Updated on 2025/01/14


NOMURA, Shunichi
Faculty of Commerce, Graduate School of Accountancy
Job title
Associate Professor
博士(統計科学) ( 総合研究大学院大学 )

Committee Memberships

  • 2019

    日本保険・年金リスク学会  産学共同推進理事

  • 2019

    日本保険・年金リスク学会  研修会・研究会理事

  • 2018

    地震調査研究推進本部地震調査委員会長期評価部会  専門家

  • 2018

    日本保険・年金リスク学会  産学共同推進理事

  • 2018

    日本保険・年金リスク学会  研修会・研究会理事

Research Areas

  • Statistical science


  • アクチュアリー優秀論文

    2017.11   公益社団法人日本アクチュアリー会   日本アクチュアリー会会報の発表論文「状態空間モデルの損害保険への活用— Rパッケージ“KFAS”を用いた解析例—」

    Winner: 野村俊一

     View Summary

    受賞形態: 個人、国内外区分: 国内の賞、専門分野: 保険数理



  • Foreshock Discrimination Models for Various Prediction Schemes and Evaluation of their Predictive Performance

    Nomura, Shunichi, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics, Ogata, Yosihiko The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics

    Report of the Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction   103   361 - 366  2020.03

  • Classification of Body Composition and Activity Patterns by Data Mining of Healthcare Data

    Shunichi Nomura, Michiko Watanabe, Yuko Oguma

    Oukan   13 ( 1 ) 15 - 22  2019.04

  • Inference of a common aperiodicity parameter and Bayesian forecast in the BPT model

    Nomura, Shunichi, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics, Ogata, Yosihiko The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics

    Report of the Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction   100   350 - 355  2018.09

  • A trial modeling of perturbed repeating earthquakes combined by mathematical statics, numerical modeling and seismological observations

    Ariyoshi, Keisuke Japan, Agency for Marine-Earth Science, Technology, Nomura, Shunichi Nomura, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics, Uchida, Naoki Tohoku, University, Igarashi, Toshiro University of Tokyo

    Springer Natural Hazards. Moment Tensor Solutions - A Useful Tool for Seismotectonics     681 - 690  2018.07  [Refereed]


  • マグニチュードと時空間情報に基づく前震確率評価モデルの識別性能

    野村俊一, 尾形良彦

    地震予知連絡会会報   99   446 - 451  2018.03

  • Automatic segmentation of rating classes via the group fused lasso

    Nomura, Shunichi, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics

    JARIP JOURNAL   9   1 - 19  2017.12  [Refereed]

  • 状態空間モデルの損害保険への活用— Rパッケージ“KFAS”を用いた解析例—

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    日本アクチュアリー会会報   70   224 - 245  2017.10

  • BPT model forecast based on the recent paleoearthquake catalog

    Nomura, Shunichi, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics, Ogata, Yosihiko The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics

    Report of the Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction   98   443 - 448  2017.09

  • 2016 年鳥取県中部の地震(M6.6)前後の活動について

    尾形良彦, 鶴岡弘, 近江崇宏, 野村俊一, 熊澤貴雄, 合原一幸

    地震予知連絡会会報   97   368 - 374  2017.03

  • Spatiotemporal variations of interplate slip rates in northeast Japan inverted from recurrence intervals of repeating earthquakes

    Shunichi Nomura, Yosihiko Ogata, Naoki Uchida, Mitsuhiro Matsu'ura

    GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL   208 ( 1 ) 468 - 481  2017.01  [Refereed]

