Updated on 2024/10/24


Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Job title
Associate Professor
人間科学 ( 2011.03 大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科 )

Research Experience

  • 2020.04

    Kanazawa College of Art

  • 2015.04

    Kwansei Gakuin University   School of Science and Technology

  • 2009.04

    和歌山県立なぎ看護学校   非常勤講師


  • 2014.04

    Kwansei Gakuin University   School of Science and Technology

  • 2012.04

    Kwansei Gakuin University   School of Science and Technology

  • 2011.04

    大阪大学大学院   人間科学研究科   特任研究員

  • 2010.04

    国際東洋医療鍼灸学院   非常勤講師

  • 2008.04

    国際東洋医療鍼灸学院   非常勤講師

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Education Background

  • 2006.04

    大阪大学大学院   人間科学研究科   博士後期課程  

  • 2004.04

    大阪大学大学院   人間科学研究科   博士前期課程  

  • 1998.04

    Osaka University   School of Letters   Department of Humanities  

Committee Memberships

  • 2017

    第22回 日本顔学会大会  プログラム委員

Professional Memberships









Research Areas

  • Cognitive and brain science / Experimental psychology   生理心理学 / Kansei informatics   感性心理学 / Aesthetics and art studies   音楽学 / Social psychology   対人心理学 / Experimental psychology   感情心理学

Research Interests

  • 鳥肌

  • フロー体験

  • 音楽行動

  • 生理反応

  • 感情

  • 感性

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  • グッドデザイン賞


    Winner: COI-T「感性に基づく個別化循環型社会の創造, 参画プロジェクト

  • FIT奨励賞

    2013   第12回情報科学技術フォーラム   モチベーティブ・コミュニケーションモデルにおける動機からのユーザタイプ推定

    Winner: 白岩史, 片平建史, 饗庭絵里子, 飛谷謙介, 長田典子, 藤巻志保, 吉田功, 小村規夫

  • 奨励賞

    2013   第16回日本音響学会関西支部若手研究者交流研究発表会   和音進行による情動の知覚: MEG計測に向けた行動実験

    Winner: 高瀬雅良, 饗庭絵里子, 片平建史, 白岩史, 中川誠司, 長田典子

  • 優秀発表賞

    2013   平成24年度日本人間工学会関西支部大会   微細気泡浴の主観評価に基づく快適性評価と体表温度に対する影響の検討

    Winner: 片平建史

  • 大学院学生データ収集・解析支援基金

    2009   大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科   身体動作の相互作用が合奏の調整に及ぼす寄与のメカニズムの解明

    Winner: 片平建史

  • The 10th International Conference of Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC10) Travel Award

    2008.08   Effects of the relationship between co-performers' body movement on coordination in ensembles

    Winner: Katahira K

  • 大学院学生データ収集・解析支援基金

    2007   大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科   国際会議発表支援

    Winner: 片平建史

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  • Volitional Control of Piloerection: Objective Evidence and Its Potential Utility in Neuroscience Research

    Katahira K, Kawakami A, Tomita A, Nagata N

    Frontiers in Neuroscience    2020.05  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • SD法を用いた感性の測定における評価の階層性 -EPA構造の評価性因子の多義性に注目して-

    片平建史, 武藤和仁, 橋本翔, 飛谷謙介, 長田典子

    日本感性工学会論文誌   17 ( 3 ) 453 - 463  2018.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • EEG Correlates of the Flow State: A Combination of Increased Frontal Theta and Moderate Frontocentral Alpha Rhythm in the Mental Arithmetic Task

    Kenji Katahira, Yoichi Yamazaki, Chiaki Yamaoka, Hiroaki Ozaki, Sayaka Nakagawa, Noriko Nagata

    FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY   9 ( MAR ) 300  2018.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    Flow experience is a subjective state experienced during holistic involvement in a certain activity, which has been reported to function as a factor promoting motivation, skill development, and better performance in the activity. To verify the positive effects of flow and develop a method to utilize it, the establishment of a reliable measurement of the flow state is essential. The present study utilized an electroencephalogram (EEG) during an experimentally evoked flow state and examined the possibility of objective measurement of immediate flow. A total of 16 participants (10 males, 6 females) participated in the experiment that employed a mental arithmetic task developed in a previous study. Post-trial self-report of the flow state and EEG during task execution were measured and compared among three conditions (Boredom, Flow, and Overload) that had different levels of task difficulty. Furthermore, the correlations between subjective flow items and EEG activity were examined. As expected, the ratings on the subjective evaluation items representing the flow state were the highest in the Flow condition. Regarding the EEG data, theta activities in the frontal areas were higher in the Flow and the Overload conditions than in the Boredom condition, and alpha activity in the frontal areas and the right central area gradually increased depending on the task difficulty. These EEG activities correlated with self-reported flow experience, especially items related to the concentration on the task and task difficulty. From the results, the flow state was characterized by increased theta activities in the frontal areas and moderate alpha activities in the frontal and central areas. The former may be related to a high level of cognitive control and immersion in task, and the latter suggests that the load on the working memory was not excessive. The findings of this study suggest the possibility of distinguishing the flow state from other states using multiple EEG activities and indicate the need for other physiological indicators corresponding to the other aspects of flow experience.

