Updated on 2025/02/05


IKEZAWA, Satoshi
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering
Job title
Junior Researcher(Assistant Professor)
Doctor of engineering ( Waseda University )

Satoshi Ikezawa was born in Saitama prefecture, Japan. In 2009, he completed his doctorate at Waseda University (Grad. School of Information, Production, and Systems). He was employed by Waseda University as an assistant and then an assistant professor, and in 2017, he became an associate professor at Kyushu University. Since 2019, he has been an assistant professor at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, working on developing new metasurface optical devices and optical evaluation systems. His research interests are MEMS/NEMS, laser spectrometers, optical fiber sensing systems, environment measurement, and interfacial analysis. Membership: IEEE, LSJ, Laser Chaos Committee, JSAP, IEEJ, JSME, IMEKO (TC19), ICST Program Member, and IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace Program Member.

Research Experience

  • 2023.06

    Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology   Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering Department of Bio-Functions and Systems Science   Visiting Associate Professor

  • 2023.06

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering   Lecture

  • 2019.04

    Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology   Department of Mechanical System Engineering   Specially Appointed Assistant Professor

  • 2018.11

    Kyushu University   Research and Development Center for Five-Sense Devices   Specially Appointed Associate Professor

  • 2017.04

    Kyushu University   Research and Development Center for Taste and Odor Sensing   Specially Appointed Associate Professor

  • 2011.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems   Assistant Professor

  • 2010.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems   Research Assistant

  • 2009.10

    Waseda University   Information, Production and Systems Research Center   Research Assistant

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Education Background

  • 2007

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems  

  • 2004

    Waseda University   Information Production and Systems  

Committee Memberships

  • 2018.08

    電気学会  論文委員会(Eグループ) 幹事

  • 2012

    レーザー学会  技術専門委員会「レーザーカオス・ノイズダイナミクスとその応用」

  • 2024.02

    電気学会, 第41回センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム論文委員会 委員

  • 2023.02

    電気学会, 第40回センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム論文委員会 委員

  • 2020.04

    電気学会  立体構造微細加工技術と異分野融合による ライフサイエンス応用と実用化に関する調査専門委員会

  • 2020.02

    電気学会  Society 5.0における農業および環境センシング技術に関わる調査専門委員会

  • 2022.02

    電気学会, 第39回センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム論文委員会 委員

  • 2021.02

    電気学会, 第38回センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム論文委員会 委員

  • 2020.05

    電気学会  第37回センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム論文委員会 委員

  • 2017.07

    電気学会  E部門 ケミカルセンサIoT技術に関わる調査専門委員会

  • 2019.02

    電気学会  第36回センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム論文委員会 委員

  • 2017.01

    The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan  Investigative committee of technologies about micro-fabrication and assembly on 3 dimensional structure / flexible material in Sensors and Micromachines Branch

  • 2017.01

    電気学会  E部門立体構造や柔軟材料への微細加工、実装技術に関する若手を中心とした調査専門委員会

  • 2016.06

    The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan  Investigative committee of water sensing in Sensors and Micromachines Branch

  • 2016.06

    電気学会  E部門水センシングに関わる調査専門委員会

  • 2018.02

    電気学会  第35回センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム論文委員会 主査

  • 2015.08

    The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan  Technical committee of physical sensors in Sensors and Micromachines Branch

  • 2015.08

    電気学会  E部門フィジカルセンサ技術委員

  • 2017.02

    電気学会  第34回センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム論文委員会 副主査

  • 2016.02

    電気学会  第33回センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム論文委員会 委員

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Professional Memberships

  • 2023.05

    The Optical Society of Japan

  • 2022

    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

  • 2017


  • 2012

    The Laser Society of Japan

  • 2011


  • 2008

    The Japan Society of Applied Physics

  • 2005

    The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan

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Research Areas

  • Electron device and electronic equipment / Optical engineering and photon science / Thin film/surface and interfacial physical properties / Nano/micro-systems

Research Interests

  • metamaterial

  • meta-surface

  • Sum-Frequency Generation Spectroscopy

  • Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

  • Spectroscopic analysis

  • Analytical chemistry

  • Fiber optics

  • Chemical sensors

  • Physical sensors

  • Nano-second laser

  • Femto-second laser

  • Laser technologies

  • Laser measurements

  • MEMS

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  • Best Presentation- Runner up

    2024.12   International Conference on Sensing Technology   Rotary Sliding Movement Mechanism using a Hinge with Out-of-plane Deformation for Parallel Mobile Optical Devices

    Winner: Satoshi Ikezawa

  • メタオプティクス賞

    2024.05   日本光学会メタオプティクス研究グループ   窒化シリコンメタサーフェスによる高効率フルカラーホログラム

    Winner: 山口 眞和

  • ALPS2024 student paper award

    2024.04   The 13th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS2024)   AlvarezMetalens with Polarization Separation Function

    Winner: Mitsutoshi Hada

  • 第27回優秀技術活動賞 グループ著作賞

    2024.04   電気学会   Society 5.0における農業・環境センシング最前線 ―センシングデータ活用事例と将来展望―

    Winner: Society5.0における農業および環境センシング技術に関わる調査専門委員会(代表者:長谷川有貴)

  • APS Best Applied Paper Award

    2023.09   American Physical Society Physical Review Journals   Naked-eye Observable Animation with 3D MetasurfaceHolograms

    Winner: Masakazu Yamaguchi, Shunsuke Takahashi, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami(Presenter: Masakazu Yamaguchi)

  • センサ・マイクロマシン部門総合研究会 優秀論文発表賞

    2023.09   電気学会   照射光多点分配のためのメタサーフェス光学素子の開発

    Winner: 池沢 聡

  • 第26回優秀技術活動賞 グループ著作賞

    2023.04   電気学会   バイオ計測のための材料と微細加工

    Winner: 立体構造や柔軟材料への微細加工, 実装技術に関する若手研究者を中心とした調査専門委員会(代表者:松永忠雄)

  • Presentation Award -Runner Up, International Conference on Sensing Technology

    2010.06   International Conference on Sensing Technology   Multi-spectral analytical systems using LIBS and LII techniques

    Winner: Satoshi Ikezawa

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Media Coverage

  • IEEE Sensors Alert


    IEEE Sensors Council  


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    Material selection is crucial when designing and fabricating metasurfaces. The metasurface optical element produces a tightly focused beam from a visible laser, thus maximizing light utilization and minimizing energy loss. This study focuses on enhancing metasurface microfabrication precision and achieving remarkable light transmittance through traditionally impermeable silicon, providing opportunities for developing miniature wearable technology, cameras, and augmented reality (AR) devices and has significant implications for micro-scanning within confined spatial domains.

  • 超薄型な可変焦点レンズに偏光分離機能を統合 ―次世代の光通信技術へ応用可能なメタレンズ―




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  • ホログラフィによるフルカラー動画投影を実現 ―次世代ディスプレイの開発に向けて―




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    本研究は、国立大学法人東京農工大学大学院生物システム応用科学府生物機能システム科学専攻の山口眞和氏(博士後期課程1年)と同大学院工学府機械システム工学専攻の齋藤洋輝氏(2023年3月博士前期課程修了)、早稲田大学理工学術院の池沢聡研究院講師、東京農工大学大学院工学研究院先端機械システム部門の岩見健太郎准教授により行われました。また、本研究の一部は日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)(一般)(21H01781)、基盤研究(C)(22K04894)の支援により行われました。また、本研究の試料作成には、文部科学省「マテリアル先端リサーチインフラ」事業(課題番号 JPMXP1223UT1007)の支援を受け、東京大学微細加工拠点の共用設備を利用させていただきました。解析の一部は、東京工業大学のスーパーコンピュータ TSUBAME 3.0 を利用して行われました。
    今回、30フレームからなるフルカラー動画の投影を目指し、窒化シリコンのナノ柱をメタアトムとして、ガラス基板上に数億本配置し、90フレーム(30フレーム×3色)からなるホログラム列を1枚の基板上に形成しました。各フレームは2322× 2322画素と先行研究や一般的なディスプレイ(フルHD)よりも高解像度であり、340 nmの画素間隔によりホログラム前面からの観察領域全体をカバーする180°の視域角を有しています。また、ナノ柱の製作を最適な加工条件の下で行うことで、光の利用効率を向上させています。投影したのは地球が回転する動画(2D)で、3色の投影像を重ね合わせることで投影動画のカラー化を実現しました。また、自動ステージを用いて基板を機械的に動かすことで、人間の目で十分に滑らかに見える再生速度である55.9 fps(frame per second)での投影に成功しました。

  • Editors' Pick (Optica Publishing Group)


    Optica Publishing Group  


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    The Optica Publishing Group manuscript entitled "Demonstration of a multicolor metasurface holographic movie based on a cinematographic approach ", published in Optics Express, has been highlighted as an Editor's Pick.
    Editor's Picks serve to highlight articles with excellent scientific quality and are representative of the work taking place in a specific field.

  • Convex to concave: More metasurface moiré results in wide-range lens


    the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)  



  • 凹レンズにも凸レンズにも!焦点距離を自在に変えられる極薄なメタレンズを実現




  • True holographic movie is within grasp -Researchers produce dynamic holographic projection using 'metasurface' material-


    the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)   EurekAlert!  



  • 高画質なホログラフィの動画化を実現: 将来の全周立体映像技術に向けて




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  • Highly efficient multifunctional metasurface integrating lens, prism, and wave plate

    Ponrapee Prutphongs, Katsuma Aoki, Ryosei Ito, Motoaki Hara, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Optics Express   32 ( 16 ) 28599 - 28599  2024.07  [Refereed]

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    The miniaturization of optical systems is crucial for various applications, including compact augmented reality/virtual reality devices, microelectromechanical system sensors, ranging technologies, and microfabricated atomic clocks. However, reliance on bulky discrete optical elements has been a significant obstacle to achieving this miniaturization. This work introduces a highly efficient multifunctional metasurface (MFMS) that seamlessly integrates a lens, prism, and quarter-wave plate (QWP). This innovation allows simultaneous collimation, beam deflection, and polarization conversion within a singular thin element. Specifically, for the prism-QWP bifunctional integration, we achieved a high diffraction efficiency of 72.8% and a degree of circular polarization of −0.955 under exposure to linearly polarized light at a wavelength of 795 nm, proving its potential for ultracompact atomic clock applications. Moreover, the lens-prism-QWP trifunctional integration successfully showed diffraction-limited focusing performance with a numerical aperture of 0.4, which was sufficient to collimate a beam with a divergence angle of 20, corresponding to the light emitted from a standard vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser.


  • Highly-efficient full-color holographic movie based on silicon nitride metasurface

    Masakazu Yamaguchi, Hiroki Saito, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Nanophotonics   13 ( 8 ) 1425 - 1433  2024.04  [Refereed]  [Invited]  [International journal]



  • Polarization-separating Alvarez metalens

    Mitsutoshi Hada, Hyo Adegawa, Katsuma Aoki, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Optics Express   32 ( 4 ) 6672 - 6683  2024.02  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    The rapid advancements in optical communication technologies have highlighted traditional optical components’ limitations, particularly in size, adaptability, and integration capabilities, underscoring the need for more compact and versatile solutions. Metalenses offer a promising pathway to address these challenges, with their ability to provide high-functionality, miniaturized optical components. We developed a varifocal metalens with a polarization separation function designed for the wavelength of 1550 nm for potential application for next-generation communication technologies. To integrate the varifocal and polarization separation functions, polarization-dependent phase profiles for an off-axis Alvarez lens were derived and encoded by amorphous silicon pillar meta-atoms with rectangular cross sections to provide independent 0–2π phase delays for both orthogonal linear polarization components. The fabricated metalens achieved a varifocal range of 0.75 mm to 10.65 mm and a polarization extinction ratio of 18.5 dB.


  • Linear polarization-separating metalens at long-wavelength infrared

    Noe Ishizuka, Jie Li, Wataru Fuji, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Optics Express   31 ( 14 ) 23372 - 23381  2023.06  [Refereed]

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    We designed and fabricated a linear polarization-separation metalens (PSM) made of single-crystal silicon (sc-Si) for long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) imaging. The PSM comprises sc-Si dielectric waveguide pillar meta-atoms with rectangular cross-sections, providing a full 2π phase delay range for two orthogonal linear polarization components with high transmittances (>70%). Electron beam lithography and deep reactive ion etching were used to fabricate the PSM. Polarization-separation imaging of elevated and ambient temperature objects was demonstrated with high extinction ratios of 21.8 dB and 12.8 dB for the x- and y-polarizations, respectively. Additionally, polarization-sensitive imaging was demonstrated by distinguishing the surfaces of a hand and toy windows. Our work enables the visualization of invisible information in the LWIR region and has widespread applications.


  • Micro-Optical Line Generator Metalens for a Visible Wavelength Based on Octagonal Nanopillars Made of Single-Crystalline Silicon

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Ryota Yamada, Kosuke Takaki, Chikara Ogawa, Kentaro Iwami

    IEEE Sensors Journal   22 ( 15 ) 14851 - 14861  2022.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



  • Demonstration of a multicolor metasurface holographic movie based on a cinematographic approach

    Naoyuki Yamada, Hiroki Saito, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Optics Express   30 ( 10 ) 17591 - 17591  2022.05  [Refereed]  [International journal]



  • Rotational varifocal moiré metalens made of single-crystal silicon meta-atoms for visible wavelengths

    Chikara Ogawa, Sotaro Nakamura, Takumi Aso, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Nanophotonics   11 ( 9 ) 1941 - 1948  2022.01  [Refereed]

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    Metasurface lenses (metalenses) offer an ultrathin and simple optical system with dynamic functions that include focal length tuning. In this study, a rotational varifocal (i.e., moiré) metalens based on octagonal single-crystal silicon pillars was designed and fabricated to realize a high transmittance, whole 2<italic>π</italic> phase coverage, and polarization insensitivity for visible wavelengths. The moiré metalens consists of a pair of cascaded metasurface-based phase lattices and the focal length can be adjusted from negative to positive by mutual rotation. The fabricated moiré metalens demonstrated a focal length that can be tuned from −36 mm to −2 mm and from 2 to 12 mm by mutual rotation from −90° to 90°, and the experimental measurements agreed well with theoretical values at the design wavelength of 633 nm. Imaging was demonstrated at three distinct wavelengths of 633, 532, and 440 nm.



  • Demonstration of focal length tuning by rotational varifocal moiré metalens in an ir-A wavelength

    Kentaro Iwami, Chikara Ogawa, Tomoyasu Nagase, Satoshi Ikezawa

    Optics Express   28 ( 24 ) 35602 - 35614  2020.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author


  • Metasurface holographic movie: a cinematographic approach

    Ryota Izumi, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Optics Express   28 ( 16 ) 23761 - 23761  2020.08  [Refereed]  [International journal]


  • Endoscopic System Based on Intraoral Camera and Image Processing.

    Masataka Fujimoto, Masahiro Okuda, Shinji Yoshii, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda, Herve Tassery, Frédéric J. G. Cuisinier, Chiaki Kitamura

    IEEE Trans. Biomed. Engineering   66 ( 4 ) 1026 - 1033  2019.04  [Refereed]

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    Objective: In dentistry, dentists perform many treatments with a few visually magnified information. About deep area of root canals, it commonly relies on exploration carried out with the fingers of the dentist, because the root canal entrance is very small to be observed. In clinical practice, the intraoral camera and endoscopic systems are separate devices, and there are no sensors to capture both pictures of the whole tooth and those inside the root canal. Objective of this research is to combine the intraoral camera and endoscopic system facilitating to use clinical practice. Methods: We propose an endoscopic system based on the thin image fiber, SOPROLIFE intraoral camera as an image sensor, and a new adaptor to connect the two parts. We observed resolution charts with 50, 25, 10, and 5 line pairs (LP)/mm patterns. The acquired images are processed to both remove fixed-pattern noise using robust principal component analysis and enhance contrast. Results: The acquired images containing all LP/mm patterns were clear and showed higher contrast after processing. Visibility of the processed images is 1.7, 1.6, 2.2, and 1.9 times higher than that of the raw images for 50, 25, 10, and 5 LP/mm patterns, respectively. Conclusion: Our fabricated endoscopic system based on the SOPROLIFE intraoral camera could observe 50, 25, 10, and 5 LP/mm patterns. After image processing, the noise was reduced, and high-contrast images were obtained. Significance: This system can be considered as a further step toward facilitating noninvasive and contactless systems in clinical practice.



