2025/03/12 更新


イツボ ノリヒロ
伊坪 徳宏
理工学術院 創造理工学部
博士(工学) ( 東京大学 )


  • 2023年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学術院   教授

  • 2022年04月

    東京都市大学   総合研究所 サステナビリティ学連携研究 センター   センター長

  • 2013年04月

    東京都市大学   環境学部   教授

  • 2017年09月

    東京大学   生産技術研究所   客員教授

  • 2011年04月

    東京大学   生産技術研究所   客員研究員(兼任)

  • 2012年04月

    東京都市大学   総合研究所   環境影響評価センター長 (兼任)

  • 2005年04月

    東京都市大学   環境情報学部

  • 2003年04月

    国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所   ライフサイクルアセスメ ント研究センター   LCA手法チーム長

  • 2001年04月

    国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所   ライフサイクルアセスメ ント研究センター   環境影響評価チ ーム員

  • 1998年04月

    一般社団法人 産業環境管理協会   LCA 開発推進部   研究員




    東京大学   工学系研究科   材料学  




    大阪大学   工学部   材料工学  




  • 2015年04月

    エコイノベーションとエコビジネスに関する研究会(通称:SPEED研究会)  会長

  • 2023年07月

    2023 年度 ISO/PC250 (イベントサステナビリティ 国内審議委員会  委員長

  • 2024年04月

    一般社団法人日本LCA推進機構  運営委員会委員

  • 2023年04月

    公益財団法人アサヒグループ財団  学術研究助成部門 委員

  • 2016年04月

    公益財団法人 日本環境協会  エコマーク運営委員会委員

  • 2023年10月

    国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構  創発的研究支援事業アドバイザー

  • 2024年02月

    LCA日本フォーラム  LCA日本フォーラム LIME3活用WG

  • 2023年04月

    ISO/TC331(生物多様性)国内審議委員会  委員

  • 2019年01月

    経済産業省  産業構造審議会 臨時委員

  • 2018年01月

    日本LCA学会  理事

  • 2016年04月

    公益財団法人日本環境協会  エコマーク 基準審議委員会委員

  • 2015年04月

    LCA日本フォーラム  LCA日本フォーラム 情報企画委員会 委員長

  • 2015年04月

    LCA日本フォーラム  LCA日本フォーラム 運営委員会 委員

  • 2023年07月

    一般社団法人計量サステナビリティ学機構  学術アドバイザー

  • 2023年10月

    文科省 科学技術・学術政策研究所 委託  「科学技術と社会との関係性を踏まえた中長期的に振興すべき研究テーマの抽出」における 「マテリアル・デバイス・プロセス分科会」委員

  • 2023年10月

    産業競争力強化及び排出削減の実現に向けた需要創出に資するGX製品市場に関する研究会  委員

  • 2023年09月

    環境省「ネイチャーポジティブ経済研究会 コアメンバー会議」  委員

  • 2023年09月

    環境省「ネイチャーポジティブ経済研究会」  委員

  • 2023年05月

    グリーン購入ネットワーク(GPN)  第14期 代表理事






    「イベントマネジメントにおける持続可能性」国際規格化 国内審議委員会













  • 環境政策、環境配慮型社会 / 環境影響評価


  • 環境経済評価

  • ライフサイクルアセスメント

  • 環境影響評価

  • environmental economics

  • life cycle assessment

  • environmental impact assessment



  • 第9回日本LCA学会「論文賞」

    2018年   日本LCA学会  

    受賞者: 湯龍龍, 永島達也, 長谷川晃一, 大原利眞, 須藤健吾, 伊坪徳宏

  • 第6回日本LCA学会「論文賞」

    2015年   日本LCA学会  

    受賞者: 矢野伸二郎, 花崎直太, 伊坪徳宏, 沖大幹

  • 第5回日本LCA学会「論文賞」

    2014年   日本LCA学会  

    受賞者: 伊坪徳宏, 久保利晃, 森野悠, 大原利眞

  • 第3回日本LCA学会「論文賞」

    2012年   日本LCA学会  

    受賞者: 本下晶晴, 伊坪徳宏, 稲葉敦



  • Predicting the Global Extinction Risk for 6569 Species by Applying the Life Cycle Impact Assessment Method to the Impact of Future Land Use Changes

    Runya Liu, Haruka Ohashi, Akiko Hirata, Longlong Tang, Tetsuya Matsui, Kousuke Terasaki, Ryuzo Furukawa, Norihiro Itsubo

    Sustainability   16 ( 13 ) 5484 - 5484  2024年06月


    Land use change is considered to be one of the key direct drivers of ecosystem erosion and biodiversity loss. The Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) serves as a robust tool for environmental impact assessment, featuring an advanced framework and indicators for assessing global biodiversity loss. In this research, we utilized the Species Distribution Model (SDM) to evaluate 6569 species across five taxonomic groups. We simulated habitat change and losses induced by land use changes under sustainable future scenarios from the present to 2100. This enables us to assess spatial extinction risks based on shifts in the global distribution of species. Our findings reveal a global biodiversity extinction risk of approximately 4.9 species/year, equivalent to an extinction rate of 745.9 E/MSY. Notably, higher-risk hotspots have been identified in regions such as South America, South Australia, and New Zealand. Although future sustainable scenarios involving land intensification may mitigate the biodiversity extinction rate, the objective of reaching 10 E/MSY by the end of this century remains a distant goal. By providing a more rational basis for biodiversity loss, the indicators of spatial extinction risk demonstrate the advantage of effectively reflecting regional characteristics.



  • G20 Tourism Carbon Footprint and COVID-19 Impact

    Akihiko Tsutsumi, Ryuzo Furukawa, Yusuke Kitamura, Norihiro Itsubo

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   16 ( 5 )  2024年03月


    The Glasgow Declaration called for scientifically based measurements of CO2 emissions in the tourism industry to monitor progress toward the achievement of the goals of the Paris Agreement. Despite the economic and employment downturn caused by COVID-19, there are limited cases of environmental assessments related to tourism. In this study, we estimated the CFP of the tourism industry in the G20 countries before and after COVID-19. By combining the MRIO and Tourism Satellite Accounts, we clarified the different impacts on the markets for domestic tourism and inbound tourism, aiming to provide a quantitative basis for setting scientifically grounded goals towards the transition to sustainable tourism. The GHG emissions from tourism mainly stem from transportation, but souvenirs, accommodations, and food and beverages also result in significant differences among countries. The pandemic has greatly impacted the tourism industry. In 2020, the GHG emissions from both domestic and inbound tourism significantly decreased due to the decrease in the number of tourists. In some countries, measures against COVID-19 influenced these figures, and although signs of recovery were observed in 2021, the degree of reduction varied by country. These emission reductions should be the goals pursued by the tourism industry in the post-COVID-19 era, and efforts should be made to achieve sustainable tourism.



  • Carbon footprints by stage of chronic kidney disease: The case of Japan

    Kei Nagai, Sho Hata, Norihiro Itsubo, Kunitoshi Iseki, Kunihiro Yamagata, Keisuke Nansai

    Journal of Climate Change and Health   15  2024年01月


    Introduction: The nexus between carbon footprints and chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression have not been clarified, so it has not been possible to examine the prevention of disease severity as a potential countermeasure for decarbonization. Material and methods: The study included 70,627 subjects aged 40–74 years and diagnosed with CKD stage by specific health checkups in 2014–2015. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Japan were formulated with the 2015 environmental input–output model. The carbon footprints by CKD stage were calculated with annual treatment cost according to renal function indicators, namely estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and proteinuria. Results: The annual carbon footprint per patient with induction of dialysis due to CKD was estimated to be 3.9 tCO2e, in contrast to 0.31 tCO2e in subjects without dialysis. Highlighting the relationship between the carbon footprint and the slope of eGFR as the CKD stage advances, the carbon footprint of care for patients with a stable eGFR in CKD stage G2 or better was 300 kgCO2e in males and 280 kgCO2e in females. Yet, in CKD stages G3a and G3b or worse, the carbon footprint for a rapid decrease in eGFR (30 % or greater per year) was 620 kgCO2e and 1440 kgCO2e in males and 430 kgCO2e and 1270 kgCO2e in females, respectively. Conclusion: Effective interventional treatments to prevent disease severity in CKD contribute to both the health of the patient and the mitigation of GHG emissions.



  • Bibliometric analysis and visualisation of research on life cycle assessment in Africa (1992–2022)

    Mohammed Engha Isah, Zhengyang Zhang, Kazuyo Matsubae, Norihiro Itsubo

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment    2024年


    Purpose: Life cycle assessment (LCA) has found wide applicability as a tool for assessing the environmental impacts of human activities in different fields such as manufacturing, mining, transportation, oil and gas, construction, and medicine. Despite the wide applicability of LCA globally, the uptake and use of the tool in Africa remains limited. This research is motivated by the need to explore the continental structure of life cycle assessment to ascertain the level of knowledge and research; collaboration amongst institutions, countries, and authors; keyword co-occurrence; thematic evolution; and bibliographic coupling. Methods: Publications related to life cycle assessment were retrieved and cleaned from the Scopus database with the language restricted to English and only countries recognised by the African Union. VOSviewer (version 1.6.19) visualisation tool was used to construct and visualise the network maps of researchers, co-occurrence, co-authorships, and keywords. On the other hand, Bibliometrix was employed to carryout descriptive analysis and thematic evolution and to extract bibliographic information. Results and discussion: In total, 616 research publications between 1992 and 2022 were retrieved. The results show that research on the subject matter picked up from 2004 and has been on the upward trend. South Africa, Egypt, Tunisia, and Algeria are the top countries carrying out LCA research on the continent. In addition, the top authors, affiliations, and funders also come from these countries. It was also noted that there were low levels of cooperation between authors on the African continent; rather, they collaborate more with researchers in Europe, America, and other parts of the world. The built environment, construction industry, alternative energy, agriculture, and waste management and recycling are the major themes of research on the continent. Conclusion: Life cycle assessment is gaining traction amongst researchers in Africa, albeit slowly. Considering the continents’ role in the future especially in providing critical raw materials needed for the transition to a carbon-neutral society in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), rapid uptake and embedding life cycle thinking in every sector of the African economy are needed. However, there is an urgent need to equip researchers with the skills to facilitate the development of a life cycle inventory (LCI) database at countries or continental level.



  • Country-Specific External Costs of Abiotic Resource Use Based on User Cost Model in Life Cycle Impact Assessment

    Ryosuke Yokoi, Masaharu Motoshita, Takeshi Matsuda, Norihiro Itsubo

    Environmental Science and Technology   58 ( 18 ) 7849 - 7859  2024年  [国際誌]


    Abiotic resources are indispensable in society, but there are concerns regarding their depletion, scarcity, and increasing prices, resulting in potential economic damage in the future. To address these concerns, it is effective to consider the external costs of resource use. Although resource availability is different among mining sites, and local conditions are relevant in assessing resource scarcity, previous studies have assessed external costs and potential impacts of abiotic resource use globally. This study provides country-specific characterization factors (CFs) of abiotic resource use in life cycle impact assessment based on the user cost model, which represents the external costs of abiotic resource use to reflect country-specific resource scarcity. We demonstrate considerable variations in the CFs depending on the mining country, suggesting that the choice of mining country can affect external costs. The global external cost of abiotic resource use in 2020 was estimated at 1.9 trillion $, with a major contribution from the extraction of fossil fuels in the United States. Historical trends of the CFs and relevant parameters showed temporal fluctuations, emphasizing the importance of regularly updating the data underlying the calculation of the CFs. Country-level assessments of the external costs of resource use can contribute to discussions on the responsibilities of consuming countries by incorporating material footprint studies.

    DOI PubMed


  • Characterization factor estimation based on a species-specific extinction risk approach for determining CO2 emission impact on terrestrial biodiversity

    Longlong Tang, Haruka Ohashi, Tetsuya Matsui, Akiko Hirata, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Norihiro Itsubo

    Ecological Indicators   154   110556 - 110556  2023年10月


    Species extinction risk is a crucial indicator of the global impact of climate change on biodiversity. In life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), the relationship between the potentially extinct ratio and temperature is used to calculate characterization factors (CFs) that indicate additional biodiversity impact per unit greenhouse gas emissions, using the biodiversity loss indicator termed potentially disappeared fraction (PDF). However, current methods for calculating CFs that focus on terrestrial biodiversity do not show differences among taxa and regions. Here, we estimated taxon-level CFs based on a species-specific extinction risk approach for determining impact of CO2 emission on terrestrial biodiversity. The extinction risk of a species is defined as the reciprocal of the estimated waiting times for extinction caused by climate-derived habitat loss of the species. Based on the approach, CFs for five taxa—birds, reptiles, mammals, amphibians, vascular plants—were estimated as 0.017, 0.017, 0.025, 0.027, and 0.040 (PDF·km2·year·kton−1), respectively. In addition, CFs that use the number of potentially extinct species (species·kton−1) as indicators were also calculated based on the same species-specific extinction risk approach. The proposed method successfully calculates taxon-level CFs and has the potential to show their regional variations, which contributes to the precise impact assessment on climate-derived biodiversity in LCIA.



  • Characterization factor estimation based on a species-specific extinction risk approach for determining CO2 emission impact on terrestrial biodiversity

    Longlong Tang, Haruka Ohashi, Tetsuya Matsui, Akiko Hirata, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Norihiro Itsubo

    Ecological Indicators   154   110556 - 110556  2023年10月



  • Total economic costs of climate change at different discount rates for market and non-market values

    Takahiro Oda, Jun’ya Takakura, Longlong Tang, Toshichika Iizumi, Norihiro Itsubo, Haruka Ohashi, Masashi Kiguchi, Naoko Kumano, Kiyoshi Takahashi, Masahiro Tanoue, Makoto Tamura, Qian Zhou, Naota Hanasaki, Tomoko Hasegawa, Chan Park, Yasuaki Hijioka, Yukiko Hirabayashi, Shinichiro Fujimori, Yasushi Honda, Tetsuya Matsui, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Hiromune Yokoki, Taikan Oki

    Environmental Research Letters   18 ( 8 ) 084026 - 084026  2023年08月



    What will be the aggregated cost of climate change in achieving the Paris Agreement, including mitigation, adaptation, and residual impacts? Several studies estimated the aggregated cost but did not always consider the critical issues. Some do not address non-market values such as biodiversity and human health, and most do not address differentiating discount rates. In this study, we estimate the aggregated cost of climate change using an integrated assessment model linked with detailed-process-based climate impact models and different discount rates for market and non-market values. The analysis reveals that a climate policy with minimal aggregated cost is sensitive to socioeconomic scenarios and the way discount rates are applied. The results elucidate that a lower discount rate to non-market value—that is, a higher estimate of future value—makes the aggregated cost of achieving the Paris Agreement economically reasonable.



  • Damage factors of stratospheric ozone depletion on human health impact with the addition of nitrous oxide as the largest contributor in the 2000s

    Kentaro Hayashi, Norihiro Itsubo

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   28 ( 8 ) 990 - 1002  2023年


    Purpose: Stratospheric ozone (O3) depletion caused by O3-depleting substances (ODSs) remains an unsolved issue. The leakage of older ODSs in the atmosphere continue to affect stratospheric O3, and nitrous oxide (N2O) remains the largest contributor to stratospheric O3 depletion. The purpose of this study was to update the damage factors of stratospheric O3 depletion on human health impacts, particularly skin cancers and eye cataracts, for the years 2010 and 2015 by adding N2O. Methods: The framework to derive damage factors followed that of our previous study; the marginal increase in total incidence per unit ODS emission was estimated using the following terms: ground surface emission, tropospheric chlorine loading, equivalent effective stratospheric chlorine (EESC), total O3 in the air column, ultraviolet-B (UV-B) at the ground surface, incidence due to erythemal UV-B exposure, standardized age structure, population, and ODS atmospheric lifetime. By multiplying the disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) per incidence by the marginal increase in total incidence per unit emission, the damage factor was obtained as the DALY per unit emission. The following update was made in this study: the addition of N2O and revisions of the relationship between EESC and total O3, ODS lifetime, population, and DALY per incidence. Results and discussion: Damage factors of all ODSs regulated by the Montreal Protocol and of N2O were calculated for melanoma, non-melanoma skin cancers, and eye cataracts. The total damage factors of N2O were 2.1 × 10–5 and 2.2 × 10–5 DALY per kg nitrogen (N) in 2010 and 2015, respectively. These values were smaller than those of chlorofluorocarbons and halons; however, the global effect of N2O on stratospheric O3 depletion was approximately 170,000 DALYs or 3.9 billion USD in 2010, accounting for 48% of the total damage. The damage factor of N2O on climate change was estimated, based on existing literature, to be 27 times higher than that for stratospheric O3 depletion estimated in this study. Conclusions: N2O is currently the largest contributor to stratospheric O3 depletion, which accounted for approximately 50% of the total health impact induced by all ODSs in 2010. Although another important impact of N2O, i.e., climate change, was demonstrated to be 27 times more damaging than stratospheric O3 depletion, this means that N2O emissions contribute to two global environmental issues simultaneously. Thus, efforts to reduce N2O emissions should be increased.



  • Life-Cycle Assessment of Refrigerants for Air Conditioners Considering Reclamation and Destruction

    Yoshihito Yasaka, Selim Karkour, Koichi Shobatake, Norihiro Itsubo, Fumiaki Yakushiji

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   15 ( 1 )  2023年01月


    Fluorinated gases (F-gases) used as refrigerants in air conditioners have a significant global warming effect, so their release into the atmosphere must be minimized. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the environmental impact of two treatment methods: reclamation and destruction after refrigerant recovery. Plant data for R410A, R32, R134a, and R22 were collected from Japan and Europe and evaluated in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, energy consumption, and the Life-cycle Impact assessment Method based on Endpoint modeling 3 (LIME3). As for GHG emissions, the results per kg of used refrigerant showed that the reclamation process emitted approximately 5.7 to 15.9 kg CO2-eq less than the destruction process. In addition, the energy consumption was found to be 82.5 to 250.6 MJ lower, and, for LIME3, the results were found to be USD 0.40 to 0.97 lower for the reclamation compared with the destruction. This trend was the same regardless of the refrigerant type and location, and it was quantitatively clarified that the environmental impact was smaller for the reclamation process than for the destruction process.



  • Potential for reducing CO<inf>2</inf> emissions from passenger cars in Japan by 2030 to achieve carbon neutrality

    Dyah Ika Rinawati, Alexander Ryota Keeley, Shutaro Takeda, Norihiro Itsubo, Shunsuke Managi

    IATSS Research   47 ( 2 ) 185 - 195  2023年


    For Japan to achieve its targets for carbon neutrality and reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, decarbonization of road transport is essential. Japan regards next-generation vehicles, including hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), battery electric vehicles (BEVs), and fuel cell vehicles, as a key means of reducing carbon emissions from road transport. Four scenarios were proposed to predict the potential carbon emissions reduction of passenger car use in 2030: baseline, business-as-usual, government's target-based, and aggressive scenarios. Economic input–output life cycle assessment was used to evaluate potential CO2 emissions, acidification, eutrophication, human toxicity, and photochemical oxidation associated with passenger cars. In this study, all environmental impacts were calculated using the multi-regional environmentally extended supply and use/input–output database by applying the CML 2001 impact assessment method. The findings indicate that PHEVs have the lowest CO2 emissions per km traveled, followed by HEVs and BEVs. The prediction for carbon emissions from passenger cars shows that adopting electrified vehicles, such as HEVs, PHEVs, and BEVs could help decarbonize the passenger car sector. The population of vehicles, vehicle manufacturing, well-to-wheel cycle of fuel, and fuel economy will significantly contribute to CO2 emissions. Finally, this study recommends policies to steer Japan into achieving its goal of carbon neutrality.



  • Environmental and Health-Related Lifecycle Impact Assessment of Reduced-Salt Meals in Japan

    Keiji Nakamura, Norihiro Itsubo

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   14 ( 14 )  2022年07月


    To achieve sustainable development goals, meals should promote environmental protection and good health. The excessive salt intake of the Japanese people is one cause of lifestyle diseases. This study evaluated the impact of reducing salt intake on the environment and human health. Over one week, this study compared the lifecycle of a model meal based on a Japanese person’s average food intake with a reduced-salt meal, by replacing seasoning/salt with low-salt substitutes. We conducted an inventory assessment of the carbon and water consumption footprints based on the items used in the ingredient and cooking stages. The impact on climate and water consumption was determined using the results of the inventory assessment of the damage factors. We took the global burden of disease result as the health impact of salt intake. The decreased health impact of reduced salt was based on the results of a previous study. The health impact of the ingredient stage of both meals was almost the same. Regarding the assessment of the health impact, the value of the reduced-salt meal was 30% lower than that of the model meal because the salt intake was reduced by 2.8 g per day. We found that the reduced-salt meal could decrease the overall human health impact by 20% because of the reduced incidence of salt-intake-related diseases, despite a small increase in the health impact of reduced-salt seasonings.



  • Explaining the diverse values assigned to environmental benefits across countries

    Kayo Murakami, Norihiro Itsubo, Koichi Kuriyama

    Nature Sustainability   5 ( 9 ) 753 - 761  2022年06月


    One of the key obstacles to building public consensus regarding environmental problems is the fact that environmental benefits are valued differently by different individuals and across different regions. Lack of public consensus has fractured international and domestic agreements, preventing effective system implementation. However, where does the disparity come from? Here, we provide evidence that can help to understand such diversity by analysing large-scale survey data collected across G20 countries. Combining lifecycle impact assessment and economic valuation techniques, our analysis shows that people’s perceptions of environmental benefits are in fact diverse, but are determined by a few social indicators such as life expectancy, income and gender equality, as well as individual conditions such as relative income and subjective well-being. As these social- and individual-level conditions improve, people shift priorities and place more emphasis on less tangible environmental benefits (biodiversity conservation) rather than relatively tangible (health-related) ones. Focusing on such determinants and addressing the problems of inequality and well-being are critical to building public consensus and tackling global environmental issues practically. Our findings can illuminate a feasible step to global consensus and a sustainable society.



  • Environmental Impact of Care for End-stage Kidney Disease on the Earth and Humans.

    Kei Nagai, Norihiro Itsubo

    JMA journal   5 ( 1 ) 109 - 113  2022年01月  [国内誌]

    DOI PubMed

  • Microplastics in wastewater treatment plants

    Amila Abeynayaka, Induka Werellagama, Pham Ngoc-Bao, Matthew Hengesbaugh, Pradeep Gajanayake, Bhagya Nallaperuma, Selim Karkour, Xuan Thanh Bui, Norihiro Itsubo

    Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Advances in Biological Wastewater Treatment Systems     311 - 337  2022年01月


    This chapter reviews recent developments in microplastic-related research; identifies major sources of microplastics to wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs); investigates the detection methods, concentration levels, and removal efficiency of microplastics at selected WWTPs; and presents a discussion on microplastics removal from wastewater and sludge using biological wastewater treatment processes. The findings are subsequently summarized to suggest potential improvements and future directions for research and development addressing the issue of microplastic pollution. The research identified that supportive policy measures coupled with effective WWTP designs are important for minimizing microplastic-related pollution. In addition, knowledge of the origins of microplastics is useful for WWT system designers, practitioners, policymakers, product designers, and other stakeholders. While sampling and analytical methods continue to evolve, several recommended best practices include focusing on the minimization of contamination, reproducibility, and the applicability of methods in WWTP facilities. Because microplastics can include complex composite polymers with additives, adsorbents, and biofilm, further research on toxicity, chemical leachability, and pathogenic biofilm properties is needed to understand the potential impact on biological wastewater treatment systems.



  • Author Correction: Life cycle assessment of maize cultivation and biomass utilization in northern Thailand (Scientific Reports, (2020), 10, 1, (3516), 10.1038/s41598-020-60532-2)

    Titaporn Supasri, Norihiro Itsubo, Shabbir H. Gheewala, Sate Sampattagul

    Scientific Reports   11 ( 1 ) 24393 - 24393  2021年12月  [国際誌]


    In the original version of this Article errors were made during the conversion from rai to hectares. As a result, in the Introduction, “In 2017, the maize harvested area in Thailand was 41 million hectares, which increased from year 2016 by 1.26%.” now reads: “In 2017, the maize production in Thailand was 41 million tonnes, which increased from year 2016 by 1.26%.” In addition, in the Methodology section, under the subheading “Focus area”, “Mae Chaem district is one of the most cultivated areas in northern region of Chiang Mai province with a cultivation area under maize of approximately 480,756 ha in 2015 while Chiang Dao district was about 207,213 ha2.” now reads: “Mae Chaem district is one of the most cultivated areas in northern region of Chiang Mai province with a cultivation area under maize of approximately 12,307 ha in 2015 while Chiang Dao district was about 5305 ha2.” Furthermore, in Table 1, the “Quantity” for Focus area “Mae Chaem”; “Harvesting and Milling” was incorrect. The incorrect and correct value appears below. (Table presented.) (Table presented.) In Table 2, the quantities for Focus area “Chiang Dao”; “Maize yield” and “Maize residue (leaves, and stalks)” were incorrect. The incorrect and correct values appear below. (Table presented.) (Table presented.) Finally, in Figure 1 the number of harvested area (hectare) and production (tonne) was corrected. In addition, three different variables were plotted in Figure 1, but the axes did not reflect all three variables. As a result, “Yield per hectare (kg)” has been removed for clarity. In Figure 5, the number of planted area (hectare) and harvested area (hectare) was corrected. The original Figures 1 and 5 and accompanying legends appear below. (Figure presented.) (Figure presented.) The original Article has been corrected.

    DOI PubMed


  • Life cycle assessment (LCA) of the innovative eco-designed container for shampoo

    Toru Okada, Manabu Shibata, Yushi Sakata, AtsushiNakajima, Norihiro Itsubo

    Cleaner and Responsible Consumption   3  2021年12月


    In recent years, an innovative eco-designed container (replace type) has been developed with expectation of further reducing plastic consumption. This container is used by installing the flexible package directly. Moreover, it contributed to removal of the process of refilling. This study aimed to clarify the environmental impact of innovative eco-designed container by applying LCA, targeting shampoo bottles in three models, which are Pump model (using only pump bottles), Refill model (using a pump bottle and flexible packages) and Replace model (using the innovative eco-designed container and flexible packages). LIME2(Life cycle Impact Assessment Method based on Endpoint Modeling Version 2) was applied in the environmental assessment. According to the result of weighting across endpoints, the refill and replace models reduced the environmental impact by 20% and 25% respectively compared to the bottle model. This result is due to the reduction in oil, carbon dioxide (CO 2) and sulfur oxide (SO X) brought by cutting bottle plastic consumption.



  • What determines the values of environmental benefits? Evidence from a worldwide survey

    Kayo Murakami, Norihiro Itsubo, Koichi Kuriyama



    One of the key obstacles to building international cooperation for environmental problems is the fact that environmental benefits are valued differently in different countries. But where does the disparity come from? This study gives an answer to this question by analysing large-scale survey data collected across G20 countries. Combining lifecycle impact assessment and economic valuation techniques, we found that people's perceptions of environmental benefits are in fact diverse, but are highly correlated with a few social indicators such as life expectancy, the Gini index, and subjective well-being. Our findings suggest that improving these social indicators in otherwise ill-equipped countries will facilitate convergence of people's perceptions and will thereby establish a common ground for tackling global environmental issues.


  • Assessment of environmental sustainability in renal healthcare.

    Kei Nagai, Hiroaki Suzuki, Atsushi Ueda, John W M Agar, Norihiro Itsubo

    Journal of rural medicine : JRM   16 ( 3 ) 132 - 138  2021年07月  [国内誌]


    The health effects of climate change are becoming increasingly important; there are direct effects from heatwaves and floods, and indirect effects from the altered distribution of infectious diseases and changes in crop yield. Ironically, the healthcare system itself carries an environmental burden, contributing to environmental health impacts. Life cycle assessment is a widely accepted and well-established method that quantitatively evaluates environmental impact. Given that monetary evaluations have the potential to motivate private companies and societies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions using market mechanisms, instead of assessing the carbon footprint alone, we previously developed a life cycle impact assessment method based on an endpoint that integrates comprehensive environmental burdens into a single index-the monetary cost. Previous investigations estimated that therapy for chronic kidney disease had a significant carbon footprint in the healthcare sector. We have been aiming to investigate on the environmental impact of chronic kidney disease based on field surveys from the renal department in a hospital and several health clinics in Japan. To live sustainably, it is necessary to establish cultures, practices, and research that aims to conserve resources to provide environmentally friendly healthcare in Japan.

    DOI PubMed

  • Lifecycle assessment of monosodium glutamate made from non-edible biomass

    Nakamura, K., Itsubo, N.

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   13 ( 7 )  2021年


    The open burning of agricultural residues derived from rice is a social issue in Thailand, as it causes air pollution in the form of smoke. A way to prevent smoke air pollution is to pulverize glycosylated non-edible biomass and convert it to monosodium glutamate (MSG). This study assessed MSG produced by non-edible biomass and compared the environmental performance of MSG produced using tapioca starch. The scope of this study ranges from the cultivation of raw materials to the production of MSG. The adopted impact categories include carbon, water, and air pollution. The primary data refer to the average unit input and fuel consumption of annual MSG production. The secondary data are used for inventories, namely, Ecoinvent 3, the Water Footprint Network, and the EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook. We also conducted an impact assessment of the health impacts and weighting across several impact categories using LIME-3. The human health impact assessments for MSG from non-edible biomass and tapioca starch show gains of 1.92 × 10-5 and 3.59 × 10-5 DALYs per kg MSG, respectively. This difference is due to declining water scarcity and air pollution footprints. We found that using rice straw prevents water scarcity and smoke air pollution caused by open burning.



  • Status of life cycle assessment (LCA) in Africa

    Karkour, S., Rachid, S., Maaoui, M., Lin, C.-C., Itsubo, N.

    Environments - MDPI   8 ( 2 ) 1 - 46  2021年


    Life cycle assessment (LCA) has received attention as a tool to evaluate the environmental impacts of products and services. In the last 20 years, research on the topic has increased, and now more than 25,000 articles are related to LCA in scientific journals databases such as the Scopus database; however, the concept is relatively new in Africa, where the number of networks has been highlighted to be very low when compared to the other regions. This paper focuses on a review of life cycle assessments conducted in Africa over the last 20 years. It aims at highlighting the current research gap for African LCA. A total of 199 papers were found for the whole continent; this number is lower than that for both Japan and Germany (more than 400 articles each) and nearly equal to developing countries such as Thailand. Agriculture is the sector which received the most attention, representing 53 articles, followed by electricity and energy (60 articles for the two sectors). South Africa (43), Egypt (23), and Tunisia (19) were the countries where most of the research was conducted. Even if the number of articles related to LCA have increased in recent years, many steps still remain. For example, establishing a specific life cycle inventory (LCI) database for African countries or a targeted ideal life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) method. Several African key sectors could also be assessed further.



  • Eco-efficiency assessment of 42 countries’ administrative divisions based on environmental impact and gross regional product

    Yamasaki, J., Itsubo, N., Murayama, A., Nitanai, R.

    City and Environment Interactions   10  2021年


    To transition to a sustainable society, every local government needs to properly recognize, measure, and publish the current situation in their administrative division. This study conducted eco-efficiency assessment of activities carried out at the local level around the world based on the economic value and environmental load indicators in one year (2015). The assessment's target areas were the administrative divisions of 42 countries that were mainly OECD members. The economic value was the Gross Regional Product (GRP), and the environmental load was calculated based on LIME3, an endpoint-type and global-scale Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) method that can calculate the assessment results in monetary units (the “eco-index USD”). The indicator for eco-efficiency (dimensionless) was quantitatively defined by dividing the monetary units of the eco-index USD by the GRP in each area. The assessment results show that the average eco-efficiency value in all areas of the 42 countries was 30.2. Of these countries, the major cities (administrative division unit) with the top-three values include Paris (213.1), London (154.3), and Dublin (141.8). The results for each division were visualized on graphs and maps in order to understand their positions from environmental and economic perspectives. No such assessment has ever been conducted at the local level and under the same conditions globally. This study provides insights that contributes to the establishment of a standard methodology for local governments’ environmental accounting.



  • Environmental impact assessment of flexible package printing with the “lunajet® ” aqueous inkjet ink using nanodispersion technology

    Kozake, K., Egawa, T., Kunii, S., Kawaguchi, H., Okada, T., Sakata, Y., Shibata, M., Itsubo, N.

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   13 ( 17 )  2021年


    The share of digital printing on flexible plastic packaging has been increasing rapidly in response to the market demand for agility in Japan. To meet all these challenges, our response is the aqueous inkjet ink “LUNAJET® ”. By combining aqueous pigment nanodispersions with precise interfacial control technologies, “LUNAJET® ” can contribute to the rapid digitization of flexible package printing while, at the same time, improving the environmental performance. Our analysis includes an evaluation of the environmental impact due to the conversion from gravure printing with an analog press to digital printing using an inkjet printer with water-based inks. In addition, inventory analyses and characterizations were carried out. It is shown that a 75% reduction in CO2 emissions and 33% reduction in VOC (volatile organic compounds) emissions can be expected, particularly in small-lot printing, where digital printing is most desirable. An environmental impact assessment was conducted in Japan, based upon the LIME3 (life cycle impact assessment method based on endpoint modeling version 3) approach. It was found that the waste reduction rate for aqueous inkjet printing, compared to analog printing, was as high as 57% for small-lot production, assuming a large variety of products; surprisingly, the reduction rate remained at 15%, even for long production runs. As the market rushes to embrace digital printing technologies for packaging, these results indicate that implementing inkjet printing using aqueous ink for flexible plastic substrates can reduce waste and decrease the environmental burden, both for short as well as long printing runs.



  • Sustainability in dialysis therapy: Japanese local and global challenge

    Nagai, K., Barraclough, K., Ueda, A., Itsubo, N.

    Renal Replacement Therapy   7 ( 1 )  2021年


    Human-induced climate change is considered the greatest health threat of the 21st century. The health effects of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent, and there is substantial evidence indicating increased risk of kidney injury due to heat illness and other climate change-related meteorological abnormalities. On the other hand, healthcare itself is responsible for environmental burdens and has been estimated to generate between 3 and 10% of total national CO2 equivalent emissions. Dialysis has been estimated as one of the major contributors to healthcare’s carbon footprint. Especially in Australia and the UK, nations that have high awareness regarding environmental research, “Green Nephrology” has emerged as a new discipline. From both of these countries, a series of papers have been produced outlining the carbon footprint of hemodialysis, the results of surveys of specialists’ awareness of environmental issues, and proposals for how to save resources in dialysis therapy. Following on from this, several national and international nephrology societies have committed themselves to a range of initiatives aiming at “greening” the kidney sector. In Japan, where water and electricity supplies currently are stable, we occasionally are reminded of the potential for shortages of water and energy and of waste disposal problems. These issues particularly come to the fore in times of disasters, when hemodialysis patients need to be evacuated to distant dialysis facilities. Irrespective of the current state of resource availability, however, continuous efforts and the establishment of resource-saving procedures as a part of Japanese culture are highly desirable and would contribute to environmentally friendly healthcare. Japan needs to build awareness of these issues before the country faces a catastrophic situation of resource shortages. This review is intended as a call to action regarding environmental sustainability in kidney healthcare in Japan and the world.



  • Disassembly system design and analysis with environmental and economic parts selection using life cycle inventory database by input-output tables

    Yamada, T., Suzuki, Y., Kinoshita, Y., Masui, T., Itsubo, N., Inoue, M.

    International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing   5 ( 1 ) 23 - 43  2021年


    To prevent material starvation and global warming caused by manufacturing, disassembly systems for end-of-life (EOL) products should be environmentally and economically designed to promote a closed-loop supply chain for assembly products. With parts selection in the disassembly systems, parts/materials with higher CO2 volumes should be recycled for environmental reasons. On the other hand, parts/materials with higher profit, which is the difference between the revenue of recovered materials and disassembly costs, should be disassembled for economic reasons. A disassembly system design considering not only the environmental loads but also the recovered parts/materials is proposed by using a product lifecycle management (PLM) tool. However, from a technical and financial standpoint, it is not easy for the disassembly factory sites to create the 3D-CAD models and obtain the environmental information using the PLM tool. This paper proposes a disassembly system design with the environmental and economic parts selection using a life cycle inventory database by input-output tables.



  • Life cycle assessment of residential air conditioners considering the benefits of their use: A case study in Indonesia

    Karkour, S., Ihara, T., Kuwayama, T., Yamaguchi, K., Itsubo, N.

    Energies   14 ( 2 )  2021年


    The global demand for air conditioners (ACs) has more than tripled since 1990, with 1.6 billion units currently in use. With the rapid economic and population growth of countries located in the hottest parts in the world, this trend is likely to continue in the future. The aim of this study was to show the benefits of introducing air conditioners with different materials or different technologies such as inverters with high energy-saving performance on the environment and human health in Indonesia. To evaluate the environmental impacts of the different technologies, a cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment (LCA) of air conditioners was conducted using the life-cycle impact assessment method based on endpoint modeling (LIME3). As expected, the use stage has the largest global warming potential (GWP), representing more than 90% of the impact, whereas copper and nickel have the most important impact in terms of resource consumption (about 50%). We found that the impacts are heavily dependent on the country’s energy mix, but reduction can be achieved by introducing better technologies. The integration factors from LIME3 were then applied to estimate the external cost of each model; the results showed that the use stage also has the most influence. Even though the impact of climate change is important, air pollution impact must be seriously considered as its impact was found to be the highest (about 60% of the total impact). The external cost was finally compared to the possible benefits produced by the introduction of air conditioning technologies during their 10-year life cycle. We found that the impacts are twice that of the benefit for the best model (USD 2003 vs. 1064); however, the novelty of this study is that the benefit was also considered. In the future, developing countries should promote AC models with inverters, refrigerants with low global warming impact such as natural refrigerants, and encourage the recycling of units as soon as possible. The energy mix for electricity production is also a key parameter to consider.



  • Toward more comprehensive environmental impact assessments: interlinked global models of LCIA and IAM applicable to this century

    Koji Tokimatsu, Longlong Tang, Rieko Yasuoka, Ryota Ii, Norihiro Itsubo, Masahiro Nishio

    The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   25 ( 9 ) 1710 - 1736  2020年09月



  • Annual Nationwide Environmental Impact Assessment of Japanese Municipalities by Type of Business within the Endpoint-type LCIA Method "lIME2"

    Junya Yamasaki, Toshiharu Ikaga, Norihiro Itsubo

    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science   410 ( 1 )  2020年01月


    This study attempts a comprehensive environmental impact assessment, within the context of annual operations by type of business in each division of Japanese municipality, based on the LCIA (Life Cycle Impact Assessment) method. LIME2 (Life-Cycle Impact Assessment Method Based on Endpoint Modeling 2) is an example of an endpoint-type LCIA method developed in Japan. Annual environmental impacts of municipalities nationwide are assessed by LIME2 from the perspective of environmental damage, indexed to the Japanese yen. Here, this index is referred to as the "Eco-index Yen". The availability of necessary inventory data in each category is surveyed from statistical information published by governments. From the assessment results based on these conditions, the annual damage amount of all Japanese municipalities taken together is 4.63 trillion yen. The assessment result of each municipality is converted into indicators per capita and per GRP (Gross Regional Product). These results are displayed on a map of Japan to visualize regional characteristics nationwide by type of business, across different types of industries, including the residential and transportation sectors. As described in this study, these results provide a first step toward constructing a new methodology for comprehensive environmental impact assessment of administrative units.



  • Toward more comprehensive environmental impact assessments: interlinked global models of LCIA and IAM applicable to this century

    Tokimatsu, K., Tang, L., Yasuoka, R., Ii, R., Itsubo, N., Nishio, M.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   25 ( 9 ) 1710 - 1736  2020年


    Purpose: Despite the long-standing demand for research on dynamic lifecycle assessment (LCA) for policymaking, only a few studies have addressed this subject in conjunction with other systems thinking disciplines, such as energy systems models (ESMs) and integrated assessment models (IAMs), which have achieved tremendous success in assessing climate policies in future scenarios. This study explains our methodological advances in the global application of LCA incorporated in IAMs, specifically dose-response functions, models, and future scenarios. Methods: We investigate the application of the lifecycle impact assessment method based on endpoint modeling (LIME), developed under the current environmental situation in Japan and globally, to be consistent and compatible with our IAM, which comprises three resource balance models and a simplified climate model. The IAM endogenously generates most inventories consistent with energy scenarios and climate policies linked with the applied LIME. The IAM and LIME are formulated to minimize the discounted sum of supplying the cost of resources over their lifecycles (i.e., from development to end-of-life) to generate time evolutions for the endpoint impacts over this century on a global scale with/without the 2-degree Celsius (2DC) target in a 100% renewable energy scenario. Results and discussion: Unlike existing LCA+ESM/IAM studies, which focus on power generation technologies and related (in)direct embedded energy consumption on a lifecycle basis, our model’s expansion to mineral and biomass resources, in addition to energy, has the following novel results: (1) The following inventories in the 2DC target are generally lower than those in business as usual (BAU): temperature and sea level rise, natural resource, and waste discharge; further, SOx emissions are significantly reduced by reducing coal production while increasing forestry. (2) The environmental impacts on the four endpoints of minerals, land use, and land-use change, with the exclusion of energy-related impacts, are significantly larger than those related to energy. (3) Finally, by ensuring inventory reduction, the 2DC target scenario can reduce overall endpoint impacts (by maximum around 20%), except the impacts on biodiversity resulting from forestry expansion to meet predetermined targets. Conclusions: Unlike mainstream IAM analyses, we incorporate LIME, instead of energy- and biomass-related resource and climate change impacts alone; our model thus provides a comprehensive perspective on various natural resources and their impacts on a lifecycle basis. The exclusion of the weighting process and retention of the four endpoints enable us to easily interpret the results. Further, this application of LCA to IAM enables us to further understand and assess natural resources and environmental impacts.



  • The risks to human health and environmental impacts from community e-waste separation

    Sutawong, P., Wattanachaiyingcharoen, D., Itsubo, N., Suvannarat, K.

    Geographia Technica   15 ( Special Issue ) 159 - 168  2020年


    The environmental and health impacts on the case study ‘Khok Saat community’ of the toxic substances and gases produced in this e-waste processing, are obvious and measurable. Two scenarios were developed. A life cycle assessment approach was carried out focusing on the end-of life phase. The ReCiPe Endpoint (H) v.1.10 method was used as the main LCIA method in this study. The result showed that all of impacts in scenario 2 were higher than scenario 1. For ‘Human Health (HH)’ impact, Human Toxicity indicator was highest and ‘Resource Availability (RA)’ impact, Fossil Depletion indicator was highest in both scenarios. For ‘Ecosystem Diversity (ED)’ impact, Terrestrial Ecotoxicity indicator was highest in scenario 1 and Climate Change Ecosystem was highest in scenario 2. The knowledge and understandings gained in this research can be used to inform policy makers and regulating bodies on the need for, and benefits of, a proper and enforceable legal and regulatory framework for the e-waste recycling industry.



  • Eco-efficiency assessment by industry for japanese municipalities nationwide based on gross regional product and environmental damage

    Yamasaki, J., Ikaga, T., Itsubo, N.

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan)   85 ( 776 ) 745 - 755  2020年


    In this study, eco-efficiency assessment by industry was conducted uniformly for all Japanese municipalities based on indicators of both economic value and environmental load. For these, the respective indicators were gross regional product and amount of environmental damage calculated by the endpoint-type life cycle impact assessment method “LIME2.” Based on reliable, verifiable, and comparable statistical information, eco-efficiency was calculated to be 69.8 for all industries throughout Japan in 2015. The assessment results of all municipalities were placed on a map to visualize the regionality of eco-efficiency, which revealed industry trends nationwide.



  • A new proposal for environmental accounting of Japanese municipality with the framework of endpoint-type lcia method "lime2": Calculation of environmental conservation effects in yokohama city from 2000 to 2015

    Yamasaki, J., Ikaga, T., Itsubo, N.

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan)   85 ( 769 ) 225 - 235  2020年


    With a focus on Japanese municipalities, this study proposes a unified methodology based on the endpoint-type LCIA method LIME2 for calculating the effects of environmental conservation, which is one item used by administrative divisions in Japan for environmental accounting. The proposed methodology integrates the assessment theory of LIME2 with the basic tenets of the Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005, and furthermore contributes unique ideas on interpreting the assessment results. When the methodology was applied to the city of Yokohama, the environmental conservation effect for the 15-year period from 2000 to 2015 was calculated in monetary terms as -1.07 billion yen.



  • Annual environmental impact assessment of administrative divisions in 42 countries within the framework of global-scale LCIA method “LIME3”,国際対応型 LCIA 手法 LIME3 の枠組みに基づく世界 42 カ国の行政区域の年間環境影響評価

    Yamasaki, J., Ikaga, T., Itsubo, N.

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan)   85 ( 767 ) 67 - 77  2020年


    This study attempted to comprehensively measure annual environmental loads emitted in administrative divisions of 42 countries, most of which are OECD members, in the year 2015 using the LCIA method LIME3. Using statistical information that was reliable, verifiable, and comparable, the total environmental damage amount for the 42 countries was calculated to be 5.22 trillion USD. The top three amounts for each impact category were land use, water consumption, and forest resource consumption. These damage amounts were placed on a world map to visualize tendencies related to population distribution and industrial activity.



  • Annual nationwide environmental impact assessment of Japanese municipalities within the framework of endpoint-type LCIA method “LIME2” (Part 2): Visualization of temporal changes

    Yamasaki, J., Ikaga, T., Itsubo, N.

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan)   85 ( 77 ) 523 - 533  2020年


    This study seeks to visualize the temporal changes in environmental damage in Japanese administrative divisions (municipalities) from 2000 to 2015 using the LCIA method LIME2. Using statistical information that was reliable, verifiable, and comparable, the total amount of environmental damage for the whole of Japan was calculated to be 8.40, 8.47, 7.50, and 7.41 trillion yen in 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015, respectively. Spatial mapping of these temporal changes provides insights into the effects of local environmental policies and industrial activities across the country. It became possible to visualize the change over time in environmental loads based on social factors related to each period in Japan.



  • Life cycle assessment of maize cultivation and biomass utilization in northern Thailand

    Supasri, T., Itsubo, N., Gheewala, S.H., Sampattagul, S.

    Scientific Reports   10 ( 1 ) 3516 - 3516  2020年  [国際誌]


    Maize, a major food source for the world, is a high-yield commodity crop, and one of five major crops in Thailand. Occupying about 33% of the Thai upland farmlands, maize farming has been growing tremendously especially in northern Thailand. However, after harvesting, open burning is widely used in order to get rid of maize cobs and husks in land preparation for the next period. The current maize farming practices have caused several problems to local communities as well as urban dwellers. The objectives of this research were: (i) to analyze the life cycle inventory of maize cultivation, maize cob pellet production and heavy fuel oil production in northern Thailand using IDEA v2.0 and ecoinvent v3.0 databases; (ii) to evaluate environmental impacts of maize cultivation, maize cob pellet production and heavy fuel oil production using A Global Scale Environmental Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LIME-3) with the results of weighting (Country-specific) based on monetary valuation of end-points. This study evaluated the life cycle environmental impacts of maize cultivation and continuing through biomass energy production from maize cob by comparing with heat production from heavy fuel oil in Mae Chaem and Chiang Dao districts in the north of Thailand by using two different databases, IDEA v2.0 and ecoinvent v3.0 with an endpoint-based life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) method (LIME-3). The system boundary of this study includes land preparation, planting, weeding, farming, harvesting, maize cob pellet production and heat production from maize cob pellet and heavy fuel oil. The units of analysis in this study are 1 kg of maize grain, 3.76E-03 MJ of biomass energy production from maize cob and 3.76E-03 MJ of heat production from heavy fuel oil, respectively. The data were obtained from field survey supplemented with the Thai National Life Cycle Inventory Database and other scientific publications. The results included the environmental impacts of maize cultivation and continuing through biomass energy production from maize cob by comparing with heat production from heavy fuel oil in Mae Chaem and Chiang Dao districts by using two different databases with LCIA method on the endpoint approaches (LIME-3). The total damage cost based on IDEA v2.0 life cycle inventory (LCI) database in Mae Chaem and Chiang Dao districts was about 4.64E-01 USD and 4.89E-01 USD, respectively. As regards ecoinvent v3.0 database, the total damage cost in Mae Chaem and Chiang Dao districts was about 5.37E-01USD and 5.99E-01 USD, respectively. It can be seen that the total damage cost using different inventory databases in Chiang Dao are slightly higher than Mae Chaem due to different input materials. The result of total cost using inventory data from ecoinvent v3.0 is slightly higher than IDEA v2.0 due to different inventory processes in each database. However, the results in this study demonstrated that the databases show similar trends in the assessment results. On the other hand, certain numerical differences between the databases at some points were found to be more substantial. The results of present study are particularly relevant to policy choices for improving or using the good practices for maize cultivation, which would reduce the environmental performance of maize production systems in the area. To address the air pollution issue from biomass open burning of agricultural residues in the study area, the government agencies in Thailand should be responsible for promoting better biomass management for the future.

    DOI PubMed


  • Environmental assessment of innovative paper recycling technology using product lifecycle perspectives

    Ono, Y., Hayashi, M., Yokoyama, K., Okamura, T., Itsubo, N.

    Resources   9 ( 3 )  2020年


    Paper can be reused to efficiently manage biomass consumption, meaning that it has potential as an environmentally friendly material. On the other hand, because of high energy usage during the recycling process and transportation inefficiencies, there is a call for the development of technologies that can mitigate this environmental burden. This study evaluated, from a lifecycle perspective, a new technology that can collect and recycle paper within the office. This technology can reduce by over 90% the amount of water used compared with the conventional recycled paper that is pulped and bleached once by the dry process. It also eliminates transportation from paper collection facilities to recycling factories, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This new technology is already in use in Japan, and analyses by user data indicate that evaluation results differ greatly depending on the utilization rate of the machine. In the future, environmental information should be shared by both users and manufacturers, so that users could increase their utilization rate, and manufacturers could develop alternative bonding agents in order to further reduce the total environmental burden.



  • Evaluation of the economic, environmental, and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the japanese tourism industry

    Kitamura, Y., Karkour, S., Ichisugi, Y., Itsubo, N.