    DOI PubMed


  • Major Factors in Kansei Evaluation of 3D Objects

    KATAHIRA Kenji, KAWASAKI Keigo, NIKATA Kunio, ASANO Takashi, MUTO Kazuhito, LEE Nayoung, TOBITANI Kensuke, SHIRAIWA Aya, NAKAJIMA Kae, NAGATA Noriko, KISHINO Fumio, YAMAMOTO Michiya

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   15 ( 4 ) 563 - 570  2016.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    In the present study, the subjective evaluation experiment for abstract 3D shapes was conducted as the first step of construction of a system that allows non-design-professional users to design 3D shapes via subjective evaluation words intuitively. In particular, the structure of the subjective evaluation for 3D shapes and the reliability of the evaluation by non-design-professionals were examined. The results showed three-factor solution in which “Uniformity,” “Activity” and “Potency” factors were important evaluative standards in the subjective evaluation for 3D shapes. These factors are similar to Osgood's three factors, which were frequently reported factors in previous semantic differential studies. Furthermore, the subjective evaluations by non-design-professionals were generally consistent, which means that, with respect to the subjective evaluation, non-design-professionals without high level of design skills can evaluate 3D shapes in a reliable way.


  • Influence of trait empathy on the emotion evoked by sad music and on the preference for it

    Ai Kawakami, Kenji Katahira

    FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY   6 ( OCT ) 1541  2015.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Some people experience pleasant emotion when listening to sad music. Therefore, they can enjoy listening to it. In the current study, we aimed to investigate such apparently paradoxical emotional mechanisms and focused on the influence of individuals' trait empathy, which has been reported to associate with emotional responses to sad music and a preference for it. Eighty-four elementary school children (42 males and 42 females, mean age 11.9 years) listened to two kinds of sad music and rated their emotional state and liking toward them. In addition, trait empathy was assessed using the Interpersonal Reactivity Index scale, which comprises four sub-components: Empathic Concern, Personal Distress, Perspective Taking, and Fantasy (FS). We conducted a path analysis and tested our proposed model that hypothesized that trait empathy and its sub-components would affect the preference for sad music directly or indirectly, mediated by the emotional response to the sad music. Our findings indicated that FS, a sub-component of trait empathy, was directly associated with liking sad music. Additionally, perspective taking ability, another sub-component of trait empathy, was correlated with the emotional response to sad music. Furthermore, the experience of pleasant emotions contributed to liking sad music.

    DOI PubMed


  • Investigation of Effects of Micro-Bubble Bathing using Psychological Scale

    KATAHIRA Kenji, AIBA Eriko, YANO Hironori, MATSUURA Shuhei, TOBITANI Kensuke, NAGATA Noriko, MIYA Kazuhiro, FURUKAWA Seiji

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics   50 ( 1 ) 29 - 34  2014.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    This study examined the psychological relaxation effects of micro-bubble bathing by employing psychological approach. Normal and two micro-bubble baths were compared in terms of their psychological effects; these were measured by subjective ratings. Using a subjective rating scale that consisted of multiple rating items, an investigation was carried out to determine the psychological aspects that were affected by micro-bubble baths. Twelve male graduate and undergraduate students took part in the experiment. A principal component analysis on subjective rating scale revealed that mood state related to bathing consisted of two aspects: pleasant and arousal. A comparison between three bathing conditions revealed that these bathing conditions shared the arousal-increasing effect. Moreover, the results showed that micro-bubble bathing with a high bubble content improved pleasant aspect of mood state more than normal bathing and micro-bubble bathing with a low bubble content did. This finding suggests that the psychological effect of micro-bubble bathing would be to improve the pleasant-increasing effect of bathing behavior.

    DOI CiNii

  • 合奏場面での非言語的コミュニケーションの対人的効果 : 身体動作チャネルの相互作用からの検討


    対人社会心理学研究   12   51 - 58  2012.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    Enhancing interpersonal relationships is considered to be an important function of musical communication, especially with regard to collective musical activity such as ensemble performances. Music may serve this function by affording participants the opportunity to interact nonverbally, as well as by its acoustical properties. The present study aimed to investigate whether nonverbal communication influenced the development of dyadic rapport, through a simple ensemble task. Specifically, body movement was addressed, since it is a typical nonverbal channel used in ensemble performance. Two participants executed a synchronization task under a situation in which all visual cues other than body movement were excluded. Ensemble coordination, body movement, and self-rating for interaction during the ensemble task were measured, and the relationships among them were analyzed by means of structural equation modeling (SEM). Most remarkable of all the results, communication through body movement showed a positive direct effect on the interaction ratings.対人的な結びつきを強化する機能は、コミュニケーションメディアとしての音楽がもつ重要な機能の1つと考えられる。合奏のような集団的音楽活動は、音響情報を中心にさまざまな非言語チャネルによる対人的相互作用の機会を提供すると考えられるが、その対人的な機能と非言語行動との関係には未検討な部分が多い。そこで本研究は、非言語チャネルとして身体動作に注目し、合奏課題を通した対人的相互作用への参与者の満足度に対し、身体動作チャネルのコミュニケーションが及ぼす影響の検討を目的とした。身体動作以外の視覚情報が除外された環境下で単純な合奏課題を実施し、課題の成績、身体動作、合奏課題を通じて実験参加者が形成する相互作用に対する満足度を測定し、これらの間の関係性を共分散構造分析によって解析した。結果から、満足度に対する身体動作のコミュニケーションによる直接的な影響がみられ、非言語チャネルでの相互作用が合奏の対人的効果を直接的に規定する要因である可能性が示唆された。

