diplomacy, international co-operative diplomacy and so on,
    But these are just our new study target because they leave somehow vague now. Among such problems, the most criticizing topic is just around so-called Chinese traditional diplomacy or tributary system. So we re-organize new research group to discuss this topic on Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research after Heisei 20, and continue to dialogue and co-study made under this project.

  • The Publicness beyond the Frontiers : Comparative Historical Studies of Europe and East Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAWAMURA Sadae, WATANABE Shin'ichiro, WATANABE Shinn, OKAMOTO Takashi, UEDA Jun'ichi, KAWAWAKE Keiko

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    Our research project aims to study international orders on the basis of the worldwide history with the concept of "publicness beyond the frontiers." "Publicness" was a concept originally raised to research European nation-wide histories but we adopted it in international perspective. First of all, we classified various international orders into two types : the European type composed of relations between similar polities and the East Asian type composed of relations between different polities. Secondly, we made a comparative historical study of these two types with special reference to the intercourse and formation of orders between polities. Four years' research activities mainly result. in the 12 essays written by us. Watanabe Shin'ichiro and Ueda consider imperial authorities and foreign intercourses in pre-modern East Asia. Watanabe Shinn's and Ito Koji's essays focus on the early modern German empire and examine the European order in transition. Hashimoto Nobuya and Kawawake investigate features of the early Russian and British empires. Honda Takehiko's, Okamoto's, Kobayashi Hiroharu's and Kawamura's essays deal with several subjects of the imperialism and the internationalization in modern Europe and Asia. These essays succeeded in providing some important investigations on various international orders. However, they are case studies, which are restricted within specific facts and topics and which are insufficient to understand the concept of "frontiers" as a whole. This is the point on which we should reflect and continue to study.

  • 清末・民国期の対外関係からみた中国財政の研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    岡本 隆司

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  • 清代後期における海関制度と中国沿海世界の考察

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    岡本 隆司

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  • 清代後期における海関制度と中国沿海世界の考察

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    岡本 隆司

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  • 中国海関に関する研究

  • 近代中国経済史研究

  • 近代中国対外関係史研究

  • Study on the Foreign Relations in Modern China

  • Study on the Economic History in Modern China

  • Study on the Chinese Maritime Customs

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  • 「日中国交正常化」50年でも「正常」だった時期はほぼ皆無 「悪党」統治の中国と付き合えない真因

    岡本 隆司

    週刊新潮 / 新潮社 [編]   67 ( 39 ) 38 - 41  2022.10

  • 巻頭対談 「日中友好」の五十年に意味はあったか

    岡本 隆司, 野嶋 剛

    Voice   ( 538 ) 18 - 28  2022.10

  • 希有の機縁に : 「シリーズ 中国の歴史」が完結して

    岡本 隆司

    図書   ( 886 ) 27 - 31  2022.10

  • 中露の「帝国」的膨張と歴史の教訓—特集 ロシアと中国の暴政にどう向き合うか 独裁国家と闘う

    本村 凌二, 岡本 隆司

    Voice   ( 535 ) 38 - 47  2022.07

  • 毛沢東、蔣介石、習近平…… 「皇帝」を生み出す中国のシステム—特集 帝国の復活 覇権主義の亡霊

    岡本 隆司

    中央公論   136 ( 7 ) 44 - 51  2022.07

  • 世界史の視点で「満洲国」を読み解く

    歴史街道   ( 407 ) 14 - 21  2022.03


  • 米中対立は「文明の衝突」なのか

    Voice   ( 522 ) 58 - 67  2021.06


  • 「群島文明国家」が果たすべき使命

    Voice   ( 516 ) 66 - 75  2020.12


  • 日中韓の差を生む「歴史の刻印」

    Voice   ( 509 ) 78 - 85  2020.05


  • 情念の韓国外交史 日中2つの超大国に挟まれた国の末路

    プレジデント = President   58 ( 6 ) 68 - 71  2020.03


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第103回)史観の復権こそ歴史学の急務

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6833 )  2019.12


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第116回・最終回)厖大な農民工の存在が中国のゆくえを左右する

