Updated on 2025/02/07


Faculty of Political Science and Economics
Job title
Professor Emeritus
社会学博士 ( 東京大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2013.04

    Waseda University

  • 2010.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Political Science and Economics

  • 1996.04

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

  • 1986.04

    The University of Tokyo   College of Arts and Sciences

Education Background

  • 1985.09


  • 1974.03


  • 1972.03

    The University of Tokyo   College of Arts and Sciences  

Committee Memberships

  • 1998

    日本台湾学会  理事長

Professional Memberships





Research Areas

  • Area studies   Taiwan studies

Research Interests

  • 台湾近現代政治史

  • 台湾研究


  • 樫山純三賞

    2009   樫山奨学財団  

    Winner: 若林 正丈

  • アジア・太平洋賞大賞

    2008   アジア調査会  

    Winner: 若林 正丈

  • サントリー学芸賞(政治・経済)

    1997   サントリー文化財団  

    Winner: 若林 正丈

  • 環太平洋学術研究助成

    1994   大平正芳記念財団  

    Winner: 若林 正丈



  • 在諸帝國周緣活下去—臺灣史中的「邊境動力」與地域主體性

    若林 正丈

    師大台湾史學報   ( 9 ) 3 - 52  2016  [Refereed]

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    「諸帝国の周縁を生き抜く 台湾史における辺境ダイナミズムと地域主体性」(川喜田敦子・西芳美編『歴史としてのレジリエンス————戦争・独立・災害』)の許佩賢教授による中文訳

  • 台湾の『渦巻選挙』と非承認国家民主体制の苦悩

    若林 正丈

    『ワセダアジアレビュー』   ( 19 ) 16 - 19  2016  [Refereed]

  • 『辺境東アジア』政治のアカウンタビリティー問題 2014年の台湾、香港、沖縄

    若林 正丈

    『国際問題』(日本国際問題研究所)   ( 643 ) 1 - 6  2015.07  [Refereed]

  • 葉榮鐘的「述史」之志

    若林 正丈

    『台湾史研究』(中央研究院台湾史研究所)   17 ( 4 ) 81 - 112  2011  [Refereed]

  • 「矢内原忠雄と植民地台湾人————植民地自治運動とその戦後」

    若林 正丈

    『ODYSSEUS(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科地域文化研究科紀要)』   4   7 - 33  2010.03

  • 「台湾ナショナリズムと『忘れ得ぬ他者』」

    若林 正丈

    思想(岩波書店)   ( 957 ) 108 - 125  2004.01

  • “The Imperial Visit of the Crown Prince to Taiwan in 1923: How the Japanese Colonial Authority Managed the Tou

    WAKABAYASHI, Masahiro

    Journal of the Japan-Netherlands Institute   2   235 - 245  1990

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Books and Other Publications

  • 「馬英九政権8年の位置————中華民国台湾化における国家再編・国民再編の跛行性」

    若林 正丈( Part: Contributor)

    晃洋書房  2018

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  • 「諸帝国の周縁を生き抜く 台湾史における辺境ダイナミズムと地域主体性」

    若林 正丈( Part: Contributor)

    京都大学出版会  2016

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  • 『現代台湾政治を読み解く』

    若林 正丈( Part: Edit)

    研文出版  2014

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  • 「中華民国台湾化の展開 台湾における七二年体制下の政治構造変動」

    若林 正丈( Part: Contributor)

    岩波書店  2011

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    『岩波講座 東アジア近現代史 第9巻』所収。

  • The "Republic of China" and the Politcs of Taiwanization: The Changing Identity of Taiwan in Postwar East Asia

    WAKABAYASHI, Masahiro( Part: Sole author)


  • A perspective on studies of Taiwanese political history: Reconsidering the postwar Japanese historiography of Japenese colonial rule in Taiwan

    WAKABAYASHI, Masahiro( Part: Contributor)

