Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
Assistant Professor(without tenure)
博士(心理学) ( 日本大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2023.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Assistant Professor

Professional Memberships


    Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition


    Asscociation for Psychological Science







Research Areas

  • Experimental psychology

Research Interests

  • 犯罪心理学

  • 認知心理学

  • 記憶

  • 目撃証言


  • 第21回法と心理学会大会発表賞

    2021.10   法と心理学会   心理学的知見を裁判官はどのように評価しているのか:刑事裁判判例の計量的研究

    Winner: 福島由衣, 向井智哉, 相澤育郎, 入山茂



  • To what extent does post-identification feedback translate into witness behaviour?

    Yui Fukushima, Kayla Jordan, Maryanne Garry

    Memory    2024.09



  • Comparing Attitudes toward Sexual Consent between Japan and Canada

    Tomoya Mukai, Chantal Pioch, Masahiro Sadamura, Karin Tozuka, Yui Fukushima, Ikuo Aizawa

    Sexes    2024.03


  • A Quick Guide to Applied Cognitive Research in Japan

    Kazuo Mori, Yui Fukushima, Akitoshi Uchida, Hiroshi Ito, Eiichiro Watamura, Makiko Naka

    Open Journal of Social Sciences   12 ( 01 ) 414 - 423  2024


  • How Sexual Consent is Portrayed in Sex Comics (Eromanga): A Content Analysis in Japan

    Tomoya Mukai, Yuki Yuyama, Jun Kamiya, Tomoyuki Nogami, Yui Fukushima


     View Summary

    This study aimed to investigate how sexual consent is depicted in sex comics published in Japan. Twenty best-selling comics from 2010 and 2020 were set as objects of analysis and separated into 277 scenes. A codebook developed after five rounds of trials was utilized by four coders to code the materials. First, the results showed that explicit communication was not rare: among all materials, 39.9-57.3% of scenes were initiated by an explicit approach, while only 5.2-19.4% of scenes were coded as depicting non-explicit initiation. Further, as for the act of gatekeeper, 21.6-35.5% and 6.5-9.7% of scenes depicted explicit consent and refusal, while 20.3-28.2% of scenes were coded as expressing non-explicit consent/refusal. Second, in the comparison between 2010 and 2020, there were fewer scenes in which more than three characters were involved and sexual acts were initiated by non-explicit forms in 2020. Contrastingly, there were more scenes in which sexual acts were initiated by assault or intimidation. Based on these findings, social implications and future research orientations are discussed.



Books and Other Publications

  • 応用心理学ハンドブック

    日本応用心理学会, 藤田, 主一, 古屋, 健, 角山, 剛, 谷口, 泰富, 深澤, 伸幸

    福村出版  2022.09 ISBN: 9784571200878

  • 入門司法・犯罪心理学 : 理論と現場を学ぶ

    綿村, 英一郎(12章 目撃証言)

    有斐閣  2022.03 ISBN: 9784641174740

  • その証言、本当ですか?

    福島 由衣, 荒川歩( Part: Translator/Editor, 2章・7章)

    勁草書房  2019.10 ISBN: 9784326251377

  • The Behavioral Foundations of Public Policy

    Yui Fukushima( Part: Joint translator)

    2019.09 ISBN: 9784571410635

  • ポテンシャル心理学実験

    厳島 行雄, 依田 麻子, 望月 正哉( Part: Contributor, 8章パーソナル・スペース)

    サイエンス社  2019.05 ISBN: 9784781914442


  • The Comparative Study of Life-Sentenced and Long-Term Inmates: Overview of Survey Results on Inmate Experiences

    Ikuo Aizawa, Yui Fukushima, Mai Sato

    East Asian Association of Law and Psychology Conference 

    Presentation date: 2024.11

  • 通常審無罪事件で目撃供述はどのように扱われていたのか?

    外塚果林, 福島由衣


    Presentation date: 2024.10

  • To what extent does post-identification feedback translate into witness behavior?

    Hiroshi Ito, Magdalena Kękuś, Yui Fukushima, Daisuke Shimane

    Applied research in memory and cognition in everyday life. 

