富山大学 非常勤講師
富山県立大学工学部 助教授
ロンドン大学東洋アフリカ学院エクスターナルサービス部日本語科 非常勤講師
ロンドン大学東洋アフリカ学院極東部日本語科 語学助手
2025/03/14 更新
富山大学 非常勤講師
富山県立大学工学部 助教授
ロンドン大学東洋アフリカ学院エクスターナルサービス部日本語科 非常勤講師
ロンドン大学東洋アフリカ学院極東部日本語科 語学助手
ロンドン大学教育研究所 英語教育学研究科 応用言語学 英語教育学
津田塾大学 学芸学部 英文学科
応用言語学、談話分析、会話分析、語用論、言語教育、社会言語学、ELF 、EMI
「バイリンガル/多言語環境の中での(共通語として の)英語(ELF)を媒介とした教育(MI/E)」
『母語・継承語・バイ リンガル教育(MHB)学会 紀要』 16 1 - 23 2020年05月 [査読有り] [招待有り]
EMI(英語を媒介とする 授業)参加に伴う学生の意識変化と「共通語としての英語」使用に対するビジ ネスピープルの世代間の意識差の調査、及び英語教育への示唆と提言.
村田久美子, 小中原麻友, 飯野公一, 豊島 昇
『早田 教育評論』 33 ( 1 ) 19 - 38 2019年03月 [査読有り]
The realities of the use of English in the globalised world and the teaching of English: a discrepancy?
Murata, K
JACET Journal 63 7 - 26 2019年01月 [招待有り]
村田久美子, 小中原麻友, 飯野公一, 豊島 昇
早田教育評論 32 ( 1 ) 55 - 75 2018年 [査読有り]
EMI(英語を媒介とする授業)における「共 通語としての英語」の使用の現状把握と意識調査、および英語教育への提言.
村田久美子, 飯野公一, 小中原麻友
31 ( 1 ) 21 - 38 2017年03月 [査読有り]
EMI(英語を媒介とする授業)における「共 通語としての英語」の使用の現状把握と意識調査、および英語教育への提言.
村田久美子, 飯野公一, 小中原麻友
早田教育評論 31 ( 1 ) 21 - 38 2017年 [査読有り]
Review of English as a Lingua Franca in the International University:The Politics of Academic Language Policy by Jennifer Jenkins
Murata, K
ELT Journal 68 ( 2 ) 205 - 207 2014年04月 [査読有り]
Voices from the unvoiced: a comparative study of hidden values and attitudes in opinion-giving
Kumiko Murata
村田 久美子
月刊『言語』 36 ( 12 ) 60 - 67 2007年12月 [査読有り] [招待有り]
Pro- and anti-whaling discourses in British and Japanese newspaper reports in comparison: a cross-cultural perspective
Kumiko Murata
DISCOURSE & SOCIETY 18 ( 6 ) 741 - 764 2007年11月 [査読有り]
Unanswered questions: Cultural assumptions in text interpretation
Kumiko Murata
International Journal of Applied Linguistics 17 ( 1 ) 38 - 59 2007年03月 [査読有り]
Review of Guy Cook's Genetically Modified Language
MURATA, Kumiko
International Journal of Applied Linguistics 15 ( 3 ) 399 - 402 2005年11月 [査読有り] [招待有り]
Review of Myra Macdonald's Exploring Media Discourse
MURATA, Kumiko
Language in Society 34 ( 3 ) 477 - 481 2005年03月 [査読有り] [招待有り]
Review of Genetically Modified Language by Guy Cook
Murata, K
International Journal of Applied Linguistics 15 ( 3 ) 399 - 402 2005年 [査読有り]
News Discourse and Its Influence on Readers.
MURATA, Kumiko
Journal of Asia TEFL 1 ( 1 ) 243 - 266 2004年 [査読有り]
Review of H. Itakura's Conversational Dominance and Gender: A Study of Japanese Speakers in First and Second Language Contexts
Murata, K
Journal of Pragmatics 35 ( 6 ) 937 - 942 2003年 [査読有り]
MURATA, Kumiko
Academic Studies(学術研究) 51 ( 51 ) 59 - 73 2003年 [査読有り]
Interpreting a speech Act of Apology: A Problem of Uptake
MURATA, Kumiko
Academic Studies (学術研究) 50 1 - 15 2002年 [査読有り]
Harpooned': An Analysis of the News Discourse of Whaling from Discourse Analytical and Intercultural Perspective
MURATA, Kumiko
早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 12 39 - 52 2002年 [査読有り]
ニュース報道に見る発話行為謝罪の解釈 : ディコース・プラグマティンクスの視点より
村田 久美子
横浜「言語と人間」会報 /32 2000年 [査読有り] [招待有り]
Courses and Discourses : Teaching Applied Linguistics
MURATA, Kumiko
JACET Newsletter /120 15 - 16 1999年 [査読有り] [招待有り]
Has he apologized or not ? : A cross-cultural misunderstanding between the UK and Japan on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of VJ Day in Britain.
