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Updated on 2025/03/09
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Updated on 2025/03/09
Comprehensive analysis and evaluation of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 3
Yamashita Takuya, Honda Takeshi*, Mizokami Masato*, Nozaki Kenichiro*, Suzuki Hiroyuki*, Pellegrini M.*, Sakai Takeshi*, Sato Ikken, Mizokami Shinya*
Nuclear Technology 209 ( 6 ) 902 - 927 2023.06 [Refereed]
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The estimation and understanding of the state of fuel debris and fission products inside the plant is an essential step in the decommissioning of the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F). However, the direct observation of the plant interior, which is under a high radiation environment, is difficult and limited. Therefore, in order to understand the plant interior conditions, a comprehensive analysis and evaluation is necessary, based on various measurement data from the plant, analysis of plant data during the accident progression phase and information obtained from computer simulations for this phase. These evaluations can be used to estimate the conditions of the interior of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) and the primary containment vessel (PCV). Herein, 1F Unit 3 was addressed as the subject to produce an estimated diagram of the fuel debris distribution from data obtained about the RPV and PCV based on the comprehensive evaluation of various measurement data and information obtained from the accident progression analysis, which were released to the public in November 2022.
Sato Ikken, Yoshikawa Shinji, Yamashita Takuya, Cibula M.*, Mizokami Shinya*
Nuclear Engineering and Design 404 112205\_1 - 112205\_21 2023.04 [Refereed]
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Based on updated knowledge from plant-internal investigations, experiments and model simulations until now, the in-vessel phase of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 was analyzed using the MAAP code. In Unit 2, it is considered that the core material enthalpy was relatively low when it relocated to the lower plenum of the pressure vessel, then, cooled by the coolant and solidified there. Although the MAAP code tended to underestimate the degree of core-material oxidation during the relocation, this probable underestimation was compensated for by an existing study that was considered more reliable, so that more realistic debris conditions in the lower plenum could be obtained. Basic validity of the former prediction of the Unit 2 accident progression behavior was confirmed and detailed boundary condition for the later phase was provided. This boundary condition should be utilized for future studies addressing debris reheating process leading to lower head failure and debris relocation toward the pedestal.
Madokoro Hiroshi, Yamashita Takuya, Gaus-Liu X.*, Cron T.*, Fluhrer B.*, Sato Ikken, Mizokami Shinya*
Nuclear Technology 209 ( 2 ) 144 - 168 2023.02 [Refereed]
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Since the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) lower head failure determines the subsequent ex-vessel accident progression, it is a key issue to understand the accident progression of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F). The RPV failure is largely affected by thermal loads on the vessel wall and thus it is inevitable to understand thermal behavior of molten metallic pool with co- existence of solid oxide fuel debris. In the past decades, numerous experiments have been conducted to investigate a homogeneous molten pool behavior. Few experiments, however, addresses the melting and heat transfer process of debris bed consisted of materials with different melting temperatures. LIVE-J2 experiment aimed to provide the experimental data on a solid-liquid mixture pool in a simulated RPV lower head under various conditions. The extensive measurements of the melt temperature indicate the heat transfer regimes in a solid-liquid mixture pool. The test results showed that the conductive heat transfer was dominant during the steady state along the vessel wall boundary and that convective heat transfer takes place inside the mixture pool. Besides the experimental performance, the test case was numerically simulated by using ANSYS Fluent. The simulation results generally agree with the measured experimental data. The flow regime and transient melt evolution were able to be estimated by the calculated velocity field and the crust thickness, respectively.
Sato Ikken, Yamaji Akifumi*, Li X.*, Madokoro Hiroshi
Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet) 9 ( 2 ) 21-00436\_1 - 21-00436\_17 2022.04 [Refereed]
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Interpretation for the two-week long Unit 3 ex-vessel debris cooling behavior was conducted based on the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F) data and the site data such as pressure, temperature, gamma ray level and live camera pictures. It was estimated that the debris relocated to the pedestal was in partial contact with liquid water for about initial two days. With the reduction of the sea water injection flowrate, the debris, existed mainly in the pedestal region, became "dry", in which the debris was only weakly cooled by vapor and this condition lasted for about four days until the increase of the sea water injection. During this dry period, the pedestal debris was heated up and it took further days to re-flood the heated up debris.
Post-test analyses of the CMMR-4 test
Yamashita Takuya, Madokoro Hiroshi, Sato Ikken
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 8 ( 2 ) 021701\_1 - 021701\_13 2022.04 [Refereed]
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Understanding the final distribution of core materials and their characteristics is important for decommissioning the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F). Such characteristics depend on the accident progression in each unit. However, boiling water reactor accident progression involves great uncertainty. This uncertainty, which was clarified by MAAP-MELCOR Crosswalk, cannot be resolved with existing knowledge and was thus addressed in this work through core material melting and relocation (CMMR) tests. For the test bundle, ZrO$_{2}$ pellets were installed instead of UO$_{2}$ pellets. A plasma heating system was used for the tests. In the CMMR-4 test, useful information was obtained on the core state just before slumping. The presence of macroscopic gas permeability of the core approaching ceramic fuel melting was confirmed, and the fuel columns remained standing, suggesting that the collapse of fuel columns, which is likely in the reactor condition, would not allow effective relocation of the hottest fuel away from the bottom of the core. This information will help us comprehend core degradation in boiling water reactors, similar to those in 1F. In addition, useful information on abrasive water suspension jet (AWSJ) cutting for debris-containing boride was obtained in the process of dismantling the test bundle. When the mixing debris that contains oxide, metal, and boride material is cut, AWSJ may be repelled by the boride in the debris, which may cut unexpected parts, thus generating a large amount of waste in cutting the boride part in the targeted debris. This information will help the decommissioning of 1F.
Madokoro Hiroshi, Yamashita Takuya, Sato Ikken, Gaus-Liu X.*, Cron T.*, Fluhrer B.*, Stangle R.*, Wenz T.*, Vervoortz M.*, Mizokami Shinya
Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet) 16 2022.03 [Refereed]
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Debris and molten pool behavior in the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) lower plenum is a key factor to determine its failure mode, which affects the initial condition of ex-vessel accident progression and the debris characteristics. These are necessary information to accomplish safe decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. After dryout of the solidified debris in the lower plenum, metallic debris is expected to melt prior to the oxide debris due to its lower melting temperature. The lower head failure is likely be originated by the local thermal load attack of a melting debris bed. Numerous experiments have been conducted in the past decades to investigate the homogeneous molten pool behavior with external cooling. However, few experiments address the transient heat transfer of solid-liquid mixture without external cooling. In order to enrich the experimental database of melting and heat transfer process of debris bed consisted of materials with different melting temperatures, LIVE-J1 experiment was conducted using ceramic and nitrate particles as high melting and low melting temperature simulant materials, respectively. The test results showed that debris height decreased gradually as the nitrate particles melt, and molten zone and thermal load on vessel wall were shifted from bottom upwards. Both conductive and convective heat transfer could take place in a solid-liquid mixture pool. These results can support the information from the internal investigations of the primary containment vessel and deepen the understanding of the accident progression.
Sato Ikken
Nuclear Engineering and Design 383 111426\_1 - 111426\_19 2021.11 [Refereed]
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The D/W (Drywell) and S/C (Suppression Chamber) pressure data of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3 was analyzed in depth. This analysis provided valuable information related to the accident progression behavior on one hand, and gave a hint for understanding of the debris-to-coolant heat transfer when fuel debris relocated to the pedestal on the other hand. In this unit, the D/W and S/C pressure increased and decreased cyclically with a relationship, which seems to have been dependent on the composition of vapor and non-condensable gases in the S/C cover gas region. Based on this characteristic, the vapor pressure in the S/C cover gas region was evaluated for two pressure decrease cycles during and after the expected debris relocation to the pedestal respectively. This evaluation allowed an understanding that the S/C vapor pressure increased due to the heat transfer from the debris relocated to the pedestal.
Madokoro Hiroshi, Sato Ikken
Nuclear Engineering and Design 376 111123\_1 - 111123\_15 2021.05 [Refereed]
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Estimation of the final debris distribution at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F) is inevitable for a safe and effective decommissioning. It is necessary to clarify possible failure modes of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV), which is influenced by the thermal status of slumped debris that highly depends on the in-vessel accident progression. The accident analysis of 1F Unit 2 (1F2) was conducted using the RELAP/SCDAPSIM code. One of the unsolved issues of 1F2 is the mechanism of three pressure peaks measured through late Mar. 14 to early March 15, 2011. Comparing the results of previous boiling water reactor (BWR) core degradation experiments and that of 1F2 numerical analysis, it can be estimated that most relocated metallic materials had solidified at the core bottom at the onset of first pressure peak. It is likely that the pressure increase occurred due to the evaporation of injected water reaching the heated core plate structures. Between the first and second pressure peaks, the water is assumed to have been injected continuously and the water level was likely to have recovered to BAF at the initiation of the second pressure peak. Probable slumping of a certain amount of molten materials initiated the second pressure peak and the subsequent gradual pressure increase continued possibly due to massive reaction between coolant and remaining Zircaloy in the core. Assuming the closure of the safety relief valve (SRV) at 0:00 on Mar. 15, the third pressure peak was well reproduced in the analysis.
Sato Ikken, Arai Yuta*, Yoshikawa Shinji
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 58 ( 4 ) 434 - 460 2021.04 [Refereed]
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The vapor formation within the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) is regarded to represent heat removal from core materials to the coolant, while the hydrogen generation within the RPV is regarded to represent heat generation by metal oxidation. Based on this understanding, the history of the vapor/hydrogen generation in the in-vessel phase of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 3 was evaluated based on the comparison of the observed pressure data and the GOTHIC code analysis results. The resultant vapor/hydrogen generation histories were then converted to heat removal by coolant and heat generation by oxidation. The effects of the decay power and the heat transfer to the structures on the core material energy were also evaluated. The core materials are suggested to be significantly cooled by water within the RPV, especially when the core materials are relocated to the lower plenum.
Feasibility study of PGAA for boride identification in simulated melted core materials
Tsuchikawa Yusuke, Abe Yuta, Oishi Yuji*, Kai Tetsuya, Toh Yosuke, Segawa Mariko, Maeda Makoto, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Harada Masahide, Oikawa Kenichi, Matsumoto Yoshihiro*, Parker J. D.*, Shinohara Takenao, Nagae Yuji, Sato Ikken
JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet) 33 011074\_1 - 011074\_6 2021.03 [Refereed]
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In the decommissioning of the Fukushima-Daiichi (1F) Nuclear Power Plant, it is essential to understand characteristics of the melted core materials. The estimation of boride in the real debris is of great importance to develop safe debris removal plans. Hence, it is required to investigate the amount of boron in the melted core materials with nondestructive methods. Prompt gamma-ray activation analysis (PGAA) is one of the useful techniques to determine the amount of borides by means of the 478 keV prompt gamma-ray from neutron absorption reaction of boron. Moreover, it is well known that the width of the 478 keV gamma-ray peak is typically broadened due to the Doppler effect. The degree of the broadening is affected by coexisting materials, and can be recognized by the width of the prompt gamma-ray peak. As a feasibility study, the prompt gamma-ray from boride samples were measured using the ANNRI, NOBORU, and RADEN beamlines at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) of Japan Proton Accelerator Complex (J-PARC).
Abe Yuta, Tsuchikawa Yusuke, Kai Tetsuya, Matsumoto Yoshihiro*, Parker J. D.*, Shinohara Takenao, Oishi Yuji*, Kamiyama Takashi*, Nagae Yuji, Sato Ikken
JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet) 33 011075\_1 - 011075\_6 2021.03 [Refereed]
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Since the hardness of fuel debris containing boride from B$_{4}$C pellet in control rod is estimated to be two times higher as that of oxide, such as UO$_{2}$ and ZrO$_{2}$, distribution of such boride in the fuel debris formed in the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants may affect the process of debris cutting and removal. The high neutron absorption of boron may affect the possibility of re-criticality during the process of debris removal. Therefore, boride distribution in fuel debris is regarded as an important issue to be addressed. However, boron tends to have difficult in quantification with conventionally applied methods like EPMA and XPS. In this study, accelerator-driven neutron-imaging system was applied. Since boron is the material for neutron absorption, its sensitivity in terms of neutron penetration through specimens is concerned. To adjust neutron attenuation of a specimen to suit a particular measurement by selecting the neutron energy range, we focused on the energy resolved neutron imaging system RADEN, which utilizes wide energy range from meV to keV. Development of a method to visualize boron distribution using energy-resolved neutrons has been started. In this presentation the authors show the status of the development of a method utilizing energy-resolved neutrons and provide some outcome from its application to the Core Material Melting and Relocation (CMMR)-0 and -2 specimens.
Measurement of Doppler broadening of prompt gamma-rays from various zirconium- and ferro-borons
Tsuchikawa Yusuke, Kai Tetsuya, Abe Yuta, Oishi Yuji*, Sun Y.*, Oikawa Kenichi, Nakatani Takeshi, Sato Ikken
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 991 164964\_1 - 164964\_5 2021.03 [Refereed]
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Peak shape analysis was performed for the energy spectra of Doppler-broadened prompt $\gamma$-rays generated by neutron capture reactions with various boride or boron samples. Significant differences were observed between nonmetallic and metallic borides. Minor differences between the peak shapes of prompt $\gamma$-rays from zirconium- and ferro-borons were evaluated by a peak fitting method. The identification of zirconium- and ferro-borons and other types of borides was estimated.
Comprehensive analysis and evaluation of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 2
Yamashita Takuya, Sato Ikken, Honda Takeshi*, Nozaki Kenichiro*, Suzuki Hiroyuki*, Pellegrini M.*, Sakai Takeshi*, Mizokami Shinya*
Nuclear Technology 206 ( 10 ) 1517 - 1537 2020.10 [Refereed]
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The estimation and understanding of the state of fuel debris and fission products inside the plant is an essential step in the decommissioning of the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F). However, the direct observation of the plant interior, which is under a high radiation environment. Therefore, in order to understand the plant interior conditions, the comprehensive analysis and evaluation is necessary, based on various measurement data from the plant, analysis of plant data during the accident progression phase and information obtained from computer simulations for this phase. These evaluations can be used to estimate the conditions of the interior of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) and the primary containment vessel (PCV). Herein, 1F Unit 2 was addressed as the subject to produce an estimated map of the fuel debris distribution from data obtained about the RPV and PCV based on the comprehensive evaluation of various measurement data and information obtained from the accident progression analysis, which were released to the public in June 2018.
