Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
Assistant Professor(without tenure)
Ph.D.(Human Sciences) ( 2024.03 Waseda University )
Mail Address

Research Experience

  • 2024.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Assistant Professor

  • 2023.04

    Tokyo Metropolitan University

  • 2023.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences

  • 2022.04

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science   Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC2)

  • 2021.04

    Waseda University   School of Human Sciences, e-school   Educational Coach

  • 2022.04

    Tokyo Seitoku University   Part-time Lecturer

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Education Background

  • 2021.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Human Sciences  

  • 2019.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Human Sciences  

  • 2015.04

    Waseda University   School of Human Sciences   Department of Human Informatics and Cognitive Sciences  

Professional Memberships

  • 2024

    Motor Control研究会

  • 2023


  • 2022


  • 2021


  • 2020

    Society for Neuroscience

  • 2020


  • 2019


  • 2018


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Research Areas

  • Basic brain sciences / Cognitive and brain science / Cognitive science / Experimental psychology

Research Interests

  • Social Neuroscience

  • Cognitive Neuroscience

  • Communication

  • Coordination

  • Autsim Spectrum Disorder

  • EEG

  • fNIRS

  • 非侵襲的脳刺激

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  • 優秀発表賞(学部・修士の部)

    2022   Society for Tokyo Young Psychologists   脳血流量変化を特徴量とする機械学習を用いた Aha モーメントの推定:fNIRS研究

    Winner: 大隈玲志, 栗原勇人, 大須理英子

  • Trainee Professional Development Award

    2020   Society for Neuroscience  

Media Coverage



  • A cross-cultural examination of bi-directional mentalising in autistic and non-autistic adults

    Bianca Schuster, Yuko Okamoto, Toru Takahashi, Yuto Kurihara, Connor Tom Keating, Jennifer Cook, Hirotaka Kosaka, Masakazu Ide, Hiroaki Naruse, Carmen Kraaijkamp, Rieko Osu


     View Summary

    <p>So-called ‘mismatch accounts’ propose that, rather than arising from a socio-cognitive deficit present in autistic people, mentalising difficulties are the product of a mismatch in neurotype between interaction partners. Although this idea has grown in popularity over the recent years, there is currently only limited empirical evidence to support mismatch theories. Moreover, the social model of disability such theories are grounded in demands a culturally situated view of social interaction, yet research on mentalising and/or autism is largely biased towards western countries, with little knowledge on how successful mentalising is defined differently, and how tools to assess socio-cognitive ability compare, across cultures. Using a widely employed mentalising task, the current study investigated and compared the bi-directional mentalising performance of British and Japanese autistic and non-autistic adults and assessed observer-agent kinematic similarity as a potential dimension along which mismatches may occur between neurotypes. Participants were asked to depict various mental state- and action-based interactions by moving two triangles across a touch-screen device, before viewing and interpreting stimuli generated by other participants. In the UK sample, our results replicate a seminal prior study in showing poorer mentalising abilities in non-autistic adults for animations generated by the autistic group. Crucially, the same pattern did not emerge in the Japanese sample, where there were no mentalising differences between the two groups. Limitations of the current study include that efforts to match all samples within and across cultures in terms of IQ, gender and age were not successful for all comparisons, but control analyses suggest this did not affect our results. Furthermore, any performance differences were found for both the mental state- and action-based conditions, mirroring prior work and raising questions about the domain-specificity of the employed task. Our results add support for a paradigm shift in the autism literature, moving beyond deficit-based models and towards acknowledging the inherently relational nature of social interaction. We further discuss how our findings suggest limited cultural transferability of common socio-cognitive measures rather than superior mentalising abilities in Japanese autistic adults, underscoring the need for more cross-cultural research and the development of culturally sensitive scientific and diagnostic tools.</p>


  • Effects of different frequency components of noise on the brain’s relaxed state


    Waseda Journal of Clinical Psychology   24 ( 1 )  2024.12

  • Tackling social anxiety with targeted brain stimulation: investigating the effects of transcranial static magnetic field stimulation on self-focused attention