MURATA, Kumiko
PRAGMATICS International Pragmatics Association 8 ( 4 ) 501 - 513 1998年12月 [査読有り]
A Study of Clarification Insertion Sequences and Its Implications for Language Pedagogy
MURATA, Kumiko
Academic Studies 学術研究 46 ( 46 ) 43 - 51 1998年02月 [査読有り]
Review of Joanna Channel's <U>vague Language.</U>
MURATA, Kumiko
Language Practice, BBC English Magazine/ BBC English 16 ( 123 ) 1997年05月 [査読有り] [招待有り]
Review of Vague Language by Joanna Channel, Language Practice
Murata, K
BBC English Magazine, 16 ( 123 ) 1997年 [査読有り]
Review of Jenny Thomas's <U>Meaning in Interaction:An introduction to Pragmatics</U>
MURATA, Kumiko
Language Practice,BBC English Magazine/ BBC English 15 ( 118 ) 21 1996年11月 [査読有り] [招待有り]
Pragmatics and applied linguistics - what's the connection?: From the perspective of conversational interaction
MURATA, Kumiko
JAAL Bulletin/大学英語教育学会 9 9 - 10 1995年04月 [査読有り] [招待有り]
Repetitions: a cross‐cultural study
World Englishes 14 ( 3 ) 343 - 356 1995年 [査読有り]
JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS 21 ( 4 ) 385 - 400 1994年04月 [査読有り]
A Cross-Cultural Study of Conversational Style and Its Implications for Pedagogy
MURATA, Kumiko
JAAL Bulletin /8 11 - 12 1994年 [査読有り] [招待有り]
Review of Roberts, C. , Davies, E. , and Jupp, T's. Language and Discrimination
MURATA, Kumiko
Practical English Teaching 13 ( 4 ) 77 1993年 [査読有り] [招待有り]
Communicative Competence and Capacity : What's the Difference? …A Critical Review
MURATA, Kumiko
JACET Bulletin 24 ( 24 ) 121 - 137 1993年 [査読有り]
A Critical Review of Uarious Approaches to Pragmatics - From the Perspective of Cross-Cultiral Conversational Interaction
MURATA, Kumiko
Bulletin of Toyama Prefectural University 3 78 - 88 1993年 [査読有り]
Review of Debrah Tannen's You Just Don't Understand : Women and men in conversation
MURATA, Kumiko
Practical English Teaching 12 ( 4 ) 75 - 1992 1992年 [査読有り] [招待有り]
A Cross-Cultural Approach to the Analysis of Conversation and Its Implications for Language Pedagogy
MURATA, Kumiko
Institute of Education, University of London 1992年 [査読有り]
Cross-Cultural Communication and Conversational Style : A Case of Interruption
MURATA, Kumiko
JACET Bulletin /22 ( 22 ) 35 - 53 1991年 [査読有り]
An Analysis of the Difficulties of Japanese Learners in Conversational English and its Implications for the Design of a Problem-Solving Methodology
MURATA, Kumiko
Institute of Education, University of London 1986年 [査読有り]
ELF Research Methods and Approaches to Data and Analyses: theoretical and methodological underpinnings.
Murata, K (ed.)
Routledge 2020年07月
Realities of EMI practices among multilingual students in a Japanese university. In J. Jenkins;A.Mauranen;Linguistic diversity in international universities, 149-171
Murata, K, Iino, M, Konakahara( 担当範囲: pp.149-171)
Routledge 2019年
Waseda Working Papers in ELF(English as a Lingua Franca), Vol. 8
Murata, K, T. Ishikawa, M. Konakahara (eds.)
Waseda ELF Research Group 2019年
Waseda Working Papers in ELF(English as a Lingua Franca), Volume 7
Murata, K, T. Ishikawa, M. Konakahara( 担当: 共編者(共編著者))
Waseda ELF Research Group 2018年
English-Medium Instruction from an English as a Lingua Franca Perspective: Exploring the higher education context.
Murata, Kumiko( 担当: 編集)
Routledge 2018年
Introduction: ELF and Assessment.
Murata, K, T. Ishikawa, M. Konakahara( 担当: 共著)
Waseda ELF Research Group 2018年
Exploring EMI in higher education from an ELF perspective: Introduction. In K. Murata (ed.) English-Medium Instruction from an English as a Lingua Franca Perspective: Exploring the higher education context.
Murata, K( 担当: 単著)
Routledge 2018年
‘English’-medium instruction in a Japanese university: exploring students’ and lecturers’ voices from an ELF perspective. In K. Murata (ed.) English-Medium Instruction from an English as a Lingua Franca Perspective: Exploring the higher education context, 157-175.
