Updated on 2025/03/08


SUNAGA, Tsutomu
Faculty of Commerce, School of Commerce
Job title
Ph.D. ( Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2022.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Commerce   Professor

  • 2015.04

    Kwansei Gakuin University   School of Business Administration   Professor

  • 2011.04

    Kwansei Gakuin University   School of Business Administration   Associate Professor

Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Commerce  

  • 1995.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Commerce  

Committee Memberships

  • 2024.05

    Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution  Editorrial borad of International Journal of Marketing & Distribution

  • 2023.05

    Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution  Director

  • 2022.10

    Japan Academy of Advertising  Director

  • 2021.04

    Frontiers  Editorial Board of Advertising and Marketing Communication (Review Editor, specialty section of Frontiers in Communication)

  • 2021.04

    Frontiers  Editorial Board of Human-Media Interaction (Review Editor, specialty section of Frontiers in ICT/Psychology/Digital Humanities/Computer Science)

  • 2020.04

    公益社団法人日本マーケティング協会  内閣府認定マーケティング検定委員会 委員

  • 2019

    Reviewer for the Psychology & Marketing (in 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023)

  • 2018.05

    Japan Association for Consumer Studies  Director

  • 2013.10

    Japan Academy of Advertising  Editorial Boards of Journal of Advertising Science

  • 2023.05

    Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution  Editorrial borad of International Journal of Marketing & Distribution

  • 2019.05

    Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution  Award Selection Committee

  • 2007.10

    Japan Academy of Advertising  Councilor

  • 2020.11

    Reviewer for the Journal of Marketing Communications (in 2020, 2021)

  • 2019.02

    Journal of Business Research  Editor of a special issue (Multisensory Consumer-Computer Interaction) in the Journal of Business Research

  • 2019.05

    Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution  Editor in Chief of the Journal of Marketing & Distribution

  • 2017.05

    Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution  Editorial Boards of Journal of Marketing & Distribution

  • 2020.05

    European Marketing Academy  Reviewer for the EMAC 2020 Regional Conference (Competitive Papers)

  • 2019.05

    Japan Association for Consumer Studies  Editorial Boards of Advances in Consumer Studies

  • 2020.02

    Global Alliance of Marketing and Management Associations  Reviewer for the 2020 Global Marketing Conference

  • 2020.01

    European Marketing Academy  Reviewer for the 49th EMAC Annual Conference 2020 (Competitive Papers)

  • 2018.05

    Japan Association for Consumer Studies  JACS Awards Selection Committee Member

  • 2018.12

    European Marketing Academy  Reviewer for the 48th EMAC Annual Conference 2019 (Competitive Papers)

  • 2018

    European Journal of Marketing  Reviewer for the European Journal of Marketing (in 2018, 2019)

  • 2015.11

    Japan Association for Consumer Studies  Secretary-general

  • 2017.10

    Society for Consumer Psychology  Reviewer for SCP Winter Conference 2018 (Individual Papers and Working Papers)

  • 2009.04

    Japan Association for Consumer Studies  Secretary

  • 2007.10

    日本広告学会  関東部会運営委員

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Professional Memberships


    Japan Academy of Advertising


    Association of Product Development and Management


    Japan Marketing Academy


    Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution


    Japan Association for Consumer Studies


    Marketing Science Institute


    European Marketing Academy


    American Marketing Association


    Society for Consumer Psychology


    Association for Consumer Research

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Research Areas

  • Commerce

Research Interests

  • Consumer Psychology

  • Consumer Behaviour

  • Sensory Marketing

  • Marketing Communication


  • Award for the outstanding scholastic book

    2019.05   Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution   Consumer Based Marketing: Sensory Marketing and Consumer Psychology

    Winner: Tsutomu Sunaga

  • Excellent Article Prize in Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution

    2006.06   Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution   Consumers Create Information by Themselves: Formation of Beliefs about Missing Attributes thorough Inference

    Winner: Tsutomu Sunaga



  • Artistic orientation in product development derived from the ideas of painters

    Onzo, Naoto, Mime Yabuno, Tsutomu Sunaga

    The Waseda Commercial Review   ( 465 ) 1 - 46  2023.06

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • Interactions between instrumental timbre and consumers' regulatory focus