    Nozomi Tomita, Hiroki Katayama, Yuto Kurihara, Toru Takahashi, Sumiya Shibata, Tatsuya Mima, Rieko Osu, Hiroaki Kumano

    Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience   18  2024.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Previous studies suggested that self-focused attention (SFA), implicated in social anxiety disorder (SAD), correlates with heightened activity in the right frontopolar area (rFPA), which is the right prefrontal cortex just behind the forehead. Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation (tSMS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation method capable of temporarily suppressing brain function beneath the magnet. We explored whether tSMS on individuals with tendencies toward SAD elicited (1) suppressing rFPA activation during the resting-state and (2) reducing SFA during a subsequent speech task. Twenty-three university students with social anxiety performed two speech tasks. Between tasks, the tSMS group received neodymium magnet stimulation while the sham group received fake magnet stimulation on the rFPA for 20 min. Resting-state rFPA activities was measured using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), while SFA (body sensations and observer perspective), field perspective, and detached mindfulness (DM) perspective were assessed via questionnaires during both speech tasks. The observer perspective means SFA to self-imagery from others’ viewpoint, while the field and DM perspectives mean appropriately focusing on the external environment. The results indicated that tSMS intervention decreased rFPA activity from pre- to post-intervention rest. Then, tSMS reduced SFA to bodily sensations and increased DM perspective from pre- to post-intervention speech, especially in those with high levels of social anxiety. Furthermore, tSMS enhanced the field perspective regardless of social anxiety tendency. The results suggest that tSMS may suppress overactivity in rFPA, reduce SFA to body sensation, and increase adaptive attention in highly socially anxious individuals. Our study suggests the possibility of the clinical application of tSMS for treating SAD.

  • The topology of interpersonal neural network in weak social ties

    Yuto Kurihara, Toru Takahashi, Rieko Osu

    Scientific Reports   14 ( 1 )  2024.02  [Refereed]

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    The strategies for social interaction between strangers differ from those between acquaintances, whereas the differences in neural basis of social interaction have not been fully elucidated. In this study, we examined the geometrical properties of interpersonal neural networks in pairs of strangers and acquaintances during antiphase joint tapping. Dual electroencephalogram (EEG) of 29 channels per participant was measured from 14 strangers and 13 acquaintance pairs.Intra-brain synchronizations were calculated using the weighted phase lag index (wPLI) for intra-brain electrode combinations, and inter-brain synchronizations were calculated using the phase locking value (PLV) for inter-brain electrode combinations in the theta, alpha, and beta frequency bands. For each participant pair, electrode combinations with larger wPLI/PLV than their surrogates were defined as the edges of the neural networks. We calculated global efficiency, local efficiency, and modularity derived from graph theory for the combined intra- and inter-brain networks of each pair. In the theta band networks, stranger pairs showed larger local efficiency than acquaintance pairs, indicating that the two brains of stranger pairs were more densely connected. Hence, weak social ties require extensive social interactions and result in high efficiency of information transfer between neighbors in neural network.

  • The effect of reducing stress responses in ASMR during stress task

    Shota Tabuchi, Yuto Kurihara, REiji Ohkuma, Hikaru Sugimoto, Ayano Sekiguchi, Kento Matsukida, Rieko Osu, Jun Tayama

    Waseda Journal of Clinical Psychology   23 ( 1 ) 37 - 43  2023.12  [Refereed]