  • Detection of specific macro and micropollutants in air monitoring: Review of methods and techniques

    A. Lay-Ekuakille, S. Ikezawa, M. Mugnaini, R. Morello, C. De Capua

    MEASUREMENT   98   49 - 59  2017.02  [Refereed]

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    The protection of environment, in a specific manner air component, is one of the most impbrtant objectives established by national and international organizations. Air pollutants are generally detected by electronic instrumentation containing dedicated units from capturing to processing and displaying. With the deterioration of anthropic activities due to, for example, increasing of car traffic, increasing of heavy industrial activities, and subsequent greenhouse effects, the nature of required value becomes very complex and attention must be paid to "stealth" pollutants and mechanisms that produce them. That is why, beyond traditional pollutants, attention must be paid to specific classes of pollutants such as dusts vectoring fixed in inodorous gases, and other components included in gaseous substances as dioxins and furans. This paper illustrates results of experimental activities within a review approach for detecting pollutants based on advanced technology using nanoparticle through helium microwave-induced plasma, sensors exploiting perovskite structures and thermography for detecting harmful gases. Longterm detection of dioxins is also illustrated. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Optical-based Diagnostic Technique for Detection of Tooth Caries using Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    S. Ikezawa, T. Ueda, M. Fujimoto, S. Yoshii, C. Kitamura

    2016 IEEE SENSORS     37 - 39  2016.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

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    A laser-based emission-type diagnostic technique using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for the in vivo analysis of tooth enamel is described. The system aims to improve the promptness of laser dental treatment and accuracy of identifying early caries from healthy teeth. Our research group has been developing the LIBS system for various applications. In addition to the research on the LIBS system, a novel microdental endoscope to observe fractures near the root apex has been developed in a recent study. The LIBS system for dentistry presented in this paper is the first attempt to combine the techniques of the microdental endoscope and the spectroscopic measurement from our group. In the LIBS operation, not only the elemental information is obtained, but also the pulse-operated-condensed laser generates microsized plasma on the surface of the materials when it removes trace substances. The combination technique using LIBS with the microdental endoscope allows noncontact dental diagnosis with chemical analysis and dental treatment at the same time.

  • Fabrication of Two Different Probe Architectures for Ultra-Compact Image Sensors for Root Canal Observations

    Masataka Fujimoto, Shinji Yoshii, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda, Chiaki Kitamura

    IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL   16 ( 13 ) 5211 - 5221  2016.07  [Refereed]

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    With the development of dental instruments, such as dental microscopes and cone beam computed tomography, the precision of current dental diagnosis and treatment has greatly improved. However, the observation of deep periodontal pockets, fractures near the root apex, and collaterals of root canals is difficult using these instruments. To solve these problems, we developed two types of micro-image sensors that can be used for the observation of root canals. The first image sensor is an external-irradiation probe that uses an external light source. This probe has high resolution and a wide field of view. The other sensor is an internal-irradiation probe, which can be used to observe an image and transmit the illumination light with a single probe. The external-irradiation probe has an image fiber with a diameter of 600 mu m and a gradient index (GRIN) lens. The internal-irradiation probe has an image fiber with a diameter of 300 mu m, a GRIN lens, and 40 optical fibers with a diameter of 40 mu m each as a light source. Using these probes, we captured the image of a resolution chart; line spaces with the widths of 10-100 mu m were observed using both types of probes. The evaluations of the visibility of the captured image showed higher measurement values than those of commercially available endoscopes. We will apply this ultra-compact image sensor to various fields besides dentistry, such as medical and industrial applications.



  • Development of a 3D Laser Scanning System for Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Yury L'vovich Zimin, Toshitsugu Ueda

    2014 IEEE SENSORS     653 - 656  2014.11  [Refereed]

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    We report a new laser scanning device to be used in a laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) system. The system consists of a tunable lens, a cold mirror that transmits infrared wavelengths, two galvano mirrors, a condenser lens, and an optical axis adjusting laser. Conventional laser scanning technologies have two main applications: (i) in the industry, for drawing simple dots/lines with high power lasers; and (ii) in laser art projections, where far more complex illustrations and animations using visible lasers have been achieved. These two applications have been developed separately. Our scanning system combines the advantages of both these technologies by employing high-strength galvano mirrors as well as a driving system that meets the international laser display association (ILDA) standard. Moreover, by assembling the electrically controlled tunable lens, any measuring point where the generation of laser-induced plasma is needed, can be reached in a given space.

  • Design and verification of quartz resonators with quasi-convex structure

    Hiroshi Oigawa, Keisuke Hayama, Jing Ji, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines   134 ( 3 ) 47 - 51  2014.03  [Refereed]

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    Recently, AT-cut quartz resonators have found widespread use as RF and high-sensitivity devices. In these applications, further miniaturization and high-frequency stability are required. To achieve a high quality (Q)-factor and high productivity, the authors have proposed a novel resonator shape in which the surface is machined as a three-dimensional stripe-like structure. This shape is called quasi-convex. In this paper, we discuss the design and fabrication of quasi-convex resonators to verify their effectiveness. First, with regard to the height of the convex part and the pitch of the quasi-convex pattern, the optimal resonator design is discussed on the basis of the results of a finite-element method simulation. Then, prototypes of the quasi-convex resonators fabricated by deep reactive-ion etching and micro electro-mechanical systems fabrication technology are presented. In our experiments, the highest Q-factor is obtained when the height ratio of the convex part was 5% and the pitch is 100 μm. In addition, the Q-factor of the quasi-convex resonators is seven times greater than that of ordinary plane-shaped resonators, as confirmed using vacuum equipment. © 2014 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.



  • Detection of cesium from pollucite using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Solid State Phenomena   199   285 - 290  2013.03  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of this research is to detect the atomic spectrum of cesium using laserinduced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). In this study, pollucite ((Cs,Na)(AlSi2)O6.nH2O) was used as a test sample for the LIBS measurement. LIBS is a useful tool for the determination of the elemental composition of various materials and it does not require any preprocessing step. The Nd:YAG laser was operated at 1064 nm to generate a 50-mJ Q-switched pulse with a width of 8 ns (full width at half maximum, FWHM). The breakdown emissions were dispersed by a grating with a groove density of 1200 lines/mm and the resulting electrical signal was recorded using a streak camera. The plasma intensity was optimized with respect to the background. Spectral measurements were carried out after an appropriate delay time to allow for the decay of the continuum radiation. In the experiments, 100 laser shots were used to record data for each spectrum in ambient air. The results of the experiments showed that the atomic signals corresponding to pollucite were obtained easily by LIBS measurements. Thus, spectrum peaks due to cesium, sodium, aluminum, and silicon are observed. In particular, the characteristics of the cesium spectrum play an important role in establishing the LIBS system for environmental monitoring, which may be used to detect radioactive elements emitted from nuclear plants. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.



  • Optical Analytical Technique for Carbonaceous Particles Using Laser-Induced Electro-Avalanche Fluorescence and Laser-Induced Incandescence

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Toshitsugu Ueda

    SENSORS AND MATERIALS   25 ( 1 ) 57 - 77  2013.01  [Refereed]

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    This report describes an optical sensing system for fine particle detection using a combination of two techniques: laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and laser-induced incandescence (LII). We have improved laser measurement systems applied for small-particle analysis. We have determined elemental composition and density of particles using LIBS and have been able to measure particle size using LII. Controlling the power density of the light source of the present system allowed switching from LIBS to LII. LII temporal analysis was conducted using a streak camera, which was also used for LIBS analysis. The LII technique allows in situ measurement of the average primary particle size of nanoscale soot particles.

  • Real scene capturing using spherical single-element lens camera and improved restoration algorithm for radially variant blur

    Yupeng Zhang, Lev G. Zimin, Jing Ji, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    OPTICS EXPRESS   20 ( 25 ) 27569 - 27588  2012.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A camera module employing spherical single-element lens imaging system (SSLIS) is introduced in this study. This type of imaging system can be used in compact digital cameras or mobile phone cameras, and it provides the advantages of simple design, reduced device bulkiness, and reduced manufacturing costs. When compared with conventional camera modules, our system produces radially variant blurred images, which can be satisfactorily restored by means of a polar domain deconvolution algorithm proposed in our previous study. In this study, we demonstrate an improved version of this algorithm that enables full-field-of-view (FOV) image restoration instead of the partial FOV restoration obtained via our previous algorithm. This improvement is realized by interpolating the upper and arc-shaped boundaries of the panoramic polar image such that the ringing artifacts around the center and four boundaries of the restored Cartesian image are greatly suppressed. The effectiveness of the improved algorithm is verified by image restoration of both computer simulated images and real-world scenes captured by the spherical single lens camera module. The quality of the restored image depends on the overall sparsity of all the point spread function (PSF) block Toeplitz with circulant blocks (BTCB) matrices used to restore a radially blurred image. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America



  • Low concentration gas measurement using Photonic Bandgap Fiber cell sensor

    Joanna Pawłat, Tadashi Sugiyama, Xuefeng Li, Takahiro Matsuo, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines   128 ( 5 ) 198 - 202  2008.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Among few existing applications of Microstructured Optical Fibers, a new device for measurement of low gas concentration was designed. Developed set-up based on a Photonic Bandgap Fiber (PBGF), which was used as a gas cell. Proposed technique allowed reducing gas sample volume to 0.01 cc. The gas flow inside core of fiber was simulated and result was confirmed experimentally. During the experimental work several types of fibers of various parameters were specially designed, produced and used. Core diameters ranged from 10.9 μm to 700 μm. Various cutting techniques for fibers were investigated. © 2008 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.



  • Development of the Multipoint Focusing Metasurface for Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami, Eiji Iwase

    The 38th International Conference on. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS 2025)     1129 - 1132  2025.01  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    This paper presents a spectral sensing system designed to achieve the first multipoint detection of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for multi-point elemental
    analysis using metasurfaces. Metasurfaces typically produce undeflected light, known as 0th-order light, due to limitations in manufacturing precision. As a result, the focused light intensity required to generate a spectrum has previously been unattainable, even with successful multipoint bifurcation. In this study, the energy loss associated with the 0th-order ray was mitigated by incorporating a focusing lens, enabling the successful
    acquisition of spectral data for the first time.

  • High Transmittance and High Diffraction Efficiency with SiN Metasurface Holograms

    Masakazu Yamaguchi, Hiroki Saito, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    2024 IEEE 37th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)     1031 - 1034  2024.01  [Refereed]


  • Naked-eye Observable Animation with 3D Metasurface Holograms

    M. Yamaguchi, S. Takahashi, S. Ikezawa, K. Iwami

    2023 Seventeenth International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials)     X-442 - X-444  2023.09


  • Gaussian to tophat beam shaping metasurface for visible light

    R. Yamada, S. Ikezawa, K. Iwami

    2023 Seventeenth International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials)     X-439 - X-441  2023.09


  • Performance Factor Evaluation of Multifunctional Metasurface for Chip Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC)

    K. Aoki, P. Prutphongs, S. Ikezawa, M. Hara, K. Iwami

    2023 Seventeenth International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials)     X-016 - X-018  2023.09


  • Fabrication and Evaluation of a Protorype MEMS Rotary Drive Mechanism for the Rotational Varifocal Moiré Metalens

    Yuma Nomura, Chikara Ogawa, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines   143 ( 9 ) 279 - 284  2023.09  [Refereed]




    Ponrapee Prutphongs, Katsuma Aoki, Satoshi Ikezawa, Motoaki Hara, Kentaro Iwami

    Transducers 2023 Kyoto, JAPAN     414 - 420  2023.06  [Refereed]

  • Fabrication of Linear Polarization-Separating Silicon Metalens at Long-Wavelength Infrared

    Noe Ishizuka, Jie Li, Wataru Fuji, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Sensing Technology     128 - 134  2023.04  [Refereed]



  • Development of a Loop Animated Full-Color Metasurface Hologram with High Color Reproduction

    Hiroki Saito, Masakazu Yamaguchi, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Sensing Technology     109 - 118  2023.04  [Refereed]



  • Integrated Compound-Eye Alvarez Metalens Array for Apposition Image Acquisition

    Hyo Adegawa, Katsuma Aoki, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Sensing Technology     162 - 169  2023.04  [Refereed]



  • High Transmittance Metasurface Holograms using Silicon Nitride

    Masakazu Yamaguchi, Hiroki Saito, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    The 36th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2023)     1111 - 1114  2023.01  [Refereed]

  • 窒化シリコン柱を用いた可視域用ガウシアン-トップハット型ビーム整形メタサーフェスレンズ

    Ryota Yamada, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Proceedings of the 39th Sensor Symposium     16P2-P-17 - 2 pages  2022.11  [Refereed]

  • Development of Polarization Convertible Deflecting Metasurfaces for Atomic Vapor Cell of Chip Scale Atomic Clock

    Prutphongs Ponrapee, Katsuma Aoki, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Proceedings of the 39th Sensor Symposium     16P2-P-16 - 2 pages  2022.11  [Refereed]

  • Development of ozone and ammonia gas sensor using ultraviolet plasmon resonance

    Ryo Watanabe, Ryo Matsuda, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Proceedings of the 39th Sensor Symposium     15P2-P-26 - 4 pages  2022.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This study reports on the development of an optical gas sensor device with an absorption peak at a selected wavelength using UV plasmon resonance absorption. The structure of the gas sensor device consists of a single nanoscale Al plates vertically aligned on a glass substrate. The absorption spectrum depends on the dimensions of the Al plate and substrate, and the angle of incidence, and was optimized by calculating the electric field through finite element simulation using COMSOL Multiphysics 6.0. The results show that by controlling the x-directional pitch, it is possible to induce plasmon resonance at wavelengths matching the absorption wavelengths of ozone and ammonia with only one dimension. Using the design dimensions, the gas sensor device was fabricated and the structure was observed.

  • Dielectric metasurface 3D holograms observable with naked eyes

    Shunsuke Takahashi, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

        15P2-P-10 - 3 pages  2022.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this study, dielectric metasurface holograms employing single-crystal Si as the meta-atom were fabricated. The angular spectral method calculated the phase distribution and represented it by an array of octagonal c-Si pillars with different widths at a resolution of 16384 x 16384. The design values of the metasurface are the pitch
    between the pillars is 280 nm, the height of the pillars is 400 nm, the diameter of the pillars is 140 nm to 210 nm, and the size of the hologram is 4.5 mm square. The substrate was patterned by electron beam lithography, and the Si pillars were formed by reactive ion etching. White light was incident on the fabricated holograms for projection. The projected 3D images were successfully observed with the naked eyes.

  • High Transmittance Multicolor Metasurface Holograms Using Silicon Nitride

    Masakazu Yamaguchi, Hiroki Saito, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Proceedings of the 39th Sensor Symposium     14P4-A-1 - 6 pages  2022.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    High transmittance multicolor metasurface holograms were fabricated using SiN pillars as meta-atom. The phase distribution on the hologram surface was calculated by the iterative Fourier transform method at the design wavelengths of 445 nm, 532 nm, and 633 nm. The fabricated hologram showed successful projection of color image with high brightness and color matching to the target image. The average transmittance calculated by microspectroscopy was 98%, which was much higher than that of previous studies.

