2025/03/12 更新


オウ イレン
王 怡人
国際学術院 国際教養学部
博士 ( 2022年09月 早稲田大学 )


  • 2024年04月

    東京大学   教養学部

  • 2022年09月

    早稲田大学   国際教養学部   助教


  • 2018年04月

    早稲田大学   国際コミュニケーション研究科 博士後期課程  

  • 2015年09月

    早稲田大学   国際コミュニケーション研究科 修士課程  


  • 2024年

    Cambridge Elements in Technology in Second Language Education  Editor

  • 2022年

    International CALL Research Conference  Conference Chairs


    ELT Journal  Journal Reviewer


    ET&S Journal  Reviewer


    European Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL)  Programme Committee Member


    RELC Journal  Journal Reviewer


    Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics  Editorial Board


    The JALT CALL Journal  Journal Reviewer


    Computer Assisted Language Learning Journal  Editorial Board


    Technology in Language Teaching and Learning  Editor-in-Chief

  • 2024年08月

    Professional Development Certificate, Castledown  Program Coordinator

  • 2022年09月

    Editorial Committee of the Transcommunication, School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University

  • 2022年09月

    Editorial Committee of the Waseda Global Forum, School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University

  • 2022年09月

    English Curriculum Committee, School of International Liberal Stuides, Waseda University

  • 2022年09月

    Study Abroad Committee, School of International Liberal Stuides, Waseda University


    International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Reviewer


    Language Teaching for Young Learners  Journal Reviewer



  • 教育工学 / 外国語教育


  • Social Justice

  • Educational Technology

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • 外国語教育

  • コンピュータ支援言語学習


  • Top 10 Reviewers of the CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) Journal




  • Training to use machine translation for vocabulary learning

    Yijen Wang, Glenn Stockwell

    Theory and Practice in Vocabulary Research in Digital Environments (Routledge Studies in Applied Linguistics)    2024年12月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者



  • Cognitive and sociocultural dynamics of self-regulated use of machine translation and generative AI tools in academic EFL writing

    Yijen Wang

    System   126   103505 - 103505  2024年11月  [査読有り]



    With emerging artificial intelligence (AI) technology, language education has become an increasingly dynamic field where traditional teaching methods intersect with rapidly evolving digital tools, transforming the way English as a Foreign Language (EFL) is taught and learned. This study examines the intersection of cognitive processes and sociocultural contexts in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms, focusing on 79 learners enrolled in a compulsory EFL course at a Japanese university and their self-regulated use of AI tools like ChatGPT and Google Translate for writing tasks. Employing a mixed-methods approach, this study investigates learners' evolving perceptions and highlights the interplay between their cognitive engagement and sociocultural interactions within the classroom setting. Quantitative data from pre- and post-surveys reveal learners’ attitudes towards AI-assisted writing, while qualitative insights are drawn from their self-reported experiences. Findings indicate that while the students perceived that their writing outcomes have improved by using AI tools for editing, the role of instructors for providing proper guidance and training on the technology, as well as the collocative learning with peers cannot be replaced by the AI tools.



  • Expanding the learning ecology and autonomy of language learners with mobile technologies

    Glenn Stockwell, Yijen Wang

    Educational Technology and Society   27 ( 2 ) 60 - 69  2024年04月  [査読有り]


    With mobile phones now in the hands of virtually all of our learners, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to imagine environments that do not include learning through mobile devices in even some small capacity. The interest in mobile learning is reflected in the enormous number of publications which have appeared over the past 10 to 15 years, but there are still questions about when, how, and why learners will choose to use or not use mobile devices as a regular part of their learning (Stockwell, 2022). Furthermore, the "disruptive" nature of mobile devices (see Hampel, 2019) has caused mixed reactions from teachers, some of whom feel that they are a distraction in the classroom, while others see a shifting of responsibility to the learners as a positive that can lead to autonomous behaviours that facilitate learning. Making the most of learning through mobile learning is dependent upon understanding the expectations of teachers, learners, and administrators, and to capitalise upon the affordances of the device, the learning ecology, and the short-term and long-term goals of the learners. This paper explores how mobile learning can play a role both inside and outside of the classroom, and the impact that it may have on both formal and informal learning opportunities. It includes a discussion of the shifting roles of teachers and learners, and then going on to explore the myths associated with technology in the development and sustainment of motivation and autonomy.



