Updated on 2025/02/07


Faculty of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering
Job title
Associate Professor(non-tenure-track)
Ph.D.(Engineering) ( 2011 )

Research Experience

  • 2022.04

    Waseda University   Department of Business Design and Management, Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering   Associate Professor

  • 2021.04

    The University of Tokyo   Presidential Endowed Chair for "Platinum Society"   Project Lecturer

  • 2016.04

    The University of Tokyo   Presidential Endowed Chair for "Platinum Society"   Project Assistant Professor

  • 2011.04

    The University of Tokyo   School of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Healthcare Social System Engineering Laboratory   Assistant Professor

Professional Memberships







Research Areas

  • Medical management and medical sociology / Safety engineering   Quality Management / Social systems engineering   Quality Management


  • 第125回研究発表会 優秀発表賞

    2021.05   日本品質管理学会  

    Winner: 下野 僚子

  • 第49年度 最優秀論文賞

    2020.11   日本品質管理学会  

    Winner: 下野僚子,秋永理恵,水流聡子

  • 第113回研究発表会 優秀発表賞

    2017.05   日本品質管理学会  

    Winner: 下野 僚子

  • 日経品質管理文献賞

    2015.11   日本経済新聞社   組織で保証する医療の質 QMSアプローチ

    Winner: 飯塚悦功, 棟近雅彦, 水流聡子, QMS-H研究会出版委員会

  • 第43年度 Activity Acknowledgement 賞

    2014.11   日本品質管理学会  

    Winner: 下野僚子

  • 第43年度 研究奨励賞

    2014.11   日本品質管理学会  

    Winner: 下野 僚子

  • Best Paper Award

    2010.10   8th ANQ Congress  

    Winner: Ryoko Shimono, Shogo Kato, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka

  • Best Poster Award

    2010.04   2nd GMSI International Symposium  

    Winner: 下野 僚子

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  • Simulation-based design of regional biomass thermochemical conversion system for improved environmental and socio-economic performance

    Leonardo L. Corradini, Aya Heiho, Yuichiro Kanematsu, Ryoko Shimono, Satoshi Ohara, Yasunori Kikuchi

    Computer Aided Chemical Engineering   52   2363 - 2368  2023.07  [Refereed]

  • 自治体健康づくり事業におけるプロセス管理のためのチェックポイント導出手法:啓発イベントを事例として

    下野僚子, 堀内美佐, 兵法彩, 菊池康紀, 大久保達也

    品質   52 ( 4 ) 41 - 52  2022.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Factors associated with response to compression-based physical therapy for secondary lower limb lymphedema after gynecologic cancer treatment: a multicenter retrospective study

    Masato Yoshihara, Kaoru Kitamura, Satoko Tsuru, Ryoko Shimono, Hiromi Sakuda, Michinori Mayama, Sho Tano, Kaname Uno, Mayu Ohno Ukai, Yasuyuki Kishigami, Hidenori Oguchi, Akio Hirota

    BMC Cancer   22 ( 1 ) 25 - 25  2022  [Refereed]  [International journal]

     View Summary

    Lower limb lymphedema (LLL) is one of the most refractory and debilitating complications related to gynecological cancer treatment. We investigated factors associated with response to compression-based physical therapy (CPT) for secondary LLL after gynecologic cancer treatment.

    We performed a multicenter retrospective study using the records of seven medical institutions from 2002 and 2014. Patients who developed LLL after gynecological cancer treatment were included. Limb volumes were calculated from the lengths of the limb circumferences at four points. All participants underwent compression-based physical therapy for LLL. Factors, including MLD, indicative of circumference reductions in LLL were determined.

    In total, 1,034 LLL met the required criteria of for the study. A multivariate linear regression analysis identified age; body mass index (BMI); endometrial cancer; radiotherapy; and initial limb circumference as significant independent prognostic factors related to improvement in LLL. In analysis of covariance for improvement in LLL adjusted by the initial limb circumference and stratified by BMI and radiotherapy, patients with BMI 28 kg/m2 or higher and receiving radiation rarely responded to CPT.

    Improvements in the lower limb circumference correlated with clinical histories and physical characteristics, which may be used as independent prognostic factors for successful CPT for LLL after gynecological cancer treatment.