  • Development of ozone and ammonia gas sensor using ultraviolet plasmon resonance

    Ryo Watanabe, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Proceedings of The 38th SENSOR SYMPOSIUM     11P2-SS2-5 - (3 pages)  2021.11  [Refereed]

  • Optimization of Nanopillar Array in Alvarez Metalens for Compound-Eye Varifocal Imaging

    Katsuma Aoki, Hyo Adegawa, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Micro-Nano Engineering organized by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers     11A3-MN2-5 - (2 pages)  2021.11  [Refereed]

  • Development of Ultra Ultra-thin Axicon Metalens using Amorphous Silicon

    Kosuke Takaki, Chikara Ogawa, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Proceedings of The 38th SENSOR SYMPOSIUM     10P3-SSP-20 - (4 pages)  2021.11  [Refereed]

  • Research on Alvarez metalenses for compound eye varifocal imaging

    Hyo Adegawa, Kota Kudo, Katsuma Aoki, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Proceedings of The 38th SENSOR SYMPOSIUM     10P3-SSP-17 - (5 pages)  2021.11  [Refereed]

  • Microfabricated suspended metasurface for highly-efficient thermal infrared emitter made of titanium nitride

    Azusa TAHARA, Satoshi IKEZAWA, Kentaro IWAMI

    Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Micro-Nano Engineering organized by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers     10A3-MN1-6 - (2 pages)  2021.11  [Refereed]

  • Color animation by dielectric metasurface hologram made of silicon nanopillar

    Naoyuki Yamada, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Proceedings of The 38th SENSOR SYMPOSIUM     9P2-SS1-5 - (5 pages)  2021.11  [Refereed]

  • Color animation by dielectric metasurface hologram made of silicon nanopillar

    Naoyuki Yamada, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    2021 Fifteenth International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials)     463 - 465  2021.09


  • High-resolution 3D hologram made of dielectric metasurface

    S. Takahashi, H. Adegawa, N. Yamada, R. Izumi, S. Ikezawa, K. Iwami

    15th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena – Metamaterials 2021     VI-310 - VI-312  2021.09  [Refereed]

  • A Suspended TiN Film for Thermal Plasmonics Platform

    Kentaro Iwami, Yuta Otome, Azusa Tahara, Satoshi Ikezawa

    International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics     538 - 539  2021.07  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Development of an optical pressure-sensitive membrane based on plasmon resonance on a gold island film

    Takebayashi, N., Ikezawa, S., Iwami, K.

    Electronics and Communications in Japan   104 ( 2 ) e12302  2021  [Refereed]  [Invited]



  • Development of an optical pressure-sensitive membrane based on plasmon resonance on a gold island film,島状金薄膜におけるプラズモン共鳴を用いた光学的感圧膜の開発

    Takebayashi, N., Ikezawa, S., Iwami, K.

    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines   140 ( 12 ) 374 - 379  2020.12  [Refereed]



  • Stress-Controlled Reconfigurable Metasurface at Visible Wavelengths by MEMS Nanograting

    Kentaro Iwami, Yuji Koto, Satoshi Ikezawa

    The 14th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena     154 - 156  2020.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Fabrication and Evaluation of the Dielectric Metalens

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Chikara Ogawa, Tomoyasu Nagase, Kentaro Iwami

    2020 Annual Meeting Record I.E.E. Japan     S20(6) - S20(9)  2020.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Study on optical pressure sensitive membrane using plasmon resonance absorption film

    Nagato Takebayashi, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Proceedings of the 36th Sensor symposium     21pm1=PS3-19  2019.11  [Refereed]

  • Study on out-of-plane electrostatically driven Au nanograting

    Yuji Koto, Takashi Shimura, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Proceedings of the 36th Sensor symposium     21pm1-PS3-14  2019.11  [Refereed]

  • Narrow gap th ermionic energy converter using heat re sistant alloy

    Yuta Otome, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Proceedings of the 36th Sensor symposium     20am2-PS3-23  2019.11  [Refereed]

  • Study of novel dental endoscopic system with intraoral camera and image probe for the observation of root canal

    Masataka Fujimoto, Masahiro Okuda, Shinji Yoshii, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda, Chiaki Kitamura

    IFEA 11th World Endodontic Congress    2018.10  [Refereed]

  • Development of the sum-frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy system for analysis of lipid polymer membranes of the taste sensor

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Takeshi, Shiino, Rui Yatabe, Yusuke Tahara, Kiyoshi Toko

    Technical meeting of Sensors and Micromachines, IEEJ   PHS-18-23   5 - 8  2018.07

  • Editorial prefaces

    Ikezawa, S.

    Sensors and Materials   30 ( 5 )  2018

  • Laser-induced damage threshold test for interfacial analysis of lipid polymer membrane

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Yusuke Tahara, Rui Yatabe, Masatoshi Kozaki, Kiyoshi Toko

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST   2017-December   513 - 516  2017.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    © 2017 IEEE. This paper describes a preliminary test for sum-frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy analysis of lipid polymer membranes. The SFG technique is used to analyze surface and structural information of molecules at gas-solid, gas-liquid, liquid-solid interfaces. A specially designed SFG system, which allows to analyze orientational polarization of polymer molecules at interfaces between a lipid polymer membrane and liquid/gas/solid, is being developed in our laboratory. A laser-induced damage threshold test of lipid polymer membranes was conducted in an early stage of this work.



  • Photonic bandgap fibre based gas sensing: Current status and future possibilities

    Pawlat, J., Li, X., Sugiyama, T., Liang, J., Zimin, Y., Zimin, L., Ikezawa, S., Ueda, T.

    Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation   21   167 - 183  2017.11



  • Development of an image sensor for dentistry - Fiber connecting technique with the gradient index (GRIN) rod lens

    Masataka Fujimoto, Shinji Yoshii, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda, Chiaki Kitamura

    Solid State Phenomena   260 ( 260 ) 77 - 84  2017.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In dentistry, endodontic treatment becomes necessary when dental caries progresses deep into the tooth and reaches the dental pulp or the periapical tissue. A large part of this treatment is performed without direct observation of the root canals. Previously, we reported a prototype of a dental endoscope. In this study, we attempted to develop a novel image sensor for dental endodontic diagnosis and treatment that allows capturing an image of the fine constructions inside the root canals. Our fabricated probe contains an image fiber, a GRIN lens, and optical fibers as light sources. These materials are encased inside a stainless steel tube to ensure the durability. In previous experiments, we attempted to connect all materials in one step. However, the captured images had deviations along the center axis between the image fiber and GRIN lens. To solve this problem, we considered a new, two-step method for connecting the two materials. In this method, an image fiber and a GRIN lens with the same diameter were placed on stages capable of three-dimensional fine positional adjustments at a resolution of 0.01 mm. The surfaces of the materials were connected under observation through a microscope. An evaluation of the captured images showed that the deviations in the previous images were 22.4 µm along the X-axis and 45.7 µm along the Y-axis. In contrast, the deviations with the new method were 16.7 µm and 8.9 µm along the X-axis and Y-axis, respectively. Therefore, the new method greatly improved precision along each axis. With this method, our fabricated probe could capture and evaluate images more efficiently. We are now trying to fabricate and evaluate a new image sensor.



  • Development of novel image sensor for root canal observation

    Masataka Fujimoto, Shinji Yoshii, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda, Chiaki Kitamura

    Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation   22   67 - 85  2017  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The development of dental instruments such as dental microscope and cone-beam computed tomography has greatly improved the precision of current dental treatments. However, observation of fractures near the apex collateral of the root canal remains difficult when using these instruments. In this study, we developed two types of probes: an ‘external-irradiation system’ and an ‘internal-irradiation system’. The external-irradiation probe is composed of an image fibre with a diameter of 500 μm and a gradient-index lens (GRIN lens) with the same diameter as the image fibre. The internal-irradiation probe is composed of an image fibre, GRIN lens, and five optical fibres for illumination, with diameters of 300, 250, and 65 μm, respectively. In an observation experiment of the resolution chart using these probes, both probes could observe lines and spaces of 10–100 μm using an external light source. To evaluate resolution, visibility was measured for each image, and higher visibility was observed as the lines and spaces were increased. We attempted to illuminate the observation area with optical fibres inside the probe
    however, it was difficult because of the low intensity of the light. Furthermore, we observed the actual root canal of an extracted tooth. In future, we would like to redesign the GRIN lens and a suitable offset of the optical fibres.



  • Development of the atomic emission spectroscopy system using Helium-Microwave-Induced plasma for fine particles on environmental monitoring

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Jun Yamamoto, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation   23   21 - 37  2017  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This chapter describes the elemental analytical technique of the fine particles using atomic emission spectroscopy system for an environmental pollution monitoring. Based on our previous measurement reports, differences of the usage between the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) system and the helium-microwave-induced plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (He-MIP-AES) system are explained. Both systems were developed to allow to fulfil the criteria prescribed by the Ministry of Environment, Japan, for measuring the chemical components of particulate matter (PM) by introducing additional original sampling systems. In current environmental monitoring systems, PMs are typically collected on trapping filters placed across Japan and classified as either suspended particulate matter (SPM) or PM2.5 depending on the size. The collected PMs are subsequently analysed with automated measurement instruments such as a piezo balance and with methods such as beta ray attenuation and light scattering. While these measurement methods allow the mass concentration of PMs in the air to be obtained at hourly intervals, the chemical composition of individual particles is analysed with time-intensive laboratory procedures. In contrast, the LIBS and He-MIP-AES measurement system allow the chemical compositions and particle sizes to be measured simultaneously in real time.



  • Optimal Design Work for High-frequency Quartz Resonators

    Jing Ji, Meng Zhao, Toshitsugu Ueda, Satoshi Ikezawa

    2016 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SENSING TECHNOLOGY (ICST)     656 - 659  2016.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    My research focused on improving the performance of AT-cut high-frequency quartz resonators, which have been used in a wide range of applications including frequency generators, frequency control of telecommunication systems. New research findings about optimal design of AT-cut high-frequency quartz resonators fabricated by newly developed etching process were presented through improving energy trapping and reducing spurious vibration couplings. The simulation and experimental verification were carried out, and the effectiveness of the optimal design was validated. The main optimal design works include five cases.

  • Electroplating technology of platinum catalyst for mems hydrogen gas sensor

    Hiroshi Oigawa, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines   136 ( 12 ) 511 - 514  2016.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this paper, we discuss electroplating method to deposit platinum catalyst called platinum black on the both-side of sensor on a quartz wafer to improve sensitivity of hydrogen sensors using quartz resonators. By increasing current density until th limiting current density, the platinum black films were deposited on the electrodes of sensors in a stable. Under the constan current condition, controllability of film thickness of platinum black by time was confirmed. As a result of comparison to th sputtered platinum thin film catalyst, the platinum black catalyst showed higher catalytic activity.



  • Fabrication and Evaluation of Dental Endoscopic Instruments using Fiber-optic System

    M. Fujimoto, S. Yoshii, C. Kitamura, S. Ikezawa, T. Ueda

    2016 IEEE SENSORS     226 - 228  2016.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The entrance of a tooth root canal is very small to the naked eye, and in most cases, dentists operate blindly to perform the treatment using an instrument. Particularly, the observation of fractures near the root apex and collaterals of root canals is difficult even using the latest dental instrument. To solve these problems, we attempted to develop a novel dental endoscope. In this study, we developed micro image sensors that can be used for observation of root canals and evaluation of the image sensor visibility. Previous methods have only single line visibility; however, the new method enables evaluation of the sectional visibility in the screen area. Compared with commercially available image sensors, the new image sensor has more than two times higher sectional visibility. Hence, the most focusing area can be analyzed and the aforementioned problems can be solved to improve image sensors. Moreover, not only the micro image sensors but also other sensors can be evaluated quantitatively using this new method.

  • Prototype of dental endoscope for root canal and applying the diagnosis

    Masataka Fujimoto, Shinji Yoshii, Tomoaki Kitamura, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

      25pm4-PS-090   1 - 6  2016.10  [Refereed]


  • Development of an image sensor for dentistry – fiber connecting technique with the gradient index (GRIN) rod lens

    Masataka Fujimoto, Shinji Yoshii, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda, Chiaki Kitamura

    Proceedings of 12th international conference mechatronic systems and materials intelligent technical systems     68  2016.07  [Refereed]

  • Development of an Image Sensor for Root Canal

    Masataka Fujimoto, Shinji Yoshii, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda, Chiaki Kitamura

    Abstracts of Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology     347 - 348  2016.06  [Refereed]

  • Development of dental endoscope for root-canal observation Optical design for optimal image acquisition

    M. Fujimoto, S. Yoshii, C. Kitamura, S. Ikezawa, T. Ueda

    2015 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SENSING TECHNOLOGY (ICST)     508 - 513  2015.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    With the development of dental instruments such as dental microscopes and techniques like cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), the precision of dental treatment has greatly improved. However, the observation of fractures near the apex collateral of root canals using these instruments remains difficult. In this study, we developed two types of probes that employ external and internal irradiation, respectively. The external-irradiation probe comprises an image fiber and a gradient-index (GRIN) lens, each with a diameter of 500 mu m. The internal-irradiation probe comprises an image fiber 300 mu m in diameter; a GRIN lens 250 mu m in diameter; and five optical fibers for illumination, each 65 mu m in diameter. Both probes observed lines and spaces 10 to 100 mu m in width on a sample when using a light source from the outside. The visibility of the obtained images increased with the width of the lines and spaces. The illumination of the observation area with the optical fibers inside of the probe was difficult because of a lack of light. In this study, we obtained high-resolution pictures of a root canal. In the future, we will re-design the lens to determine a suitable offset for the optical fiber.

  • Development of Helium-microwave-induced Plasma-atomic Emission Spectroscopy System with Two-way Spectroscopic Analysis

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Jun Yamamoto, Toshitsugu Ueda

    2015 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SENSING TECHNOLOGY (ICST)     716 - 721  2015.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper reports on a helium-microwave-induced plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (He-MIP-AES) system with two-way spectroscopic analysis that fulfills the criteria prescribed by the Ministry of Environment, Japan, for measuring the chemical components of particulate matter (PM). The He-MIP-AES system is a reconstruction of a commercial particle analyzer system. In current environmental monitoring systems, PMs are typically collected on trapping filters placed across Japan and classified as either suspended particulate matter (SPM) or PM2.5 depending on the size. The collected PMs are subsequently analyzed with automated measurement instruments such as a piezo balance and with methods such as beta ray attenuation and light scattering. While these measurement methods allow the mass concentration of PMs in the air to be obtained at hourly intervals, the chemical composition of individual particles is analyzed with time-intensive laboratory procedures. In contrast, the presented measurement system allows the chemical compositions and particle sizes to be measured simultaneously in real time.

  • MEMS水素ガスセンサのための白金触媒めっき技術の開発

    大井川 寛, 池沢 聡, 植田 敏嗣

    Proceedings of the 32nd SENSOR SYMPOSIM on Sensors, Micromachines and Applied Systems     30am2-PS-144  2015.10  [Refereed]


    Jing Ji, Meng Zhao, Yupeng ZHANG, Linling gan, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC) 2015     10_6  2015.03  [Refereed]

  • Development of a focal point positioning system for laser sensing instruments using galvano mirrors and tunable lens

    Ikezawa, S., Ueda, T.