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済   ( 6848 )  2019.04


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第115回)統計の扱いで表れる日本と中国との差

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6847 )  2019.03


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第114回)「仁義有るのみ」の朝鮮半島政権の体質

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6846 )  2019.03


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第113回)「私有制の廃滅」と「社会主義市場経済」

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6845 )  2019.03


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第112回)「特色ある社会主義」で鄧小平を超えられるか

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6844 )  2019.03


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第111回)やはり違和感残る「生前退位」の用法

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6843 )  2019.03


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第110回)陽明学の時代と歴史を尊重する姿勢

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6842 )  2019.02


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第109回)陽明学の受容が示す日本と韓国の差

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6841 )  2019.02


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第108回)独裁体制の国家に覚える違和感は何か

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6839 )  2019.02


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第107回)日本人の安易な隣国認識を改めよ

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6837 )  2019.02


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第106回)感じとれない韓国の「友情」

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6836 )  2019.01


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第105回)「国際秩序の擁護者」と言う「裸の王様」

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6835 )  2019.01


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第104回)「人造国家」の20世紀へ回帰するロシアと中国

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6834 )  2019.01


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第54回)一方の立場、一方の約束 中韓関係「3NO」の意味

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6768 )  2018.12


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第103回)明治維新が示す日中の本質的な差違

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6832 )  2018.12


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第101回)「衛正斥邪」を貫く地が出てきた韓国

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6831 )  2018.12


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第100回)『イギリス憲政論』で知る議員の資質と議会政治

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6830 )  2018.12


  • 鼎談 西洋史×東洋史×近代日本史の泰斗が選ぶ 良い指導者、悪い指導者 (特集 名君と暴君の世界史)

    岡本 隆司, 本村 凌二, 井上 寿一

    中央公論   132 ( 12 ) 26 - 39  2018.12


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第99回)「中二病」的な韓国と小中華思想

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6829 )  2018.12


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第98回)「道徳の指導者」へ近づく象徴天皇制

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6826 )  2018.11


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第97回)手放しで喜べない日本人のノーベル賞受賞

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6825 )  2018.11


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第96回)「徳治」と「法治」を現代で考える

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6824 )  2018.11


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第95回)古典と目前に偏る日本人の中国理解

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6823 )  2018.11


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第94回)広岡浅子とヒュームで見る宗教信仰と近代

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6822 )  2018.10


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第93回)明治維新と「脱亜論」で外国との関係を再考する

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6821 )  2018.10


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第92回)「生前退位」の怪 言語感覚に注意せよ

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6819 )  2018.10


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第91回)南北首脳会談で見えた韓国「自主派」の本懐

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6818 )  2018.10


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第90回)日中関係好転でも不変の「政冷経熱」

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6815 )  2018.09


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第89回)元号の歴史的意味 はびこる軽薄な改元論

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6813 )  2018.09


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第88回)米中貿易戦争が示す双方の無理解

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6812 )  2018.09


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第87回)「論語読みの論語知らず」素読は現代でも有効か

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6811 )  2018.09


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第86回)法事と読経で感じる東アジアの教育の価値

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6810 )  2018.09


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第85回)顔に墨汁の習近平 皇帝か裸の王様か

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6809 )  2018.08


  • 中国 全盛はモンゴル帝国・清朝時代 繁栄と滅亡の再現か (歴史に学ぶ 経済と人類)