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    Repeating earthquakes, the sequence of stress accumulation and release at isolated small asperities on a plate interface, can be regarded as a renewal process in statistics. From such a point of view, we modelled a sequence of repeating earthquakes and developed an objective Bayesian method to estimate the space-time distribution of interplate slip rates from the recurrence intervals of repeating earthquakes. The space-time distribution of slip rates is represented by the superposition of tri-cubic B-splines. The knots of B-splines in time are unequally allocated for representing co-seismic abrupt and post-seismic rapid changes in slip rates. In addition, to avoid overfitting, smoothness constraints are imposed and their optimal weights are determined by Akaike's Bayesian Information Criterion. We applied this method to the complete data set of repeating earthquakes in northeast Japan for about 18 yr before the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, and revealed spatiotemporal variations of interplate slip rates off the Hokkaido-Tohoku region, where the 1994 Sanriku-oki (M7.6), 2003 Tokachi-oki (M8.0), 2004 Kushiro-oki (M7.1), and 2008 Ibaraki-oki (M7.0) earthquakes occurred. First, we confirmed the reciprocal correlation between the spatial distribution of average slip rates for a seismically calm period (1996-2000) and that of average slip-deficit rates, which has been estimated from GPS array data. Then, we examined the temporal variations of slip rates associated with the large interplate earthquakes in detail.



  • 2016 年熊本地震( M7.3) の前震確率予測について(共著)

    野村俊一, 尾形良彦

    地震予知連絡会会報   96   652 - 657  2016.09

  • 体組成指標の推移パターンの解析と適正な減量の判別

    野村俊一, 渡辺美智子, 小熊祐子

    第6回横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集   B ( 5 ) 263 - 266  2015.12

  • 活断層で繰り返される地震の点過程モデルとその長期確率予測


    統計数理   63 ( 1 ) 83 - 104  2015.06  [Refereed]

  • Space-time model for repeating earthquakes and analysis of recurrence intervals on the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield, California

    Shunichi Nomura, Yosihiko Ogata, Robert M. Nadeau

    JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH   119 ( 9 ) 7092 - 7122  2014.09  [Refereed]

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    We propose a stochastic model for characteristically repeating earthquake sequences to estimate the spatiotemporal change in static stress loading rate. These earthquakes recur by a cyclic mechanism where stress at a hypocenter is accumulated by tectonic forces until an earthquake occurs that releases the accumulated stress to a basal level. Renewal processes are frequently used to describe this repeating earthquake mechanism. Variations in the rate of tectonic loading due to large earthquakes and aseismic slip transients, however, introduce nonstationary effects into the repeating mechanism that result in nonstationary trends in interevent times, particularly for smaller-magnitude repeating events which have shorter interevent times. These trends are also similar among repeating earthquake sites having similar hypocenters. Therefore, we incorporate space-time structure represented by cubic B-spline functions into the renewal model and estimate their coefficient parameters by maximizing the integrated likelihood in a Bayesian framework. We apply our model to 31 repeating earthquake sequences including 824 events on the Parkfield segment of the San Andreas Fault and estimate the spatiotemporal transition of the loading rate on this segment. The result gives us details of the change in tectonic loading caused by an aseismic slip transient in 1993, the 2004 Parkfield M6 earthquake, and other nearby or remote seismic activities. The degree of periodicity of repeating event recurrence intervals also shows spatial trends that are preserved in time even after the 2004 Parkfield earthquake when time scales are normalized with respect to the estimated loading rate.



  • Nonstationary space-time BPT model, and statistical analysis of repeating earthquakes on the upper surface of the subducting Pacific Plate from July 15, 1993 till March 10, 2011, on emphasis of before and after major earthquakes

    Shunichi Nomura, Naoki Uchida, Yosihiko Ogata

      90   54 - 57  2013.09

  • Nonstationary space-time BPT model, and analysis of repeating earthquakes on the upper surface of the subducting Pacific Plate from July 15, 1993 till March 11, 2011

    Shunichi Nomura, Naoki Uchida, Yosihiko Ogata

      90   49 - 53  2013.09

  • Bayesian forecasting of recurrent earthquakes and predictive performance for a small sample size

    S. Nomura, Y. Ogata, F. Komaki, S. Toda

    Journal of Geophysical Research   116 ( B4 )  2011.04  [Refereed]


  • Bayesian forecasting of recurrent earthquakes and predictive performance for a small sample size