    International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems   7 ( 5 ) 79  2014.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author




    Maki Nakamura, Hiroshi Oigawa, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    The 21st Tri-University International Joint Seminar & Symposium     PP.(4 pages)  2014.11  [Refereed]

  • Effectiveness of Argon nanobubbles in realizing enhanced optical sensitization for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

    S. Ikezawa, T. Ueda

    Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation   7   255 - 268  2014.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This chapter describes the validity and usefulness of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) measurements enhanced by argon nanobubbles. The use of argon nanobubbles in the LIBS system revealed higher sensitivity as compared to other conventional methods that are used for LIBS solution measurements. To create the nanobubbles, argon gas was pumped into water, forming bubbles less than 100 nm in diameter. The solution of dissolved argon bubbles was used to measure (1) the atomic spectrum of hydrogen (λ = 656 nm) from the water molecules (H2O) in the solution, and (2) the atomic spectrum of nitrogen (λ = 399.5) from the air bubbles in the solution. These experimental results demonstrated that argon nanobubbles are able to instantaneously retain plasma during the excitation/relaxation period, which is essential for highly sensitive spectral measurements. The intensity of nitrogen spectra (measurement (2)) obtained from the argon-air nanobubbles in water was much higher than that of the spectra obtained from normal LIBS air measurements.



  • Cesium environmental monitoring system for assaying temporal changes in atomic disintegration products using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

    S. Ikezawa, T. Ueda

    Sensing Technology: Current Status and Future Trends III, Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation     93 - 109  2014.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    In this work, a new method for real-time in-situ environmental monitoring of measured radioactive elements is presented. Currently, germanium semiconductor detectors are used for the analysis of radioactive materials. Germanium semiconductor detectors exhibit sensitivities much higher than those exhibited by other analytical instrumentation techniques. However, the equipment is lab-based and cannot address the need for on-site monitoring. Moving radioactive samples is strictly legally prohibited for safety reasons. The frequency of use is limited by the facility installation space, workforce supply considerations regarding safety, legal considerations for carrying and storing radioactive samples, and waste disposal methods. The presented method using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) offers an affordable sensing system that can be applied at point-of-use for environmental analyses to provide an indication of impending problems. The applicable range of conventional LIBS, which has been used only to determine the elemental composition, is expanded to obtain an estimate of the isotope ratio by measuring the variation due to temporal changes in the atomic disintegration products. This method takes full advantage of LIBS, such that no pretreatment of the measured sample is required. In this work, a confirmation test for the LIBS measurement of cesium and barium based on the results of the disintegration of cesium is demonstrated as part of a preliminary survey for developing a monitoring system for actual radioactive materials.



  • Optimal Design of Support for a High-frequency Quartz Resonator

    Jing Ji, Hiroshi Oigawa, Meng Zhao, Yupeng. Zhang, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu. Ueda

    The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro/Nano Technologies (APCOT 2014), abstract book     p.146 (p2-90)  2014.06  [Refereed]

  • Basic research on elemental and size analytical system for nano-sized suspended particulate matter using contactless optical measurement techniques

    S. Ikezawa, T. Ueda

    Nanotechnology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications   2-3   898 - 907  2014.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A contactless sensing system for nano-sized carbonaceous particulate matter using laser-induced incandescence (LII) and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is presented. The LIBS technique allows detecting elemental composition and density of the SPMs, and LII technique allows to measure particulate size. LII technique is temporal resolved method that enables measurement of soot particulate sizes in a combustion process. In the case of the measured material consisting of a carbonaceous element, it is easy to determine the particulate diameter distribution derived from the time-profile of emission attenuation signals during cooling process, because the cooling behaviour is characteristic of the particulate diameter in LII technique. However, in actuality, the SPMs consist of several different types of elements. By using LIBS technique, the elemental analysis is able to conduct easily.



  • Development of a focal point positioning system for laser sensing instruments using galvano mirrors and tunable lens

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST   2014-   583 - 588  2014

     View Summary

    We developed a focal positioning system for laser sensing instruments. The positioning system consists of x- and y-axis galvano mirrors and a high-speed response tunable lens. It allows for quick adjustment of the measuring position with high resolution and repeatability afforded by the galvano mirrors, which enable the plotting of 10,000 focal points per second, and the tunable lens, which allows adjustment of the focal length within 2.5 ms (10%-90% step). For laser measurements, the location information of the laser spot on the sample is the key parameter to determine the quantitative difference in chemical compositions at different locations. Furthermore, if the sample changes location systematically with some temporal variation, quick correction before changing the default position is required to prevent missing the target. The laser spot positioning system we present here can play an important role in obtaining multi-plot measurements for complicated surface topologies and dynamic micro-samples.

  • Modern methods of monitoring radiological contamination of water reservoirs

    Korostynska, O., Mason, A., Ikezawa, S., Al-Shamma?a, A.I.

    Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation   7   309 - 324  2014  [Refereed]



  • Basic Research on an Environmental Monitoring System for Assaying Cesium and Barium Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    Ikezawa, S., Ueda, T., Mason, A., Korostynska, O., Al-Shammaa, A. I., IEEE

    2013 Seventh International Conference on Sensing Technology (Icst)     712 - 717  2013.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • A Novel Non-uniform Electrode with High Energy Trapping Effect for AT-cut Quartz Resonators

    Hiroshi OIGAWA, Keisuke HAYAMA, Jing JI, Satoshi IKEZAWA

    Proceedings of the 30th SENSOR SYMPOSIUM on Sensors, Micromachines and Application Systems   5PM3-PSS-33   1/4 - 4/4  2013.11  [Refereed]


  • Dimension Optimization for a miniature High-frequency Quartz Resonatore

    Ji, Jing, Zhao, Meng, Zhang, Yupeng, Ikezawa, Satoshi, Ueda, Toshitsugu, IEEE

    2013 Ieee Sensors     1131 - 1135  2013.11  [Refereed]

  • Dimension optimization of supporting portion for a high-frequency quartz resonator

    Jing Ji, Hiroshi Oigawa, Meng Zhao, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines   133 ( 9 ) 253 - 259  2013.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this paper, dimension optimization of supporting portion was carried out for an originally designed high-frequency fundamental AT-cut quartz resonator, which has a firstly applied peripheral electrode and 10-μm-thin vibration portion to generate above 150 MHz fundamental thickness-shear vibration. Using three-dimensional finite element modeling, it is the first time
    dimensions of supporting portion were optimized through improving energy trapping and reducing vibration couplings. Based on optimization results, resonators with different dimensions were fabricated and their Q-factors were measured. The experimental results were very consistent with the optimization results. Improvement of the resonator's performance ensured the validation of our method.



  • Point Spread Function Filtering for Radially Variant Blur Restoration

    Yupeng Zhang, Lev G. Zimin, Jing Ji, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    SENSORS AND MATERIALS   25 ( 7 ) 449 - 469  2013.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this paper, we present a point spread function (PSF) filtering technique for solving the radially variant blur restoration problem. Radially variant blur is generated by a spherical single-element lens imaging systeth (SSLIS) that is embedded in an experimental camera module. The restoration of this category of blur is carried out in a polar coordinate system using polar PSFs at different fields of view (FOVs). However, restoration using large PSFs tends to introduce severe ringing artifacts in the restored image owing to the nonsparse nature of these PSFs. We show in this paper that the PSF filtering technique can effectively minimize ringing artifacts by filtering out some PSF pixels with an intensity lower than the threshold intensity. As a result, a nonsparse PSF becomes a sparse PSF, which is for good restoration results. The effectiveness of the PSF filtering technique was validated by visual comparison using three test images captured by the SSLIS camera module. In addition, a systematic way to determine the optimal filtering coefficient for a PSF at any FOV within the FOV range is also introduced.

  • Contactless Elemental and Size Analytical System for Nanosized Suspended Particulate Matter Using LIBS and LII Techniques

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    4th Imeko TC19 Symposium on Environmental Instrumentation and Measurements Protecting Environment, Climate Changes and Pollution Control, Conference proceedings     47 - 52  2013.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Study of endoscopy for dental treatment

    Yoshii, S., Zhang, Y., Ikezawa, S., Kitamura, C., Nishihara, T., Ueda, T.

    International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems   6 ( 1 ) 1 - 17  2013.02  [Refereed]

  • Basic Research on Elemental and Size Analytical System for Nano-Sized Suspended Particulate Matter Using Contactless Optical Measurement Techniques

    S. Ikezawa, T. Ueda

    International Journal of Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Engineering   3 ( 1 ) 16 - 27  2013.01  [Refereed]

  • Development of a low cost diagnostic system for dental therapy

    Yoshii Shinji, Tatsuji Nishihara, Chiaki Kitamura, Takanobu Nishino, Yupeng Zhang, Hao Chen, Satoshi Ikezawa, Lev Zimin, Toshitsugu Ueda


     View Summary

    In this paper, we propose a low cost diagnostic system for dental therapy. This system is capable of carrying out real time observation inside the narrow root canals of oral cavity with high precision and without blind areas using a single graded-index image fiber (GRIN image fiber). The system uses the GRIN image fiber to irradiate the sample to be observed and return the sample image back to the CMOS image sensor of the microscope through the same image fiber, which is different from conventional system that uses separate fibers for illumination and observation. The results suggest that this device can illuminate and observe sample patterns of up to 10 mu m line and space widths with approximately the same quality as those illuminated by external light source. This precision is sufficient to detect cracks and collaterals of the root canals.

  • Optical Sensitization for Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy using Argon Nanobubbles

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Toshitsugu Ueda


     View Summary

    This paper demonstrates the validity and usefulness of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) measurements enhanced by argon nanobubbles. The use of argon nanobubbles in the LIBS system revealed a higher sensitivity than that of conventional methods for LIBS solution measurements. To make the nanobubbles, argon gas was pumped into water, forming bubbles less than 100 nm in diameter. The solution of dissolved argon bubbles was used for the following measurements: (1) the hydrogen atomic spectrum (lambda = 656 nm) from the water molecules (H2O) in the solution and (2) the nitrogen atomic spectrum (lambda = 399.5 nm) from the air bubbles in the solution. These experimental results demonstrated that the argon nanobubbles have the ability of instantaneous plasma retention during the excitation/relaxation period, which is essential for highly sensitive spectral measurements. The intensity of nitrogen spectra (measurement (2)) obtained from the argon-air nanobubbles in water was much higher than that of the spectra obtained from normal LIBS air measurements.

  • Development of Cesium Detection System using Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Toshitsugu Ueda

    2012 IEEE SENSORS PROCEEDINGS     1037 - 1040  2012.10  [Refereed]

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    This report presents a new cesium sensing method that uses laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). Conventionally, beta rays and germanium semiconductor detectors have been used for Cs-137 analysis. These methods typically require laboratory-scale analytical facilities. On the other hand, LIBS allows for direct elemental composition measurement of samples regardless of their physical state without preprocessing or laboratory facilities. Even if it is nearly impossible to separate isotopic data from the spectrum of an LIBS measurement, measurement of cesium levels is important for investigating the causes of abnormal radiation levels because the abundance of cesium is low under normal conditions. We report on cesium spectra results as measured by LIBS; the measurements were of sufficient resolution to obtain quantitative information for calculating the expected quantity of radioactive cesium from the isotope ratios.

  • Reducing the Failure Risk of Portable Electronic Devices under Field Use Conditions through Triaxial Strain Gage Array Technology

    Hongbin Shi, Cuihua Tian, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    2012 IEEE SENSORS PROCEEDINGS     1372 - 1375  2012.10  [Refereed]

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    Increasing functional density of portable electronic devices has led to the explosive growth in the array-based package (ABP) usage, however, the decreasing I/O pitch of ABPs and the consequent smaller pads and solder joints, along with the introduction of brittle lead-free solder alloy, make the interconnect reliability of portable electronic devices more challenging. In this paper, triaxial strain gage array technology was used for monitoring the strain response of laptops under various field use conditions, including rotating a screen, knocking keys, holding a laptop, and so on. The failure analysis results for the ABP assemblies subjected to the above loadings indicated that there was obvious positive correlation between the extents of solder joint damage and strain level around the corresponding areas. In addition to assessing the interconnect reliability risk during different events, the triaxial strain gage array technology can also be applied to compare the impact of mechanical structure design modifications to the solder joint reliability and determine the optimal design.

  • Detection of Cesium from Pollucite using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of 8th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials (MSM 2012)     pp.198  2012.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Development of semi-quantitative analytical system for metal nanoparticle ink using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

    S. Ikezawa, M. Wakamatsu, T. Ueda

    International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems   5 ( 1 ) 215 - 232  2012.01  [Refereed]

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    This paper describes the semi-quantitative analysis of metal nanoparticle ink using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). LIBS can be used to obtain information about the density and chemical composition of silver particles or copper particles, even ultrafine particles. Metal particles have been attracting much attention because of their increased use in new micro-nano technologies. In this work, LIBS was used as a fine metal particle measurement system for nanometallic materials used in printing. Good spectral peak resolutions were obtained when the Ag spectra were recorded at wavelengths of 328.068 nm and 338.289 nm and Cu spectra at 324.754 nm and 327.396 nm.



  • Quantitative analysis of silver nanoparticle ink using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST     6 - 10  2011.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    This paper describes the quantitative analysis of silver nanoparticle ink using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). LIBS can be used to obtain information about the density and chemical composition of silver particles, even ultrafine particles. Metal particles have been attracting much attention because of their increased use in new micro-nano technologies. In this work, LIBS was used as a fine metal particle measurement system for nanometallic materials used in printing. This paper reports new developments for quantitative analysis of silver nano particles. Good spectral peak resolutions were obtained when the spectra were recorded at wavelengths of 328 nm and 338 nm. © 2011 IEEE.



  • Sensing System for Quantitative Analysis of Metal Particles Using Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Toshitsugu Ueda

    2011 IEEE SENSORS     1596 - 1599  2011.10  [Refereed]

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    This report describes a real-time sensing system for the detection and analysis of fine metal particles using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). In conventional particle measurement methods, the scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) is widely used to obtain particle size distributions. However, when more details on particles are required, another chemical analysis must be performed separately from the one involving the SMPS. Hence, it is difficult to obtain the size and composition of fine particles in real time by conventional methods. By the proposed LIBS method, it is possible to obtain information on the density of fine particles as well as the chemical components of even ultrafine particles. Metal particles are focused on because the use of metal nanoparticles is expanding with emerging micro- and nanotechnologies. This work describes the use of the LIBS system as a fine metal particle monitoring system in a fabrication process using nanometal materials.

  • A Novel Method for Evaluating Triaxial Strain Gages Used in Printed Circuit Board Assemblies (PCBA) Strain Monitoring

    Hongbin Shi, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    2011 IEEE SENSORS     1697 - 1700  2011.10  [Refereed]

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    This paper reports a novel method for evaluating strain gages. In this method, the evaluated gage is attached at a specific location of coupon board, and then deflects 5 known distances by steps by the insertion of shims with different thicknesses. The strain for each bended status is recorded and can be compared against expected variation. If the principle strain values and corresponding angles within the tolerance, the gage passes the test and can be applied in practical strain measurement with increased confidence, otherwise it will be deprived of the qualification to accept. Moreover, this method combines with accredited gages can also be used to find and eliminate many errors due to gage placement, gage attachment, measurement equipment setup, and lead wires. In order to prove the validity of the given method, three types of gages from various suppliers at are evaluated, and the results of test broadly consistent with technical backgrounds of their respective manufacturers.

  • Diesel particulate analysis using SEM-EDX and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

    Ikezawa, S., Wakamatsu, M., Ueda, T.