    岡本 隆司

    エコノミスト   96 ( 32 ) 26 - 27  2018.08


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第84回)18世紀に既視感 米中貿易戦争

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6808 )  2018.08


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第83回)『スター・ウォーズ』に見る米国の政体と歴史観

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6806 )  2018.08


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第82回)半島・大陸の歴史から省みる言論の自由

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6805 )  2018.07


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第81回)応仁の乱ブームに歴史叙述を考える

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6803 )  2018.07


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第80回)中国の「特色ある」シンクタンクを考える

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6802 )  2018.07


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第79回)道徳性の可視化こそノブレス・オブリージュ

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6801 )  2018.07


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第78回)「歴史的」ではなかった米朝会談

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6800 )  2018.06


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第77回)ロイヤルカップルの門出と東アジアの運命

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6799 )  2018.06


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第76回)観光客の増加と京都人の中華喪失

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6798 )  2018.06


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第75回)依存と反撥(はんぱつ)を繰り返す朝鮮半島のDNA

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6797 )  2018.06


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第74回)「日本人の知らない」地政学をどう読むか

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6796 )  2018.06


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第73回)中国の外交的焦りと朝鮮半島の帰趨

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6795 )  2018.05


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第72回)南北首脳会談は本当に歴史的なのか

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6792 )  2018.05


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第71回)史料批判が難しい朝鮮半島の現実

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6791 )  2018.05


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第70回)相次ぐトップの逮捕は歴史的な遺制か

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6789 )  2018.04


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第69回)移民・紛争が絶えない隣国の歴史を顧みる

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6788 )  2018.04


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第68回)学生の幼児化は永遠の問題なのか

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6785 )  2018.04


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第67回)異論を認知しない姿勢をマルクスから反省せよ

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6784 )  2018.04


  • 世界史 鼎談 世界は明治維新をどう見ていたか アジアの異端児ニッポンの不思議な"革命" (特集 王政復古から150年 誤解だらけの明治維新)