    Presentation date: 2024.09

  • The effects of post-identification feedback on witness and photo administrator behavior.

    Abigail Harkness, Amy Bradfield Douglass, Yui Fukushima

    2024 Annual Conference of the American Psychology Law Society Conference 

    Presentation date: 2024.03

  • To What Extend Does Post-Identification Feedback Translate into Witness Behavior?


    (Lewiston, Maine) 

    Presentation date: 2024.03

  • Can Providing a DON’T KNOW Option Reduce the Influence of a Suggestive Interviewer?

    Yui Fukushima  [Invited]

    Cognitive psychology class, Bates College  (Lewiston, Maine) 

    Presentation date: 2024.03

  • 再審無罪事件で目撃供述はどのように扱われていたのか?

    福島由衣, 外塚果林


    Presentation date: 2023.10

  • An Actual Criminal Case and Empirical Studies in Applied Cognitive Psychology

    Yui Fukushima  [Invited]

    Victoria University of Wellington, School of Psychology  (Victoria University of Wellington, School of Psychology) 

    Presentation date: 2023.02

  • 「目撃供述の信用性」に関する心理学・法律学的視点からの考察

    福島 由衣, 外塚 果林, 遠山 大輔


    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • 人物同定手続き時の文脈が目撃者の判断に与える影響―捜査協力時の同時ラインナップ―

    伊東 裕司, 伊藤 理香子, 福島 由衣


    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • 心理学的知見を裁判官はどのように評価しているのか:刑事裁判判例の計量的研究

    福島 由衣, 向井 智哉, 相澤 育郎, 入山 茂


    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • 司法犯罪心理学の新しい研究スタイルを考えるーエキサイティングな研究を目指してー

    入山 茂, 大上 渉, 福島 由衣, 吉澤 寛之, 山本 麻奈, 中川 知宏


    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 犯罪捜査と記憶2

    桐生 正幸, 尾藤 昭夫, 福島 由衣, 蓮華 一巳, 中園 江里人


    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Does post-identification feedback affect eyewitness’ behavior?

    Yui Fukushima, Kayla Jordan, Maryanne Garry

    Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL)  (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) 

    Presentation date: 2019

  • Familiar person identification? : Is it easy for us to make stranger as known person?

    Yukio Itsukushima, Ryosuke, Iida, Yui Fukushima

    Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL)  (Turku, Finland) 

    Presentation date: 2018

  • Non-experts’ beliefs about eyewitness, police interview and expert testimony: A survey of college students.

    Yui Fukushima, Yukio Itsukushima

    Association for Psychological Science (APS).第30回大会  (San Francisco, United States) 

    Presentation date: 2018

  • 行動政策学への招待:実証的人間観にもとづく政策立案を目指して

    荒川 歩, 白岩 祐子, 福島 由衣, 斎藤 真由, 尾関 美喜, 久保山 力也


    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 公正・罰に関する心理学的研究の現状とこれから―行動計測アプローチと脳機能計測アプローチ―

    新岡 陽光, 森芳 竜太, 斎藤 真由, 福島 由衣, 綿村 英一郎


    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • Eyewitness memory: retrograde amnesia may be the cause of change blindness of person identification.

    Yukio Itsukushima, Yui Fukushima, Satoshi Hara

    European Congress of Psychology (ECP), 第15回大会  (RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) 

    Presentation date: 2017

  • 目撃者の誤識別はチェンジ・ブラインドネスによって起こるのか?

    厳島 行雄, 福島 由衣, 原 聰

    法と心理学会第18回大会  (成城大学) 

    Presentation date: 2017

  • 目撃者聴取に対する大学生の意識調査

    福島 由衣, 厳島 行雄

    日本心理学会第81回大会  (於久留米市コンベンションセンター) 

    Presentation date: 2017

  • 面接者による目撃者識別への誘導は抑制可能か -「わからない」判断を用いた検討-

    福島 由衣, 厳島 行雄


    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • Can providing a DON’T KNOW option reduce the influence of a suggestive interviewer? : A comparison of repeated identification procedures between show-up and simultaneous lineup.

