Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Sport Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
(BLANK) ( 筑波大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2017.04

    Tokyo Ariake University of Medical and Health Sciences

  • 2004

    ~ Faculty of Sports Science, Univ. of Waseda

  • 1996

    ~Post-graduate School of Art & Sciences, Univ. of Tokyo

  • 1982

    ~Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, Univ. of Tsukuba

  • 1972

    ~Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, Univ. of Tokyo

Education Background


    University of Tokyo   Faculty of Medicine  

Professional Memberships




    Orthopaedic Research Society














    Japanese Orthopaedic Association

▼display all

Research Areas

  • Sports sciences / Orthopedics

Research Interests

  • knee injury

  • athletic rehabilitation

  • sports medicine


  • 第17回秩父宮記念スポーツ医科学賞・功労賞


  • John Joyce Award




  • The relationship between performance and trunk movement during change of direction. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

    Sasaki S, Nagano Y, Kaneko S, Sakurai T, Fukubayashi T

    Journal of Sports Science and Medicine   10 ( 1 )  2011

  • Hamstring Functions During Hip-Extension Exercise Assessed With Electromyography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    Takashi Ono, Ayako Higashihara, Toru Fukubayashi

    RESEARCH IN SPORTS MEDICINE   19 ( 1 ) 42 - 52  2011

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to compare the recruitment patterns in hamstring muscles during hip extension exercise by electromyography (EMG) and muscle functional magnetic resonance imaging (mfMRI). Six male volunteers performed 5 sets of 10 repetitions of the hip extension exercise. Electromyography (EMG) activity during the exercise was recorded for the biceps femoris long head (BFlh), semitendinosus (ST), and semimembranosus (SM) muscles; mfMRI T2 values and cross-sectional areas (CSAs) of the same muscles were measured at rest, immediately after, 2 and 7 days after the exercise. The study found that EMG of the BFlh and SM were significantly higher than that of the ST. Immediately after the exercise, the T2 value and CSA changes in the SM showed a significant increase. It was concluded that the BFlh and SM were selectively recruited during the hip extension exercise.


  • Infulence of lower limb clinical physical measurements of female athletes on knee motion during continuous jump testing

    Nagano Y, Fukno M, Itagaki K, Li S, Miyakawa S, Fukubayashi T

    Open Sports Medicine Journal   4   127 - 132  2010

  • Differences in the electromyographic activity of the hamstring muscles during maximal eccentric knee flexion

    Ayako Higashihara, Takashi Ono, Jun Kubota, Toru Fukubayashi

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY   108 ( 2 ) 355 - 362  2010.01

     View Summary

    This study investigated the effects of the knee joint angle and angular velocity on hamstring muscles' activation patterns during maximum eccentric knee flexion contractions. Ten healthy young males (23.4 +/- A 1.3 years) performed eccentric knee flexion at constant velocities of 10, 60, 180, and 300 deg/s in random order. The eccentric knee flexion torque and the surface electromyographic (EMG) activity of the biceps femoris (BF), semitendinosus (ST), and semimembranosus (SM) muscles were measured. The results of torque during 10 deg/s were lower than the faster velocities. No significant change was found in eccentric torque output and the EMG amplitude with change in the faster test velocities, although those values showed a decreasing tendency as the knee approached extension. Furthermore, the EMG amplitude of the BF decreased significantly as the knee approached extension, although the EMG activity of the ST and SM remained constant. These results suggest that the neural inhibitory mechanism might be involved in decreasing in maximal voluntary force and hamstring muscles activation toward the knee extension during high-velocity eccentric movement and therefore subjects have difficulties to maintain high eccentric force level throughout the motion. Moreover, the possible mechanism reducing the BF muscle activation as the knee approaches extension was architectural differences in the hamstring muscles, which might reflect each muscle's function.


  • Functional differences in the activity of the hamstring muscles with increasing running speed

    Ayako Higashihara, Takashi Ono, Jun Kubota, Toru Okuwaki, Toru Fukubayashi

    JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES   28 ( 10 ) 1085 - 1092  2010

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    In this study, we examined hamstring muscle activation at different running speeds to help better understand the functional characteristics of each hamstring muscle. Eight healthy male track and field athletes (20.1 +/- 1.1 years) performed treadmill running at 50%, 75%, 85%, and 95% of their maximum velocity. Lower extremity kinematics of the hip and knee joint were calculated. The surface electromyographic activities of the biceps femoris and semitendinosus muscles were also recorded. Increasing the running speed from 85% to 95% significantly increased the activation of the hamstring muscles during the late swing phase, while lower extremity kinematics did not change significantly. During the middle swing phase, the activity of the semitendinosus muscle was significantly greater than that of the biceps femoris muscle at 75%, 85%, and 95% of running speed. Statistically significant differences in peak activation time were observed between the biceps femoris and semitendinosus during 95%max running (P0.05 for stance phase, P0.01 for late swing phase). Significant differences in the activation patterns between the biceps femoris and semitendinosus muscles were observed as running speed was increased, indicating that complex neuromuscular coordination patterns occurred during the running cycle at near maximum sprinting speeds.


  • Relationship between the MRI and EMG measurement

    Kubota J, Ono T, Araki M, Tawara N, Torii S, Okuwaki T, Fukubayashi T

    Int J Sports Med   30   1 - 5  2009


  • Change in tibial rotation of barefoot versus shod running

    M. Fukano, Y. Nagano, H. Ida, T. Fukubayashi

    Footwear Science   1 ( 1 ) 19 - 23  2009

     View Summary

    Tibial rotation during foot pronation has been proposed as a key factor in running related injuries. Precise analysis of knee motion during running, including the analysis of motion in the coronal plane, is difficult, and the effect of the wearing shoes on tibial rotation during running is unknown. Therefore, we aimed to determine the effect of wearing shoes in reducing tibial rotation during running. Fifteen healthy subjects (nine males, six females) participated in this study
    25 markers were secured on the left lower extremity of each subject. Three-dimensional kinematic data were collected using the MAC3D System (Motion Analysis Co.). The data were processed using the point cluster technique (Andriacchi et al. 1998, J Biomech Eng 120, 743). The subjects were required to run (a) barefoot and (b) while wearing athletic running shoes (Adidas Response Cushion). Tibial motion with respect to the femur was assessed in the stance phase. The internal/external rotation, adduction/abduction and flexion of knee joint were analyzed for a period of 100 ms after foot strike. In both the conditions, all subjects experienced internal tibial rotation after foot strike. During the 100-ms period after foot strike, the shoes reduced the amount of tibial rotation during running (barefoot 16.0 ± 4.1°, shod 13.7 ± 5.3°). The angular change of the knee flexion was increased with running shoe (barefoot 20.8 ± 4.9°, shod 26.5 ± 4.2°). These findings suggest that tibial rotation can be reduced by wearing athletic running shoes. © 2009 Taylor &amp
    Francis Group, LLC.


  • Effect of joint position on the electromyographic activity of the semitendinosus muscle.

