Updated on 2025/03/14


ADACHI, Tomoko
Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title
早稲田大学 ( Waseda University )
青山学院大学 ( Aoyama Gakuin University )
早稲田大学 ( Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2023.04

    Waseda University

  • 2020.04


  • 2011.04


  • 2004.04


  • 1999.04


Professional Memberships


    International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG)












    Asia Pacific Career Development Association(APCDA)







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Research Areas

  • Educational psychology   社会心理学、産業・組織心理学

Research Interests

  • ジェンダー

  • キャリア

  • 自己効力

  • ステレオタイプ


  • 日本進路指導協会感謝状受領


  • Project review BEST POSTER AWARD(Third Place)

    2012   Central Bicol State University of Agriculture  

  • 2007年度キャリア教育研究奨励賞


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    「大学生の仕事活動に対する自己効力の規定要因」(キャリア教育研究 第24巻 第2号掲載)に対して



  • Psychological Factors of Gendered Career Choices: Examining Gender Stereotypes, Self-Efficacy, and Interests

    The Asia Pacific Career Development Journal   6 ( 2 ) 2 - 18  2023.09  [Refereed]

  • 若者のキャリア形成とジェンダー―社会正義からの再考―

    キャリア教育研究   40 ( (2) ) 39 - 44  2022  [Refereed]  [Invited]


  • キャリア決定―未決定の規定因 ―大学生、フリーター、無業者の比較から―

    キャリア・カウンセリング研究   23 ( (1) ) 15 - 23  2021  [Refereed]


  • 「討論:キャリアに対する支援の課題と展望―「合格・内定指導」・「つきたい職業見つけ」を超えて―」

    若松 養亮, 白井 利明, 浦上 昌則, 安達 智子

    教育心理学年報   58   201 - 206  2019  [Refereed]  [Invited]


  • Work-family planning and gender role attitudes

    International Journal of Adolescence and Youth   23   52 - 60  2018  [Refereed]



  • Psychological Determinants of Occupational Gender Division: A Study Focusing on Gender Stereotypes and Self-Efficacy

    Journal of Academic Society for Quality of Life: JAS4QoL, Volume 3(3)    2017  [Refereed]

  • Occupational Gender Stereotypes among University Students: Their Relationships with Self-Efficacy and Gender Attitudes

    Tomoko Adachi

    Japanese Association of Industrial/ Organizational Psychology Journal   27 ( 2 ) 87 - 100  2014  [Refereed]


  • Occupational gender stereotypes: Is the ratio of women to men a powerful determinant?

    Tomoko Adachi

    PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS   112 ( 2 ) 640 - 650  2013.04  [Refereed]

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    Gendered division of occupational choices still exists in contemporary Japanese society. Women are underrepresented in traditionally male-dominated fields, while few men occupy positions in traditionally female-dominated areas. The purpose of the present study was to examine occupational gender stereotypes and its relation to the female-to-male ratio of jobholders. Participants were 540 Japanese (262 women, 278 men) who participated in an Internet survey. The results showed that the female-to-male ratio of jobholders was a strong predictor of gender stereotyping. That is to say, contemporary Japanese recognized male-dominated occupations as typically masculine and female-dominated ones as typically feminine. Gender comparisons revealed that men rated female-dominated occupations as more feminine in nature than did women, while women rated male-dominated occupations as more masculine than did men. Future implications for career interventions focusing on occupational gender stereotypes were also discussed.


  • Job search motivation of part-time or unemployed Japanese college graduates

    Shirai, T, Shimomura, H, Kawasaki, T, Adachi, T, Wakamatsu, Y

    International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance   13   95 - 114  2013  [Refereed]



  • Self-efficacy for Science Careers: A Comparative Study between Japanese and Filipino University Students

    Tomoko Adachi, Ma. Teresa Lirag

    Micronesian Educator   17  2013  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Self-efficacy and the gender gap as determinants of interest in a science and technology career

    Adachi Tomoko

    The Japanese journal of psychology   83 ( (5) ) 479 - 488  2012  [Refereed]

