Research Experience
Waseda University Global Education Center Research Associate
Academic Writing Section
LEC Graduate School of Accounting Part-time Lecturer (Academic Writing)
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2024/10/07
Waseda University Global Education Center Research Associate
Academic Writing Section
LEC Graduate School of Accounting Part-time Lecturer (Academic Writing)
Waseda University Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences (Doctoral Course) Japanese Studies
Waseda University Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences (Master's Course) Japanese Studies
Waseda University School of Humanities and Social Sciences Japanese Studies
Shigakukan Junior High School & High School (Chiba Pref.)
Waseda University Japanese Literature Association
Waseda University Japanese Linguistics Association
The Society for Japanese Language Education
The Phonetic Society of Japan
The Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association
The Pragmatics Society of Japan
The Linguistic Society of Japan
The Society of Japanese Grammar
The Society for Japanese Linguistics
Descriptive Grammar
Quotative Expressions
Academic Writing
A Phonological Study on “Compound Noun without Quotative Markers”: Focusing on Sentence-final Tones
Bulletin of the Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences of Waseda University 67 121 - 137 2022.03 [Refereed]
On the Features of “Quotative Expressions in Advertising Copy”: Focusing on Part of Speech
Hajime KUGA
Waseda Nihongo Kenkyû (Waseda University Japanese Linguistics Association) 30 55 - 66 2021.03 [Refereed]
Dictionary of Ambiguous & Vague Expressions in Japanese
Takuro MORIYAMA (Ed.)( Part: Contributor)
Tokyodoshuppan 2022.06 ISBN: 9784490109337
A Classification of Writing Center's Philosophies in Japan
Tatsuro TAHARA, Hajime KUGA
The 11th Waseda University Writing Forum
Presentation date: 2024.04
How to Face "Dependent Writers"
Kento SATO, Shunichi BANDO, Hajime KUGA
The 11th Waseda University Writing Forum
Presentation date: 2024.04
Reconsideration of “One Sentence, One Idea”: From the Perspective of Linguistics
Hajime KUGA
The 10th Waseda University Writing Forum
Presentation date: 2023.04
A Proposal for Categorization of Citation on Academic Papers: Toward Academic Writing Instruction
Hajime KUGA
Autumn Conference 2022 of Waseda University Japanese Linguistics Association
Presentation date: 2022.12
What is the Notable “Ambiguity” in Academic Writing?: Focusing on Structural Ambiguity
Hajime KUGA
The 9th Waseda University Writing Forum
Presentation date: 2022.03
On Peculiar Quotative Structures in Japanese: Aiming at Critical Successions of Fujita's Study
Hajime KUGA
Autumn Conference 2021 of Waseda University Japanese Literature Association
Presentation date: 2021.12
A Study of Peculiar Quotative Expressions in Advertising Copy
Hajime KUGA
Spring Conferece 2020 of Society for Japanese Linguistics
Presentation date: 2020.05
A Study of Non-standard Usage of Predicative Words in Advertising Copy
Hajime KUGA
Autumn Conference 2019 of Waseda University Japanese Linguistics Association
Presentation date: 2019.12
Research on “One Sentence, One Idea” in Japanese Academic Writing
Waseda University Grant for Special Research Projects
Project Year :
Hajime KUGA
Dictionary of Ambiguous & Vague Expressions in Japanese (Book Introduction)
Takuro MORIYAMA, Hajime KUGA
Waseda Nihongo Kenkyû (Waseda University Japanese Linguistics Association) 32 18 - 19 2023.03
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
The Index of Kanji with Tone Diacritics in “Rongi Myômoku” (Vol.3/3)
Minori IWATA, Caojie WANG, Lixin HE, Hajime KUGA, Liyuan ZANG, Aiko TAKAHASHI, Jiequn TU, Haruna NAKATSU, Miki NISHIKAWA, Akira NISHINO, Sachie NITTA
Ronsyû (Collegium of Philological Study on Accent History in Japanese) XVII 121 - 165 2022.02
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
The Index of Kanji with Tone Diacritics in “Rongi Myômoku” (Vol.2/3)
Minori IWATA, Caojie WANG, Lixin HE, Hajime KUGA, Liyuan ZANG, Aiko TAKAHASHI, Jiequn TU, Haruna NAKATSU, Miki NISHIKAWA, Akira NISHINO, Sachie NITTA
Ronsyû (Collegium of Philological Study on Accent History in Japanese) XVI 41 - 65 2021.02
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
The Index of Kanji with Tone Diacritics in “Rongi Myômoku” (Vol.1/3)
Minori IWATA, Caojie WANG, Lixin HE, Hajime KUGA, Liyuan ZANG, Aiko TAKAHASHI, Jiequn TU, Haruna NAKATSU, Miki NISHIKAWA, Akira NISHINO, Sachie NITTA
Ronsyû (Collegium of Philological Study on Accent History in Japanese) XV 129 - 168 2020.02
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test
Teaching License
Academic Writing
LEC Graduate School of Accounting
Directed Study (Tax Laws)
LEC Graduate School of Accounting