  • The Effect of Evaluating Self's Emotions on Frontal Alpha Asymmetry

    Masato Ito, Toru Takahashi, Yuto Kurihara, Rieko Osu

    biorxiv    2023.04

     View Summary

    In this research to assess emotions from biometric signals, participants are asked to evaluate the emotions they subjectively experienced in order to confirm whether the assumed emotions were actually elicited. However, the evaluation of emotions is not routinely performed in daily life, and it is possible that this evaluation may alter biological signals. In fMRI studies, evaluation has been shown to activate the amygdala, which is said to be related to emotional expression. However, electroencephalography (EEG) studies do not take into consideration the effects of such evaluations, and it is unclear how these evaluations affect emotion-related brain activity observed in EEG. We hypothesized that emotion evaluations would amplify emotions and c alter Frontal Alpha Asymmetry (FAA), which has been shown to be related to emotional pleasantness and unpleasantness. We suspect this is because in order to evaluate one's emotions, one must pay attention to one's internal state, and this self-focused attention has been found to enhance the subjective emotional experience. We measured a 29-channel EEG when presented with unpleasant and highly arousing images from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) from 40 healthy male and female participants. The results revealed that FAA was significantly lower in the condition in which participants rated their own emotions compared to the condition in which they did not. Similar to fMRI studies, this result indicates that emotion-related brain activity is amplified on an EEG. This paper provides a cautionary note regarding the use of such evaluations in EEG emotion estimation studies.


  • Brain Activity During Constraint Relaxation in the Insight Problem-Solving Process: An fNIRS Study

    biorxiv    2022.05

  • The relationship between stability of interpersonal coordination and inter-brain EEG synchronization during anti-phase tapping

    Yuto Kurihara, Toru Takahashi, Rieko Osu

    Scientific Reports   12 ( 1 )  2022.04  [Refereed]

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    Inter-brain synchronization is enhanced when individuals perform rhythmic interpersonal coordination tasks, such as playing instruments in music ensembles. Experimentally, synchronization has been shown to correlate with the performance of joint tapping tasks. However, it is unclear whether inter-brain synchronization is related to the stability of interpersonal coordination represented as the standard deviation of relative phase (SDRP). In this study, we simultaneously recorded electroencephalograms of two paired individuals during anti-phase tapping in three interactive tapping conditions: slow (reference inter-tap interval [ITI]: 0.5 s), fast (reference ITI: 0.25 s), and free (preferred ITI), and pseudo tapping where each participant tapped according to the metronome sounds without interaction. We calculated the inter-brain synchronization between pairs of six regions of interest (ROI): frontal, central, left/right temporal, parietal, and occipital regions. During the fast tapping, the inter-brain synchronization significantly increased in multiple ROI pairs including temporoparietal junction in comparison to pseudo tapping. Synchronization between the central and left-temporal regions was positively correlated with SDRP in the theta in the fast condition. These results demonstrate that inter-brain synchronization occurs when task requirements are high and increases with the instability of the coordination.



  • Development and validation of new evaluation scale for measuring stroke patients’ motivation for rehabilitation in rehabilitation wards

    Taiki Yoshida, Yohei Otaka, Shin Kitamura, Kazuki Ushizawa, Masashi Kumagai, Yuto Kurihara, Jun Yaeda, Rieko Osu

    PLoS ONE   17 ( 3 ) e0265214 - e0265214  2022.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary


    This study aimed to develop the Motivation in stroke patients for rehabilitation scale (MORE scale), following the Consensus-based standards for the selection of health measurement instruments (COSMIN).


    Study participants included rehabilitation professionals working at the convalescent rehabilitation hospital and stroke patients admitted to the hospital. The original MORE scale was developed from an item pool, which was created through discussions of nine rehabilitation professionals. After the content validity of the scale was verified using the Delphi method with 61 rehabilitation professionals and 22 stroke patients, the scale’s validity and reliability were examined for 201 stroke patients. The construct validity of the scale was investigated using exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and item response theory analysis. Cronbach’s alpha confirmed its internal consistency. Regarding convergent, discriminant, and criterion validity, Spearman’s rho was calculated between the MORE scale and the Apathy Scale (AS), Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS), and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), which rates the subjective feelings of motivation.


