Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute for Advanced Social Sciences
Job title
Assistant Professor(without tenure)
Ph.D. (Sociology) ( 2019.03 Hitotsubashi University )
master(sociology) ( 2014.03 Hitotsubashi University )
Mail Address

I have been doing the research on deomocracy and publicity on post-war mass gathering in my doctoral course. Focusing on mass debates held in post-war social movements, I analyzed how mass debates were adopted in various movements and the debate process. Through analysis, I examined democracy and the publicity in post-war social movements (labor movements and cultural movements). Papers on the National Congress of Culture and the National Congress of Peace Economy are the fruits of this research.

I am conducting the following research.

Research1: Research on the formation of workers' subjectivity through the postwar labor culture movement (theatrical movement)

This is the research I am doing after completing my doctoral course. I took up the post-war labor' theatrical movement (a movement in which labors created and staged plays) as a practice of regional cultural movements that could not be dealt with in research on public debate. I consider labor's communication and subject formation through the theatrical movement. Currently, I am expanding my focus to theater movements outside of Osaka, and considering the differences between regions and the formation of empathy through mutual exchange.

Research 2 (Joint research): Event space research under COVID-19 “self-restraint”
We are researching the impact of "self-restraint" requests on various events during the spread of COVID-19 infection from the following two points. (1) The closure/reopening status of event spaces that have become venues for various events amid requests for “self-restraint” and the differences between types of event spaces. (2) Changes in the awareness and behavior of event space users/event participants under the request of “self-restraint”.

Research 3: Research on the development process of peace movements from 1945 to 1950s.
I am conducting research on the peace movements (particularly the peace protection movements) from 1945 to the late 1950s. I view the peace movement in terms of (1) trends in the international peace movement, (2) the split in the Japanese Communist Party that had an impact on the movement, and (3) the rise of the anti-atomic and water movement after 1954. Through my analysis, I examine the breadth and limitations of the movement that were realized by the movement policies and methods adopted by the peace movement.

Research 4 (Joint research) : Research on the screening movement of Sanrizuka's films using Ogawa Productions' old collection of materials

Using archive materials from Ogawa Productions, I am researching the development process of the movement to screen films depicting the Sanrizuka Struggle and the reactions of audiences. I am researching how the screening of films helped spread the movement, created sympathy among audiences, and what kind of difficulties they faced.

In addition to the above research, I studied archives as part of my research method, and also involved in organizing materials related to civic activities, labor unions, and cultural activities.

Research Experience

  • 2025.04

    Seikei University   Faculty of Humanities   Part-time Lecturer

  • 2024.02

    Tottori University   Faculty of Regional Sciences   Part-time lecturer

  • 2023.09

    Maebashi Institute of Technology   Faculty of Engineering   Part-time lecturer

  • 2023.04

    Hosei University   Ohara Institute for Social Research Hosei University   Temporary researcher

  • 2023.04

    Waseda University   Institute for Advanced Social Sciences   Assistant professor

  • 2023.09

    Niijima Gakuen Junior College   Department of Career Design   Part-time lecturer

  • 2024.04

    Saitama University   Faculty of Liberal Arts   Part-time Lecturer

  • 2019.04

    Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences   School of Pharmacy   Part-time lecturer

  • 2021.04

    Hosei University   Ohara Institute for Social Research   Research Fellow

  • 2019.04

    The Museum of Modern Japanese Literature   Library department   Document Organization Staff

  • 2015.09

    Hitotsubashi University   Social Sciences   Research Assistant

  • 2015.09

    Hitotsubashi University   Social Sciences   Teaching Assistant

  • 2015.05

    Hitotsubashi University   Social Sciences   Teaching Assistant

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Education Background

  • 2014.04

    Hitotsubashi University   Graduate School of Social Science  

  • 2012.04

    Hitotsubashi University   Graduate School of Social Science  

  • 2008.04

    Hitotsubashi University   Faculty of Sociology  

Professional Memberships

  • 2020.01

    soshioroji (Sociology Study Group)

  • 2017.06

    Japan Association for Urban Sociology

  • 2015.12

    The Japan Society for Archival Science

  • 2015.07

    Japanese Association for Contemporaty Historical Studies

  • 2014.06

    The Japan Sociological Society

  • 2014.04

    The Kantoh Sociological Society

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Research Areas

  • Sociology / Japanese history / Theory of art practice

Research Interests

  • Historical sociology

  • History of social movements

  • cultural sociology

  • Publicity

  • Communication

  • Postwar history

  • Theatrical Movement

  • Independent screening

  • Cultural Movement

  • Labor Movement

  • Peace Movement

  • Archives

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Media Coverage



  • Conflict in the 50-year division of the Peace Protection Movement (1950-1951): Focus on the Decision in the International Conventions and the breadth of the movement

    Nagashima Yuki

    The Ritsumeikan journal of peace studies   ( 24 ) 95 - 107  2023.03  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]


  • Impact of COVID-19 “Self-Restraint” on Events Participation : From the Event Space User Survey Targeting Residents of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area.