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    Interest in a science and technology career, and determinants of such interest, were investigated. In Study 1, self-efficacy for work activities and interest in a science and technology career were assessed. Participants were undergraduate students (n = 264; 132 men, 132 women) and graduates (n = 276; 146 men, 130 women). Graduates were more interested in a science and technology career than undergraduate students, and men were more interested in a technology career than women. Moreover, self-efficacy for realistic and investigative activities was positively related with interest in such a career. In Study 2, relationships between self-efficacy for realistic and investigative activities and childhood experiences were investigated using data from undergraduates (n = 262; 132 men, 130 women) and graduates (n = 274; 141 men, 133 women). Individuals who frequently experienced daily activities, activities in nature, and activities with animals and plants in their childhood had higher self-efficacy for realistic and investigative activities. Moreover, graduates had such past experiences more frequently than undergraduates and males more frequently than females.

    DOI CiNii


  • キャリア探索尺度の再検討


    心理学研究   81 ( (2) ) 132 - 139.  2010  [Refereed]



  • Relationship between the Consciousness and Behavior in Dietary Life of University Students

    Hamaguchi Ikue, Adachi Tomoko, Ohkita Sachiko, Fukumoto Tamiko, Maeda Akiko, Uchida Hayato, Kitamoto Noritoshi, Okuda Toyoko

    Journal of Home Economics of Japan   61 ( 1 ) 13-24. - 24  2010  [Refereed]

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    A disorder of dietary condition in recent years is concerned with the dietary habit of engorgement.We thus believe that dietary education is necessary for university students. This study examines the consciousness and behavior in the dietary condition, sense of taste, and daily life of university students.The influence of a student's family on this dietary behavior and consciousness is also assessed. An analysis was conducted of the results of a questionnaire survey taken from 229 university students.Structural equation modeling was applied to study the consciousness which influences the dietary behavior, living activities and influence of the family. This analysis shows the influence of the family on the consciousness of dietary condition, sense of taste, and daily activities related to a healthy life style.The results suggest the importance of university students having experience of cooking, promoting consciousness of their dietary behavior, and that the family recognizes its influence.

    DOI CiNii

  • Career Independence Based on Career Service among Young Part-time Jobbers : Constructing the Process Model of Career Independence

    KAWASAKI Tomotsugu, WAKAMATSU Yosuke, ADACHI Tomoko, SHIRAI Toshiaki, SHIMOMURA Hideo

    The Japanese Journal of career education   28 ( 2 ) 47-56. - 56  2010  [Refereed]

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    We had an interview with career counselors at the institute of career services in order to study the process of career independence among young part-time jobbers who want to get full-time jobs. As the results of interview, it suggested that young part-time jobbers tend to have lack of self-understanding, difficulty of self-disclosure, and/or lower level of self-esteem reflecting the immaturity of internal career. Based on the results, we constructed the process model of career independence for young part-time jobbers. It suggested that the intervention of career counselor approached to whether behavior or consciousness, finally certain changes took place in internal career, and these changes caused the action to get full-time jobs.

    DOI CiNii

  • Career consciousness among Japanese female students: Relationships between vocational motivation and career exploration

    Tomoko Adachi

    Shinrigaku Kenkyu   79 ( 1 ) 27 - 34  2008  [Refereed]

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    This questionnaire study investigated career consciousness among 348 Japanese female freshman and sophomore college students. Variables included career consciousness (belief in the idea of a best-fit vocation, passivity, and giving priority to personal interests), vocational motives (self-improvement, interpersonal, status), as well as career decision-making self-efficacy (self-appraisal, gathering occupational information) and career exploration (self and environmental exploration). The results of causal analyses showed that the belief in the idea of a best-fit vocation and passivity had effects on all three vocational motives, but giving priority to personal interests had an effect only on motivation for self-improvement. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) models were constructed with career exploration as dependent variables, career consciousness as fixed factors, and career decision-making self-efficacy as covariates. The results of the analyses showed that students who had high career decision-making self-efficacy engaged in both self exploration and environmental exploration activities with a higher frequency. Students with a greater passive tendency toward their career engaged in both self and environmental exploration with a lower frequency. Belief in the idea of a best-fit vocation was associated only with differences in frequency of self exploration. Giving priority to personal interests did not produce differences in career exploration activities.

