Updated on 2024/10/24


Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Culture, Media and Society
Job title
Ph.D. in Behavioral Science ( Hokkaido University )
M.A. in Behavioral Science ( Hokkaido University )

Research Experience

  • 2021.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences

  • 2013.04


  • 2014.04

    Visiting Research Scholar Department of Sociology University of Hawai‘i at Manoa

  • 2007.04


  • 2006.04


  • 2005.04


  • 2003.04


  • 2001.08


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Committee Memberships

  • 2023.07

    早稲田社会学会  研究活動委員

  • 2021.07

    環境社会学会  理事 研究活動委員会委員長 震災・原発事故特別委員会委員長

  • 2019.06

    環境社会学会  理事 奨励賞選考委員会 震災・原発事故特別委員会

  • 2015.09

    日本社会学会  研究活動委員会

  • 2011.06

    環境社会学会  理事、研究活動委員

  • 2012.10

    地域社会学会  研究委員

  • 2009.07

    環境社会学会  研究活動委員

  • 2007.07

    環境社会学会  運営委員、研究活動委員

  • 2005.07

    日本都市社会学会  企画委員

  • 2005.07

    環境社会学会  運営委員、編集委員

  • 2003.07

    環境社会学会  研究活動委員

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Professional Memberships


    The Japanese Society for Environmental Sociology


    Hokkaido Sociological Association


    The Japan Sociological Society







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Research Areas

  • Sociology

Research Interests

  • Rural sociology

  • Environmental sociology

  • Collective behavior and social movements

  • 地域社会学

  • 環境社会学

  • 社会運動論

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  • 第18回日本NPO学会優秀賞

    2020.06   日本NPO学会   西城戸誠・原田峻共著『避難と支援』新泉社(2019)

  • 第13回地域社会学会賞(共同研究部門)

    2020.05   地域社会学会   西城戸誠・原田峻共著『避難と支援』新泉社(2019)

    Winner: 西城戸誠, 原田峻

  • 日本学術振興会特別研究員等の審査に係る顕彰


  • 第3回地域社会学会奨励賞

    2010.05   地域社会学会   西城戸誠著『抗いの条件』人文書院(2008)



  • Alternative Movements for Energy in Japan:

    Makoto Nishikido

    Alternative Politics in Contemporary Japan     133 - 166  2024.05  [Refereed]  [Invited]


  • Support Programs and Governance of Support for Out-of-Prefecture Fukushima Evacuees

    Makoto Nishikido

    The Annuals of Sociology(Shakaigaku Nenshi)   65   111 - 128  2024.03  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 石巻市北上町ウィーアーワン北上の10年と復興政策への応答ー津波被災地の復興過程における「住民自治」の展開と「身の丈の復興」

    西城戸誠, 庄司知恵子

    環境社会学研究   28   106 - 121  2022.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 被災地におけるコミュニティナース事業の展開にみる復興と地域福祉の接続

    庄司知恵子, 西城戸誠

    社会学年報   51   93 - 104  2022.12  [Refereed]

  • 東日本大震災・福島原発事故から11年目を迎えた広域避難の現状と課題 : 埼玉県における自治体・避難者調査の知見から—The Current Status and Issues of Wide-Area Evacuation 11 Years after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Nuclear Disaster : Based on Surveys in Saitama Prefecture

    原田 峻, 西城戸 誠

    立教大学コミュニティ福祉研究所紀要 = Journal of the Institute of Community & Human Services, Rikkyo University   ( 10 ) 99 - 114  2022.11

  • Complex Ties: Nuclear Governance and Governance for Supporting Evacuees

    Makoto Nishikido

    Adaptive Participatory Environmental Governance in Japan     143 - 185  2022.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



  • Coexistence of Fishery and Community Development in Offshore Wind Power in Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture

    Wind Energy   45 ( 3 ) 411 - 416  2021.11  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • オーストラリアにおけるコミュニティエネルギーの展開

    古屋将太, 西城戸誠

    人間環境論集   21 ( 2 ) 47 - 80  2021.03

  • Survey Report on Support Policy for Foreigners by Local Governments in Flood Disaster

      21 ( 1 ) 85 - 127  2020.10

  • The Coal Miners Housewives Association as an Intermediate Group in Coal Mining Area

    西城戸 誠

    現代社会学研究   33   43 - 62  2020.06  [Refereed]

  • 生活協同組合による地域活動と町内会


    建築ジャーナル   1305   21 - 23  2020.06  [Invited]

  • The Current State of Environmental Issues

    Makoto Nishikido

    The Journal of Ohara Institute for Social Research   731・732   37 - 45  2019.09  [Invited]

  • The Development of Reconstruction Support Groups in Saitama Prefecture for Evacuees from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident

    Makoto Nishikido, Shun Harada

    Journal of Public Policy and Social Governance   7   1 - 11  2019.03

  • Enviornmental Movement Studies for "Practice" and "Norm": The Case of Community Power Movements in Japan

    Nishikido Makoto

    Journal of Environmental Sociology   24   58 - 73  2018.12  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • 地域再生のためのグリーン・ジョブ


    大原社会問題研究所雑誌   714   30 - 39  2018.04  [Invited]

  • 北海道芦別市における主婦会活動の記録 : 三井芦別炭鉱主婦会・芦別生活学校の聞き書き

    西城戸誠, 大國充彦

    人間環境論集   18 ( 2 ) 64 - 30  2018.02

  • The status and issues of wide-area evacuation from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Nuclear Disaster of 2017: Based on surveys in Saitama prefecture

    Shun Harada, Makoto Nishikido

    Journal of the Institute of Community & Human Services, Rikkyo University   5 ( 5 ) 51 - 67  2017.11


  • 生命と暮らしを守る―住友赤平・空知・夕張炭鉱の炭鉱主婦会の聞き書きから―

    西城戸誠, 大國充彦

    人間環境論集   18 ( 1 ) 66(29) - 27(68)  2017.09


  • コメント:ドイツとの比較から考える日本の「若者」の政治参加と政治教育


    ドイツ研究   51 ( 51 ) 64 - 72  2017.03  [Invited]


  • 実践的な調査としての震災調査に何ができるか


    社会と調査   ( 16 ) 30 - 37  2016.03  [Invited]

  • 再生可能エネルギー事業と地域環境の創造-コミュニティ・パワーから考える地域社会の『自立』

    都市社会研究   7   32 - 47  2015.03  [Invited]

  • The Outcomes and Tasks of Civil Investment Type Renewable Energy Business as "Community Power"

    人間環境論集   15 ( 1 ) 1 - 67  2014.11

  • 埼玉県における県外避難者とその支援の現状と課題

    人間環境論集   15 ( 1 ) 69 - 103  2014.11

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Development of Resilience in Regional Communities

    Makoto Nishikido, Satoru Kuroda, Zenki Hirakawa

    Sociology in the Post-Disaster Society(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A)Reconstruction from the disaster Project)     50 - 64  2014.06  [Refereed]

  • The Municipality's Correspondence and Support to the Evacuees by the Great East Japan Earthquale: the Case of Saitama Prefecture

    Makoto Nishikido, Shun Harada

    The Hosei Journal of Humanity and Environment   14 ( 1 ) 1 - 26  2013.06


  • 原発・県外避難者のネットワークの形成条件――埼玉県下の8市町を事例として――

    原田峻, 西城戸誠

    地域社会学会年報   25   143 - 156  2013.05  [Refereed]


  • 地場産農産物を用いた学校給食による「食育」の持続可能性―東京都日野市を事例として―


    サステイナビリティ研究   3   99 - 113  2013.03  [Refereed]


  • The Formation of Resource COntrol: From Agricultural Irrigation Canals to "Environmental City Waterways"

    黒田暁, 西城戸誠, 舩戸修一

    Journal of Environmental Sociology   18   126 - 141  2012.11  [Refereed]

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    Hino-city, Tokyo used to be a rice field zone. However, because of urbanization, the amount of agricultural land has declined and the number of irrigation canals for agricultural use has decreased. Recently, a movement to reconsider the importance of irrigation canals from the viewpoint of their contribution to the environment has come to the fore. In response, Hino-city has attempted to revitalize the use of these canals by designating them "environmental waterways", thus recognizing their various benefits to the environment. However, the activity of local residents in regard to the irrigation canals' management is not consistent with the opinion of local farmers represented by the Irrigation Canal Association, which manages the canals for agricultural use. Therefore, an effective system has yet to be established. This paper suggests the historical changes in the perception of agricultural irrigation canals in Hino-city reflect changes in the wider community. In addition, the paper discusses how farmers and non-farmers can share the benefits of and responsibilities for the canals and how Hino-city can participate in terms of formulating policies in connection with its overall city environmental management. Moreover, it is proposed that it is important to attempt reorganization and the creation of waterside space centering on present lifestyles in order to facilitate the governance of the "environmental waterways".


