Updated on 2025/03/14


Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Culture, Media and Society
Job title
Associate Professor
Ph.D. ( 2010.03 ベルリン自由大学 )

Dr. Nanako Nakajima(中島那奈子) is a scholar and a pioneer of dance dramaturg, and a certified traditional Japanese dance master, Kannae Fujima. She has been a Valeska Gert Visiting Professor 2019/20, Freie Universitaet Berlin.

Her dramaturgy includes luciana achugar’s “Exhausting Love at Danspace Project” (2006-07 New York Dance and Performance Awards, ‘The Bessies’), koosil-ja's “mech[a]OUTPUT”, Osamu Jareo's “Theater Thikwa plus Junkan Project,” Ong Ken Sen’s “OPEN WITH THE PUNK SPIRIT! Dance Archive Box,” andSebastian Matthias’ "x/groove space," Wang Mengfan’s tanztheater “WHEN MY CUE COMES, CALL ME, AND I WILL ANSWER” at Wuzhen Theatre Festival, China, 2019. Nanako’s curatorial and performative work includes “Dance Archive Boxes @TPAM2016,” “Dancing Multiple Futures,” The Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2017, Tokyo Photographic Museum, “Yvonne Rainer Performative Exhibition” at Kyoto Art Theater Shunju-za 2017. Nanako received 2017 Special Commendation of Elliott Hayes Award for Outstanding Achievement in Dramaturgy from the Literary Manager and Dramaturgs of the Americas. 

Publications in English: Dance Dramaturgy: Modes of Agency, Awareness and Engagement (Palgrave, 2015), The Aging Body in Dance: A cross-cultural perspective, co-edited with G. Brandstetter (Routledge, 2017); Moving (Across) Borders: Performing Translation, Intervention, Participation (transcript, 2017); Anohni—My Truth, James Elaine, Peter Hujar, Kazuo Ohno (Walther König, 2017), Movements of Interweaving: Dance and Corporeality in Times of Travel and Migration (Routledge, 2018), "The Outside of Butoh is the Inside of the Body: Ko Murobushi and the Process of Self-mummification" in The TDR/The Drama Review, Vol. 63, No. 2 (T242) 2019. Nanako has served as an issue editor for Performance Research, Vol. 24, No. 2: ‘On Ageing (& Beyond)' (2019), and published her Japanese books including “Oi to Odori” (Aging + Dancing,) co-edited with K. Toyama (Keiso Shobo, 2019). 

Committee Memberships

  • 2022.05

    Keir Choreographic Award (KCA) 2022, Australia  Jury

  • 2019.04

    The Interdisciplinary Research Center for Performing Arts, Kyoto University of Art and Design  Steering Committee Member

  • 2019.04

    京都造形芸術大学「舞台芸術の創造・受容のための領域横断的・実践的研究拠点」  運営委員

  • 2016

    Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture  Tokyo Performing Arts Festival External Evaluation Committee

  • 2016

    公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団  都民芸術フェスティバル助成対象事業外部専門家評価

  • 2020.09

    27th edition of Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre(CIFET)  Jury for the Lockdown Theatre Award

  • 2017.10

    Performance Research  編集委員 Issue Editor

  • 2016.08

    シンガポール国立大学  博士号論文審査委員(論文及び口頭試問)

  • 2016.08

    National University of Singapore  Thesis and Oral Examiner

  • 2016.05

    STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS  PhD in Choreography Examination committee

  • 2016.05

    ストックホルム芸術大学  博士号(振付)審査委員会

  • 2014

    学術シンポジウム「踊りと老い」(ベルリン自由大学)  実行委員長

  • 2014

    Symposium in Berlin, Aging Body in Dance  Konzept und Leitung, Organizing Committe

  • 2012.04

    舞踊学会  第63回大会実行委員会委員

  • 2011.04

    Japan Society for Dance Research  63th Annual Conference Organizing Committee

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Professional Memberships


    Japanese Society for Dance Research


    International Federation for Theatre Research




    Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas



Research Areas

  • Theory of art practice   演劇学・舞踊学 / Aesthetics and art studies   演劇学・舞踊学 / Theory of art practice   Theater Studies, Dance Studies / Aesthetics and art studies   Theater Studies, Dance Studies

Research Interests

  • Theater

  • Dance

  • 舞踊学

  • 演劇学

  • Postmodern

  • ポストモダンダンス

  • Critical Theory

  • 文化批評理論

  • Aging

  • 老いと障害

  • Tradition

  • おどり

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  • Special Commendation, 2017 Elliott Hayes Award

    2017.06   Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA)  

    Winner: Nanako Nakajima

Media Coverage

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  • Archiving Dance and Digital Archive

    Nanako Nakajima

      7 ( 1 ) 18 - 23  2023.02  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Democratising Tradition: Thai choreographer Pichet Klunchun’s fresh take on khon dance

    Nanako Nakajima

    Magazin im August     36 - 38  2022.08

  • The Outside of Butoh, the Inside of the Body: Ko Murobushi and Self-Mummification

    Nanako Nakajima(Translation by Kyle Yamada)

    Performing Arts   25   151 - 167  2022.03

  • Dance as a Gift Facilitating matchmaking without meeting each other

    Gabriele Brandstetter, Nanako Nakajima

    PERFORMANCE RESEARCH   25 ( 6-7 ) 221 - 232  2020.10



  • The outside of Butoh is the inside of the body: Ko murobushi and the process of self-mummification

    Nanako Nakajima

    TDR - The Drama Review - A Journal of Performance Studies   63 ( 3 ) 74 - 93  2019.09

     View Summary

    Ko Murobushi (1947-2015) is considered one of the most significant figures of Japanese butoh in the post-Tatsumi Hijikata era. His manifesto, published right after Tatsumi Hijikata's death, is believed to mark the beginning of a new era for butoh. Murobushi's work reflects both his understanding of the outside, a concept used to describe the dancing body in butoh, and his study of self-mummification.



  • On Ageing (& Beyond)

    Richard Gough, Nanako Nakajima

    Performance Research   24 ( 3 ) 1 - 8  2019.04



  • This is (Not) the Ageing Body in Dance: Tino Sehgal’s Ann Lee and the robotisation of the ageing body in Japan

    Nanako Nakajima

    Performance Research   24 ( 3 ) 55 - 65  2019.04

     View Summary

    © 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. In ‘This is (Not) the Ageing Body in Dance: Tino Sehgal’s Ann Lee and the robotization of the ageing body in Japan’, Nanako Nakajima, with regards to ageing, combines three different discussions into one article: Tino Sehgal’s performance piece incorporating children, a discussion on infantilism in Japanese subculture and the recent biopolitical anxiety concerning robotics and silver care in Japanese society. The ageing body reveals the material of objects, and therefore the physical deterioration of dancers has been the negative element in destroying the dancing subject. With the recurrently changing child interpreters of his museum piece that is based on a Japanese girl’s figure in animation, Ann Lee, Sehgal inherits the problem of the ‘60s postmodern dance and further challenges the notion of documentation and authorship of performance in progress. A child’s image is the ideal image of humans in modern Japan, because it is symbolic of the true origin for Japanese modern writers, while the process of maturation is considered as Westernisation. The stage of Japanese economy as infantile capitalism runs parallel with officially promoting globalised pop culture such as kawaii. The newly emerging biotechnology influences the relationship between humans and machines. As Agamben’s term of the modern anthropological machine makes humans human, robotics also illuminates what is human in the machine. The positive image of robots is integrated with a political strategy to deal with the rapidly ageing population of Japan. In order to fill labour shortage in silver care, the Japanese government has promoted humanoid research with the biped walking style of robots. These are designed to have certain the features of children in order to cover the lack of technological perfection. Because of robot revolution and global immigration with foreign workers, this most ageing country of Japan confronts the change in its ageing body by including the others in the self.



