Updated on 2024/09/17


WANG, Bishan
Faculty of Commerce, School of Commerce
Job title
Research Associate

Research Areas

  • Business administration


  • チームワークを高めるInformation Communication Technologyの使用方法 の探索

    王 ヘキサン

    商学研究科紀要   (93)   75 - 96  2021.11  [Refereed]

  • Moving Beyond Survey Approaches:: Exploring Research Applications of Log Data Based on Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning

    Murase Toshio, Wang Bishan, Suzuki Koji

    Organizational Science   55 ( 1 ) 16 - 30  2021.09

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    In research activities, it is an important task to appropriately extract abstract concepts that construct the essential part of theory. Although management scholars have used survey techniques for a long time to obtain variables that represent various constructs, these techniques have at the same time made it hard to obtain large samples or time-series data, leaving some theoretical mechanisms difficult to examine. In order to solve these issues, this paper introduces log data, which are massive records of natural human behavior, and also discusses pros and cons of using survey techniques and log data. Furthermore, log data have own problems, one of which is the difficulty to adequately capture psychological and sociological constructs. Thus, as a way to make log data represent the constructs appropriately, this paper examines the applications of machine learning and natural language processing to log data.

    DOI CiNii


  • Enhancing Helping Behavior in Remote Work: The Role of Awareness, Information-related Capacity, and TMX

    Bishan Wang, Toshio Murase

    Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup) 

    Presentation date: 2024.07

  • 時間に追われ翻弄される職場:上司の時間への緊急感による 部下の疲労感の増加とヘルプ行動の減少

    王ヘキサン, 柳昂, 村瀬俊朗


    Presentation date: 2024.06

  • リモートワークにおける「helping行動」のメカニズムの探索:情報不足の視点から

    王ヘキサン, 村瀬俊朗


    Presentation date: 2023.10

  • 外部環境に対する認知相違の発生メカニズムの探索 ―部門横断的チームでの検証―

    王ヘキサン, 大沼沙樹, 秋保亮太, 村瀬俊朗


    Presentation date: 2022.10

  • 組織行動科学における機械学習や自然言語処理の活用方法を考える

    王ヘキサン, 鈴木宏治, 村瀬俊朗


    Presentation date: 2021.09


  • 学校組織における心理的安全性――その必要性と構築の留意点

    村瀬俊朗, 秋保亮太, 王ヘキサン, 陳琦

    看護教育    2023  [Invited]


Internal Special Research Projects

  • Mediating helping behavior in the context of remote work: The importance of information

    2023   村瀬俊朗

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    Given the essential role that helping behavior plays in an organization's competitiveness, it has been the subject of extensive research. In complex environments, members may need workplace assistance to address various job-related issues. Helping behavior can enhance team cohesion and sense of belonging, attract talented individuals to the team, and bring benefits to workplace and organizational performance. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted the foundational relational dynamics crucial for fostering helping behaviors within organizations. Amidst the pandemic, the daily interpersonal interactions that underpin trust among employees dwindled, and the limitation on collaborative efforts within shared physical environments impeded the natural observation of peers’ activities. This shift has posed considerable challenges to the traditional engagement in helping behaviors, which were previously facilitated by proximate and face-to-face interactions.According to this background, by integrating social information processing theory and cognitive processes, this paper empirically examines the impact of employees' awareness, along with its antecedents—sensitivity and information accuracy—on helping behavior in remote work. The study specifically considers how the frequency of remote working and team-member exchange (TMX) moderate these dynamics. Through the analysis of data from 396 employees in China, all with remote work experience, employing both multiple regression and structural equation modeling techniques, we unearthed pivotal insights. A principal discovery is that awareness of workplace and colleagues' circumstances, significantly enhances the propensity to engage in helping behavior, especially in the remote work context. In additional, awareness acts as a mediator in the relationship between the sensitivity to and accuracy of information and the manifestation of helping behavior. Physical separation inherent to telecommuting, alongside the psychological distances narrowed through effective TMX, synergistically moderates these mechanisms. These insights underscore the nuanced interplay between cognitive processes and the structural aspects of remote work, offering strategies for problems aimed at ameliorating the decline in helping behaviors observed in telecommuting scenarios.This paper was presented at The Japanese Association of Administrative Science

  • リモートワークにおける組織市民行動のメカニズムを探る


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    Following the subsidence of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work and telecommuting have gained increasing prevalence. The widespread adoption of remote work offers several benefits, including increased perceived autonomy and reduced commuting time for employees. However, by limiting physical contact between employees and increasing their isolation in the workplace, remote work can also decrease the extent to which employees assist others, which can have negative effects on organizational development. Considering the inherent limitations of remote work, it is imperative to investigate approach of remedying its deficiencies and leveraging its strengths to yield positive outcomes.Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore how employees are more likely to engage in helping others when working from home and to develop a framework for understanding organizational citizenship behavior in remote work. To facilitate this study, prior research on organizational citizenship behaviors in remote work was reviewed. Based on the findings of the literature review, an empirical study is being conducted to examine the impact of leader behaviors on organizational citizenship behaviors in remote work. An oral presentation on the study's findings is planned for the The Japanese Association of Administrative Science.