Updated on 2024/07/26

Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Culture, Media and Society
Job title
Associate Professor
PhD ( 米国ロチェスター大学 )
学士 ( 上智大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2023.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Associate Professor

Education Background

  • 1998.09

    University of Rochester   Visual and Cultural Studies Program  

  • 1981.04

    Sophia University   Faculty of Foreign Studies   Department of English Studies  

Professional Memberships

  • 1998.04

    Image and Gender

Research Areas

  • Gender studies




    Winner: Akiko Mizoguchi

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    Sense of Gender Award was founded in 2001 by the Japanese Association for Gender Fantasy and Science Fiction(G-Ken) as a "sister award" of James Tiptree Award, in order to celebrate works from various fields including literature, movies, or manga, which invite us to reconsider gender profoundly and excitingly. This award has two divisions: the domestic division is for those works by Japanese artists, while the international division is for translated works launched in Japan.http://gender-sf.org/sog-en.html



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Books and Other Publications

  • BL研究者によるジェンダー批評入門 言葉にならない「モヤモヤ」を言葉で語る「ワクワク」に変える、表象分析のレッスン

    溝口彰子( Part: Sole author)

    笠間書院  2023.06

  • BL進化論[対話篇] ボーイズラブが生まれる場所

    溝口彰子( Part: Sole author)

    宙出版  2017.10 ISBN: 4776796929


  • BL進化論 ボーイズラブが社会を動かす

    溝口彰子( Part: Sole author)

    太田出版  2015.06 ISBN: 9784778314415


  • 映画と身体/性

    斉藤, 綾子, Wada-Marciano, Mitsuyo, 志村, 三代子, 堀, ひかり, 晏, 妮, 藤井, 仁子, 四方田, 犬彦, 堀口, 典子, 鷲谷, 花, 溝口, 彰子( Part: Joint author, 313-343)

    森話社  2006.10 ISBN: 9784916087683

  • セックス・チェンジズ : トランスジェンダーの政治学

    Califia, Patrick, Stone, Sandy, 竹村, 和子, 野宮, 亜紀, 石倉, 由, 吉池, 祥子, レズビアン小説翻訳ワークショップ( Part: Supervisor (editorial), 499-539)

    作品社  2005.07 ISBN: 4861820472

  • 映像表現のオルタナティヴ : 一九六〇年代の逸脱と創造

    西嶋, 憲生( Part: Joint author, 245-274)

    森話社  2005.05 ISBN: 4916087534

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  • Theorizing BL (“Boys’s Love”) As a Transformative Genre: Women’s Pleasurable Discursive Space with Feminist and Queer Potential

    Akiko Mizoguchi, Hyojin Kim, Kristine Michelle Santos, Thomas Baudinette  [Invited]

    Boys’ Love: The History and Transformation of BL in Asia  Japan Foundation, NY

    Presentation date: 2022.05

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    This is a webinar and archived on Youtube.

  • Reading and Living BL: Male-Male Romance Genre As a Women’s Sexualized Discursive Space


    Topographies of Desire: Queer Fantasies in East Asia, Harvard University 

    Presentation date: 2022.03

  • BL、ゲイ映画、そして現実のゲイとの関係再考:映像化の新たなフェーズの今、あらためて


    ソウル大学日本研究所国際学術シンポジウム 2000年代以降日本オタク文化の争点と展望 クール・ジャパン20年を顧みる 

    Presentation date: 2021.03

    Event date:
  • Theorizing BL (Boys' Love) As a Transformative Genre: Male-Male Romance Fictions by Women for Women

    Akiko Mizoguchi  [Invited]

    Kyoto U. & Heidelberg U. Joint Degree Master, Yoshida campus 

    Presentation date: 2019.05

  • Emerging Self-representations by Japanese Lesbians


    Lesbian Culture Panel with Laura Cottingham, Monique Wittig and Jill Johnston 

    Presentation date: 1996.06



    Akiko Mizoguchi, Emalyn

    AWARE    2024.02  [Refereed]  [Invited]  [International coauthorship]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • Ethics and Procedures for Researchers and Research Subjects in the Realm of Queer Studies : Tentative Guideline Informed by Fieldwork

    溝口 彰子, 岩橋 恒太, 大江 千束

    Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU   ( 9 ) 211 - 225  2014


  • In Flux: Eight Japanese Artists in the Aftermath of 311 Quake

    Akiko Mizoguchi

    WSQ (Women's Studies Quarterly)   39 ( 3&4 ) 318 - 328  2011.12  [Invited]


  • Felix Gonzales-Torres

    Akiko Mizoguchi

    Love's Body: Art in the Age of AIDS     143 - 145  2010.10  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • 「クィア学会研究倫理ガイドライン(仮称)」検討ワークショップ・シリーズ活動報告(初年度&2009年度初回)

    溝口 彰子

    論叢クィア   ( 3 ) 110 - 123  2010


  • 特別掲載 ダグラス・クリンプ インタヴュー エイズとメランコリア

    Crimp Douglas, Takemoto Tina, 溝口 彰子

    インターコミュニケーション   14 ( 1 ) 228 - 240  2005


  • インタヴュー 身体/表象--ジェンダー論は、今、何を問いかけるか 竹村和子 (特集・拠点としての表象/身体)

    竹村 和子, 池田 忍, 溝口 彰子

    イメージ&ジェンダー   4   6 - 26  2003.12


  • キャサリン・オピ- (インタヴュ-)公平であるために言い訳をしようとは,もう思わない (特集 セクシュアリティ&ジェンダ-)

    溝口 彰子, オピ- キャサリン

    美術手帖   ( 742 ) 18 - 27  1997.06


  • 小さな国の大冒険--デンマ-ク・ルイジアナ現代美術館「Now Here」展リポ-ト

    溝口 彰子

    美術手帖   ( 732 ) 98 - 107  1996.10


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Internal Special Research Projects

  • グローバル市民のための「BL進化論」〜ボーイズラブ表象とセクシュアリティーズ


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    In the fiscal year 2023 (April 2023-March 2024), I, Akiko Mizoguchi, produced the following. *Japanese-language book (May, 2023): BL kenkyûshaniyoru jendâ hihyou nyûmon: kotobani naranai “moyamoya”wo kotobade kataru “wakuwaku” ni kaeru, hyôshô bunsekino ressun (Introduction to Gender Criticism by BL Scholar: Lessons on the Analyses of Representations in order to Change Nonverbal “Qualms” to Verbalized “Excitement”) (Kasamashoin, 2023) *English-language essay (February, 2024)“What Message Does this Film Deliver to Queer Kids? :Rethinking the Critical Criteria for Live-Action BL and GL Films,” Studies of Media, Body and Image, No. 14: pp.21-48.  *In my YouTube channel, “BL with AKIKO,” the following videos were released. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrRNpDCGNueBa8qDsy-5NcQ“Interview with (manga artist) Sawa Sakura” (April 9-23, 2023)“Celebrating Beriko-sensei’s Simultaneous Release in Countries” (January 31, 2024)“Scarlet Beriko on her new book, ‘Nagahama’” (March 4, 2024) In addition, I gave a video interview to South China Morning Post in their “Cultured” series. The installment in which I appear as a specialist commentator, “Boy’s Love: fictional gay romance mesmerizes Asia,” was released on YouTube on March 31, 2024. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrRNpDCGNueBa8qDsy-5NcQ