Updated on 2025/03/09


MIURA, Shingo
Faculty of Human Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
Doctor of Science ( kyoto University )

Professional Memberships


    Mammalogical Society of Japan

Research Areas

  • Ecology and environment

Research Interests

  • 野生動物管理、動物生態学



  • カモシカの生態学と環境基本法における野生動物管理


    日本生態学会誌   70   137 - 145  2020.07  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • ディア・ウォーに短期決戦などない-岩手県五葉山の経験


    グリーン・パワー   ( 400 ) 6 - 7  2012.04


  • Are chest mark unique to Asiatic black bear?

    Higashide, D, Miura, S, H. Miguchi

    Journal of Zoology, London   288 ( 1 ) 199 - 206  2012.03


  • クマと人との関係,現在と過去


    ヒトと動物の関係学会誌   29 ( 2 ) 8 - 11  2011.08


  • クマの異常出没から学ぶこと


    どうぶつと動物園   60 ( 1 ) 20 - 25  2008.01

  • 東北における野生動物管理の源流


    季刊東北学   ( 14 ) 64 - 87  2008.01

  • トキから学んだこと


    私たちの自然   ( 532 ) 8 - 9  2007.12

  • 撤退する社会と野生動物


    農林経済   ( 9904 ) 2 - 9  2007.11

  • 自然公園と野生動物-自然生態系へのシカの脅威


    国立公園   ( 656 ) 7 - 9  2007.09


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Books and Other Publications

  • 動物と人間 : 関係史の生物学

    三浦, 慎悟

    東京大学出版会  2018.12 ISBN: 9784130602327

  • 野生動物被害から考える環境破壊(全5巻)


    金の星社  2012.12 ISBN: 9784323943404

  • 野生動物管理と人間.『野生動物管理-理論と実践』(羽山・三浦・梶・鈴木編)pp.4-10


    文永堂  2012.02 ISBN: 9784830032417

  • 動物の世界


    新星出版社  2011.02 ISBN: 9784405106956

  • 動物におけるアロマザリング-哺乳類を中心に.『ヒトの子育ての進化と文化-アロマザリングの役割を考える』(根ケ山光一・柏木恵子編著),pp.11-30


    有斐閣  2010.07 ISBN: 9784641173682

  • Management strategy of Sika deer based on sensitivity analysis. In: "Sika Deer, Biology and Management of Native and Introduced Populations"(McCullough, D. R. et al. eds.), pp. 453-472

    Miura, S, K. Tokida

    Springer  2009.04 ISBN: 9784431094289

  • ワイルドライフ・マネジメント入門


    岩波書店  2008.06 ISBN: 9784000074858

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Research Projects

  • Environmental Study for Developing Defense Systems in Urban Areas against Expansion of Wildlife

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAGUCHI HIROMI, TAKAHASHI A. Mitsuhiko, IKEDA Tohru, IGOTA Hiromasa, SASAKI Shiro, KITOU Syuichi, MIURA Shingo, YOKOHARI Makoto, EBIHARA Ippei

     View Summary

    In urban areas of Japan (Sapporo, Sendai, Uozu, Toyama, etc.) and abroad (Nairobi, Milwaukee, Iowa City, etc.), problems related to large wild mammals are increasing. These cities are under pressure to cope with the wildlife. Governments, local and national, are only engaging in damage control and cannot foresee fundamental solutions. To operate wildlife control smoothly, agencies needs to collaborate with specialists and the local community, which could range from urban residents, as in Japan and the United States, to ethnic communities as in the case of Nairobi. In Kenya, the national wildlife agency is moving to delegate its powers to local communities.Our research suggests that in many jurisdictions, private land ownership has become stronger and thus complicating the task of agencies to control wildlife in the field. Wildlife control methods are also compelled to adjust to the opinions of urbanites which often are at odds with traditional wildlife management

  • New frontier studies in the hunting system for sustainable use of the wildlife resources on a time of Less child aging

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAGUCHI Hiromi, SATO Hiroyuki, TSUJI Seiichro, SASAKI Shiro, HARADA Nobuo, SHIROUZU Satoshi, MIURA Shingo, KANZAKI Nobuo, MAENAKA Hiromi, TAKAHASHI Mitsuhiko, KISHIMOTO Seiji, NAKAGAWA Shigetoshi, KAJI Kouichi

  • A long-term synthetic eco-genetic analysis of a long-living mammal population based on individual identification

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKATSUKI Seiki, MIURA Shingo, TAMATE Hidetoshi

     View Summary

    A series of censuses of sika deer population on Kinkazan Island have been done since 1966. The population once declined to about 200 deer after the World War II, but gradually recovered to around 500 in the 1960s. The population seemed stabilized, but it crashed to about 300 in 1984 by a record-breaking cold winter (1983/84). The die-off was a typical density-independent one, though it was different from the "Eruption-crash" pattern because a half of the total population survived. Another die-off happened again in 1997, but it was not caused by a cold winter. The population is now stabilized at around 500.A tame population sizing around 150 has been intensively observed since 1990. All the deer were individually identified, and mother-fawn relations were known as well as all the dead deer were aged, most of which were individually identified. All the deer have been weighed and measured in spring and fall every year, and blood samples were collected from most of them from which DNA information is obtained.Foods of the sika deer were graminoid-dependent, and the occupation of Zoysia japonica increased in the last decade. The deer are malnourished, and the body weights were less by 30