    君塚 直隆, 岡本 隆司, 飯田 洋介

    中央公論   132 ( 4 ) 54 - 63  2018.04


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第66回)「自ら紛争を起こさない」中国が読むべき自国史

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6783 )  2018.03


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第65回)中国・アジアの統計は国際比較ができるのか

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6782 )  2018.03


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第64回)風が吹けば桶屋が儲かる 袁世凱と習近平

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6781 )  2018.03


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第63回)中庸が示す儒教の原理と現代中国

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6780 )  2018.03


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第62回)科挙唯一の利点 古典素養と文章力

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6779 )  2018.03


  • 世界史を一望する(最終回)日本史と世界史の展望

    岡本 隆司

    ちくま   ( 564 ) 22 - 27  2018.03


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第61回)東洋文庫の創設と図書館のあり方

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6778 )  2018.02


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第60回)深圳の活況から浮かぶ百年前の中国経済

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6777 )  2018.02


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第59回)外交よりも大義名分 日韓合意と半島の習性

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6774 )  2018.02


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第58回)南北の対話こそ朝鮮半島の正義か

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6772 )  2018.02


  • 世界史を一望する(15)帝国主義と東西の「帝国」

    岡本 隆司

    ちくま   ( 563 ) 30 - 36  2018.02


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第57回)「大岡裁き」と中国の情理裁判

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6771 )  2018.01


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第56回)五輪の意義を問う平昌冬季五輪の運命

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6770 )  2018.01


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第55回)歴史こそ実務に直結 史実を大切にする社会へ

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6769 )  2018.01


  • 世界史を一望する(14)「海洋帝国」から大英帝国へ

    岡本 隆司

    ちくま   ( 562 ) 26 - 32  2018.01


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第5回)「1つの中国」は歴史的所産

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6702 ) 184 - 184  2017.12


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第53回)日本の選挙・党派の底が浅い理由

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6767 )  2017.12


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第52回)あづまえびす 忠臣蔵の中華主義

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6766 ) 84 - 84  2017.12


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第51回)人民元と毛沢東とスマホ決済の拡大

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6765 ) 79 - 79  2017.12


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第50回)「京都ぎらい」と日本の中華

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6764 ) 77 - 77  2017.12


  • 世界史を一望する(13)イタリアの盛衰と近代ヨーロッパの胎動

    岡本 隆司

    ちくま   ( 561 ) 26 - 32  2017.12


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第49回)中華の所産だった韓国の「独島エビ」

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6761 ) 90 - 90  2017.11


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第48回)歴史に忠実な習近平 「皇帝政治」は続く

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6760 ) 100 - 100  2017.11


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第47回)通貨スワップ延長 韓国の対中認識の甘さ

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6759 ) 96 - 96  2017.11


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第46回)日本の「中国報道」はほんとうに頼もしいか

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6758 ) 109 - 109  2017.11


  • 岡本隆司(おかもとたかし)氏 京都府立大学文学部教授 (『第29回アジア・太平洋賞』決定) -- (アジア・太平洋賞受賞者インタビュー)

    岡本 隆司

    アジア時報   48 ( 11 ) 37 - 45  2017.11


  • 世界史を一望する(12)明清交代と大航海時代

    岡本 隆司

    ちくま   ( 560 ) 33 - 39  2017.11


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第45回)辛亥革命と孫文と中国史の叙述

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6757 ) 105 - 105  2017.10


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第44回)京都から国慶節と中国人観光客を見れば

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6756 ) 105 - 105  2017.10


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第43回)「島国」を蔑称で使う朝鮮半島の論理

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6754 ) 91 - 91  2017.10


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第42回)「箕子」と「檀君」と韓国のナショナリズム

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6753 ) 104 - 104  2017.10


  • 世界史を一望する(11)ポスト・モンゴルと近世アジアの形成

    岡本 隆司

    ちくま   ( 559 ) 42 - 48  2017.10


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第41回)虚構と現実の狭間 司馬遼太郎の「中華」論

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6750 ) 126 - 126  2017.09


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第40回)満洲を「満州」と書く歴史への無知・鈍感

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6748 ) 99 - 99  2017.09


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第39回)企業に対する党の介入は中国の瓦解を止められるか

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6747 ) 115 - 115  2017.09


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第38回)天子・皇帝の統治理論 習近平は踏襲できるか

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6746 ) 99 - 99  2017.09


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第37回)「約束は破ってもよい」韓国の純な中華意識

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6745 )  2017.09


  • China's Pattern of Behavior from the point of History

    岡本 隆司

    海外事情 = Journal of world affairs   65 ( 9 ) 75 - 87  2017.09


  • 世界史を一望する(10)モンゴルの達成

    岡本 隆司

    ちくま   ( 558 ) 43 - 49  2017.09


  • 寒冷化で押し寄せた移民 騒乱収めた曹操の屯田政策 (経済で学ぶ 歴史・気候・バブル)

    岡本 隆司

    エコノミスト   95 ( 33 ) 28 - 29  2017.08


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第36回)雍正帝の「養廉銀」 習近平の「反腐敗」

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6744 ) 107 - 107  2017.08


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第35回)腐敗不正の根源を改めない中国

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6743 ) 120 - 120  2017.08


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第34回)反日でもあり反米も 韓国に対する違和感

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6741 ) 103 - 103  2017.08


  • 世界史を一望する(9)モンゴル帝国の建設

    岡本 隆司

    ちくま   ( 557 ) 42 - 48  2017.08


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第33回)|劉暁波の死去と中国の立憲主義

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6740 ) 106 - 106  2017.07


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第32回)韓国の特使外交に見る美しくも悲劇的な自画像

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6738 ) 97 - 97  2017.07


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第31回)一帯一路の虚実 シルクロードの史実

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6737 ) 95 - 95  2017.07


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第30回)中国の統計のウソ 自国通貨への不信から

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6735 ) 104 - 104  2017.07


  • 世界史を一望する(8)東西アジアのトルコ化と契丹(キタン)