    DOI PubMed


  • Verification of an Individual Training System in Blood Collection through Data Acquisition and Analysis

    Ryoko Shimono, Rie Akinaga

    Total Quality Science   7 ( 2 ) 82 - 88  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Development of competence management system for quality assurance in clinical laboratory tests

    Ryoko Shimono, Rie Akinaga, Kazunori Hase

    Proceedings of International Scientific and Business Quality Congress     288 - 293  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Effectiveness Analysis of Method for Competence Evaluation through Description of Cause-and-Effect Diagram in Clinical Laboratory Practice

    Ryoko Shimono, Rie Akinaga, Satoko Tsuru

    Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control   50 ( 3 ) 46 - 56  2020  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Risk factors for late-onset lower limb lymphedema after gynecological cancer treatment: a multi-institutional retrospective study

    Masato Yoshihara, Ryoko Shimono, Satoko Tsuru, Kaoru Kitamura, Hiromi Sakuda, Hidenori Oguchi, Akio Hirota

    European Journal of Surgical Oncology   46 ( 7 ) 1334 - 1338  2020  [Refereed]  [International journal]

     View Summary

    INTRODUCTION: Late-onset lower limb lymphedema (LLL) is a significant clinical challenge for physicians dealing with patients that undergo treatment involving the pelvic cavity. We aimed to clarify the prevalence of and risk factors for late-onset LLL after treatment for gynecological cancer. METHODS: We conducted a multicenter retrospective study using records of cases in which LLL diagnosed by physical findings and measurement of limbs girths. Patients with LLL after treatment for uterine cervical, endometrial, and ovarian cancer were sequentially enrolled. We examined the timing of LLL onset and the associations between the time to onset and clinical characteristics, including age, type of cancer, lymphadenectomy sites, and performance of radiotherapy. We also investigated the risk factors for late-onset LLL and their effects on the cumulative incidence of late-onset LLL. RESULTS: In total, 711 patients fulfilled the required criteria. Mean age of was 50.2 years old and median follow-up period was 5.05 years. More than half of them (50.5%) presented with LLL ≥5 years after undergoing treatment for gynecological cancer. A substantial number of patients (29.4%) developed LLL ≥10 years after undergoing treatment for gynecological cancer. Being aged <50 years [(odds ratio (OR): 1.919, P = 0.001), cervical cancer (OR: 1.912, P = 0.001), and radiotherapy (OR: 1.664, P = 0.017) were identified as significant risk factors for late-onset LLL in multivariate logistic regression analysis. CONCLUSIONS: A substantial number of patients present with LLL ≥5 years after receiving treatment for gynecological malignancies. Clinicians are required to identify high-risk patients and inform them of the risk of late-onset LLL.

    DOI PubMed


  • Workload quantification of survey for health promotion event

    Misa Horiuchi, Aya Heiho, Ryoko Shimono, Tatsuya Okubo, Yasunori Kikuchi

    The Japanese Journal for Public Health Nurse   76 ( 7 ) 568 - 575  2020  [Refereed]

  • Input-Output Analysis of a Health Promotion Event in Wakayama Prefecture

    Aya Heiho, Ryoko Shimono, Misa Horiuchi, Tatsuya Okubo, Yasunori Kikuchi

    Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan   16 ( 2 ) 130 - 142  2020  [Refereed]

  • Method for Observation of Processes in Invasive Medical Techniques

    Ryoko Shimono, Masako Fujiwara, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka

    Total Quality Science   3 ( 2 ) 69 - 77  2017.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Matching of patient’s difficulty and staff’s ability to take blood for improving blood collection operation for outpatients

    Rie Akinaga, Norikazu Inaba, Shogo Kato, Ryoko Shimono, Satoko Tsuru

    Japanese Journal of Clinical Laboratory Automation   42 ( 5 ) 599 - 606  2017.11  [Refereed]

  • Usefulness of PCAPS for the management of lymphedema

    Kaoru Kitamura, Yoko Sato, Ryoko Shimono, Hiromoi Sakuda, Satoko Tsuru

    Japanese Journal of Lymphology   40 ( 1 ) 57 - 59  2017.06  [Refereed]

  • Guide to Standardization for Internal Medicine under Mixed Situation of Patient’s Own Medication and In-Hospital Prescribed Medication

    Ryoko Shimono, Masako Fujiwara, Satoko Tsuru, Fumi Hojo, Hiroshi Shimazaki, Toshiaki Hirose, Takeki Ogawa, Koji Asano, Kazunori Ochiai