    Yuki NAGASHIMA, Chie YAMAUCHI, Hiroko TAKAHASHI, Masashi KURIHARA, Satomi SUGIYAMA, Takashi MACHIMURA, Tomoyuki TATSUMI, Ryo OMATA, Wan Yin Kimberly FUNG

    Asia-Japan Research Academic Bulletin   ( 3 )  2022.12  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    The infection control measures taken by the Japanese government due to the COVID-19 pandemic have severely affected events organizations. Based on an online survey conducted from March 16 to 19, 2021, this paper discusses the behavior and consciousness of event participants under Japan's infection control measures of “self-restraint.” The survey targeted the period between the first declaration of the state of emergency and the end of the second declaration in Japan. We analyzed the varying effects of calls for self-restraint on participation in different events at each stage of the pandemic policy, and the factors influencing continued participation in face-to-face events. Event management is a typical case where ordinary people react to and challenge the government’s infection control measures. Our survey revealed the effects of the government’s requests for “self-restraint.” However, its impact differed among different types of events. The effectiveness of the request for “self-restraint” varies with the degree to which people were committed to event participation.


  • The Industrial Union and The Theatrical Club

    Nagashima Yuki

    Journal of Ohara Institute for Social Research   ( 762 ) 54 - 68  2022.04  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]


  • Half a Century of Union Activities to Read from the Materials: The Bibliography of Hitotsubashi University Faculty and Staff Union

    Ishii Hitonari, Nagashima Yuki, Takada Masashi, Hasegawa Tatsuro

    Hitotsubashi Bulletin of Social Sciences   14   21 - 48  2022.03  [Domestic journal]

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    This bibliographic study presents the findings resulting from collating and preserving documents of the Hitotsubashi University Faculty and Staff Union stored for over five years. The documents of the University’s Faculty and Staff Union discussed in this paper are concerning the union activities and have been stored over years in the drawers and bookshelves of the University’s Faculty and Staff Union office at the campus.
    In this study, we examined the overview of the documents formulated/delivered by the faculty and staff union from the time of its formation in 1947 to the 2000s. The University’s Faculty and Staff Union documents had issues with the residual state of documents and future storage locations. However, this study provides a fresh perspective on the history of Hitotsubashi University, as well as the movements of the staff union and the thoughts and actions of people who have worked at the University. The University was reorganized under the new school education system after WWII, which led to significant growth in the 1960s, a stable period of university management involving staff and students in the 1970s and 1980s and the “era of reform” since the 1990s. Furthermore, the University’s Faculty and Staff Union, as seen in the stored documents, had been influenced by the cultural and Zenkyoto movements at that time.
    The documents of the University’s Faculty and Staff Union have great potential in terms of research. Therefore, one of the major research possibilities of the documents is the role of the faculty and staff union in the Zenkyoto movement at the University. In addition to Zenkyoto, we can follow the efforts of the faculty and staff union on the dual structure of the labor market. It is also possible focus on the documents of the temporary/non-capacity staff issue, and the changes in the activities and consciousness of female staff on Hiroba which was the newsletter among many other issues. Consequently, the documents reviewed in this paper have a certain degree of cohesion, and the classification performed by the authors independently is tentative. Thus, many documents do not fit into the categories. Nevertheless, full-scale classification work, including documents that were not discussed and researched in detail in this paper, is a task for the future.


  • Publication and acceptance of works during the 1950s cultural movements; A case study of The National Meeting of Culture.

    Nagashima Yuki

    Japanese sociological review   72 ( 3 ) 344 - 361  2021.12  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]


  • From “Life” Drama to “Culture” Drama ―Changes and Challenges in The Theatrical Movement in Kansai Immediately after World War II-

    Nagashima Yuki

    Soshioroij   66 ( 2 ) 43 - 60  2021.10  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

