東京大学 教養学部
早稲田大学 国際教養学部 助教
2025/03/12 更新
東京大学 教養学部
早稲田大学 国際教養学部 助教
早稲田大学 国際コミュニケーション研究科 博士後期課程
早稲田大学 国際コミュニケーション研究科 修士課程
Cambridge Elements in Technology in Second Language Education Editor
International CALL Research Conference Conference Chairs
ELT Journal Journal Reviewer
ET&S Journal Reviewer
European Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL) Programme Committee Member
RELC Journal Journal Reviewer
Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics Editorial Board
The JALT CALL Journal Journal Reviewer
Computer Assisted Language Learning Journal Editorial Board
Technology in Language Teaching and Learning Editor-in-Chief
Professional Development Certificate, Castledown Program Coordinator
Editorial Committee of the Transcommunication, School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University
Editorial Committee of the Waseda Global Forum, School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University
English Curriculum Committee, School of International Liberal Stuides, Waseda University
Study Abroad Committee, School of International Liberal Stuides, Waseda University
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Reviewer
Language Teaching for Young Learners Journal Reviewer
Social Justice
Educational Technology
Artificial Intelligence
Top 10 Reviewers of the CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) Journal
Mobile Applications for Language Learning
担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者
The Cambridge Handbook of Technology in Language Teaching and Learning 2025年04月
The Cambridge Handbook of Technology in Language Teaching and Learning 2025年04月
The Shifting Focus of CALL Research
The Cambridge Handbook of Technology in Language Teaching and Learning 2025年04月
Overcoming Teacher Resistance
Yijen Wang
The Cambridge Handbook of Technology in Language Teaching and Learning 2025年04月
Insights into AI and Language Teaching and Learning 2025年03月
Research Methods and AI
Insights into AI and Language Teaching and Learning 2025年03月
担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者
AI-Driven Feedback and Reflection: Enhancing Students' Speaking Motivation and Confidence
The 74th Annual Conference Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Chinese Linguistics 33 - 37 2024年11月 [査読有り]
Motivation and autonomy
Glenn Stockwell, Yijen Wang
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Language Learning and Technology 144 - 156 2024年01月 [査読有り]
Technology and second language writing instruction
167 - 179 2023年04月 [査読有り] [招待有り]
担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者
Challenge or chance? Chinese teachers’ beliefs and teaching practices of educational technology at Japanese universities
Yijen Wang
Proceeding paper for the 71th Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan Conference 37 - 39 2021年11月 [査読有り]
Yijen Wang
Technology in Language Teaching and Learning 2020年12月 [査読有り]
Yijen Wang
Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery 2019年
Yijen Wang
Journal of Plant Pathology 2018年
Yijen Wang
The Journal of Chemical Physics 2015年
Fluorescence Lifetimes of the (A)over-tilde 1Πu State of C3
Yijen Wang
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2013年
Yijen Wang
European Journal of Pharmacology 2013年
On the cultural capacity of a Chinese teacher: Take the qualification examination Chinese teachers in China and U.S. as an example
Chen, L., Wang. Y., Huang, Y., Chen, W., Kan, Y.