    岡本 隆司

    ちくま   ( 556 ) 44 - 50  2017.07


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第29回)韓国の特使外交で見えた華夷秩序

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6733 ) 126 - 126  2017.07


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第28回)かつての礼儀の国はなぜ無礼なのか

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6732 ) 97 - 97  2017.06


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第27回)皇室報道から見えた漢字・漢語のあり方

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6731 ) 105 - 105  2017.06


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第26回)仏・韓大統領選から見える政体の問題

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6730 ) 98 - 98  2017.06


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第25回)「朝鮮の困境」と姿を重ねる台湾

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6729 ) 97 - 97  2017.06


  • 世界史を一望する(7)流動化する世紀 : 移動と分立の東西アジア

    岡本 隆司

    ちくま   ( 555 ) 56 - 61  2017.06


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第24回)自らの無知・偏見を無視する韓国紙

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6728 ) 98 - 98  2017.05


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第23回)韓国が胸を張る独善的な中華主義

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6725 ) 99 - 99  2017.05


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第22回)「韓国は中国の一部」示すトランプの無知

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6724 ) 90 - 90  2017.05


  • 世界史を一望する(6)再統一する東西アジア

    岡本 隆司

    ちくま   ( 554 ) 42 - 47  2017.05


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第21回)周辺国が中国に持つ幻想の危うさ

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6723 ) 111 - 111  2017.04


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第20回)地政学と距離感 中国と隔たる意味

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6722 ) 89 - 89  2017.04


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第19回)民主主義は難しい 煽動と衆愚を見極めよ

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6719 ) 95 - 95  2017.04


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第18回)「崩壊」する中国? 隣国への見方は正しいか

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6718 ) 111 - 111  2017.04


  • 世界史を一望する(5)危機の時代 : 「大移動」と古代文明の解体

    岡本 隆司

    ちくま   ( 553 ) 42 - 47  2017.04


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第17回)歴史的所産で揺れる香港と一国二制度

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6717 ) 118 - 118  2017.04


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第16回)南の迷走・北の暴走 朝鮮半島共通の現代史

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6716 ) 119 - 119  2017.03


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第15回)金正男暗殺事件が時代劇にとどまる理由

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6715 ) 105 - 105  2017.03


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第14回)「壁」から見える移民政策の歴史

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6714 ) 107 - 107  2017.03


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第13回)苛酷な受験と格差が現代にまで潜む理由

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6712 )  2017.03


  • 世界史を一望する(4)古代文明とアジア史の出発

    岡本 隆司

    ちくま   ( 552 ) 40 - 45  2017.03


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第12回)「徳治」が生き残る韓国の歴史的習癖

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6711 ) 103 - 103  2017.02


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第11回)事大・卑日で揺れる日韓スワップ協定

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6710 ) 97 - 97  2017.02


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第10回)慰安婦問題に潜む韓国の世界観

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6708 )  2017.02


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第9回)英国のEU離脱と日本の中国特殊論

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6706 ) 109 - 109  2017.02


  • 世界史を一望する(3)アジア史の構想

    岡本 隆司

    ちくま   ( 551 ) 40 - 45  2017.02


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第8回)トランプ相場に危機感 中国の歴史的な事情

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6705 ) 93 - 93  2017.01


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第7回)相続税の導入に見る習近平政権の本質

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6704 )  2017.01


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第6回)構造的な呪縛を韓国は断てるのか

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6703 ) 97 - 97  2017.01


  • 世界史を一望する(2)日本人の世界史を

    岡本 隆司

    ちくま   ( 550 ) 40 - 45  2017.01


  • 中国 権力闘争の必然 トップ独裁を生む構造 共産党と皇帝の共通性 (特集 ビジネスマンのための近現代史 : ナショナリズム、ポピュリズム、保護主義) -- (近現代史が語る時代への教訓)