Konakahara, M, K. Murata, M. Iino( 担当: 共著)
Routledge 2018年
EMI in higher education: An ELF perspective. In Jenkins, J., W. Baker, and M. Dewey. (eds.). The Routledge Handbook of English as a Lingua Franca,400-412
Murata, K, M. Iino( 担当: 共著)
Routledge 2018年
Waseda Working Papers in ELF(English as a Lingua Franca), Vol. 6
Murata, K, M. Konakahara( 担当: 共編者(共編著者))
Waseda ELF Research Group 2017年
Introduction: Written ELF for Academic Purposes and ELF Research beyond Academic to Business and Workplace Settings – Attitudes, Interaction, and Case Studies.
Murata, K, M. Konakahara( 担当: 共著)
Waseda ELF Research Group 2017年
From Academic to Business Settings: Changes of Attitudes towards and Opinions about ELF.
Konakahara, M, K. Murata, M. Iino( 担当: 共著)
Waseda ELF Research Group 2017年
「EMIと英語への学生・教員の意識調査―ELFの視座よりー」早稲田大学教育総合研究所監修 『英語で教科内容や専門を学ぶ』
村田久美子, 小中原麻友( 担当: 共著)
学文社 2017年
ELF research – Its impact on language education inJapan and East Asia. In M-L.Pitzl & R. Osimk-Teasdale (eds.), English as a Lingua Franca: Perspectives and Prospects. Contributions in Honour of Barbara Seidlhofer.
MURATA, Kumiko( 担当: 単著)
De Gruyter. 2016年06月
Exploring ELF in Japanese Academic and Business Contexts: Conceptualization, research and pedagogic implications.
Murata, K( 担当: 編集)
Routledge 2016年
Waseda Working Papers in ELF(English as a Lingua Franca) Vol. 5
Murata, K( 担当: 編集)
Waseda ELF Research Group 2016年
ELF research – Its impact on language education inJapan and East Asia. In M-L.Pitzl & R. Osimk-Teasdale (eds.), English as a Lingua Franca: Perspectives and Prospects. Contributions in Honour of Barbara Seidlhofer.
Murata, K( 担当: 単著)
De Gruyter. 2016年
Introduction: ELF Research, Corpora and Different Approaches to Data.
Murata, K( 担当: 単著)
Waseda ELF Research Group. 2016年
Introduction: Researching ELF in academic and business contexts. In Murata, K. (ed.) Exploring ELF in Japanese Academic and Business Contexts: Conceptualization, research and pedagogic implications.
Murata, K( 担当: 単著)
Routledge 2016年
Dynamics of ELF communication in an English-medium academic context in Japan from EFL learners to ELF users’. In Murata, K. (ed.) Exploring ELF in Japanese Academic and Business Contexts: Conceptualization, research and pedagogic implications.
Iino, Masakazu, MURATA, Kumiko( 担当: 共著)
Routledge 2015年07月
Exploring ELF in Japanese Academic and Business Contexts: Conceptualization, research and pedagogic implications.
MURATA, Kumiko( 担当: 編集)
Routledge 2015年07月
Waseda Working Papers in ELF(English as a Lingua Franca), Vol. 4
MURATA, Kumiko( 担当: 編集)
Waseda ELF Research Group 2015年06月
Waseda Working Papers in ELF(English as a Lingua Franca) Vol. 4
Murata, K( 担当: 編集)
Waseda ELF Research Group 2015年
Introduction: Furthering ELF research in academic and business contexts
Murata, K( 担当: 単著)
Waseda ELF Research Group. 2015年
Waseda Working Papers in ELF(English as a Lingua Franca), Vol. 3
MURATA, Kumiko( 担当: 編集)
Waseda ELF Research Group 2014年06月
Waseda Working Papers in ELF(English as a Lingua Franca) Vol/ 3
Murata, K( 担当: 編集)
Waseda ELF Research Group 2014年
Introduction: Researching ELF in higher education and business contexts
Murata, K( 担当: 単著)
Waseda ELF Research Group 2014年
Waseda Working Papers in ELF(English as a Lingua Franca), Vol. 2
MURATA, Kumiko( 担当: 編集)
Waseda ELF Research Group 2013年06月
Introduction: Researching ELF in Academic Contexts
Murata, K( 担当: 単著)
Waseda ELF Research Group 2013年
‘We are jun-Japa’- Dynamics of ELF communication in an English medium academic context
Murata, K. (With, Masakazu Iino( 担当: 共著)
Waseda ELF Research Group 2013年
Waseda Working Papers in ELF(English as a Lingua Franca), Vol. 1
MURATA, Kumiko( 担当: 編集)
Waseda ELF Research Group 2012年06月
Introduction ‘Reconsidering Research Paradigms from an ELF Perspective
Introduction ‘Reconsidering Research Paradigms from an ELF Perspective( 担当: 単著)
Waseda ELF Research Group. 2012年
Don’t you have opinions? : Changing values/attitudes in giving opinions. In 生井健一・深田嘉昭編著『言語・文化・教育の融合を目指して:国際的、学際的研究の視座から』pp.132-147.
開拓社 2009年11月
Global Englishes in Asian Contexts: Current and Future Debates
Murata, Kumiko, Jennifer Jenkins
Palgrave Macmillan 2009年05月
Introduction: Global Englishes from Global Perspectives.