  • Nanako Nakajima in Conversation with Yvonne Rainer

    Nanako Nakajima, Yvonne Rainer, Julie Malnig

    PERFORMANCE RESEARCH   24 ( 3 ) 13 - 23  2019.04

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    'Nanako Nakajima in Conversation with Yvonne Rainer' was the document used during the lecture-conversation event that was held on 28 January 2019. Nakajima's innovative project 'Performative Exhibition of Yvonne Rainer's Work' was held at the Kyoto Art Theater (Shunjuza) from 11 - 15 October 2017 in collaboration with the postmodern choreographer and filmmaker, Yvonne Rainer, a co-founding member of the Judson Dance Theater in New York. Nakajima examines how various dramaturgies related to ageing and dance were interwoven into this exhibition in order to go beyond the typical dance presentation in a museum. Moreover, to reverse the current 'dancing museum' trend, this project revived the postmodern works of Rainer and combined their dramaturgical qualities with those of the traditional Japanese theatre for the purpose of connecting the past with the present. Nakajima explained her attempt to utilise archival materials to represent the postmodern oeuvre to the audience in Kyoto. She reconstructed stage sets and props of Rainer's legendary piece to demonstrate the working process on stage. Professional dancers of different ages and with varied training backgrounds were also employed to re-perform Rainer's seminal work of Trio A, including a Noh performer in his 80s. Inspired by the Noh performer in Trio A and Yvonne Rainer's Trio A Geriatric Version, Nakajima built up a dance dramaturgy and spectatorship of ageing, engaging with the premise of Trio A and the aesthetics of the Noh theatre. Nakajima's lecture was followed by a conversation with Yvonne Rainer, which revealed the condition and aesthetic prejudice of dancers regarding ageing in the American postmodern dance context that Rainer had been confronting. Rainer also discussed her private stories with the legends of American modern dance such as Ruth St Denis and Martha Graham by continuously returning to her own past and allowing her past to return to her.


  • Disabling ability in dance: Intercultural dramaturgies of the Thikwa plus junkan project

    Nanako Nakajima

    Choreographic Practices   6 ( 1 ) 85 - 105  2017.04  [Refereed]  [Invited]

     View Summary

    © 2015 Intellect Ltd Article. English language. From 2008 to 2012, I worked as a dramaturge in Japan and Germany, developing an international dance project titled Thikwa plus Junkan Project with Osamu Jareo, a choreographer based in Japan. This project, involving Japanese and German differently abled performers, was created and performed in both countries. This article highlights our experiences while designing and implementing this mixed-ability, intercultural project. Stretching across disciplines and code systems, this project reveals cultural construction of dis/ability and dance aesthetics and provides an alternative concept for dancing bodies. To avoid using the other culture for one’s own benefit as well as to avoid being consumed as its others in the international dance market, I consider, in this article, how the intercultural dramaturgy of this project aims to realize a cultural ecology of dance by switching our cultural frames to balance the power.



  • Yoshito ohno’s figures of life

    Nanako Nakajima

    The Aging Body in Dance: A Cross-Cultural Perspective     162 - 174  2017.01



  • The Aging Robot in Dance : Some Questions Addressed by the Research of the Aging Body in Dance

    Nanako Nakajima

    Ars Vivendi   9   234 - 241  2016.03  [Refereed]  [Invited]


  • Dance Dramaturgy on the Topic of Aging - Focusing on Raimund Hoghe's "An Evening with Judy"

    Nanako Nakajima

    Performing Arts   19 ( 19 ) 121 - 129  2015  [Invited]


  • Dance Dramaturgy as the Process of Learning: koosil-ja’s mech[a]OUTPUT

    Nanako Nakajima

    2011 SDHS Proceedings    2011.09  [Refereed]

  • De-aging Dancerism? the aging body in contemporary and community dance

    Nanako Nakajima

    Performance Research   16 ( 3 ) 100 - 104  2011  [Refereed]  [Invited]

     View Summary

    Abstract<br />
    Simple walking became dance when the Judson Dance Theater questioned established theatrical conventions in the 1960s. These artists attempted to establish an outlook on dance that did not differentiate between a dancer&#039;s body and an ordinary body. However, they introduced the issue of audience participation in the field of dance without questioning their culturally accepted young, able bodies. Another form of participation in dance is the cultural activities of Community Dance, a form established in the United Kingdom in the 1970s, which is open to the elderly. In contrast to the UK Community Dance, where the audience started to dance themselves, the Community Dance movement in the United States is due to the interest of particular artists, such as Anna Halprin, working with the audience, who are members of various communities. While the negative prejudice towards aging exists in dance markets, the question remains: If seniors dance, is this cultural movement but never raised to the status of “art”?<br />
    <br />
    The situation of dance in Japan with the presence of professional aging dancers allows us to question the established dance techniques and structures of young professional dancers and old amateurs in Western Community Dance. Aging depicts the aesthetics of Japanese dance and synchronizes the form with alternative forms of dancing. In the case of Butoh dancer Kazuo Ohno, who achieved global success at 74, the issue of aging runs parallel with dancing. Instead of being disciplined by Modern Dance, Ohno improvises and creates the spontaneous living moments, thereby being liberated from institutionalized dance technique. The philosophy of life within craftsmanship aestheticizes the aging during Ohno&#039;s lifetime of dancing. The example of Ohno&#039;s aging blurs the boundary between professionalism and amateurism, as well as that between dance art and Community Dance, which are based on the cultural expectation of ‘dancerism’ in youth-oriented dance culture.



  • „Jérôme Bel and Myself“ Interkulturelle Aspekte des zeitgenoessischen Tanzes in Europa und Asien"

    Nanako Nakajima

    Veroeffentlichungen des Japanisch-Deutschen Zentrums Berlin, JAPANISCH-DEUTSCHES ZENTRUM BERLIN in Zusammenarbeit mit dem DEUTSCHER AKADEMISCHER AUSTAUSCHDIENST   Band 58   157 - 167  2009  [Refereed]

  • "The Aging Body in Dance---Moving Towards Dance Studies"

    Nanako Nakajima

    Jahresblaetter fuer japanische und deutsche Forschung in Japan   Nr.2.   23 - 30  2007  [Refereed]

  • "The Aging Body in Dance---Moving Towards Dance Studies"


    日独研究論集   第二号   23 - 30  2007  [Refereed]

  • Odori wo toraeru futatsu no Jiku -Suichokujiku to Heikoujiku-

    Nanako Nakajima

    The Proceedings of Young Scholars Forum at the 54th Conference (The Japanese Society for Aesthetics)     91 - 99  2004  [Refereed]

  • 踊りを捉える二つの軸 -垂直軸と平行軸-


    若手美学研究者フォーラム論文選     91 - 99  2004  [Refereed]

  • 「Zure」no Siyo tositeno odori no sintai -Hanayagi Toshinami niyoru suodori 「Miyakokenbutsuzaemon」wo reitosite

    Nanako Nakajima

    The Proceedings of the 53th Annual Conference (The Japanese Society for Aesthetics)     198 - 208  2004  [Refereed]

  • 「ずれ」の止揚としてのおどりの身体 -花柳寿南海による素踊り「都見物左衛門」を例として


    第53回美学会全国大会 報告書     198 - 208  2004  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

  • Dance Dramaturgies of Aging: A Journey of Negotiating Identity Across Generations, Dance Cultures, and Embodied Histories in between Continents (under contract)

    Nanako Nakajima( Part: Sole author)

    Routledge  2025.04

  • Slow technology Reader

    Nanako Nakajima( Part: Contributor, Embracing the Aging Body in Dance)

    Valiz, books and projects  2025

  • The Routledge Companion on Performance-related Concepts in Non-European Languages

    Nanako Nakajima, Stanca Scholz-Cionca( Part: Contributor, Introduction, Concept of Gei)

    Routledge  2024.03 ISBN: 9780367696702  [Refereed]

  • Networked Bodies: The Culture and Ecosystem of Contemporary Performance

    Nanako Nakajima( Part: Contributor, The Archive and Repertoire of Butoh: Takao Kawaguchi's About Kazuo Ohno)

    Taipei Performing Arts Center  2022.11 ISBN: 9786267144480

     View Summary

    Edited by River Lin

  • Dramaturgies of Interweaving Engaging Audiences in an Entangled World

    Erika Fischer-Lichte, Christel Weiler, Torsten Jost( Part: Contributor, No(H) To Trio A: Interweaving Dramaturgies for a Performative Exhibition of Yvonne Rainer’s Work)

    Routledge  2021.08 ISBN: 9781032034232  [Refereed]

  • Disability arts and culture : methods and approaches

    Nanako Nakajima( Part: Contributor, Disabling ability in dance: Intercultural dramaturgies of the Thikwa plus Junkan Project)

    Intellect  2021 ISBN: 9781789385106

  • Encyclopedia of Culture in Germany

    ( Part: Contributor, Dramaturg, Pina Bausch and Tanztheater)

    Maruzen Shuppan  2020.11

  • 老いと踊り

    中島 那奈子, 外山 紀久子

    勁草書房  2019 ISBN: 9784326800605

  • Movements of Interweaving: Dance and Corporeality in Times of Travel and Migration

    Nanako Nakajima( Part: Joint author, 5 Throwing the Aging Body into the Fight. Raimund Hoghe’s An Evening with Judy in Kyoto)

    Routledge  2018.08 ISBN: 9780815356233

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    Movements of Interweaving is a rich collection of essays exploring the concept of interweaving performance cultures in the realms of movement, dance, and corporeality. Focusing on dance performances as well as on scenarios of cultural movements on a global scale, it not only challenges the concept of intercultural dance performances, but through its innovative approach also calls attention to the specific qualities of "interweaving" as a form of movement itself.