    Kubota J, Kaneko F, Shimada M, Torii S, Fukubayashi T

    Electromyogr Clin Neurophysio   49  2009

  • Decrease of knee flexion torque in patients with ACL reconstruction: combined analysis of the architecture and function of the knee flexor muscles

    Y Makihara, A Nishino, T Fukubayashi, A Kanamori


     View Summary

    A decrease of deep knee flexion torque after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, using a semitendinosus (and gracilis) tendon, has been reported. However, the cause of this weakness remains controversial. Architectural and functional differences in the knee flexor muscles influence this weakness. the fiber length of the semitendinosus, gracilis, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris were directly measured in six human cadavers. The flexion torque and EMG of the hamstrings were measured in both limbs of 16 patients (23 +/- 5 years) after ACL reconstruction (12-43 months post-operation), using ipsilateral semitendinosus tendon. Magnetic resonance imagings were taken, over both the thighs of those patients, to measure muscle volume and to confirm a state of semitendinosus tendon regeneration. The position of the musculotendinous junction of the semitendinosus was also analyzed. The fiber length of the semitendinosus and gracilis were three to four times longer than that of the semimembranosus and biceps femoris. The difference of flexion torque between the normal and ACL reconstructed limbs significantly increased as the knee flexion angle increased. The EMG value for the semimembranosus and biceps femoris of both limbs as well as the semitendinosus of the ACL reconstructed limbs, significantly reduced as the knee flexion angle was increased. The volume of the semitendinosus in the reconstructed limb was significantly smaller than in normal limbs. The regeneration of the semitendinosus tendon was confirmed in all subjects, and the musculotendinous junction position of the reconstructed limb in almost all subjects was found in further image from the knee joint space than that for the normal limb. The decrease of deep knee flexion torque, after ACL reconstruction, could be due to the atrophy and shortening of the semitendinosus after its tendon has been harvested, as well as the lack of compensation from the semimembranosus and biceps femoris, due to the architectural differences between the semitendinosus and the semimembranosus and biceps femoris.


  • 膝屈筋腱を使用したACL再建術後の膝関節深屈曲位における筋力低下

    西野 章江, 牧原 由紀子, 福林 徹

    臨床スポーツ医学   22 ( 3 ) 273 - 281  2005

  • 疑似足関節内反捻挫の動的解析から見たテーピング,足関節装具の有用性

    福林 徹, 西野 章江

    臨床スポーツ医学   22 ( 5 ) 585 - 588  2005

  • アスレティック・リハビリテーションの基本的知識

    福林 徹

    整・災外   48 ( 5 ) 431 - 438  2005


  • 膝関節外傷後のアスレティック・リハビリテーション

    福林 徹

    整形外科   56   1035 - 1041  2005

  • 多点皮膚マーカーを用いた片脚着地の膝Kinematicsの計測

    永野康治, 井田博文, 赤居正美, 福林 徹

    日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌   26   133 - 137  2005

  • Biological maturity and choice reaction time in Japanese adolescent soccer players

    Norikazu Hirose, Atsushi Hirano, Toru Fukubayashi

    Research in Sports Medicine   12 ( 1 ) 45 - 58  2004.01

     View Summary

    In this study, the effect of biological maturity in developments of central information processing (CIP) evaluated from choice reaction time (CRT) was investigated from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. The subjects were Japanese adolescent soccer players. Biological maturity was evaluated according to skeletal age. CRT was measured using the Talent-Diagnose-System. In the cross-sectional study, skeletal age correlated with CRT (r = -0.52, p &lt
    0.01), and there were some differences in developmental aspects of CRT between chronological age and skeletal age. In the longitudinal study, CRT improved significantly from 10 to 11 years of chronological age. During this period, development of skeletal age exceeded chronological maturation. Moreover, the annual improvement of CRT correlated with that of skeletal age (r=-0.45, p &lt
    0.01). Our results suggest that while we have to consider the effect of external input, such as experience and training, development of CIP was influenced by development of biological maturity in Japanese adolescent soccer players.


  • スポーツ用足関節装具評価ー第一報:パーフォーマンス面からの検討ー

    牧原 由紀子, 福林 徹, 若山 章信, 今丸 好一郎, 三浦 隆

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   12 ( 1 ) 49 - 57  2004

  • 足関節捻挫の動的解析

    西野 章江, 福林 徹, 石井 朝夫, 三浦 隆, 早田 剛

    日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌   25   321 - 326  2004

  • Effects of lidocaine into knee on QF strength and EMG in patients with ACL lesion

    Y Konishi, Y Suzuki, N Hirose, T Fukubayashi

    MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE   35 ( 11 ) 1805 - 1808  2003.11

     View Summary

    KONISHI, Y. Y. SUZUKI, N. HIROSE, and T. FUKUBAYASHI. Effects of Lidocaine into Knee on QF Strength and EMG in Patients with ACL Lesion. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 35, No. 11, pp. 1805-1808, 2003. Purpose: In our previous study, we found that injection of lidocaine into intact knees reduced the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and integrated electromyogram (I-EMG) of the quadriceps femoris (QF). This study was designed to investigate changes in the MVC and I-EMG of the QF in response to lidocaine, in patients with anterior cruciate, ligament (ACL) lesion, to evaluate alpha-motoneuron activity innervating the QF. Methods: The MVC of knee extension and I-EMG of the vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL), and rectus femoris (RF) muscles were measured in eight patients with ruptured ACL, before and after lidocaine injection into the knee. Results: There were no significant differences between preinjection and postinjection values of MVC (preinjection: 167 +/- 49 N(.)m; postinjection: 164 +/- 55 N(.)m) and I-EMG (preinjection: VL: 0.11 +/- 0.06, VM: 0.13 +/- 0.10, RF: 0.09 +/- 0.04) (postinjection: VL: 0.12 +/- 0.07, VM: 0.13 +/- 0.10, RF: 0.09 +/- 0.05). Conclusion: Our results indicated that hindrance of afferent feedback from the knee in patients with ACL rupture did not significantly change alpha-motoneuron activity. Lidocaine injection into the knee joint of the subjects in this study only attenuated afferent feedback from mechanoreceptors in the knee joint cavity, but not in the ACL. as afferent feedback from ACL was already lost due to ACL rupture. This indicated that attenuation of afferent feedback from mechanoreceptors in the knee joint cavity other than the ACL did not significantly decrease the activity of alpha-motoneurons innervating the QF during MVC exertion. Therefore, our findings provide evidence that afferent feedback from the ACL has a major influence on the MVC exertion of the QF.


  • Acupuncture and responses of immunologic and endocrine markers during competition

    T Akimoto, C Nakahori, K Aizawa, F Kimura, T Fukubayashi, Kono, I

    MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE   35 ( 8 ) 1296 - 1302  2003.08

     View Summary

    Introduction: Acupuncture is used to modulate the physical well-being of athletes in Asian countries. However, there is little information on the immediate effects of acupuncture treatment on physiological or psychological responses to exercise. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of acupuncture treatment on the physical well-being of elite female soccer players during a competition period. Methods: Subjects were divided into two groups: those who received acupuncture treatment (18.1 +/- 2.3 yr [+/-SD], N = 9) and a control group (17.7 +/- 2.8 yr, N = 12). In the treatment group, acupuncture stimulus was applied at LI 4 (Goukoku), ST 36 (Ashi-sanri) for 20 min, and ST 6 (Kyosya), LU 6 (Ko-sai) points for 15 min 4 h after the game every night during the competition period. The measured parameters included salivary secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) level, cortisol level in saliva, subjective rating of physical well-being, and profile of mood states (POMS). Results: The following were the main results: 1) Exercise-induced decrease of salivary SIgA and increase of salivary cortisol were inhibited by acupuncture. 2) Acupuncture improved subjective rating of muscle tension and fatigue. 3) The POMS score was modulated by acupuncture. Conclusion: These results support the effectiveness of acupuncture for physical and mental well-being of athletes.