    Jounal of the Japan Society for Healthcare Administration   54 ( 2 ) 77 - 86  2017.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

    DOI CiNii

  • The usefulness of PCAPS for comprehensive management of lymphedema

    Yoko Sato, Kaoru Kitamura, Ryoko Shimono, Satoko Tsuru

    Japanese Journal of Lymphology   29 ( 1 ) 52 - 54  2016.06  [Refereed]

  • Competence Evaluation for Quality Assurance of Clinical Laboratory Test -Development of Competence Evaluation Items using Cause-and-Effect Diagram-

    Ryoko Shimono, Rie Akinaga, Kazunori Hase, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka

    Proceedings of the 60th European Organization for Quality Congress     8p  2016.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Development of the Structure of the Knowledgebase for Countermeasures in the Knowledge Acquisition Process for Trouble Prediction in Healthcare Processes

    Shogo Kato, Daisuke Okamoto, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka, Ryoko Shimono

    International Journal of Medical, Health, Biomedical, Bioengineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering   9 ( 10 ) 702 - 707  2015.10  [Refereed]

  • Development of Process Model for Quality Assurance of Surgical Operation Planning

    Rika Takao, Ryoko Shimono, Satoko Tsuru, Toru Kuroda, Kazuhiko Yoshida, Koji Asano, Shogo Kato

    Total Quality Science   1 ( 2 ) 65 - 74  2015.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    To operate successfully, surgeons must plan surgical operations appropriately. However, it is difficult to plan operations adequately because they are often complicated and involve substantial amounts of medical knowledge and information concerning patients. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a process model for surgical operation planning. <br/>In the present study, we divided surgical operation planning into three processes, "Process for understanding the patient's condition," "Process for designing the surgical operation plan," and "Process for reviewing the plan." We identified that an ideal surgery is one that can lead to a radical cure, and can minimize the adverse effect on the QOL of the patient. Based on this, we designed the basic concept of the best surgical operation plan, and developed a process model to facilitate its use. We first identified the components of surgical operation plan and information necessary to the processes for understanding and designing. We then identified functions of the processes and visualized information and functions with a data flow diagram. Finally, we developed a tool for quality assurance in planning, and tested the model by applying it to 9 cases. Subsequently, we proved that the model marshaled the complex process and facilitated the retrospective detection of problems.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Model to Evaluate Competence of Medical Doctors for Invasive Techniques at Hospitals - Evaluation System based on Competence Criteria for Quality Assurance-

    Ryoko Shimono, Yoshihiro Natori, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka

    Total Quality Science   1 ( 1 ) 1 - 11  2015.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    Since invasive techniques affect the patient's body, doctors have to acquire knowledge and skills to implement such invasive techniques safely. In addition, to assure quality in the implementation of invasive techniques, we need to assess doctors' competence in relation to these techniques. The purpose of this study was to develop a model to evaluate competence of medical doctors for invasive techniques at hospitals. It is essential that such a model is equipped with functions, procedures, and tools that are based on the existing literature related to competence evaluation. In this study, we reconstructed competence evaluation items used in a previous study. Competence evaluation items should evaluate concisely, specify the knowledge and skills to be acquired, and be comprehensible for the evaluator. To fulfill these requirements, we introduced the concept of the PDCA-cycle in the evaluation items, and applied it to invasive techniques. Based on these evaluation items, we designed procedures and tools for the implementation and management of competence evaluation. The procedure comprises 11 steps that need to be implemented by doctors and secretaries. Finally, we tested the model by utilizing it for deriving competence evaluation criteria in nine invasive techniques in Hospital A.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Methodology for Designing Process Management Standards for Daily Work in Hospitals

    KATO Shogo, ITO Satoshi, IIZUKA Yoshinori, SHIMONO Ryoko, TSURU Satoko

    Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control   45 ( 1 ) 83 - 97  2015.01  [Refereed]

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    In recent years, quality and safety of healthcare has drawn a considerable attention and great efforts have been made for ensuring quality and safety of services in hospitals. In order to ensure quality and safety of products and services, in general, it is needed to carry out a management based on appropriate process management plan. In doing so, it is reasonable to prepare a "process management standard" in advance, which is a standard process management plan, and utilize it with some adjustments. "QC process chart" is one of the typical tools to design and describe a process management plan. However, its composition and preparation method has not been proposed systematically. In this paper, we aim to propose a methodology for designing process management standards for daily work in hospitals. We sort out and arrange the concepts relevant to process management, and propose a method to reasonably design process management standards. In using the proposed method, we first breakdown quality objectives in the work, and design process management standard to achieve the quality objectives in six steps. We apply the proposed methodology to "blood sampling" process in the testing department at Hospital A, and design a process management standard for blood sampling process. Then, we make a verification of the validity of the proposed methodology by comparing the designed process management standard with an existing operation standard in Hospital A.