    Yui Fukushima, Yukio Itsukushima

    International Conference on Memory (ICOM), 第6回大会  (ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary) 

    Presentation date: 2016

  • Does the suggestive interviewer lead the witness to false identifications? : The impact on show-ups and repeated interviews.

    Yui Fukushima, Hiroshi Miura, Yukio Itsukushima

    Society for Applied Research of Memory and Cognition (SARMAC), 第12回大会  (Victoria conference centre, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) 

    Presentation date: 2015

  • Ear-witness memory under emotional stress.

    Yukio Itsukushima, Yui Fukushima

    Society for Applied Research of Memory and Cognition (SARMAC), 第11回大会  (Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • Does the existence of a co-witness affect the eyewitness identification accuracy and confidence?

    Yui Fukushima, Yukio Itsukushima

    Society for Applied Research of Memory and Cognition (SARMAC), 第11回大会  (Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • 他者の存在は目撃者識別の正確性と確信度に影響を与えるか?

    福島 由衣, 厳島 行雄

    法と心理学会第14回大会  (九州大学) 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • 半構造化面接を用いた識別後の肯定的フィードバック効果の検討

    福島 由衣, 厳島 行雄

    法と心理学会第11回大会  (立命館大学) 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • 嘘の方略の違いが再認記憶に及ぼす影響

    福島 由衣, 厳島 行雄

    法と心理学会第10回大会  (国学院大学) 

    Presentation date: 2009

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Research Projects

  • 識別後の肯定的フィードバック効果が目撃者の行動に及ぼす影響

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    福島 由衣

  • Functions of National Collective Memories in Countries in Nations in that difference in the consensus of their National Identity

    Society for Applied Research of Memory and Cognition  Collaborative Research Grant

    Project Year :


    Maryanne Garry, Sharda Umanath, Yui Fukushima

     [International coauthorship]

  • Does post-identification feedback affect eyewitness' behaviour?

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists

    Project Year :


  • Functions of National Collective Memories in Countries in Nations in that difference in the consensus of their National Identity

    James S. McDonnell Foundation  Sub-Award of the Collective Memory Collaborative grant from the James S. McDonnell Foundation to Washington University in St. Louis, Principal Investigators: H. L. Roediger III, J. V. Wertsch

    Project Year :


    Maryanne Garry, Sharda Umanath, Yui Fukushima

     [International coauthorship]


  • Judges' evaluation of psychological findings::Empirical research on criminal judgment

    Fukushima Yui, Mukai Tomoya, Aizawa Ikuo, Iriyama Shigeru

    The Japanese journal of psychology   92 ( 4 ) 278 - 286  2021.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    <p>An increasing number of criminal court cases have seen psychologists present their findings as evidence after conducting experiments and surveys to evaluate the credibility of witnesses' statements and suspects' false confessions. Courts, however, have not always welcomed psychological findings. As some courts have not affirmed the value of these findings in some well-known cases, some researchers suggest that courts have little trust in psychological findings. To consider the validity of this suggestion, we conducted a quantitative investigation of the courts' decision-making processes when presented with psychological findings in 50 criminal cases. The results showed that most of the courts' judgments involving psychological findings were negative, and that the reasoning for the judgments could be classified into nine categories. The most common reasons were related to the methodological flaws used to derive the psychological findings.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Postidentification feedback distorts eyewitness memory : A review on current knowledge and future directions

    Yui Fukushima, Yukio Itsukushima

    心理学評論 = Japanese psychological review   61 ( 4 ) 407 - 422  2018  [Refereed]


  • 性犯罪に関する市民意識の測定のためのシナリオおよび尺度の検討—Validation of scenarios and scales for measuring public attitudes toward sexual crimes

    向井 智哉, 福島 由衣, 外塚 果林, 貞村 真宏, 相澤 育郎

    福山大学こころの健康相談センター紀要 = Bulletin of Mental Health Counseling Center at Fukuyama University / 福山大学人間文化学部心理学科附属こころの健康相談センター 編   ( 6 ) 11 - 29  2024

  • Does post-identification feedback affect eyewitness' behavior?