    Tsutomu Sunaga

    Journal of Business Research   121 ( December ) 1 - 12  2020.08  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Although music is widely used as a sensory marketing tool and incorporated in multisensory consumer–computer interactions, the role of timbre in marketing has not been extensively discussed. This study used five experiments which demonstrate that compared with violin/flute timbres, the piano timbre fits listeners' prevention focus. This is because the piano timbre is familiar to individuals and induces feelings of security congruent with the listener's prevention orientation. When exposed to a piano (vs. violin/flute) timbre as background music in an advertisement, consumers evaluate both the advertisement and the product/service more positively when they are prevention (vs. promotion) focused or when the advertisement message is framed in a preventive (vs. promotional) way. However, the timbre's effect exists only when consumers' cognitive load is low. This research contributes to sensory marketing in theory and practice and suggests that marketing managers should avoid using obsessive sensory stimuli in virtual and augmented reality.


  • How the sound frequency of background music influences consumers’ perceptions and decision making

    Tsutomu Sunaga

    Psychology and Marketing   35 ( 4 ) 253 - 267  2018.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This study examined how music frequency affected consumers’ perception and decision making. The results of three experimental studies show that music frequency affects perceived distance between the sound source and the perceiver. Consequently, the representation of marketing message that matched (vs. mismatched) the background music's frequency enhanced consumers’ evaluative judgments. Specifically, Study 1A demonstrates that low-frequency (vs. high-frequency) music increased perceived distance. Studies 2, 3A, and 3B indicate that low-frequency (high-frequency) music matched products with abstract (concrete) representations and marketing messages signifying far (near) psychological distance. The congruency between psychological distance induced by music frequency and mental representations of products and message orientation offers a novel perspective on the notion of congruency. Moreover, Study 2 provides evidence that supports the congruency–fluency–evaluation chain (i.e., the mediating role of fluency), and Studies 3A and 3B show that the congruency has downstream effects. This study provides a theoretical contribution to the literature on the effects of music in marketing contexts by presenting convergent evidence that individuals exposed to low-frequency (high-frequency) music are inclined to construe a marketing message at a high (low) level.



  • Effects of Lightness-Location Congruency on Consumers' Purchase Decision-Making

    Tsutomu Sunaga

    Psychology & Marketing   33 ( 11 ) 934 - 950  2016.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A considerable body of psychological and neuroscientific research has demonstrated the existence of robust sensory correspondences between various features, attributes, or dimensions of experience in different sensory modalities. Despite findings indicating the importance of sensory correspondences to human information processing, research on purchase decision-making has not focused on this phenomenon sufficiently to date. The present study examines how the lightness of packaging colors, and the location of products on a display shelf interact to affect consumers’ purchase decision-making via perceived visual heaviness. As predicted, a display with light (dark) colored products positioned in the upper (lower) shelf positions increases shoppers’ perceptual fluency and facilitates their visual search, thus leading to the suggestion that “light” (“heavy”) locations are most appropriate for light (dark) colored products. Moreover, the lightness-location congruent display is shown to positively influence people’s choice behavior as well. This research also demonstrates that when consumers consider the lightness (in terms of their weight) of the products, they are more likely to choose light (vs. dark) colored products located in the upper shelf positions. These results therefore demonstrate that consumers’ purchase decision-making may be promoted by in-store environments that are designed to be congruent with their sensory correspondences.


  • Effects of Metacognitive Experiences on Consumer Decision Making

    Tsutomu Sunaga

    Journal of Business Administration Kwansei Gakuin University   62 ( 2 ) 17 - 31  2014.10


  • A Review of In-Store Environment Research and Future Directions : Holistic and Experimental Approaches

    Tsutomu Sunaga

    Journal of Business Administration Kwansei Gakuin University   62 ( 1 ) 81 - 95  2014.07


  • Effects of Predecisional Justification toward Purchasing on Consumers’ Attribute Weights at the Point of Purchase

    Sunaga, Tsutomu, Hiroaki Ishii

    International Review of Business   ( 14 ) 1 - 23  2014.03  [Refereed]


  • Consumers' Construal Levels and Product Evaluations

    Tsutomu Sunaga, Hiroaki Ishii

    Journal of New Market Creation   2   4 - 12  2013.03  [Refereed]


  • A New Perspective on Consumer Information Processing: The Significance and System of the Consumer Information Digestion Model

    Tsutomu Sunaga

    Journal of Business Administration Kwansei Gakuin University   60 ( 4 ) 397 - 412  2013.03