    DOI CiNii

  • Structuring Patients’ Information for Quality Assurance of Surgery at Hospitals

    Ryoko Shimono, Masatoshi Yumoto, Toru Kuroda, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka

    Proceedings of International Conference on Quality 2014     1150 - 1159  2014.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • A Model for Deriving a set of Standard Process Modules aiming for Quality Assuranceof Surgery Process

    Ryoko Shimono, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka

    Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control   44 ( 2 ) 232 - 242  2014.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    In order to assure quality with limited available resources, hospitals have to develop healthcare delivery processes. Healthcare operation processes at hospitals are processes for delivering healthcare services to patients through medical practice such as surgery and medication. Since healthcare services have characteristics such as patients' variation, healthcare delivery processes are so complicated that healthcare staff cannot establish operation processes. In order to examine complicated operation process, it is useful to understand operation process as a connection of "standard modules". In terms of operation process, standard modules can be defined as best functions to achieve a purpose of the process. In this research, we develop a methodology to define standard modules for a surgery process. We define surgery process modules by function deployment of surgery process aims to achieve quality assurance with resource consumption efficiently. Finally we demonstrate adequacy and availability of standard modules through comparison with items of the standardized manuals in an actual hospital.

    DOI CiNii


    KATO Shogo, TSURU Satoko, IIZUKA Yoshinori, FUJII Kento, OKAMOTO Daisuke, SHIMONO Ryoko

    SOCIOTECHNICA   10   11 - 23  2013.04  [Refereed]

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    There are many product accidents caused by both poor considerations on product design and inappropriate way of use by users. It is crucial to reduce product accidents to achieve "safe and secure society." It is effective to visualize, structure, and reuse both trouble information and implicit knowledge, which lies scattered among users, providers, accident responders, and so on. However, a well-defined methodology for such activities has not been established.<br>In this study, we propose a comprehensive methodology for socio-technologizing product safety knowledge, through extracting the knowledge from various players and feeding back them to product design and safety education for users. We also show an example of the application of the proposed methodology, by applying it to oil stove.

    DOI CiNii

  • Designing Structured Regional Alliance Path Model for Healthcare Coordination Based on PCAPS

    Satoko Tsuru, Shinichi Yoshii, Shogo Kato, Ryoko Shimono, Yoshinori Iizuka, Masahiko Munechika

    Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Nursing Informatics   11   6p  2012.06  [Refereed]

  • 質保証のための病院業務における要員配置モデルの提案

    下野僚子, 水流聡子, 飯塚悦功

    品質   41 ( 3 ) 371 - 381  2011.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • A Model for Personnel Allocation at Hospitals

    Ryoko Shimono, Shogo Kato, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka

    Proceedings of the European Organization for Quality Congress   41 ( 3 ) 11p - 381  2011.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    For hospitals, personnel allocation is a critical issue because the quality of healthcare depends on the competence of the personnel. Personnel allocation at hospitals must take into account the diversity of patients' needs, the complexity of the services delivered, and the variation in specialized skills proficiency among personnel. A methodology taking these factors into account has however not been developed yet. The purpose of this study is to develop a model method for personnel allocation that reflects the specific features of hospital jobs. For this purpose, we identified determining necessary competences, determining possessed competences, and deriving allocation patterns as the three core aspects of personnel allocation; and incorporated hospital-specific considerations to each of these aspects. Determining necessary competences involves identifying items to be evaluated and estimating the number of required personnel, based on a job description including hospital-specific features. Determining possessed competences involves evaluating personnel competences in terms of levels reflecting skill proficiency. Deriving personnel allocation patterns involves ensuring quality in situations where possessed competences do not satisfy the necessary competences. Finally, based on real world application, we conclude that our model allows for more adequate patterns of personnel allocation at hospitals than existing approaches.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Model for Describing Work Process at Hospitals