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    A theatrical movement flourished in Japanese workplaces in the years immediately following World War II. The capacity of workers to develop and perform plays (the theatrical movement) was significant. This article clarifies the unique challenges the theatrical movement faced by examining the characteristics of plays and acting as evaluated by the audiences (workers and experts) in the theatrical movement.
    This article addresses two positions that emphasize the ways in which dramas depicted the life of workers and how the theatrical movement developed into “culture”. The movement began as a way for workers to express their life experiences, but it evolved into depictions of social issues, creating a culture that raised the standard of acting. This article empirically shows the evolution of the drama theme and the improvement in acting ability as well as how audience’s evaluation of the themes and performances changed over time. Through a series of analyses, this article aims to address both theater research and postwar cultural movement research.
    Several findings were revealed in the course of this study. There were two different elements in the audience’s evaluation of the theatrical movement: “life” and “culture”. These elements created different coincidences and gaps depending on the stage of development of the movement. In the theatrical movement, the acting of an amateur who played “life” was regarded as a simple but impactful performance. When the worker’s drama approached “culture”, it became difficult to stage a performance with same level of impact, and productions were subjected to severe criticism. This was because the audiences had become the “experts”, who set higher standards for the theatrical movement. There was an inverse relationship between the development of the theatrical movement and the audience’s evaluation. The audience’s reaction and the goal of qualitatively improving workers' drama to become a “culture” were conflicting elements. That was the unique challenge faced by the theatrical movement.


  • Event Spaces under Japan’s COVID-19 Self-restraint Policy: A Survey of Tokyo Event Spaces in 2020

    Machimura Takashi, Nagashima Yuki, Kurihara Masashi, Sugiyama Satomi, Tatsumi Tomoyuki, Takahashi Hiroko, Fung Wan Win Kimberly, Yamauchi Chie

    Hitotsubashi Bulletin of Social Sciences   13   91 - 115  2021.07  [Domestic journal]

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    One of the critical countermeasures the Japanese government has instituted to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is calling on the public to exercise "self-restraint". This paper examines the efforts taken by various stakeholders to maintain event spaces and continue staging events amidst COVID-19 pandemic measures. It also describes the resilience and survival attempts made by event space owners and the underlying differences in the responses to the pandemic among three distinct types of event spaces.
    The Japanese government’s request for self-restraint was not enforceable unlike the mandatory shutdowns that occurred in some other countries. Nevertheless, during the state of emergency from April to May 2020, events were cancelled, and event spaces were closed temporarily, as more than 90% of the spaces our research team surveyed closed during the period. Meanwhile, particular self-restraint practices have been at the owners' and organizers' "own" discretion, including decisions to close down the event space, the length of the close down period, and whether to cancel a specific event or not.
    Notably, owners and organizers made various attempts to continue the events and maintain the event spaces. Night clubs and music venues, in particular, suffered a devastating blow due to self-restraint requests. Their owners, in turn, responded by gathering economic support from users of the spaces and seeking governmental assistance including monetary compensation. These responses were different from those of doujinshi conventions. Though doujinshi conventions were also affected economically, there were comparatively limited efforts to develop counterstrategies like crowdfunding. Instead, they have tended to respond by organizing online conventions.
    Also, efforts to operate events continuously during the pandemic have led to a boom in virtual events for various event types, from cultural events to social movement gatherings. For event space owners and users who emphasize face-to-face communication, virtual events were a painful measure taken to prevent infection spread without sacrificing the events to be held. Virtual events, however, are a significant obstacle, especially for social movement groups that place importance on disseminating information and the mutual exchange of ideas through in-person meetings. These groups have found a solution to this problem by resuming some of the face-to-face meetings in their self-owned spaces or at outdoor venues while instituting infection prevention measures.

  • The General Council of Trade Unions of Japan, under the Direction of Takano Minoru, and the National Congress of Peace Economy: The Public Forum of Labor Movement in the First Half of the 1950s

    Nagashima Yuki

    Social systems studies   ( 41 ) 71 - 90  2020.09  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]


  • Making Labor the Subject in Osaka’s Postwar Drama Movements: A Focus on the Drama Clubs Established by the Labor Unions of Osaka Prefectural Government Officials

    Nagashima Yuki

    The Japanese journal of contemporary history   ( 13 ) 38 - 54  2020.09  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

  • Communication between Intellectuals and the Public in the 1950s: a Case Study of the Idea of a “National Culture”

    Nagashima Yuki

    Interdisciplinary Social Sciences   ( 29 ) 19 - 34  2020.03  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]


  • Democracy and the Publicity ㏌ The postwar social movements: Case study of Public meetings between The 1950’s

    Nagashima Yuki

        1 - 262  2019.03  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]


  • The formation of discussion meetings in the Movement of Partisans of Peace between 1952 and 1953

    Nagashima Yuki

    Journal of Ohara Institute for Social Research   ( 709 ) 44 - 57  2017.11  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

    DOI CiNii

  • Talking and the Subject in Public Debate in the 1950s: A Case Study of Participants in the National Meeting of Culture

    Nagashima Yuki

    The annual review of sociology   ( 30 ) 51 - 62  2017.08  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

    DOI CiNii

  • イベントスペースをどうとらえるか―研究方法と結果概要―

    町村敬志, 辰巳智行, 小股遼, 栗原真史, 菰田レエ也, 杉山怜美, 髙橋絢子, 長島祐基

    一橋大学大学院社会学研究科町村敬志研究室編『イベントスペースの現在―「東京イベントスペース2016」データ分析をもとに―』     15 - 32  2017.03  [Domestic journal]

