Updated on 2025/03/12


MIWA, Yoshiyuki
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Job title
Professor Emeritus
博士(工学) ( 早稲田大学 )

Professional Memberships











Research Areas

  • Mechanics of materials and materials / Mechanics and mechatronics / Robotics and intelligent system

Research Interests

  • バイオエンジニアリング



  • 共存在的仮想空間を目指した身体性の表現手法に関する研究

    計測自動制御学会、システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会   pp. 95-96  2000.12

  • 場を喚起させるメディアロボットの表情表出手法に関する研究

    計測自動制御学会、システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会   pp. 97-98  2000.12

  • 宇宙ステーションにおけるマウス自動飼育装置の開発

    宇宙生物科学   14;3, pp. 256-257  2000.10

  • 仮想空間における場の生成と伝達を目指した身体的インタフェースに関する研究

    ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2000論文集   pp. 73-76  2000.09

  • 視線検出機能を有する両眼分離型HMDシステムの開発と映像遅延実験

    ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2000論文集   pp. 79-80  2000.09

  • ロボットの身体表現とコンテキストコミュニケーションに関する研究—顔特徴変更機能を有する目玉ロボットを用いた二三の実験

    ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2000論文集   pp.77-78  2000.09

  • 宇宙ステーションにおけるマウス自動飼育装置の開発

    日本機械学会2000年度年次大会講演論文集   (Ⅳ), pp. 534-535  2000.08

  • 視野制限における携帯型空間認知計測システムの開発と二三の実験

    日本機械学会2000年度年次大会講演論文集   (Ⅱ), pp. 481-482  2000.08

  • 視線検出機能を有する両眼分離型HMDシステムの開発と二三の実験

    日本機械学会2000年度年次大会講演論文集   (Ⅱ), pp. 479-480  2000.08

  • ロボットのパフォーマンス性に関する研究—顔特徴変更機能を有する目玉ロボットの開発

    日本機械学会2000年度年次大会講演論文集   (Ⅰ), pp. 331-332  2000.08

  • 身体性に着目したエントレインメント創出過程の計測

    ヒューマンインタフェース学会誌   2(2), pp. 185-191  2000.05

  • 矛盾的誘導法を適用したコンテキストの生成と共有過程に関する実験的研究

    ヒューマンインタフェース学会誌   2(2), pp. 177-183  2000.05

  • 場と共創

    NTT出版    2000.04

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Research Projects

  • Development of kansei media design which cultivates "diversity of expression"and activity model

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NISHI Hiroko, MIWA Yoshiyuki, ITAI Shirou, WATANABE Takabumi, IIDA Kouzi, MOTOYAMA Masuko, TUKAMOTO Junko

     View Summary

    In the activity of creative bodily expression, we have structured “kansei expression media” which aims to create a new expression by facilitating image and movement generation of each performer and by weakly connecting their expressions. With utilizing the structured media, we have developed a model of bodily-expression activity. Close relation between media transformation and bodily expression has been clarified through the 3D-movement measurement and the subjective study in the fundamental study with the Shadow Media. We have confirmed that all the participants co-creatively make expressions in connection with media in the lesson practice or the workshop through the use of the developed activity model.

  • Emergent media expression of "Ba" with an aid of body shadow and its application to community communications

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIWA Yoshiyuki, UESUGI Shigeru, OSAKI Akihiro, ITAI Shiro, WATANABE Takabumi, ISHIBIKI Chikara

  • Research on the origin of psychological time and space through generated signs

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    GUNJI Yukio, MIWA Takayuki