    New York:Columbia University Press  2006

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    a chapter in Liao Ping-hui and David Der-wei Wang eds., Taiwan under Japanese cololial rule, 1895-1945: history, culture, memory,translated by Tan.Uiti

  • “Taiwanese Nationalism and the ‘Unforgettable Other

    WAKABAYASHI, Masahiro( Part: Contributor)

    New York: M.E. Sharp.  2006

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    A chapter in Edward Friedman ed., China’s Rise, Taiwan’s Dilemmas and International Peace

  • 「台湾の近現代と二つの『国語』」

    若林 正丈( Part: Contributor)

    東京大学出版会  2005

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    村田雄二郎・C.ラマール編『漢字圏の近代 ことばと国家』所収。

  • 中台関係五十年史

    若林 正丈( Part: Contributor)

    岩波書店  2001

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  • 「台湾海峡の変容----『アメリカの平和』のディレンマ----」

    若林 正丈( Part: Contributor)

    岩波書店  2000

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    『岩波講座 世界歴史 27』所収

  • Taiwan: Democratization in a Divided Country

    WAKABAYASHI, Masahiro( Part: Sole author)


  • 『台湾抗日運動史研究 増訂版』

    若林 正丈( Part: Sole author)


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Research Projects

  • Dilemma between Prosperity and Autonomy: International PoliticalEconomy of Taiwan during the Post-Democratization Period

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MATSUDA Yasuhiro, WAKABAYASHI Masahiro, TANAKA Akihiko, TAKAHARA Akio, OGASAWARA Yoshiyuki, MATSUMOTO Mitsutoyo, SATO Yukihito

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    This study offers an analysis of the major political and economic trend surrounding the relations between Taiwan and the mainland China under president Ma Ying-jeou in Taiwan and president Hu Jintao in the PRC. President Ma sought to rebuild a stable relationship, and the Cross-Strait economic relationship has deepened rapidly, and Taiwan’s economic dependence on the mainland China has sharply risen. On the other hand, Taiwanese identity in Taiwan has been strengthened through frequent Cross-Strait exchanges. Moreover, Taiwan formally announced that there was no basis for Cross-Strait action on Diaoyutais, and chose Japan as a counterpart of cooperation, not the mainland. These outcomes imply the possibility that mutual interdependence between divided nations could not necessarily cause political integration.

  • Decolonisation of the Soul : Historiology in order to solve the post-colonial situation of Japan and her neighbors

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YASUTOMI Ayumu

  • Language Reform and Modernity ; an East Asian Perspective

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KARIMA Fumitoshi

  • Political and Ideological Impacts of Decolonization upon Former Colonies and Colonizers: Japanese Colonialism in Comparison with the Western Colonialism and the International Environment

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WAKABAYASHI Masahiro, KIBATA Youichi, FURUTA Motoo, KUROZUMI Makoto, TSUNEKAWA Keiichi, KOMAGOME Takeshi

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    The project obtained new insights on the nature of the decolonization in East Asia, by way of examining it in comparison with the Western experience and putting it in the post-war international environment. Some of the new findings are as follows:
    Firstly, the decolonization in East Asia was the direct result of the defeat of Japan. Moreover the Cold War spread to this region when the decolonization process had just started. This led the East Asian decolonization to have the following characteristics:
    (1)The U. S. strategic consideration of the Cold War had greatly influenced the way that Japan and the former colonies had established new relations, hence force, the way that colonial legacy be conquered.
    (2)In the first years of the post war period it was not those forces who could represent colonized people who experienced the plight under the Japanese colonial rule but were those occupying forces representing victors of the Pacific War that had upper hand in the political process. This affected the decolonization in the region to be a rather "surrogated" process.
    (3)Because of above mentioned reasons, conquering the negative side of the legacy left by the Japanese and thereby historical reconciliations between the former colonizers and the colonized has been rather imperfect.
    Secondly, there has come out in the years after the Cold War ended intolerant mass nationalism in each East Asian country on the face of growing economic interdependence as the globalization proceeds. It is fair to guess imperfect decolonization process mentioned above partly contributed to the making of this ominous phenomenon. In this regard, this project has found out that a sort of psychological process that can be called "decolonization of soul" has become one of the foci of the study of decolonization. Again in this regard those anti-colonialist thinkers such as Mahatma Gandhi or Franz Fanon should be brought to forward for re-examination.