    S. Nomura, Y. Ogata, F. Komaki, S. Toda

    JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH   116 ( B04315 )  2011.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper presents a Bayesian method of probability forecasting for a renewal of earthquakes. When only limited records of characteristic earthquakes on a fault are available, relevant prior distributions for renewal model parameters are essential to computing unbiased, stable time-dependent earthquake probabilities. We also use event slip and geological slip rate data combined with historical earthquake records to improve our forecast model. We apply the Brownian Passage Time (BPT) model and make use of the best fit prior distribution for its coefficient of variation (the shape parameter, alpha) relative to the mean recurrence time because the Earthquake Research Committee (ERC) of Japan uses the BPT model for long-term forecasting. Currently, more than 110 active faults have been evaluated by the ERC, but most include very few paleoseismic events. We objectively select the prior distribution with the Akaike Bayesian Information Criterion using all available recurrence data including the ERC datasets. These data also include mean recurrence times estimated from slip per event divided by long-term slip rate. By comparing the goodness of fit to the historical record and simulated data, we show that the proposed predictor provides more stable performance than plug-in predictors, such as maximum likelihood estimates and the predictor currently adopted by the ERC.



  • A Bayesian predictor based on prior distributions of BPT model with slip rates

    Shunichi Nomura, Yosihiko Ogata

      84   483 - 488  2010.08

  • Generalized Zig-Zag Products of Regular Digraphs and Bounds on their Spectral Expansions

    Shunichi Nomura, Akimichi Takemura

    Technical Report METR, University of Tokyo   07 ( 16 )  2007.03

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Books and Other Publications

  • Time series analysis of point processes

    Takahiro Omi, Shunichi Nomura( Part: Joint author, Renewal process and marked point process)

    Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd.  2019.06

  • Kalman filter: time series prediction and state space model using R

    Shunichi Nomura( Part: Sole author)

    Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd.  2016.09


  • 地震再来間隔の変動係数の推定について

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所, 尾形 良彦, 統計数理研究所

    第2回固体地球データ同化に関する研究会  (宮城県仙台市 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2020.02

  • Inversion of spatio-temporal variation in interplate slip rate from repeating earthquakes

    Presentation date: 2020.01

  • Bayesian Inference and Forecast for Aperiodicity Parameters of Recurrent Earthquakes under Uncertain Occurrence Times

    Nomura, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics, Ogata, Yosihiko The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics

    Hokudan 2020 International Symposium on Active Faulting 

    Presentation date: 2020.01

  • 繰り返し地震から推定される東北地方太平洋沖地震前後を通した滑り速度推移

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所, 尾形 良彦, 統計数, 内田 直希

    地震火山観測研究計画 繰り返し地震課題 令和元年度研究集会  (宮城県仙台市 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2020.01

  • テンソル型時系列データに対する動的因子モデル

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    東京大学地震研究所共同研究 (2018-B-01) 2019年度第3回勉強会  (東京都文京区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • 高階テンソル時系列に対する動的因子モデル

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    統計数理研究所公募型共同利用研究集会 データサイエンスの新展開:応用と数理  (東京都立川市 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • テンソル型時系列データに対する状態空間モデル

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    時系列データ ~変化点検出・予知、因果・構造推定~  (東京都立川市 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • 高階テンソル時系列に対する動的因子モデルを用いた生命表解析

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    リスク解析戦略研究センター第7回金融シンポジウム「金融が直面する新環境への対応と方法論Ⅱ」  (千代田区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • 予測方式に応じた前震識別モデル

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所, 尾形 良彦, 統計数理研究所

    東京大学地震研究所 研究集会「CSEP-Japan研究集会」  (東京都文京区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • Clustered LassoとOSCARに対するパス追跡アルゴリズム

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    確率・ 統計・ 行列ワークショップ 立川 2019  (東京都文京区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • 不確定な活動時期をもつ繰り返し地震群に対するベイズ推論

