Updated on 2025/03/13


ENDO, Tamaki
Faculty of International Research and Education, Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies
Job title
Ph.D (Economics) ( Kyoto University, Facluty of economics )

Research Experience

  • 2024.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies   Professor

  • 2021.04

    Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saitama University

  • 2022.10

    Visiting Professor, The Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre (SEAC) , London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

  • 2022.01

    Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University

  • 2020.10

    Visiting Senior Fellow, The Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre (SEAC) , London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

  • 2015.04

    Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saitama University

  • 2011.04

    Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Saitama University

  • 2012.04

    Visiting Scholar, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

  • 2008.04

    Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Saitama University

  • 2007.10

    Researcher (GCOE), Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University

  • 2007.04

    Researcher, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University

  • 2004.04

    Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS:PD)

  • 2003.06

    Visiting Research Fellow at Social Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)

  • 2001.04

    Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS: DC1)

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Education Background

  • 2001.04

    Kyoto University   Graduate School of Economics   Division of Economic Dynamics Analysis (PhD)  

  • 1999.04

    Kyoto University   Graduate School of Economics   Division of Economic Dynamics Analysis (MA)  

  • 1995.04

    Kyoto University   Faculty of Law  

  • 1992.08

    United World College of Atlantic   (UK, International Baccalaureate)  

Professional Memberships









Research Areas

  • Economic policy / Area studies / Gender studies

Research Interests

  • Informal economy

  • City / urban development

  • Inequality

  • Gig economy

  • Labour

  • Southeast Asia / East Asia

  • Gentrification

  • Risk response

  • Value Chain

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  • Saitama University President Award for Research and Education


  • 34th The Daido Life Foundation Incentive Award for Area Studies

    2019.07   Daido Life Foundation  

  • The 28th Ohira Memorial Prize (For Living in the City, published in 2011)

    2012.06   Masayoshi Ohira Foundation  

  • The 6th Iue Asia Pacific Research Prize, [Commendation]). (For Ph.D. Thesis)

    2007.10   Asia Pacific Forum  



  • Towards Better Urban Well-Being in Asian Megacities (Chapter 8)

    Momoyo Shibuya, Tamaki Endo

    Urban Risk and Well-being in Asian Megacities: Urban Lower and Middle Classes in Bangkok, Shanghai, and Tokyo     158 - 164  2023.01

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    This chapter concludes this book following the discussions in the previous chapters. We first discussed that cities are a space of comfort and living, but simultaneously a space of risk and danger. This raised the question of how living in such spaces leads to well-being for the residents. Through a survey of three Asian megacities, the study revealed how residents perceive and respond to risks, which social networks and institutions people utilize, and consequently identified differences and challenges in different cities and classes. While much has been revealed, our research has also reaffirmed the difficulty of quantifying well-being. Further studies should determine how to capture the invisible parts of well-being. We look forward to the future of Asia, where urban studies will be further developed and where we will continue to learn from each other to search for a flexible and changing environment for ‘living well’.



  • Megacities Matter: Socioeconomic Dynamics and Subjective Well-Being in Three Megacities (Chapter 2)

    Tamaki Endo, Momoyo Shibuya

    Urban Risk and Well-being in Asian Megacities: Urban Lower and Middle Classes in Bangkok, Shanghai, and Tokyo     12 - 37  2023.01

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    This chapter reviews the dynamics and dilemmas faced by three Asian megacities and clarifies their common background as urban settings and unique arrangements in social settings. Despite differences in development stages, there are many similarities in the macro features of the three cities, providing the rationale for comparing them in the analysis. In the era of widespread globalisation, it is reasonable to expect more similarities among cross-regional megacities than among cities within a country. Simultaneously, despite commonalities in urbanisation dynamics, survival strategies and risk responses are embedded in the social context of each city. The comparison of three cities, Tokyo, Shanghai, and Bangkok, will clarify how formal and informal mechanisms interact with and mutually impact each other.



  • Perceived and Experienced Urban Risks and Life Difficulties: Past, Present, and Future (Chapter 5)

    Tamaki Endo

    Urban Risk and Well-being in Asian Megacities: Urban Lower and Middle Classes in Bangkok, Shanghai, and Tokyo     82 - 114  2023.01

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    This chapter deals with the potential risks and actual difficulties the middle and lower classes of these three cities experience. The analysis of the sequential stages of the past, present, and future perceptions of urban risks clarifies the nature of risks faced in urban life, what their priorities are, and how their actual needs and experiences form their future perceptions. It will show that one’s past experiences and recent circumstances influence their subjective well-being and future perception, and, thus, there is a path dependency for the prospects of life. It is, however, not a matter of fully eliminating risk and negative shock from one’s life, but rather of the conditions for resilience and vulnerability.