    DOI CiNii

  • Neural activity and sound impression induced by virtual bass for individuals who prefer bass-heavy audio

    Kaori Asakawa, Jin Hirano, Takashi Yamazaki, Masaru Kimura, Yoichi Yamazaki, Kenji Katahira, Noriko Nagata

    Applied Acoustics   219   109927 - 109927  2024.03



  • Impression Estimation Model of 3D Objects Using Multi-View Convolutional Neural Network.

    Keisuke Sakashita, Kensuke Tobitani, Koichi Taguchi, Manabu Hashimoto, Iori Tani, Sho Hashimoto, Kenji Katahira, Noriko Nagata

    Frontiers of Computer Vision - 28th International Workshop(IW-FCV)     343 - 355  2022



  • Individual differences in core affect during listening to various types of car interior engine acceleration and cruise sound

    Asakawa Kaori, Yano Atsuyoshi, Kimura Masaru, Katahira Kenji, Yamazaki Yoichi, Nagata Noriko

    THE JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   77 ( 11 ) 694 - 697  2021.11  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • COVID-19流行下の外出制限期間のストレス構造と芳香浴による緩和効果

    竹澤智美, 片平建史, 神吉佑菜, 杉本匡史, 渋田一夫, 長田典子, 千葉正貴, 濱岡和輝, 深津恵, 片岡郷

    ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌   23 ( 3 ) 337 - 348  2021.08  [Refereed]

  • Modeling of "high-class feeling" on a cosmetic package design

    Kensuke Tobitani, Aya Shiraiwa, Kenji Katahira, Noriko Nagata, Kunto Nikata, Kaoru Arakawa

    Seimitsu Kogaku Kaishi/Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering   87 ( 1 ) 134 - 139  2021.01

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    The platform of personal fabrication is developed by technologies such as 3D printing. However, most people do not have enough professional knowledge or skills to design these products. A promising approach relates subjective impressions to physical parameters to support intuitive design. This study aimed to build a model that predicts a "high-class feeling," which is a product value, using physical features. The present study constructed a model that relates the subjective "high-class feeling" of products to physical features. Using a cosmetic compact as an example, a comprehensive high-class feeling and its 5 sub-factors were rated by 20 participants, and regression models were built to estimate those ratings based on physical parameters. This study suggests that a comprehensive high-class feeling is well explained by "elegance" and "luxuriance" and better estimated indirectly via these sub-factors than directly from physical features.



  • 化粧品パッケージデザインにおける高級感印象のモデル化

    飛谷謙介, 白岩史, 片平建史, 長田典子, 荷方邦夫, 荒川薫

    精密工学会誌   87 ( 1 ) 134 - 139  2021  [Refereed]

  • Structure of psychological stress during the COVID-19 pandemic and effects of essential oil odor exposure: Poster abstract

    Tomomi Takezawa, Kenji Katahira, Yuna Kanki, Masashi Sugimoto, Kazuo Shibuta, Noriko Nagata, Masayoshi Chiba, Kazuki Hamaoka, Megumi Fukatsu, Satoshi Kataoka

    SenSys 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 18th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems     784 - 785  2020.11

     View Summary

    This research investigated the psychological stressors during the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of essential oil odor exposure. In Japan, a stay-at-home restriction order was implemented in May 2020. We sent essential oils to the homes of 30 participants. The participants received emails 5 times a day for 6 days and reported how they felt before and after the essential oil odor exposure. They also reported their circumstances and intentions. Results showed that the vitality and stability levels increased after essential oil odor exposure. Besides, four psychological stress structures were obtained. Some of the participants felt conflicted about balancing housework, childcare, and work. They were the most stressed, and their vitality and stability levels increased considerably.