  • 「個」の時代における組織と活動-生活クラブ生協東京・リーダー調査

    西城戸誠, 角一典

    社会運動   388 ( 388 ) 33 - 38  2012.07


  • The Dynamics of Protest Activities in Japan: Analysis Using Protest Event Data

    The Hosei Journal of Humanity and Environment   12 ( 2 ) 103 - 147  2012.03


  • 太平洋炭鉱主婦会の歴史から学ぶ

    「ヤマの話を聞く会」記録集(2)釧路市立図書館     53 - 55  2012.03

  • People's Reaction to Media Framing of the Anti-G8 Movement in Japan: A Case Study of the Lake Toya

    The Hosei Journal of Humanity and Environment   12 ( 1 ) 153 - 167  2012.02


  • 「個」の時代におけるコミュニティと生協

    まちと暮らし研究   12 ( 12 ) 40 - 45  2011.03  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • The Process of Social Capital Accumulation through Mega Event: The Case of Toyako Summit

    Makoto Nishikido, Hidehiro Yamamoto, Soko Aoki, Tsutomu Watanabe

    The Hosei Journal of Humanity and Environment   11 ( 1 ) 47 - 65  2011.02


  • 生活クラブ生協における戸別配送組合員によるリーダー創出過程に関する試論-「個」の時代における組織と運動-


    第7回生協総研賞研究奨励助成事業研究論文集     56 - 72  2011.01

  • 「援農ボランティア」の意義と課題─東京都日野市の事例から

    舩戸修一, 西城戸誠, 図司直也, 黒田暁

    まちと暮らし研究   11 ( 39-44 ) 39 - 44  2010.12


  • A Study of Flood Damege across Three Generations: Constructing an Educational Programme forNatural Disasters

    NISHIKIDO Makoto

    Journal of Environmental Sociology   16   48 - 64  2010.11  [Refereed]

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    Although the danger of flood damage undoubtedly exists, many people are unaware of the potential severe consequences and remain unprepared. Because of this, the practice of disaster education, which can foster a culture of disaster awareness, is of paramount importance in order to maintain the resilience of a community. This paper takes "a study of flood damages across three generations" as an example of disaster education, which examines memory and experience of past flood damage and tries to create a culture of disaster awareness. Although it is accepted that holding flood damage workshops is a significant practice, there is little regular or continuous activity. After highlighting some of the reasons why holding flood damage workshops should be a regular activity, I indicate that it is important to build systematic support based on the educational reality and actual conditions prevalent in schools today. I conclude that sociologists, who have so far overlooked educational practice, should carry out analysis based on the contents of educational practice, and consider how to implement practical changes for the better.


  • The Organizational Demography of Japanese Environmentalism

    Erik W. Johnson, Yoshitaka Saito, Makoto Nishikido

    SOCIOLOGICAL INQUIRY   79 ( 4 ) 481 - 504  2009.11  [Refereed]

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    Although a macro-organizational perspective has become increasingly commonplace in social movement analyses, few studies examine the full spectrum of organizations in any single social movement industry (SMI). Utilizing a unique source of data on Japanese environmental movement organizations, we compare characteristics of groups focused primarily on environmental issues with those for whom environmental issues are part of a larger multi-issue focus. We then profile across distinct, and theoretically important, organizational domains to assess how local, prefectural and national groups compare on a variety of organizational attributes, including: size, membership type, tactics and activities, and issues. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings for understanding both Japanese environmentalism and the structure of SMIs generally.



  • The Current State of "Solodarity" of Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-Operative

    NISHIKIDO Makoto, KADO Kazunori

    The Annual Review of Sociology (Nenpoh Shakaigaku=ronshu)   22 ( 22 ) 150 - 161  2009.07  [Refereed]

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    The aim of this article is to clarify the dynamics of the members of a Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-Operative Hokkaido where the delivery to home system (KOHAI) was introduced in recent years. In the preceding study of the Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-Operative, the home delivery system was not part of the investigation. We made a comprehensive survey of the Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-Operative Hokkaido. Analyzing the impact of the home delivery system on the Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-Operative Hokkaido, we consider the present and future of "Solidarity" in the Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-Operative Hokkaido.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Develpoment of Disaster Environmental Education and Its Evaluation

    Makoto Nishikido, Naho Kawazura, Makoto Ishikawa

    Journal of Educational Research, Kyoto University of Education   9 ( 9 ) 11 - 18  2009.03


  • The Necessity of Archival Science in Social Research::Based on the experience of SORD Data Archive Project


    Sociological Theory and Methods   24 ( 1 ) 121 - 128  2009  [Refereed]

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         In this article, we proposed the necessity of archival science in social research and the management of the social research data, based on the experience of the SORD data archive project. First, we insisted that the preservation of the social research data should be done by the researchers themselves, and a standard rule for that is required in the academic society. Second, we clarified that the secondary analysis of a qualitative research, which will find one aspect of the object society that did not come into view in the recognition frame of the research at that time, become difficult if the researchers at that time wouldn't leave the accurate records of the research. Third, we point out the importance of the collection of material, which include the material indicating process of research, the information of the research group organization and the management method of social research, the structural factor and the historical backgrounds of the object society, in order to enable retrieving the process of the formation of the hypotheses of the research group at that time. To accomplish the above purpose, the establishment of the archival science in social research is indispensable. And, it can be said that it is necessary to achieve cooperation with the museology whose historians are dominant now.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Survey about college students' consciousness to an illegal drug

    Nishikido Makoto

    The Hosei Journal of Humanity and Enviornment   10 ( 1 ) 53 - 62  2009


  • The Present and Some Issues of "Citizen Participation" around the Irrigation Canals of Hino City

    NISHIKIDO Makoto

    Annual Report 2007, Laboratory of Regional Design with Ecology, Graduate School of Hosei University     172 - 181  2008.07

  • 生活クラブはどのように研究されたか

    KADO Kazunori, Makoto NISHIKIDO

    社会運動   337 ( 337 ) 24 - 37  2008.04


  • The Achiements of the Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-operetive Movements and the Future Prospect of Members' Solidarity

    NISHIKIDO, Makoto

    The Journal of Ohara Institute for Social Research   592 ( 592 ) 18 - 41  2008.03  [Refereed]


  • The present and future development of citizens funded community wind power

    The Hosei journal of humanity and environment   8 ( 1 ) 37 - 60  2008.01


  • The rise of community wind power in Japan: Enhanced acceptance through social innovation

    Yasushi Maruyama, Makoto Nishikido, Tetsunari Iida

    ENERGY POLICY   35 ( 5 ) 2761 - 2769  2007.05  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the socio-economic dynamics that are brought about by renewable energy technologies. We call this dynamic "Social Innovation" as it changes the rules of risk-benefit distribution and the roles of social actors. For this purpose, we take up a typical case in Japan, community wind power in which the initial cost is funded by the investment of citizens. Through this case study, we examine how the citizens' initiative can affect the social acceptance of renewable energy as well as social change. Based on interviews with those involved in these projects, we analyze the interests of the various actors involved in community wind power projects in a framework of "actor network theory", which enables us to understand the detail of each actor's position. This study also involved a quantitative survey of investors. The case study clarified that there was a remarkable difference in the interests of the main actors in the community wind power projects, the networks are complex and actors share various interests such as economic interests and a sense of social commitment, participation and contribution. These incentives are also clarified in quantitative data. However, the variety of incentives differs in each project. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • The transformation of social movement in postwar Tokyo: using issue relation approach for event analysis