    SHIMONO Ryoko, TSURU Satoko, IIZUKA Yoshinori

    Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control   41 ( 2 ) 213 - 224  2011.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    Hospitals, even under the pressure of shrinking healthcare budgets, have to provide a safe and quality-assured service. Towards this goal, hospitals have to examine the course of health-care service provision, i.e. work processes, and to do so efficiently appropriate information sharing between relevant parties is imperative. In practice however it is rarely achieved, due to the lack of a set way of expressing the necessary information. To answer this lack, a description method that reflects the complex particularities of hospital works is needed. In this research we develop such a description model, effective for designing and analyzing hospitals' work processes. The developed model is a form that covers the hospital works that have to be examined in designing and analyzing work processes. Its contents are introduced by a concept of process flow and unit process. In order to evaluate the developed model, we test its effectiveness for works process analysis and problem analysis with regards to a common hospital work: a clinical test.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Method to Improve a Job Process at a Hospital Using the "Unit Process Flow Chart"

    Ryoko Shimono, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka, Shogo Kato, Masahiko Munechika, Masaaki Kaneko

    CONNECTING HEALTH AND HUMANS   146   15 - +  2009  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    The development of methods to improve the quality of services provided at hospitals has been essential owing to the inadequacy of arrangements for standard procedures and the inadequacy of work instructions based on such procedures. In this paper, we propose a method that involves the following steps: description of the job process, analysis of the causes of incidents, and the planning of improvements for the relevant job process. This method describes a healthcare process using a Set Of unit process flow charts (UPFCs), which are structured and standardized modules represented in the form of flow charts that elucidate the elements of jobs. Describing a job in this manner allows for an appropriate and in-depth analysis of the causes of incidents that occur during a job process, owing to the fact that the structure and description of the characteristics of relevant unit processes are properly designed. In this paper, we provide a detailed explanation of how this method was developed. Lastly, we apply the method to actual cases at a hospital to illustrate its effectiveness in comparison with the systems that arc currently in place.



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Books and Other Publications

  • 実習R言語による多変量解析:基礎から機械学習まで

    内田治, 佐野夏樹, 佐野雅隆, 下野僚子

    サイエンス社  2023.05

  • 組織で保証する医療の質 QMSアプローチ

    飯塚悦功, 棟近雅彦, 水流聡子監修, QMS-H研究会出版委員会( Part: Joint author)


  • 患者状態適応型パス―PCAPSの活用と臨床分析ー

    飯塚悦功, 水流聡子, 棟近雅彦監修, PCAPS研究会編著( Part: Joint editor)


  • 患者状態適応型パス―臨床知識の活用・分析

    飯塚悦功, 水流聡子, 棟近雅彦監修, PCAPS研究会編著( Part: Joint editor)


  • 患者状態適応型パス―臨床知識の精緻化・一般化・実装

    飯塚悦功, 水流聡子, 棟近雅彦監修, PCAPS研究会編著( Part: Joint editor)


  • 患者状態適応型パス―電子カルテおよび病院情報システム搭載版電子コンテンツ

    飯塚悦功, 水流聡子, 棟近雅彦監修, PCAPS研究会編著( Part: Joint editor)


  • 医療の質安全保証を実現する患者状態適応型パス[事例集2008年版] 32件の検証調査結果付き

    飯塚悦功, 水流聡子, 棟近雅彦監修, 患者状態適応型パスシステム研究会編著( Part: Joint editor)


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  • Study on the promotion of ACP using workshops

    Kio Yamatani, Ryoko Shimono, Akira Shindo, Masahiko Munechika


    Presentation date: 2023.10

  • Research on Improving the Accuracy of Falls and Falls Assessment

    Shinkichiro Kama, Ryoko Shimono, Fumio Fukumura, Masahiko Munechika


    Presentation date: 2023.10

  • A Study on Flaws in the Manufacturing Process of Unit Houses

    Yuta Nakamura, Ryoko Shimono, Masahiko Munechika


    Presentation date: 2023.10

  • A proposal of a method to understand the differences in quality requirements by customers

