Updated on 2024/07/03


TANABE, Satoko
Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title
Associate Professor

Research Experience

  • 2023.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Associate Professor

  • 1995.04

    National Diet Library

  • 1999.09

    Georgetown University   Center for Food and Nutrition Policy   Graduate Fellow

Education Background


    University of Tsukuba  


    Georgetown University   Public Policy Institute   Master of Public Policy  


    Kyoto University  


    Kyoto University   Faculty of Agriculture  

Committee Memberships

  • 2023.06

    新宿区図書館協議会  委員

  • 2016.12

    日本評価学会  理事

Professional Memberships











Research Areas

  • Politics   公共政策学 / Library and information science, humanistic and social informatics

Research Interests

  • 公共政策

  • 生涯教育

  • 政策評価

  • 図書館評価


  • 学会賞

    2021.10   日本図書館情報学会  

  • 優秀発表奨励賞

    2017.11   日本図書館情報学会  



  • The role of librarians in Evidence-Based Policy Making (EBPM)

    TANABE Satoko

    The Journal of Information Science and Technology Association   72 ( 1 ) 24 - 28  2022.01

    DOI CiNii

  • Furthering Evidence-Based PolicyMaking in Japan:: Implications from experiences in the healthcare sector

    Tanabe Satoko

    Japanese Journal of Evaluation Studies   20 ( 2 ) 19 - 31  2020.07  [Refereed]

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    Evidence-based policymaking (EBPM) has its origins in evidence-based medicine (EBM). Policymaking is believed to be separate from healthcare, where evidence is created and used in an ideal setting. However, even in healthcare, medical providers are not able to make decisions based only on evidence. Additionally, they face the issue of the evidence-practice gap.

      This paper distilled suggestions for EBPM based on EBM and experiences in the healthcare sector, namely, creating a definition of evidence that focuses on effectiveness, accumulating and sharing evidence, understanding the factors to be considered in decision-making, combining the application of rigorous evidence and simple performance measurement, resolving difficulties in diffusing evidence, and realizing the government’s role in developing infrastructure for EBPM.


  • Methods of Library Evaluation: Focusing on Public Libraries

    TANABE Satoko

    Journal of Japan Society of Library and Information Science   66 ( 4 ) 125 - 134  2020

    DOI CiNii

  • The Use and Influence of Performance Measurement:: Empirical Analysis of Public Libraries

    Tanabe Satoko

    Japanese Journal of Evaluation Studies   19 ( 2 ) 3 - 18  2019.03  [Refereed]

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    This paper analyzes how evaluations affect people and organizations based on the theory of evaluation influence. Qualitative data were collected by interviews with librarians in seven public libraries which conduct performance measurement.

      The analytical framework of evaluation influence illustrates four types of influences; cognitive and affective outcomes, motivational outcomes, behavioral outcomes, and general influences. Various influences in all types were observed in the interviews both at individual and organizational levels. Also, three types of influence pathways were observed; the improvement route, the goal attainment route, and the explanation route.


  • What inhibits evidence-based cancer screening?:: An analysis using the concept of policy ideas

    Tanabe Satoko

    Japanese Journal of Evaluation Studies   17 ( 1 ) 3 - 18  2016.11  [Refereed]

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    The author analyzed the factors that inhibit evidence-based cancer screenings based on the concept of policy ideas. In Japan, the idea of evidence-based cancer screenings was introduced from abroad and it was intended to re-examine existing cancer screening programs. This policy change is incomplete so far at the municipal level, which actually conduct screening programs. It became apparent that many screenings without enough evidence are provided in addition to screenings that passed effectiveness test.

      It can be pointed out that the factors inhibiting evidence-based cancer screenings are the lack of understanding on effectiveness at the municipal level and the existence of “policy legacies” that previous policies affect the next policy making.


  • The Role of Program Evaluation as Complement to Performance Measurement:: The Case of GPRAMA in the United States

    Tanabe Satoko

    Japanese Journal of Evaluation Studies   14 ( 2 ) 1 - 16  2014.12  [Refereed]

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    In the Policy Evaluation system in Japan, performance measurement (called “jisseki hyoka” in the system) is most frequently used and the use of program evaluations (“sogo hyoka”) is limited. In this article, the author discusses how we can utilize program evaluations as a means of supplementing performance measurement, by analyzing the case of the United States. Under the framework of GPRA Modernization Act (GPRAMA), program evaluations are being utilized for developing and revising performance goals, for setting performance indicators, and for supporting program reforms.

      Program evaluations could solve part of problems in the Policy Evaluation system in Japan, including the difficulty in setting indicators and non-use of evaluation results.


  • 政策評価の手法:アメリカの評価理論と実践をもとに

    田辺 智子

    季刊行政管理研究   ( 97 ) 37 - 54  2002.03


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Books and Other Publications

  • 図書館評価の有効性 : 評価影響の理論を用いた実証研究

    田辺, 智子

    明石書店  2021.03 ISBN: 9784750351698


  • 図書館経営の評価


    日本図書館協会 2023年度中堅職員ステップアップ研修(2) 

    Presentation date: 2023.09

  • 図書館評価の有効性:公共図書館を事例として



    Presentation date: 2022.10

  • 図書館評価の有効性:公共図書館を事例として



    Presentation date: 2022.07

  • 評価の実施・影響プロセスの分析枠組み:政策学習と評価影響の概念を基に


    Presentation date: 2022.05

  • 評価理論の観点から見た有効性検査


    Presentation date: 2021.12

  • 実証研究に基づくメタ評価チェックリスト:図書館評価を事例として


    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • EBPMの基礎概念:歴史・本質・留意点


    広島県主催 EBPMシンポジウム 

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • エビデンスと政策の間:評価利用の研究が示すもの


    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • 評価の利用と影響に関する実証分析:公共図書館を事例として


    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • Influence pathways of performance measurement: An empirical analysis of public libraries

    American Evaluation Association Annual Conference 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 公共図書館における評価の“利用”


    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • セオリー評価実施における留意点:最近のテキストから学ぶ


    Presentation date: 2012.12

  • プログラム評価の理論と実際:アメリカの事例をもとに



    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • エビデンスに基づく教育に向けて:アメリカ教育省What Works Clearinghouseの動向


    Presentation date: 2006.06

  • 政策決定のためのリスク分析


    Presentation date: 2003.11

  • アメリカの政策評価と会計検査院(GAO)の役割


    三重県議会事務局 政策・フリー懇談会 

    Presentation date: 2002.07

  • アメリカの政策評価制度について



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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 図書館評価の有効性に関する発展的研究:統制と業績に着目して


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     本研究は、公共図書館が行う運営状況の評価が業績向上につながるかを明らかにするものである。具体的には、評価実施が利用実績や自治体職員の図書館への認識に正の影響を与えるかについて質的・量的分析を行う。分析に当たっては、設置自治体による業績統制が強く働く指定管理者制度における評価と、直営館が行う自己評価との比較に留意する。 2023年度は、特定課題研究助成費(研究基盤形成)を基に、文献収集、海外学会(オンライン)参加を行い、先行研究のレビューと概念モデルの検討を行った。