  • 人々が集り・声を上げる場所―2016年に開かれた集会の場所とその特徴―


    一橋大学大学院社会学研究科町村敬志研究室編『イベントスペースの現在―「東京イベントスペース2016」データ分析をもとに―』     115 - 127  2017.03  [Domestic journal]

  • 戦後社会運動における知識人の「語りかけ」の問題―国民文化会議を事例として―


    一橋大学大学院社会学研究科(修士論文)     1 - 141  2014.03  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

  • アーカイブズの現在・未来・可能性を考える : 歴史研究と歴史教育の現場から

    渡辺尚志, 吉川紗里矢, 古畑侑亮, 長島祐基, 伴野文亮, 関原正裕, 新井隆, 上林朋広( Part: Joint author, 市民団体(市民アーカイブ多摩)における市民活動一次資料アーカイブズ化の取り組み―「懸樋哲夫氏旧蔵電磁波運動資料」の整理過程を事例に―)

    法政大学出版局  2016.12 ISBN: 9784588321337

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  • 一橋大学教職員組合資料目録

    石居人也, 高田雅士, 長島祐基, 長谷川達朗  Database science 



  • 部落問題はいかに上演されたか―1960年代前半の『差別』上演活動を中心として―


    同時代史学会2024年度大会  (駒澤大学)  同時代史学会

    Presentation date: 2024.12

    Event date:

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  • The Sanrizuka Film Screening Movement and Its Issues: Focusing on Mini-Comics in the Archives of Ogawa Productions


    The 8th International Conference of East Asian Consortium of Japanese Studies 

    Presentation date: 2024.11

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  • 職場演劇のメディアとしてのパンフレット


    第72回関東社会学会大会  (明治学院大学)  関東社会学会

    Presentation date: 2024.06

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  • The spread of themes in works and mutual exchange from the postwar labors' theatre movement: Focusing on the Osaka theatre movement


    The 7th International Conference of East Asian Consortium of Japanese Studies 

    Presentation date: 2023.11

  • How was the “ie" drawn? : Focusing on the works of the drama movement of postwar labors

    Nagashima Yuki

    The 94th Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society 

    Presentation date: 2021.11

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  • 産業別労働組合と演劇サークル―全損保大阪地協演劇部から劇団大阪へ―


    同時代史学会2020年度大会  (オンライン)  同時代史学会

    Presentation date: 2020.12

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  • COVID-19「自粛」下の社会運動とスペース――東京イベントスペース調査2020から(2)

    長島祐基, Wan Yin Kimberly Fung, 栗原真史, 杉山怜美, 髙橋絢子, 辰巳智行, 山内智瑛, 町村敬志

    第93回日本社会学会大会  (オンライン)  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2020.10

    Event date:

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  • Postwar drama movements by labors and place of discussion

    Nagashima Yuki

    The 92th Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society 

    Presentation date: 2019.10

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  • 戦後大阪の自立演劇運動に見るコミュニケーションと労働者の感覚の構造


    第66回関東社会学会大会  (武蔵大学)  関東社会学会

    Presentation date: 2018.06

    Event date:

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  • independence and solidarity in postwar proletarian drama movements.

    Nagashima Yuki

    The 90th Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

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  • 社会運動における人が集う場所:現代の公共空間に関する一考察――東京イベントスペース分析2017③


    第35回日本都市社会学会大会  (早稲田大学)  日本都市社会学会

    Presentation date: 2017.09

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    歴史的には人が集まるカフェ等が、時の政治体制に批判的な言説が交わされる公共空間となった(Habermas 1990=1994)。複数の価値が存在し、共通の世界に関心を持つ人々の間に生成する言説の空間としての公共性(斎藤 2000: 6)は民主主義にとって重要な要素である。本報告では2016年1月1日から12月31日に社会運動団体が開催する集会の開催場所場所を対象として、現代社会における公共空間の特徴を検討した。

  • 戦後勤労者演劇運動における劇上演と劇創作


    第65回関東社会学会大会  (日本大学)  関東社会学会

    Presentation date: 2017.06

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  • Place of presentation in 1950s cultural movements: a case study of in the National Meeting of Culture

    Nagashima Yuki

    The 89th Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society 

    Presentation date: 2016.10

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  • 1950年代前半期平和運動における「対話」フレーミング


    第64回関東社会学会大会  (上智大学)  関東社会学会

    Presentation date: 2016.06

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  • 市民アーカイブ多摩における市民活動一次資料保存と公開の取り組み―「懸樋氏旧蔵電磁波運動資料」の整理を通じて―


    日本アーカイブズ学会2016年度大会  (東京外国語大学)  日本アーカイブズ学会

    Presentation date: 2016.04

    Event date:

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  • 1950年代社会運動における討議をめぐる力学―討議と国民会議をめぐる言説を中心に―


    同時代史学会2015年度大会  (大妻女子大学)  同時代史学会

    Presentation date: 2015.12

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  • 革新国民運動における大衆集会討論への参加と「学習」―国民文化全国集会参加者の語りを事例に―


    第63回関東社会学会大会  (千葉大学)  関東社会学会

    Presentation date: 2015.06

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  • How people accepted what the intellectuals were;“speaking” in;the;postwar social movement;case study of “national culture”;at;National culture rally

    Nagashima Yuki

    The 87th Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society 

    Presentation date: 2014.11

    Event date:
  • ミニコミ資料と上映運動

    長島祐基  [Invited]

    映画資料にみる成田・芝山の現代史  (三里塚コミュニティセンター)  三里塚アーカイブ

    Presentation date: 2024.02

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  • Changing Behaviors and Attitudes of Urban Event Space Users in the Post/With COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey of Urban Event Space Users on 2023

    Tatsumi Tomoyuki, Omata Ryo, Kurihara Masashi, Sugiyama Satomi, Takahashi Hiroko, Nagashima Yuki, Wan Yin Kimberly Fung, Yamauchi Chie, Machimura Takashi

    Presentation date: 2023.10

    Event date:
  • 戦後労働者の演劇運動の広がりと作品創造

    長島祐基  [Invited]

    早稲田大学先端社会科学研究所ランチセミナー  (オンライン)  早稲田大学先端社会科学研究所

    Presentation date: 2023.07

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  • Has the COVID-19 "Self-Restraint" on Events changed?: From the 2022 Survey of Events Space Users in the COVID-19 Pandemic(1)

    Kurihara Masashi, Nagashima Yuki, Omata Ryo, Sugiyama Satomi, Takahashi Hiroko, Tatsumi Tomoyuki, Fung Wan Yin Kimberly, Yamauchi Chie, Machimura Takashi

    The 95th Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society 

    Presentation date: 2022.11

    Event date:
  • 大阪の損保労働者の演劇運動と上演作品


    法政大学大原社会問題研究所月例研究会  (オンライン)  法政大学大原社会問題研究所

    Presentation date: 2022.04

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  • A Survey of Event Space Users in the COVID-19 Pandemic(1): Differences in "Self-restraint" by Genre and Analysis of Alternative Spaces

    Omata Ryo, Kurihara Masashi, Nagashima Yuki, Sugiyama Satomi, Takahashi Hiroko, Tatsumi Tomoyuki, Fung Wan Yin Kimberly, Yamauchi Chie, Machimura Takashi

    The 94th Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society 

    Presentation date: 2021.11

  • 一橋大学教職員組合資料について①――1947~1973年の資料

    長島祐基  [Invited]

    組合学習会「資料にみる一橋大学教職員組合のあゆみ」  (オンライン)  一橋大学教職員組合

    Presentation date: 2021.11

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  • イベント参加をめぐる行動変容と脱場所化・再場所化――新型コロナ禍におけるイベントスペース利用者調査から

    栗原真史, 長島祐基, 小股遼, 杉山怜美, 髙橋絢子, 辰巳智行, Wan Yin Kimberly Fung, 山内智瑛, 町村敬志

    第39回日本都市社会学会大会  (オンライン)  日本都市社会学会

    Presentation date: 2021.09

    Event date:
  • COVID-19「自粛」下におけるナイトライフの生存戦略――東京イベントスペース調査2020から(3)

    山内智瑛, Wan Yin Kimberly Fung, 栗原真史, 杉山怜美, 髙橋絢子, 辰巳智行, 長島祐基, 町村敬志

    第93回日本社会学会大会  (オンライン)  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2020.10

    Event date:
  • COVID-19「自粛」下における施設形態とイベントスペースの危機――東京イベントスペース調査2020から(1)

    栗原真史, Wan Yin Kimberly Fung, 杉山怜美, 髙橋絢子, 辰巳智行, 長島祐基, 山内智瑛, 町村敬志

    第93回日本社会学会大会  (オンライン)  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2020.10

    Event date:
  • COVID-19「自粛」下の同人誌即売会とリアルスペース:東京イベントスペース調査2020から(3)

    杉山怜美, Wan Yin Kimberly Fung, 栗原真史, 辰巳智行, 髙橋絢子, 長島祐基, 山内智瑛, 町村敬志

    第38回日本都市社会学会大会  (オンライン)  日本都市社会学会

    Presentation date: 2020.09

    Event date:
  • COVID-19「自粛」下のクラブ・ライブハウスの生き残り戦略:東京イベントスペース調査2020から(2)