  • Urban Risk and Well-Being in Asian Megacities (Chapter 1)

    Tamaki Endo, Momoyo Shibuya

    Urban Risk and Well-being in Asian Megacities: Urban Lower and Middle Classes in Bangkok, Shanghai, and Tokyo     1 - 11  2023.01

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    Asian megacities are now world-leading centres of economic development as centres of production, finance, and consumption. Cities pose fundamentally different types of risks from rural areas due to the unique characteristics of urban life, such as commodification, environmental hazards, and social relations. The impact of urban risks then manifests unevenly across social classes due to differences in their vulnerability and capability for risk response. This chapter introduces the significance of research to understand the risk response processes of urban residents, focusing on the differences in urban social environments, through the cases of Bangkok, Shanghai, and Tokyo. It also outlines the discussions in each chapter in the last section.



  • Urbanizing Asia: Cities transforming into mega-regions (Chapter 8)

    Tamaki Endo, Keiichiro Oizumi

    The Asian Economy: Contemporary Issues and Challenges     147 - 168  2020.07

  • Transforming Asia: How the Asian economy has been discussed (Chapter 1)

    Asei Ito, Tamaki Endo, Keiichiro Oizumi, Kenta Goto

    The Asian Economy: Contemporary Issues and Challenges     13 - 27  2020.07

  • Informalizing Asia: The other dynamics of the Asian economy (Chapter 9)

    Tamaki Endo, Kenta Goto

    The Asian Economy: Contemporary Issues and Challenges     169 - 187  2020.07

  • Conclusion: Competing Asia, co-existing Asia

    Kenta Goto, Tamaki Endo, Asei Ito, Keiichiro Oizumi

    The Asian Economy: Contemporary Issues and Challenges     250 - 256  2020.07

  • Introduction: The Asian economy in the Asian century

    Tamaki Endo, Asei Ito, Keiichiro Oizumi, Kenta Goto

    The Asian Economy: Contemporary Issues and Challenges     1 - 9  2020.07

  • Unequalizing Asia: From poverty to inequality (Chapter 11)

    Kunio Urakawa, Tamaki Endo

    The Asian Economy: Contemporary Issues and Challenges     209 - 232  2020.07

  • ポスト人口ボーナスのアジア(4)タイのインフォーマル経済と新しい社会保障制度の模索

    遠藤 環

    東亜 = East Asia : 中国・アジア問題専門誌   ( 619 ) 94 - 105  2019.01


  • Urban Risk, Risk Response and Well-being in Asian Cities: The Case of Tokyo, Shanghai, and Bangkok

    Tamaki Endo, Momoyo K. Shibuya

    Procedia Engineering   198   975 - 984  2017  [Refereed]

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    Megacities in Asia have been growing and showing dynamic 'compressed' changes. Tokyo, Bangkok and Shanghai are serving as the centre of finance, production and other functions of the region, while disparities within the city are widening to form multi-layered stratification. Besides, in the advancement of globalisation, they now experience uncertainty, insecurity, and more difficult new challenges - facing challenges of global cities in developed countries and of cities in developing countries simultaneously. In order to consider social environment where individual can live well in such Asian cities, this paper explores potential urban risks, risk responses, and actual condition of well-being of urban residents in three cities. The data from field survey show that Tokyo residents face to the work-related problems, while Shanghai and Bangkok residents to the fundamental economic risks. As the responses to those risks, all three cities use some personal networks to ensure enough resources to overcome, even if what relationships they have developed and how to use those vary. An interesting but not surprising finding is that, despite a better living condition, Tokyo residents show the lowest level of life satisfaction among the surveyed cities. In reality, there is a limit in responding to the public needs due to the austerity, which results in a serious policy dilemma. Managing the urban risks in a creative way by multi-actors in local context, such as involving individuals' personal networks, is one of the key challenges to be tackled for the future development and economic and social sustainability of the world.