Abe Yuta, Tsuchikawa Yusuke, Kai Tetsuya, Matsumoto Yoshihiro*, Parker J. D.*, Shinohara Takenao, Oishi Yuji*, Kamiyama Takashi*, Nagae Yuji, Sato Ikken
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet) 6 2020.08 [Refereed]
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Boron carbide is used as a neutron-absorbing material in Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F), producing borides that are twice as hard as oxides (such as UO$_{2}$ and ZrO$_{2}$). The high neutron absorption of boron affects the evaluation of re-criticality during the process of debris retrieval. Therefore, it is important not only to determine the presence of boron but also to investigate the distribution of boron inside the material in a non-destructive manner during decommissioning. To address the uncertainties in the core material relocation behavior of boiling water reactor (BWR) during a severe accident (SA), solidified melt specimens of a simulated fuel assembly were prepared by plasma heating. If core material melting and relocation (CMMR) specimens can be used to estimate the B distribution in 1F Unit-3, that will provide valuable information in the decommissioning of 1F. To address this, the authors focused on the energy-resolved neutron imaging system, RADEN, which utilizes a wide energy range, from meV to keV. This is an innovative three-dimensional analysis technology for boride distribution that affects the evaluation of hardness and re-criticality. In the calibration standard samples (Zr$_{x}$B$_{1-x}$ and Fe$_{x}$B$_{1-x}$), there was a good correlation between boron concentration and the energy-dependence of the cross sections of cold and epi-thermal neutrons. In the CMMR specimens, boron distribution was confirmed from the contrast difference between cold and epi-thermal neutrons. In the future, the results of calibration standard samples will be applied to the results of CMMR specimens. With this method, three-dimensional boron distribution will be measured, and the understanding of boride distribution 1F Unit-3 will be improved, which may be reflected in an improved SA code.
Pshenichnikov A., Kurata Masaki, Bottomley D., Sato Ikken, Nagae Yuji, Yamazaki Saishun
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 57 ( 4 ) 370 - 379 2020.04 [Refereed]
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The new research and development programme of JAEA/CLADS tests complement the previous investigations related to BWR severe accidents. A series of tests aiming at closing the gaps in understanding of the Fukushima Daiichi degradation sequence at each unit. The paper emphasises the problem of control blade degradation, which influences the accident progression at an early stage and shows the approach for thorough investigation of this problem.
Abe Yuta, Yamashita Takuya, Sato Ikken, Nakagiri Toshio, Ishimi Akihiro
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 6 ( 2 ) 021113\_1 - 021113\_9 2020.04 [Refereed]
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The authors are developing an experimental technology for simulating severe accident (SA) conditions using simulate fuel material (ZrO$_{2}$) that would contribute, not only to Fukushima Daiichi (1F) decommissioning, but also to enhance the safety of worldwide existing and future nuclear power plants through clarification of accident progression behavior. Nontransfer (NTR) type plasma, which has been in practical use with a large torch capacity as high as 2 MW, has the potential to heat subject materials to very high temperatures without selecting the target to be heated. When simulating 1F with SA code, the target of this core-material-melting and relocation (CMMR) experiment was to confirm that NTR plasma has a sufficient heating performance realizing large temperature gradients ($>$ 2000 K/m) expected under 1F conditions. The authors selected NTR-type plasma-heating technology that has the advantage of continuous heating in addition to its high-temperature level. The CMMR-2 experiments were carried out in 2017 applying the improved technology (higher heating power and controlled oxygen concentration). The CMMR-2 experiment adopted a 30-min heating period, wherein the power was increased to a level where a large temperature gradient was expected at the lower part of the core under actual 1F accident conditions. Most of the control blade and channel box migrated from the original position. After heating, the simulated fuel assembly was measured by X-ray computed tomography (CT) technology and by electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA). CT pictures and elemental mapping demonstrated its excellent performance with rather good precision. Based on these results, an excellent perspective, in terms of applicability of the NTR-type plasma-heating technology to the SA experimental study, was obtained.
Sato Ikken
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 56 ( 5 ) 394 - 411 2019.05 [Refereed]
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Water columns were adopted in the pressure measurement system of Fukushima-Daiichi Unit-3. Part of these water columns evaporated during the accident condition jeopardizing correct understanding on actual pressure. Through comparison of RPV (Reactor Pressure Vessel) and S/C pressures with D/W pressure, such water-column effect was evaluated. Correction for this effect was developed enabling clarification of slight pressure difference among RPV, S/C and D/W. This information was then integrated with other available data such as, water level, CAMS and environmental dose rate, into an interpretation of accident focusing on RPV and PCV pressurization/depressurization and radioactive material release to environment. It is suggested that dryout of in-vessel and ex-vessel debris was likely causing pressure decrease. S/C water poured into pedestal heated by relocated debris was the likely cause of pressurization. Cyclic reflooding of pedestal debris and dryout was likely.
The CMMR program; BWR core degradation in the CMMR-4 test
Yamashita Takuya, Sato Ikken
Proceedings of 9th Conference on Severe Accident Research (ERMSAR 2019) (Internet) 13 2019.03 [Refereed]
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For decommissioning the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident (1F), understanding the final distribution of core materials and their characteristics is important. These characteristics obviously depend on the accident progression in each of the units. However, a large uncertainty is present in BWR accident progression behavior. This uncertainty, which was clarified by the MAAP-MELCOR Crosswalk, cannot be resolved with existing experimental data and knowledge. Once coolant is lost from the BWR core for some time, the following scenario can be divided symbolically into TMI-2 Like Path and Continuous Drainage Path. Main uncertainties for this branching point are summarized as two questions: How is gas permeability of high-temperature degraded core approaching fuel melting ? (Q1). How is downward relocation of hot core materials before fuel melting and its effect on structure heating? (Q2). To address these questions, the core-material melting and relocation experiments were conducted. In the CMMR-4 test, useful information on core state just before slumping was obtained. Presence of macroscopic gas permeability of the core approaching ceramic fuel melting was confirmed (A1) and the fuel columns stayed standing suggesting that collapse of fuel columns, which is likely in the reactor condition, would not allow effective relocation of the hottest fuel away to the bottom of the core thereby limiting the core maximum temperature and significantly heating the support structures (A2).
Li X., Sato Ikken, Yamaji Akifumi*, Duan G.*
Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-26) (Internet) 8 2018.07 [Refereed]
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Molten corium-concrete interaction (MCCI) is an important ex-vessel phenomenon that could happen during the late phase of a hypothetical severe accident in a light water reactor. In the present study, a three-dimensional (3-D) numerical study has been performed to simulate COMET-L3 test carried out by KIT with a stratified molten pool configuration of simulant materials with improved MPS method. The heat transfer between corium/crust/concrete was modeled with heat conduction between particles. Moreover, the potential influence of the siliceous aggregates was also investigated by setting up two different case studies since there was previous study indicating that siliceous aggregates in siliceous concrete might contribute to different axial and radial concrete ablation rates. The simulation results have indicated that metal melt as corium in MCCI can have completely different characteristics regarding concrete ablation pattern from that of oxidic corium, which needs to be taken into consideration when assessing the containment melt-through time in severe accident management.
Abe Yuta, Yamashita Takuya, Sato Ikken, Nakagiri Toshio, Ishimi Akihiro, Nagae Yuji
Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-26) (Internet) 9 2018.07 [Refereed]
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Authors are developing an experimental technology to realize experiments simulating Severe Accident (SA) conditions using simulant fuel material (ZrO$_{2}$ with slight addition of MgO for stabilization) that would contribute not only to Fukushima Daiichi (1F) decommissioning but also to enhance the safety of worldwide existing and future nuclear power plants through clarification of the accident progression behavior. Based on the results of the prototype test, improvement of plasma heating technology was conducted. The Core Material Melting and Relocation (CMMR)-1/-2 experiments were carried out in 2017 with the large-scale simulated fuel assembly (1 m $\times$ 0.3 m $\phi$) applying the improved technology (higher heating power and controlled oxygen concentration). In these two tests, heating history was different resulting basically in similar physical responses with more pronounced material melting and relocation in the CMMR-2 experiment. The CMMR-2 experiment is selected here from the viewpoint of establishing an experimental technology. The CMMR-2 experiment adopted 30-min heating period, the power was increased up to a level so that a large temperature gradient ($>$ 2,000 K/m) expected at the lower part of the core in the actual 1F accident conditions. Most of the control blade and the channel box migrated from the original position. After the heating, the simulated fuel assembly was measured by the X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) technology and by Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA). CT pictures and elemental mapping demonstrated its excellent performance with rather good precision. Based on these results, an excellent perspective in terms of applicability of the non-transfer type plasma heating technology to the SA experimental study was obtained.
The CMMR program; BWR core degradation in the CMMR-1 and the CMMR-2 tests
Yamashita Takuya, Sato Ikken, Abe Yuta, Nakagiri Toshio, Ishimi Akihiro, Nagae Yuji
Proceedings of 12th International Conference of the Croatian Nuclear Society; Nuclear Option for CO$_{2}$ Free Energy Generation (USB Flash Drive) 109\_1 - 109\_15 2018.06 [Refereed]
Abe Yuta, Sato Ikken, Nakagiri Toshio, Ishimi Akihiro, Nagae Yuji
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 4 ( 2 ) 020901\_1 - 020901\_8 2018.04 [Refereed]
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A new experimental program using non-transfer type plasma heating is under consideration in JAEA to clarify the uncertainty on core-material relocation (CMR) behavior of BWR. In order to confirm the applicability of this new technology, authors performed preparatory plasma heating tests using small-scale test pieces (107 mm $\times$ 107 mm $\times$ 222 mm (height)). An excellent perspective in terms of applicability of the non-transfer plasma heating to melting high melting-temperature materials such as ZrO$_{2}$ has been obtained. In addition, molten pool was formed at the middle height of the test piece indicating its capability to simulate the initial phase of core degradation behavior consistent with the real UO$_{2}$ fuel Phebus-FPT tests. Furthermore, application of EPMA, SEM/EDX and X-ray CT led to a conclusion that the pool formed consisted mainly of Zr with some concentration of oxygen which tended to be enhanced at the upper surface region of the pool. Based on these results, an excellent perspective in terms of applicability of the non-transfer plasma heating technology to the Severe Accident (SA) experimental study was obtained.
Abe Yuta, Sato Ikken, Nakagiri Toshio, Ishimi Akihiro, Nagae Yuji
Proceedings of 2017 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2017) (CD-ROM) 7 2017.04 [Refereed]
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Authors are developing an experimental technology to realize experiments simulating severe accident conditions that would contribute not only to Fukushima Daiichi (1F) decommissioning but also to enhance safety of worldwide existing and future nuclear power plants through clarification of the accident progression behavior. In the first part of this program, called Phase I hereafter, a series of small-scale experiments (10 cm $\times$ 10 cm $\times$ 25 cmh) were performed in March 2015 and it was demonstrated that non-transfer (NTR) type plasma heating is capable of successfully melting the high melting-point ceramics. In order to confirm applicability of this heating technology to larger scale test specimens to address the experimental needs, authors performed a second series plasma heating tests in 2016, called Phase II hereafter, using a simulated fuel assembly with a larger size (100 cm $\times$ 30 cm phi). In the phase II part of the program, the power was increased up to a level so that a large temperature gradient (2,000 K/m - 4,000 K/m) expected at the lower part of the core in the actual 1F accident conditions. After the heating, these test pieces were measured by the X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) technology. CT pictures demonstrated its excellent performance with rather good precision. Based on these results, basic applicability of the NTR plasma heating for the SA experimental study was confirmed. With the Phase II-type 100 cm-high test geometry, core material relocation (CMR) behavior within the active core region and its access to the core support structure region would be addressed. JAEA is also preparing for the next step large-scale tests using up to four simulated fuel assemblies covering the lower part of the active fuel and fully simulating the upper part of the lower core support structures addressing CMR behavior including core material relocation into the lower plenum.
Abe Yuta, Sato Ikken, Ishimi Akihiro, Nakagiri Toshio, Nagae Yuji
Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM) 7 2016.06 [Refereed]
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A new experimental program using non-transfer type plasma heating is under consideration in JAEA to clarify the uncertainty on core-material relocation (CMR) behavior of BWR. In order to confirm the applicability of this new technology, authors performed preparatory plasma heating tests using small-scale test pieces (107 mm $\times$ 107 mm $\times$ 222 mmh). Based on these preliminary results, an excellent perspective in terms of applicability of the non-transfer plasma heating technology to the SA (Severe Accident) experimental study was obtained. Furthermore, JAEA is preparing for the next step intermediate-scale preparatory tests in 2016 using ca. 50 rods and a control blade that would not only confirm its technical applicability, but also some insights relevant to the issue on CMR itself.
Hanus G.*, Sato Ikken, Iwama Tatsuya*
Proceedings of International Waste Management Symposia 2016 (WM2016) (Internet) 12 2016.03 [Refereed]
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JAEA plans a large-scale test to evaluate damage and relocation behavior of BWR core materials consisting of fuel rods, channel boxes, control blade and lower support structures. Its purpose is to contribute to understanding of core material relocation behavior in the event of severe accidents with the BWR design conditions for which existing experimental database is quite limited. Prior to large-scale testing, JAEA desires preliminary investigations to examine melting test pieces. The purpose of such tests is to verify the materials and test piece will be heated by plasma to the target temperature (ca.2900K) and to collect data about the material relocation behavior. Results from preliminary computational simulations are presented illustrating the effectiveness of a 150 kW non-transferred plasma jet. An experimental test program using the computational analyses as a basis and a plasma torch is described.