  • A Comparative Study on the Conditions of Democratic Consolidation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TSUNEKAWA Keiichi, WAKABAYASHI Masahiro, NAKAI Kazuo, ENDO Mitsugi, ASAMI Yasuhito, ONISHI Yutaka

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    This study presents the hypothesis that the most fundamental factor explaining the long-term endurance of democratic regimes is that people learn, through long and traumatic experiences of conflicts or repression, the importance or necessity of conforming to democratic procedures though being aware that these procedures do not necessarily satisfy their preferences. In addition, we propose to consider structural (both domestic and international) and institutional factors that facilitate or obstruct the democratic learning. This theoretical framework can be called a "structural-constructivist approach" since it emphasizes the democratic norms shaped under certain structural and institutional context. The case of Chile and Argentina confirms the importance of the change of social norms under highly repressive military regimes. However, it also emphasizes that a transformation of social structure lowered leftist forces' capability of mobilization and contributed to rightist forces' acceptance of democratic procedures. The African cases also reveal the importance of structural and institutional factors, though, in these cases, they impede, not facilitate, democratic endurance. Many African countries fell into a vicious circle in which ethnic conflicts and weak state structure reinforce each other. The recent event in Ukraine is a case in which a large-scale confrontation can lead to democratization although it is not yet clear if the new democratic regime can survive for long. The Southeast Asian case demonstrates that the significance of conflicts changes over time. Democracy there became a reality, like in Thailand after 1992, only when democracy came to be regarded as alleviating rather than precipitating conflicts. In contrast, Korea experienced democratization as the result of a rational choice by authoritarian leaders within a conflictive situation rather than the transformation of social norms. Taiwan shares the rational-choice-related aspect with Korea although the conflict between the Chinese and the Taiwanese was also relevant in inducing the authoritarian leaders to compromise.

  • A Study on Languages and Modernity in Chinise Script Culture Area

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KARIMA Fumitoshi, YANG Kairong, SHIROTA Tomoharu, WAKABAYASHI Masahiro, LAMMARE Chiristine, MURATA Yujiro

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    In imperial China, institutions aiming at the reaching of the "Right Pronunciation" were established. Although this means that some kind of "Standard Chinese education" was going on, such a policy is different from language standardization in the modern sense of the term. The latter began in China only at the end of the 19th century. At that time, the National Language, together with the modern literature played their part in the edification of a nation state. To depart from the formalism of the classical language and style was a fairly complex, which implied at some stage some kind of westernization, as well as the absorption of classical and dialectal elements. Of course, the main stream of the language reform consisted in a move towards a language based on the northern colloquial. The specificity of the Chinese script is usually consideredd as overcome the problems caused by dialectal diversity. However, it may also make some issues more acute, like for instance the issue of the transcription of dialectal morphemes which cannot be related to any known etymology, a frequent case in Cantonese or Taiwanese. After Hong Kong was taken over by China, classes teaching Mandarin Chinese became compulsory. The special feelings towards Cantonese are not fueling a "Hong-Kongese nationalism" of any kind, but in Taiwan, the reluctance to use the "National Language" with its Continental links and the acute awareness of Taiwanese's linguistic specificity is in direct connection with everyday politics and makes, the object of many disputes. However, no matter where Taiwanese nationalism is bound to, and to what extent Taiwan becomes a multicultural society, there is no hint that Taiwan may ever give up Chinese script. Korea and Vietnam adopted a different strategy, which. lead to the complete or nearly complete disparition of the Chinese script in these countries.

