Updated on 2025/02/08


NOJIMA, Eiichiro
Faculty of Human Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
(BLANK) ( 早稲田大学 )
(BLANK) ( 大阪大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2001

    現在 放送大学 客員教授

  • 1992

    現在 早稲田大学人間科学部 教授

  • 1987

    Waseda Univ. School of Human Sciences. Prof.

  • 1980

    Fukui Univ. Faculty of Education Associate Prof.

  • 1974

    National Institute for Educational Research Researcher

  • 1971

    Nippon Univac Sogo Kenkyu-sho Inc. Researcher

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Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Letters   Psychology  


    Waseda University   Faculty of Literature  

Professional Memberships

















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Research Areas

  • Educational technology

Research Interests

  • measurement and evaluation,e-learning,contennts,curriculum


  • 教育システム情報学会 ICTコンテスト 優秀賞(運用実践)


  • 日本教育工学会論文賞




  • 一斉授業における児童間の連続発話の特徴

    亀石由貴, 山本裕子, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会論文誌   33 ( Suppl. ) 61 - 64  2009.12

    DOI CiNii

  • 早稲田大学人間科学学術院eスクールから見えてきたもの


    医学書院     173 - 179  2009.03

  • 小学校算数授業における「児童が口々に言う」場面に関する一考察

    亀石由貴, 澤邉潤, 岸俊行, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育心理学会第50回総会論文集     775  2008

  • 小学校算数授業における児童の連続発話に関する一考察—学習場面・教師の発話の検討—

    亀石由貴, 澤邉潤, 岸俊行, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本パーソナリティ心理学会第17回大会発表論文集     218 - 219  2008

  • 大学生における活動の動機の変化の検討—発生と継続に注目した自由記述の分析から—

    大久保智生, 澤邉潤, 亀石由貴, 岸俊行

    日本パーソナリティ心理学会第17回大会発表論文集     144 - 145  2008

  • 算数授業場面における教師の指名行動に関する検討—発問後の待ち時間を指標として—

    澤邉潤, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本パーソナリティ心理学会第17回大会発表論文集     252 - 253  2008

  • 算数授業場面における教師の発問と児童の挙手行動の関連—小学校2年生の「引き算の筆算」を事例として—

    澤邉潤, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第24回全国大会講演論文集     639 - 640  2008

  • 教室における児童の挙手頻度に関する発達的検討

    澤邉潤, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本発達心理学会第19回大会論文集     421  2008

  • 困難な訓練を要する部活動を対象とした継続に関する意識変化の検討

    菅沼(山下, 麻理子, 岸俊行, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本発達心理学会第19回大会論文集   19   317  2008

  • 「わざ」の行為と内面の両面からの検討-クラシックバレエにおける模倣を題材として

    菅沼麻理子, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本パーソナリティ心理学会第17回大会   28   40 - 41  2008

  • e-learningを付加した通学制授業の開発と評価

    岡松さやか, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会論文誌   31   65 - 68  2008

    DOI CiNii

  • 教室授業場面における教師の指名行動に関する一検討

    澤邉潤, 岸俊行, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会論文誌   32   165 - 168  2008

    DOI CiNii

  • 教室における児童間対立の形成過程に関する事例研究 —授業の学習外文脈に注目して—

    澤邉潤, 岸俊行, 大久保智生, 野嶋栄一郎

    パーソナリティ研究   17 ( 1 ) 1 - 17  2008

  • クラシックバレエを題材とした初心者の内的意識の変化に関する検討

    菅沼麻理子, 岸俊行, 野嶋栄一郎

    パーソナリティ研究   16 ( 2 ) 220 - 228  2008

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the inner changes that occur in beginners of classical ballet. Participants of the study were asked to write an introspective report after each lesson, and we found three categories that proved to be useful for the examination of changes in consciousness at different stages of learning. In addition, we looked at participants' specific thoughts, to identify the characteristics of cognitive activities in the person presumably at the stage of objective self-observation in the acquisition of structured cognition of 'WAZA,' i.e., techniques. Results from the introspective reports showed that while a new level of consciousness developed with progress in learning, occurrence of previous levels slowly declined. Results also showed development of broader perspectives, extending beyond instruments and moving techniques, as well as subdivided cognitions of more specific body parts, which replaced original cognitions of a whole body image.

    DOI CiNii

  • 授業における教師の発話の音声分析によるパラ言語情報の抽出

    有賀亮, 岸俊行, 菊池英明, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会論文誌   32 ( 1 ) 13 - 21  2008

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    The aim of this research is to extract the paralinguistic information from the natural conversational speech using Maekawa's experimental method. The results of the experiment are as follows: (1) Maekawa's experimental method is also effective in extracting categories of paralinguistic information from spontaneous speech. (2) The categories of characteristic paralinguistic information extracted have not been defined in traditional categorical analysis. These categories are characterized by the tendency not to directly instruct, warn or hurry children, but rather to use softer, less direct expressions that take the child's independence into consideration. It may in the future be possible to develop category systems for speech analyses of class conversations.

    DOI CiNii

  • 教師の発話におけるパラ言語情報

    有賀亮, 岸俊行, 菊池英明, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第23回全国大会講演論文集     207 - 208  2007

  • 一斉授業場面における雰囲気の検討(9) —教職志望学生と現職教師・一般学生との授業雰囲気評定の比較—

    岸俊行, 大久保智生, 澤邉潤, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育心理学会第49回総会論文集    2007

  • 一斉授業場面における雰囲気の検討(8)—教職志望学生による授業雰囲気および教授行動の評定—

    大久保智生, 岸俊行, 澤邉潤, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育心理学会第49回総会論文集     463  2007

  • 教室における児童間ダイナミクスと挙手行動に関する事例研究

    澤邉潤, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本発達心理学会第18回大会論文集     407  2007

  • 一斉授業場面における雰囲気の検討(7)—授業雰囲気尺度の因子的妥当性の検討—

    澤邉潤, 大久保智生, 岸俊行, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育心理学会第49回総会論文集     462  2007

  • 教師の挙手に対する認知に関する調査研究

    澤邉潤, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第23回全国大会講演論文集    2007

  • 教員組織の改善に関する研究の分析

    山本裕子, 浅田匡, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第23回全国大会講演論文集    2007

  • クラシックバレエを題材とした初心者の内的意識の変化に関する検討

    山下麻理子, 岸俊行, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第23回全国大会論文集   23   927 - 928  2007

  • クラシックバレエを題材とした初心者の身体表現獲得過程に及ぼす他者認識の構造的変容-内省報告からの検討-

    山下麻理子, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本発達心理学会第18回大会論文集   18   661  2007

  • 一斉授業における教師の言語的フィードバックの実態

    岸俊行, 澤邉潤, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会論文誌   31   105 - 108  2007

    DOI CiNii

  • 昼夜間定時制高校の情報科「情報A」におけるコンピテンシーの検討

    守一介, 山本裕子, 松居辰則, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会論文誌   31   109 - 112  2007

    DOI CiNii

  • 授業場面における学校支援ボランティアの役割に関する事例研究

    太田吏香, 山本裕子, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会論文誌   31  2007

  • 教員の捉えた学校組織の課題の同定-総合選択制高校における事例研究-

    山本裕子, 浅田匡, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会論文誌   30 ( 4 ) 409 - 418  2007

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    This study tried to explore the relation of current issues about the school organization perceived by teachers, and to identify the causes of explored issues by using TOC (Theory of Constraints). We interviewed 13 teachers working in a comprehensive upper secondary school and made the participant observation to reveal the issues of the school organization. This school is the pioneering high school based on some reports of educational reforms, and it has a different system from traditional schools. As results, issues of the school organization were classified by four clusters; 1) Stress and busyness of teachers, 2) Difficulty in collaboration among teachers (individualism), 3) Top-down style of school management, 4) Dilemma between university entrance examination system and the school policies. The fourth cluster included the other clusters. These issues come from the features of this school. That is to say, there might be discrepancy between the teachers' work and school system.