    International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems   4 ( 2 ) 174 - 188  2011.06  [Refereed]

  • Development of carbonaceous particle size analyzer using laser-induced incandescence technology

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Yury L'vovich Zimin, Joanna Pawlat, Toshitsugu Ueda

    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines   131 ( 5 ) 171 - 177  2011.05  [Refereed]

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    This paper presents a new sensing system for carbonaceous nanoparticle measurement using a laser-induced incandescence (LII) technique. Our research group has improved the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) system used for quantitative analysis. Although the basic principles of LIBS quantitative measurements are well understood, several uncertainties remain concerning complete descriptions-especially for particle size measurement. The elemental composition and density of the particles are determined using LIBS, and particle size measurements are accomplished with the help of LII. In the case of the present system, with temporally resolved LII, measurement of soot primary particle sizes is feasible in a combustion process derived from the ratio of emission signals after a laser pulse because the cooling behaviour is characteristic of the particle size. The LII temporal analysis was performed by a streak camera, which was also used for LIBS analysis. The LII technique allows in situ measurement of the average primary particle size of nanoscale soot particles. © 2011 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.



  • Multi-spectral analytical systems using libs and LII techniques

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Yury L'Vovich Zimin, Joanna Pawlat, Toshitsugu Ueda

    New Developments and Appl. in Sen. Tech., LNEE   83   207 - 232  2011.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    In this paper, we propose an advanced approach to particle analysis, involving laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and laser-induced incandescence (LII) temporal analytical techniques. Various technical properties of fine particles are analyzed via LIBS and LII. LIBS is a useful tool for determining the elemental composition and relative concentration of various materials, whereas LII facilitates the measurement of particle size. Both techniques do not require any pre-processing. The combined use of the LIBS and LII techniques enables highly synergistic fine particle measurement. In the LIBS section, we propose spectrometric analysis via a novel ink-jet technique, and we discuss the effectiveness of Ar as a surrounding gas. In the LII section, we compare the calculated particle size prediction with the experimental results. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.



  • Development of Sensing System for Carbonaceous Particles Using LIBS Combined with LII Temporal Analytical Technique

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Yury Zimin, Toshitsugu Ueda

    2010 IEEE SENSORS     1299 - 1304  2010.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    This report describes a new sensing system for carbonaceous particles detection using combination with two techniques of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and laser-induced incandescence (LII). Our research group has improved LIBS system applied for quantitative analysis. Although the basic principal of the LIBS quantitative measurements were well understood, several uncertainties still remained for complete description especially for the particle size measurement. Elemental composition and density of the particle were determined by using LIBS. Particle size measurement was accomplished with the help of LII. On the presented system, only controlling the power density of the light source allowed to switch from LIBS to LII.

  • Development of a sensing system for carbonaceous particles using laser-induced incandescence technology

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Yury Zimin, Joanna Pawlat, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of the 27th Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines and Applied System     365 - 370  2010.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Basic Research on Diesel Particulate Matter for Establishing Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Analysis Method

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Yury Zimin, Joanna Pawlat, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2010)     513 - 517  2010.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Sensing system for multiple measurements of trace elements using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Joanna Pawłat, Toshitsugu Ueda

    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines   129 ( 4 ) 115 - 119  2009.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    The setup, micro-droplet sampling system combined with a gas-flow system for measurement using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is introduced. This setup was designed for high sensitive quantitative analysis using ink-jet technology and gas-flow assistance. The setup presented here allowed precise detection of a uniform volume of 30-μm micro-droplet location for guiding it into a 53.2-μm beam spot area, under the effects of any ambient gas. In this paper, experimental results with the use of two kind of ambient gasses
    air and argon gas, were compared in order to find proper time-delay values for time-resolving spectroscopy. From time-gated spectroscopy analysis of these experiments, different relaxation time spectral data were obtained. This result indicates that in the case of using argon ambient for assistance, broader range of time-gate setting is required as compared with the case of using air ambient. Sensitive LIBS measurement for trace elements was shown by using the proper gate-setting value. © 2009 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.



  • Control of a micro-droplet for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy solution measurement

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Joanna Pawłat, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Solid State Phenomena   147-149   639 - 644  2009.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    In this paper, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) using micro-droplet NaCl solution and set-up for control of micro-droplets are described. Micro-droplets controlling technique is important for solution quantitative analysis. In this study, micro-droplet ejection system for sampling is designed and presented. This micro-droplet ejection system enable a constant volume of the sample liquid to be obtained and it takes advantage of the liquid physical state
    the density of the solution can be controlled accurately. The method presented here generates small droplets (diameter 30 μm) by confining the entire volume of the sample material in the laser beam spot area (minimum beam spot diameter: 53.2 μm) and separating it from its surroundings. Using this liquid micronizing method, improved sensitivities are obtained. The Advantage of LIBS is a useful method for determining the elemental composition of various materials regardless of their physical state (solid, liquid, or gas) and without any preprocessing
    it is a type of atomic emission spectroscopy (AES). Despite the advantage of qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis is difficult because of sample and plasma fluctuations. Generating constant volume of micro-size sample and proper sample control technique contribute to LIBS quantitative analysis. © (2009) Trans Tech Publications.



  • Sensing System for LIBS Multiple Measurements of Trace Elements

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Joanna Pawlat, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of the 25th Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines and Applied System     307 - 311  2008.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Ultratrace measurement using micro-droplet with gas-flow assistance in laser-induced breakdown Spectroscopy

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Yury Zimin, Joanna Pawłat, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of IEEE Sensors     977 - 980  2008.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    A new setup for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is introduced. This setup was designed for high sensitive quantitative analysis using the ink-jet technology and gas-flow assistance. The setup presented here allowed precise detection of a micro-droplet for guiding it into a laser beam spot area. The micro-droplet ejection system created constant volume of sample liquid and taking advantage of liquid physical state
    density of the solution can be controlled accurately. That means the constant amount of media was maintained in a micro-droplet. This sampling system allowed generating small droplet (diameter 30 μm) confining the whole fixed volume of the sample material in the laser beam spot area (minimum beam spot diameter 53.2 μm), under the effects of any ambient gas. In this paper, the stability with practical use and improvement of detection limit for LIBS measurement is reported. © 2008 IEEE.



  • Control of a Micro-Droplet for Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Solution Measurement

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Joanna Pawlat, Toshitsugu Ueda

    The 4th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials(MSM2008)     210 - 211  2008.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Improvement of a micro-droplet guiding technique for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Joanna Pawłat, Toshitsugu Ueda

    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines   128 ( 7 ) 297 - 301  2008.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    A new and reliable set-up for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) which enabled the precise micro-droplet observation and guiding the solution samples into a laser beam spot area was designed. The method presented here allowed micronizing of the liquid sample confining the whole volume of the sample in the laser beam spot area (minimum beam spot diameter 53.2um, micro-droplet diameter 30-40μm), separating it from its surroundings. As a result, LIBS with the micro-drop ejection system produced greater intensities than the old technique of bulk-liquid measurement based on data from 100 laser pulse shots. Advantages of this method were: strong emissions, no sample splashing, solution density controllability and ho chemical denaturation. This experimental set-up helped to overcome the disadvantage of LIBS with a micro-drop ejection system. © 2008 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.



  • Sensing Technique Using Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Integrated with Micro-droplet Ejection System

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Joanna Pawlat, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Sensors and Transducers Journal   90   284 - 293  2008.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Solution Quantitative Sensing Technology Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Integrated with Micro-Droplet Ejection System

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Joanna Pawlat, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Sensing Technology(ICST)     586 - 589  2007.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Improvement of a Micro-Droplet Guiding Technique for Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Joanna Pawlat, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of The 24th Sensor Symposium, Micromachine and Applied Systems     280 - 283  2007.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Low Concentration Gas Measurement Using Photonic Bandgap Fiber Cell Sensor

    Joanna Pawlat, Tadashi Sugiyama, Xuefeng Li, Takahiro Matsuo, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of The 24th Sensor Symposium, Micromachine and Applied Systems     296 - 299  2007.10  [Refereed]

  • Evaluation of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy quantitative sensing performance using a micro-droplet ejection system

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Joanna Pawlat, Toshitsugu Ueda

    2007 IEEE SENSORS, VOLS 1-3     407 - 410  2007.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    A new and reliable evaluating method for a laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) quantitative measurement using a micro-droplet sample ejection system is introduced. LIBS has been investigated extensively to establish proper chemical analysis of specimens. There is an indefinable boundary which is ablated or not when laser focusing on the sample. Generating micro-droplets from concentration tuned solution, and leading to the correct beam spot area are important for determining the total amount of media in a droplet. The LIBS measures the sodium chloride concentration of a micro-droplet as a quantitative measurement by recording intensity from the sample plasma. As a result, LIBS with the micro-drop ejection system produced greater intensities than the old technique of bulk-liquid measurement based on data from 100 laser pulse shots.

  • Particle Element and Size Simultaneous Measurement Using LIBS

    Muneaki Wakamatsu, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines   127 ( 9 ) 397 - 402  2007.09  [Refereed]

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    We have developed high-sensitivity in-situ measurement technology based on photons with visible to ultraviolet wavelength bands. This measurement technology builds on plasmatizing particles technology and a high-sensitivity measurement technology for measuring photons from the plasma. Thus, we have established a technology for measuring particle sizes and the constituent element content of particles with 10% accuracy.

    DOI CiNii


  • Development of Solution Measurement using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Integrated with Micro-Droplet Ejection System

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Toshitsugu Ueda

    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines   127 ( 7 ) 343 - 346  2007.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) using micro-droplet sodium chloride solution is presented. Since the 1980s, many liquid miniaturizations of analytical technique for LIBS measurements were reported. The method we present allowed micronizing the sample in such a way that whole volume of a sample was confined in the laser beam spot area (minimum beam spot diameter 53.2μm, microdroplet diameter 50-60μm) and was separated from its surrounding condition. If the sample's physical state was liquid, the density of solution could be controlled as needed. In this paper, originally designed ink-jet system for sampling procedure was presented. According to the new method, improved sensitivity for drawing calibration curves with the aim of the LIBS quantitative measurement were obtained.

    DOI CiNii


  • Particle Element and Size Simultaneous Measurement Using LIBS

    Muneaki Wakamatsu, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of The 23rd Sensor Symposium, Micromachine and Applied Systems     356 - 361  2006.10  [Refereed]

  • Absolute Calibration Technique using Micro-Droplet Ejection System for Enhancement of LIBS Quantitative Analysis

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of The 23rd Sensor Symposium, Micromachine and Applied Systems     362 - 365  2006.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Improvement of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Quantitative Measurement using Micro-Droplet Ejection System

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Record of Symposium, Kyushu Chapter, The Japan Society of Applied Physics 2006     134 - 135  2006.10

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Study of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy from micro-droplet of NaCl Solution

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Toshitsugu Ueda

    2006 IEEE SENSORS, VOLS 1-3     291 - 294  2006.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    The laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LEBS) using micro-droplet sodium chloride solution is presented. Micronizing the sample made possible that whole volume of a sample was confined in the laser beam spot area and was separated from its surrounding condition. If the sample's physical state was liquid, the density of solution could be controlled as needed. Originally designed ink-jet system for sampling procedure was presented. According to the new method, improved calibration curves for the LIBS quantitative measurement were obtained.


  • Basic Research of LIBS Calibration Method using NaCl Solution

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of Technical Meeting on Sensors and Micromachines 2006, The Papers of Technical Meeting on Physical Sensor, IEE Japan     9 - 13  2006.05

    Authorship:Lead author

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • Optical and Electro-Optical Engineering Contact

    ( Part: Contributor)


  • Recent Progress of Agricultural and Environmental Sensing in Society 5.0

    ( Part: Joint author)

    2023.06 ISBN: 9784781317380

  • バイオ計測のための材料と微細加工

    バイオ計測のための材料と微細加工編集委員会編( Part: Contributor, 第1章)

    コロナ社  2022.10 ISBN: 9784339072785

     View Summary


  • Smart Water Sensing for Human Life Support

    IKEZAWA, Satoshi( Part: Contributor)

    CMC Publishing Co.,Ltd.  2019.06

  • Sensors for Everyday Life

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Jun Yamamoto, Toshitsugu Ueda( Part: Contributor, pp.21-37, Development of the Atomic Emission Spectroscopy System Using Helium-Microwave-Induced Plasma for Fine Particles on Environmental Monitoring)

    Springer International Publishing AG  2017 ISBN: 9783319473192

  • Fiber Optic Sensors - Current Status and Future Possibilities

    Ignacio Matias(Eds, Satoshi Ikezawa(Eds, Jesus Corres( Part: Joint editor)

    Springer International Publishing AG, ISBN(Hardcover): 978-3-319-42624-2, ISBN(eBook): 978-3-319-42625-9  2016.09

  • Sensing Technology: Current Status and Future Trends III

    S. Ikezawa, T. Ueda( Part: Contributor, pp.93-109, Cesium Environmental Monitoring System for Assaying Temporal Changes in Atomic Disintegration Products Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy)

    Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg,  2014.10 ISBN: 9783319023175

  • Sensing Technology: Current Status and Future Trends I

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda( Part: Contributor, pp.255-268, Effectiveness of Argon Nanobubbles in Realizing Enhanced Optical Sensitization for Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy)

    Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, (December. 2013), ISBN(Hardcover): 978-3-319-02317-5, ISBN(eBook): 978-3-319-02318-2  2013.12

  • Modern Methods of Monitoring Radiological Contamination of Water Reservoirs

    O. Korostynska, A. Mason, S. Ikezawa, A. I. Al-Shamma’a( Part: Joint author)

    Modern Methods of Monitoring Radiological Contamination of Water Reservoirs. In: Mason, A., Mukhopadhyay, S., Jayasundera, K., Bhattacharyya, N. (eds) Sensing Technology: Current Status and Future Trends I. Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation, vol 7. Springer, Cham.  2013.07


  • Advancement in Sensing Technology New Developments and Practical Applications

    S. Ikezawa, M. Wakamatsu, T. Ueda( Part: Contributor, pp.105-120, Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Measurements for Dielectric Materials and Metals)

    Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg  2013 ISBN: 9783642321801

  • New Developments and Applications in Sensing Technology

    S. Ikezawa, M. Wakamatsu, Y. L. Zimin, J. Pawlat, T. Ueda( Part: Contributor, pp.207-232, Multi-spectral Analytical Systems Using LIBS and LII Techniques)

    Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, (January. 2011), ISBN(Hardcover): 978-3-642-17942-6, ISBN(eBook): 978-3-642-17943-3  2011.01

▼display all


  • 金ナノ開口による計算機生成ホログラフィとその動画化

    岩見健太郎, 泉竜太, 山田尚征, 高橋俊介, 池沢聡  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.01

  • Non-contact Signal and Power Transmission System Development - Power Transmission Technology Development -

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • Non contact signal and power transmission technology development -Non contact signal transmission technology development-

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • Contactless Elemental and Size Analytical System for Nanosized Suspended Particulate Matter Using LIBS and LII Techniques

    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • 光周波数変調法を利用したPBGファイバ内マルチモード干渉低減のための一検討

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • Optical Sensitization for Laser-induced Breakdownn Spectroscopy using Argon Nanobubbles

    Presentation date: 2012.12

  • Development of Cesium Detection System using Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    Presentation date: 2012.10

  • Reducing the Failure Risk of Portable Electronic Devices under Field Use Conditions through Triaxial Strain Gage Array Technology

    Presentation date: 2012.10

  • Detection of Cesium from Pollucite using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • Technology and applications using laser-induced electro-avalanche fluorescence and laser induced incandescence technique

    Presentation date: 2012.04

  • Quantitative Analysis of Silver Nanoparticle Ink using Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    Presentation date: 2011.11

  • Sensing System for Quantitative Analysis of MetalParticles Using Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • A Novel Method for Evaluating Triaxial Strain Gages Used in Printed Circuit Board Assemblies (PCBA) Strain Monitoring

    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • アルゴンガス雰囲気におけるレーザー誘起ブレークダウン分光分析

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • Development of Sensing System for Carbonaceous Particles Using LIBS Combined with LII Temporal Analytical Technique