  • ‘Asianization of Asia’ and Restructuring of Regional Economy:: Urban Mega-region and Its Functional Change in Thailand

    Endo Tamaki

    Annals of the Japan Association for Regional Economic Studies   31   2 - 18  2016  [Invited]

    DOI CiNii

  • Labor-intensive industries in middle-income countries: Traps, challenges, and the local garment market in Thailand

    Kenta Goto, Tamaki Endo

    Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy   19 ( 2 ) 369 - 386  2014.04  [Refereed]

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    How can labor-intensive industries in middle-income countries avoid the 'middle-income trap' and evolve as dynamic industries? This article addresses this question by focusing on the local garment industry in Thailand. Thailand's garment industry became fully integrated into international production networks in the 1980s, and was once among the main drivers of its manufacturing-based export growth. However, with rising wages and labor shortages, there is strong need to upgrade and shift from labor-intensive assembly to higher value-added functions. In contrast to the export-oriented sector, the local garment markets are primarily served by small informal garment suppliers. Nevertheless, some of the suppliers undertake functions that are typically more knowledge intensive, including designing and marketing. In this context, this paper discusses what implications this local-based industry has in overcoming possible middle-income traps, and suggests that domestic oriented policies could play key roles. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis.



  • Upgrading, Relocating, Informalising? Local Strategies in the Era of Globalisation: The Thai Garment Industry

    Kenta Goto, Tamaki Endo

    Journal of Contemporary Asia   44 ( 1 ) 1 - 18  2014.01  [Refereed]

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    The garment industry was once the leading manufacturing-based export sector of Thailand. While its international competitiveness has been diminishing since the 1990s primarily due to increases in wage levels, it nevertheless remains an important source of income for a large number of workers. Given this fact, we look at what survival strategies garment suppliers have adopted. In particular, this paper will examine the Thai garment industry from a global value chains perspective, and determine whether upgrading in process, products or functions has occurred. In this context, the paper shows that the Thai garment industry has been stagnating in terms of process and product upgrading. This, in turn, has induced suppliers to move to rural areas where cheaper labour, including migrant labour, is more readily available. We attempt to provide a more evidence-based account of this industrial relocation using unpublished data. Functional upgrading in more locally oriented production networks has occurred; however, competition in such functions has also increased, leading to price-based competition and the erosion of economic rents of network co-ordinators. The paper further argues that informalisation is becoming more common in production and employment relationships, and concludes that such strategies may not be viable in the long run. © 2013 © Journal of Contemporary Asia.



  • 「タイにおけるミャンマー人移民 労働者の実態と問題の構図:南タイ・ラノーンの事例から」

    藤田幸一, 遠藤環, 岡本郁子, 中西嘉宏, 山田美和

    『東南アジア研究』   50 ( 2 ) 157 - 210  2013.01  [Refereed]

  • バンコク都市下層民のリスク対応(第8章)

    遠藤 環

    講座 生存基盤論3 人間圏の再構築:熱帯社会の潜在力   第3巻(第8章)   239 - 269  2012

  • Occupational Change and Upward Mobility of Low-Income Residents in Bangkok

    Endo Tamaki

    Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies   48 ( 2 ) 131 - 154  2010  [Refereed]

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    This paper analyzes the occupational changes and upward mobility of urban low-income residents in Bangkok, using macro and micro data including field survey. In traditional theory, the image of upward mobility tends to be linear; that is, it assumes movement from the Informal Economy to the Formal Economy, from informal to modern sectors. However, analysis shows that the actual pattern of occupational paths and people’s perceptions of upward mobility is different from the assumptions found in traditional theory. First, the occupational opportunity of lower-class changes within a macro context and people choose their occupations by interacting with these changes. Therefore, their occupational paths are not linear. Second, for most workers, the final goal is not participation in the Formal Economy but the Informal Economy.

    DOI CiNii

  • From Formal to Informal? Global Restructuring and the Life Course of Women Workers in Thailand

    Tamaki Endo

    Gender, Technology and Development   9 ( 3 ) 347 - 372  2005.09  [Refereed]

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    This article analyzes the impacts of global economic restructuring on the life course of Thai women workers by using a case study of a community in Bangkok. In the 1980s, the growth of labor-intensive industries was a main driving force behind the economic growth of Thailand, and women manual workers were major contributors in this process. Over time, these industries rapidly lost their competitiveness, and many women workers were forced out of their jobs. Subsequently, during the transition period they moved on to various occupations, especially in the low-productive informal sector. Their choices depended on three factors: (1) their own capability, (2) conditions and structures of households, and (3) occupational opportunity. The combination of these factors regulated their choices in different types of occupations. However, there are also socio-economic disparities within the informal sector workers, and it was observed that the strength to correspond and cope with changes and increased competition are not evenly distributed. © 2005, Sage India: New Delhi, India. All rights reserved.



