Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Sport Sciences, School of Sport and Sciences
Job title
Doctor ( Kyoto University )

Professional Memberships









Research Areas

  • History of Asia and Africa

Research Interests

  • 身体文化

  • YMCA

  • 軍隊

  • スポーツ

  • Physical culture

  • YMCA

  • Military

  • Sports

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Books and Other Publications

  • スポーツからみる東アジア史 : 分断と連帯の二〇世紀

    高嶋, 航

    岩波書店  2021.12 ISBN: 9784004319061

  • 帝国日本と越境するアスリート

    高嶋, 航, 金, 誠

    塙書房  2020.12 ISBN: 9784827313161

  • 国家とスポーツ : 岡部平太と満洲の夢

    高嶋, 航

    KADOKAWA  2020.03 ISBN: 9784044004941

  • 冒険と探検の近代日本

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, 「もう一つの冒険・探検:近代中国を例に」「植民地台湾と登山」)

    せりか書房  2019.02 ISBN: 9784796703796

  • 「甲子園の眺め方」歴史としての高校野球

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, 「満洲・台湾と甲子園」「女子野球」)

    小さ子社  2018.10 ISBN: 9784909782007

  • スポーツの世界史

    髙嶋 航( Part: Joint editor, 中国、フィリピン)

    一色出版  2018.09 ISBN: 9784909383044

  • 中国ジェンダー史研究入門

    小浜 正子, 下倉 渉, 佐々木 愛, 高嶋 航, 江上 幸子

    京都大学学術出版会  2018.01 ISBN: 9784814001248

  • スポーツがつくったアジア : 筋肉的キリスト教の世界的拡張と創造される近代アジア

    Huebner Stefan, 高嶋 航, 冨田 幸祐

    一色出版, 悠書館 (発売)  2017 ISBN: 9784909383006

  • 近現代中国における社会経済制度の再編

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, 「東亜病夫」と近代中国(1896-1949))

    京都大学人文科学研究所  2016.02

  • 軍隊とスポーツの近代

    髙嶋 航( Part: Sole author)

    青弓社  2015.08

  • 現代中国文化の深層構造

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, 探検の客体から探検の主体へ:近代中国の学術界とナショナリズム)

    京都大学人文科学研究所  2015.06

  • 近代東亜翻訳概念的発生与伝播

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, “東亜病夫”与体育:以殖民地男性特質為視点的観察)

    社会科学文献出版社  2015.02

  • 軍隊の文化人類学

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, 軍隊と社会のはざまで:日本・朝鮮・中国・フィリピンの学校教練)

    風響社  2015.02

  • 新民説

    髙嶋 航( Part: Sole translator)

    平凡社  2014.03

  • 長江流域社会の歴史景観

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, 上海セント・ジョンズ大学スポーツ小史(1890-1925))

    京都大学人文科学研究所  2013.09

  • 二十世紀中国的社会与文化

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, 1920年代中国女性剪髪:輿論、時尚、革命)

    社会科学文献出版社  2013.03

  • 近代東アジアにおける翻訳概念の展開

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, 「東亜病夫」とスポーツ:コロニアル・マスキュリニティの視点から)

    京都大学人文科学研究所  2013.01

  • 二十世紀的中国社会

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, 近代中国徴婚広告史(1902-1943))

    社会科学文献出版社  2012.03

  • 帝国日本とスポーツ

    髙嶋 航( Part: Sole author)

    塙書房  2012.03 ISBN: 4827312532

  • 中国社会主義文化の研究

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, 1920年代の中国における女性の断髪:議論・ファッション・革命)

    京都大学人文科学研究所  2010.05

  • 20世紀中国の社会システム

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, 近代中国求婚広告史(1902-1943))

    京都大学学術出版会  2009.06

  • 中国東アジア外交交流史

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, 極東選手権競技大会とYMCA)

    京都大学学術出版会  2007.03

  • 結社の世界史② 結社が描く中国近現代

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, 女性解放への歩み 戒纏足会/天足会/不纏足会)

    山川出版社  2005.07

  • 梁啓超与近代中国社会文化

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, 天足会与不纏足会)

    天津古籍出版社  2005.01

  • 中国近代化の動態構造

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, 教会と信者の間で:女性宣教師による纏足解放の試み)


  • 中国近代の都市と農村

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, 江南農村社会の都市と徴税)

    京都大学人文科学研究所  2001.03

  • 中国明清地方檔案の研究

    髙嶋 航( Part: Contributor, 呉県・太湖庁の経造)

    平成9年度~平成11年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究A2)研究成果報告書  2000.03

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  • 近代日本におけるスポーツの受容

    髙嶋 航  [Invited]

    (成都)  西南交通大学

    Presentation date: 2015.05

  • 探検される中国と探検する中国

    髙嶋 航  [Invited]

    (龍谷大学)  龍谷史学会

    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • 極東スポーツ界の軌跡:戦前の中国・朝鮮・日本・フィリピンを中心に