    髙橋絢子, Wan Yin Kimberly Fung, 栗原真史, 長島祐基, 杉山怜美, 辰巳智行, 山内智瑛, 町村敬志

    第38回日本都市社会学会大会  (オンライン)  日本都市社会学会

    Presentation date: 2020.09

    Event date:
  • COVID-19「自粛」とイベントスペース:東京イベントスペース調査2020から(1)

    辰巳智行, Wan Yin Kimberly Fung, 栗原真史, 長島祐基, 杉山怜美, 髙橋絢子, 山内智瑛, 町村敬志

    第38回日本都市社会学会大会  (オンライン)  日本都市社会学会

    Presentation date: 2020.09

    Event date:
  • 懸樋哲夫氏旧蔵電磁波運動資料について

    長島祐基  [Invited]

    市民アーカイブ多摩緑陰トーク  (市民アーカイブ多摩)  ネットワーク市民アーカイブ

    Presentation date: 2016.04

    Event date:

     View Summary


  • 市民活動サービスコーナー資料とその整理について

    長島祐基  [Invited]

    公開学習会 市民活動サービスコーナー時代を振り返る  (一橋大学)  ネットワーク市民アーカイブ

    Presentation date: 2016.01

    Event date:

     View Summary


  • 都立多摩社会教育会館市民活動サービスコーナー資料のアーカイブ化に関する考察



    Presentation date: 2015.03

    Event date:
  • 戦後社会運動における知識人の「語りかけ」の問題―国民文化会議を事例として―


    2014年関東社会学会修論フォーラム  (日本女子大学)  関東社会学会

    Presentation date: 2014.06

    Event date:

     View Summary


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Research Projects

  • 文書資料と視聴覚資料の相互補完的な活用方法の確立:小川プロダクション資料を事例に

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    相川 陽一, 原山 浩介, 白井 哲哉, 黒嶋 智美, 長島 祐基

  • 戦後演劇運動にみる労働者の主体形成プロセスの地域、業種間比較研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :



  • 戦後文化運動(演劇運動)を通じた労働者の主体形成に関する実証研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    長島 祐基

  • 20世紀後半の社会運動の形成-展開過程の解明に向けた領域横断的な資料学的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    相川 陽一, 李 英美, 新井 勝紘, 原山 浩介, 白井 哲哉, 根津 朝彦, 西阪 仰, 今井 勇, 秋山 道宏, 長島 祐基, 高田 圭, 田中 晋平

  • Capitalist Restructuring and Cities after Globalization: Studies on Infrastructural Turn and Civil Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    Machimura Takashi, IWADATE Yutaka, FUNG Wan Yin Kimberly, KATO Akihito, KIM JiYoung, KIM Sunmee, KOMODA Reeya, KURIHARA Masashi, MORI Keisuke, MORI Sayaka, MURASE Hiroshi, MURASE Risa, NAGASHIMA Yuki, OKADA Atsushi, OMATA Ryo, SATOH Keiichi, SUGIYAMA Satomi, SUNAGA Saki, TAKAHASHI Hiroko, TAN Uichi, TATSUMI Tomoyuki, UENO Junko, YAMAUCHI Chie

     View Summary

    Capitalist economy, which is forced to challenge the emerging accumulation crisis after globalization, tends to put an emphasis on the infrastructural process as a basis of its future reproduction. Japan after the 2011 earthquake is also the case. A “shock doctrine” type of capitalist processes is found in both reconstruction policy from the disaster, and urban reconstruction policy related to the mega-event in Tokyo. Yet this is a half of the on-going processes. Rich and diversified forms of civic initiatives in the production of infrastructure are currently shown, particularly in the issues of energy shift after Fukushima Accident. These include anti-nuclear social movements, independent social enterprises for small-scale power plant, public place making based on nongovernmental forces, etc. A more deeply structured form of governance is taking a shape as both conflictual and interdependent relationships among market, governments and civil society emerge.

  • 戦後日本共産党系平和運動(平和擁護運動)の展開過程に関する実証研究

    早稲田大学  早稲田大学特定課題研究助成費

    Project Year :



  • 戦後労働者の演劇運動を対象とするコミュニケーション過程と主体形成の実証研究

    早稲田大学  早稲田大学特定課題研究助成

    Project Year :



  • Questioning Tallness, Living Vertically: Sociology of New Urban Governance

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    MACHIMURA Takashi

     View Summary

    In the 21st century, the world's largest cities have entered a new era of the "height." Is a skyscraper city sustainable as a human environment? Based on the new situation of COVID-19, this research explored the transformation of the city as a built environment and the form of resilience from the viewpoint of survival of various event spaces that were seriously affected. From a series of surveys of event spaces and their users in the Tokyo area, we learn that the depth of daily practices that overcome crises while combining real and online, and the multiplicity and flexibility of routes through which built environments including "height" are related to those practices in an urban setting.