  • Social Justice and Technology in Second Language Education

    Yijen Wang, Glenn Stockwell

    Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research   11 ( 3 ) 1 - 18  2023年12月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    Second language education is a complex field that is continually evolving, shaped by the changes in teaching and learning contexts that have emerged over the past several decades. It would not be an exaggeration to say that these changes are predominantly driven by shifts in technology, shifts in educational approaches and philosophies, and shifts in societal and sociocultural perspectives, and each of them have brought with them different influences that have led second language education to where it is today. Amidst the numerous elements that contribute to its complexity, one factor that has become increasingly significant is social justice. This article provides an in-depth discussion on social justice in the context of second language teaching and learning, and how it has been impacted by technological developments, highlighting the affordances of technology and the importance of training to raise awareness of social justice issues in language education.



  • Exploring the Challenges of Technology in Language Teaching in the Aftermath of the Pandemic

    Glenn Stockwell, Yijen Wang

    RELC Journal   54 ( 2 ) 474 - 482  2023年08月  [査読有り]


    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been varied, and while there was a clear upsurge in the use of technology in language and learning contexts during the worst lockdown periods, the long-term impact on technology usage remains to be seen. As has been widely noted, lockdowns forced teaching into remote modes, making technology indispensable. Many teachers found themselves struggling to use technologies with little or no experience or training, and often in spite of earlier resistance to using it. The affective barriers to using technology may have decreased somewhat, but other potential problems have arisen as well. There has generally been a narrow view about the effectiveness of technology use in language teaching and learning. During the pandemic, teaching often entailed using videoconferencing tools as a means of emulating face-to-face teaching, albeit inhibited by the limitations and the affordances of the technologies. While research into mobile learning prospered prior to the pandemic, long periods of lockdown saw them being used as little more than a backup for when other technologies experienced technical difficulties. In this paper, we discuss not only the often-cited positive effects of technology usage in language learning during COVID, but also the possible negative implications for how technology has come to be used and viewed by learners, teachers, and administrators. Suggestions for a potential way forward in this ‘aftermath’ of the pandemic are discussed, along with some guidelines for making the most of what we have learned about using technology for language learning in the future.



  • In-service teachers’ perceptions of technology integration and practices in a Japanese university context

    Yijen Wang

    JALT CALL Journal   17 ( 1 ) 45 - 71  2021年  [査読有り]



    To understand in-service language teachers’ intrinsic barriers to technology integration in higher education contexts, this in-depth study investigated four teachers teaching Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) at a private university in Japan. The researcher trained the four teachers with varied digital literacy how to create and utilise online materials in a dedicated Moodle site, and the teachers’ training processes, as well as actual classroom practices, were then observed. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected over three semesters, including: (1) a pilot survey before Moodle integration to access the teachers’ attitudes and expectation of educational technology use; (2) classroom observations to investigate how the participants use technology in their CFL classroom; (3) audio recordings and field notes collected in a workshop and interviews to explore reasons behind behaviours; and (4) access logs in Moodle to determine the participants’ engagement through online materials inside and outside the classroom. The findings’ implications in terms of teachers’ experiences, emotions, competences, beliefs, motivations, and sociocultural factors affecting their determinations of technology integration in CFL classrooms in a Japanese higher-education setting are presented. Future considerations and ongoing challenges are discussed to highlight the implications for research, policymakers, teacher educators, and stakeholders.



  • Mobile Applications for Language Learning


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者

  • Conclusion

    The Cambridge Handbook of Technology in Language Teaching and Learning    2025年04月

  • Introduction

    The Cambridge Handbook of Technology in Language Teaching and Learning    2025年04月

  • The Shifting Focus of CALL Research

    The Cambridge Handbook of Technology in Language Teaching and Learning    2025年04月

  • Overcoming Teacher Resistance

    Yijen Wang

    The Cambridge Handbook of Technology in Language Teaching and Learning    2025年04月

  • Introduction

    Insights into AI and Language Teaching and Learning    2025年03月

  • Research Methods and AI

    Insights into AI and Language Teaching and Learning    2025年03月

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者

  • AI-Driven Feedback and Reflection: Enhancing Students' Speaking Motivation and Confidence

    The 74th Annual Conference Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Chinese Linguistics     33 - 37  2024年11月  [査読有り]

  • Proceedings of the International CALL Research Conference, 2024

    Yijen Wang

       2024年09月  [査読有り]


    <jats:p>The XXIst International CALL Research Smart Conference was hosted by Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan on July 8-10, 2022. The theme of the conference was Smart CALL, where “Smart” is defined as possessing three qualities: personalization, contextualization, and socialization. Personalization is the extent to which technologies and learning environments are adapted to the specific profile of the language learner. Contextualization is how technologies and learning environments can be adjusted to the specific context of the learner. Socialization is the way in which technologies and learning environments afford meaningful interaction amongst learners, co-learners, teachers and researchers.</jats:p>