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   12 ( 24 ) 1 - 21  2020年


    According to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) annual Emissions Gap Report 2019, further reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are needed to reduce climate change impacts. In Japan, the 2030 Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) target is an emissions reduction of 26% compared to 2013. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has led to 43,341,451 confirmed cases and 1,157,509 confirmed deaths globally and affected 218 countries (as of 27 October 2020). In Japan, as of the same date, 96,948 infectious cases and 1724 deaths related to the new coronavirus had been recorded. These numbers continue to increase. In Japan, in March 2020, the number of international tourist arrivals decreased by about 93% compared to last year at the same period. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) reported several significant scenarios for the tourism industry. COVID-19 is the greatest shock to international tourism since 1950 and represents an abrupt end to the 10-year period of sustained growth that followed the 2009 financial crisis. It was thought that it would be possible to analyze the economic, environmental, and social impacts of rapid social changes. Thus, this study estimates changes in Japan’s tourist consumption, the carbon footprint (CFP), and employment due to the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The calculations in this study adopt a lifecycle approach using input–output tables. Based on these observations, this study uses four scenarios (SR 1, no recovery until December; SR 2, recovery from October; SR 3, recovery from July or September; and SR 0, same growth rate as 2018–2019) for Japan to calculate the CFP and employment change using input–output table analysis based on tourist consumption, which is a tourism metric. According to our results (2019 vs. SR 1 and 3), the consumption loss is between 20,540 billion yen (65.1%) and 12,704 billion yen (39.1%), the CFP reduction is between 89,488 Mt-CO2eq (64.2%) and 54,030 Mt-CO2eq (37.5%), and the employment loss is between 2,677,000 people (64.2%) and 1,678,000 people (37.5%). As of November 2020, the tourism industry continues to be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the post-COVID-19 society, it will be necessary to maintain the GHG emissions reductions achieved in this short period and realize economic recovery. This recovery must also be sustainable for tourism stakeholders and society.



  • Carbon footprint evaluation based on tourist consumption toward sustainable tourism in japan

    Kitamura, Y., Ichisugi, Y., Karkour, S., Itsubo, N.

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   12 ( 6 ) 1 - 23  2020年


    The importance of the contribution of tourism to climate change has been noted by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). By combining a process-based life cycle assessment (LCA) and input-output analysis, several researchers have attempted to evaluate the impacts of the tourism industry, as well as its products and services. Indeed, the tourism sector has a wide range of industries, including travel and tours, transportation, accommodation, food and beverage, amusement, souvenirs, etc. However, the existing cases do not show a breakdown of the impact on climate change. In this paper, the carbon footprint (CFP) of the Japanese tourism industry was calculated based on tourist consumption, using the Japanese input-output table and the Japanese tourism industry. We demonstrate that the total emissions were approximately 136 million t-CO2 per year. The contribution ratio of each stage is as follows: Transport 56.3%, Souvenirs 23.2%, Petrol (direct emissions) 16.9%, Accommodation 9.8%, Food and Beverage 7.5%, and Activities 3.0%. Then, in the breakdown, the impacts are in the following order: Air transport 24.7%, Petrol (direct emissions) 16.9%, Accommodation 9.8%, Food and Beverage 7.5%, Petrol 6.1%, Textile products 5.3%, Food items 4.9%, Confectionery 4.8%, Rail transport 3.9%, Cosmetics 1.9%, and Footwear 1.8%. In addition to transportation, this research also highlights the contribution from souvenirs, accommodation, and food and beverages.



  • Life cycle assessment of the closed-loop recycling of used disposable diapers

    Itsubo, N., Wada, M., Imai, S., Myoga, A., Makino, N., Shobatake, K.

    Resources   9 ( 3 )  2020年


    In Japan, approximately 23.5 billion paper diapers are produced annually (total of diapers for infants and adults produced in 2018). The majority of used paper diapers are disposed of through incineration; in certain regions, some paper diapers are recycled, mostly by open-loop recycling or thermal recycling. To date, several methods of recycling used paper diapers have been proposed and developed, but these methods are considered to have different types and amounts of recycled materials and different environmental performances. In this study, a new technology was developed for the closed-loop recycling of used paper diapers, and the use of the recycled pulp and superabsorbent polymer (SAP) as materials for paper diapers was evaluated via the environmental impact using the life cycle assessment (LCA) method, using data obtained from experimental facilities for recycling. The results between the comparison of the new method with the landfill and incineration processes demonstrate a greenhouse gas reduction of 47% and 39%, respectively. The results also show that such recycling is expected to reduce land-use occupation and water consumption, closely related to the pulp, main raw material of paper diapers.



  • External-cost estimation of electricity generation in G20 countries: Case study using a global life-cycle impact-assessment method

    Karkour, S., Ichisugi, Y., Abeynayaka, A., Itsubo, N.

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   12 ( 5 )  2020年


    The external costs derived from the environmental impacts of electricity generation can be significant and should not be underrated, as their consideration can be useful to establish a ranking between different electricity generation sources to inform decision-makers. The aim of this research is to transparently evaluate the recent external cost of electricity generation in G20 countries using a global life-cycle impact-assessment (LCIA) method: life cycle impact assessment method based on endpoint modeling (LIME3). The weighting factors developed in the LIME3 method for each G20 country enable one to convert the different environmental impacts (not only climate change and air pollution) resulting from the emissions and resources consumption during the full lifecycle of electricity generation-from resource extraction to electricity generation-into a monetary value. Moreover, in LIME3, not only the weighting factors are developed for each G20 country but also all the impact categories. Using this method, it was possible to determine accurately which resources or emission had an environmental impact in each country. This study shows that the countries relying heavily on coal, such as India (0.172 $/kWh) or Indonesia (0.135 $/kWh) have the highest external costs inside the G20, with air pollution and climate accounting together for more than 80% of the costs. In these two countries, the ratio of the external cost/market price was the highest in the G20, at 2.3 and 1.7, respectively. On the other hand, countries with a higher reliance on renewable energies, such as Canada (0.008 $/kWh) or Brazil (0.012 $/kWh) have lower induced costs. When comparing with the market price, it has to be noted also that for instance Canada is able to generate cheap electricity with a low-external cost. For most of the other G20 countries, this cost was estimated at between about 0.020$ and 0.040 $/kWh. By estimating the external cost of each electricity generation technology available in each G20 country, this study also highlighted that sometimes the external cost of the electricity generated from one specific technology can be significant even when using renewables due to resource scarcity-for example, the 0.068 $/kWh of electricity generated from hydropower in India. This information, missing from most previous studies, should not be omitted by decision makers when considering which type of electricity generation source to prioritize.



  • Rapid sampling of suspended and floating microplastics in challenging riverine and coastal water environments in Japan

    Abeynayaka, A., Kojima, F., Miwa, Y., Ito, N., Nihei, Y., Fukunaga, Y., Yashima, Y., Itsubo, N.

    Water (Switzerland)   12 ( 7 )  2020年


    Environmental sampling plays an important role in quantitative and qualitative investigation of plastic pollution. Rivers are a major source, carrying plastic litter into the oceans. Microplastic sampling in riverine and coastal environments is often a challenging task due to limited access, time taken, costs, human resources, etc. Our present study evaluated the performance of newly developed sampling devices (Albatross Mark 5 and 6 (AM-5 and AM-6) that were suitable to collect floating and suspended microplastic samples in challenging freshwater and coastal environments (95 locations). Our observations indicated a similar magnitude of microplastic concentrations with AM-5 and AM-6 sampling compared to conventional plankton nets. The sampling duration, originally 10-60 min (by plankton net), was reduced to 3 min (AM-5 and AM-6) for sampling water volumes of approximately 10 m3. The developed AM-6 device was used to collect samples from riverine and coastal environments in Japan. The microplastic particle polymer composition (using Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometry (FT-IR), size, and shape (microscopic images) were investigated. The observations showed a statistically significant particle size reduction from the riverine to coastal areas. The dominant polymer types detected were polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). The observations were complied with the coastal microplastic observations that were reported for previous studies in Japanese water environments.



  • Carbon footprint evaluation of the business event sector in Japan

    Kitamura, Y., Karkour, S., Ichisugi, Y., Itsubo, N.

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   12 ( 12 )  2020年


    The business event sector expects large economic impact as MICE (Meeting (M), Incentive Travel (I), Convention (C), and Exhibition and Event (E). Some guidelines for MICE sustainability include the requirement for carbon management (carbon neutral, measurement of greenhouse gas emissions, carbon offset, etc.) as a positive contribution to mitigating climate change. According to the environmental guidelines for events updated by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment in 2019, goods should be procured after considering the environmental load items and life cycle stages from the life cycle assessment (LCA) perspective. In this study, we evaluated the business events sector, not only transportation but also accommodation of participants from overseas, as well as food and beverages, souvenirs and shopping, and entertainment and tourism expenses. These items were not included in the previous existing case studies. We evaluated the carbon footprint (CFP), calculated from consumption information using input-output analysis. In this study, the total CFP was 804.8 t-CO2eq (M, I, C-ICCA (Convention based on an international conference standard from the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), and E) and transportation (Transp, 56.0%) contributed the most, followed by planning and preparation (Plan, 13.2%) and accommodation (Acc, 12.0%), souvenirs, shopping, entertainment and sightseeing (SE, 10.1%), and food and beverages (FB, 7.9%). In the case of M, I, C-JNTO (Convention based on an international conference standard from the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) and E, the total CFP was 1714.4 t-CO2eq and transportation (Transp, 54.3%) contributed the most, followed by planning and preparation (Plan, 14.3%) and accommodation (Acc, 12.9%), food and beverages (FB, 9.2%), and souvenirs, shopping, entertainment and sightseeing (SE, 8.2%). From this result, the CFP of this sector was found to be due to transportation, planning and preparation, accommodation, food and beverages, and souvenirs. Sustainability guidelines recommend that organizers procure products that contribute to lower CFP, and it is considered good practice to provide participants with such product and service choices. The providers themselves also need action to offer low CFP products. Assessing changes in consumption items in future studies may help to calculate environmental impacts and sustainability.



  • Influence of the Covid-19 crisis on global PM<inf>2.5</inf> concentration and related health impacts

    Karkour, S., Itsubo, N.

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   12 ( 13 )  2020年


    The decrease in human activities following the COVID-19 pandemic caused an important change in PM2.5 concentration, especially in the most polluted areas in the world: China (44.28 and 18.88 μg/m3 in the first quarters of 2019 and 2020, respectively), India (49.84 and 31.12, respectively), and Nigeria (75.30 and 34.31, respectively). In this study, satellite observations from all around the world of PM2.5 concentration were collected on the grid scale with a high resolution of 0.125° (about 15km). Population data for 2020 were also collected on the same scale. Statistical data from the World Health Organization (WHO) concerning the diseases caused by air pollution (e.g., stroke) were obtained for each country to determine the change in mortality between the first quarter of 2019 and the first quarter of 2020. Expressed in disability-adjusted life years (DALY), it was found that the largest reductions were observed for China (-13.9 million DALY), India (-6.3 million DALY), and Nigeria (-2.3 million DALY).




    Junya YAMASAKI, Toshiharu IKAGA, Norihiro ITSUBO

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ)   85 ( 776 ) 745 - 755  2020年



    Junya YAMASAKI, Toshiharu IKAGA, Norihiro ITSUBO

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ)   85 ( 773 ) 523 - 533  2020年




    Junya YAMASAKI, Toshiharu IKAGA, Norihiro ITSUBO

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ)   85 ( 769 ) 225 - 235  2020年



  • Effects of Carbon Tax on Low-Carbon and Economic Supplier Selection for Asian Assembly Product

    Rena Kondo, Yuki Kinoshita, Tetsuo Yamada, Norihiro Itsubo, Masato Inoue

    Technologies and Eco-innovation towards Sustainability II: Eco Design Assessment and Management     301 - 313  2019年01月


    This study proposes a low-carbon and economic supplier selection method by introducing the carbon tax and analyzes the carbon and economic impact of the carbon tax on the supply chain. First, a bill of materials including the GHG emissions and the procurement costs for each part is constructed using Asian international I/O tables, and the low-carbon and economic supplier selection with the carbon tax is formulated. Second, the suppliers for each part are selected by using integer programming with ε-constraint method to achieve both the GHG emissions and the procurement/carbon cost reduction. Finally, results of the supplier selection with the carbon tax are shown, and the effect of the carbon tax is discussed.



  • Projection of national carbon footprint in japan with integration of lca and iams

    Ichisugi, Y., Masui, T., Karkour, S., Itsubo, N.

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   11 ( 23 ) 1 - 21  2019年


    In order to achieve target greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, such as those proposed by each country by nationally determined contributions (NDCs), GHG emission projections are receiving attention around the world. Generally, integrated assessment models (IAMs) are used to estimate future GHG emissions considering both economic structure and final energy consumption. However, these models usually do not consider the entire supply chain, because of differences in the aims of application. In contrast, life cycle assessment (LCA) considers the entire supply chain but does not cover future environmental impacts. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the national carbon footprint projection in Japan based on life cycle thinking and IAMs, using the advantages of each. A future input–output table was developed using the Asia-Pacific integrated model (AIM)/computable general equilibrium (CGE) model (Japan) developed by the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES). In this study, we collected the fundamental data using LCA databases and estimated future GHG emissions based on production-based and consumption-based approaches considering supply chains among industrial sectors. We targeted fiscal year (FY) 2030 because the Japanese government set a goal for GHG emissions in 2030 in its NDC report. Accordingly, we set three scenarios: FY2005 (business as usual (BAU)), FY2030 (BAU), and FY2030 (NDC). As a result, the carbon footprint (CFP) in FY2030 will be approximately 1097 megatons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2eq), which is 28.5% lower than in FY2005. The main driver of this reduction is a shift in energy use, such as the introduction of renewable energy. According to the results, the CFP from the consumption side, fuel combustion in the use stage, transport and postal services, and electricity influence the total CFP, while results of the production side showed the CFP of the energy and material sectors, such as iron and steel and transport, will have an impact on the total CFP. Moreover, carbon productivity will gradually increase and FY2030 (NDC) carbon productivity will be higher than the other two cases.



  • Carbon and water footprints of pig feed in France: Environmental contributions of pig feed with industrial amino acid supplements

    Nakamura, K., Itsubo, N.

    Water Resources and Industry   21  2019年


    Japanese pigs are farmed by giving them cereal crop feed, consequently, the Japanese pig industry increases indirect impact on the environment. Contrastingly, French pigs are farmed by feeding them an appropriate quantity of low-protein feed to decrease environmental impact of feed cereal cultivation. The proposed study aims to assess the carbon and water footprints of conventional and low-protein pig feeds in the French model and extends these findings to Japan. When essential amino acids of soybean meals were partially replaced by industrially manufactured amino acids (forming a low-protein feed), the carbon and water-consumption footprints in France were lowered by 0.41 t-CO2/t-feed and 100 m3/t-feed, respectively. The low-protein feed also incurred a 10% lower water-eutrophication footprint in comparison with the conventional feed. Based on these findings, if low-protein feed is widely used in Japan, the pig industry would reduce CO2 emissions and water consumption by 248,000 t-CO2/y and 68,000 km3/y, respectively.



  • Annual nationwide environmental impact assessment of Japanese municipalities within the framework of endpoint-type lcia method "lime2

    Yamasaki, J., Ikaga, T., Itsubo, N.

    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan)   84 ( 764 ) 955 - 965  2019年


    This study attempted to comprehensively measure annual environ mental loads emitted in Japanese administrative divisions (municipalities) in the year 2015 using the LCIA method IJME2. Using statistical information that was reliable, verifiable, and comparable, the environmental damage amount for the whole of Japan was calculated to be 8.53 trillion yen. The top three amounts for each impact category were "Global warming". "Land use", and "Waste (domestic)". The damage amounts per capita were placed on a map of Japan to visualize tendencies related to population distribution and industrial activity.



  • Estimating human health damage factors related to CO<inf>2</inf> emissions by considering updated climate-related relative risks

    Tang, L., Furushima, Y., Honda, Y., Hasegawa, T., Itsubo, N.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   24 ( 6 ) 1118 - 1128  2019年


    Purpose: Frequent updates on the evaluation of health risks associated with climate change are made. The existing health damage factors associated with CO2 emission are based on the findings compiled by the 2004 World Health Organization (WHO) report. An updated version of the 2014 WHO report is now available, and based on its contents, this study aimed to estimate relative risk (RR) and calculate health damage factors for each shared socioeconomic pathway (SSP) scenario. Methods: Damage factors (DALY/kg-CO2) were calculated as increment of temperature (°C/kg) multiplied by increment of RR per °C, base mortality rate without climate change (−), population, and disability-adjusted life year (DALY) per case of death. RRs and base mortality rates were calculated for each SSP scenario. RRs by SSP scenario were estimated based on the RRs of three economic growth scenarios (high growth, base case, and low growth), which were calculated based on the results of the 2014 WHO report. Base mortality rates for each SSP scenario were calculated based on its relationship with gross domestic product per capita. Results and discussion: In relation to undernutrition, diarrhea, malaria, dengue, heat stress, and coastal floods, the health damage factors (DALY/kg) for the SSP1, SSP2, and SSP3 scenarios were 1.3 × 10−6, 1.5 × 10−6, and 2.0 × 10−6, respectively. During a 100-year evaluation period, the damage factors obtained in the current study were 3–5 times higher than those in previous studies mainly because relative risk per degree Celsius (RR/°C) in the 2014 WHO report was larger than that in the 2004 WHO report. When RRs were estimated for each SSP scenario, the RR of SSP3 (with higher base mortality) was relatively low, particularly in case of undernutrition. Therefore, differences in the damage factors between the scenarios were more likely smaller than before when a single RR was used. Conclusions: New health damage factors for the SSP1, SSP2, and SSP3 scenarios were estimated using an updated RR calculated based on the 2014 WHO report. These factors can be further updated in the future using RRs obtained from upcoming researches on climate-related health impact that were based on SSP scenarios.



  • Eco-efficiency assessment of Japanese municipalities based on environmental impacts and gross regional product

    Yamasaki, J., Ikaga, T., Itsubo, N.

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   11 ( 15 )  2019年


    Governments at different levels need to appreciate the environmental impacts of socioeconomic activities within their boundaries. They also need to decide relevant environmental policies after carefully examining future pathways based on the relationship between the environment and the economy. This study focuses on Japanese basic administrative divisions (i.e., municipalities) and attempts to quantify the annual environmental efficiency of processes and socioeconomic activities within each of these divisions using life-cycle impact assessment (LCIA) concepts. A key element of the LCIA is the integration of different environmental loads across various impact categories, such as global warming, air pollution, and land use, and their representation through a simple indicator. First, we conduct annual environmental impact assessments for all Japanese municipalities based on reliable, verifiable, and comparable statistical information. Next, we estimate the environmental efficiency of socioeconomic activities within each division by dividing the gross regional product (GRP) with the environmental damage amounts calculated through LIME2, an LCIA-based tool tailored for Japan. Assessment results for each municipality are visualized on maps of Japan in order to highlight the spatial distribution of the values for each indicator. The findings of this study can aid local, regional, and national governments in Japan to inform environmental policy design and decision-making at different spatial levels.



  • Ecosystem damage assessment of land transformation using species loss

    Yamaguchi, K., Ii, R., Itsubo, N.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   23 ( 12 )  2018年



  • Development of weighting factors for G20 countries. Part 2: estimation of willingness to pay and annual global damage cost

    Murakami, K., Itsubo, N., Kuriyama, K., Yoshida, K., Tokimatsu, K.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   23 ( 12 )  2018年



  • Development of weighting factors for G20 countries—explore the difference in environmental awareness between developed and emerging countries

    Itsubo, N., Murakami, K., Kuriyama, K., Yoshida, K., Tokimatsu, K., Inaba, A.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   23 ( 12 )  2018年



  • Development of human health damage factors related to CO<inf>2</inf> emissions by considering future socioeconomic scenarios

    Tang, L., Ii, R., Tokimatsu, K., Itsubo, N.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   23 ( 12 )  2018年



  • Development of human health damage factors for tropospheric ozone considering transboundary transport on a global scale

    Tang, L., Nagashima, T., Hasegawa, K., Ohara, T., Sudo, K., Itsubo, N.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   23 ( 12 )  2018年



  • Development of human health damage factors for PM<inf>2.5</inf> based on a global chemical transport model

    Tang, L., Nagashima, T., Hasegawa, K., Ohara, T., Sudo, K., Itsubo, N.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   23 ( 12 ) 2300 - 2310  2018年


    Purpose: Health damage from ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) shows large regional variations and can have an impact on a global scale due to its transboundary movement. However, existing damage factors (DFs) for human health in life cycle assessments (LCA) are calculated only for a few limited regions based on various regional chemical transport models (CTMs). The aim of this research is to estimate the human health DFs of PM2.5 originating from ten different regions of the world by using one global CTM. Methods: The DFs express changes in worldwide disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) due to unit emission of black carbon and organic carbon (BCOC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur dioxide (SO2). DFs for ten regions were calculated as follows. Firstly, we divided the whole world into ten regions. With a global CTM (MIROC-ESM-CHEM), we estimated the concentration change of PM2.5 on the world caused by changes in the emission of a targeted precursor substance from a specific region. Secondly, we used population data and epidemiological concentration response functions (CRFs) of mortality and morbidity to estimate changes in the word’s DALYs occurring due to changes in the concentration of PM2.5. Finally, the above calculations were done for all ten regions. Results and discussion: DFs of BCOC, NOx, and SO2 for ten regions were estimated. The range of DFs could be up to one order of magnitude among the ten regions in each of the target substances. While population density was an important parameter, variation in transport of PM2.5 on a continental level occurring due to different emission regions was found to have a significant influence on DFs. Especially for regions of Europe, Russia, and the Middle East, the amount of damage which occurred outside of the emitted region was estimated at a quarter, a quarter, and a third of their DFs, respectively. It was disclosed that the DFs will be underestimated if the transboundary of PM2.5 is not taken into account in those regions. Conclusions: The human health damage factors of PM2.5 produced by BCOC, NOx, and SO2 are estimated for ten regions by using one global chemical transport model. It became clear that the variation of transport for PM2.5 on a continental level greatly influences the regionality in DFs. For further research to quantify regional differences, it is important to consider the regional values of concentration response function (CRF) and DALY loss per case of disease or death.



  • Assessment of global warming impact on biodiversity using the extinction risk index in LCIA: a case study of Japanese plant species

    Tang, L., Higa, M., Tanaka, N., Itsubo, N.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   23 ( 2 )  2018年



  • Preface

    Inaba, A., Itsubo, N.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   23 ( 12 ) 2271 - 2275  2018年



  • Consistent characterisation factors at midpoint and endpoint relevant to agricultural water scarcity arising from freshwater consumption

    Motoshita, M., Ono, Y., Pfister, S., Boulay, A.-M., Berger, M., Nansai, K., Tahara, K., Itsubo, N., Inaba, A.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   23 ( 12 ) 2276 - 2287  2018年


    Purpose: The shortage of agricultural water from freshwater sources is a growing concern because of the relatively large amounts needed to sustain food production for an increasing population. In this context, an impact assessment methodology is indispensable for the identification and assessment of the potential consequences of freshwater consumption in relation to agricultural water scarcity. This paper reports on the consistent development of midpoint and endpoint characterisation factors (CFs) for assessing these impacts. Methods: Midpoint characterisation factors focus specifically on shortages in food production resulting from agricultural water scarcity. These were calculated by incorporating country-specific compensation factors for physical availability of water resources and socio-economic capacity in relation to the irrigation water demand for agriculture. At the endpoint, to reflect the more complex impact pathways from food production losses to malnutrition damage from agricultural water scarcity, international food trade relationships and economic adaptation capacity were integrated in the modelling with measures of nutritional vulnerability for each country. Results and discussion: The inter-country variances of CFs at the midpoint revealed by this study were larger than those derived using previously developed methods, which did not integrate compensation processes by food stocks. At the endpoint level, both national and trade-induced damage through international trade were quantified and visualised. Distribution of malnutrition damage was also determined by production and trade balances for commodity groups in water-consuming countries, as well as dependency on import ratios for importer countries and economic adaptation capacity in each country. By incorporating the complex relationships between these factors, estimated malnutrition damage due to freshwater consumption at the country scale showed good correlation with total reported nutritional deficiency damage. Conclusions: The model allows the establishment of consistent CFs at the midpoint and endpoint for agricultural water scarcity resulting from freshwater consumption. The complex relationships between food production supply and nutrition damage can be described by considering the physical and socio-economic parameters used in this study. Developed CFs contribute to a better assessment of the potential impacts associated with freshwater consumption in global supply chains and to life cycle assessment and water footprint assessments.



  • Comparison between Different Products by Disassembly System Design with Parts Selection for Cost, Recycling and CO2 Saving Rates Using Multi-objective Optimization.

    Kento Igarashi, Tetsuo Yamada, Norihiro Itsubo, Masato Inoue

    7th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, IIAI-AAI 2018, Yonago, Japan, July 8-13, 2018     694 - 699  2018年  [査読有り]



  • Global supply chain network design and Asian analysis with material-based carbon emissions and tax

    Tomoyuki Urata, Tetsuo Yamada, Norihiro Itsubo, Masato Inoue

    COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING   113   779 - 792  2017年11月  [査読有り]


    Global warming has become a serious problem. Global supply chain networks in Asia should reduce not only CO2 emissions but also the fixed opening costs for factories/routes as well as the cost of transportation and procurement. Life cycle assessment (LCA) quantitatively estimates and visualizes the CO2 emissions for each part based on their component materials produced on a country by country basis using a life cycle inventory (LCI) database. In general, in order to reduce both of the CO2 emissions and the costs, supply chain planners should make the decision to switch the suppliers of component parts with higher CO2 emissions but lower procurement costs from emerging countries and/or with lower CO2 emissions but higher procurement costs from developed countries. In addition, the European Union (EU) approaches to reducing CO2 emissions through the introduction of emissions tax and trading. This study proposes a design method of an Asian global supply chain network that minimizes the costs under targeted material-based CO2 emissions reduction ratios, and determines the suppliers and factory locations that satisfy demands for low-carbon material supply, through the adoption of the Asian LCI database. Based on this result, a sensitivity analysis is conducted by changing emission prices for reducing the costs and the carbon emissions, and the difference between the supply chain networks comprising of either two and three different Asian countries is compared. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • 3
  • Environmental life cycle assessment and social impacts of bioethanol production in Thailand

    Papong, S., Rewlay-ngoen, C., Itsubo, N., Malakul, P.

    Journal of Cleaner Production   157  2017年



  • Global supply chain network design and Asian analysis with material-based carbon emissions and tax

    Urata, T., Yamada, T., Itsubo, N., Inoue, M.

    Computers and Industrial Engineering   113   779 - 792  2017年



  • Estimating land transformation area caused by nickel mining considering regional variation

    Tang, L., Nakajima, K., Murakami, S., Itsubo, N., Matsuda, T.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   21 ( 1 )  2016年



  • Potential impacts of food production on fresh water availability considering water sources

    Yano, S., Hanasaki, N., Itsubo, N., Oki, T.

    Water (Switzerland)   8 ( 4 )  2016年



  • Disassembly system modeling and design with parts selection for cost, recycling and CO<inf>2</inf> saving rates using multi criteria optimization

    Igarashi, K., Yamada, T., Gupta, S.M., Inoue, M., Itsubo, N.

    Journal of Manufacturing Systems   38  2016年



  • Regional Analysis of Virtual Water Flow in View of Crop Consumption

    Kim, Y.D., Lee, S.H., Itsubo, N., Ono, Y.

    Irrigation and Drainage   65  2016年



  • Measuring marginal willingness to pay using conjoint analysis and developing benefit transfer functions in various Asian cities

    Tokimatsu, K., Aicha, M., Yoshida, K., Nishio, M., Endo, E., Sakagami, M., Murakami, K., Itsubo, N.

    International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology   23 ( 6 )  2016年



  • Development of social intensity database using asian international input-output table for social life cycle assessment

    Papong, S., Itsubo, N., Ono, Y., Malakul, P.

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   8 ( 11 )  2016年



  • Development of human health damage factors for tropospheric ozone considering transboundary transport on a global scale

    Longlong Tang, Tatsuya Nagashima, Kouichi Hasegawa, Toshimasa Ohara, Kengo Sudo, Norihiro Itsubo

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   23 ( 12 ) 1 - 10  2015年11月  [査読有り]


    Purpose: Air pollutants such as tropospheric ozone and PM2.5 travel through large areas. The damage factors (DFs) presented by existing researches in life cycle impact assessment do not take into consideration transboundary movement. A previous study used a global chemistry transport model (CTM), to develop health damage factors for ten different regions around the world by considering the transboundary movement of PM2.5. Under the same assessment procedure, this research is designed to calculate the ozone DFs by region and to find the effects of wide range movement on the DFs. Methods: The DFs by regions are defined as changes in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) derived from changes in tropospheric ozone concentration around the world which is induced by an increase in emissions of the unit amount of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC). DFs for ten regions are calculated as follows. Firstly, the concentration change of worldwide ozone caused by a change in emission of a substance from one region is estimated with a global scale CTM for both NOx and NMVOC. Secondly, DALY changes on the world due to a change in concentration of ozone are estimated by using population data and epidemiological concentration-response functions for mortality and morbidity. Finally, the above calculations are done for all targeted ten regions. Results and discussion: DFs of NOx and NMVOC for ten regions were calculated as 0.3–4.2 × 10−5 DALY/kg and 0.2–5.6 × 10−6 DALY/kg, respectively. It was found DFs might be underestimated around 10 to 70 % by region if the transboundary movement is not taken into consideration. In many regions in the northern hemisphere, about 60 % of damage occurs outside the emission area, which is larger than that of southern hemispheric regions due to a larger population exposed to downwind places. In regions of China and India, however, the influence on other regions accounted for only 10 % because these regions involve larger influences in the source region. The impact of NO titration effect can be seen in cold seasons in many regions, but it was found that the effect is remarkable on an annual average only in Europe, a cold region with large emissions. Conclusions: The human health DFs of NOx and NMVOC considering effects of transboundary movement of tropospheric ozone are estimated for ten regions by using a global CTM. As a future work, it is important to show the interannual sensitivity of the DFs through chronological assessments.



  • Development of human health damage factors related to CO&lt;inf&gt;2&lt;/inf&gt; emissions by considering future socioeconomic scenarios

    Longlong Tang, Ryouta Ii, Koji Tokimatsu, Norihiro Itsubo

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   23 ( 12 ) 2288 - 2299  2015年09月  [査読有り]


    Purpose: Global warming is exerting a damaging effect on human health. This damage is not only influenced by future climate conditions but also projected economic development and population growth. That being said, there are no health damage factors related to CO&lt
    emissions which take into account future socioeconomic scenarios in life cycle impact assessment (LCIA). Thus, the purpose of the current research is to calculate human health damage factors based on the Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRESs) developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Methods: The procedure used to calculate the SRES-based damage factors is as follows. First, a framework was developed to calculate damage factors based on multiple parameters: rise in temperature, relative risk increase, mortality rate increase, rise in number of deaths, and disability-adjusted life year (DALY) increase. Secondly, these parameters were calculated for each individual SRES based on the relationship among the parameters and CO&lt
    emissions, GDP, and population values of each scenario. Finally, the damage factor for each SRES was calculated by multiplying all the parameters that had been calculated based on the CO&lt
    emission, GDP, and population data in the corresponding scenarios. Results and discussion: Using this method, the human health damage factors for four SRESs (A1B, A2, B1, and B2) were calculated. The damage factors consisted of six different items: malaria, diarrhea, cardiovascular disease, malnutrition, coastal flooding, and inland flooding. The calculated results by scenario were 2.0 × 10&lt
    , 6.2 × 10&lt
    , 2.1 × 10&lt
    , and 4.2 × 10&lt
    DALY/kg CO&lt
    , respectively. The damage caused by malnutrition is the greatest, followed by diarrhea. Regions of Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Middle East showed the highest damages due to their high damage from malnutrition and diarrhea. With regard to the differences among the four damage factors, the difference between the projected future mortality rate and DALY per death based on the future GDP per capita is greater than the difference between the increases in temperature among scenarios dependent on future CO&lt
    emission. Conclusions: The human health damage factors related to CO&lt
    emissions for four SRESs were estimated. As a result of differences between future socioeconomic scenarios, the largest amount of damage per CO&lt
    emission unit was three times greater than the smallest amount. Therefore, sensitive analysis is highly recommended when seeking to compare damage caused by global warming and other impact categories.



  • Development of weighting factors for G20 countries—explore the difference in environmental awareness between developed and emerging countries

    Norihiro Itsubo, Kayo Murakami, Koichi Kuriyama, Kentaro Yoshida, Koji Tokimatsu, Atsushi Inaba

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   23 ( 12 ) 2311 - 2326  2015年04月  [査読有り]


    Purpose: Weighting is one of the steps involved in LCIA. This enables us to integrate various environmental impacts and facilitates the interpretation of environmental information. Many different weighting methodologies have already been proposed, and the results of many case studies with a single index have been published. LIME2 (Itsubo et al. Int J Life Cycle Assess 17(4):488-498, 2012) developed weighting factors for four different areas of protection that reflect environmental awareness among the Japanese public. This method has already been widely used in Japan, but difficulties exist universally using the Japanese weighting factors around the world. It is presumed that the weighting varies depending on economic, cultural, and social conditions, and there are still few cases in which weighting factors have been specifically invented or studied in consideration of variance in these elements. This study attempted to develop weighting factors applicable to the Group of Twenty (G20) countries with a view toward developing those that could be used in different countries. In the study, a survey was conducted with a uniform questionnaire in G20 countries to compare the weighting factors calculated for different countries, along with an investigation on development and utilization of global weighting factors. Methods: A conjoint analysis was conducted to give a weighting between the four areas of protection defined by LIME: human health, social assets, biodiversity, and primary production. The analysis is suitable for measuring the value of each of the multiple attributes of the environment. This study conducted a questionnaire in all the G20 member states. The survey puts priority on making the questions understood by the respondents and minimizing bias, adopting interviews, visiting surveys, and surveys in venues in the 11 emerging countries. In the developed countries, Internet surveys were conducted after confirming that their results are statistically significant from the pretest results in these states. In both surveys, random sampling was performed to take 200–250 samples (households) in each of the emerging countries and 500–600 samples in each of the developed countries. The surveys collected a total of 6400 responses. Statistical values based on this model can be considered to reflect the variability between each individual’s environmental thoughts. The calculated results can then be used to compare the variety of environmental thoughts in developed and emerging countries. Results and discussion: The study was able to obtain two different kinds of results: dimensionless weighting factors and economic indicators using the amount of willingness to pay. This paper solely presents the former. The weighting factors in the entire G20 community, in the group of developed countries (G8) and in the group of emerging countries (G20 states excluding the G8) and those in the individual G20 countries, were estimated. The calculated values were significant statistically at the 1 % level (all p values for the safeguard subject coefficients were less than 0.0001), with the exception of monetary attributes for several emerging countries. Converted into dimensionless values, so that the total sum for the four subjects equals 1, the weighting factor was the highest for human health in the entire G20 circles, at 0.34, followed by biodiversity at 0.29, and primary production at 0.23. The weighting for social assets was relatively poor, at 0.13. In the G8 developed states, the figures of biodiversity and primary production were relatively higher than those of the same two subjects in the full G20. Biodiversity had the highest value, at 0.34, and was followed by human health at 0.30. On the other hand, in emerging countries, the weighting of health impacts was particularly significant, at 0.44, whereas the three other subjects had almost equivalent weightings—biodiversity at 0.19, social assets at 0.18, and primary product at 0.18. The weighting factors by country and the variance of preference intensities by country showed minor differences among developed countries while they reflected considerable differences among emerging countries. Conclusions: Accurate weighting factors representing the environmental attitudes of the world and national public are needed in order to conduct general purpose LCA. This study is the world’s first to conduct surveys with the use of the same questionnaire not only in developed countries but also in emerging countries, and to compare the findings. A total of 6400 responses were obtained via interviews and Internet surveys. The survey thus gained a statistically significant result on all the environmental attributes including the weighting factors for the G20 circles, G8 states, emerging countries exclusive of the G8 states, and individual countries in which surveys took place. The results have revealed a relatively minor difference in weighting factors and variation coefficients between the areas of protection in the developed countries whereas a considerable difference was observed between those subjects in emerging countries.



  • The LCA of portland cement production in China

    Li, C., Cui, S., Nie, Z., Gong, X., Wang, Z., Itsubo, N.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   20 ( 1 )  2015年



  • Water scarcity footprints by considering the differences in water sources

    Yano, S., Hanasaki, N., Itsubo, N., Oki, T.

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   7 ( 8 )  2015年



  • 16
  • Development of the social inventory database in Thailand using input-output analysis

    Papong, S., Itsubo, N., Malakul, P., Shukuya, M.

    Sustainability (Switzerland)   7 ( 6 )  2015年



  • Consensus building on the development of a stress-based indicator for LCA-based impact assessment of water consumption: outcome of the expert workshops

    Boulay, A.-M., Bare, J., De Camillis, C., D{\"o}ll, P., Gassert, F., Gerten, D., Humbert, S., Inaba, A., Itsubo, N., Lemoine, Y., Margni, M., Motoshita, M., N{\'u}{\~n}ez, M., Pastor, A.V., Ridoutt, B., Schencker, U., Shirakawa, N., Vionnet, S., Worbe, S., Yoshikawa, S., Pfister, S.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   20 ( 5 )  2015年



  • Material based low-carbon and economic supplier selection with estimation of ghg emissions and affordable cost increment for parts production among multiple asian countries

    Yoshizaki, Y., Yamada, T., Itsubo, N., Inoue, M.

    Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association   66 ( 4E )  2015年

  • ライスインキを用いた印刷物の環境影響評価

    荒井 翔平, 高橋 和枝, 國岡 達也, 太田 直樹, 内田 弘美, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   11 ( 1 ) 32 - 40  2015年01月  [査読有り]


  • Development of human health damage factors for PM2.5 based on a global chemical transport model

    Tang, L, Nagashima, T, Hasegawa, K, Ohara, T, Sudo, K, Itsubo, N

    Int. J. Life Cycle Assess.    2015年  [査読有り]


  • Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators: Findings of the scoping phase

    Jolliet, O., Frischknecht, R., Bare, J., Boulay, A.-M., Bulle, C., Fantke, P., Gheewala, S., Hauschild, M., Itsubo, N., Margni, M., McKone, T.E., Y Canals, L.M., Postuma, L., Prado-Lopez, V., Ridoutt, B., Sonnemann, G., Rosenbaum, R.K., Seager, T., Struijs, J., Van Zelm, R., Vigon, B., Weisbrod, A.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   19 ( 4 )  2014年



  • Erratum to: Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators: Findings of the scoping phase (International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment DOI: 10.1007/s11367-014-0703-8)

    Jolliet, O., Frischknecht, R., Bare, J., Boulay, A.-M., Bulle, C., Fantke, P., Gheewala, S., Hauschild, M., Itsubo, N., Margni, M., McKone, T.E., Y Canals, L.M., Posthuma, L., Prado-Lopez, V., Ridoutt, B., Sonnemann, G., Rosenbaum, R.K., Seager, T., Struijs, J., Van Zelm, R., Vigon, B., Weisbrod, A.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   19 ( 8 ) 1566 - 1566  2014年



  • Optimal disassembly system design with environmental and economic parts selection for CO<inf>2</inf> saving rate and recycling cost

    Igarashi, K., Yamada, T., Itsubo, N., Inoue, M.

    International Journal of Supply Chain Management   3 ( 3 )  2014年

  • LCA in Japan in the twenty-first century

    Matsuno, Y., Itsubo, N., Hondo, H., Nakano, K.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   18 ( 1 )  2013年



  • Statistical analysis for the development of national average weighting factors-visualization of the variability between each individual's environmental thought

    Itsubo, N., Sakagami, M., Kuriyama, K., Inaba, A.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   17 ( 4 )  2012年



  • Development of impact factors on damage to health by infectious diseases caused by domestic water scarcity

    Motoshita, M., Itsubo, N., Inaba, A.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   16 ( 1 ) 65 - 73  2011年


    Background, aim, and scope: Water scarcity is a critical environmental issue. In particular, domestic water is a necessary resource for our fundamental activities, and poor water quality may lead to damage to health caused by infectious diseases. However, there is no methodology to assess the damage of domestic water scarcity (low accessibility to safe water) caused by water consumption. The main objectives of this study are to model the health damage assessment of infectious diseases (ascariasis, trichuriasis, hookworm disease, and diarrhea) caused by domestic water scarcity and calculate damage factors on a country scale. Materials and methods: The damage to health caused by infectious diseases was assumed to have resulted from domestic water scarcity due to loss of accessibility to safe water. Damage function of domestic water scarcity was composed of two steps, including assessments of water accessibility and health damage. This was modeled by applying regression analyses based on statistical data on a country scale. For more precise and realistic modeling, three explanatory variables (domestic use of fresh water, gross domestic product per capita and gross capital formation expenditure per capita) for water accessibility assessment and seven explanatory variables (the annual average temperature, the house connection to water supply, the house connection to sanitation, average dietary energy consumption, undernourished population rate, Gini coefficient of dietary energy consumption, and health expenditure per capita) for the health damage ssessment were chosen and non-linear multiple regression analyses were conducted. Results: Water accessibility could be modeled by all three explanatory variables with sufficient explanatory power (R 2∈=∈0.68). For the health damage assessment, significant explanatory variables were different from those for diseases, but the R 2 values of the regression models for each infectious disease were calculated as more than 0.4. Furthermore, the house connection to water supply rate showed a high correlation with every infectious disease. This showed that domestic water scarcity is strongly linked to health damage caused by infectious diseases. Based on the results of the regression analyses, the calculated damage factors of domestic water scarcity ranged from 1.29E-11 to 1.81E-03 [Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs)/m3], and the average value (weighted mean value by domestic use of fresh water for each country) was 3.89E-07 [DALYs/m3] and the standard deviation of damage factors was 1.40E-07 [DALYs/m3]. Discussion: According to the calculated damage factors for each country, countries sensitive to domestic water scarcity appeared to be located in the African region, and in addition, the amount of available domestic water tended to be less in the most sensitive countries. Water production technologies represented by desalination are expected to be a countermeasure for the reduction of water stress. As an example of the application of damage factor analysis, health damage improvement compared with the effects of CO2 emission caused by the introduction of desalination plants showed that there were several countries where desalination was worth introducing after considering the advantages and disadvantages of the environmental impact. Conclusions: Damage assessment models of domestic water scarcity were developed by applying non-linear multiple regression analysis. Damage factors could be calculated for most countries, except for those without statistical data for the analysis. Damage factors are applicable to not only the assessment of water consumption, but also the evaluation of benefits of water production in countries suffering from water scarcity. Recommendations and perspectives: The analyses of this study were conducted by applying data on a country scale, and the regional and local characteristics within each country are expected to be taken into account in future studies. The water resource amount, which was represented by the amount of domestic use of fresh water in this study, should be estimated with consideration of the effects due to climate change. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.



  • The collaboration between Int J Life Cycle Assess and J LCA Jpn

    Matsuno, Y., Kondo, Y., Mishima, N., Shibaoke, N., Yashiro, T., Yamamoto, Y., Morioka, T., Nissen, N.F., Schischke, K., Stobbe, L., Reichl, H., Kurihara, S., Nakano, K., Hirao, M., Kai, H., Ishibashi, Y., Shimase, H., Kamohara, S., Takemasa, T., Higo, M., Dowaki, K., Genchi, Y., Motoshita, M., Itsubo, N., Inaba, A., Torii, M., Narita, N., Ogawa, K., Hondo, H., Hirayama, Y., Nakajima, K., Yamada, S., Fukuhara, I.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   14 ( 1 ) 278 - 281  2009年



  • Internalization of the external costs of global environmental damage in an integrated assessment model

    Kosugi, T., Tokimatsu, K., Kurosawa, A., Itsubo, N., Yagita, H., Sakagami, M.

    Energy Policy   37 ( 7 )  2009年



  • Environmental impact assessment from the view-point of product life cycle - The characteristics and the procedure of life cycle assessment

    Itsubo, N.

    Seimitsu Kogaku Kaishi/Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering   75 ( 9 ) 1062 - 1067  2009年



  • Development of life cycle impact assessment methods for the health damege by indoor air pollution: Study on health damage causes by indoor air pollution

    Narita, N., Murakami, S., Ikaga, T., Sakabe, K., Itsubo, N.

    Journal of Environmental Engineering   73 ( 627 )  2008年



  • Life cycle assessment of Japanese high-temperature conductive adhesives

    Andrae, A.S.G., Itsubo, N., Yamaguchi, H., Inaba, A.

    Environmental Science and Technology   42 ( 8 )  2008年



  • Global environmental impact assessment of the Pb-free shift

    Andrae, A.S.G., Itsubo, N., Inaba, A.

    Soldering and Surface Mount Technology   19 ( 2 )  2007年



  • Development of the interregional I/O based LCA method considering region-specifics of indirect effects in regional evaluation

    Yi, I., Itsubo, N., Inaba, A., Matsumoto, K.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   12 ( 6 )  2007年



  • Screening life cycle assessment of silver-based conductive adhesive vs. lead-based solder and plating materials

    Andrae, A.S.G., Itsubo, N., Yamaguchi, H., Inaba, A.

    Materials Transactions   48 ( 8 )  2007年



  • Expanded damage function of stratospheric ozone depletion to cover major endpoints regarding life cycle impact assessment

    Hayashi, K., Nakagawa, A., Itsubo, N., Inaba, A.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   11 ( 3 )  2006年



  • The Sixth International Conference on Ecobalances: Development and systematizing of ecobalance tools based on life-cycle-thinking - October 25-27, 2004, Tsukuba, Japan

    Matsuno, Y., Itsubo, N., Miyamoto, S., Ikaga, T., Hondo, H., Inaba, A.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   10 ( 2 )  2005年



  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) (III-1): A review of Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA)

    Motoshita, Au.M., Itsubo, N.

    Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   84 ( 7 )  2005年

  • The LCIA midpoint-damage framework of the UNEP/SETAC life cycle initiative

    Jolliet, O., M{\"u}ller-Wenk, R., Bare, J., Brent, A., Goedkoop, M., Heijungs, R., Itsubo, N., Pe{\~n}a, C., Pennington, D., Potting, J., Rebitzer, G., Stewart, M., De Haes, H.U., Weidema, B.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   9 ( 6 )  2004年



  • Development of Damage Function of Acidification for Terrestrial Ecosystems Based on the Effect of Aluminum Toxicity on Net Primary Production

    Hayashi, K., Okazaki, M., Itsubo, N., Inaba, A.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   9 ( 1 )  2004年



  • 10
  • Weighting across safeguard subjects for LCIA through the application of conjoint analysis

    Itsubo, N., Sakagami, M., Washida, T., Kokubu, K., Inaba, A.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   9 ( 3 )  2004年



  • An Environmental Perspective of Lead-free Solder Based on Damage Assessment of LCIA

    Itsubo, N., Noh, J., Inaba, A.

    Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals   68 ( 2 )  2004年



  • 13
  • Life cycle impact assessment for manufacturing metals based on damage estimations

    Itsubo, N., Inaba, A.

    Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals   66 ( 5 )  2002年



  • Screening life cycle impact assessment with weighting methodology based on simplified damage functions

    Itsubo, N.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   5 ( 5 )  2000年



  • Launch of the damage function sub-committee in the national LCA project of Japan

    Itsubo, N.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   5 ( 2 ) 84 - 84  2000年



  • Current status of weighting methodologies in Japan

    Itsubo, N., Inaba, A., Matsuno, Y., Yasui, I., Yamamoto, R.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   5 ( 1 )  2000年



  • 18
  • Current activities of the national LCA project in Japan

    Yano, M., Aoki, R., Nakahara, Y., Itsubo, N., Ohta, T.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   5 ( 5 )  2000年



  • The progress of the impact assessment study committee in the national LCA Project of Japan

    Itsubo, N.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   4 ( 4 ) 194 - 194  1999年



  • Application of life cycle assessment to manufacturing of nonferrous metals

    Itsubo, N., Yamamoto, R.

    Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals   63 ( 2 )  1999年



  • The progress of Inventory study Committee WG2 in the National LCA Project in Japan

    Itsubo, N.

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   4 ( 5 ) 246 - 246  1999年



  • Development of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Weighting Methodology for Japan - Weighting Methodology Based on the Distance-to-Target Method

    Matsuno, Y., Inaba, A., Itsubo, N., Yamamoto, R.

    Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   77 ( 12 ) 1146 - 1147  1998年


    Life cycle assessment (LCA) has received much attention as an effective tool to evaluate the environmental burden of a product or service during its life cycle. Many LCA case studies have been carried out in Japan. However, impact assessment has been seldom conducted. Some of the reasons are that impact assessment has not been well investigated and few weighting methodologies practicable for Japan have so far been developed. In this work, development of life cycle impact assessment weighting methodology for Japan based on the distance-to-target principle has been carried out. The methodology has transparent characteristics and basically follows the SETAC 'Code of Practice': classification, characterization, normalization and weighting. Normalization values were estimated for 6 impact categories. Weighting factors for global warming and depletion of stratospheric ozone were derived from the deviation of annual emissions from authorized targets. In local impact categories, classification and characterization are not carried out; each substance is weighted directly with the local normalization value and weighting factor. Site-specific differences in indicator points were shown, based on calculations using life cycle inventories for electricity distributed by the electric power companies in Japan.



  • Impact assessment for metals - a comparative study of total environmental impacts between primary metals and secondary metals

    Itsubo, Norihiro, Yamamoto, Ryoichi

    Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   77 ( 11 ) 1088 - 1099  1998年


    One of the most important themes to promote Eco-design is the utilization of recycled materials. But little is known about the environmental information on total impacts from production of recycled materials in Japan. In recent years, many studies concerning the methodologies of impact assessment have discussed to show one single index about total environmental impacts. The question of how to include `resource depletion' as a safeguard subject is still open. We have suggested a methodology that provides us a total indicator based on Japanese environmental problems and resource consumption. In this paper a research program for investigating the environmental impacts of production metals in Japan is described. Moreover, the differences of environmental impacts between primary metals and secondary metals were discussed as a case study.



  • Development of life cycle impact assessment weighting methodology for Japan - weighting methodology based on the distance-to-target method

    Matsuno, Yasunari, Inaba, Atsushi, Itsubo, Norihiro, Yamamoto, Ryoichi

    Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   77 ( 12 )  1998年

  • A Trial for Eco-Materials; Possibility of Manufacturing of Fe-Fe Composite

    Itsubo, N., Yamamoto, R.

    Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy   41 ( 11 )  1994年





  • SDGs時代の環境評価 : ライフサイクル評価からわかること

    伊坪, 徳宏

    丸善出版  2024年01月 ISBN: 9784621309124

  • Lime3 : グローバルスケールのLCAを実現する環境影響評価手法

    伊坪, 徳宏, 稲葉, 敦

    丸善出版  2023年12月 ISBN: 9784621308431

  • 企業経営と環境評価

    栗山 浩一, 植田 和弘, 國部 克彦, 鷲田 豊明, 伊坪 徳宏, 村上 佳世, 稲葉 敦

    中央経済社, 中央経済グループパブリッシング (発売)  2018年 ISBN: 9784502268915

  • Lime3 : グローバルスケールのLCAを実現する環境影響評価手法

    伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    丸善出版  2018年 ISBN: 9784621303221

  • Blue earth college : ようこそ、「地球経済大学」へ。

    東京都市大学環境学部, 伊坪 徳宏, 中原 秀樹, 佐藤 真久, 江守 正多

    東急エージェンシー  2015年 ISBN: 9784884971236

  • 低炭素型サプライチェーン経営 : MFCAとLCAの統合

    國部 克彦, 伊坪 徳宏, 中嶌 道靖, 山田 哲男

    中央経済社  2015年 ISBN: 9784502145612

  • 環境経営・会計【第二版】

    有斐閣  2012年 ISBN: 9784641123113

  • エコデザイン

    浅井, 治彦, 益田, 文和伊坪徳宏, 田中めぐみ, 照沼太佳子, 村田智明, 山際康之

    東京大学出版会  2010年11月 ISBN: 9784130628303

  • Lime2 : 意思決定を支援する環境影響評価手法

    伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    産業環境管理協会, 丸善株式会社出版事業部 (発売)  2010年 ISBN: 9784862400550

  • ローカーボンライフ! : 温室効果ガスを「知って」、「習慣を変える」ための82データ

    Kirby Alex, UNEP/GRID-Arendal Editorial Team, 伊坪 徳宏

    オーム社  2010年 ISBN: 9784274208416

  • ローカーボンライフ!-温室効果ガスを「知って」、「習慣を変える」82データ-

    オーム社  2010年 ISBN: 9784274208416

  • LIME2 意思決定を支援する環境影響評価手法

    社団法人産業環境管理協会  2010年 ISBN: 9784862400550

  • Eco-Products Directory 2009

    Eco-Products Directory  2009年 ISBN: 9283323920

  • Eco-Products Directory 2008

    Asian Productivity Organization  2008年 ISBN: 9283323815

  • LCA概論

    伊坪 徳宏, 田原 聖隆, 成田 暢彦, 稲葉 敦, 青木 良輔

    産業環境管理協会, 丸善 (発売)  2007年 ISBN: 9784862400192

  • 環境経営・会計

    國部 克彦, 伊坪 徳宏, 水口 剛

    有斐閣  2007年 ISBN: 9784641123113

  • 環境経営・会計

    國部 克彦, 伊坪 徳宏, 水口 剛

    有斐閣  2007年 ISBN: 9784641124691

  • LCA概論

    社団法人産業環境管理協会  2007年 ISBN: 9784862400192

  • 講座「ライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA)」

    社団法人日本エネルギー学会  2006年

  • バイオマス用語事典

    株式会社オーム社  2006年

  • エコマテリアルハンドブック

    丸善株式会社  2006年 ISBN: 4621077449

  • ライフサイクル環境影響評価手法 : LIME-LCA, 環境会計, 環境効率のための評価手法・データベース

    伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    産業環境管理協会, 丸善株式会社出版事業部 (発売)  2005年 ISBN: 491495396X

  • サステナビリティの科学的基礎に関する調査報告書

    株式会社イースクエア  2005年

  • ライフサイクル環境影響評価手法―LIME‐LCA、環境会計、環境効率のための評価手法・データベース

    社団法人 産業環境管理協会  2005年 ISBN: 491495396X

  • LCAの実務

    社団法人産業環境管理協会  2005年 ISBN: 4914953951

  • 環境会計A-Z

    ビオシティ  2005年 ISBN: 4797211148

  • 続・環境負荷を予測する-モニタリングとモデリングの発展-

    博友社  2005年 ISBN: 4826802021

  • 建築環境マネジメント

    株式会社彰国社  2004年 ISBN: 4395221440



  • 科学研究費補助金-アジア各国の環境条件を反映した製品ライフサイクル環境影響評価手法の開発



  • ライフサイクルアセスメントに関する 国内外の研究動向と今後の展望


    エネルギー総合工学研究所 第444回月例研究会  

    発表年月: 2024年12月

  • ネイチャーポジティブ経営をLCAで測る


    LCAについて語ろう! -ネイチャーポジティブ経営の情報開示に向けて-  

    発表年月: 2024年12月

  • 空調機用冷媒再生のライフサイクル評価


    最新の冷媒問題への対応と展望 2024  

    発表年月: 2024年11月

  • サステナビリティのものさしを創る



    発表年月: 2024年11月

  • LCAの将来像


    日本LCA学会 20周年記念シンポジウム  

    発表年月: 2024年10月

  • ライフサイクルアセスメントの基礎と活用法


    長野県工業技術総合センター 環境対応技術セミナー  

    発表年月: 2024年07月

  • ライフサイクル評価に基づく生物多様性の定量評価と活用



    発表年月: 2024年06月

  • ライフサイクルアセスメントの国内外動向-循環経済を思考した評価事例-



    発表年月: 2024年04月

  • ライフサイクルアセスメントの国内外動向 -気候変動とLCA・SCOPE3の動向-



    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • 食品の環境影響評価 食品、フードテックのLCA・食品に関わる現在と今後の課題


    JST CRDS 科学技術未来戦略ワークショップ 「持続可能な食料システムの構築に向けて~日本の食の将来」  

    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • ライフサイクルアセスメントの国内外動向 -循環経済を思考した評価事例-



    発表年月: 2024年03月

  • MICEにおける低減施策取組への期待とサーキュラーエコノミー


    札幌MICE推進委員会:国際会議等における温室効果ガス低減施策 施策案に関する議論  

    発表年月: 2024年01月

  • PETボトルリサイクルの帰結的LC-CO2分析


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 企業の生態系保全活動を対象とした経済価値評価手法開発の検討


    発表年月: 2013年

  • LIME3にむけた土地利用による生態系への被害評価手法の検討


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 植物油インキを用いた印刷物の環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 生物多様性保全活動の環境評価と消費者受容性


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 重篤度と生起確率を考慮した原子力発電所の環境リスク評価


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 地球規模に拡張したライフサイクル影響評価手法(LIME3)の開発


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 点滴潅漑を利用した農作物の環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 水資源消費に伴う教育機会、雇用等に着目した社会影響評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 生態系への影響の評価のための土地改変面積のインベントリ原単位の推移


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 用紙再使用対応型複写機を対象としたWFとCFP


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 水資源消費に伴う人間健康および生態系への影響評価モデル


    発表年月: 2013年

  • LCAを通じた壁紙業界のCO2継続的削減活動


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 持続可能性に着目したトライアスロン大会の環境・経済・社会影響評価


    発表年月: 2013年

  • ICT企業活動に適した生態系への影響評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 実測データに基づく稲作のウォーターフットプリント


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 環境教育におけるカーボン・オフセットのモデル事例~東京都市大学等々力中学校・高等学校の取組み~


    発表年月: 2013年

  • レクリエーション価値を考慮した地熱発電のLCAとCVMの統合評価


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 越境問題を考慮した酸性化の影響評価係数の開発


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 継続的な環境教育カリキュラムの開発及び実践~ライフサイクル思考を考慮した環境教育の実践報告~


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 放射線に関わる被害評価係数の開発


    発表年月: 2013年

  • PRTR対象物質を網羅したアジア版環境影響評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 自然栽培による夏野菜のWF


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 中国のGHG6ガスのIOデータベースの開発


    発表年月: 2013年

  • LIMEの世界化-統合化手法の開発-


    発表年月: 2013年

  • LIME3における温暖化影響評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 鮮度保持効果を有する食品用包装フォルムの環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2013年

  • PSP製食品トレーの環境情報開示による消費者行動の分析


    発表年月: 2013年

  • 大気汚染物質を対象とした健康被害係数の世界化


    発表年月: 2013年

  • トランス脂肪酸リスク計算と環境影響評価のトレードオフ分析


    発表年月: 2013年

  • WFとLCAを融合した環境影響評価用カリキュレータの開発


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 産業連関分析法を用いた土地占有面積原単位データベースの開発


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 雇用と労働災害に関する社会LCAデータベースの開発


    発表年月: 2012年

  • LCAとMFCAの融合による製品の環境と経済の統合評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 教育施設を対象としたLCAとスコープ3の実施と比較


    発表年月: 2012年

  • ライフサイクル影響評価手法を用いた原子力発電事故による環境影響の試算


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 下水処理施設の評価に基づくウォーターフットプリント用原単位の構築


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 中国の環境評価用IOインベントリーデータベースの開発


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 資源消費による社会経済への影響評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 地球温暖化による生物多様性の被害評価手法の開発(その2)


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 富栄養化物質排出に対する潜在的水消費量の算出


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 水の消費と汚染に着目したウォーターフットプリント用データベースの開発


    発表年月: 2012年

  • アルミナ蒸着フィルムの環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 野菜を対象としたウォーターフットプリントの表示と消費者の選好分析


    発表年月: 2012年

  • PRTR対象物質を網羅した化学物質における影響評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2012年

  • ライフサイクル影響評価手法のLIMEの世界化


    発表年月: 2012年

  • バイオマス由来ポリエチレンテレフタレートのLCA


    発表年月: 2012年

  • インドにおけるサトウキビ栽培の環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2012年

  • アジア国際産業連関表を用いた東アジア各国における温室効果ガス排出原単位データベースの開発


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 被災地復興支援を目的としたイベントの環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 古紙パルプを原料とした中国産紙製ハンガーの環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 地利用による生物多様性への影響を考慮したダムの環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 企業のCSR活動に対する投資家および消費者の選好分析―生物多様性を事例に―


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 生物多様性に注目した電話帳の環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 蓋を含めた紙製ヨーグルト・カップのLCA


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 塩ビ壁紙を対象とした地球温暖化と室内空気質汚染への総合評価


    発表年月: 2012年

  • シャンプーのウォーターフットプリント


    発表年月: 2012年

  • 水の種類と利用形態に注目した水インベントリデータベースの開発


    発表年月: 2011年

  • カップ原紙に関する持続可能な森林管理の重要性


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 環境・経済・社会を対象としたスポーツイベントの持続可能性評価


    発表年月: 2011年

  • アジアを対象とした大気汚染による被害係数の開発


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 調理方法に注目した食品の環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 生態系オフセット評価の試行


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 持続可能性を考慮したイベント評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 仮想化技術を利用したサーバ統合による環境負荷削減効果


    発表年月: 2011年

  • アジア各国における生態毒性・ヒト毒性の被害係数開発


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 傘の循環利用を目指した学内レンタルシステムの試行と環境評価


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 衣類と洗濯におけるLC-CO2およびウォーターフットプリント


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 稲作を対象としたウォーターフットプリント


    発表年月: 2011年

  • ライフサイクル思考に基づいた『総量削減義務と排出量取引制度における特定温室効果ガス排出量検証ガイドライン』の検証


    発表年月: 2011年

  • LCAとMFCAの融合による製品の環境と経済の統合評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2011年

  • LIME2における生物多様性評価とその活用


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 生物種の網羅性を考慮した生物多様性の影響評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 紙製飲料容器「カートカン」の環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2011年

  • サステナビリティ評価を指向した環境・経済・社会側面のインベントリデータベースの開発


    発表年月: 2011年

  • アジア各国の地理的条件を反映した環境影響評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2011年

  • ガス導管工事のライフサイクル環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 農業用水不足に伴うインパクト評価モデルとその適用事例


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 産業連関分析法に基づいた木材のインベントリデータベースの開発


    発表年月: 2011年

  • リサイクル効果を考慮した塩ビ系壁紙のCO2排出量


    発表年月: 2011年

  • 地球温暖化による生物多様性の被害評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2011年

  • ライフサイクル思考型カーボンカリキュレータの開発


    発表年月: 2010年

  • イベントを対象としたLCA分析のための環境負荷原単位データベースの作成


    発表年月: 2010年

  • 生物多様性を対象としたLCIA手法の現状と今後の課題


    発表年月: 2010年

  • テレワーク・センターのCO2排出量と環境負荷軽減策としての可能性


    発表年月: 2010年

  • ライフサイクル影響評価を指向した産業連関分析法ベースの環境負荷原単位データベースの作成


    発表年月: 2010年

  • 中国における生態毒性の被害係数開発


    発表年月: 2010年

  • RRCにおける回収冷媒の再生利用と破壊処理のLIME手法を用いたLCA比較


    発表年月: 2010年

  • イベントを対象とした環境影響評価と経済波及効果分析


    発表年月: 2010年

  • ライフサイクルの視点に基づく家電製品の買い替えによる環境負荷削減効果分析


    発表年月: 2010年

  • 地球温暖化による水系感染症の健康影響評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2010年

  • LCAとMFCAの融合による製品の環境と経済の統合評価


    発表年月: 2010年

  • 大型イベントを対象とした環境負荷評価と実施上の論点


    発表年月: 2009年

  • ゴルフトーナメントのCO2排出量の算出と排出量の削減方法の検討


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 印刷工業会による紙カップの環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2009年

  • イベント実施に伴う環境対策の現状と環境評価の方向性


    発表年月: 2009年

  • アジアを対象とした酸性化の被害係数の開発


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 生活用水の不足に起因する感染症被害評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 産業連関分析法を利用した水資源データベースの作成と食材への応用


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 外食産業におけるハンバーガーのLC-CO2評価


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 冷凍空調用冷媒のRRCにおける再生利用と破壊処理のLCA比較


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 間伐材及びこれを利用した製品の環境負荷分析


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 産業連関法による化学物質のLCIデータベースの開発


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 塩ビ系壁紙のインベントリ分析の取組み状況


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 環境ラベルを題材とした環境教育の実践と効果


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 化石燃料及び鉱物資源を対象とした産業連関LCIデータベース開発


    発表年月: 2009年

  • HDIに基づく社会・経済的側面を考慮した環境効率評価


    発表年月: 2009年

  • オーガニックコットン製品のLCA


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 難燃剤を対象とした電子機器の環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 学園祭の開催による温室効果ガス排出量の推計とそれに基づいたカーボンオフセットの実施


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 中国における有害化学物質の被害係数開発手法の検討


    発表年月: 2009年

  • イベントを対象とした環境影響評価のための環境負荷原単位データベースの開発


    発表年月: 2009年

  • エネルギーシステムモデルMARKALとLCAの融合による乗用車部品の将来分析


    発表年月: 2009年

  • LCIA手法によるSCC(Social Cost of Carbon)の算定


    発表年月: 2009年

  • デジタルレコーディングの環境負荷評価


    発表年月: 2009年

  • ライフサイクル思考に基づく製品の社会影響評価手法の開発(その2)


    発表年月: 2009年

  • 地産地消を担う農作物直売所におけるCO2排出量の表示とその効果分析


    発表年月: 2009年

  • LCAを導入した環境教育プログラムの開発と実践


    発表年月: 2008年

  • ペットボトルのライフサイクルコスティング


    発表年月: 2008年

  • ライフサイクル思考に基づく製品の社会影響評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 製品ライフサイクルを思考した費用対効果および費用対便益分析手法の開発


    発表年月: 2008年

  • スポーツイベントを対象とした環境負荷分析


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 環境配慮設計を思考したノートパソコンの費用対便益分析


    発表年月: 2008年

  • LCDパネルにおけるライフサイクル費用便益分析(LCCBA)


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 水資源消費に伴う健康被害の評価手法開発


    発表年月: 2008年

  • エネルギーシステムモデルMARKALによる動的LCAを用いた乗用車部門の将来分析


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 多彩なサービスを含むICTシステムの社会影響評価


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 表計算ソフトを利用した階層型ハイブリッド型LCA分析ツールの開発


    発表年月: 2008年

  • LCAを導入した環境教育の実践と教育効果の定量的分析


    発表年月: 2008年

  • RoHS対応電気電子機器構成部品の化学分析とLCCBA向け静脈プロセス入出力算定支援ツールへの適用


    発表年月: 2008年

  • ライフサイクル費用便益分析(LCCBA)による政策分析


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 印刷工業会における紙製容器包装LCIデータの作成


    発表年月: 2008年

  • LIMEにおける大気汚染物質の被害評価手法のアジアへの適用


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 有害化学物質による影響を考慮したバイオエタノールの環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2008年

  • HDIを利用した社会影響評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 持続可能性評価手法の現状と今後の方向性


    発表年月: 2008年

  • プロセスの代表性を考慮した紙カップLCIの不確実性分析


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 表計算ソフトベースのインパクト評価用プログラムーLIME計算シート


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 電子産業におけるナノテクノロジーへの変化の動学的・波及的なライフサイクル評価


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 地理的条件を考慮した上水のインベントリ分析と国内代表値の作成に向けた回帰分析


    発表年月: 2008年

  • ライフサイクルコスティングを主体とした洗濯機のLCCBA評価


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 外部費用内部化による企業の環境パフォーマンス評価


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 安全性と時間価値を考慮した昇降機の環境影響および社会影響評価


    発表年月: 2008年

  • ICTサービスのサステナブルデザインのための社会影響評価


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 植物工場を対象としたライフサイクルアセスメント


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 重金属を対象とした人間健康や生物多様性の被害係数の開発


    発表年月: 2008年

  • 室内空気汚染の被害係数に関する研究


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 鉱物資源と温室効果ガス排出に関する21世紀世界のシュミレーション

    2007年 資源・素材学会 春季大会  

    発表年月: 2007年

  • 電気電子機器LCCBAのための静脈プロセスにおける重金属類排出量算定方法の検討


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 「持続可能な発展」指標の将来推計方法に関するシュミレーション研究-genuine savingとWealthを対象として-


    発表年月: 2007年

  • エコロジカルキャンパスを対象とした環境負荷分析


    発表年月: 2007年

  • &rdquo;室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究(その7)室内化学物質によるシックハウス症候群のライフサイクルインパクト評価手法の開発&rdquo;

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集 D-17 環境工学  

    発表年月: 2007年

  • 環境影響評価の世界拡張および動学化(その2)-外部費用内部化による環境と経済への波及効果の予備検討-


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 家電リサイクル法導入による環境影響削減効果


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 洗濯機を対象としたライフサイクル費用対便益分析(電気電子製品ライフサイクル費用対便益分析手法の開発)


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 廃棄・リサイクル段階を含む携帯電話のLCA


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 下水道システムを対象とした地域依存型LCIの開発


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 携帯電話用リチウムイオン電池のLCA分析


    発表年月: 2007年

  • デジタル対応機への移行に伴うテレビの環境影響の変化


    発表年月: 2007年

  • シックハウス症候群の影響を考慮したVOC吸着壁材の健康影響評価


    発表年月: 2007年

  • ライフサイクルを思考した環境家計簿の開発


    発表年月: 2007年

  • LCA的思考を導入した環境教育の実践


    発表年月: 2007年

  • LIME2における資源採取によるダメージ関数の不確実性分析


    発表年月: 2007年

  • LIME2の開発-意思決定支援のための環境影響評価手法-


    発表年月: 2007年

  • ペレットストーブのライフサイクル環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 食品循環資源の再生利用による環境影響削減効果


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 化学物質規制に対応した製品ライフサイクル費用対便益分析手法の開発


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 電気電子機器におけるLCCBAの信頼性管理


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 赤外線センサーを導入した照明設備の環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 国産間伐材の環境影響の潜在性評価


    発表年月: 2007年

  • 被害算定型影響評価における健康被害に伴う経済的損失の評価と検証


    発表年月: 2007年

  • LCAに基づく製品リスク評価と特定化学物質を対象とした環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2006年

  • &rdquo;室内空気汚染による健康被害にかんする研究(その5)室内空気汚染のダメージ関数を用いた日本人全体の健康被害量の推計&rdquo;

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集D-1 環境工学  

    発表年月: 2006年

  • &rdquo;住宅施工段階におけるホルムアルデヒドとトルエンのダメージ関数-室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究(その6)&rdquo;


    発表年月: 2006年

  • &rdquo;室内空気汚染のダメージ関数算出と室内・屋外環境における日本全国の被害量の比較-室内空気汚染による県境被害に関する研究(その4)&rdquo;


    発表年月: 2006年

  • &ldquo;室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究 有害物質の暴露による人間健康へのダメージ関数(DALY)の算定&rdquo;


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 道路交通騒音のダメージ関数の構築


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 動的なライフサイクル影響評価手法によるはんだの環境影響の中期評価


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 間接影響の地域性を考慮した地域LCA手法


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 室内空気汚染のライフサイクルインパクト評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 静脈シナリオに基づく接合材料の環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2005年

  • LIMEを用いたICパッケージのライフサイクル影響評価とフルコスト評価


    発表年月: 2005年

  • ダイナミックLCAによる接合材料の環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2005年

  • &ldquo;室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究 換気回数が人間健康へのダメージ(DALY)と内部・外部費用に及ぼす影響&rdquo;


    発表年月: 2005年

  • &rdquo;室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究(その2)室内化学物質による人間健康被害のダメージ関数DFの算定&rdquo;


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 応用一般均衡モデルを利用した廃プラスチック処理の経済波及効果分析とフルコスト評価


    発表年月: 2005年

  • LIME手法を用いた電子機器製品の環境影響評価手法の検討


    発表年月: 2005年

  • &ldquo;室内空気汚染による環境被害に関する研究(その1)人間健康被害のライフサイクルインパクト評価手法の開発&rdquo;


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 環境影響評価の世界拡張および動学化外部費用内部化による環境と経済への波及効果の予備的検討


    発表年月: 2005年

  • 携帯電話の製造段階におけるCO2排出量評価


    発表年月: 2005年

  • &ldquo;室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究(その3)換気回数の変化による異なる環境影響のライフサイクルインパクト評価&rdquo;


    発表年月: 2005年

  • LCAにおける環境影響評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2004年

  • LCAにおける環境影響評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2004年

  • 鉛フリーはんだのライフサイクル影響評価と鉛代替による環境影響削減効果


    発表年月: 2004年

  • 環境の外部費用を活用した国・企業・製品における環境効率指標の開発


    発表年月: 2004年

  • 製品使用時のリスクを考慮したたばこのライフサイクルアセスメント


    発表年月: 2004年

  • 社会コストの算入による家電製品の総合的費用の分析評価


    発表年月: 2003年

  • ライフサイクル影響評価を用いたECBMRの総合的費用対効果分析


    発表年月: 2003年

  • 環境影響評価事例に基づく維管束植物種の絶滅リスクの算定とLCAへの活用


    発表年月: 2003年

  • ライフサイクル影響評価から見た鉛フリーはんだの環境優位性


    発表年月: 2003年

  • ライフサイクルアセスメントによるICパッケージの環境影響評価


    発表年月: 2002年

  • 土地利用に係わるライフサイクル影響評価指標の開発-維管束植物種の絶滅リスクを指標とした被害係数の算定-


    発表年月: 2002年

  • ICパッケージのライフサイクルアセスメント


    発表年月: 2002年

  • 一次生産の影響評価手法とその指標


    発表年月: 2002年

  • コンジョイント分析による被害算定型環境影響評価手法の開発


    発表年月: 2002年

  • 材料の環境影響評価技術の開発


    発表年月: 2001年

  • 企業における環境経営ツールとしてのLCAの応用


    発表年月: 2000年

  • 被害算定型影響評価手法構築のためのダメージ関数の基礎検討


    発表年月: 2000年

  • 微細構造制御によるエコマテリアル化の試みとしてのFe-Feコンポジットの可能性


    発表年月: 1994年



  • 世界各都市の気候予測と疫学調査解析に基づくエアコンの健康被害軽減効果の評価

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    井原 智彦, バルケズ アルビンCG, 伊坪 徳宏

  • 国際規格の要件と影響領域の網羅性を具備した世界標準のライフサイクル評価手法の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    伊坪 徳宏, 湯 龍龍, 栗山 浩一, 本下 晶晴, 横井 崚佑


    UNEPが指定するエンドポイント(人間健康,社会資産,生物多様性,生態系サービス)を対象としたLCIA手法を開発する.人間健康,社会資産,生物多様性については,LIME3(日本),Recipe(欧州),LCImpact(欧州), Impact World+(米国・カナダ)といった世界の環境影響を反映するLCIA手法のなかから最も優れた手法を選定し,引用・更新する.本年度は「気候変動」「水資源」「鉱物資源」「土地利用」を対象にしてレビューと更新版特性化係数を開発した.ここで得られた成果を活用して、年間の経済活動に伴う環境影響を規格値として算定した。この成果は現在科学論文に投稿中である。

  • 製品ライフサイクルに立脚した環境影響評価基盤の構築と社会実装によるグリーン購入の推進

    科学技術振興機構  戦略的な研究開発の推進 社会技術研究開発事業



    伊坪 徳宏


    産官民が一体となってグリーン購入を推進し、継続したグリーンイノベーションを進めるためには、多様なステイクホルダーが共有できる環境側面の評価軸が必要である。現在、欧米諸国ではLCA(ライフサイクルアセスメント)に基づくグリーン購入が注目されているが、現在の日本におけるグリーン購入法にはライフサイクル思考が十分反映されているとは言い難い。 本プロジェクトでは、最新の環境負荷データベースと環境影響評価手法に基づく環境ホットスポット分析手法の開発を行う。 科学的な方法を駆使して100品目を対象とした分析を実施するとともに、社会に向けた評価結果の発信と環境ラベルへの実装などを通じてライフサイクル思考に基づくグリーン購入の効果的な推進を目指す。

  • アジア各国の環境条件を反映した製品ライフサイクル環境影響評価手法の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    伊坪 徳宏



  • 室内空気汚染による人間健康被害のライフサイクルインパクト評価手法の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    村上 周三, 坂部 貢, 伊坪 徳宏, 伊香賀 俊治



  • ライフサイクルアセスメント

  • ライフサイクル環境影響評価手法の開発

  • Development of life cycle impact assessment method



  • 最近の環境問題におけるLCAの展開 Nature Positive/生物多様性の定量評価におけるLCAの役割

    朽網道徳, 伊坪徳宏

    環境管理(産業環境管理協会)   60 ( 2 )  2024年


  • 農薬の環境排出量推定モデルの開発

    村本麻里花, TANG Longlong, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会(Web)   18th  2023年


  • 鉱物資源に注目した電気自動車の環境・社会影響評価

    垣内冴郁, CHEN Shuning, KARKOUR Selim, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会(Web)   18th  2023年


  • EVを用いたカーシェアリングの環境影響評価

    北原聖也, 貝瀬泰基, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会(Web)   18th  2023年


  • 観光サテライト勘定を用いたOECD諸国における観光産業の環境影響評価

    堤哲彦, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会(Web)   18th  2023年


  • ビッグデータを活用した家庭用空調機のエネルギー分析

    杉山弦太, 本田智則, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会(Web)   18th  2023年


  • ビッグデータを活用した家庭用空調機のエネルギー分析

    杉山弦太, 本田智則, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会(Web)   18th  2023年


  • 観光サテライト勘定を用いたOECD諸国における観光産業の環境影響評価

    堤哲彦, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会(Web)   18th  2023年


  • 鉱物資源に注目した電気自動車の環境・社会影響評価

    垣内冴郁, CHEN Shuning, KARKOUR Selim, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会(Web)   18th  2023年


  • アウトドア・スポーツイベントを対象としたカーボンフットプリント分析

    市原詩野, 市原詩野, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会(Web)   18th  2023年


  • DACCSとBECCSのライフサイクルアセスメント

    鈴木隼斗, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会(Web)   18th  2023年


  • サッカートーナメントを対象としたカーボンフットプリント

    芳賀柊真, 伊坪徳宏, 鈴木順, 澤田陽樹, 佐々木大喜

    日本LCA学会研究発表会(Web)   18th  2023年


  • 算定対象を拡大した東京都市大学のScope3分析

    根本滉希, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会(Web)   18th  2023年


  • DACCSとBECCSのライフサイクルアセスメント

    鈴木隼斗, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会(Web)   18th  2023年


  • 大阪万博プレイベントを対象としたカーボンフットプリント

    村田龍生, 信貴力, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会(Web)   18th  2023年


  • 工場IoTを駆使したカーボンフットプリントの動的評価

    橋本岳大, 伊坪徳宏, 大久保寛基, 大橋輝夫

    日本LCA学会研究発表会(Web)   18th  2023年


  • 日本サッカー協会(JFA)を対象とした組織全体の温室効果ガス排出量評価

    美川佑之, 伊坪徳宏, 福田哲朗

    日本LCA学会研究発表会(Web)   18th  2023年


  • 鉱物資源使用のインパクト評価における外部費用評価手法の比較分析

    横井崚佑, 松田健士, 伊坪徳宏, 本下晶晴

    日本LCA学会研究発表会(Web)   18th  2023年


  • 生物多様性や人間健康などの非市場価値も考慮した気候変動の総費用

    沖大幹, 木口雅司, 小田貴大, 高倉潤也, 高橋潔, 花崎直太, 肱岡靖明, 湯龍龍, 飯泉仁之直, 伊坪徳宏, 大橋春香, 松井哲哉, 熊野直子, 田上雅浩, 田村誠, 横木裕宗, 長谷川知子, PARK Chan, 平林由希子, 藤森真一郎, 本田靖, 松田裕之

    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集(Web)   2023  2023年


  • Renal health benefits of sustainable diets in Japan: a review

    Kei Nagai, Shiho Kosaka, Yuka Kawate, Norihiro Itsubo

    Renal Replacement Therapy   8 ( 1 )  2022年12月



    Global warming may reduce food production and force people to adopt dietary habits of inadequate quantity or quality. Such dietary habits could trigger chronic kidney disease through inappropriate nutrition or lifestyle diseases. Livestock farming and other types of food production are responsible for many greenhouse gases. These problems are being emphasized as a diet-environment-health trilemma to be addressed on a global scale, with various methods being proposed toward its resolution. Diets like plant-based and low-protein diets not only potentially prevent the progression of chronic kidney disease, but are also rational from an environmental preservation perspective. Evidence from Japan on resolutions for this trilemma is sparse, but one concrete proposal is the use of traditional Japanese diets like washoku, the Okinawa diet, and the traditional Buddhist diet. However, traditional Japanese diets also have several problems, such as excessive salt content and caloric deficiencies, and need to be modified and incorporated into the current lifestyle. The progression of chronic kidney disease needs to be prevented with appropriate dietary treatment and environmental friendly manner.


  • 維持血液透析のウォーターフットプリント算定の試み

    永井 恵, 鈴木 宏明, 植田 敦志, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本透析医学会雑誌   54 ( Suppl.1 ) 497 - 497  2021年05月

  • 平成28年度秋季研究発表大会特集 GHG排出量とコストを持つグローバル調達における発注量決定法—Determination Method of Oder Quantity with GHG emissions and Costs in Global Procurement

    近藤 礼奈, 木下 雄貴, 山田 哲男, 伊坪 徳宏, 井上 全人

    日本設備管理学会誌 = Journal of the Society of Plant Engineers Japan / 日本設備管理学会編集事務局 編   30 ( 4 ) 101 - 110  2019年02月


  • ジャカルタにおける地球温暖化対策の費用便益分析

    梅野凌矢, KARKOUR Selim, 伊坪徳宏, 井原智彦

    日本ヒートアイランド学会全国大会   14th  2019年


  • ジャカルタにおけるエアコンの健康被害軽減効果と環境影響の統合評価

    井原 智彦, 桑山 忠弘, 大棟 俊, 伊坪 徳宏, 山口 和貴, 岡田 和樹, 亀卦川 幸浩, Darmanto Prihadi Setyo, Varquez Alvin Christopher Galangc, Darmanto Nisrina Setyo, 神田 学

    エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会講演論文集   37   1 - 4  2018年06月

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 気候変動適応策としての浄水器を対象とした費用便益分析

    小関康雄, 原本英司, 森孝, 伊坪徳宏

    日本水環境学会年会講演集   52nd   177  2018年03月


  • Assessment of global warming impact on biodiversity using the extinction risk index in LCIA: a case study of Japanese plant species

    Longlong Tang, Motoki Higa, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Norihiro Itsubo

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   23 ( 2 ) 314 - 323  2018年02月


    © 2017, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Purpose: There has been an increasing number of studies on species extinction because of global warming based on estimations of changes in species distributions. Life cycle impact assessment methods do not have a biodiversity damage factor for global warming that uses the extinction risk index. In this study, a method for determining the extinction risks of individual species per unit CO2 emission was proposed and test calculations of the extinction risks of 216 species of Japanese vascular plants were performed. We also examined the possibility of determining local and global extinction risk factors using this method. Methods: This method uses the Expected Increase in the Number of Extinction Species (EINES), which is defined as the inverse of the time to extinction, as the extinction risk index. Procedures for determining the extinction risks of individual species per unit CO2 emission (EINES/species/kg) are as follows. First, based on the base scenario of CO2 emission, a niche-based species distribution model is used to estimate species distribution areas in 2000 and 2100 and calculate the distribution area decrease over 100 years. The number of years before the zero distribution area is then determined by assuming that the decrease is constant. Extinction risk is defined as the inverse of this time. The final step is to determine the extinction risk at specific CO2 emissions in addition to the base emission scenario and divide the difference in the extinction risk by the additional amount of CO2 emissions. Results and discussion: The distribution areas of 216 species of Japanese vascular plants having southern distribution limits were estimated to decrease by 40–85% in 100 years. The accuracy of the estimation was sufficient according to the value of area under the curve (AUC). Considering climate models and migration conditions, the extinction risk per unit CO2 emission was estimated between −0.6 × 10−18 and 4.7 × 10−18 (EINES/species/kg). We converted the normalization values of the extinction risk of Japan for the 216 species to compare impact of land use changes and waste processing with that of global warming on the species. We found that global warming has smaller impact compared with land use changes and larger impact compared with waste processing. Conclusions: A method for estimating the extinction risks of species per unit CO2 emission was proposed, and it can be used to determine the local and global extinction risk factors of CO2.


  • 逆浸透法を用いた海水淡水化施設のLCAとLCC:事業計画段階と実稼動段階における評価結果の比較分析

    黒川 賢治, 小野 雄也, 小関 康雄, 杉本 和明, 大熊 那夫紀, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   14 ( 1 ) 46 - 54  2018年


    本研究の目的は国内の海水淡水化施設を対象にCO2や水消費、ライフサイクルコストを評価すること、さらに計画値と実測値を基に両者の差異を測定することである。評価の結果、環境負荷とコストは計画値よりも実測値の方が1m3あたりの負荷は大きいことがわかった。ライフサイクルCO2の大部分は電気に由来し、水消費では化学製品による間接的な負荷が全体に大きな影響(CO2:95 - 99%, 水消費:50 - 95%)を与えていることがわかった。これは沖縄における電気が石炭火力、福岡が天然ガスを用いた火力電力を用いている影響に由来し、水消費は逆浸透膜洗浄のための化学製品による影響に由来する。また、稼働率の低い(8%)沖縄における機能単位あたりの実測値のライフサイクルコストは計画値の5.5倍となることがわかった。最後に既存研究との比較及び感度分析の結果から本研究と既存研究との整合性が見られ、電源構成の変更によりCO2の削減が可能であることが示された。


  • Global supply chain network design and Asian analysis with material-based carbon emissions and tax

    Tomoyuki Urata, Tetsuo Yamada, Norihiro Itsubo, Masato Inoue

    COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING   113   779 - 792  2017年11月


    Global warming has become a serious problem. Global supply chain networks in Asia should reduce not only CO2 emissions but also the fixed opening costs for factories/routes as well as the cost of transportation and procurement. Life cycle assessment (LCA) quantitatively estimates and visualizes the CO2 emissions for each part based on their component materials produced on a country by country basis using a life cycle inventory (LCI) database. In general, in order to reduce both of the CO2 emissions and the costs, supply chain planners should make the decision to switch the suppliers of component parts with higher CO2 emissions but lower procurement costs from emerging countries and/or with lower CO2 emissions but higher procurement costs from developed countries. In addition, the European Union (EU) approaches to reducing CO2 emissions through the introduction of emissions tax and trading. This study proposes a design method of an Asian global supply chain network that minimizes the costs under targeted material-based CO2 emissions reduction ratios, and determines the suppliers and factory locations that satisfy demands for low-carbon material supply, through the adoption of the Asian LCI database. Based on this result, a sensitivity analysis is conducted by changing emission prices for reducing the costs and the carbon emissions, and the difference between the supply chain networks comprising of either two and three different Asian countries is compared. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • 気候変動適応策としての水浄化技術の貢献 LCAとLCCを考慮した適応策の評価技術

    小関康雄, 伊坪徳宏

    環境浄化技術   16 ( 6 ) 74‐77  2017年11月


  • A Country-Specific Water Consumption Inventory Considering International Trade in Asian Countries Using a Multi-Regional Input-Output Table

    Yuya Ono, Young Deuk Kim, Norihiro Itsubo

    SUSTAINABILITY   9 ( 8 )  2017年08月


    Interest in the impacts of water use in the life cycle of products and services are increasing among various stakeholders. The water footprint is a tool to identify critical and effective points for reducing the impact of water use through the entire life cycle of products, services, and organizations. The purpose of this study was to develop a water consumption inventory database that focused on identifying of Asian water consumption using an input-output (IO) framework. An Asia International Input-Output table (AIIO) was applied in this study. The amount of water consumption required for agricultural products was estimated by modeling; for other sectors it was estimated from statistical reports. The intensities of direct water consumption in each sector were calculated by dividing the amount of water consumption by the domestic production. Based on the IO analysis using Leontief's inverse matrix, the intensities of water consumption from cradle to gate were estimated for all goods and services. There was high intensity of water consumption in the primary industry sectors, together with a high dependency on rainwater as an input water source. The water consumption intensities generally showed a larger reduction in secondary sectors, in comparison with the tertiary sectors, due to the use of recycled water. There were differences between this study and previous studies due to the use of site-specific production data and the temporal resolution of crop production. By considering site-specific conditions, it is expected that the dataset developed here can be used for estimating the water footprint of products, services, and organizations in nine countries (Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and USA).


  • Development of weighting factors for G20 countries. Part 2: estimation of willingness to pay and annual global damage cost

    Kayo Murakami, Norihiro Itsubo, Koichi Kuriyama, Kentaro Yoshida, Koji Tokimatsu

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   23 ( 12 ) 1 - 16  2017年07月


    Purpose: This paper is the second part of a series of articles presenting the results of research on monetary weighting factors (MWFs) for the G20 countries, which together account for approximately 90% of the global GDP. We developed their MWFs with regard to Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) and evaluated them via a large-scale questionnaire survey. We estimated the economic value of one unit of damage caused by human activities. Methods: To ensure that the MWFs covered all areas of protection as defined by the LCIA method based on Endpoint Modeling (human health, social assets, biodiversity, and primary production), we conducted a choice experiment in all G20 countries. We conducted face-to-face interviews to minimize survey bias and ensure that the questions were understood by the emerging G20 countries’ respondents. Internet surveys were adopted to collect samples from the developed G20 countries’ respondents, where Internet diffusion rates are generally high. We obtained response data from 200 to 250 and 500 to 600 households of all the emerging and all the developed G20 countries, respectively. We gathered 6400 responses in all. We estimated preference intensities using the random parameter logit model. We calculated MWFs based on each respondent’s willingness to pay. Results and discussion: We devised MWFs providing the costs of damage to four safeguard subjects. All the estimated values are statistically significant at the 1% level, with the exception of monetary attributes from Mexico. The MWFs for the G20 are 23,000 USD for human health (per year), 2.5 USD for social assets (per USD of resources), 11 billion USD for biodiversity (per species), and 5.6 billion USD for primary production (per 100 million tons). The differences between the developed and emerging G20 countries are considerable, with the values generally being smaller for the latter in purchasing power parity (USD) terms. The estimated global total economic annual impact was approximately 5.1 trillion USD (6.7% of the world’s total GDP). Conclusions: We obtained reasonable and conservative global-scale MWFs compared with previous studies. Moreover, the cross-country heterogeneity in this study potentially helps extrapolate future/global value developments from current/local estimates. The variations in human health and social asset MWFs are small enough within developed countries to allow international transfers among them, while significant variations in biodiversity and primary production MWFs are a caveat to up-front international transfers even within developed countries.


  • Environmental life cycle assessment and social impacts of bioethanol production in Thailand

    Seksan Papong, Chantima Rewlay-ngoen, Norihiro Itsubo, Pomthong Malakul

    JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION   157   254 - 266  2017年07月


    Bioethanol is an important renewable energy for transportation fuels in Thailand due to energy security it provides and the reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Cassava and sugarcane are considered to be the most important feedstocks that produce bioethanol in Thailand due to an abundant, renewable resource in the country. This study aims to evaluate the potential environmental performance and social impacts associated with the bioethanol supply chain. The environmental impacts of bioethanol in this study were assessed by using life cycle assessment method. The impact categories consisted of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, eutrophication potential (EP), direct land use change (dLUC), and water impact potential (WIP). The social impacts, including the total employment, wages and fatal occupational injury are carried out based on the process-based and input-output analysis approaches. The results showed that the GHG emissions of the bioethanol systems are 26-39 kg CO(2)eq/GJ, which is less than conventional gasoline. In addition, the results showed that the dLUC effect on the bioethanol production increased the GHG impact by 10-73%. However, it's found that the EP and water impact caused by bioethanol production is higher than for gasoline. In regards to the social aspects, the bioethanol production has advantages in term of total employment and income generation, the job creation is 15-18 times better than gasoline and the direct income distribution in the agricultural stage accounts for 30-45% of the total income in the bioethanol supply chain. However, the fatal occupational impacts of bioethanol system are higher than for gasoline. This aspect is also discussed in the study. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • 気候変動の緩和策と適応策を対象としたライフサイクル影響評価

    伊坪徳宏, TANG Longlong, 小野雄也, 小関康雄, 正畠宏一, 沖大幹

    環境工学連合講演会講演論文集   30th   63‐66  2017年05月


  • 取組事例 環境に配慮した学園祭「東京都市大学 横浜祭」 (特集 環境に配慮した"祭り" : 2020東京五輪を見据えて)

    田辺 雄一, 伊坪 徳宏

    生活と環境 = Life and environment   62 ( 5 ) 41 - 45  2017年05月


  • Analysis of material based GHG emissions and costs for assembly products using Asian lifecycle inventory databases: cell phone case study

    Rena Kondo, Yuki Kinoshita, Tetsuo Yamada, Norihiro Itsubo, Masato Inoue



    Global warming requires to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in global supply chains. In order to reduce the GHG emissions in the supply chains economically, it needs to estimate the GHG emissions and costs for procuring parts for materials by life cycle assessment (LCA). This study applies the material-based estimation method for the GHG emissions and costs by Yoshizaki et al. (2016) to a cell phone, constructs a bill of materials (BOM) when the materials for parts are produced in Asian countries, and compares the material-based GHG emissions and costs in the cases of cell phone and cleaner. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


  • 自動車のライフサイクル温室効果ガスのメタ分析

    八坂 慶仁, 正畠 宏一, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   13 ( 2 ) 164 - 171  2017年


    <p>Meta-analysis is a method that integrates multiple existing studies through statistical processing and is typically used in academic fields such as medical care, psychology, and education surveys. Some studies exist in which they apply meta-analysis to Life Cycle Assessment(LCA)results of automobiles, but the vehicle types and target life cycle stages are limited. In this study, we applied the meta-analysis method to the life cycle of automobiles classified by vehicle type and energy sources to estimate greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions. A literature review of 27 peer-reviewed articles was conducted to extract the LCA data that were used in this study. The life cycle stages were classified into four stages: Battery, Other production, Use, and Disposal. The results showed that GHG emissions during the use stage represented approximately 80% of the entire life cycle for gasoline, diesel, and hybrid vehicles. For plugin hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles charged with electricity from electricity mix or fossil fuel generation methods the use stage accounted for approximately 50-70% of the entire life cycle. Moreover, the results showed that GHG emissions could be reduced by approximately 75-80% if gasoline and diesel vehicles are replaced by electric vehicles that are powered by electricity generated from renewable energy. However, when electric vehicles are powered by electricity generated from fossil fuels, the GHG emissions can be equivalent to gasoline and diesel vehicles. The results also showed that the amount of GHG emissions depend significantly on the travel scenarios and the source of electricity generation. Therefore, the selection of these factors are of major importance when conducting an LCA study of automobiles.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Regional Analysis of Virtual Water Flow in View of Crop Consumption

    Young Deuk Kim, Sung Hee Lee, Norihiro Itsubo, Yuya Ono

    IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE   65   86 - 93  2016年12月


    It is important to identify virtual water for crop production (P-vw) and consumption (C-vw) and to analyse the virtual water flow among regions for a better understanding of water resource use. The estimation of virtual water flow in a basin or between regions of a basin can contribute to finding options for water-saving strategies, such as changing cropping pattern and land use. The objective of this study was to analyse virtual water flow by using P-vw, C-vw and virtual water content (VWC). VWC of a product is the amount of fresh water required to produce the product, expressed as m(3) t(-1). The virtual water consumption rate in this study is defined as C-vw/P-vw, which indicates the extent of water shortage and self-sufficiency of water use in a region. The C-vw and P-vw of 16 regions were computed and the virtual water flow in the Han and Nakdong River basins was analysed. The analysis indicated that a shift of rice cultivation between the upper and the lower regions of these basins can save between 503 and 752Mm(3) of VW in ideal conditions. Virtual water analysis can be useful for finding solutions to improve water productivity at basin level and to reduce pressure on local water resources. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


  • Development of Social Intensity Database Using Asian International Input-Output Table for Social Life Cycle Assessment

    Seksan Papong, Norihiro Itsubo, Yuya Ono, Pomthong Malakul

    SUSTAINABILITY   8 ( 11 )  2016年11月


    The social impacts of products and service life cycles are increasingly of interest among policy makers and stakeholders. Workers' issues are considered to be a source of key inventory data to assess social impacts, and are crucial in moving towards social sustainability. There is a need to develop a social inventory database for evaluating social impacts of products and services. This study aimed at the development of a social intensity dataset using an input-output analysis framework. The 2005 Asian International input-output table is used in this work. Six social issues are considered: total employment, paid workers, vulnerable employment, wages, fatal, and non-fatal occupational injuries. To verify the acceptability of this study, an estimation of total social footprint deduced from final consumption rates was carried out. The social intensities associated with 10 countries and 76 economic sectors were constructed. The results show that the social intensities from cradle to gate the agricultural sector has the highest in terms of total employment and vulnerable employment. Meanwhile, the mining sector in China has a higher non-fatal and fatal occupational injuries than the agriculture sector, secondary sector, and tertiary sector. The public administration sector and the education and research sector had a higher wages intensity than any other sectors due to these sectors being labor intensive and having higher wages. The social intensity in terms of total employment, paid workers, vulnerable employment, non-fatal injuries, and fatal accident cases in the developing countries was higher than the developed countries whereas wages intensity in developing countries was lower than that of developed countries. The social footprints resulting from the final consumption of each country show that the social footprints had transferred from the developing countries to the developed countries. Exports from China to the USA, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore have a significant social impact in these countries.


  • Potential Impacts of Food Production on Freshwater Availability Considering Water Sources

    Shinjiro Yano, Naota Hanasaki, Norihiro Itsubo, Taikan Oki

    WATER   8 ( 4 )  2016年04月


    We quantify the potential impacts of global food production on freshwater availability (water scarcity footprint; WSF) by applying the water unavailability factor (fwua) as a characterization factor and a global water resource model based on life cycle impact assessment (LCIA). Each water source, including rainfall, surface water, and groundwater, has a distinct fwua that is estimated based on the renewability rate of each geographical water cycle. The aggregated consumptive water use level for food production (water footprint inventory; WI) was found to be 4344 km(3)/year, and the calculated global total WSF was 18,031 km(3) H(2)Oeq/year, when considering the difference in water sources. According to the fwua concept, which is based on the land area required to obtain a unit volume of water from each source, the calculated annual impact can also be represented as 98.5 x 10(6) km(2). This value implies that current agricultural activities requires a land area that is over six times larger than global total cropland. We also present the net import of the WI and WSF, highlighting the importance of quantitative assessments for utilizing global water resources to achieve sustainable water use globally.


  • Ecosystem damage assessment of land transformation using species loss

    Kazuko Yamaguchi, Ryota Ii, Norihiro Itsubo

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   23 ( 12 ) 1 - 12  2016年03月


    Purpose: The objectives of this study are to develop life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methods that enable an assessment of the impact on the biodiversity by land use categorized in general land use types and to obtain the implications for an assessment of global land use impact, using the methods in the Life Cycle Impact Assessment Method based on Endpoint Modeling (LIME). Methods: Expected Increase in Number of Extinct Species (EINES), which was calculated by summing the increments in extinction risks of each threatened vascular plant species due to land transformation, was used as an indicator of damage to biodiversity. EINES per land use category was calculated using data from the “Threatened Wildlife of Japan, Red Data Book 2nd ed. Volume 8, Vascular Plants” (hereinafter referred to as “RDB”). Results and discussion: The EINES of wetlands and grassland was relatively high. The number of species that were assumed to exist in forestland was large
    however, the EINES of forestland was relatively low. It was considered to be influenced by the huge area of forestland in Japan. EINES of other land was also relatively high, and it was considered to be the reflection of the existence of species whose habitat is peculiar, such as limestone areas or high mountains. Conclusions: Damage factors developed for Japan in this study have broad potential application, as they have more general land use categories than those in LIME 1 and 2
    however, it will be necessary to develop damage factors in other countries, taking into account threatened species categories and regional differences in the importance of various land use categories. It is also necessary to accumulate detailed data on threatened species across the planet to develop worldwide damage factors.