    Soma Fujii, Ryoko Shimono, Yukio Takenobe, Masahiko Munechika


    Presentation date: 2023.10

  • Proposed method of analyzing deliberately caused quality fraud

    Rio Shibata, Masahiko Munechika, Ryoko Shimono


    Presentation date: 2023.10

  • A Study of the Optimal Conditions for Painting in Unit Houses

    Shuhei Hayashi, Ryoko Shimono, Masahiko Munechika


    Presentation date: 2023.10

  • Effective allocation of nursing resources to appropriate departments

    Yuri Nakano, Keiko Arai, Ryoko Shimono, Masahiko Munechika


    Presentation date: 2023.10

  • A Study on How to Reduce Defects After Shipment of Unit Houses

    Kaito Ishii, Ryoko Shimono, Masahiko Munechika


    Presentation date: 2023.10

  • Individual Training System for New Employees in Blood Collection at a Hospital

    Ryoko Shimono, Yuya Higuchi, Kohei Fukumoto, Emi Inumaru, Rie Akinaga

    The International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare 

    Presentation date: 2022.07

  • Verification of Individual Training System for Process Management in Blood Collection

    Ryoko Shimono, Rie Akinaga

    The 18th Asian Network for Quality Congress 

    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • Individualized Training System through Data Acquisition and Analysis for Quality Assurance in Healthcare Procedure -Case Study in Blood Drawing-

    Ryoko Shimono, Kohei Fukumoto, Yuya Higuchi, Rie Akinaga, Norikazu Inaba

    The 17th Asian Network for Quality Congress 

    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • Quality Improvement of Blood Drawing Through Targeted Training Using an Operation

    Ryoko Shimono, Rie Akinaga, Norikazu Inaba

    17th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics 

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • Quality Assurance of Invasive Medical Techniques -Approaches from Standardization and Observation

    Ryoko Shimono, Masako Fujiwara, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka

    14th Asian Network for Quality Congress 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • A Model for Reviewing Surgical Operation Plans for Quality Assurance

    Rika Takao, Ryoko Shimono, Satoko Tsuru, Toru Kuroda, Shuzo Kono, Kazuhiko Yoshida, Koji Asano

    13th Asian Network for Quality Congress  (Taipei) 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • Quality Assurance in Surgery: A Model to Plan for Anesthesia Management

    Ryoko Shimono, Masatoshi Yumoto, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka

    13th Asian Network for Quality Congress  (Taipei) 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • Development of the modes of disease management for infants and children

    Satoko Tsuru, Masako Fujiwara, Takanori Motoki, Takanori Minoura, Tohru Kobayashi, Koichi Tanizaki, Ryoko Shimono

    25th European Medical Informatics Conference  (Istanbul, Turkey) 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • Method for Evaluation and Analysis of Cancer Care Platform for the Implementation of PDCA

    Kosuke Ota, Satoko Tsuru, Ryoko Shimono, Fumihiko Wakao, Shogo Kato

    12th Asian Network for Quality Congress  (Singapore) 

    Presentation date: 2014.08

  • Development of Process Model for Surgical Operation Planning

    Rika Takao, Satoko Tsuru, Ryoko Shimono, Toru Kuroda, Kazuhiko Yoshida, Koji Asano, Shogo Kato

    12th Asian Network for Quality Congress  (Singapore) 

    Presentation date: 2014.08

  • A Model to Evaluate Competence of Medical Doctors for Invasive Techniques at Hospitals

    Ryoko Shimono, Yoshihiro Natori, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka

    12th Asian Network for Quality Congress  (Singapore) 

    Presentation date: 2014.08

  • A Method to Analyze Healthcare Operation Process with Invasive Procedure

    Ryoko Shimono, Masako Fujiwara, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka

    11th Asian Network for Quality Congress  (Bangkok, Thailand) 

    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • Establishment of Standard Process Modules for Healthcare Operation Processes

    Ryoko Shimono

    57th European Organization for Quality Congress 

    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • Designing the Structure of Knowledge Base in Healthcare Process

    Daisuke Okamoto, Satoko Tsuru, Shogo Kato, Ryoko Shimono, Yoshinori Iizuka

    10th Asian Network for Quality Congress  (Hong Kong, China) 

    Presentation date: 2012.08

  • Development of a Method for Designing Management Indicators for Healthcare Operation Processes

    Satoshi Ito, Satoko Tsuru, Ryoko Shimono, Shogo Kato, Yoshinori Iizuka

    10th Asian Network for Quality Congress  (Hong Kong, China) 