    DOI CiNii

  • 通学生授業とeスクール授業をブレンドした実習科目の開発


    大学教育と情報   14 ( 4 ) 2 - 4  2006

  • 一斉授業場面における雰囲気の検討(6)—授業雰囲気と教授行動の教師間比較—

    川島千佳, 大久保智生, 岸俊行, 澤邉潤, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育心理学会第48回総会論文集     597  2006

  • 一斉授業場面における雰囲気の検討(5)—教師と学生による授業雰囲気・教授行動評定の比較—

    岸俊行, 川島千佳, 大久保智生, 澤邉潤, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育心理学会第48回総会論文集     596  2006

  • 一斉授業における教師の言語的フィードバック

    岸俊行, 澤邉潤, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第22回全国大会講演論文集     631 - 632  2006

  • 一斉授業場面における雰囲気の検討(4)—教師による授業雰囲気および教授行動の評定—

    大久保智生, 岸俊行, 川島千佳, 澤邉潤, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育心理学会第48回総会発表論文集     595  2006

  • 教室における教師の指名行動特性に関する研究

    澤邉潤, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第22回全国大会講演論文集     621 - 622  2006

  • 児童における挙手行動の実態に関する調査研究

    澤邉潤, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育心理学会第48回総会発表論文集     321  2006

  • 学校組織運営上の課題に関する研究-単位制高校における事例研究-

    山本裕子, 浅田匡, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第22回全国大会講演論文集    2006


  • クラシックバレエを題材とした初心者の身体表現獲得過程

    山下麻理子, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第22回全国大会論文集     401 - 402  2006

  • 個別課題学習における課題:教師の関わり方と学習成果に関する事例研究

    山下(菅沼, 麻理子, 魚崎祐子, 浅田匡, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会論文誌   30   185 - 188  2006

    DOI CiNii

  • 学校組織運営上の課題に関する探索的研究 -単位制高校における事例研究-

    山本祐子, 浅田匡, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会論文誌   29 ( 4 ) 567 - 575  2005.12

     View Summary

    This study aimed to identify teachers' issues on school organization management. We investigated the length of working time and what they did. We explored the relationship between teachers' work and their attributes. Seven teachers in a credit-system high school were asked to write on the schedule sheets what and when they did as their work for two weeks. In addition to that, we interviewed teachers how they realized for their work, complementing the schedule sheets data. The results showed that teachers' attributes seemed to make the differences in the contents of their work and the recognition of the issues on school organization management. It has suggested that art subjects might specify teachers' work in this school. Based on these results, we expressed teachers' issues in the figure and tried to examine the correlation between issues on school organization management and various elements which constitute school. Moreover, it was considered as the fundamental data for issues improvement.

    DOI CiNii

  • 学級運営に活用可能な学級環境測定尺度の提案—総合選択性高校の学級風土の記述を通して—

    平田乃美, 小川洋, 河村美穂, 山本裕子, 野嶋栄一郎, 佐古順彦

    白?女子短大論文集   29 ( 2 )  2005

  • Trials and Issues in Establishing an e-school at Waseda University

    Eiichiro Nojima

    NIME International Synposium 2004     115 - 118  2004

  • オン・デマンド型Web教材を付加した対面授業の開発と評価

    黒田知紗, 宮奈剛, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会論文誌   28   69 - 72  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • 短期大学生のテキスト読解における下線の影響〜読解時間の長さとの関係〜

    魚崎祐子, 伊藤秀子, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会論文誌   28   105 - 108  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • ノートテイキングの有無と事後テストの得点との関連分析

    岸俊行, 塚田裕恵, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会論文誌   28   265 - 268  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • テキスト読解における読解時間の長さと下線の影響

    魚崎祐子, 伊藤秀子, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育心理学会第46回総会発表論文集     290  2004

  • BBSにおける小グループ3ステップ討論の評価

    向後千春, 浅田匡, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育心理学会第46回総会発表論文集     516 - 517  2004

  • オン・ゴーイング認知法と授業リフレクション技法による授業実践に関する研究

    生田孝至, 浅田匡, 高橋権, 荻野真美, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第20回全国大会講演論文集     45 - 46  2004

  • 『キャンパス』モデルによるe-Learningの実践〜早稲田大学人間科学部eスクールの取り組み〜

    西村昭冶, 浅田匡, 向後千春, 菊池英明, 金群, 松居辰則, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第20回全国大会講演論文集     149 - 152  2004

  • 明らかに異なるという印象を与える二人の授業の構成要因の比較

    岸俊行, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第20回全国大会講演論文集     413 - 414  2004

  • eラーニングにおけるドロップアウトとその兆候

    向後千春, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第20回全国大会講演論文集     997 - 998  2004

  • 教育の仕事から捉える学校組織運営上の課題

    山本裕子, 浅田匡, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第20回全国大会講演論文集     1041 - 1042  2004

  • テキストへの下線引き行為が内容把握に及ぼす影響

    魚崎祐子, 伊藤秀子, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会論文誌   26 ( 4 ) 349 - 359  2003

     View Summary

    This study investigated the effectiveness of underlining while reading in readers' understanding of textual information.We researched from the two points, which were difficulties of texts and length of reading time.Subjects were assigned to three groups as follows: (1) Underlining group; they were instructed to read the text and they could underline the text wherever they wanted, (2) Prompting group; they were instructed to read the prompted text but they could't underline themselves, and (3) Control group; they were instructed to read the text which had no line and they couldn't underline themselves.The results showed that the prompting improved the subjects' recall of the underlined imformation regardless of the texts' difficulties or the length of reading time.Underlining,however,was effective only when the texts were difficult and subjects were given enough reading time.Besides that, important imformation such as key words was apt to be recalled even if there was not underlined.

    DOI CiNii

  • 文章再生成績と下線引き行為の関係

    魚崎祐子, 伊藤秀子, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育心理学会第45回総会発表論文集     65  2003

  • 短期大学生の文章読解における検索・選択過程に下線が与える影響

    魚崎祐子, 伊藤秀子, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第19回全国大会講演論文集     197 - 198  2003

  • インターネットを利用した異文化交流カリキュラムにおける学習様相の解明〜活動理論に依拠することによって〜

    辻高明, 西村昭冶, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第19回全国大会講演論文集     233 - 234  2003

  • オン・デマンド型Web教材を付加した対面授業の開発と評価(3) 〜大学における新しい講義型授業の提案〜

    黒田知紗, 岸俊行, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第19回全国大会講演論文集     433 - 434  2003

  • ノートテイキングと授業理解の関係II

    塚田裕恵, 魚崎祐子, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第19回全国大会講演論文集     813 - 814  2003

  • 日米協同学習カリキュラムにおける投稿内容の分析

    魚崎祐子, 西村啓太郎, 西村昭冶, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会誌   26   127 - 132  2002

  • 教授学習過程の固有性を考慮した新しい教育測定法の研究成果報告書

    生田孝至, 藤岡完冶, 浅田匡, 西村昭冶, 刑部育子, 石川真, 野嶋栄一郎


  • 文章の難易度による再生パターンの違い

    魚崎祐子, 伊藤秀子, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育心理学会第44回総会発表論文集     55  2002

  • 「現実の学級」と「好ましい学級」〜総合選択制高校と一般高校の生徒による学級環境の評価〜

    平田乃美, 小川洋, 河村美穂, 山本裕子, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育心理学会第44回総会発表論文集     155  2002

  • 遠隔協同学習における作業形態の比

    山本裕子, 魚崎祐子, 西村慶太郎, 西村昭冶, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第18回大会講演論文集     251 - 252  2002