    DOI PubMed


  • Career independence among young part-time jobbers: toward the reconstruction of career developmental theory in terms of time perspectives

    SHIMOMURA Hideo, SHIRAI Toshiaki, KAWASAKI Tomotsugu, WAKAMATSU Yosuke, ADACHI Tomoko

    The Japanese journal of adlescent psychology   19 ( 19 ) 1-19. - 19  2007  [Refereed]

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    The objective of this study was to identify the processes and conditions of the career independence of "freeters," which is a process they use for selecting career paths to become financially independent of their parents and to realize personal and societal values. This paper is divided into four sections: First, we briefly review the discussion on freeters in Japan and point out their psychological problems. Second, we examine the relationship between the freeters' career patterns and the normal ones, which are considered desirable in traditional career development theories, and indicate the shortcomings of these theories. Then, we introduce a new theoretical framework called the career construction theory (Savickas, 2002) for explaining the career paths of freeters. Third, in discussing the career independence of freeters, we describe the importance of the idea of time perspectives, and clarify how to support freeters in their independence by considering their time perspectives. Fourth, we suggest practical possibilities for providing support to freeters. Finally, based on the above discussions, we speculate the issues that are important for examining the career independence of freeters and list the prospects for the new stream of adolescent psychology.


  • Structure and determinants of affirmative attitudes among Japanese youth regarding part time workers known as freeter

    Adachi Tomoko

    THE JAPANESE JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL & SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY   47 ( 1 ) 39 - 50  2007  [Refereed]

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    In Japan, young part-time workers are referred to as a freeter. Recently, it has been observed that affirmative attitudes toward the freeter have become widely diffused among Japanese youth. This study investigated the factor structure of this affirmative attitude, and relationships between outcome expectations and attitudes were examined. Outcome expectations were assessed by subjective estimation of advantages and disadvantages of living a life as a freeter. Participants were students (N=588; 333 females, 253 males, 2 unknown) attending universities, junior colleges, and vocational schools located in the Kanto area. The result of exploratory factor analysis of the affirmative attitudes toward freeter revealed three factors named "social contribution of freeters", "freeters as a tentative process", and "enthusiastic sympathy for freeters". Causal analysis using structural equation modeling indicated the following: positive appraisals such as, "people can enrich one's experience by working as a freeter," were a significant positive determinant of the affirmative attitudes in general. Conversely, negative appraisals such as, "a past record as a freeter would impede future career development," were a significant negative determinant of freeter as a tentative career process. Based on these results, it was concluded that guiding youth toward accurately assessing the merits and demerits of being a freeter have an effect to change attitudes toward future career among youth.<br>

    DOI CiNii

  • The Career Consciousness among Youth and Career Development Support: A Study Focusing on University Students

    Tomoko Adachi

    The Japan Labor Review   3(2)   28 - 42.  2006

  • 大学生の仕事活動に対する自己効力の規定要因


    キャリア教育研究   24(2)   1 - 10  2006  [Refereed]


  • 大学生のキャリア選択と心理的背景―そして大人たちは何ができるか―

    安達 智子

    21世紀フォーラム   99 ( 99 ) 40 - 45  2005


  • Career self-efficacy, career outcome expectations and vocational interests among Japanese university students

    T Adachi

    PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS   95 ( 1 ) 89 - 100  2004.08  [Refereed]

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    The Social Cognitive Career Model proposes that career interests arise from beliefs about capability to execute a course of activity (self-efficacy), and beliefs about the consequences of performing particular activities (outcome expectations). In our study, 301 Japanese university students were given questionnaires including the Vocational Preference Inventory and scales assessing Career Self-efficacy and Career-outcome Expectations. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated both self-efficacy and outcome expectations were significantly related to vocational interests. Outcome expectations accounted for significant incremental variance in explaining interests across six of Holland's vocational environments. Implications of social cognitive theory for career development and interventions among Japanese university students are discussed.