Murata, K, With Jennifer Jenkin( 担当: 共著)
Palgrave Macmillan 2009年
村田久美子, 原田哲男編著
ひつじ書房 2008年03月
The discourses of pro- and anti-whaling in British and Japanese news editorials: a comparative cultural perspective. In Garzone, G. and C. Ilie, (eds.) The use of English in institutional and business settings: An intercultural perspective. In the series Linguistic Insights: Studies in Language and Communication. pp.147-175.
Peter Lang 1 2007年10月
A cross-cultural study of insertion sequences : English and Japanese. In Insights 1, pp. 45-51.
A Cross-Cultural Approach to the Analysis of Conversation and Its Implications for Language Pedagogy
MURATA, Kumiko
Liber Press 1994年
Communicative Language Teaching in a Large, Mixed-Ability Class through Information Transfer'
Teacher Talk : Its relevance to language teaching classrooms'
Error Analysis in the Use of Articles'
「’ELF'MIで'WEと ELF'を学ぶ:学生の意識変化は?-英語教育への示唆」
村田 久美子 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2021年03月
「バイリンガル/多言語環境の中での(共通語としての)英語(ELF)を 媒介とした教育(MI/E)」
村田 久美子 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2019年08月
‘So what have we found and where are we heading now? : findings from and implications of an eight-year project on the use of ELF in the Japanese context’
Murata, K
The 8th Waseda ELF International Workshop
発表年月: 2019年01月
‘CLIL and EMI in the Japanese context–Is clear demarcation possible? : an ELF perspective’
Murata, K [招待有り]
Diversity in CLIL in Plurilingual Communities of Practice
発表年月: 2019年01月
‘Multilingual and translanguaging communication in Asian workplace settings: the role of ELF and local languages among multilingual business people in Asia’
Murata, K, Iino, M, Konakahara, M, Terauchi, H
The 11th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca (London)
発表年月: 2018年07月
村田久美子, 飯野公一, 小中原麻友, 豊島昇
早稲田大学教育総合研究所第23回研究発表会 (東京)
発表年月: 2018年01月
Changing attitudes through ELF experience in business and EMI settings
Murata, Kumiko, Iino, Masakazu, Konakahara, Mayu, Toyoshima, Noboru
the 3rd EMI-ELF Workshop (Tokyo)
発表年月: 2017年11月
ELF Research in the Japanese context and its implications for language pedagogy
Murata, K
The Convention Plenary Symposium 1 (Tokyo)
発表年月: 2017年08月
The realities of the use of English in the globalised world and the teaching of English: a discrepancy?
Murata, K
the 44th JACET Summer Seminar (Tokyo)
発表年月: 2017年08月
Introducing an ELF perspective in language policy and practice: an epistemological challenge
Murata, K, M. Iino
The World Congress of Applied Linguistics 2017 (Rio de Janeiro)
発表年月: 2017年07月
‘E’MI から ‘ELF’MIへ-パラダイムの転換? ー From ‘E’MI to ‘ELF’MI – A paradigm shift?
Murata, K
JACET関東支部大会全体シンポジウム招待発表 (Tokyo)
発表年月: 2017年07月
ELF (English as a Lingua Franca) research in business and workplace settings
Murata, K
The Business and Intercultural Negotiation Conference organized by JALT Business Communication SIG (Osaka)
発表年月: 2017年07月
Changing attitudes towards the use of English in business settings among young business people: a generation and educational gap?
Konakahara, M, Murata, K, Iino, M
The 10th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca (Helsinki)
発表年月: 2017年06月
The development of ELF research, its future and pedagogic implications’. Paper presented at the invited colloquium ‘ELF in Prospect. Where do we go from here?
Murata, K
The 10th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca (Helsinki)
発表年月: 2017年06月
Realities of EMI practices among multilingual students’. Paper presented at the Plenary Invited Colloquium ‘After all that, what do we know – and what do we still need to know? Findings from “Linguistic diversity on the international campus
Murata ,K, Iino, M, Konakahara, M
The 10th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca (Helsinki)
発表年月: 2017年06月
ELF Research from global and local perspectives: a case of Japan
Murata, K
2017 AAAL Annual Conference (Portland, Oregon)
発表年月: 2017年03月
ELF Experience in EMI and Business Settings: Changes of Attitudes towards ELF
Murata, Kumiko, Iino, Masakazu, Konakahara, Mayu, Toyoshima, Noboru
the 2nd EMI-ELF Workshop (Tokyo)
発表年月: 2017年02月
「共通語としての英語(ELF) 研究の現状と教育的示唆:英語を媒介とする授業(EMI) におけるELF 使用に焦点をあてて」
大東文化大学大学院 英文学専攻 特別講義 (Tokyo)
発表年月: 2017年02月
村田久美子, 飯野公一, 小中原麻友, 豊島昇
早稲田大学教育総合研究所第22回研究発表会 (東京)
発表年月: 2017年01月
村田久美子, 小中原麻友
早稲田大学教育総合研究所教育最前線講演会シリーズXXIV (Toyko)
発表年月: 2016年12月
English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) A global means of communication in the globalized world: a focus on ELF in EMI (English-medium Instruction) setting.