  • 多視点画像群を用いたDNNによる3次元物体の印象推定

    飛谷謙介, 田口皓一, 橋本学, 阪下啓祐, 谷伊織, 橋本翔, 片平建史, 長田典子

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D   Vol.J103-D ( No.11 ) 844 - 848  2020.11  [Refereed]

  • 自動車外観デザインに対する印象と選好の関係性に基づく個人の類型化

    猪股健太郎, 藤井豪, 橋本翔, 片平建史, 長田典子, 浅野隆, 河崎圭吾, 荷方邦夫

    感性工学会論文誌    2020.04  [Refereed]

  • Classification of Individuals based on Relationship between their Impression and Preference for Exterior Design of Vehicles


    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   19 ( 2 ) 223 - 233  2020  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]


  • A visibility assessment of the design pattern of car tail lamps in terms of perceptual sensitivity on face recognition abilities

    Kensuke Tobitani, Katsuhito Nishijima, Kenji Katahira, Noriko Nagata

    Cogent Engineering   7 ( 1 ) 1834934 - 1834934  2020.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In recent years, there has been concern regarding the frequent occurrence of nighttime collisions. This research aims to clarify how differences in tail lamp design affect their visibility to other drivers, with a view to develop a design that will make tail lamps more conspicuous. By focusing on visibility in human face recognition abilities, we conducted a subjective evaluation experiment and visual search task using rear-shots of vehicles. The experimental results revealed that a human's impression of a rear-shot of a vehicle is structurally similar to their impression of a face, and that the tail lamp design affects reaction time. Moreover, electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements verified the validity of the results from a neuroscience perspective. These findings may be used for developing tail lamp designs that are more striking so as to be more noticeable to fellow drivers.



  • Volitional control of piloerection: objective evidence and its potential utility in neuroscience research

    Kenji Katahira, Ai Kawakami, Akitoshi Tomita, Noriko Nagata

    PsyArXiv    2019.10

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • 多視点画像群を用いたDNNによる視線方向の影響を考慮した3次元形状の印象推定

    阪下啓祐, 飛谷謙介, 田口皓一, 谷伊織, 橋本翔, 片平建史, 橋本学, 長田典子

    信学技報   119   35 - 36  2019.08

  • Hierarchical Structuring of the Impressions of 3D Shapes Targeting for Art and Non-art University Students

    Saki Miyai, Kenji Katahira, Masashi Sugimoto, Noriko Nagata, Kunio Nikata, Keigo Kawasaki

    Communications in Computer and Information Science   1032   385 - 393  2019.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. The spread of digital fabrication technologies such as 3D printers has increased opportunities to utilize 3D data. A support system for users without specialized knowledge must model the relationships between impressions received from shapes and the shapes’ physical elements. Regarding the structure of impressions, previous works have hypothesized that a hierarchical structure with a lower layer closely related to physical parameters and an upper layer representing more abstract impressions. To extract the hierarchical structure of impressions for 3D shapes in this work, we conducted the Evaluation Grid Method to visualize an impression’s hierarchical structure. Ten art university students and 10 non-art university students participated in the experiment and provided impressions they had formed from the 3D shapes presented as photographs. We extracted the hierarchical structure, including the impressions used in previous works in the upper side. The impressions representing the state and the features of shapes were extracted in the lower side. By classifying the language expressions representing the state and features from aspects of the shape’s local features, the language expressions were classified into some similar viewpoints between participants’ groups. While the language expressions representing abstract impressions varied between groups, and the language expressions related to “activity” were extracted only from art students. These findings revealed that there is not only a generality in the viewpoint strongly related to physical quantity but also differences based on knowledge and experience among individuals with regard to the more abstract impression.



  • 刺激と独立な個人の傾向を考慮した新たな三相データの分析法

    橋本翔, 田中一晶, 片平建史, 長田典子

    行動計量学   45 ( 1 ) 27 - 38  2018.05  [Refereed]


  • コアアフェクトモデルに基づいた二輪乗車時に喚起される感情の指標化~感情語の収集と分類~

    今井将太, 杉本匡史, 片平建史, 山崎陽一, 長田典子, 益田綾子, 岩田小笛, 内山一

    信学技報   117   123 - 126  2017.05

  • コアアフェクトモデルに基づいた二輪乗車時に喚起される感情の指標化 ~ 画像に対する感情評定を通したライダのタイプ分類 ~

    杉本匡史, 今井将太, 片平建史, 山崎陽一, 長田典子, 益田綾子, 岩田小笛, 内山一

    信学技報   117   119 - 122  2017.05

  • 「鳥肌が立つ」のはどのような感情か

    片平 建史, 長田 典子

    感情心理学研究   25   os17 - os17  2017

    DOI CiNii

  • Estimation of the individual tendencies in the subjective Kansei evaluation of three-dimensional shapes

    Muto K, Hashimoto S, Tanaka K, Katahira K, Nagata N

    Perception   45 ( 2_suppl ) 57  2016.12  [Refereed]

  • Major Factors in Kansei Evaluation of 3D Objects

    KATAHIRA Kenji, MUTO Kazuhito, LEE Nayoung, TOBITANI Kensuke, SHIRAIWA Aya, NAKAJIMA Kae, NAGATA Noriko, KISHINO Fumio, YAMAMOTO Michiya, KAWASAKI Keigo, NIKATA Kunio, ASANO Takashi

    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   15 ( 4 ) 563 - 570  2016

     View Summary

    In the present study, the subjective evaluation experiment for abstract 3D shapes was conducted as the first step of construction of a system that allows non-design-professional users to design 3D shapes via subjective evaluation words intuitively. In particular, the structure of the subjective evaluation for 3D shapes and the reliability of the evaluation by non-design-professionals were examined. The results showed three-factor solution in which “Uniformity,” “Activity” and “Potency” factors were important evaluative standards in the subjective evaluation for 3D shapes. These factors are similar to Osgood's three factors, which were frequently reported factors in previous semantic differential studies. Furthermore, the subjective evaluations by non-design-professionals were generally consistent, which means that, with respect to the subjective evaluation, non-design-professionals without high level of design skills can evaluate 3D shapes in a reliable way.