  • Issues of the Consumer Information Processing Paradigm

    Tsutomu Sunaga

    Journal of Business Administration Kwansei Gakuin University   60 ( 1・2 ) 379 - 395  2012.12


  • A Review of Research on Construal Level Theory Regarding Consumer Behavior

    Tsutomu Sunaga, Hiroaki Ishii

    Bulletin of Nikkei Advertising Research Institute   263   23 - 29  2012.06

  • A Study of Consumer Decision Process: Understanding the Dynamic State

    Tsutomu Sunaga

       2009.09  [Refereed]

  • A Review of Research on the Effectiveness of Advertising Based on Sales Response

    Tsutomu Sunaga

    Bulletin of Nikkei Advertising Research Institute   241 ( 5 ) 2 - 8  2008.10


  • The Consumers' Sweet Spot and Their Satisfaction

    Tsutomu Sunaga, Naoto Onzo

    Journal of Marketing and Distribution   11 ( 1 ) 3 - 19  2008.06  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • A Circulating Response Model of Advertising Effectiveness : Measurement of the Effect of Ripening

    SUNAGA Tsutomu

    Chiba University of Commerce review   45 ( 4 ) 15 - 33  2008.03

     View Summary

    This research is empirically showing the validity of a circulating response model on advertising effectiveness. The model proposed in this paper is unique in the following points. First, it indicates that the responses of consumers to advertising are not linear, but circulating. Another point is, it embodies the idea that attitude of consumers towards the advertisement has effects on not only one specific stage but also in various stages of cognitive responses to advertising. Furthermore, this research proposes a way which numerically expresses the effect of ripening caused by the circulating process of response to advertising.


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Books and Other Publications

  • The Power of Marketing

    Onzo, Naoto, Mototaka Sakashita( Part: Contributor, Crossmodal Correspondences)

    Yuhikaku Publishing Co., Ltd.  2023.05 ISBN: 9784641166134

  • Marketing for beginners

    Yukihiko Kubota, Satoru Shibuya, Tsutomu Sunaga( Part: Joint author)

    YUHIKAKU PUBLISHING CO.,LTD  2022.08 ISBN: 9784641150973

  • 消費者の心理をさぐる:人間の認知から考えるマーケティング

    須永 努, 松田 憲, 元木康介, 小森めぐみ, 福田怜生, 米田英嗣, 津村将章, 小泉徳宏( Part: Joint author, 第1章)

    株式会社 誠信書房  2020.10 ISBN: 9784414311242

  • Consumer Based Marketing: Sensory Marketing and Consumer Psychology

    Tsutomu SUNAGA( Part: Sole author)

    Yuhikaku Publishing Co., Ltd.  2018.11 ISBN: 9784641165311

  • Face-to-Face Book: Why Real Relationships Rule in a Digital Marketplace

    Shibuya, Satoru, Yukihiko Kubota, Tsutomu Sunaga( Part: Joint translator)

    Yuhikaku Publishing Co., Ltd.  2016.12 ISBN: 9784641164949

  • Marketing for beginners

    Yukihiko Kubota, Satoru Shibuya, Tsutomu Sunaga( Part: Joint author, Part 2)

    Yuhikaku Publishing Co., Ltd.  2013.12

  • Marketing

    Yoichiro hashida, Tsutomu Sunaga( Part: Joint author)

    Foundation for the Promotion of The Open University of Japan  2013.03

  • The 1st Step of Marketing Analysis

    Naoto Onzo, Kenji Tomita( Part: Joint author, Factor Analysis (chap. 12, pp.195-210))

    Sekigakusya  2011.03

  • Basic Marketing

    Ichiro Onoe, Naoto Onzo, Toshiko Miura, Yasuhiro Haga( Part: Joint author, Consumer Behavior (chap.4, pp.61-80))

    Dobunkan Shuppan  2010.09

  • Dynamic State of Consumer Decision Process: Adaptation to Changes in Environment

    Tsutomu Sunaga( Part: Sole author)

    Seizansya  2010.08

  • Contact Points Marketing

    Naoto Onzo, Atsuko Inoue, Tsutomu Sunaga, Kazuyo Ando( Part: Joint author)