Kamiyama Kenji, Konishi Kensuke, Sato Ikken, Toyooka Junichi, Matsuba Kenichi, Suzuki Toru, Tobita Yoshiharu, Pakhnits A. V.*, Vityuk V. A.*, Vurim A. D.*, Gaidaichuk V. A.*, Kolodeshnikov A. A.*, Vassiliev Y. S.*
Proceedings of 10th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-10) (USB Flash Drive) 8 2014.12 [Refereed]
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The relocation of degraded core material through the Control Rod Guide Tubes (CRGTs) is one of essential subjects to achieve the in-vessel retention (IVR) in the case of postulated core disruptive accidents (CDAs) of sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs). The CRGT is available as the discharge path by its failure in the core region and heat-transfer from the core-material to the CRGT is one of dominant factors in its failure. In case of a core design into which a fuel subassembly with an inner duct structure (FAIDUS) is introduced, a mixture of solid-fuel and liquid-steel is supposed to remain in the core region since the FAIDUS could effectively eliminate fuel in liquid-state from the core region. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to obtain experimental knowledge for the evaluation of heat-transfer from the mixture of solid-fuel and liquid-steel to the CRGT. In the present study, an experiment was conducted using Impulse Graphite Reactor which is an experimental facility in National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the experiment, the mixture of solid-fuel and liquid-steel was generated by a low-power nuclear heating of fuel and transferring its heat to steel, and then, data to consider the heat-transfer characteristics from the mixture of solid-fuel and liquid-steel to the CRGT were obtained. The heat-transfer characteristic was revealed by evaluating thermocouple responses observed in the experiment. Through the present study, knowledge was obtained to evaluate heat-transfer from the remaining core-materials to the CRGT.
Kamiyama Kenji, Konishi Kensuke, Sato Ikken, Toyoka Junichi, Matsuba Kenichi, Zuyev V. A.*, Pakhnits A. V.*, Vityuk V. A.*, Vurim A. D.*, Gaidaichuk V. A.*, Kolodeshnikov A. A.*, Vassiliev Y. S.*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 51 ( 9 ) 1114 - 1124 2014.09 [Refereed]
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Recently, a design option which leads molten fuel to upward discharge has been considered to minimize technical difficulties for practical application to JSFR. In the present study, a series of experiments which consisted of three out-of-pile tests and one in-pile test were conducted to investigate effectiveness of the upward discharge option on eliminating energetics potential. Experimental data which showed a sequence of upward fuel-discharge and effects of initial pressure conditions on upward-discharge were obtained through the out-of-pile and in-pile test. Preliminary extrapolation of the present results to the supposed condition in early phase of the CDA in the JSFR design, suggested that sufficient upward flow rate of molten-fuel was expected to prevent the core-melting from progressing beyond the fuel subassembly scale and that the upward discharge option would be effective in eliminating the energetic potential.
Development of PIRT (phenomena identification and ranking table) for SAS-SFR (SAS4A) validation
Kawada Kenichi, Sato Ikken, Tobita Yoshiharu, Pfrang W.*, Buffe L.*, Dufour E.*
Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-22) (DVD-ROM) 6 10 2014.07 [Refereed]
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SAS-SFR (derived from SAS4A) is presently the most advanced computer code for simulation of the primary phase of the Core Disruptive Accident (CDA) of MOX-fueled Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors (SFR). In the past two decades, intensive model improvement works have been conducted for SAS-SFR utilizing the experimental data from the CABRI programs. The main target of the present work is to confirm validity of these improved models through a systematic and comprehensive set of test analyses to demonstrate that the improved models has a sufficient quality assurance level for applications to reactor conditions. With the present study, important phenomena involved in ULOF, UTOP and ULOHS were identified and an evaluation matrix for the selected CABRI experiments was developed.
Experimental study on fuel-discharge behavior through in-core coolant channels
Kamiyama Kenji, Saito Masaki*, Matsuba Kenichi, Isozaki Mikio, Sato Ikken, Konishi Kensuke, Zuyev V. A.*, Kolodeshnikov A. A.*, Vassiliev Y. S.*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 50 ( 6 ) 629 - 644 2013.06 [Refereed]
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In core disruptive accidents of sodium cooled fast reactors, fuel discharge from the core region reduces the possibility of severe re-criticality events. In-core coolant channels such as the control-rod guide tube and a concept of the FAIDUS (Fuel Assembly with Inner Duct Structure) provide effective fuel discharge paths if effects of sodium in these paths on molten fuel discharge are limited. Two series of experiments conducted in the present study showed that the discharge path can be entirely voided by the vaporization of a part of the coolant at the initial melt discharge phase, that this is followed by coolant vapor expansion, and that melt penetrates significantly into the voided channel. In conclusion, the effects of the sodium on fuel discharge are limited and therefore in-core coolant channels provide effective fuel discharge paths for reducing neutronic activity.
SAS4A analysis of CABRI experiments for validation of axial fuel expansion model
Ishida Shinya, Sato Ikken
Proceedings of 15th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-15) (USB Flash Drive) 9 2013.05 [Refereed]
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Axial fuel expansion introduces negative reactivity and provides an inherently safe mechanism promptly responding the fuel heat-up; therefore it plays a key role in IP sequence. For the validation of the axial fuel expansion model with a computer code SAS4A, the analytical results were compared with the CABRI experimental data. It was firstly confirmed that the SAS4A model with a standard option for axial fuel expansion resulted in somewhat overestimation of fuel expansion for some experiments, which is caused by the particular axial gap enhanced during the preparation of the CABRI experiments. Although this effect is not expected in the real accident condition, one can get rid of this uncertainty introducing a conservative approach in which the cladding restricts the fuel column expansion. Secondly, this alternative option for fuel expansion model was adopted and it was confirmed that this method could give reasonable fuel expansion with a sufficiently conservative characteristic.
Matsuba Kenichi, Kamiyama Kenji, Konishi Kensuke, Toyooka Junichi, Sato Ikken, Zuev V. A.*, Kolodeshnikov A. A.*, Vasilyev Y. S.*
Proceedings of 8th Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-8) (USB Flash Drive) 7 2012.12 [Refereed]
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A series of fragmentation tests (FR tests) for molten oxide was conducted to obtain experimental knowledge on the distance for fragmentation of molten core material discharged into the lower sodium plenum. Approx. 7$\sim$14 kg of molten alumina was discharged into a sodium pool (depth: 1.3 m, diameter: 0.4 m, temperature: approx. 673 K) through a duct (inner diameter: 40$\sim$63 mm). The test results showed that the molten alumina was fragmented into particles within 1 m from the surface of the sodium pool. The estimated distances for fragmentation in the FR tests were roughly 60$\sim$70\% lower than the predictions by the existing representative correlation. The experimental knowledge confirms the possibility that the distance for fragmentation of the molten core material can be significantly reduced due to thermal interactions in the lower sodium plenum.
Kamiyama Kenji, Konishi Kensuke, Sato Ikken, Toyooka Junichi, Matsuba Kenichi, Zuyev V. A.*, Pakhnits A. V.*, Vurim A. D.*, Gaidaichuk V. A.*, Kolodeshnikov A. A.*, Vassiliev Y. S.*
Proceedings of 8th Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-8) (USB Flash Drive) 7 2012.12 [Refereed]
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In order to eliminate energetics potential in the case of postulated core disruptive accidents (CDAs) of sodium-cooled fast reactors, introduction of a fuel subassembly with an inner duct structure has been considered. Recently, a design option which leads molten fuel to discharge upward is considered to minimize developmental efforts for the fuel subassembly fabrication. In this paper, a series of out-of-pile tests and one in-pile test were presented. The out-of-pile tests were conducted to investigate the effects of driving pressures on upward discharge, and the in-pile test was conducted to demonstrate a sequence of upward discharge behavior of molten-fuel. Based on these experimental results, it is concluded that the most of molten-fuel is expected to complete discharging upward before core melting progression, and thereby, introduction of the fuel subassembly with the upward discharge duct has the sufficient potential to eliminate energetics events.
Yamano Hidemasa, Sato Ikken, Tobita Yoshiharu
Nuclear Engineering and Design 249 212 - 227 2012.08 [Refereed]
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Based on the state-of-the-art knowledge, the headings of these event trees were selected so that dominant factors in accident consequences can be represented appropriately. For each of the headings, available information for the probability quantification were reviewed and integrated as the technical database for the Level-2 PSA. For the transition phase, dominant factors were also identified through parametric analyses. In the Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor, an inner duct is introduced into a fuel subassembly for enhancing molten fuel discharge from disrupted core in the transition phase. The parametric study showed that the analytical case without the fuel discharge through the inner duct resulted in an occurrence of recriticality regardless of the fuel discharge through control-rod guide tubes. This suggests that the fuel discharge through the inner duct is essential to avoid severe recriticality in the transition phase.
Sato Ikken, Tobita Yoshiharu, Konishi Kensuke, Kamiyama Kenji, Toyooka Junichi, Nakai Ryodai, Kubo Shigenobu*, Kotake Shoji*, Koyama Kazuya*, Vassiliev Y. S.*, Vurim A.*, Zuev V.*, Kolodeshnikov A.*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 48 ( 4 ) 556 - 566 2011.03 [Refereed]
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In the JSFR design, elimination of severe recriticality events in the Core Disruptive Accident (CDA) is intended as an effective measure to assure retention of the core materials within the reactor vessel. The design strategy is to control the potential of excessive void reactivity insertion in the Initiating Phase selecting appropriate design parameters such as maximum void reactivity on one hand, and to exclude core-wide molten-fuel-pool formation, which has been the main issue of CDA, with introduction of Inner Duct on the other hand. The effectiveness of these measures are reviewed based on existing experimental data and evaluations performed with validated analysis tools. It is judged that the present JSFR design can exlude severe power burst events.
Onoda Yuichi, Fukano Yoshitaka, Sato Ikken, Marquie C.*, Duc B.*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 48 ( 2 ) 188 - 204 2011.02 [Refereed]
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Two three-pin cluster tests simulating the Unprotected Loss-of-Flow (ULOF) accident of Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors (SFRs) were conducted focusing on fuel relocation and freezing behavior. Based on detailed data evaluation and theoretical interpretation for the three-pin cluster tests, it is concluded that axial fuel relocation and freezing are dominated by local fuel enthalpy, and the relation between fuel dispersal and fuel enthalpy observed in these CABRI tests is basically applicable to the pin-bundle condition. It is also clarified that a fuel/steel mixture tends to create tight blockages near the axial ends of the relocating fuel. Part of the fission gas released from the fuel is expected to be trapped within the bottled-up region between the upper and lower blockages and will keep this region pressurized for a relatively long period.
Yamano Hidemasa, Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikken
Proceedings of 7th Korea-Japan Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-7) (CD-ROM) 10 2010.11 [Refereed]
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As part of the development of a Level 2 probabilistic safety assessment methodology for the risk evaluation of sodium-cooled fast reactors, technical database was developed to quantify the probability of event sequences, focusing on the transition and post-disassembly expansion phases in an unprotected loss of flow accident in this study. Dominant factors were also identified through parametric analyses using the SIMMER-III code. As for the transition phase, in Japan sodium-cooled fast reactor, an inner duct is introduced into a fuel assembly for enhancing molten fuel discharge from disrupted core. In the post-disassembly expansion phase, important headings in developing the event tree included pressurization in the core, energy dissipation effect of internal structures, bubble growth in the upper sodium plenum, and in-vessel structure response. The parametric analyses showed that the energy dissipation effect of internal structures was significant.
Toyooka Junichi, Kamiyama Kenji, Konishi Kensuke*, Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikken
Proceedings of 7th Korea-Japan Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-7) (CD-ROM) 7 2010.11 [Refereed]
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In this study, the heat flux from the molten core materials to the outer surface of the inner duct (the pool-to-duct heat flux) was evaluated based on all the EAGLE-1 in-pile experiments available. Through the evaluation, it was understood that the pool-to-duct heat flux was so high in all the in-pile experiments that the duct wall failed without coolant boiling in its behind. It was also indicated that the presence of steel in the molten core mixture played a key role in this high heat flux. Application of the SIMMER-III code for these tests suggested that some model improvements were necessary to simulate pool-to-duct heat transfer behavior in a mechanistic way.
Sato Ikken, Tobita Yoshiharu, Yamano Hidemasa
Proceedings of 8th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-8) (CD-ROM) 12 2010.10 [Refereed]
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As part of Level-2 PSA methodology development for sodium cooled fast reactors (SFR), event trees for the initiating phase (IP) of Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS) are constructed. ULOF (Unprotected Loss of Flow), UTOP (Unprotected Transient Overpower) and ULOHS (Unprotected Loss of Heat Sink) are selected as typical and important accident categories. Based on the state-of-the-art knowledge, the headings of these event trees are selected so that dominant factors in accident consequences can be represented appropriately. For each of the headings, available information for judgment are reviewed and integrated as database for Level-2 PSA. It is clarified that the headings of ULOF, for which experimental database and evaluation models have been reasonably established, can be commonly applied to certain part of the different accident categories. While, some points specific for UTOP and ULOHS are identified. ULOHS, in which significant heat up of the primary system is expected before start of the core disruption, necessitates an additional event tree before the core disruption providing various boundary conditions for the core disruption process.
Yamano Hidemasa, Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikken
Proceedings of 8th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-8) (CD-ROM) 13 2010.10 [Refereed]
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A Level 2 PSA methodology is developed for the risk evaluation of sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs). For this purpose, the phenomenological event tree is developed as well as a technical basis to quantify the probability of event sequences in the Level 2 PSA, focusing on the transition phase in an unprotected loss of flow (ULOF) accident in this paper. In addition, dominant factors are also identified through parametric analyses using the SIMMER-III code. The experimental findings on the fuel discharge behavior and its driving force formation were summarized from the CABRI and EAGLE experiments. Using past experimental evidences, furthermore, the experimental database is developed to quantify the probability of the Level 2 PSA.
