2025/03/09 更新


アライ ユウヤ
新井 雄也
研究院(研究機関) グリーン・コンピューティング・システム研究機構


  • 2022年05月

    早稲田大学   グリーン・コンピューティング・システム研究機構   研究助手

  • 2022年04月

    清泉女子大学   言語教育研究所   非常勤講師

  • 2021年04月

    川越東高等学校   常勤講師


  • 2022年04月

    早稲田大学   大学院教育学研究科   博士後期課程  

  • 2019年04月

    早稲田大学   大学院教育学研究科   修士課程  

  • 2015年04月

    早稲田大学   教育学部   英語英文学科  



  • 外国語教育   第二言語リーディング論 / 外国語教育   学習者心理 / 外国語教育   言語テスト・アセスメント


  • 第二言語リーディング

  • 多読

  • 言語テスト論

  • 学習者心理(フロー理論)


  • 小野梓記念賞(学術賞)

    2025年03月   早稲田大学   Comparability between graded readers and the Common Test in Japan in terms of text difficulty perceived by learners  

    受賞者: 新井雄也

  • 2024年度日本言語テスト学会著作賞

    2024年10月   日本言語テスト学会   Understanding L2 proficiency: Theoretical and meta-analytic investigations  

    受賞者: 印南洋, 新井雄也, 小泉利恵, 山下淳子



  • Toward learning-oriented assessment in extensive reading

    Yuya Arai

    Studies in Language Assessment    2025年02月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    Extensive reading (ER) in a foreign language (L2) has been regarded as incompatible with language assessment primarily because ER aims to read for pleasure (Day & Bamford, 2002), which is believed to be discouraged by assessment. However, in reality, ER programs implemented in the L2 classroom often necessitate assessment, mainly to fulfill the institutional requirement of student evaluation (i.e., summative purposes of the assessment use). Less is discussed as to how assessment can be used to promote language learning through ER (i.e., formative purposes of the assessment use). The present paper aims to discuss how assessment should be conceptualized and implemented in ER practice from the perspective of Turner and Purpura’s (2016) working framework of learning-oriented assessment (LOA). Based on the discussion, this paper emphasizes the necessity for further research on the effectiveness of LOA in language learning in ER programs.

  • Exploring flow as the consequences of placement decisions in an EFL speaking course

    Yuya Arai

    Language Testing in Asia   15 ( 13 )  2025年02月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    Language testing research has suggested that placement accuracy can be an important factor in the consequences of placement decision-making. However, previous studies primarily have used a one-shot teacher judgment of placement accuracy, suffering from a lack of students’ perspectives of their time-varying experiences. The present study aimed to understand the experiences of nine Japanese students who were placed in (in)appropriate levels of English as a foreign language (EFL) speaking course by measuring flow experiences and their fluctuation over time. A flow questionnaire was administered four times during the speaking course, followed by semi-structured interviews at the end of the course. The findings empirically supported the discrepancy between students’ flow experiences and the one-short teacher judgment of placement accuracy. The in-depth investigation of students’ experiences also suggested two main factors affecting flow experiences: environmental factors and students’ attempts to find meaningfulness in their courses. Based on these findings, this study emphasizes the applicability of flow theory to the understanding of test consequences from students’ perspectives.


  • Readings on L2 reading: Publications in other venues 2023–2024

    Shenika Harris, Min Gui, Yuya Arai, Rachel Garton

    Reading in a Foreign Language   36 ( 1 )  2024年09月  [国際誌]  [国際共著]


    This feature offers an archive of articles published in other venues during the past year and serves as a valuable tool to readers of Reading in a Foreign Language (RFL). It treats any topic within the scope of RFL and second language reading. The articles are listed in alphabetical order, each with a complete reference as well as a brief summary. The editors of this feature attempt to include all related articles that appear in other venues. However, undoubtedly, this list is not exhaustive.

  • Text and reading task variables in incidental L2 vocabulary learning from reading: A methodological synthesis

    Yuya Arai, Kotaro Takizawa

    Research Methods in Applied Linguistics   3 ( 2 )  2024年08月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    Although a number of studies have been conducted on incidental second language (L2) vocabulary learning from reading, there is little discussion on the importance of reading text and task variables in research design and learning outcomes. This methodological synthesis aims to systematically review and critically appraise the methodological choices related to text variables (text audience, quality, genre, topic and content, length, and amount) and reading task variables (reading task instruction, reading comprehension assessment, and time allocation for reading) in previous studies. A total of 33 primary studies were retrieved and reviewed. The results indicated that the current practice of the use of texts and reading tasks should be reconsidered, and that researchers should provide more information on these variables. The findings contribute to the methodological rigor of the research on incidental L2 vocabulary learning from reading.