  • Gamma loop dysfunction in quadriceps on the contralateral side in patients with ruptured ACL

    Y Konishi, H Konishi, T Fukubayashi

    MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE   35 ( 6 ) 897 - 900  2003.06

     View Summary

    Purpose: The aim of our study was to test for any neurophysiological abnormality in the gamma loop in the quadriceps femoris muscle on the uninjured side of patients with unilateral rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Methods: Maximal voluntary contraction of knee extension and integrated electromyography (I-EMG) of the vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, and rectus femoris were measured in the uninjured limb of 13 patients with unilateral ACL rupture and 10 normal subjects, before and after 20-min vibration stimulation applied to the infrapatellar tendon. Results: The mean percentage changes of maximal voluntary contraction and I-EMG in quadriceps femoris of the uninjured side of patients with ACL rupture were significantly different from those of the control group. Maximal voluntary contraction and I-EMG after prolonged vibration stimulation did not decrease as much as those of the control group even though the same protocol of vibration stimulation was applied. Conclusion: The abnormal response to prolonged vibration stimulation could represent abnormal gamma loop in the quadriceps femoris muscle of the uninjured side in patients with ACL rupture since the normal response of maximal voluntary contraction and I-EMG to prolonged vibration stimulation could not be evoked without normal function of the gamma loop.


  • Effect of harvesting the hamstrings tendon for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on the morphology and movement of the hamstrings muscle: A novel MRI technique

    Shigeru Hioki, Toru Fukubayashi, Kotaro Ikeda, Mamoru Niitsu, Naoyuki Ochiai

    Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy   11 ( 4 ) 223 - 227  2003

     View Summary

    This study evaluated intramuscular movement of hamstrings muscle after reconstruction of the ACL with a hamstrings tendon graft. The movement of the muscles during knee flexion was measured using a novel MRI technique called the "tagging snapshot" technique, which labels multiple tagging bands within the musculature. Eleven patients who underwent ACL reconstruction using autogenous semitendinosus and gracilis tendons were studied. The difference in the maximum active knee flexion angle between the ACL-reconstructed and the intact knee was calculated as knee flexion lag. Knee flexion strength was measured in 8 of the 11 patients. The semitendinosus muscle of the ACL-reconstructed knee exhibited three different morphological patterns
    group I, similar shape to the intact knee with distal tendonlike structures
    group II, smaller proximally than the intact knee with distal tendonlike structures
    and group III, considerably smaller proximally than the intact knee without distal tendonlike structures. Each group was associated with a different knee flexion lag and different knee flexion strength. Our results indicated that the effect of hamstrings tendon harvest on knee function is not uniform.

    DOI PubMed

  • 膝前十字靭帯再建術後の膝深屈曲位における屈曲筋力低下の原因について

    牧原由紀子, 久保啓太郎, 小西 優, 福林 徹

    スポーツ傷害   8   1 - 3  2003

  • 前十字靱帯に合併した内側側副靱帯の治療

    福林 徹

    臨整外   38 ( 2 ) 129 - 134  2003

  • 国際大会でのメデイカルサポート

    福林 徹

    理学療法学   30 ( 3 ) 107 - 109  2003

  • サッカーの傷害と対策ー膝前十字靱帯および半月損傷を中心としてー

    福林 徹

    骨・関節.靱帯   16 ( 4 ) 405 - 411  2003

  • 国体におけるアンチ・ドーピングー日本体育協会国体委員会の立場からー

    福林 徹

    臨床スポーツ医学   20 ( 8 ) 845 - 848  2003

  • スポーツ外傷・障害のアウフバウトレーニング

    福林 徹監訳, 今井 順子訳

    文光堂,東京    2003

  • Possible mechanism of quadriceps femoris weakness in patients with reputured anterior cruciate ligament.

    Konishi, Y, Fukubayashi, T, Takeshita, D

    Med. Sci. Sports Exerc   34 ( 9 ) 1414 - 1418  2002

  • Mechanism of qudriceps femoris muscle weakness in patients with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Scand.

    Konishi, Y, Fukubayashi, T, Takeshita, D

    J. Med. Sci. Sports   12   371 - 375  2002

  • アスレティックテーピング・ブレース

    福林 徹

    臨床スポーツ医学   19 ( 3 ) 337 - 347  2002

  • サッカーの注意点と傷害予防

    福林 徹

    成人病と生活習慣病   32 ( 3 ) 372 - 376  2002


  • キャンプ地でのメディカルサポートのあり方—フランスでの経験からー

    福林 徹

    臨床スポーツ医学   19 ( 5 ) 519 - 521  2002


  • オスグット・シュラッター病の診断と治療

    平野 篤, 福林 徹

    MB Orthop   15 ( 6 ) 18 - 23  2002

  • 骨年齢と暦年齢でみた成長期サッカー選手の反応時間とステッピング能力の横断的変化

    広瀬 統一, 福林 徹, 平野 篤

    体力科学   51 ( 3 ) 299 - 306  2002


  • Mechanical stretch is a down-regulatory signal for differentiation of C-2C12 myogenic cells

    T Akimoto, T Ushida, S Miyaki, T Tateishi, T Fukubayashi


     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to examine whether mechanical stretch alters the expression of myogenic regulatory factors in cultured myogenic satellite cells. C2Cl2 myogenic satellite cells were plated on collagenized silastic membrane and cultured in growth medium and stretched with 20% elongation for 24 h. The expressions of myogenic regulatory factors including MyoD, myogenin, myocyte nuclear factor (MNF)-alpha and -beta were determined by semiquantitive reverse transcriptional-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis, The expressions of MyoD and MNF-alpha were decreased in stretched C2Cl2 as compared to control condition. The expressions of myogenin and MNF-beta were not detected. These results demonstrate that mechanical stretch inhibits differentiation of C2Cl2 myogenic satellite cells to myotube in the cultured condition. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


  • Relationship between the patellar height and the disorder of the knee extensor mechanism in immature athletes.

    Hirano, A, Fukubayashi, T, Ishii, T, Ochiai, N

    J. Pediatric Orthopaedics.   21   542 - 544  2001


  • スポーツ医学から見たスポーツと健康維持・増進

    福林 徹

    製品と安全   80   11 - 16  2001

  • サッカー少年の感性に関する研究—小・中・高生選手における比較検討からー

    志岐 幸子, 福林 徹, 相馬 一郎

    感性工学研究論文集   1 ( 1 ) 33 - 38  2001

    DOI CiNii

  • 下肢—救急外来を訪れる外傷を中心にー

    平野 篤, 福林 徹

    救急医学   25 ( 6 ) 690 - 594  2001

  • サッカー用バンデージの開発と有用性

    原 賢二, 福林 徹, 宮川 俊平, 河合 優実, 青柳 孝信, 岩田 奈穂子

    臨床スポーツ医学   18 ( 9 ) 1061 - 1065  2001


  • わが国のスポーツ競技者における外傷/障害の発生状況

    奥脇 透, 福林 徹

    関節外科   20 ( 増刊号 ) 15 - 23  2001

  • トップアスリートにおきるいわゆる「不思議な体験」—ベストパーフォーマンス遂行時の状況からー

    志岐 幸子, 福林 徹

    感性工学研究論文集   1 ( 2 ) 37 - 46  2001

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    A part of top athletes attach importance to Kansei at the time of competition, and admit closed relation between Kansei and best performance. On the other hand it is told that top athletes have the chance of so-called "strange experience"when they are creating best performance. The objective of this study is to clarify the "strange experience". Interview studies were carried out to the forty-one Japanese top athletes in the national and world level. As results 228 "strange experience"cases were obtained. They were classified into eight categories, "sensory information", "positive sense", "unconsciousness", "unity/harmony", "beyond time and space", "natural flow", "Qi", and "expander consciousness than the size of body/outer force". This "strange experience"would be the same phenomenon as "super experience"and "peak experience", which is commonly used in the ultra-psychological field. We discussed this phenomenon from the Jung's Theory in psychology and Matsumoto's theory in brain science. Kansei would act as a Key factor to produce "strange experience"to achieve the best performance.

