Updated on 2025/03/12


MIURA, Reiya
Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Culture, Media and Society
Job title
Research Associate
修士(文学) ( 早稲田大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2024.04

    Research Institute of Letters, Arts and Sciences   DIvision of Comparative Literature   Junior Fellow

  • 2023.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Research Associate

  • 2022.04

    Daito Bunka University   Faculty of Law Department of Law   Part-time Lecturer

  • 2015.04

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science   Research Fellow (DC2)

Education Background

  • 2014.04

    Waseda University   Doctoral course, Graduate school of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Course of Russian Studies  

  • 2011.04

    Waseda University   Master Course, Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Course of Russian Studies  

  • 2003.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Department of Political Science  

  • 2006.09

    Moscow Lomonosov state University, Faculty of Fine Arts   Faculty of Fine Arts  

  • 2006.09

    Moscow State Conservatory   Department of Opera and Symphony Conducting  

Research Areas

  • Aesthetics and art studies / Others   Music History / History of thought / Others   Arts and Media / Others   Media history / European literature / Theory of informatics / Information network

Research Interests

  • Russian Music

  • Romanian Music

  • Comparative History of Music

  • Slavic Culture

  • Russian Literature

  • History of Information Technology and Arts

  • Information and Media

  • Philosophy of Music

  • Aesthetics

  • Philosophy of Information

  • Information Theory

  • Informatics

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  • The Originality of Russia on Comparative History of “Musical Nationalism”: Around the Thought of “Universal” and “National”

    Reiya MIURA

    Bulletin of the Graduate Diviosion of Letters, Arts and Sciences of Waseda University   ( 67 ) 353 - 368  2022.03  [Refereed]

  • Thought of Music of V. F. Odoyevsky in the novel "Russian Nights"

    Reiya MIURA

    Literature and Philosophy: From Romanticism to 20th Century - 150th anniversary of the death of V. F. Odoyevsky, Series "Russian Literature and Philosophy: Through Interaction"   3   194 - 204  2019.11  [Refereed]  [International journal]

  • V.F.Odoyevsky's Musical thought in his novel "Russian Nights" ― Among Natural Philosophy and Natural Science, Neoplatonism and German Idealism.

    Reiya MIURA

    Bulletin of the Graduate Diviosion of Letters, Arts and Sciences of Waseda University   ( 64 ) 391 - 407  2019.03  [Refereed]

  • Some issues of the philosophy and aesthetics of music in the works by V. F. Odoyevsky

    Reiya MIURA

    Solovyov Studies   2 ( 54 ) 82 - 91  2017  [Refereed]  [International journal]

     View Summary

    The treatises on philosophy and aesthetics of music of 1820s by V.F. Odoyevsky are analysed as the first experience of systematic explanation of musical-aesthetical views in Russian musical thought. The concept of the philosophy of music of V.F. Odoyevsky is considered, it is based on ideas of Kant and Schelling, partly Boethius, Baumgarten, Hegel, Galvani, Ørsted, Ampère as well as great knowledge of the history of music and philosophy by Odoyevsky. Fundamental principles of Odoevsky’s concept are pointed out: the essence of music is in mathematical harmony; the laws of art are equal to the laws of nature; the laws of logic and natural philosophy are in the basis of philosophy of music. Two periods in the development of musical-critical work of Odoyevsky are pointed out: «pre-glinka period» and «post-glinka period». The features of Odoyevsky’s musical thought are marked: his devotion to the aesthetics of romanticism and his being interested in German music and fundamentalistic attitude to music as it is. Attention is paid to the fact that thinking over relation between dynamism of harmony and musical emotion Odoyevsky refers to electrophysiology of the Italian physiologist of the 18th century Luigi Galvani. The evolution of musical-aesthetical views of Odoyevsky is raced and by means of reconstruction of his position actual issues of philosophy and aesthetics of music are defined. In the conclusion it is stated that Odoyevsky created his own philosophy of music from different philosophical ideas on the methodological basis of dialectics of German idealism.