  • Motivation and autonomy

    Glenn Stockwell, Yijen Wang

    The Bloomsbury Handbook of Language Learning and Technology     144 - 156  2024年01月  [査読有り]

  • Preface

    Hassan Mohebbi, Yijen Wang



  • Insights into Teaching and Learning Writing

    Yijen Wang

       2023年04月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


  • Technology and second language writing instruction

        167 - 179  2023年04月  [査読有り]  [招待有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


  • Challenge or chance? Chinese teachers’ beliefs and teaching practices of educational technology at Japanese universities

    Yijen Wang

    Proceeding paper for the 71th Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan Conference     37 - 39  2021年11月  [査読有り]

  • Engagement in PC-based, smartphone-based, and paper-based materials: Learning vocabulary through Chinese Stories

    Yijen Wang

    Technology in Language Teaching and Learning    2020年12月  [査読有り]


  • Preventing campus accidents among disabled students

    Yijen Wang

    Artificial Life and Robotics    2015年


  • Fluorescence Lifetimes of the (A)over-tilde 1Πu State of C3

    Yijen Wang

    The Journal of Physical Chemistry A    2013年


  • On the cultural capacity of a Chinese teacher: Take the qualification examination Chinese teachers in China and U.S. as an example

    Chen, L., Wang. Y., Huang, Y., Chen, W., Kan, Y.

    International Chinese Language Education     33 - 43  2012年12月  [査読有り]

  • Enterovirus type 71 2A protease functions as a transcriptional activator in yeast

    Yijen Wang

    Journal of Biomedical Science    2010年


  • The Experience of Perioperative Nurses Involved in Organ Procurement

    Yijen Wang

    Journal of Nursing Research: JNR, The    2009年




  • Insights into AI and Language Teaching and Learning

    ( 担当: 共編者(共編著者))


  • The Cambridge Handbook of Technology in Language Teaching and Learning

    ( 担当: 共編者(共編著者))

    Cambridge University Press & Assessment  2024年10月 ISBN: 9781009294850

  • Proceedings of the XXIInd International CALL Research Conference

    2024年09月 ISBN: 9780648184485

  • Insights into Teaching and Learning Writing: A Practical Guide for Early-Career Teachers (Language Teaching Insights)

    Mohebbi Hassan, Yijen Wang

    Castledown Publishers  2023年04月 ISBN: 1914291158


  • Proceedings of the XXIst International CALL Research Conference

    ( 担当: 共編者(共編著者))

    2022年07月 ISBN: 9781914291050


  • Teacher Psychology and Technology in Language Education

    Cambridge University Press & Assessment  2026年

  • Technology in Second Language Education

    Cambridge University Press & Assessment  2026年



  • Effects of generative AI on English writing skill development

    Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (ACLA)  

  • Examining the effects of writing with generative AI on the development of writing skills

    CALICO 2025, San Diego State University  

  • Empowering foreign language teachers: Enhancing social justice awareness through technology in education

    Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA) Conference 2024, The University of Tasmania, Tasmania, Australia  

  • Mastering the AI wave: Self-regulated use of generative AI tools


    IICA for FITE Project Seminar. Lingnan University, Hong Kong  

    発表年月: 2024年11月

  • 大規模言語モデル時代の協同型フィードバック教学

    日本中国語学会第 74 回全国大会  

    発表年月: 2024年11月

  • Exploring the Emotional Impact of AI Tools on Chinese Language Educators

    The 15th Asia-Pacific International Chinese Language Teaching Association Consortium, The University of Queensland, Australia  

    発表年月: 2024年10月

  • An Exploratory Study of Language Teacher Emotions with AI, Waseda University

    The XXIInd International CALL Research Conference, Waseda University, Japan  

    発表年月: 2024年09月

  • Engaging with technological advances in language teaching and learning

    The 57th Annual Conference of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL), The University of Essex Colchester, UK  

  • Using AI tools in EFL writing classes

    EuroCALL, Trnava University, Trnava, Slovakia  

  • Integrating AI in EFL writing: Insights from Japanese classrooms

    GloCALL, Hanoi University of Industry, Hanoi, Vietnam  

  • AI in Language Education: Enhancing Teacher Well-being and Student Engagement


    発表年月: 2024年07月

  • Facilitating EFL Writing Proficiency Through AI Tools: A Mixed-Methods Study

    International Conference on Technology-enhanced Language Learning and Teaching & Corpusbased Language Learning and Teaching 2024 (TeLLT & CoLLT 2024), The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong  

  • An Exploratory Study of Chinese Language Teacher Anxiety and Well-being with AI Tools

    The 12th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, The University of California  

  • Exploring AI tools for English learning: A case study of Google Translate, DeepL, and ChatGPT

    Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA) Conference 2023, University of Wollongong, Australia.  