  • Career decision among Japanese university students:psychological determinants and intervention

    The Japanese Journal of Labour studies   533   27 - 37  2004

  • An examination of the relationships among career decision-making self-efficacy, vocational motives, and vocational indecision: A study of women's junior college students

    Tomoko Adachi

    Shinrigaku Kenkyu   72 ( 1 ) 10 - 18  2001  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of this study was to examine a causal model leading to the tendency of women's junior college students to delay vocational decisions. The model assumes that Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy (CDMSE) determines vocational motives, which in turn affect the tendency. A questionnaire was administered to 431, 199 first-year and 232 second-year, women's junior college students. CDMSE was measured with self-efficacy for self-appraisal and occupational information-gathering, and vocational motives were self-improvement, interpersonal, and status motives. Results showed that self-efficacy for self-appraisal influenced self-improvement motive for both first-year and second-year students. Self-improvement motive and the self-efficacy then influenced vocational indecision among second-year students. Self-efficacy for information-gathering influenced vocational indecision among first-year students. These findings suggest that college vocational guidance should take self-efficacy and vocational motives into account.

    DOI PubMed


  • Career development by university students: Social cognitive career theory

    T Adachi

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY   49 ( 3 ) 326 - 336  2001  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the process of career development in university students, based on Social Cognitive Career Theory (Lent et al., 1994). People who possess high self-efficacy and expect career activity to have a favorable outcome will take an interest in and fulfill career activities. In the present study, hierarchical regression strategies were employed to examine the process through which career decision-making self-efficacy (CDMSE) and outcome expectations influence career exploratory intentions and career explorations through the intervention of vocational motives. In addition, gender differences among these processes were examined. The results showed that self-efficacy and outcome expectations had an effect on exploratory intentions through the intervention of vocational motives. The self-improvement motive, which is an intrinsic motivation relating to the nature of the work, played an especially important role among these processes. Career decision-making self-efficacy had a direct influence on career explorations, but no such effect was seen for outcome expectations or vocational motive. Gender differences were seen in outcome expectations, with male students having more favorable outcome expectations than female students.



  • 就業動機尺度の概念的妥当性-動機,自己効力感との関連性について-

    実験社会心理学研究   41 ( 1 ) 45 - 51  2001  [Refereed]


  • Motive to Enter University and Adaptation after Matriculation among Freshmen belonging to Science Department : Comparison based on Vocational Motivation


    bulletin of the Japanese Society for Study of Career Guidance   19 ( 2 ) 22 - 29  1999  [Refereed]

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    The current study investigated differences based on vocational motivation upon motive to enter university and adaptation after matriculation, and the effects of motive to enter a university on adaptation after matriculation. Subjects of 202 science department male freshmen were classified into three vocational motivation groups (self-improvement motivation, interpersonal motivation, and status motivation), and the scale scores of each group were compared. Results showed first that selfimprovement and interpersonally oriented students regarded university's attributions as important when they choose a university as compared to status oriented students, and self-improvement oriented students had made a significant progress in acquiring social skills. Second, hierarchical regression analysis using study and associate satisfaction as dependent variables, along with motives to enter university as first step and acquired ability as second step, were performed. The result showed that choosing a university according to the university's attributions and the acquisition of special expertise had a positive influence on study satisfaction, while attaching importance to academic ability and acquisition of technical ability had negative effects on associate satisfaction.

    DOI CiNii

  • 大学生の就業動機測定の試み

    実験社会心理学研究   38 ( 2 ) 172 - 182  1998  [Refereed]


  • Job satisfaction of sales people: A covariance structure analysis of the motivational process

    Tomoko Adachi

    Shinrigaku Kenkyu   69 ( 3 ) 223 - 228  1998  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among job satisfaction, job involvement, and work motivation. Two hundred thirty-nine sales people completed a questionnaire of job satisfaction (pay, interpersonal relationship, work environment, and job content), job involvement, and work motivation. The data were analyzed with covariance structure analysis, and the model, which was constructed beforehand, fitted well with relatively high GFI and AGFI. Results of the analysis showed that job satisfaction, in terms of pay and interpersonal relationship, influenced job content satisfaction, which in turn indirectly influenced work motivation, mediated through job involvement. In addition, the data indicated that satisfaction with customer relationship was strongly related to job content satisfaction in the sample of sales people.