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所, 尾形 良彦, 統計数理研究所

    日本地震学会2019年度秋季大会  (京都府京都市 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Clustered LassoとOSCARに対するpath algorithms

    高橋 宏典, 統計数理研究所, 野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    2019年度統計関連学会連合大会  (滋賀県彦根市 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Modeling Heterogeneity and Non-stationarity of Recurrent Earthquakes, Workshop on Hawkes processes in data science

    Nomura, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics

    Workshop on Hawkes processes in data science 

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • Spatial Distribution of Coefficients of Variation for Recurrence Intervals of Paleoearthquakes in Japan

    Nomura, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics, Ogata, Yosihiko The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics

    11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11) 

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • Bayesian Inference and Forecast for Recurrent Earthquakes with Uncertain Occurrence Dates

    Nomura, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics, Ogata, Yosihiko The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics

    AOGS 16th Annual Meeting 

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • 不確定な活動時期をもつ繰り返し地震に対する更新過程のベイズ推論と予測

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所, 尾形 良彦, 統計数理研究所

    日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会  (千葉市 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2019.05

  • 非定常更新過程モデルによる相似地震に基づいたプレート間準静的滑りの逆推定手法の開発

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    平成30年度研究集会「相似地震再来特性の理解に基づく地殻活動モニタリング手法の構築」  (東京都文京区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • Hierarchical Topic Models for Tensor Count Data

    Nomura, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics

    2019 ISI-ISM-ISSAS Joint Conference 

    Presentation date: 2019.01

  • テンソル計数データのための階層トピックモデル

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    情報・システム研究機構 データサイエンス共同利用基盤施設 共同研究集会「データ科学の応用と展望」  (東京都中野区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2019.01

  • 多重線形モデルによる都道府県別生命表の解析

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    リスク解析戦略研究センター第6回金融シンポジウム「金融が直面する新環境への対応と方法論」  (千代田区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • テンソル分解を利用した都道府県別生命表解析

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    日本保険・年金リスク学会第16回研究発表大会  (東京都中野区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • 活動間隔のばらつきαのベイズ推定 ―中央構造線断層帯の例 ―

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    地震調査研究推進本部 地震調査委員会 第240回長期評価部会  (東京都千代田区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • 日本の活断層カタログに対するBPT モデルによるベイズ型予測と数値実験に基づく予測性能

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所, 尾形 良彦, 統計数理研究所

    日本地震学会2018年度秋季大会  (福島県郡山市 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • 統計検定と統計リテラシー

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    2018 年度数学教育学会秋季例会  (岡山県岡山市 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 一般化fused lassoを用いたクラス料率の自動セグメンテーション

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    2018年度統計関連学会連合大会  (東京都文京区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • On Statistical Education in Secondary Mathematics Education in Japan

    Oikawa, Hisao Nishinippon, Institute of Technology, Nomura, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics

    10th International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS10) 

    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • Statistical features and cluster-based discrimination of foreshocks

    Nomura, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics, Ogata, Yosihiko The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics

    International Symposium on Earthquake Forecast / 5th International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process ~Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting~(ISEF-IWEP5) 

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • Foreshock Discrimination and Short-Term Mainshock Forecast Based on Magnitude Differences and Spatio–Temporal Distances

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • 相似地震活動に基づくプレート間すべりの時空間変動の逆推定

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    地震研特定共同研究(B)「固体地球科学のシミュレーションモデルと観測データに適用可能なデータ同化法の開発」ミーティング  (文京区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 内陸活断層地震の再来間隔パラメータの空間分布とベイズ予測

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所, 尾形 良彦, 統計数理研究所

    データサイエンス共同利用基盤施設共同研究集会「データ科学の応用と展望」  (千代田区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • Spatial distribution of coefficients of variation for earthquake recurrence intervals in Japan

    Nomura, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics

    ISM Symposium on Environmental Statistics 2018 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • Classification of Intra-Week and Intra-Day Walking Patterns and Their Effect on Body-Composition Changes Using A Hierarchical Model