    Chikura Publishing  2009.04

  • Basic Advertising

    Toru Ishizaki, Masato Koizumi, Tsutomu Sunaga, Kaori Nakano, Yukihiko Kubota, Daigo Matsumoto, Morikazu Hirose, Yasushi Takahata, Yasuhiro Haga( Part: Joint author, Marketing and Advertising (chap.3, pp.26-39), Brand and Advertising (chap.4, pp.40-53))

    Yachiyo Shuppan  2008.04

  • マーケティング用語辞典

    和田充夫, 日本マーケティング協会編( Part: Contributor)

    日本経済新聞社  2005.10

  • Value-Based Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Corporate Growth and Shareholder Value

    Supervised by, Naoto Onzo, ranslated by, Tsutomu Sunaga, Han MoonHee, Naoko Kishi( Part: Joint translator, From chapter 1 to chapter 4, pp.1-143)

    TOYO KEIZAI INC.  2004.02

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  • Relative Nature of Crossmodal Associations Between Pitch and Brightness

    Tsutomu Sunaga, Naoto Onzo, Mime Yabuno  [Invited]

    2024 Marketing Symposium  (Myogadani Campus, Chuo University, Tokyo)  Institute of Business Research, Chuo University, Tokyo

    Presentation date: 2024.07

    Event date:
  • How Sequential Exposure to Musical Pieces Affects Consumers' Crossmodal Associations Between Pitch and Brightness

    Tsutomu Sunaga, Naoto Onzo, Mime Yabuno

    2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference  (St. Pete Beach, FL)  American Marketing Association

    Presentation date: 2024.02

    Event date:

     View Summary

    Conducting a controlled lab experiment (Study 1) and a real-world field experiment (Study 2), this study investigated how sequential exposure to music influenced consumers’ decision-making. Study 1 demonstrated that the consumers previously exposed to higher- (vs. lower-) pitched music were more likely to perceive the subsequently presented music as being spatially descending and consequently associated the subsequent music with dark (vs. bright) paintings. Furthermore, Study 2 revealed the downstream effects of sequential exposure to music; thus, consumers exposed to the experimental music after being presented with the higher- (vs. lower-) pitched music were more likely to choose a product with dark (vs. bright) colours. The results of the present study suggest that even when individuals perceive a song’s pitch to be high, they do not necessarily associate it with bright colours. The study contributes theoretically to various areas of relevant literatures, including multisensory perception, crossmodal correspondence, sensory marketing, and music psychology, by highlighting the effects of sequential exposure to music on consumers’ crossmodal associations between musical pitch and colour brightness. The findings could be beneficial to marketers who use music as a marketing tool (e.g., store background music and advertisement music). For instance, shoppers in malls or complexes may wander from one tenant shop to another—that is, shoppers are sequentially presented with musical pieces. Considering the context effects of sequential exposure to music could promote a deeper understanding of consumers’ perceptions of—and responses to—complex auditory stimuli.

  • Crossmodal Correspondences Between Instrumental Timbres and Visual Features and Consumer Decision-making

    Sunaga, T, T. Moriguchi, M. Nishii, C. Spence  [Invited] [International coauthorship]

    Present and Future of Sensory Marketing  (Waseda University)  Research Center of Consumer Behavior and Institute of Marketing Communication, Waseda University

    Presentation date: 2024.01

    Event date:
  • Context Effects in Crossmodal Associations Between Music and Fine Art Paintings: Influences of Initial Musical Pitch on Subsequent Perceptions and Associations

    Tsutomu Sunaga, Mime Yabuno, Naoto Onzo

    INFORMS 2021 Annual Meeting  (Virtual)  Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences

    Presentation date: 2021.10

     View Summary

    Despite most sensory information being received sequentially, little research on crossmodal correspondence has taken this context into account. Our study bridges this gap by investigating how initial exposure to relatively high-/low- frequency music affects consumers’ crossmodal associations between subsequent music and fine art paintings. The results have demonstrated that participants first presented with high- (vs. low-) frequency music are more likely to perceive the subsequent music as matching cool, dark, and abstract paintings. We uncovered that the association with “spatial descending” mediated this process.