    発表年月: 2023年11月

  • Exploring the gap between teachers’ and students’ usage of technology for informal language learning from an ecological perspective

    The 56th Annual Conference of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL), The University of York, UK  

  • Editors’ panel: How authors can engage with reviewer feedback


    The EuroCALL 2023 Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavík  

  • Learner training in AI tools for English learning: Exploring Deep-L and ChatGPT

    The EuroCALL 2023 Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavík  

  • Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of Learner Data and Learning Engagement

    The EUROCALL 2022 Conference,  

    発表年月: 2022年08月

  • Chinese language teaching designs and methods: University teachers’ and students’ expectations and current

    Sunaoka, W., Liu, S., Wang, R., Sugie, S., Wang, S., Wang, Y.

    The 71th Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan Conference  

    発表年月: 2021年11月

  • Factors affecting in-service teachers’ resistance to technology in a Japanese university context

    EUROCALL 2021 Conference  

    発表年月: 2021年08月

  • A mixed-methods investigation of teachers’ and learners’ perceptions of technology for CFL education at a Japanese university

    International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching  

    発表年月: 2021年05月

  • Teachers’ change and resistance to using technology: A case study in a Japanese CFL context

    EUROCALL 2020 Conference  

    発表年月: 2020年08月

  • In-service teachers’ perceptions of educational technology integration: A case study in a Japanese university context

    The 21st International CALL Research Conference  

    発表年月: 2020年07月

  • Exploring roles and psychology of teachers with LMS: Developing and using online Chinese language learning materials

    The XXth International CALL Research Conference  

    発表年月: 2019年07月

  • CALL, MALL, or Paper? A Comparative Study of Task Engagement and Attitudes in Elementary CFL Japanese Learners

    Pan-Pacific TELL Conference  

    発表年月: 2018年10月

  • Learning L2 lexicon with CALL, MALL, and non-electronic platforms: A comparative study of task engagement and attitudes in elementary CFL Japanese learners

    GloCALL 2018 Conference  

    発表年月: 2018年08月

  • On the cultural capacity of a Chinese teacher: Take Chinese teacher’s qualification examination in U.S., China, and Taiwan for example

    The 3rd International Conference of Asia-Pacific Consortium on Teaching Chinese as an International Language  

    発表年月: 2011年06月

  • Chinese culture of project learning for multiple intelligences classrooms

    International Conference of Chinese Language Teaching in Asia Pacific  

    発表年月: 2010年03月



  • 生成AIを活用した外国語教員の授業力向上ーHyflex Courseの遺産継承と発展

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    砂岡 和子, 杉江 聡子, 王 怡人

  • Taiwanese Overseas Pioneers Grants (TOP Grants)







  • Exploring the Cognitive and Sociocultural Dynamics of AI-Aided EFL Writing: A Mixed-Methods Study



    With emerging artificial intelligence (AI) technology, language education has become an increasingly dynamic field where traditional teaching methods intersect with rapidly evolving digital tools, transforming the way English as a Foreign Language (EFL) is taught and learned. This study examines the intersection of cognitive processes and sociocultural contexts in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms, focusing on 79 learners enrolled in a compulsory EFL course at a Japanese university and their self-regulated use of AI tools like ChatGPT and Google Translate for writing tasks. Employing a mixed-methods approach, this study investigates learners' evolving perceptions and highlights the interplay between their cognitive engagement and sociocultural interactions within the classroom setting. Quantitative data from pre- and post-surveys reveal learners’ attitudes towards AI-assisted writing, while qualitative insights are drawn from their self-reported experiences. Findings indicate that while the students perceived that their writing outcomes have improved by using AI tools for editing, the role of instructors for providing proper guidance and training on the technology, as well as the collocative learning with peers cannot be replaced by the AI tools.&nbsp;

  • Training Japanese learners to use machine translation for academic English writing and reading