    The Hosei journal of humanity and environment   7 ( 2 ) 1 - 10  2007.03


  • Dynamics of labor movement in Japan after WW2: using protest event data

    The Hosei journal of humanity and environment   7 ( 1 ) 31 - 52  2007.02


  • The Present State and the Problems of Seikatsu Club Consumers’ Co-Operative at a turning point-Cases of Seikatsu Club Consumers’ Co-Operative in Hokkaido-

    NISHIKIDO, Makoto, KADO, Kazunori

    Contemporary Sociological Studies   19   21 - 40  2006.06  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of this article is to confirm the current state of Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-Operative in Hokkaido, and to clarify the "Gap" between reality and idea, which was constructed by Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-Operative, using the research data of Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-Operative in Hokkaido in 2002, and some interview investigation data. We try to make clear why the activities of Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-Operative in Hokkaido become stagnant.<BR>As a result of the analysis, we demonstrate a member of association who put distance from social movements and group activities which has held by Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-Operative in Hokkaido. Then we show the expansion of the "Gap" will lead to inactivity of Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-Operative.

    DOI CiNii

  • 3.Learning the Area of A Waterside (2) : Practical Records on Learning about a Flood at Uji River


    Annual report of researches in environmental education   14   29 - 48  2006.03


  • 2.Learning the Area of A Waterside (1) : Practical Records on Learning about a Flood at Uji River


    Annual report of researches in environmental education   14   11 - 28  2006.03


  • Walking, Researching, and Presenting "Fushimi" in Kyoto

    NISHIKIDO Makoto, KAGAWA Takashi, TAKEDA Ichirou

    Journal of Educational Research   6   11 - 20  2006.03


  • For the Making Expert of Regional Studies

    KAGAWA Takashi, TAKEDA Ichirou, ISHIKAWA Makoto, NISHIKIDO Makoto

    Journal of Educational Research   6   1 - 10  2006.03


  • Who Invests in "Community Wind"?

    NISHIKIDO Makoto, MARUYAMA Yasushi

    Bulletin of Kyoto University of Education   108 ( 108 ) 115 - 132  2006.03


  • Reconsideration of Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-Opretative

    NISHIKIDO Makoto, KADO Kazunori

    Bulletin of Kyoto University of Education   107 ( 107 ) 73 - 90  2005.09


  • Revisiting Hokkaido Capitalist History Through Socical Research Datasets

    NISHIKIDO Makoto, ONAI Junko, NAKAZAWA Hideo, OHKUNI Atsuhiko, NIKKUNI Michiyo

    Social Information   14 ( 2 ) 293 - 317  2005.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • How to Teach Social Research in Kyoto University of Education?

    NISHIKIDO Makoto

    Journal of Educational Research   5 ( 5 ) 21 - 32  2005.03


  • Comparative Research on the Occurrence of Protest Activities and "Movement Culture": The Case of “Horonobe Problem”

    NISHIKIDO, Makoto

    Journal of Environmental Sociology   10 ( 10 ) 145 - 160  2004.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this paper, I clarify that the result of a divided active social movement organization and a non-active one, though both protests were active before, as the case of the protest activity that centered around the nuclear trash disposal facility problem at Horonobe-cho, Hokkaido shows. I compare two movement organizations and explore some factors where protest activity occurs. Then I examine the discussion which concerns "movement culture" (cultural factors of social movements) that has been overlooked in current social movement research studies. As a result of the case study although political factors and resource factors influenced the occurrence of the protest activity in the Horonobe problem, it is clear that more important for the occurrence of the protest activity was the difference in movement culture that had been brewing during the protest activity in the "Horonobe problem".


  • Concepts and Policies toward Making of Hokkaido Social Survey Database

    NAKAZAWA Hideo, NISHIKIDO Makoto, NIKKUNI Michiyo, OHKUNI Atsuhiko, MORITA Makoto, SHINDO Kei

    Social Information   13 ( 2 ) 191 - 218  2004.03


  • The Dynamics Protest about Environmental Issues in Japan after WWⅡ: Using Protest Event Data

    NISHIKIDO, Makoto

    Journal of Environmental Sociology   9 ( 9 ) 107 - 123  2003.11  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, I clarify the dynamics of protests about environmental issues in Japan after WW II, and analyze structural factors to influence the protests by using the protest event data of Japan after WW II. The result of the analysis of the dynamics of protests about environmental issues in Japan is as follows: 1) Protests become moderate in the middle of the 1970's. 2) Protests with alternative demands (pro-active demands) increased in the 1980s. 3) Protests stagnated in the 1990's. Then, I analyze the influences that structural factors had on protests related to environmental issues at the time when protests are active (1964-73), and when the protests are quiet (1974-94). this analysis showed that the occurrence of protests related to environmental issues in 1964-73 was related to the "closeness" of the political opportunity structure in local politics and the alliance with reformation power. However, in 1974-94, they hardly related to political factors. Rather, it was found that economical richness caused protests on environmental issues in 1974-94. Considering the above-mentioned, "protest type" environmental movements in Japan since the middle of the 1970's were different from the type of protest activities in Europe and America, and they do not show the aspect of "Movement Society".


  • Participating in the Protest Actirities and "Cultural Bases" of Movements: Considering Frame Analysis

    NISHIKIDO, Makoto

    Contemporary Sociological Studies   16   119 - 136  2003.06  [Refereed]

  • Participation in Project Activity and the Base of "Grievance" Generation

    NISHIKIDO Makoto

    The Annual Report on Cultural Science(Hokkaido Univ.)   106 ( 106 ) 149 - 170  2002.02


  • Constructing Social Movement Data Base: Its Logistics and Method

    NOMIYA Daishiro, NISHIKIDO Makoto

    The Annual Report on Cultural Science(Hokkaido Univ.)   102 ( 102 ) 107 - 127  2000.12


  • Ups and Downs in Environmental Movement : Movement Networks,Abeyance in Movement,"Spillover Effects"

    NISHIKIDO, Makoto

    Contemporary Sociological Studies   13   81 - 98  2000.06  [Refereed]

  • 北海道の民間非営利組織(NPO)の現状と課題

    SUGIOKA, Naoto, NISHIKIDO, Makoto

    Hokusei Review   36   65 - 91  1999.03


  • Research on the Single Elderly of Living, Consciousness and Communication

    NISHIKIDO, Makoto, HORIKAWA, Naoko, INOSE, Yuri

    Social Infomation   8 ( 2 ) 59 - 70  1999.03

  • Organizational Structure and Strategy of Environmental Movement : Japan in the 1960s through the 1990s

    NISHIKIDO, Makoto

    Contemporary Sociological Studies   11   70 - 86  1998.06  [Refereed]

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    This article discusses the characteristics of the policy-oriented environmental movements in the 1960s through the 1990s in Japan. The first part of the article summarizes the theoretical relationship among goals, organizational structure, and the strategy of the environmental movement. Institutional reform-oriented goals of the movement are linked to the bureaucratic organizational structure and power-oriented strategies. In contrast, self-reform oriented goals are linked to the informal organizational structure and identity-oriented strategies.<BR>The characteristics of environmental problems in Japan from the 1960s through the 1990s are then examined. There, the relationship between the nature of the environmental problems and the movement's characteristics are discussed: three types of environmental problems-industrial pollution and environmental destruction by largescale development, "life pollution", and the global environmental problems-correspond to power-oriented environmental movements, cooperation-oriented environmental movements, and policy-oriented environmental movements respectively. It is demonstrated that the extent of policy-orientedness determines the organizational structure and movements' strategy. Policy-oriented environmental movements with the formal organizational structure have seen in the 1990s in Japan. Finally I point out some problems of the policy-oriented environmental movements in Japan.