     View Summary

    We show a particular solution to solve the paradox in brain science and/or cognitive science, and propose the notion of phenomenal computation. In this perspective, the psychological time and space are explained as the process of individualization. The paradox of consciousness results from the mixture of two different categories, the wholeness and the locality. A neuron becomes a neuron making its own environment in which a neuron works. That is why a neuron involves the notion of a universe or wholeness in its own right. We propose the model of which a system becomes a system making its own environment in which a system works. In this model, the essential point is the form of incomplete wholeness. A system searches a formal universe incompletely, and then the environment can be made.
    Incomplete wholeness is formalized as a partially universal quantifier, and the formal environment called local semantics is formalized as a concept lattice. In this framework, a formal universe is also dynamically changed. A formal universe is defined as a triplet, two sets and the relation between them, and a local semantics is constructed as a lattice derived from a universe by using a partially universal quantifier. A system executes a computation in a generated local semantics, and the results of computation drive a change of the formal universe. This procedure is iterated, and then phenomenal computation proceeds. In this model, it is shown that the trade-off principle between universality and efficiency of computation found is programmable computation is weaken, and proper universal and proper efficient computation can be implemented. Syntactical computation and local semantics is replaced by the psychological time and space, and we estimate the dynamical relationship between them. This idea is also implemented as a cognitive experiment on memory of time and space. In a specific condition with reverse spectacles, we can obtain dynamical complementary relation between temporal memory and spatial memory.

  • Plants communication and drafting informational BA

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIWA Yoshiyuki

     View Summary

    There has been almost no study made in which communication between each organ of a plant or between plants in a group was discussed from a view point of interrelationship. In order to investigate this problem, the process of BA fomation was researched by investigating whether synchronization phenomenon exists between individuals in environmental response and in morphogenesis or not. According to the plans and methods of this study which were reported in application form, the obtained results are following next 5 points.
    1. By making a long-term measurement of bio-electric potential changes (AC signals) of kapok leaves in a group, some leaves in seceded place showed same wave patterns. This phenomenon also happens when some leaves were excised. This shows that bio-electric potential changes in chaos. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient abates to about 2.5 when sound stimulation was given.
    2. By using a system which can make a long-term measurement of bio-electric potential (DC signals) changes, I have found that trees showing similar wave patterns form groups.
    3.A new measurement system which can measure patterns of changes on electric field self-organized around a root was developed. By this system, I investigated whether feeble electric field around a root changes or not by stimulating a stem or a leave with light, gavity, or obstacle. From experiments, we have found that electric field patterns are collapsed and re-organized in all cases. This suggests that electric field works as the autonomous interface between root and external environment, and roots create informations which were adjusted to environments on ground.
    4. By a system which can make a long-term measurement of motions of plant organs (leaves, roots, petals, and etc.), I have simultaneously measured rhythmic motions of a leaf and a root. I have found out that both root and leaf showed cooperative motions with period of about 2 [h]. Additionally, when two plants were placed adjacent to each other, both roots grew rhythmically with phase difference to not to collide int each other.
    5. Based on obtained results, I examined the communication of plants in emergence of BA,and I have indicated some knowledge on drafting informational BA.

  • Automation of Plant Tissue Culture Process by Newly Designed Robot

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIWA Yoshiyuki

     View Summary

    We developed the microrobot named 'Mericlone Robot' which transplants the 20-mm-long seedlings or the callus grown by tissue cultivation from one culture-medium of ager to another. This robot, which is moved by shape memory alloy actuators, can gras13EA\ : p seedlings softly without any damage. The location of seedlings is recongnized, these emitting electrical wave like an antenna when charged with the small amount of pulse current. With the evaluations of various types of antenna, pattern-printed to13EA\ : the hand on received side, we had contrived to miniaturize it. Their growth state was discriminated by the color sensor. With those devises integrated to be one unit, the fully automatized seedling transplantation system composed of two units arran13EA\ : ged vertically has been completed in which each unit is utilized as an individual as well. We adopted the remote manipulation method using telephone circuits to keep a room in an aseptic condition.
    The performance test found this system able to be used practically getting the result that it took approximately 20s to transplant a seedling. Besides we developed the transplantation system setting the robot in the capsule-typed incubator which is able to control its environment and, as the application of the application of the antenna sensing method above, the devise to obtain the image of callus and plant organ. The latter concluded that the image would be available as the sensor of measur13EA\ : ing the shape and the physiological condition of plant. The automatic protoplast production devise simplized without a centrifugal separator was newly made. We, in addition, made the devise accommodated to the dielectrophoresis phenomenon to control13EA\ : the motion of protoplast in solution, investigating the possibility of the automatization of cell fusion. From the whole results to be reported in this stury we discussed the design concept for the development of the automatic system on plant tissu13EA\ : e cultivation and clarified the problems of the practical aplication such as the coordination with the present technology.


