Updated on 2025/03/12


HARA, Tamiki
Faculty of International Research and Education, Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies
Job title
Assistant Professor(without tenure)
Ph.D. ( Hitotsubashi University )
Mail Address

Research Experience

  • 2022.09

    Waseda University   Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies   Assistant Professor

  • 2017.04

    Musashino Art University   Part-time Lecturer

  • 2017.04

    Chiba University of Commerce   Platform for Arts and Science   Part-time Lecturer

  • 2015.10

    The University of the Philippines, Third World Studies Center   Visiting Researcher

Education Background

  • 2011.04

    Hitotsubashi University   Graduate School of Social Sciences  

  • 2009.04

    Hitotsubashi University   Graduate School of Social Sciences  

  • 2004.04

    Ritsumeikan University   College of International Relations  

Professional Memberships


    Japanese Political Science Association





Research Areas

  • Politics   フィリピン / Area studies   東南アジア / Politics   比較政治学 / International relations

Research Interests

  • Philippine Politics

  • Southeast Asian Studies

  • Comparative Politics


  • 第19回アジア政経学会優秀論文賞

    2022.06   アジア政経学会   「アキノの改革政治と競争法」



  • The Transformation of Church–Politics Relations in the Philippines: Analysis of Political Contestation Around Reproductive Health Law

    Tamiki Hara

    Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies   49   29 - 49  2024.10


  • Domination and Resistance in Digital Labor: Critics to Negri and Hardt’s Assembly

    Tamiki Hara

      ( 28 ) 155 - 168  2023.10

  • Beyond Personalistic Politics: A Progressive Congresswoman's Challenge to a Political Dynasty in Dinagat Islands, Philippines

    Tamiki Hara

    Philippine Political Science Journal   42 ( 1 ) 30 - 55  2021  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Political dynasties remain powerful in Philippine politics to this day. However, in recent years, the Philippines has experienced some significant transformations in the realm of traditional politics. Some politicians have emerged at the local level willing to confront those supported by dynastic politics. Since most literature on Philippine politics have emphasized the durability of elite domination, such changes have not yet been fully studied. This article addresses how progressive politics evolves in contention with a political dynasty based on a qualitative, exploratory case study approach by highlighting the case of Dinagat Islands where a progressive congresswoman who ran for Congress defeated a candidate from an entrenched political dynasty by practicing programmatic governance. It explores how government capacity to respond to demands of the people can be improved. As a result of this, the article clarifies a new, though not common, dynamic of Philippine politics in the 2010s and provides important implications for the possibility of future political development and theorizing in the country.


  • Aquino's Reformist Politics and the Competition Act: Understanding the Vision of "Inclusive Growth" through the Legislation of the Comprehensive Competition Law

    HARA Tamiki

    Asian Studies   67 ( 2 ) 1 - 20  2021  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    <p>This paper argues why the Competition Act was successfully enacted during the Aquino administration. Focusing on its political factors, the paper also illuminates the significance of Aquino's reformist politics and the implication of his vision of "inclusive growth."</p><p>The legislation of the Act was made possible by three elements. First, at the macro level, taking advantage of establishing the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015, the Aquino administration set the political goal of "inclusive growth," which aimed to confront "growth without employment" that came to light during the Arroyo administration. The Act was included in it as an important part. Second, at the micro level, Senator Bam Aquino, who had been addressing issues of SMEs, became the main author of the bill, promoted it skillfully in Congress, and persuaded those who are cautious. Third, in the economic dimension, having experienced high economic growth and some foreign direct investment since the mid-2000s, Filipino conglomerates, who had been the opposition force to competition bills since the 1990s, begun to acknowledge the necessity of reforming economic rules and old business practices.</p><p>Based on this analysis, the paper broadens the argument and points out several aspects of Aquino's reformist politics. First, the government showed it is essential to foster SMEs as well as infrastructure development to overcome the weakness of job creation, which has been a structural problem of the Philippine economy for a long time. Second, the government recognized that removing various entry barrios and monopoly is inevitable to foster SMEs and it should be done not only by deregulation, which had been a central measure to revitalize economy, but by the government's active intervention. Third, to eliminate corruption and personalistic politics, the administration promoted political participation of civil society organizations and tried to advance transparency and accountability and strengthen rule of law.</p><p>Although Aquino and Duterte look contrasting leaders, the Duterte administration largely took over Aquino's reformist direction including the competition policy. Therefore, to understand political changes in the Philippines from now on, Aquino's reformist politics must be referred to as its unignorable stage.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Defeating a Political Dynasty: Local Progressive Politics through People Power Volunteers for Reform and Bottom-up Budgeting Projects in Siquijor, Philippines