Murata, K
発表年月: 2016年11月
From academic to business settings: changes of attitudes towards and opinions about ELF.
Konakahara, Mayu, Murata, Kumiko, Iino, Masakazu
the 6th Waseda ELF International Workshop (Tokyo)
発表年月: 2016年11月
ELF (English as a lingua franca) 研究の発展と大学英語教育への示唆
JACET 中部支部秋季定例研究会講演 (Nagoya)
発表年月: 2016年10月
ELF (English as a Lingua Franca) as a Catalyst for Re-thinking English Education
Murata, Kumiko, Iino, Masakazu, Takino, Miyuki, McBride, Paul, Ng, Patrick
the JACET 55th International Convention (Sapporo)
発表年月: 2016年09月
English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) - a global means of communication in the globalized world
Murata, K
発表年月: 2016年07月
Realities of EMI practices among multilingual students. Paper presented at the Workshop Linguistic diversity on the international campus
Murata, Kuimiko, Iino, Masakazu, Konakahara, Mayu
The 9th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca (Catalonia)
発表年月: 2016年06月
From EMI to ‘ELF’MI – Against pervasive native- speakerism and norms
Murata, K
the Symposium for Barbara Seidlhofer (Vienna)
発表年月: 2016年06月
English-medium instruction in a Japanese university: Exploring students and teachers’ voices from an ELF perspective.
Murata, Kumiko, Iino, Masakazu, Mayu Konakahara
The 1st EMI-ELF Workshop
発表年月: 2016年02月
村田久美子, 飯野公一, 小中原麻友
早稲田大学教育総合研究所第21回研究発表会 (東京)
発表年月: 2016年01月
Language Policies, practices and diversity: Voices from students
Murata, Kumiko, Iino, Masakazu
Language Education & Diversity 2015 (Auckland)
発表年月: 2015年11月
The Politics of EMI and Approaches and Attitudes to ELF in Japanese Academic Contexts
Murata, K
The 8th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca (Beijing)
発表年月: 2015年08月
What an EMI and Study Abroad Program in ELF Contexts Could Contribute to Cultivating ‘Global Human Resources’– An Exploration into Students’ Voices. In the Invited Symposium (Organizer K. Murata): The Politics of EMI and Approaches and Attitudes to ELF in
Murata, K, Iino.M
The 8th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca. (Beijing)
発表年月: 2015年08月
What an EMI and Study Abroad Program in ELF Contexts Could Contribute to Cultivating ‘Global Human Resources’– An Exploration into Students’ Voices. In the Invited Symposium (Organizer K. Murata): The Politics of EMI and Approaches and Attitudes to ELF in Japanese Academic Contexts.
Murata, K, Iino.M
The 8th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca. (Beijing)
発表年月: 2015年08月
From marginality to the mainstream: evolving identities through four-year English-medium instruction and study abroad experiences
Murata. K, Iino. M
American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting 2015 (Toronto)
発表年月: 2015年03月
Japanese Students’ changing views of communicative competence throught ELF experiences
Murata. K, With Iino, Masakazu
at the 7th ELF International Conference (Athens)
発表年月: 2014年09月
A Journey through euphoria to marginality, and eventually to the mainstream – An ELF experience
Murata, K, M. Iino
the ELF 7 International Conference (Athens)
発表年月: 2014年09月
Evolving identities and co-constructing an ELF(English as a Lingua Franca) community in an English-medium academic context
Murata, K, With Iino, Masakazu
Sociolinguistic Symposium 20 (Jyvaskyla)
発表年月: 2014年06月
Conflicting identities in the transitional period between EFL learners and ELF users
Murata, K, With Iino, Masakazu
the ELF 6 International Conference (Rome)
発表年月: 2013年09月
Conservative academies versus practical industries: discrepancies in understanding ELF communication
Murata, K
the ELF 6 International Conference (Rome)
発表年月: 2013年09月
A diachronic corpus-based analysis of the terms ‘housewife’ and ‘shufu’ in British and Japanese newspaper articles
Murata, K, With, Tsuchiya, Keik
CADS Conference 2012 (Bologna)
発表年月: 2012年09月
'We are jun-Japa' -- Dynamics of ELF communication in an English medium academic context
Murata, K, With Iino, Masakazu
Sociolinguistics Symposium 19 (Berlin)
発表年月: 2012年08月
English as a Lingua Franca in Tokyo’s Linguistic Landscape
Murata, K, With Backhaus
Sociolinguistics Symposium 19 (Berlin)
発表年月: 2012年08月
A critical analysis of the hidden assumptions about the gender fixed roles in the Japanese print media
Murata, K
The 16h World Congress of Applied Linguistics (Beijing)
発表年月: 2011年08月
Private Discourses about Public Discourses – Evidence from Differing Opinions on Gendered Advertisements by Three Groups of Informants
Murata, K
12th International Pragmatics Conference (Manchester)
発表年月: 2011年07月
‘Are these still acceptable?’ – A comparison of different opinions on gendered discourses by the informants from three different socio-cultural backgrounds
Murata, K
The American Association for Applied Linguistics 2011 Annual Conference (Chicago)
発表年月: 2011年03月
“nori ga aru (There’s dried seaweed)” – prevalent assumptions about gender fixed roles in everyday life in Japan: A pragmatic perspective.