    Using the Delphi method, 17 items were incorporated into the MORE scale. According to EFA and CFA, a one-factor model was suggested. All MORE scale items demonstrated satisfactory item response, with item slopes ranging from 0.811 to 2.142, and item difficulty parameters ranging from -3.203 to 0.522. Cronbach’s alpha was 0.948. Regarding test-retest reliability, a moderate correlation was found between scores at the beginning and one month after hospitalization (rho = 0.612. p &lt; 0.001). The MORE scale showed significant correlation with AS (rho = -0.536, p &lt; 0.001), SDS (rho = -0.347, p &lt; 0.001), and VAS (rho = 0.536, p &lt; 0.001), confirming the convergent, discriminant, and criterion validity, respectively.


    The MORE scale was verified as a valid and reliable scale for evaluating stroke patients’ motivation for rehabilitation.



  • Effect of transcranial static magnetic field stimulation on the prefrontal area during the self-focused attention

    Katayama Hiroki, Tomita Nozomi, Nihei Honoka, Takahashi Toru, Kurihara Yuto, Shibata Sumiya, Mima Tatsuya, Osu Rieko, Kumano Hiroaki

    Waseda Journal of Clinical Psychology   21 ( 1 ) 35 - 41  2021.12  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

  • あなたと協調すると,絆を感じるわたし

    栗原勇人( Part: Contributor, 「合う」のメカニズムを科学する ——影響し合う「あなた」と「わたし」の心理学 第16章)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2024.01

  • あの人とは脳が合うのに,あの人とは合わないのはなんで?

    栗原勇人( Part: Contributor, 「合う」のメカニズムを科学する ——影響し合う「あなた」と「わたし」の心理学 第2章)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2024.01


  • Effects of Meaningful and Meaningless Noise on Insight Problem Solving

    Presentation date: 2025.03

  • Exploring EEG Source-based Large-scale Network Connectivity During Task-Unrelated Thought

    Presentation date: 2025.03

  • The Relationship Between Gender Diversity and Resting-State Functional Connectivity

    Presentation date: 2025.03

  • Effectiveness of Exposure Using Continuous Flash Suppression for Cockroach Phobia Tendencies

    吉川輝, コウイクジョウ, 栗原勇人, 大隈玲志, 加藤一聖, 髙橋徹, 大須理英子

    Presentation date: 2025.03

  • The effect of dual-brain stimulation on interpersonal coordination

    Yuto Kurihara, Ayaka Tsuchiya, Akito Miura, Rieko Osu

    The 27th Annual of Japan Human Brain Mapping Society 

    Presentation date: 2025.03

  • A Method for Analyzing Nested Resonance Dynamics: A Preliminary Application to the Waiter Experiment

    Kentaro Kodama, Takahito Horiuchi, Yuto Kurihara

    Prof. Thomas A. Stoffregen's Lecture "Higher order affordances" 

    Presentation date: 2025.03

  • Modeling Cooperation with Reinforcement Learning

    Reiji Ohkuma, Yuto Kurihara, Ayaka Tsuchiya, Rieko Osu

    Presentation date: 2025.01

  • 嗅覚刺激が動画視聴時の感情に及ぼす影響の検討

    竹島ゆら, 加藤一聖, 栗原勇人, 大隈玲志, 大須理英子


    Presentation date: 2024.11

  • 協調課題における意思決定: 強化学習モデルによるパラメータ推定

    大隈玲志, 栗原勇人, 土屋彩茜, 大須理英子


    Presentation date: 2024.11

  • 対人協調を支える神経機序の検討: 個体間脳波同期に着目して

    Yuto Kurihara

    Presentation date: 2024.10

  • インタラクションを支える神経機序の探求:脳間同期/脱同期に着目して



    Presentation date: 2024.10

  • Neural Substrate of Social Desirability Bias

    Rieko Osu, Takuya Okada, Reiji Ohkuma, Yuto Kurihara

    Society for Neuroscience 

    Presentation date: 2024.10

  • 連続した匂い刺激呈示による嗅覚馴化, 嗅覚脱馴化の神経基盤の探索

    大谷名生, 加藤一聖, 栗原勇人, 竹島ゆら, 大須理英子


    Presentation date: 2024.09

  • Behavioral Analysis of Mutual Prediction During Dual Ball-catching Task

    Yuto Kurihara, Reiji Ohkuma, Ayaka Tsuchiya, Sae Franklin, David Franklin, Rieko Osu  [Invited]