  • Estimating land transformation area caused by nickel mining considering regional variation

    Longlong Tang, Kenichi Nakajima, Shinsuke Murakami, Norihiro Itsubo, Takeshi Matsuda



    The area of land transformed by the mining of mineral resources greatly varies depending on the type of mineral deposit and mining methods used. Existing factors for the land area transformed per unit of ore mined (land transformation factor) only consider differences in mining methods. In this study, key parameters impacting the area of land transformed were determined and taken into account for nickel with the objective of developing a method for efficiently estimating land transformation factors for mines.
    The land transformation factor (m(2)/t) was defined as the land area transformed to produce 1 t of crude nickel ore, nickel metal (grade &gt; 99 %), or ferronickel (grade 20 %). Formulae for calculating the land transformation factor that considered parameters, such as the specific gravity of ores and depth of mining, were built by first classifying mines into three types: laterite ore surface mines, sulfide ore surface mines, and sulfide ore underground mines. Uncertainty analysis for the land transformation factor for each type of mine was conducted, and the key parameters affecting results were identified. Finally, the land transformation factors for 38 mines were calculated using the proposed method.
    Land transformation factors for the three types of mines showed that for both surface and underground mines, the values were smaller than the values reported in previous research that were calculated using mining area and production data for a single year. This difference was due to our use of a method assuming the area at the point of maximum extraction depth and maximum overburden dump height. For surface mining, the stripping ratio and ore grade were determined to be key parameters that combined to contribute approximately 80 % of the uncertainty for the land transformation factors of nickel metal. For underground mining, the ore grade and backfilling ratio were determined as the key parameters. The assessment results for mines showed that for surface mining methods, differences in the ore grade and stripping ratio could result in the land transformation factor differing by a maximum of a factor of 10 between mines. These results suggested that the proposed method could efficiently determine the difference between mines.
    The proposed method, taking into account key parameters for each mine type, provided a good base for estimating land transformation factors for nickel mining for countries or regions.


  • Disassembly system modeling and design with parts selection for cost, recycling and CO2 saving rates using multi criteria optimization

    Kento Igarashi, Tetsuo Yamada, Surendra M. Gupta, Masato Inoue, Norihiro Itsubo

    JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS   38   151 - 164  2016年01月


    Environmental issues in supply chains have been serious for not only the reduction of CO2 emissions but also for material starvation. End-of-life assembly products at recycling factories should be disassembled environmentally and economically in consideration of not only low carbonization but also of material circulation. Parts with higher recycling and CO2 saving rates should be selected and manually disassembled; however, the manual disassembly brings a higher cost, instead of disposing of the parts. Moreover, this parts selection also affects a disassembly line balancing.
    This study proposes a simple and practical modeling and design of multi criteria optimization for lower disassembly cost, higher recycling, and CO2 saving rates by an environmental and economic parts selection, and subsequent disassembly line balancing. (C) 2015 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Global supply chain network design for lower material-based CO<inf>2</inf> emissions and costs between developed and emerging countries

    Tomoyuki Urata, Tetsuo Yamada, Norihiro Itsubo, Masato Inoue

    Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association   67 ( 2E ) 156 - 166  2016年01月


    The aim of this study is to design a global supply chain network by selecting suppliers and determining locations for assembly factories while satisfying the demands of different markets for finished assembly products not only in consideration of parts procurement, production, and logistics costs, but also material-based CO2 emissions. First, the global supply chain network is modeled with material-based CO2 emissions and the costs, and is formulated as a mixed integer programming (MIP) problem. Second, numerical experiments are conducted where the parts and the products with material-based CO2 emissions and costs based on a bill of materials are transported between two countries. Additionally, the numerical experiment is shown by varying the target reduction ratio of the environmental impact. Finally, the results of the proposed design method are compared with a previous study, and the effect of the facility cost is discussed.

  • Measuring marginal willingness to pay using conjoint analysis and developing benefit transfer functions in various Asian cities

    Koji Tokimatsu, Masahiko Aicha, Kentaro Yoshida, Masahiro Nishio, Eiichi Endo, Masaji Sakagami, Kayo Murakami, Norihiro Itsubo



    We need a consistent methodology to measure the co-benefits of climate change mitigation across Asian countries. This study chose a strategy of modifying the Japan-specific life-cycle impact assessment method based on endpoint modeling (LIME) for wider application across countries. LIME has two dimensions. First, it is an environmental science that links the cause-and-effect chain. Second, it is an environmental valuation that weighs four endpoint damages in monetary terms through a conjoint analysis that is derived from an Internet-based questionnaire survey. This article describes the modification of the methodology for application of the conjoint analysis to weigh environmental impacts. We approached the investigation as follows. First, we conducted Internet surveys to measure marginal willingness-to-pay (MWTP). We used a sample of 112 respondents in their 20s to 40s, divided equally between men and women, in 11 cities across China, India, and Southeast Asia. The results obtained showed clear statistical significance and were comparable across the cities. Second, we attempted to develop functions (called benefit transfer functions) to simplify the measured MWTP in order to apply it across different Asian countries. The functions were derived through a stepwise meta-analytic method, a type of multiple regression analysis whose independent variable was MWTP and dependent variables were attributes of both respondents and surveyed cities. The functions showed that coal consumption and percentage of nature reserve were dependent variables. Then, the MWTPs estimated from the functions were compared with the measured MWTP for transfer error, which is calculated by the absolute value of the difference between the estimated value and the measured value divided by the latter. The transfer error was below 50% in about 90% of the 44 results (a combination of four endpoints and 11 cities), implying that the developed functions were statistically significant.


  • 使用済み紙おむつのリサイクルによるパルプ再利用の環境影響評価

    伊坪 徳宏, 今井 茂夫, 和田 充弘, 鴨沢 卓郎, 岡野 公美, 牧野 直樹, 正畠 宏一

    環境情報科学論文集   30 ( 0 ) 329 - 334  2016年


    <p><tt>国内生産量が年間</tt>50 <tt>億枚(</tt>2015 <tt>年)を超える大人用紙おむつは,使用後は,ほとんどが焼却処理され,リサイクルされていないのが現状である。本研究では,使用済み大人用紙おむつのリサイクル処理について,ライフサイクルアセスメント(</tt>LCA<tt>)手法を用いて,地球温暖化,水消費,土地利用の影響領域における環境負荷を算定し,焼却処理と比較を行った。リサイクル処理は,焼却処理と比較し,温室効果ガス排出量が約</tt>3<tt>割削減され,使用済み紙おむつの</tt>1<tt>トンあたりの処理に必要な水消費量は</tt> <tt>約</tt>6<tt>トン,土地利用は約</tt>180 m2a <tt>削減されるという結果が得られた。</tt></p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 紙容器緑茶飲料を対象としたウォーターフットプリント

    下里 直子, 萩野 正仁, 伊坪 徳宏

    長野県工業技術総合センター研究報告   ( 11 ) 144 - 146  2016年


  • Development of water footprint inventory database on Japanese goods and services distinguishing the types of water resources and the forms of water uses based on input-output analysis

    Yuya Ono, Masaharu Motoshita, Norihiro Itsubo

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT   20 ( 10 ) 1456 - 1467  2015年10月


    Water footprint is expected as a tool to identify critical and effective points for reducing the impact of water use through the entire life cycle of products, services, and organizations. The purpose of this study is to develop a water footprint inventory database that makes it possible to account the water intensities of all the Japanese goods and services with a differentiation for the types of water resources and the forms of water uses.
    An input-output analysis was applied to establish a comprehensive database covering all of the Japanese goods and services. The amount of water consumption in each sector was estimated by modeling (for agricultural goods) and determined based on the uses of input water according to the statistic reports and hearing survey results (for other sectors). The intensities of direct water input or consumption in each sector were calculated by dividing the amount of water input or consumption with the domestic production amount for each sector. Based on the input-output analysis by using Leontief's inverse matrix, the intensities of water use and consumption from cradle to gate were estimated for all goods and services in 403 sectors of Japan.
    The intensities of water input and consumption in the primary sectors of industry from cradle to gate showed large values and high dependency on rain water as the sources of input water. While the water input intensities in secondary sector of industry were relatively higher than those in tertiary sector of industry, the water consumption intensities generally showed larger reduction in secondary sectors in comparison with those in tertiary sectors due to the utilization of recycling water. The results of comparing the intensities in this study with previous studies showed some differences due to the consideration of site-specific conditions in production and the temporal resolution for the calculation of consumed amount in crop production.
    By considering the site-specific conditions, the intensities were developed as the datasets suitable for water footprint of products, services, and organizations in Japan. While this database would be expected to be applied to the implementation of water footprint, the reflection of the effects by imported goods and services through international trade needs to be conducted in the future study for improving the preciseness and reliability of the results of water footprint.


  • Water Scarcity Footprints by Considering the Differences in Water Sources

    Shinjiro Yano, Naota Hanasaki, Norihiro Itsubo, Taikan Oki

    SUSTAINABILITY   7 ( 8 ) 9753 - 9772  2015年08月


    Water resources have uneven distributions over time, space, and source; thus, potential impacts related to water use should be evaluated by determining the differences in water resources rather than by simply summing water use. We propose a model for weighting renewable water resources and present a case study assessing water scarcity footprints as indicators of the potential impacts of water use based on a life cycle impact assessment (LCIA). We assumed that the potential impact of a unit amount of water used is proportional to the land area or time required to obtain a unit of water from each water source. The water unavailability factor (fwua) was defined using a global hydrological modeling system with a global resolution of 0.5 x 0.5 degrees. This model can address the differences in water sources using an adjustable reference volume and temporal and spatial resolutions based on the flexible demands of users. The global virtual water flows were characterized using the fwua for each water source. Although nonrenewable and nonlocal blue water constituted only 3.8% of the total flow of the water footprint inventory, this increased to 29.7% of the total flow of the water scarcity footprint. We can estimate the potential impacts of water use that can be instinctively understood using fwua.


  • Development of the Social Inventory Database in Thailand Using Input-Output Analysis

    Seksan Papong, Norihiro Itsubo, Pomthong Malakul, Masanori Shukuya

    SUSTAINABILITY   7 ( 6 ) 7684 - 7713  2015年06月


    The social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) is a technique for assessing social impact and potential impact that aims to evaluate the social and socio-economic aspects of products and their potential for both positive and negative impacts along their life cycle. The lack of a quantitative inventory data for social issues is a weakness of the S-LCA methodology to calculate social impacts. This study aims to establish a social inventory database in Thailand using input-output (IO) modeling. The 2005 economic IO table of Thailand is used in this study. The six different social issues are calculated for both direct and indirect social intensity. The social issues include employment, number of female employees, working hours, wages and salaries, and non-fatal and fatal occupational cases. The results indicate that the primary sector has the highest social intensity in terms of employment, female employment, and working hour intensity. Meanwhile, the secondary sector was higher in non-fatal occupational cases intensity than other sectors. For wages intensity, the results show that the government sector was higher than other sectors, it being labor intensive and of low economic value. In addition, the fatal occupational cases shows the highest intensity in the non-metallic mining, fertilizer and pesticides, and construction sectors. In terms of total social impacts or social footprints, the wholesale and retail trade sector had the highest impact for almost all social issues due to the higher final demand in this sector.


  • Consensus building on the development of a stress-based indicator for LCA-based impact assessment of water consumption: outcome of the expert workshops

    Anne-Marie Boulay, Jane Bare, Camillo De Camillis, Petra Doell, Francis Gassert, Dieter Gerten, Sebastien Humbert, Atsushi Inaba, Norihiro Itsubo, Yann Lemoine, Manuele Margni, Masaharu Motoshita, Montse Nunez, Amandine V. Pastor, Brad Ridoutt, Urs Schencker, Naoki Shirakawa, Samuel Vionnet, Sebastien Worbe, Sayaka Yoshikawa, Stephan Pfister



    The WULCA group, active since 2007 on Water Use in LCA, commenced the development of consensus-based indicators in January 2014. This activity is planned to last 2 years and covers human health, ecosystem quality, and a stress-based indicator. This latter encompasses potential deprivation of both ecosystem and human, hence aiming to represent potential impacts more comprehensively than any other available LCA-oriented method assessing the "water scarcity footprint" (ISO 2014).
    A series of three expert workshops, including non-LCA experts from hydrology, eco-hydrology, and water supply science, was organized specifically on the topic of this generic midpoint indicator. They were held in Zurich on 10th September, in San Francisco on 5th October and in Tsukuba on 27th October 2014. In total 49 experts attended. The specific objectives of the workshops were twofold. First, it was to present the identified options of the stress-based indicator narrowed down by the active members of WULCA during the first 8 months of the project and to receive comments on the relevance, usefulness, acceptability, and focus of the selected indicator. Second, the workshop covered different challenges in the modeling of the indicator and presented the experts with background information and specific questions. This paper summarizes the discussions and outcome of these workshops. Where no agreement was reached, the working group of active members is considering all inputs received and continues the work.
    The discussion covered first the question to be answered by such indicator, resulting on an agreement on the evaluation of the potential to deprive other users of water, independently of who the user is (i.e., human or ecosystems). Special attention was given to the special case of arid areas as well as the definition of environmental water requirements. Specific modeling challenges were then addressed: definition and quantification of human and ecosystem water demand, consideration of green water and terrestrial ecosystems, sources of data, distinction of groundwater and surface water, and temporal and geographical resolution.
    The input, decisions, and points of discussion were compiled and brought back within the group of active members. The group is using the recommendations and works further on the harmonization of the points of disagreement. It is expected that a selection of indicators representing different ways to address the most important issues will be produced and tested in spring 2015. The analysis of the result should lead to a provisional recommendation by summer 2015.


  • エコバランス2014国際会議開催報告

    近藤 康之, 垣澤 英樹, 本下 晶晴, 中嶌 道靖, 中島 謙一, 伊坪 徳宏, 重富 陽介, 福島 康裕, 村上 進亮, 岡島 敬一, 杉山 弘和, 林 清忠, 松八重 一代, 原 美永子, 松野 泰也

    日本LCA学会誌   11 ( 2 ) 198 - 206  2015年

    DOI CiNii

  • The LCA of portland cement production in China

    Chen Li, Suping Cui, Zuoren Nie, Xianzheng Gong, Zhihong Wang, Norihiro Itsubo



    Cement production is associated with a considerable environmental load, which needs to be fully understood before effective measures can be taken. The existing literature did not give detailed life cycle assessment (LCA) study of China and had limited potential for investigating how best available techniques (BATs) would provide a maximum benefit when they are applied in China. Japan was selected as a good example to achieve better environmental performance of cement production. We identified potentials for reducing emissions and saving energy and natural resources in Chinese cement industry through the comparative analysis.
    This paper follows the principal of Life Cycle Assessment and International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD). The functional units are "1 t of portland cement" and with 42.5 MPa of strength grade. The input (limestone, sandstone, ferrous tailings, coal, and electricity) and output (CO2 from limestone decomposition and coal combustion, NOx, PM, and SO2) of cement manufacturing were calculated by use of on-site measurements, calculation by estimated coefficients, and derivation by mass and heat balance principle. The direct (cement manufacturing) and indirect (electricity production) LCI are added to be total LCI results (cement production). The impact categories of global warming potential (GWP), acidification potential (AP), eutrophication potential (EP), photochemical oxidant formation potential (POCP), and human toxicity potential (HTP) are used to calculate environmental impact.
    Only in GWP of cement manufacturing China has advantage. Japanese cement industry shows remarkable superiorities in the environmental impacts of AP, POCP, HTP, and EP due to advanced technologies. SO2 emissions make the corresponding AP and HTP. PM emissions result in part of HTP. The NOx emissions are the major contributors of POCP, AP, EP, and HTP in China. China emits fewer CO2 emissions (2.09 %) in cement manufacturing than Japan but finally makes higher total GWP than Japan due to more GWP of electricity generation in power stations. The waste heat recovery technology can save electricity but bring more coal use and CO2 emissions. The alternative fuel and raw materials usage and denitration and de-dust technologies can relieve the environmental load. Using the functional unit with the strength grade, the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) results are affected.
    LCA study allows a clear understanding from the view of total environmental impact rather than by the gross domestic product (GDP) unit from an economic development perspective. In an LCA study, the power generation should be considered in the life cycle of cement production.


  • Modeling and Balancing for Costs and CO2 Emissions in Global Supply Chain Network among Asian Countries

    Tomoyuki Urata, Tetsuo Yamada, Norihiro Itsubo, Masato Inoue



    The amount of CO2 emissions in production and logistics has been increasing in not only developed countries but also emerging countries, especially Asian countries such as Malaysia and China which have been achieved remarkable economic growth. For global warming, these emerging countries also play an important role to reduce the CO2 volumes, therefore, it has been more important to design a low-carbon supply chain including the Asian countries by balancing not only costs but also the CO2 volumes. This study models and designs a global supply chain network including these Asian countries for balancing the costs and the CO2 volumes in production and logistics. The research defines a mixed integer programming (MIP) problem to satisfy not only the demand of the market for finished products but also the reduction ratio of the environmental impact by determining the supplier and factory location between developed and emerging countries. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


  • Low-Carbon and Economic Supplier Selection Using Life Cycle Inventory Database by Asian International Input-Output Tables

    Tetsuo Yamada, Yuta Yoshizaki, Norihiro Itsubo, Masato Inoue



    Assembly supply chains have been configured globally including not only developed countries but also emerging countries such as Asian countries, for example, Malaysia and China. On the other hand, it is necessary for global warming to pursue lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the global supply chain. Supplier selections, which select appropriate suppliers for appropriate purposes, should be decided by considering not only procurement costs but also the GHG emissions if they can be estimated. In addition, each part has a different procurement cost by the suppliers while their GHG emissions depend on each country and types of materials. Thus, it enables the global supply chain to harmonize the GHG emissions and the costs by procuring the parts from the different Asian countries. This study proposes a low-carbon and economic supplier selection with an estimation method of the GHG emissions for each part using the developed LCI database among Asian countries, and conducts a material based analysis for the both of the procurement costs minimization and the GHG emissions reduction. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


  • Multi Criteria Simulation Model for Lead Times, Costs and CO2 Emissions in a Low-Carbon Supply Chain Network

    Tetsu Kawasaki, Tetsuo Yamada, Norihiro Itsubo, Masato Inoue



    Recently founded manufacturing companies have been increasing overseas production in order to decrease local production cost, especially in East and Southeast Asian countries such as China and Malaysia, and a global supply chain network is now being constructed not only in developed but also in emerging countries. Furthermore, in order to prevent global warming, a low-carbon supply chain has been required to reduce CO2 emissions in materials/parts production. However, the overseas production essentially brings a longer logistics lead time, and emerging countries are more sensitive in considering uncertainties such as fluctuating lead time. Therefore, the low-carbon supply chain should be constructed and evaluated by multi criteria for the lead time, costs and CO2 Emissions. This study models a low-carbon supply chain network between Malaysia, China and Japan on a discrete event simulation, evaluates multi criteria decisions for the lead times, costs and CO2 emissions, and analyzes the effect of the fluctuating lead time. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


  • An Asian global supply chain network design for lower material based CO2 emissions and costs

    Tomoyuki Urata, Tetsuo Yamada, Norihiro Itsubo, Masato Inoue

    23rd International Conference for Production Research, ICPR 2015    2015年01月


    Global warming has become a serious problem for our earth. Global supply chain networks in Asia should reduce not only CO2 emissions but also costs such as transportation, procurement, and the opening a route and factory. According to the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), material-based CO2 emissions differ from production countries on the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Database. Therefore, the suppliers for parts with higher CO2 emissions but lower procurement costs in emerging countries can be switched to other suppliers with lower CO2 emissions but higher procurement costs in the developed countries. On the other hand, the European Union aims to reduce CO2 emissions through the introduction of emissions trading in the European Union. This study proposes an Asian global supply chain network design that minimizes costs under a targeted material-based CO2 reduction ratio to determine the suppliers and factory locations that satisfy demands by adopting the LCI database.

  • Material based low-carbon and economic supplier selection with estimation of ghg emissions and affordable cost increment for parts production among multiple asian countries

    Yuta Yoshizaki, Tetsuo Yamada, Norihiro Itsubo, Masato Inoue

    Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association   66 ( 4E ) 435 - 442  2015年01月


    Modern assembly products are often manufactured and transported as a part of a global supply chain, where suppliers are selected to reduce procurement costs among multiple industrialized and emerging countries in Asia. Additionally, for environmental conscious manufacturing, it is important to visualize and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for productions and logistics in whole global supply chains in order to resolve global warming problems. According to life cycle assessment (LCA), which quantitatively measures GHG emissions, even if the same types of materials are used in parts and components production, each part has a different level of GHG emissions and procurement cost depending on the country where it is manufactured. Therefore, the designing of a low-carbon supply chain requires the selection of appropriate material based low-carbon suppliers and making economic decisions using a life cycle inventory (LCI) database. To construct low-carbon supply chains that combine production of each part in various Asian countries, this study proposes a low-carbon and economic supplier selection method that utilizes an estimation of the GHG emissions and an affordable cost increment for each part using a LCI database developed incorporating Asian international input-output (I/O) tables. First, the GHG emissions for the production of each part in multiple Asian countries are estimated using the LCI database. Next, a bill of materials (BOM) with the GHG emissions and the procurement costs for each part is constructed in the cases of multiple production countries. Finally, the suppliers for producing each part are selected among the countries by integer programming in order to balance the reduction of GHG emissions and procurement costs.

  • 汚染に着目したウォーターフットプリント原単位データベースの開発

    小野 雄也, 本下 晶晴, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   11 ( 1 ) 22 - 31  2015年


    &lt;b&gt;Objective.&lt;/b&gt; A Water Footprint (WF) can be expressed as the potential impacts calculated based on the consumed amount of water or the quality of degraded water through the entire life cycle of products/services/organizations. The principles, requirements and guidelines of water footprinting have been established as an international standard. According to the draft of the international standard, various elementary flows such as the quantity of water used, type of water resource, type of water appropriation, quality of water, geographical location of water withdrawal and return flows are required to be considered in a water inventory. This study distinguishes the type of water resource and the form of water use in a water inventory database. However, most existing water footprint inventory databases have not dealt with the quality of water. The purpose of this study was to develop a water footprint inventory database that will make it possible to evaluate water degradation.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results and Discussion.&lt;/b&gt; The amounts of Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) in discharged water were selected as inventory items representing water degradation. The amounts of these substances in discharged water were converted to potential impacts on the environment. The volume of dilution water needed to bring the levels of degradation to the accepted quality level in the environmental regulations was calculated for representing the potential impacts. Input-output analysis was adopted to obtain water intensity for 403 industrial sectors from cradle to gate. The volume of dilution water required in secondary industries was estimated to be higher than those in other industries. For primary industries, the study revealed that agricultural crops required large amount of dilution water because of the larger indirect demand of dilution water in secondary industries in the upstream of the supply chain. The inventory data for tertiary industries were influenced by the degree of demand in the sewage sector. Comparing the intensities of consumed water and dilution water in each industry, dilution water was generally more dominant than consumed water in secondary industries. On the other hand, consumed water was more dominant in primary industries due to the large demand of water input and the relationship of them in tertiary industries was depending on the relations to secondary industries in the upstream of the supply chain.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions.&lt;/b&gt; The output of this study, a database of water inventories, includes achieves to include the aspects of water degradation in water footprinting by representing potential impacts from N and P emission in discharged water. This database enables practitioners to carry out water footprint analyses following the requirements in the ISO standard draft. While the database in this study was developed based on the average data for the whole Japanese activities, geographical location will also be an important aspect for assessing potential impacts of water use as mentioned in the ISO standard draft of water footprinting. The distinction of geographical location of inventory and other emission substances in addition to N and P need to be considered in the future studies.


  • 森林植生の違いを考慮した太陽光発電システムの土地利用影響評価

    野田 英樹, 奥野 喜裕, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   11 ( 2 ) 172 - 188  2015年


    &lt;b&gt;Objective.&lt;/b&gt; Photovoltaic (PV) power systems are considered an essential component of environmental friendly society. However, the land area required for generating unit amount of power by PV system is larger than that for an equivalent coal-fired power system. In Japan there has been some instances of PV power systems being installed in forest areas. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the impact of PV power systems on Japanese forests. Forest vegetation is classified into the 13 types used in the &amp;ldquo;Life cycle Impact assessment Method based on Endpoint modeling 2 (LIME2)&amp;rdquo; methodology. This will allow us to establish the relationship between the reduced CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emissions of a PV power system and the system&amp;rsquo;s impact on forest by way of land use, compared with those of coal-fired power system.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results and Discussion.&lt;/b&gt; The environmental impact of a PV power system installed on a roof was calculated as 6.3% of the impact of a coal-fired power system. In contrast, placing the PV power system in oak or pine forest had a substantially greater environmental impacts, of 76.7% and 99.9% respectively. Following sensitivity analysis, it became apparent that the area required by a PV power system per generated unit of power is the most important factor. For example, with regard to the oak forest, the environmental impact of the PV power system can be reduced from 99.9% to 74.2% by decreasing the area required per generated unit of power from 15,200m&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt;/MW to 11,000m&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt;/MW. A further improvement of 5.8% can be achieved by planting grass under PV panels.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions.&lt;/b&gt; LIME2 damage factors were used to classify land use impact for 13 vegetational types of Japanese forest. From the calculated results, it is clear that the environmental impact of PV power system land use on a forest should not be disregarded; however, the level of that impact will depend on the vegetational classification. Furthermore, reducing the utilization rate of the PV power system is an effective way to lessen the impact of land use.

    DOI CiNii

  • コンパクト粉末衣料用洗剤のLIME2による環境影響の変遷

    大田和 康規, 三浦 泰毅, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   11 ( 3 ) 300 - 307  2015年


    &lt;b&gt;Objective.&lt;/b&gt; It is pointed out that environmental impacts other than climate change are apt to be neglected, while concern about global warming makes us focus on CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emission through product lifecycle. Kao Corporation launched synthetic laundry detergent in 1951. Since 1951, Kao has been improved it in terms of detergency, cost and environment. The biggest innovation was in 1987 when Kao launched compact type of powder laundry detergent, &amp;ldquo;Attack&amp;rdquo; which volume was reduced to 25% of the conventional one, &amp;ldquo;Newbeads&amp;rdquo;. Since then, compact powder laundry detergent became standard in Japan and has been kept improving. We have evaluated the change of environmental impact of compact powder laundry detergents by LIME2 which is enable us to evaluate a wide range of its environmental impact. In evaluating, scenarios for land transfer, land occupation and wasted surfactants have been newly introduced, because vegetable fat and oil is feedstock of surfactant used in the detergents.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results and Discussion.&lt;/b&gt; The evaluation has been done through whole lifecycle of powder laundry detergent, which includes procurement of raw materials, manufacturing, transport, use and waste. In the use stage, drying step of clothes and manufacturing step of a washing machine have been excluded. The land classification for growing oil producing plants has been assigned to crop land transferred from forest. For the scenario of wasted surfactants, the following conditions such as sewage line adoption rate, N&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O emission rate as to combustion temperature of sewage sludge, SOx removal efficiency and NOx removal efficiency in Japan have been taken into account. Compared to a conventional detergent, Newbeads, successive 4 compact powder detergents, Attack have been discussed in both views of characterization evaluation and integration evaluation. The environmental impact of the latest Attack launched in 2011 has reduced by 66% in integration evaluation from Newbeads. That is because of detergency improvement, amount reduction of surfactants, volume reduction of package, saving water function of washing machine and so on. In characterization evaluation, trade-off between global warming and land use has been seen depending on the difference of raw materials used. The impact of air pollution derived from wasted surfactants was less than 1% of whole impacts.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions.&lt;/b&gt; In evaluating lifecycle environmental impact of powder laundry detergents by LIME2, new scenarios for land use which occurred in connection with bio-based surfactants and wasted surfactant have been introduced. Since this methodology teaches us comprehensive environmental impact, we could develop a new powder laundry detergent having lower environmental load. We will make an effort to familiarize eco- friendly laundry custom with LIME2 evaluation.


  • ライスインキを用いた印刷物の環境影響評価

    荒井 翔平, 高橋 和枝, 國岡 達也, 太田 直樹, 内田 弘美, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   11 ( 1 ) 32 - 40  2015年


    &lt;b&gt;Objective.&lt;/b&gt; The objective of this research is to analyze the environmental impact of printed matter using rice ink with the consideration of the impact of land use change and using reclaimed vegetable oil based on LCA method.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Method.&lt;/b&gt; Several scenarios changing the raw materials (soy oil, recycled oil, rice bran) have prepared and evaluated environmental impacts of printed matter. 1000 print for A4 size paper was adopted as functional unit. System boundary in this study covered manufacturing raw materials, mixture, making ink, pulp production, printing and transportation. Recycling paper and disposal of used paper were excluded from the scope. Primary data was collected for the process of making ink in this study. Impact assessment was also applied as well as inventory analysis. Damage assessment and weighting were applied so that potential environmental impacts of several impact categories can be compared. LIME2 was adopted to carry out LCIA. &lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results and Discussion.&lt;/b&gt; A LCA of printed matter using soy ink and rice ink was carried out by using MiLCA software. With regard to the result of LCA for paper with ink, environmental impact of paper occupied the almost of total regardless of the types of ink. When we compared the environmental impacts between the inks, we found that environmental impact of rice ink was smaller than that of the other types of inks. Impact of land use for rice ink was smaller than the others, because allocated area for cultivating rice bran (co-product of polished rice) was estimated smaller. Furthermore, the use of reclaimed oil enables to decrease of land use impacts. On the other hand, environmental impact of soy ink is almost equal with that of conventional ink, because the land use area for cultivating soy beans are higher than that rice bran.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions.&lt;/b&gt; Using reclaimed oil and co-products for raw material are key points for the reduction of environmental impacts of inks. We found that rice oil taking the both advantages make possible to reduce environmental impacts to ecosystem.

    DOI CiNii

  • サトウキビ由来の原料を使用したバイオPET ボトルのLCA

    伊坪 徳宏, 正畠 宏一

    環境情報科学論文集   29 ( 0 ) 177 - 182  2015年


    PET ボトルのライフサイクルを対象として,日本に流通するバイオPET ボトルの生産,充填に関わる一次データに基づき,ブラジルのサトウキビ由来のエタノールから生産したエチレンと,それを石油由来のエチレンで置き換えた場合,廃棄時のリサイクル率を変化させた場合の気候変動及び化石資源枯渇の環境影響に関する検討を行った。日本のように高いリサイクル率を達成している地域においても,石油由来の PET をバイオPET に置き換えることでPET ボトルのライフサイクル全体でGHG 排出を約10%削減,化石資源消費量を約18%削減させる効果が見込まれた。

    DOI CiNii

  • 使用済み紙おむつのリサイクルによるパルプ再利用の環境影響評価

    今井 茂夫, 和田 充弘, 時田 規弘, 鴨沢 卓郎, 岡野 公美, 牧野 直樹, 正畠 宏一, 伊坪 徳宏

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集   26 ( 0 ) 97 - 97  2015年




  • 鉱物資源のLCA手法の現状 (特集 レアメタル・レアアースの資源戦略 : 資源確保と環境制約)

    松田 健士, 伊坪 徳宏

    環境情報科学 = Environmental information science   43 ( 4 ) 25 - 31  2015年


  • ウォーターフットプリントに関する国際規格の特徴と国内外の利用動向

    伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   11 ( 3 ) 230 - 237  2015年


    <p>Water risk is forefront concerns in the world. Many negative impacts related with water use such as pollution and shortage have been emerged internationally. Water footprint is a metric that quantifies the potential environmental impacts related to water considering the life cycle of products or organizations. Water footprint is now paid attentions to share the reliable information in terms of current situation of water related environmental performance effectively. Many of research including the activities by Water Footprint Network development have been carried out for the development of inventory database and impact assessment method. International standard(ISO14046)describing the principles and requirements of water footprint have been published in 2014. This article summarized the present status of the activities relating water footprint including the development of database, applications to case studies and the characteristics of international standard.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators: findings of the scoping phase (vol 19, pg 962, 2014)

    Olivier Jolliet, Rolf Frischknecht, Jane Bare, Anne-Marie Boulay, Cecile Bulle, Peter Fantke, Shabbir Gheewala, Michael Hauschild, Norihiro Itsubo, Manuele Margni, Thomas E. McKone, Llorenc Mila y Canals, Leo Posthuma, Valentina Prado-Lopez, Brad Ridoutt, Guido Sonnemann, Ralph K. Rosenbaum, Tom Seager, Jaap Struijs, Rosalie van Zelm, Bruce Vigon, Annie Weisbrod

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT   19 ( 8 ) 1566 - 1566  2014年08月



  • Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators: findings of the scoping phase

    Olivier Jolliet, Rolf Frischknecht, Jane Bare, Anne-Marie Boulay, Cecile Bulle, Peter Fantke, Shabbir Gheewala, Michael Hauschild, Norihiro Itsubo, Manuele Margni, Thomas E. McKone, Llorenc Mila y Canals, Leo Postuma, Valentina Prado-Lopez, Brad Ridoutt, Guido Sonnemann, Ralph K. Rosenbaum, Tom Seager, Jaap Struijs, Rosalie van Zelm, Bruce Vigon, Annie Weisbrod



  • Material Based Low-Carbon and Economic Supplier Selection with Estimation of CO₂ Emissions and Cost Using Life Cycle Inventory Database

    YOSHIZAKI Yuta, YAMADA Tetsuo, ITSUBO Norihiro, Inoue Masato

    Innovation and Supply Chain Management   8 ( 4 ) 159 - 170  2014年


    Recently, supply chains have come to be used globally, not only in developed countries such as Japan but also in emerging countries such as China. Supplier selections are one of the key decisions to be made in a strategic planning of the supply chains, where the manufacturers for assembly products have to select the suppliers that are appropriate for their specific purposes, especially for lower procurement costs of parts. Additionally, global warming is worsening due to increased greenhouse gases (GHG), CO&lt;sub&gt;2 &lt;/sub&gt;being the major culprit. In order to achieve a low-carbon society that is against global warming, it is necessary to reduce the CO&lt;sub&gt;2 &lt;/sub&gt;emissions across the globe by means of a low-carbon supply chain; before that, the CO&lt;sub&gt;2 &lt;/sub&gt;emissions in the supply chains should be visualized and used for any decision making in each process design. However, it is often difficult for assembly companies to share their environmental and cost information with their suppliers since there are other companies in the supply chains. For visualizing the CO&lt;sub&gt;2 &lt;/sub&gt;emissions,&quot;Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) &quot;and&quot;Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Database &quot;have been established. According to the LCI database, the CO&lt;sub&gt;2 &lt;/sub&gt;emissions of the parts depend on types of materials and weights. Therefore, it is important to select the suppliers considering the types of materials and the weights for each part, in order to reduce not only the procurement cost but also the CO&lt;sub&gt;2 &lt;/sub&gt;emissions. This study proposes a low-carbon supplier selection method with an estimation of CO&lt;sub&gt;2 &lt;/sub&gt;emissions and cost based on material analysis, so as to aim to achieve both the procurement cost minimization and the CO&lt;sub&gt;2 &lt;/sub&gt;emissions reduction using the LCI database.

    DOI CiNii

  • Erratum to: Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators: Findings of the scoping phase (International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment DOI: 10.1007/s11367-014-0703-8)

    Olivier Jolliet, Rolf Frischknecht, Jane Bare, Anne-Marie Boulay, Cecile Bulle, Peter Fantke, Shabbir Gheewala, Michael Hauschild, Norihiro Itsubo, Manuele Margni, Thomas E. McKone, Llorenç Mila Y Canals, Leo Posthuma, Valentina Prado-Lopez, Brad Ridoutt, Guido Sonnemann, Ralph K. Rosenbaum, Tom Seager, Jaap Struijs, Rosalie Van Zelm, Bruce Vigon, Annie Weisbrod

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   19 ( 8 ) 1566  2014年


  • Optimal disassembly system design with environmental and economic parts selection for CO <inf>2</inf> saving rate and recycling cost

    Kento Igarashi, Tetsuo Yamada, Norihiro Itsubo, Masato Inoue

    International Journal of Supply Chain Management   3 ( 3 ) 159 - 171  2014年01月


    © ExcelingTech Pub, UK. Supply chains have been more serious for environmental issues such as material starvation and global warming. It is essential for material circulation to construct and operate recycling factories, where End-of-life (EOL) assembly products are disassembled into each part in order to recover materials. Also, the recycling is able to reduce CO 2 emissions since virgin materials which release CO 2 volumes caused by production and logistics can be saved by the usage of the recovered materials. To design and realize the recycling factories environmentally and economically, this paper proposes a disassembly system design with an optimal environmental and economic parts selection for CO 2 saving rate and recycling cost. The first stage is to conduct the environmental and economic parts selection by the integer programming with e constraint, and the second stage is to carry out the disassembly line balancing for minimizing the number of stations. The proposed design method contributes to find alternative solutions/designs for harmonizing the CO 2 saving rate and the recycling cost using a Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) database.

  • 418 アジア国際産業連関表によるインベントリデータベースを用いたサプライヤー選択の低炭素化(OS6,OS8:環境配慮型生産システム崖産システムの国際展開(2))

    吉崎 裕太, 山田 哲男, 伊坪 徳宏, 井上 全人

    生産システム部門講演会講演論文集   2014 ( 0 ) 121 - 122  2014年


    Supply chains have been configured globally among not only developed but also developing countries including Asia. For an anti-global warming, it is necessary for assembly manufacturers in the supply chains to visualize and reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by selecting suppliers for each part in across countries as a low-carbon supply chain. Each part has a different procurement cost by the suppliers while their GHG emissions for each part production depend on each country produced. Therefore, a Life Cycle Inventory (LCI)database has been developed by the Asian international input-output (I/O) table in order to calculate an environmental impact for each Asian country. This study proposes a low-carbon supplier selection method so as aiming to achieve both the procurement cost minimization and the environment impact reduction using the LCI database by the Asian international I/O table.


  • SRESシナリオ別に見たCO2排出の健康被害係数の開発

    湯 龍龍, 井伊 亮太, 時松 宏治, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   10 ( 3 ) 315 - 326  2014年


    &lt;b&gt;Objective.&lt;/b&gt; Global warming is exerting a damaging effect on human health. This damage is not only influenced by future climate conditions, but also projected economic development and population growth. That being said, there are no health damage factors related to CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emissions which take into account future socioeconomic scenarios in life cycle impact assessment (LCIA). Thus the purpose of this research is to calculate human health damage factors based on special report on emission scenarios (SRESs) developed by IPCC. &lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Materials and Methods.&lt;/b&gt; The procedure used to calculate the SRES-based damage factors is as follows. First, a framework was developed to calculate damage factors based on multiple parameters: rise in temperature, relative risk increase, mortality rate increase, rise in number of deaths, and disability-adjusted life year (DALY) increase. Secondly, these parameters were calculated for each individual SRES based on the relationship among the parameters and CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emissions, GDP, and population values of each scenario. Finally, the damage factor for each SRES was calculated by multiplying all the parameters that had been calculated based on the CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emission, GDP and population data in the corresponding scenarios.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results and Discussion.&lt;/b&gt; Using this method, the human health damage factors for four SRESs (A1B, A2, B1, and B2) were calculated. The damage factors consisted of six different items: malaria, diarrhea, cardiovascular disease, malnutrition, coastal flooding, and inland flooding. The calculated results by scenario were 2.0&amp;times;10&lt;sup&gt;-7&lt;/sup&gt;, 6.2&amp;times;10&lt;sup&gt;-7&lt;/sup&gt;, 2.1&amp;times;10&lt;sup&gt;-7&lt;/sup&gt; and 4.2&amp;times;10&lt;sup&gt;-7&lt;/sup&gt; DALY/kg-CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;, respectively. The damage caused by malnutrition is the greatest, followed by diarrhea. The projected future mortality rate and DALY per death based on future GDP per capita contributed significantly to the differences among the four damage factors, while the difference of temperature rise among scenarios depended on future CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emission is not influential to the damage factors.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions.&lt;/b&gt; The human health damage factors related to CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emissions for four SRESs were estimated. As a result of differences between future socioeconomic scenarios, the largest amount of damage per CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emission unit was 3 times greater than the smallest amount. Therefore, sensitive analysis is highly recommended when seeking to compare damage caused by global warming and other impact categories.

    DOI CiNii

  • 全球水資源モデルを用いて水源の違いを考慮した水資源への影響に関する特性化係数の開発

    矢野 伸二郎, 花崎 直太, 伊坪 徳宏, 沖 大幹

    日本LCA学会誌   10 ( 3 ) 327 - 339  2014年


    Background, Aim and Scope. It is vital to quantify the potential impacts of water consumption for sustainable development. Since water has uneven distributions with time, place, and origin, simple summation of water consumption may mislead as an indicator of the environmental impacts. This paper proposes a concept for weighting uneven distribution of water and characterizing water consumption into potential impacts from viewpoints of hydrology and life cycle assessment.<BR>Materials and Methods. The concept for weighting water resources and converting water consumption into potential impacts on freshwater availability was proposed, based on an assumption that the impact is proportional to the catchment land area or time period required to obtain a unit amount of water from each water source. The Water Availability Factor (fwa) was defined based on global mean precipitation by a global hydrological modeling system to reflect the variability of maximum renewable water resources with location and source of water at global resolution 0.5&times;0.5 degrees. This concept can be understood instinctively and provide various types of characterization factor based on user&rsquo;s demands.<BR>Results and Discussion. The fwa for precipitation (fwap) tended to be smaller than that for surface or groundwater, based on the principle of water balance. Higher values of fwap were found in dry areas such as the Sahara, Arabian Peninsula, South Africa, interior China, the American Midwest and Australia. Three types of weighted average fwa were presented by country, for entire countries, rainfed cropland, and irrigated cropland. Values of fwap for agricultural use tended to be lower than those for entire countries in arid countries. It can be thought that croplands appear more selectively distributed in areas with sufficient water accessibility. <BR>Conclusions. The current work showed that the Water Availability Factor can be estimated based on land area or time period required for obtaining a unit amount of water from each source. It can be provided with any spatial resolution such as by grid, continent, country, or basin. The grid-scale data permits local conditions to be depicted and potential impacts evaluated in exacting detail. The result of proposed characterization can be understood intuitively by using the concept of land area or time period required and the global annual precipitation. It is applicable in terms of robustness of the factors, and can be adopted in life cycle impact assessment of freshwater use.<BR>Recommendations and Perspectives. There is room for argument regarding the validation of fwa uncertainties, because it is possible that fwa varies considerably with different meteorological forcing data or hydrologic models. Further study to increase temporal resolution of fwa is expected to reflect seasonal differences of renewable water resources. Actual midpoint characterization on a global scale should be performed using this concept. It will facilitate clarification of locations and magnitudes of potential impacts caused by nations, products, and individuals.

    DOI CiNii

  • 222Rnを対象とした自然放射線の室内曝露に関わる被害評価手法の構築と係数の開発

    郷原 大希, 久保 利晃, 米原 英典, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   10 ( 4 ) 453 - 463  2014年


    &lt;b&gt;Objective.&lt;/b&gt; Radiation is one of the impact categories in LCA, but this category has not been evaluated in product LCA in general. However, the accident of Fukushima nuclear power plant raised people&amp;rsquo;s interests in radiation. According to the World Health Organization, radon (&lt;sup&gt;222&lt;/sup&gt;Rn) is the second most frequent cause of lung cancer in public, after smoking. Main pathway of radiation exposure to radon is indoor inhalation. However, there are still few studies for the development of the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) method of environmental radiation considering the exposure pathway and radon. This study is aimed at the development of the impact assessment method of irradiation caused by inhalation of radon in living environment.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Methods.&lt;/b&gt; The method is composed of 4 analysis; fate analysis, exposure analysis, effect analysis and damage analysis. Fate analysis was carried out using the parameters in typical housing in Japan. We estimated inteRnal and exteRnal exposures using conversion factors and the result of fate analysis. Risk of cancer in each organ and loss of life expectancy by cancer were applied in effect analysis and damage analysis respectively. Damage factor, main output of this study can be expressed as loss of life expectancy caused by a unit of emission of radon. Damage factor enables us to compare with the health effects caused by another impact category such as global warming and air pollution.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results and Discussion.&lt;/b&gt; Damage factors obtained from this study ranges from 4.4 &amp;times; 10&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;11&lt;/sup&gt; to 1.5 &amp;times; 10&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;10&lt;/sup&gt; (DALY/Bq), which was consistent with the existing study. Lung cancer was the primary impact for damage factor. Damage factor of female was estimated higher than that of male. The damage factor of young people becomes higher, because the sensitivity of inteRnal inhalation exposure of young people is estimated higher. These results were applied to a case study of housing. The result revealed that the health impact of radon was twice of that of global warming.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions.&lt;/b&gt; A methodology evaluating health damages due to the exposure to radon emitted to indoor air from the use of building materials. Damage factor was consistent with the existing study. This study enabled us to calculate damage assessment in LCA considering Japanese conditions and the differences of exposure age and sex. These considerations are expected to improve the reliability of LCIA. The development of LCIA method which takes into account the differences in the various conditions of housing and the updated epidemiological studies are required.


  • 森林と木材を対象としたウォーターフットプリント:──水源と地域を考慮した特性化による水資源への影響評価──

    木村 元, 沖 大幹, 渡邉 絵里子, 久保 利晃, 内田 裕之, 河西 亮, 反町 俊哉, 増本 隆夫, 坪山 良夫, 伊坪 徳宏

    水利科学   58 ( 5 ) 74 - 88  2014年


    森林は蒸発散を通して多量の水を消費することから,森林や木材を対象としたウォーターフットプリントが水資源への影響の実態を適切に反映したものであるかどうかは,適切な水資源管理を促進する上で特に重要である。これまでに,森林や木材を対象としたウォーターフットプリントの推計にはvan Oel and Hoekstra (2010, 2012)の他,フィンランドの製紙・製材会社であるUPM社(2011)およびStoraEnso社(2011)が先行的に取り組んできた。これらの先行研究では,WFNのガイドラインに基づく推計手順が用いられている。van Oel and Hoekstra (2010,2012)は,紙のウォーターフットプリントを推計する一環として,パルプ材の生産に伴う水消費量を推計した。その結果,例えば日本産の木材1m3あたりの水消費量は859m3と推計され,この値は17カ国の中で3番目に大きい値であった。また,水消費量が少なく済む国で生産された木材を優先的に利用することで世界全体の水消費量を削減できると言及されている。しかし,これは読者の誤解を招きかねない表現である。例えば,水資源が豊かな国で生産される木材の利用を抑制したところで,水資源に乏しい国の水不足が解消される訳ではない。また,約250流域における測定データに基づく解析により,降水量と森林からの蒸発散量との正の相関関係が示されていることから明らかなように(Zhang et al., 2001),水消費量の多さと水資源に対する影響の大きさとは比例関係にはない。UPM社(2011)は,製紙事業のサプライチェーンにわたる水消費量の総和を計算し,このうち99%はパルプ材の生産をはじめとしたサプライチェーンの上流に,残りの1%は自社の製紙工場に起因することを報告した。しかし,サプライチェーンの各工程において,異なる地域,異なる水源の水を消費しているにも拘らず,各工程の水消費量を単に加算する推計手順の妥当性には議論の余地が残る。StoraEnso社(2011)は,紙製の液体保存容器の生産に伴う水消費量を推計した上で,WFNが提唱する推計手順が地域ごとの水資源量の違いを考慮できていないことを批判している。以上のように,WFNのガイドラインに基づく推計手順を用いた先行研究においては,水資源への影響の実態を適切に反映したウォーターフットプリントの推計が行われているとは言えないのが現状である。最近,LCAの分野において,取水源の違いや地域ごとの水資源量の違いによる潜在影響量の差を反映した特性化が可能な影響評価手法が提案された(矢野ら,2014)。手法の詳細については次章で述べるが,この影響評価手法はISO規格に適合したウォーターフットプリント推計手法としてISO TR (Technical Report; 技術報告書)へ掲載される見込みである。本研究の目的は,森林と木材を対象として,水資源への影響の実態を適切に反映したウォーターフットプリントを推計することにある。そこで,矢野ら(2014)が提案する特性化手法を用いて,木材生産に伴うウォーターフットプリントの推計や,間伐が水の利用可能性に及ぼす潜在影響量の推計などを行ったので報告する。


  • 平成24年度秋季研究発表大会特集研究論文 部品構成と作業先行関係を考慮した素材仕分け分解システムの性能評価

    山田 哲男, 奥寺 勇人, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本設備管理学会誌   25 ( 4 ) 178 - 185  2014年01月


  • 6B2 An Optimal Design for Global Supply Chain Network Considering CO2 Emissions of Part Production(Technical Session 6B: Green Logistics) :

    Urata Tomoyuki, Yamada Tetsuo, Itsubo Norihiro, Inoue Masato

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling   2013   190 - 195  2013年


    Japanese manufactures have been moved their production site into emerging countries, especially China which is the largest trading partner for Japan. On the other hand, a supply chain is that properly manages and plans products and information, and nowadays, to reduce an amount of carbon dioxide in the entire supply chain including Asian countries is necessary for greenhouse gas mitigation. This study proposes a designing for supply chain network which parts and the product are transported between two countries considering CO2 volumes of the part production. The model is formulated by mixed integer programming (MIP), and numerical experiences are performed.


  • 6B1 Low-Carbon Supplier Selection Using Life Cycle Inventory Database in China and Japan(Technical Session 6B: Green Logistics) :

    Yoshizaki Yuta, Yamada Tetsuo, Itsubo Norihiro, Inoue Masato

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling   2013   184 - 189  2013年


    In order to prevent global warming, it's necessary to reduce CO2 emissions for productions and logistics in a supply chain across the border. If CO2 volumes for each part production are estimated depending on the production country, supplier selections at the part procurement stage can be done not only to minimize a procurement cost but to reduce an environmental impact. This study proposes a low-carbon supplier selection between China and Japan in the supply chain so as aiming to achieve both the procurement cost minimization and the environmental impact reduction using life cycle inventory databases in China and Japan.


  • LCA in Japan in the twenty-first century

    Yasunari Matsuno, Norihiro Itsubo, Hiroki Hondo, Katsuyuki Nakano



  • 2-1-2 CO_2地中貯留時の水平坑井利用の優位性(2-1 天然ガス供給,Session 2 天然ガス・メタンハイドレート等)

    佐向 潔哉, 島田 荘平, 伊坪 徳宏, 匂坂 正幸, 稲葉 敦

    日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集   22 ( 0 ) 32 - 33  2013年


    Safety performance of the horizontal wells was investigated for a geological CO_2 storage in Ariake coal-bearing formation, Kyushu, Japan. The results showed that the average injection density is an important factor for evaluating the safety against leakage.