  • ノートテイキングと授業理解の関係

    塚田裕恵, 魚崎祐子, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第18回大会講演論文集    2002

  • 美術館におけるデジタルアーカイブの教育利用への可能性

    今村早苗, 高島秀之, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第18回大会講演論文集     473 - 474  2002

  • インターネットを利用した国際協同カリキュラムにおける学習者の学習過程の記述〜活動理論を援用することによって〜

    辻高明, 浅田匡, 西村昭冶, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第18回大会講演論文集     553 - 554  2002

  • 下線が短期大学生の文章再生に与える影響

    魚崎祐子, 伊藤秀子, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第18回大会講演論文集    2002

  • オン・デマンド型Web教材を付加した対面授業の開発と評価(1)〜学習環境とWeb教材の利用の様態〜

    宮奈剛, 黒田知紗, 岸俊行, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第18回大会講演論文集     653 - 654  2002

  • オン・デマンド型Web教材を付加した対面授業の開発と評価(2)〜授業の様態と評価〜

    宮奈剛, 黒田知紗, 岸俊行, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第18回大会講演論文集     655 - 656  2002

  • 遠隔講義用授業アーカイブにおける提示映像が学習者に及ぼす影響

    竹上栄三郎, 田頭よも, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第18回大会講演論文集     761 - 762  2002

  • 文章読解課程における下線引き行為の役割

    魚崎祐子, 野嶋栄一郎, 伊藤秀子

    日本教育工学会第17回大会講演論文集     219 - 220  2001.11

  • 講義を記録した動画像のカメラアングルの差異が学習者に与える影響

    竹上栄三郎, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第17回大会講演論文集     273 - 274  2001.11

  • 教員から見た後期中等教育における新学校モデル

    山本祐子, 小川洋, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会大17回大会講演論文集     503 - 504  2001.11

  • インターネットを利用した国際協同学習における学習者の行動分析

    西村慶太郎, 西村昭二, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会大17回大会講演論文集     597 - 598  2001.11

  • 顔情報が協同作業場面において相手の行動推測に及ぼす影響

    石川真, 西村昭二, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会大17回大会講演論文集     699 - 700  2001.11

  • システム科学的推論 「現代心理学理論事典」

    野嶋栄一郎, 中島義明編

    朝倉書店     37 - 54  2001.09

  • 情報通信ネットワークを利用した現職研修システムの開発:研修プログラム開発の実際

    山口悦司, 野上智行, 柴眞理子, 船越俊介, 城仁士, 稲垣成哲, 岡田(高岸)由香, 浅田匡, 生田孝至, 伊藤求, 五十里美和, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第17回大会講演論文集    2001

  • 教育工学事典 日本教育工学会編


    実務教育出版    2000.06

  • 総合学習を考える-北条教育実践報告 自己実現と共生


    第1回日本教師学学会講演論文集    2000.03

  • インターネットを利用した国際交流カリキュラムの開発-早稲田大学の実践例をめぐって-


    第1回教師学学会講演論文集    2000.03

  • 下線引き行為が文章理解に及ぼす影響

    魚崎祐子, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会誌   24   165 - 170  2000

  • Pupil's Perceptions of the School Environment at an Open Program Elementary School

    平田乃美, 佐古順彦, 野嶋栄一郎

    Proceedings of PaPER'98 The 11th International Conference on People and Physical Environment Research     95 - 100  2000

  • 総合学科・総合選択制高校のアカウンタビリティーの研究成果報告書

    梶田叡一, 佐古順彦, 小川洋, 西垣直人, 岸俊行, 山本祐子, 野嶋栄一郎


  • 交信相手の動画像付加がCSCWの協調的行動や親和性に与える影響〜動画像を自由に呈示・消去できるインターフェースをりようして〜

    石川真, 西村昭治, 野嶋栄一郎

    JCET2000(教育工学関連学協会連合 第6回全国大会 講演論文集    2000

  • 教員の側から見た総合選択制高校におけるハウス制の評価

    山本祐子, 小川洋, 野嶋栄一郎

    JCET2000(教育工学関連学協会連合 第6回全国大会 講演論文集)    2000

  • 情報通信ネットワークを利用した現職研修システムの開発:VODとテレビ会議の併用

    山口悦司, 野上智行, 柴眞理子, 船越俊介, 城仁士, 稲垣成哲, 岡田(高岸)由香, 浅田匡, 生田孝至, 伊藤求, 五十里美和, 野嶋栄一郎

    JCET2000(教育工学関連学協会連合 第6回全国大会 講演論文集)    2000

  • 進路決定傾向からみた総合選択制高校生の特徴

    岸俊行, 小川洋, 野嶋栄一郎

    JCET2000(教育工学関連学協会連合 第6回全国大会 講演論文集)    2000

  • 文章再生における下線の影響

    魚崎祐子, 伊藤秀子, 野嶋栄一郎

    JCET2000(教育工学関連学協会連合 第6回全国大会 講演論文集)    2000

  • 下線ひき行為が文章理解に及ぼす影響

    魚崎祐子, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第15回全国大会発表論文集     689 - 690  1999.10

  • リピーティングとシャドーイングの意味処理に関する実験的研究

    浅輪一郎, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第15回全国大会発表論文集     249 - 250  1999.10

  • インターネットを利用した国際共同カリキュラム-1998年度の試み

    野嶋栄一郎, 西村昭二

    日本教育工学会第15回全国大会発表論文集     617 - 618  1999.10

  • CSCW場面において共同作業者の顔情報が協調的行動に及ぼす影響

    石川真, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第15回全国大会発表論文集     617 - 618  1999.10

  • 相手の動画像付加がCSCW場面における対人認知・作業認知に及ぼす影響

    石川真, 西村昭二, 野嶋栄一郎

    教育システム情報学会誌   16 ( 1 ) 3 - 13  1999.04

  • 教育工学の現状と今後の展開


    日本教育工学会論文誌   22;4, pp. 201-213  1999.03

  • コンピュータ通信を利用した囚人のジレンマゲームにおいてパートナーの動画像付加が協調的行動に及ぼす影響

    石川真, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会論文誌   22 ( 4 ) 227 - 238  1999.03

  • Pupils' perceptions of the school environment at an open program elementary school

    Sonomi Hirata, Toshihiko Sako, Eiichiro Nojima

    Pacific-Rim PaPER'98:11th Conference on People and Physical Environment Research, Sydney, Australia/ PaPER   p.81  1998.12

  • 人間科学部創設時をふりかえる-創設の経緯と理念


    人間科学研究   pp. 121-140  1998.09

  • 人間科学へのアイデンティティー-学際領域の知の共同体をめざして


    人間科学研究   pp. 141-163  1998.09

  • コンピュータ通信を利用した共同編集作業において相手の動画像付加が作業者の発言に及ぼす影響

    石川真, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第14回大会講演論文集   pp. 667-668  1998.09

  • インターネットを利用した国際共同カリキュラム


    日本教育工学会第14回大会講演論文集   pp. 65-66  1998.09

  • インターネットを利用した異文化間コミュニケーションカリキュラムの実践-総括と1997年度の実施結果


    (財)松下視聴覚教育研究財団平成9年度研究調査助成報告書   pp. 31-43  1998.08

  • CSCW場面においてパートナーの動画像付加が対人認知・作業認知へ及ぼす影響:囚人のジレンマゲームを利用して

    石川真, 野嶋栄一郎

    教育システム情報学会第23回全国大会講演論文集   pp. 189-192  1998.08

  • オープン教育場面における学習活動の測定と教師・児童の活動傾向


    早稲田教育評論   12;1, pp. 189-203  1998.03

  • 通信相手の画像付加が共同作業場面における協調的行動に及ぼす影響

    石川真, 野嶋栄一郎

    教育工学関連学協会連合第5回全国大会講演論文集   pp. 213-216  1997.09

  • 指算がイメージ化されたソロバンの演算に与える影響(2)