    Divided into four sections, this volume features an international team of scholars together developing a new critical perspective on the cultural practices of movement, travel and migration in and beyond dance.

  • Hyosho: journal of the association for studies of culture and representation

    ( Part: Other, Special Feature: Theatricality of the Exhibition Discussion Performance in Crossing: Between Museum and Theater)

    2018.04 ISBN: 486503062X

  • Anohni: My Truth (English and German Edition)

    Anohni, Friedrich Meschede, Nanako Nakajima, Friedrich Meschede, Hortensia Volckers, Alexander Farenholtz

    Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig  2017.09 ISBN: 3960981775


  • The Aging Body in Dance: A cross-cultural perspective

    Nanako Nakajima, Gabriele Brandstetter

    Routledge  2017.01 ISBN: 1138200069


  • Moving (Across) Borders (Critical Dance Studies)

    Gabriele Brandstetter

    Transcript Verlag  2017.01 ISBN: 3837631656


  • Spirituality and Arts/Geino (Series of Spirituality Studies)

    Toji Kamata, Kenichi Sasaki, Iwao Takahashi, Motoaki Shinohara, Kenichiro Umehara, Toshie Kakinuma, Mamoru Fujieda, Ayako Tatsumura, Nanako Nakajima( Part: Joint author, ビイング・ネット・プレス)

    2016.04 ISBN: 4908055068


  • 生存学Vol.9


    生活書院  2016.04 ISBN: 4865000518


  • Who dance? : 振付のアクチュアリティ

    早稲田大学演劇博物館, 越智 雄磨, 中島 史江, 張 宝芸, アオキ 裕キ( Part: Joint author, Diversified Body Dancing and Watching)

    早稲田大学坪内博士記念演劇博物館  2015.12 ISBN: 9784948758131

  • Performing Art (19)

    舞台芸術研究センター( Part: Contributor, Dance Dramaturgy on the Topic of Aging - Focusing on Raimund Hoghe's "An Evening with Judy")

    KADOKAWA/角川学芸出版  2015.09 ISBN: 404621130X


  • Dance Dramaturgy: Modes of Agency, Awareness and Engagement (New World Choreographies)

    Nanako Nakajima, Pil Hansen, Darcey Callison( Part: Contributor, 9. Dance Dramaturgy as a Process of Learning: koosil-ja's mech[a]OUTPUT)

    Palgrave Macmillan  2015.08 ISBN: 1137373210

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    Ten prominent dramaturg-scholars from three continents discuss complex dramaturgical approaches and advance proposals that reset notions of agency in contemporary dance creation. By drawing upon professional experience, cognitive and poststructuralist theory, and the work of international dance artists, they depart from tropes of anxiety in the existing discourse and present dramaturgy as a radically relational practice.

    Seen through their lenses, dance dramaturgy is not the territory of a dramaturg with privileged knowledge about composition; it is driven by artistic inquiry, distributed among collaborating artists, embedded in improvisation tasks, or weaved through layers of audience engagement. In turn, the dramaturg becomes an engaged and skilful facilitator of dramaturgical awareness who traces artistic inquiries and ways of working across a broad spectrum of projects and artists.

    This collection extends an invitation to complicate and advance key notions of dance dramaturgy and provides a rich source for dance and devising artists looking to examine and develop approaches to creation.


  • Musica Mundana : 気の宇宙論・身体論

    Nanako Nakajima( Part: Contributor, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Saitama University Studies in Liberal Arts, vol.6)

    Saitama University, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Graduate School of Cultural Science  2015.04 ISBN: 9784990625122

  • TanzZeit - LebensZeit: Tanzforschung 2014. Band 24

    Claudia Behrens

    Henschel  2014.08 ISBN: 3894877650


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  • Website Dance Dramaturgy

    Web Service 


     [International coauthorship]

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    Given the paucity of texts available in Japanese on dance dramaturgy, I decided to launch a bilingual website on this much overlooked subject. Over the last twenty years, practitioners and researchers alike have become increasingly interested in dramaturgical practices and thinking in the Euro-American context, to such an extent that a master programs in dance dramaturgy and a book series devoted to the topic are currently being published. And yet, the concept of dance dramaturgy remains highly controversial, and dance dramaturgs have yet to find an accepted role. For some reason, any discussion on the topic has yet to make a serious impact in a Japanese context.

    This website will introduce written excerpts by dance dramaturgs, researchers, critics, and artists from Euro-American, Asian, and Japanese backgrounds. Contributions from overseas will be translated into Japanese and our overseas readership will equally get an opportunity to acquaint themselves with the writings of Japanese researchers and practitioners. Given dance dramaturgy remains an emerging field, discussions on the subject in Japan have not yet fully matured. To stimulate more debate, I have selected dramaturgical excerpts, including some of my own dramaturgic notes and interviews with artists, from the perspective of dance in Japan. While most texts are by dance dramaturgs, in future I hope to expand our scope by introducing those texts which have inspired our creative process. Serving as a guideline, I hope this website will encourage and foster current and future dance dramaturgs, as well as empower and stimulate all dance makers with their dramaturgical approach for our coming bright future of dance.

  • Public Showing "Encountering Histories"

    Nanako Nakajima  Artistic work 


     View Summary

    Concept, Dramaturgy
    Nanako Nakajima(Principal Researcher, Dance Researcher/Dance Dramaturg)

    Mengfan Wang(Director/Choreographer)
    Hokuto Kodama(Choreographer/Dancer/Lecturer of the Professional College of Arts and Tourism)
    Koji Takabayashi(Kita school Noh Actor)
    Yuko Hirai(Dancer/Director/Choreographer)
    Naoto Moriyama(Guest Professor of the Kyoto University of the Arts/Theater Critic)
    Miho Tsujii(Performance Artist)Translation

  • Noh to Trio A

    Nanako Nakajima, Misako Terada, Koji Takabayashi  Artistic work 


  • Dance Archive Box Berlin

    Last Presentation of, Valeska Gert Visiting Professor, Free University Berlin, Nanako Nakajima  Artistic work 


  • When my cue comes, call me, and I will answer

    Direction and Choreography Menfan Wang, Dramaturgy Nanako Nakajima  Artistic work 


  • Suddenly Everywhere (Dance)

    Nanako Nakajima, Dramaturgy  Artistic work 


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    Dance duet "Suddenly everywhere" (work-in-progress)
    Choreography & Dance; Bruno Isaković, Mia Zalukar
    Dramaturgy: Katarina Pejović, Nanako Nakajima
    Showing; duration 45 min
    Talk with; Bruno Isaković, Nanako Nakajima
    Organized by Domino
    Supported by the Saison Foundation

    Suddenly everywhere is a dance duet by Bruno Isaković and Mia Zalukar that researches totality of influences on our (ir)rational decisions and states of being. Through movement and encounter of two bodies it brings about meanings and qualities of their charge to the surface. We are all woven by our own histories, our actions are the result of our experiences, our (in)securities and personal aims for the future. Suddenly Everywhere deconstructs a complicated structure of paths we take and through their gaps intensifies visibility of that not seemingly present.
    Performance in its previous version was inspired by the relationship of Martha and George as created by Edward Albee in his legendary play ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?’ and incarnated by Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in the equally legendary Mike Nichols’ movie. Deconstruction of Martha and George’s dialog served here as audio landscape in which performance unraveled. In further reflection between performance ruling opposite poles, male and female, visible and hidden, rational and irrational; Suddenly Everywhere is permeated with a new landscape and stretched further between east and west. Floating Weeds (浮草 Ukigusa) is a film directed by Yasujirō Ozu, starring Kabuki legend Ganjirō Nakamura as Komajuro, and Machiko Kyō as Sumiko. Like in Edward Albee’s play the depth of their relationship is charged with intensity. Every emotion is expressed and suspended briefly before the next one appears. Desire, drama, intrigue, conflict, hope - –all appear intertwined. A continuous motif from the Nichols' film to the Ozu also provides the missing link between dance and film, action and dialog, signifiers and signified, and generations and ages. The montage of this combined version opens up the critical perspective, calling each of us into subject positions.