  • 産業連関分析を用いた日本におけるウォーターフットプリント原単位データベースの開発

    小野 雄也, 堀口 健, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   9 ( 2 ) 108 - 115  2013年


    &lt;b&gt;Objective.&lt;/b&gt; Water Footprint (WF) can be expressed as total amount of water consumed through entire life cycle of products. The principle and procedure for water footprint have been discussed in the process of making the draft of international standard. According to the draft, various elementary flows like, quantity of water used, type of water resource, form of water use, geographical location of water withdrawal and return flow are mentioned to be considered in water inventory. In particular, the type of water resource and form of water use are not distinguished in most of the existing LCI database. The purpose of this study is to develop water footprint inventory database which will make it possible to account consumed water amount with the differentiation in type of water resource and form of water.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results and Discussion.&lt;/b&gt; LCI database on water considering the type of water resource and the form of water consumption was developed by applying input-output analysis (403 sectors) in this study. More volume of water tends to be consumed in primary industries. In secondary industries, food processing and wood processing require large amount of water consumption because of the larger indirect demand for water consumption by the primary industries in upstream of supply chain. Most of the sectors in tertiary industries indirectly consume water through demand for water supply sector. The results of water footprint of rice production based on the database developed in this study were compared with those existing two different database and confirmed that all of them were consistent in the total amount of consumed water but the breakdown of water resource types was different among the results based on each database. This difference is due to climate.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions.&lt;/b&gt; The output of this study, database of water inventory includes the following items; water consumption amount from each water resource (rain, river and groundwater). This database enables us to carry out water footprint following the requirements in ISO standard draft.

    DOI CiNii

  • 原子力発電所事故によるI131の環境影響評価:排出地点および時期を考慮した健康影響評価と考慮しない場合の比較

    伊坪 徳宏, 久保 利晃, 森野 悠, 大原 利眞

    日本LCA学会誌   9 ( 3 ) 206 - 220  2013年


    &lt;b&gt;Objective.&lt;/b&gt; The accidents at the Fukushima nuclear power plants following the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 resulted in a huge amount of emissions of radioactive substances. The public may have special concerns regarding these plants and radiation-related health risks. Advanced method of life cycle impact assessment evaluates potential human health impacts throughout of product life cycle. This study aimed at the development of method which reflect geographical conditions of Japan and climate conditions of 2011 March and applied this to evaluate increment of health impacts caused by the severe accident of nuclear power plants. Based on the preliminary result of evaluation using the existing characterization factor, we concentrated on the assessment of health impact of cancer caused by the I131 emission to the air.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Methods.&lt;/b&gt; LCIA methods generally provide site generic characterization factors (including country-specific factors) to give a priority to the application to LCA. We developed a method which includes fate, exposure, effect and damage analysis in order to improve the quality of assessment. The developed method considers the location (emission site), temporal conditions (2012/March/11th to 29th), population (density and age distribution) and weather conditions (precipitation, wind). The calculated result can be expressed as the increment of the risk of cancer and that of the damage on human, namely, loss of life expectancy.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results.&lt;/b&gt; The incremental risk of cancer and the loss of life expectancy caused by the emission of I131 from Fukushima nuclear power plant were estimated. Both of them were evaluated for each grid cell (3km&amp;times;3km). The incremental risk exceeded 10&lt;sup&gt;-4&lt;/sup&gt; in eastern Fukushima and Ibaraki prefecture and exceeded 10&lt;sup&gt;-5&lt;/sup&gt; in Kanto region including metropolitan area. The estimated human health damage varies with the slope of dose-response relationship, the maximum value is estimated around 30,000 years. The contribution of external exposures is comparatively higher than those of internal exposure such as inhalation and ingestion, because we took into account the indoor exposure of gamma radiation. Average health impact per capita in Fukushima prefecture was 2 days in the maximum. Potential damage on human health in Tokyo is also estimated high (more than 5,000 years) because of the higher population density as well as Fukushima and Ibaraki.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions.&lt;/b&gt; Estimated health impacts of I131 have a wide range varied from 5,000 to 30,000 years. Nevertheless, our model reflecting environmental, geographical and temporal conditions contributed to improve the quality of assessment and the result would be expected as the first study estimating potential of human health damage. The maximum value was the same digit number with the annual health impact (normalization value) of indoor air pollution (84,000 years) and noise (69,000 years) in Japan and it was less than these of urban air pollution and climate change. This study concentrated the damage caused by the emission of I131, the impact of Cs137 was out of scope, because of the difficulty of exposure in a long period of time. The inclusion of Cs137 in the assessment would be a next issue of this study.

    DOI CiNii

  • アジア地域を含む低炭素型サプライチェーンの構築と会計の役割

    國部克彦, 伊坪徳宏, 中嶌道靖, 山田哲男

    會計   182 ( 1 ) 82 - 97  2012年07月


  • Statistical analysis for the development of national average weighting factors-visualization of the variability between each individual's environmental thoughts

    Norihiro Itsubo, Masaji Sakagami, Koichi Kuriyama, Atsushi Inaba



    Weighting is one of the steps involved in life cycle impact assessment (LCIA). This enables us to integrate various environmental impacts and facilitates the interpretation of environmental information. Many different weighting methodologies have already been proposed, and the results of many case studies with a single index have been published. However, a number of problems still remain. Weighting factors should be based on the preferences of society as a whole so that the life cycle assessment (LCA) practitioner can successfully apply them to every product and service. However, most existing studies do not really measure national averages but only the average of the responses obtained from the people actually sampled. Measuring the degree of uncertainty in LCIA factors is, therefore, one of the most important issues in current LCIA research, and some advanced LCIA methods have tried to deal with the problem of uncertainty. However, few weighting methods take into account the variability between each individual's environmental thoughts. LIME2, the updated version of life cycle impact assessment method based on endpoint modeling (LIME), has been developed as part of the second LCA national project of Japan. One of the aims of LIME2 is to develop new weighting factors which fulfill the following requirements: (1) to accurately represent the environmental attitudes of the Japanese public, (2) to measure the variability between each individual's environmental thoughts and reflect them in the choice of suitable weighting factors.
    This study adopted the technique of conjoint analysis, which is currently the most advanced methodology available in the field of environmental economics. Using a random sampling process, 1,000 individual responses were collected. Every response was based on an interview survey designed to minimize bias. We used a random parameter logit model to estimate the preferences of society. Statistical values based on this model can be considered to reflect the variability between each individual's environmental thoughts. The calculated results can then be used to develop integration factors in LIME2, enabling us to express LCIA results as a single index, such as external cost.
    The calculated values were significant statistically at the 1% level (all p values for the safeguard subject coefficients were less than 0.0001), with the exception of "social assets." Based on the calculated results, two types of weighting factor, an economic valuation and a dimensionless index, were obtained. A relative comparison of importance among these four categories indicates that "biodiversity" receives the highest level of recognition, followed by "human health" and "primary production," while the weight of "social assets" rate lower than the other safeguard subjects, in comparison. Using the calculated results produced by the RPL model, the probability density of the variables for individual preferences could then be derived and displayed. The coefficients of variance for the estimated weighting factors were relatively small (in the range from 0.1 to 0.3).
    Accurate weighting factors representing the environmental attitudes of the Japanese public are needed in order to conduct general-purpose LCA for Japanese products. Random, unbiased sampling throughout Japan and an interview survey carried out on 1,000 respondents enabled us to address and solve the problems found with past weighting methodologies. We confirmed that the results of comparisons carried out among safeguard subjects were statistically significant, and showed that the contents of the questionnaires were well understood by the respondents. This study succeeded in visualizing the variability between each individual's environmental thoughts in order to improve the transparency of the weighting factors-expressing the difference in individual preferences within a certain range. This data can be used to develop integration factors with statistical values which can then be applied to uncertainty analysis in future LCA case studies.


  • ライフサイクル影響評価における資源採取による生態系への影響評価 (特集 元素戦略)

    伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   8 ( 2 ) 161 - 169  2012年04月


  • 宮城県産笹かまぼこのカーボンフットプリント

    飯田 惣也, 加藤 瞳, 新村 萌子, 劉 源, 伊坪 徳宏, 渡邊 一仁

    宮城県水産研究報告   ( 12 ) 7 - 11  2012年03月


    1. 笹かまぼこのCFPは1枚あたり172.0g-CO2(かまぼこ製造段階までは170.5g)であった。2. CFPに対する段階別の寄与度では,漁業段階が61%と最も大きく,かまぼこ製造が21%,冷凍すり身製造が17%となっていた。3. 震災に伴うかまぼこ製造への影響をCO2排出の観点から確認したところ,電力構成は変わっているものの,7月は繁忙期と計画停電が重なり,生産効率が上がったことからCO2排出は減少した。4. 本研究で得られた結果を味の素の統計解析に基づくデータベースとの比較により,得られた値は概ね妥当な水準に位置すると考えられた。


  • 宮城県産笹かまぼこのカーボンフットプリント

    飯田 惣也, 加藤 瞳, 新村 萌子, 劉 源, 伊坪 徳宏, 渡邊 一仁

    宮城県水産研究報告   ( 12 ) 7 - 11  2012年03月


    1. 笹かまぼこのCFPは1枚あたり172.0g-CO2(かまぼこ製造段階までは170.5g)であった。2. CFPに対する段階別の寄与度では,漁業段階が61%と最も大きく,かまぼこ製造が21%,冷凍すり身製造が17%となっていた。3. 震災に伴うかまぼこ製造への影響をCO2排出の観点から確認したところ,電力構成は変わっているものの,7月は繁忙期と計画停電が重なり,生産効率が上がったことからCO2排出は減少した。4. 本研究で得られた結果を味の素の統計解析に基づくデータベースとの比較により,得られた値は概ね妥当な水準に位置すると考えられた。


  • 大規模展示会を対象としたライフサイクルCO2評価

    伊坪 徳宏, 井伊 亮太, 森元 愛和, 堀口 健, 安井 基晃

    日本LCA学会誌   8 ( 2 ) 200 - 212  2012年


    &lt;b&gt;Objective.&lt;/b&gt; Interests in the environmental assessment for events are increasing rapidly. Total emission of carbon dioxide have assessed in several large-scale events such as G8 summit in Toya lake, FIFA world cup in Germany and winter Olympic in Torino to perform carbon offset. The authors raised the several problems in the previous studies and carried out LCCO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; for Tokyo marathon. The result of this study proved that the expansion of the scope of LCA was critically important, because many types of products used in the event such as stands, temporary lavatory, fence, commemorative products influenced the total amount of CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emission.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Materials and Methods.&lt;/b&gt; In the case of exhibitions, the collection of fundamental data might be harder than the case of the other types of event, because investigators have to contact a number of related people such as exhibitors, guests, organizer and representatives of event hall. Various types of products like creations, exhibits, equipment, and distribution media have to be covered in environmental assessment. This study evaluated total CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emission for &amp;ldquo;Eco-products 2010&amp;rdquo;. Inventory database was prepared in advance. The transition of CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emission was evaluated with the comparison with the calculated results for the past two years.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results and Discussion.&lt;/b&gt; Inventory analysis was carried out using CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; intensities (i.e. CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;-kg/kg, CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;-kg/kWh, CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;-kg/1Million Japanese Yen) and activities units (e.g. kg, kWh, JY). CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; intensities which involve direct and indirect CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emissions were prepared using input output analysis. All of the activities units were obtained by questionnaire to organizer, guests, and exhibitors. The total amount of CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emission including direct and indirect emissions was calculated as 4,610 ton. The environmental burdens of exhibitors occupied a half of total amounts. Creations, rental goods, staff&amp;rsquo;s activities and distribution media were key items which influence CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emissions emitted by exhibitors. The contribution of guests used by participants exceeded 40% of total emission. Most of this amounts come from transportation. The emissions from organizer and event site were relatively small. The transitions of CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emissions were depending on the related groups. Classification of total emission to each group would facilitate to understand their environmental performance and support the reduction of CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emissions by themselves.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions.&lt;/b&gt; LCA for large-scale exhibition was carried out using CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; intensity given by input output analysis. This approach enabled us to obtain the calculated result quickly. Temporary result was released to the public on the day of the event. Final result was obtained after the fixed data were provided to the practitioners. Through this process, it became possible to share environmental information among various stakeholders like guests and organizer effectively.


  • 大規模展示会を対象としたライフサイクルCO2評価

    伊坪徳宏, 井伊亮太, 森元愛和, 堀口健, 安井基晃

    日本LCA学会誌   8 ( 2 )  2012年


  • 各種容器の環境影響評価および環境負荷低減策の調査 (特集 インパクトアセスメント(2))

    吉村 祐美, 小松 郁夫, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   7 ( 3 ) 264 - 273  2011年07月


  • Damage Assessment Model for Freshwater Consumption and a Case Study on PET Bottle Production Applied New Technology for Water Footprint Reduction

    Masaharu Motoshita, Norihiro Itsubo, Kiyotaka Tahara

    Towards Life Cycle Sustability Management   399-410  2011年

  • Sorting process location problem in disassembly system configuration

    Y. Okudera, T. Yamada, T. Masui, N. Itsubo

    21st International Conference on Production Research: Innovation in Product and Production, ICPR 2011 - Conference Proceedings    2011年01月


    In view of resource circulation for sustainability, disassembly systems for reuse and recycling are important to recover values and materials from End-of-Life (EOL) assembly products. The sorting process is one of main processes in the disassembly systems, where arrival units are identified, sorted into each type of products/parts/materials, and sent to the appropriate succeeding stations. By our Japanese factory survey, we found that there were two types of sorting process location: Product and Material sorting in the disassembly systems. Their productivity depends on the sorting location and the system configurations such as process and material handling. Therefore, the material sorting process should be analyzed as well as the product sorting (Yamada et al., 2009). This study focuses on the disassembly system configuration with the material sorting process, models it by queueing simulation, and considers their system performance by the sorting location in the disassembly systems.

  • テレワークの環境負荷軽減策としての可能性(研究発表大会推薦論文)

    金子 貴代, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本テレワーク学会誌   9 ( 2 ) 56 - 65  2011年




  • 地球温暖化による生物多様性の被害評価手法の開発(その2)

    湯 龍龍, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 100 - 100  2011年


    LCIAにおける生物多様性の被害評価では、土地利用と生態毒性による影響が考慮されるが、気候変動由来の影響の重要性が認識されるものの、定量的評価が行われる例が極めて少ない。本研究は、EINES (Expected Increase in Number of Extinct Species)を生物種の絶滅リスク指標とした気候変動による生物多様性の被害評価手法を構築した。また、日本の維管束植物216種を対象に試算を行い、評価手法の有用性を確認した。


  • 生物多様性に注目した電話帳の環境影響評価

    石塚 徹, 高橋 和枝, 染村 庸, 國岡 達也, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 101 - 101  2011年




  • ライフサイクル影響評価手法のLIMEの世界化

    伊坪 徳宏, 村上 佳世, 湯 龍龍

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 103 - 103  2011年




  • 中国の環境評価用IOインベントリーデータベースの開発

    山口 博司, 堀口 健 健, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 115 - 115  2011年




  • アジア国際産業連関表を用いた東アジア各国における温室効果ガス排出原単位データベースの開発

    堀口 健, 辻本 真弥, 山口 博司, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 116 - 116  2011年




  • 水の消費と汚染に着目したウォーターフットプリント用データベースの開発

    小野 雄也, 堀口 健, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 13 - 13  2011年




  • 資源消費による社会経済への影響評価手法の開発

    渡辺 麻貴, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 14 - 14  2011年




  • 企業のCSR活動に対する投資家および消費者の選好分析―生物多様性を事例に―

    村上 佳世, 高橋 和枝, 國岡 達也, 染村 庸, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 161 - 161  2011年




  • LCAとMFCAの融合による製品の環境と経済の統合評価手法の開発

    末次 智美, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 163 - 163  2011年


    MFCAは廃棄物を負の製品としてその経済価値を測定することで、廃棄物の削減によるコスト低減を効果的に実施するための手法として注目されている。また、ISO14051として国際規格化され、導入企業は更に増えるものと期待される一方で、MFCAは廃棄物以外の環境側面を網羅しない。 本研究では、環境側面を網羅的に捉えるLCAとMFCAを融合することで、MFCAに用いられるパラメーターを用いてLCAも実施できる評価ツールを開発することを目的とした。更に、事例研究に適用することで、本研究成果の利用可能性について検証した。


  • 教育施設を対象としたLCAとスコープ3の実施と比較

    青木 秀樹, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 177 - 177  2011年




  • 野菜を対象としたウォーターフットプリントの表示と消費者の選好分析

    砂川 直也, 村上 佳世, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 185 - 185  2011年




  • 被災地復興支援を目的としたイベントの環境影響評価

    宮本 高明, 伊坪 徳広, 久保 正英

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 186 - 186  2011年




  • 下水処理施設の評価に基づくウォーターフットプリント用原単位の構築

    降籏 駿一, 若林 竜哉, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 188 - 188  2011年




  • WFとLCAを融合した環境影響評価用カリキュレータの開発

    鈴木 琢海, 伊坪 徳宏, 小野 雄也

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 189 - 189  2011年




  • 富栄養化物質排出に対する潜在的水消費量の算出

    山田 玄卓, 小野 雄也, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 190 - 190  2011年




  • 古紙パルプを原料とした中国産紙製ハンガーの環境影響評価

    宮坂 庸平, 菅原 裕介, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 193 - 193  2011年




  • アルミナ蒸着フィルムの環境影響評価

    中川 善博, 飯濱 彩, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 21 - 21  2011年




  • バイオマス由来ポリエチレンテレフタレートのLCA

    八木橋 聡美, 柴田 あゆみ, 大島 寛, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 22 - 22  2011年




  • インドにおけるサトウキビ栽培の環境影響評価

    麻喜 皓人, 柴田 あゆみ, 大島 寛, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 27 - 27  2011年




  • シャンプーのウォーターフットプリント

    岩村 綾子, 大橋 憲司, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 34 - 34  2011年




  • 蓋を含めた紙製ヨーグルト・カップのLCA

    有間 俊彦, 吉田 伸二, 鈴木 一人, 長谷川 浩, 山本 敏克, 中川 善博, 石井 謙二, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 38 - 38  2011年




  • PRTR対象物質を網羅した化学物質における影響評価手法の開発

    荒井 駿, 久保 利晃, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 48 - 48  2011年


    本研究ではLCIAを行うため、より網羅性を考慮した化学物質における影響評価手法の開発を目的とする。具体的には、化管法におけるPRTR制度の対象となっている生態系に有害なおそれがある化学物質の被害係数を開発していくことと、化学物質のLCIAにおける合意モデルとしてUNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiativeが開発したUSEtoxを適用し、近年LCAの普及が進むアジア諸国の評価にも対応した評価係数の開発を検討していく。


  • 塩ビ壁紙を対象とした地球温暖化と室内空気質汚染への総合評価

    松井 隆博, 松村 年郎, 山口 博司, 伊坪 徳宏, 井上 弘一, 中村 昇一, 二川原 淳志, 森 保, 坂井 広志, 鳥海 臣吾, 山下 洋一, 中尾 亮

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 51 - 51  2011年




  • 産業連関分析法を用いた土地占有面積原単位データベースの開発

    堀口 健, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 59 - 59  2011年




  • 雇用と労働災害に関する社会LCAデータベースの開発

    松永 典子, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 61 - 61  2011年




  • 継続的な環境教育カリキュラムの開発及び実践:LCT・LCAを用いた教育手法開発の過程

    郷 なおこ, 北村 祐介, 水野 建樹, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 69 - 69  2011年




  • ライフサイクル影響評価手法を用いた原子力発電事故による環境影響の試算

    伊坪 徳宏, 久保 利晃

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 93 - 93  2011年




  • 土地利用による生物多様性への影響を考慮したダムの環境影響評価

    名嘉 佳太, 秋本 淳一, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2011 ( 0 ) 95 - 95  2011年




  • 気候変動におけるライフサイクル健康被害係数の算定

    湯龍龍, 井伊亮太, 時松宏治, 伊坪徳宏

    環境情報科学   別冊 ( 25 ) 383 - 388  2011年


    LCIA(ライフサイクル影響評価)における温暖化の健康被害係数の評価手法には,評価項目の網羅性が低いこと,使われる気候モデルや疫学情報が古いことなどの課題が挙げられる。本研究はWHOがまとめた温暖化による健康被害の相対リスク及び死亡率の推計データをベースに,CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;の健康被害係数を算定するための枠組みを構築した。評価の対象項目はマラリア,下痢,心血管疾患,栄養失調と洪水災害(海岸洪水,内陸洪水)を網羅し,被害指標をDALY(障害調整生存年)とした。A2シナリオの試算結果は,各被害項目の合計が約2×10&lt;sup&gt;-7&lt;/sup&gt; DALY/kg-CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;となった。下痢の影響が最も大きかった。心血管疾患及び内陸洪水による健康被害は比較的小さいものの,長期にわたり影響を及ぼすことが示唆された。

    DOI CiNii

  • Environmental Assessment of the MobilePhone Considering the Consumption fo Rare Metals

    Maki Watanabe, Norihiro Itsubo

      -  2011年

  • ライフサイクル環境影響評価手法LIME2の特徴


      無  2011年

  • Development of Land Use Area IntensityDatabase Using Asia International Input-output Table for Life CycleAssessment

    Ken HORIGUCHI, Norihiro ITSUBO

      -  2011年

  • 製品のライフサイクルに注目した環境情報の見える化


      無  2011年

  • 生態系影響評価手法LIMEの考え方と事例


      無  2011年

  • LCAのための土地利用インベントリ原単位の開発

    堀口健, 伊坪徳宏

    環境情報科学   別冊 ( 25 ) 19 - 24  2011年



    DOI CiNii

  • エコプロダクツ展のCFP評価


      無  2011年

  • ライフサイクルの視点に立った環境影響評価


      無  2011年

  • Developing a method of assessment for events considering sustainability

    Noriko Matsunaga, Norihiro Itsubo

      -  2011年

  • ライフサイクルに注目した環境評価手法 -LCAと環境フットプリント-


      無  2011年

  • ISO環境マネジメント関連規格 (LCA, WF, CFP)の最新動向


      無  2011年

  • Life Cycle Impact Assessment -Characteristics and Application to Ecodesign for Products-

    Norihiro Itsubo

      無  2011年

  • 「LCAにおける水の影響評価


      無  2011年

  • ウォーターフットプリント-水の環境問題の現状-


      無  2011年

  • Development of Inventory Database Using Japan's Input-output Analysis Considering Land Use

    Ken HORIGUCHI, Norihiro ITSUBO

      -  2011年

  • 環境情報の見える化 -ライフサイクルを指向した影響評価手法とその活用-


      無  2011年

  • 地球温暖化による水系感染症の健康被害係数の推定

    湯龍龍, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   7 ( 3 ) 2011 - 256  2011年


    &lt;b&gt;Objective.&lt;/b&gt; According to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, it is predicted that the global warming promotes the outbreak of the waterborne disease (diarrhea). However, in the past LCIA studies on damage assessment of human health caused by global warming, heat stress and malaria have been mainly considered and there is little study taking diarrhea into account. Therefore the aim of this study is to quantify the health damage related to diarrhea caused by global warming based on statistical analysis.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Materials and Methods.&lt;/b&gt; The procedure of this study is as follows: 1) Four SRES scenarios (A1B, A2, B1 and B2) were used to estimate the marginal temperature rise (2000-2100) by 1 kg-CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emission based on MAGICC (Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse-gas Induced Climate Change) model. 2) Increasing of diarrhea incidence caused by temperature rise was estimated based on the relationship between future temperature rise and future diarrhea incidence calculated by a multiple regression analysis. 3) Cases of diarrhea were calculated by multiplying population data and diarrhea incidence. 4) DALYs were calculated by multiplying the cases of diarrhea and the ratio of DALY and diarrhea case. &lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results and Discussion.&lt;/b&gt; Damage factors of diarrhea were calculated as 1.1-3.3&amp;times;10&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;7&lt;/sup&gt; DALY/kg-CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; for four SRES scenarios. The health damage of diarrhea around 2030 was the biggest in all regions and any scenarios. Africa and South East Asia regions showed bigger damage than other regions because their lower ratios of accessing to improved drinking water and large numbers of people. By a comparison of scenarios, A2 scenario showed the biggest damage, because the highest temperature rise and the lowest ratio of accessing to improved drinking water. Moreover, the result indicated that it is important to take diarrhea into account, because the damage of diarrhea caused by global warming is higher than other diseases.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions.&lt;/b&gt; An approach of chronological order was used to quantify the health damage of diarrhea caused by global warming for each region and each scenario. Damage factors of diarrhea for four SRES scenarios were gained in the study.

    DOI CiNii

  • 水に注目したライフサイクル評価 -ウォーターフットプリントの現状-


      無  2011年

  • ウォーターフットプリントの意義と国際規格化に向けた最近の動向


      無  2011年

  • 国内外の水問題に関する最新動向 -ウォーターフットプリントの現状-


      無  2011年

  • LC Inventory Analysis in Japan and Asia

    Norihiro Itsubo, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Ken Horigushi

      無  2011年

  • ウォーターフットプリント -ライフサイクルに注目した水の影響評価手法-


      無  2011年

  • ライフサイクルで考えよう -ハイブリッドカーは本当にエコカーなのか-


      無  2011年

  • ライフサイクルアセスメントとカーボンフットプリント


      無  2011年

  • ウォーター・フット・プリントの世界動向と産業界への期待


      無  2011年

  • Development of impact factors on damage to health by infectious diseases caused by domestic water scaecity

    Masaharu Motoshita, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Ibaba

    Int J Life Cycle Assess2011   16 ( 16 ) 65 - 73  2011年01月


    Background, aim, and scope: Water scarcity is a critical environmental issue. In particular, domestic water is a necessary resource for our fundamental activities, and poor water quality may lead to damage to health caused by infectious diseases. However, there is no methodology to assess the damage of domestic water scarcity (low accessibility to safe water) caused by water consumption. The main objectives of this study are to model the health damage assessment of infectious diseases (ascariasis, trichuriasis, hookworm disease, and diarrhea) caused by domestic water scarcity and calculate damage factors on a country scale. Materials and methods: The damage to health caused by infectious diseases was assumed to have resulted from domestic water scarcity due to loss of accessibility to safe water. Damage function of domestic water scarcity was composed of two steps, including assessments of water accessibility and health damage. This was modeled by applying regression analyses based on statistical data on a country scale. For more precise and realistic modeling, three explanatory variables (domestic use of fresh water, gross domestic product per capita and gross capital formation expenditure per capita) for water accessibility assessment and seven explanatory variables (the annual average temperature, the house connection to water supply, the house connection to sanitation, average dietary energy consumption, undernourished population rate, Gini coefficient of dietary energy consumption, and health expenditure per capita) for the health damage ssessment were chosen and non-linear multiple regression analyses were conducted. Results: Water accessibility could be modeled by all three explanatory variables with sufficient explanatory power (R 2 ∈=∈0.68). For the health damage assessment, significant explanatory variables were different from those for diseases, but the R 2 values of the regression models for each infectious disease were calculated as more than 0.4. Furthermore, the house connection to water supply rate showed a high correlation with every infectious disease. This showed that domestic water scarcity is strongly linked to health damage caused by infectious diseases. Based on the results of the regression analyses, the calculated damage factors of domestic water scarcity ranged from 1.29E-11 to 1.81E-03 [Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs)/m 3 ], and the average value (weighted mean value by domestic use of fresh water for each country) was 3.89E-07 [DALYs/m 3 ] and the standard deviation of damage factors was 1.40E-07 [DALYs/m 3 ]. Discussion: According to the calculated damage factors for each country, countries sensitive to domestic water scarcity appeared to be located in the African region, and in addition, the amount of available domestic water tended to be less in the most sensitive countries. Water production technologies represented by desalination are expected to be a countermeasure for the reduction of water stress. As an example of the application of damage factor analysis, health damage improvement compared with the effects of CO 2 emission caused by the introduction of desalination plants showed that there were several countries where desalination was worth introducing after considering the advantages and disadvantages of the environmental impact. Conclusions: Damage assessment models of domestic water scarcity were developed by applying non-linear multiple regression analysis. Damage factors could be calculated for most countries, except for those without statistical data for the analysis. Damage factors are applicable to not only the assessment of water consumption, but also the evaluation of benefits of water production in countries suffering from water scarcity. Recommendations and perspectives: The analyses of this study were conducted by applying data on a country scale, and the regional and local characteristics within each country are expected to be taken into account in future studies. The water resource amount, which was represented by the amount of domestic use of fresh water in this study, should be estimated with consideration of the effects due to climate change. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.


  • LCA研究の経緯と今後の課題


      無  2011年

  • ライフサイクルを指向した水の環境情報見える化-ウォーターフットプリントの意義と最近の動向-


      無  2011年

  • 製品ライフサイクルに注目した環境評価の特徴と実施手順


    オペレーションズリサーチ   55 ( 12 ) 747 - 754  2010年12月




  • HDI指標を用いた製品の社会影響評価手法の開発

    湯 龍龍, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   6 ( 4 ) 338 - 350  2010年10月


  • 水を対象としたLCA研究の現状 (特集 フットプリント)

    伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   6 ( 3 ) 193 - 200  2010年07月


  • 農業用水不足に起因する栄養阻害被害の評価係数の算定

    木下晶晴, 伊坪徳宏, 稲葉敦

    日本LCA学会誌   6 ( 3 ) 242 - 250  2010年07月

    DOI CiNii

  • ISO14046ウォーターフットプリントの動向 (特集 ISO環境マネジメント関連規格の最新動向)

    伊坪 徳宏

    環境管理   46 ( 6 ) 452 - 458  2010年06月


  • 第5回日本LCA学会研究発表会報告(速報)

    伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   6 ( 2 ) 132 - 137  2010年04月


  • テレワークセンター利用と在宅勤務のライフサイクルCO_2排出量の比較(論文部門)

    金子 貴代, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本テレワーク学会研究発表大会予稿集   12 ( 0 ) 105 - 109  2010年


    Today teleworking is increasing rapidly, but the shift to working at home from commuting to and from the office everyday may increase an environmental burden by using inefficient equipments at home such as air conditioners. In order to calculate and compare life cycle CO_2 emissions between different work styles, we set three work style scenarios, working at office, using the telework center in worker&#039;s neighborhood and working at home. We also considered CO_2 emissions from commuting and the rebound effects attributed to the increased leisure time. Ahead of calculating, we measured life cycle CO_2 emission of telework centers in Kanto region, because there is no inventory data of the telework center. As a result, we found if a telework center or a conventional office is used efficiently, their CO_2 emissions become same level as working at home.


  • ライフサイクルを考える環境教育(ヘッドライン:身近な環境の化学)

    伊坪 徳宏

    化学と教育   58 ( 1 ) 16 - 19  2010年

    DOI CiNii

  • 農業用水不足に起因する栄養阻害被害の評価係数の算定

    本下 晶晴, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    日本LCA学会誌   6 ( 3 ) 242 - 250  2010年


    &lt;b&gt;Objective.&lt;/b&gt; Population growth in the world seems to raise the demand of water and food. However water resource is limited, which may arise water deficiency in several areas or countries. Particularly, agricultural water scarcity will accelerate the expansion of undernourishment damage caused by insufficient food supply. The aim of this study is to model undernourishment damage caused by agricultural water scarcity based on statistical analysis.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results and Discussion.&lt;/b&gt; At first, food productivity due to agricultural water shortage was estimated based on the relationship between annual harvest of each crop and agricultural water use on a country scale. Subsequently, non-linear multiple regression analysis among undernourishment damage data and three explanatory variables (the average daily dietary energy consumption per capita, the Gini coefficient of dietary energy consumption and the health expenditure per capita) was performed based on statistical data of each country. As a result of the analysis, every selected explanatory variable was statistically significant, and undernourishment damage caused by the shortage of unit volume agricultural water (damage factors) was estimated for each country. The results of estimated damage factors showed that countries with low agricultural water supply capacity would have a high sensitivity to agricultural water deficiency. Furthermore, preliminary prediction of damage factors in 2050 indicated that population growth would certainly shift damage factors larger particularly in the several African countries. According to the comparison of the health damage factors related to domestic use water scarcity in the previous study, many countries in the African region seem to be sensitive to both agricultural and domestic water scarcity.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions.&lt;/b&gt; Undernourishment damage caused by unit agricultural water scarcity can be estimated quantitatively. On the other hand, the analysis was conducted based on country scale data, so the diversity of local situation in each country was not considered in the study. In order to improve the precision of damage factors, more detailed analysis based on data of local scale should be conducted and dynamic changes of important factors like food productivity and water resource amounts should be taken into account.


  • HDI指標を用いた製品の社会影響評価手法の開発

    湯 龍龍, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   6 ( 4 ) 338 - 350  2010年


    &lt;b&gt;Objective.&lt;/b&gt; Social impact assessment is advocated as one of the three pillars toward sustainability. In the past, several attempts have been carried out to assess the social impact on the country level. The Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) and the Human Development Index (HDI) are well known as socioeconomic indexes. However, there are still few studies for the development of the method of social impact. This study is aimed at the development of the social impact assessment method for product life cycle technique using HDI.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Methods.&lt;/b&gt; HDI is the general index that covered the following three components of human society; education, health and quality of life. We considered the linkage from the inventories (added value, water use, CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;) of the product to the components of the HDI. Social impact factors developed in this study enable us to connect inventory data to HDI. The change of the HDI by the input of these inventory data can be regarded as the result of social life cycle assessment (SLCA).&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results and Discussion.&lt;/b&gt; Three lists of social impact factor were calculated for each country based on the SLCA method. Added value factors ranged from the magnitude of 1.4&amp;times;10&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;6&lt;/sup&gt; to 2.4&amp;times;10&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;3&lt;/sup&gt; (HDI/US$/p), the score of developing country are higher than that of developed country. Water factor was calculated as a negative impact from 1.5&amp;times;10&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;5&lt;/sup&gt; to 6.4&amp;times;10&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;3&lt;/sup&gt; (HDI/m&lt;sup&gt;3&lt;/sup&gt;/p), countries with little water resource have higher score. With regard to CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; factor, the total HDI loss of the whole world caused by CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emission was calculated as about 1&amp;times;10&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;16&lt;/sup&gt; (HDI/kg).&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions.&lt;/b&gt; A social LCA methodology for industrial product using HDI was developed in this study. Three lists of social impact factor were prepared (for each country) to implement SLCA.


  • カップ原紙に関する持続可能な森林管理の重要性

    有間 俊彦, 吉田 伸二, 北本 就敏, 長谷川 浩, 山本 敏克, 中川 善博, 石井 謙二, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 105 - 105  2010年




  • 紙製飲料容器「カートカン」の環境影響評価

    中川 善博, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 106 - 106  2010年




  • 地球温暖化による生物多様性の被害評価手法の開発

    湯 龍龍, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 107 - 107  2010年


    気候変動は生物多様性の主要な被害要因の一つとして、ミレニアム生態系評価(2005)で挙げられている。しかし、LCIAにおける生物多様性の被害評価では、土地利用と生態毒性による影響が考慮されるが、気候変動由来の影響の重要性が認識されるものの、定量的評価が行われる例が極めて少ない。本研究は、EINES (Expected Increase in Number of Extinct Species)を生物種の絶滅リスク指標とした気候変動による生物多様性の被害評価手法を構築し、日本の維管束植物を対象に試算を行った。


  • 生態系オフセット評価の試行:「ゴルフの森」を事例に

    比留間 雅人, 伊坪 徳宏, 高橋 直也, 畑口 千惠子, 筒井 信, 榊原 理恵

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 108 - 108  2010年




  • 調理方法に注目した食品の環境影響評価

    堀内 光二, 伊坪 徳宏, 山田 久子

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 140 - 140  2010年




  • リサイクル効果を考慮した塩ビ系壁紙のCO2排出量

    松井 隆博, 山口 博司, 井上 弘一, 中村 昇一, 二川原 淳志, 森 保, 坂井 広志, 山下 洋一, 中尾 亮, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 153 - 153  2010年




  • アジア各国の地理的条件を反映した環境影響評価手法の開発

    伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 165 - 165  2010年




  • アジア各国における生態毒性・ヒト毒性の被害係数開発

    久保 利晃, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 166 - 166  2010年




  • アジアを対象とした大気汚染による被害係数の開発

    濱 安武, Lin Meiyun, 伊坪 徳宏, 永田 裕子, 井伊 亮太

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 167 - 167  2010年




  • 農業用水不足に伴うインパクト評価モデルとその適用事例

    本下 晶晴, 伊坪 徳宏, 玄地 裕, 稲葉 敦

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 168 - 168  2010年




  • LIME2における生物多様性評価とその活用

    伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 169 - 169  2010年




  • 産業連関分析法に基づいた木材のインベントリデータベースの開発

    辻本 真弥, 堀口 健, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 197 - 197  2010年




  • 仮想化技術を利用したサーバ統合による環境負荷削減効果

    平野 潤, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 203 - 203  2010年




  • 傘の循環利用を目指した学内レンタルシステムの試行と環境評価

    渡邊 達矢, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 213 - 213  2010年




  • ライフサイクル思考に基づいた『総量削減義務と排出量取引制度における特定温室効果ガス排出量検証ガイドライン』の検証

    吉田 隼, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 214 - 214  2010年


    2010年5月に東京都が事業所を対象に『大規模事業所への温室効果ガス排出総量削減義務と排出量取引制度』を施行した。この制度では燃料、熱、電気の使用量が原油換算で1500 ㎘以上の事業所を対象としている。排出量算定ガイドラインによるCO2排出量算定方法の調査範囲は電力などのみであり、物品購入、サービスなどの間接分は含まれておらず、LCAの調査範囲と異なる。LCAでは事業所のエネルギーだけではなく事業に関わるサービスも評価に含める事が出来る。本研究では東京都市大学を評価対象として東京都が発行しているガイドラインとLCAの双方を用いてCO2を算定し、排出量算定方法の検証を行う。


  • 生物種の網羅性を考慮した生物多様性の影響評価手法の開発

    堀口 健, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 215 - 215  2010年




  • 持続可能性を考慮したイベント評価手法の開発

    松永 典子, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 26 - 26  2010年




  • 環境・経済・社会を対象としたスポーツイベントの持続可能性評価

    山口 博司, 小野 雄也, 松永 典子, 堀口 健, 湯 龍龍, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 27 - 27  2010年


    持続可能な社会の実現へ向けスポーツ、会議、音楽フェスティバルなどの各種イベントに対しても環境、経済、社会の3側面から持続可能性の評価を行うことが重要である[1]。本発表ではスポーツイベントを対象として、主催者からの提供データ、実測したデータを用い、(1)環境面では産業連関法を用い資源(化石燃料・鉱物・水)の消費量、CO2排出量などのインベントリー分析を行いこれよりLIME2による環境影響評価を行う[2]。(2)経済面では産業連関法を用い経済波及効果評価を行なう[3]。(3)社会面ではHDI指標を用いた社会影響評価を行なう[4]。以上の環境、経済、社会の3側面からの評価をまとめてイベントの持続可能性を評価する。 (参考文献)[1] 伊坪・湯:日本LCA学会誌, Vol.5 No.4, p.510.[2] 山口他:第5回日本LCA学会研究発表会要旨集, D2-07,p.204.[3]松永・伊坪:第5回日本LCA学会研究発表会要旨集, C1-07,p.60.[4]湯・伊坪: 日本LCA学会誌, Vol.6 No.4, p.338.


  • 稲作を対象としたウォーターフットプリント

    大江 卓也, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 33 - 33  2010年




  • 衣類と洗濯におけるLC-CO2およびウォーターフットプリント

    小沼 拓哉, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 34 - 34  2010年




  • 水の種類と利用形態に注目した水インベントリデータベースの開発

    小野 雄也, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 35 - 35  2010年


    水の評価は現在、世界各国の専門家による協議によりISO14046として規格化されようとしており、日本も水消費による環境影響評価を積極的に評価する必要があると考える。水の環境影響評価の問題点として日本のデータベース(2009 小野)は水量、水の種類(雨水、河川水、地下水、回収水)や用途(消費水)の提示はしているが、海外のウォーターフットプリントの評価手法や定義とは隔たりがあることや作物種により直接投入される水量が異なるがデータベースに反映されきれていないといった問題点がある。本研究では上記で述べた問題の解決を目指す。


  • サステナビリティ評価を指向した環境・経済・社会側面のインベントリデータベースの開発

    伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 55 - 55  2010年




  • LCAとMFCAの融合による製品の環境と経済の統合評価手法の開発

    末次 智美, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 63 - 63  2010年




  • ガス導管工事のライフサイクル環境影響評価

    向井 隆司, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2010 ( 0 ) 89 - 89  2010年




  • ISO環境マネジメント関連企画の最新動向


    CEAR広報誌   38 ( 無 ) 25 - 31  2010年

  • Life Cycle Assessmentのあらたなる展開


      無  2010年

  • LIME2作業部会における実施内容の概要


      無  2010年

  • 大規模展示会を対象とした評価用データベースの構築と定量的環境評価への活用


    LCA日本フォーラムニュース   53 ( 無 ) 23 - 25  2010年

  • ウォーターフットプリントの実施手順と国際的動向


      無  2010年

  • 環境影響評価手法LIME2の概要と活用例


      無  2010年

  • ライフサイクルを考える環境教育


    「化学と教育」誌   58 ( 1 ) 16 - 18  2010年


  • 壁紙LCA研究学会の活動成果


      無  2010年

  • ISO14046


      無  2010年

  • ISO14046(ウォーターフットプリント)の動向


    環境管理   46 ( 6 ) 452 - 458  2010年

  • 水を対象としたLCA研究の現状


    日本LCA学会誌   6 ( 3 ) 193 - 200  2010年

  • ライフサイクルで考えよう-地球温暖化と身のまわりのものの関係-


      無  2010年

  • 環境影響評価手法の環境経営への活用


      無  2010年

  • ウォーターフットプリントに関する国際標準化


    LCA日本フォーラムニュース   52 ( 無 ) 28 - 30  2010年

  • 「エコプロダクツ2009」のCO2排出量算定


    環境管理   - ( 11 )  2010年

  • LCAにおける水の影響評価


      無  2010年

  • 環境影響評価手法LIME2の特徴と活用例


      無  2010年

  • ライフサイクル思考に基づく製品の社会影響評価手法の開発

    湯龍龍, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   6 ( 4 ) 338 - 350  2010年


  • 「エコプロダクツ2008」のC02排出量算定

    伊坪 徳宏

    環境管理   45 ( 11 ) 962 - 966  2009年11月


  • 地産地消を担う農作物直売所におけるCO2排出量の表示とその効果分析 (特集 第4回[日本LCA学会]研究発表会からの投稿)

    菊池 克行, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   5 ( 4 ) 446 - 455  2009年10月


  • ライフサイクル思考に基づく国際マラソン大会の環境負荷評価

    伊坪徳宏, 堀口健, 湯龍龍, 比留間雅人, 関口憲義

    日本LCA学会誌   5 ( 4 ) 510 - 520  2009年10月

    DOI CiNii

  • Internalization of the external costs of global environmental damage in an integrated assessment model

    Takanobu Kosugi, Koji Tokimatsu, Atsushi Kurosawa, Norihiro Itsubo, Hiroshi Yagita, Masaji Sakagami

    ENERGY POLICY   37 ( 7 ) 2664 - 2678  2009年07月


    This study simulates the internalization of the external costs of major global environmental issues using an optimal economic growth model. We merged two existing models: an integrated assessment model (IAM) and a life-cycle impact assessment (LCIA) model. We sought to achieve simultaneously the following three objectives: (i) to incorporate environmental issues including global warming in the IAM; (ii) to assess environmental impacts with a bottom-up approach from the LCIA; and (iii) to internalize external costs obtained from the environmental impact study. The study also provides initial simulation results obtained from the merged model.
    Simulation results indicate that global warming will account for somewhere from 10% to 40% of all external costs in the 21st century. The remaining cost will come from land use and its changes. The internalization of the external cost will cause a decline in economic growth by approximately 5%, whereas forest preservation will increase by 40% and fossil-fuel consumption will be reduced by 15%. The estimated sustainability indicators imply that a necessary condition of sustainable development is satisfied for the entire world and for the developed countries during the 21st century, but is not satisfied until the latter half of this century for the developing counties. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • The collaboration between Int J Life Cycle Assess and J LCA Jpn

    Yasunari Matsuno, Yasushi Kondo, Nozomu Mishima, Narito Shibaoke, Tomonari Yashiro, Yugo Yamamoto, Tohru Morioka, Nils F. Nissen, Karsten Schischke, Lutz Stobbe, Herbert Reichl, Seiichi Kurihara, Katsuyuki Nakano, Masahiko Hirao, Hotaka Kai, Yasuhiro Ishibashi, Hisatoshi Shimase, Shinichi Kamohara, Takehiro Takemasa, Masashi Higo, Kiyoshi Dowaki, Yutaka Genchi, Masaharu Motoshita, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba, Masataka Torii, Nobuhiko Narita, Katsuro Ogawa, Hiroki Hondo, Yoshie Hirayama, Kota Nakajima, Shunsuke Yamada, Ichiro Fukuhara

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   14 ( 1 ) 83 - 88  2009年01月



  • Environmental impact assessment from the view-point of product life cycle - The characteristics and the procedure of life cycle assessment

    Norihiro Itsubo

    Seimitsu Kogaku Kaishi/Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering   75   1062 - 1067  2009年01月


  • Social Impact Assessment of Multipurpose ICT Service by Using GSF

    Masayuki Tsuda, Kazue Takahashi, Masayuki Nakamura, Jiro Nakamura, Haruna Furuta, Norihiro Itsubo



    We assessed a multipurpose Information and Communications Technology (ICT) service that provides multiple services by using a Gross Social Feel-good (GSF) index that we had previously used to assess single purpose services. It is difficult to integrate the assessment results of each service when assessing multipurpose services because of shared hardware and the synergy effect. However, we found that the multipurpose ICT service could be assessed well with the GSF index which indicates the users&apos; interest and satisfaction, and it was possible to incorporate shared hardware, the synergy effect and a weighting factor.


  • ライフサイクルの視点に基づく環境影響評価:―ライフサイクルアセスメントの特徴とその手順―

    伊坪 徳宏

    精密工学会誌   75 ( 9 ) 1062 - 1067  2009年


  • 地産地消を担う農作物直売所におけるCO2排出量の表示とその効果分析

    菊地 克行, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   5 ( 4 ) 446 - 455  2009年


    &lt;b&gt;Objective.&lt;/b&gt; Recently, many social problems related with food products have risen by several media. Local production for local consumption is paid attention to society from the viewpoint of safety and environment. &amp;ldquo;Carbon footprint&amp;rdquo;, which is the label to show the LCCO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; (life cycle CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;) emissions of the products, attracts peoples&amp;rsquo; interests, because it helps citizens to interpret the effect of a product to the environment and is expected to improve the transparency of environmental information. In Japan, it is expected that many products with Carbon footprint will be released to the public. With regard to food products, Carbon footprint might be useful to promote home-grown crops and vegetables, if we could endure the significance of these products using LCA. In this study, we evaluated LCCO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; (CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; and N&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O emissions from cultivation stage to sales stage) emissions of 6 farm products (cabbage, broccoli, spinach, KOMATSUNA, Japanese radish, sweet potato) and displayed the results using Carbon footprint at farmer&amp;rsquo;s market cooperated with Tsuzuki ward office Yokohama city and Tsuzuki farm (environmental conservation farmer) in Tsuzuki ward. In order to confirm the significance of using LCA, we performed questionnaire survey to see the consumer response after environmental information is disclosed for a certain period.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Result and Discussion.&lt;/b&gt; CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; and N&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O emissions of cultivation stage were relatively small, because the farmer we cooperated made it possible to minimize the amount of fertilizer and agrichemicals. Minimizing these amounts might increase risk in smaller amount of crops, but we confirmed that the success of this style of agriculture leads the considerable reduction of CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; and N&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O emissions. And there was a big difference of CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emissions between sales at farmers&amp;rsquo; market and supermarket. Especially, using refrigerator for broccoli and spinach in sales stage in supermarket would be one of the key elements. The questionnaire survey showed that consumers have high interests in the environmental issues and the display of CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emissions. In addition, around 80 percent of the people answered buying the products which showed the CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emissions rather than these did not show. And we inquired the consumers&amp;rsquo; willingness to pay (WTP) to the vegetables that showed lower CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emissions. As a result, people have a tendency to pay more for the products with lower CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emissions. We statistically analyzed using &lt;i&gt;X&lt;/i&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; test and F test about this result and confirmed the followings.&lt;BR&gt;(1)Carbon footprint could promote the environmental consideration consumer behavior.&lt;BR&gt;(2)People have a tolerance to pay for the products with lower CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emissions.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusion.&lt;/b&gt; In this study, we evaluate LCCO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emissions of 6 farm products, and disclosing the environmental information using Carbon footprint at farmer&amp;rsquo;s market in certain period of time. The style of agriculture, the distance of transportation, and the procedure of sales would be key elements for the reduction of environmental impacts. Local production for local consumption using farmer&amp;rsquo;s market would be an effective way to contribute the reduction of it well. According to the result of questionnaire survey, disclosing Carbon footprintwould have the potential to promote the environmental consideration consumer behavior, because people evaluated higher values for the products with smaller amount of CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emissions. The next challenge would be to discuss how to support consumers to interpret the number of CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emissions.


  • ライフサイクル思考に基づく国際マラソン大会の環境負荷評価

    伊坪 徳宏, 堀口 健, 湯 龍龍, 比留間 雅人, 関口 憲義

    日本LCA学会誌   5 ( 4 ) 510 - 520  2009年


    &lt;b&gt;Objective.&lt;/b&gt; Interests in the assessment for events are increasing rapidly. Environmental Impacts caused by several events like sports tournaments; music festivals and international conferences have already been assessed. The publications of these results contribute to promote the reduction of CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emission. Through these activities, various problems with regard to the assessment, especially the following problems have been raised.&lt;BR&gt; &gt; Quickness of analysis: Hopefully, the temporary result should be presented on the day of the event in order to promote environmental communication.&lt;BR&gt; &gt; Comprehensiveness of analysis: The scope of LCA should cover as far as possible in order to avoid underestimate the result. Some of big events include thousands items.&lt;BR&gt; We assessed Tokyo marathon 2008 using hybrid LCA applying CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; intensities obtained by input-output method and process method. More than 2000 items were covered. Transportation, accommodation, food, advertisement, security, management, measurement, entry, waste management and office were included in the scope of this study.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results and Discussion.&lt;/b&gt; The total amount of CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emission including direct and indirect emissions was calculated as 5,000 ton. The environmental burdens of transportation occupied a half of total amounts. The contribution of air plane used by participants from foreign countries was estimated high, although the number of these people was less than 5% of total. The emission caused by equipments such as the stands, temporary lavatory and fence used in the starting point, the effects of finish point and the marathon course were also estimated high. The CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emission caused by commemorative products like T-shirt and medals given to runners were also important, because a number of products had to be produced. Environmental burdens related to services like rental, volunteers, guard were also high. The effects of activities for environment implemented by organizer were assessed. These results will be used to reduce CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emission in the next time.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions.&lt;/b&gt; LCA for large-scale sports event was carried out using hybrid approach. This approach enabled us to obtain the calculated result quickly. Temporary result was released to the public on the day of the event. Final result was obtained after the fixed data were provided to the practitioners. Through this process, it became possible to share environmental information among various stakeholders like runner, organizer, and audience effectively.