    Fukushima Yui, Jordan Kayla, Garry Maryanne, Hanyu Kazunori

    Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology   2021   67 - 67  2022

     View Summary

    The post-identification feedback effect (PIFE) refers to the distortion of eyewitness memory after receiving feedback implying their identification was either correct or incorrect. Although previous studies indicate that feedback influences eyewitness memory, it is not clear if this distorted memory will alter eyewitness behavior. In this study, we explored whether people who received confirming feedback were more likely to provide experimental data as evidence for an ongoing trial. Immediately after making identification, participants were given either confirming feedback (Good, you identified the suspect), disconfirming feedback (Actually, the suspect was number_), or no feedback. After receiving this feedback, all participants answered dependent measures. Our results replicated the PIFE. However, participants who were given confirming feedback were not significantly more likely to provide experimental data than the other groups.


  • 目撃供述の信用性に関する心理学・法律学的視点からの考察—法と心理学会第21回大会 ワークショップ

    福島 由衣, 外塚 果林, 遠山 大輔

    法と心理 = Japanese journal of law and psychology / 法と心理学会機関誌編集委員会 編   21 ( 1 ) 83 - 90  2021.12


  • Modeling Determinants of Individual Punitiveness in a Late Modern Perspective: Data from Japan

    Tomoya Mukai, Yui Fukushima, Shigeru Iriyama, Ikuo Aizawa

    ASIAN JOURNAL OF CRIMINOLOGY   16 ( 4 ) 337 - 355  2021.01

     View Summary

    There is a growing trend to both theoretically and empirically explain public punitiveness from a general social theory of late modernity. Yet, research which has tested the generalizability of this perspective regarding societies other than Western ones remains rare. Relying on a theoretical perspective and empirical findings, this study aimed to explore whether the hypothetical model, which assumes that abstract late modern anxieties (economic anxiety and identity anxiety) affect punitiveness via more tangible fears and negative attitudes toward others in terms of fear of crime, xenophobic attitudes, and social dominance orientation (SDO). The study considered whether this model can be applied to Japanese society, which is experiencing drastic social, economic, and political transformations. Accordingly, data from a nationwide Japanese sample was analyzed through structural equation modeling (SEM). The results revealed that all of the hypothesized paths had significant relations, except for a path between xenophobic attitudes and fear of crime, which generally supported the hypothetical model. Moreover, it was shown that all of the variables have a significant total effect on punitiveness. The results were discussed in light of the social circumstances of Japan and recommendations for further international comparative research were made.


  • Modeling determinants of punitiveness: the roles of economic insecurity, fear of crime, and xenophobic attitudes

    Tomoya Mukai, Yui Fukushima, Shigeru Iriyama, Ikuro Aizawa

    Ryukoku Corrections and Rehabilitation Center Journal   9 ( 9 ) 69 - 83  2019.03

    Authorship:Corresponding author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  • Criminal Investigation and Memory 2

    Bito Akio, Fukushima Yui, Renge Kazumi, Nakazono Erito, Kiriu Masayuki

    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association   83 ( 0 ) SS - 044-SS-044  2019

    DOI CiNii

  • A survey of college students’ knowledge and briefs about police interrogation

    Fukushima Yui, Itsukushima Yukio

    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association   81   2B-041 - 2B-041  2017.09

    DOI CiNii

  • Latest Research on Law and Psychology in "Law and Human Behavior"

    Arakawa Ayumu, Nameda Akinobu, Watamura Eiichiro, Wakabasyashi Kosuke, Sasakura Kana, Fukushima Yui

    Japanese Journal of Law and Psychology   17 ( 1 ) 70 - 76  2017  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 共同目撃者の識別情報,身分,そしてラインナップのタイプが目撃者の識別と確信度に与える影響

    福島由衣, 厳島行雄

    日本大学心理学研究   37   43 - 49  2016.03  [Refereed]

  • The effect of a suggestive interviewer on the performance of repeated eyewitness showup identifications:A study using a DON'T KNOW option.