    DOI CiNii

  • Organizational Characteristics of Non-Protic Organizations and the "NPO Legislation"

    NISHIKIDO, Makoto

    Sociology Today   9   28 - 42  1998  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

  • 芦別 炭鉱〈ヤマ〉とマチの社会史

    嶋﨑尚子, 西城戸誠, 長谷山隆博( Part: Joint editor, 第11章 終章 コラム13)

    寿郎社  2023.12 ISBN: 4909281568


  • 地域社会はエネルギーとどう向き合ってきたのか

    茅野, 恒秀, 青木, 聡子( Part: Joint author, 第7章「反・脱原発の市民運動によるオルタナティブの創出」)

    新泉社  2023.07 ISBN: 9784787723024

  • 戦後日本の出発と炭鉱労働組合:夕張・笠嶋一日記 1948~1984

    戦後日本の出発と炭鉱労働組合, センゴニホンノシュッパツトタンコウロウドウクミアイ 夕張, 笠嶋一日記, ユウバリカサシマハジメニッキセンキュウヒャクヨンジュウハチネンカラセンキュウヒャクハチジュウヨネン, 社会科学, 中澤秀雄, 新藤慶, 西城戸誠, 玉野和志, 大國充彦, 久保ともえ( Part: Joint author, 第1部3章、第2部[前半]笠島日記(1951年の翻刻))

    御茶の水書房  2022.10

  • どうすればエネルギー転換はうまくいくのか

    丸山康司, 西城戸誠( Part: Joint editor, 第8章、終章)

    新泉社  2022.03

  • フィールドから考える地域環境[第2版]

    小島聡, 西城戸誠, 辻英史( Part: Edit, はじめに、第2章、第8章、第10章、おわりに)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2021.03

  • 自治総研ブックレット23『原発災害で自治体ができたこと できなかったこと』

    阿部昌樹, 金井利之, 石田仁, 西城戸誠, 平岡路子, 山下祐介, 今井照( Part: Other, 埼玉県における広域避難者支援ガバナンスの現状と課題)

    公人の友社  2019.12

  • 釧路叢書第39巻 太平洋炭砿ーなぜ日本最後の坑内掘炭鉱になりえたのか (下)

    嶋崎尚子, 中澤秀雄ほか( Part: Other, 第10章 太平洋炭鉱主婦会の歴史とその意義)

    釧路市教育委員会  2019.03

  • Evacuation and Support: Local Governance for Evacuees from Fukushima Disaster

    Makoto Nishikido, Shun Harada( Part: Contributor, 第2章第1,3節、第3章第1,4節、第4章第1,3,5節、第5章、第6章第1節)

    新泉社  2019.02

  • 炭鉱と「日本の軌跡」―石炭の多面性を堀り直す

    中澤秀雄, 嶋﨑尚子( Part: Joint author, 第6章 産炭地の女性たちー母親運動の評価をめぐって)

    青弓社  2018.07

  • サミット・プロテスト― グローバル化時代の社会運動

    野宮大志郎, 西城戸誠( Part: Joint editor, 第7章 サミット・プロテストに対するイメージ・評価の多様性とその変化)

    新泉社  2016.03

  • 震災と地域再生: 石巻市北上町に生きる人びと

    西城戸誠, 宮内泰介, 黒田暁( Part: Joint editor)

    法政大学出版局  2016.02

  • 再生可能エネルギーのリスクとガバナンス: 社会を持続していくための実践

    丸山康司, 西城戸誠, 本巣芽美( Part: Joint editor)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2015.10

  • 原発避難白書

    災害復興制度研究所, 東日本大震災支援全国ネットワーク(JC, 福島の子どもたちを守る法律家ネットワーク(SAFLAN) 編( Part: Other)

    人文書院  2015.09

  • 生業と地域社会の復興を考える

    西城戸誠, 平川全機( Part: Edit)

    公人の友社  2015.07

  • JAFCOF釧路研究会 リサーチペーパーvol.5 太平洋炭鉱主婦会の記録―太平洋炭鉱主婦協議会の会長の聞き取りと資料を中心に 【改訂版】

    西城戸誠, 大國充彦, 久保ともえ, 井上博登( Part: Joint author)

    産炭地研究会(JAFCOF)  2015.06

  • 地域の資源を活かす再生可能エネルギー事業

    丸山康司, 柏谷至, 尾形清一, 西城戸誠( Part: Other)

    一般社団法人 金融財政事業研究会  2014.06

  • 再生可能エネルギーと地域社会における絆づくりに関する比較研究

    ( Part: Sole author)

    公募研究シリーズ(全労済協会)  2014.03

  • To See Once More the Stars: Living in a Post-Fukushima World

    Ryan Sayre, Heather Swanson, Satsuki Takahashi, Daisuke Naito( Part: Other)

    The New Pacific Press  2014.01

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  • よくわかる環境教育

    水山光春編( Part: Joint author)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2013.07

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    Ⅳ 関連する諸科学 4社会学 を担当

  • 食と農のコミュニティ

    西城戸誠, 黒田暁, 舩戸修一( Part: Joint author, 8章 「環境用水」に見る都市農業の持続可能性:東京都日野市の農業用水路をめぐって)

    創元社  2013.02

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  • 環境と社会(ブックガイドシリーズ 基本の30冊)

    西城戸誠, 舩戸修一編( Part: Joint editor)

    人文書院  2012.12

  • 現代社会学事典

    編集委員, 大澤真幸, 吉見俊哉, 鷲田清一, 編集顧問, 見田宗介, 編集協力, 赤川学, 浅野智彦, 市野川容孝, 苅谷剛彦, 北田暁大, 塩原良和, 島薗 進, 盛山和夫, 太郎丸博, 橋本努, 舩橋晴俊, 松本三和夫( Part: Other)

    弘文堂  2012.11

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  • 持続可能性の危機――地震・津波・原発事故災害に向き合って

    西城戸誠, 原田峻( Part: Other)

    御茶の水書房  2012.09

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  • The local environment considered from the field

    小島聡, 西城戸誠( Part: Edit)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2012.04 ISBN: 9784623062577

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    第2章・地域における環境運動とNPO、第4章・水辺をめぐるまちづくりと学校教育、第9章・「フィールドを学ぶ」ことの方法と意義、第11章・青森県鰺ヶ沢町にみる過疎と環境問題 を執筆

  • 環境社会学

    舩橋晴俊( Part: Joint author)

    弘文堂  2011.03 ISBN: 9784335551437

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  • 社会学入門

    塩原良和, 竹ノ下弘久編( Part: Joint author)

    弘文堂  2010.11 ISBN: 9784335551406

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    「第13章 市民運動・社会運動とつながる-社会学から見えてくること」を執筆

  • 〈当事者〉をめぐる社会学-調査での出会いを通して

    宮内洋, 好井裕明編著( Part: Other)

    北大路書房  2010.10

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  • 用水のあるまち-東京都日野市・水の郷づくりのゆくえ

    西城戸誠, 黒田暁( Part: Edit)

    法政大学出版局  2010.06

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  • 社会学事典

    ( Part: Sole author)

    丸善株式会社  2010.06

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  • よくわかる環境社会学

    鳥越皓之, 帯谷博明( Part: Other)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2009.04

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  • Condition of Protest: cultural approach of social movements

    NISHIKIDO Makoto( Part: Sole author)

    JINBUN SHOIN  2008.11

  • 社会運動という公共空間―理論と方法のフロンティア

    曽良中清司, 長谷川公一, 町村敬志, 樋口直人( Part: Other)

    成文堂  2004.05

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  • 社会運動の社会学

    大畑裕嗣, 成元哲, 道場親信, 樋口直人( Part: Joint author)