    DOI DOI2 CiNii

  • Children with high perspective-taking ability prefer sad music

    Kawakami A, Katahira K, Asada M

    Proceedings of the EuroAsianPacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science (EAPCogSci 2015)     599 - 604  2015.09  [Refereed]

  • An Internalization of the Motivation in Motivative Communication Model for Pro-Environmental Behavior


      J98-D ( 2 ) 300 - 308  2015.02

     View Summary

    The key to encouraging feelings for approaching actions is to call forth “autonomous motivation.” Motivation includes “intrinsic,” “autonomous extrinsic,” and “heteronomous extrinsic” motivations. “Intrinsic” and “autonomous extrinsic” motivations are autonomous. In this study, “Motivative Communication Model” was proposed to facilitate internalization of autonomous motivation in pro-environmental behavior (PEB). The questionnaire method on PEB was carried out. As a result, motivation for PEB, a relation between motivations, and the characteristics of user type were shown, and the quantitative scale of internalization was proposed. In the future, we will aim at enhancing the internalization to suit each user type.


  • 環境配慮行動のためのモチベーティブ・コミュニケーションモデルにおける動機の内在化

    白岩史, 片平建史, 饗庭絵里子, 飛谷謙介, 長田典子, 藤巻志保, 吉田功, 小村規夫

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D   J98-D ( 2 ) 300 - 308  2015.02  [Refereed]


  • Analysis of BRDF/BTDF for the texture representation of woven fabrics based on the impression-evaluation model

    Lisa Park, Kensuke Tobitani, Kenji Katahira, Noriko Nagata


     View Summary

    To represent the texture of woven fabrics in computer graphics (CG), it is important to reveal the relation between their physical properties and the texture caused by them. For efficient representation of a realistic texture, a new layered model that links visual impressions with physical properties is required. Physical properties of woven fabrics include optical properties. They are reproduced by bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) and the bidirectional transmittance distribution function (BTDF). However, it is not easy to handle BRDF and BTDF because of the enormity of these data. Therefore, it is necessary to effectively integrate the dimensionality of BRDF and BTDF. In this paper, we propose the impression-evaluation model to link visual impressions with physical properties of woven fabrics. Moreover, to incorporate physical properties into the model, we investigate the main physical factors of reflection and transmission in woven fabrics using the multivariable analysis technique of principal component analysis (PCA) of BRDF and BTDF. As a result, three principal components of BRDF and two principal components of BTDF are obtained. Therefore, it becomes possible for inexpert people to make CG with realistic texture of woven fabrics more intuitively and easily by incorporating physical factors into the impression-evaluation model.



  • 主観年齢推定における自己若年視要因の検討-関係流動性尺度を用いた社会心理的要因に関する考察-

    北岡勇紀, 片平建史, 長田典子

    日本顔学会論文誌   14 ( 1 ) 123 - 128  2014.10  [Refereed]

  • Examination of the Factor of Younger Identity in Estimation of Subjective Age

    Kitaoka Yuki, Katahira Kenji, Nagata Noriko

    Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology   2014   119 - 119  2014

    DOI CiNii

  • The relevance of the interest value as intrinsic motivation and flow experience during piano playing


    Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology   2014   123 - 123  2014

     View Summary

    This study examines the relevance of the characteristics of flow experience to intrinsic motivation during piano playing. The theory of task-value is suitable for evaluating an aspect of intrinsic motivation as autonomous learning motivation and the value of fulfillment and satisfaction. Participants who have musical abilities but are not professional musicians, performed music of a subject 5 times for an hour each time. They completed the Academic Task-Value Evaluation Scale before performing and the Flow Experience Checklist afterwards. The interest value had a significant correlation with all of the subscales of the Flow Checklist (r=.581-.846, ps<.01). These results suggest that both professional and non-expert musicians can experience flow, if any task could measure up to their value of interest. We propose to better understand how much value of and interest for a challenging task people have that makes it easier for them to enjoy everyday life.

    DOI CiNii

  • The influence of motivational factors on piano learning

    Miyake Yumi, Nakamura Ayumi, Katahira Kenji, Nakagawa Sayaka, Nagata Noriko

    Proceedings of the Fuzzy System Symposium   30   268 - 273  2014

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    The present longitudinal study aimed to investigate the relationship between acquisition of performance skills and flow as an index of intrinsic motivation. At the end of each piano practice, partic- ipants completed the questionnaire about the flow experience scale during piano practice. To determine the effects of training with practice, several tests to assess performance skills were carried out before and after twenty hours of practice. The specific state in which the flow was experienced or flow experience itself were suggested to be effective in acquisition of performance skills.