Fukano Yoshitaka, Onoda Yuichi, Sato Ikken
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 47 ( 4 ) 396 - 410 2010.04 [Refereed]
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In the CABRI-FAST and CABRI-RAFT programs within a collaboration with the IRSN and FZK, five pulse-type transient overpower tests were performed in order to study fuel pin behavior and failure condition in the Unprotected Loss-of-Flow (ULOF) accident. In these tests, two types of low-smear-density fuels irradiated in the French Phenix reactor at different burn-up levels were used so that an experimental database extension from the former CABRI-1 and CABRI-2 programs can be obtained. Pin failure took place in three of these tests giving information on the failure threshold. In two tests, no pin failure took place and useful information related to the transient fuel behavior up to failure and failure mechanism was obtained. These test results were interpreted through detailed analysis of experimental data and PAPAS-2S code calculations. In these calculations, pretransient fuel characteristics obtained from the sibling fuels were reflected, such that the uncertainty of the boundary condition can be minimized. Through the comparison among these tests and formerly existing CABRI tests, generalized understanding on the transient fuel behavior was obtained. It was concluded that the low-smear-density fuel mitigates cavity pressurization, thereby enhancing the margin-to-failure. It was also understood that this failure-threshold enhancing capability is dependent on the type of transient.
Fuel pin behavior under slow-ramp-type transient-overpower conditions in the CABRI-FAST experiments
Fukano Yoshitaka, Onoda Yuichi, Sato Ikken, Charpenel J.*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 46 ( 11 ) 1049 - 1058 2009.11 [Refereed]
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In the CABRI-FAST experimental program, four in-pile tests were performed with slow-power-ramptype transient-overpower conditions (called hereafter as "slow TOP") to study transient fuel pin behavior under inadvertent control-rod-withdrawal-type events in liquid-metal-cooled fast breeder reactors. The slow TOP test with a preirradiated solid-pellet fuel pin under a power ramp rate of approximately 3\%Po/s was realized as a comparatory test against an existing test in the CABRI-2 program where approximately 1\%Po/s was adopted with the same type of fuel pin. In spite of the different power ramp rates, the evaluated fuel thermal conditions at the observed failure time are quite similar. Three slow TOP tests with the preirradiated annular fuel resulted in no pin failure showing a high failure threshold. These CABRI-FAST slow TOP tests, in combination with the existing CABRI and TREAT tests, provided an extended slow TOP test database under various fuel and transient conditions.
Fuel pin behavior under slow ramp-type transient-overpower conditions in the CABRI-FAST experiments
Fukano Yoshitaka, Onoda Yuichi, Sato Ikken, Charpenel J.*
Proceedings of 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-13) (CD-ROM) 13 2009.10 [Refereed]
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In the CABRI-FAST experimental program, four in-pile tests were performed with slow power-ramp-type transient-overpower conditions to study transient fuel pin behavior under inadvertent control rod withdrawal events in liquid metal cooled fast breeder reactors. Annular-pellet fuel pins were used in three tests, while a solid-pellet fuel pin was used in the other test. All of these pins were pre-irradiated in Phenix. The slow TOP test with a solid-pellet fuel pin was realized as a comparatory test against an existing test (E12) in the CABRI-2 program. In the CABRI-FAST test (BCF1), a power ramp rate of 3\%Po/s was applied, while in the CABRI-2 test, 1\%Po/s was adopted. In spite of the different power ramp rates, evaluated fuel thermal conditions at the observed failure time are quite similar. The continued overpower condition in the BCF1 test resulted in gradual degradation of the pin structure providing information effective for evaluation of various accident scenarios. Three slow TOP tests with the annular fuel in the CABRI-FAST program resulted in no pin failure showing high failure threshold. These CABRI FAST slow TOP tests, in combination with the existing CABRI and TREAT tests, provided an extended slow TOP test database with various fuel and transient conditions.
Onoda Yuichi, Fukano Yoshitaka, Sato Ikken, Marquie C.*, Duc B.*
Proceedings of 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-13) (CD-ROM) 15 2009.09 [Refereed]
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TP2 and TP-A1 tests were conducted in the framework of the CABRI-RAFT program to study post-failure material-relocation during the Unprotected Loss-of-Flow (ULOF) accident in sodium-cooled fast reactors. In these tests, a three-pin-cluster geometry was adopted to supply complementary information to the existing CABRI-single-pin tests. Two different levels of energy injection into the fuel pins were realized to clarify the effect of fuel enthalpy on axial fuel relocation. Starting from a steady-state condition, Loss of Flow (LOF) was applied and then Transient Over Power (TOP) was triggered 13.4 s and 9.1 s after the coolant boiling in the TP2 and TP-A1 tests, respectively. Through a close look at these test results, it is concluded that the fuel relocation is dominated by accumulated fuel enthalpy and is not depending on three-pin-cluster or single pin conditions.
Yamano Hidemasa, Onoda Yuichi, Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikken
Nuclear Technology 165 ( 2 ) 145 - 165 2009.02 [Refereed]
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In the TPA2 test of the CABRI-RAFT program which is part of a fast reactor safety study, fuel-to-steel heat transfer characteristics within a molten fuel/steel mixture system were investigated. This test was performed in the French CABRI reactor and used a test capsule containing fresh 12.3\% enriched UO$_{2}$ pellets with embedded stainless steel balls. Following a pre-heating phase, the capsule was subjected to a transient overpower resulting in fuel melting and steel vaporization. The observed steel vapor pressure build-up was quite low suggesting presence of a mechanism significantly limiting the fuel-to-steel heat transfer. A detailed experimental data evaluation by SIMMER-III led to one possible interpretation that the steel vaporization at the surface of the steel ball blanketed the steel from the molten fuel.
Experimental verification of the fast reactor safety analysis code SIMMER-III for transient bubble behavior with condensation
Morita Koji, Matsumoto Tatsuya, Fukuda Kenji, Tobita Yoshiharu, Yamano Hidemasa, Sato Ikken
NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 238 ( 1 ) 49 - 56 2008.01 [Refereed]
Yamano Hidemasa, Fujita Satoshi, Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikken, Niwa Hajime
Nuclear Engineering and Design 238 ( 1 ) 66 - 73 2008.01 [Refereed]
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For the transition phase analysis of core disruptive accidents, the development of a three-dimensional reactor safety analysis code, SIMMER-IV, has been carried out based on the technology of the two-dimensional SIMMER-III code. The world first application of SIMMER-IV to a small-sized sodium-cooled fast reactor has also been attempted to clarify event progression in the early stage of the transition phase. This SIMMER-IV calculation is compared to the two-dimensional case calculated by SIMMER-III, neglecting the presence of control rod guide tubes. The present analysis with the three-dimensional representation suggests that the conventional scenario leading to rather early high-mobility fuel-pool formation is unrealistic and the degraded core tends to keep low mobility in the early stage of transition phase.
The Result of a wall failure in-pile experiment under the EAGLE project
Konishi Kensuke, Toyooka Junichi, Kamiyama Kenji, Sato Ikken, Kubo Shigenobu*, Kotake Shoji*, Koyama Kazuya*, Vurim A. D.*, Gaidaichuk V. A.*, Pakhnits A. V.*, Vassiliev Y. S.*
Nuclear Engineering and Design 237 ( 22 ) 2165 - 2174 2007.11 [Refereed]
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The WF (Wall Failure) test of the EAGLE program, in which $\sim$2kg of uranium dioxide fuel-pins were melted by nuclear heating, was successfully conducted in the IGR of NNC/Kazakhstan. In this test, a 3mm-thick stainless steel (SS) wall structure was placed between fuel pins and a 10mm-thick sodium-filled channel (sodium gap). During the transient, fuel pins were heated, which led to the formation of a fuel-steel mixture pool. Under the transient nuclear heating condition, the SS wall was strongly heated by the molten pool, leading to wall failure. The time needed for fuel penetration into the sodium-filled gap was very short (less than 1 second after the pool formation). The result suggests that molten core materials formed in hypothetical LMFBR core disruptive accidents have a certain potential to destroy SS-wall boundaries early in the accident phase, thereby providing fuel escape paths from the core region. The early establishment of such fuel escape paths is regarded as a favorable characteristic in eliminating the possibility of severe re-criticality events.
Konishi Kensuke, Kubo Shigenobu*, Sato Ikken, Koyama Kazuya*, Toyooka Junichi, Kamiyama Kenji, Kotake Shoji*, Vurim A. D.*, Gaidaichuk V. A.*, Pakhnits A. V.*, Vassiliev Y. S.*
Proceedings of 5th Korea-Japan Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-5) 465 - 471 2006.11 [Refereed]
Morita Koji*, Matsumoto Tatsuya*, Fukuda Kenji*, Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikken, Yamano Hidemasa
Proceedings of 5th Korea-Japan Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-5) 211 - 218 2006.11 [Refereed]
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In the present study, a series of experiments was performed for transient behaviors of large-scale bubble with condensation. Characteristics of the bubble behaviors observed in the experiments were estimated through the experimental analyses using the reactor safety analysis code SIMMER-III. SIMMER-III simulations suggest that the noncondensable gas has less inhibiting effect on condensation of large-scale bubbles, in which the gas and liquid phases are dispersively mixed without a buildup of the noncondensable gas. The present study indicates that SIMMER-III can simulate the condensation processes of large-scale bubbles under the effect of noncondensable gas reasonably in sufficient physical details.
Development of an areal density imaging for boron and other elements
Tsuchikawa Yusuke, Kai Tetsuya, Abe Yuta, Oikawa Kenichi, Joseph P.*, Shinohara Takenao, Sato Ikken
9th International Topical Meeting on Neutron Radiography (ITMNR-9) (Buenos Aires)
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We developed a method to obtain the areal density distribution of boron, which has a large neutron cross section, by means of an energy resolved neutron imaging. Commonly in a measurement of elements with very high neutron sensitivity, the quantitative measurement becomes more difficult with the amount of element due to the neutron self-shielding effect. To avoid this effect, an energy-resolved method using known cross section data was attempted, and a quantitative imaging of such elements was demonstrated at the MLF of J-PARC. This presentation introduces a measurement of melted simulated-fuel assemblies obtained in the research of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant after the severe accident. Energy-dependent neutron transmission rates of the samples were measured by a neutron imaging detector, and were analyzed to obtained the areal density of boron at each position.
Yamashita Takuya, Sato Ikken, Yoshikawa Shinji, Cibula M.*, Mizokami Shinya*
Sato Ikken, Yamashita Takuya, Yoshikawa Shinji, Cibula M.*, Mizokami Shinya*
Sato Ikken, Yamaji Akifumi*, Furuya Masahiro*, Oishi Yuji*, Li X.*, Madokoro Hiroshi
Li X.*, Yamaji Akifumi*, Sato Ikken, Furuya Masahiro*, Madokoro Hiroshi, Oishi Yuji*
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The Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method is developed to simulate debris relocation and interaction with pedestal structures in Fukushima Daiichi (1F) Unit-3. Different debris distributions and structure damages are evaluated with different debris relocation amount / intervals and convective vapor cooling from the debris surface.
Sato Ikken, Yamaji Akifumi*, Furuya Masahiro*, Oishi Yuji*, Li X.*, Madokoro Hiroshi, Fukai Hirofumi*
LIVE experiment on thermal behavior of solid-liquid mixture pool in RPV lower head
Madokoro Hiroshi, Gaus-Liu X.*, Cron T.*, Fluhrer B.*, Stangle R.*, Wenz T.*, Vervoortz M.*, Yamashita Takuya, Sato Ikken, Mizokami Shinya
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Since the structures inside the pedestal of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 are relatively intact, the temperature of fuel debris relocated from the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) to the pedestal region is estimated to be rather low; oxide components remained solid and metallic components are molten. In order to predict the RPV failure, the molten pool behavior in the lower head is a key factor. Only a few experiments, however, addresses the transient heat transfer of solid-liquid molten pool. To enrich experimental database, melting and heat transfer behavior are investigated using the LIVE facility at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The results showed that convective heat transfer could take place in a solid-liquid mixture pool and the thermal loads on the vessel wall shifted from bottom upwards.
Development of boron-distribution visualization technique with neutron energy analysis
Tsuchikawa Yusuke, Kai Tetsuya, Shinohara Takenao, Oikawa Kenichi, Abe Yuta, Oishi Yuji*, Parker J. D.*, Matsumoto Yoshihiro*, Nagae Yuji, Sato Ikken
Quantitative measurement of boron and boride identification using neutron beam
Tsuchikawa Yusuke, Kai Tetsuya, Abe Yuta, Oishi Yuji*, Sun Y.*, Oikawa Kenichi, Nakatani Takeshi, Sato Ikken, Joseph P.*, Matsumoto Yoshihiro*
2020年度量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ; 第12回MLFシンポジウム/第38回PFシンポジウム
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In the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), the quantitative analysis of residual boron and borides in the reactor core and the identification of boron compound states are one of the important issues to be investigated. In this presentation, we report on the neutron energy-resolved analysis of boron samples irradiated with neutrons at J-PARC/MLF. We also investigated the possibility of identifying the compounds using peak broadening of the prompt gamma rays for each boride. The prompt gamma-ray peak-widths of metallic and non-metallic borides were significantly different from each other, while those of zirconium boride and iron boride were slightly different. The differences between these metal borides were measured and evaluated in detail by gamma-ray energy spectrum analysis. Finally, we will briefly introduce the current experiments and analysis results of our efforts toward two- and three-dimensional quantitative measurements using energy-analyzed two-dimensional detectors.
Abe Yuta, Kai Tetsuya, Tsuchikawa Yusuke, Matsumoto Yoshihiro*, Parker J. D.*, Shinohara Takenao, Kamiyama Takashi*, Oishi Yuji*, Nagae Yuji, Sato Ikken
Li X.*, Yamaji Akifumi*, Duan G.*, Furuya Masahiro*, Fukai Hirofumi*, Sato Ikken, Madokoro Hiroshi, Oishi Yuji*
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The Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method is being developed for simulation of multi-component liquid/solid relocation with solid-liquid phase changes. Main model developments and validation of the developed code against the simulated spreading and ablation experiments are summarized in the current paper.
