Updated on 2025/03/14


Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
Associate Professor(non-tenure-track)

Research Experience

  • 2022.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Associate Professor

Education Background

  • 2016.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Human Sciences  

  • 2014.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Human Sciences  

  • 2011.04

    Waseda University   School of Human Sciences   Department of Human Informatics and Cognitive Sciences  

  • 1987.04

    Rikkyo University   College of Arts   Department of Christian Studies  

Professional Memberships

  • 2014.05

    Japanese Association of Qualitative Psychology

  • 2012.05

    Japan Society for Educational Technology

Research Areas

  • Educational technology   経験学習、内省支援、企業内人材育成、質的研究

Research Interests

  • 中堅社員

  • 質的研究

  • 企業内人材育成

  • 内省支援

  • 経験学習

  • 教育工学

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  • Qualitative Study on the Promotion of Experiential Learning and Reflective Support Intended for Mid-level Employees by Managers Who Balance Organizational Performance with Employee Development

    Chiaki Hiromatsu, Shigeto Ozawa

    Information and Technology in Education and Learning   4 ( 1 )  2024.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • A Qualitative Study of Formation Process of Work Values and Beliefs in Experimental-Learning in Mid-Level Employees Requiring Reflective Support.

    Chiaki Hiromatsu, Shigeto Ozawa

    Information and Technology in Education and Learning   2 ( 1 ) Trans-p001 - p001  2022.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Qualitative Study on the Promotion of Experiential Learning and Reflective Support Intended for Mid-level Employees by Managers who Balance Organizational Performance with Employee Development

    Chiaki Hiromatsu, Shigeto Ozawa

    Japan Journal of Educational Technology   45 ( 1 ) 43 - 65  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Qualitative Study on the Characteristics of the Reflection Process of Mid-level Employees Requiring Reflective Support

    HIROMATSU Chiaki, OZAWA Shigeto

    Educational technology research   42 ( 1 ) 61 - 79  2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

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    <p>Recently, during in-house human resource development, a company expects mid-level employees to expand on experiential learning through reflection. This study assesses the current state of mid-level employee reflection. We conducted semi-structured interviews targeting mid-level employees, who have improved in business performance but are not learning sufficiently from their experience, and performed an analysis based on the modified grounded theory approach (M-GTA). We found that mid-level employees requiring reflective support have a process of (1) reflecting on the problem-resolution process at work and (2) taking a multifaceted approach to examining their inner characteristics based on feedback from others. By examining internal characteristics, it could be difficult to solve a problem when employees have conflicting personal beliefs and views on work and ideal self-images. Specifically, the fact that behavior does not change due to conflict indicates the possibility that it could be the reason learning from experience is viewed as insufficient by others, including bosses. The study describes the necessity of reflective support from bosses or colleagues to encourage mid-level employees to take the initiative on personal behavioral change.</p><p></p>

    DOI CiNii

  • A Qualitative Study of Formation process of Work Values and Briefs in Experimental-learning in Mid-level employees Requirng Reflective Support

    HIROMATSU Chiaki, OZAWA Shigeto

    Japan Journal of Educational Technology   43 ( 4 ) 363 - 380  2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

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    <p>In this study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with mid-level employees who require reflective support to find out the experiences that formed their work values and beliefs. The interviews were analyzed using the Trajectory Equifinality Approach (TEA). Results showed that through the experiences of "confronting the challenges arising from work," "assuming new positions through transfers or reassignment," and "having to deal with unexpected complications despite being entrusted with a high-responsibility job that must be completed alone," the employees struggled with conflicts between the expectations and demands of superiors, colleagues, and clients and an organizational environment that concentrates on work achievement. The employees deepened their understanding of how they engaged with their work, not only through their experiences of success but also through those of failure. Through these, the employees became conscious of their work values and beliefs. Such work values and beliefs included not only "role norms as a functioning member of society," "performing work autonomously," and "contributing to others," all of which had been advocated as appropriate work values and beliefs held by business people, but also "enhancing both personal and work life." Finally, we examined the effects that reflective support provided by superiors had in establishing mid-level employees' work values and beliefs, as well as supporting their growth toward becoming experts.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Qualitative Study on the Characteristics of the Reflection Process of Mid-level Employees Requiring Reflective Support

    HIROMATSU Chiaki, OZAWA Shigeto

    Japan Journal of Educational Technology   42 ( 4 ) 297 - 312  2019  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

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    <p>Recently, during in-house human resource development, a company expects mid-level employees to expand experiential learning through reflection. The present study aims to assess the current state of mid-level employees' reflection. We conducted semi-structured interviews targeting mid-level employees who improve business performance but are not considered to be learning sufficiently from their experiences, and performed an analysis based on the modified grounded theory approach (M-GTA). We found that, mid-level employees requiring reflective support have a process of (1) reflecting on the problem-resolution process at work, and (2) taking a multifaceted approach to examining their inner characteristics based on feedback from others. Through the process of examining internal characteristics, it could be difficult to solve a problem when employees have conflicting personal beliefs and views on work and personal ideal self-images. Specifically, the fact that behavior does not change as a result of conflict indicates the possibility that it could be the reason that learning from experience is viewed as insufficient from the viewpoint of others, including bosses. In the discussion, the authors describe the necessity of reflective support from bosses or work colleagues to facilitate mid-level employees' taking the initiative on personal behavioral change.</p><p></p>

    DOI CiNii

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  • 女性中堅社員の仕事観の形成プロセスに関する質的研究.