Murata, K
The 5th International Gender and Language Association Biennial Conference (Tokyo)
発表年月: 2010年09月
‘A pre- or post - feminist perspective? - different perceptions of gendered advertisements by British, Japanese and Swedish interviewees
Sociolinguistics Symposium 18
発表年月: 2010年09月
‘”nori ga aru (There’s dried seaweed)” – prevalent assumptions about gender fixed roles in everyday life in Japan: A pragmatic perspective
The 5th International Gender and Language Association Biennial Conference
発表年月: 2010年09月
A pre- or post - feminist perspective? - different perceptions of gendered advertisements by British, Japanese and Swedish interviewees
Murata, K
Sociolinguistics Symposium 18 (Southampton)
発表年月: 2010年09月
“This is a Joke” – Different Perceptions of Gendered Advertisements between British and Japanese Informants
Murata, K
The AAAL(American Association for Applied Linguistics) 2010 Annual Conference (Atlanta)
発表年月: 2010年03月
‘”This is a Joke” – Different Perceptions of Gendered Advertisements between British and Japanese Informants’
The AAAL(American Association for Applied Linguistics) 2010 Annual Conference
発表年月: 2010年03月
Housewives and housework: hidden assumptions of the fixed gender roles in the Japanese print media
Murata, K
1th International Pragmatics Conference (Melbourne)
発表年月: 2009年07月
‘Housewives and housework: hidden assumptions of the fixed gender roles in the Japanese print media’
11th International Pragmatics Conference, Melbourne
発表年月: 2009年07月
A Comparative Study of Giving Opinions in Class
Murata, K
The 15h World Congress of Applied Linguistics (Essen)
発表年月: 2008年08月
'A Comparative Study of Giving Opinions in Class'
AILA, The 15h World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Essen
発表年月: 2008年08月
Exploring ideological assumptions of CDA: a crosscultural perspective
Murata, K
(Washington D. C.)
発表年月: 2008年04月
‘Exploring ideological assumptions of CDA: a crosscultural perspective’
AAAL(American Association for Applied Linguistics), Washington D. C.
発表年月: 2008年04月
Don’t you have opinions?: giving opinions in public in comparison :conflicting values and attitudes
Murata, K
10th International Pragmatics Conference (Goteborg)
発表年月: 2007年07月
‘Don’t you have opinions?: giving opinions in public in comparison :conflicting values and attitudes’
10th International Pragmatics Conference, Goteborg
発表年月: 2007年07月
An exploration into the hidden ideological assumptions of CDA: an intercultural perspective
Murata, K
発表年月: 2006年09月
‘An exploration into the hidden ideological assumptions of CDA: an intercultural perspective’
BAAL(British Association for Applied Linguistics), Cork
発表年月: 2006年09月
The dilemma of being ‘critical’: an analysis of the notion of ‘criticalness’ in Critical Discourse Analysis
Murata, K
Sociolinguistics Symposium 16 (Limerick)
発表年月: 2006年07月
‘The dilemma of being ‘critical’: an analysis of the notion of ‘criticalness’ in Critical Discourse Analysis’
Sociolinguistics Symposium 16, Limerick
発表年月: 2006年07月
A Study of News Discourse and Its Implications for Language Pedagogy
Murata, K
3rd Asia TEFL International Conference (Beijing)
発表年月: 2005年11月
‘A Study of News Discourse and Its Implications for Language Pedagogy’
3rd Asia TEFL International Conference, Beijing
発表年月: 2005年11月
A Cross-Cultural Perspective to the Analysis of News Discourse: Questioning a “critical” stance of Critical Discourse Analysis
Murata, K
9th International Pragmatics Conference (Riva del Garda)
発表年月: 2005年07月
‘A Cross-Cultural Perspective to the Analysis of News Discourse: Questioning a “critical” stance of Critical Discourse Analysis’
9th International Pragmatics Conference, Riva del Garda
発表年月: 2005年07月
Nyusu Media no Communication: Hihanteki dannwa-bunseki no kokoromi (Communication and the News Media: a CDA perspective)
Murata, K
Gengo to Ningen (Language and Human) 31st Annual Spring Seminar
発表年月: 2005年03月
Cultural Assumptions and Text Interpretation
Murata, K
2nd Asia TEFL International Conference (Seoul)
発表年月: 2004年11月
‘Cultural Assumptions and Text Interpretation’
2nd Asia TEFL International Conference, Seoul
発表年月: 2004年11月
New Discourse and Readers’Cultural Assumptions