  • Dramaturgy for Dance Archive Box Project

    Nanako Nakajima  Artistic work 


  • Dance Dramaturgy

    Nanako Nakajima  Artistic work 

     View Summary

    -OSAMU JAREO,“Thikwa plus Junkan Projekt," F40 theater Berlin, 2009; Art Theater dB KOBE, 2011
    -KOOSIL-JA HWANG,“mech[a]OUTPUT,” NY Japan Society, 2007
    -TRAJAL HARRELL,“Showpony,”St. Mark's Church, NY, 2007
    -LUCIANA ACHUGAR,“Exhausting Love at Danspace Project,”St. Mark's Church, 2006
    -CHAMECKILERNER,“Costumes by God,”Dance Theater Workshop, NY, 2005

  • ダンス・ドラマトゥルギー

    中島那奈子  Artistic work 

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    ・Luciana Achugar「Exhausting Love at Danspace Project」(2006年度ベッシー賞受賞)ドラマトゥルギー

    ・グッゲンハイム賞振付家Koosil-ja「mech [a]OUTPUT」(NYジャパンソサエティ他)ドラマトゥルギー

    ・NPOダンスボックス・振付家砂連尾理「Thikwa plus 循環プロジェクト」ベルリン・神戸公演(2009-2011)ドラマトゥルギー

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  • The Archive and the Repertoire of Dance: The Dance Dramaturgy of Ageing in the Dance Archive Box

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    The Public Program, Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay, Singapore  (Singapore)  Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay, Singapore

    Presentation date: 2024.05

    Event date:

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    Synopsis Nanako Nakajima's work aims to empower excluded dancers’ bodies, promoting a dance dramaturgy of ageing that introduces alternative aesthetics that originate in Asia. This approach aims to illuminate the dramaturgical processes of dance-making and shift the idea of authorship in modern dance creation. In her public programme, Nanako will share about her writing project which she developed during her residency centered on the dance dramaturgy of ageing. The topic of ageing is significant in today's rapidly ageing societies, such as Singapore and Japan. It is important to note that the topic of ageing has been a taboo subject in Euro-American concert dance, as it challenges established notions surrounding the dancing body.

  • Dance Dramaturgies of Aging in East Asian and Euro-American Contexts

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    (University of Alberta, Canada)  University of Alberta, Canada

    Presentation date: 2023.12

    Event date:

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    with Japanese dance dramaturg and scholar Nanako Nakajima and discussant Dr. Pirkko Markula (Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation) Friday December 1st, 3pm - 5pm Fine Arts Building, Room 2-20

  • Introducing Dance Dramaturgies of Aging A Journey of Negotiating Identity Across Generations, Dance Cultures, and Embodied Histories in between Continents

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Workshop "Comparative Dramaturgy: Methods and Challenges", 2023  (Université libre de Bruxelles) 

    Presentation date: 2023.08

    Event date:
  • Dance of Not/Freedom: The Dance Dramaturgy of Aging

    Nanako Nakajima, Kyoko Ozawa, Mariko Miyagawa, Chihiro Ogawa, Kikuko Toyama

    the Association for Studies of Culture and Representation 

    Presentation date: 2023.07

    Event date:
  • The First Nation and Tradition: the Dance Dramaturgy at the Banff Centre of Canada

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Online Lecture organised by DAAD Alumni Japan 

    Presentation date: 2023.04

    Event date:
  • Forever Postmodern Dance

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Kyoto Experiment 2022  (Kyoto City Kyocera Museum)  KYOTO EXPERIMENT

    Presentation date: 2022.10

  • Think first. Dance later.

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    (Ko Murobushi Archive Cafe Shy) 

    Presentation date: 2022.08

    Event date:
  • Is this working? A dance dramaturgy long table

    Nanako Nakajima, Antony Hamilton, Rachael Fensham, LIM How Ngean, Priya Srinivasan  [Invited]

    KCA public program  (Chunky Move, 111 Sturt Street, Southbank, Melborne)  Dancehouse;Chunky Move

    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:

     View Summary

    A dance dramaturgy expert, Nanako Nakajima launched a bilingual website on the subject dancedramaturgy.org and has received the Special Commendation of the Elliott Hayes Award in 2017 for Outstanding Achievement in Dramaturgy from the Literary Manager and Dramaturgs of the Americas. For this long table, Nanako has invited a handful of dance artists, thinkers, makers, and dramaturgs from divergent disciplines, practices and contexts to discuss and share methods and contemporary approaches and practices of dance dramaturgy. Long table guests include: Antony Hamilton, Rachael Fensham, LIM How Ngean and Priya Srinivasan. Is this working? A dance dramaturgy long table is part of the KCA public program’s free talks and is presented by Dancehouse and Chunky Move.

  • Dance : The Contemporary Dance in EU

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Doshisha University

    Presentation date: 2022.05

  • Archiving Dance in a Box

    Nanako Nakajima, Gabriele Brandstetter  [Invited]

    (Deustches Haus, Columbia University)  Department of Germanic Languages, Columbia University

    Presentation date: 2022.04

    Event date:
  • The Dramaturgy of Aging

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    The Graduate Center, The City University of New York 

    Presentation date: 2022.04

  • Performing Arts Are Archives

    Nanako Nakajima, Kaku Nagashima  [Invited]

    Festival Tokyo Archiving F/T 

    Presentation date: 2022.03

  • The Dramaturgy of Aging in Postmodern Dance Tradition

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Theorie, Tanzquartier Wien  (Online)  Tanzquartier Wien

    Presentation date: 2022.02

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    In diesem Vortrag untersucht Nanako Nakajima, wie japanische und US-amerikanische Tanzdramaturgien des Alterns miteinander verwoben werden können, und zwar anhand einer performativen Ausstellung, die sie 2017 zu Ehren der Choreografin und Tänzerin Yvonne Rainer im Kyoto Art Theater Shunjuza organisiert hat. In einem Prozess der Zusammenarbeit von US-amerikanischen postmodernen Künstler*innen und lokalen japanischen Performer*innen entsandte Rainer eine Tänzerin, um japanischen Tänzer*innen das frühe Repertoirewerk Trio A zu vermitteln, die das Werk dann vor einem lokalen Publikum aufführten. Das Projekt umfasste auch eine Vorführung der retrospektiven Stückfassung Trio A: Geriatric Version von David Michalek, in dem die 82-jährige Rainer selbst ihre Choreografie performte und dabei zuweilen ins Wanken geriet. Indem Nakajima die Unterschiede, die in diesem räumlichen Setting sichtbar wurden, kritisch hinterfragt, diskutiert sie, wie alternde Körper im Tanz in den kognitiven und ästhetischen Rahmen des postmodernen Tanzes rutschen. Unter Berücksichtigung globaler und lokaler Einflüsse auf diesen Prozess untersucht sie, wie die Dramaturgie des Alterns im US-amerikanischen postmodernen Tanz durch die Dramaturgie des Alterns im traditionellen japanischen Theater gestärkt wird. Trio A ist der Inbegriff des postmodernen Tanzes, und als ein 82-jähriger Nō-Darsteller einsprang, um es aufzuführen, wurde dieses historische Repertoire zu einer Feier alternder Tänzer*innen. Obwohl nicht ausreichend geprobt wurde, war es nach Ansicht von Rainer und ihrer Tänzerin eine der besten Aufführungen von Trio A, die sie je gesehen hatten, was vielleicht an der anpassungsfähigen Dramaturgie des Alterns lag.

