Research Areas
Public economics and labor economics
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/12
Impacts of Health Checkup Programs Standardization on Working-Age Self-Employed and Unemployed: Insights from Japan's Local Government Response to National Policy
Masato Oikawa, Takamasa Yamaguchi, Toshihide Awatani, Haruko Noguchi, Akira Kawamura
Heterogeneous Impacts of Local Unemployment Rates on Child Neglect: Evidence From Japan's Vital Statistics on Mortality
Masato Oikawa, Takumi Toyono, Haruko Noguchi, Akira Kawamura
Relationship between School Attendance Support and Academic Performance: An Analysis of Panel Data from Adachi Ward
NOGUCHI Haruko, BESSHO Shun-ichiro, USHIJIMA Koichi, KAWAMURA Akira, TANAKA Ryuichi
Public Policy Review 16 ( 6 ) 2020.09
Building an Administrative Database of Children
BESSHO Shun-ichiro, NOGUCHI Haruko, TANAKA Ryuichi, USHIJIMA Koichi, KAWAMURA Akira
Public Policy Review 16 ( 6 ) 2020.09
Cheolmin Kang, Akira Kawamura, Haruko Noguchi
Applied Economics Letters 28 ( 11 ) 1 - 6 2020.07
Akira Kawamura
Plos One 15 ( 1 ) e0227792 - e0227792 2020.01
別所俊一郎, 田中隆一, 牛島光一, 川村顕, 野口晴子
フィナンシャル・レビュー ( 141 ) 141 - 159 2019.12
就学援助と学力との関連性について: 足立区におけるパネルデータ分析結果から
野口晴子, 別所俊一郎, 牛島光一, 川村顕, 田中隆一
フィナンシャル・レビュー ( 141 ) 120 - 140 2019.12
別所俊一郎, 野口晴子, 田中隆一, 牛島光一, 川村顕
フィナンシャル・レビュー ( 141 ) 106 - 119 2019.12
How do cardiovascular diseases harm labor force participation? Evidence of nationally representative survey data from Japan, a super-aged society.
Fu R, Noguchi H, Kaneko S, Kawamura A, Kang C, Takahashi H, Tamiya N
PloS one 14 ( 7 ) e0219149 2019 [Refereed] [International journal]
Yoko Moriyama, Nanako Tamiya, Akira Kawamura, Thomas D. Mayers, Haruko Noguchi, Hideto Takahashi
Plos One 13 ( 8 ) e0203112 - e0203112 2018.08 [Refereed]
Resident and facility characteristics associated with care-need level deterioration in long-term care welfare facilities in Japan: a population-based retrospective cohort study
Jin Xueying, Nanako Tamiya, Jeon Boyoung, Akira Kawamura, Hideto Takahashi, Haruko Noguchi
Geriatrics & Gerontology International 18 ( 5 ) 758 - 766 2018.05 [Refereed]
Resident and facility characteristics associated with care-need level deterioration in long-term care welfare facilities in Japan
Xueying Jin, Nanako Tamiya, Boyoung Jeon, Akira Kawamura, Hideto Takahashi, Haruko Noguchi
Geriatrics and Gerontology International 18 ( 5 ) 758 - 766 2018.05 [Refereed]
阿部計大, 小林廉毅, 川村顕, 野口晴子, 高橋秀人, 田宮菜奈子
An official journal of the Japan Primary Care Association 41 ( 1 ) 2 - 7 2018.03 [Refereed]
Kazuhiro Abe, Yasuki Kobayashi, Akira Kawamura, Haruko Noguchi, Hideto Takahashi, Nanako Tamiya
An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association 41 ( 1 ) 2‐7(J‐STAGE) 2018 [Refereed]
植嶋大晃, 高橋秀人, 野口晴子, 川村顕, 松本吉央, 森山葉子, 田宮菜奈子
Journal of Health and Welfare Statistics 64 ( 5 ) 8 - 18 2017.12 [Refereed]
介護レセプトデータを用いた在宅期間の指標化 打ち切りを考慮した検討
高橋 秀人, 植嶋 大晃, 田宮 菜奈子, 川村 顕, 野口 晴子, 松本 吉央
日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 76回 682 - 682 2017.10
Relation between social network and psychological distress among middle-aged adults in Japan: Evidence from a national longitudinal survey
Rong Fu, Harkuo Noguchi, Hirokazu Tachikawa, Miyuki Aiba, Shin Nakamine, Akira Kawamura, Hideto Takahashi, Nanako Tamiya
SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE 175 58 - 65 2017.02 [Refereed]
The relationship between raising a child with a disability and the mental health of mothers compared to raising a child without disability in japan
Yui Yamaoka, Nanako Tamiya, Nobuyuki Izumida, Akira Kawamura, Hideto Takahashi, Haruko Noguchi
SSM - Population Health 2 542 - 548 2016.12 [Refereed]