    DOI CiNii

  • 主観年齢推定における自己若年視要因の検討−旧知の顔に見られる蓄積記憶の牽引効果−.

    片平建史, 小西正人, 飛谷謙介, 東泰宏, 藤澤隆史, 長田典子

    日本顔学会論文誌   13 ( 1 ) 75 - 85  2013.10  [Refereed]

  • Development of an Evaluation Method for Degrees of Synesthetic Perception


    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association   77   1PM-021 - 1PM-021  2013.09

    DOI CiNii

  • Estimation of Subjective Age Based on the Facial Images of Others: Experimental Verification of a Younger Identity Caused by the Effect of Delusions of the Accumulated Memory of a Known Face

    Masato Konishi, Kenji Katahira, Kensuke Tobitani, Yasuhiro Azuma, Noriko Nagata, Takashi X. Fujisawa


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    This study assesses how people interpret human ages based on images of faces. We assigned the age of the people imagining how old they are as the "subjective age" and proposed an experiment to identify its mechanism. The participants in the experiment were presented with the facial images of other people and asked to estimate the ages of those in the images as either younger or older than their own ages. Then, we calculated the difference between the subjective ages given by participants that matched their own ages and the actual ages of the people in the images. Results showed that subjective age was generally underestimated by Japanese, Korean, and American groups. The results also suggest that the factors of a younger identity include 1) the effect of delusions of the accumulated memory of self-image, and 2) sociopsychological parameters. To examine the effect of delusions of the accumulated memory of faces, we conducted the experiments of relative age comparison between well-known others' faces (own brothers/sisters) and unknown others' faces. The results confirmed that people tended to underestimate the ages of well-known others' faces compared with unknown faces. These results are consistent with our hypothesis that a younger identity is influenced by the effect of delusions of the accumulated memory of known faces.



  • The role of co-performers' body movement as a visual cue in ensemble coordination

    Katahira Kenji

      38   171 - 195  2012.03  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

    DOI CiNii

  • Psychological Study of Strong Experiences in Listening to Music: A Relationship between Partial and Overall Evaluations of Physical Reactions

    Yasuda, S, Nakamura, T, Draguna, M. R, Kawase, S, Katahira, K, Shoda, H

    Proceedings of the Inaugural International Conference on Music Communication Science     184 - 187  2007.12  [Refereed]

  • Communication channels performers and listeners use: a survey study

    Kawase, S, Nakamura, T, Draguna, M. R, Katahira, K, Yasuda, S, Shoda, H

    Proceedings of the Inaugural International Conference on Music Communication Science     76 - 79  2007.12  [Refereed]

  • Effects of a pianist's body movements on listeners' impressions

    Shoda, H, Nakamura, T, Draguna, M. R, Kawase, S, Katahira, K, Yasuda, S

    Proceedings of the Inaugural International Conference on Music Communication Science     143 - 146  2007.12  [Refereed]

  • The role of body movement in co-performers' temporal coordination

    Katahira, K, Nakamura, T, Kawase, S, Yasuda, S, Shoda, H, Draguna, M. R

    Proceedings of the Inaugural International Conference on Music Communication Science     72 - 75  2007.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

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Books and Other Publications

  • 音楽的コミュニケーションの心理学

    片平建史( Part: Joint translator, 第2章 音楽と意味、多義性、そして進化)

    誠信書房  2012


  • 心理学研究における感性の定義とその測定

    片平建史  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • Characteristics of the ability to evoke piloerection voluntarily


    Presentation date: 2019.05

    Event date:
  • 心理学と感性



    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • 画像評価に基づく二輪ユーザの情動推定とタイプ分類

    杉本匡史, 今井将太, 片平建史, 山崎陽一, 長田典子, 益田綾子, 岩田小笛, 内山一


    Presentation date: 2017

  • 「鳥肌が立つ」のはどのような感情か

    片平建史, 長田典子


    Presentation date: 2017

  • 微細気泡浴の主観評価に基づく快適性評価と体表温度に対する影響の検討

    片平建史, 饗庭絵里子, 矢野浩範, 松浦周平, 飛谷謙介, 長田典子, 宮一普, 古川誠司


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 合奏の協調と共演者の身体動作

    片平建史  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 合奏時の身体動作に対する視覚情報の影響〜電子ドラムを用いた等間隔打叩による基礎的検討〜



    Presentation date: 2011

  • 合奏の遂行および認知と演奏者の身体動作の関係〜バイオロジカルモーション提示下における共演者間の身体動作の関係に注目して〜



    Presentation date: 2010

  • バイオロジカルモーション提示下で行う合奏に対する身体動作の影響



    Presentation date: 2009

  • 音楽行動における動きと身体?共演者間の身体動作による調整に注目して?