    Hara Tamiki

    Southeast Asian Studies   8 ( 3 ) 413 - 439  2019.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Despite its much-touted agenda to fight poverty and corruption, the Aquino administration was not able to produce good results during its term at the national level. However, some political forces and policy reforms that emerged with the administration achieved remarkable change at the local level. This paper explores the case of Siquijor Province, where an entrenched political dynasty was defeated in the 2013 and 2016 elections by candidates supported by the Liberal Party and its allied forces, Akbayan, and analyzes factors that brought this change by focusing on activities of People Power Volunteers for Reform, the impact of bottom-up budgeting projects, and the mobilization of powers of the national government through personal relationships. It also notes achievements of the Aquino administration at the local level, provides a critical perspective to the elite democracy discourse that sticks to a static view of Philippine politics, and clarifies local practices by progressive forces that confront oligarchy.


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Books and Other Publications

  • 現代フィリピンの地殻変動:新自由主義の深化・政治制度の近代化・親密性の歪み

    原民樹, 西尾善太, 白石奈津子, 日下渉, 飯田 悠哉, 久保 裕子, 田川 夢乃, 中窪 啓介, 藤原 尚樹, 宮川 慎司, 師田 史子, 吉澤 あすな, 藤原, 尚樹, 宮川, 慎司, 師田, 史子, 吉澤, あすな( Part: Joint editor)

    花伝社  2023.03 ISBN: 4763420542


  • 経済的理性の狂気: グローバル経済の行方を〈資本論〉で読み解く

    大屋 定晴監訳( Part: Joint translator)

    作品社  2019.09 ISBN: 4861827604


  • デモクラシー・プロジェクト

    木下 ちがや, 江上 賢一郎, 原 民樹( Part: Joint translator)

    航思社  2015.04 ISBN: 4906738109


  • 図説 経済の論点

    柴田, 努, 新井, 大輔, 森原, 康仁編( Part: Contributor)

    旬報社  2014.12 ISBN: 4845113910


Research Projects

  • ベニグノ・アキノ3世政権期における政教関係の変容:RH法成立要因の分析から

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究

    Project Year :


    原 民樹

  • 現代フィリピンにおける「社会と個人」の限界と潜在力 -フィールドからの理論と検証-

    京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所  共同利用・共同研究拠点「東南アジア研究の国際共同研究拠点」

    Project Year :


    白石奈津子, 原民樹, 西尾善太, 日下渉, 久保裕子, 田川夢乃, 中窪啓介, 藤原尚樹, 宮川慎司, 師田史子, 吉澤あすな, 飯田悠哉, マリオ・イヴァン・ロペス

  • 現代フィリピンの革新勢力とエリートの変容

    りそなアジア・オセアニア財団  調査研究助成

    Project Year :



  • 現代フィリピンの革新勢力

    富士ゼロックス  小林基金フェローシップ

    Project Year :




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Teaching Experience

  • Japanese Development Experiences in the International Context

    Waseda University  


  • ライティング&リサーチ・スキル



  • International Relations

    Chiba University of Commerce  


  • International Relations

    Musashino Art University  


  • Japan's Experiences in International Cooperation

    Waseda University  


  • 現代日本理解演習



  • Japanese Politica History

    Chiba University of Commerce  


  • Introduction to Political Science

    Chiba University of Commerce  


  • International Relations

    Musashino Art University  


  • Political Science

    Chiba University of Commerce  


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  • Faculty of International Research and Education   Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies

Internal Special Research Projects