    Nomura, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics, Watanabe, Michiko, Keio University, Oguma, Yuko, Keio Universit

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • Modeling heterogeneity and non-stationarity of earthquake recurrence cycles

    Nomura, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics

    International Symposium on Risk Analysis and Random Fields 

    Presentation date: 2018.02

  • 日本における長期地震予測の現状と課題

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    OLIS・慶應義塾大学 保険フォーラム2017  (横浜市 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2018.02

  • 地震群からの特徴量抽出に基づく前震識別モデルの検討

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    研究会「地震活動の物理2018」  (文京区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2018.02

  • 相似地震の再来間隔モデルと東北太平洋沖の準静的すべり履歴の推定

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    研究会「地震活動の物理2018」  (文京区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2018.02

  • 状態空間モデルの損害保険への活用—Rパッケージ“KFAS”を用いた解析例—

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    日本アクチュアリー会第1回産学共同研究集会  (中央区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2018.01

  • 相似地震に基づく準静的すべり分布の推定~デロネー分割を用いた平滑化推定~

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    平成29年度研究集会「相似地震再来特性の理解に基づく地殻活動モニタリング手法の構築」  (福岡市 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2018.01

  • 保険料率算定におけるスパース推定技法の活用

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所, 高橋 宏典

    リスク解析戦略研究センター第5回金融シンポジウム「ファイナンスリスクのモデリングと制御Ⅳ」  (千代田区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 活動量計ログデータに基づく週内活動パターンの類型化と体組成変動への影響

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所, 渡辺 美智子, 慶應義, 小熊 祐子, 慶應義塾大

    第8回横幹連合コンファレンス  (京都市 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 一般化Fused Lassoによるクラス料率算定

    高橋 宏典, 野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    日本保険・年金リスク学会第15回研究発表大会  (世田谷区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • Spatial Pattern of Coefficients of Variation and Bayesian Forecasts for Recurrence Intervals of Earthquakes in Japan

    Nomura, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics, Ogata, Yosihiko The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics

    ISI-ISM-ISSAS Joint Conference Tokyo 2017 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • BPT更新過程における変動係数αの推定方法について

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所

    東京大学地震研究所第8回研究集会「日本における地震発生予測検証実験(CSEP-Japan)」  (立川市 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 日本の活断層カタログに対するBPTモデルの適切な推定と予測について

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所, 尾形 良彦, 統計数理研究所

    日本地震学会2017年度秋季大会  (鹿児島市 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • Short-term forecasts by foreshock discrimination

    Nomura, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics

    CSEP Workshop: Informing Earthquake Debates with CSEP Results 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 前震判別と余震減衰を利用した短期的地震予測モデル

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所, 尾形 良彦, 統計数理研究所

    2017年度統計関連学会連合大会  (名古屋市 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 繰り返し地震活動に基づくプレート境界における準静的滑りの逆推定

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所, 尾形 良彦, 統計, 内田 直希, 松浦 充宏, 統計数理研

    第64回理論応用力学講演会  (港区 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • Classification of in-week and -day patterns in ambulatory activity and body composition change

    Nomura, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics, Watanabe, Michiko, Keio University, Oguma, Yuko, Keio Universit

    The 2017 Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS-2017) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • Spatial distribution of coefficients of variation and Bayesian forecasts for recurrence intervals of earthquakes

    Nomura, Shunichi The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics, Ogata, Yosihiko The, Institute of, Statistical Mathematics

    1st International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics(EcoSta 2017) 

    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • 地震群のマグニチュード頻度と時空間の特徴量を利用した前震判別モデルによる短期地震予測

    野村 俊一, 統計数理研究所, 尾形 良彦, 統計数理研究所

    日本地球惑星科学連合2017年大会  (千葉市 日本) 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • Spatial variation on earthquake interevent time distribution in Japan

    Shunichi Nomura, Yosihiko Ogata  [Invited]

