Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Research Institute for Letters, Arts and Sciences
Job title
Junior Researcher(Assistant Professor)
Doctor of Philosophy ( 2023.03 The University of Tokyo )
Master of Arts ( 2017.03 The University of Tokyo )
Bachelor of Laws ( 2015.03 Kyoto University )
Mail Address

     I study Russian intellectual history in nineteenth century, especially Nikolai Fedorov (1829-1903).

     In the master and doctoral cource of the University of Tokyo, I focused on the Christian aspect of Fedorov's thought. In my doctoral desertation, I interpreted his project of the Common Task, composed of many social and scientific practices, consistently in the light of Christian thought and showed that he formulated his thought accepting his contemporary arguments, cultures, and so on.

     Now, I extended the boundaries of my research. I'm interested in the issues of "faith and reason" and "science and religion" in Russian and Western intellectual history in 19th and 20th centuries. In the Post-doctoral study in Waseda University, I focus on Ivan Kireevsky's concept of "believing reason" and its influences.

Research Experience

  • 2023.10

    Waseda University   Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Junior Researcher (Assistant Professor)

  • 2023.04

    Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science   Humanities (Intellectual History)   Postdoctoral Fellow

  • 2024.09

    Waseda University   Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Adjunct Lecturer

  • 2015.09

    The University of Tokyo   College of Arts and Sciences, Junior Division   Teaching Assistant for English Language Education

  • 2018.04

    Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science   Humanities (Religious Studies)   Doctoral Fellow

Education Background

  • 2017.04

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Arts and Sciences   Department of Area Studies  

    Ph. D

  • 2017.08

    Russian State University for the Humanities   Exchange Student  

  • 2015.04

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Arts and Sciences   Department of Area Studies  

    Master of Arts

  • 2011.04

    Kyoto University   Faculty of Law  

    Bachelor of Laws

  • 2013.09

    The University of Manchester   University-wide Exchange Student  

Professional Memberships

  • 2024.06

    International Nineteenth-Century Studies Association

  • 2019.09


  • 2019.07


  • 2017.08


Research Areas

  • History of thought   Russian Intellectual History / History of thought   History of Religious Thought / Religious studies   Science and Religion

Research Interests

  • Russian Intellectual History

  • Russian Cosmism

  • History of Religious Thought

  • Christian Thought

  • Science and Religion

  • Faith and Reason

  • Eastern Christianity

  • Philosophy of Religion

  • Nineteenth-Century Studies

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Books and Other Publications

  • 東大英語リーディング 多元化する世界を英語で読む

    東京大学教養学部英語部会( Part: Other, ティーチングアシスタントとして教材選定の補佐と§3,4,9,10,13,14の校閲を行った。)

    東京大学出版会  2022.10 ISBN: 9784130821353

  • Московский Сократ: Николай Федорович Федоров (1829–1903). Сборник научных статей

    Коллектив авторов, А.Г. Гачева, М.М. Панфилов( Part: Joint author, Идея апокатастасиса у Н.Ф. Федорова (на примере его комментария к «Молитве за угнетателей» и рассуждения о раскаянии разбойника), 115-122)

    Академический проект  2018 ISBN: 9785829119720

     View Summary

    The book was released on the threshold of the 190th anniversary of the outstanding Russian philosopher, the famous librarian of the Rumyantsev Museum N.F. Fedorov (1829–1903). It is based on selected materials of the 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th International Academic Readings in memory of N.F. Fedorov, held correspondingly in 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016 years.
    The authors whose articles form the collection, are scholars from Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Poland, Japan, the USA. They consider the range of ideas of Moscow Socrates in the historical and modern context, analyze the different layers of its heritage – history and anthropology, epistemology and ethics, culture philosophy and language philosophy, the intersection of Fedorov's ideas with national and world thought and literature. A number of articles were prepared within the framework of the project “N.F. Fedorov. Encyclopedia”, launched at the sixteenth International Scientific Readings in memory of N.F. Fedorov (since 2018 the project has been conducted at the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research). A separate section is devoted to the problems and perspectives of the study of Russian cosmism, whose ancestor is N.F. Fedorov.
    The section “In memoriam” contains memorable articles and memoirs dedicated to the literary critic and philosopher S.G. Semenova, the leading researcher Fedorov’s philosophy in terms of its connections with literature and culture, the publisher of his heritage; historian and bibliographer M.M. Panfilov, who in 1999–2015 was the head of department of bibliology of Russian state library; poet, theologian, historian of the church V.A. Nikitin; philosopher and poet Y V Linnik; engineer, futurologist, the creator of the project “Informograd” V.I. Bodyakin; worker, builder of the chapel in Fedorov;s hometown A.M. Vorobyov; artist, teacher, director O.V. Solodkova.