  • Problems about Fundamental Education of Informatics for Students of Cultural Sciences: Around the Education in Mathematics in Secondary Schhool and in Higher Educationi in Mathemarica in

    Reiya MIURA

        71 - 76  2021.11  [Domestic journal]

  • V. F. オドーエフスキーの活動初期における音楽思想 ー その評論と論文から

    三浦 領哉

    第66 回美学会全国大会 若手研究者フォーラム発表報告集     27 - 34  2016.03  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

  • Sergei Rachmaninoff's Operatic Works - Analysis and the History of development

    MIURA, Reiya

    Bulletin of the Graduate Division of Letters, Arts and Sciences of Waseda University   2   117 - 119  2015.02

  • Attempt to "revive" the First Viennese School in Russia: Rimsky-Korsakov's "Mozart and Salieri"

    Reiya MIURA

    Slaviana   4   5 - 6  2012.11

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Books and Other Publications

  • キーワードで読む オペラ/音楽劇 研究ハンドブック

    丸本隆, 荻野静男, 佐藤英, 佐和田敬司, 添田里子, 長谷川悦朗, 東晴美, 森佳子( Part: Contributor, ロシア)

    アルテスパブリッシング  2017.03 ISBN: 9784865591583


  • An attempt at a comparative study of the ‘National School of Music’ approached from the perspective of musical thought - with 19th century Russia as a reference point

    Reiya MIURA

    Presentation date: 2024.12

  • V. F. Odoyevsky and His Unique Philosophy of Music – From Comparative Aspects with East-European and Slavic “National Schools” of Music

    Reiya MIURA

    The 12th East Asian Conference on Slavic Eurasian Studies  (Hanyang University, Seoul)  Korean Association of Slavic-Eurasian Studies

    Presentation date: 2024.06

    Event date:

     View Summary

    This paper deals with the music philosophy of the Russian writer and music critic V. F. Odoyevsky (1803-1869). He was not only a novelist, as typified by "Russian Nights" but also left many works on music philosophy, which was unique in the world in the first half of the 19th century. In 1822, he published his first philosophical treatise on music, and over the next 40 years he continued to discuss music from a general philosophical and speculative perspective. While the development of musical thought in other parts of the world began with actual works and their criticism, this situation in Russia was very different from that of the "national music schools" elsewhere. As an example for comparison, in Romania, composers tried to construct "national music" using indigenous melodies after the establishment of the kingdom in 1859, but the discussion of "what distinguishes Romanian art music from what is not" always took a back seat, and the repetition of actual composition and criticism gradually led to the development of "national music. The definition of "Romanian art music" was gradually narrowed and established through a series of actual productions and criticism. In Czechoslovakia, "Czechoslovakian art music" was discussed between actual works and criticism after the 1848 Revolution, as in Romania, and it strongly reflected the Austro-German aesthetic debate of the same period. In Russia, the order was rather reversed: Odoyevsky's thesis from a general philosophical and aesthetic viewpoint came first, and "how Russian art music should be" was discussed on that basis. This paper presents the general characteristics of Odoyevsky's philosophy of music, compares it with the development of music philosophy of the same period in Eastern Europe, and points out its peculiarities, as well as examines the reasons why Russian music followed a different path from that of other countries in the history of Western music.

  • An attempt at a comparative study of the philosophy of the "national school of music" - on the examples of Romania, the Czech Republic and Russia

    Reiya MIURA

    Tenth International Scientific Conference "Music - Philosophy - Culture"  (Moscow)  Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory

    Presentation date: 2023.04

    Event date:
  • V. F. Odoyevsky's philosophy of music in his novel "Russian Nights"

    Reiya MIURA

    International Scientific Conference "Literature and Philosophy: From Romanticism to the XX century. To the 150th anniversary of V. F. Odoevsky's death"  (Moscow)  A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory

    Presentation date: 2019.06

    Event date:
  • В. Ф. オドーエフスキーの音楽思想 ー 『ロシアの夜』と以後への展開 :「音楽小説」の外に現れる芸術思想をめぐって

    三浦 領哉

    日本ロシア文学会第68回大会  (名古屋外国語大学)  日本ロシア文学会

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • В. Ф. オドーエフスキーの音楽思想と『ロシアの夜』

    三浦 領哉

    日本ロシア文学会第67回大会  (上智大学)  日本ロシア文学会

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • 初期「グリンカ期」におけるВ. Ф. オドーエフスキーの音楽思想 ー 作曲家グリンカとの関わりをめぐって