  • Assessing Multisensory Congruence Involving Instrumental Timbre

    Sunaga, T, Moriguchi, T, Nishii, M, Spence, C

    EMAC (European Marketing Academy) 2021 Annual Conference  (Madrid, Spain)  European Marketing Academy

    Presentation date: 2021.05

     View Summary

    We report two studies designed to investigate the semantic differential associations that people hold with instrumental timbre. The first study examined semantic associations with instrumental timbre amongst participants from the UK, Japan, and Africa. A second study investigated the effects of matching the semantic differential congruency of auditory timbre with different material properties shown in promotional videos. The results revealed that matching semantic differential congruency enhanced both the experience of ‘feeling right’ and the participants’ emotions, leading to the video being liked more, and the product itself receiving more positive responses. We believe that the matching of unrelated auditory and visual stimuli (instrumental timbre and visually-presented materials) on the basis of their semantic differential congruency offers a novel approach to sensory marketing. This study also provides a theoretical contribution to the literature on multisensory experience design by highlighting the mediating role of the subjective experience of ‘feeling right.’

  • Music Timbre and Regulatory Fit (Competitive Papers Session)

    Sunaga, T, Zhuang, X, Meng, Y

    The 48th EMAC Annual Conference 2019  (University of Hamburg, Germany)  European Marketing Academy

    Presentation date: 2019.05

     View Summary

    This study examined how musical timbre contributed to regulatory fit and persuasion. The results showed that piano (vs. violin/flute) associated with prevention (vs. promotion) focus (Study 1), which replicated in the marketing context as well (Study 2). Moreover, Study 3 demonstrated that when music played on the piano (violin/flute) was used in an advertisement, regulatory fit occurred among prevention- (promotion-) focused participants, meaning that the participants reported more favorable advertisement and product evaluations. The association between musical timbre and consumers’ regulatory focus offers a novel perspective on the notion of regulatory fit. The current study also provides a theoretical contribution to the sensory marketing and advertising literature by presenting convergent evidence that consumers exposed to music from different types of instruments response a marketing communication differently.

  • 知覚に根差した感覚マーケティング

    須永 努  [Invited]

    第58回消費者行動研究コンファレンス 統一論題ラウンドテーブル  (上智大学)  日本消費者行動研究学会

    Presentation date: 2019.05

  • 感覚マーケティングと消費者心理

    須永 努  [Invited]

    日本心理学会公開シンポジウム 消費者の心理を探る  (青山学院大学)  日本心理学会

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • Sensory Marketing and Construal Level Theory

    Tsutomu Sunaga  [Invited]

    (Waseda University)  Laboratory of Marketing Communication Research and Research Center of Consumer Behavior

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • Sensory Marketing and Multi-sensory Interaction

    Tsutomu Sunaga

    55th Conference on Consumer Behavior Research  (Waseda University)  Japan Association for Consumer Studies

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • Music Frequency and Consumers’ Perceptions (Individual Papers Session)

    Tsutomu Sunaga

    Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) Annual 2018 Winter Conference  (Fairmont Hotel in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.)  Society for Consumer Psychology

    Presentation date: 2018.02

     View Summary

    This study provides a theoretical contribution to the literature on the effects of music in marketing contexts by investigating whether and how frequency of background music affects consumers’ perceptions and their subsequent decision-making. The results of four experimental studies show that (1) low-frequency (vs. high-frequency) music increases perceived distance, and (2) low- (high) frequency background music enhances consumers’ evaluative responses to a marketing communication when the representation of the target product was abstract (concrete). The results support the view that individuals exposed to low-frequency (high-frequency) music are inclined to construe the marketing message at a high (low) level.

  • Brightness-Location Congruency Effects on Consumer Behavior in Retail Context

    Tsutomu Sunaga, Jaewoo Park

    Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Annual Meeting 2015  (Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.A.)  The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • The Spatial-Temporal Congruency Effect of Product Direction and Position on Product Attitude

    Jaewoo Park, Tsutomu Sunaga, Taku Togawa, Hiroaki Ishii

    123rd Annual American Psychological Association (APA) Convention  (Toronto, Canada)  American Psychological Association

    Presentation date: 2015.08

  • Consumer Information Digestion Model: A New Perspective for Value Co-Creation

    Tsutomu Sunaga  [Invited]

    Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution Annual National Research Conference  (Hokkai School of Commerce)  Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution

    Presentation date: 2012.05

  • Psychological Distance and Consumer Decision Process

    Tsutomu Sunaga, Hiroaki Ishii  [Invited]

    Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance the 5th Annual Meeting  (Kwansei Gakuin University)  Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance

    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • Construal Level Theory and Consumer Purchase Behavior

