Updated on 2025/03/12

Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Job title
Assistant Professor(non-tenure-track)
Ph.D. in International Communication ( 2024.03 Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2024.04

    Gakushuin Women's College   Faculty of Intercultural Studies Gakushuin Women's College Department of English Communication   Part-time lecturer

  • 2020.09

    Tamagawa University   Center for English as a Lingua Franca   Part-time lecturer

  • 2024.04

    Waseda University   School of International Liberal Studies

  • 2021.09

    Waseda University   School of International Liberal Studies   Research Associate

  • 2018.10

    Reuters Media Japan   Assistant

  • 2017.01

    United Nations International School (New York, U.S)   Japanese language assistant

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Education Background

  • 2020.09

    Waseda University(Ph.D. in international communication)  

  • 2018.04

    Waseda University (MA in English Education)  


    Cambridge CELTA  

Professional Memberships


    The Japanese Associations for Asian Englishes


    American Association of Applied Linguistics




    The Japan Association of College English Teachers

Research Areas

  • Foreign language education / Linguistics

Research Interests

  • Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis, English as a lingua franca / Global Englishes, Language ideologies, Identities Social Media



  • Self-presentation as an ELF user in social media: an analysis of Japanese young adults’ online language practices

    Aina Tanaka

    Journal of English as a Lingua Franca   12 ( 2 ) 159 - 181  2023.09  [Refereed]

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    This paper delves into the identity constructions of Japanese young adults as users of English as a lingua franca on social media, with a specific focus on Instagram, a widely utilized platform among this demographic. Grounded in the premise that social media serves as a space for self-presentation, drawing from the social constructivist idea that the self is a performative act, the study centers on three Japanese young individuals with overseas experiences. It explores how they employ English as a communicative lingua franca in a transnational space while remaining highly conscious of their Japanese followers, endeavoring to portray idealized English-speaking selves. An ethnographic approach (Netnography) to the participants’ online practices involves prolonged online observations and interviews, seeking not only screen-based linguistic data but also uncovering the speakers’ voices behind the online screen. The findings illuminate that their identities as experienced English users evolves into a distinct aspiration to present themselves as competent English users. This aspiration is intricately attached to English ideologies, including native speakerism and the social status of English. The study provides valuable insights into the importance of scrutinizing the complex identity construction and language negotiation among speakers in ELF contexts, particularly within the realm of everyday online discourse. It sheds light on how young online users navigate between identities as English users and learners in the dynamic context of both global and local friendships.



  • 「日本人大学生とリンガフランカとしての英語(ELF)での自己表現:コロナ禍における授業内課題としてのクリエイティブライティング作成を考察する」


    日本英語コミュニケーション学会紀要   31  2022  [Refereed]

  • What matters "correctness" or originality of the language usage?: An analysis of creative writings and readers' commentary in an ELF context

    JACET ELF SIG Journal   4/5   48 - 77  2021.09  [Refereed]

  • On readers’ thoughts: an analysis of readers’ commentary on creative writings in ELF context

    Aina Tanaka

    Waseda Working Paper in English as a Lingua Franca   8   129 - 146  2019.09  [Refereed]

Books and Other Publications

  • 言語教育のマルチダイナミクス : 多様な学びの方向性

    田中, 富士美, 柿原, 武史, 野沢, 恵美子, 飯野, 公一, 磯崎, みどり, 井上, 恵子, 内海, 朋子, 岡戸, 浩子, 蒲原, 順子, 祁答院, 惠古, 齋藤, 浩一, 須永, 恵美子, 田中, 藍渚, 長谷川, 瑞穂, 原, 隆幸, 樋口, 拓也, 三村, 千恵子, 宮里, 恭子, 森谷, 祥子, 山川, 智子, 杉野, 俊子(時代が求める英語力を再考する――ディコロニアリティーの観点から)

    明石書店  2024.03 ISBN: 9784750357256

  • 「つながる」ための言語教育 : アフターコロナのことばと社会

    野沢, 恵美子, 田中, 富士美, 杉野, 俊子( Part: Joint author, 第3章「国際共通語としての英語」使用者として国際社会とつながるためにー大学生が持つ英語観より)

    明石書店  2021.08 ISBN: 9784750352473


  • Intersectional beings in ELF research: from the perspectives of critical applied linguistics

    14th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca 

    Presentation date: 2024.09

  • The use and power of English on SNS: Japanese young adults’ Instagram practices

    AILA (International Association of Applied Linguistics) 21st Conference 

    Presentation date: 2024.08

  • Ideologies and social values pervasive in Japanese young people’s English use on SNS: focusing on returnees and study-abroad sojourners

    Sociolinguistics Symposium 25 

    Presentation date: 2024.06

  • Instagram as a paradoxical space for the sociolinguistic discourses of English as a Lingua Franca and English as a Foreign Language.