川村顕, 田宮菜奈子, 泉田信行, 植嶋大晃, 高橋秀人, 野口晴子
Journal of Health and Welfare Statistics 63 ( 15 ) 29 - 36 2016.12 [Refereed]
植嶋 大晃, 高橋 秀人, 川村 顕, 松本 吉央, 野口 晴子, 森山 葉子, 田宮 菜奈子
日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 75回 671 - 671 2016.10
レセプトデータを用いた在宅期間の指標化 観察期間による打ち切りに関する検討
高橋 秀人, 植嶋 大晃, 田宮 菜奈子, 川村 顕, 野口 晴子, 松本 吉央
日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 75回 671 - 671 2016.10
Budget systems and expenditure for national health insurance and nursing care insurance
Akira Kawamura, Haruko Noguchi
mimeo 2016.03
川村 顕, 田宮 菜奈子, 泉田 信行, 植嶋 大晃, 森山 葉子
日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 74回 400 - 400 2015.10
The Japanese Society of Health and Medical Sociology 19 ( 2 ) 94 - 104 2009.01 [Refereed]
吉田あつし, 山村麻里子, 川村顕
筑波大学多目的統計データバンク年報 80 41 - 63 2004.03
Changes in Supply and Demand for Dental Services after the 1997 Reform of the Copayment Rate
Atsushi Yoshida, Akira Kawamura
Journal of Health Care and Society 13 ( 4 ) 95 - 112 2004.03 [Refereed]
被保険者のモラルハザードと医師の代理者機能:97 年自己負担率改定における歯科のケース
吉田あつし, 川村顕
Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences Discussion Paper Series 1025 1 - 24 2002.02
医療システムの経済分析, 『シリーズ生命倫理学17巻 医療制度・医療政策・医療経済』第12章
吉田あつし, 川村顕
丸善出版 2013.02
The budget system and inefficiency for national health and long term care insurance
The 12th Europian Conference on Health Economics (Maastricht) Maastricht University
Presentation date: 2018.07
Do Preventive Long-Term Care services reduce future expenditures? : A case of Public Long-Term Care Insurance System in Japan
The 2017 Congress of International Health Economics Association (Boston) Boston University
Presentation date: 2017.07
介護予防給付の介護費用における効果 ―全国介護レセプトを用いて
The 75th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health (Osaka) Osaka University
Presentation date: 2016.10
The 73rd Congress of Japan Association of Public Finance (Kyoto) Kyoto Sangyo University
Presentation date: 2016.10
The 11th Annual Meeting of Japan Health Economics Association (Tokyo) Waseda University
Presentation date: 2016.09
The 74th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health (Nagasaki) Nagasaki University
Presentation date: 2015.11
"The present and the future of health services research", Symposium #23 in Japanese Society of Public Health (Nagasaki) Nagasaki University
Presentation date: 2015.11
The trial of the shift from tubal to oral feeding in long-term care facilities: a descriptive analysis of the difference among Care-Levels, facility types and prefectures in Japan
3rd International Conference on Global Aging (Tsukuba) University of Tsukuba
Presentation date: 2015.09
The 71st Congress of Japan Association of Public Finance (Nagoya) Chukyo University
Presentation date: 2014.10
The 69th Congress of Japan Association of Public Finance (Awaji, Hyogo) Osaka University
Presentation date: 2012.10
The 66th Congress of Japan Association of Public Finance (Tokyo) Meiji Gakuin University
Presentation date: 2010.10
9th Health Economics Research Meeting in 2018 (Tokyo) The Health Care Science Institute
Presentation date: 2009.02
Budget Systems and Moral Hazard in the National Health Insurance and the Long-term Care Insurance
Japanese Economic Association 2008 Autumn Meeting (Higashi-Osaka) Kindai University
Presentation date: 2008.09
Japanese Economic Association 2008 Spring Meeting (Sendai) Tohoku University
Presentation date: 2008.05
2nd Health Economics Research Meeting in 2018 (Tokyo) The Health Care Science Institute
Presentation date: 2008.05
21st Annual Meeting of the Applied Regional Science Conference (Tottori) Tottori University
Presentation date: 2007.12
Who has benefited from the health services system for the elderly in Japan?