    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • Development of a sensing system for carbonaceous particles using laser-induced incandescence technology

    Presentation date: 2010.10

  • Process Development of Silver Conductor wiring on packages using Inkjet Printer

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • Basic Research on Diesel Particulate Matter for Establishing Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Analysis Method

    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • Sensing System for LIBS Multiple Measurements of Trace Elements

    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • Ultratrace Measurement Using Micro-droplet With Gas-flow Assistance in Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • Control of a Micro-Droplet for Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Solution Measurement

    Presentation date: 2008.07

  • Solution Quantitative Sensing Technology Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Integrated with Micro-Droplet Ejection System

    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • Low Concentration Gas Measurement Using Photonic Bandgap Fiber Cell Sensor

    Presentation date: 2007.10

  • Improvement of a Micro-Droplet Guiding Technique for Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    Presentation date: 2007.10

  • Evaluation of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Quantitative Sensing Performance Using a Micro-Droplet Ejection System

    Presentation date: 2007.10

  • 微小液滴吐出装置組込みによるレーザー誘起ブレークダウン分光計測のための光学系の開発

    Presentation date: 2007.09

  • Improvement of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Quantitative Measurement using Micro-Droplet Ejection System

    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • Absolute Calibration Technique using Micro-Droplet Ejection System for Enhancement of LIBS Quantitative Analysis

    Presentation date: 2006.10

  • Study of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy from micro-droplet of NaCl solution

    Presentation date: 2006.10

  • LIBSを用いたNaCl水溶液濃度の検出-NaCl水溶液によるLIBSの較正法に関する基礎的検討-

    Presentation date: 2006.05

  • LIBSによるNaCl水溶液の測定

    Presentation date: 2006.03

  • LIBSによる食塩濃度の測定

    Presentation date: 2005.09

▼display all

Research Projects

  • メタマテリアルレンズによる超小型反射光学セルと原子時計応用

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    岩見 健太郎, 原 基揚, 池沢 聡

  • Development of meta-surface beam forming optical element for uniform distribution of irradiation light at multiple points

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

  • Research on metasurface-based gas sensing that realizes deterioration predictive diagnosis of electric power infrastructure equipment

    Japan Science and Technology Agency  Adaptable and Seamless Technology transfer Program through targetdriven R&D

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    Continuous predictive monitoring is important for power infrastructure equipment in order to avoid disruptions to the stable supply of power due to sudden failures and stoppages. Meidensha, the company that needs it, is studying a diagnostic method that uses minute amounts of ozone and ammonia gas as predictive precursors, but has not yet achieved the optimum sensor. Therefore, we focused on optical gas detection by metasurface, and by using a surface nanostructure that can selectively detect gas ultraviolet spectroscopic waves, analysis that satisfies the requirements of simultaneous detection of multiple gases, detection gas concentration of 1 ppm or less, small size, and continuous measurement. The results were obtained. This proposal is a research proposal aimed at resolving issues related to microfabrication and demonstrating gas detection capabilities for the realization of gas sensors using metasurfaces.

  • Far infrared color camera with wavelength separation metalens

    Japan Science and Technology Agency  Adaptable and Seamless Technology transfer Program through targetdriven R&D

    Project Year :


  • Development of ultrasmall compound-eye imaging system based on varifocal metalens

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Kentaro Iwami, Satoshi Ikezawa, Yuichi Tanaka

  • 超薄型レーザライン発生メタサーフェス光学素子の開発

    公益財団法人精密測定技術振興財団  精密測定技術振興のための調査・研究事業

    Project Year :


    池沢 聡

  • 長波長赤外線用偏光分離メタレンズの開発

    科学技術振興機構  産学が連携した研究開発成果の展開 研究成果展開事業 研究成果最適展開支援プログラム(A-STEP) トライアウト トライアウトタイプ(標準)

    Project Year :


    岩見 健太郎, 池沢 聡

     View Summary

    波長8-12 μmの長波長赤外線カメラは、車載・発熱検知等の応用が期待されるが、人体検出が困難であることとコストが高いことが問題である。本課題では、研究代表者がもつ超薄型レンズ「メタレンズ」の成果を、遠赤外線領域に展開することで、低コスト化を図る。さらにメタレンズの特徴を生かし、偏光分割イメージング機能を持たせることで、新たな機能性を確立する。これにより、車載用遠赤外カメラの普及と、高速高精度発熱検知等Postコロナ社会における安全・安心の構築に貢献することを目指す。本申請では、メタレンズの試作と企業と協力した性能評価を通じて、従来レンズに対する優位性を明確化し、実用化に向けた端緒を得る。

  • レーザープラズマ制動放射光を光源とする多目的分光分析装置の開発

    早稲田大学  特定課題研究助成

    Project Year :


    池沢 聡

  • LIBSを利用したナノ微粒子のマイクロ微粒子に対する相互作用に関する研究

    早稲田大学  特定課題研究助成

    Project Year :


    池沢 聡

  • レーザー誘起ブレークダウン分光法による浮遊粒子状物質の検出に関する研究

    早稲田大学  特定課題研究助成

    Project Year :


    池沢 聡

  • Collaborative Research UK and Japan, Daiwa Foundation, radiation monitoring in water environments

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  • Study on Minimization of the Top Plate Tilt Angle in Sliding Mechanism using Kirigami Hinges

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Taiki Sugihara, Eiji Iwase

    The Papers of Joint Technical Meeting on "magnetics", "Micromachine and Sensor System" and "Bio Micro Systems", IEE Japan     1 - 3  2024.12

    Authorship:Lead author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Investigation of distortion preventing structure on tilting mechanism with kirigami hinges

    Taiki Sugihara, Satoshi Ikezawa, Eiji Iwase

    The Papers of Joint Technical Meeting on "magnetics", "Micromachine and Sensor System" and "Bio Micro Systems", IEE Japan     5 - 6  2024.12

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Rotary Sliding Movement Mechanism using a Hinge with Out-of-plane Deformation for Parallel Mobile Optical Devices

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Taiki Sugihara, Eiji Iwase

    17th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST2024)     27  2024.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Simultaneous tilting to multiple angles using kirigami hinge

    Taiki Sugihara, Satoshi Ikezawa, Eiji Iwase

    Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology     27P3-PN-82  2024.11

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

     View Summary

    The objective of this study is simultaneous tilting plates to multiple angles by out-of-deformable “kirigami hinge”. The most typical kirigami structure called the “Tanabata structure” deforms to the out-of-plane direction by stretching. Therefore, using the kirigami structure as a hinge (referred to as “kirigami hinge”) to connect plates, many plates can be bent simultaneously. In addition, the tilting angle of the plates depends on the strain of the kirigami hinges, so we developed simultaneous tilting with multiple angles by arranging hinges with different rigidity by changing the width of the cut line in series. To achieve simultaneous tilting plates with multiple angles, we evaluated the relationship between the load F and the tilt angle θ of the plate when the cut line width of the kirigami hinge w is changed. Finally, we achieved simultaneous tilting plates with multiple angles with different rigidity hinges.

  • Study on a Two-layer Sliding Mechanism using Kirigami Hinges

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Taiki Sugihara, Eiji Iwase

    Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology     26P3-PN-71  2024.11

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

     View Summary

    This study investigates the motion mechanism of devices that operate through the interaction of paired elements, specifically by sliding them against one another. A kirigami structure is employed as a hinge (referred to as a “kirigami hinge”) to enable out-of-plane deformation driven by tensile motion. This structure using a kirigami structure approach allows for the design of motion mechanisms applicable to planar optical components, such as variable neutral density (ND) filters and variable polarizers. This study examines a sliding mechanism for a dual-sided panel, utilizing the proposed kirigami hinge, and evaluates its performance in terms of actuation and motion characteristics. The findings contribute to advancing the design of compact, integrated motion mechanisms for optical and other applications.

  • Design of compact surface plasmon resonance sensors using metasurface on input and exit surfaces

    Yosuke Akamatsu, Satoshi Ikezawa, Eiji Iwase

    Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology     26P3-PN-69  2024.11

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

     View Summary

    This paper aims to design a compact surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor using metasurface as the input and output of light. Because SPR sensors require light of total reflection conditions at different angles on the reaction part, a prism and rotation stage are generally used. On the other hand, a metasurface can control the amount of phase delay of transmitted light by the size and arrangement of tiny columnar structures. Therefore, this paper suggests that the SPR sensor satisfies the total reflection condition at perpendicular incidence when placing metasurface with different phase delays as input and output. The proposed configuration allows the measurement of various angles in a single measurement and the light source and photodetector to be installed on a single substrate. Therefore, it can greatly contribute to the omission of optics and make the equipment more compact.

  • Study on the Fabrication Method of Dihedral Corner Reflector Array Using Kiri-Origami Structure

    Keishi Kawahara, Satoshi Ikezawa, Eiji Iwase

    Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology     25P4-PN-67  2024.11

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

     View Summary

    We proposed a fabrication method using a Kiri-origami structure for a Dihedral Corner Reflector Array (DCRA), a floating image projection device. A Kiri-origami structure is a Kirigami structure with folding lines. We folded the Kiri-origami structure by stretching and compressing it to fabricate an orthogonal mirror array structure. We clarified that the aspect ratio of the mirrors is important for the proposed fabrication method, and we found that an aspect ratio of up to 1.75 is desirable for the fabrication. We have successfully fabricated mirror arrays using the proposed fabrication method based on these results.

  • Development of Vapor Cells Based on Tri-functional Metasurface for Microfabricated Atomic Clock

    Ryosei Ito, Ponrapee Prutphong, Katsuma Aoki, Satoshi Ikezawa, Motoaki Hara, Kentaro Iwami

    The 14th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META2024)     187  2024.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • High Diffraction Efficiency Top-hat Beam Shaper Metasurface for Fluorescence Observation

    Tomoki Shimatani, Li Jie, Ryota Yamada, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    The 14th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META2024)     77  2024.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Fabrication of DCRA using Kiri-origami Structure

    Keishi Kawahara, Nagi Nakamura, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kazuya Saito, Eiji Iwase

    8th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education (8OSME) 14     30 - 30  2024.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • 窒化シリコンメタサーフェスによる高効率フルカラーホログラム

    山口 眞和, 池沢 聡, 岩見 健太郎

    日本光学会メタオプティクス研究グループ第1回研究会     8(1page)  2024.05

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

     View Summary

    本研究では、窒化シリコン(SiN)を用いた偏光非依存型フルカラーメタサーフェスホログラムにおいて、93%の高い透過率と73%の回折効率を達成した。また、これらを掛け合わせた光利用効率は68%であり、偏光依存型の先行研究よりも高い値であった。これらの成果は可視光域で高い透過率を持つSiNを、最適な条件下で加工することによって得られた。投影像はターゲット像とよく一致しており、投影した動画の再生速度は55.9 fpsと十分な速度であった。

  • Highly Efficient Multifunctional Metasurfaces Designed for Microfabricated Atomic Clocks' Vapor Cell

    Ponrapee Prutphongs, Ryosei Ito, Katsuma Aoki, Satoshi Ikezawa, Motoaki Hara, Kentaro Iwami

      7(1page)  2024.05

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 深紫外プラズモン共鳴を用いたオゾン・アンモニア用ガスセンサ

    松田 涼, 関口 真由, 小川 裕治, 松下 兼一郎, 池沢 聡, 岩見 健太郎

    日本光学会メタオプティクス研究グループ第1回研究会     7(1page)  2024.05

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

     View Summary

    高電圧回転機内部での硝酸による金属部品の腐食が問題となっており、これを未然に防ぐため酸の前駆物質であるオゾン・アンモニアガスの初期検出が必要である。光学式ガスセンサは連続測定が可能であり、メタサーフェスを用いることで高感度化が期待される。我々はこれまでセンサ素子の設計及び製作を行ったが、プラズモン共鳴を誘起する構造の製作には至らなかった。本研究では電子線描画装置における露光条件の最適化を行い、長方形のパターンの描画が可能となった。加えて光学系を用いた素子の性能評価を行うことで、オゾンの吸収波長帯である240 nm付近でプラズモン共鳴の取得に成功した。

  • AlvarezMetalens with Polarization Separation Function

    Mitsutoshi Hada, Hyo Adegawa, Katsuma Aoki, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Optics & Photonics International Congress 2024 (OPIC)     [ALPS30-04]  2024.04

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

     View Summary

    We developed a varifocal metalens with polarization separation function of up to 17.8 dB and confirmed that its focal length can be varied in the range of 0.75 to 11.85 mm.

  • Development of Metalenses using Silicon-on-Sapphire Substrates for Laser-plasma Generation

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami, Eiji Iwase

    International Meeting on Sensors and Microsystems for Sustainable Development Goals 2024 (IMSM-SDGs 2024)     25 - 30  2024.03

    Authorship:Lead author

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Development of metalens for figh-power lasers for LIBS

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami, Eiji Iwase

    Joint Technical Meeting on "Magnetics", "Micromachine and Sensor System" and "Bio Micro Systems", IEE Japan     57 - 62  2023.12

    Authorship:Lead author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 国際会議報告:17th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials'2023)

    Satoshi Ikezawa

    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines   143 ( 12 ) NL12_1 - NL12_2  2023.12

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

    Meeting report  


  • Development of Laser-Induced Plasma Generation Metalens

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami, Eiji Iwase

    Optics & Photonics Japan 2023     28pE1  2023.11

    Authorship:Lead author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Reflective Optical Cell with Integrated Metasurfaces for Chip Scale Atomic Clock

    Ryosei Ito, Ponrapee Prutphongs, Katuma Aoki, Satoshi Ikezawa, Motoaki Hara, Kentaro Iwami

    Optics & Photonics Japan 2023     28pBS9  2023.11

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Development of Varifocal Metalens with Polarization Separation Function

    Mitsutoshi Hada, Katsuma Aoki, Hyo Adegawa, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Optics & Photonics Japan 2023     28pBS8  2023.11

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • High Diffraction Efficiency Top-hat Beam Shaper Metasurface

    Tomoki Shimatani, Li Jie, Ryota Yamada, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Optics & Photonics Japan 2023     28pBS7  2023.11

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • The Optical Gas Sensor Using Deep Ultraviolet Plasmon Resonance

    Ryo Matsuda, Mayu Sekiguchi, Kentaro Iwami, Kenichiro Matsushita, Yuji Ogawa, Satoshi Ikezawa

      7P2-PS-37   (4 pages)  2023.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Improvement of transmittance and diffraction efficiency of metasurface holograms made of silicon nitride

    Masakazu Yamaguchi, Hiroki Saito, Kentaro Iwami, Satoshi Ikezawa

      6P5-PS-12   (6 pages)  2023.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Projection of 3D color metasurface holograms by time-division method

    Junpei Beppu, Masakazu Yamaguchi, Tamaki, Onozawa, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

      8P2-PN-54   (2 pages)  2023.11

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Design, Fabrication and Evaluation of the Metasurface Optical Gas Sensor Using Deep Ultraviolet Plasmon Resonance

    Mayu Sekiguchi, Ryo Matsuda, Yuji Ogawa, Kenichiro Matsushita, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

        19a-A602-1~7  2023.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Animation of dielectric metasurface 3D hologram

    Tamaki Onozawa, Junpei Beppu, Tomokazu Yamaguchi, Shunsuke Takahashi, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

        19a-A602-5  2023.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Metasurface Optical Elements for Multi-point Distribution of Irradiated Light

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Mayu Fujita, Kentaro Iwami

        MSS-23-032  2023.07

    Authorship:Lead author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Improvement of transmittance and diffraction efficiency of holograms using silicon nitride metasurface

    Masakazu Yamaguchi, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    THE 7TH A3 METAMATERIALS FORUM 2023     P8  2023.06

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Gaussian-to-tophat beam-shaping metasurface for visible light using silicon nitride

    Ryota Yamada, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    THE 7TH A3 METAMATERIALS FORUM 2023     P1  2023.06

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Design and Fabrication of the Metasurface Optical Gas Sensor Using Deep Ultraviolet Plasmon Resonance

    Ryo Matsuda, Ryo Watanabe, Yuji Ogawa, Kenichiro Matsushita, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

        21 - 24  2023.03

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • A Deflector and QWP Combined Metasurface for Chip-Scale Atomic Clock

    Ponrapee Prutphongs, Katsuma Aoki, Satoshi Ikezawa, Motoaki Hara, Kentaro Iwami

    2023年第70回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集   17p-A305-2   03-422  2023.03

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Top-hat Beam Shaper Metasurface

    Tomoki Shimatani, Ryota Yamada, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

      17p-A305   03-426  2023.03

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Development of multi point focusing metalens for near infrared laser measurement

    Mayu Fujita, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

        G06  2023.01

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 偏光分離機能を有するAlvarezメタレンズの開発

    羽田 充利, 阿出川 彪, 青木 活真, 池沢 聡, 岩見 健太郎

    日本光学会ナノオプティクス研究グループ第29回研究討論会講演予稿集     G04  2023.01

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Beam-shaping metasurface optical elements for sensing in life science applications

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Ryota Yamada, Kentaro Iwami

    The Papers of Joint Technical Meeting on "Magnetics", "Micromachine and Sensor System" and "Bio Micro Systems", IEE Japan     79 - 84  2022.12

    Authorship:Lead author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

     View Summary

    In biological tissue observation using light, optical coherence tomography (OCT), optical imaging such as endoscopy, laser line generation for scanning 3D shapes, fluorescence labelling identification for deep observation of biological specimens, and spectroscopic measurement are used, as well as intensity distribution control of irradiated light and structured illumination. Various optical elements are utilised in the technology. For lenses, metasurface special lenses that are flat and integrate optical functions are effective to meet the requirement for miniaturisation of probes for observation of narrow areas and uniform irradiation of light sources. This paper describes a linear focusing metasurface lens that can introduce light into a monochromator slit, and clarifies the differences in characteristics and issues with conventional refractive lenses and diffractive lenses.