    井口愛, 野嶋栄一郎

    教育工学関連学協会連合第5回全国大会講演論文集   pp. 531-532  1997.09

  • コンピュータ・コミュニケーションに介在するヒューマンファクターの研究-対人認知の分析

    石川真, 野嶋栄一郎

    教育工学関連学協会連合第5回全国大会講演論文集   pp. 283-286  1997.09

  • 英語聞き取り場面における字幕付加の効果

    吉野志保, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会誌   21;Suppl., pp.29-32  1997.08

  • 対話者の画像を付与したコンピュータ通信における記憶保持に関する実験的研究

    石川真, 野嶋栄一郎

    教育システム情報学会誌   14;2, pp. 83-92  1997.07

  • システム理論と人間科学


    ヒューマンサイエンス/早稲田大学人間総合研究センター   9;2  1997.03

  • コンピュータ通信を利用した教育プログラムのためのヒューマンインタフェースの改善


    平成8年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C).2)研究成果報告書    1997.03

  • 幼児とインタラクティブ性のある遊具との相互交渉について


    日本教育工学会第12回大会講演論文集    1996.11

  • 中学校選択社会科におけるコンピュータネットワークの活用


    日本教育工学会第12回大会講演論文集    1996.11

  • 対話者の画像を付与したコンピュータ通信における記憶保持に関する実験的研究

    石川真, 西村昭二, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第12回大会講演論文集    1996.11

  • 指算がイメージ化されたソロバンの演算に与える影響

    井口愛, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第12回大会講演論文集    1996.11

  • 英語の聞き取り場面における字幕付加の効果

    吉野志保, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第12回大会講演論文集    1996.11

  • コンピュータ通信を利用した共同作業場面における協調的行動の研究

    石川真, 野嶋栄一郎

    日本教育工学会第12回大会講演論文集    1996.11

  • 21世紀における教育工学の展望-改善から創造へ


    日本教育工学会第12回大会講演論文集    1996.11

  • 授業研究における教育測定の意義


    Audio Visual Science/東芝教育技法研究会   230  1996.10

  • コンピュータ教育利用の光と影


    変わるメディアと教育のあり方/ミネルヴァ書房    1996.06

  • ヒトの行動は文脈のなかで変わるか-MFFTを用いた実験からの考察


    日本教育工学会研究会報告JET96-5    1996.05

  • A Practical Study and Its Evaluation of International Computer Communications Using Two Languages

    Eiichiro Nojima, Shoouji Nishimura

    Educ.Technol.Res/Japan Society for Educationel Technology   18  1996.05

  • 授業研究における教育測定の意義〜MFFTを利用した2つの研究事例からの考察


      230/,9-13  1996

  • 2言語を利用した国際コンピュータコミュニケーションの実践と評価

    野嶋栄一郎, 西村昭二

      18/,25-31  1996

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • 人間情報科学とeラーニング

    野嶋栄一郎, 鈴木克明, 吉田文

    日本放送出版協会  2006.03

  • 学力観に伴なって変わる教育測定観 「教育実践を記述する」


    金子書房  2002.02

  • ヒトの行動と文脈 「教育実践を記述する」


    金子書房  2002.02

  • ヒトとヒトが対峙する関係とコンピュータとヒトの関係 「教育実践を記述する」


    金子書房  2002.02

  • メディアと教育測定 「教育実践を記述する」


    金子書房  2002.02

  • オープン教育と学習活動の測定 「教育実践を記述する」


    金子書房  2002.02

  • ネットワーク利用による遠隔教育 「情報教育論」

    菅井, 赤堀, 野嶋栄一郎

    放送大学教育振興会  2002

  • コンピュータを利用した大学教育方法の改善 「情報教育論」

    菅井, 赤堀, 野嶋栄一郎

    放送大学教育振興会  2002

  • 授業を分析する力


    成長する教師(浅田匡・生田孝至・藤岡完治編)/金子書房  1998.05

  • コンピュータ教育利用の光と影


    「変わるメディアと教育のありかた」ミネルヴァ書房  1996

▼display all

Research Projects

  • A positive research on school learning systems to support the continuing professional development of teacher

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NOJIMA Eiichiro, ASADA Tadashi, IKUTA Takashi, SAWABE Jun

     View Summary

    A key-concept of the school improvement is the Continuing Professional Development of teacher. In the study, we referred two practical models which were designed to accomplish our educational objectives and to certificate their validity. One is a case study on sustainable complex PDCA systems which was held in Hojo elementary school in TATEYAMA city. Another one is case study of sustainable school improvement through the internship between Meiho elementary school in TOKOROZAWA city and WASEDA University.

  • Analyzing relationship between teacher's facial expression as a main factor of social presence and a classroom climate

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAITO Miho, NOJIMA Eiichiro, MATSUI Tatsunori, ISHIKAWA Makoto

  • An Empirical Study on School-Based Teacher Training System to Support Curriculum Development by Teachers

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TADASHI Asada, EIICHIRO Nojima, YUKO Uosaki, SAKO Hidekazu, FUCHIGAMI Katsuyoshi

  • A Practical Research on Reflective Method for Reconstruction of a Network for Supporting Teacher Development and School Reform

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAWAMOTO Kazuko, YOSHIZAKI Shizuo, IKUTA Takashi, NOJIMA Eiichiro, KUNIEDA Takako

     View Summary

    This project was intended to suggest a new reflective in-service training program based on theory and practice. After completing our project of three years' research, the following results were obtained, mostly remarkable during the final year of the project
    (1) The research programs have been promoted at Tokyo, Kanagawa, Yamanashi, Kobe, Hroshima, Saga, Oita and other prefectures. As a result, different kind of programs for both pre-service students and in-service teachers.
    (2) We have supported a voluntary in-service research association of 'the Japanese Association for the Study of Theory and Practice on Japanese Language Teaching and Learning'. Over one hundred teachers in Japan were helped by the reflective method which we had developed.
    (3) We have also supported a voluntary in-service research group of ' the Ochanomisu Association for the study of Japanese Language Teaching and Learning.
    (4) Suggestions were made for promoting development of teacher training program

  • An empirical research to examine the effects that the active learning behavior that appeared during the lesson was caused for the study promotion

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NOJIMA Eiichiro, ASADA Tadashi, SAITO Miho, KOGO Chiharu, UOSAKI Yuko, KISHI Toshiyuki

     View Summary

    This research was done to examine effects that the active learning behavior that appeared during the lesson was caused for the study promotion.
    This research was focus on 1) Raising hand behavior in the classroom, 2) Note-taking , 3) Underlining to the texts, 4) The research of the modality of the use of e-learning in the lecture type class that uses e-learning together has been brought together.
    Those results were as follows.
    1) This study was tried to investigate mechanism of the behavior of the raising hand through the observation of an actual classroom class scene. The result was shown that raising hand behavior was provided for by a class environmental factor of the class acknowledgment of not only child individuals' belief but also the child.
    2) This study investigated the relation to the test score with the Note-taking in the lecture after the fact. Information on the lecture was classified by the key sentence, the item of note-taking and the amount were examined, and the relation to the score of the test that had been imposed two weeks teaching later was analyzed. As a result, high correlations were shown the amount of note-taking and the test score.
    3) This study investigated the effectiveness of underling while reading on readers' understanding of textual information. The result showed that the promoting improved the subjects' recall of the underlined information regardless of the texts' defficults or the length of reading time.
    4) This study investigated the learner's learning process in lecture class of university together with e-learning. The result showed that a learner may access e-learning when he/she doesn't know that he/she can understand content of lecture, and when he/she perceive necessity of re-taking the lecture. This result suggests that learners can use it when they perceive necessity of re-taking the lecture after they know that they don't understand content of lecture.