Murata, K
International Conference on Language, Education and Diversity (Hamilton)
発表年月: 2003年11月
News Discourse and Its Influence on Readers: An Intercultural Perspective
Murata, K
1st Asia TEFL International Conference (Busan)
発表年月: 2003年11月
‘New Discourse and Readers’Cultural Assumptions’
International Conference on Language, Education and Diversity, Hamilton
発表年月: 2003年11月
'News Discourse and Its Influence on Readers: An Intercultural Perspective’
1st Asia TEFL International Conference, Busan
発表年月: 2003年11月
Initiating Clarification and Understanding: a study of clarification Insertion sequences in intercultural communication
Murata, K
13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics
発表年月: 2002年12月
“Catching”Cod, “Hunting”Foxes, But “Killing” Whales? : An exploration into the Discourses of Animal Welfare
Murata, K
13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics
発表年月: 2002年12月
‘Initiating Clarification and Understanding: a study of clarification insertion sequences in intercultural communication’
13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Singapore
発表年月: 2002年12月
”Catching”Cod, “Hunting”Foxes, But “Killing” Whales? : An exploration'
13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Singapore
発表年月: 2002年12月
An Exploration into the Critical Language Awareness of Readers
Murata, K
41st JACET Convention
発表年月: 2002年09月
An Exploration into the Critical Language Awareness of Readers’
発表年月: 2002年09月
The Discourses of Ecology and Economy – Incompatible?: An exploration into the discourse resources of the North Sea cod fishing and Japanese whaling
Murata, K
Sociolinguistics Symposium 14 (Gent)
発表年月: 2002年04月
The Discourses of Ecology and Economy – Incompatible?: An exploration into the discourse resources of the North Sea cod fishing and Japanese whaling’
Sociolinguistics Symposium 14, Gent
発表年月: 2002年04月
Global concerns versus local interests: an exploration into the discourse of the North Sea cod fishing and Japanese whaling – an intercultural perspective
Murata, K
34th British Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting (Reading)
発表年月: 2001年09月
'Global concerns versus local interests: an exploration into the discourse of the North Sea cod fishing and Japanese whaling – an intercultural perspective’
34th British Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting, Reading
発表年月: 2001年09月
The discourse of anti- and pro-whaling in the British and the Japanese press: a comparative cultural perspective
Murata, K
Language, the Media and International Communication (Oxford)
発表年月: 2001年03月
The discourse of anti- and pro-whaling in the British and the Japanese press:a comparative cultural perspective’
Language, the Media and International Communication, Oxford
発表年月: 2001年03月
‘Scientific Research’?: The Discourse on Whaling in the British Press - an intercultural perspective
Murata, K
発表年月: 2000年11月
The speech act of apology and its uptake
Murata, K
15th Mind and Activity Workshop
発表年月: 2000年02月
‘The speech act of apology and its uptake’
15th Mind and Activity Workshop
発表年月: 2000年02月
Nyusu houdou ni miru hatsuwa-koui ‘Shazai’ no kaishaku: Discourse-Pragmatics no shiten yori (The Interpretation of a Speech Act of Apology in a news article: From a discourse-pragmatic perspective)
Murata, K
25th Yokohama Gengo to Ningenn (Language and Human) Annual Meeting
発表年月: 1999年12月
Miscommunication in interpreting a speech act of apology: A problem of uptake
Murata, K
12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics
発表年月: 1999年08月
Teaching Applied Linguistics or Linguistics Applied: The argument revisited
Murata, K
12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics
発表年月: 1999年08月
Miscommunication in interpreting a speech act of apology: A problem of uptake’
12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA)
発表年月: 1999年08月
‘Teaching Applied Linguistics or Linguistics Applied: The argument revisited’
12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA)
発表年月: 1999年08月
‘Approaches to conversational data: Qualitative or quantitative?’
回 JACET全国大会
第37回 JACET全国大会
発表年月: 1998年09月
Approaches to conversational data: Qualitative or quantitative?