    片平建史, 中村敏枝, 河瀬諭, 安田晶子, 谷口智子


    Presentation date: 2007

  • 演奏者の身体動作が打叩の同期に及ぼす影響

    片平建史, 中村敏枝, 河瀬諭, 安田晶子, 小幡哲史, 谷口智子


    Presentation date: 2007

  • 2者の合奏における身体動作の役割―時間的調整における身体動作の重要性についての検討―

    片平建史, 中村敏枝, 河瀬諭, 安田晶子, 小幡哲史, 谷口智子, 正田悠


    Presentation date: 2007

  • 2者による電子ドラム打叩の等間隔同期課題における身体動作の役割

    片平建史, 中村敏枝, 河瀬諭, 川上愛, 安田晶子


    Presentation date: 2006

  • 2者による電子ドラム打叩の等間隔同期課題における身体動作の分析

    片平建史, 中村敏枝, 河瀬諭, 安田晶子, 小幡哲史, 堀中康行


    Presentation date: 2006

  • 2者の合奏における身体動作の役割

    片平建史, 中村敏枝, 河瀬諭, 川上愛, 安田晶子, 小幡哲史, 堀中康行


    Presentation date: 2006

  • 演奏におけるタイミング―演奏者と聴取者の認知の差―

    片平建史, 中村敏枝, 河瀬諭, 川上愛, 安田晶子


    Presentation date: 2005

  • 2者の演奏におけるタイミング―演奏者の主観量・演奏音の物理特性―

    片平建史, 中村敏枝, 河瀬諭, 川上愛, 安田晶子


    Presentation date: 2005

  • 2者の合奏における身体動作の分析

    片平建史, 中村敏枝, 河瀬諭, 川上愛, 安田晶子, 堀中康行


    Presentation date: 2005

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Research Projects

  • 精神性立毛反応の生起に関わる神経基盤の解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    片平 建史, 飛谷 謙介, 川上 愛

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    【研究項目①:VGP能力保持者の選定】については、随意的に立毛を生起できる能力(Voluntary generated piloerection: VGP)を有した個人を特定するためのweb調査を実施するとともに、web調査で特定された個人のVGP能力を検証するため郵送調査を実施した。2021年度は自薦による募集を行い、新規に3名のVGP候補者を特定した。また、郵送調査では鳥肌の計測機材を2020年度以前に特定したVGP候補者も含めて送付し、VGP能力が定量的に確認された11名のVGP保持者を特定した。これらのVGP保持者の協力は【研究項目②:VGPの脳機能計測による精神性立毛の神経基盤の解明】を実施する上で不可欠であり、最終的には40名程度のVGP保持者で構成される実験参加者プールを確保する予定である。2021年度終了時点で、従来特定を進めていた10名前後のVGP保持者と合わせて20名程度のVGP保持者の協力が見込める状況であり、実験参加者の募集状況は順調である。

  • Impression estimation model for textures using Big Data

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Tobitani Kensuke

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    In this study, we proposed an image generation method for textures with desired visual sensory texture. First, (1) subjective evaluation experiments were conducted on texture images to quantify the sensory texture. Next, (2) style features were extracted using a pre-trained VGG19. Then, (3) a sensitivity evaluation model was constructed by formulating the relationship between the quantified sensory quality and the extracted style features. Finally, (4) based on the obtained model, style features were calculated when the desired emotional quality was exaggerated, and images were generated by optimization. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the method was demonstrated through validation experiments, which confirmed that the emotional quality of the generated images was significantly improved compared to the original images.

  • 意図的な立毛生成の神経基盤および情動機能との相互作用の解明

    自然科学研究機構生理学研究所  生体機能イメージング共同利用実験

    Project Year :


    片平建史, 川上愛, 定藤規弘

  • フローの喚起による学習促進手法の体系化

    科学研究費 若手研究(A)

    Project Year :



  • 情動的鳥肌の生起に関わる神経基盤の解明

    科学研究費 挑戦的萌芽研究

    Project Year :



  • 芸術鑑賞における情動のメタ認知の脳内機構解明

    科学研究費 挑戦的萌芽研究

    Project Year :



  • 人間の顔に対する知覚的鋭敏さを利用したLED警光灯の高視認性点滅パターンの開発

    科学研究費 若手研究(B)

    Project Year :



  • スキル獲得プロセスにおける愉しみの喚起とその構造に関する研究:ピアノ演奏への応用

    科学研究費 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :



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  • COVID-19流行下のストレスの把握と芳香浴によるストレス緩和効果の検証

    竹澤智美, 片平建史, 杉本匡史, 長田典子, 千葉正貴, 濱岡和輝, 深津恵, 片岡郷

    クリーンテクノロジー   31 ( 7 )  2021


  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症流行下におけるストレス要因とアロマオイルによる心理的効果

    神吉佑菜, 竹澤智美, 片平建史, 杉本匡史, 渋田一夫, 長田典子, 千葉正貴, 濱岡和輝, 深津恵, 片岡郷

    におい・かおり環境学会講演要旨集   33rd  2020


  • Hierarchical structuring of the impressions of 3D shapes targeting for art and non-art students

    Miyai, S, Katahira, K, Sugimoto, M, Nagata N, Kawasaki, K, Nikata. K

    HCI International 2019 - Posters. HCII 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science   1032   385 - 389  2019.07  [Refereed]