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    As the fundamental study on the biological information system in plant, the eddect of magnetic ot thermal stimulus on the regeneration phenomenon in callus and the surface biological potential behavior at each point in callus and in one leaf were investigated by the trial apparatus. Furthermore the relation between the intracellular potential detected by the capillay electrode and the leaf surface potential change detected by the Ag-Cl circular electrode having a diameter 5 mm was investigated by the another trial apparatus. Main results are as follows; (1) The shoor formation in the callus of carrot was accelerated under the magnetic stimulus. (2) The biological potential showed the cyclic ot rendom fluctuation after a few minutes in the case that the callus was wholly or partially stimulated by the magnetic stimulus. However the changes did not take place through all the area, but some part ot callus. Gurthermore the response parts in the callus changed with time. That is, the magnetic irritability of the callus depended with the location and the time. It could be considred above mentioned that magmetic stimulus induced or disturbed the spontaneous fluctuation in the callus, which was related to the regeneration. (3) the biological potential change of a learf showed the various patterns by the each magentic ot thermal stimulus points. Therefore the information path was rather complex. (4) The correlation was estimeted between the leaf surface potential and the inteacelluar potential changes. It couls be considered that the biological changes above mentioned were closely related to the recognition of the environment information in plant.

  • 生態系における植物生体情報の計測とその視聴覚的ディスプレイシステムの開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

  • 植物の相互コミュニケ-ションに関する情報システム論的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

  • リズム運動に着目した植物の外界認識に関する工学的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

  • 植物の生長過程における情報生成とコミュニケ-ションに関する工学的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽的研究)

  • 身体的コミュニケーションにおける共振感覚の発現メカニズムに関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)

  • 創造的な身体表現活動での共振創出に関する研究-身体的共創から社会的共創へ-

    科学研究費助成事業(東洋英和女学院大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

  • 触れ合いFog Boxによる共創表現の遠隔支援

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)

  • 身体性メディアによる場の統合と離れた集団間における共創表現の支援

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

  • 複雑系の解明と新技術の開発


  • 生体模倣部品開発プロジェクト


  • 複雑系の解明と新技術の開発


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Overseas Activities

  • 共創の場づくりにおけるコミュニカビリティ技術の研究


    アメリカ   シラキュース大学

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 植物的なコミニュケーションと情報場の設計


     View Summary

     植物の外界認識やコミニュケーションに関する知見は動物とは異なった生物的な自律システムの設計原理を与える可能性がある。しかしながら、脳や神経系、感覚器官をもたない植物が様々に変化する環境を自身といかに関係付け、生長や形態形成に役立てているのか余り分かっていない。また、個体間のコミニュケーションの有無も定かではない。そこで本研究では、植物の生体電位(DC成分)やリズム運動に着目し、器官集団や個体集団における相互作用を情報システム論的な観点からしらべた。主な成果は以下の通りである。 1.エンドウの幼苗の茎先端部分を光刺激すると、刺激を受けた部分のみならず、主根先端部分においてもほぼ同周期のリズム運動が現われ、両者の間に位相関係が存在することを見出した。また、音刺激に対してもリズム運動が誘発されることを認めた。これらの結果は、環境情報が刺激箇所だけで局所的に処理されるのではなくて、相互引き込みにより植物体全体に共有されることを意味するものである。2.最大16本の幼苗を格子状に配列し生長挙動と生体電位変化を全自動計測できるシステムを構築した。本システムを用いて二三実験を行った結果、幼苗の生長速度は場所によって異なり一様ではないこと、さらに電位波形が類似するグループが複数存在することを明らかにした。また、このグループ形成と生長挙動との関係性について検討した。3.生体電位広域計測システムを用いて、野外における樹木集団のコミュニケーションについて調べた。その結果、自然林では同種、異種間において生体電位変化の相互引き込み的現象が起こり、時間経過とともに、樹木集団内にいくつものグループが動的、横断的に形成されることを見出した。4.以上の結果を基に、植物の個(部分)と集団(全体)との関係付けにおいて、情報の生成、共有がいかに行われるかを「場」と関連付けて考察した。