2007 Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society (Taipei) Academia Sinica
Presentation date: 2007.07
Competition and Physician Induced Demand: Evidence from Dental Service Market in Japan
Japanese Economic Association 2006 Autumn Meeting (Osaka) Osaka City University
Presentation date: 2006.10
19th Annual Meeting of the Applied Regional Science Conference (Urayasu) Meilai University
Presentation date: 2005.12
Effects of entry of dental clinics on medical expenditure or economic welfare
12th Annual International Conference on Statistics, Combinatorics, Mathematics and Applications, Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (Auburn, Alabama) Auburn University
Presentation date: 2005.12
Japanese Economic Association 2003 Spring Meeting (Oita) Oita University
Presentation date: 2003.06
Sustainable system design for health care and long-term care - Utilization of administrative big data through international comparative studies
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
川村 顕, 姜 哲敏, 野口 晴子
Toward the implementation of evidence-based health policies to the real world-a trial of using big data analyses by the integration of arts and sciences
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Creation and implementation of scientific basis for children's human capital:Development of policy evaluation process by government-academic collaboration
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Noguchi Haruko
Project Year :
An Empirical Research on the Accumulation Mechanism of Children's Human Capital: Lessons from Challenge of Adachi Ward in Tokyo Prefecture
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Noguchi Haruko, Tamiya Nanako, Fujiwara Takeo, Kawaguchi Daiji
Study for representativeness and maintenance of Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions and Survey of Long-term Care Benefit Expenditures
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Multi-disciplinary study on the long-term and medical care that promote satisfaction at the end of life
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
TAMIYA Nanako, Nobuyuki Izumida, Moody Sandra Y., Miyata Sumiko, Suzuki Atsuko, Mayers Thomas, Sandoval Felipe, Ito Tomoko, Sekine Ryuichi, Medeiros Kate de, Jin Xueying, Kashiwagi Masayo, Okouchi Jiro, Kawamura Akira, Ueshima Hiroaki, Noguchi Haruko, Nagata Isao, Uchida Masatoshi, Gallagher Joshua, Kotake Rina, Taniguchi Yudai
The empirical study of the decision mechanism of the premium and the subsidies in the municipality-based health care insurance system in Japan
Project Year :
Seminar of Graduation Thesis Research I (Data Science for Social Security)
School of Human Sciences
2025 spring semester
Seminar of Graduation Thesis Research II (Data Science for Social Security)
School of Human Sciences
2025 fall semester
School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)
2025 fall semester
Seminar(Social Security Policy) (fall)
School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)
2025 fall semester
Seminar(Social Security Policy) (spring)
School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)
2025 spring semester
School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)
2025 spring semester
Introduction to Health Science and Social Welfare
School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)
2025 fall quarter
Applied econometrics for policy evaluation B
Graduate School of Political Science
2025 fall semester
Applied econometrics for policy evaluation A
Graduate School of Political Science
2025 spring semester
Introduction to Social Science for a Carbon Neutral Society (Life Science)
Global Education Center
2025 summer quarter
Faculty of Human Sciences Graduate School of Human Sciences
Faculty of Human Sciences School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)
Affiliated organization Global Education Center
Faculty of Political Science and Economics Graduate School of Political Science
Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society Concurrent Researcher
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