    DOI PubMed


  • Attitudes of Female University Graduates toward Work : Preferred patterns of work, work values, and satisfaction in work

    Adachi Tomoko, Muroyama Harumi

    bulletin of the Japanese Society for Study of Career Guidance   18 ( 2 ) 1 - 7  1998  [Refereed]

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    In the present study, the attitudes toward work of 1,833 female university graduates were examined on following three topics : 1) how preferences regarding patterns of work were changed after starting work : 2) whether preferences for patterns of work were related to aspects of work which were prioritized ; 3) which of the factors affected on feeling of satisfaction regarding one's working life. The main findings were as follows. 1) Comparing preferences for patterns of work immediately after graduation and at the time of survey, fewer subjects favored to continue working while performing domestic duties, but a much greater number of subjects hoped to restarting work after rearing children. 2) Subjects who thought it was ideal to continue working regardless of marriage or childbirth made much of self-development through work. On the other hand, subjects who hoped to leave the work force permanently or for an extended period after marriage or childbirth gave priority to work environment. 3) Having a rich university life, choosing a job by considering self-development through work, and obtaining supportive work environment for worker's self-development were related to a feeling of satisfaction in one's own working life.

    DOI CiNii

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Books and Other Publications

  • 『自分と社会からキャリアを考える 』(単著)

    安達 智子( Part: Sole author)

    昇洋書房  2019.07

  • 現代社会におけるキャリアとジェンダー(分担執筆)『現代社会の中の自己・アイデンティティ』梶田叡一・中間玲子・佐藤德編著

    ( Part: Other)

    金子書房  2016.08

  • 自己効力―私の能力はどの程度?―(分担執筆)『自尊感情の心理学:理解を深める「取扱説明書」』中間玲子編著

    ( Part: Other)

    金子書房  2016

  • 『キャリア・コンストラクションワークブック:不確かな時代を生き抜くためのキャリア心理学』(主編著者)

    安達智子, 下村秀雄( Part: Joint author)

    金子書房  2013

  • 『社会と繋がる私―キャリア選択に関する問題―』わたしから社会へ広がる心理学(第7章担当)

    北樹出版  2006

  • 社会と繋がる私―キャリア選択に関する問題―(分担執筆:第7章担当)『わたしから社会へ広がる心理学』

    安達智子( Part: Other)

    北樹出版  2006

  • 『たのしく学べる最新教育心理学-教職にかかわるすべての人に-』 学級の心理学 (第10章担当)

    図書文化社  2004

  • 学級の心理学(分担執筆:第10章担当)『たのしく学べる最新教育心理学-教職にかかわるすべての人に-』

    ( Part: Other)

    図書文化社  2004

  • 『大学生の進路意識の発達-最近の調査結果から-』(第2編者及び第1,2,3,4,5章担当)

    ( Part: Supervisor (editorial))

    学文社  2003

  • 『彷徨するワーキング・ウーマン』 自立への模索-女子青年における進路選択- (第2章担当)

    北樹出版  2001

  • 自立への模索-女子青年における進路選択-(分担執筆:第2章担当)『彷徨するワーキング・ウーマン』

    ( Part: Joint author)

    北樹出版  2001

  • 『学校社会とカウンセリング』 進路指導の理論 (第9章担当)

    学文社  2000

  • 進路指導の理論(分担執筆:第9章担当)『学校社会とカウンセリング』

    ( Part: Joint author)

    学文社  2000

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Research Projects

  • 異性職の選択/除外過程の解明とキャリア教育コンテンツの開発

    Project Year :


  • 包括的性教育」に関連した大学生意識調査による性教育プログラム作成の展望/共同研究(分担)

    Project Year :


  • ジェンダー平等を基軸にした大学評価のあり方についての研究/共同研究(分担)

    Project Year :


  • Development of career design tool: supporting decision, transition and adaptation among youth.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Adachi Tomoko