    日本教育工学会第45回全国大会講演論文集     301 - 302  2024.09

    Authorship:Lead author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 大学生から社会人へのトランジションを促進するインターンシップの効果.

    秋山和枝, 廣松ちあき, 山田小百合, 尾澤重知

    日本教育工学会第34回全国大会講演論文集     441 - 442  2018.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 公立小学校での学校外日本人外国語指導者の役割に関する研究.

    小林文女, 廣松ちあき, 山田 小百合, 尾澤 重知

    日本教育工学会第34回全国大会講演論文集     287 - 288  2018.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 大学通信教育課程を卒業した社会人の越境学習に関する研究.

    中田直子, 廣松ちあき, 山田 小百合, 尾澤重知

    日本教育工学会第34回全国大会講演論文集     161 - 162  2018.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 職場における「ゆとり世代」に関する特徴の分析

    鍛冶佳代, 廣松ちあき, 森裕生, 山田小百合, 尾澤重知

    日本教育工学会第33回全国大会講演論文集     449 - 450  2017.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 中堅社員を対象とした経験学習における内省の質的研究.

    廣松ちあき, 尾澤重知

    日本教育工学会研究会JSET15-4     133 - 140  2015.10

    Authorship:Lead author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 女性中堅社員を対象とした経験学習と価値観・信念の質的研究


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    本研究の目的は、社会人歴5~15年程度の女性中堅社員を対象に、その経験学習の実態を把握し、経験学習を促進するための内省支援施策を検討することである。出産・育児等で仕事経験に制約があった女性中堅社員25名に対して、半構造化インタビューを実施し、M-GTA、TEAを用いて質的分析を行い、女性中堅社員の内省の特徴と仕事観の形成プロセスについて探索的にモデルを検討した。その結果、女性中堅社員の内省プロセスは、子育てにともなう仕事上の制約や不自由さに向き合い、自分の思い描くやり方で仕事ができない葛藤を通じて、<仕事を引き受けることへの腹落ち>を深め、自己の役割や自分にとっての仕事の意味づけを変化させて、仕事を継続する意思を強化していることが明らかになった。また、仕事観の形成プロセスにおいては、女性中堅社員は想定外の抜擢と挫折、意図しない異動などの困難な経験や、出産・育児など仕事に全力を注げない制約を通じて自分の仕事観を自問自答する機会が増え、「自分の仕事観を自覚」するに至ったことが示された。上記の結果については、次で発表した。廣松ちあき(2024)育児等で仕事経験に制約のある女性中堅社員の仕事経験と私的経験からの学びの質的研究.日本教育工学会研究会報告集2024 巻 4 号:249-256(2024年12月7日 岩手県立大学)廣松ちあき(2024)女性中堅社員の仕事観の形成プロセスに関する質的研究.日本教育工学会第45回全国大会講演論文集:301-302(2024年9月7日・東北学院大学)

  • 女性中堅社員を対象とした経験学習と価値観・信念の質的研究


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    中堅社員の育成施策は,Off-J T(Off the Job Training :職場を離れた訓練)が中心となる新人や管理職層と比較して,人事異動やOJT (On the Job Training :職場内訓練)などの現場実践に依存している.中堅社員は,職場の中核的な存在として,組織業績の達成に貢献するとともに,実際の業務を通じて職務遂行能力を高めることが期待されている.さらに, 通常の定型業務を安定的に運営できることに加えて,中堅社員としてのレベルに応じた非定型業務に取り組む能力をもった「創造的熟達者」となることが求められている.中堅社員の創造的熟達者への移行には経験学習による実践知の向上が重要である.特に女性中堅社員は,中堅社員の時期に結婚・出産・介護などのライフイベントが重なることが多く,仕事経験だけではなく私生活の様々な出来事がその経験学習に影響を及ぼしていると考えられる.本研究の目的は,民間企業に勤務する女性中堅社員の経験学習の実態について明らかにし,経験学習を促進する内省支援の方法を検討することである.従業員規模300人以上の大企業に勤務した経験をもつ,社会人歴5-15年程度の正社員女性中堅社員25名を対象として,2022年10月-2023年3月に半構造化インタビューを行った.2023年4月-2024年3月には,これらの対象者のうち,出産・育児に関わる休職を経て休職前と同じ企業に復職した12名を取り上げて,修正版グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチを用いた「育児休職後も同じ企業で働き続ける子育て中の女性中堅社員」の「仕事経験と私生活経験からの学びのプロセス」を分析中である.これにより,育児中の女性中堅社員の仕事と私生活における経験からの学びと,その促進要因・阻害要因を把握する.今後は,さらに女性中堅社員の経験学習と内省の特徴および,経験学習に影響を与える信念・価値観の形成プロセスを明らかにする.

  • 企業に勤務する女性中堅社員の経験学習と価値観・信念の質的研究


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