  • 国内産原材料を使用したハンバーガーのLC-CO2評価

    山脇 佑太, 徳武 真理子, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 10 - 10  2009年




  • 地球温暖化による水系感染症の健康影響評価手法の開発

    湯 龍龍, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 115 - 115  2009年




  • 農業用水不足に起因する栄養失調被害推定モデルの開発

    本下 晶晴, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 116 - 116  2009年




  • 中国における生態毒性の被害係数開発

    久保 利晃, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 117 - 117  2009年




  • アジアを対象とした大気汚染物質の被害係数の開発

    濱 安武, Meiyun Lin, 伊坪 徳宏, 井伊 亮太

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 119 - 119  2009年




  • 生物多様性を対象としたLCIA手法の現状と今後の課題

    伊坪 徳宏, 井伊 亮太

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 120 - 120  2009年




  • ウォーターフットプリントへの応用を指向した水インベントリデータベースの開発

    小野 雄也, 本下 晶晴, 李 一石, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 122 - 122  2009年




  • テレワーク・センターのCO2排出量と環境負荷軽減策としての可能性

    金子 貴代, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 129 - 129  2009年




  • LCAとMFCAの融合による製品の環境と経済の統合評価

    末次 智美, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 134 - 134  2009年




  • RRCにおける回収冷媒の再生利用と破壊処理のLIME手法を用いたLCA比較

    馬場 範夫, 河西 詞朗, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 138 - 138  2009年


    冷媒回収推進・技術センター(RRC)技術委員会では、冷凍空調機器の整備時或いは廃棄される際に機器から回収される冷媒について、蒸留再生した場合と破壊処理した場合とではどちらが環境にやさしいのか、RRCが認定している再生事業所の協力を得て、平成19年度からLCAを用いた比較検討を行ってきた。 得られた成果の中から、地球温暖化の観点から比較した結果を第4回の研究発表会に報告した。本年度は、LIME手法を用いて行った環境影響評価結果について報告する。


  • ライフサイクル影響評価を指向した産業連関分析法ベースの環境負荷原単位データベースの作成

    堀口 健, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 194 - 194  2009年




  • ゴルフトーナメントのライフサイクル環境影響評価

    山口 博司, 堀口 健, 湯 龍龍, 比留間 雅人, 橋 直也, 畑口 千惠子, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 28 - 28  2009年


    地球温暖化の急激な進行のもとで、各種のイベントの実施に対してもCO2排出量の評価と削減、オフセットが求められている[1][2]。本年度のゴルフトーナメントではCO2排出量を評価し、ほぼ全量をオフセットするとともに、各種大気汚染物質の排出、化石燃料消費、鉱物資源消費等につき評価を行った。産業連関表によるこれらのデータベース[3]を用いてゴルフトーナメントの大会運営、参加者の移動、飲食、配布物などからのこ れらの排出量、消費量を求め、それによる環境影響を評価した。最終的にLIMEによる環境影響の統合評価を行うことを目指す。 [1]伊坪:大型イベント対象とした環境負荷評価と実施上の論点, 第4回日本LCA学会研究発表会要旨集,D2-09,p.208. [2]山口他:ゴルフトーナメントのCO2排出量の算出と排出量削減方法の検討, 第4回 日本LCA学会研究発表会要旨集,D2-07,p.204. [3]北澤・伊坪:化石燃料及び鉱物資源を対象とした産業連関LCIデータベースの開発, 第4回日本LCA学会研究発表会要旨集,P2- 28, p.328.


  • 「開国博Y150」を対象とした環境影響評価

    大塚 渉, 関 浩二, 吉川 悦治, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 29 - 29  2009年




  • イベントを対象としたLCA分析のための環境負荷原単位データベースの作成

    堀口 健, 井伊 亮太, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 31 - 31  2009年




  • 大型展示会を対象としたLCCO2分析

    伊坪 徳宏, 安井 基晃, 黒田 和好, 石井 智章

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 32 - 32  2009年




  • イベントを対象とした環境影響評価と経済波及効果分析

    松永 典子, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 33 - 33  2009年




  • 紙製ヨーグルト・カップのLCI

    有間 俊彦, 白土 猛康, 北本 就敏, 長谷川 浩, 山本 敏克, 中川 善博, 石井 謙二, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 39 - 39  2009年




  • 地球温暖化と生物多様性を考慮した建築LCAの検討

    小数賀 隼耶, 伊坪 徳宏, 内海 康雄, 木村 竜士

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 53 - 53  2009年




  • 環境配慮型フリーペーパーのカーボンフットプリント

    牧 幸宏, 伊坪 徳宏, 高田 哲二, 武松 昭男, 鴻池 弘子, 大川 哲郎

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 63 - 63  2009年




  • 緩衝材のカーボンフットプリントと消費者の選好分析

    古田 春菜, 伊坪 徳宏, 伊澤 洋一, 末政 直晃, 中村 正人

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 64 - 64  2009年




  • ライフサイクルの視点に基づく家電製品の買い替えによる環境負荷削減効果分析

    牧口 裕介, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 86 - 86  2009年




  • ライフサイクル思考の環境教育教材開発

    水野 建樹, 津田 祥子, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 89 - 89  2009年




  • ライフサイクル思考型カーボンカルキレータの開発

    小田 祥史, 大谷 紀子, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2009 ( 0 ) 93 - 93  2009年




  • LCAにおける騒音影響評価:-日本を対象とした道路交通騒音のダメージ関数の検討

    井伊 亮太, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    環境情報科学論文集   23 ( 0 ) 291 - 296  2009年


    道路交通騒音は、全国的にみて重要であるが、LIME(日本版被害算定型環境影響評価手法)(伊坪ほか,2005)などの多くの既存のLCIA(ライフサイクル影響評価)体系ではカバーされておらず、これまでLCA で評価対象とされることが内外ともに非常に少なかった影響領域である。本研究は、Müller-Wenk(2004)が提示し、スイスの被害係数の算定に適用したダメージ関数の枠組みに基づき、日本の環境条件を反映させたダメージ関数を構築し、被害係数を算定した。算定された被害係数は、道路交通の状況や採用した量―反応直線の違いによって、スイスの場合と比較して小さい結果となった。


  • LCAにおける騒音影響評価--日本を対象とした道路交通騒音のダメージ関数の検討

    井伊 亮太, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    環境情報科学論文集   23   291 - 296  2009年


  • 環境影響の視点から製品を評価する--ライフサイクル影響評価の手法と特徴 (特集 低炭素社会への取り組み(2)LCA/カーボンフットプリント特集)

    伊坪 徳宏

    日本包装学会誌   18 ( 6 ) 379 - 388  2009年


  • イベントにおけるCO2ダイエット


      -  2009年

  • LCA技術による環境影響評価について


      無  2009年

  • Development of country-specific social impact facter for sustainability assessment

    Longlong Tan, Norihiro Itsubo

      -  2009年

  • Development of Emission Intensity Databese for Event LCA

    Ken Horiguchi, Norihiro Itubo

      -  2009年

  • ライフサイクルの視点に立ったイベントの環境負荷評価


      無  2009年

  • ライフサイクル影響評価手法を利用した環境影響評価


      -  2009年

  • LCIAに基づく製品やサービスを対象とした生態系の影響評価手法


      無  2009年

  • 「イベントの環境評価」-ライフサイクルを指向したCO2の排出量算定-


      -  2009年

  • Biodiversity Damage Assessment in LIME2-Damage Assessmento Focusing on Extinction Spesies-

    Norihiro ITSUBO, Ryota II

      -  2009年

  • 地産地消を担う農作物直売所におけるCO2排出量の表示とその効果分析

    菊地克行, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   5 ( 4 ) 446 - 455  2009年

    DOI CiNii

  • Event LCA-Reduction of Emission Impacts through Environmental Communication among Stakeholders

    Norihiro Itsubo

      -  2009年

  • 大規模展示会を対象とした評価用データベースの構築と定量的環境評価への活用


      -  2009年

  • Damage Assessment Method on Ecosystem for Resource Management-Comparison between LCIA and TMR-

    Norihiro Itsubo

      -  2009年

  • LIMEを用いたICパッケージのライフサイクル影響評価とフルコスト評価

    小林充, 石坂和明, 伊坪徳宏

    日本信頼性学会誌   31 ( 6 ) 481 - 492  2009年


    ICパッケージのライフサイクル影響評価(LCIA:Life Cycle Impact Assessment),外部コストおよびフルコスト(FCA:Full Cost Assessment/Accounting)評価を実施した.外部コストは日本版被害算定型影響評価手法(LIME:Life-cycle Impact assessment Method based on Endpoint modeling)を用い,LCIAのカテゴリエンドポイントでの被害量で評価した.工場の組立工程での電気使用で排出されるCO_2による外部コストが,全ての外部コストの中で最も大きく影響していた.次に,ライフサイクルコスト(LCC:Life Cycle Cost)を外部コストに加算してフルコストを評価した.フルコストに占める外部コストの割合は約0.2%であることが確認された.本研究により,設計技術者はライフサイクルでの環境負荷低減とコスト縮減が同時に検討できるようになった.

    DOI CiNii

  • LCA実施におけるデータ作成方法と体制構築のポイント


      無  2009年

  • 環境影響の視点から製品を評価する―ライフサイクル影響評価の手法と特徴―


    日本包装学会   18 ( 6 ) 379 - 388  2009年

  • LCAにおける騒音環境評価-日本を対象とした道路交通騒音のダメージ関数の検討

    井伊克行, 伊坪徳宏, 稲葉敦

    環境情報科学論文集   別冊 ( 23 ) 291 - 296  2009年

    DOI CiNii

  • エコプロダクツの評価指標―LCAの活用とセラミックス―


    セラミックス   43 ( 10 ) 859 - 867  2008年10月


  • 乗用車を事例としたLCA結果の不確実性分析

    木下晶晴, 伊坪徳宏, 稲葉敦

    日本LCA学会誌   4 ( 3 ) 260 - 269  2008年07月

    DOI CiNii

  • 室内空気汚染による健康被害のライフサイクル影響評価手法の開発-室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究(その3)-

    成田菜採, 村上周三, 伊香賀俊治, 坂部貢, 伊坪徳宏

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   73 ( 627 ) 695 - 700  2008年05月


    There are so many chemical substances around us today. On the other hand, new houses are significantly air tight by standards of energy saving policy and it is very difficult to exchange between indoor air and fresh outdoor air. As a result, indoor air quality becomes worse, and health concerns have been an increasing social problem. The studies for these problems have been developed in the several fields, such as Building Environmental Engineering, Medical Science and in other areas so on. However, to solve this problem fundamentally, the comprehensive and quantitative assessments from the generation of chemical substances to onset of symptoms are needed. In this study, the health damages by indoor air pollutants are evaluated comprehensively following the environmental assessment tool, LIME(Life-cycle Impact assessment Method based on Endpoint modeling) developed by advanced Industrial Science and Technology. Theoretically it is very difficult to evaluate sick-building syndromes, because these symptoms are extremely variable from person, and there has been no research in the world in these areas. Therefore, the data offered by a special hospital for sick-building syndromes are used with medical specialists in this study. A new assessment tools for indoor air pollutants is developed for the first time.

    DOI CiNii

  • Life Cycle Assessment of Japanese High-Temperature Conductive Adhesives

    Anders S. G. Andrae, Norihiro Itsubo, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Atsushi Inaba

    Environ. Sci. Technol   42 ( 8 ) 3084 - 9  2008年04月  [査読有り]   [ 国際誌 ]


    The electrically conductive adhesives (ECA) are on the verge of a breakthrough as reliable interconnection materials for electronic components. As the ban of lead (Pb) in the electronics industry becomes a reality, the ECA&#039;s could be attractive overall alternatives to high melting point (HMP) Pb-based solder pastes. Environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) was used to estimate trade-offs between the energy use and the potential toxicity of two future types of ECA&#039;s and one HMP Pb-based. The probability is around 90% that the overall CO2 emissions from an ECA based on a tin-bismuth alloy are lower than for a silver-epoxy based ECA, whereas the probability is about 80% that the cumulative energy demand would be lower. It is more uncertain whether the tin-bismuth ECA would contribute to less CO2, or consume less energy, than a HMP Pb-based solder paste. Moreover, for the impact categories contributing to the life-cycle impact assessment method based on end point modeling (LIME) damage category of human health, the tin-bismuth ECA shows a 25 times lower score, and a silver-epoxy based ECA shows an 11 times lower score than the HMP Pb-based solder paste. In order to save resources and decrease CO2 emissions it is recommended to increase the collection and recycling of printed board assemblies using silver-epoxy based ECA. © 2008 American Chemical Society.

    DOI PubMed

  • 乗用車を事例としたLCA結果の不確実性分析

    本下 晶晴, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    日本LCA学会誌   4 ( 3 ) 260 - 269  2008年


    &lt;b&gt;Objective.&lt;/b&gt; Generally, the environmental impacts of products are assessed based on the deterministic data (ex. mean value) for inventory analysis and impact assessment in life cycle assessment. However, both inventory data and impact factors have some uncertainties. In this research, a case study for passenger car was conducted for clearly showing the importance of uncertainty analysis in LCA. &lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results and Discussion.&lt;/b&gt; Inventory data containing statistical data were referred to Ecoinvent (LCI database in Switzerland) and some part of the data were revised to reflect Japanese conditions based on the LCI data provided by Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI). &amp;ldquo;Life cycle Impact assessment Method based on Endpoint modeling (LIME)&amp;rdquo; was applied as an impact assessment method, and uncertainty data of impact factors were obtained based on Monte-Carlo simulation by using results of the investigation for statistical information of each parameter. In the comparison of gasoline-powered vehicle (GV, 2000 regulation) and diesel-powered vehicle (DV, 2002 regulation), the environmental impact of DV was higher in the assessment based on deterministic data. However, the results of uncertainty analysis quantitatively showed that the conclusion obtained from the deterministic analysis was not always supported, indicating that there are still 34% possibility for suggesting the opposite conclusion. Factors with high sensitivity on the uncertainty of impact assessment results have been clarified, and the revision of the factors (damage factors for urban air pollution) for reflecting more realistic conditions could have provided more reasonable results.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions.&lt;/b&gt; The uncertainty analysis in LCA will be helpful for assessing and improving the reliability of the results and support the decision making in product selection and policy planning with more confidential and high responsible information.


  • 産業連関分析法を利用した水資源データベースの作成と食材への応用

    浅見 悦正, 本下 晶晴, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 10 - 10  2008年




  • イベント実施に伴う環境対策の現状と環境評価の方向性

    比留間 雅人, 関口 憲義, 伊坪 徳宏, 橋本 賢, 真野 秀太

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 102 - 102  2008年




  • ゴルフトーナメントのCO2排出量の算出と排出量削減方法の検討

    山口 博司, 堀口 健, 湯 龍龍, 伊坪 徳宏, 比留間 雅人, 高橋 直哉, 畑口 千恵子

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 103 - 103  2008年




  • 学園祭の開催による温室効果ガス排出量の推計とそれに基づいたカーボンオフセットの実施

    堀口 健, 加藤 宏一朗, 近藤 裕壮, 中原 秀樹, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 104 - 104  2008年




  • 大型イベントを対象とした環境負荷評価と実施上の論点

    伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 105 - 105  2008年




  • 生活用水の不足に起因する感染症被害被害評価手法の開発

    本下 晶晴, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 114 - 114  2008年




  • アジアを対象とした酸性化の被害係数の開発

    濱 安武, Meiyun Lin, 伊坪 徳宏, 林 健太郎, 井伊 亮太

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 115 - 115  2008年




  • 多様なサービスを含むICTシステムの社会影響評価

    津田 昌幸, 高橋 和枝, 中村 雅之, 中村 二朗, 古田 春菜, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 124 - 124  2008年




  • デジタルレコーディングの環境負荷評価

    石井 秀暁, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 156 - 156  2008年


    近年音楽業界において、環境に対する関心が高まっている。Fuji rockやap-bank fesといった環境に配慮したことを行う音楽イベントにおいて環境に配慮した実施内容や動員数が増加しており、坂本隆一など環境活動に関心のあるアーティストも多く、アーティスト側の環境にも変化が起こっている。&lt;BR&gt;レコーディング方法もデジタル化などの技術が進み、音質向上だけでなく時間の短縮などを可能にした。これはプロのみならず、一般の方の音楽製作にも言えることである。&lt;BR&gt;このような背景から、近年発達しているレコーディングの評価を行い、アーティスト、発信側、裏方の方という業界全体におけるさらなる意識の高まりを狙いとしたい。&lt;BR&gt;研究方法としてプロで最も多い録音場所、スタジオでの実測を自分の楽曲により行い、作曲、録音、CD作成までの流れを対象とする。同時に近年、プロでも使用しているPC上のみでの録音の負荷も計測し、音楽形態による違いも考慮する。測定対象ソフトはACID Music Studioとした。


  • 難燃剤を対象とした電子機器の環境影響評価

    松本 恵理, 久保 利晃, 川原 伸一郎, 黒澤 貴子, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 158 - 158  2008年




  • オーガニックコットン製品のLCA

    大河内 一男, 山岡 俊文, 中村 幸子, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 159 - 159  2008年




  • HDIに基づく社会・経済的側面を考慮した環境効率評価

    下川 祐太, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 160 - 160  2008年




  • 化石燃料及び鉱物資源を対象とした産業連関LCIデータベースの開発

    北澤 茉弓, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 163 - 163  2008年




  • 産業連関法による化学物質のLCIデータベースの開発

    深津 真理子, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 164 - 164  2008年




  • 冷凍空調用冷媒のRRCにおける再生利用と破壊処理のLCA比較

    嶋村 光助, 馬場 範夫, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 17 - 17  2008年




  • 間伐材及びこれを利用した製品の環境負荷分析

    野々山 順一, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 173 - 173  2008年




  • 環境ラベルを題材とした環境教育の実践と効果

    仲澤 祐希, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 184 - 184  2008年




  • イベントを対象とした環境影響評価のための環境負荷原単位データベースの開発

    堀口 健, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 188 - 188  2008年




  • 印刷工業会による紙カップの環境影響評価

    有間 俊彦, 白土 猛康, 鈴木 一人, 長谷川 浩, 山島 隆志, 中川 善博, 石井 謙二, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 19 - 19  2008年




  • 塩ビ系壁紙のインベントリ分析の取組み状況

    山下 洋一, 井上 弘一, 中村 昇一, 二川原 淳志, 森 保, 中尾 亮, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 29 - 29  2008年




  • LCAを導入した環境教育プログラムの実践と教育効果

    山口 佳恵, 水野 達樹, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 30 - 30  2008年




  • ライフサイクル思考に基づく製品の社会影響評価手法の開発(その2)

    湯 龍龍, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 48 - 48  2008年




  • LCIA手法によるSCC(Social Cost of Carbon)の算定

    伊坪 徳宏, 井伊 亮太

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 51 - 51  2008年


    2007年発行されたSternレポートでは、CO2を排出抑制に世界GDPの1%の費用が発生するものの、それに見合う大きな環境影響削減効果が得られることを示した。この効果の算定には地球温暖化による外部費用が用いられる。地球温暖化の外部費用の算定は、TolやNordhausなどすでに様々な検討が行われてきた。これらの成果はIPCC第四次報告書ではSCC(Social Cost of Carbon)として紹介されている。近年LCIA手法の中でも、環境経済学との融合により、地球温暖化による外部費用の評価が行われるようになった。本発表では、LCIA手法の一つであるLIMEを利用してSCC(Social Cost of Carbon)を算定すると共に、その結果を他のSCC算定研究と比較検証する。さらに、今後SCCの精度向上に向けてLCIA手法に求められる課題について整理した。


  • エネルギーシステムモデルMARKALとLCAの融合による乗用車部門の将来分析

    名倉 卓, 遠藤 栄一, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 56 - 56  2008年




  • 外食産業におけるハンバーガーのLC-CO2評価

    小林 雄大, 中山 卓三, 河? 律宏, 岡本 邦義, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 69 - 69  2008年




  • 地産地消を担う農作物直売所におけるCO2排出量の表示とその効果分析

    菊地 克行, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 71 - 71  2008年




  • 中国における有害化学物質の被害係数開発手法の検討

    久保 利晃, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 ) 84 - 84  2008年




  • 健康・教育・経済を考慮した製品ライフサイクル社会影響評価手法の開発

    伊坪 徳宏

    食生活科学・文化及び環境に関する研究助成研究紀要   23   179 - 188  2008年


  • Potential Ability of Environmental Conscious Events for the Reduction of GHGs Emissions,-Sharing Environmental Information and Conducting Carbon Offset-

    Norihiro Itsubo,Longlong Tang, Ken Horiguchi

      -  2008年

  • Development of Social LCA Methodology for Industrial Products

    Longlong Tang, Norihiro Itsubo

      -  2008年

  • Individual Variability of Environmental Thoughts -Salculation of Statistic Values of Weighting Factors-

    Norihiro Itsuboo, Masaji Sakagami, Kouichi Kuriyama, Atsushi inada

      -  2008年

  • Development of LCCBA for Eco-design in the Electronics Industry

    Sang-Yong Lee, Norihiro Itsubo, Masaharu Motoshita, In-Tae Jeong, Hiroshi Yamaguchi

      -  2008年

  • Health Damage Assessment Modeling related to water scarcity

    Masaharu Motoshita, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inada

      -  2008年

  • LCIA研究の現状と今後の課題


      -  2008年

  • 環境影響評価手法LIMEにおける環境指標とその特徴


      -  2008年

  • Development of Environmental Input-Output LCI Database Including GHGs

    Ken Horiguchi, Norihiro Itsubo

      -  2008年

  • 環境影響評価手法LIME-特徴と利用動向-


      -  2008年

  • LIME2作業部会の目的と主な成果


      -  2008年

  • LIME2作業部会活動成果の総括


    日本LCAフォーラム   47 ( 無 ) 9 - 14  2008年

  • LIME2を用いた環境経営


      -  2008年

  • 「持続可能な発展」指標の将来推計方法に関するシミュレーション研究-genuine savingとWealthを対象として-

    時松宏治, 小杉隆信, 黒沢厚志, 伊坪徳宏, 八木田浩史, 坂上雅治

    環境科学会誌   20 ( 5 ) 327 - 345  2007年09月


    本論文は「持続可能な発展(SustainableDevelopment;SD)」指標の将来値の推計方法と,将来が「持続可能かどうか」の提示を試みようとする論文である。推計する指標は,世鉦が発行するWorldDevelopmentIndicator(WDI)で提示されているGenuineSaving(Sg,)とWealth(W)である。前者はフローの概念,後者はストックの概念に基づいている。こ¢指標の開発者であるD.W.Pearce,G.Atkinson,K.Hamiltonらロンドン大と世銀のグループらによると,これら2つの指標がともに正であることが「持続可能な発展」の必要条件である。理論的な定式化は最適経済成長理論に基づく世銀のHamiltonらの考え方を利用した。その上で,これら2つの指標の将来値の推計に必要なデータを,統合評価モデルから休生的に得られるシミュレーションデータに求めた。そのシミュレーションデータは,殿存の統合評価モデル(GRAPE)に日本版被害算定型ライフサイクル影響評価手法(LIME)を組み込んだGRAPE/LIMEモデルによる最適経済成長のシミュレーション結果を用いた、LIMEを用いた理由の1つは,LIMEは環境影響の経済評価にコンジョイント分析による支払い意思額を用いていることにある。Hamiltonらによる持続可能な発展指標の推計には支払い意思額と環境影響物質の排出量が必要となるが,GRAPE/LIMEモデルを開発することによりこれらがモデルで内生的に整合的に得ることが可能となる。また,環境影響被害を防ぐ支払い意思額は一種の外部コストと解釈可能であり,外部コストの内部イヒをGRAPE/LIMEモデルで行うことで,最適経済成長のシミュレーションを行うことが可能となった。 以上の方法により,2!00年までの世界10地域におけるsgおよびWの推計が可能となった。結果について議論をするのは今後の課題であるが,今回の推計方法によると,世界といわゆる先進国では21世紀にわたって「持続可能な発展」の必要条件を満たすが,いわゆる発展途上国においては21世紀後半になるまで,「持続可能な発展」の必要条件を満たさないことになった。 本研究の手法により,次の点で,従来の「持続可能な発展」指標の推計方法を,学術的にアドバンスすることが可能となった。1つ目は,従来では過去あるいは現在における推計だったものを,最適経済成長理論に基づいて,将来時点の推計を可能にしたことである。2つ目は,従来では推計に必要な各種データを整合的に収集して実証すること自体に難しさがあったが,本研究の方法では統合評価モデルにより内生的に得られるデータを利用して推計するため,整合性が高まったことである。3つ目は,異なる複数の指標から何らかの形で統合化する場合には,推計者の主観的判断により指標間のウェイトを決定せねばならないケースが多かったが,本研究ではその統合化に環境経済学の方法によるコンジョイント分析を用いたことである。 本研究は「弱い持続可能性」の立場に立って「持続可能な発展」指標の将来を推計する方法と結果を提示することには成功したものの,将来の「持続可能性」を評価し議論するという点では,今後多くの課題に取り組む必要がある。「持続可能な発展」の将来,Genuine Saving,Wealth,統合評価モデル,最適経済成長シミュレーション

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of the interregional I/O based LCA method considering region-specifics of indirect effects in regional evaluation

    Ilseuk Yi, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba, Kanji Matsumoto



    Background and Aims. Recently, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has been recognized as an effective tool for evaluating the environmental impacts of regional activities. The main issue, when applying LCA to region-based studies, is how best to consider and reflect the regional characteristics, as they need to be as close to reality as possible. Several Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) analysis and Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) studies have been undertaken to study site-specific considerations. However, due to practicalities, very few attempts have been made at identifying the regions affected by regional activities and consider their regional characteristics. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to suggest the direction of a forthcoming study by showing the necessity of regional characteristic consideration in regional evaluation, and to suggest a synthetic, region-based LCA method which can reflect the differences of regional characteristics for direct and indirect effects of regional activities.
    Methods. In this study, the Life Cycle Region-specific Assessment Method (LCRAM) was proposed as a new site-specific LCA method. As an example, we used LCRAM to observe the effects of 4 environmental burdens (CO2, NOx, SOx, and SPM) to human health (DALY) in 47 regions (prefectures in Japan). LCRAM consists of a regional database and an analysis method (EIOM). In order to reflect the regional characteristics, including structural (regional production and consumption, interregional trade, and the structure of energy consumption) and environmental features (geographical location, climate, natural conditions, and population density), we first constructed a regional database. This includes an Interregional Trade Matrix (ITM), Regional Environmental Burden Coefficients (REBC), and Regional Damage Factors (RDF). Second, for considering the regional characteristics by using the regional database to the each region, it is a necessary to identify the environmental burden emitting regions (Emitting Regions) of indirect effects due to regional activity. To do this, we developed the Expanded Interregional Input Output Method (EIOM) to take the place of the Multi-Regional Input Output method (Multi-Regional IO) by applying the Two-Regional IO method and the ITM. This is because it is difficult to apply Multi-Regional IO to many regions and industries owing to practical constraints.
    Results and Discussion. Upon comparison between the regional database, it was found to show considerable differences due to regional characteristics. It is possible to identify how much the difference of REBC influences the evaluation results by calculating the Deviation Effect Index with REBC and, thus, it was found that the effects from the iron and steel, and electric power industries were more than three times that of other industries. Also the size of RDF varies according to the property of the Environmental Burden (EB) and region; and the more site-specific EB, such as SPM in this study shows, the more distinct the difference.,Therefore, it seems reasonable to recommend that the proper regional database is applied to the Emitting Regions. Meanwhile, a comparison with a 9-region IO table (a Multi-Regional IO table made by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan) was performed to verify the reliability of EIOM. The results indicated a high consistency of over 95%, which verifies that EIOM can be used instead of a Multi-Regional IO method. Finally, as a comparison between LCRAM and Region-Generic Method (RGM) for nine activity regions, we confirmed that the results produced by RGM may be an underestimation or overestimation; as an example, the largest difference among the regions for DALY reached 48% of the RGM result.
    Conclusions and Outlook. In this study, it was clearly shown that the evaluation results will be different depending on the structure and environmental features of each region. It is necessary to reflect the proper regional characteristics to evaluate the actual regional activity. LCRAM is an efficient method to consider the regional characteristics for direct and indirect effects to regions, through all stages of the activities. Also, it is possible to apply a regional evaluation for more regions and more detail in the industry classification. Furthermore, it discusses the interdependence and transportation effects due to interaction between the regions. Thus, it may enable us to make an appropriate decision in region-based evaluations such as nourishment and inducement of industry, infrastructure, recycle system, etc. Finally, it is also expected that further discussion and continuous examination will contribute to enabling us to frame an actual and efficient policy based on the regional structural features and environmental features for a sustainable community.


  • Screening life cycle assessment of silver-based conductive adhesive vs. lead-based solder and plating materials

    Anders S. G. Andrae, Norihiro Itsubo, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Atsushi Inaba

    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS   48 ( 8 ) 2212 - 2218  2007年08月


    Conductive adhesives are getting growing attention in the electronics industry as they constitute an alternative to lead-free solders and conventional solders. The purpose of the present research is to compare the 10Sn90Pb solder paste to an epoxy based isotropically conductive adhesive (ICA) containing pure silver. The study is done from a life cycle perspective in Japan using input data from literature and the inventory results are evaluated using the Life cycle Impact assessment Method based on Endpoint modeling (LIME) methodology. The findings are that the silver containing adhesive, excluding platings, are superior to the I 10Sn90Pb, and that trade-offs exist between 10Sn90Pb and silver-epoxy ICA. For surface platings palladium dominates the results. Overall, the results are dominated by various lead emissions, the silver resource consumption, and the sulfur oxide emissions from palladium production. The most important research limitations are the representativity of the metal production data and end-of-life scenario. The value of the present study is that so far no LIME-based life cycle impact assessment case study comparing 10Sn90Pb solder paste and silver-epoxy ICA including platings has been reported.

    DOI CiNii

  • 40450 室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究(その7) : 室内化学物質によるシックハウス症候群のライフサイクルインパクト評価手法の開発(環境負荷・ストック評価,環境工学I)

    村上 周三, 坂部 貢, 成田 菜採, 伊香賀 俊治, 伊坪 徳宏

    学術講演梗概集. D-1, 環境工学I, 室内音響・音環境, 騒音・固体音, 環境振動, 光・色, 給排水・水環境, 都市設備・環境管理, 環境心理生理, 環境設計, 電磁環境   2007 ( 2007 ) 939 - 940  2007年07月


  • 鉱物資源と温室効果ガス排出に関する21世紀世界のシミュレーション

    時松 宏治, 小杉 隆信, 黒沢 厚志, 井伊 亮太, 伊坪 徳宏, 坂上 雅治, 八木田 浩史

    春季大会講演集. I, 資源編   19 ( 1 ) "企画 - 25"-"企画-26"  2007年03月


  • 鉱物資源と温室効果ガス排出に関する21世紀世界のシミュレーション

    時松 宏治, 小杉 隆信, 黒沢 厚志, 井伊 亮太, 伊坪 徳宏, 坂上 雅治, 八木田 浩史

    春季大会講演集. I, 資源編   19 ( 2 ) "企画 - 25"-"企画-26"  2007年03月


  • Conductive adhesives vs. solder paste: A comparative life cycle based screening

    Anders S. G. Andrae, Norihiro Itsubo, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Atsushi Inaba



    Electrically conductive adhesives (ECA) could soon constitute a realistic alternative to solders. The present reseaich compares 10Sn90Pb solder paste in Japan to an epoxy based and isotropical ECA containing pure silver. The findings are that the silver containing adhesive likely is environmentally more advantageous than 10Sn90Pb. Environmental trade-offs exist especially between the ecotoxicity of Sn1090Pb and the resource consumption of silver-epoxy ECA. Palladium is significant platings included. Overall, the next steps would be to use improved global LCI metal production models and also to compare the life cycle cost to the social cost.


  • 持続可能性評価手法の現状と今後の方向性

    伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 117 - 117  2007年




  • プロセスの代表性を考慮した紙カップLCIの不確実性分析

    菊池 惇恵, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 129 - 129  2007年




  • 地理的条件を考慮した上水のインベントリ分析と国内代表値の作成に向けた回帰分析

    田部井 博史, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 130 - 130  2007年




  • 植物工場を対象としたライフサイクルアセスメント

    山田 裕子, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 132 - 132  2007年




  • 有害化学物質による影響を考慮したバイオエタノールの環境影響評価

    高 爽, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 133 - 133  2007年




  • スポーツイベントを対象とした環境負荷分析

    住本 享寛, 比留間 雅人, 関口 憲義, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 140 - 140  2007年




  • ペットボトルのライフサイクルコスティング

    石井 伴幸, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 147 - 147  2007年




  • LCAを導入した環境教育の実践と教育効果の定量的分析

    中村 あゆみ, 水野 建樹, 津田 祥子, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 149 - 149  2007年




  • ライフサイクル思考に基づく製品の社会影響評価手法の開発

    湯 龍龍, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 151 - 151  2007年


    企業や製品レベルの社会影響評価に対応するため、既存の環境や経済評価手法であるLCAやLCCの枠組を社会的側面にも適用するSLCA(social life cycle assessment)の構築を行う。評価指標には、UNDPが開発した国際的にも汎用的に活用されているHDIなどの指標を用いる一方で、製品のインベントリからこれらの指標までを定量的に関連付ける手法論の開発を行う。LCAなどで用いられる基礎データを駆使し、製品の社会影響も簡便に評価できる。


  • HDIを利用した社会影響評価手法の開発

    後呂 考亮, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 152 - 152  2007年




  • 外部費用内部化による企業の環境パフォーマンス評価

    程 飛, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 153 - 153  2007年




  • 安全性と時間価値を考慮した昇降機の環境影響及び社会影響評価

    西田 篤史, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 154 - 154  2007年




  • ICTサービスのサステナブルデザインのための社会影響評価

    高橋 和枝, 津田 昌幸, 原 美永子, 根本 康恵, 中村 二朗, 西 史郎, 石井 秀暁, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 155 - 155  2007年


    ICTサービスは,環境・社会問題の解決に寄与することが期待されている.しかし,ICTサービスには正負両面の効果があり,その効果を公平に評価する指標が必要である.そこで ICTサービスの導入による環境・社会・経済面の影響を定量的に評価することができる「社会うるおい指標」を考案した.この指標を用いて各種のICTサービスを評価し,ICTサービスのサステナブルデザインへのフィードバック方法を検討したのでその結果を報告する.


  • エネルギーシステムモデルMARKALによる動的LCAを用いた乗用車部門の将来分析

    高橋 和子, 遠藤 栄一, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 23 - 23  2007年




  • LIMEにおける大気汚染物質の被害評価手法のアジアへの適用

    濱 安武, 井伊 亮太, 伊坪 徳宏, 時松 宏治

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 48 - 48  2007年




  • 水資源消費に伴う健康被害の評価手法開発

    本下 晶晴, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 49 - 49  2007年




  • 重金属を対象とした人間健康や生物多様性の被害係数の開発

    久保 利晃, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 51 - 51  2007年




  • 表計算ソフトベースのインパクト評価用プログラム-LIME計算シート-

    本下 晶晴, 井伊 亮太, 野上 浩典, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 52 - 52  2007年




  • 電子産業におけるナノテクノロジーへの変化の動学的・波及的なライフサイクル評価

    アンドリー アンダーズ, 伊坪 徳宏, 山口 博司

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 80 - 80  2007年


    ナノ電子マテリアルへの変化の今後2年間の評価研究計画を示す。ナノ構造の評価に関しLCAの立場からの環境および健康特性に関する評価が必要とされている。さらにミクロンスケールからナノスケールへの動的な変化を分析するためには波及的LCA評価手法が必要となると考えられる。このプロジェクトの目的は以下の3点である。1)動学的・波及的なライフサイクル環境影響評価手法の開発、2)LIMEのエンドポイント手法によるナノ粒子の被害係数:DALYおよびEINESの開発、3)D-RAMから M-RAMへのシフトおよび液晶ディスプレイ(LCD)から電界放出型ディスプレイ (FED)のシフトに関する事例研究の実施。


  • 表計算ソフトを利用した階層型ハイブリッド型LCA分析ツールの開発

    堀口 健, 井伊 亮太, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 89 - 89  2007年




  • ライフサイクルコスティングを主体とした洗濯機のLCCBA評価

    山口 博司, 佐藤 秀哉, 伊坪 徳宏, 李 相勇, 鄭 人太, 本下 晶晴, 稲葉 敦, 一戸 誠之, 山本 典明, 宮野 譲

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 91 - 91  2007年




  • ライフサイクル費用便益分析(LCCBA)による政策評価:ステークホルダ参加の観点から

    李 相勇, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 92 - 92  2007年


    The last few years, there has been an increasing interest in the integration of environmental aspects into the generic industrial policy. In this study, we proposed a framework for redesigning the cost-benefit analysis (CBA) which is broadly applied in the existing regulatory impact assessment by the concept of life-cycle thinking. We found that there are key elements to be considered in the perspective of stakeholder involvement and increased legitimacy of the policy-making.


  • 環境配慮設計を思考したノートパソコンの費用対便益分析

    胡 勝治, 本下 晶晴, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 93 - 93  2007年




  • LCDパネルにおけるライフサイクル費用便益分析(LCCBA)

    鄭 人太, 李 相勇, 伊坪 徳宏, 宋 鍾聖

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 94 - 94  2007年


    Life Cycle Thinking(LCT) is essential to pursuit sustainability and Life Cycle Management(LCM) by expanding the focus from the production site(end-of-life) to the whole product life cycle. The goals of LCT reduce the environmental burden to the environment as well as improve social performance in various stages of product&#039;s life cycle. To achieve this goals, Life Cycle Cost-Benefit Analysis(LCCBA) which are developed to measure the ecological and economic aspects of product and to integrate them into the existing product design and development process. LCA and LCC of 40 inches Liquid Crystal Display(LCD) panel was performed to identify the key environmental and economic weak points and then scenario analysis also carried to supporting decision making among alternative design options.


  • 製品ライフサイクルを思考した費用対効果および費用対便益分析手法の開発

    伊坪 徳宏, 本下 晶晴, 李 相勇, 山口 博司, 鄭 人太

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 95 - 95  2007年




  • RoHS対応電気電子機器構成部品の化学分析とLCCBA向け静脈プロセス入出力量算定支援ツールへの適用

    井伊 亮太, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 96 - 96  2007年


    本研究の目的は、電気電子機器のLCCBA(Life-Cycle Cost Benefit Analysis)の実施を支援するため、廃棄過程での環境負荷量等を推計するツールを構築することである。前回発表では、重金属類の含有量に基づき焼却処理及び埋立処分からの排出量を推計するモデルの検討結果を報告した。 現在、多くのセットメーカーにおいて製品や部品中の化学物質含有量情報が整備されつつあり、LCAへの利用可能性が高まっていると思われる。しかし、現時点では、公表されている部品データから基板等の組立品ベルで含有量を推計することは容易ではなく、また、WEEE中の含有量を直接分析した研究はRoHS指令対応以前の製品を対象とした事例が多い。 本発表では、RoHS指令に対応した電気電子機器の構成部品の化学分析を行った結果の本ツールへの適用について示すとともに、ツールの開発状況を報告する。


  • 印刷工業会における紙製容器包装LCIデータの作成

    有間 俊彦, 白土 猛康, 鈴木 一人, 長谷川 浩, 山島 隆志, 中川 善博, 石井 謙二, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2007 ( 0 ) 99 - 99  2007年




  • 《講座》ライフサイクルアセスメントその2 環境影響の評価手法と実施動向


    木工機械   204 ( - ) 17 - 24  2007年

  • Trend of Eco-Efficiency Indicator for Company Applying a Method of Life Cycle Impact Assessment


      -  2007年

  • 紙の消費量削減に伴う環境影響低減評価(2)


      -  2007年

  • Methodological issues on linking integrated assessment with life cycle impact assessment

    Atsushi Kurosawa, Norihiro Itsubo, Koji Tokimatsu, Takanobu Kosugi, Hiroshi Yagita, Masaji Sakagami, Ryouta Ii

      -  2007年

  • ライフサイクルの観点に基づく費用対便益分析手法の開発と技術的課題


      -  2007年

  • Assessing the reduction of environmental impact by introducing the environmental regulations based on the integrated product policy(IPP)

    Sang-Yong Lee, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inada

      -  2007年

  • LIME2 -Development of the Updated Japanese Damage Oriented LCIA Methodology

    Norihiro ITSUBO, Atsushi INABA

      -  2007年

  • 不確実性分析に基づく被害評価・統合化係数の開発


      -  2007年

  • Lifecycle Management Methodology using Lifecycle Cost Benfit Analysis for Washing Machines

    Hiroshi YAMAGUCHI, Norihiro ITSUBO, Sang-Yong LEE, Masaharu MOTOSHITA, Atsushi INABA, Masayuki ICHINOHE, Noriaki YAMAMOTO, Yuzuru MIYANO

      -  2007年

  • ライフサイクルインベントリ(LCI)分析


      -  2007年

  • ライフサイクルアセスメント-特徴とその意義-


      -  2007年

  • モノの履歴書における定量的分析方法


      -  2007年

  • LCAにおける化学物質の評価


      -  2007年

  • Green Product Development Using Life Cycle Impact Assessment

    Norihiro ITSUBO

      -  2007年

  • 紙の消費量削減に伴う環境影響低減効果の評価(1)


      -  2007年

  • LIME2における環境影響統合化手法


      -  2007年

  • 室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究(その7)室内化学物質によるシックハウス症候群のライフサイクルインパクト評価手法の開発

    成田菜採, 村上周三, 伊香賀俊治, 坂部貢, 伊坪徳宏

      日本建築学会学術講演梗概集D-1 環境工学 Vol.2007   939 - 940  2007年

  • LIMEの特徴と研究開発の現状


    日本LCA学会誌   Vol.3 ( No.1 ) 39 - 44  2007年

  • 環境影響の経済評価手法と統合化手法への展開


    日本LCA学会誌   Vol.3 ( No.1 ) 80 - 86  2007年

  • 環境影響評価手法LIMEにおける評価指標とその意味


      -  2007年

  • 特集「インパクトアセスメント」


    日本LCA学会誌   3 ( 1 ) 2 - 2  2007年

  • ペレットストーブのライフサイクル環境影響評価

    石坂和明, 村上克己, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   3 ( 1 ) 45 - 51  2007年


    In order to evaluate the environmental impact of Pellet stove, we executed life cycle impact assessment using LIME. Items of environmental impact assessment were 4 safeguard subjects of Human health, Social asset, Primary production and Biodiversity, and Weighting of 4 safeguard subjects. A comparison product took up Oil fan heater. As a result of the analysis, the characteristic of environmental impact of Pellet stove was clarified. In the comparison with Oil fan heater, there was relation of trade-off by item of safeguard subject. In the evaluation by weighting, the environmental impact of Pellet stove was smaller than that of Oil fan heater. Environmental domination of Pellet stove was verified.

    DOI CiNii

  • ライフサイクルインパクト分析評価手法(LCIA)の現状

    伊坪徳宏, 山本良一

      573  2007年

  • LCA研究の最近の動向


      -  2007年

  • Global environmental impact assessment of the Pb-free shift

    Anders S. G. Andrae, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

    SOLDERING & SURFACE MOUNT TECHNOLOGY   19 ( 2 ) 18 - 28  2007年


    Purpose - Using two different conceptual approaches to environmental life-cycle assessment, attributional and consequential, the purpose was to test the hypothesis that a typical lead free solder paste Sn95.5Ag3.8CuO.7 is worse than Sn63Pb37 as far as global environmental impacts are concerned.
    Design/methodology/approach - Single index weighting indices within the impact methodology Life cycle Impact Assessment Method based on Endpoint Modelling (LIME) impact methodology, were applied to the flows of three life cycle inventory models and their globally related flows. The LIME results based on three environmental impact categories, i.e. resource consumption, global warming and ozonelayer depletion are presented and discussed.
    Findings - The attributional LCA (ALCA) results point towards a larger impact for Sn95.5Ag3.8Cu0.7 than Sn63Pb37 mostly due to the higher Sn and Ag content. This study confirms earlier similar ALCAs. The system expansion for the Consequential LCA (CLCA) did not change this conclusion.
    Research limitations/implications - The present study has not included the affected microelectronics packaging parts of electronic products, nor has it included toxic effects as they are local. ALCA was considered to be equal to CLCA for Sn95.5Ag3.8Cu0.7, where no Ag nor Sn recycling was included.
    Originality/value - For the first time a global environmental impact assessment of the shift to Pb-free solder paste using the LIME weighting method applied to a CLCA is reported. Environmental life-cycle investigations intended to support decisions of an ecological nature in the microelectronics packaging industry should benefit from the consequential approach.


  • Development of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Methods for Indoor Air Pollution

    Natsumi Narita, Shuzo Murakami, Toshiharu Ikaga, Kou Sakabe, Norihiro Itsubo

    HB 2006 - Healthy Buildings: Creating a Healthy Indoor Environment for People, Proceedings   -   165 - 170  2006年12月


    The health damage caused by indoor air pollution has become serious nowadays, and studies of solutions are improving in medical and building science respectively. However, to solve this problem fundamentally, comprehensive and quantitative assessments, from generation of pollutants to start of symptoms, are needed. In this study, damage-function of indoor air pollution is calculated with Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY).It becomes possible to quantitatively assess the health damages from indoor air pollution, and a number of environmental issues can also be assessed at the same time.

  • 鉛フリーはんだの環境影響の統合評価

    伊坪 徳宏

    高圧ガス   43 ( 10 ) 854 - 857  2006年10月


  • マテリアルフローコスト会計とLIMEの統合可能性

    國部克彦, 伊坪徳宏, 中嶌道靖

    國民經濟雑誌   194 ( 3 ) 1 - 11  2006年09月


  • 40436 室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究 (その5) : 室内空気汚染のダメージ関数を用いた日本人全体の健康被害量の推計(環境負荷, 環境工学I)

    成田 菜採, 村上 周三, 伊香賀 俊治, 坂部 貢, 伊坪 徳宏

    学術講演梗概集. D-1, 環境工学I, 室内音響・音環境, 騒音・固体音, 環境振動, 光・色, 給排水・水環境, 都市設備・環境管理, 環境心理生理, 環境設計, 電磁環境   ( 2006 ) 899 - 900  2006年07月


  • Expanded damage function of stratospheric ozone depletion to cover major endpoints regarding life cycle impact assessment

    K Hayashi, A Nakagawa, N Itsubo, A Inaba



    Background. Stratospheric ozone depletion is one of the important environmental issues for LCIA. The National LCA Project of Japan has developed a framework of LCIA since 1998, which tackles the issue employing an endpoint approach. Although the basic components were available in 2000, it was required that the target endpoints should be expanded in particular. Objective. This study aimed at expanding the scope of damage function of ozone depletion in the LCIA framework of LIME. Damage function gives potential and quantitative damage for each endpoint per unit emission of ODS.
    Methods. Marginal damage due to the unit emission of ODS was calculated for 13 substances for which quantitative information was available as follows: (1) the increase of UVB radiation at the earth's surface per unit emission of ODS was estimated, (2) the increase of potential damage per unit increase of UVB radiation was estimated, (3) the increase of potential damage per unit emission of ODS was determined by connecting the two relationships, and (4) correcting by the atmospheric lifetime of ODS, so that the damage function was then obtained. For other ODSs regulated by the Montreal Protocol, their damage functions were estimated by multiplying the ratio of ODP compared to the corresponding reference substance by the damage function of this reference substance.
    Results and Discussion. The damage function of ozone depletion included the following endpoints: skin cancer and cataract for human health, crop production and timber production for social assets, and terrestrial NPP and aquatic NPP for primary productivity. And damage factors for each safeguard subject were also obtained.
    Conclusion. The damage function of ozone depletion could cover all ODSs regulated by the Montreal Protocol and also cover important endpoints. Uncertainty of damage function is also an important point to be elucidated. Preliminary studies of uncertainty analysis have begun for the damage function of ozone depletion. However, further analysis is required to comprehensively evaluate the uncertainty of the damage function.


  • 鉛フリーはんだのライフサイクル環境影響評価

    岡本正英, 伊坪徳宏

    環境情報科学   34 ( 4 ) 30 - 37  2006年02月


  • 4045 室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究(その4) : 室内空気汚染物質のダメージ関数算出と室内・屋外環境における日本全国の被害量の比較(環境工学)

    成田 菜採, 村上 周三, 伊香賀 俊治, 坂部 貢, 伊坪 徳宏

    研究報告集 I, 材料・施工・構造・防火・環境工学   ( 76 ) 537 - 540  2006年02月


  • ライフサイクル影響評価と統合評価モデルを融合したシュミレーション分析

    時松宏治, 伊坪徳宏, 黒沢厚志

    環境学会誌   19 ( 1 ) 25 - 36  2006年01月

    DOI CiNii

  • F-71 室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究(その6) : 住宅施工段階におけるホルムアルデヒドとトルエンのダメージ関数

    成田 菜採, 村上 周三, 伊香賀 俊治, 坂部 貢, 伊坪 徳宏

    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集   2006 ( 0 ) 2097 - 2100  2006年


    The health damage caused by indoor air pollution has become serious nowadays, to solve this problem fundamentally, comprehensive and quantitative assessments, from generation of pollutants to start of symptoms, are needed. In this study, new assessment tools to assess health damage by indoor air pollution quantitatively have been developed before. However it is also important to consider health damage by indoor air pollution in workplace, especially construction site, because much indoor air pollutants are emitted and construction workforces stay for long time there. In this report, a new assessment tool for health damage by occupational indoor air pollutants exposure is calculated.