  • Reading with the flow: Perceived text difficulty and motivation to read in L2 Japanese

    Yuya Arai

    Journal of the Japanese Association of Language Proficiency   11  2023年08月  [招待有り]  [国内誌]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    While the importance of print exposure has been emphasized in first, second, and foreign language reading, little is still known concerning how to help language learners develop reading habits. The present paper argues that flow experiences (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975/2000), which were originally proposed in the field of positive psychology, could play an important role in encouraging language learners to read extensively as well as to develop their reading proficiency through a large amount of print exposure. The goals of this paper are to identify the characteristics of flow experiences and discuss their relationship to reading in Japanese as a second or foreign language mainly from the perspectives of perceived text difficulty and reading motivation. Based on the discussion, implications for further research and practice in the classroom will also be provided.

  • Comparability between graded readers and the Common Test in Japan in terms of text difficulty perceived by learners

    Yuya Arai

    Language Assessment Quarterly   20 ( 3 ) 277 - 295  2023年05月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    Proponents of extensive reading argue that test-oriented language teaching and learning could discourage extensive reading practice. However, this has not been examined empirically. Given the possibility that the consistency of reading texts used in extensive reading and entrance examinations is one source of washback, the present study employed a two-facet Rasch measurement to examine the comparability between graded readers and the Common Test in Japan in terms of text difficulty perceived by Japanese high school students. It was found that perceived difficulty of the Common Test texts was not statistically different from that of some graded reader texts, providing positive evidence for the consistency between the Common Test and graded reader texts. Implications for future research on the relationship between entrance examinations and extensive reading are discussed in detail based on study findings and limitations.


  • Exploring perceived difficulty of graded reader texts

    Yuya Arai

    Reading in a Foreign Language   34 ( 2 ) 249 - 270  2022年10月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    Although proponents of extensive reading (ER) have recommended easy reading material, book difficulty has been poorly defined and operationalized in previous studies. The present study argues for the use of perceived text difficulty for operationalizing book difficulty based on empirical findings (Holster et al., 2017), reading purposes in ER, and the importance of readers’ perspectives. A total of 162 Japanese English-as-a-foreign-language university students rated the difficulty of 15 texts excerpted from graded readers (GRs). The data were analyzed by conducting a many-facet Rasch analysis (Linacre, 1989; Rasch, 1960/1980), where a rating scale model (Andrich, 1978) was tested with persons, texts, and graded readers’ levels as the facets of measurement. The results revealed that perceived text difficulty could not replicate the stated difficulty level provided by the GR publisher, reinforcing the necessity of examining perceived text difficulty in ER research and practice in the second and foreign language classroom.

  • Perceived book difficulty and pleasure experiences as flow in extensive reading

    Yuya Arai

    Reading in a Foreign Language   34 ( 1 ) 1 - 23  2022年04月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    In second or foreign language (L2) extensive reading (ER) studies, learners have been encouraged to read easy books despite the lack of consensus concerning how to define book difficulty. In light of previous studies reporting that book difficulty can play an important role in learners’ affect in ER (e.g., Bahmani & Farvardin, 2017; Chiang, 2016; Yang et al., 2021), the present study explored the relationship between perceived book difficulty and pleasure experiences from the perspective of the flow theory (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975/2000), as an important reading purpose in ER is for pleasure. Ninety-nine Japanese university students participated in a flow questionnaire survey, five of whom also participated in the follow-up interviews. It was found that some characteristics of flow were found in relation to the difference in perceived book difficulty, and that the participants’ perceptions were affected by some factors related to the flow theory.