Yamaji Akifumi*, Furuya Masahiro*, Oishi Yuji*, Sato Ikken, Li X.*, Fukai Hirofumi*, Madokoro Hiroshi
Sato Ikken, Yamaji Akifumi*, Furuya Masahiro*, Oishi Yuji*, Li X.*, Madokoro Hiroshi, Fukai Hirofumi*
Development of visualization technology for boron using energy resolved neutron imaging
Abe Yuta, Kai Tetsuya, Tsuchikawa Yusuke, Matsumoto Yoshihiro*, Parker J. D.*, Shinohara Takenao, Oishi Yuji*, Kamiyama Takashi*, Nagae Yuji, Sato Ikken
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福島第一原子力発電所事故Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident
Sato Ikken, Yamaji Akifumi*, Furuya Masahiro*, Oishi Yuji*, Li X., Madokoro Hiroshi, Fukai Hirofumi*
Analysis results on samples obtained inside PCV in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Mizokami Masato*, Ito Kenichi*, Suzuki Akihiro*, Sato Ikken, Kurata Masaki, Hirai Mutsumi*, Mizokami Shinya*
Boron imaging with prompt gamma-ray activation analysis
Tsuchikawa Yusuke, Abe Yuta, Oishi Yuji*, Kai Tetsuya, Harada Masahide, Oikawa Kenichi, Matsumoto Yoshihiro*, Parker J. D.*, Shinohara Takenao, Nagae Yuji, Sato Ikken
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In the decommissioning of the Fukushima-Daiichi (1F) Nuclear Power Plant, it is essential to understand characteristics of the melted core materials. The estimation of boride in the real debris is of great importance to develop safe debris removal plans. Hence, it is required to investigate the amount of boron in the melted core materials with nondestructive methods. Prompt gamma-ray activation analysis (PGAA) is one of the useful techniques to determine the amount of borides by means of the 478 keV prompt gamma-ray from neutron absorption reaction of boron. Moreover, it is well known that the width of the 478 keV gamma-ray peak is typically broadened due to the Doppler effect. The degree of the broadening is affected by coexisting materials, and can be recognized by the width of the prompt gamma-ray peak. As a feasibility study, the prompt gamma-ray from boride samples were measured using the NOBORU, and RADEN beamlines at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) of Japan Proton Accelerator Complex (J-PARC).
Post-test analysis of the CMMR-4 test bundle
Madokoro Hiroshi, Yamashita Takuya, Sato Ikken
25th International QUENCH Workshop (Karlsruhe)
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The test bundle of the latest test CMMR-4, Core-Material Melting and Relocation experiment, consists of 48 fuel rods filled with ZrO$_{2}$ simulant pellets with Zircaloy claddings, a control blade with B$_{4}$C particles in SS tube and sheath, two Zircaloy channel box walls, and lower support structures. The height of the test bundle was 80 cm and the heating system of the test was the plasma heating, which enabled melting of the oxide simulant fuel pellets. The test confirmed that macroscopic gas permeability existed until the ceramic-fuel melted and that the hot fuel rods tended to remain as columns in the core region, which suggests the heating of the support structure in earlier phase is unlikely. This information is useful not only for 1F decommissioning but also for further understanding of a BWR severe accident progression. The test bundle was cut by using the abrasive waterjet (AWJ) technique that uses abrasive garnet of 150-300 micro m with feed rate of approximately 1.5 kg/min. In order to cut off about 30 mm of ZrB$_{2}$ spot contained in the relocated melts, 750 liters of water, 84 kg of garnet and one nozzle replacement were necessary. The EPMA and XRD analyses of the cross-section showed that the place where repelled the garnet-contained waterjet contained ZrB$_{2}$. Since the cutting by AWJ technique has the property of selectively abrading the soft spots of the material, it must be noted that, in case of utilizing the technique in 1F decommissioning, garnet might be repelled by a hard boride and abrades places which were not expected.
Kurata Masaki, Madokoro Hiroshi, Okumura Keisuke, Sato Ikken, Mizokami Masato*, Ito Kenichi*, Mizokami Shinya*
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Based on the analysis of the samples collected in the PCV interior of Fukushima Daiichi NPP, potential issues regarding the fuel debris retrieval are summarized. The analytical targets, analytical method and obtainable knowledge that are necessary to evaluate each issue are discussed. Valuable information can be obtained even from small samples to understand the current situation of the plant and the accident progression. Although the amount of collectable samples is limited, we considered how to evaluate the whole fuel debris and how to utilize the analytical results for recriticality, burnup and safety issues.
Inverse analysis of steam and hydrogen generation history of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power
Yoshikawa Shinji, Sato Ikken
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Steam and hydrogen generation history and leakage scale from RPV of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant unit 3 to reproduce the measured pressure history of RPV and PCV were inversely analyzed using a thermal hydraulic code GOTHIC. The leakage area from RPV to reproduce the measured decrease behavior of RPV pressure is evaluated to be around 1 cm$^{2}$, regardless of the assumed leakage paths. Since some of SRVs are supposed to have been open at the time of the major slumping (~12:00 of March 13), provided that the leakage area was kept ~1cm$^{2}$, its effect on PCV pressure would have been negligible. In this case, the gas flow at the time of the main slumping would have been through S/C, where vapor condensation was effective, thus certain contribution of non-condensable gases like hydrogen seems necessary to explain the observed D/W and S/C pressure increase.
Sasaki Shinji, Maeda Koji, Morishita Kazuki, Onishi Takashi, Sato Ikken, Mizokami Masato*, Mizokami Shinya*
Fukushima-Daiichi plant data analysis focusing on core material relocation to pedestal
Sato Ikken, Yoshikawa Shinji
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In Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Units 1-3, some part of the core materials including fuel relocated through the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) into the pedestal area. As a result of comprehensive analysis of data such as pressure gauges and water level gauges,it was evaluated that the time duration of the core material relocation to the pedestal was, less than 0.5 hr for Unit 1, around 2.5 hours for Unit 2 and around 7 hours for Unit 3 respectively.
Yoshikawa Shinji, Sato Ikken
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Steam and hydrogen generation history and gas leakage area are inversely evaluated by a thermal hydraulic analysis code GOTHIC. The analyzed period in the accident progression is from the arrival of reactor liquid level at the top of active fuel (TAF) until start of depressurization of reactor pressure vessel(RPV) by activation of automatic depressurization system(ADS). Based on the measured behaviors of the RPV and PCV pressures from 6:30 of March 13th until the ADS activation, some leakage from RPV to PCV is supposed during this period. The leakage path and area are inversely derived on plural possible accident scenarios. The leakage area are estimated to be no greater than 1 cm$^{2}$. This result suggests that the gas flow at the time of the main slumping would have been through S/C, where vapor condensation was effective, thus certain contribution of non-condensable gases like hydrogen seems necessary to explain the observed D/W pressure increase.
Kai Tetsuya, Abe Yuta, Matsumoto Yoshihiro*, Parker J. D.*, Shinohara Takenao, Oishi Yuji*, Nagae Yuji, Sato Ikken
European Conference on Neutron Scattering (ECNS 2019) (St. Petersburg)
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The energy resolved neutron imaging system RADEN, installed at the Japan Proton Accelerator Complex (J-PARC), utilizes short-pulsed neutrons in the energy range from meV to keV by means of the time-of-flight method. The wide neutron energy range makes it possible to adjust neutron attenuation of a sample to suit a particular measurement by selecting the neutron energy range. The Core Material Melting and Relocation (CMMR) experiments have been performed to investigate core melt accidents in the Fukushima-Daiichi (1F) Nuclear Power Plant. Some amount of boride was found to be contained in simulated melted core material. The authors show the status of the development of a method utilizing energy-resolved neutrons, and demonstrate some measurements of boron-containing samples, including simulated melted core material.
Li X., Sato Ikken, Yamaji Akifumi*
International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR 2019) (Naraha)
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With the current modeling assumptions in MELCOR, the best estimate conditions for RPV pressure history of Unit 3 suggested that 6 Safety Relief Valves (SRVs) could have remained open when the major core slumping is assumed to occur at ca. 45:20 h (ca. 12:00, March 13) with 50 to 80 tons of water inventory in the lower plenum. The current analysis also suggested that the efficiency of the AWI to the reactor core could have been only 15 percent as of reported by TEPCO estimated amount of water discharged by fire engines with the current modeling conditions if debris dryout was assumed to have occurred at around ca. 54:00 h (20:40 h, March 13th). As for lower head failure, there is still large uncertainty in predicting lower head failure time with Larson-Miller creep rupture model in the current MELCOR modeling.
Mizokami Masato*, Suzuki Akihiro*, Maeda Koji, Ito Kenichi*, Sato Ikken, Mizokami Shinya*
International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR 2019) (Naraha)
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Some radioactive material samples were taken inside the PCV of Fukushima Daiichi Units 1-3. TEPCO is working for sample collection, transport, and detailed examinations at hot cells using SEM, TEM and ICP-MS. Uranium-bearing micro-particles were analysed using SEM and Emit was confirmed that particles derived from fuel can be categorized into two groups. One is believed to have been separated from hot corium by hydrodynamic processes, while the other showed characteristics suggesting evaporation from hot corium and condensation afterward. The former particles might have compositional features common to the major part of fuel debris. Both groups possibly cause alpha contamination (actinide behavior) in the reactor building.
Examination of measurement method of the hardness by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Okazaki Kodai*, Kawakami Tomohiko*, Abe Yuta, Otaka Masahiko, Sato Ikken
Sato Ikken, Yamashita Takuya, Yoshikawa Shinji, Li X., Pellegrini M.*, Yamaji Akifumi*, Kojima Yoshihiro*
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Difference in core energy between Unit 2 and Unit 3 is evaluated and its effects on coolability of debris relocated to lower plenum and debris-relocation behavior to pedestal are discussed.
Nakagiri Toshio, Sudo Ayako, Yoshikawa Shinji, Abe Yuta, Sato Ikken
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Temperature distribution and composition of atmosphere (H$_{2}$/H$_{2}$O ratio) in the accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant No.2 were evaluated using RELAP/SCDAPSIM code. Furthermore, distruption test of stainless steel specimen by metal melt assumeed to be generated in core melting phase in the accident was performed. From these results and the result of another plasma heating test using simulated fuel budle performed by JAEA, relocation behavior of melt in the accident was evaluated.
Some essence of the core status evaluation project (JFY2016-2017) for decommissioning of the FDNPS
Sato Ikken
Fukushima Research Conference on Seminar on Progress of Fundamental R\&Ds of Core/Fuel Degradation Analysis for Decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Iwaki)
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It is necessary to maximize the knowledge with: (1) In-depth data analysis of 1F plant data, (2) Well-targeted experiments addressing the BWR-specific uncertainties, and (3) Evaluation of accident progression behavior based on integration of all the available information. In-depth analysis of Unit 2 and Unit 3 plant data was conducted as step (1). This step provided outlines of accident progression behavior in these units. This information is then reflected into SA code analyses. A series of plasma heating experiments using a test section simulating a part of BWR core were conducted to get insights for the above step (2). Core material relocation behavior in the high-temperature range up to ceramic fuel melting was observed in these tests. The above step (3) consisted of an evaluation of core thermal energy for Unit 2 and Unit 3.
Analysis of core temperature increase behavior in Fukushima Daiichi NPP Unit 2 by RELAP/SCDAPSIM
Yoshikawa Shinji, Sato Ikken
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In the accidents of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP), in contrast that core degradations are thought to begin before depressurization in Unit 1 and 3, the core of Unit 2 was presumed to be intact at the time of depressurization and the degradation is thought to begin when the liquid level was close to or below the bottom of the core. The authors analyzed a temperature increase behavior during the core degradation of Unit 2 based on simulations with RELAP/SCDAPSIM computer code.
Plasma heating test on fuel assembly degradation
Yamashita Takuya, Sato Ikken
3rd International Forum on the Decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Naraha, Iwaki)
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A large uncertainty is present in understanding of BWR accident progression behavior. A series of tests were conducted to provide experimental data that address uncertainties. As a result, useful information on core state just before slumping was obtained. This information will help us to comprehend core degradation in BWRs like those in the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F).
Progress of 1F PCV contaminant analysis by TEM observation
Suzuki Akihiro*, Kitsunai Yuji*, Sato Ikken
3rd International Forum on the Decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Naraha, Iwaki)
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Several contaminant samples from 1F1 primary containment vessel are carefully observed by transmission electron microscope to find micro-scale uranium-containing particles in their chemical forms of U-rich c-(U,Zr)O$_{2}$ and Zr-rich t-(Zr,U)O$_{2}$, which are also observed in fuel debris of TMI-2 and Chernobyl NPP-4.
Maeda Koji, Mizokami Masato*, Suzuki Akihiro*, Ito Kenichi*, Sato Ikken, Mizokami Shinya*
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Investigation of in-reactor cesium chemical behavior in TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident was performed. Especially, analysis of samples from containment in Fukushima Daiichi NPS was evaluated.
Abe Yuta, Nakagiri Toshio, Sato Ikken, Nakano Natsuko*, Yamaguchi Hidenobu*, Maruyama Shinichiro*
Abe Yuta, Nakagiri Toshio, Sato Ikken, Nakano Natsuko*, Yamaguchi Hidenobu*
The Simulation of temperature distribution in 1F Unit 3 by using CFD method
Kaku Eiji*, Okamoto Koji*, Kondo Masahiro*, Ozdemir E.*, Shiba Tomoki*, Sato Ikken
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In this study aiming at contribution for safe decommissioning of Fukushima-Daiichi NPP, CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) method was applied and temperature distribution of Unit 3 was reproduced. This temperature distribution was then compared with the measured data obtained by TEPCO so that debris distribution can be estimated. Combined application of optimized tools and CFD method to resolve inverse problem determining best suited thermal balance within the containment vessel is a characteristic of this study.
A Plant data evaluation for Fukushima-Daiichi NPP Unit 3
Sato Ikken
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The PCV pressure measurement of Fukushima-Daiichi NPP Unit 3 showed cyclic pressure up and down. Although some early pressure changes of them can be regarded as consequence of venting actions, later changes are not likely due to venting nor significant leakage through the PCV boundary. In this study, preliminary correction for pressure measurement data was applied based on assumed consistency among different pressure measurement data. With this correction, subtle pressure differences among RPV, D/W and S/C became visible and information related to accident progression was obtained. With this knowledge, possible mechanism of PCV pressure decrease by itself will be reported.