  • High Transmittance Multicolor Metasurface Holograms Made of Silicon Nitride

    Masakazu Yamaguchi, Hiroki Saito, Naoyuki Yamada, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    The 15th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2022)     CMP16A-02  2022.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Arrayed Alvarez Metalenses for Compound-eye Imaging

    Katsuma Aoki, Hyo Adegawa, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    The 13th Asia Pacific Conference on Near-Field Optics (APNFO13)     OL30-B6  2022.07

  • Improvement of Focusing Performance in a Rotating Varifocal Moire Metalens at Visible Wavelengths

    Sotaro Nakamura, Chikara Ogawa, Takumi Aso, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    The 13th Asia Pacific Conference on Near-Field Optics (APNFO13)     OL30-B3  2022.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Development of an axicon metalens for the visible wavelength

    Kosuke Takaki, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    The 13th Asia Pacific Conference on Near-Field Optics (APNFO13)     O29-B9  2022.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Fabrication and evaluation of MEMS rotational stage for varifocal metalens

    Yuma Nomura, Chikara Ogawa, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Joint Technical Meeting on "Micromachine and Sensor System", "Chemical Sensor" and "Bio Micro Systems", IEE Japan     39 - 42  2022.06

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Establishing a method for alignment of moire metalens and control of the distance between lenses

    Takumi Aso, Sotaro Nakamura, Chikara Ogawa, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Technical Meeting on Sensors and Micromachines 2022, IEE Japan     7 - 12  2022.06

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Arrangement of Alvarez Metalens for Compound-eye Varifocal Imaging

    Katsuma Aoki, Hyo Adegawa, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

      24a-E303-7   03-220  2022.02

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Small special lenses for optical sensors applied in life science

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    The Papers of Joint Technical Meeting on "Magnetics", "Micromachine and Sensor System" and "Bio Micro Systems", IEE Japan     73 - 76  2021.12

    Authorship:Lead author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 単結晶シリコンを用いた可視光用偏光無依存ラインジェネレータメタレンズ

    山田 遼太, 髙木 鴻佑, 池沢 聡, 岩見 健太郎

    日本光学会ナノオプティクス研究グループ第28回研究討論会講演予稿集     G03  2021.12

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 紫外プラズモン共鳴を用いた光学式高感度ガスセンサ

    本同 直人, 渡邉 凌, 池沢 聡, 岩見 健太郎

    日本光学会ナノオプティクス研究グループ第28回研究討論会講演予稿集     G04  2021.12

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 窒化シリコンを用いた高透過率カラーメタサーフェスホログラムの製作

    山口 眞和, 齋藤 洋輝, 山田 尚征, 池沢 聡, 岩見 健太郎

    日本光学会ナノオプティクス研究グループ第28回研究討論会講演予稿集     G02  2021.12

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Linear-Polarization Separating Silicon Metalens at Long-Wavelength Infrared

    Noe Ishizuka, Jie Li, Wataru Fuji, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Optics & Photonics Japan(OPJ)     29aE10  2021.10

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Focusing properties of a rotational varifocal moiré metalens at visible wavelengths

    Chikara Ogawa, Sotaro Nakamura, Takumi Aso, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Optics & Photonics Japan(OPJ)     29aE9  2021.10

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 金属材料の引張試験

    池沢 聡

    機械システム工学実験【2021年度版】実験テキスト     1 - 10  2021.03

    Lecture material (seminar, tutorial, course, lecture, etc.)  

  • Alvarez metalenses for compound eye varifocal imaging

    Kota Kudo, Chikara Ogawa, Kosuke Takaki, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    The 68th JSAP Spring Meeting 2021 Extended Abstracts     03-475  2021.03

  • 誘電体メタ原子を用いた超薄型アキシコンメタレンズの開発

    髙木 鴻佑, 小川 主税, 池沢 聡, 岩見 健太郎

    日本光学会ナノオプティクス研究グループ第27回研究討論会講演予稿集     G06  2021.01

  • 誘電体メタサーフェスを用いた3Dホログラム

    髙橋 俊介, 阿出川 彪, 山田 尚征, 泉 竜太, 池沢 聡, 岩見 健太郎

    日本光学会ナノオプティクス研究グループ第27回研究討論会講演予稿集     G04  2021.01

  • Microspectroscopic measurement of transmittance and phase delay of dielectric Si nanopillars

    Tomoyasu Nagase, Hyo Adegawa, Naoyuki Yamada, Chikara Ogawa, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Extended Abstracts of Optics & Photonics Japan 2020     16aO13  2020.11

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Dielectric metasurface hologram made of silicon nanopillars in the visible region

    Naoyuki Yamada, Ryota Izumi, Tomoyasu Nagase, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Extended Abstracts of Optics & Photonics Japan 2020     16aO14  2020.11

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Development of Image Obtaining System by Root Canal Endoscope Connecting to Dental Operating Microscope

    FUJIMOTO Masataka, YOSHII Shinji, OKUDA Masahiro, IKEZAWA Satoshi, UEDA Toshitsugu, NISHINO Takanobu, NAGAYOSHI Masato, KITAMURA Chiaki

    Abstract of the 153rd Meeting of the Japanese Society of Conservative Dentistry     58  2020.11

  • Rotational varifocal moiré metalens at visible wavelengths

    Chikara Ogawa, Tomoyasu Nagase, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Extended Abstracts of Optics & Photonics Japan 2020     17pC3  2020.11

  • Iterative optimization for angular spectrum method towards three-dimensional projection from metasurface hologram

    Ryota Izumi, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    Extended Abstracts of Optics & Photonics Japan 2020     17pC2  2020.11

  • Rotational Varifocal Moire Metalens based on Dielectric Silicon Pillar Meta-atom

    Kentaro Iwami, Chikara Ogawa, Tomoyasu Nagase, Satoshi Ikezawa

        9p-Z16-14  2020.09

    Authorship:Last author

  • 研究室だより:東京農工大学大学院工学府 機械システム工学専攻 岩見研究室

    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines   140 ( 9 ) NL9_2 - NL9_2  2020.09

    Authorship:Lead author


  • 金属材料の引張試験

    池沢 聡

    機械システム工学実験【2020年度版】実験テキスト     1 - 11  2020.04

    Lecture material (seminar, tutorial, course, lecture, etc.)  

  • Microspectroscopic measurement of transmittance and phase delay of dielectric Si nanopillars

    Tomoyasu Nagase, Chikara Ogawa, Naoyuki Yamada, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    The 67th JSAP Spring Meeting 2020 Extended Abstracts     14a-PB1-11  2020.03

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Rotational varifocal moiré metalens made of single crystalline silicon

    Chikara Ogawa, Tomoyasu Nagase, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    The 67th JSAP Spring Meeting 2020 Extended Abstracts     14a-PB1-10  2020.03

  • Metasurface Holographic Movie: A Cinematographic Approach

    Ryota Izumi, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    OPJ 2019 Extended Abstracts     5aC3  2019.12

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Experimental demonstration of rotational varifocal moiré metalens

    Kentaro Iwami, Chikara Ogawa, Tomoyasu Nagase, Satoshi Ikezawa

    arXiv.org    2019.12

    Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.  

     View Summary

    This paper reports experimental demonstration of moiré metalens with a wide focal length tunability from negative to positive through mutual angle rotation at a wavelength of 900 nm. The moiré metalens was developed using high-index contrast transmit array meta-atoms composed of amorphous silicon octagonal pillars designed to have polarization insensitivity and full 2π phase coverage. The designed moiré metalens was fabricated on a glass substrate using simple a-Si sputter deposition, electron beam lithography through character projection, metal mask lift-off, and reactive-ion silicon etching. The moiré metalens has focal length tunability ranges from −∞ to −1.73 mm and from 1.73 mm to∞ corresponding to an optical power in the range -578 − 578 m−1 at the mutual rotation between ±90∘. Our results reveal a proof of concept for the focal length tuning with mutual rotation of lens components based on moiré lens configuration at optical frequencies.

  • 回転型可変焦点メタレンズ

    小川 主税, 山田 尚征, 長瀬 智保, 池沢 聡, 岩見 健太郎

    ナノオプティクス研究グループ第26回研究討論会講演予稿集     P06  2019.12

  • 顕微分光装置によるシリコン柱状誘電体メタ原子の透過率・位相遅延量の測定

    長瀬 智保, 山田 尚征, 小川 主税, 池沢 聡, 岩見 健太郎

    ナノオプティクス研究グループ第26回研究討論会講演予稿集     P05  2019.12

  • Dielectric metasurface hologram made of silicon nanopillar in the visible region

    Naoyuki Yamada, Ryota Izumi, Satoshi Ikezawa, Kentaro Iwami

    OPJ 2019 Extended Abstracts     5aC4  2019.11

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 高解像度イメージファイバと内部照明光伝播機構を備えた歯科用内視鏡プローブの試作

    藤元 政孝, 吉居 慎二, 奥田 正浩, 池沢 聡, 植田 敏嗣, 西野 宇信, 永吉 雅人, 北村 知昭

    特定非営利活動法人日本歯科保存学会学術大会プログラムおよび講演抄録集   150回   154 - 154  2019.05

  • 生活分野における水センシング

    南保英孝, 池沢 聡, 石垣 陽, 大薮多可志

    ケミカルセンサ バイオ・マイクロシステム 合同研究会     CHS-18-026 BMS-18-054  2018.11

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Tooth Caries Detection using Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    Satoshi IKEZAWA, Toshitsugu UEDA

    2018 International Workshop on MEMS for Lifescience, Healthcare and Medicine     12 - 13  2018.07

  • Visibility improvements of dental endoscopic image by noise removing with Robust Principle Component Analysis and contrast enhancement

    FUJIMOTO Masataka, YOSHII Shinji, OKUDA Masahiro, IKEZAWA Satoshi, UEDA Toshitsugu, NISHINO Takanobu, KITAMURA Chiaki

    Program and Abstracts, The 148th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Conservative Dentistry     75  2018.06  [Refereed]

  • Dedicated to Professor Toshitsugu Ueda for His Achievements in Sensing Technologies Preface

    Ikezawa, Satoshi

    Sensors and Materials   30 ( 5 )  2018.05

    Authorship:Lead author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 北九州市における医歯工連携の取り組みについて

    藤元 政考, 奥田 正浩, 吉居 慎二, 池沢 聡, 植田 敏嗣, 青木 隆敏, 永原 正章, 北村 知昭

    電子情報通信学会招待講演   A1-3-2  2018.03

  • Present state and future prospects of taste sensing

    Yusuke Tahara, Satoshi Ikezawa

      CHS-17-035(BMS-17-062)  2017.11

  • Development of microstructure observation system with the combination of root canal endoscopy and commercially available intraoral camera

    FUJIMOTO Masataka, YOSHII Shinji, OKUDA Masahiro, IKEZAWA Satoshi, UEDA Toshitsugu, KITAMURA Chiaki

      147   188  2017.10

  • 根管観察用内視鏡の設計と製作

    藤元 政孝, 吉居 慎二, 池沢 聡, 植田 敏嗣, 北村 知昭

    特定非営利活動法人日本歯科保存学会学術大会プログラムおよび講演抄録集   144回   51 - 51  2016.06

  • 根幹観察用内視鏡の設計と製作

    藤元 政孝, 吉居 慎二, 池沢 聡, 植田 敏嗣, 北村 知昭

    日本歯科保存学会2016年度春季学術大会(第144回)   B-15-1550  2016.06

  • 歯内・歯周病変の高精度診断用イメージファイバ観察システム

    藤元 政孝, 吉居 慎二, 池沢 聡, 植田 敏嗣, 北村 知昭

    九州歯科学会雑誌   70 ( 補冊 ) 21 - 21  2016.04

  • 水晶振動子式水素センサを使用した白金黒触媒の最適化

    楊 凱麟, 大井川 寛, 池沢 聡, 植田 敏嗣

    平成28年電気学会全国大会   第3分冊   p.142  2016.03

  • 水素センサの応答時間測定システムの開発

    安部 光政, 大井川 寛, 池沢 聡, 植田 敏嗣

    平成28年電気学会全国大会   第3分冊   p.141  2016.03

  • Improvement of the Fiber Illuminator on the Dental Root Canal Observation System for Better Image Quality

    Fan Zhou, Yiding Han, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda, Masataka Fujimoto, Shinji Yoshii, Chiaki Kitamura

    9th International collaboration Symposium on Information, Production and Systems (ISIPS 2015)     10 - 12  2015.11

  • Development of Photonic Bandgap Fiber NIR Measurement System using Tunable Laser Diode

    Chen Yang, Li Xuefeng, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Record of 2015 Joint Conference of Electrical, Elecronics and Information Engineers in Kyushu     06-2P-04  2015.09

  • GRINレンズを用いた歯科根管内観察システムの光学系開発

    韓 一丁, 藤元 政孝, Lev G. Zimin, 池沢 聡, 植田 敏嗣

    平成27年度(第68回)電気・情関係学会九州支部連合大会     06-2P-05  2015.09

  • 歯科用内視鏡による根管観察方の検討及び取得画像の三次元化

    藤元 政孝, 吉居 慎二, 池沢 聡, 植田 敏嗣, 北村 知昭

    日本歯科保存学会2015年度春季学術大会(第142回)講演抄録集    2015.06

  • Development of Major Construction Diagnosis System using No-contact Power and Signal Transmitting System

    Xiaoshan Feng, Koichi Harima, Toru Tsuno, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of the 2015 annual meeting record I.E.E.Japan   3  2015.03

  • Elimination of Resonance in Non-contact Power and Signal Transmission System Using Litz Wire