    Hokudan 2015 International Symposium on Active Faulting 

    Presentation date: 2015.01

  • Real-time classifier of foreshocks using kernel logistic regression

    Shunichi Nomura  [Invited]

    Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 11th Annual Meeting 

    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • Spatio-temporal renewal model for repeating earthquakes and analysis of slip rate on the upper surface of the subducting Pacific Plate

    Shunichi Nomura, Naoki Uchida, Yosihiko Ogata  [Invited]

    8th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology 

    Presentation date: 2013.08

  • Space-time models of repeating earthquakes in Parkfield segment

    Shunichi Nomura, Yosihiko Ogata, Robert M Nadeau  [Invited]

    International symposium on statistical modeling and real-time probability forecasting for earthquakes 

    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • A Bayesian predictor of recurrent earthquakes based on BPT model with slip data

    Shunichi Nomura  [Invited]

    6th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology 

    Presentation date: 2010.05

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Research Projects

  • Spatio-temporal multiscale modeling and forecast of slow and fast earthquakes

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Development of point process models and prediction methods for non-stationary seismic activity

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 過去の地震活動に基づく複合型短中期地震予測モデルの開発


    Project Year :


    野村 俊一

  • Development of Bayesian space-time models in stochastic forecast methods for recurrent earthquakes

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Nomura Shunichi, UCHIDA Naoki, OGATA Yosihiko, MATSU'URA Mitsuhiro

     View Summary

    There are many active faults in inland Japan that have risks of future catastrophic earthquakes. Since inland active faults in Japan have very long cycles of activity, forecasting is difficult because of the scarcity and unreliability of historical data. For stability of predictive performance, we established Bayesian prediction methods to deal with the uncertainty of data and parameters caused by these problems.
    Small repeating earthquakes are also useful for monitoring interplate slip because their recurrence times reflect the quasi-static slip rate on plate interfaces. Here, we developed a space-time model extended from a renewal process to estimate the spatio-temporal distribution of slip rate on plate boundaries.

  • Study on comprehensive probability forecast of large earthquake

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Ogata Yosihiko, Zhuang Jiancang, Enescu Bogdan, Tsuruoka Hiroshi, Nomura Shun'ichi, Kumazawa Takao, Iwata Takaki, Matsu'ura Mitsuhiro, Murata Yasuaki, Omi Takahiro, Han Peng, Katsura Koichi

     View Summary

    (1) Regarding the aftershocks immediately after a major earthquake, we developed calculation methods for real-time prediction of aftershock probability that covers temporal and spatial imperfections of real-time data that are automatically determined by computer system without human-editing. It was incorporated into the forecasting system at the NIED institute.(2) We applied non-stationary ETAS model to East Izu volcanic swarm activities, and discovered that it is effective for accurate short-term prediction of swarm activity using the change of volumetric strain-meter data. This indicates effectiveness to predict rates of swarm activity caused by slow slips, magma or fluid intrusion.(3) We published special issue on "Earthquake Prediction and Statistical Model" for the research subjects of probabilistic prediction and distributed to earthquake disaster prevention-related communities.



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Research Institute

  • 2024

    Research Institute of Business Administration   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 保険数理への応用を目指したスパース推定アルゴリズムの開発


     View Summary

    損害保険のクレーム件数およびクレーム額のデータセットに対して,スパース回帰手法であるLassoの拡張版である一般化Fused Lassoを用いて,損害保険料率区分を同等のリスク水準をもつグループへと自動的にクラスタリングする新たな料率算定手法を提案した.料率算定において料率区分の分割方法の組合せは膨大になることが多く,全ての分割方法を検討することは計算量的に困難である.このような状況下で,fused lassoと呼ばれるL1正則化技法は,推定の過程の中でリスク水準に有意差のない隣接区分を自動的に統合してくれるため非常に適している.特に,料率ファクター間の交互作用がある場合や,クレーム頻度と規模を同時にモデル化する正則化技法を提案した.