Fuel assembly degradation test using plasma heating method
Sato Ikken, Nakagiri Toshio, Abe Yuta, Ishimi Akihiro, Nagae Yuji
CLADS Workshop as Fukushima Research Conference for Dialog on Fuel/Core Degradation in Severe Accident among Experts of Material Science, Thermodynamics, Severe Accident Analysis and Modeling (Tomioka)
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An experimental program using non-transfer type plasma heating is underway in JAEA in order to address large uncertainty in core-material-relocation behavior in severe accidents of BWRs. Based on preparatory tests, an experiment with simulated fuel rods, channel box, control blade and lower support structure was carried out. After the heating, control blade and channel box were mostly gone but major part of the fuel columns remained standing. Downward relocation of molten materials probably consisting mainly of metals was confirmed in the lower support structure region. These results together with data from planned X-ray CT measurement on the heat teat piece will provide effective data for core material relocation behavior with the BWR design conditions.
A Quick-look report on JAEA plasma heating tests simulating severe accident in BWR
Sato Ikken, Nakagiri Toshio, Abe Yuta, Ishimi Akihiro, Nagae Yuji
Workshop on Advances in Understanding the Progression of Severe Accidents in Boiling Water Reactors (Vienna)
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An experimental program using non-transfer type plasma heating is underway in JAEA in order to address large uncertainty in core-material-relocation behavior in severe accidents of BWRs. Based on preparatory tests, two experiments with simulated fuel rods, channel box, control blade and lower support structure were carried out. After the heating, control blade and channel box were mostly gone but major part of the fuel columns remained standing. Downward relocation of molten materials probably consisting mainly of metals was confirmed in the lower support structure region. These results together with data from planned X-ray CT measurement on the heat teat pieces will provide effective data for core material relocation behavior with the BWR design conditions.
Abe Yuta, Nakagiri Toshio, Sato Ikken, Nakano Natsuko*, Tanaka Hiroshi*, Yamaguchi Hidenobu*
Sato Ikken
Sato Ikken, Abe Yuta, Nakagiri Toshio, Nagae Yuji, Ishimi Akihiro
Abe Yuta, Sato Ikken, Nakagiri Toshio, Nagae Yuji, Ishimi Akihiro
Sato Ikken, Nakagiri Toshio, Abe Yuta, Ishimi Akihiro, Nagae Yuji
IAEA Training Meeting on Post-Fukushima Research and Development Strategies and Priorities (Vienna)
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There is a large uncertainty in core material relocation behavior with the BWR design condition during severe accident. In order to address this issue, a new high-temperature experimental technology using non-transfer type plasma torch is under development. Authors have conducted preparatory tests with small scale test pieces and realized melting of simulated core materials. It was also confirmed that computed tomography with X ray as non-destructive means provide precise information on material distribution after the transient. Characteristics of materials after the transient was also studied by various measurement means. These results are showing an excellent perspective for applicability of this new technology to the intended experimental program.
Main outcomes and future plan of the EAGLE project
Kubo Shigenobu, Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikken, Kotake Shoji*, Endo Hiroshi*, Koyama Kazuya*, Konishi Kensuke, Kamiyama Kenji, Matsuba Kenichi, Toyooka Junichi, Zuyev V. A.*, Pakhnits A. V.*, Vityuk V. A.*, Gaidaichuk V. A.*, Vurim A. D.*, Kolodeshnikov A. A.*, Vassiliev Y. S.*
10th International Conference on Nuclear and Radiation Physics (NRP 2015) (Kurchatov)
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As the results of good collaboration between Kazakhstan and Japan in EAGLE-1and 2, it was shown that there exists a solution to the recriticality issue of SFR, which has been one of the major safety issues for more than a half century from the beginning of the SFR development. Experimental techniques and facilities have been developed for the SFR severe accident study. Since 2014, JAEA participates the ASTRID program in which severe accident study is one of important issues. The EAGLE-1 and 2 data will be also used as an essential part of the severe accident study for ASTRID. EAGLE-3 was just started from beginning of 2015. Points of experiments moved into the later phase of core damage process, i.e., material relocation and cooling after achieving neutronic shutdown. A number of out-of-pile tests and in-pile tests are planned in coming five years.
Sato Ikken
PLINIUS2 International Seminar (Marseille)
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Experimental needs for clarification of core-material relocation behavior during BWR severe accident are studied based on existing experimental database. It is understood that relocation of molten core materials from the original core region into the lower plenum is dependent on the structural characteristics of BWR. Existing experiments are quite limited for this behavior and future experiments are necessary for better understanding. Possible experiments to fill the experimental needs are proposed.
Kamiyama Kenji, Konishi Kensuke, Sato Ikken, Matsuba Kenichi, Tobita Yoshiharu, Toyooka Junichi, Pakhnits A. V.*, Vityuk V.*, Kukushkin I.*, Vurim A. D.*, Vassiliev Y. S.*
Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikken, Kawada Kenichi, Fukano Yoshitaka
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The event progression of core disruption in UTOP (Unprotected Transient Overpower), which was judged to be an important core disruption category in risk assessment of JOYO, was analyzed. It was confirmed that power burst did not occur in the initial phase of the accident and was not likely to occur in the successive phase of disruption extension.
Matsuba Kenichi, Kamiyama Kenji, Konishi Kensuke*, Toyooka Junichi, Sato Ikken, Zuev V.*, Kolodeshnikov A.*, Yury V.*
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In-vessel retention of molten core fuel with the use of debris trays in a reactor lower plenum is being studied as a mitigation measure against core disruptive accident for sodium-cooled fast reactors. If the molten core fuel is finely fragmented before coming at the debris trays, fuel coolability on the debris trays can be enhanced. In the present study, the length for molten jet break-up due to fragmentation was measured with out-of-pile experiments in which about 10 kg of molten alumina was injected into a sodium pool.
Kamiyama Kenji, Konishi Kensuke, Sato Ikken, Toyooka Junichi, Matsuba Kenichi, Vurim A. D.*, Pakhnits A. V.*, Gaydaychuk V.*, Vasilyev Y.*
Kawada Kenichi, Fukano Yoshitaka, Sato Ikken
Yamamoto Masaya, Kawahara Hirotaka, Terakado Tsuguo, Aoyama Takafumi, Sato Ikken, Ohshima Hiroyuki
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CDF caused by ATWS (Anticipated Transient Without Scram) event and PLOHS (Protected Loss of Heat Sink) event are majority of CDF in probabilistic safety study at Joyo. Evaluation of these values by reactor dynamic characteristics analysis and natural convection analysis are conducted with a detailed success standard. It was found from evaluation result that CDF are quite low and a dominant core damage accident is UTOP (Unprotected Transient Over Power) event.
Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikken, Yamano Hidemasa
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The event tree of the initiating phase in ULOF, which was selected as a representative unprotected event, was developed. The most up-to-date knowledge was investigated as a technical basis for the level 2 PSA.
Probabilistic safety assessment on experimental fast reactor Joyo, 2
Yamamoto Masaya, Kawahara Hirotaka, Isozaki Kazunori, Aoyama Takafumi, Sato Ikken, Ohshima Hiroyuki
Yamano Hidemasa, Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikken
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To develop a core damage evaluation technology (level-2 PSA) for sodium-cooled fast reactor, the transition phase analysis of a ULOF event that was a representative event in unprotected events was carried out to identify dominant factors influencing event progression. Technical basis for develop event tree was summarized systematically with previous findings.
Toyooka Junichi, Konishi Kensuke, Kamiyama Kenji, Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikken, Kotake Shoji*
Sato Ikken, Iwasaki Tomohiko*, Konashi Kenji*
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Concerning safety characteristics of FBR core with hydride control materials, representative accidents for design basis and those beyond the design basis were selected and transient responses were evaluated. Based on this result, it was concluded that no unfavorable response was expected for this option.
Sato Ikken, Tobita Yoshiharu, Yamano Hidemasa
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The preparation of technical basis to develop phenomenological event tree and determine the probability at each branch has been developed. In order to extract dominant factor affecting the event progression, parametric analysis of initiating phase in ULOF (unprotected loss-of-flow) event was performed using SIMMER-III code.
Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikken, Yamano Hidemasa
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The preparation of technical basis to develop phenomenological event tree and determine the probability at each branch has been developed. In order to extract dominant factor affecting the event progression, parametric analysis of transition phase in ULOF (unprotected loss-of-flow) event was performed using SIMMER-III code.
Nakai Ryodai, Kurisaka Kenichi, Sato Ikken, Tobita Yoshiharu, Kamiyama Kenji, Yamano Hidemasa, Miyahara Shinya, Ohno Shuji, Seino Hiroshi, Ishikawa Hiroyasu, Nishimura Masahiro, Sato Isamu, Isozaki Mikio, Koyama Kazuya*, Yoshioka Naoki*, Watanabe Osamu*, Nakai Kimikazu*, Yamada Yumi*, Hayakawa Satoshi*, Morita Koji*
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To develop a core damage evaluation technology (level-2 PSA) in sodium-cooled fast reactors, a new analysis method is developed for core-material relocation phase and internal containment vessel event. This study also develop technical basis necessary for the level-2 PSA.
Three-dimensional simulation of molten core pool in a ULOF event in FBR
Yamano Hidemasa, Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikken
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The present study has confirmed that three-dimensional safety analysis code SIMMER-IV could realistically evaluate a three-dimensional motion of degraded core materials and appropriately simulate an actual fuel assembly configuration that had not been addressed by conventional two-dimensional analyses. It has been shown that a cooing effect of control rod guide tubes has a possibility to supress recriticality occurrence due to fuel compaction.
Sato Ikken, Iwasaki Tomohiko*, Konashi Kenji*
Toyooka Junichi, Konishi Kensuke, Kamiyama Kenji, Sato Ikken, Kubo Shigenobu*, Kotake Shoji*, Koyama Kazuya*, Vurim A. D.*, Pakhnits A. V.*, Gaidaichuk V. A.*, Vassiliev Y. S.*
Safety implications of the EAGLE experimental results for the FaCT project
Niwa Hajime, Tobita Yoshiharu, Kubo Shigenobu, Sato Ikken
International Conference, Nuclear Power of Republic Kazakhstan (Kurchatov)
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First this paper describes the design requirements in the FaCT project, especially for the safety design. The results of the EAGLE project are briefly described, and their implication in the safety design/assessment of the SFR investigated in the FaCT Project is shown. In the experiments in the EAGLE project, molten pool of fuel-steel mixture or alumina was successfully formed in the test section and discharged downward through the internal duct structure. These results show that the molten material in the core is discharged due to the pressure in the core shortly after the failure of the internal duct in the early stage of molten material formation and that the discharged material could be quenched as fragmented debris if sufficient amount of coolant is available. This implies that there could be a design solution for the safety design requirements in the FaCT Project.
Konishi Kensuke, Kubo Shigenobu*, Koyama Kazuya*, Kamiyama Kenji, Toyooka Junichi, Sato Ikken, Kotake Shoji*, Vurim A. D.*, Zuyev V.*, Pakhnits A. V.*, Gaidaichuk V. A.*, Kolodeshnikov A.*, Vassiliev Y. S.*
International Conference, Nuclear Power of Republic Kazakhstan (Kurchatov)
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In the EAGLE program, several in-pile and out-of-pile tests have been conducted by August 2006, under a co-operation between JAEA and NNC/RK. The main objectives of these tests are; (1) to demonstrate effectiveness of special design concepts to eliminate the re-criticality issue in the course of CDAs of SFRs, and (2) to acquire basic information on early-phase relocation of molten-core materials toward cold regions surrounding the core, which would be applicable to various core design concepts. As the final step of this program, integral in-pile tests simulating realistic accident conditions were conducted. Geometry of the test apparatus adopted in these tests is corresponding to a typical special design concept equipped with a "discharge duct" within each fuel sub-assembly. In these tests, fuel-steel mixture pool was successfully realized and discharge of the pool materials through the duct was observed.
Koyama Kazuya*, Saruyama Ichiro*, Konishi Kensuke, Toyooka Junichi, Kamiyama Kenji, Sato Ikken, Kubo Shigenobu*, Kotake Shoji*, Vurim A. D.*, Pakhnits A. V.*, Gaidaichuk V. A.*, Vassiliev Y. S.*
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The EAGLE experimental program is dedicated to show experimental evidences supporting a safety logic eliminating the recriticality issue in the core disruptive accidents (CDAs) of sodium-cooled fast breeder reactors. Two kinds of neutron detectors (one was placed in the test section and another was placed around IGR driver core for power monitoring use) were analyzed to get prospect that the data include information of molten-fuel motion in the in-pile test.
Konishi Kensuke, Toyooka Junichi, Kamiyama Kenji, Sato Ikken, Kubo Shigenobu*, Kotake Shoji*, Koyama Kazuya*, Vurim A. D.*, Pakhnits A. V.*, Gaidaichuk V. A.*, Vassiliev Y. S.*
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The EAGLE experimental program is dedicated to show experimental evidences supporting a safety logic eliminating the recriticality issue in the core disruptive accidents (CDAs) of sodium-cooled fast breeder reactors. In order to confirm an inherent nature of early fuel escape from the core region, both in-pile (using IGR) and out-of-pile experiments have been performed in the program. This presentation shows the preliminary interpretation of the second integral experiment, in which fuel discharge through a duct-type escape path (initially filled with sodium) was investigated using about 8kg of molten fuel. Energy insertion in this second experiment was smaller than that in the first experiment. The duct-wall failure timing was a little delayed compared with that in the first experiment, and the fuel discharged through the duct intermittently.
Niwa Hajime, Kurisaka Kenichi, Sato Ikken, Tobita Yoshiharu, Kamiyama Kenji, Yamano Hidemasa, Miyahara Shinya, Ohno Shuji, Seino Hiroshi, Ishikawa Hiroyasu, Nishimura Masahiro, Sato Isamu, Koyama Kazuya*, Yoshioka Naoki*, Watanabe Osamu*, Nakai Kimikazu*, Yamada Yumi*, Hayakawa Satoshi*, Takizawa Takeyuki*, Morita Koji*
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In order to develop the core damage evaluation technology (level 2 PSA) for sodium-cooled fast reactors, we develop the new analysis codes of post accident material relocation phase and of ex-vessel events, and we develop the technical bases that is necessary for level 2 PSA. In this presentation, summary and scope of the entire study is introduced as a part of the 4 series presentations.