    Yingchen Wang, Tooru Tsuno, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of the 2015 annual meeting record I.E.E.Japan   3  2015.03

  • 大気中粒子状物質のHe-MIPによる発光分光分析

    山本 潤, 池沢 聡, 植田 敏嗣

    平成27年電気学会全国大会   第3分冊   p.104  2015.03

  • 歯・歯周組織の微細構造を見るマイクロ・イメージファイバーシステム. 特別企画 歯の保存におけるNext Step -研究から臨床へ-

    吉居慎二, 植田敏嗣, 池沢聡, 北村知昭

    歯界展望   128 ( 4 ) 643 - 649  2015  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • Evaluation of Capacitance Edge Effect on the Comb Electrodes of the Quartz MEMS Tilt Sensor

    Liu Zhou, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Record of 2014 Joint Conference of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineers in Kyushu   2014   28 - 28  2014.09

    DOI CiNii

  • Registration and Fusion Methods for Low Resolution Dental Root Image

    Wei Feng, Masataka Fujimoto, Yupeng Zhang, Shinji Yoshii, Satoshi Ikezawa, Chiaki Kitamura, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Record of 2014 Joint Conference of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineers in Kyushu   2014   26 - 27  2014.09

    DOI CiNii

  • 3D Single Concave Vertex Anisotropic Etching Simulation for AT-cut Quartz Wafer

    Yu Zhang, Hiroshi Oigawa, Meng Zhao, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of the 2014 annual meeting record I.E.E.Japan   3   194  2014.03

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • Thermal Analysis for Improvement of Sensitivity of the Quartz Hydrogen Sensor by Finite Element Method

    Jingjie Li, Yongqi Wang, Hiroshi Oigawa, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of the 2014 annual meeting record I.E.E.Japan   3   195  2014.03

  • 水晶振動子型水素センサの感度・応答性のための熱解析を基にした設計

    王 永淇, 大井川 寛, 池沢 聡, 植田 敏嗣

    平成26年電気学会全国大会   第3分冊   193  2014.03

  • Non-contact Signal and Power Transmission System Development - Power Transmission Technology Development -

    Can Cui, Hao Chen, Jiejun Luo, Tooru Tsuno, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Record of 2013 Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu     187  2013.09

  • Non contact signal and power transmission technology development -Non contact signal transmission technology development-

    Hao Chen, Can Cui, Jiejun Luo, Tooru Tsuno, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Record of 2013 Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu     188  2013.09

  • 光周波数変調法を利用したPBGファイバ内マルチモード干渉低減のための一検討

    付 浩波, 池沢 聡, 植田 敏嗣

    平成25年電気学会全国大会   第3分冊  2013.03

  • コンベックス型と擬似コンベックス型水晶振動子における振動特性の比較

    巴山 佳祐, 阪野 祐也, 大井川 寛, 池沢 聡, 植田 敏嗣

    平成25年電気学会全国大会   第3分冊  2013.03


    Keisuke Hayama, Hiroshi. Oigawa, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    7th IPS International Collaboration Symposium     PS-606  2013


    Yupeng Zhang, Meng Zhao, Hiroshi Oigawa, Jing Ji, Satoshi Ikezawa, Tositsugu Ueda

    7th IPS International Collaboration Symposium     p.PS-605  2013

  • 異なる温度におけるATカット水晶振動子の有限要素法による寸法最適化

    宇 航, 紀 静, 大井川 寛, 池沢 聡, 植田 敏嗣

    平成24年第65回電気関係学会九州支部連合大会論文集     43  2012.09

  • 遮光マスクを用いた歯科治療用根管内観察システムの内部反射光の低減

    陳 号, 吉居 慎二, Lev, G. Zimin, 張 宇鵬, 池沢 聡, 植田 敏嗣

    平成24年第65回電気関係学会九州支部連合大会論文集     45  2012.09

  • Technology and applications using laser-induced electro-avalanche fluorescence and laser induced incandescence technique

    Satoshi Ikezawa, Muneaki Wakamatsu, Toshitsugu Ueda

    Proceedings of China-Japan Joint Symposium on Sensing Technology     pp.14  2012  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Shape Optimization for Quasi-convex Quartz Resonators

    Hiroshi Oigawa, Yuya Sakano, Keisuke Hayama, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    6th IPS International Collaboration Symposium     p. PS-39  2012

  • Reliability and Failure Analysis of a Quartz Resonator Hydrogen Sensor Under Thermal Mechanical Loads

    Rui Zhang, Hiroshi Oigawa, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    6th IPS International Collaboration Symposium     p. PS-38  2012

  • アルゴンガス雰囲気におけるレーザー誘起ブレークダウン分光分析

    池沢 聡, 若松 宗明, 植田 敏嗣

    レーザー学会第148回研究会報告,レーザー応用     23 - 28  2011.09

    Authorship:Lead author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Process Development of Silver Conductor wiring on packages using Inkjet Printer

    Sirikamon Sirisopanaporn, Satoshi Ikezawa, Toshitsugu Ueda

    The 63rd Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu     (06-2P-02)  2010.09

  • 微小液滴吐出装置組込みによるレーザー誘起ブレークダウン分光計測のための光学系の開発

    池沢 聡, 若松 宗明, パヴワット ヨアンナ, 植田 敏嗣

    第60回 電気関係学会九州支部連合大会講演論文集     5  2007.09

    Authorship:Lead author

  • LIBSによるNaCl水溶液の測定

    池沢 聡, 若松 宗明, 植田 敏嗣

    平成18年電気学会全国大会    2006.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • LIBSによる食塩濃度の測定

    池沢 聡, 若松 宗明, 植田 敏嗣

    平成17年度電気関係学会九州支部連合大会     239  2005.09

    Authorship:Lead author

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Industrial Property Rights

  • 六角筒連続体の製造方法

    岩瀬 英治, 池沢 聡, 河原 慶嗣


  • メタレンズ、その製造⽅法および照明装置

    岩見 健太郎, 池沢 聡


  • メタサーフェス構造及びガスセンサ

    岩見健太郎, 池沢聡, 渡邊凌, 小川裕治, 大石和城



Teaching Experience

  • Micro-mechanical Engineering

    Waseda University  


  • Intelligent information processing for automobiles

    Kyushu Institute of Technology  


  • Mechanical Systems Engineering Practice II

    Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology  


  • Mechanical Systems Engineering Practice I

    Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology  


  • インテリジェントカー統合システム, 先端センサ技術・自動車運転概論



  • Introduction to production systems

    Waseda University  


  • Physics and information technologies

    Waseda University  


  • Nano-micro mechatronics

    Waseda University  


  • Sensing technology analysis special lecture

    Waseda University  


  • Laser Technologies

    Waseda University  


  • Laser measurements

    Waseda University  


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Social Activities

  • 第39回レーザ安全スクール S1コース『レーザ工学の基礎』 講義名「光の基礎」



  • 第37回レーザ安全スクール S1コース『レーザ工学の基礎』 講義名「光の基礎」



  • 第36回レーザ安全スクール S1コース『レーザ工学の基礎』 講義名「光の基礎」



  • 第35回レーザ安全スクール S1コース『レーザ工学の基礎』 講義名「光の基礎」



  • 第34回レーザ安全スクール S1コース『レーザ工学の基礎』 講義名「光の基礎」



  • 26th regular meeting of Nano/Micro Lithography Consortium for Organic Functional Materials


  • 第129回産学交流サロン 「ひびきのサロン」・ひびきの半導体アカデミー合同企画最先端の光ソリューションで研究開発とビジネスの可能性を探る –バイオ研究・環境計測分野等へのレーザー用光学機器・光学システムの応用-「微粒子(PM2.5等)計測など、レーザーが実現する光ソリューションの最前線



  • 北九州国際技術協力協会 (KITA, JICA九州)主催 省エネルギー技術と設備診断コース 燃料電池実験指導

    KITA, JICA九州 


  • 北九州国際技術協力協会 (KITA, JICA九州)主催 太陽光発電エネルギー技術(B) 燃料電池実験指導

    KITA, JICA九州 


  • 佐賀県唐津市主催 みんなの科学広場in唐津


  • 北九州国際技術協力協会 (KITA, JICA九州)主催 省エネルギー技術と設備診断コース 燃料電池実験指導

    KITA, JICA九州 


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Internal Special Research Projects

  • レーザープラズマ制動放射光を光源とする多目的分光分析装置の開発


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    本研究ではQスイッチパルスで出力されたレーザー光を集光させることで得られる、レーザープラズマをマイクロレベルの点光源として活用することを狙いとしている。そこで、2013年度はこの点光源を任意の空間上に生成するために必要な、ガルバノミラースキャナシステムを開発した。このレーザースキャニングシステムは単に任意の空間上にプラズマを生成するだけでなく、プラズマ生成時に数十マイクロ秒の間に得られる制動放射光を、レーザー出力と同じ光路を逆にたどり、主に分光に使用する波長帯だけを反射するミラー(コールドミラー)により分光器へ導く光学系となっていることが、独自技術の最大の特徴となっている。従って、一度に多点を同時に分光分析するための活用が可能である。開発には予算額内で実現するために、ほとんど一からの手作りとなり、組み立てが完成し、初期試験が可能となったのは2013年12月である。その後、各光学材料に対する分光計測の実測データを取得し、光学材料の追加購入を行い、ミラー駆動用モーター制御の工夫や、高出力レーザーに耐性を持つミラーの取り付け方の検討、ミラーの切断、レンズ位置の検討、制度確保のための光学系配置の試行錯誤などを行い、2014年3月にスキャニングシステムが完成した。動作試験では、スキャン動作速度を確認し、10k points per sec、20k points per sec、30k points per secのいずれも描画可能であることを確認した。また、本研究では、システム完成後の活用法の一例として、土壌成分の多点計測を念頭に置き、「海砂中におけるセシウム及びバリウム(セシウム137の壊変原子)のレーザー誘起ブレークダウン分光(LIBS)分析をシステム開発と平行して分光スペクトルを取得した。これは、LIBSシステムが非接触でリアルタイムに遠隔計測できる装置であることから、特に危険区域における過酷環境下での実地計測を想定したことによる。LIBSシステムにレーザースキャニングシステムを組み合わせることにより、任意空間上の多点における汚染物質のモニタリングが可能となる。本研究の成果物として、2013年12月に開催された国際学会(International Conference on Sensing Technology)におけるプロシーディングスに掲載され(課題番号記入済)、また2014年度中に出版される学術書(Springer)においてブックチャプターとして参加(課題番号記入済)している。今後はこのシステムをベースとし、さらに改良を進め、小型分光器の組み込みなど、様々なシステムの多目的発展を目指したい。

  • LIBSを利用したナノ微粒子のマイクロ微粒子に対する相互作用に関する研究


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     本研究では、レーザー誘起ブレークダウン分光法(LIBS)を用いた微粒子計測に関する基礎研究として、ナノサイズの金属微粒子に対する組成分析と、定量評価、及びアルゴン雰囲気ガスの影響に関して時間プロファイルを詳しく分析し、評価を行った。近年、ナノ金属微粒子を用いた研究が活発に行われている。例えば金属ナノペーストをインクとして使用し、柔軟なフィルム上にプリント配線が可能である他、銀ナノ粒子の粒径の違いによる発色の違いを利用した二次元カラーバーコードの作製等、利用用途は拡大している。しかしながら、ナノサイズの微粒子に対して、健康への影響評価や、環境調査などはまだ十分に行われていないのが現状である。これは、ナノ微粒子に対する測定には高度な技術を要するからである。そこで本研究ではLIBSシステムを用いて、微粒子のリアルタイムモニタリングが行えるか否かに関する評価を行った。本研究における計測では、まず金属ナノ微粒子を集光レーザーに命中させるためのサンプリングシステムを新たに開発した。これまでの研究では、微小液滴をインクジェットシステムによって飛ばしレーザーに命中させる方法が取られてきた。この手法はレーザーの集光領域に完全に被測定物を導入できるため、絶対定量の分析が可能である。しかしながらノズルの価格は約80万円と高価な上、レーザープラズマの衝撃によるノズル破壊の危険性やノズルの目詰まりなどの点で実用上の問題点も多い。そこで本研究ではディスペンサー用のルビー材料のノズル(内径30μm)を利用し、これを市販のシリンジ先端に取り付けるという方法を考案した。これによりノズルのコストを5万円以内に抑えることが可能となった。現時点では加圧により液体材料が連続放出されるため、濃度に対する定量同定であるため、准定量(semi-quantitative)分析となっている。将来的には吐出制御を行い独自にLIBS用の液滴生成システム用のアクチュエータを開発したい。実験システムではノズル周囲に任意のガス雰囲気を生成できるようなアタッチメントも開発した。実験では銅ナノ粒子(粒径13~25nm,平均粒径20nm,溶剤:テトラデカン)及び、銀ナノ粒子(粒径2~7nm, 平均粒径5nm, 溶剤:テトラデカン)を使用した。LIBSによる実験の結果、銅ナノ粒子に関しては、波長λ=324.754nm, λ=327.396nmに、銀ナノ粒子に関しては波長λ=328.068nm, λ=338.289nmにLIBS計測で有効なスペクトル線を見出した。更にこのスペクトルピークと測定インク濃度の対応から検量線を作成し、准定量分析を可能にした。本実験では食塩や水などの絶縁物以外の対象物として金属が選ばれたが、被測定対象が金属の場合レーザーにより金属表面から気化していくため、通常は定量計測を行うには照射条件をそろえるために定義づけが必要である。本LIBSシステムではレーザーの集光位置においてスポットサイズ(53μm)の領域内で金属微粒子が一定数収まりプラズマ化されるため、LIBSのための定量分析を実現するシステムとして有用である。本研究によりクリーンルームで捕集された、モーターのブラシから発生したと想定される銅マイクロ微粒子と、これに付着するナノ炭素粒子の因果性を特定可能なLIBS分析を実現するための目標の第一ステップを達成した。

  • レーザー誘起ブレークダウン分光法による浮遊粒子状物質の検出に関する研究


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    本課題研究では、レーザー誘起ブレークダウン分光法(LIBS)及びレーザー誘起白熱法(LII法)によりディーゼルエンジンの排気ガス中に含まれる微粒子の組成分析、及び燃焼中の炭素質微粒子の粒径計測を実施した。まず、レーザーを使用した本計測の前に、排気微粒子を捕集フィルタにトラップし、SEMによる形状分析とSEM-EDX分析を実施した。この事前計測から、ディーゼル排気微粒子の組成として、C(62.26w%), B(8.99w%), O(9.10w%), F(6.20w%), N(4.22w%), Si(6.01w%), Na(1.24w%), Al(0.82w%), K(0.58w%), Ca(0.31w%), S(0.07w%)の各元素が含まれることが明らかになった。このうちSi, O, B, Fは捕集フィルタの材料であるフッ化処理後のガラス繊維が付着したものと考えられる。次に、LIBSにより排気ガス微粒子の組成分析を行った。この分析により、LIBS計測に有効な各元素の検出波長を特定した。結果は次の通りである。C(λ=247.856nm, 279.477nm, 280.094nm), B(λ=249.676nm, 249.772nm), F(λ=685.603nm, 687.022nm, 690.248nm), Si(λ=250.690nm, 251.432nm, 252.411nm), Na(λ=422.381nm, 588.995nm, 589.592nm)。以上の成果はイタリアで開催されたInternational Conference on Sensing Technology(ICST2010)で発表し、学会から(Presentation award - runner up)を受賞した。LII法による粒径計測では、燃焼中炭素質微粒子の測定から粒径20nm~40nmのナノ粒子の測定に成功した。LII法の成果はSensor Symposium(島根県松江)、IEEE Sensors 2010(米国ハワイ)にて発表された。本研究成果により、現在更に多様な微粒子への適用に向けてより一層の進展が図られている。