    Youth, Media and Life Conference 

    Presentation date: 2024.03

  • Who’s watching? – An analysis of Japanese SNS users’ English practices and power dynamics among peers

    AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics) Conference 

    Presentation date: 2024.03

  • Internalized power and ideology: Japanese SNS users’ English practices

    JACETELF SIG / JAFAE 共同年次大会 

    Presentation date: 2024.01

  • Between EFL learners and ELF users: Japanese young adults’ identity construction through everyday use of English in social media

    21st Asia TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Conference 

    Presentation date: 2023.08

  • The use of English in a multilingual social media context: Japanese young adults’ exploration of their linguistic resources for audience design in a transnational community

    The 25th International Association of World Englishes Conference, Stony Brook University, New York. 

    Presentation date: 2023.06

  • ELF/Translingual practices in social media: Japanese young adults’ creativity and self-presentation.

    LINGUAPAX ASIA 2023, 11th International Symposium, International Christian University, Tokyo 

    Presentation date: 2023.02

  • 日本の若者とソーシャルメディアでの英語使用 ELFとTranslingualismの観点から

    日本英語コミュニケーション学会, 関西フォーラム, 関西大学 

    Presentation date: 2023.01

  • ‘Self-presentation as English users online: Japanese young adults’ linguistic practices from a translingual perspective’

    Aina Tanaka

    Presentation date: 2022.12

  • An Exploration into the Development of a Japanese University Student's ELF Awareness through Study abroad and ELF-Informed Instruction: A Narrative Case Study

    Presentation date: 2022.11

  • The use of ELF for self-expression in social media: An analysis of Japanese SNS users’ linguistic creativity from a translanguaging perspective

    13th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 

    Presentation date: 2022.11

  • The use of English as a lingua franca (ELF) for self-presentation in social media

    Sociolinguistic Symposium 24, University of Ghent, Ghent 

    Presentation date: 2022.07

  • 「コロナ禍における大学生と英語での自己表現:授業内課題としてのクリエイティブライティング作成を考察する」

    田中 藍渚

    日本英語コミュニケーション学会 Aomori Koritsu University, Aomori 

    Presentation date: 2021.10

  • On readers’ thoughts: analysis of creative writings and the readers' reactions on writtenness, from an ELF perspective

    Aina Tanaka

    Conference of English Language and Literature, Waseda University 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • It's what’s on the inside that counts, does it remain true? analysis of readers response to ELF creative writings,

    Aina Tanaka

    Waseda 8th international workshop and symposium 

    Presentation date: 2019.01

  • Is creativeness overshadowed by the language errors? analysis of creative writings and readers’ reaction

    Aina Tanaka

    Conference of English Language and Literature, Waseda University 

    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • Creativity and ELF in written language: From the perspective of readers


    TALK 早稲田大学 

    Presentation date: 2018.10

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  • Book Review on Michael D Clark, Trent Hergenrader, & Joseph Rein (2015) Creative Writing in the Digital Age: Theory, Practice, and Pedagogy. Bloomsbury. ISBN: 9781472574077

    Journal of Literature in Language Teaching volume   11 ( 1 )  2021

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • Japan court blocks ex-Nissan boss Ghosn from attending board meeting

    Tim Kelly, Sudip Kar-Gupta, Aina Tanaka (Additional reporting)

    Reuters News Article    2019.03

  • Olympics: Tokyo Great-Grand mother Proves It’s Never Too Late To Learn

    Jack Tarrant, Aina Tanaka (Additional reporting)

    Reuters News Article    2019.03



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Internal Special Research Projects

  • SNSでの英語使用と同調圧力に関する調査:エスノグラフィーを用いて


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    By applying an online ethnography of Japanese English learners/users, the present research explored the young participants’ English use in the extramural environment. The researcher conducted an extensive period of online observation of Social Network Services (SNS) and multiple semi-structured interviews. The analysis illustrates that their language practices online are shaped by multiple and intertwined discourses of online peer surveillance, English language learning, and Instagram as a site for expressing idealized selves .The analysis of online posts and narratives reveals that while the participants remained highly conscious of their Japanese followers. The findings emphasized peer-power formation without the physical presence of power actors such as a teacher in a classroom. For example, they fear the potential perception by their peers as eigo ikiri (English show-off), a term commonly used among Japanese youth to refer to someone who shows off their English proficiency without noticing linguistic errors. Internalizing such power dynamics, they become the “watched” anticipating their peers’ evaluation and simultaneously the “watcher”. The findings of the study contribute to our understanding of how learners’ investment in English outside classrooms is influenced by language ideologies held by learners and their peers and the emerging power relationships among the learners themselves. 