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6701 ) 54 - 55  2016.12


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第4回)人民元の国際化に見る中国貨幣史

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6701 ) 119 - 119  2016.12


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第3回)「核心」習近平の手法こそ正統派だ

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6700 ) 95 - 95  2016.12


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第2回)粗暴な指導者でも冷徹な認識で動く

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6699 ) 103 - 103  2016.12


  • 歴史の論理 : 東アジアと日本の運命(第1回)ソウルに見る大陸の強大化

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6698 ) 101 - 101  2016.12


  • 世界史を一望する(1)世界史とは何か : 西洋史と東洋史

    岡本 隆司

    ちくま   ( 549 ) 20 - 25  2016.12


  • 対談 日本人が"中国の論理"を読み解けない理由 (特集 中国 強硬策の勝算)

    富坂 聰, 岡本 隆司

    中央公論   130 ( 11 ) 72 - 79  2016.11


  • 中国はなぜ傲慢なのか 皮肉なパラドックス 「中庸」のはずが極端に (特集 ビジネスマンのための世界史) -- (世界史と現代を結ぶ視点)

    岡本 隆司

    週刊東洋経済 = Weekly toyo keizai   ( 6677 ) 68 - 69  2016.08


  • 活人剣の再建

    岡本 隆司

    図書   ( 805 ) 2 - 5  2016.03


  • 銀 石見銀山が世界経済を動かす (世界史のなかの戦国時代)

    岡本 隆司

    文藝春秋special   10 ( 2 ) 157 - 163  2016


  • なぜ汚職と手が切れないのか? 雍正帝も手を焼いた腐敗の中国史 (中国 滅亡への法則)

    岡本 隆司

    文藝春秋special   10 ( 3 ) 160 - 167  2016


  • 近代日本がみつめた中国(最終回)日本人のまなざし

    岡本 隆司

    本   40 ( 12 ) 26 - 33  2015.12


  • 近代日本がみつめた中国(15)階級闘争と共同体 : 谷川道雄の場合

    岡本 隆司

    本   40 ( 11 ) 26 - 33  2015.11


  • 近代日本がみつめた中国(14)歴研派vs.京都学派 : 論争の本質

    岡本 隆司

    本   40 ( 10 ) 26 - 33  2015.10


  • 近代日本がみつめた中国(13)戦後日本の反省と「歴研派」

    岡本 隆司

    本   40 ( 9 ) 24 - 31  2015.09


  • 近代日本がみつめた中国(12)分岐するまなざし

    岡本 隆司

    本   40 ( 8 ) 34 - 41  2015.08


  • 近代日本がみつめた中国(11)中国「ギルド」論と西洋標準

    岡本 隆司

    本   40 ( 7 ) 24 - 31  2015.07


  • 近代日本がみつめた中国(10)「ギルド」から「農民自治」へ : 橘樸の「方向転換」

    岡本 隆司

    本   40 ( 6 ) 24 - 31  2015.06


  • 近代日本がみつめた中国(9)中国社会を評価する : 湖南から橘樸へ

    岡本 隆司

    本   40 ( 5 ) 26 - 33  2015.05


  • 近代日本がみつめた中国(8)唐宋変革と中国社会

    岡本 隆司

    本   40 ( 4 ) 26 - 33  2015.04


  • Mongolia's "Independence" and Western Concepts Translated into Chinese with Special Reference to the Negotiations prior to the Kiakhta Treaty of 1915