    JJLP   16 ( 1 ) 100 - 111  2016  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    The present study examined whether providing a DON&#039;T KNOW option reduce the influence of a suggestiveinterviewer on the performance of eyewitnesses in repeated showup identification procedures. Fifty-seven participantseye-witnessed a staged event in which a man took a wallet from an unattended bag; they were laterinterviewed twice. Each interview included two showup identification procedures: one with a suggestive interviewerand the other with a non-suggestive interviewer. In the showup identification procedure, the participantswere shown pictures depicting a man and choose one of the three responses: YES, NO, or DON&#039;TKNOW. The person who took the wallet was never in the picture shown, so a YES response was an incorrectidentification (i.e. false alarm), and NO was a correct rejection. In the suggestive condition, the participantschose the YES significantly more often than NO and DON&#039;T KNOW, while in the non-suggestive condition,NO and DON&#039;T KNOW were significantly more frequent than YES. This indicates that providing a DON&#039;TKNOW option does not reduce the influence of a suggestive interviewer. Furthermore, the participants in thesuggestive condition tended to maintain their first identification response more often than the participants inthe non-suggestive condition. The results were interpreted according to the conformity theory of memory.


  • Examination of the postidentification-feedback effect that influences eyewitness testimony


    JJLP   14 ( 1 ) 98 - 106  2014  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    Wells and Bradfield (1998) reported that witnesses who received confirming feedback (&quot;Good, you identified the suspect&quot;) tended to show (a) a clearer view of the crime and crime scene, (b) higher quality memory, (c) high confidence in recounting events, and (d) a willingness to testify at trial. These phenomena are called the &quot;postidentification-feedback effect (PIFE).&quot; We conducted two experiments to investigate whether PIFE could be replicated (Experiment 1) and to observe the aftereffects using a semistructured interview (Experiment 2). In both experiments, the PIFE were confirmed. In addition, we tried to interpret these results in terms of the selective cue integration framework (Charman, Carlucci, Vallano, &amp; Gregory, 2010) in order to confirm the correlation. We found that the reports from our participants supported the framework. However, it was suggested that the framework could not explain the influence of pressure imposed by the interviewer. Further studies are needed to verify the other factors that affect the PIFE.


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Teaching Experience

  • Data Literacy II

    Waseda University  


  • Student Life and Self-Management

    Waseda University  


  • Data Literacy III

    Waseda University  


  • Study skills

    Waseda University  


  • Criminal Psychology

    Toyo University  


  • Cognitive psychology

    Yokohama City University  


  • 心理学実験



  • Social, Group and Family Psychology

    Soka University  


  • Forensic and Criminal Psychology

    Shizuoka University of Welfare  


  • 心理統計学



  • 社会心理学



  • 心理学実験



  • 対人行動とパーソナリティ



  • 認知科学



▼display all


Social Activities

  • Innocence Project Japan


  • 空港で働く人のための判断・注意力の心理学



Academic Activities

  • 法と心理学会常任理事

    Academic society, research group, etc.

  • 法と心理学会第25回大会準備委員会委員

    Academic society, research group, etc.

  • 法と心理学会理事

    Academic society, research group, etc.

  • Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 14th Biennial meeting, Co-chair

    Academic society, research group, etc.

    Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition  

  • 法と心理学会第23回大会準備委員会委員

    Academic society, research group, etc.

  • 法と心理学会第20回大会準備委員会委員

  • 法と心理学会第19回大会準備委員会委員

  • 法と心理学会第18回大会準備委員会委員


▼display all

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 識別後フィードバックは共同目撃者との会話に影響するか?

    2024   Maryanne Garry, Amy Bradfield Douglass

     View Summary

    目撃者が写真帳から犯人識別を行った直後,判断の正確性を示唆するフィードバックを返すと,フィードバックを与えられなかった目撃者に比べて,目撃した出来事に関する記憶評価が上昇することがある(例えば,「いいですね,犯人を選びましたね!」Wells &amp; Bradfield, 1998)。この現象は識別後フィードバック効果と呼ばれ,判断の正確性とは無関係に生じる。本研究では,フィードバックによって記憶評価が上昇した実験参加者が,同じ出来事を目撃した共同目撃者の供述に影響を与えるか検討した。本年度は研究実験材料の作成,選別を行い,実験室実験にてデータ収集を行なった。データ収集については予定人数にまだ満たないため,来年度も継続して収集を行う予定である。また,関連研究の論文化,シンポジウムでの発表を行なった。