    有斐閣  2004.04

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    第4章「ボランティアから反戦デモまで―社会運動の目標と組織形態」および 付録「社会運動の調査研究法-統計的手法とデータ解析」を担当。

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  • Structural Transformation of Social Conflict in Japan: An Event Analysis of Social Movements

    Makoto Nishikido, Hiderhio Yamamoto

    International Conference on Political Sociology Democracy and Society: Challenges, Risks and Opportunities for Contemporary Democracy 

    Presentation date: 2024.10

    Event date:
  • 解題:脱炭素に関わるドミナントストーリーと環境社会学―洋上風力発電を事例に

    西城戸 誠


    Presentation date: 2024.06

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  • 洋上風力発電の「開発フレーム」と地域社会の応答

    西城戸 誠


    Presentation date: 2024.06

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  • 北海道の産炭地における女性の地域活動-「産業-家族-女性の社会参加」の視点から

    西城戸 誠  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2024.06

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  • 地域社会とシナジーを生む再エネ



    Presentation date: 2023.11

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  • Event Analysis of the Dynamics of the Environmental Movement in Japan: Event Analysis of the Dynamics of the Environmental Movement in Japan

    Makoto Nishikido, Hidehiro Yamamoto

    9th International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia(ISESEA) 

    Presentation date: 2023.11

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  • 抗議イベントデータによるポスト3.11の社会運動の動態に関する考察

    山本英弘, 西城戸誠


    Presentation date: 2023.10

  • 夕張・笠嶋一日記から読み解く炭鉱労働運動――「方法としての生活史」の視点から

    西城戸誠, 新藤慶, 玉野和志


    Presentation date: 2023.10

  • Has Japan Become a Social Movement Society? An Examination Based on Protest Event Data

    Hidehiro Yamamoto, Makoto Nishikido

    7th Annual ARNOVA-Asia Conference 

    Presentation date: 2023.07

  • 福島県外避難者における生活支援拠点事業の現状と課題―受託団体の特徴に着目して



    Presentation date: 2023.07

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  • Current Situation and Problems of Local Governance in Supporting Evacuees Outside of Fukushima Prefecture: A Case Study of the Livelihood Reconstruction Support Base Project

    Makoto Nishikido

    Presentation date: 2022.11

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  • 津波被災地の復興過程における住民自治の展開(2)

    庄司知恵子, 西城戸誠


    Presentation date: 2021.11

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  • Development of Local Autonomy in the Reconstruction Process of Tsunami Affected Areas (1)

    Makoto Nishikido, Chieko Shoji

    Presentation date: 2021.11

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  • The Role of Sociology in the Practice of Energy Transition: A Case Study of Seikatu-Club co-op

    西城戸誠, 丸山康司

    第93回日本社会学会大会  (松山大学(Zoom開催))  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • Driving Motivations for Energy Transition: Case Study of Community Power and Green Electricity in Japan

    Yasushi Maruyama, Makoto Nishikido

    7th International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia  (Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea)  Korean Association for Environmental Sociology

    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • 埼玉県における広域避難者支援ガバナンスの現状と課題

    西城戸誠  [Invited]

    第34回自治総研セミナー  (法政大学市ヶ谷キャンパス)  地方自治総合研究所

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • The Activities and Accomplishments of Miners' Wives Movements in Hokkaido, Japan

    Makoto Nishikido

    New Directions in Coal Mining History and Heritage in the UK and Japan  (Sheffield)  ESRC/AHRC SSH International Networking Grant Workshop

    Presentation date: 2019.07

  • 社会運動研究とNPO研究の差異を考える

    西城戸誠  [Invited]

    日本NPO学会・第21回年次大会  (龍谷大学瀬田キャンパス)  日本NPO学会

    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • 復興庁・福島県による県外避難者支援事業と、避難先における支援体制の課題 ―埼玉県の事例を中心に―

    西城戸誠, 原田峻

    第44回地域社会学会大会  (神戸学院大学)  地域社会学会

    Presentation date: 2019.05

  • 社会問題の現在: 研究と運動をどのように切り結ぶのかー環境問題の視点から


    大原社会問題研究所創立100周年・法政大学合併70周年記念シンポジウム  (法政大学市ヶ谷キャンパス)  大原社会問題研究所

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • Energy Transition and the development of Community power movements in Japan

    Makoto Nishikido, Yasushi Maruyama

    XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology  (Toronto, Canada)  International Sociological Association

    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • 反・脱原発運動とコミュニティパワーの関係性 -市民出資による再生可能エネルギー事業と生活クラブエナジーの分析から-

    西城戸誠, 丸山康司

    第57回環境社会学会  (広島県福山市)  環境社会学会

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • 地域社会の中間集団と炭鉱主婦会―北海道赤平市、芦別市を事例として―


    第66回北海道社会学会⼤会  (北海道教育大学旭川校)  北海道社会学会

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • 埼玉県における広域避難者支援のこれまでとこれから

    西城戸誠  [Invited]

    第4回シニア学会  (早稲田大学)  日本シニア学会

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 『規範』と『実践』に接続する環境運動研究の可能性を探る

    西城戸誠  [Invited]

    第56回環境社会学会  (明治大学)  環境社会学会

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 原発避難者支援のローカルガバナンス

    原田峻, 西城戸誠

    第90回日本社会学会大会  (東京大学本郷キャンパス)  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • Citizens’ Preference for Green Electricity: A Case Study of Consumer Cooperative in Japan

    Yasushi Maruyama, Makoto Nishikido, Tae Nakane

    6th International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia  (Taipei, Taiwan)  ISESEA

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • The trend of “Community Power Movements”after Fukushima nuclear disaster

    Makoto Nishikido, Yasushi Maruyama

    6th International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia  (Taipei, Taiwan)  ISESEA

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • 地域再生のためのグリーンジョブ― コミュニティパワーの実践から考える


    第30回国際労働問題シンポジウム  (法政大学(東京、市ヶ谷))  大原社会問題研究所/ILO駐日事務所

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • 東日本大震災・福島原発事故から6年の県外避難の現状と課題

    原田峻, 西城戸誠

    第3回東日本大震災研究交流会  (早稲田大学) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • エネルギーを巡るアクティビズムの現状と課題―再生可能エネルギーにかかわる「社会的実践」を事例として―

    西城戸誠, 丸山康司

    社会運動・集合行動研究ネットワーク:キックオフカンファレンス  (福岡県博多市(博多市民センター))  社会運動・集合行動研究ネットワーク

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • Local Social Services to Support Wide-Area Evacuees Following the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

    Shun Harada, Makoto Nishikido

    3rd ISA Forum of Sociology  (Vienna, Austria)  International Sociological Association

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Pro-Active Social Movement in Uncertain Social Issue of Sustainability: A Case Study of Citizen Cooperative in Japan


    3rd ISA Forum of Sociology  (Vienna, Austria)  International Socioogical Association

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • 「若者が<政治>に関わるとき」コメント-日本の社会運動・デモ、政治意識、教育


    日本ドイツ学会 第32回大会  (早稲田大学)  日本ドイツ学会

    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • 県外避難者支援における復興支援員制度の現状と課題―埼玉県を事例として―

    西城戸誠, 原田峻

    第41回地域社会学会大会  (桜美林大学)  地域社会学会

    Presentation date: 2016.05

  • The Alternative Movements for Energy in Japan: The Development of ‘Community Power Movements’

    Makoto Nishikido

    UK-Japan Workshop on Consensus-Based Approaches for Environmental Governance – Live-Streaming of Talks (the GB Sasakawa Foundation)  (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, JAPAN) 

    Presentation date: 2016.05

  • Polyvalent Meaning of Community Power Movements: Comparing with Anti-Nuclear Movements in Japan

    Makoto Nishikido, Yasushi Maruyama, Shota Furuya, Memi Motosu

    18th ISA World Congress of Sociology  (Yokohama) 