  • ライフサイクル影響評価と統合評価モデルを融合したシミュレーション分析

    時松 宏治, 伊坪 徳宏, 黒沢 厚志, 小杉 隆信, 八木田 浩史, 坂上 雅治

    環境科学会誌   19 ( 1 ) 25 - 36  2006年


    本研究は地球環境問題のなかでも主要なものとされる,地球温暖化,酸性化および土地利用・土地利用変化による外部不経済(外部コスト)を内部化し,2100年までの世界全体の最適経済成長のシミュレーションを試みようとするものである。地球温暖化による外部コストをトップダウン的に表現して内部化した研究例は存在するが,本研究では,ライフサイクル影響評価に基づくボトムアップ的に求められた,地球温暖化に限らない地球環境の外部コストを内部化することで,経済成長との統合評価を試みた。 日本版被害算定型ライフサイクル影響評価(LIME: Life cycle Impact assessment Method based on Endpoint modeling)では,現在の日本における環境影響による被害を防ぐための限界支払い意思額(MWTP: Marginal Willingness To Pay)を推計することで,例えば円/kg・CO&lt;SUB&gt;2&lt;/SUB&gt;の単位を有する経済評価係数を提示している。この係数には,第一次接近としての環境の外部コスト,あるいは何らかの環境保全施策を行わない状態における環境被害の社会的費用が含まれるものと解釈できる。本研究ではこの経済評価係数を元に,世界および将来時点の経済評価係数を推計した。その上で,マクロ経済エネルギーシステムと土地利用,および温室効果ガス排出と気候変動のリンケージを扱う統合評価モデル(GRAPE: Global Relationship Assessment to Protect Environment)から内生的に求められる,温室効果ガスとSO&lt;SUB&gt;x&lt;/SUB&gt;の排出量および土地利用・土地利用変化の面積に対し,経済評価係数を乗じた値をGDP(Gross Domestic Product)から控除することにより,外部コストを内部化した最適経済成長のシミュレーションを行った。 シミュレーションの結果,現在から今世紀末に至るまで,世界全体では外部コスト全体のうち温室効果ガス排出に伴う地球温暖化が約10%~40%を占め,残りのほぼ全てが土地利用・土地利用変化に伴う生物多様性の減少と潜在一次生産量の利用に起因する外部コストになるという計算結果が得られた。これにより,土地利用・土地利用変化も,外部コストの観点から地球温暖化と同程度に重要な地球環境問題となることが示唆された。また,外部コストを内部化することにより,内部化しない場合と比較してGWP(Gross World Product)は数%減少するが,土地利用やエネルギーシステムにおける一種の適応行動により,長期的には森林保全や化石燃料資源の節約につながることが示唆された。


  • LIME2の開発:意思決定支援のための環境影響評価手法

    伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 101 - 101  2006年


    LCA第二期プロジェクト(2003-2006)では、第一期プロジェクトから得たデータベースの利便性や精度を向上し、より汎用的に活用できるインフラを構築することを目的とした検討が行われた。インパクト評価研究会では、第一期に開発したLIME(Life cycle Impact assessment Method based on Endpoint modeling)の信頼性、代表性、網羅性を向上したLIME2の開発研究を行った。ここでは、以下の事項についての検討を中心に行った。1.被害係数および統合化係数の不確実性分析と統計値の導出2.全国無作為抽出による汎用性と代表性の高い統合化係数の算出3.騒音、室内空気質汚染を対象とした被害係数の算出本発表では、LIME2の主な特徴について事例研究の結果とあわせて示す。


  • LIME2における資源採取によるダメージ関数の不確実性分析

    井伊 亮太, 山口 和子, 岡田 愛, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 102 - 102  2006年




  • 環境影響評価の世界拡張および動学化 (その2):外部費用内部化による環境と経済への波及効果の予備的検討

    伊坪 徳宏, 黒澤 厚志, 時松 宏治, 小杉 隆信, 坂上 雅治, 八木田 浩史

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 103 - 103  2006年




  • 電気電子機器LCCBAのための静脈プロセスにおける重金属類排出量算定方法の検討

    井伊 亮太, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 109 - 109  2006年


    電気電子機器業界では、それぞれ企業が自社製品の環境負荷の評価を行っている。しかし、特に廃棄過程における化学物質の排出についてはほとんど推計されていない。その一方で、多くのセットメーカーにおいて製品や部品中の化学物質の含有量データが整備されつつある。&lt;BR&gt; 本研究の目的は、電気電子機器のLCCBA(Life-Cycle Cost Benefit Analysis)の実施を支援するために、含有量に基づき廃棄過程からの環境負荷量を推計する実用的なモデルを提案することである。本発表では、廃棄物の焼却処理及び埋立処分からの重金属類の排出について報告する。本モデルは、含有量から各環境媒体への「移行率」を一定とする線形モデルである。移行率の設定には処理過程における汚染物質除去率が含まれている。モデルの各パラメータは、日本の廃棄物分野の研究等で報告されている資料(現場データ、実験データ、設計値)に基づき推計し、その結果を他事例と比較して妥当性を検討した。本モデルは製品の廃棄シナリオと組み合わせて用いられることを想定している。


  • Managing Reliability in Life-Cycle Cost-Benefit Analysis (LCCBA) for Electrical and Electronics Equipments

    Lee Sang-Yong, 伊坪 徳宏, 山口 博司, 本下 晶晴, 宮野 譲, 並河 治, 山本 典明, 稲葉 敦

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 110 - 110  2006年


    There have been many studies which have prioritized the options for environmental improvement of a specific product, such as the restriction of chemical substances. These studies are mainly based on the concept of life-cycle thinking. Recently, the &quot;Life-cycle Impact assessment Method based on End-point modeling (LIME)&quot; has been broadly used as a method for assessing the environmental impacts of a product. In this context, we proposed an integrated analytical tool which incorporates LIME into CBA (so called, Life-Cycle Cost-Benefit Analysis (LCCBA)) in order to evaluate the performance of environmental improvement options. The objectives of this study were to review the handling of variability and uncertainty in the LCCBA, and develop a practical method for managing the reliability of the LCCBA.


  • 洗濯機を対象としたライフサイクル費用対便益分析:電気電子製品ライフサイクル費用対便益分析手法の開発

    山口 博司, 伊坪 徳宏, 李 相勇, 本下 晶晴, 稲葉 敦, 並河 治, 山本 典明, 宮野 譲

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 111 - 111  2006年




  • LCA的思考を導入 した環境教育の実践

    郷 なおこ, 水野 建樹, 津田 祥子, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 116 - 116  2006年


    産業界で利用される事が多かったLCAの特徴である評価結果の定量的情報開示は、環境教育においても高い効果があるものと期待される。ここでは中学生を対象とした LCA環境教育プログラムを開発し、授業に活用する事でLCAを教材に活用する可能性について考察した。授業では製品の生産フローに沿って実際に自分で作成し、またLCAに基づく環境情報を開示する事で、生産工程と環境負荷の関係について理解させる事に配慮した。


  • 環境家計簿の開発

    山田 妃佐子, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 118 - 118  2006年




  • エコロジカルキャンパスを対象とした環境負荷分析

    菊地 純一, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 124 - 124  2006年




  • 国産間伐材の環境影響の潜在性評価

    鈴木 信吾, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 126 - 126  2006年




  • 赤外線センサーを導入した照明設備の環境影響の評価

    藤波 岳史, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 129 - 129  2006年




  • シックハウス症候群の影響を考慮したVOC吸着壁材の健康影響評価

    金子 友梨恵, 伊坪 徳宏, 渡邊 修

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 131 - 131  2006年


    近年、建材・壁紙から発生する揮発性有機化合物(VOC)による健康被害が社会問題化し、これを低減する建材の開発が重要となっている。本研究では、VOCを吸着する内装壁材と従来壁材を対象に、1.原料採掘から廃棄段階までに及ぼす環境負荷、2.施工後の室内環境における人体への健康影響、3.空調設備の省エネルギー効果 の環境影響を算出し、総合的に両者を比較する。


  • デジタル対応機への移行に伴うテレビの環境影響の変化

    北村 祐介, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 136 - 136  2006年




  • 携帯電話の廃棄・リサイクル段階を含むLCA分析

    竹嶋 厚美, 山口 博司, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 138 - 138  2006年




  • 携帯電話用リチウムイオン電池のLCA分析

    中村 亮, 伊坪 徳宏, 大内 昂輔, 湯 龍龍

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 140 - 140  2006年




  • 家電リサイクル法導入による環境影響削減効果

    鶴田 祥一郎, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 142 - 142  2006年




  • 下水道システムを対象としたLCAの地理的代表性

    大内 昂輔, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 148 - 148  2006年




  • 室内空気汚染の被害係数に関する研究

    成田 菜採, 村上 周三, 伊香賀 俊治, 坂部 貢, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 17 - 17  2006年




  • 被害算定型影響評価における健康被害に伴う経済的損失の評価と検証

    本下 晶晴, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 19 - 19  2006年




  • 化学物質規制に対応した製品ライフサイクル費用対便益分析手法の開発

    伊坪 徳宏, 本下 晶晴, 山口 博司, 李 相勇, 稲葉 敦

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 20 - 20  2006年




  • 食品循環資源の再生利用による環境影響削減効果

    湯 龍龍, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 29 - 29  2006年




  • ペレットストーブのライフサイクル環境影響評価

    石坂 和明, 村山 克己, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2006 ( 0 ) 82 - 82  2006年




  • 信州型ペレットストーブのLIME評価

    石坂 和明, 村山 克己, 伊坪 徳宏

    長野県工業技術総合センター研究報告   ( 1 ) M47 - 51  2006年


  • 環境影響の地域性を考慮した地域LCA手法の開発 (特集 産業連関表の応用)

    李 一石, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    日本LCA学会誌   2 ( 1 ) 42 - 47  2006年01月


  • LCIAの応用手法-環境効率、CBA-


      -  2006年

  • インパクト評価研究会成果報告


      -  2006年

  • JEMAIにおけるLIMEの活用


      -  2006年

  • LIMEによる環境影響の統合評価


      -  2006年

  • Development of LIME2-Updated Comprehensive Japanese LCIA Methodologr-

    Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -   165 - 166  2006年

  • Uncertainty Analysis of Ecosystem Damage Function Caused by Lnad Use

    Kazuko Yamaguchi, Ai Okada, Ryota Ii, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -   539 - 542  2006年

  • Managing Reliability in Life-Cycle Cost Benefit Analysis (LCCBA) for Energy-using Products

    Sang-Yong Lee, Norihiro Itsubo, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Masaharu Motoshita, Yuzuru Miyano, Noriaki Yamamoto, Atsushi Inada

      -   407 - 408  2006年

  • Development of LCCBA(Life Cycle Cost Benefit Analysis) for Electrical and Electronic Products

    Norihiro Istubo, Masaharu Motoshita, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Sang-Yong Lee, Atsushi Inada

      -   591  2006年

  • Uncertainty Analysis of Ecosystem Damage Function caused by Resource Extraction

    Ryota Ii, Kazuko Yamaguchi, Ai Okada, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inada

      -   543 - 546  2006年

  • Life Cycle Cost Benefit Analysis(LCCBA) for Washing Machine-Development of Methodology on Life Cycle Cost Benefit Analysis for Electrical and Electric Products-

    Hisoshi Yamaguchi, Norihiro Itsubo, Sang-Yong Lee, Masaharu Motoshita, Atsushi Inaba, Noriaki Yamamoto, Yuzuru Miyano

      D3-3   409 - 412  2006年

  • Development of Damage Functions on Human Health caused by Heavy Metals in LIME

    Toshiaki KUBO, Norihiro ITSUBO

      B2-5   173 - 174  2006年

  • 製品のライフサイクルを指向した電気電子機器の費用対便益分析手法の開発


      -  2006年

  • 《講座》ライフサイクルアセスメントその1:LCAの概要と環境負荷の算定方法


    木工機械   203 ( - ) 13 - 18  2006年

  • 室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究(その5)-室内空気汚染のダメージ関数を用いた日本人全体の健康被害量の推計-

    成田菜採, 村上周三, 伊香賀俊治, 板部貢, 伊坪徳宏

    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集   2006 ( 1 ) 899 - 900  2006年

  • 製品・サービスが及ぼす環境影響について評価する~ライフサイクル環境影響評価手法の現状と課題~


    武蔵工業大学環境情報学部紀要   無 ( 7 ) 45 - 54  2006年

  • ライフサイクルアセスメントの特徴と動向


      -  2006年

  • Global Sustainable Development Indices for the Future:A Simulation Study Linked IAM with LCIA

    Takanobu Kosugi, Koji Tokimatsu, Atsushi Kurosawa, Norihiro Itsubo, Ryouta Ii, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Masaji Sakagami

      -   31 - 34  2006年

  • Applicability and Accuracy Improvement for Life-Cycle Assessment in Microelectroncs Packaging

    Ander S.G. Andrae, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -   281 - 284  2006年

  • ICパッケージのライフサイクルコスティング

    小林充, 石坂和明, 伊坪徳宏

    日本LCA学会誌   2 ( 1 ) 85 - 90  2006年01月


  • Uncertainty Analysis of Damege Assessmentof Acidification

    Yasutake Hama, Ryota Ii, Norihiro Istubo, Kentaro Hayashi, Atsushi Inaba

      -   179 - 182  2006年

  • 環境影響評価手法LIME-方法論の概要と現状-


      -  2006年

  • 環境影響の地域性を考慮した地域LCA手法の開発

    李一石, 伊坪徳宏, 稲葉敦

    日本LCA学会誌   2 ( 1 ) 42 - 47  2006年


    Recently, LCA has been getting attention as a method for the evaluation of regional activities, and several studies have been done to consider regional characteristics in evaluation of regional activities. However, most previous studies only considered the energy use and transportation distance in the operation step of a regional activity. There hasn&#039;t been any studies that tried to specify the exhaust regions of environmental burdens for direct and indirect effects, and consider the site-specific condition of them. Specifically, we noted to what degree the result of regional evaluation is affected by site-specific consideration for the indirect effect regions because the indirect effects differs from region to region. Therefore, in this study, we verified the necessity for site-specific consideration of exhaust regions of environmental burdens and proposed a new applicative approach that can consider site-specific condition efficiently for indirect effects.


  • Damage Function of Road Transport Noise and its Uncertainty Analysis

    Ai Okada, Ryota Ii, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -   535 - 538  2006年

  • 環境影響評価手法 LIME-方法論の概要と現状-


      -  2006年

  • A Study on Environmental Impact and Integrated Evaluation Method for Automobiles

    Atsushi Funazaki, Norihiro Itsubo, Masaharu Motoshita, Kiyotaka Tahara, Astushi Inaba

      -   301 - 304  2006年

  • Uncertainty analysis of LCA results as a case study for automobiles

    Masaharu Motoshita, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -   405 - 406  2006年

  • 鉛フリーはんだの環境影響の総合評価


    高圧ガス   43 ( 10 ) 854 - 857  2006年

  • Life Cycle Impact assessment


      -  2006年

  • 静脈シナリオに基づく接合材料の環境影響評価

    伊坪徳宏, 李一石, 稲葉敦

    環境情報論文集   別冊 ( 19 ) 539 - 544  2006年


  • Evaluating Future Sustainability:flow and stock of the earth's capital assets

    Takanobu Kosugi, Koji Tokimatu, Atsushi Kurosawa, Norihiro Itsubo, Hiroshi Yagita, Masayuki Sakagami

      -  2006年

  • Damage factor develompment for indoor air quality

    Natsumi Narita, Shuzo Murakami, Toshiharu Ikaga, Kou Sakabe, Norihiro Itsubo

      -   175 - 179  2006年

  • Study on Calculation Model of Environmental Emissinons of Heavy Metals from WEEE for LCCBA

    Ryouta Ii, Norihiro Itsubo

      C2-4   285 - 288  2006年

  • 静脈シナリオに基づく接合材料の環境影響評価

    伊坪 徳宏, 李 一石, 稲葉 敦

    環境情報科学. 別冊, 環境情報科学論文集 = Environmental information science. Extra, Papers on environmental information science   ( 19 ) 539 - 544  2005年11月


  • 地域LCA手法の開発に向けてのアプローチ-地域特性を考慮した間接効果の検討-

    李一石, 伊坪徳宏, 稲葉敦

    環境情報科学論文集   別冊 ( 19 ) 479 - 484  2005年11月

    DOI CiNii

  • 経済的波及効果を考慮した廃プラスチック処理技術のフルコスト評価

    本下晶晴, 伊坪徳宏, 稲葉敦

    環境情報科学論文集   別冊 ( 19 ) 533 - 538  2005年11月

    DOI CiNii

  • 環境影響の尺度を開発する : 企業の環境経営の支援に向けたLCAの特徴と利用動向

    伊坪 徳宏

    応用科学学会誌 = Journal of the Japanese Society of Applied Science   19 ( 2 ) 5 - 10  2005年11月


  • ライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA)(III-3) : ライフサイクル環境影響評価手法LIMEの概要と研究開発の現状

    伊坪 徳宏, 本下 晶晴

    日本エネルギー学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   84 ( 10 ) 872 - 878  2005年10月


  • ライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA)(III-2)環境影響の統合化指標を得る : LCAにおける統合化手法の特徴

    伊坪 徳宏, 本下 晶晴

    日本エネルギー学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   84 ( 9 ) 780 - 785  2005年09月


  • 40489 室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究 (その1) : 人間健康被害のライフサイクルインパクト評価手法の開発(住環境設計の方向性,環境工学I)

    成田 菜採, 村上 周三, 伊香賀 俊治, 坂部 貢, 伊坪 徳宏, 水石 仁

    学術講演梗概集. D-1, 環境工学I, 室内音響・音環境, 騒音・固体音, 環境振動, 光・色, 給排水・水環境, 都市設備・環境管理, 環境心理生理, 環境設計, 電磁環境   2005 ( 2005 ) 999 - 1000  2005年07月


  • 40490 室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究 (その2) : 室内化学物質による人間健康被害のダメージ関数DFの算定(住環境設計の方向性,環境工学I)

    津田 公平, 成田 菜採, 村上 周三, 伊香賀 俊治, 坂部 貢, 伊坪 徳宏, 水石 仁

    学術講演梗概集. D-1, 環境工学I, 室内音響・音環境, 騒音・固体音, 環境振動, 光・色, 給排水・水環境, 都市設備・環境管理, 環境心理生理, 環境設計, 電磁環境   2005 ( 2005 ) 1001 - 1002  2005年07月


  • ライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA)(III-1) : ライフサイクル影響評価(LCIA)の概要

    本下 晶晴, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本エネルギー学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   84 ( 7 ) 549 - 553  2005年07月


  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) (III-1): A review of Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA)

    Au M. Motoshita, N. Itsubo

    Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   84  2005年07月

  • 環境マネジメント構築のための環境影響評価手法:LIME


    環境管理   41 ( 5 ) 502 - 511  2005年05月


  • 4010 室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究 : 有害化学物質の曝露による人間健康へのダメージ関数(DALY)の算定(環境工学)

    成田 菜採, 村上 周二, 伊香賀 俊治, 坂部 貢, 伊坪 徳宏, 水石 仁

    研究報告集 I, 材料・施工・構造・防火・環境工学   ( 75 ) 557 - 560  2005年02月


  • 4011 室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究 : 換気回数が人間健康へのダメージ(DALY)と内部・外部費用に及ぼす影響(環境工学)

    成田 菜採, 村上 周二, 伊香賀 俊治, 坂部 貢, 伊坪 徳宏, 水石 仁

    研究報告集 I, 材料・施工・構造・防火・環境工学   ( 75 ) 561 - 564  2005年02月


  • ライフサイクル環境影響評価手法LIME-LCA, 環境会計


    環境効率のための評価手法 データベース    2005年


  • The Sixth International Conference on Ecobalances: Development and systematizing of ecobalance tools based on life-cycle-thinking - October 25-27, 2004, Tsukuba, Japan

    Yasunari Matsuno, Norihiro Itsubo, Shigeyuki Miyamoto, Toshiharu Ikaga, Hiroki Hondo, Atsushi Inaba

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   10 ( 2 ) 159 - 162  2005年


  • Overall technological results of IMS-EFSOT Japanese project - Environmental impact of lead-free soldering

    Masahide Okamoto, Koji Serizawa, Hiroshi Satoh, Momoko Chiba, Takejiro Takamatsu, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

    Fourth International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, Proceedings   2005   554 - 558  2005年


    As for lead-free solder, we evaluated not only jointability (workability and joint reliability) but also energy consumption i.e. CO2 emission, toxicity, resource depletion, recyclability and reusability of various types, of solder. Next we attempted to integrate the environmental impacts of these factors of each solder and compare them among these solders. We finally recommended some types of solder whose integrated environmental impact was assumed to be relatively low.
    We recommended Sn-Ag-Cu and Sn-Cu types of solder as the best solutions in the present state. That is, total environmental impact of these solders is minimum, although they have a problem of Ag and Sn scarce. Then, we suggested it was necessary to construct recycling system of Ag and Sn in the long term. 2(nd) Selection was Sn-Zn(-Bi) type solder. This solder has only problem about jointability. If this problem should be solved by improvement, this solder would be one of the best selections of lead-free solder. Furthermore we proposed refraining from use of Sb containing solder and In containing solder because of their toxicity and scarce respectively.


  • An estimate of the transaction of environmental impacts as a result of switching to Pb-free solder

    Norihiro Itsubo, Toshiaki Kubo, Jaesung Noh

    Fourth International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, Proceedings   2005   559 - 560  2005年


  • 室内空気汚染のライフサイクルインパクト評価手法の開発 : 室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究(その1)

    成田 菜採, 村上 周三, 伊香賀 俊治, 坂部 貢, 伊坪 徳宏, 水石 仁

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   70 ( 592 ) 83 - 88  2005年


    There are so many hazardous chemical substances in indoor air, such as volatile organic compounds (VOC) from building materials, or nitrogen oxide, sulfur oxide from open combustion appliance. As the health damages caused by exposure of chemical substances have become very serious nowadays, study of the investigation into the cause and the palliation of symptoms are widely improving in medical science and building science. However, to solve this problem fundamentally, the comprehensive and quantitative assessments from generation of chemical substances to onset of symptoms are needed. In this study, the human exposure by formaldehyde, nitrogen oxide and sulfur oxide is analyzed at first. The second, the risk of diseases and the severe of disability are decided. At last, disability adjusted life year (DALY) by indoor air pollution is calculated. If it becomes possible to evaluate the health damage caused by indoor air pollution, the indoor air quality problem can be well solved, and also a number of environment issues can be assessed at the same time. The development of this system has a great meaning in practical environment design.

    DOI CiNii

  • I-26 室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究(その3) : 換気回数の変化による異なる環境影響のライフサイクルインパクト評価

    成田 菜採, 村上 周三, 伊香賀 俊治, 坂部 貢, 伊坪 徳宏, 水石 仁

    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集   2005 ( 0 ) 1425 - 1428  2005年


    Sick building syndrome caused by indoor air pollution has become very serious nowadays. Increase of the amount of ventilation is recommended for improving indoor air pollution. But it has negative effects on energy saving and global warming mitigation. In this study, the effects of the ventilation on direct health damages by indoor air pollution, and on indirect damages with cooling and heating energy consumption are evaluated using LIME; Life-Cycle Impact Assessment Method of Endpoint modeling. The result of assessment proves that ventilation is effective in human health damages and 0.5 times/h of air change rate is most effective in total expenses.


  • 動的なライフサイクル影響評価手法によるはんだの環境影響の中期評価

    久保 利晃, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2005 ( 0 ) 11 - 11  2005年




  • LIMEを用いたICパッケージのライフサイクル影響評価とフルコスト評価

    小林 充, 石坂 和明, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2005 ( 0 ) 12 - 12  2005年




  • LIME手法を用いた電子機器製品の環境影響評価手法の検討

    宮本 重幸, 入江 康子, 平尾 英司, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2005 ( 0 ) 120 - 120  2005年




  • 応用一般均衡モデルを利用した廃プラスチック処理の経済波及効果分析とフルコスト評価

    本下 晶晴, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2005 ( 0 ) 29 - 29  2005年




  • 室内空気汚染のライフサイクルインパクト評価手法の開発

    成田 菜採, 村上 周三, 伊香賀 俊治, 坂部 貢, 伊坪 徳宏, 水石 仁

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2005 ( 0 ) 35 - 35  2005年




  • 道路交通騒音のダメージ関数の構築

    井伊 亮太, 岡田 愛, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2005 ( 0 ) 37 - 37  2005年


    道路交通騒音は、全国的にみて重要であるが、LIME(日本版被害算定型環境影響評価手法)第一版&lt;SUP&gt;1)&lt;/SUP&gt;では影響領域として考慮されていない(ダメージ関数が構築されていない)環境問題の一つである。&lt;BR&gt; M&amp;uuml;ller-Wenk&lt;SUP&gt;2)&lt;/SUP&gt;は、DALY(障害調整生存年。早死と障害を統合して健康負担を表す代表的な指標の一つ)による道路交通騒音ダメージ関数の枠組みを示し、スイスを対象に評価係数を算定した。本研究では、この枠組みに基づきつつ、算定手順を改良し、日本のデータ・モデルによるダメージ関数構築に取り組んでいる。&lt;BR&gt; 本発表では、最近に国内で実施された騒音影響評価の研究事例を反映させた結果を中心に、道路交通騒音ダメージ関数の構築状況について報告する。


  • 間接影響の地域性を考慮した地域LCA手法

    李 一石, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦, 松本 幹治

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2005 ( 0 ) 56 - 56  2005年




  • 環境影響評価の世界拡張および動学化:外部費用内部化による環境と経済への波及効果の予備的検討

    伊坪 徳宏, 黒沢 厚志, 時松 宏治, 小杉 隆信, 坂上 雅治, 八木田 浩史, 稲葉 敦

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2005 ( 0 ) 71 - 71  2005年




  • 携帯電話の製造段階におけるCO2排出量評価

    山口 博司, 伊坪 徳宏, 田原 聖隆, 稲葉 敦

    日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集   2005 ( 0 ) 9 - 9  2005年




  • 地域LCA手法の開発に向けてのアプローチ:地域特性を考慮した間接効果の検討

    李 一石, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦, 松本 幹治

    環境情報科学論文集   19 ( 0 ) 479 - 484  2005年


    近年、地方自治体が地域の特性を活かした政策や開発(地域事業)を積極的に取り込んでいるなか、その地域特性を考慮した評価が可能な新たなLCA方法として地域LCAが注目を浴びている。しかし、これまでの地域LCA事例の多くは、対象地域の事業によるエネルギー消費や輸送などの直接的な影響(直接効果)の地域特性については考慮しているが、対象地域内・外からの間接的な影響(間接効果)の地域特性については考慮していない。そこで本研究は、地域LCA手法の開発の方向性として、間接効果の地域特性を考慮することの重要性について検討するため、地域間産業連関分析と日本版被害算定型影響評価手法(LIME:Life cycle Impact assessment Method based on Endpoint modeling)を駆使して簡単なケーススタディーを行った結果、最終的なLCA結果における間接効果の地域特性考慮による影響が大きいことを確認した。


  • 静脈シナリオに基づく接合材料の環境影響評価

    伊坪 徳宏, 李 一石, 稲葉 敦

    環境情報科学論文集   19 ( 0 ) 539 - 544  2005年




  • 経済的波及効果を考慮した廃プラスチック処理技術のフルコスト評価

    本下 晶晴, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    環境情報科学論文集   19 ( 0 ) 533 - 538  2005年


    廃棄物処理・リサイクルに対する包括的な評価手法として、処理コスト、環境影響をライフサイクル影響評価手法(LCIA手法)により社会コスト化し、経済的波及効果として産業連関分析によってGDP誘発額を求めたものを合計するフルコスト評価を実施し、その有効性および現状の処理システムにおけるリサイクル効果の分析を行った。廃プラスチックを対象として代表的な9の処理技術についてフルコスト評価を行った。各処理技術の評価結果からセメント原燃料化、 RPF化のフルコストが低く、リサイクル効果が高い。また、現状の処理システムでは、全量焼却処理した場合に比べて約5割のフルコストを削減しており、その効果は経済価値として約794億円と算出され、リサイクル効果が大きいことが明らかとなった。


  • LCAの拡張-方法論と活用の観点から-


      -  2005年

  • 鉛フリーはんだ導入による外部費用の削減効果の将来推計

    伊坪徳宏, 稲葉敦, 久保利晃

      -  2005年

  • ライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA)(ⅠⅠⅠ-3):ライフサイクル環境影響評価手法LIMEの概要と研究開発の現状

    伊坪徳宏, 本下晶晴

    日本エネルギー学会誌   84 ( 10 ) 872 - 878  2005年

  • ライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA)(ⅠⅠⅠ-1):ライフサイクル影響評価(LCIA)の概要

    本下晶晴, 伊坪徳宏

    日本エネルギー学会誌   84 ( 7 ) 549 - 553  2005年

  • ライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA) (ⅠⅠⅠ-2):環境影響の総合化指標を得る:LCAにおける統合化手法の特徴

    伊坪徳宏, 本下晶晴

    日本エネルギー学会誌   84 ( 9 ) 780 - 785  2005年

  • LCAとその応用ツールの方法論と利用の現状


      -  2005年

  • LCIA手法LIMEに関する第Ⅰ期研究成果と第Ⅱ期研究計画


      -  2005年

  • インパクト評価にかかわるLCA研究の成果


      -  2005年

  • Weighting across safeguard subjects for LCIA by the application of conjoint analysis

    Norihiro Itsubo, Masaji Sakagami, Toyoaki Washida, Katsuhiko Kokubu, Atsushi Inaba

    Int. J. LCA   9 ( 3 ) 196 - 205  2005年

  • WP3 鉛フリーはんだ使用製品のライフサイクル環境負荷評価

    伊坪徳宏, Noh Jaesung, 稲葉敦, 岡本正英

      -  2005年

  • Damage Functions for toxic Impacts onEcosystems in Japan,Life-Cycle Assessment of Metals

    Norihiro Itsubo, Tomohiko Sakao, David Pennigton, Atsushi Inada

    Issues and Reserch Directions (Edited by Alain Dubreuil)   Feb ( 2 ) 196 - 205  2005年

  • 室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究-室内空気汚染のライフサイクルインパクト評価手法の開発-

    成田菜採, 村上周三, 伊香賀俊治, 坂部貢, 伊坪徳宏, 水石仁

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   6 ( 592 ) 83 - 88  2005年


    There are so many hazardous chemical substances in indoor air, such as volatile organic compounds (VOC) from building materials, or nitrogen oxide, sulfur oxide from open combustion appliance. As the health damages caused by exposure of chemical substances have become very serious nowadays, study of the investigation into the cause and the palliation of symptoms are widely improving in medical science and building science. However, to solve this problem fundamentally, the comprehensive and quantitative assessments from generation of chemical substances to onset of symptoms are needed. In this study, the human exposure by formaldehyde, nitrogen oxide and sulfur oxide is analyzed at first. The second, the risk of diseases and the severe of disability are decided. At last, disability adjusted life year (DALY) by indoor air pollution is calculated. If it becomes possible to evaluate the health damage caused by indoor air pollution, the indoor air quality problem can be well solved, and also a number of environment issues can be assessed at the same time. The development of this system has a great meaning in practical environment design.

    DOI CiNii

  • LCIA手法LIMEの枠組みと方法論


      -  2005年

  • 換気回数の変化が人間健康被害と内部・外部費用に与える影響のライフサイクルインパクト評価 室内空気汚染による健康被害に関する研究(その2)

    成田菜採, 村上周三, 伊香賀俊治, 坂部貢, 伊坪徳宏, 水石仁

    日本建築学会環境系論文集   2 ( 595 ) 129 - 134  2005年


    The residences in which indoor ventilation is lacking are increasing due to the improvement of air-tightness. Reflecting this situation, the health damages by the indoor air pollution, such as sick house syndrome, have become one of the most serious social problems. Increase of the amount of ventilation is recommended for improving indoor air pollution. While replacing indoor air with outdoor one frequently has positive effects on indoor air pollution, it has negative effects on energy saving and global warming mitigation. Therefore, in order to take measures to prevent the health damages caused by indoor air pollution, it is necessary to assess rationally such a trade-off relation among various environmental issues. In this study, the effect of the ventilation on direct health damages by indoor air pollution, and on indirect damages by global warming and air pollution is evaluated quantitatively and integrally using LIME; Life-Cycle Impact Assessment Method of Endpoint modeling. Furthermore relation between the effectiveness of the improvement of indoor air pollution on health damages and internal / external expenses is examined. The result of assessment proves that ventilation is effective in both human health damages and total expenses. In particular, it becomes clear that the total of internal / external expenses becomes least when air change rate is about 0.5 times/h.

    DOI CiNii

  • 接合材料のライフサイクル影響評価、-鉛フリー化の環境優位性に関する定量的評価-


      -  2005年

  • 日本版被害算定型影響評価手法(LIME)の概要(後編)


    LCA日本フォーラムニュース   無 ( 35 ) 9 - 11  2005年


  • 環境の外部費用を活用した国・企業・製品における環境効率指標の開発

    伊坪徳宏, 本下晶晴, 稲葉敦

    環境情報科学論文集   別冊 ( 18 ) 373 - 376  2004年11月

    DOI CiNii

  • 社会的費用を考慮した発電事業における総合的費用のライフサイクル評価

    木下晶晴, 嵐紀夫, 伊坪徳宏

    環境情報科学論文集   別冊 ( 18 ) 361 - 366  2004年11月

    DOI CiNii

  • Life cycle impact assessment of lead-free solder considering the trade-off relationship between toxic impact and other impact categories

    N Itsubo, J Noh, A Inaba

    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS   45 ( 11 ) 3194 - 3200  2004年11月


    Lead-free solder is a focus of increasing international attention, particularly in the wake of various EU directives (ROHS: on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment). Lead-free solder is anticipated to reduce toxic environmental impact, but it has been pointed out that energy consumption and other related impacts like global warming caused by the production of lead-free solder may be higher than those for conventional solder. It is necessary to consider this trade-off relationship between types of environmental impact. The aim of this study is to conduct trial calculations of impact assessments of typical lead-free solders and a conventional Sn-Pb solder. Impact categories at the local level are regarded as important in the assessment of current materials, such as impacts caused by exposure to hazardous substances. For these impact categories, the resultant environmental impacts can differ greatly, depending on where emissions occur was even for the same degree of environmental burden. Therefore, LIME (Life cycle Impact assessment Method based on Endpoint modeling) I preferentially used, based on domestic background data. Using a conceptualized damage assessment and damage indicator of human health, we concluded that the avoidance of lead is effective even when the increase in other health impacts are taken into account. The reliability of this result was confirmed by the implementation of an uncertainty analysis.


  • LCAの現状の課題と今後の展望


    環境管理   40 ( 7 ) 66 - 72  2004年07月


  • ライフサイクルを指向した環境経営管理手法-LCAからLCC、LCMへ-


    計測と制御   43 ( 5 ) 407 - 414  2004年05月

    DOI CiNii

  • ライフサイクル影響評価から見た鉛フリーはんだの環境優位性

    伊坪徳宏, 盧在盛, 稲葉敦

    日本金属学会誌   68 ( 2 ) 43 - 45  2004年02月


    LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) has been attracted and been already spread to the public as a technique evaluating the environmental impacts of product life cycle. LCA case study for lead-free solder, which is expected as eco-material has already been performed, but most of these studies are focused on LCI (Life Cycle Inventory) and characterization in LCIA (Life Cycle Impact Assessment). In the case of the assessment of solder, the trade-off relationship between the human toxicity caused by the exposure of lead and global warming caused by the increase of energy use seems important. Conventional LCA case studies are difficult to solve this trade-off relationship, because LCI and characterization will not compare the seriousness of these environmental impacts.&lt;BR&gt;Based on the above background, we conducted LCIA case study of lead-free solder using LIME (Life-cycle Impact assessment Method based on Endpoint modeling). We concentrated on the damage assessment for human health in order to solve the trade-off relationship between the impact categories. DALY (Disability Adjusted Life Year) is applied as the damage indicator in this study. It can be concluded that damage assessment enables to evaluate reasonably with comparing the several health impacts based on the scientific knowledge.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of damage function of acidification for terrestrial ecosystems based on the effect of aluminum toxicity on net primary production

    K Hayashi, M Okazaki, N Itsubo, A Inaba



    Background. Acidification is one of the important impact categories for life cycle impact assessment. Although its characterization has progressed during this decade through the employment of midpoint approaches, only limited studies of endpoint approaches have been performed.
    Objective. This study aimed at developing damage function of acidification for terrestrial ecosystems in Japan. Damage function expresses a quantitative relationship between the inventory and endpoint damage.
    Methods. The geographical boundary was limited in Japan both for emission and impact. In this study, sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen monoxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) (NO and NO2 collectively mean NOx), hydrogen chloride (HCl), and ammonia (NH3) were considered as major causative substances of acidification. Net primary production (NPP) of existing vegetation was adopted as an impact indicator of terrestrial ecosystems. The aluminum toxicity was adopted as the major factor of effect on terrestrial ecosystems due to acidification. The leachate concentration of monomeric inorganic aluminum ions was selected to express the plant toxicity of aluminum.
    Results and Discussion. The results of damage function gave utilizable factors both for a midpoint approach and an endpoint approach; Atmospheric Deposition Factor (ADF) and Damage Factor (DF) applicable to the former and the latter, respectively. The ADF indicates an increase of H+ deposition per unit area to an additional emission of causative substance. The additional emission corresponds to some alternatives in industry, not the baseline emission. The DF indicates the total NPP damage in all of Japan due to the additional emission of causative substances. The derived NPP damage is on the order of one millionth of the NPP itself. HCl and NH3 showed larger ADFs and DFs than that of SO2 and NOx. The reason was ascribed to the relatively large source-receptor relationships (SRR) of HCl and NH3. However, since the method applied to determine the SRR of HCl and NE, has larger uncertainties than that of SO2 and no attention is needed to handle the difference.
    Conclusion. The damage function easily defines the concrete NPP damage due to an additional emission. The impact indicator, NPP, also has an advantage in its mass unit that is directly summable through the entire impact categories. Expansion of endpoints, such as in aquatic ecosystems, material degradation, human health, and biodiversity aspects of terrestrial ecosystems, is an important subject for future work. Further, uncertain analyses for major parameters will provide helpful information on the reliability of damage function.


  • Life cycle impact assessment of lead-free solder considering the trade-off relationship between toxic impact and other impact categories

    Norihiro Itsubo, Jaesung Noh, Atsushi Inaba

    Materials Transactions   45 ( 11 ) 3194 - 3200  2004年


    Lead-free solder is a focus of increasing international attention, particularly in the wake of various EU directives (ROHS: on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment). Lead-free solder is anticipated to reduce toxic environmental impact, but it has been pointed out that energy consumption and other related impacts like global warming caused by the production of lead-free solder may be higher than those for conventional solder. It is necessary to consider this trade-off relationship between types of environmental impact. The aim of this study is to conduct trial calculations of impact assessments of typical lead-free solders and a conventional Sn-Pb solder. Impact categories at the local level are regarded as important in the assessment of current materials, such as impacts caused by exposure to hazardous substances. For these impact categories, the resultant environmental impacts can differ greatly, depending on where emissions occur, even for the same degree of environmental burden. Therefore, LIME (Life cycle Impact assessment Method based on Endpoint modeling) was preferentially used, based on domestic background data. Using a conceptualized damage assessment and damage indicator of human health, we concluded that the avoidance of lead is effective even when the increase in other health impacts are taken into account. The reliability of this result was confirmed by the implementation of an uncertainty analysis.

    DOI CiNii

  • Weighting across safeguard subjects for LCIA through the application of conjoint analysis

    N Itsubo, M Sakagami, T Washida, K Kokubu, A Inaba



    Background. Many types of weighting methods, which have integrated the various environmental impacts that are used for life-cycle impact assessment (LCIA), were proposed with the aim of developing the methodology as a useful information resource for decision making, such as in the selection of products. Economic valuation indexes, in particular, have attracted attention, as their assessment results are easy to understand and can be applied in conjunction with other assessment tools, including life-cycle costing (LCC) and environmental accounting. Conjoint analysis has been widely used in market research, and has recently been applied to research in environmental economics. The method enables us to provide two types of assessment results; an economic valuation and a dimensionless index. This method is therefore expected to contribute greatly to increasing the level of research into weighting methodology, in which an international consensus has yet to be established. Conjoint analysis, however, has not previously been applied to LCIA.
    Objective. LCA National Project (METI/NEDO/JENIAI) has conducted a study aimed at the development of a Japanese version of the damage-oriented impact assessment method called LIME (Lifecycle Impact assessment Method based on Endpoint modeling), in order to enhance its reliability and transparency. This study aimed at the application of conjoint analysis to the step of weighting in LIME. An ultimate goal of the research is to determine an amount of willingness to pay (WTP) for avoiding a unit quantity of damage of every safeguard subject (endpoint).
    Methods. Potential annual damages of four safeguard subjects (human health, biodiversity, social assets, and primary production), known as normalization values in LCIA, were used as fundamental information in this study. These data can he obtained through damage assessment. Taking this background into account, we performed a comparison of importance among the four safeguard subjects defined in LIME by applying conjoint analysis. A choice-based type of questionnaire was prepared for the interview with the respondents selected by random sampling. Pre-tests were conducted for 108 respondents in advance of the main survey. After we confirmed that the analyzed results of the pre-test were revealed to be statistically significant, the main surveys were conducted for 400 respondents by interviewing. WTP per quota can be determined by statistical simulation based on the random utility theory reflecting the responses to the questionnaires by random sampling.
    Results and Discussion. The values of one unit (standard) of attributes were significant statistically at the 1 % level (all of the p value for coefficients of safeguard subjects were less than 0.0001). Based on the calculated results, two types of weighting factors, an economic valuation and a dimensionless index were obtained. The capability of generating two kinds of weighting factors is unique to conjoint analysis. A relative comparison of importance among the four categories indicates that human health gains the highest recognition, biodiversity gains the second highest recognition, and the weight of primary production and social assets have been estimated to be relatively smaller than the other two safeguard subjects.
    Conclusion. It is desirable to prepare a small number of attributes when conducting a conjoint analysis, because the efforts of respondents have to be reduced as far as possible. We confirmed that the damage-oriented method, which minimizes the number of attributes, is suitable to the requirement of conjoint analysis, because the results of comparisons among safeguard subjects were statistically significant, and showed that the contents of the questionnaires were well understood among the respondents. judging from the results of this study, where statistical significance has not even been fully verified in the conventional research on the development of weighting coefficients for LCIA, it can be concluded that the weighting factors derived from this study based on the economic theory have a possibility to reveal the impact of environment on society.


  • The LCIA midpoint-damage framework of the UNEP/SETAC life cycle initiative

    O Jolliet, R Muller-Wenk, J Bare, A Brent, M Goedkoop, R Heijungs, N Itsubo, C Pena, D Pennington, J Potting, G Rebitzer, M Stewart, HU de Haes, B Weidema



    Background, Aims and Scope. Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) methods can be grouped into two families: classical methods determining impact category indicators at an intermediate position of the impact pathways (e.g. ozone depletion potentials) and damage-oriented methods aiming at more easily interpretable results in the form of damage indicators at the level of the ultimate societal concern (e.g. human health damage). The Life Cycle Initiative, a joint project between UNEP1 and SETAC(2), proposes a comprehensive LCA framework to combine these families of methods. The new framework takes a world-wide perspective, so that LCA will progress towards a tool meeting the needs of both developing and developed countries. By a more precise and broadly agreed description of main framework elements, the Life Cycle Initiative expects to provide a common basis for the further development of mutually consistent impact assessment methods.
    Main Features. Inputs to the LCIA midpoint-damage framework are results of Life Cycle Inventory analyses (LCI). Impact pathways connect the LCI results to the midpoint impact categories with the corresponding indicators, as well as to the damage categories at the level of damages to human health, natural environment, natural resources and man-made environment, via damage indicators. Midpoint impact categories simplify the quantification of these impact pathways where various types of emissions or extractions can be aggregated due to their comparable impact mechanisms. Depending on the available scientific information, impact pathways may be further described up to the level of damage categories by quantitative models, observed pathways or merely by qualitative statements. In the latter case, quantitative modelling may stop at midpoint. A given type of emission may exert damaging effects on multiple damage categories, so that a corresponding number of impact pathways is required. Correspondingly, a given damage category may be affected jointly by various types of emissions or extractions. It is therefore an important task of the Life Cycle Initiative to carefully select damage indicators. The content of the midpoint and of the damage categories is clearly defined, and proposals are made on how to express the extent of environmental damage by suitable indicator quantities.
    Conclusions and Outlook. The present framework will offer the practitioner the choice to use either midpoint or damage indicators, depending on modelling uncertainty and increase in results interpretability. Due to the collaboration of acknowledged specialists in environmental processes and LCIA around the globe, it is expected that - after a few years of effort - the task forces of the Life Cycle Initiative will provide consistent and operational sets of methods and factors for LCIA in the future.


  • 1-3 ICパッケージのライフサイクルコスト(日本信頼性学会第12回研究発表会発表報文集)

    小林 充, 石坂 和明, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本信頼性学会誌 信頼性   26 ( 5 ) 449 - 450  2004年


  • 環境の外部費用を活用した国・企業・製品における環境効率指標の開発

    伊坪 徳宏, 本下 晶晴, 稲葉 敦

    環境情報科学論文集   18 ( 0 ) 373 - 376  2004年




  • 社会的費用を考慮した発電事業における総合的費用のライフサイクル評価

    本下 晶晴, 嵐 紀夫, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    環境情報科学論文集   18 ( 0 ) 361 - 366  2004年




  • Uncerrtainty Analysis on Damage Factors of GHG Emission on Human Health

    kendhi Itaoka, Hiroyuki Uchida, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2004年

  • LIMEの特徴と活用法


      -  2004年

  • Feasibility of Eco-Efficiency Applying a Method for Life Cycle Assessment

    Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2004年

  • 産学官連携の最近の事例-LCAにおける環境影響評価の開発とその活用-


    AISTtoday   無 ( 無 ) 24  2004年

  • 私が考えるLCA


    LCAフォーラムニュース   無 ( 32 ) 1  2004年

  • Weighting Across Safeguard Subjecs in LIME by the Application of Conjoint Analysis

    Norihiro Itsubo, Masaji Sakagami, Toyoaki Washida, Katsuhiko Kokubu, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2004年

  • Cost Benefit Analysis of waste Plastic Treatment Technologies based on Life Cycle Impact Assessment Method (LIME)

    Masaharu Motoshita, Norihiro Itsubo, Hiroshi Yagita, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2004年

  • A Life Cycle Inventory Analysis of a SAW High Frequency Filter

    Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Kiyyotaka Tahara, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

    Proceeding of 6th International Conference on EcoBalance   -  2004年

  • The Overview of IMS Project EFSOT Japan 2003

    Masahide Okamoto, Koji Serizawa, Kazuyuki Omae, Hiroshi Satoh, Eiji Hirao, Shinya Nakamoto, Norihiro Itsubo, Momoko Chiba, Tadashi Takemoto

      -  2004年

  • Life Cycle Assessment of Tobacco Considering Health Impacts of Smoking

    Ryusuke Inoue, Kiyotaka Tahara, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba, Shiro matsumoto

      -  2004年

  • Development of Site-Specific LCA Method Using Expanded interregional Input Output Analysis

    Ilseuk Ii, Norihiro Istubo, Kiyotaka Tahara, Atsushi Inaba, Kanzi Matumoto

      -  2004年

  • An Assessment of Environmental Impact and Effestiveness to the Sosiety Caused by the Conversion of Conventional Solder into Lead-free Solder

    Norihiro Itsubo, Jaesung Noh, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2004年

  • LCIA Case Study of Beverage Packaging Employing LIME

    Asako Hujimori, Norihiro Itsubo

      -  2004年

  • Estimation of Product Sustainability by Combing Quality, Enbironmental, and Economic Aspects

    Pilji Park, Kiyotaka Tahara, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2004年

  • Damage Factor of Lead on Human Health for an Application in Life Cycle Impact assessment

    Jaesung Noh, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2004年

  • An Application of Advanced Method in Environmental Economics to Weighting in LCIA

    Masaji Sakagami, Norihiro Itsubo, Toyoaki Washida, Katsuhiko Kokubu, Koichi Kuriyama, Atsuhi Inaba

      -  2004年

  • Development of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Method for Road Transport Noise

    Ai Nakagawa, Ryota Ii, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2004年

  • Uncertainty Analysis on Damage Functions of Air Pollutants

    Yuko Nagata, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2004年

  • LIME -A Comprehensive Japanese LCIA Methodology Based on Endpoint Modeling -

    Norihiro ITSUBO, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2004年

  • ICパッケージのライフサイクルコスト

    小林充, 石坂和明, 伊坪徳宏

    日本信頼性学会第12回研究発表会発表報文集、日本信頼性学会誌   信頼性26 ( 5 ) 449 - 450  2004年


  • LIMEにおける特性化の概要


      -  2004年

  • Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) and its application to Life cycle costing


      -  2004年

  • LIMEにおける被害評価


      -  2004年

  • FCA(Full Cost Assessment)


      -  2004年

  • Development of damage function of acidification for terrestrial ecosystems based on the effect of aluminum toxicity on net primary production

    K Hayashi, M Okazaki, N Itsubo, A Inaba



    Background. Acidification is one of the important impact categories for life cycle impact assessment. Although its characterization has progressed during this decade through the employment of midpoint approaches, only limited studies of endpoint approaches have been performed.
    Objective. This study aimed at developing damage function of acidification for terrestrial ecosystems in Japan. Damage function expresses a quantitative relationship between the inventory and endpoint damage.
    Methods. The geographical boundary was limited in Japan both for emission and impact. In this study, sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen monoxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) (NO and NO2 collectively mean NOx), hydrogen chloride (HCl), and ammonia (NH3) were considered as major causative substances of acidification. Net primary production (NPP) of existing vegetation was adopted as an impact indicator of terrestrial ecosystems. The aluminum toxicity was adopted as the major factor of effect on terrestrial ecosystems due to acidification. The leachate concentration of monomeric inorganic aluminum ions was selected to express the plant toxicity of aluminum.
    Results and Discussion. The results of damage function gave utilizable factors both for a midpoint approach and an endpoint approach; Atmospheric Deposition Factor (ADF) and Damage Factor (DF) applicable to the former and the latter, respectively. The ADF indicates an increase of H+ deposition per unit area to an additional emission of causative substance. The additional emission corresponds to some alternatives in industry, not the baseline emission. The DF indicates the total NPP damage in all of Japan due to the additional emission of causative substances. The derived NPP damage is on the order of one millionth of the NPP itself. HCl and NH3 showed larger ADFs and DFs than that of SO2 and NOx. The reason was ascribed to the relatively large source-receptor relationships (SRR) of HCl and NH3. However, since the method applied to determine the SRR of HCl and NE, has larger uncertainties than that of SO2 and no attention is needed to handle the difference.
    Conclusion. The damage function easily defines the concrete NPP damage due to an additional emission. The impact indicator, NPP, also has an advantage in its mass unit that is directly summable through the entire impact categories. Expansion of endpoints, such as in aquatic ecosystems, material degradation, human health, and biodiversity aspects of terrestrial ecosystems, is an important subject for future work. Further, uncertain analyses for major parameters will provide helpful information on the reliability of damage function.