International Chinese Language Education 33 - 43 2012年12月 [査読有り]
Enterovirus type 71 2A protease functions as a transcriptional activator in yeast
Yijen Wang
Journal of Biomedical Science 2010年
The Experience of Perioperative Nurses Involved in Organ Procurement
Yijen Wang
Journal of Nursing Research: JNR, The 2009年
Insights into AI and Language Teaching and Learning
( 担当: 共編者(共編著者))
The Cambridge Handbook of Technology in Language Teaching and Learning
( 担当: 共編者(共編著者))
Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2024年10月 ISBN: 9781009294850
Proceedings of the XXIInd International CALL Research Conference
2024年09月 ISBN: 9780648184485
Insights into Teaching and Learning Writing: A Practical Guide for Early-Career Teachers (Language Teaching Insights)
Mohebbi Hassan, Yijen Wang
Castledown Publishers 2023年04月 ISBN: 1914291158
Proceedings of the XXIst International CALL Research Conference
( 担当: 共編者(共編著者))
2022年07月 ISBN: 9781914291050
Teacher Psychology and Technology in Language Education
Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2026年
Technology in Second Language Education
Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2026年
Effects of generative AI on English writing skill development
Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (ACLA)
Examining the effects of writing with generative AI on the development of writing skills
CALICO 2025, San Diego State University
Empowering foreign language teachers: Enhancing social justice awareness through technology in education
Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA) Conference 2024, The University of Tasmania, Tasmania, Australia
Mastering the AI wave: Self-regulated use of generative AI tools
IICA for FITE Project Seminar. Lingnan University, Hong Kong
発表年月: 2024年11月
日本中国語学会第 74 回全国大会
発表年月: 2024年11月
Exploring the Emotional Impact of AI Tools on Chinese Language Educators
The 15th Asia-Pacific International Chinese Language Teaching Association Consortium, The University of Queensland, Australia
発表年月: 2024年10月
An Exploratory Study of Language Teacher Emotions with AI, Waseda University
The XXIInd International CALL Research Conference, Waseda University, Japan
発表年月: 2024年09月
Engaging with technological advances in language teaching and learning
The 57th Annual Conference of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL), The University of Essex Colchester, UK
Using AI tools in EFL writing classes
EuroCALL, Trnava University, Trnava, Slovakia
Integrating AI in EFL writing: Insights from Japanese classrooms
GloCALL, Hanoi University of Industry, Hanoi, Vietnam
AI in Language Education: Enhancing Teacher Well-being and Student Engagement
発表年月: 2024年07月
Facilitating EFL Writing Proficiency Through AI Tools: A Mixed-Methods Study
International Conference on Technology-enhanced Language Learning and Teaching & Corpusbased Language Learning and Teaching 2024 (TeLLT & CoLLT 2024), The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
An Exploratory Study of Chinese Language Teacher Anxiety and Well-being with AI Tools
The 12th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, The University of California
Exploring AI tools for English learning: A case study of Google Translate, DeepL, and ChatGPT
Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA) Conference 2023, University of Wollongong, Australia.
発表年月: 2023年11月
Exploring the gap between teachers’ and students’ usage of technology for informal language learning from an ecological perspective
The 56th Annual Conference of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL), The University of York, UK
Editors’ panel: How authors can engage with reviewer feedback
The EuroCALL 2023 Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavík
Learner training in AI tools for English learning: Exploring Deep-L and ChatGPT
The EuroCALL 2023 Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavík
Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of Learner Data and Learning Engagement
The EUROCALL 2022 Conference,
発表年月: 2022年08月
Chinese language teaching designs and methods: University teachers’ and students’ expectations and current
Sunaoka, W., Liu, S., Wang, R., Sugie, S., Wang, S., Wang, Y.
The 71th Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan Conference
発表年月: 2021年11月
Factors affecting in-service teachers’ resistance to technology in a Japanese university context
EUROCALL 2021 Conference
発表年月: 2021年08月
A mixed-methods investigation of teachers’ and learners’ perceptions of technology for CFL education at a Japanese university
International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching
発表年月: 2021年05月
Teachers’ change and resistance to using technology: A case study in a Japanese CFL context
EUROCALL 2020 Conference
発表年月: 2020年08月
In-service teachers’ perceptions of educational technology integration: A case study in a Japanese university context
The 21st International CALL Research Conference
発表年月: 2020年07月
Exploring roles and psychology of teachers with LMS: Developing and using online Chinese language learning materials
The XXth International CALL Research Conference
発表年月: 2019年07月
CALL, MALL, or Paper? A Comparative Study of Task Engagement and Attitudes in Elementary CFL Japanese Learners
Pan-Pacific TELL Conference
発表年月: 2018年10月
Learning L2 lexicon with CALL, MALL, and non-electronic platforms: A comparative study of task engagement and attitudes in elementary CFL Japanese learners
GloCALL 2018 Conference
発表年月: 2018年08月
On the cultural capacity of a Chinese teacher: Take Chinese teacher’s qualification examination in U.S., China, and Taiwan for example
The 3rd International Conference of Asia-Pacific Consortium on Teaching Chinese as an International Language
発表年月: 2011年06月
Chinese culture of project learning for multiple intelligences classrooms
International Conference of Chinese Language Teaching in Asia Pacific
発表年月: 2010年03月
生成AIを活用した外国語教員の授業力向上ーHyflex Courseの遺産継承と発展
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
砂岡 和子, 杉江 聡子, 王 怡人
Taiwanese Overseas Pioneers Grants (TOP Grants)
Click to view the Scopus page. The data was downloaded from Scopus API in March 11, 2025, via http://api.elsevier.com and http://www.scopus.com .