    三浦 領哉

    日本ロシア文学会第66回大会  (北海道大学)  日本ロシア文学会

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • Вопросы философии музыки в произведениях князя В.Ф. Одоевского

    Reiya MIURA

    (St. Petersburg State University) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 「前国民楽派」期のВ.Ф. オドーエフスキーにおける音楽思想 ー その音楽哲学の源泉をめぐって

    三浦 領哉

    日本ロシア文学会第65回大会  (埼玉大学)  日本ロシア文学会

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • V. F. Odoyevsky's Aesthetics of Music — From his Early Time in Criticism

    Reiya MIURA

    International Congress of Central and Eastern European Studies, IX World Congress 

    Presentation date: 2015.08

  • В.Ф. Одоевскийの音楽美学 - 19世紀前半における西欧芸術音楽の受容をめぐって

    三浦 領哉

    日本ロシア文学会第64回大会  (山形大学)  日本ロシア文学会

    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 人文・社会系学生への基礎的情報教育をめぐる諸課題 ― 中等数学教育と高等教育における情報の学術利用をめぐって

    三浦 領哉


    Presentation date: 2021.11

    Event date:

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Research Projects

  • Research about the Development of philosophy of "National School Music" in 19-20 Century's Portugal and Spain

    Waseda University  Waseda University Grants for Special Research Projects (“Tokutei Kadai”): Early Career Researchers

    Project Year :


    Reiya MIURA

     [International coauthorship]

  • Cross-regional Comparative Study of the Idea of "Musical Nationalism" in the European Periphery

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research <KAKENHI>, Research Fellowship for Young Scientists

    Project Year :


    Reiya MIURA

  • Research about the Romanian "National School" Music from 19th Century to the beginning of 20th Century

    Waseda University  Grants for Special Research Projects (“Tokutei Kadai”) : Research Base Creation

    Project Year :


    Reiya MIURA

     [International coauthorship]

  • Development of Aesthetics of Music in Russia in the First Half of the 19th Century

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research <KAKENHI>, Research Fellowship for Young Scientists

    Project Year :




Teaching Experience

  • Research Skills in Data Processing B

    Daito Bunka University  


  • Research Skills in Data Processing A

    Daito Bunka University  



Internal Special Research Projects

  • 19世紀から20世紀初頭のルーマニア「国民音楽」の研究


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    本研究は、19世紀から20世紀初頭のルーマニアにおけるいわゆる「国民楽派」運動の展開をとくに音楽思想の側面から研究するものである。ルーマニア音楽史はそれ自体が国外においてほとんど研究されておらずルーマニア語以外による研究も同様にほとんど存在しない。このような状況においては本国におけるルーマニア音楽史研究の歴史を把握し先行研究の整理を行うことが研究の基礎となる。その上で該当する時期において「国民音楽」運動が本地域においてどのような音楽思想(哲学・美学)の議論の上に成立したかを探ることが本研究の課題であった。具体的な研究方法としては、第一に法定納本図書館であるルーマニア国立図書館に所蔵されている音楽史研究文献を調査するとともに、現地においてその内容を確認し文献目録の作成を行ったが、法定納本図書館である国立図書館にも所蔵資料に欠落があることが明らかとなった。これは1989年ルーマニア民主化革命の際の被害によるものであり、首都以外の大学図書館・公共図書館などにも資料を求める必要性が生じたことにより当初の計画よりも研究の進捗に遅延が発生することとなった。その上で第二に、ルーマニア「国民楽派」運動における音楽思想の展開について一次資料にアクセスし詳細に検討を行った。これにより「19世紀後半のルーマニアにおける『国民音楽』思想をめぐる諸問題 — 『ルーマニア国民音楽』の袋小路」のタイトルで論文を執筆した(現在投稿先を選定中)。本論文ではルーマニアにおいて「国民音楽」の確立が遅れた原因が、国内における音楽思想をめぐる議論の欠乏にあったことを明らかにした。また本論文を元に19世紀後半のルーマニアにおける音楽をめぐる言説をさらに詳細に分析し、当該地域の歴史的な特殊事情とそれによる他地域との差異を明らかにする研究発表を、2024年6月に韓国で開かれる国際学会にて行うことが決定している。