  • Pichet Klunchun and Three Dramaturgs

    Pichet Klunchun, Lim How, Ngean, Tang Fu Kuen, Shane Bunnag, Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Yokohama International Performing Arts Meeting 2021 (YPAM2021)  Yokohama International Performing Arts Meeting 2021 Executive Committee (Kanagawa Arts Foundation; Yokohama Arts Foundation; Japan Center, Pacific Basin Arts Communication)

    Presentation date: 2021.12

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    On Friday, December 3, 2021, we proudly present the series of dance dramaturgy sessions “Pichet Klunchun and Three Dramaturgs”. This is a part of the YPAM Exchange at BankART KAIKO and on the hybrid event platform “Swapcard,” organized by Yokohama International Performing Arts Meeting 2021 (YPAM2021). With his recent work of No. 60, Pichet Klunchun went beyond the 59 Thai dance canon of Theppanom and opened up the new way of Asian contemporary dance. (No.60 was premiered at the TPAM2020 and will be presented at the ROHM Theatre Kyoto in March 2022.) His dramaturgs Lim How Ngean, Tang Fu Kuen, and Nanako Nakajima will hold the series of dance dramaturgy discussions, thereby exploring their trajectories with Pichet and their further possibilities. The related films are available on view on-demand/registration on YPAM website.

  • Online panel discussion on “ageless dance”


    (Lisbon)  Alkantara festival

    Presentation date: 2021.11

    Event date:
  • Lecture “Waking up the Dance Dramaturgy of Aging”

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    “tempus fugit” organized by DnKspace, L’Institut français de Bulgarie and Goethe-institut Bulgaria, 2021.  DnKspace, L’Institut français de Bulgarie and Goethe-institut Bulgaria

    Presentation date: 2021.11

  • Embracing the Aging Body in Dance

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    »Time Shifts – Age(ing) and Society«/Zeitverschiebungen Das Alter(n) und die Gesellschaft  (Palais Wittgenstein, Bilker Str. 7–9, 40213 Düsseldorf) 

    Presentation date: 2021.08

    Event date:

     View Summary

    The first of two symposia aimed at the general public, Time Shifts: Age(ing) and Society looked at current and potential developments – medical, demographic, and social – as well as their cultural reflections and repercussions. It poses questions about the future of age(ing) and traces its individual and societal challenges.

  • On 'inter/intra'

    Asian Dramaturg's Network  [Invited]

    Online ADN discussion 

    Presentation date: 2021.07

    Event date:
  • Mengfan Wang in Conversation with Nanako Nakajima

    Mengfan Wang, Nanako Nakajima

    Online Research Meeting: “The Dance Dramaturgy of Aging”  (Online) 

    Presentation date: 2021.01

     View Summary

    This research project explores the dance dramaturgy of aging for the future performance making. What it means to be aging in dance was a taboo subject in ballet contexts, while, in some Asian contexts, professional dancers continue dancing until their high age. Influenced by these dancers, one sees the trend in contemporary dance to highlight longer career of dancers. This project by Nanako Nakajima has organized three closed meetings: 1. Discussions with a screening of traditional Japanese dancers, 2. Lecture by Prof. Mariko Okada on characteristics of aging in Inoue School of Kyo-mai, 3. Presentation by dancer-choreographer Hokuto Kodama on the system of ballet and repertoires by Mats Ek with aging ballet dancers. Director and choreographer in Beijing, Mengfan Wang has worked with diverse bodies of performers. During 2019-2020, Wang has worked with two retired ballet-trained dancers from National Ballet of China in “When my cue comes, call me, and I will answer.” For this meeting, we welcome Wang to talk about this dramaturgy.

  • The Dance Dramaturgy of Aging in the Time of Pandemics

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    The 4th International Society of Culture & Arts and 12th Korea Dance Research Society Joint International Academic Conference 

    Presentation date: 2020.12

    Event date:
  • Moving between Contexts: Dramaturgical Concerns in Aging Revolutionary Dancers in China

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    What Matters Most: Dance and Dramaturgy in Turbulent Times, presented by Australian Dance Theatre (ADT) under the auspices of its International Centre for Choreography 

    Presentation date: 2020.12

    Event date:
  • Dance Archive Box

    Nanako Nakajima

    Japanese Society for Theatre Research 

    Presentation date: 2020.11

    Event date:
  • Dance Archive Box Berlin

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Valeska Gert Visiting Professorship Nanako Nakajima  (Akademie der Künste)  Freie Universität Berlin, Akademie der Künste, and the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).

    Presentation date: 2019.10

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    With Gabriele Brandstetter, Ong Keng Sen, Nele Hertling

  • Design of Dancing Bodies: 100 Years of Post-Bauhaus in Dance Research

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    The Humboldt Association of West-Japan 

    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • "No(h) to Trio A: Dance Dramaturgy of Aging in a Performative Exhibition of Yvonne Rainer's Work"

    Nanako Nakajima, Yvonne Rainer  [Invited]

    NANAKO NAKAJIMA IN CONVERSATION WITH YVONNE RAINER  (New York, New York, US)  New York University and Gallatin School

    Presentation date: 2019.01

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    A talk by Nanako Nakajima, “No(h) to Trio A: Dance Dramaturgy of Aging in a Performative Exhibition of Yvonne Rainer’s Work,” which will be followed by a discussion with avant-garde choreographer and filmmaker Yvonne Rainer. Nakajima will draw on her recent book The Aging Body in Dance: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (Routledge, 2017), which compares youth-oriented Western cultures to dance cultures like Japan’s in which aging performers are celebrated as part of the country’s living heritage. Nakajima will discuss these themes in the context of the exhibition she curated in 2017, Yvonne Rainer Performative Exhibition, for the Kyoto Art Theater Shuju-za.

  • Disassembling the Dancing Subject for the Good of Cleaning

    Nanako Nakajima

    International Federation for Theatre Research (FIRT/IFTR),World Congress 2018, Theatre, nation and identity: between Migration and Stasis, , General Session,University of Arts, Belgrade  (ベオグラード芸術大学、セルビア) 

    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • Noh to Trio A −イヴォンヌ・レイナーと⽼いのダンスドラマトゥルギー−

    Nanako Nakajima

    Japanese Society for Dance Research  (Tenri University) 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • Symposium "Exhibition of/as Performance"

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    The 12th annual conference of the Association for Studies of Culture and Representation  (Arts Maebashi) 

    Presentation date: 2017.07

  • “Die Tanzszene in Japan und Deutschland” (英語),レクチャー及び司会,

    Nanako Nakajima

    (Goethe Institut Tokio)  Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • «Kazuo Ohno and Anohni: from without & within»

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Anohni-My Truth Symposium  (Kunsthalle Bielefeld)  Kunsthalle Bielefeld

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • "On Dance Dramaturgy"

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    "Mapping Out, In & About,"(英語)The inaugural symposium of the Asian Dramaturgs' Network (ADN)  (Center 42, Singapore)  The Asian Dramaturgs' Network (ADN)

    Presentation date: 2016.04

  • The Archiving Body in Dance: On Dance Archive Boxes

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    O.P.E.N. Festival  (Singapore)  the Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA)

    Presentation date: 2015.06

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    Dance researcher Nanako Nakajima will ask questions posed by the use of archive boxes as a creative tool. What are some of the contemporary dialogues pioneered between these seven dance-makers and their ever hungry audiences? What information must one possess to respond to a dance? As contemporary art practitioners in a culture of traditional familial succession, to what extent can Japanese dance-creators produce archive boxes that are accessible to all?

  • The Archiving Body in Dance

    Nanako Nakajima

    Memory and Theatre: performing the Archive An International Conference 

    Presentation date: 2015.05

  • "Performative Acts of Age in Genders: Raimund Hoghe's An Evening with Judy"

    Nanako Nakajima

    国際演劇学会(ウォーリック大学)  (University of Warwick) 

    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • Lecture Dance After the Great East Japan Earthquake

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Special Lecture organized by the Faculty of Arts and Letters, Kyoritsu Women's University 

    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • The Aging Body in Dance Concept and Co-Organization

    Nanako Nakajima

    (Goethe-Institut Tokyo)  The Aging Body in Dance Committee (ABDC)(Nanako NAKAJIMA, Shigeto NUKI, Kikuko TOYAMA)

    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • On Dance Dramaturgy

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Research Project on Dramaturg/Dramaturgy  Studies in Theatre and Film Arts, Waseda University

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • Our Posthuman Aging? Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution in Dance

    Nanako Nakajima

    19th Jubilee International Congress of Aesthetics  (Jagiellonian University in Krakow)  Polish Society of Aesthetics, International Association for Aesthetics

    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • Aging Infantilism: De-othering the Children in Dance through the Comparison of Euro-American and Japanese Cultures

    Nanako Nakajima


    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • AGING BODY IN DANCE The Cultural Politics of Age in Euro-American and Japanese Dance

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    TANZKONGRESS 2013 IN DÜSSELDORF (Dance Congress)  (tanzhaus nrw) 

    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • „Fähigkeiten der alternden und der behinderten Körper im Tanz“

    Dr. Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • Aging Body in Dance. Seeking Aesthetics and Politics of the Body through the Comparison of Euro-American and Japanese Cultures

    Nanako Nakajima

    2012 Annual Conference, Society of Dramaturgs (dg)  (Oldenburg Public Theater, Germany)  Society of Dramaturgs (dg)

    Presentation date: 2012.04

  • What is Dance Dramaturg now?