    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • 震災復興における女性の地域活動の変化と課題 -宮城県石巻市北上町の復興支援活動の実践から(3)

    西城戸誠, 庄司知恵子, 武中桂, 図司直也

    第48回環境社会学会大会  (名古屋市立大学)  環境社会学会

    Presentation date: 2013.12

  • 集団高台移転事業における地域社会の「再編」を問う(1)-宮城県石巻市北上町の津波被災地を事例として-

    西城戸誠, 武中桂

    第86回日本社会学会大会  (慶應義塾大学)  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • 「記録」と「主体形成」から、実践的な調査研究を考える

    第47回環境社会学会  環境社会学会

    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • 産炭地の比較社会学Ⅰ-(4)-北海道における炭鉱主婦会と社会運動の源流

    西城戸誠, 大國充彦

    第85回日本社会学会大会  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2012.11

  • Social acceptance of Wind Energy and Social Experiment of Community Power in Japan

    Yasushi MARUYAMA, Makoto NISHIKIDO, Shota FURUYA, Memi MOTOSU, Seiich Ogata

    11th World Wind Energy Conference  (Bonn, Germany)  World Wind Energy Association

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • ポスト開発主義としての再生可能エネルギー事業のための環境社会学

    西城戸誠, 丸山康司, 柏谷至, 藤公晴

    第45回環境社会学会大会  (大潟村)  環境社会学会

    Presentation date: 2012.06

  • 埼玉県における原発避難者支援の諸相①――自治体対応の比較から


    第38回地域社会学会  地域社会学会

    Presentation date: 2012.05

  • 埼玉県における原発避難者への自治体対応と支援の取り組み


    社会学3学会合同研究・交流集会「地震・津波・原発災害から1年 被災地復興の現状と課題を考える」  (岩手県立大学アイーナキャンパス)  地域社会学会・日本都市社会学会・日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • 都市における農業用水路のゆくえ(3) ―「環境用水」の資源管理の編成可能性をめぐって―

    黒田暁, 舩戸修一

    第84回日本社会学会大会  (関西大学)  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • 市民風車(研究)の10年と今後の課題-環境社会学の「当事者性」を巡って-

    第43回環境社会学会大会  (関東学院大学)  環境社会学会

    Presentation date: 2011.06

  • コミュニティ風車および風力発電ファームの導入にかかる欧米のガイドライン概観

    藤公晴, 丸山康司, 西城戸誠, 柏谷至

    第42回環境社会学会大会  (法政大学市ヶ谷キャンパス)  環境社会学会

    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • 「市民参加」による都市農業の再生(1) ―東京都日野市の概要と分析枠組みの提示―

    舩戸修一, 黒田暁

    第83回日本社会学会  (名古屋大学)  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • Media Framing and Civic Action in Anti-G8 Movements in Japan

    17th ISA World Congress of Sociology  (Sweden, Gothenburg)  International Sociological Association RC47

    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • 再生可能エネルギーの需要形成と社会的受容性

    丸山康司, 西城戸誠, 柏谷至, 藤公晴

    第41回環境社会学会大会  (岩手県葛巻町)  環境社会学会

    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • グローバルイベントと市民社会(2) ―洞爺湖サミットに対する社会運動と市民の反応―

    青木聡子, 渡邊勉, 山本英弘

    第82回日本社会学会大会  (立教大学)  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • 社会運動に対する市民の受容 -洞爺湖サミットに対するグローバルな運動を事例として-


    第27回日本都市社会学会大会  (県立広島大学)  日本都市社会学会

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • グローバルイベントによる地域社会への影響とローカル・ガバナンス -北海道洞爺湖サミットを事例にして-


    第34回地域社会学会  (岡山大学)  地域社会学会

    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • 生協クラブのコアリーダーはどのように形づくられるか(2)-生活クラブ生協北海道・東京の比較から-


    第81回日本社会学会大会  (東北大学)  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • 社会運動とNPOの関係性

    第80回日本社会学会大会  (関東学院大学)  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • 生活クラブ生協における戸配導入の影響(2)


    第32回地域社会学会  (金城学院大学)  地域社会学会

    Presentation date: 2007.05

  • 市民風車事業のゆくえと市民風車が創造する「公共性」

    第32回環境社会学会セミナー  (関西学院大学)  環境社会学会

    Presentation date: 2005.12

  • 社会運動のイベント分析における「イッシューリレーションアプローチ」

    西城戸誠, 山本英弘, 野宮大志郎

    第78回日本社会学会大会  (法政大学)  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2005.10

  • 戦後東京の社会運動の動態-イベントデータによる分析-

    西城戸誠, 山本英弘

    第23回日本都市社会学会大会  (大妻女子大学)  日本都市社会学会

    Presentation date: 2005.09

  • 北海道における「社会調査の社会調査」を目指して(3)-北海道社会調査データベースの利用可能性-

    西城戸誠, 小内純子, 新國三千代, 大國充彦, 祐成保志, 高橋徹, 新藤慶, 中澤秀雄

    北海道社会学会第53回大会  北海道社会学会

    Presentation date: 2005.06

  • 「市民風車」による社会的ネットワークの生成と事業の展開可能性

    西城戸誠, 丸山康司

    第30回環境社会学会セミナー  環境社会学会

    Presentation date: 2004.12

  • 地方都市における「都市型」社会運動の「成果」とその動態-生活クラブ生協・北海道の活動を事例として-

    第77回日本社会学会大会  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2004.11

  • 戦後日本の抗議活動のイベント分析-環境運動を事例として-

    第54回関西社会学会  (追手門学院大学)  関西社会学会

    Presentation date: 2003.05

  • 社会運動のイベント分析:比較・歴史(1)イベント分析の可能性と展開


    第75回日本社会学会大会  (大阪大学)  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2002.10

  • 社会運動のイベント分析:比較・歴史(2)戦後日本の抗議活動の盛衰とその要因


    第75回日本社会学会大会  (大阪大学)  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2002.10

  • 抗議活動の生起と「運動文化」-「幌延問題」を事例として-

    第25回環境社会学会セミナー  (北海道上川町)  環境社会学会

    Presentation date: 2002.06

  • 戦後日本の社会運動に関するマクロ分析-抗議イベントデータによる分析-

    北海道社会学会第49回大会  (札幌国際大学) 

    Presentation date: 2001.07

  • 運動ネットワーク・不満・「運動文化」の形成と変容-都市近郊の環境運動を事例として-

    日本社会学会第73回大会  (広島国際学院大学)  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2000.11

  • 環境運動の興隆と沈静の諸相-北海道の事例から-

    北海道社会学会第47回大会  (小樽商科大学)  北海道社会学会

    Presentation date: 1999.07

  • 民間非営利組織(NPO)の現状と課題-北海道のNPOを事例に-

    日本社会学会第71回大会  (関西学院大学)  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 1998.11

  • 北海道における民間非営利組織(NPO)の現状分析

    北海道社会学会第46回大会  (北海道情報大学)  北海道社会学会

    Presentation date: 1998.07

  • 政策提言型環境NGOの諸問題-運動組織と運動目標を中心に-

    北海道社会学会第45回大会  (東京理科大学長万部校)  北海道社会学会

    Presentation date: 1997.07

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Research Projects

  • 縮退局面における農山村の空間マネジメントとガバナンスの再構築に関する実証的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    図司 直也, 西城戸 誠, 田口 太郎, 佐久間 康富, 筒井 一伸, 武者 忠彦, 平井 太郎, 中島 正裕

  • Empirical Study on Sustainability and Resilience of Livelihoods for the Construction of Island Studies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 戦後復興期労働運動の分水嶺-パーソナル・ドキュメントの分析から-

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    大國 充彦, 玉野 和志, 西城戸 誠, 中澤 秀雄, 新藤 慶