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  • Book Review:Ri Yongmi “Social History of Immigration Policy : “Border” Controls in Postwar Japan”


    Asia-Japan Research Academic Bulletin   ( 4 )  2023.09  [Domestic journal]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


  • Invesigating the Division of the Japanese Communist Party in the Early 1950s Using Contemporaneous Documents: Focusing on the Journals of the Kansai and Chugoku Regions

    Nagashima Yuki

    Ritsumeikan Annual Review of Asia-Japan Research   ( 4 ) 84 - 91  2023.08  [Domestic journal]

    Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)  

     View Summary

    The Museum of Kansei Gakuin University owns a collection of documents that were donated by the Osaka Ro-En (Labors Theatrical Association). That collection contains approximately 300 documents that are different from the Osaka Ro-En documents prior to its dissolution in 2007. These historical documents pertain to the international fraction of the Japanese Communist Party (and affiliated groups) and centers on the 50-year division of the Japanese Communist Party. The collection contains a plethora of unique documents that are not held in other well-known collections on this subject, such as the collection held by the Hosei University Ohara Institute for Social Research or “The Postwar Japanese Communist Party Documents.” It is known that the international fraction led a peace protection movement (Kurokawa, 2020). However, there are few existing studies or historical accounts of the early 1950's division based on primary sources. Therefore, the Japanese Communist documents in the Osaka Ro-En documents are considered a vital source of historically accurate information on the reality of the early 1950's division and the peace protection movement from the perspective of the international fraction.


  • 文献紹介:大串潤児『神奈川大学評論ブックレット41 国策紙芝居―地域への視点・植民地の経験』


    歴史評論   ( 874 ) 110  2023.02  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 文献紹介 : 小池聖一『森戸辰男』


    大原社会問題研究所雑誌   ( 769 ) 92 - 94  2022.11  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 月例研究会:大阪の損保労働者の演劇運動と上演作品


    大原社会問題研究所雑誌   ( 765 ) 95  2022.07  [Domestic journal]

    Meeting report  

  • 書評 : 猿谷弘江『六〇年安保闘争と知識人・学生・労働者』


    社会運動史研究   4   182 - 185  2022.07  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 文献紹介 : 平川千宏『市民活動 資料の保存と公開―草の根の資料を活用するために―』


    アーカイブズ学研究   ( 36 ) 98 - 101  2022.06  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 2019年度歴史学研究会大会現代史部会討論要旨


    歴史学研究   ( 989 ) 174 - 175  2019.10  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 市民アーカイブ多摩の資料棚から 〈平和 後〉


    アーカイブ通信   ( 12 ) 7  2018.03  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • 市民アーカイブ多摩の資料棚から 〈平和 前〉


    アーカイブ通信   ( 11 ) 7  2017.11  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • 記憶と記録の場をめぐる旅⑧ 成田空港空と大地の歴史館


    アーカイブ通信   ( 8 ) 5  2016.11  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • 第2期緑陰トーク①報告「電磁波問題と私―これまでの運動と収集資料」


    アーカイブ通信   ( 7 ) 3  2016.07  [Domestic journal]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • コーナーの資料群とその整理


    アーカイブ通信   ( 6 ) 3 - 4  2016.03  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • 部落問題はいかに上演されたか―1960年代前半の『差別』上演活動を中心として―


    同時代史学会News Letter   ( 45 )  2025.04  [Domestic journal]

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 産業別労働組合と演劇サークル―全損保大阪地協演劇部から劇団大阪へ―


    同時代史学会News Letter   ( 37 ) 18 - 21  2021.04  [Domestic journal]

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 1950年代社会運動における討議をめぐる力学―討議と国民会議をめぐる言説を中心に―


    同時代史学会News Letter   ( 28 ) 27 - 30  2016.05  [Domestic journal]

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 商店街の活動


    一橋大学平成24年度教育プロジェクト編、『社会科学における「資料の収集・保存・活動」教育の展開 活動成果報告書』     98 - 99  2013.03

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • 商店街振興組合―その今日的意義について―


    一橋大学社会学部町村敬志ゼミナール編、『街念 12通りの空間浴』     105 - 118  2011.07


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  • 専門社会調査士


     View Summary


  • 博物館学芸員


     View Summary


  • 2014年度アーカイブズ・カレッジ修了


     View Summary


  • 社会調査士


     View Summary



Teaching Experience

  • 持続可能社会実現への企業の貢献:エコ・ファースト企業の取り組み



     View Summary


  • Foundations of Contemporary Social Research II

    Seikei University  


  • Foundations of Contemporary Social Research I

    Seikei University  


  • Theory of museum materials

    Tottori University  


  • sociology

    Maebashi Institute of Technology  


  • sociology

    Niijima Gakuen Junior College  


  • Special lecture on sociology vii

    Saitama University  


  • sociology

    Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences  


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Social Activities

  • 大阪産業労働資料館エル・ライブラリーサポート会員


  • ネットワーク・市民アーカイブ賛助会員


  • 一橋大学教職員組合資料整理(於一橋大学)


  • 市民活動資料整理手伝い(於市民アーカイブ多摩)


Academic Activities

  • 『社会運動史研究3』書評会評者

    Academic society, research group, etc.