    Presentation date: 2012.08

  • A Method for Improving Clinical Processes by Providing Feedback on Standard Clinical Guidelines

    Ken Matsuoka, Satoko Tsuru, Yukikiyo Kuroda, Shogo Kato, Ryoko Shimono, Yoshinori Iizuka

    10th Asian Network for Quality Congress  (Hong Kong, China) 

    Presentation date: 2012.08

  • Design of Hospital Operation Process: Identification of Surgery Process Modules

    Ryoko Shimono, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka

    10th Asian Network for Quality Congress  (Hong Kong, China) 

    Presentation date: 2012.08

  • Personnel Allocation for Quality Assurance and for Effective Utilization of Human Resources at Hospitals

    Ryoko Shimono, Yoshihiro Natori, Takehiko Nakamura, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka

    9th ANQ Congress  (Ho Chin Minh City, Vietnam) 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • Proposal of Hospital Operational Process Description Model

    Ryoko Shimono, Shogo Kato, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka

    8th ANQ Congress  (Delhi, India) 

    Presentation date: 2010.10

  • A Mapping Model of Employee on Hospital job based on Competence

    Ryoko Shimono, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka

    2nd Graduate Program for Mechanical Systems Innovation International Symposium  (Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2010.04

  • The Mapping Model of Employee on Hospital job Based on Competence

    Ryoko Shimono, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka, Shogo Kato, Masahiko Munechika

    7th Asian Network for Quality Congress  (Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • Structuring Development Process of Learning Knowledge and Procedure in Healthcare using the Unit Process Flow Chart

    Ryoko Shimono, Satoko Tsuru, Shogo Kato, Shin Narita, Masahiko Munechika, Yoshinori Iizuka

    10th International Congress on Nursing Informatics  (Helsinki, Finland) 

    Presentation date: 2009.06

  • A Method to Analyze Incidents in a Hospital using 'the Unit Process Flow Chart'

    Ryoko Shimono, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka, Shogo Kato, Masahiko Munechika

    6th Asian Network for Quality Congress  (Bangkok, Thailand) 

    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • A Study on the Methods for Standardization and Visualization of Diagnosis and Treatment process for Quality Management System in Healthcare

    Mitsuhiko Endo, Ryoko Shimono, Masahiko Munechika, Masaaki Kaneko, Satoko Tsuru

    6th Asian Network for Quality Congress  (Bangkok, Thailand) 

    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • Determination of Responsibility and Authority for Jobs in Hospitals by Evaluating Competence of Employees

    Ryoko Shimono, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka, Masahiko Munechika

    5th Asian Network for Quality Congress  (Incheon, Korea) 

    Presentation date: 2007.10

  • Identifying Responsibility and Authority for Services in a Hospital ? Analysis of the Work Process of a Specimen Examination

    Ryoko Shimono, Satoko Tsuru, Yoshinori Iizuka, Masahiko Munechika

    4th Asian Network for Quality Congress  (Singapore) 

    Presentation date: 2006.09

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Research Projects

  • 第二世代ヘルスケアIoT技術を支える生体計測・解析プラットフォームの基盤構築

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    山川 俊貴, 藤原 幸一, 宮島 美穂, 下野 僚子

  • 医療の質と効率の向上をめざすICT基盤を活用した業務設計方法の開発と実証

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    下野 僚子, 山田 秀, 加藤 省吾, 佐野 雅隆, 梶原 千里

  • 骨髄バンクドナーの環境整備とコーディネートプロセスの効率化による造血幹細胞移植の最適な機会提供に関する研究

    厚生労働省  厚生労働省科学研究費

    Project Year :


    福田 隆浩, 岡本 真一郎, 日野 雅之, 高梨 美乃子, 吉内 一浩, 黒澤 彩子, 大竹 文雄, 下野 僚子

  • Analysis of regional healthcare-management-system based on monitoring technology

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Ryoko Shimono, Koichi Fujiwara, Toshitaka Yamakawa, Yasunori Kikuchi

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    We aim a development of healthcare-management-system for preventing lifestyle related diseases and analyze the plural aspects for effectiveness of implementing monitoring technology and health promotion projects. We proceeded research activities through collaboration with regional player such as medical institutes and local governments for increasing feasibility. In actual, we delivered the analyzed results contributing for project implementation for Specific health checkups and Specific health guidance, for health promotion event, incentive point earning for health behavior and so on.