  • An Empirical Study on Energy Transition through the Civil Society Approach

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


  • 都市農村対流時代における農村政策の再構築に関する実証的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    図司 直也, 西城戸 誠, 田口 太郎, 佐久間 康富, 筒井 一伸, 武者 忠彦, 平井 太郎, 中島 正裕

  • Mining Industry Research Center of Japan, Korea and Taiwan in the Perspective of East Asian Capitalism Formation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 戦後復興期労働運動の再評価: 夕張炭鉱労組書記長日記(1947-62)翻刻と分析

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    大國 充彦, 玉野 和志, 西城戸 誠, 新藤 慶

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    笠嶋一氏から寄贈された資料の整理を行なっている。資料のうち、自筆の日記1948-1951年に関しては、後に炭鉱労働組合幹部となる一炭鉱夫の青年期の記録として、資料的な価値が高いと判断した。戦後社会を支えた庶民の日記は、継続的に記述されていれば一次資料として価値が高いことは、歴史学・農村社会学分野でも明らかとなっている。歴史学分野で名高い『西山光一日記: 1925-1950年新潟県一小作農の記録』(西田・久保1991)『西山光一戦後日記:1951-1975年新潟県一農民の軌跡』(西田・久保1998)、最近では日本社会学会会長を務めた細谷昂氏が庄内地方の農民・阿部太一の日記に注釈をつけた『小作農民の歴史社会学』(細谷2019)等がある。

  • Research on the formation, inheritance and establishment of leaders of utilization and management of rural resources in the era of urban-rural multidimensional circulation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Naoya ZUSHI

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    Beyond the tide of "return to rural life" seen mainly by young people, we can see the arrival of the "the era of urban-rural multidimensional circulation" in which human resources exchange between cities and rural areas. Therefore, in this study, we examined how to inherit the resources of rural areas, including the change of generations. The result is the proposal of "creating a process for rural revitalization." The first step is to take care of the hollowed out community. Creating a sustainable satoyama environment will be a common experience, and the quality of life (QOL) of the local community can be improved. As a result, opportunities for bridging from living to the regional economic cycle will be created, aiming to rebuild diverse livelihoods. In that case, it is necessary not to be too obsessed with solving regional issues, but to overcome the barriers of generations together with strangers.

  • Governance of Renewable Energy Project

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 再生可能エネルギー事業開発にかかわるアクティビズムと合意形成に関する比較研究

    Project Year :


    西城戸 誠

  • Sociological study on adaptive governance in uncertainty and plurality

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This study aims to clarify the requirements of how to construct environmental governance in a real world with uncertainty and plural values, from a survey of a number of cases. As a result, it was found that: First, the importance of adaptability, plurality, and redundancy became apparent. It has become clear that a flexible system of trial and error, rather than a rigid system, is important, and that a method that leaves room for seemingly uselessness is required. Secondly, it became clear that people's "narratives" are important for adaptive governance, and that the learning process using them, and the action research using them, is particularly effective.

  • Comparative study of reconstruction support and institutions around community restructuring

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NISHIKIDO Makoto

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    The purpose of this research is to grasp the actual condition of activity of the reconstruction assistance member to regeneration of the tsunami stricken area by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and activity of the reconstruction assistance member to the evacuee from radiation damage. We consider the effectiveness of a system of reconstruction assistance members. From investigation of the reconstruction assistance member of a tsunami stricken area, we clarified about the process of reconstruction assistance members and the relation of the continuity of activity of the reconstruction assistance members.
    Moreover, we consider that two support patterns by reconstruction assistance member, which are an evacuee's door-to-door visit and the formation of an evacuee community. We clarified that the qualitative and quantitative difference of activity of a reconstruction assistance member enterprise.

  • Redifining East Asian Coalfields: Resource Creation through Comparative Sociology of Industrial Contraction

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    With examining the history of coal industry contraction process in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, we drew many academic lessons in various aspects, such as labour movements, women's movements, unemployment countermeasure policy, energy policy, so on. In terms of bridging the coalfields overseas, we established a stable exchange route with Gangwondo coalfield in South Korea, and this achievement is highlighted by a Japan-Korea joint symposium held in Taebaek city on October 2018, followed by excursions under banner of Japan Coal Museum Inter-Study and Exchange Association. Also we started a field research at Kirun coalfield in Taiwan in collaboration with Tagawa Coal History Museum, to embark on an ethnography project describing the details of Ruisan coalmine workplace, the largest mine there.

  • Pluralistic Environmental Justice and Governance of Energy Technology

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Maruyama Yasushi, KITOU Syuichi, AOKI Souko, IIDA Makoto

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    We conducted case studies and theoretical considerations on the relationship between energy technology and society. A series of social experiments are also conducted to realize appropriate governance, after clarifying conditions for making energy projects suitable for the wellbeing of diverse stakeholders.
    As a result, we clarified (1) interaction of the energy technology and society, (2) the legal, ethical and social issues occurring in current- and inter- generations (3) the effectiveness of social experiments to concretize necessary distributional and procedural justice.
    In this process, we have established a universal analytical framework including indirect effects on the social impact of energy technology. We also proposed deliberative methods applicable to real governance such as zoning with citizen participation, ordinance, and workshops.

  • A Sociological Research for Building Regional Management Systems of Renewable energy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Taniguchi Yoshimitsu, OGASAWARA Tadashi, MARUYAMA Yasushi, NISHIKIDO Makoto, CHINO Tsunehide, KOMATSUDA Yoshisada

     View Summary

    The development of renewable energy is highly expected in Japan because of the nuclear disaster in Fukushima and the introduction of FIT. But it is assumed that because of the properties of RE, the introduction of RE require such social systems that enable local people to get the benefits of RE for their community development. We call these systems “Regional Management Systems of RE”, and conducted research in Akita Prefecture to clarify conditions for building them.
    The research results tell us that the development of RE in Akita is not followed by the social transition toward sustainable community development but by what we call the “industrialization of RE”, which just tries the substitution of nuclear and fossil energy with RE without challenging social transition. We observed efforts by local companies and municipal governments to keep the most benefits within their hands by participating in the management of RE business.

  • Environmental Governance in plural values with focus on natural resource management and renewal energy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Miyauchi Taisuke, KITO Shuichi, MARUYAMA Yasushi, SUGA Yutaka, NISHIKIDO Makoto, SATO Tetsu, KIKUCHI Naoki, MATSUMURA Masaharu, KADO Kazunori, YAMAMOTO Shinji, SEKI Reiko, MIKAMI Naoyuki, ONUMA Susumu, AKAMINE Jun, SASAOKA Masatoshi, FUKUNAGA Mayumi, SUZUKI Katsuya, TOMITA Ryoto, TATSUZAWA Shiro, YASUDA Akito

     View Summary

    This study aims to illustrate how the environmental governance can be constructed in societies with plural values, from case studies of various conservation activities. It discovers the importance of adaptability for social systems due to social situations. It also demonstrates the importance of management of its adaptive process. The focal points in it are: 1. social evaluation tool, 2. hands-on type intermediary support, 3. adaptive role of professionals, 4. adaptive change of goals and measures, and 5. social learning of citizens.

  • A Comparative Study on "Sustainability and Restructuring of Social Networks" of Urban Agriculture

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The aim of this research is to take up "agricultural support volunteer" at Hino city and Machida city in Tokyo, and consider the sustainability of urban agriculture with support of those approaches. Recently, in Tokyo metropolitan area, efforts of agricultural support volunteer is actively worked on which comes from commitment from of non-agricultural citizens to farming, and leads to complement work force for farm family that is labor shortages by aging or lack of engaged person. In Hino city since 2006, a volunteer group is organized named "Hino-bito-enno-no-kai" and helping local farm families "by free of charge". On the other hand, in Machida city since 2002, nonprofit organization "Tagayasu": cultivate is established and helping farming of local farm families "for profit". In the light of those cases above, treated the sustainability of urban agriculture by collaborating local citizens and farm families.