  • Development of new prototypes and models of higher education utilizing broadband networks.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOGO Chiharu, ASADA Tadashi, KIKUCHI Hideaki, NISHIMURA Shoji, NOJIMA Eiichiro, SUZUKI Katsuaki

     View Summary

    To get substantive outcomes of e-learning courses, it is necessary for e-learning system including learning management systems to facilitate learners learning. Also it is necessary for teachers, coaches, and supporting staffs to work respectively. Teachers have three types of work: design, management and evaluation of the courses. Designing the detailed course structure is the new and important part of work for the teachers. And then online coaches appear to have a greater part of work to support the teacher and to facilitate classroom activities. Coaches have three types of work: facilitating the classroom activities, making classroom atmosphere and standards, facilitating the discussion processes. Many kind of learning management systems are now available free or commercially. The minimum functions are video streaming, bulletin board system, and testing, but these functions should be carefully designed and become more usable to get more substantive learning outcomes. Talking about the future learning environments, learner will be able to access directly his/her own working spaces by opening web brouser.

  • Quantitative evaluation on an affective process of the learner using physiological responses

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UMEZAWA Akio, MURANOI Hitoshi, NOJIMA Eiichiro

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate an affective process quantitatively using physiological responses. We conducted following three studies to clarify the relationship between emotional changes during watching an educational media and patterning of respiratory and cardiovascular responses.
    Firstly, we developed a set of film clips that reliably elicit positive and negative emotions. After evaluating over 100 films, we selected some clips that elicited negative emotions (NEGA) and some clips that elicited positive emotions (POSI).
    Secondly, we conducted one experiment concerning about the effects of emotional film clips upon respiratory and cardiovascular responses. Minute ventilation significantly increased for both POSI and NEGA. The mean blood pressure significantly increased in NEGA, whereas the heart rate significantly slowed in POSI. These results suggest that positive and negative emotions facilitate ventilation, and that positive and negative emotions elicit different responses in the cardiovascular system.
    Finally, we also conducted an experiment to determine whether self-control of breathing can alter cardiovascular and psychological reactivity during emotions. The results suggested that self-control of breathing did not reduce subjective emotional responses but can be effective in altering cardiac parasympathetic inhibition during negative emotions.

  • Development of practical knowledge of teacher by using an action research

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IKUTA Takashi, NOJIMA Eiitirou, YOSIZAKI Sizuo, NISHINOSONO Haruo, ASADA Tadashi, MATUI Kenji

     View Summary

    Purpose :
    This research aims to clarify the teacher's teaching practical knowledge in the teaching process and the mentor' roles regarding the formation of teachers' abilities, using an action research.
    Method :
    In this research, the observers are teachers employed at a state primary school (with 12 years teaching experience) who observed an actual class and engaged in on-going cognition. Observer records quiet comments on what she/he notice while observing classes. The observer participates in the evaluation (mentoring) meetings of the classes as mentor, and they help a teacher develop self-awareness. The speeches of the participants are recorded on audio tape or video. The records of the ongoing observation and mentoring are documented (transformed to protocol data), and then undergo analysis.
    Results :
    Through this research, we fined the mentor's roles in the development of the ability of teachers. They are the reflective role, creative role and role for the realization of growth. These roles play key functions in the action research process for the improvement of teaching practice. Especially, reflective function by mentoring is the key factor in action research for teachers. So, the action research based teacher training plays the important role for professional development of teaches.

  • A Study on Mentoring for supporting professional Development Based on Action Research

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ASADA Tadashi, NOJIMA Eiichiro, AKITA Kiyomi, IKUTA Takashi, SAKAI Akira, FUCHIGAMI Katsuyoshi

     View Summary

    This Study explored what functions are mentoring in lesson planning and in pre-service teacher training. The first study focused on the thought process of lesson planning. As A result, in lesson planning it was effective that mentor ask poor experienced teacher the question to shake severely the knowledge based on teaching experience. The second study analyzed student teachers' change process about their belief on teaching, professionalism, and relationship between mentor and student teachers through mentoring. This study suggested that the relationship between mentor and mentee was a strong apprenticeship so that this relationship constrained the extent of student teacher's learning about teaching. The third study also explored the function of mentor in initial education in the secondary school. This mentoring through watching video-recorded lesson was effective for student teachers. The watching video facilitated to reflect their lessons and be aware of the problem in teaching. The role of mentor was to direct student teacher's thinking way to discover the problem of teaching.
    The forth study was to investigate about the self-disclosure for teachers, which has been pointed the barrier to do action research and mentoring in Japan. And the fifth study explored the difference between experienced and un-experienced teacher on cognition of teaching process. This study focused on the identifying the problem of lesson, which was the important phase in action research cycle.
    The report included these five studies and two articles on the trend of action research and how the kounai-ken is effective for professional development from the view point of English researcher.

  • The Recognition of the Expression of Feeling in Cross Cultural Communication

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAITO Miho, NOJIMA Eiichiro, ISHIKAWA Makoto

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    According to "The Recognition of the Expression of Feeling in Cross Cultural Communication", this study focuses on "smiling", which is a common expression of feeling among different cultures. Four research topics were investigated. First, a questionnaire was administered to Japanese university students, and the results were analyzed, showing the influence of the permissible range of various kinds of smile, which were determined by contextual difference, such as situation and partner. As a result of Cluster Analysis, it was found that the permissible range differed due to context, even though the same kind of feeling was experienced. Furthermore, the result of the analysis of the relationship between the questionnaire items which measured social attitudes and the kinds of smile indicated that those subjects who had a positive attitude towards social affairs displayed distinctive characteristics concerning the permissible range of the smile.
    Second, the same kind of questionnaire was administered to American university students. The results of Cluster Analysis indicated a contextual difference of recognition concerning the smile between the Japanese and the American students. It was clear that contextual variation occurred according to whether the situation was relaxed or comfortable for each group of subjects.
    Third, an experiment which showed visual images of an American man and woman to the Japanese students was conducted, in which an analysis of the relation between daily involvement with Westerners and the recognition of the smile was made. The results indicated that the recognition of the smile itself is categorized as being universal, and that it is not related to the quantity of cross cultural exposure. Furthermore, the size and quality of the visual images, which were used in the present study as the visual stimuli, shows the possibility of them being a standard for future studies of a similar kind.
    Fourth, a Web investigation study was administered to both Japanese and American groups of university students, using the above visual images and CGI. The data was analyzed to determine the SD, and also to analyze the change of expression of the ‘smiling' and the ‘straight' face. The influence of the model was inevitable. However, it was clear that a ‘smiling' face increased the pleasant impression, and enhanced the image of one as being young, active, and individual. The evaluation of the ‘smiling' face was in accord between the Japanese and American students. However the response to the ‘straight' face was quite different. This result indicates that the role of the ‘smiling' face is more significant for personal recognition in cross cultural encounters than in those in one's own culture.