  • Centripetal and Centrifugal Tendencies in the Chinese World : Research on Ethnic Identities in China's Peripheral Regions

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORI Kazuko, YOKOYAMA Hiroko, NAKAMI Tatsuo, WAKABAYASHI Masahiro, SINNMEN Yasushi

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    12 members of our team studied about "centripetal and centrifugal tendencies in the China world " according to each specialized field. We held 19 times study meetings and made the interdisciplinary study collaborating with other teams ( politics, history ,asia-pacific region), We had charge of the session "Contemporary China and Ethnic Groups" in the last assembly and contributed to deepening the understanding of all members on the China's nation building.
    We reached the common recognition through 3 years collaborative studies ; 1) In 50 years contemporary China, there is no structural change in minority policy which gives only cultural- local autonomy. But the recent trend of ethno-national movement of muslims in Xinjiang and Tibetans is urging the transformation of that basic structure. 2) We can see the qualitative change in the national-minority problem from 1950's to 90's. There were resistances of national minorities against the area-economic integration in 50's and against political integration in 60〜70's. But, after later 80's national minority problems are shifting to the international and democratic problems. 3) An ethnic group doesn't have its identity a priori. Their identity is relative, variable and multiplex. For example, Tibetan identity was formed after the enforcement of political and economic integration by the central power. 4) China-Taiwan relation used to be the problem of legitimacy, but after later 80's it changed structurally into the problem of the selfdetermination of the people who lives in Taiwan and the coexistence of both sides.

  • Nation-Building in Contemporary China : An Academic Research on the Ethnic Groups in the Chinese Periphery

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORI Kazuko, SHINMEN Yasushi, YOKOYAMA Hiroko, NAKAMI Tatsuo, WAKABAYASHI Masahiro, MISHIMURA Shigeo

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    1. There is a remarkable increase of centrifugal forces in 1990's China that holds 55 national-minorities in her peripheral regions and tries to integrate the heterogeneous political communities --Taiwan and Hong kong. From the view point of the national integrity, we may say she is now facing an identity crisis.
    The purpose of our academic research was to investigate the ethnic minorities in the peripheral regions, especially in Xinjiang and Yunnan, and to survey their reciprocal relation and inter-relation with their brothers in Mongolia and Kazakhstan.
    2. The research was carried out by three groups. The first group, five members, made an on the spot investigation (language-education, religious activities, family budget, market research, etc.) and had talks with scholars and government officials in Almatui in Kazakhstan and Ulaanbaatar.
    The second group made an investigation into Sino-Mongolian cultural and economic exchanges and collected books and materials in Ulaanbaatar.
    The third group made on the spot investigation into the actual condition of life, religion, economy and the tourist industry of Bai Nationality in the south-western part of China.
    3. It is very significant that we could observe "three types of nationalism" in these areas. The national problem of the new born Mongolia is the democratization, roots-searching of Mongolian-State and finding "the third neighbor". We can see the composed nationalism and national confidence.
    Because of the economic stagnation, the lack of technocrats and the authoritarian regime, nationalism in Kazakhstan is inactive contrary to her recent independence.
    On the other hand, we observed the depressed nationalism in Uigur ares ---Kashgar in Xinjiang where they can't assert their national ideintity and their own national culture, because of the drastic social change, marketization and the strong control over the ethnic regions from the central government.