    DOI CiNii

  • 膝の機能解剖 スポーツ外傷・傷害の理学診断・理学療法ガイド

    福林 徹

    臨床スポーツ医学   18 ( 臨時増刊号 ) 40 - 44  2001

  • 膝の理学診断・評価 スポーツ外傷・傷害の理学診断・理学療法ガイド

    福林 徹

    臨床スポーツ医学   18 ( 臨時増刊号 ) 40 - 44  2001

  • Follow-up study of GORE-TEX® artificial ligament - Special emphasis on tunnel osteolysis

    Toru Fukubayashi, Kohtaro Ikeda

    Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants   10 ( 4 ) 267 - 277  2000

     View Summary

    The Gore-Tex anterior cruciate ligament has been implanted in 123 patients at our institutions between 1984 and 1993. The Gore-Tex ligaments were totally ruptured in 26 cases. In the remaining 97 cases, 80 were followed up 5-11 years after operation. Graft loosening occurred in half of the cases, and osteoarthritic change was developed in 62% of the cases. Moreover, tibial and tunnel osteolysis was observed in most of the cases. Judging from these follow-up results, the Gore-Tex ligament should not be used for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.


  • スポーツ用装具の現状

    福林 徹

    臨床スポーツ医学   17 ( 1 ) 61 - 63  2000

  • 前十字靱帯損傷に伴う軟骨損傷

    福林 徹

    臨床スポーツ医学   17 ( 5 ) 537 - 540  2000

  • 筋・腱結合部の働き

    日置 繁, 福林 徹

    体育の科学   50 ( 6 ) 449 - 451  2000

  • 運動と外傷ー骨・関節の外傷ー

    福林 徹

    臨床スポーツ医学   17 ( 9 ) 1113 - 1120  2000

  • Day Surgery 日本の現状と問題点ーアメリカの現状との比較ー

    福林 徹, 金森 章浩

    臨床スポーツ医学   17 ( 8 ) 905 - 906  2000

  • 我が国におけるトレーナー活動の現状

    福林 徹

    スポーツ傷害   4   43 - 44  2000

  • 半腱様筋・薄筋採取後の膝屈筋群の収縮形態

    日置 繁, 福林 徹, 新津 守, 和田野安良, 池田 耕太郎

    日本整形外科スポーツ医学会   19 ( 3 ) 91 - 95  2000

  • スポーツにおける鍼治療の手技とその適応

    廻谷 滋, 宮本 俊和, 福林 徹, 鳥居 俊

    臨床スポーツ医学   17 ( 9 ) 1089 - 1092  2000

  • HAタイプ人工膝関節 杉岡洋一監修 先端医療シリーズ8・整形外科

    福林 徹

    先端医療技術研究所     395 - 397  2000

  • サッカー選手のけがーその予防法と治療法ー

    福林 徹 監訳, 今井 純子訳

    大修館書店, 東京    2000

  • 膝前十字靱帯再建後の下肢機能評価について

    勝矢まゆり, 白木 仁, 下條仁士, 宮永 豊, 福林 徹

    臨床スポーツ医学   16 ( 2 ) 229 - 233  1999

  • サッカー選手の外傷・障害とその予防

    福林 徹

    バイオメカニクス研究   3 ( 2 ) 139 - 141  1999

  • アスレティックリハビリテーションー理論と実際ー

    福林 徹

    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌   7 ( 3 ) 201 - 207  1999

  • 成長期サッカー選手の反応時間およびステッピング能力の発達

    広瀬 統一, 平野 篤, 石栗 建, 福林 徹

    サッカー医・科学研究   19   101 - 104  1999

  • サッカー選手のコンディショニングに対する栄養調査の必要性

    川端 理香, 平野 篤, 福林 徹

    サッカー医・科学研究   19   142 - 145  1999

  • 投球動作における肘・肩関節の3次元動力学的研究ー投球上肢の運動パターンと障害発生の可能性との関連ー

    宮西 智久, 宮永 豊, 藤井 範久, 阿江 通良, 功力 靖雄, 岡田 守彦, 福林 徹, 馬見塚 尚孝

    体力科学   48 ( 5 ) 583 - 596  1999

     View Summary

    This study was designed to clarify the causes of throwing injuries of the elbow and shoulder joints in baseball.Five varsity-skilled baseball players without pain in the elbow and shoulder joints were subjects for this study.They were fixed to a chair and asked to throw a baseball using three different throwing arm movements(T_0, T_<45>and T_<90>).These movements were filmed using three-dimensional DLT videography.Linked rigid-body segment inverse dynamics were then employed to determine resultant joint force and torque at the elbow and shoulder joints.Peak varus torque at the elbow joint for T_<90> was less than for other movements during the acceleration phase.In the follow-through phase, however, a large anterior shear force(70N)at the elbow, for elbow extension, was present for T_<90>.These results indicate that T_<90> was a high risk movement which leads to extension injuries rather than medial tension injuries.After the ball release, a large superior shear force(118N)at the shoulder joint was present in all movements.This superior force may result from the subacromial impingement syndrome, except for critical zones of impingement caused by the different throwing arm movements.These findings suggest that the mechanisms of throwing arm injuries are closely related to differences in throwing arm movements.

    DOI CiNii

  • 動きでわかる解剖と機能

    福林 徹監修, 中村 千秋, 渡部 賢一翻訳

    医道の日本社, 東京    1999

  • スポーツ復帰に向けてのリハビリテーションプログラム

    福林 徹監訳, 今井 純子訳

    文光堂, 東京    1999

  • 膝伸展・屈曲運動時の大腿四頭筋・屈筋群内収縮様式の解析

    日置 繁, 福林 徹, 池田 耕太郎, 林 耕一郎, 新津 守

    日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌   18, 363-366  1998

  • 半月板切除後のアスレチックリハビリテーション

    福林 徹

    臨床スポーツ医学   14, 1025-1028  1998

  • アイシングシステムの有用性について

    金森 章浩, 池田 耕太郎, 林 耕一郎, 宮本 芳明, 沖永 修二, 金子 正剛, 福林 徹

    東京膝関節学会会誌   18, 77-79  1998

  • 人工膝関節全置換術10年以上の長期成績

    渡辺 保彦, 池田 耕太郎, 金森 章浩, 林 耕一郎, 福林 徹

    整形外科   49, 745-750  1998

  • スポーツ整形外科学(改訂第2版)