  • 離島地域における特定健診の受診行動分析にもとづく行動変容因子の特定-行動経済学とシステム工学の統合的アプローチ-

    医療経済研究機構  2017年度(第21回)研究助成(B)若手研究者育成研究助成

    Project Year :


    下野 僚子

  • Development of a Nursing Model for Lymphedema Care - Using the PCAPS -

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    This study aimed to develop a nursing model for lymphedema care using the patient condition adaptive path system (PCAPS). The current status of lymphedema care in clinical environments was quantitatively examined to extract challenges to be addressed. Subsequently, the status was qualitatively and inductively examined, involving patients receiving lymphedema care and nurses engaged in outpatient services. Based on both the quantitative and qualitative data obtained, the chart <Clinical Process of Lymphedema Care> contained in the PCAPS was modified with 6 items that were qualitatively extracted and related to self-care for patients to manage their physical conditions, incorporated to cover their mental and physical aspects.

  • Development of Method for Process Design based on Competence Evaluation of Invasive Operation Processes at Hospitals

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    Shimono Ryoko

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    This study aimed at development of a method to design healthcare operation process based on competence management of healthcare staffs. During this research period, I have researched “(1) development of items for competence evaluation considering a structure of operation process and of possessed competence by staffs” and “(2) development of methods to design operation process based on competence evaluation”. I developed (1) in invasive procedure, and applied (1) and (2) to clinical test operation at hospital A.

  • Development of Method for Problem Analysis based on Structural Visualization of Invasive Operation Processes at Hospitals

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    SHIMONO Ryoko

     View Summary

    It is important to design a methodology that considers operational complexity especially that associated with invasive procedures. The purpose of this study was to develop a method that provides the means to effectively and efficiently comprehend a situation when problem occur in hospitals. In order to elucidate the structure of this complex process, we identified a healthcare operation process as a process flow consisting of unit processes and described the process flow and elements of each unit process. This approach allows us to reveal the vulnerability of the process when complications occur. Lastly, we apply the method to actual cases during the insertion of a central vein catheter (CVC), a highly invasive intervention, at hospital A to illustrate its effectiveness.

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  • 統計作成プロセス診断の試行について

    下野僚子, 安井清一

    品質   54 ( 1 ) 41 - 44  2024.01  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 医療安全界の大誤解を斬る!「医療安全管理者の業務をQMS視点で再考しよう」第3回

    下野 僚子

    病院安全教育   10 ( 2 ) Web  2022.10

  • 第175回シンポジウム「品質管理の考え方・方法論を適用した『ウィズコロナ』社会に向けて」

    下野 僚子

    品質   52 ( 2 ) 117 - 121  2022.04

  • Development of Competence Evaluation System for Quality Assurance of Healthcare

    Ryoko Shimono, Rie Akinaga, Yoshihiro Natori

      51 ( 2 ) 104 - 109  2021.04  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 採血教育と採血手技の評価

    秋永理恵, 稲葉則和, 下野僚子

    検査と技術   48 ( 3 ) 324 - 329  2020.03

  • 化学工学とダイバーシティの親和性

    下野 僚子

    化学工学   81 ( 3 ) 161 - 163  2017.03


  • 病院業務における力量評価に基づいた要員配置に関する研究


    品質   44 ( 2 ) 54 - 57  2014.04

  • 病院業務プロセスの構造的記述方法


    経営システム   24 ( 1 ) 9 - 14  2014

  • 第7回医療の質・安全学会学術集会-医療における質マネジメント機能に関する企画演題の詳説-


    品質   43 ( 1 ) 57 - 60  2013.01

  • 8th Asian Network for Quality Congressに参加して(ルポルタージュ)


    品質   41 ( 1 ) 56 - 58  2011.01

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Industrial Property Rights

  • 採血業務支援システム


    秋永理恵, 水流聡子, 加藤省吾, 下野僚子, 荒川雄二, 美根眞一, 稲葉則和


  • 業務要員配置システム、業務要員配置方法、及び業務要員配置プログラム


    飯塚悦功, 水流聡子, 下野僚子


  • 採血業務支援システム


    秋永理恵, 水流聡子, 下野僚子, 荒川雄二, 稲葉則和




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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   School of Creative Science and Engineering

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 業務の質マネジメントのための要員配置と力量管理手法の設計


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