    岡本 隆司

    東洋史研究   73 ( 4 ) 611 - 645  2015.03

     View Summary

    This paper aims to examine the diplomatic negotiations relating to Mongolia&#039;s &quot;independence&quot; and international status after the 1911 Revolution and clarifying the Chinese notion of the world order and its transformation. I first trace the process of the tripartite negotiations between Mongolia, Russia and China from the conclusion of the Russo-Mongolian Agreement in 1912 to the Kiakhta Treaty in 1915. Secondly, I focus on the language and actions of the Chinese and reexamine the correlation between Chinese interests and wording in the negotiations by chiefly conducting an special analysis of some Western concepts translated into Chinese, such as zizhu 自主/zizhi 自治[independence/autonomy], zhuquan 主權/zongzhuquan 宗主權[sovereignty/suzerainty], lingtu 領土/fanshu 藩屬[territory/ dependency], and so on. As a result, I clarify that although Russia and China recognized Outer Mongoliaʼs autonomy as a Chinese territory and Mongolia recognized Chinaʼs suzerainty in the treaty, both the Chinese and the Mongols were dissatisfied and imposed their own interpretations on such concepts as zongzhuquan [suzerainty], zizhi [autonomy], and so on. In addition, I point out that this not only necessitated Chinaʼs investiture, cefeng 册封, of &quot;Bogd Khaan&quot; and the abolition of Outer Mongoliaʼs autonomy only a few years later in 1919, but also brought about the conditions leading to the Mongolian Revolution in 1921. This historical process cannot be said to be unrelated to the concepts of &quot;sovereignty&quot; and &quot;territorial integrity&quot; that govern foreign relations in contemporary China. It can be regarded as a key source in examining the formation of nationalism in China and surrounding countries.


  • 近代日本がみつめた中国(7)東洋史学の草創と内藤湖南

    岡本 隆司

    本   40 ( 3 ) 26 - 33  2015.03


  • 近代日本がみつめた中国(6)内藤湖南と和漢の「近世」

    岡本 隆司

    本   40 ( 2 ) 26 - 33  2015.02


  • How to Comprehend China Full of Contradictions : Seen from the History of Her Social Structure

    岡本 隆司

    世界平和研究   41 ( 1 ) 39 - 47  2015


  • 近代日本がみつめた中国(5)中国社会は停滞していたのか : 矢野仁一から内藤湖南へ

    岡本 隆司

    本   40 ( 1 ) 26 - 33  2015.01


  • 近代日本がみつめた中国(4)矢野仁一が夢みた「王道楽土」

    岡本 隆司

    本   39 ( 12 ) 36 - 43  2014.12


  • 歴史から学ぶ 日中は常に「政冷経熱」だった (中国 大減速)

    岡本 隆司

    エコノミスト   92 ( 47 ) 43 - 43  2014.11


  • 近代日本がみつめた中国(3)石橋湛山と矢野仁一の分岐点

    岡本 隆司

    本   39 ( 11 ) 34 - 41  2014.11


  • 中国の歴史意識

    岡本 隆司

    アジア時報   45 ( 11 ) 34 - 45  2014.11


  • 近代日本がみつめた中国(2)石橋湛山の中国観

    岡本 隆司

    本   39 ( 10 ) 26 - 33  2014.10


  • 近代日本がみつめた中国(1)日中関係と石橋湛山

    岡本 隆司

    本   39 ( 9 ) 6 - 13  2014.09


  • MURAKAMI Ei, Maritime history of Modern China : Local Fujian actors and the British and Chinese Empires, Nagoya, 2013

    OKAMOTO Takashi

    SHIGAKU ZASSHI   123 ( 9 ) 1678 - 1687  2014

    DOI CiNii

  • 中国はなぜ尖閣にこだわるのか : 中華思想あるいは「上から目線」の研究 (米韓中 日本包囲網 : 平成ナショナリズムは日本人を幸せにするのか) -- (ナショナリズムの衝突は回避できるのか)

    岡本 隆司

    文藝春秋special   8 ( 2 ) 68 - 73  2014


  • 内藤湖南「支那論」のすごさ

    岡本 隆司

    文芸春秋   91 ( 13 ) 356 - 363  2013.12


  • 世界・アジア・日本 著者インタビュー 『近代中国史』岡本隆司(おかもとたかし)さん

    岡本 隆司

    アジア時報   44 ( 9 ) 75 - 88  2013.09


  • WEDGE OPINION 盗難仏像返還差し止め 対馬も「我が領土」 慕華侮日の韓国

    岡本 隆司

    Wedge   25 ( 9 ) 10 - 12  2013.09


  • 李鴻章詩一題

    岡本 隆司

    図書   ( 770 ) 12 - 15  2013.04


  • 「反日」と「排日」 : 先人にみる中国問題 (特集 内憂外患のリセットをめざす日本)