  • The comparative study about social acceptance of renewable energy, and the endogenous development of a community

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NISHIKIDO Makoto

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    I performed the comparative study to the renewable energy enterprise (community power) which contributes to the endogenous development of the area. In particular, I foucs citizen investment type renewable energy enterprises (which I call the community power movements) which have developed from 2001, I analyzed about deployment of the enterprise of each place, and the trend of the investors. And I clarified the structural subject of the renewal energy enterprise in Japan, and considered the policy how to spread the community power.

  • A Coal Mine and the Community during the Last Phase of the Coal Industry: The Life Course of the Final Colliery in Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This study explains the dynamic pathways of the final colliery, Taiheiyo Coal Co. Ltd., and the local community of Kushiro city. It refers specifically to the micro and macro contexts involved the company’s management history, the mechanization of mining, the community’s history, the government’s coal policy and the economic circumstances. The findings of this study show that the Japanese coal industry is going through a period of transformation from the modern style mining industry to industries based on energy and resources. According to this transformation, the only miners remaining in Japan are facing major turning points in their employment structure and career. This study will further develop into a complementary study which contains a comparison of Taiheiyo with other coal fields and the elaboration of the transformation of the coal industry.

  • A Sociological Study on Widespread Evacuation and Support associated with Fukushima Nuclear Accident

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    GOTO Noriaki, YAMAMOTO Kahoruko, NISHIKIDO Makoto, YAMAMOTO Sanae, KASHIWAYA Itaru, YAMASHITA Yusuke, SUGA Mashiho, TASHIRO Eimi, TANBA Fuminori, KURODA Yoshihiko, MATSUSONO Yuko

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    Main points that our research project clarified are as follows; (1)The whole situation on the widespread evacuation and support associated with Fukushima nuclear accident, (2)Visualization of the social process and structure related to evacuation and support which are hard to be visible, (3)New model of society and life-style in the post-transitional stage, (4)Comprehensive qualitative social research methodologies including visual research.
    We were able to publish the research results of 30 points or more in total(including the DVD of sociological visual monograph) by this project.

  • Archiving and Salvaging of Former Coalfield Resources toward its Regeneration

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    We worked together for the networking of scholars and practitioners who are related to coal industry, coalfields and its regeneration across the borders. To establish a knowledge infrastructure required for the cooperation, we salvaged materials and resouces related to mining local history, which were sometimes just abandoned. Also important was indexing and digitizing of collected materials, in accordance with archivists and curators in main coalfields of Japan. These were preparatory and essential efforts towards comparative coalfield study yet to be tackled with in East Asia.

  • Discussion of the "bottom-up process" civil society theory by time series analysis of social movements and organizations

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NISHIKIDO Makoto

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    This research clarified the change of social movements in Japan and social movement organizations by building two data sets called protest event data and the time series data of the environmental movement organizations. Specifically, it is demonstrated that the theoretical reexamination about "the new social movement theory" and the "social movement social" hypothesis, by comparing environmental movements and labour movements, and performing international comparison Japan with Germany.

  • The emergence and rise of the global social movement : Focusing on the transnational civil movements in 2008 Toyako G8 Summit

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    Global Social Movement (=GSM), a form of civil action that runs throughout the globe, has emerged in the last decades of the 20^<th> century. Its campaigns and actual activities are often observed in occasions of international political and economic events, such as the WTO ministerial and the G8/G20 Summits. Little has been known, however, about the dynamics and mechanisms in the formation of the GSM. This study has explored the emergence and the impact of the GSM, investigating from organizational phase, formation of the protest action, to its cultural factors that lie behind the GSM, and has achieved several important research findings that will be listed as contributions to the academic area of sociology and political science.

  • The Building of Regional Data Archive as the Historical Museum of Social Research

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OHKUNI Atsuhiko, NAKAZAWA Hideo, NISHIKIDO Makoto, SUKENARI Yasushi, SHINDO Kei, SAITO Yasunori, SHOJI Chieko, NIKKUNI Michiyo, ONAI Junko, TAKAHASHI Toru, KOIKE Hidekatsu, SAKAI Eshin, UCHIDA Tsukasa

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    The purpose of this study is to organize materials of social surveys in Hokkaido and to examine the possibility of reusing materials. First, organized in five themes, such as development and planning, social surveys in post-war Hokkaido is found to be empirical and practical survey researches. Second, by a group of Fuse in Hokkaido University "Yubari" survey materials, especially questionnaires and coding sheets are arranged in a usable form for the second survey. We reveal the need to organize their research materials on researchers own and present a model to form reusable materials.

  • An environmental sociological study about a record/memory of the disaster culture in a community

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAMURA Osamu, FURUKAWA Akira, TORIGOE Hiroyuki, MATSUDA Motoji, NISHIKIDO Nishikido, TSUCHIYA Yuichiro

  • 地域的共同性の再構築に向けた「集い」の動態と市民参加の制度設計に関する比較研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    西城戸 誠

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  • 近現代日本の社会運動の盛衰と社会変動にかんする計量的歴史社会学

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    西城戸 誠

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    山本英弘・西城戸誠(共著)「イベント分析の展開-政治的機会構造論との関連を中心に-」曾良中清司・長谷川公一・町村敬志・樋口直人編『社会運動という公共空間--理論と方法のフロンティア』成文堂. 2004年5月

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Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 生業の持続可能性に関する実証的研究


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     本研究の目的は、東京都八丈島における生業の持続可能性について実証的に考察することである。八丈町の産業は農業(花き観葉植物栽培)と沿岸漁業を基盤とし、くさや加工や伝統工芸品の黄八丈織などの商工業がある。だが、管見では、黄八丈織以外の産業に対しては、生業史に関する学術的研究の蓄積が乏しい。本特定課題研究においては八丈町の「くさや」に着目し、くさやの原料となる漁業、くさやの生産者や生産過程、くさやの消費に関わる変遷を実証的に分析し、くさやの持続可能性について考察することを目的としている。 本年度の研究成果は、八丈町のくさや産業関係者をほぼ網羅するかたちで聞き取り調査を行い、それぞれのくさや生産過程を把握した。また、くさやの原料となるムロアジ・トビウオの収獲の変遷について把握し、原料の生産とくさや加工の関連について分析を行った。 さらに、八丈町における新たな生業(レモン、酪農など)に関する調査を実施し、八丈島の生業研究の展開可能性に関して示唆を得ることができた。

  • 津波被災地の地域再生に関わる住民活動とコミュニティ再編に関する社会学的研究


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     本研究の目的は、東日本大震災における津波被災を受けた宮城県石巻市北上町を事例として、津波被災地の地域再生の担い手になった地域の住民活動の動態と、高台集団移転によって再編された地域コミュニティの現状についての実態調査を行い、津波被災地の復興の現段階を把握することである。 具体的には、震災後に結成されたまちづくり団体(ウィーアーワン北上)による復興支援活動を通じて、地域福祉の課題の析出や津波被災地の地域再生に向けた活動の課題についての考察と、被災地の復興、地域再生に対する分析視角の批判的な検討を行った。研究成果としては、査読論文2本(『社会学年報』(東北社会学会)、『環境社会学研究』(環境社会学会)が掲載された。

  • 戦後日本における社会運動の長期的趨勢:社会運動のイベント分析による数量的把握


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     本研究の目的は、戦後日本の社会運動の趨勢を数量的データによって示し、社会運動の変容過程を捉えることである。社会運動のイベント分析と呼ばれる手法を用い、社会運動のイベントを報じる新聞記事から情報を抽出し、データセットを作成した。各年の社会運動イベントの発生数、行為形態などの変化を把握する。 今回の研究ではこれまでの構築してきたデータ(1945-2005年)に加えて、2006年からのデータセットを構築し、2013年までのコーディング作業が終了した。また、従来まで手作業で行っていたコーディングの方法を教師情報とし、機械学習で自動的に分類し(最終的な内容チェックは手作業)、イベント分析コーディング方法を進化させた。