  • Development of the lesson archives of Human sciences and a trial of it through cable TV network for the life long education.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NOJIMA Eiichiro, NISHIMURA Shoji, NOZAKI Norio, ASADA Tadashi, YOSHINO Shiho, SAITOH Miho

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    At the beginning of our project, we had intention to acquire our own cable channel which is available to our application concerned to life long education. But, the wave of the reform of university is very urgent, we are asked to build a e-school in Tokorozawa Campus by our president. So, we had presented our proposal to ministry of education. And we got permission to start our e-school at 2003.
    The e-school is targeted towards working adults. Contents of the e-school courses were mainly constructed by videotaping live performances of instructors in the classes of the Faculty of human sciences. The curriculum of the e-school is almost the same as that of the traditional counterpart in the school of Human Sciences.
    Half of the school system is common to traditional universities, but the other half consists of private companies involved in the administration of networks and the development of instructional content. Thus, we call our e-school system a hybrid school system.
    A tutor is assigned to each class of 30 students. He or she assists students' learning of particular subjects. Each tutor must have a master's degree.
    Advantages of an e-school are as follows.
    1) Expansion of educational functions in time and space.
    2) Improvement of the quality of instruction by making it public.
    3) Realization of individualized instruction by the aid of BBS' and tutors.
    4) Financial and educational reward systems for graduate students by providing them with positions as tutors.
    Challenges an e-school faces
    1) Higher tuitions in comparison to other correspondence courses.
    2) Difficulty of offering various kinds of classes such as laboratory sessions, field research, seminars, etc.
    3) Heavy work load of instructors in preparing teaching materials and supervising students.
    4) Instructors' negative attitude towards e-schools.
    5) Difficulty of employing and training tutors.

  • Development Research on Genealogy and System of Methodology in Research on Teaching in Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MATSUSHITA Kayo, SUGAI Katsuo, SAWAMOTO Kazuko, IKUTA Takashi, NOJIMA Eiichirou, YOSHIZAKI Shizuo

     View Summary

    In this research, the genealogy of "Research on Teaching" which had been piled in Japan was arranged and systematized from the aspect of research methodology. Four hypothetical groups were made to carry on the research. The products of each group are as follows.
    1) "Zenjyuken": Japan conference of research on teaching
    In this research, we especially focused on the studies of Hokkaido University group and Hiroshima University group. Our investigation of the practices and the school system at Tokoro primary school in Hokkaido is particularly presented as the annex report.
    2) Kihaku Saitou and "Jyugyou-Kenkyu no Kai": teachers group to research their own practices
    Kihaku Saitou was the principle of Shima primary school in Gunma Pref. He is one of the most famous educational practitioners in Japan. He led and coached many teachers, and they investigated their own practices.
    3) Research on teaching in educational technology research
    Research on teaching have been main topics in educational technology research based on learning theory and systems theory. So we investigated the relation of them. And that, we investigated that how the analysis of communication in classroom and the assessment research on teaching and learning contribute to teacher education.
    4) Research on teaching by practitioners
    In Japan, some teachers create the teaching theory based on their own practices. We picked up Takeji Kinoshita and Hama Omura that they influenced many other teachers and schools.
    As the product of our study, we had the panel discussion in "Educational Seminar in Kansai 2002" and we made the final research report based on the discussion. It proposed the explanation of 'Genealogy chart of the research on teaching" that Mitsuhiro Inoue (professor of Osaka University, 1942-2000) showed, and the meaning of the research on "Technology" in teaching and learning process.

  • Development and Evaluation of In-service Teacher Training system using IT Networks : Cooperation with Public Primary Schools, Educational Research Center, Attached School and the University

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUNAKOSHI Syunsuke, KUTA Takashi, ASADA Tadashi, SHIBA Mariko, INAGAKI Shigenori, NOJIMA Eachao

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    (1) We developed in-service teacher training system using VOD and TV conference system. This system was extended the infrastructures of Akashi city, such as CATV network, WWW saver, and VOD server, Akashi Curriculum Development Center attached to Faculty of Human Development, Kobe University, Akashi City Educational Research Center, and Akashi Municipal Futami-Nishi Primary School were linked by this system.
    (2) We developed 15 programs for in-service teacher training. These programs were "Introduction of Dance Therapy to School Education", "Mathematics Education", "Interdisciplinary and Comprehensive Learning", and "Child Care".
    (3) To evaluate the effectiveness of in-service teacher training using these programs, We did experimental research 3 times. In-service teachers of Futami-Nishi Primary School and Akashi public schools participated in the research.
    (4) We discussed with the administration and educational staffs of Akashi city about "in-service teacher training" and "University and Society Collaboration" for information and communication technology society.
    (5) We held the symposium about in-service teacher training using IT networks.
    (6) We held the workshop for in-service teacher of Akashi schools about mentoring.

  • Research on New Methods of Educational Measurement Embedded in a Context of Teaching Learning Process

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NOJIMA Eiichiro, FUJIOKA Kanji, IKUTA Takashi, KAJITA Masami, NISHIMURA Shoji, ASADA Tadashi

     View Summary

    The Flexibility of men were proved experimentally as follows,
    1) The effectiveness putting partner's face image into the screen during cooperative work using computer was proved. That is, they became more cooperative in the case of putting partner's face into their screen.
    2) Even typical Impulsive and Reflective student, they can adopt opposite strategy when they understood which is letter.
    3) The activity of pupil changes drastically when they study open space, and tranditional space.
    To make clear these results, many apparatuses as actometer and environment was developped.
    And also, many approach oriented ethnomethodology were tried out.

  • Development of school environment scales for teachers to improve their classroom

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKO Toshihiko, SOMA Ichirou, NOJIMA Eiichirou, YOSHIKI Kazuyosshi, HIRATA Sonomi, KANNO Jun

     View Summary

    Recently many instruments have been developed to assess classroom environment for children and teachers. In many countries, teachers use these psychological instruments to understand and improve their classes. In our country, classroom environment scales have been used to examine he effects of school traits such as size, openness, and the like on students' behavior. We have a few examples that this kind of instrument is used for classroom management.
    We have clarified that students' cognition of their classroom has a close relationship with school traits and students maladjusted behavior.
    For example, teacher's guidance to promote activities for circles and student association tend to ease "solitude" and to facilitate "facilitation" in secondary school classrooms. Strict school discipline and guidance show the relationship with student higher awareness of "order." Non-attendant s udents show stronger "solitude," and lower "affiliations to teachers" than students in general do. Delinquent students have strong feeling of "alienation."
    As for open education, open school pupils showed the higher awareness of "order" and "participation" to class activities, and learning motivation than traditional school pupils did.
    Open plan spaces in elementary schools seem to be used effectively. The usage of open space is different from school to school. We have to give teachers how to use open spaces in appropriate manner. Analysis of pupils' behavior in open space learning gives us many important findings. We have to examine the facts to develop useful instruments to improve classrooms.

  • Research on Partnership Between University and School for Pre-service and In-service Teacher Trainings.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAWAMOTO Kazuko, FUJIOKA Kanji, NISHINOSONO Haruo, MIZUKOSHI Toshiyuki, KIHARA Toshiyuki, NARITA Masahiro

     View Summary

    This project was intended to suggest a new educational program based on the link between university and school in their partnership in terms of teacher training. After completing our project of three years' research, the following results were obtained, mostly remarkable during the final year of the project :
    (1) A concrete program has been developed for teacher education.
    (2) Academic interchanging was carried out with researchers overseas.
    (3) The partnership programs have been promoted at Tokyo, Saitama, Kanagawa, Yamanashi, Kobe, Okayama, Tokushima and other prefectures. As a result, different kind of programs for both pre-service teachers and in-service teachers.
    (4) 9 study meetings ware held at Japan women's University, Ochanomizu Women's University, Kobe University, Niigata University for associating with foreign researchers and reporting and systematizing the results.
    (5) Different 12 types of the partnerships were shown from the results of some investigations of present state of partnerships between university and school for pre-service and in- service teacher trainings in Japan.
    (6) Suggestions were made for promoting development of teacher training program.