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    Current research project focused on career design among youth who are in preparation for employment, and developed tools which are available for career education and career support. The major findings and achievements are as follows; Firstly, it was confirmed that gender stereotypes and vocational images affected career self-efficacy. Considering the facts, negative images and career self-efficacy can be improved by interventions. The interventions should include modifying the way how society transmits job information and interpretation about it by individual youth. Thirdly, worksheets were developed and attempted in career education classes. The results showed that participants improved career self-efficacy by interpreting informational sources, finding out one’s negative cognitive bias and modifying one’s way of thinking. Future direction includes enrichment of manual and backup materials and supplement to enhance career guidance and support.

  • 共働き家庭の時間的貧困に関する調査研究/共同研究(分担)

    Project Year :


  • キャリア形成支援ツールの開発―グローバル人材の育成と支援にむけて―

    Project Year :


  • Development of career support program for youth

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ADACHI Tomoko

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    The current project examined career decision and support targeting youth. The following outputs were obtained.(1) Career exploration can be assessed by three aspects, those are, self-understanding, information gathering, and learning from others. Learning from others is the key point in early career development.(2) It was verified that career self-efficacy leads to interests. A work sheet which incorporated informational sources for self-efficacy was devised.(3) The mechanism of forming vocational stereotypes was tested and a work sheet applying the mechanism was designed.(4) A study focusing on the changes in career attitudes was conducted. Dynamisms in career decision and developments were also proposed.

  • キャリア支援評価ツールの開発-ワーク・ライフ・バランスへ向けた青年層への働き掛け―

    Project Year :


  • 若者の職業選択支援 -キャリア教育プログラムの開発と運用-

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    安達 智子

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  • Psychological study on career independence of part-time workers

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHIRAI Toshiaki, KAWASAKI Tomotsugu, WAKAMATSU Tosuke, ADACHI Tomoko

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    The aim of this study was to clarify how young part-time workers can become to be regular workers, which was defined to be career independence. The participants were 8,336 university graduates from 23 to 34 years old including male and female who answered the questionnaire that was composed of both sociological-demographic and psychological variables. The findings showed the followings: (1) the male regular workers were more likely to get married than part-time workers: (2) the regular workers were more likely to be easy going than part-time workers: (3) the regular workers were more likely to integrate the time aspects of the past, the present and the future than part-time workers: (4) Male was more likely to commit with achievement than female was to do with family: (5) the regular workers were more likely to have positive attitude to the society than part-time workers. These findings could indicate the necessity of the research on the process of the interaction of the person with his or her contexts to promote their career independence.

  • 大学生の就業動機-測定尺度の開発と進路指導場面への適用について-

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    安達 智子

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  • 在学者の専攻・専門と各特性との関連性

    安達 智子

    職業レディネス・テストの改訂に関する研究Ⅱ-高等教育課程在学者の進路選択に関連した特性の理解-     101 - 116  2022

  • 女性とキャリア

    安達 智子

    教育心理学年報     300 - 302  2019  [Invited]

  • 経験の振り返りと自己効力、努力量の関連―関心の高低による比較―

    豊田雅樹, 安達智子

    大阪教育大学紀要   67   1 - 16  2019

  • 大学生の苗字に対する意識―職業観、結婚観、家意識との関連について―

    倉津 美紗子, 安達智子

    大阪教育大学紀要   66   1 - 12  2018

  • 大学におけるキャリア支援

    安達 智子

    心理学ワールド     25 - 26  2017

  • 教職志望大学生の教師効力感変化に影響を及ぼす要因の検討―教育実習中の体験内容に着目して―共著(西尾美紀・安達智子)