  • 第14章 バンコクの都市コミュニティとネットワーク形成

    遠藤 環

    東アジア都市論の構想-東アジアの都市間競争とシビル・ソサエティ構想(田坂敏雄編)(御茶の水書房)     423 - 450  2005

  • Policies for Urban Poor and the Informal Sector Concept in Thailand: Beyond Dualism

    Endo Tamaki

    Asian Studies   49 ( 2 ) 64 - 85  2003.04  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

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Books and Other Publications

  • The Asian economy : contemporary issues and challenges

    後藤, 健太, 遠藤, 環, 伊藤, 亜聖

    Routledge  2021 ISBN: 9780367203719

  • 現代アジア経済論 : 「アジアの世紀」を学ぶ

    遠藤, 環, 伊藤, 亜聖, 大泉, 啓一郎, 後藤, 健太

    [有斐閣]  2018.03

  • 選択する力 : バングラデシュ人女性によるロンドンとダッカの労働市場における意思決定

    Kabeer, Naila, 遠藤, 環, 青山, 和佳, 韓, 載香

    ハーベスト社  2016.04 ISBN: 9784863390744

  • 必要の理論

    Doyal, Len, Gough, Ian, 遠藤, 環, 神島, 裕子, 馬嶋, 裕, 山森, 亮

    勁草書房  2014.10 ISBN: 9784326602704

  • Living with risk : precarity & Bangkok's urban poor

    遠藤, 環

    Nus Press,Kyoto University Press  2014 ISBN: 9784876983599

  • 都市を生きる人々 : バンコク・都市下層民のリスク対応

    遠藤, 環

    京都大学学術出版会  2011.02 ISBN: 9784876989867

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Research Projects

  • Informalizing Asia: Dynamics and dilemma of global mega cities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Risk and water-related resilience in deltas: dimensional modeling of the natural environment, infrastructure and socio-economic structure

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion in Urban Informality: The case of Thailand

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Economic and spatial inequality in global city Bangkok

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ENDO Tamaki

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    This research aims to achieve empirical understanding on recent economic and spatial inequality in Bangkok. Firstly, the review paper clarified theoretical and empirical frontiers of debate on urbanization, inequality and informality in emerging countries. Secondly, mezzo level analysis of Bangkok and megaregion revealed the function of the city, mechanism of cluster formation and its spatial characteristics. Thirdly, by combining quantitative and qualitative analysis, empirical analysis on urban inequality was conducted from both economic and spatial perspectives. As gentrification proceed, 'informality' get pressure of evictions and life of urban lower class is becoming more vulnerable. Fourthly, the possibility of developing new form of social security scheme for middle income countries are assessed.

  • The restructuring and the value chain of the footwear industry in Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ENDO Tamaki

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    The aim of the research is to conduct research on the Informal Economy with special reference to the Global Value Chain (GVC) from perspective of economics and also political/social aspects. Along with the restructuring of the footwear industry in Asia, the industry in Thailand have been going through the severe restructuring process. The large enterprises take dual surviving strategies, conducting functional upgrading one hand, and 'relocate' to other area in order to reduce labour cost on the other. If we turn our eye to the micro and small enterprises, there were different trends. They show trend that either relocate, exit, or going informal. These rapid change promote the change of the relationship between the formal and informal economy and create linkage but accelerate the competition as well. How to overcome the constrain of functional and industrial upgrading are one of the most crucial issues to be tackled.

  • Informal Economy and Value Chain in the Globalizing Era

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ENDO Tamaki

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    The aim of the research is to conduct research on the Informal Economy with special reference to the Global Value Chain (GVC) from perspective of economics and also politics/social aspect. The regional integration of Asia has provided new economic opportunity not only for global capital but also for micro/small enterprises. For example, destination of shoes exports from Thailand is now showing new trend that is decrease of Western market and expansion of neighboring Asia and Middle East countries. Globalization of micro/small enterprise is part of this new trend. At the result, competition between the formal and the informal economy is getting higher which leading the change of relationship of these two economies.

  • グローバル化時代のバンコクにおける構造変化とインフォーマルエコノミーの検証

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    遠藤 環

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  • 東南アジアにおける都市の成長と開発政策の考察

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    遠藤 環

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