2024/09/13 更新


ホシノ アキオ
星野 明雄
商学学術院 商学部


  • 2015年01月


  • 1989年02月




  • How do floods affect insurance demand? Evidence from flood insurance take-up in Japan

    Jie Shao, Akio Hoshino, Satoshi Nakaide

    International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction   83  2022年12月


    This study examines the hypothetical impact of floods on people's flood insurance purchase decisions, and how this impact may differ among people with different socioeconomic, geographic, and financial literacy characteristics. We find a significant yet short-lived (1-year) impact of floods on people's demand for flood insurance at an ecological level (prefectures). Different aspects of flood damage have different impacts on flood insurance take-up, with human casualties having the greatest impact on people's perception of flood risk. We also find that groups with different socioeconomic characteristics, such as age, education, and insurance agent density, react differently to floods concerning insurance purchases. We confirm a positive relationship between objective risk exposure and people's perception of the flood experience. Finally, an analysis of the Financial Literacy Survey demonstrates the impact of three cognitive biases (loss aversion, myopic, herding) on flood insurance take-up. These findings provide empirical evidence for various psychological and behavioral theories, and important policy references for countries aiming to develop flood insurance in the future.


  • リスク選好に関する一考察 : 純粋,投機的,射幸的の3種のリスクにおけるリスク・プレミアムの水準

    星野 明雄

    保険学雑誌 = Journal of insurance science / 日本保険学会 編   ( 659 ) 327 - 355  2022年12月

  • ペテルスブルグのパラドクス再考

    星野 明雄

    アクチュアリージャーナル   ( 116 ) 34 - 45  2021年09月

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 最終著者, 責任著者

  • 日本の自動車保険市場における自動運転技術のインパクト

    星野 明雄

      92   123 - 141  2021年09月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 最終著者, 責任著者

  • リスク選好の研究:異なる3種類のリスクの効用関数の形状

    星野 明雄

      22 ( 4 ) 75 - 90  2021年09月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 最終著者, 責任著者

  • 保険加入の契約者心理 : 「面倒くささ」の研究

    星野 明雄

    保険研究   72   167 - 194  2020年

  • 新型自動車保険TAP開発について

    星野 明雄

    損害保険研究   61 ( 1 ) 95 - 135  1999年05月

    担当区分:最終著者, 責任著者




  • 新しい時代を拓く損害保険

    損害保険事業総合研究所編, 中出, 哲, 中林, 真理子, 平澤, 敦 監修( 担当範囲: 第4章 損害保険の市場、第6章 くるまの保険)

    有斐閣  2024年06月 ISBN: 9784641166301

  • アクチュアリー数理の基礎「数学」

    星野, 明雄

    成文堂  2023年11月 ISBN: 9784792342692

  • 保険商品開発の理論

    星野 明雄( 担当: 単著)

    保険毎日新聞社  2022年01月 ISBN: 9784892934452


  • 「リスク選好に関する一考察」—純粋,投機的,射幸的の3種のリスクにおけるリスク・プレミアムの水準—

    星野 明雄

    保険学雑誌   2022 ( 659 ) 659_327 - 659_355  2022年12月









  • 商学学術院   大学院会計研究科


  • 2022年

    産業経営研究所   兼任研究所員


  • 契約者の属性と保険加入意向の関係の分析



    This study introduces a novel framework that consistently explains people's risk preferences. We aim to evaluate these preferences using this innovative framework quantitatively.The framework divides risk into three categories: pure, speculative, and shooting (lottery). This explains the seemingly contradictory mix of risk-averse preferences for insurance and risk-loving preferences for lotteries. This comprehensive approach will allow us to measure the risk premium for each of the three categories, providing valuable insights for risk management strategies.Our research plan entails conducting multiple surveys over a three-year period (initially over two years). The survey was conducted in FY2022, with 1,000 valid responses. As of the end of March 2024, we analyzed the survey data and measured the risk premium regarding expected value and variance pricing. We identified the distribution of subjects' risk premiums. We also conducted cross-sectional analyses and regression analyses between risk preferences for different types of risks. It showed that the magnitude of risk aversion in pure risk has almost no relation with the magnitude of risk love in shooting risk. We believe these findings are worth further exploration and are currently working on the design of subsequent surveys to further clarify the meanings of the findings.We aim to publish the results in foreign or domestic journals in FY 2024.

  • リスク選好理論のフレームワーク構築と選好度の定量的評価



    This study proposes a framework to explainpeople's risk preferences in a consistent manner and aims to quantitativelyevaluate risk preferences using this framework. The framework divides risk into threecategories: pure risk, speculative risk, and lottery risk. This explains theseemingly contradictory mix of risk-averse preferences for insurance andrisk-loving preferences for lotteries. The research plan is to conduct multiplesurveys over a two-year period and to measure the risk premium for each of thethree categories. This year's objectives were (1) to examinethe design of the survey, particularly the ease of understanding the survey questions by respondents,(2) to verify the validity of the method by conducting the first round of the survey,and (3) to obtain 1,000 valid responses.As of the end of March, (1) to (3) above progressedas expected. In FY2023, we plan to analyze the dataobtained from the first survey and measure the risk premium, design and conductthe second and subsequent surveys, analyze the data, and publish the results inforeign or domestic journals.