Konishi Kensuke, Toyooka Junichi, Kamiyama Kenji, Sato Ikken, Kubo Shigenobu*, Kotake Shoji*, Koyama Kazuya*, Vurim A. D.*, Gaidaichuk V. A.*, Pakhnits A. V.*, Vassiliev Y. S.*
Isozaki Mikio, Imahori Shinji, Kamiyama Kenji, Sato Ikken
Kamiyama Kenji, Isozaki Mikio, Imahori Shinji, Sato Ikken
Advanced loop type sodium-cooled fast reactor
Aizawa Kosuke, Ando Masato, Kotake Shoji, Hayashi Hideyuki, Hayafune Hiroki, Fujii Tadashi, Sato Ikken, Kaito Takeji
Toyooka Junichi, Konishi Kensuke, Kamiyama Kenji, Sato Ikken, Kubo Shigenobu*, Kotake Shoji*, Koyama Kazuya*, Vurim A. D.*, Pakhnits A. V.*, Gaidaichuk V. A.*, Vassiliev Y. S.*
Kamiyama Kenji, Konishi Kensuke, Sato Ikken, Kubo Shigenobu*, Kotake Shoji*, Shimakawa Yoshio*, Koyama Kazuya*, Zuyev V.*, Vassiliev Y. S.*, Kolodeshnikov A.*
Konishi Kensuke, Toyooka Junichi, Kamiyama Kenji, Sato Ikken, Kubo Shigenobu*, Kotake Shoji*, Koyama Kazuya*, Vurim A. D.*, Pakhnits A. V.*, Gaidaichuk V. A.*, Vassiliev Y. S.*
Effect of non-condensable gas in the post-disassembly expansion phase
Yamano Hidemasa, Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikken, Morita Koji*, Matsumoto Tatsuya*, Fukuda Kenji*
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The SIMMER-III code which introduced the models treating a diffusion-limited vaporization/condensation behavior and a large-bubble interface has been applied to the analyses of existing reactor safety test and reactor case, so that the characteristics of their models in evaluating reactor safety analysis were grasped. This study also revealed that the effect of non-condensable gas is not so significant in the situation of bubble expansion as rapid as reactor condition.
The CMMR program; BWR core degradation in the CMMR-3 test
Yamashita Takuya, Sato Ikken, Abe Yuta, Nakagiri Toshio, Ishimi Akihiro, Nagae Yuji
Proceedings of International Conference on Dismantling Challenges; Industrial Reality, Prospects and Feedback Experience (DEM 2018) (Internet) 11 2018.10
Kamiyama Kenji, Sato Ikken, Kubo Shigenobu
Enerugi Rebyu 36 ( 11 ) 46 - 49 2016.11
Current trends in nuclear energy, 3; Trend of nuclear development in the US and Cabada
Sato Ikken
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO$\Sigma$ 56 ( 1 ) 19 - 23 2014.01
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In the US and Canada, even after the Fukushima-Daiichi accident, nuclear energy is regarded as clean energy with quite limited greenhouse gas emmitions and it is going to be used also in the future as an important element of energy portforio. However, it should be noted that so-called "shale gas revolution" has changed the environment of new nuclear power plant build in these countries. This article describes trend of nuclear development in these countries in this environment.
Wright A. E.*, Bauer T. H.*, Kilsdonk D. J.*, Aeschlimann R. W.*, Fukano Yoshitaka, Kawada Kenichi, Sato Ikken
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles (FR 2009) (CD-ROM) 9 2012.01
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The Core Alloy Flow and Erosion (CAF\'E) experiments have measured fundamental flow, metallurgical interaction, and freezing behavior of uranium and uranium-iron melts within iron-based trough-shaped flow channels relevant to phenomena that might occur in a hypothetical severe accident in a metal fueled fast reactor. CAF\'E simulations conducted so far have engineered interactions of fuel and structural materials over a prototypic range of accident-related melt compositions and temperatures. Real-time measurements included flow-channel temperatures and video recording of the flowing melt. Post-test evaluations compare and contrast flow behaviors, trough damage, and debris distribution and indicate that thermo-chemical interactions play a central role in the interaction of molten fuel debris flowing on cold structure and may inhibit bulk freezing of the debris on the structure.
Fukano Yoshitaka, Kawada Kenichi, Sato Ikken, Wright A. E.*, Kilsdonk D. J.*, Aeschlimann R. W.*, Bauer T. H.*
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles (FR 2009) (CD-ROM) 10 2012.01
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For metal fueled fast reactors, assessment of the core disruptive accident (CDA) is necessary for both design and licensing. The objectives of the Core Alloy Flow and Erosion (CAF\'E) experiments are to investigate the fundamental flow, metallurgical interaction, and freezing behavior of uranium-iron-type melts within iron-based trough-shaped flow channels and provide information that can support the development of mathematical models that describe the movements of molten fuel-bearing core materials during CDAs. In the CAFE experiments, melt produced in yttria-coated crucible by induction heating flowed down within approximately 660 mm long inclined trough and was received by the catch cup located below the bottom of the trough. Flow was observed and recorded by three video cameras and many thermocouples. Four UT series tests were conducted using molten uranium whose melting point is 1400 K. Two E1T series tests were performed using U-Fe eutectic mixture whose melting point is 1000 K. In each test, 1 to 1.65 kg of melt was introduced into an inclined trough. These test results provide understandings on fundamental flow and freezing behavior of melts including metallurgical interaction in the steel flow channels with a variety of melt and flow channel conditions and also offer useful information for developing analytical models to describe such behavior.
Kitamura Takafumi, Hanai Tasuku, Sato Ikken
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO$\Sigma$ 53 ( 8 ) 569 - 575 2011.08
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Japan is a country far away from Europe and the US. The news of the accident occurred in this country was immediately reached to countries throughout the world and the image of the explosion was repeated on TV screens. This accident aroused various discussions on nuclear policy. The responses of countries divided with the US and France maintaining the stance of promoting nuclear power and Germany and Italy clarifying its policy to withdraw from nuclear energy. This report provides information on the responses to the accident taken by the US and other states.
Morita Koji*, Ryu P.*, Matsumoto Tatsuya*, Fukuda Kenji*, Tobita Yoshiharu, Yamano Hidemasa, Sato Ikken
JAEA-Research 2009-018 2009 ( 18 ) 52 - 52,巻頭1〜2 2009.09
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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Dynamic behaviors of solid-particle dominant multiphase flows were investigated to model the mobility of core materials in a low-energy disrupted core of a liquid metal fast reactor. Two series of experiments were performed, that is dam-break experiments and bubble visualization experiments. Verification of fluid-dynamics models used in the fast reactor safety analysis code SIMMER-III was also conducted based on the numerical simulations of these experiments. The experimental analyses show that SIMMER-III can, to some extent, represent effects of solid particle interaction on multiphase flow behaviors by adjusting model parameters of the particle jamming model. Further improvement of SIMMER-III with more generalized models is necessary to appropriately simulate interactions between solid particles in a wider range of flow conditions.
Fundamental study on discharging of molten core material through the in-core coolant channel
Kamiyama Kenji, Isozaki Mikio, Imahori Shinji, Konishi Kensuke, Matsuba Kenichi, Sato Ikken
JAEA-Research 2008-059 2008 ( 59 ) 33 - 33,巻頭1〜2 2008.07
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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In CDA of LMFBR, molten core materials would discharge from the core region through the coolant paths. Rapid vaporization of the coolant by mixing of the molten core materials provides effective evacuation of the liquid coolant from the path and reduces significantly possibility of core-material freezing and blockage formation inside the paths. This characteristic enhances early discharge of molten-core materials and reduces possibility of severe re-criticality events. In this study, melt discharge experiments were conducted with a coolant channel simulating the discharge path with an enhanced length of the path compared with that of the realistic design structure. An alloy and water were used as simulant of the molten fuel and sodium respectively. This series of experiments showed that the discharge path can be entirely voided by vaporization of a part of the coolant at the initial melt discharge phase, followed by vapor expansion toward the end of the coolant channel. Furthermore, it was revealed that the condition where coolant void expansion started can be defined by melt-coolant sensible heats ratio and the heated height of the coolant. The heat balance evaluation during the coolant void expansion phase shows that the film condensation heat transfer should be considered. The coolant-void-expansion behavior in the discharge path of the realistic design condition was estimated based on an application of this knowledge to existing experiments with molten oxide and sodium.
Sato Ikken, Tobita Yoshiharu, Suzuki Toru, Kawada Kenichi, Fukano Yoshitaka, Fujita Satoshi, Kamiyama Kenji, Nonaka Nobuyuki, Ishikawa Makoto, Usami Shin
JAEA-Research 2007-055 84 2007.05
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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In the first licensing procedure of the prototype FBR "Monju", the event sequence of ULOF (Unprotected Loss of Flow) was analyzed and the estimated mechanical energy was about 380 MJ as an isentropic expansion potential to atmospheric pressure. The prototype FBR has been stopped for more than 10 years since the sodium leakage accident in the secondary loop in 1995. The neutronic characteristics of reactor core changed as a consequence of radioactive decay of fissile Plutonium during this shutdown period. In order to assess the effect of this neutronic characteristics change to the mechanical energy release in ULOF, the event sequence of ULOF was analyzed reflecting the current knowledge, which was obtained by safety studies after the first licensing of the prototype reactor. It was shown that the evaluated mechanical energy release became smaller than 380 MJ, even with the change of neutronic characteristics.
Morita Koji*, Liu P.*, Matsumoto Tatsuya*, Fukuda Kenji*, Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikken
JAEA-Research 2007-032 47 2007.03
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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Dynamic behaviors of solid particle beds in a liquid pool against pressure transients were investigated to model the mobility of core materials in a low-energy disrupted core of a liquid metal fast reactor. A series of experiments was performed with a particle bed of different heights, comprising different monotype solid particles, where variable initial pressures of the originally pressurized nitrogen gas were adopted as the pressure source. Computational simulations of the experiments were performed using SIMMER-III, a fast reactor safety analysis code. Experimental analyses using the SIMMER-III code show that physical models and methods used in the code can reasonably represent the transient behaviors of multiphase flows with rich solid phase as observed in the experiments. The validation of several key models of SIMMER-III was also discussed for treating transient behaviors of the solid-particle phase in multiphase flows.
The Result of medium scale in-pile experiment conducted under the EAGLE-project
Konishi Kensuke, Toyooka Junichi, Kamiyama Kenji, Sato Ikken, Kubo Shigenobu*, Kotake Shoji*, Koyama Kazuya*, Vurim A. D.*, Gaidaichuk V. A.*, Pakhnits A. V.*, Vassiliev Y. S.*
Proceedings of Technical Meeting on Severe Accident and Accident Management (CD-ROM) 16 2006.03
Yamano Hidemasa, Fujita Satoshi, Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikken, Niwa Hajime
Proceedings of Technical Meeting on Severe Accident and Accident Management (CD-ROM) 12 2006.03
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For the transition phase analysis of core disruptive accidents, the development of a three-dimensional reactor safety analysis code, SIMMER-IV, has been carried out based on the technology of the two-dimensional SIMMER-III code. The world first application of SIMMER-IV to a small-sized sodium-cooled fast reactor was also attempted to clarify event progression in the early stage of the transition phase. This SIMMER-IV calculation was compared to the two-dimensional case calculated by SIMMER-III, neglecting the presence of control rod guide tubes. The present analysis with the three-dimensional representation suggested that the conventional scenario leading to rather early high-mobility fuel-pool formation is unrealistic and the degraded core tends to keep low mobility in the early stage of transition phase.
Effect of Non-condensable Gas in the Post-disassembly Expansion Phase
YAMANO Hidemasa, TOBITA Yoshiharu, SATO Ikken, MORITA Koji, MATSUMOTO Tatsuya, FUKUDA Kenji
Proceedings of Annual / Fall Meetings of Atomic Energy Society of Japan 2006 ( 0 ) 310 - 310 2006
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Morita Koji*, Matsumoto Tatsuya*, Fukuda Kenji*, Yamano Hidemasa, Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikkenn
JNC TY9400 2005-022 119 2005.08
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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It is one of important problems for more reliable reactor safety evaluation to improve numerical simulation techniques for involved thermal-hydraulic phenomena of multiphase, multicomponent flows in core disruptive accidents. In the present cooperative research, physical model development and experimental investigation were performed for transient condensation phenomena of a vapor bubble with noncondensable gas to improve applicability of a fast-reactor safety analysis code for the phase-transition phenomena in multicomponent systems. In addition, basic validity of the developed models was demonstrated through the experimental analysis, and then applicability of the fast-reactor safety analysis code was discussed for bubble condensation behaviors under rector conditions.
Interpretation of the CABRI-RAFT TPA2 Test
Yamano Hidemasa, Onoda Yuichi, Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikkenn
JNC TN9400 2005-045 123 2005.06
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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During the course of core disruptive accidents in liquid-metal fast reactors, a boiling pool of molten fuel/steel mixture could be formed. The stability of this boiling-pool, for which in-pile experimental data with real reactor materials are very limited, plays an important role in the determination of the accident scenarios. In the TPA2 test of the CABRI-RAFT program (from 1996 to 2002), the fuel-to-steel heat transfer characteristic governing the pool behavior was investigated as a joint study with the French 'Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire' (IRSN). This test was performed in the CABRI reactor in 2001 using a test capsule that contains fresh 12.3\% enriched UO$_{2}$ pellets with embedded stainless steel balls. Following a pre-heating phase, the capsule was submitted to a transient overpower resulting in fuel melting and steel vaporization. The steel vapor-pressure build-up observed during the transient was quite weak, suggesting the presence of a strong mechanism to limit the fuel-to-steel heat transfer. The detailed experimental data evaluation suggested a phenomenon that the steel vaporization at the surface of steel ball blanketed the steel from molten fuel. This vapor blanketing seems to be a mechanism reducing the fuel-to-steel heat transfer. An analysis with the SIMMER-III code, a multi-component multi-phase thermal-hydraulics code, was performed in this study. This code simulation could well reproduce the pressure buildup and boiling pool behavior which occurred in the test by applying specifically reduced heat transfer coefficients.