    福林 徹, 膝蓋骨脱臼, 亜脱臼, 中嶋 寛

    南江堂     250 - 261  1998

  • アスレチックトレーナーのためのスポーツ医学

    福林 徹, 膝関節, 宮永 豊, 河野 一郎, 白木 仁

    文光堂     147 - 152  1998

  • 膝の外傷・障害 日本体力医学会学術部会(編)スポーツ医学

    福林 徹

    朝倉書店     355 - 359  1998

  • 膝・下腿・足 日本臨床スポーツ医学会整形外科学術部会(編) 野球障害予防ガイドライン

    福林 徹

    文光堂    1998

  • アスレティック・リハビリテーション総論 アスレティックトレーナー専門科目テキスト

    福林 徹, 筒井 廣明, 星川 吉光

    日本体育協会     211 - 221  1998

  • 整形外科アスレチックリハビリテーション実践マニュアル

    福林 徹 編集

    全日本病院出版会    1998

  • アスレチックリハビリテーション

    福林 徹, 米田 稔 編集

    南江堂    1998

  • スポーツ鍼治療マニュアル

    福林 徹, 宮本 俊和

    南江堂    1998

  • サッカーのファンクション体操

    福林 徹 監訳

    大修館書店    1998

  • 膝前十字靭帯損傷のバイオメカニクス

    福林 徹

    整形外科   48:489-494   489 - 494  1997

  • 前十字靭帯損傷のリハビリテーション

    福林 徹, 宇川 康二

    リハビリテーション医学   34(5):307-309   307 - 309  1997

  • 競技パーフォーマンスに与える新型足関節サポーターの有用性

    石栗 建, 福林 徹

    臨床スポーツ医学   14:587-592   587 - 592  1997

  • 中学生の野球肘の実態ならびに治療について

    真見塚 尚孝, 福林 徹

    Orthopaedics   10:9-16   9 - 16  1997

  • 大学におけるスポーツ医学教育のあり方について

    津山 薫, 福林 徹

    日本体育大学紀要   27:1-9   1 - 9  1997

  • 前十字靱帯損傷のバイオメカニクス

    福林 徹

    整形外科   48:489-494  1997

  • スポーツ障害予防のための最新トレーニング

    福林 徹 監訳, 今井 純子訳

    文光堂,東京    1997

  • 膝のスポーツ障害に対する体操療法

    福林 徹, 白木 仁

    journal of Joint Surgery   15(12):62-67   62 - 67  1996

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Research Projects

  • The efficacy of the low frequency electrical acupuncture to the disuse muscle atrophy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    To clarify the mechanism of preventing skeletal muscle atrophy, we adopted the skeletal muscle atrophy models with the hind limb suspension or the novel spiral wire immobilization. By acupuncture interventions, we found that acupuncture treatments improved the expression levels of target genes such as Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 of E3 ubiquitin ligases. Furthermore, cDNA microarray analysis clarified new candidate genes involved in acupuncture treatment to prevent skeletal muscle atrophy, including CCL21 and matrix metal proteinases.

  • The functional difference of hamstrings and the mechanism of muscle strain

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to compare the recruitment patterns in hamstring muscles during hip extension exercise and during sprinting to clarify the mechanism underlying hamstring injury. We concluded that the activation properties of each hamstring muscle differ due to the muscle morphological features. These differences may contribute to the mechanism for hamstring muscle strain injury.

  • Motion analysis of anterior cruciate ligament insufficient knee during sports activities.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SATO Mutsumi, NAKATA Ken, MAE Tatsuo, TOMITA Tetsuya, SUGAMOTO Kazuomi, NAKAMURA Normasa, SAKAI Takahiro, KOYANAGI Maki, NAGURA Takeo, FUKUBAYASHI Toru

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of the anterior cruciate ligament insufficient knee during sports activities using motion analysis. In the single-leg landing, the maximum knee flexion angle was greater than the double-leg landing. During the side drop-jump, the knee valgus moment was greater than the front drop-jump, but there was no difference between the knee valgus moment during the internal side drop-jump and that during the external side drop-jump. Concerning the one leg standing with trunk tilting backward, the A-P translation distance of the femur against the tibia in ACL insufficient knee was greater than the normal knee.

  • Treatment effect for knee osteoarthritis detected by early dynamic changes of knee joint movement during gait

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AKAI Masami, NAKAZAWA Kimitaka, OGATA Toru, FUKUBAYASHI Toru

     View Summary

    We, Japanese have nearly seven million patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis, who are often indicated with conservative treatments like quadriceps strengthening or foot insoles. Osteoarthritis patients may exhibit different kinematics according to the stage of disease, however, the pathomechanism of such treatments is still uncertain. The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in the knee kinematic gait variables of osteoarthritis patients, including the frontal and horizontal planes, with respect to the severity of the disease.
    All subjects were examined their gait patterns during walking on a flat walkway. In each trial, we calculated the angular displacements of flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, and external/internal tibial rotation. We also measured muscle strength, range of motion(ROM), and ground reaction force(GRF). We compared the differences in osteoarthritis severity and knee kinematic variables in the frontal and horizontal planes between osteoarthritis patients and normal subjects.
    Osteoarthritis patients had different knee kinematics during gait, depending on the progress of osteoarthritis. Early-stage patients mainly exhibited decreased axial tibial rotation excursion, while severe-stage patient exhibit increased knee adduction. In the third year, we added a new device which can produce sudden floor perturbation to simulate a clinical situation, and ultrasound therapy for analgesic effect to separate factors from knee alignment and from pain. We continue the investigation to understand the pathomechanism and prognosis of knee osteoarthritis.

  • Three dimensional analysis of the anterior cruciate ligament injury of the knee and the establishment of its prevention method

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



  • High resolutionlVtil imaging of the joints using microscopy coil

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to establish the MRI delineation methods for high-resolution images of the joints. We introduced the microscopy imaging. and multi-channel coil.
    The microscopy provided high-resolution imagining with in-plane resolution of 0.1 mm and delineated subtle irregularities of the articular cartilage, ligamentous irregularities of the knee joint. The microscopy also demonstrated normal and pathological conditions of the wrist, including the triangular fibrocartilage complex. 8-channel knee coil demonstrated superior delineation of the ligament and meniscal morphologies.
    These methods will promise the normal and pathological conditions of the fine components of the joints, which was hardly delineated by using the conventional imaging

  • Relationship between skeletal age and event-related potentials in well-trained adolescent athletes

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    In this study, we aimed to clarify the relationship between central information processing (CI) ability and performance in adolescent athletes such as soccer player. We also examined the influence of biological maturation on the development of CIP. Our result showed that well-trained adolescent soccer players had significantly faster reaction times in case of hand (p<0.05), foot (p<0.01), and whole body (p<0,001) conditions compared with less-trained player. This result may suggest that CIP has some influence on the performance of during adolescence. On the other hand, it is well known that CIP develops during pre-and mid-adolescence when large individual differences in biological maturation appear. In this regard, to clarify the relationship between the development of CIP and biological maturation, we examined the relationship between development of skeletal age, choice reaction time, and event-related potentials (N200 and P300) . Results of our study showed that the development of choice reaction time in case of the whole body condition had moderate relationship with an increase in skeletal age. Moreover, there were significant differences in N200 and P300 latencies between the 10-, 11-, and 12-year age groups. Then the cross-sectional change of P300 had significant correlation with only skeletal age =-0.50, p<0.05) . From these results, we speculate that increasing skeletal age may influence the development of CIP during pre-adolescence.
    Our findings are very significant since they imply that CIP ability develops drastically during adolescence because of a spurt in biological maturity.

  • New MR Delineation of Articular Cartilage

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NIITSU Mamoru, IKEDA Kotaro, FUKUBAYASHI Tohru

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to establish the MRI delineation methods for high-resolution images of the articular cartilage. We introduced two innovative imaging tools, the parallel imaging and the microscopy imaging.
    The parallel imaging (SENSE method) enabled the acquisition to obtain over 160 slices within 20 minutes, which was double the performance of the previous method. Diagnostic results of the cruciate and meniscal pathologies as well as cartilage lesions were satisfactory.
    The microscopy provided high-resolution imagining with in-plane resolution of 0.1 mm and delineated subtle irregularities of the articular cartilage, especially in medial aspect of the knee joint. These two methods will promise the normal and pathological conditions of the cartilage, which was hardly delineated by using the conventional imaging.