    European Motor Control Conference 2024 

    Presentation date: 2024.09

  • 対面する二者間の距離とマスクの有無と脳・身体の同期

    土屋彩茜, 栗原勇人, 大隈玲志, 三浦哲都, 大須理英子

    Motor control 研究会 第18回(MC18) 

    Presentation date: 2024.08

  • Deciphering the Impact of Irrelevant Information on Insights Problem Solving: An fMRI Study on the Remote Associates Test

    Reiji Ohkuma, Yuto Kurihara, Rieko Osu


    Presentation date: 2024.07

  • Exploring the neural mechanism of social interaction: the synchrony of inter-brain oscillations

    Yuto Kurihara

    Current Topics in Human Sciences 

    Presentation date: 2024.06

  • The effects of interpersonal coordination with mutual prediction on inter-brain synchronization

    Yuto Kurihara

    Presentation date: 2024.03

  • Observer-agent kinematic similarity modulates neural activity in regions of the action observation network

    Bianca Schuster, Yuto Kurihara, Ayaka Tsuchiya, Kento Nakagawa, Yuko Okamoto, Rieko Osu

    Presentation date: 2024.03

  • Interpersonal Neural Synchronization during Mutual Prediction in Ball Catching Task

    Yuto Kurihara, Reiji Ohkuma, Ayaka Tsuchiya, Sae Franklin, David Franklin, Rieko Osu

    Society for Social Neuroscience 

    Presentation date: 2024.03

  • The Effects of Internal States on Action Selection

    Presentation date: 2024.03

  • 潜在的なコミュニケーションへの選好とウェルビーイング及び孤独感との関係

    土屋彩茜, 髙橋徹, 高田直樹, 栗原勇人, 成瀬廣亮, 南出歩美, 岡本悠子, 小坂浩隆, 大須理英子


    Presentation date: 2024.03

  • 競争的インタラクションにおける動的なリーダー・フォロワー関係

    岡崎俊太郎, 栗原勇人, 大須理英子


    Presentation date: 2024.03

  • 自律感覚絶頂反応のリラックス効果における即効性の検討

    田渕祥太, 栗原勇人, 大隈玲志, 杉本光, 関口彩乃, 町田規憲, 大須理英子, 田山淳


    Presentation date: 2023.12

  • fMRIを用いた快-不快音聴取時の脳活動と感覚処理感受性との関連の検討

    大隈 玲志, 佐藤 祈, 栗原 勇人, 髙橋 徹, 大須 理英子


    Presentation date: 2023.09

  • 自動運転車乗車時の間隙通過可能性の知覚

    友野貴之, 栗原勇人, 海見康秀, 村野良太, 加藤麻樹


    Presentation date: 2023.09

  • ROI based Network functional connectivity during Mind wandering state differs from Focus State: A Preliminary EEG Study

    Xiang Yan, Toru Takahashi, Yuto Kurihara, Masato Ito, Rieko Osu

    Japanese Neural Network Society 

    Presentation date: 2023.09

  • Behavioral and neural analysis of mutual predictive joint action

    Yuto Kurihara  [Invited]

    The 5th Annual Neuromechanics and Motor Control Meeting 

    Presentation date: 2023.08

  • Visual Body Part Representation in the Lateral Occipitotemporal Cortex in Autism: An fMRI study

    Workshop on social cognition, communication and culture 

    Presentation date: 2023.02

  • 自閉スペクトラム症者と定型発達者における身体部位表象

    栗原勇人, 小坂浩隆, Bianca Schuster, 北田亮, 河内山隆紀, 岡沢秀彦, 大須理英子, 岡本悠子


    Presentation date: 2023.02

  • Why do our brians synchronize during social interaction? : Discuss future hyperscanning studies

    Yuto Kurihara  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2022.09

  • Default-mode network's subnetwork functional connectivity reflects attention tendency at rest and behavioral variability in task: an EEG study