    AI tools have gradually taken on a greater role in foreign language learning in recent years. However, there is a lack of explicit dialogue between teachers and students on how to use online machine translation (MT) for language learning purposes, despite evidence of its use by students. Additionally, the emergence of ChatGPT, a new chat bot, has caused controversy in education as institutions consider banning its usage due to concerns about cheating. While research has identified areas where MT can be useful for second language (L2) writing, ChatGPT's potential remains largely unexplored. To address this, a study investigated the perspectives and practices of approximately seventy Japanese learners of English at a university in Japan on the use of Deep-L and ChatGPT for academic English writing, as well as the impact of targeted training in their use. The study employed a mixed-methods approach, including surveys, writing task analysis, and observation of learner strategies. The writing was analysed for content, structure, and lexical and syntactic complexity and accuracy. The results of the study indicate the shifts in learner attitudes and behaviour resulting from the training. The study sheds insights into raising awareness among language learners about the pedagogical uses and potential pitfalls of AI tools.&nbsp;

  • Exploring affordances of machine translation for academic English learning



    Artificial intelligence (AI) tools have quietly assumed a larger role in learning foreign languages over the past several years. As the quality of online machine translation (MT) has improved in recent years, how to use it for language learning purposes seems to be the “elephant in the classroom” (Loock, Lechauguette, &amp; Holt, 2022), with a lack of explicit dialogue between teachers and learners regarding if, when, and how it should be used. There is evidence that students use online MT tools as a part of their language learning repertoire, but many teachers are still hesitant to allow them to be used officially (Ducar &amp; Schocket, 2018; Lee, 2022). Similarly, an emerging new chat bot called ChatGPT was released in late 2022, causing an uproar in education with many institutions considering banning its usage over concerns that students may use it to cheat on exams and assignments. While research has started to identify areas where MT has the potential to be useful for L2 writing, particularly with lexical and syntactic aspects, as an emerging technology, the affordances of ChatGPT in L2 writing remain largely unexplored. It has the potential to encompass some elements associated with MT such as the ability to translate text on request, but it tends to do this at a more holistic level when compared to standard MT tools even including relevant citations and references according to designated formats. To raise language learners’ awareness of the pedagogical uses and potential pitfalls of AI tools, approximately seventy Japanese learners of English at a university in Japan were investigated for their current perspectives and practices with Deep-L and ChatGPT, as well as the impact of targeted training in their use. Strategies that focus on using these tools for planning, writing, and editing were provided. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, including: (1) learner attitude surveys; (2) analysis of writing tasks; and (3) observation of strategies used by learners. The processes and products of learners’ writing in English were analysed in terms of content, structure, and lexical and syntactic complexity and accuracy. The study seeks to explore the differences in attitudes towards academic English writing, MT, and ChatGPT, as well as examining both the writing processes and learners’ completed essays. Data collection is still ongoing, and preliminary results will be discussed in terms of the shifts in learner attitudes and behavior with Deep-L and ChatGPT as a result of the training.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;References&nbsp;Ducar, C., &amp; Schocket, D.H. (2018). Machine translation and the L2 classroom: Pedagogical solutions for making peace with Google translate. Foreign Language Annals, 51(4), 779–795. https://doi.org/10.1111/flan.12366&nbsp;Lee, S.-M. (2022). L2 learners’ strategies for using machine translation as a personalized writing assisting tool. In J. Colpaert, &amp; G. Stockwell (Eds.), Smart CALL: Personalization, Contextualization, &amp; Socialization (pp. 184–206). London: Castledown Publishers.&nbsp; https://doi.org/10.29140/9781914291012-9&nbsp;Loock, R., Lechauguette, S., &amp; Holt, B. (2022). Dealing with the “elephant in the classroom”: Developing language students’ machine translation literacy. Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 5(3), 118–134. https://doi.org/10.29140/ajal.v5n3.53si2&nbsp;

  • Using Moodle for Self-directed Learning: Teacher and Student Voice



    The current research project aims to understand how teachers and students perceive self-directed learning on Chinese language through Moodle. The potential functions of the Learning Management System (LMS) allow students to set goals, select strategies, and evaluate learning outcomes that further facilitate their autonomy. However, how language teachers and learners view the use of the learning methods may be different. Understanding teachers’ and learners’ perceptions toward self-directed learning methods in online language learning contexts may help improve the quality of online education. Thus, this mixed-method research investigated Chinese language teachers’&nbsp;and university students’ perception of self-directed learning on a dedicated Moodle site by conducting: 1) three open-ended surveys to understand the participants’ attitudes toward self-directed learning; 2) individual interviews with the participants to explore their beliefs, and 3) activity logs on Moodle to record their engagement. The affordance and implications of using Moodle to facilitate autonomy will be discussed in light of cognitive, emotional, and behavioural engagement.