    Tsutomu Sunaga, Hiroaki Ishii

    Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution Annual National Research Conference  (kumamoto gakuen University)  Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution

    Presentation date: 2011.05

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Research Projects

  • Artificial Intelligence at the Point of Purchase and Consumer Decision-making

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 業務用サービス・ロボットの導入による価値創造メカニズムの解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    恩藏 直人, 須永 努, 石田 大典, 石井 裕明, 大平 進

  • 消費者行動における知覚バイアスの発生とその影響に関する体系的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :



     View Summary


  • アート志向の解明による製品開発研究のブレークスルー

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    恩藏 直人, 須永 努, 藪野 健, 岩下 仁

     View Summary


  • Auditory Stimuli and Consumer Decision-making in the Context of Marketing Communication

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Tsutomu Sunaga

  • 消費者行動における選好逆転の体系的理論構築に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    守口 剛

  • Effects of Crossmodal Correspondences on Consumer Behaviour in the Context of In-Store Environment Design

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • A Study of Consumer Choice Behavior Considering Situational Factors and Choice Objective

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Moriguchi, Takeshi

  • Construal Level Theory and the Determining Factors of Customer Satisfaction

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    Based on a hypothesis that consumers’ evaluation and choice behavior becomes more abstract when psychological distance (time, space, degree of intimacy etc.) is large, we investigated the determining factors of customer satisfaction across various purchase situations and obtained supportive results. Also, we have made some progress in measuring abstractness of consumers’ thinking.

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  • How Sequential Exposure to Musical Pieces Affects Consumers' Crossmodal Associations Between Pitch and Brightness

    Tsutomu Sunaga, Naoto Onzo, Mime Yabuno

    Proceedings of 2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference   35   282 - 286  2024.02  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Multisensory consumer-computer interaction

    Carlos Velasco, Tsutomu Sunaga, Takuji Narumi, Kosuke Motoki, Charles Spence, Olivia Petit

    Journal of Business Research   134   716 - 719  2021.09  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


  • Assessing Multisensory Congruence Involving Instrumental Timbre

    Sunaga, Tsutomu, Takeshi Moriguchi, Mayuko, Nishii, Charles Spence

    Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy, 50th    2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Music Timbre and Regulatory Fit

    Sunaga, Tsutomu, Xuhong Zhuang, Yan Meng

    Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy, 48th    2019  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • Music Frequency and Consumers’ Perceptions

    Tsutomu Sunaga

    Society for Consumer Psychology 2018 Winter Conference Proceedings     690 - 692  2018.05  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

  • The Psychology of Advertising

    Tsutomu Sunaga

    Advances in Consumer Studies   19 ( 2 ) 193 - 200  2013.03  [Invited]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

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  • Top Cited Article 2018-2019


     View Summary

    "How the sound frequency of background music influences consumers' perceptions and decision making", published in Psychology and Marketing, has been recognized as one of the journal's top cited paper among articles published between January 2018 and December 2019.

  • Top Downloaded Article 2018-2019


     View Summary

    "How the sound frequency of background music influences consumers' perceptions and decision making", published in Psychology and Marketing, has been recognized as one of the journal's top downloaded paper among articles published between January 2018 and December 2019.

  • Top Downloaded Article 2017-2018


     View Summary

    "How the sound frequency of background music influences consumers' perceptions and decision making", published in Psychology and Marketing, has been recognized as one of the journal's top downloaded paper among articles published between January 2017 and December 2018.



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Teaching Experience

  • マーケティング特論B(213)


  • 商学外書講読(英語)B


  • マーケティング研究演習II


  • 研究指導


  • 消費者行動論特殊研究


  • 消費者認知論特殊講義


  • 消費者行動論特殊講義


  • マーケティング研究演習I


  • 研究演習II


  • 研究演習I


  • 消費者行動論


  • 消費者マーケティング


  • マーケティング入門


  • 商学演習


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Social Activities

  • 実務家教育:(社)日本マーケティング協会マーケティングアカデミー ベーシックコース指導講師


  • 実務家教育:特定非営利活動法人 関西社会人大学院連合 「専門セミナー」講師


  • 実務家教育:特定非営利活動法人 関西社会人大学院連合 「専門セミナー」講師



  • Faculty of Commerce   Graduate School of Accountancy

  • Faculty of Commerce   Graduate School of Commerce

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Research Institute of Business Administration   Concurrent Researcher