    Xiang Felix Yan, Toru Takahashi, Masato Ito, Yuto Kurihara, Rieko Osu


    Presentation date: 2022.07

  • Effect of subjective evaluation of emotion on the emotion itself: Investigation by Frontal Alpha Asymmetry using Electroencephalography

    Masato Ito, Toru Takahashi, Yuto Kurihara, Rieko Osu


    Presentation date: 2022.07

  • Functional Brain Networks Analysis During Incubation Phase of Insight Problem-solving

    Reiji Ohkuma, Yuto Kurihara, Toru Takahashi, Rieko Osu


    Presentation date: 2022.07

  • The effect of interpersonal physical distance on brain activity: An fNIRS study

    Yuto Kurihara, Reiji Ohkuma, Toru Takahashi, Akito Miura, Rieko Osu


    Presentation date: 2022.07

  • 脳血流量変化を特徴量とする機械学習を用いた Aha モーメントの推定:fNIRS研究

    大隈玲志, 栗原勇人, 大須理英子

    12th Society for Tokyo Young Psychologists 

    Presentation date: 2022.03

  • 対人間の身体的距離とマスクの有無が脳活動に与える影響:fNIRS研究

    栗原勇人, 大隈玲志, 髙橋徹, 三浦哲都, 大須理英子


    Presentation date: 2022.03

  • 感覚運動と社会性の連続性

    Yuto Kurihara  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2022.02

  • 経頭蓋静磁場刺激が自己注目状態時の前頭前野に与える影響の予備的検討

    片山広大, 富田望, 二瓶穂香, 髙橋徹, 栗原勇人, 芝田純也, 美馬達哉, 大須理英子, 熊野宏昭


    Presentation date: 2021.10

  • The Comparison of Interpersonal Neural Network Between Acquaintance and Stranger pairs

    Yuto Kurihara, Toru Takahashi, Rieko Osu

    Presentation date: 2021.09

  • tracrin: Program to support creating the qualitative descriptions used in communication research

    Ryosaku Makino, Yuto Kurihara, Yusuke Yagai, Keisuke Kadota, Yasuyuki Usuda

    Presentation date: 2021.09

  • 知り合いペアか初対面ペアかによるインタラクション時の神経ネットワークの違い

    栗原勇人, 髙橋徹, 大須理英子


    Presentation date: 2021.08

  • Insight Problem-solving Process Examined Cerebral Blood Flow and Eye Movement

    Reiji Ohkuma, Yuto Kurihara, Rieko Osu

    Presentation date: 2021.07

  • Inter-brain electroencephalography synchronization during joint tapping: A comparison between stranger pairs and acquainted pairs

    Yuto Kurihara, Toru Takahashi, Rieko Osu

    Society for Neuroscience; Global Connectome 

    Presentation date: 2021.01

  • Self-regulation Of Resting-state Network's Neural Substrates During Sustained Attention

    Yan X, Kurihara Y, Osu R

    Presentation date: 2020.07

  • The Relationship Between Inter-Brain EEG Synchronization and Difference in Social Skills During Anti-Phase Tapping Tasks

    Presentation date: 2020.07

  • The Effect of Anti-phase Tapping Behaviors on Inter-Brain EEG Synchronization

    Yuto Kurihara, Rieko Osu

    Presentation date: 2020.03

  • The effect on anti-phase behavioral synchronization and differences in social skills on inter-brain EEG synchronization

    Yuto Kurihara, Rieko Osu

    10th Society for Tokyo Young Psychologists 

    Presentation date: 2020.03

  • 面識の有無が個体間脳波同期に及ぼす影響

    栗原勇人, 横山寛, 岡崎俊太郎, 大須理英子


    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 二人の脳波から因果性を推定する試み

    栗原勇人, 横山寛, 岡崎俊太郎, 大須理英子


    Presentation date: 2019.07

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Research Projects

  • 個体間脳波同期に着目した二重共感問題の理論へのアプローチ

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    栗原 勇人

  • 学校外教育を行う場における支援者による子どもの社会的自立を促す働きかけ

    早稲田大学人間総合研究センター  アーリーキャリアグループ研究支援 (Cプロ)