Murata, K
37th JACET Convention
発表年月: 1998年08月
The use of overlap and interruption in English and Japanese conversational interactions
Murata, K
5th JACET Discourse-Pragmatics Meeting
発表年月: 1997年01月
The use of overlap and interruption in English and Japanese conversational
5th JACET Discourse-Pragmatics SIG Meeting
発表年月: 1997年01月
Some observations on communicative behavior in Japanese and English conversational interactions and the implications for language teaching
Murata, K
11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics
発表年月: 1996年08月
Cross-Cultural Pragmatics and Applied Linguistics: from the perspective of conversational interaction
Murata, K
11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics
発表年月: 1996年08月
‘Some observations on communicative behavior in Japanese and English conversational interactions and the implications for language teaching’
11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA)
発表年月: 1996年08月
‘Cross-Cultural Pragmatics and Applied Linguistics: from the perspective of conversational interaction’
11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA)
発表年月: 1996年08月
Turn-taking behavior in English and Japanese Conversation
Murata, K
5th International Pragmatics Conference
発表年月: 1996年07月
‘Turn-taking behavior in English and Japanese Conversation’
5th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA)
発表年月: 1996年07月
Heightening awareness in conversational style differences
Murata, K
30th Annual Convention and Exposition of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
発表年月: 1996年03月
Has he apologized or not? : When an apology wasn’t meant to be an apology
Murata, K
American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting
発表年月: 1996年03月
‘Heightening awareness in conversational style differences’
30th Annual Convention and Exposition of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
発表年月: 1996年03月
‘Has he apologized or not? : When an apology wasn’t meant to be an apology’
American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting (AAAL)
発表年月: 1996年03月
Clarification insertion sequences and its effective use
Murata, K
34th JACET Convention
発表年月: 1995年09月
‘Clarification insertion sequences and its effective use’
発表年月: 1995年09月
Some observations on insertion sequences from a cross-cultural perspective
Murata, K
2nd International Conference on World Englishes
発表年月: 1995年05月
‘Some observations on insertion sequences from a cross-cultural perspective’
2nd International Conference on World Englishes
発表年月: 1995年05月
A Cross-Cultural Approach to Conversational Style Differences
Murata, K
JALT Kanazawa Chapter Meeting
発表年月: 1995年03月
ragmatics and Applied Linguistics - what's the connection?: From the perspective of cross-cultural conversational interaction
Murata, K
7th JAAL-in-JACET Annual Meeting
発表年月: 1994年06月
'Pragmatics and Applied Linguistics - what's the connection?: From the perspective of cross-cultural conversational interaction'
第7回JAAL-in- JACET全国研究会
第7回JAAL-in- JACET全国研究会
発表年月: 1994年06月
A Cross-Cultural Study of Conversational Style and Its Implications for Pedagogy
Murata, K
10th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (Amsterdam)
発表年月: 1993年08月
'A Cross-Cultural Study of Conversational Style and Its Implications for Pedagogy'
10th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Amsterdam
発表年月: 1993年08月
Insertion sequences: How and why they are used- a cross-cultural study
Murata, K
4th International Pragmatics Conference (Kobe)
発表年月: 1993年07月
'Insertion sequences: How and why they are used- a cross-cultural study'
4th International Pragmatics Conference, Kobe
発表年月: 1993年07月
Repetitions: Why they are used---a cross-cultural study
Murata, K
The 27th Annual Convention and Exposition of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (Atlanta)
発表年月: 1993年04月
'Repetitions: Why they are used---a cross-cultural study'
The 27th Annual Convention and Exposition of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Atlanta
発表年月: 1993年04月
A Cross-Cultural Study of Conversational Style and Its Implications for Pedagogy: Theory and Application
Murata, K
The British Council Applied Linguistics Conference 1992 (Tokyo)
発表年月: 1992年11月
'A Cross-Cultural Study of Conversational Style and Its Implications for Pedagogy: Theory and Application'
The British Council Applied Linguistics Conference 1992,Tokyo
発表年月: 1992年11月
Communicative Competence and Capacity: What's the Difference?
Murata, K
31st JACET Convention
発表年月: 1992年09月
Communicative Competence and Capacity: What's the Difference?'
発表年月: 1992年09月
Cross-Cultural Communication and Conversational Style: A Case of Pause/Silence
Murata, K
British Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting (Durham)
発表年月: 1991年09月
'Cross-Cultural Communication and Conversational Style: A Case of Pause/Silence'
British Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting, Durham, U.K.
発表年月: 1991年09月
Cross-Cultural Communication and Conversational Style
Murata, K
29th JACET Convention
発表年月: 1990年09月
‘Cross-Cultural Communication and Conversational Style'
発表年月: 1990年09月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
村田 久美子, 飯野 公一, 寺内 一, ダンジェロ J・F, NG Patrick, 石川 友和, 小中原 麻友, 木村 大輔, 野上 陽子
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
村田 久美子, 矢野 安剛, 野澤 佑佳子, 飯野 公一, 寺内 一, 小中原 麻友, 土屋 慶子
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
村田 久美子, 矢野 安剛, 飯野 公一, 寺内 一, 土屋 慶子, バックハウス ペート, 原田 哲男, 澤木 泰代, BACKHAUS Peter
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
羽井佐 昭彦, 村田 久美子, 田地野 彰, 寺内 一
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
村田 久美子
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
伊藤 守, 柄本 三千代, 烏谷 昌弘, 土橋 臣悟, 小林 義寛, 小林 直毅, 藤田 真文, 田仲 康博, 村田 久美子
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
羽井佐 昭彦, 村田 久美子, 田地野 彰, 寺内 一
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
中野 美知子, 東後 明, 矢野 剛, 松坂 ロシ, 村田 美子, 小林 富久子, 砂岡 和子, 山崎 妙
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
村田 久美子
イギリス ロンドン大学
オーストリア ウィーン大学
イギリス ロンドン大学