  • An Experimental Study on Teaching and Learning Process of Psycho-motor Skills.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    Educational research studies on the teaching and learning process had been conducted with focusing the learning in the cognitive domain. The learning in psychomotor and affective domains had not been adequately studied. The purpose of this study is, therefore, to experimentally clarify the effect of teaching upon learners in the teaching and learning process of psychomotor skills. Performance of "Karada Hogushi" (taking a kink out of body) introduced in Physical Education of New Course of Study published in December, 1998 was used as a material of psychomotor skills. This study was bibliographically investigated on educational objective of "taking a kink out of body". As the result, disagreement was found among education researchers even concerning educational objective of "taking a kink out of body". The theory, relaxing subject's body which is relaxation should be included as the object e showed commonness among researcher. Then, influences of teaching relaxation upon posture were examined in an experimental study. Firstly, distortion of three dimensional posture was determined in sitting during rest and work. Distorted trunk can be determined by using the three dimensional system. Secondly, after exercise of "taking a kink out of body, effects of the exercise upon sitting posture during rest and work were examined. As results of this study, it was found that some subjects improved distortion of the posture due to relaxation even during a short period of time. It shows that learners can notice the distortion of the posture due to relaxation even though the distortion was gotten as a habit during a long period of time. According to these results, it can be concluded that relaxation which is a comfortable feeling in children is effective on school education.

  • A study on the development of multi-media for teachers' practical skills based on educational clinical knowledge

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IKUTA Takashi, FUJIOKA Kannji, NOJIMA Eiichirou, MIZUKOSHI Toshiyuki, KURODA Takashi, MATSUI Hitoshi

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a muti-media system based on educational clinical knowledge. It was known that reflective thinking through cognition of teaching and learning events and adaptation of teaching skills are most important for the development of practical performance for teachers. So, this study try to develop the vod system that allow a flexible access to many information about lesson plan and also reflect their own lesson plan, rewrite the plan with their own paces. This system was constructed from three module with a Japanese subject for elementary school. (1) The Home Page is written in html for the student teachers' use. The home page consists of contents of a textbook, a lesson plan (object, unit, subject matter, flow chart of lesson etc.), protocol and a MPEG code video of the lesson. (2) Common gate interface described by Perl that records the data when the link, setting on the home page on each terminal, is clicked. It was named "checked cgi". (3) Common gate interface described by Perl that changes the data request recording into the data request chart on the selected terminal and present it visually. It was named "request browse cgi". Using this system, we find the followings. (1) Student teachers made reflect thinking for making lesson plan. (2) This system visualizes the pattern of the data reuest from the student teacher. The analyzed chart shows us the student teachers' demands. (3) The student teacher demands information for understanding the subject matter related to making a lesson plan rather than the information about student's interest. (4) These analyzed charts that include the relationship between text information and visual information are useful for redeveloping and the optimization of Hyper-text presentation.

  • Presenting a Model of Teaching-Learning of Physical Education in Demonstrating Importance of Understanding Biomechanical Movement

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SOUKURA Kei, NOJIMA Eiichirou, UMEZAWA Akio

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    The purpose of this study is to experimentally organize a teaching-learning process of physical education recognized a side roll as a subject and to obtain a fundamental material in order to build a future teaching-learning process of physical education. The main findings of this study are :
    1.Motor skill and knowledge were correpondingly changed in an experiment with university students and a practical class experiment with junior high school students. It is, reasonable to consider that knowledge on verbal language changes corresponding to physical change. It implies that the simultaneous knowledge-body changing theory is a basic idea of teaching-learning process in demonstrating importance of knowledge in physical education.
    2. Recognizing process of experimental teaching was inserted in an experiment with university students and a practical class experiment with junior high school students. In the process, teachers basically asked limited Questions and learners went through hypothesis-discussion-verification" by the questions. In fact, students not only recognized the knowledge corresponding to the questions of the instructors, but also some further knowledge. This suggests that the recognition, which has changed in correspondence to the body, bears the possibility that the students will be able to use this recognition effectively in the next exercise.

  • A Study on Psychological Factors Related to Assessment of Residential Environment

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SOUMA Ichiro, HANAZATO Toshihiro, NOJIMA Eiichiro, SAKO Toshihiko

     View Summary

    This study was conducted to research the following ; 1.Relationship between assessment of residential environment and residential comfortableness ; 2.High and low factors of assessment of satisfaction and assessment of importance. The subjects consists of four hundred residents in Tokyo. The results showed as follows ; 1.In assessment of satisfaction, assessment of "convenience" was the highest one of six factors ("facilities", "convenience", "physical environment of neighbor", "residence", "privacy", "the state of community"). And "convenience if shopping", "convenience of traffic" were higher assessment than other items in subitems of "convenience". 2.Assessment of "residence", "room arrangement and roominess", and "resistance to fire and earthquake" were significantly higher in "more comfortable" group than in "less comfortable" group. It was suggested that residential comfortableness determines assessment of residence itself than one of factors surrounding residence. 3.In assessment of importance, assessment of "convenience" was the highest one of six factor. And "convenience of shopping", "convenience of traffic" were higher assessment than other items in subitems of "convenience". Secondaly, assessment of "residence" was higher than other four factors. And "sunniness, lightness, and airiness", "room arrangement and roominess" were higher assessment than other items in subitems of "residence".

  • Improvement of Human Interface for Educational Program using Computer

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NOJIMA Eiichiro, KONISHI Hiroyuki, SAKO Toshihiko

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    Nojima and so on have been practicing a lesson intervenig Intenet between Waseda University and Case Western University since 1992. This practice includes research activities such as curriculum development, measurement and evaluation of outcomes and processes of students interactive communications. In this case, we focussed our purpose to make clear the effectiveness putting a partner's image into screen during their communication. And the communication was done under the context of Game theory especially so called prisoner's delemma game.
    The result is as follows :
    1) Under the conditions of special pay off matrix having possibilites of decreasing gain, and under the condition of having partner's image, cooperative alternatives were significantly chosen.
    2) The correlations between co-operative choice rate and competitive choice rate indiates that adding informations of partner's image increase the magnitude of information and bring low correlations.

  • An Experimental Study on Behavioral-Cognitive Processes of Psycho-Motor Skills Acquistion and Instruction

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    In this study we attempted to clarify the teaching-learning processes on psycho-motor skills using the pychophysiological method. The major findings of this study were as follow :
    (1)In our previous studies, we found that respiratory activities reflect psychological process and that changes markedly under emotional and stressful conditions. Therefore we developed the ambulatory monitoring system of respiratory activities during the acquisition of psycho-motor skills.
    (2)We hypothesize that Japanese teachers in the physical education have good experienced knowledge concerning about teaching-learning process of psycho-motor skills and that teachers use their knowledge to determine teaching plan. the review of literature on physical education suggested that teachers have several hypothesis concerning about cognitive process and skill acquisition.
    (3)We used a unicycle as an experimental task, since this task has many advantages of methodological aspects. In the experiment, 10 novice undergraduates participated in daily training session to ride a unicycle. All subjects were able to ride a unicycle more than ten seconds continuously within 10 daily sessions and show drastically increment of riding time after trial-and error phase of learning. These data show that it is difficult for leaners in trial-and-error stage to anticipate when their performance of psycho-motor skills will improve. Therefore these results suggested that it's necessary to conduct the further research study to develop teaching strategies to induce progressive acquisition of psychomotor skills.

  • Evaluation of learning activities in open education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKO Toshihiko, UMESAWA Akio, NOJIMA Eiichirou

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    Open education in elementary schools pushed aside traditional egg-carton schools. More schools have provided multi-purpose open spaces than ever. However, just a few schools have adequate learning programs for open education. Hojo elementary school in Chiba Prefecture has developed many unique learning programs for open education. We videotaped activities of teachers and children during some of their programs, using several VTRs. We also tape-recorded some individual teachers' and children's utterances. We applied "the behavior setting survey method" to the recorded programs. The method describes programs' essential features : time-space boundaries, human and non-human elements, synomorphic relations between people and objects, and extraindividual activity patterns. Segment maps were constructed as sequences of activity patterns. In addition, spatial structures were extracted as moving patterns of teachers and children. Space utilization in open programs showed clearly recognizable patterns. These patterns controlled the spread of children's activities in proper ranges. Most of the programs developed according to plans that teachers designed. Teachers could not monitor every aspect of these kinds of programs, because they eventually became just only members as children do. Our records present teachers and children multiple aspects of the whole programs in which they participated. In these kinds of program settings, teachers and children just attend to themselves and things around them. We have obtained a tool to expand their experiences. We should examine qualities and motivations of individual children's behaviors that construct extra-individual activity patterns.