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Vol.8  (Za-Koenji Public Theater)  Theater Arts

    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • Aging Body in Dance: Researching Images of Children and their Perspectives

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Western Comparative Theater Working Group, Japanese Society for Theatre Research 

    Presentation date: 2012.01

  • Aging Body in Dance: Yvonne Rainer and Hanayagi Toshinami

    Nanako Nakajima

    International Federation for Theatre Research (FIRT/IFTR)  (Osaka University) 

    Presentation date: 2011.08

  • Lecture-Demonstration "Dance Dramaturgy as the Process of Learning: koosil-ja's mech[a]OUTPUT"

    Nanako Nakajima, koosil-ja

    Dance Dramaturgy: Catalyst, Perspective and Memory  (University of Toronto)  Society of Dance History Scholars

    Presentation date: 2011.06

  • Circulating Bodies as Medium : Dramaturgy of Thikwa plus Junkan Projekt

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Lecture-Demonstration  (Nagoya University Bunkei Sogo Center 7F Conference Hall)  The Graduate School of Languages and Cultures, Nagoya University

    Presentation date: 2011.03

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    Solo Lecture and a Demonstration by Choreographer Osamu Jareo

  • 中島那奈子氏講演会「めぐり/あう メディアとしての身体 - 日独ダンスプロジェクト ティクバ+循環プロジェクトのドラマトゥルギー」

    中島那奈子  [Invited]

    講演会  (名古屋大学文系総合館7F カンファレンスホール)  名古屋大学大学院 国際言語文化研究科

    Presentation date: 2011.03

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  • Who owns Dance? -Dansu suru Sintai no tayouka wo megutte

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Lecture  (Waseda Campus 6, 3rd Floor, Lecture Room 318)  The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum, Waseda University, Global COE Program, International Institute for Education and Research in Theatre and Film Arts, Dance Research Course

    Presentation date: 2011.03

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    Lecture on Diversity on Dancing Bodies in European and Japanese Contemporary Dance, and a Dialogue with Prof. Tatsuro Ishii

  • ダンスは誰のもの?-ダンスする身体の多様化をめぐって-

    中島那奈子  [Invited]

    講演会  (早稲田キャンパス6号館3階318室(レクチャールーム))  早稲田大学演劇博物館グローバルCOEプログラム 舞踊研究コース

    Presentation date: 2011.03

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  • ダンスするコミュニティ

    中島那奈子  [Invited]

    マンスリーアートカフェ  (大阪市中央区久太郎町3-2-15 三休橋エクセルビル北館B1F)  大阪市立大学 船場アートカフェ

    Presentation date: 2011.02

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  • Dancing Community

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Monthly Art Cafe  (Osaka Japan)  Osaka City University Senba Art Cafe

    Presentation date: 2011.02

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    Community outreach

  • パネル・ディスカッション: Imaginations of the Body / Film: NoBody's Perfect

    Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Dr. Susanne Foellmer, Nanako Nakajima, Claire Cunningham, Jess Curtis, Peter Pleyer  [Invited]

    (Uferstudios Berlin, Studio 1, Berlin) 

    Presentation date: 2010.11

     View Summary

    Embodiment and diversity lie at the center of many current discussions of ethics and society. What we imagine as ‘normal’ or ‘ideal’ has a huge impact on how we include and exclude specific bodies from participation in society; from the in/accessibility of architectural spaces for those with diverse modes of mobility, to the in/accessibility of cultural institutions for those with diverse embodiments of gender, race or sexual preference. How can the ‘performances’ of different bodies (whether on stage or in daily life) engage these issues and be a tool for the development of a more ethical and inclusive society? How can our imaginations of beauty, virtuosity and physical performance expand rather than contract the richness of possibilities for all bodies? In this panel discussion thinkers from a variety of disciplines will address these questions from the points of view of culture, science, and critical theory. Members of the Panel include performance artist and theoretician Guillermo Gómez-Peña, dance scholar Dr. Susanne Foellmer, dance scholar and dramaturge Nanako Nakajima, performance artist Claire Cunningham and Jess Curtis. The Panel will be moderated by Peter Pleyer. Before the Panel we will show the film "Nobody's Perfect" by Niko von Glasow - a documentary that follows Niko von Glasow as he looks for eleven people who, like him, were born disabled due to the disastrous side-effects of Thalidomide, and who are prepared to pose naked for a book of photos. After the Panel you can visit the Performance Installation "Dances for Non/Fictional Bodies" by Jess Curtis/Gravity.

  • Panel Discussion: Imaginations of the Body / Film: NoBody's Perfect

    Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Dr. Susanne Foellmer, Nanako Nakajima, Claire Cunningham, Jess Curtis, Peter Pleyer  [Invited]

    (Uferstudios Berlin, Studio 1, Berlin) 

    Presentation date: 2010.11

     View Summary

    Embodiment and diversity lie at the center of many current discussions of ethics and society. What we imagine as ‘normal’ or ‘ideal’ has a huge impact on how we include and exclude specific bodies from participation in society; from the in/accessibility of architectural spaces for those with diverse modes of mobility, to the in/accessibility of cultural institutions for those with diverse embodiments of gender, race or sexual preference. How can the ‘performances’ of different bodies (whether on stage or in daily life) engage these issues and be a tool for the development of a more ethical and inclusive society? How can our imaginations of beauty, virtuosity and physical performance expand rather than contract the richness of possibilities for all bodies? In this panel discussion thinkers from a variety of disciplines will address these questions from the points of view of culture, science, and critical theory. Members of the Panel include performance artist and theoretician Guillermo Gómez-Peña, dance scholar Dr. Susanne Foellmer, dance scholar and dramaturge Nanako Nakajima, performance artist Claire Cunningham and Jess Curtis. The Panel will be moderated by Peter Pleyer. Before the Panel we will show the film "Nobody's Perfect" by Niko von Glasow - a documentary that follows Niko von Glasow as he looks for eleven people who, like him, were born disabled due to the disastrous side-effects of Thalidomide, and who are prepared to pose naked for a book of photos. After the Panel you can visit the Performance Installation "Dances for Non/Fictional Bodies" by Jess Curtis/Gravity.

  • Alternde Körper im Tanz: Yvonne Rainer, Hanayagi Toshinami und Kazuo Ohno

    Nanako Nakajima

    German Research Foundation (DFG)Report Colloquium 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • Alternde Körper im Tanz: Yvonne Rainer, Hanayagi Toshinami und Kazuo Ohno



    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • Aging Body in Dance: Kazuo Ohno

    Nanako Nakajima

    The International Federation for Theatre Research(IFTR)  (München Germany)  The International Federation for Theatre Research

    Presentation date: 2010.07

     View Summary

    CHOREOGRAPHY AND CORPOREALITY Working Group, Paper Presentation

  • Aging Body in Dance: Kazuo Ohno


    国際演劇学会(IFTR)  (ドイツ ミュンヘン)  The International Federation for Theatre Research

    Presentation date: 2010.07

     View Summary


  • "Aging in Dance" "Works of Dramaturgs"

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Lecture by Nanako Nakajima  (Art Theater dB Kobe)  NPO DANCE BOX

    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • 「踊りと老い」「ドラマトゥルクの役割っていったい何!?」

    中島那奈子  [Invited]

    中島那奈子さんのお話を聞く会  (Art Theater dB 神戸)  NPO法人 DANCE BOX

    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • "Ob ich wieder tanze, wenn ich alt werde?"