  • ソーシャルメディアでの英語を軸とした多言語使用調査:エスノグラフィーを用いて


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    By applying an online ethnography of Japanese youth language practices on social network services (SNS), the present research explored the young adults’ translingual repertoire, in which linguistic and non-linguistic semiotic resources are interwoven. The researcher conducted an extensive period of online observation of Instagram, questionnaire surveys, and multiple semi-structured interviews. The analysis illustrates their capability to exploit their available linguistic resources, including English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, and German. They utilized these languages not only due to their comfort but also because of their desire to exhibit their local identities or express intimacy to their potential target audiences of numerous followers. Their language practices demonstrate their intricate identity formation in an online space where geographical boundaries transcend. Furthermore, they utilized diverse semiotic resources, including photographs, emojis, and hashtags intertwined with “named” languages. Their online language practices question conventional formal categorizations of what language is.Furthermore, the interview revealed that their online practices are intertwined with their offline experiences, including their friendships, language experiences, and language ideologies spread in the domestic society. For example, their language practices reflect linguistic beliefs such as language as an emblematic role and an asset to thrive in globalization. Furthermore, the participants are constrained by language prescriptivism, constructed through personal experiences, such as the entrance examination.The present research sheds light on translingual practices by Japanese youth, which has received limited attention by embossing the Japanese participants’ capability of using their repertoire ad hoc in an online space to express their translocal identities. Furthermore, it shows a complex interrelationship between their online language practices and their offline experiences and beliefs associated with languages.The research progress and outcome were/will be presented in the following academic conferences as an individual or co-authored papers: IAWE (International Association of World Englishes) in New York, U.S. in June 2023; Asia TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) in Daejeon, S. Korea in August 2023; JACET (Japan Association of College English Teachers) ELF SIG International Workshop in Tokyo in January 2024; Youth Media Conference in Vienna, Austria in March 2024; AAAL 24 (American Association of Applied Linguistics) in Texas, U.S. in March 2024. Two chapter contributions (one co-authored) to edited books, published from Akashi Shoten and DeGruyter respectively, are current in press.

  • ソーシャルメディアにおける自己表現媒体としてのELF(共通語としての英語)使用調査


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    In the present research, the researcher applied only ethnography as a methodology to explore young adults’ translingual practices in online English as a lingua franca (ELF) communication. To do so, the researcher conducted an extensive period of online observation of Instagram, questionnaire surveys, and semi-structured interviews. The ongoing analysis illustrates the translingual capacity of the Japanese participants, who express themselves in front of their transnational friends. Their translingual resources become a vehicle through which the young adults expand and identify their potential audience and align identities with them.The analysis of creative translingual practices in the online ELF communication was presented in the following; Sociolinguistics Symposium 24 in Belgium in July 2022; the International Conference of English as Lingua Franca in Taiwan in November 2022; JACET (Japan Association of College English Teachers) ELF SIG International Workshop in December 2022; JASEC (Japanese Association for Studies in English Communication) Kansai Forum in January 2023; LINGUAPAX ASIA 2023, 11th International Symposium, International Christian University, Tokyo. My contribution to JASEC Bulletin Volume 30 was also published.

  • ソーシャルメディアにおける自己発信のための共通語としての英語(ELF)使用調査


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    Over the period, the researcher conducted a few months of online observation of the SNS platform, namely Instagram, questionnaire surveys, and interviews with online users. The ongoing analysis reveals that Japanese participants using social media exploit their translingual capacity creatively, expressing themselves using rhymes, metaphorical expressions, and other language plays. The analysis of questionnaires and interviews suggests that they often provide different identities depending on the languages. This research in progress embosses the Japanese participants’ creative capacity of using English for self-expressive purposes in the transnational online context.The textual analysis of Japanese undergraduate students’ creative English use, which is the core of this study, was presented at the Japanese Association for Studies in English Communication (JASEC), The 30th Annual Conference in October 2021. The manuscript of the contribution for JASEC Bulletin Volume 30 on this presentation is currently in progress. In addition, a book review on an edited book about creative writing in the digital age was published in Journal of Literature in Language Teaching volume 11(1). Finally, the abstract for the poster presentation on creative language use and self-presentation in social media was accepted and will be presented at Sociolinguistics Symposium 24 in Belgium in 2022.