  • Co-operative Research on Political and Economic Reforms of China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ISHII Akira, KONOMA Masamichi, TANAKA Kyoko, TAKAGI Seiichiro, WAKABAYASHI Masaharu, HIRANO Kenichiro

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    We have observed the political reform and open-door policy since post-Mao Tsetung era. The reforms were originally started in the field of agriculture, with the abolition of people's communes and the introduction of a system of contracted responsibility.
    Then they were extended to economic activities in the cities. The living stadard of Chinese people were growing higher, but after the success of the economic reform and open-door policy there appeared another issue--the question of political reform and democratization.
    Some Chinese called the political reform and democratization the "fifth modernization". Chinese students and intellectuals adovocated the idea of the "fifth modernization". The issue of political reform has not been completely disregarded by the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party. But the actions they advocated to take were restricted in the field of "administrative reform"--the overcentralization of power, the separation of party and government functions the streamlining of organizations, and the reform of the personnel system. These were regarded as the measures to promote economic reform.
    Some Chinese leaders regards democratization as the possible threat to the Communist Party rule. But even after the Tiananmen incident occured in June 1989 Chinese leaders claimed that the reform and the open-door policies should be maintained.
    New China is no longer in a position to turn back the clock on the reform and open-door policies. This is because these policies are strongly supported by the Chinese people. And as a result of the open-door policy China has entered the network of the international community. China is no more a country sticking to "self-reliance" policy. The Chinese economy cannot take off except in the context of ties with the global economy. This view is seemed to be shared by Chinese leaders.

  • Comparative Studies of National Integration in Asian Countries with Special Reference to the Culture and Religion

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAGASAKI Nobuko, NAMIKI Yorihisa, WAKABAYASI Masahiro, FURUTA Motoo, YAMAUCHI Masayuki, MARUYAMA Matsuyuki

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    Firstly, we could have a series of seminars on the problems in each religious and cultural worlds such as Hinduism, Islamism, Buddhism and Confucianism with special and distinguished guests from Asian countries.
    Secondly, we could compare the characters and the explanations of the conflicts and problems in each cultural and religious worlds deepen the understanding of them.
    Thirdly, we explore the common undercurrents of Asian ethnic and minority problems which arose with the indepndence of national states and economic discrepancies.
    However, our study must be regarded only as starting point of the new approach to it and we expect to have further research projects in near future.

  • 東アジアの発展モデルII:政治と国際関係

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(重点領域研究)

  • 東アジアの発展モデルII:政治と国際関係

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(重点領域研究)

  • 東アジアの発展モデルII:政治と国際関係

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(重点領域研究)

  • 近現代アジアにおける地域形成と言語文化に関する比較史的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

  • A comparative Study on the Changeability and Multilayerness of "Region" in Area Studies

  • Chinese Studies and the Perception on China in post-World War II Japan

  • 台湾政治における反対党の誕生:国際体制・孤立国家・市民社会とナショナリズム

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

  • 和解なき安定―民主成熟期台湾の国際政治経済学―

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

  • 台湾政治体制移行期の民主進歩党:「改革型」民主化とナショナリズムの相克

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

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Overseas Activities

  • および台湾の対中関係と社会的アカウンタビリティーの研究


    台湾   台湾大学

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 台湾政治におけるオポジションの形成に関する基礎的研究


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     次のような作業を行った。(1)中国民主党結成と挫折の過程(1950年代末~60年代初め)、「美麗島」集団の「党名の無い党」の結成と挫折(1979年)、民進党結成過程(1983-86年)に関する先行研究の収集と初歩的吟味を行った。これにより、台湾のオポジション形成研究にとっていわゆる「党外雑誌」と「党外書籍」が、オポジション自身の政治的発信の手段として重要であることが判明したので、(2)台北の台湾大学図書館で電子化されている前者の入手を開始し、『大学雑誌』、『台湾政論』、『這一代』、『美麗島』、『深耕』を入手した。(3)後者については、台湾の協力者を通じて一部入手を開始するとともに、すでに手元に収集しているものについての書誌情報の電子化を行った。(4)初歩的吟味を行った先行研究の参考文献リストを利用して、(3)の書誌情報を加えて、「台湾政治におけるオポジション形成研究文献目録(初稿)」を作成した。 これらの成果は、同様のテーマで第29回財団法人桜田会「政治研究助成」(2010年2月から1年)を獲得したので、来年度も引き続き研究を進め、次項のような初歩的研究成果の発表を目指す。