    西尾美紀, 安達智子

    『大阪教育大学紀要』第Ⅳ部門(教育科学), 64(1)    2015

  • 大学のキャリア教育関連の講義での活用例

    VRTカード事例集―VRTカードの活用と実践に向けて―     75 - 80  2012

  • 大学生における摂食障害傾向―体型イメージと対人関係態度からの検討―

    横山美紀, 安達智子

      60   1 - 13  2012

  • 使用教材と動機づけおよび成績の関連性について―デジタル教材の有効性の検討―

    柳本亜由美, 安達智子

    大阪教育大学紀要   62   1 - 17  2012

  • 女子は理系が苦手?―「私にも出来そうだ」は何に規定されるか―

    安達 智子

    進路指導     13 - 22  2011

  • 若者層を対象としたキャリア教育―社会・認知的進路理論の立場から―


    同志社心理   55   127 - 136.  2009

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • Consciousness survey of medical students: examination of the enrollment motives, campus life conditions, work values, and vocational motives

    Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University Ser. 5 School subjects and allied problems   57 ( (2) ) 1-14. - 130  2009


  • Influence of perceived support on vocational motive and career activities

      57 ( (2) ) 1 - -14  2009

  • キャリア選択と個人の認知―SCCTによる理解―


    指導と評価   9   50 - 54  2007.09

  • A、B、C検査における各尺度の関連性、および、興味と自信の差異


    労働政策研究報告書   87 ( 87 ) 71 - 81  2006.05

  • 現代青年の進路意識―概念の整理と大学生の傾向について―

    早稲田大学 教育評論   16 ( 1 ) 71 - 85  2002

  • 社会・認知的進路理論による進路発達過程について

    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究-教育心理学編-   49   35 - 43  2001

  • 仕事動機と性役割パーソナリティーの職位による変化-看護職者を対象とした分析-

    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究-教育心理学編-   48   17 - 22  2000

  • 職務満足(ワークシチュエーション)

    雇用管理業務支援のための尺度・チェックリストの開発―HRM(Human resource management)チェックリスト―     47 - 65  1999

  • 部活動に所属する高校生を対象とした達成動機測定の試み

    早稲田大学大学院 教育学研究科紀要(別冊)   6   95 - 100  1998

  • 社会的自尊感情の測定法-TSBIについて-

    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究-教育心理学編-   46   1 - 19  1998

  • 達成志向性尺度の検討(1)第1次調査

    早稲田大学大学院 教育学研究科紀要   7   1 - 11  1996

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  • Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Education

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 職業イメージと自己効力


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  • 若者層のキャリア選択とジェンダー意識


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  • 大学生の就業動機 ―概念整理と測定尺度の作成―


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  • 未入職者における就業動機-測定尺度の確立と職業決定・未決定との関連について-


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     職業に対する動機について、仕事に対する内発的・挑戦的な自己向上志向、仕事場面で他者を凌ぎ社会的名声を得ようとする上位志向、他者との人間関係を重要視する対人志向の3側面を念頭におき、検討を行った。調査・分析の対象者は(A)看護職者、(B)理科系男子学生、(C) 女子短大生。 (A)では、看護職者を対象とした縦断的データを用いて、職業的発達の一指標である職位の推移により、仕事に対する動機がいかなる変容をみせるかを検討した。その結果、職位の上昇に関連するのは、仕事内容に対する内発的・挑戦的動機志向であることが明らかとなった。(B)では、将来の職業に対する動機が、大学選択動機や、大学入学後の適応とどの様に関連するのか検討した。得られた結果では、仕事を通して自己を向上させようという動機の強い者は、情報機器設備や授業内容といった大学の本来的機能に着目して進学先を選定すること、ならびに、大学の本来的機能を重要視した進学先の選定は、入学後の学業面における充実につながることが示された。(C)では、進路選択に対する効力感から就業動機、職業未決定へと到る因果モデルを構築し、女子短大生を対象にその妥当性について検証した。その結果、2年生では、自己向上志向動機と自己評価に対する効力感が、1年生では職業情報の収集に対する効力感が、職業未決定を規定することが明らかとなった。これらの結果から、職業選択場面に対して援助や介入を行う際に、職業に対する内発的動機や、自己評価に着目することの重要性が示唆された。 以上、99年度は、職業に対する動機を未入職者、および、既に就業している勤労者に対して適用し、概ね仮説を支持する結果を得た。また、動機の中でも職業に対する興味・関心からもたらされる内発的動機が、適切な進路選択や職業的適応に肯定的な影響を及ぼすことが明らかになった。