Kamiyama Kenji, Kubo Shigenobu, Sato Ikkenn
JNC TY9400 2004-030 103 2005.02
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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The objective of the EAGLE project is to confirm a possible scenario in the postulated core disruptive accident of sodium cooled fast reactors, in which the molten fuel discharging from the core region in the early stage of the accident with its inherent mechanisms would prevent energetic re-criticalities. In order to obtain necessary experimental data, in-pile and out-of-pile experiments utilizing facilities of National Nuclear Center in the Republic of Kazakhstan were planed and are currently carried out. This document reports progress and results of the out-of-pile experiments which consist of a part of the EAGLE program. In the out-of-pile program so far, a series of experiments has been carried out aiming at establishment of basic necessary technology which consists of melting of the fuel-simulating material using the induction heating, transferring it into the test section and measuring the related phenomena during the experiments. Following knowledge and results have been obtained so far: - Using uranium dioxide and alumina as candidate materials for fuel simulant, basic experimental technology has been established, and fundamental data of molten material discharge were obtained under the condition without sodium. - With uranium dioxide, certain efforts, such as providing carbonized metal coating on the crucible inner surface, have been made to prevent chemical reaction between uranium dioxide and the graphite crucible so as to obtain molten uranium dioxide without a great deal of unfavorable impurities which prevent reasonable simulation of the real fuel behavior. It was concluded, however, that present techniques did not allow molten uranium dioxide with sufficient grade. - Alumina, which has well-known thermophysical properties, was evaluated to have adequate characteristics in terms of simulating real molten fuel behavior. Through implementation of the experiments, it was confirmed that molten alumina with sufficient purity and characteristics could be g
Transient Condensation Behavior of Large-scale Vapor Bubble with Non-condensable Gas
Morita Koji, Tanoue Shinichi, Matsumoto Tatsuya, Fukuda Kenji, Tobita Yoshiharu, Yamano Hidemasa, Sato Ikken
Proceedings of Annual / Fall Meetings of Atomic Energy Society of Japan 2005 ( 0 ) 207 - 207 2005
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Yamano Hidemasa, Onoda Yuichi, Tobita Yoshiharu, Sato Ikkenn
6th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor 54 2004.10
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Focusing on the cover layer materials (as the Radon Barrier Materials), which could have the effect to restrain the radon from scattering into the air and the effect of the radiation shielding, we produced the radon barrier materials with crude bentonite on an experimental basis, using the rotary type comprehensive unit for grinding and mixing, through which we carried out the evaluation of the characteristics thereof.
Kubo Shigenobu, Tobita Yoshiharu, Kawada Kenichi, Onoda Yuichi, Sato Ikkenn, Kamiyama Kenji, Ueda Nobuyuki*, Fujita Satoshi, Niwa Hajime
JNC TN9400 2004-041 135 2004.07
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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This report shows the results of the study on countermeasures for the elimination of re-criticality issue for the sodium cooled reactors, which was conducted in 2003 as a part of the feasibility study phase II for the commercialization of fast reactors. A sort of analytical studies related to the in-vessel retention capability under the unprotected loss of flow condition was conducted for the large scale and medium scale sodium cooled reactors, aiming at establishing some promising concepts to resolve the re-criticality issue keeping consistency with the basic concept of the core and plant design. Major conclusions are as follows. ABLE concept, which is proposed as a measure to enhance the fuel discharge capability in the early transition phase, needs much time to initiate fuel discharge than wrapper tube failure. Therefore it is currently concluded that it is difficult to show clear perspective. A modified version of FAIDUS which has less drawbacks on the core and cycle performance and related R\&Ds than original FAIDUS was proposed for further study. In-place retention and cooling in the core region is important from view point of reduction of R\&D loads conceming post accident material relocation and cooling at the bottom of the reactor vessel. A possibility of which the in-vessel retention can be achieved by quantitatively clarifying the effect of the superior cooling potential of sodium was shown. Based on the currently available information related to FAIDUS and ABLE, possible candidates of experimental studies were shown. An initiating phase analysis for the metallic fuel core with 550$^{\circ}$C of core outlet temperature and 8{\$} of sodium void worth resulted in mild consequence without prompt criticality. Although there is still large uncertainty in the early transition phase, it might be possible to avoid severe re-criticality. And it was shown that power excursion due to molten fuel sloshing might be milder than that of MOX fuel case.
Morita Koji*, Matsumoto Tatsuya*, Fukuda Kenji*, Tobita Yoshiharu, Yamano Hidemasa, Sato Ikkenn
JNC TY9400 2004-013 45 2004.07
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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It is one of important problems for more reliable reactor safety evaluation to improve numerical simulation techniques for involved therma-hydraulic phenomena of multiphase, multicomponent flows in core disruptive accidents. In the present cooperative research, physical model development and experimental investigation were conducted for transient condensation phenomena of a vapor bubble with noncondensable gases to improve applicability of a fast-reactor safety analysis code for the phase-transition phenomena in multicomponent systems. This fiscal year experiments using steam mixed with nitrogen gas were performed for the transient bubble condensation phenomena, and then experimental data were obtained for relatively large-scale bubble behavior. In addition, experimental analyses was performed by the fast-reactor safety analysis code and its validity was discussed.
Transient Fuel Behavior and Failure Condition in the CABRI-2 Experiments
Sato Ikkenn, Lemoine F.*, Struwe D.*
Nuclear Technology 145 ( 1 ) 115 - 137 2004.01
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In the CABRI-2 program, 12 tests were performed under various transient conditions covering a wide range of accident scenarios using two types of pre-irradiated Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) fuel pins with different smear densities and burn-ups. For each fuel, a non-failure-transient test was performed and it provided basic information such as fuel thermal condition, fuel swelling and gas release. From the failure tests, information on failure mode, failure time and axial location was obtained. Based on this information, failure conditions such as fuel enthalpy and cladding temperature were evaluated. These failure conditions were compared with the CABRI-1 tests in which different fuels as well as different transient conditions were used. This comparison, together with supporting information available from existing in-pile and out-of-pile experiments, allowed an effective understanding on failure mechanisms depending on fuel and transient conditions. It is concluded that Pellet Cladding
Morita Koji*, Matsumoto Tatsuya*, Fukuda Kenji*, Tobita Yoshiharu, Yamano Hidemasa, Konishi Kensuke, Sato Ikkenn
JNC TY9400 2003-011 56 2003.04
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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It is one of the important problems for more reliable reactor safety evaluation to improve numerical simulation techniques for involved thermal-hydraulic phenomena of multiphase, multicomponent flows in core disruptive accidents.In the present joint research, physical model development and experimental investigation were conducted for transient condensation phenomena of a vapor bubble with noncondensable gases to improve applicability of a fast-reactor safety analysis code for the phase-transition phenomena in multicomponent systems.In this fiscal year, preliminary experiments using noncondensable gas were performed for the transient bubble condensation phenomena, and then basic data were obtained for large-scale bubble behavior without condensation.In addition, a multiple-scale flow-regime model treating large-scale bubbles was newly proposed for the fast-reactor safety analysis code and applied to the analysis of the preliminary experiments successfully.
Interpretation of the CABRILTX Test using the SAS4A Code
Soo-Dong SUK*
JNC TN9400 2001-115 41 2001.10
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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The LTX test was performed using a SCRABIX pin in March 2000 in the framework of the CABRI RAFT Program to investigate the pin failure me-chanism, in pin fuel motion and post-failure relocation behavior under a simulated TUCOP accident in LMFR. The transient of the test was initiated by a coolant flow reduction and a structured TOP was tri- ggered when coolantaverage temperature at TFC reached a predefined value to keep the channel in the subcooled condition. Pin failure occured rather early, before the initiation of any significant fuel melting.This early failure of the cladding was presumably caused by a local cladding heatup and stress concentration arising from the exce- ssive pin bending. Rapid gas release upon the cladding failure led to the voiding of coolant channel, followed by a molten fuel ejection andgradual axial relocation in the test channel. An effort was made to interpret the experimental results of the LTX test using the SAS4A co-de. Although the ori
JNC TN9400 2001-096 45 2001.09
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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The CABRI-RAFT LTX test aims at a study on the fuel-pin-failure mecha-nism, in-pin fuel motion and post-failure fuel relocation with an an- nular fuel which was pre-irradiated up to peak burm-up of 6.4 at.\%. The transient test conditions similar to those of the LT4 test were selexted in the LTX test using the same type of fuel pin, allowing an effective direct comparison between the two tests. In contrast to the LT4 testwhich showed a large PCMI-mitigation potential of the annular fuel-pin design, early pin failure occurred in the LTX test when fuel dpes not seem to have molten.In order to clarify the fuel pin failure mechanism, interpretation of the LTX test up topin failure is per- formed in this study, through an experimental data evaluation and a PAPAS-2S-code analysis. THE PAPAS-2A code simulates reasonably the fu-el thermal conditions such as transient fuel-pin heat-up anf fuel mel-ting. The present detailed data evaluation shows that the earlier cla-dding failure compared
JNC TN9400 2001-084 59 2001.08
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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The CABRI-RAFT RB1 and RB2 tests were aiming at a study on impact of fuel pin failure under an overpower condition leading to fuel melting. Using a special technique, combination of through-cladding failure and fuel melting was realized.In the RB1 rest, fuel ejection was prevented under a limited fuel melting condition. On the other hand, significant fuel melting was applied in the RB2 test so as to get the fuel ejection, thereby obtaining information on the fuel ejection behavior. Interpretation for these tests through the detailed experimental data evaluation and the PAPAS-2A code analysis is performed in this study. Through this study, it is indicated that molten fuel ejection can be prevented with the low smear density fuel as far as the fuel melting is not large for a slit-type cladding defect ct. Fuel ejection becomes possible in the case of significant fuel with a very thin solid fuel shell surronding the molten fuel cavity. However, the r
Interpretation of the CABRI LT4 test with SAS4A-code analysis
JNC TN9400 2001-047 42 2001.03
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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The LT4 test was performed in the CABRI-FAST in-pile experiment program carried out in 1992$\sim$1995. The objectives of this test were to study the fuel pin failure mechanism and to observe the transient fuel motion within the pin and in the coolant channel. The objectives of the present study are to clarify phenomena taking place in the experiment through data evaluation and SAS4A code analysis. Various experimental data have been analyzed with a help of SAS4A code calculation to interpret fuel pin failure mechanism and post-failure material relocation behavior. Through this study, the rapid fissile elongation up to the fuel pin failure was recognized to have potential to delay the failure by about 50 ms, and Probable effect of plenum gas to enhance dispersive fuel relocation has been recognized. And it was confirmed that SAS4A can reasonably simulate rapid molten-fuel ejection from failed fuel pin, rapid fuel relocation within the coolant channel assisted by the Plenum-gas and the fuel freezing in the last Part of transient.
Interpretation of the CABRI LT1 test with SAS4A-code analysis
JNC TN9400 2001-048 21 2001.03
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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In the CABRI-FAST LT1 test, simulating a ULOF (Unprotected Loss of Flow) accident of LMFBR, pin failure took place rather early during the transient. No fuel melting is expected at this failure because the energy injection was too low and a rapid gas-release-like response leading to coolant-channel voiding was observed. This channel voiding was followed by a gradual fuel breakup and axial relocation. With an aid of SAS4A analysis, interpretation of this test was performed. Although the original SAS4A model was not well fitted to this type of early pin failure, the global behavior after the pin failure was reasonably simulated with temporary modifications. Through this study, gas release behavior from the failed fuel pin and its effect on further transient were well understood. It was also demonstrated that the SAS4A code has a potential to simulate the post-failure behavior initiated by a very early pin failure provided that necessary model modification is given.
Yamano Hidemasa, Suzuki Toru, M.Flad*
4th Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerator Technology 0 2001.01
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RB2 Pre-test Calculation using PAPAS-2S based on a Preliminary Post-test Calculation of the RB1 Test
PNC TN9410 98-058 12 1998.06
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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Based on the RB1 test result in the CABRI-RAFT Program, it was agreed between the partners to perform the RB2 test which aims at observation of molten fuel ejection into the coolant channel at further fuel melting and at confirmation of coolability of ejected fuel. In this study, a preliminary post-test calculation for the RB1 test is performed first to reflect the fuel thermal condition expected for the pins with the special artificial defect preparation. Pre-test calculations for the RB2 test are then performed based on the results of this RB1 calculation. Power and coolant flow histories as well as the axial location of defect were selected as parameters in this study and a set of test condition is proposed which is believed to be most suitable to fulfill the test objectives.
PNC TN9410 98-057 55 1998.05
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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Existing data of in-pile ramp-type transient-overpower tests (slow TOPs hereafter), such as those of the CABRI-2 and CABRI-FAST tests, the EBR-II TOPI-1E test and the former TREAT tests, were extensively surveyed and this led to a global interpretation which provided a consistency among the tests. Through this study, a basic fuel pin failure mechanism was comprehended and it was confirmed that fuel pins with low to intermediate smear density have a very high failure threshold with significant mitigation effects against fuel-cladding mechanical interactions. Such high failure threshold of low to intermediate smear density fuel is considered to be attributed to the following three effects: (1)absorption of fuel thermal expansion and fuel swelling by void space (porosity or cracks) within the fuel, (2)mitigation of fuel swelling by an early gas escape into the free volume, and (3)mitigation of molten cavity pressurization upon fuel melting. These effects were refrected to the analytical model of the transient fuel behavior code PAPAS-2S. Application of this improved PAPAS-2S model to representative slow TOP tests provided results consistent with the test data, suggesting that the above-mentioned consideration is valid.
Niwa Hajime, Kawata Norio, Ieda Yoshiaki, Sato Ikken, Ohno Shuji, Uto Nariaki, Miyahara Shinya, Kondo Satoru, Kamide Hideki, Yamaguchi Akira, Ohshima Hiroyuki, Morita Koji, Tobita Yoshiharu, Nakagiri Toshio, Enuma Yasuhiro
PNC TN9410 94-154 317 1995.03
Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.
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Sato Ikkenn
Nuclear Technology 98 ( 1 ) 54 - 69 1991.01
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