    日本体育学会第64回大会  日本体育学会

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • 兵操から軍訓へ

    髙嶋 航  [Invited]

    (東京)  中国社会文化学会

    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • 「東亜病夫」再考

    髙嶋 航  [Invited]

    中国女性史研究会  (杭州) 

    Presentation date: 2013.02

Research Projects

  • Imperial Japan and the Emergence of Interregional Network of Sports in East Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • A study on the biographical information of Mao Zedong

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ISHIKAWA Yoshihiro, ONODERA Shirou, MURAKAMI Ei, MORIKAWA Hiroki, TANAKA Hitoshi, MARUTA Takashi, EDA Kenji, SETO Hiroshi, TAKEGAMI Mariko

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    By gathering various biographical information of Mao Zedong, we discovered some unknown images of Mao. The most important discovery is the early portrait of him which was first appeared in the journal of American left wing in 1933. Another unknown photo of Mao which was published in the official bulletin of Japanese government in 1937 is very important as well, because the purported portrait of fatty Mao was completely different from what we know. By analyzing various versions of early Mao images, we could shed a new light on the formation of the images of the "red sun" or "red star.

  • Military and Sports during the Wartime, A Comparative Social History

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Takashima Ko

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    This study focused on the Japanese military’s perception of Western sports from 1873 to 1945, and revealed how and why specific military institution in specific time encouraged or discouraged Western sports. It also referred to the particularities and commonalities of Japanese experience by comparing to several European and North American militaries. It became clear that the shifting masculinities in Japanese society at large affected the degree of promotion and exercise of Western sports in Japanese military.

  • A Comprehensive Study of Gender Order in China from an Historical Perspective

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOHAMA Masako, SAKAMOTO Hiroko, TAKASHIMA Ko, EGAMI Sachiko, AKIYAMA Yoko, ITAHASHI Akiko, Ohashi Fumie, GOMI Tomoko, SASAKI Megumi, SHIMOKURA Wataru, SHIROUZU Noriko, GROVE Linda, YAO Yi

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    This research project examines the special characteristics of gender order in Chinese society and its changes over time, focusing on the family and its roles in gender structures.
    Among the results of our research are: (1) for the premodern era (Qin to Qing) we have shown that the "traditional Chinese family” as described in the work of Shiga Shuzo took shape from the Song dynasty; (2) and for the modern and contemporary period we have shown that Chinese intellectuals influenced by ideas about from the May Fourth Cultural movement about "love marriages" came to regard the nuclear family as the orthodox family type, and (3) that the “love marriage” style became the norm as a result of the family revolution under the PRC, etc.

  • Historical Anthropology of Transnational Features of Militaries in Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANAKA Masakazu, EDA Kenji, KOIKE Ikuko, TAKASHIMA Ko, UESUGI Taeko, KIM Byunchul, TANABE Akio, FUKUURA Atsuko, MORITA Shinya

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    The main purpose of this project is to understand the transnational impacts of militaries in Asian countries including U. S. military in Japan and Korea. The military activities are transnational in many regards. The object of this project ranges from psychological impacts on Japanese Self Defense Force servicemen by their experiences of the long term deployment in Iraq to the problems caused by the re-organization of the U. S. military in Korea. In addition the transnational nature of the anti-base movement and pacifist movement were analyzed.

  • A Study of the Litigious Chinese Society in East Asian History

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUMA Susumu, IWAI Shigeki, OHIRA Yuichi, TANII Yoko, TSUJI Masahiro, TERADA Hiroaki, MOMIYAMA Akira, GO Yaku

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    In Japan, in both Chinese history and legal history academic circles, the fact that Pre-modern China was a litigious society is still not well enough known.This research clearly demonstrates the popularity of litigation in China in the 150s A.D., the development of the accompanying appeal system, and the large amount of litigation cases gathered throughout the country against the Peking central government. In addition, given that for example in the 1870s up to one in sixty families of the Ba(巴) prefecture of the Sichuan Province were involved in litigations every year, the extensive nature of this litigious society is fully revealed.

  • The Study of East and South-East Asian Militaries in Historical Anthropology

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANAKA Masakazu, UESUGI Taeko, KIM Byungchul, TAKASHIMA Kou, FUKUURA Atsuko

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    The aim of this research was to understand the militaries of East and South-East Asia in their social and cultural contexts from the viewpoint of historical anthropology. An important accomplishment of this research is the development of the justifiable analysis of Asian militaries and their social and cultural contexts through fieldwork and the use of primary sources. The results are evident from various publications and reports by the project members.
    Our project that discusses the relationship between the military and its local communities has caught the attention of both Japanese and overseas researchers. Also, this project has offered a stimulating opportunity for young researchers interested in similar themes.
    An international symposium was held in Misawa, Japan to further communications with researchers outside the country. It should be emphasized that in terms of social contribution, two public lectures at the symposium are especially significant.