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Public Lecture  (Waseda University, Japan)  Waseda University, School of Humanities and Social Sciences

    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • 歳をとれば また踊りたく なるかしら

    中島那奈子  [Invited]

    講演会  (早稲田大学戸山キャンパス)  早稲田大学文学部 ドイツ語ドイツ文学コース

    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • “Postmodernist Positioning towards Aging: Yvonne Rainer’s AG-Indexical”

    Nanako Nakajima

    Aesthetics and History (The Research School of Aesthetics, Stockholm University) 

    Presentation date: 2010.02

  • “Postmodernist Positioning towards Aging: Yvonne Rainer’s AG-Indexical”


    Aesthetics and History  (スウェーデン)  ストックホルム大学 美学研究科

    Presentation date: 2010.02

  • On the Grotesque und Its Relationship with Aesthetic Theories

    Nanako Nakajima, Prof. Winfried Menninghaus, Lisa Glauer

    Finissage of the exhibition, “An American Orifice,”  (Berlin, Germany)  gallery arttrasponder

    Presentation date: 2010.01

  • パネリスト、On the Grotesque und Its Relationship with Aesthetic Theories

    中島那奈子, ヴィンフリート・メニングハウス, リサ・グラウアー

    企画展示 “An American Orifice” 講演  (Berlin, Germany)  gallery arttrasponder

    Presentation date: 2010.01

  • ダンサーとコミュニティ


    日本演劇学会 全国大会 (大阪市立大学) 

    Presentation date: 2009.06

  • "Dancer and Community"

    Nanako Nakajima

    Japanese Society for Theatre Research (Osaka City University, Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2009.06

  • "Authenticity and Aging in Dance"

    Nanako Nakajima

    Desperately Seeking Authenticity  ロンドン大学 ゴールドスミスカレッジ

    Presentation date: 2009.03

  • "Authenticity and Aging in Dance"

    Nanako Nakajima

    Desperately Seeking Authenticity (Goldsmith College, the University of London, England) 

    Presentation date: 2009.03

  • "Dancing and Aging"

    Nanako Nakajima

    国際舞台芸術学シンポジウム”The Expression of Subjectivity in the Performing Arts”  ヴァレンシア工科大学、スペイン

    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • "Dancing and Aging"

    Nanako Nakajima

    The Expression of Subjectivity in the Performing Arts (Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain) 

    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • レクチャーパフォーマンス "Dance for/in Peace" with 竹村京

    中島那奈子  [Invited]

    国際平和ワークショップ ”Concerning peace – utopia or pantopia ?”  ベルリン工科大学 哲学科

    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • Lecture Performance "Dance for/in Peace" with Kei Takemura (performance)

    Nanako Nakajima

    International Peace Workshop 2008, Concerning peace – utopia or pantopia ? (Institut fuer Philosophie, Technische Universitaet Berlin) 

    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • „Jérôme Bel and Myself“: Interkulturelle Aspekte des zeitgenoessischen europaeischen und japanischen Tanzes

    Nanako Nakajima

    日独韓奨学生セミナー  (ベルリン日独センター) 

    Presentation date: 2008.07

  • „Jérôme Bel and Myself“: Interkulturelle Aspekte des zeitgenoessischen europaeischen und japanischen Tanzes

    Nanako Nakajima

    Deutsch-Japanisch-Koreanische Stipendiatenseminar, JAPANISCH-DEUTSCHES ZENTRUM BERLIN in Zusammenarbeit mit dem DEUTSCHER AKADEMISCHER AUSTAUSCHDIENST 

    Presentation date: 2008.07

  • "Demystifying the Traditional Japanese: Using Media as a Political Tool"

    Nanako Nakajima

    Interkollegiale Arbeitstagung ,,this is what a chameleon looks like,,  (FREIE UNIVERSITAET BERLIN)  Graduiertenkollegen, InterArt/Berlin, Bild - Koerper - Medium/Karlsruhe - Centre for Cultural Studies Goldsmiths College/London

    Presentation date: 2008.01

  • "The Interdependencies Strand"

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    ミシガン大学 Anarcha研究プロジェクト・シンポジウム  (The University of Michigan)  The University of Michigan Initiative on Disability Studies

    Presentation date: 2007.04

  • "The Interdependencies Strand"

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Anarcha Performative Research Symposium, University of Michigan  (The University of Michigan)  The University of Michigan Initiative on Disability Studies

    Presentation date: 2007.04

  • "The Aging Body in Dance---Moving Towards Dance Studies"

    Nanako Nakajima

    日独フォーラム  (東海大学セミナーハウス)  DAAD友の会

    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • "The Aging Body in Dance---Moving Towards Dance Studies"

    Nanako Nakajima

    Japanisch-Deutsches Forum des DAAD Tomonokai, (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst)  (Tokai University Seminar House) 

    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • 「身体を動かすことから映像を動かすことへ -イヴォンヌ・レイナーの変遷 1972-1975」


    第58回舞踊学会全国大会《ポスト・モダンダンス再考 -その影響と現在》  (専修大学)  舞踊学会

    Presentation date: 2006.12

  • "Moving Body to Moving Image: Yvonne Rainer’s Transition from 1972 to 1975"

    Nanako Nakajima

    Japanese Society for Dance Research  (Senshu University, Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2006.12

  • Moderator, Dance Dramaturgy

    Nanako Nakajima

    アメリカ・ドラマトゥルク協会 (LMDA) 国際大会  (Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota) 

    Presentation date: 2006.07

  • Moderator, Dance Dramaturgy

    Nanako Nakajima

    Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA), Annual Conference  (Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota) 

    Presentation date: 2006.07

  • パネリスト (ドラマトゥルギー)

    中島那奈子  [Invited]

    インターンセミナーパネル, A.R.T. / New York 

    Presentation date: 2006.06

  • Panelist, Dramaturgy

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Intern Seminar Panel, A.R.T. / New York 

    Presentation date: 2006.06

  • パネリスト Springdance Dialogue for Critics

    中島那奈子  [Invited]

    スプリングダンス フェスティバル プレビュー (オランダ・ユトレヒト) 

    Presentation date: 2006.04

  • Panelist, Springdance Dialogue for Critics

    Nanako Nakajima

    Springdance Festival Preview 

    Presentation date: 2006.04

  • "The Art and History of Otome Bunraku”

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    International Theatre  Martin E. Segal Theatre Center, ニューヨーク市立大学

    Presentation date: 2006.02

  • "The Art and History of Otome Bunraku”

    Nanako Nakajima

    International Theatre  Martin E. Segal Theatre Center, The Graduate Center, The City University of New York

    Presentation date: 2006.02

  • "Two Axes Found in Performing Body, Vertical and Horizontal"

    Nanako Nakajima

    国際芸術学コロキウム「世界表象としての芸術」  (Seijo University, Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2003.11

  • "Two Axes Found in Performing Body, Vertical and Horizontal"

    Nanako Nakajima

    International Colloquium of Art Studies, Art as Representation of the World  (Seijo University, Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2003.11

  • 「踊りを成す二つの軸―垂直軸と水平軸―」


    美学会全国大会 (若手美学研究者フォーラム) 

    Presentation date: 2003.10

  • "Two Axes Found in Odori"

    Nanako Nakajima

    The Japanese Society for Aesthetics (Young Scholars’ Forum) 

    Presentation date: 2003.10

  • パネリスト、<連続シンポジウム>「比較演劇の視点から見た現代日本演劇・第5回 宮城聰氏(クナウカ)を迎えて」



    Presentation date: 2003.06

  • Panelist, at a symposium with a director, Miyagi Satoshi (Ku Na’uka), Contemporary Japanese Theatre from Comparative Theatre Perspective

    Nanako Nakajima  [Invited]

    Comparative Theatre Section, Japanese Society for Theatre Research 

    Presentation date: 2003.06

  • 「ずれにおける身体性 ―花柳寿南海の都見物座衛門」



    Presentation date: 2002.10

  • "The Dancing Body in Gaps—Miyakokenbutsuzaemon by Hanayagi Toshinami"

    Nanako Nakajima

    Aesthetic Congress in Hiroshima University (The Japanese Society for Aesthetics) 

    Presentation date: 2002.10

  • 「踊りにおけるずれといきの知覚性」



    Presentation date: 2002.07

  • "ZURE and IKI as Perceptions in Japanese Dance"

    Nanako Nakajima

    Comparative Theatre Section, Japanese Society for Theatre Research 

    Presentation date: 2002.07

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Research Projects


    University of Calgary, Canada  Transdisciplinary Scholarship Connector Grants

    Project Year :


    Pil Hansen, Sarah Kenny, Jayna Holroyd-Leduc, Chantelle Zimmer, Yomna, ElGhazouly, Camille Mori, Rebecca Barnstaple, Heunjung Lee, Nanako Nakajima, Jennifer Nikolai

  • The Genealogy on Dance Dramaturgy as Research Methods

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Dramaturg Meeting

    City of Kyoto 

    Project Year :


  • Work as Dance Dramaturg


    Project Year :


  • アジアの舞台芸術創造における国際的な「ラボラトリー機能」の実践的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)

    Project Year :


    天野 文雄, 森山 直人, 田口 章子, 内野 儀, 中島 那奈子

  • Scientific Literature

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results

    Project Year :


    Nanako Nakajima

     View Summary

    Publication Grant for "Aging plus Dancing" edited by Nanako Nakajima and Kikuko Toyama, Tokyo: Keiso Shobo Publisher.