    『社会運動史研究3』書評会   オンライン

  • 第61回関東社会学会大会(一橋大学)運営手伝い

    Academic society, research group, etc.

    関東社会学会   一橋大学


Internal Special Research Projects

  • 戦後日本共産党系平和運動(平和擁護運動)の展開過程に関する実証研究


     View Summary

     本研究課題助成は以下の形で利用した。①敗戦~1950年代を中心とする平和運動、国際連帯運動に関する古書や図書の購入費用、②広島県立文書館に所蔵されている「藤原浩修氏収集資料」(未整理)内の「且原純夫資料」の調査費用、③その他文献複写費用。②は2024年5月に実施し、「且原純夫資料」内から1950年頃の広島地方の日本共産党系平和運動関係の資料(主に機関紙類)を複数確認した。今後調査結果を踏まえて論文等を執筆する予定である。 この他に本研究課題のテーマを更に深めていく上で極めて重要な資料とアクセスが出来た。それが戦後に平和運動や国際連帯運動に関わっていた淡徳三郎(評論家)の資料である。2024年8月頃にご遺族から資料に関する相談をいただき、現在までにご遺族への聞き取りや一部資料の調査を実施した。同資料は(1)1950年代~1970年代の淡徳三郎の日記、(2)淡徳三郎が記した原稿(翻訳や演説原稿など)、(3)ヨーロッパやアジアを歴訪した際の写真や家族とやりとりした書簡などからなる。同資料は平和運動や国際連帯運動に関する詳細な記録であり、本研究課題のテーマを探求していく上で不可欠の資料である。 同資料については今後ご遺族の了解の元で写真撮影や文字起こし、資料集の刊行などを行う予定である。淡徳三郎資料の調査が可能となったことから、今後を見据えて淡徳三郎が関わっていたアジア連帯委員会関係の機関紙を購入した。外部資金への応募としてはアジアの歴史や交流に関する研究の助成を行っている「JFE21アジア歴史研究」に応募した。結果は残念ながら不採択だったが、次年度以降は淡徳三郎資料の調査を踏まえて淡徳三郎資料の調査と資料の文字起こし、資料集刊行に向けた資金として応募する。具体的な資料の調査、研究に関する応募であり、資料の価値が極めて高いため、採択される可能性は比較的高いと考えている。

  • 戦後労働者の演劇運動を対象とするコミュニケーション過程と主体形成の実証研究


     View Summary

     本研究費は主に①研究上必要な機器の購入、②2023年9月に実施した資料調査(5日間)の出張費、③書籍購入費に充てた。本研究では資料調査を調査方法の一つとして採用している。その必要機材として資料調査に必要な機材として資料撮影用のカメラと撮影用のスタンド、購入した資料のデジタルスキャン用のプリンターなどを購入した。いずれの機材も2023年9月の資料調査や購入した古書資料のデジタルスキャンなどで利用している。 本研究費を用いた調査出張として、2023年9月に兵庫県の関西学院大学博物館と京都府の京都大学人文科学研究所での資料調査を実施した。関西学院大学博物館では従来から閲覧を進めて来た「大阪労演資料」の追加閲覧を行い、関西の文化運動のまとめ役であった関西国民文化会議の資料などの閲覧、撮影を行った。京都大学人文科学研究所では2023年4月に公開された「山本明資料」の閲覧と複写を行った。同資料は大阪の映画運動の資料ではあるが、その中に本研究に関連する演劇の資料が複数含まれていることが目録から確認できた。「大阪労演資料」に含まれない資料があったことから、閲覧と複写を実施した。これらの資料については今後も継続して調査を行う予定である。 なお、2023年9月に科研費のスタート支援(23K18612)が採択されたため、当初特定課題から支出予定だった10月以降の出張費についてはスタート支援からの支出に回し、その分を書籍購入費用に充てた。書籍としては演劇関係の研究本や台本などを購入し、購入した資料の一部は東アジア日本研究者協議会第7回国際学術大会報告「戦後労働者の演劇運動にみる作品のテーマの広がりと相互交流―大阪の演劇運動を中心として―」(2023年11月4日)の参考資料として利用した。同報告については今後追加調査を実施した上で、共著の論文集の中の一つの論文として刊行される予定である。