  • Development of a SIgA measurement kit for monitoring of risk of URTI

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KONO Ichiro, AKAMA Takeo

     View Summary

    Development of SIgA kit
    We tried to develop a SIgA measurement kit by using commercially available monoclonal antibody. However, we could not develop an optimal system of SIgA measurement, because of the titer and/or epitope of monoclonal antibody. So, we are trying to make some monoclonal antibodies to be able to use TIA. Now we are screening the antibody
    Determination of the relationship between SIgA level and URTI
    Our research which we pointed out the relationship between SIgA and URTI, was published in Japanese Journal of Clinical Sports Medicine. Furthermore, another research which dealt with changes of SIgA and physical and mental stress was published in Medicine and Science in Spurts and Exercise. Resulting from this study, we clarified that there is a certain relationship between SIgA level and risk of URTI, we may be able to apply the relationship to prevent URTI in athletes

  • High resolution MR imaging of the knee at 3T

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NIITSU Mamoru, IKEDA Kotaroh, FUKUBAYASHI Tohru, NAKAI Toshiharu

     View Summary

    Purpose. To examine the 3.0-T MR unit to obtain high quality, high resolution images of the knee joint.
    Subjects and Methos. One human cadaveric and five porcine knees were imaged with the 3.0-T unit. Sets of T1-weighted spin echo images were obtained with in-plane resolution of 0.195x0.39mm and an acquisition time of approximately 5min. Two porcine knees were also imaged with the 1.0-T unit with an identical imaging protocol and the signal-to-noise ratios were measured on both images at 3T and 1T.
    Results. The 3-T MR system provided detailed delineation of the knees. Deep layers of the medial collateral ligament and associated fine fibers beneath the medial and lateral collateral ligament were demarcated. Precise demonstration of the tibial attachment of the anterior cruciate ligament, irregularity of the meniscal free edge, and conjoint tendon formation together with the lateral collateral ligament and the biceps femoris tendon, were demonstrated. Compared to 1-T unit, the signal-to-noise ratio with 3-T was increased by a factor of 1.39 to 1.72.
    Conclusion. Due to the potential advantage of obtaining detailed images, the 3-T MR system suggests practical utility for fine demonstration of the knee morphology.

  • Dynamic Analysis of the Muscle Movement with MRI

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate intramuscular movement of quadriceps femoris and hamstrings with a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method. Tagging Snapshot technique can label multiple high intensity tagged bands within the musculature by applying selective 180゚ pulses in a plane orthogonal to the image section. Motion within the interval between the tagging and the image acquisition are demonstrated as displaced and distorted tagging bands. Ten legs of ten healthy volunteers, seven males and three females, were investigated. To measure the motion of quadriceps femoris, subjects lied in supine position and extended their knees from 45 to 30 degrees and from 15 to 0 degrees, and for hamstrings, lied in prone position and flexed their knees from 15 to 0 degrees. And for soleus, gastrocnemius and tibiaris anterior muscle, subjects lied in supine position, and performed dorsiflextion and plantar-flexion of their ankle. Sagittal and coronal sections with Tagging Snapshot method were obtained. As a results, at any portion of quadriceps femoris, proximal movement was observed, and the movement at distal portion was larger than proximal ones. As hamstrings, at any portion of short head of biceps femoris, semitendinosus and gracilis, proximal movement was observed but at distal portion of long head of biceps femoris and semimembranosus proximal and distal movement was observed at a same time. As gastrocnemius, at any portion of three components moved proximal, and no difference were observed between amount of their movement.

  • Quantitative measurement of muscle atropy after ACL reconstruction

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUKUBAYASHI Toru, UKAWA Kouji, NIITSU Mamoru, ANNO Izumi

     View Summary

    (1) Quantitative measurement of the quadriceps atrophy and herniation after the ACL reconstruction using the iliotibial tract were performed with the magnetic resonance image (MRI). 11 competitive level athletes were investigated. From the 15 axial slices of the MRI,muscle volume of all components of qurdriceps femoris and hamstrings were measured. The muscle volume of the vastus medialis showed 8% decrease comparing to the normal side. The spatial position of the quadriceps femoris rotated about 40゚ externaly comparing to the normal side. Though the largest external rotation occured at vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and intermedius also showed certain tendency of the excessive external rotation. At 60 and 180 deg/sec leg extension of the operated side showed 15% and 9% decrease of the peak torque in comparison with the control side.
    (2) Quantitative volume measurements of quadriceps femoris and hamstrings after ACL reconstruction were performed with the same MRI technique. 33 competitive or recreational level athletes who underwent ACL reconstruction with semitendinosus and gracilis tendons were investigated more than 1 year after the operatio. The muscle volume of quadriceps femoris and hamstrings showed 5-9% decrease in comparison with the control side. Though the tendinous portions were extirpated, the semitendinosus and gracilis muscles still preserved 60% and 71% of the control side volume, and exhibited muscle contraction at the Tagging Snapshot. There was no regeneration of the extirpated tendons. Slight hypertrophy of semimembranosus and biceps femoris muscle were observed in ha f of the cases. These morphological changes of thigh muscles were slightly related to the peak torque of knee extension and flexion.

  • Relations Among the Fatigue Fracture, Bbone Density and Female Hormones in Athletes

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    This investigation was aimed to know the effect of training-induced menstrual disorders on bone mass and fatigue fractures.
    The subjects were 12 college female water-polo players and 31 college female volleyball players. 20 age matched sedentary college women were also used as a control.
    Menstrual conditions were decided by six to twelve months basal body temperature measurement. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry were used to measure the bone mineral density (BMD) in total body and lumber spine. The water-polo players and volleyball players had larger bone mineral density in lumber spine and total body skeleton than the sedentary controls. The bone mineral density of the menstrual disordered players were smaller than eumenorrheic players in lumber spine and in total body (water-polo players only).
    Hormonal examinations revealed lower serum estradiol level in menstrual disordered players compared with eumenorrheic water-polo and volleyball players. In water-polo players serum estradiol level and BMD were significantly positive in both total body and in lumber spine.

  • The basic research for antitumor effect of tumor necrosis facctor (TNF) against malignant brain-tumor

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAGAWA Kunio, NOSE Tadao

     View Summary

    The effect partially purified rat tumor necrosis factor (TNF) was tested against 9L rat brain tumor both in vivo and in vitro. The TNF-containing serum (TNS) was produced by intravenous injection of OK432 and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Injection of TNS significantly (p<0.05) prolonged the survival time of brain tumor-bearing rats (29.9 12.6 days after tumor cell inoculation, as compared to 20.8 4.4 days in the untreated group).
    In the in vitro assay, medium containing 50% TNS significantly decreased the viability of 9L brain tumor cells, by 57.6%, 50.0%, and 57.0% at 3, 5, and 7 days after the beginning of culture, respectively. TNS also displayed significant inhibition of cell growth, indicating a cytostatic effect. To verify TNS activity, TNS was partially purified by means of the DEAE-Sephadex a 50 batch ion exchange method and Sephadex G 200 column chromatography. Four fractions were tested in TNF-sensitive L(S) cells, TNF-resistant L(R) cells, and 9L brain tumor cells. Fraction 4 of TNS demonstrated 37.5%, 88.1%, and 43.2% cell viability against L(S), L(R), and 9L cells, respectively. On the other hand, fraction 4 of normal rat serum showed 87.5%, 87.8%, and 82.2% cell viability, respectively. These results strongly suggest the presence of TNF in the TNS produced by OK432 and LPS.
    The effect of recombinant human TNF( -hTNF, kindly supplyed by Dainippon Pharmaceutical Co, LTD.) was also tseted against 9l brain tumor in vivo. When the 9L tumor reached to the 10mm in diameter, 5000unit of -hTNF with or without lymphokine activated killer cell was injected intraven ously or intratumorally. Fine injections were given to each mouse one week interval. The result was that the -htnf with LAK cells siginificantly prolonged their survival time (P<0.005) compared to other groups.