  • Open Research Project I: Dance dramaturgy on the topic of Aging

    Kyoto University of Art and Design  “Interdisciplinary Research Center for Performing Arts” Joint Research Project of the academic year 2016-2018

    Project Year :


    Nanako Nakajima

  • Art as a tuning of the body/mind/space: a genealogy of neo-pre-modernism

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TOYAMA Kikuko, NAKAJIMA Nanako

     View Summary

    Focusing on an alternative mode of art making since the 1960s, when the modernist medium-specificity lost its credibility and all the art genres became increasingly blurred, I mapped out some exemplary cases of art of "self-alterantion", that is, art as tuning of the body/mind/space. An underlying philosophy, I argued, can be traced in various ancient (premodern), and often nonwestern, ideas on bio-cosmic energy and views of nature. Among the points discussed and searched in my studies, the followings are especially worth noting; (1) I pointed out how the socially marginalized subjects such as old people, children, etc., could suggest basic conditions of the dancing body, while dance may serve as a paradigmatic case for art of self-alteration. (2) the "energetic art," a category emerging with de-materialization of art objects, could be useful to bridge some ancient ideas and contemporary art practices.

  • Open Research Project I: Dance dramaturgy on the topic of Aging - Roundtable

    Kyoto University of Art and Design  Joint research project as part of its joint usage/research center project

    Project Year :


    Nanako Nakajima

  • 特別研究員奨励費

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業(科学研究費補助金)

    Project Year :



  • 踊りにおける老い : コドモとの比較から

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費

    Project Year :


    中島 那奈子

     View Summary

    本年度は、2012年ベルリンで行ったシンポジウム「踊りと老い―欧米と日本の文化比較における身体のエステティックスとポリティックス」を、研究代表者及びガブリエレ・ブラントシュテッター教授の編集で学術書にまとめ、ポストモダンダンスの振付家イヴォンヌ・レイナーに依頼した原稿"The Aching Bodyin Dance"を加え、出版準備を進めた。並行して、ベルリン自由大学の研究プロジェクトInterweaving Perfomance Culturesに参加した。
    招待講演としては、6月3日にドイツ・ライプチヒでのシンポジウムTANZOFFENSIVE 2013 : TANZBEFAHIGTで、ダンスと障がいに関する講演と、ワイマール時代から続くダンス会議Tanzkongress2013 (6月6日-9日、デュッセルドルフ)で、踊りと老いに関する講演を行った。また、6月26-30日に米国・スタンフォード大学で行われたPerformance Studies international#19での、老いと時間についての学会発表と、7月22-27日ポーランド・ヤギェウォ大学における国際美学会での、老いとバイオエシックスに関する学会発表も行った。

  • Aging Body in Dance. – Zur Ästhetik und Politik des Körpers im Vergleich von europäisch-amerikanischen und japanischen Tanzkulturen

    The Japan Foundation  Grant Program for Intellectual Exchange Conferences

    Project Year :


    Gabriele Brandstetter, Nanako Nakajima

  • "Aging Body in Dance. – Zur Ästhetik und Politik des Körpers im Vergleich von europäisch-amerikanischen und japanischen Tanzkulturen,

    Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)  国際研究集会助成

    Project Year :


    Gabriele Brandstetter, Nanako Nakajima

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  • Dramaturgs' Meeting

  • Archiving F/T Online Talk

  • Online Dance Dramaturgy Session:What Matters Most: Dance and Dramaturgy in Turbulent Times (3)

  • The. Book of Okina


     View Summary

    Interview 6: Okina as the Aging Body in Dance - Its Uniqueness from the Perspective of World Performing Arts Nanako Nakajima

  • Workshop organization on Poetics and Dance

  • KYOTO EXPERIMENT 2018 Talk: Dialogue on Technique


     View Summary

    Talk event on Oct 13, 2018
    [2] 12:50-14:10
    Roberta Lima
    Nanako Nakajima (Dramaturge)
    Conference Room 1, ROHM Theatre Kyoto

  • Her work as dance dramaturg is first introduced to the Japanese context through the book by Eiichiro Hirata, "Dramaturg: Butaigeijzutu wo stext inka saseru mono," Sangensha Publishers Inc,.

  • Interview published in a magazine:"Tanzwissensschaft Nanako Nakajima" (Germany), DAAD Letter, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (The German Academic Exchange Service), Germany, April, 2009, p. 32. http://www.daad-magazin.de/imperia/md/content/magazin/daad-letter_0109.pdf

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Teaching Experience

  • Dance Dramaturgy

    Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity  


     View Summary

    In 2022 Autumn, Nanako was invited to a globally respected arts, cultural and educational institution, Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Canada, as faculty member, and supported the internationally selected dance companies during their dance residence program.

  • Valeska Gert Visiting Professor Seminar

    Freie Universität Berlin  


  • Performance Studies

    The University of Tokyo  


  • Interweaving Dance Dramaturgies

    CP[3] the Certificate Programme for Critical Practice in Contemporary Performance  


  • 芸術学I-3(芸術理論:舞踊論)



  • 表象・メディア論系演習(バレエ・ダンス論)



  • Dance Studies

    Seikei University  


  • Dance History

    Kobe College  


  • Kobe College Creation Project: Aging and Gender

    Kobe College  


  • 表現文化論 舞踊


  • Critical Dance Dramaturgy


  • 現代芸術論実習 ダンスのドラマトゥルギー


  • 芸術学特殊講義Ⅳ ポピュラーダンス論


  • 舞踊論 Ⅱ


  • Dance Theory II

    Shobi-gakuen University  

  • レクチャー「ダンスと老いと伝統」


  • Lecture on Dance/Aging/Tradition

    Kyoto University of Art and Design (Dance Seminar and Lab)  

  • ダンスドラマトゥルギー


  • Dance Dramaturgy

    Aichi University  

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 国内外におけるダンスドラマトゥルギー研究の理論的実践的継承


     View Summary

    2023年度まで科学研究費&nbsp;JP21K00131&nbsp;で遂行してきた研究課題「研究手法としてのダンスドラマトゥルギーの系譜学的研究」を継承し、その研究成果の一部を翻訳してウェブサイトで公開した。まず、研究代表者がダンスドラマトゥルク・ダンス研究者である米国ニューヨーク大学アンドレ・レペッキ教授と行った対談と、ダンス研究者であるドイツベルリン自由大学ガブリエレ・ブラントシュテッター教授と行った対談を文字に起こし、ジョン・バレット氏による英文校閲、辻井美穂氏による日本語翻訳の上、ダンスドラマトゥルギーウェブサイトに日英で公開した。加えて、研究代表者が2024年3月に京都芸術劇場春秋座とロームシアター京都で開催した第一回「ドラマトゥルク・ミーティング」について、インディペンデント・ドラマトゥルクで香港恒生大学演劇研究科修士課程講師のロー・ミウラン博士による報告記事を翻訳し、京都芸術劇場春秋座とダンスドラマトゥルギーウェブサイトに日英で公開した。さらに、京都芸術大学舞台芸術研究センターで、能楽師やダンサーらを交えて2021年から2023年に行なった研究としてのパフォーマンス「老いを巡るダンスドラマトゥルギー」の理論化と文章化を進め、また国内及び国際学会におけるダンスドラマトゥルギーに関する理論的実践的研究を統合していった。その成果を、単著Dance Dramaturgies of Aging: A Journey of Negotiating Identity Across Generations, Dance Cultures, and Embodied Histories in between Continents の執筆に反映させつつ、次の研究課題に展開させていった。