    Project Year :


    韓雪, 栗原勇人, 山本敦, 堀越まい

  • 周囲環境の違いが対人インタラクションにおける身体・脳同期に与える影響

    早稲田大学人間総合研究センター  アーリーキャリアグループ研究支援 (Cプロ)

    Project Year :


    栗原勇人, 加藤一聖, 松尾綾子, 村野良太

  • 円滑な対人インタラクションを実現する神経基盤の解明とその支援技術の提案

    独立行政法人日本学術振興会  日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC)

    Project Year :


  • 個体間脳波同期レベルに着目した脳神経科学にもとづくコミュニケーション支援技術の実装

    国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST)  早稲田オープン・イノベーション・エコシステム挑戦的研究プログラム(W-SPRING)

    Project Year :


  • 脳活動の同期による無意識的な対人インタラクションの評価法及び支援法

    早稲田大学 人総研研究プロジェクト 

    Project Year :


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  • Dynamic leader-follower relationships in competitive interactions

    Shuntaro Okazaki, Yuto Kurihara, Rieko Osu

      123 ( 408 ) 137 - 142  2024.03

  • Proposal of an Analysis Method for fNIRS Using Machine Learning

      121 ( 79 ) 91 - 96  2021.06

  • リハビリテーションへのモチベーション評価尺度(MORE scale)の尺度特性の検討

    吉田 太樹, 大高 洋平, 北村 新, 栗原 勇人, 大須 理英子

    日本作業療法学会抄録集 54回 OA - 45   54回   OA - 45  2020.09

  • The Effect of Anti-phase Tapping Behaviors on Inter-Brain EEG Synchronization

    Yuto Kurihara, Rieko Osu

    Proceedings of Applied Abstraction and Integrated Design     4 - 8  2020.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • 新学術領域研究「人工知能と脳科学の対象と融合」 若手サマースクール参加記 (2)

       2019.10  [Invited]


  • 高等学校教諭一種免許(英語)

  • 中学校教諭一種免許(英語)



Teaching Experience

  • 情報リテラシー実践Ⅰ

    Tokyo Metropolitan University  


  • 情報リテラシー実践ⅡA

    Tokyo Metropolitan University  


  • 生体計測技術とその応用

    Waseda University Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering  


  • システムニューロサイエンス

    Waseda University School of Human Sciences  


  • 卒業研究ゼミ II (認知神経科学)

    Waseda University School of Human Sciences  


  • 卒業研究ゼミ I (認知神経科学)

    Waseda University School of Human Sciences  


  • 数理の基礎

    Tokyo Seitoku University  


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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 対人インタラクション中の個体間脳波同期に着目した二重共感理論へのアプローチ


     View Summary

    自閉スペクトラム症者(ASD者)が対人インタラクション(以下,インタラクション)を苦手としているのは,相手が定型発達者(TD者)のときであり,相手がASD者の場合はインタラクションが円滑に行える可能性が示唆されており、これを二重共感問題の理論と呼ぶ。本研究では、二重共感問題の理論が二者間における脳波の同期性から立証できるか検証を行った。過去の研究では相互の予測を伴うインタラクション中にお互いの脳波同期の程度が高くなることが示されている(Kurihara et al. 2022,&nbsp;Sci. Rep.)。これを踏まえ、相互予測を伴うdual-Ball Catch Task(野球におけるフライボールを参加者2人のどちらかがキャッチする心理実験課題)を作成した。12ペアを対象に、dual-Ball Catch課題中の脳波を2人同時に計測し、ASD傾向を測る尺度(Autism Quotient; AQ)を取得した。その結果、ボールを落とさず上手に課題を行えているペアで、高いアルファ(8-12Hz)の脳波同期がみられた。今後は取得したAQについても解析し、二重共感問題の理論について検証を行っている予定である。