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • 多視点画像群を用いたDNNによる3次元形状の印象推定~視線方向の影響に関する検討~

    阪下啓祐, 飛谷謙介, 田口皓一, 谷伊織, 橋本翔, 片平建史, 橋本学, 長田典子

    ViEWビジョン技術の実利用ワークショップ講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2019  2019


  • 擬似重低音がもたらす心理的・生理的影響の分析—The analysis of the psychophysiological effect of virtual bass sound

    杉原 美貴, 山﨑 陽一, 片平 建史, 長田 典子, 浅川 香, 平野 仁, 山崎 貴司, 木村 勝

    音楽音響研究会資料   37 ( 2 ) 41 - 44  2018.05


  • 3次元形状の感性指標化における階層構造

    宮井彩希, 片平建史, 杉本匡史, 長田典子

    日本感性工学会春季大会予稿集(CD-ROM)   13th  2018


  • COI STREAM 感性とデジタル製造を直結し、生活者の創造性を拡張するファブ地球社会創造拠点

    長田 典子, 岸野 文郎, 井村 誠孝, 山本 倫也, 飛谷 謙介, 片平 建史, 谿 雄祐, 猪股 健太郎, 山? 陽一, 橋本 翔, 杉本 匡史, 橋本 学, 荷方 邦夫

    日本顔学会誌   17 ( 1 ) 34 - 34  2017.09

  • 主観年齢推定における若年視要因の分析

    東泰宏, 北岡勇紀, 片平建史, 藤澤隆史, 長田典子

    日本顔学会誌   16 ( 1 ) 52  2016.11


  • パーソナルファブリケーションを促進する感性指標化技術 〜3次元形状の感性評価因子と物理特徴量との関係〜

    飛谷謙介, 武藤和仁, 李奈栄, 片平建史, 白岩史, 中島加惠, 長田典子, 岸野文郎, 山本倫也, 秋月秀一, 橋本学, 河崎圭吾, 荷方邦夫, 浅野隆

    ViEW2014 ビジョン技術の実利用ワークショップ     IS2-16  2014.12

  • Technology of Kansei Metricization for Enhancing the Personal Fabrication : Extracting Basic Factors in the Kansei Evaluation of 3D Objects

    武藤和仁, 李奈栄, 片平建史, 飛谷謙介, 白岩史, 中島加惠, 長田典子, 岸野文郎, 山本倫也, 河崎圭吾, 荷方邦夫, 浅野隆

    2014年度 情報処理学会関西支部 支部大会 講演論文集   2014   4p  2014.09

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  • J-013 An Estimation of User Type from the Motivation in Motivative Communication

    Shiraiwa Aya, Katahira Kenji, Aiba Eriko, Tobitani Kensuke, Nagata Noriko, Fujimaki Shiho, Yoshida Isao, Komura Norio

      12 ( 3 ) 399 - 400  2013.08


  • 微細気泡と入浴剤の併用による入浴の快適性評価

    松浦周平, 片平建史, 矢野浩範, 長田典子, 宮一普, 古川誠司

    日本人間工学会関西支部大会講演論文集   2013  2013


  • 微細気泡浴の主観評価に基づく快適性評価と体表温度に対する影響の検討

    片平建史, 饗庭絵里子, 饗庭絵里子, 饗庭絵里子, 矢野浩範, 松浦周平, 飛谷謙介, 長田典子, 宮一普, 古川誠司

    日本人間工学会関西支部大会講演論文集   2012  2012


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Industrial Property Rights



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Teaching Experience

  • 人間関係論


  • 美の心理学


  • 人間科学総論



Internal Special Research Projects

  • 至高体験の測定手法確立のための基礎的検討


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    至高体験を「フロー状態」と「畏敬の念」の2面から捉え、それぞれの心的状態を、実環境内で言語報告に頼らずに測定する手法を検討している。今年度は特に、「畏敬の念」に強い関連性が指摘される生理反応である鳥肌に着目し、これを指標として活用すべく計測手法の検討を重点的に実施した。先行研究のプログラムを参考に新たにプログラムを作成し、PCやシングルボードコンピュータRapsberry Piなどの多様な実行環境で動作することを確認した。特に、Rapsberry Piは小型であることを活かしてウェアラブルなシステムを実装することが可能であり、当該機材で動作する鳥肌計測プログラムが実現されたことは、実環境において鳥肌を継続的に計測するデバイスの開発につながる重要な成果であった。一方、ウェアラブル化に適した小型のRapsberry Pi Zeroを用いた場合の計測サンプリングレートは2Hz程度であり、最低限のモニタリングは可能であるものの、さらなる機能の追加を計画するには不十分な時間分解能であった。今後はRapsberry Pi Zeroの後継機を用いた機材の性能向上、プログラムの改善や新たな指標化アルゴリズムの考案など実環境での高機能な鳥肌計測システムの開発を目指す。

  • 至高体験の測定手法確立のための基礎的検討

    2022   飛谷謙介

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