  • Extensive reading definitions, effectiveness, and issues concerning practice in the EFL classroom: Japanese teacher trainees’ perceptions

    Yuya Arai

    Journal of Extensive Reading   7   15 - 32  2019年12月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者


    This study empirically examined the perceptions of extensive reading (ER) among Japanese English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) teacher trainees. Thirty-four Japanese undergraduate and graduate students taking EFL teacher training courses at seven universities participated in a questionnaire survey on perceived ER definitions, effects, and practical challenges. Participants’ questionnaire responses were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Results revealed that 1) some participants’ ER definitions differed among themselves as well as from those proposed in previous research; 2) while most of the participants agreed with ER effectiveness in developing reading and writing proficiencies, a majority of them did not consider ER as beneficial to developing listening and speaking proficiencies; and 3) the participants had some concerns on future ER practice including how to implement ER. These findings suggest that the participants may become teachers while holding some misconceptions of ER and its practice, and indicate the necessity of future research on ER challenges at the stage of teacher training.



  • Understanding L2 Proficiency: Theoretical and meta-analytic investigations

    Eun Hee Jeon, Yo In'nami( 担当: 分担執筆,  担当範囲: Chapter8: L2 listening and its correlates: A meta-analysis (In'nami, Koizumi, Jeon, & Arai))

    John Benjamins  2022年08月


  • You may say this better: Consequential validity evidence for diagnostic speaking assessment on lexical use.

    Shungo Suzuki, Hiroaki Takatsu, Ryuki Matsuura, Mao Saeki, Yuya Arai, Yoichi Matsuyama

    Presentation at the 45th Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC), Innsbruck, Austria.  

    発表年月: 2024年07月

  • Building an argument for test score interpretation and use for a fully automated online assessment of L2 spoken interaction.

    Yasuyo Sawaki, Yuya Arai, Masaki Eguchi, Shungo Suzuki, Yoichi Matsuyama

    Presentation at the 45th Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC), Innsbruck, Austria.  

    発表年月: 2024年07月

  • A baseline washback study of a new placement test for university students using Assessment Use Argument framework

    Keita Nakamura, Yuya Arai, Yanping Deng, Tatsuro Tahara, Yasuyo Sawaki, Kana Matsumura, Xiaofei Liu

    the 26th Japan Language Testing Association (JLTA) Annual Conference  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • A baseline washback study of placement testing in a university English-speaking course in terms of instructors’ decision-making behaviors

    Kana Matsumura, Xiaofei Liu, Yasuyo Sawaki, Yuya Arai, Yanping Deng, Keita Nakamura, Tatsuro Tahara

    the 26th Japan Language Testing Association (JLTA) Annual Conference  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • Towards an explainable automated scoring of spoken interaction with a conversational AI agent

    Yoichi Matsuyama, Shungo Suzuki, Mao Saeki, Hiroaki Takatsu, Ryuki Matsuura, Yuya Arai

    the 44th Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC)  

    発表年月: 2023年06月

  • L2 listening comprehension and its correlates: A meta-analysis of correlation coefficients

    Yo In'nami, Rie Koizumi, Eun Hee Jeon, Yuya Arai

    American Association for Applied Linguistics 2022 Conference  

    発表年月: 2022年03月

  • The effects of perceived book difficulty on differences in Japanese high school students’ flow experiences in extensive reading as a pleasure reading activity: A research proposal

    Yuya Arai


    発表年月: 2019年11月

  • 教職課程履修学生への意識調査から考察する多読の理解とその問題点


    38th Intercollegiate Conference on English Teaching (ICET) Annual Conference  

    発表年月: 2019年02月

  • 多読の理論と実際:教職課程履修学生の多読に関する意識調査



    発表年月: 2018年12月



  • 多読の指導への導入に関する議論―教職課程履修学生の観点から


    『英語教育』   70 ( 3 ) 66 - 67  2021年06月



  • Second-year English (Writing)



  • 英語表現II



  • コミュニケーション英語 II





  • 査読 (Instructional Science)


  • 査読 (Language Teaching Research)


  • 査読 (Language Teaching Research)


  • 査読 (Language Testing in Asia)


  • 査読 (Reading in a Foreign Language)


  • 査読 (Applied Linguistics)


  • 査読 (Reading in a Foreign Language)


  • 査読 (Language Teaching Research)


  • 査読 (TESOL Quarterly)


  • 査読 (Research Methods in Applied Linguistics)


  • 査読 (Humanities and Social Sciences Communications)


  • 査読 (Language Assessment Quarterly)

  • 査読 (Reading in a Foreign Language)


  • 査読 (Language Assessment Quarterly)


  • 査読 (Reading in a Foreign Language)