  • ハムストリングスの機能分担と肉離れの発症メカニズム

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)

  • 着地動作時の足部荷重変形機能の3次元解析への挑戦

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)

  • The influence of trunk control to the mechanism of anterior cruciate ligament injury

  • 膝前十字靱帯不全に伴う関節感覚機能不全と靱帯再建術後の感覚機能回復過程の検討

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)

  • An analysis of the non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injury

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Overseas Activities

  • スポーツ障害予防プログラムとのメカニズムに関してのバイオメカニクス的研究


    ドイツ   ミュンヘン技術大学

    アメリカ   スタンフォード大学

    スペイン   クイロン病院

Internal Special Research Projects

  • ジュニア期女子バスケットボール選手のACL損傷リスク評価-試合映像の分析より-


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    〈背景〉本研究では膝前十字靭帯(以下ACL)損傷のスクリーニングテストにおいてハイリスクと評価された選手がバスケットボールの試合中にどのような動きをしているか試合映像の分析より検討を行った.本研究の目的は,ACL損傷危険率予測指標を用いてハイリスク選手を抽出し,その選手がバスケットボール競技中においてもACL損傷に繋がるリスクの高い動きをしているか検討することとした.〈方法〉対象は健康な中学女子バスケットボール選手18名とした.Drop vertical jump着地時の膝内側変位量,膝屈曲角度変位量,体重,脛骨長,大腿四頭筋/ハムストリングス筋力比(QH比)よりACL損傷危険率を算出した.ACL損傷危険率が80%以上であった1名の試合映像を4台のビデオカメラ(60Hz)を用いて4方向より同時に撮影した.バスケットボール競技においてACL損傷が多く発生する片脚での着地・ストップ動作を試合映像より抽出した.映像の抽出基準は先行研究に基づき,1) 前額面および矢状面の映像,2) 足部接地が確認できる映像,3)選手が鮮明に映っている映像,4)着地・ストップ動作中に接触が無いあるいは最低限の映像とした.前額面映像より接地時の膝関節外転角度および体幹側方傾斜角度を算出し,矢状面映像より膝関節屈曲角度を算出した.対象脚は左脚とした.〈結果〉抽出基準を満たした3映像を解析対象とした.接地時の膝外転角度は7.8±5.2°, 体幹側方傾斜角度は4.3±1.5°, 膝屈曲角度は22.7±13.7°であった.〈考察〉ACL損傷受傷場面において,接地時の膝外転角度は5.5±6.0°, 体幹側方傾斜角度は11.1±2.0°, 膝屈曲角度は18.3±7.5°と報告されている.本研究におけるハイリスク選手は,ACL損傷受傷膝に比べ体幹側方傾斜は小さく,膝屈曲角度は大きくリスクの低い動作を示した.一方,膝外転角度に関してはACL損傷受傷膝よりも大きく,リスクが高い動作を示した.〈結論〉Drop vertical jumpによるスクリーニングテストでハイリスクとされる選手は,バスケットボール競技中においても前額面上でリスクの高い動作を呈している可能性が示唆された.

  • 荷重免荷型トレッドミルを用いた、歩行時の免荷率が下肢筋の筋活動に及ぼす影響


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    スポーツ選手に多発する前十字靭帯再建術後のリハビリテーションでは,つま先歩行からはじめ,1/3荷重歩行,1/2荷重歩行,2/3荷重歩行,全荷重歩行へと約一ヶ月間をかけて荷重移行していく.そのため,前十字靭帯再建術ではスポーツ復帰をするまでに半年から1年近くの長期間のリハビリテーションを必要とする.特に,下腿疲労骨折の選手や,前十字靭帯再建術後の選手は,股関節・大腿・下腿の筋バランスが不均一な状態になっていることが多い.そのため,歩行時においてもバランスが調整出来ず,罹患した筋や患部の筋緊張が異常に上がり,上手く歩行できないことが十分に考えられる.近年,簡便かつ有用な免荷トレーニング手法として注目を集めているのが,NASAが開発した空気圧を用いた荷重免荷型トレッドミル(Alter G: Anti-Gravity Treadmill: Alter G 社製)である.運動器疾患のリハビリテーションに荷重免荷型トレッドミルが応用可能であれば,外傷からの早期回復が十分可能であると考えられる.そこで,本研究では荷重免荷型トレッドミル(Alter G)を用いて,筋活動特性や足底圧との関係を明らかにし,運動療法への有用性を検討した. 下肢に疾患のない健常な成人男性8名(年齢24.9±1.8歳,身長170.8±8.3cm,体重64.0±9.5kg)を対象とした.4km/h,6km/hの速度にて,クリティカルパスに従い荷重免荷量を体重比100%,75%,50%,25%とした.また,ワイヤレス筋電計(WBA SYSTEM)を用いて下肢筋群の筋活動を計測するとともに,足底圧分布F-scanを用いて歩行時の立脚期の足底接触ピーク圧と接触面積を計測した. その結果,荷重免荷量が増加するに従い,大腿前面,下腿後面の筋活動は減少,大腿後面,下腿前面の筋活動は増加,足底接触ピーク圧,接触面積は減少することが明らかとなった.Alter Gは歩行中の筋活動を抑え,足底接触時の圧を減少させることが可能であり,また足関節や膝関節にかかる負荷を減少させながら歩行が可能であると考えられる.Alter Gは免荷時期での正常な歩容の獲得に効果的で,急性外傷・術後早期の足・膝関節障害者,松葉杖等の使用者に有用であり,日常生活や競技復帰に向けた運動療法として効果的であると考える.

  • 大腿屈筋の機能分担の解明と肉離れ予防,腱再生メカニズムへの応用


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    第1の実験としてハムストリングスの伸張性収縮を見るgood morning実験(股関節の伸張性屈曲)を施行した。結果として積分筋電図(RMS値)で大腿二頭筋と半膜様筋が半腱様筋にたいして高値を示した。また3日後のMRIを用いてのT2値でも両筋は施行前より高値を示し、半腱様筋と異なった挙動を示した。本結果は前年度行ったNordic Hamstringsの実験とは逆の結果であり、股関節の屈曲と膝関節の伸展では、二関節筋であるハムストリングスと言ってもその構成筋により機能差異があることが明示された。,第2の実験として前十字靱帯損傷選手の術後のリハビリテーションにおいて、術後4ヶ月から6ヶ月の2ヶ月間にNordic Hamstrings トレーニングを施行し、ハムストリングスの筋力、筋体積に及ぼす効果について検討した.結果としてトレーニング群のハムストリングスの筋体積は,三筋ともトレーニング前後で有意に増大した.等尺性膝関節屈曲トルクは健側の45,60,90°,患側の30,45,90,105°において有意に増大した.特にNordic Hamstrings トレーニングによって伸長性収縮に反応しやすい紡錘状筋の半腱様筋・薄筋・大腿二頭筋短頭が肥大し,これらの筋の貢献度が高い膝関節深屈曲位でのトルク増大が生じたと考えられる.なおハムストリングの筋電のRMS値を評価したが、両側とも,膝関節角度の増加にともなう大腿二頭筋長頭、半膜様筋の放電量の低下が証明されたのに対し,半腱様筋の放電量は変化しなかったことから,膝関節深屈曲位における半腱様筋の優位性が証明されたの考えられる.以上より,Nordic Hamstringsトレーニングによって,ACL再建術後に生じる膝関節深屈曲位の機能低下およびSTの筋萎縮が改善することが明らかとなった.第3の実験として大型トレッドミルを用いての各種スピードでのランニング実験を行った.筋活動量は全ての筋で走速度の上昇に伴い有意に増大した。この中でハムストリング構成筋の特徴としてMiddle Swing Phaseの75%max,85%max,95%maxにおいて半腱様筋の筋活動量が大腿二頭筋に比べ有意に高値を示したが,Late Swing Phaseにかけては2筋共に有意に増大し,筋活動量に有意な差はみられなかった.筋活動の最大値出現時間はStance PhaseおよびLate Swing Phase共に95%maxというほほ全速力での走行時においてのみ大腿二頭筋と半膜様筋腱筋間に有意差が認められ,肉離れと発生頻度の関連が示唆された.