  • ライフサイクルアセスメントと環境影響評価の現状と今後の見通し


      -  2004年

  • LCA手法によるICパッケージのライフサイクル影響評価と健康被害評価

    小林充, 石坂和明, 伊坪徳宏

    日本信頼性学会誌   26 ( 3 ) 235 - 249  2004年


    ICパッケージのライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA : Life Cycle Assessment)を実施した結果,CO_2排出量の約83%はサイトの組立工程から排出されていた.また,ライフサイクル影響評価(LCIA : Life CycleImpact Assessment)から各種統合化手法による環境影響の統合化単一指標を算出し,さらに, Eco-indicator&#039;99と産総研/LCAプロジェクトによる被害算定型影響評価手法で被害評価(人間への健康影響)を比較した結果,対象地域(排出地域)や評価手法によって,その影響評価結果が異なることが確認された.

    DOI CiNii

  • Life Cycle Impact Assessmernt of a Non-flurocarbon Refigerator

    Kumiko Amemiya, Noriko Takeyama, Hideki Kobayashi, Hideharu Hatanaka, Norihiro Itsubo

      -  2004年

  • Uncertainty Analysis of Biodiversity Damage Assessment Caused by Resiyrce Extraction

    Ryouta Ii, Kazuko Abe, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2004年

  • Life Cycle Assessment of Lead-free Solder Considering the Differences of Waste Stages

    Norihiro Itsubo, Jaesung Noh, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2004年

  • 日本版被害算定型影響評価手法(LIME)の概要(前編)


    LCA日本フォーラムニュース   無 ( 34 ) 4 - 8  2004年


  • 日本版・環境影響評価手法『LIME』の特徴と活用方法-LCIA特別研究会の総括-


      -  2004年

  • Uncertainty Analysis of Damage Factors on Human Health Caused by Toxic Substances

    Chisato Yoshigahara, Norihiro Itsubo, Yuko Nagata, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2004年

  • LIMEにおける生態系の被害評価と紙のLCIAケーススタディ


      -  2004年

  • 健康影響に伴う社会的費用を考慮した総合的費用の分析評価-家電製品を対象としたケーススタディ-

    伊坪徳宏, 稲葉敦

    環境科学論文集   別冊 ( 17 ) 113 - 118  2003年11月

    DOI CiNii

  • コンジョイント分析の応用による LCIA の統合化係数の開発

    伊坪 徳宏, 坂上 雅治, 栗山 浩一, 鷲田 豊明, 國部 克彦, 稲葉 敦

    環境科学会誌 = Environmental science   16 ( 5 ) 357 - 368  2003年09月

    DOI CiNii

  • ICパッケージのライフサイクル影響評価と健康被害評価

    小林 充, 石坂 和明, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本接着学会年次大会講演要旨集   41   167 - 170  2003年06月


  • 社会コストの算入による家電製品の総合的費用の分析評価

    環境情報科学論文集17   17   113 - 118  2003年

  • Assessment of environmental impact of manufacturing steel considering physical damage to human health

    N Itsubo, A Inaba

    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS   44 ( 1 ) 167 - 172  2003年01月


    Weighting in LCIA (life cycle impact assessment) can be classified into two types: midpoint and endpoint. To improve the transparency and reliability of impact assessment, the development of the endpoint approach has been required internationally in recent years. A methodology that enables the assessment of physical damage for Japanese products has to be developed, because the actual damage is dependent on the emission area and exposed area. Regarding LCIA for materials, though some studies have already been performed, there is no consensus among the results of various methods because of the lack of reliability and transparency in conventional methodologies. This paper describes the results of a case study for steel sheets applying the Japanese endpoint-type LCIA method. We adopted the DALY concept to indicate the damage to human health. It is found that the subjective judgments can be reduced maximally by applying the endpoint approach.

    DOI CiNii

  • コンジョイント分析の応用によるLCIAの統合化係数の開発

    伊坪 徳宏, 坂上 雅治, 栗山 浩一, 鷲田 豊明, 國部 克彦, 稲葉 敦

    環境科学会誌 = Environmental science   16 ( 5 ) 357 - 368  2003年


    LCIA(ライフサイクル影響評価)を構成する多様な環境影響を統合化して単一指標化する重み付け手法は,製品選択等の意思決定に有用な情報を提供するものとして,これまでに多くの手法開発に向けた検討がなされてきた。その中でも,経済評価指標は評価結果のわかりやすさとLCC(ライフサイクルコスティング)や環境会計などの他の評価ツールにも応用できる観点から注目されている。コンジョイント分析は,マーケットリサーチにおいて広く利用されてきたが,近年環境経済学における研究に適用されつつある。本手法によれば統合化指標を経済評価と無次元の単一指標の二種類の評価結果を得ることができ,未だ国際的に合意のとれていない統合化手法研究の水準向上に大きく貢献することが期待されるが,現時点でLCIAにおいて適用された事例はなかった。 LCA国家プロジェクト(経済省/NEDO)では,信頼性と透明性の向上を図るため,日本版の被害算定型影響評価手法の開発に向けた検討を進めている。本手法を構成する被害評価によれば,人間の健康,生物多様性,社会資産,一次生産の四項目の保護対象の被害量に関する情報が得られる。以上の背景から本研究では,LCAプロジェクトにおいて対象とする四項目の保護対象間の重要度比較についてコンジョイント分析を適用することで実施し重み付け係数の算定を行うと同時に,これまで提案された統合化手法による結果との比較を通じて当該手法の有用性について検証した。評価結果の統計的優位性が立証されただけでなく,他の評価手法による結果とも整合する結果を得られたことから,本手法のLCIAへの利用可能性を見出すことができた。


  • コンジョイント分析の応用によるLCIAの統合化係数の開発

    伊坪 徳宏, 坂上 雅治, 栗山 浩一, 鷲田 豊明, 國部 克彦, 稲葉 敦

    環境科学会誌   16 ( 5 ) 357 - 368  2003年


    LCIA(ライフサイクル影響評価)を構成する多様な環境影響を統合化して単一指標化する重み付け手法は,製品選択等の意思決定に有用な情報を提供するものとして,これまでに多くの手法開発に向けた検討がなされてきた。その中でも,経済評価指標は評価結果のわかりやすさとLCC(ライフサイクルコスティング)や環境会計などの他の評価ツールにも応用できる観点から注目されている。コンジョイント分析は,マーケットリサーチにおいて広く利用されてきたが,近年環境経済学における研究に適用されつつある。本手法によれば統合化指標を経済評価と無次元の単一指標の二種類の評価結果を得ることができ,未だ国際的に合意のとれていない統合化手法研究の水準向上に大きく貢献することが期待されるが,現時点でLCIAにおいて適用された事例はなかった。 LCA国家プロジェクト(経済省/NEDO)では,信頼性と透明性の向上を図るため,日本版の被害算定型影響評価手法の開発に向けた検討を進めている。本手法を構成する被害評価によれば,人間の健康,生物多様性,社会資産,一次生産の四項目の保護対象の被害量に関する情報が得られる。以上の背景から本研究では,LCAプロジェクトにおいて対象とする四項目の保護対象間の重要度比較についてコンジョイント分析を適用することで実施し重み付け係数の算定を行うと同時に,これまで提案された統合化手法による結果との比較を通じて当該手法の有用性について検証した。評価結果の統計的優位性が立証されただけでなく,他の評価手法による結果とも整合する結果を得られたことから,本手法のLCIAへの利用可能性を見出すことができた。


  • 健康影響に伴う社会的費用を考慮した総合的費用の分析評価:家電製品を対象としたケーススタディ

    伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    環境情報科学論文集   17 ( 0 ) 113 - 118  2003年




  • 各種の環境影響評価事例に基づく維管束植物種の絶滅リスクの算定とLCAへの活用

    安部和子, 井伊亮太, 伊坪徳宏, 稲葉敦

    環境アセスメント学会誌   2003年度研究発表会要旨集 ( 第2回大会 ) 149 - 154  2003年

  • Life Cycle Impact Assessment for Lead-free solder considering the potential damages to human society

    Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2003年

  • Damage assessment of human health for lead-free solder based on endpoint-type LCIA methodology

    N Itsubo, J Noh, K Hayashi, A Inaba


  • A life cycle inventory analysis of cellular phones

    H Yamaguchi, K Tahara, N Itsubo, A Inaba



    Recently cellular phones are spreading so quickly and becoming one of the basic tools for IT society. Because of this, the life cycle inventory analysis for their production process is becoming increasingly important. Here inventory analysis is made for the parts of a cellular phone, and the energy for assembling and manufacturing them is measured in order to estimate CO2 emission. The results show: The greatest part of the environmental load of cellular phone production is occupied by production of electronics parts, such as wiring board, liquid crystal display and so forth, while production of the machinery parts and assembling of the whole cellular phone occupies a small part. The production process consumes many times more energy than that needed for material production. However a higher ratio is observed in the case of finer and more integrated devices. The device forming process requires a clean environment and should be performed in a clean room, which consumes high power and thereby occupies a large part of the environmental load of electronic device production.

  • Biodiversity Damage Assessment -Applying the Theory of Biology in LCIA

    Norihiro Itsubo, Ryota Ii, Kazuko Abe, Ai Nakagawa, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2003年

  • Life Cycle Impact Assessment for Lead-free solder considering the potential damages to human society

    Norihiro ISTUBO, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2003年

  • ライフサイクルアセスメントによるICパッケージの環境影響評価

    小林充, 伊坪徳宏

    日本信頼性学会誌   24 ( 4 ) 343 - 344  2003年


  • 通産省LCAプロジェクト研究成果、被害算定型インパクト分析手法とその応用


      -  2003年

  • 社会資産の影響評価手法と指標


      -  2003年

  • ライフサイクル影響評価


      -  2003年

  • Assessment of environmental impact of manufacturing steel considering physical damage to human health

    N Itsubo, A Inaba

    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS   44 ( 1 ) 167 - 172  2003年01月


    Weighting in LCIA (life cycle impact assessment) can be classified into two types: midpoint and endpoint. To improve the transparency and reliability of impact assessment, the development of the endpoint approach has been required internationally in recent years. A methodology that enables the assessment of physical damage for Japanese products has to be developed, because the actual damage is dependent on the emission area and exposed area. Regarding LCIA for materials, though some studies have already been performed, there is no consensus among the results of various methods because of the lack of reliability and transparency in conventional methodologies. This paper describes the results of a case study for steel sheets applying the Japanese endpoint-type LCIA method. We adopted the DALY concept to indicate the damage to human health. It is found that the subjective judgments can be reduced maximally by applying the endpoint approach.

    DOI CiNii

  • コンジョイント分析の応用によるLCIAの統合化の係数の開発

    伊坪徳宏, 坂上雅治, 栗山浩一, 國部克彦, 鷲田豊明, 稲葉敦

    環境学会誌   16 ( 5 ) 357 - 368  2003年


  • ライフサイクル影響評価手法における統合化の意義と実施方法


      -  2003年

  • ライフサイクル影響評価手法の意義を最近の研究の動向


      -  2003年



      -  2003年

  • ライフサイクルアセスメントとライフサイクルコスティング-その手法論と応用-


      -  2003年

  • ライフサイクル影響評価-最近の進歩と今後の展開-


      -  2003年

  • 異なる環境負荷の統合に向けて LCAにおける環境影響評価


    電気学会誌   123 ( 1 ) 15 - 18  2003年01月

    DOI CiNii

  • LIMEにおける統合化手法


      -  2003年

  • 環境影響の統合化と環境経済評価


      -  2003年

  • LIMEによる鉛フリーはんだの影響評価手法


    JITAシンポジウムLCAにおける環境影響の統合評価   -  2003年


  • ライフサイクル影響評価からライフサイクルコスティングへの応用


      -  2003年

  • 座談会 LCAは既に実用の段階--今後どのように発展するか? (特集:実用段階に達したLCA(2))

    稲葉 敦, 天野 耕二, 伊坪 徳宏

    環境管理   38 ( 5 ) 377 - 396  2002年05月


  • 被害量算定に基づく鋼板のライフサイクル影響評価

    伊坪徳宏, 稲葉敦

    日本金属学会誌   66 ( 5 ) 499 - 505  2002年05月


    To fulfill the requirements for the improvement of the transparency and reliability of impact assessment, the development of endpoint approach has been paid attention internationally. Endpoint approach concentrates on the estimation of damages for receptors. The actual damages are quite dependent on the emitted and exposed area. We are developing an endpoint type LCIA methodology for Japan. This paper describes an overview of this methodology and the result of a case study for stainless steel. We applied DALY concept to indicate the damage of human health. This enables us to directly compare the result with several well-known methodologies. According to the results of calculations, many similarities between the methodologies are found and the significances of the endpoint type methodology are proved.

    DOI CiNii

  • インパクト評価研究の動向 (特集:実用段階に達したLCA(1))

    伊坪 徳宏

    環境管理   38 ( 4 ) 302 - 310  2002年04月


  • Impact assessment based on the damage of safeguard subjects - Indicators and methodology for human health - Workshop report

    N Itsubo



  • 2-4 ライフサイクルアセスメントによるICパッケージの環境影響評価(REAJ第10回研究発表会)

    小林 充, 伊坪 徳宏

    日本信頼性学会誌 信頼性   24 ( 4 ) 343 - 344  2002年


  • 土地利用に係るライフサイクル影響評価手法の開発 手法の枠組みの構築及び植物の生産量を指標とした被害係数の算定:手法の枠組みの構築及び植物の生産量を指標とした被害係数の算定

    中川 愛, 井伊 亮太, 安部 和子, 林 健太郎, 伊坪 徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    環境システム研究論文集   30 ( 30 ) 109 - 118  2002年


    本研究では, 既存の研究事例における土地利用に係るライフサイクル影響評価手法の枠組みを比較検討した上で, 通称LCAプロジェクトにおいて開発されている被害算定型の影響評価手法体系に適合した土地利用影響評価手法の枠組みを構築した.本手法では, 土地利用被害の保護対象として生態系を選定し, 被害評価指標として植物の純一次生産力 (NPP) を対象としている.この手法を実際に利用可能なものとするために, 日本の植生や土地利用の分布状況及び気候条件等を反映させた形で, 現況及び潜在的な純一次生産力の分布を求め, これに基づき植生分類又は土地利用分類に対応した形式による, 土地利用の維持及び土地の改変の被害係数を算定した.

    DOI CiNii

  • ICパッケージのライフサイクルアセスメント

    小林 充, 伊坪 徳宏

    エレクトロニクス実装学術講演大会講演論文集   17 ( 0 ) 32 - 32  2002年


    ワイヤーボンデイング方式のパッケージ(BGA)とフリチップ方式のビルドアップ構造をもつパッケージ(B/U-PGA)の2種類のICパッケージについて, ライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA)を行った。LCAは, インベントリ分析, 影響評価(分類化, 特性化)までは必ず行わなければならないが, 本稿ではさらに, 特性化から, 正規化, 重み付け, 統合化まで行った。その結果, BGAと比べてB/U-PGAは, 環境負荷の低減されたパッケージであることがわかった。


  • The Structure of Endpoint Type of LCIA Methodology in LCA National Project of Japan

    Norihiro Itsubo

      -  2002年

  • Damage Functions for Toxic Impacts on Ecosystem in Japan

    Norihiro Itsubo, Tomohiko Sakao, David Pennington, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2002年

  • Uncertainty Analysis for Impact Assessment Based on Endpoint Modeling

    Norihiro Itsubo, Kentaro Hayashi, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2002年

  • Life Cycle Impact Assessment for Office Building Considering Land Use and Related Impact Categories

    Ryouta Ii, Gen Ikemoto, Kazuko Abe, Ai Nakagawa, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -   367 - 370  2002年

  • Development of damage functions for air pollutants considering local conditions of Japan

    Yuuko Nagata, Toshimasa Ohara, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2002年

  • Estimation of the Damage by Eutrophication

    Jun Hirosaki, Norihiro Itsubo, Toshio Furota, Atsushi Inaba

      -  2002年

  • Damage Assessment of Safeguard Subjects for Product Life Cycle as an Effective Step of LCIA

    Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -   371 - 372  2002年

  • Development of Damage Functions by Emission of Toxic Substances in Japan

    Tomohiko Sakao, Norihiro Itsubo, Yoshinari Tanaka, Kikuo Yoshida, Atsushi Inaba

      -   363 - 366  2002年

  • Uncertainty Analysis for Damage Function of Human Health Caused by Ozonelyer Depletion

    Norihiro Itsubo, Kentaro Hayashi, Atsushi Inaba

      -   99 - 102  2002年

  • Life Cycle Assessment for assembly product

    Kazuaki Ishizaka, Norihiro Itsubo

      -   373 - 376  2002年

  • Development of damage functions of GHG on human health

    Kenshi Itaoka, Hiroyuki Uchida, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsusshi Inaba

      -   37 - 40  2002年

  • 環境影響の評価から環境指標をもとめる-LCAにおける統合化手法の現状と課題-


    R&G Management   2 ( 1 )  2002年

  • LCIAとEMS関連ツールの現状と将来


      -  2002年

  • 土地利用に係るライフサイクル影響評価手法の開発-維管束植物種の絶滅リスクを指標とした被害係数の算定

    安部和子, 井伊亮太, 中川愛, 林健太郎, 伊坪徳宏, 稲葉敦

    土木学会第30回環境システム研究論文発表会論文集   30 ( 無 ) 85 - 90  2002年

  • インパクト評価について--最新の進歩-


      -  2002年

  • ライフサイクル影響評価手法における被害評価の意義と実施方法


      -  2002年

  • Development of Life-Cycle Impact Assessment Method for Land use Based on Endpoint Damage

    Ai Nakagawa, Kazuko Abe, Ryouta Ii, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -   29 - 32  2002年

  • Evaluation of impacts due to additional emission of ozone depleting substances

    Kentaro Hayashi, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -   33 - 36  2002年

  • ライフサイクル影響評価手法の概要と特性化


      -  2002年

  • LCAインパクト評価について-最新の進歩-


      -  2002年

  • LCAインパクト評価最前線


      -  2002年

  • LCAインパクト評価 日本版被害算定型影響評価手法


      -  2002年

  • 生物多様性が受ける影響評価手法とその指標


      -  2002年

  • ライフサイクル影響評価手法における被害評価


      -  2002年

  • インパクト評価研究の動向


    環境管理   38 ( 4 ) 14 - 22  2002年

  • 人間の環境影響評価とその被害指数


      -  2002年

  • Development of Damage Function Relating the Loss of Crop and Plant Productivity with the Emission of GHGs

    Hiroyuki Uchida, Kenshi Itaoka, Hideo Hirasawa, Kiyoshi Takahashi, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -   49 - 50  2002年

  • Development of weighting factors for safeguard subjects applying conjoint analysis

    Norihiro Itsubo, Masaji Sakagami, Kouichi Kuriyama, Katsuhiko Kokubu, Toyoaki Washida, Atsushi Inaba

      -   65 - 68  2002年

  • 土地利用に係るライフサイクル影響評価手法の開発 ―手法の枠組みの構築及び植物の生産量を指標とした被害係数の算定―

    中川愛, 井伊亮太, 安部和子, 林健太郎, 伊坪徳宏, 稲葉 敦

    土木学会環境システム研究   30 ( 10 ) 109 - 118  2002年


    本研究では, 既存の研究事例における土地利用に係るライフサイクル影響評価手法の枠組みを比較検討した上で, 通称LCAプロジェクトにおいて開発されている被害算定型の影響評価手法体系に適合した土地利用影響評価手法の枠組みを構築した.本手法では, 土地利用被害の保護対象として生態系を選定し, 被害評価指標として植物の純一次生産力 (NPP) を対象としている.この手法を実際に利用可能なものとするために, 日本の植生や土地利用の分布状況及び気候条件等を反映させた形で, 現況及び潜在的な純一次生産力の分布を求め, これに基づき植生分類又は土地利用分類に対応した形式による, 土地利用の維持及び土地の改変の被害係数を算定した.

    DOI CiNii

  • ライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA)で製品の環境側面を評価する


    R&G Management   2 ( 2 )  2002年

  • 小特集の企画に当たって

    伊坪 徳宏

    まてりあ : 日本金属学会会報   40 ( 8 )  2001年08月


  • 近年におけるLCAの国際的動向


    まてりあ   40 ( 8 ) 693 - 696  2001年08月

    DOI CiNii

  • 小特集の企画にあたって

    長坂 徹也, 伊坪 徳宏, 原田 幸明

    まてりあ : 日本金属学会会報   40 ( 1 )  2001年01月


  • 持続可能発展に向けた材料開発

    伊坪 徳宏, 山本 良一

    まてりあ : 日本金属学会会報   40 ( 1 ) 4 - 6  2001年01月

    DOI CiNii

  • 環境ISOとしてのLCAの動向と今後


    まてりあ   40 ( 1 ) 21 - 26  2001年01月

    DOI CiNii

  • 小特集「材料づくりとISO-14000シリーズ」小特集の企画にあたって

    長坂 徹也, 伊坪 徳宏, 原田 幸明

    まてりあ   40 ( 1 ) 3 - 3  2001年

    DOI CiNii

  • 小特集「LCAの現状と将来性」企画に当たって

    伊坪 徳宏

    まてりあ   40 ( 8 ) 689 - 689  2001年

    DOI CiNii

  • 日本における企業の環境対策支援ツールの開発動向(LCA、環境ラベル、環境会計)


      -  2001年

  • ライフサイクル影響評価の最前線


      -  2001年

  • Development of endpoint-type methodology of LCIA in Japan

    N Itsubo, A Inaba



    LCIA (Life Cycle Impact Assessment) aims to examine the product system from an environmental perspective using characterization factors and weighting approach [1]. Impact assessment system based on endpoint damage has been taken attention internationally to improve the transparency and the reliability of LCIA in recent years. The damages of category endpoints by the emission of substance have to be quantified to construct this system, because these assessments will be the fundamentals of methodology. It is important to involve the latest and detailed knowledge based on natural science in the assessment of endpoint level. The results of damage functions will be integrated into the level of safeguard subject and single index based on the social science such as economics. These researches, however, are not enough at present, although the requirements are quite high. From this background, we started to develop endpoint type LCIA methodology to improve the quality of LCIA in Japan from 1998 through the discussion in Impact Assessment Committee under LCA National Project of Japan. This paper provides the concept of our system and present situations of development with case study.


  • 環境インパクト評価-LCAの応用-


      -  2001年

  • 小特集の規格に当たって


    まてりあ   40 ( 8 ) 689  2001年

  • ライフサイクルに影響評価の概要


      -  2001年

  • Total Cost Accounting Including External Cost of Product Life Cycle - Case Study for Electric Appliance

    Norihiro Itsubo

    Abstract book LCM 2001, 1^st International Conference on Life Cycle Management, Copenhagen, Denmark   -  2001年


  • 欧米におけるLCA研究の最新動向


      -  2001年

  • 日本版被害算定型影響評価手法の開発


      -  2001年

  • 糞尿処理と化学肥料のLCAに関するコメント


      -  2001年

  • LCAにおける環境影響の統合化


    日本信頼学会誌   23 ( 8 ) 856 - 866  2001年


    LCA(Life Cycle Assessment)における環境影響の統合化は, 多様な環境問題間の比較を行った上で単一指標化を図るもので, 評価結果にトレードオフの関係が発生しない特徴を有することからLCA導入時期より注目され, これまでに多くの手法開発に向けた検討がなされてきた.その一方で, 統合化は個人や集団の価値判断に影響を受けるため, 再現性, 透明性に欠けることが指摘され, 国際的に合意に至る手法は提案されていないのが現状である.このような状況下, 統合化手法のレベルを向上するための研究が活発に行われた結果, 大きな進歩を遂げようとしている.本稿では, 統合化手法の特徴と問題点について整理したうえで, 現在統合化が持つ課題の解決に向けた研究について紹介する.

    DOI CiNii

  • 持続可能展開に向けた材料開発

    伊坪徳宏, 山本良一

    まてりあ   40 ( 1 ) 4 - 6  2001年

    DOI CiNii

  • 非鉄金属材料製造における自然環境への影響評価 (新しい非鉄金属材料)

    伊坪 徳宏, 山本 良一

    化学工業   51 ( 9 ) 705 - 716  2000年09月


  • LCA国家プロジェクトの活動状況について

    矢野 正孝, 青木 良輔, 中原 良文, 伊坪 徳宏

    材料とプロセス : 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集 = Current advances in materials and processes : report of the ISIJ meeting   13 ( 1 ) 194 - 194  2000年03月


  • LCA研究の動向と企業内LCAの実現可能性 (特集 「ISO14000」認証取得--コスト1/2化大作戦)

    伊坪 徳宏

    工場管理   46 ( 4 ) 61 - 68  2000年02月


  • Development of damage function for stratospheric ozone layer depletion: A tool towards the improvement of the quality of life cycle impact assessment

    Kentaro Hayashi, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   5 ( 5 ) 265 - 272  2000年


    The purpose of our study was to develop damage functions due to ozone layer depletion, that related the emission of ozone depleting substances (ODS) to the damage of category endpoints. The ozone layer depletion causes many types of damage such as skin cancer, cataract, adverse effect to crop and plant growth. We assessed the increase of skin cancer incidence risk. The damage function have been developed with connecting the main processes on ozone depletion, emission of ODS, increase of tropospheric ODS, increase of stratospheric ODS, change of total ozone, change of B region ultra-violet (UV-B) at the surface, and the increase of skin cancer incidence. As the result, we could introduce damage functions of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer incidence for 13 species of ODSs and damage factors based on the disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). We also compared the DALYs value with the damage factors of Eco-indicator 99 (egalitarian and hierarchic value), and it was found that our result was several ten times as small except methyl bromide. Furthermore, a case study for refrigerator was performed and it showed that shifting to less ozone depleting substances reduced the risk of skin cancer incidence to one-fourteenth in DALYs.


  • Screening life cycle impact assessment with weighting methodology based on simplified damage functions

    N. Itsubo

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   5 ( 5 ) 273 - 280  2000年


    The procedure of screening LCIA with weighting methodology and the result of a case study have been described. The weighting methodology incorporates the impacts related with input and output by the simplified damage functions. Through the dominant analysis by this methodology, we can detect the significant substances and environmental problems in life cycle of the product. With this result, LCA practitioners can concentrate on the analysis for these items to improve the reliability of investigation effectively in the following step. According to the result of case study, an imaginary copy machine, the primary consideration in the foreseeable study should put emphasis on the analysis of the consumption of natural gas and wood, and the emission of carbon dioxide.


  • Current activities of the national LCA project in Japan

    Masataka Yano, Ryohsuke Aoki, Yoshihumi Nakahara, Norihiro Itsubo, Toshio Ohta

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   5 ( 5 ) 261 - 264  2000年


    The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) has launched a national project, 'Development of Assessment Technology of Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Products' (commonly known as the LCA Project). The activities of this project will be continued for 5 years since fiscal 1998 with an overall budget of total 850 million yen. The LCA Project aims to develop a highly reliable LCA database and LCA methodology which can be readily used throughout Japan. In this paper, the overall plans and current activities of project are indicated.


  • Generic modules based LCA in electronics industry - A case study

    C Herrmann, M Betz, J Kreissig, N Itsubo



    Electronic products consist of various materials, need a lot of sophisticated manufacturing processes and are manufactured from many different suppliers. These conditions make environmental assessments even more complicated. The approach of a model based Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) / Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) means managing complex process models from the basis of a background database. Despite of the demanding conditions of electronics industry this offers the opportunity to provide transparent and summarized results with an acceptable time effort. It is realized by forming flexible modules with parameter variation that show already modeled parts and subassemblies which can be chosen from the database.
    These modules -that can be combined like a tool kit- will be exemplary demonstrated by the LCA of a copier machine. The parameter variation offers the possibility to adapt the modules to the specific product properties and subassembly modifications as far as they are given. Also the interactions within the different life cycle phases can be quickly modeled and analyzed. Even with no detailed material information of single parts and subassemblies the model based approach allows a LCA of the entire product by using those pre-calculated LCA profiles.
    The case study will present the relation between given information and gained LCA results by using the generic modules based LCA method. This study was partially supported by NEDO/JEMAI and we thank them for the financial support.

  • Definition of Safeguard subjects for Damage Oriented Methodology in Japan

    Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

    Proc. 4th Int. EcoBalance   -   217 - 220  2000年


  • Current activities of the national LCA project in Japan

    Masataka Yano, Ryohsuke Aoki, Yoshihumi Nakahara, Norihiro Itsubo, Toshio Ohta

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   5 ( 5 ) 261 - 264  2000年


    The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) has launched a national project, 'Development of Assessment Technology of Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Products' (commonly known as the LCA Project). The activities of this project will be continued for 5 years since fiscal 1998 with an overall budget of total 850 million yen. The LCA Project aims to develop a highly reliable LCA database and LCA methodology which can be readily used throughout Japan. In this paper, the overall plans and current activities of project are indicated.


  • Screening Life Cycle Impact Assessment with Weighting Methobology Based on Simplified Damege Functions

    Norihiro Itsubo

    The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   5 ( 5 ) 273 - 280  2000年

  • Development of Damage Functions for LCIA Based on Endpoint Damage

    Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -   221 - 224  2000年

  • Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Photochemical Oxidant through Damage Function Approach (Valuation of Incremental Ozone Creation Due to Emissions of Ozone Precursors)

    Yuko Nagata, Toshimasa Ohara, Takashi Fujii, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -   245 - 248  2000年

  • LCA impact assessment of GHG emission by NPP

    Kenshi Itaoka, Hiroyuki Uchida, Norihiro Itsubo

      25-2   629 - 632  2000年

  • Development of Damage Function of Ozone Depletion for Life Cycle Impact Assessment

    Kentaro Hayashi, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      25-2   633 - 636  2000年

  • Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Photochemical Oxidant through Damage Function Approach (Valuation of Damage Due to Ozone Concentration)

    Takashi Fujii, Yuko Nagata, Norihiro Itsubo, Toshimasa Ohara, Atsushi Inaba

      -   241 - 244  2000年

  • Evaluation of Environmental Impacts for Materials with Weighting Methodology in LCIA

    Norihiro Itsubo

      -  2000年

  • Current Status and Future Directions of LCA as a Technique of Environmental Assessment of Products

    Norihiro Itsubo

      25-2  2000年

  • Life Cycle Impact Assessment of GHG Emission on Agricultural Production

    Hiroyuki Uchida, Kiyoshi Takahashi, Hideo Harasawa, Kenshi Itaoka, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -   229 - 232  2000年

  • Influences on the results of LCIA with the Consideration of Allocation Principles

    Norihiro Itsubo

      -   621 - 624  2000年

  • Damage Function of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion

    Kentaro Hayashi, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

      -   237 - 240  2000年

  • Launch of the damage function sub-committee in the national LCA project of Japan

    N. Itsubo

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   5 ( 2 ) 84  2000年


  • Current Status and Future Directions of the LCA Project in Japan

    Norihiro ITSUBO, Yoshifumi NAKAHARA

    ECP Newsletter   - ( 13 ) 1 - 5  2000年

  • 環境配慮経営に向けたLCAの応用としてのLCM


    環境情報科学   29 ( 1 ) 32 - 37  2000年


  • The Influences on the Results of LCIA by the Alloction Procedures btween Dofferent Products

    Norihiro Itsubo, Kang Hun

    Korean Journal of Life Cycle Aseessment   2 ( 1 ) 25 - 32  2000年

  • Assessment of the Potential Damege of Human Health Applying Damage Functions-Case Study for Electric Appliances

    Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

    Korean Journal od LCA   2 ( 2 ) 9 - 18  2000年

  • Current Status of National LCA Project in Japan

    Masataka Yano, Ryosuke Aoki, Yoshifumi Nakahara, Norihiro Itsubo, Toshio Ota

      -   267 - 270  2000年

  • Damage Function of Acidification for Life Cycle Impact Assessment

    Kentaro Hayashi, Norihiro Itsubo, Masanori Okazaki, Atsushi Inaba

      253-256  2000年

  • Development of Damage Function for Benthic Organisms by Eutrophication

    Jun Hirosaki, Norihiro Itsubo, Toshio Furota, Atsushi Inaba

      -   249 - 252  2000年

  • LCA国家プロジェクトの活動状況について、材料とプロセス

    矢野正孝, 青木良輔, 中原良文, 伊坪徳宏

    日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集   13 ( 1 ) 194  2000年

  • 非鉄金属材料製造における環境影響評価

    伊坪徳宏, 山本良一

    化学工業   51 ( 9 ) 49 - 60  2000年

  • Current status of weighting methodologies in Japan

    Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba, Yasunari Matsuno, Itaru Yasui, Ryoichi Yamamoto

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   5 ( 1 ) 5 - 11  2000年



    In Japan, requirements for the development of valuation methodology are very stringent. Several methodologies have been proposed to meet these demands in recent years. These methods, however, are quite different in many points such as selected impact categories, the numbers of substances considered, and basic concepts for the environment. The results of LCA are fully dependent on the goals of LCA practitioners and commissioners. If they misunderstand the concept of method and use it, the result may not fit for the purpose. Consequently, it is important to characterize the methods selected by the practitioners in accordance with their LCA goals. In this paper, weighting methodologies proposed in Japan have been introduced with a comparison between the results of case studies for common industrial products. Furthermore, we considered the present situations and future directions of valuation methodologies in Japan. This consideration is carried out based on the results of investigations performed by the Impact Assessment Committee of the National LCA Project of Japan.


  • LCA研究の動向と企業内LCAの実現可能性


    工場管理2000年2月臨時増刊号   臨時増刊号 ( 2 ) 61 - 68  2000年

  • Study of Characterization Factors for Toxic Substances

    Tomohiko Sakao, Norihiro Itsubo, Kikuo Yoshida, Atsushi Inaba

      -   261 - 264  2000年

  • Development of Damage Function for Stratospheric Ozone Layer Depletion

    Kentaro Hayashi, Norihiro Itsubo, Atsushi Inaba

    The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   5 ( 5 ) 265 - 272  2000年

  • LCIAにおけるインパクトカテゴリの定義と選択


    環境管理   35 ( 9 ) 897 - 907  1999年09月


  • 製品が及ぼすインパクト評価手法の特徴比較--日本の手法

    伊坪 徳宏

    環境管理   35 ( 8 ) 770 - 779  1999年08月


  • 非鉄金属材料製造における環境影響の統合評価

    伊坪 徳宏, 山本 良一

    日本金屬學會誌   63 ( 2 ) 208 - 214  1999年02月


    Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a broad topic that is currently being discussed. However, little is known about the assessment method of environmental impacts expressing a single index, especially in Japan.&lt;BR&gt;Non ferrous metals are one of the basic materials for industrial products. The establishment of the assessment for these materials is important to improve the quality of LCA for products.&lt;BR&gt;We have proposed a method of assessment for total impact in Japan, and a case study of LCA is performed concerning the nonferrous metals in this paper. The stages considered in this LCA study are: goal and scope of the inventory analysis and impact assessment. The inventory data include the consumption of raw materials and the emissions through the mining, transport and manufacturing. Resource depletion, global warming, acidification, eutrophication and air pollution have been considered as impact categories.&lt;BR&gt;The main results of this study are summarized as follows,&lt;BR&gt;(1) The impacts of eutrophication, air pollution and resource depletion are serious for the production of aluminum.&lt;BR&gt;(2) The stages of the consumption of non oil and that of the production of non oil are serious for the production of zinc, because the large quantity of non oil such as cokes are consumed.&lt;BR&gt;(3) We have showed that the interpretation will differ if the criteria of materials for assessment are changed from weight (per kg) to tensile strength (per MN).

    DOI CiNii

  • 非鉄金属材料製造における環境影響の総合評価

    伊坪徳宏, 山本良一

    日本金属学会誌   63 ( 2 ) 208 - 214  1999年


    Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a broad topic that is currently being discussed. However, little is known about the assessment method of environmental impacts expressing a single index, especially in Japan. Non ferrous metals are one of the basic materials for industrial products. The establishment of the assessment for these materials is important to improve the quality of LCA for products. We have proposed a method of assessment for total impact in Japan, and a case study of LCA is performed concerning the nonferrous metals in this paper. The stages considered in this LCA study are: goal and scope of the inventory analysis and impact assessment. The inventory data include the consumption of raw materials and the emissions through the mining, transport and manufacturing. Resource depletion, global warming, acidification, eutrophication and air pollution have been considered as impact categories. The main results of this study are summarized as follows, (1) The impacts of eutrophication, air pollution and resource depletion are serious for the production of aluminum. (2) The stages of the consumption of non oil and that of the production of non oil are serious for the production of zinc, because the large quantity of non oil such as cokes are consumed. (3) We have showed that the interpretation will differ if the criteria of materials for assessment are changed from weight (per kg) to tensile strength (per MN).


  • International Comparison of LCA Methodologies

    Norihiro ITSUBO

    Int. J. LCA   4 ( 3 ) 150  1999年

  • The progress of the impact assessment study committee in the national LCA Project of Japan

    N. Itsubo

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   4 ( 4 ) 194  1999年



  • The progress of Inventory study Committee WG2 in the National LCA Project in Japan

    N. Itsubo

    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment   4 ( 5 ) 246  1999年



  • Life Cycle Impact Assessment for Materials Based on the Damage Functions

    Norihiro Itsubo, Ryoichi Yamamoto

      24-3   401 - 404  1999年

  • 製品が及ぼすインパクト評価手法の特徴比較


    環境管理   35 ( 8 ) 770 - 779  1999年

  • 日本におけるインパクトアセスメント統合指標の開発 -Distance to Target法を用いた統合化指標およびその適用例について-

    松野 泰也, 稲葉 敦, 伊坪 徳宏, 山本 良一

    日本エネルギー学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   77 ( 12 ) 1139 - 1147  1998年12月


  • Development of life cycle impact assessment weighting methodology for Japan - weighting methodology based on the distance-to-target method

    Yasunari Matsuno, Atsushi Inaba, Norihiro Itsubo, Ryoichi Yamamoto

    Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   77 ( 12 ) 1147 - 1160  1998年12月


    Life cycle assessment (LCA) has received much attention as an effective tool to evaluate the environmental burden of a product or service during its life cycle. Many LCA case studies have been carried out in Japan. However, impact assessment has been seldom conducted. Some of the reasons are that impact assessment has not been well investigated and few weighting methodologies practicable for Japan have so far been developed. In this work, development of life cycle impact assessment weighting methodology for Japan based on the distance-to-target principle has been carried out. The methodology has transparent characteristics and basically follows the SETAC `Code of Practice&#039;: classification, characterization, normalization and weighting. Normalization values were estimated for 6 impact categories. Weighting factors for global warming and depletion of stratospheric ozone were derived from the deviation of annual emissions from authorized targets. In local impact categories, classification and characterization are not carried out; each substance is weighted directly with the local normalization value and weighting factor. Site-specific differences in indicator points were shown, based on calculations using life cycle inventories for electricity distributed by the electric power companies in Japan.

  • Development of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Weighting Methodology for Japan - Weighting Methodology Based on the Distance-to-Target Method

    Yasunari Matsuno, Atsushi Inaba, Norihiro Itsubo, Ryoichi Yamamoto

    Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   77   1146 - 1147  1998年12月


    Life cycle assessment (LCA) has received much attention as an effective tool to evaluate the environmental burden of a product or service during its life cycle. Many LCA case studies have been carried out in Japan. However, impact assessment has been seldom conducted. Some of the reasons are that impact assessment has not been well investigated and few weighting methodologies practicable for Japan have so far been developed. In this work, development of life cycle impact assessment weighting methodology for Japan based on the distance-to-target principle has been carried out. The methodology has transparent characteristics and basically follows the SETAC &#039;Code of Practice&#039;: classification, characterization, normalization and weighting. Normalization values were estimated for 6 impact categories. Weighting factors for global warming and depletion of stratospheric ozone were derived from the deviation of annual emissions from authorized targets. In local impact categories, classification and characterization are not carried out; each substance is weighted directly with the local normalization value and weighting factor. Site-specific differences in indicator points were shown, based on calculations using life cycle inventories for electricity distributed by the electric power companies in Japan.

  • LCAによる環境影響の指標化

    伊坪徳宏, 山本良一

    機械の研究   50 ( 12 ) 1217 - 1225  1998年12月


  • 材料の環境影響の統合評価―バージン材と再生材の比較

    伊坪徳宏, 山本良一

    日本エネルギー学会誌   77 ( 859 ) 1080 - 1088  1998年11月


    One of the most important themes to promote Eco-design is the utilization of recycled materials. But little is known about the environmental information on total impacts from production of recycled materials in Japan. In recent years, many studies concerning the methodologies of impact assessment have discussed to show one single index about total environmental impacts. The question of how to include `resource depletion&#039; as a safeguard subject is still open. We have suggested a methodology that provides us a total indicator based on Japanese environmental problems and resource consumption. In this paper a research program for investigating the environmental impacts of production metals in Japan is described. Moreover, the differences of environmental impacts between primary metals and secondary metals were discussed as a case study.

    DOI CiNii

  • 材料の環境影響の統合評価 バージン材と再生材の比較:バージン材と再生材の比較

    伊坪 徳宏, 山本 良一

    日本エネルギー学会誌   77 ( 11 ) 1080 - 1088  1998年


    One of the most important themes to promote Eco-design is the uti-lization of recycled materials. But little is known about the environmental information on total impacts from production of recycled materials in Japan.&lt;BR&gt;In recent years, many studies concerning the methodologies of impact assessment have discussed to show one single index about total environmental impacts. The ques-tion of how to include &amp;ldquo;resource depletion&amp;rdquo; as a safeguard subject is still open. We have suggested a methodology that provides us a total indicator based on Japanese environ-mental problems and resource consumption.&lt;BR&gt;In this paper a research program for investigating the environmental impacts of pro-duction metals in Japan is described. Moreover, the differences of environmental impacts between primary metals and secondary metals were discussed as a case study.

    DOI CiNii

  • ライフサイクルアセスメント (II) 日本におけるインパクトアセスメント統合指標の開発 Distance to Target法を用いた統合化指標およびその適用例について:Distance to Target法を用いた統合化指標およびその適用例について

    松野 泰也, 稲葉 敦, 伊坪 徳宏, 山本 良一

    日本エネルギー学会誌   77 ( 12 ) 1139 - 1147  1998年


    Life cycle assessment (LCA) has received much attention as an effective tool to evaluate the environmental burden of a product or service during its life cycle. Many LCA case studies have been carried out in Japan. However, impact assessment has been seldom conducted. Some of the reasons are that impact assessment has not been well investigated and few weighting methodologies practicable for Japan have so far been developed. In this work, development of life cycle impact assessment weighting methodology for Japan basedon the distance-to-target principle has been carried out. The methodology hastransparent characteristics and basically follows the SETAC &amp;lsquo;Code of Practice&amp;rsquo;: classification, characterization, normalization and weighting. Normalization values were estimated for 6 impact categories. Weighting factors for global warming and depletion of stratospheric ozone were derived from the deviation of annual emissions from authorized targets. In local impact categories, classification and characterization are not carried out; each substanceis weighted directly with the local normalization value and weighting factor. Site-specific differences in indicator points were shown, based on calculations using life cycle inventories for electricity distributed by the electric power companies in Japan.


  • Environmental Impact Assessment for Materials Produced in Japan

    Norihiro Itsubo, Yasunari Matsuno, Atsushi Inaba, Ryoichi Yamamoto

      -   375 - 378  1998年

  • Activities of the LCA-National Project in Japan

    Masataka Yano, Toshio Ohta, Yoshifumi Nakahara, Norihiro Itsubo

      -   41 - 44  1998年

  • インバースマニュファクチャリングシステムとLCAの現状


      ゼロエミッションへの挑戦講演資料   14 - 25  1998年

  • ライフサイクルインパクト分析手法の現状

    伊坪 徳宏, 山本 良一

    土木学会論文集 = Proceedings of JSCE   573   1 - 8  1997年09月


    製品の全ライフサイクルの物質・エネルギー収支を用いて環境負荷を定量化して評価を行い, その低減方策のための有用な情報を与える手段として, LCA (ライフサイクルアセスメント) が注目されている. しかし, LCAはまだ発展途上のツールであり, 現段階において世界的に合意された手法は存在しない. 現在LCAの手法開発に向けて活発に研究が国内外問わず進められている. 特にLCAの最重要な段階である, インパクト分析については, 欧米を中心に様々な手法が提案されている. 本稿では, LCA研究の現状をインパクト分析手法を中心に概説する.

    DOI CiNii

  • アルミ合金製造時の環境負荷に対する添加元素の影響

    伊坪 徳宏, 山本 良一

    材料とプロセス : 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集 = Current advances in materials and processes : report of the ISIJ meeting   10 ( 1 ) 265 - 265  1997年03月


  • リサイクル可能なFe-Fe複合材料のエコバランスによる考察

    皆川 和己, 奥山 秀男, 大野 悟, 原田 幸明, 伊坪 徳宏

    材料とプロセス : 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集 = Current advances in materials and processes : report of the ISIJ meeting   10 ( 1 ) 266 - 266  1997年03月


  • Microstructural valuation of iron-based composite materials as an ecomaterial

    N Itsubo, K Halada, K Minagawa, R Yamamoto



    One of an important method to realize is said that we should take recycle processes into consideration and select the material without the mixture of particular elements that make it difficult to recycle. Therefore, it is useful to control of microstructure for improvement.
    From this point of view, we paid attention to ''SCIFER (that is made from Kobe Steel Ltd.)'' that has a recyclable formation (Fe-C-Si-Mn) and superior characteristic (tensile strength is 5000MPa). The grain size of this fiber is nano-size. In this study, we used this material and compounded it together with iron-matrix to make an iron-based composite for recycle and investigated the possibilities of realization. The difficulty of this study is to make this composite without injuring the fiber's microstructure. Therefore, we have adopted powder metallurgy which could fabricate composite at low temperature comparatively. Especially, Ultra Fine Particles (UFP) that would sinter at low temperature to bond the interface between fiber and matrix with keeping fiber's capacity. This method is useful to ascend the density of the matrix. Results are as follows.
    (1) Utilization of UFP slurry made it possible to adhere UFP to the surface of fiber and seed powder. Still more, this procedure enabled it to make a thin film uniformly by selecting the condition of slurry density and procedure of dryness.
    (2) Applying UFP to the surface of fiber and seed powder make it possible to get the bond between fiber and matrix. By the bond of interface, both fracture strength and energies have ascended remarkably due to pull out of fiber.

  • A Consideration of the Limits to the Production and Recycling Rates of Non-Renewable Material from Sustainability

    Norihiro Itsubo, Ryoichi Yamamoto

      -   329  1997年

  • Green Indicator: an on-subjective ecodesign tool for products in Japan

    Yasunari Matsuno, Atsushi Inaba, Norihiro Itsubo, Ryouichi Yamamoto

      -  1997年

  • An Impact Analysis of Aluminum Alloys Focused on Alloy Component

    Norihiro Itsubo, Ryoichi Yamamoto

      -   325  1997年

  • LCA(ライフサイクルアセスメント)による環境負荷評価

    伊坪徳宏, 森実, 山本良一

    安全工学   35-4 ( 4 ) 271 - 282  1996年08月


    &lt;p&gt;&lt;tt&gt;&lt;b&gt;製品,サービスの環境負荷をライフサイクルの全段階で総合的かっ定量的に評価する手法としてLCA (ライフサイクルアセスメント)が注目され,LCAの研究導入が進められている.現在直面する地球規模の環境問題および資源枯渇に対応しつっ,持続可能発展するためには,人間の健康や,生態系への影響,資源枯渇などに対応するための環境負荷の制御基準を定める必要があり,LCAの重要度は非常に高い,本稿ではLCAの現在示されている手法および適用事例,今後さらに発展するための課題,オラン &lt;/b&gt;&lt;/tt&gt;&lt;tt&gt;&lt;b&gt;ダなどで進められているエコインジケータについて概説する. &lt;/b&gt;&lt;/tt&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

    DOI CiNii

  • Porous Fe-Fe Composite as an Environment Conscious Materials (ECOMATERIAL)

    Koumei Halada, Kazumi Minagawa, Satoru Ohno, Norihiro Itsubo

      -  1996年

  • A Research of Impact Assessment Concentrated on Alloys

    Norihiro Itsubo, Ryoichi Yamamoto

      -   548  1996年

  • Microstructural Valuation of Iron-based Composite Materials as an Ecomaterial

    Norihiro Itsubo, Koumei Halada, Kazumi Minagawa, Ryoichi Yamamoto

      -   255 - 259  1996年

  • Ecobalance consideration on a recyclable Fe-Fe composite

    Kazumi Minagawa, Norihiro Itsubo, Satoru Ono, Koumei Halada

      -   568  1996年

  • 環境負荷評価手法としてのライフサイクルアセスメントの現状と将来

    伊坪 徳宏, 山本 良一

    防錆管理   39 ( 10 ) 350 - 362  1995年10月


  • A Fundamental Study to Manufacture Fe-Fe Composite for Ecomaterials and Assessment of Environmental Effects

    Norihiro Itsubo, Koumei Halada, Kazumi Minagawa, Ryoichi Yamamoto

    Proceedings of The Third IUMRS International Conference in Asia   -  1995年


  • A Research of Possibilities to Manufacture Fe-Fe Composite for Eco-Materials

    Norihiro Itsubo, Koumei Halada, Kazumi Minagawa, Ryoichi Yamamoto

    Proceedings of International Ecomaterials Conference '95, Part A   Part A   123 - 126  1995年


  • 環境負荷評価法としてのライフサイクルアセスメントの現状と将来

    伊坪徳宏, 山本良一

      39-10   350 - 362  1995年

  • 微細構造制御によるエコマテリアル化の試みとしてのFe-Feコンポジットの可能性

    伊坪徳宏, 原田幸明, 皆川和己, 山本良一

    粉体および粉末冶金   41 ( 11 ) 1361 - 1366  1994年02月


    As a direction of material&#039;s development for future, we need “Eco-materials” which consider not only characters when we use products, but also environment. A development of method which Eco-materials aims is not utilization of additional elements but changing forms of existence for obtaining good characters. From a point of this view, we paid attention to “SCIFER” which has a recyclable formation of Fe-C-Si-Mn and excellent characters. Still more, we tried to adhere UFP with SCIFER&#039;s surface and to investigate effects for manufacturing caiposites by using it. Results are as follows, l. ln order to ascend sintering power within the region of lower tenperatures where SCIFER&#039;s minute structures are good, it is necessary to use Ultra Fine Powder 2. Utilization of solution dispersed UFP made adhereing of UFP with SCIFER&#039;s surface possible. 3. Scroe parts where UFP united matrix with SCIFER were aquired. © 1994, Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii







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