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORI Tokihiko, KIN Bunkyo, IWAI Shigeki, ISHIKAWA Yoshihiro, TAKASHIMA Ko, MURAKAMI Ei

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    This research involved the conducting of case studies with a focus on Wujin and Xinhe Prefectures, which are located in South and North China, respectively, and was principally aimed at collecting and organizing basic data to be used for a comprehensive discussion of the transition and current status of Chinese society on a prefectural basis during the past hundred years. Wujin Prefecture is located in the Yangtze Delta region and has a developed economy and culture, while Xinhe Prefecture is a typical "third-class prefecture" that is located in the North China Plains region ; however, both prefectures are typical of their respective regions. During this four-year study period, five groups were dispatched to Wujin Prefecture, and two groups were dispatched to Xinhe Prefecture, to perform field investigations and the collection of documents.
    In Wujin Prefecture, new versions of "The History of Wujin Prefecture" and "The History of Changzhou City," as well as a total of 84 volumes of County/City history and topical history of Wujin Ward were obtained on site. In addition, a new version of "The History of Xinhe Prefecture" was obtained in Xinhe Prefecture. Those documents allowed for a compilation of lists concerning distances from the prefectural capital, directions, locations on maps, clans, geology, products, markets, festivals, temples, schools, and etc., for 68 County/City levels in Wujin Prefecture and for 175 natural village levels in Xinhe Prefecture. In addition, the utilization of these data resulted in a detailed analysis concerning the transition of natural villages and the population movement for a period of more than one century, from 1875 to 1988, for Xinhe Prefecture.
    Furthermore, oral investigations conducted in both prefectures focused on the issue of the folk beliefs, for which change is comparatively easier to trace, resulting in the accumulation of detailed records. In particular, the investigation in Wujin Prefecture fully covered four religions, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity and Islamism, extending its coverage up to Yancheng in Subei, where many Wujin Prefecture priests are from.


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORI Tokihiko, ISHIKAWA Yoshihiro, IWAI Shigeki, EDA Kenzi, TAKASHIMA Ko, HAMADA Maya

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    We proceeded to collect and categorize statistical data which is indispensable to the analysis of the social dynamics of modem China. Special attentions have been paid this year to disclose the dynamics of population in a county the basic unit of which is a natural village, and to analyze the relation between Zaikabo and the Chinese cotton industry after 1920s.
    Professor Mori participated in the International Academic Discussion on the History of Republican China. The Discussion organized by the Institute of Modem History, Chinese Society of Social Science, had been held in Xiao-tang-shan, Changping County from August 20th through 24th. He gave a lecture on the adjustment of production system by Japanese spinning factories at Shanghai in September 1927.
    Professor Mori was invited to give a lecture at the institute of History, Nankai University on September 12th. The title of the lecture was "Placing the Textile Industry of Gaoyang County in the History of Cotton Industry in Modem China." He was also invited to give a lecture at the Institute of Economics, Nankai University on September 13th. The title of the lecture was "The Dynamics of Population of Hebei Province in 20th Century."

  • 清代の土地所有、徴税、国家

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    高嶋 航

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  • 東アジア体育史

  • 近代中国と女性

  • Land, Tax, and the State in Qing China

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  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

  • Faculty of Sport Sciences   Graduate School of Sport Sciences

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 帝国日本と東アジアスポーツ交流圏の形成

    2023   金誠, 新雅史, 佐々木浩雄, 中嶋哲也, 藤田大誠, 束原文郎, 菅野敦志, 浜田幸絵

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     本研究は、科研基盤B「帝国日本と東アジアスポーツ交流圏の形成」の研究成果を完成させるとともに、次の課題をスタートする準備をすることを目的としていた。 研究成果については、高嶋航・佐々木浩雄編『満洲スポーツ史:帝国日本と東アジアスポーツ交流圏の形成』(青弓社、2024年1月)を刊行した。メンバー全員(9名)の論文を掲載し、全体を俯瞰する序章を加え、今後の研究の便を考慮して年表と文献一覧を付した。 次の課題については、研究会を3回開催して協議した結果、帝国日本が崩壊し、戦後東アジアの国際秩序が再編されていく時期に焦点を当て、この過程でスポーツがどのような変化が起こったのか、そのさい帝国日本の遺産がいかに継承され、あるいは継承されなかったのかを解明することに設定することとなった。当該時期のスポーツに関する研究はこれまでもなされてきたが、いずれも一国史観が主流であり、かつての植民地が視野に入ることはなかった。帝国日本の研究をしてきた利点を生かし、ポスト帝国日本のスポーツに新たな光を当てることができると見込んでいる。 これと関連して、2024年2月末には韓国での調査を実施するとともに、韓国の研究者と交流をおこない、今後研究協力を続けていくことを確認した。 残念ながら2025年度からの科研は不採用となったが、3月下旬に開催する研究会で研究課題のさらなるブラッシュアップを図ることにしている。