  • ジャンプ・着地動作における足部アーチの動的挙動と足部障害の関連


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  • 膝前十字靱帯再建術に伴う大腿四頭筋筋力低下のメカニズムと予防対策


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    【目的】前十字靭帯(以下ACL)の損傷はスポーツ外傷では最も注目されている疾患の一つである.スポーツ活動への復帰を希望する者に対してはACL再建術とその後のアスレチックリハビリテーションが不可欠である.しかし ACL再建術後の大腿四頭筋の回復過程を生理学的な側面と形態学的な側面の両方から詳細に研究したものは見当たらない.そこで本研究はACL再建術後の大腿四頭筋の形態および筋活動がいかに変化し,また回復するかの詳細を検討することを目的として,ACL再建患者の大腿四頭筋の筋体積および固有筋力の変化,膝伸展トルク,大腿直筋,外側広筋,内側広筋の筋放電量の縦断的な計測評価を行いその予防対策を立てることを目的とした。【方法】ACLの再建を行った患者のうち,リハビリテーション経過を観察できた18名(男性8名,女性10名)を対象とした.MRIを用いて術後3,4,6,9,12ヶ月経過時に大腿部の筋体積を計測すると共にに、等尺性膝伸展筋力をBIODEX SYSTEM 3を用い90°,75°,45°で計測した.また筋電計(バイオモニターME6000)を用いて大腿直筋,外側広筋,内側広筋の表面筋電図を記録した.【結果】ACL再建術後の大腿四頭筋では平均して10%程度の筋萎縮が見られた。萎縮は内側広筋を中心として起こり,他の3筋は萎縮が多少軽微であった。筋力は筋断面より術後早期にその落ち込みが大きかったが、術後半年以上ではその程度はほぼ筋萎縮の程度と比例した。筋放電量では各角度の比較では筋トルクと同様に90°の対健側比が高く,角度が浅くなっていくほど筋放電量が低下する傾向がみられた.経時的変化では少なくとも術後9ヵ月までは内側広筋の筋放電量の低下が残存することが認められた.筋断面積当たりの筋出力は固有筋力と呼ばれているが、この固有筋力はいずれの角度でも術後6ヵ月までは有意な差が認められたが,それ以降は有意な差が認められなかった.これらのことから術後の大腿四頭筋の筋力低下は筋萎縮による筋体積減少に加え,神経筋反応を介して高次機能からの神経的抑制や脊髄レベルでの関与が考えられた. ACL再建術後の早期の完全な復帰を行なうためには,単に術後のリハビリテーションメニューを加速するだけでなく,神経筋の反応を十分考慮し,術後早期より内側広筋に十分な刺激を加えるようなメニューや,早期の手術部の炎症の鎮静化や,メカノレセプターの再生を促すメニューの確立が必要と思われた.

  • 半腱様筋腱の再生機構の組織工学的検討


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    「目的」半腱様筋腱採取後には,腱の存在していた空間に形成された血塊中に,腱再生を促進させる因子が存在し,そこに十分な栄養が供給され,さらには適切な力学的刺激が加わることにより腱が再生するという仮説を立てた.本研究ではまず,腱採取後に再生する組織を生化学的および組織学的手法により詳細に評価し,半腱様筋腱採取後の腱の再生過程を明らかにすることを目的とし、再生組織に力学的な刺激を負荷することにより,力学的刺激が組織再生に与える影響についても検討した.「方法」生後1年の山羊30頭の右後肢から長趾屈筋腱を全身麻酔下にて採取し,採取した腱を移植し同側のACL再建を行った.術後6週,6ヶ月,12ヶ月の各時点で山羊を10頭ずつ,全身麻酔下に屠殺した.本研究においては半腱様筋腱の代わりに長趾屈筋腱を対象とし,腱再生に関する検討を行った.各時点で長趾屈筋腱採取部に再生した組織および反対側の正常な長趾屈筋腱を採取した.採取した組織の一部には,ピーク圧1 MPa,0.5 Hzの静水圧を1日4時間ずつ,4日間に渡り間欠的に負荷した.再生組織と正常腱組織とを比較するため,また,静水圧が各組織に及ぼす影響を調べるため,採取後の再生組織,正常腱組織,静水圧を負荷した組織のそれぞれについて組織切片を作成し,Hematoxylin-Eosin,Elastica Van Gieson,Azan染色を施し,顕微鏡観察を行った.「結果」再生組織の組織学的所見は,術後6週に採取した組織においても膠原線維組織が存在していた.術後6ヶ月,12ヶ月に採取した再生組織では,術後6週の場合と比較し,膠原線維組織が蜜に存在し,比較的規則正しく配列していた.すなわち,一度腱を採取しても,術後初期段階から腱様組織が再生し始め,その再生組織は術後経過とともに正常腱に類似した組織になっていくことが示唆された.静水圧負荷の有無による差異は,今回の組織学的評価においては確認できなかった.現在はPCR法による遺伝子発現の評価等,生化学的な検討を行っており,静水圧が再生組織に及ぼす影響を含め,組織の再生過程をより詳細に明らかにしていく予定である.

  • 生体内における半腱様筋腱再生メカニズムに関する研究

    2005   鳥居 俊

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  • 大腿屈筋の機能分担-膝前十字靱帯再建例での検討-


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    ① 死体解剖による半膜様筋,大腿二頭筋,半腱様筋、薄筋の筋長,筋線維長,羽状角の計測:6体の計測結果では四筋とも筋長は25 cm程度で同一である.半膜様筋,大腿二頭筋は23度の羽状角を持つ半羽状筋であり,筋線維長は6 cm程度と短い.一方半腱様筋,薄筋は紡錘筋であり,羽状角はなく筋線維長は平均24 cmと長い.② 筋力の測定:術後1年以上を経て術前のスポーツに復帰した前十字靱帯再建選手に対し筋力計測器(Biodex3)を用いて,腹臥位(股関節伸展位)の肢位で膝関節30度,45度,60度,90度,105度での等尺性屈曲筋力を測定した.30度,45度では健患側差はないが,90度,105度で患側の筋力が30%程度低下が明らかになった.③ 筋体積の測定:MRIを用いて膝関節裂隙から坐骨結節までの大腿筋のT1強調の連続水平横断画像をスライス厚10 mm,スライス間隔2.5 mmで作成.NIHイメージより半膜様筋,大腿二頭筋,半腱様筋の体積を計算した.腱が採取された患側の半腱様筋では健側の70 %程度に筋体積は萎縮しているが,半膜様筋,大腿二頭筋は健患側で差異が無く代償性肥大が見られなかった.④ 積分筋電値(I-EMG)の測定:ホルター型筋電計(ME-3000P4 MEGA社)を用いて半膜様筋,大腿二頭筋,半腱様筋の表面筋電値を筋力測定と同一肢位で最大筋力の50% 時に測定した.半膜様筋,大腿二頭筋でのI-EMGは30度,45度膝屈曲位に比較して90度,105度屈曲位では健患側とも明らかにその値が低下した.半腱様筋では健側90度屈曲位でもI-EMG値の低下は見られない.一方患側では半腱様筋はその特性は失われ,半膜様筋に類似した減少パターンを示した.⑤双極性ワイア電極(TN201-231, ユニークメデイカル)を併用し健常人10名で④と同じ実験を試行した.結果として④と同様の結果が得られ表面電極による信頼性が確保された.実験①~⑤により半腱様筋,薄筋は構造また機能の両面から半膜様筋,大腿二頭筋と明らかに異なること.この腱をACL再建のため採取することにより半腱様筋は術後機能不全に陥るが,これを半膜様筋,大腿二頭筋では補い得ず,結果的に深屈曲位における筋力低下が生じると推察される.

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