    岡本 隆司

    東亜   ( 547 ) 22 - 30  2013.01


  • Senkaku : Historical Structure of Anti-Japanese Sentiments

    岡本 隆司

    外交 = Diplomacy   16   84 - 89  2012.11


  • 歴史との対話(2)「改革派」李鴻章がみた虚像としての日本

    岡本 隆司

    外交   9   158 - 163  2011.09


  • 「領土」「王権」と日中関係

    岡本 隆司

    本   36 ( 2 ) 7 - 9  2011.02


  • Tribute, Trade and the Collected Statutes (Hui-tien) in Ch'ing China

    Takashi OKAMOTO

    The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University Humanities   62   17 - 47  2010.12


  • 伝えたい常識--『中国近代外交の胎動』によせて

    岡本 隆司

    UP   38 ( 7 ) 23 - 27  2009.07


  • Between vassalité and protectorat: Sino-French Controversy on the Tonkin Affair, 1880-1883

    The Journal of Oriental Studies   66 ( 1 ) 1 - 31  2007

  • Foreign Affairs(yangwu), Diplomacy(waiwu/waijiao) and Li Hongzhang

    Modern and Contemporary China Studies   ( 20 ) 1 - 16  2007

  • The Concept of the Neutralization of Korea with Special Reference to Sino-Korean Relations prior to the Sino-Japanese War

    Journal of Historical Studies   ( 8 ) 3 - 27  2006

  • メレンドルフの怪--東アジアの命運

    岡本 隆司

    創文   ( 441 ) 1 - 6  2002.04


  • Ma Chien-chung's Third Misson to Korea

    The Scientific Report of Kyoto Prefectural University (Humanities and Social Science)   ( 53 ) 33 - 81  2001

  • The 1911 Revolution and the Chinese Maritime Customs

    Chikaki ni Arite Being Nearby- Discussions on Modern China   39, 45-61  2001

  • Wei Yuan's Accounts on the Salt Administration

    Journal of Historical Studies   ( 3 ) 1 - 23  2001

  • 清の宣統帝--歴史のなかの末代皇帝(ラストエンペラー) (特集 中国ラストエンペラー列伝--王朝を潰した皇帝たち)

    岡本 隆司

    月刊しにか   10 ( 8 ) 69 - 72  1999.07


  • Ma Chien-chung's First Mission to Korea in 1882.

    The Journal of History   82 ( 6 ) 94 - 124  1999

  • Salt Gabelle in Late Qing and Early Republican China

    The Journal of Oriental Studies   58 ( 1 ) 84 - 117  1999

    DOI CiNii

  • China's Financial Structure under the Nationalist Government as illustrated in S. F. Wright's Works on China's Customs Revenue.

    OKAMOTO Takashi

    Memoirs of the Faculty of Education Miyazaki University Social Sciences   82 ( 82-83-84 ) 1 - 28  1998


  • Chinese Maritime Customs and the China Coast during the Late Ch'ing Era


  • The Revenue-Raising System of the Canton Customs House in Transition, with special reference to the Establishment of the Foreign Inspectorate of Customs at Canton

    OKAMOTO Takashi

    The Journal of History   77 ( 6 ) 1 - 31  1994


  • The Hong Merchants and the Canton Customs House-with special reference to the Security Merchant System-

    The Journal of History   75 ( 5 ) 69 - 99  1992

  • A Study on the Origins of the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs

    The Journal of Oriental Researches   50 ( 1 ) 58 - 90  1991

    DOI CiNii

  • The Establishment of the Inspector-General of Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs in Late Ch'ing China : Errata

    岡本 隆司

    東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho   70 ( 3 ) 164 - 164  1989.03


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