  • Russian Cosmism and Occultism

    Yuki FUKUI

    International Nineteenth-Century Studies Assosiation (INCSA) inaugural conference "The Nineteenth Century Today: Interdisciplinary, International, Intertemporal," Durham University, Durham 

    Presentation date: 2024.07

  • Thinking about Science and Religion in Russian Religious Thought from Berdyaev's Viewpoint

    Yuki FUKUI

    Krakow Meetings 2024: Nicolas Berdyaev and Russian Philosophy in the West, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow 

    Presentation date: 2024.06

  • 理念と体系:スラヴ派の宗教的寛容論とフョードロフの宗教統合論



    Presentation date: 2024.03

  • Two Systems of Thanatology, or Christology: Lev Karsavin's On Personhood and Nikolai Fedorov’s Philosophy of Common Task

    Lev Karsavin: The Way of the Russian Philosopher in Lithuania, NGO “Dialogues of Cultures", Vilnius 

    Presentation date: 2024.03

  • 19世紀ロシア思想史における信仰と理性:チャアダーエフからフョードロフまで

    福井祐生  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2024.01

  • Федоров и религиоведение XIX века

    Фукуи Юки

    XX Международные научные чтения памяти Н.Ф. Федорова, Москва (участие онлайн) 

    Presentation date: 2023.06

  • ニコライ・フョードロフの思想の生成の諸相:そのキリスト教的基礎を中心に



    Presentation date: 2023.06

  • От «органицизма» к «литургизму»: Динамика философии родства Н. Федорова

    Фукуи Юки

    IX Международная научная конференция «Космизм и органицизм: эволюция и актуальность», Онлайн 

    Presentation date: 2021.11

  • Различные идеи о множественности (обитаемых) миров. Оригинальность версии, представленной Николаем Федоровым

    Фукуи Юки

    Международная научная онлайн-конференция Крылатое человечество: Идея космического полета и человека летающего в русской литературе и культере (К 60-летию первого полета человека в космос), Онлайн 

    Presentation date: 2021.03

  • «Перерыв непрерывности» в космической эволюции: Антропогенез в представлении Н.Ф. Федорова и П. Тейяра де Шардена

    Фукуи Юки

    XIX Международные научные чтения памяти Н.Ф. Федорова, Онлайн 

    Presentation date: 2020.12

  • フョードロフ思想における進化論とキリスト教との統合



    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • フョードロフ思想における「復活」とキリスト論の問題



    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • フョードロフの救済史観と現実感覚



    Presentation date: 2020.08

  • Воскресение Христа и всеобщее воскрешение: христологический вопрос в учении Николая Федорова

    Фукуи Юки

    VII Международная научная конференция «Космизм и органицизм: эволюция и актуальность», СПбГЭУ, Санкт-Петербург 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • ロシア宗教思想における普遍救済論と歴史哲学――アポカタスタシス(万物回復論)と呼ばれるべきか?



    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • <身体>からみる地域ー医療・衛生・宗教実践ー

    網野徹哉, 長谷川まゆ帆, 井坂理穂, 福井祐生, 杉田英明, コメンテーターを担当


    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • ニコライ・フョードロフにおける身体の救済とそのキリスト教的背景



    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • Незамеченное совпадение. Философия религии А. Бергсона и Н. Ф. Федорова

    Фукуи Юки

    XVIII Международные научные чтения памяти Н.Ф. Федорова, Рязанская областная универсальная научная библиотека имени Горького, Рязань 

    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • ニコライ・フョードロフにおける記憶の問題:アポカタスタシスの観点から



    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • Вопрос о личности в философии Н. Ф. Федорова (на примере его рассуждения о воскрешении Лазаря)

    Фукуи Юки

    XVII Международные научные чтения памяти Н.Ф. Федорова, Музей-библиотека Н. Ф. Федорова, Москва 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • Федоровское устроение «Космоса» и идея апокатастасиса

    Фукуи Юки

    Международная научная конференция. Революция и космос в литературе, искусстве и философской мысли ΧΧ-ΧΧΙ вв., Музей-библиотека Н. Ф. Федорова, Москва 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 血の繋がった「私」はもうひとりの「私」である:フョードロフ思想における他者の尊重



    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • ニコライ・フョードロフのアポカタスタシスをめぐる諸問題



    Presentation date: 2017.04

  • フョードロフ思想における他者の問題――ラザロの復活を題材に――



    Presentation date: 2017.03

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Research Projects

  • Study of Science and Religion on the Basis of Russian Thought: The Generation of Russian Cosmism in the History of Evolution Theory

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • ロシア宗教思想におけるアポカタスタシス論の展開:自由意志と社会変革の二観点から

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    福井 祐生

     View Summary

    1. 第一に公刊物として、サンクトペテルブルク市「コスミズムと有機体論」の学会資料集に論文「N. F. フョードロフの哲学における人格の問題」を発表した。また、2020年度の前半には、東京大学人文社会系研究科発行の『スラヴィスチカ』誌で拙論が発表される予定である。
    2. 第二に国内外における学会発表として、N. F. フョードロフ記念国際学術学会(2019.6,モスクワ市及びリャザン地方)、「コスミズムと有機体論」(2019.11月,サンクトペテルブルク市)においてロシア語による発表を行った。国内では、東方キリスト教学会(2019.8,東京大学)における発表を行った。これらの発表内容は、今後、博士論文の一部を成すように改変し、論文として発表する所存である。
    3. 最後に、研究者本人の所属する東京大学大学院総合文化研究科地域文化研究専攻の主催する公開シンポジウム「<身体>からみる地域ー医療・衛生・宗教実践ー」(2019年6月29日、東京大学駒場キャンパス)にてコメンテータを担当し、ロシア宗教思想及び東方キリスト教における身体論の観点から、登壇者に質問を行った。



Teaching Experience

  • History of Russian Thought

    Waseda University  




  • Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   School of Humanities and Social Sciences