  • Developing a taxonomy of university instructional processes and improving teaching strategies based on the analysis of video-logged classes

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUJITA Keiji, MIO Tadao, KUBOTA Ken-ichi, ODA Kijun, OHNOGI Hiroaki, ITOH Hideko

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    Purpose : This project aims at developing multimedia support systems to improve higher education based on the analysis of video-recorded instructional processes.
    Focus : This study includes the following foci : (1) A taxonomic study of university instructional activities in terms of teacher-student interactions ; (2) Development of video-recording systems easily controlled by instructors during on-going classroom activities ; (3) Development of quantitative methods for describing characteristics of instructional activities by time-sampled video printings ; (4) Development of self-directed learning and evaluation programs for teachers and learners by the use of video-images of their own classroom activities.
    Major Outcomes : Various types of instructional activities such as lectures, seminars, and practica were video-recorded and analyzed by the use of the time-sampled video picture printing system mentioned below which enabled us to measure teaching behaviors in qantitative as well as qualitative terms. The Automatic Printing System of Time Sampled Video Pictures provides us with a series of still pictures on video printing sheets (max. 144 pictures on an A4 size sheet) can then be efficiently used to analyze, compare and evaluate a number of video-logged classes.
    Teachers' attention spans and the directions they attended to were examined. Directions of teacher's eyes were recorded in terms of forward, backward, sideward, upward and downward and durations of each time were measured in seconds. The distributions of attention spans of teachers can basically be described by a compound exponential distribution with two parameters, alpha and beta, which seem to reflect teachers' communicationg behavior patterns. A theoretical model for attention times in terms of information flows between the teacher and students is formulated and suceeds in obtaining fairly good agreements with various video-logged instructional activities.
    A survey on instruction also revealed teachers' efforts to improve various aspects of teaching and learning activities, the effects of self-modeling on teaching improvements, changes of instructional self-efficacy before and after the instruction and the self-evaluation through video watching.

  • A experimental study on supplementing information in reading a text

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    INOUE Shobi, OOKUMA Tooru, IWANAGA Masafumi, NOJIMA Eiichiro, FUJIOKA Kanji, ASADA Tadashi

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    We Studied on how to supplement information in reading a text.Now we think the concept of supplementing information in reading a text isn't established. Therefore, firstly we discussed it from the view points of reader and subject matter.
    Second, we investigated about how to understand a text. As a result, we suggest it makes an influence to understand the content of a text to give children a picture, but some children misunderstand the content by giving a picture. We indicate at least that to give a picture or supplement verbal information makes an influence to understand the content of a text. We planned a lesson according to the above result and implement it.
    Third, we investigated how to supplement information in planning a lesson.Teachers tend to give a verbal information on an central instructional objective and give a visual information (picture)on premise objectives. They require children to think about a central objective and on premise objectives they require children to have images by giving a visual information.

  • Experimental and Comparative Studies on Processes of Motor and Relaxation Skills Acquisition

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UMEZAWA Akio, SOKURA Kei, MITSUHASHI Yoshinori, NOJIMA Eiichiro

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    This study focused on acquisition processes of motor skills and relaxation skills. We intended to compare with acquisition processes of these two skills and to clarify the diffrences and the communities between these skills.
    For motor skill acquisition, we used a unicycle as an experimental task, since this task has many advantages of methodological aspects. In the first experiment, 10 novice undergraduates participated in daily training sessions to ride a unicycle. Following results were obtained : (1)Subjects could ride a unicycle more than 10 seconds continuously within 10 dairy sessions. (2)Riding time increased drastically after trail-and-error phase of learning processes. (3)Strategies obtained during the early stage of acquisitionprocesses were differnt from those obtained in the late stage. (4)In the late stage of acquisition, subjects reported more frequently to reduce unnecessary muscle tension than in the early stage. In the second experiment, we recorded electromyographic activities (EMG) during riding unicycle from both subjects being able to ride more than 10 seconds(novice)and expert subjects. The results showed that novice subjects showed unnecessary EMG activities than experts.
    For relaxation skill, we conducted an investigation concerning relaxation strategies by questionnaire. The data showed that the most popular relaxation strategy in Japan is breathing control to calm down in the stressful situation of daily life. However, there has been few scientific studies clarified the relationship between relaxation and respiration. Then we conducted two experiments to reveal the relationships among respiration, stress and relaxation. In another experiments, we chose Noguchi Gymnastics as a relaxation task, which is famous as a relaxation exercise in Japan. Novice undergraduates participated the experiment consisted of daily training sessions for Noguchi Gymnastics. Acquisition processes obtained from this experiment were similar with those obtained in the experiment for training of a unicycle.
    These results suggested that acquisition processes of two skills have something in common. In the future, it's necessary to conduct the further sdudies to focus on whether instruction could alter these processes.

  • An empirical study on the effectiveness of comprehensive school in the case of Inagakuen Comprehansive Upper Secondary School.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKO Toshihiko, MIMIDUKA Hiroaki, IKEDA Terumasa, MUTA Hiromitu, FUJIOKA Kanji, NOJIMA Eiichirou

     View Summary

    From different point of view we evaluated Inagakuen Comprehensive Upper Secondary School that was the only large-scale comprehensive school in Japan. After reviewing the creation planning and present administration of the school, we examined effects of the unique characteristics of this school such as the various subject selection system, the large-scale enrolling 3300 students, and the schools-within-a-school plan which divided a large school into several small schools. Main results were as follows.
    1.The subject classroom system and the large-scale architecture restrict teachers' space use.
    2.The balance between anonymnity of large-scale school settings and intimacy of small-scale settings is essential.
    3.Sex and course differences exist in the relation between subject selection and satisfaction.
    4.Self-realization and cynicism are components of the graduates' self image.
    5.Case studies show the importance of school life guidance as well as career guidance.
    6.According to a comparative survey of career choice, Inagakuen students' university entrance aspiration maintains relatively high level while other schools' students tend to separate high and low corresponding to their achievement.
    7.A financial analysis of school management shows that investment expenses for architecture and equipments are slightly high but standard administration expense is average.
    8.Variety and quantity of work for information processing are rather serious. Reinforcement of the system and staff taining are needed.

  • The Construct of a New Instructional Model on Teaching Language and The Development of a New Research Method on Instruction

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    INOUE Shobi, OOKUMA Tooru, IWANAGA Masafumi, NOJIMA Eiichiro, FUJIOKA Kanji, ASADA Tadashi

     View Summary

    Most of researches on teaching language has focused on the cognitive domain of subject matters. There were few literatures on communication analysis dealing with interaction between teacher and student and the relationship between cognitive and affective domain.
    First, the present study explored some factors related to teachers' decision-making and judgment during instruction. As the result, teachers' recognition on students' reaction, classroom atmosphere, and a quality of interaction between teacher and student influence on teachers' interactive decision-making and judgment.
    Second, We attempted to understand the relationships between teaching method and student thought process. One teaching method is the deductive method and another is the inductive method. We analyzed the students' internal process of cognitive and affective domain.
    Third, We developed some materials about writing. The concept of development is to contribute to how to write, which is based on language art.
    Fourth, We recognized that' The grammatical sentence theory (Bunporon-Bunshoron)' is a useful technique in planning for instruction and an analytical view point of instruction.
    Finally, We proposed a new model of teaching language and discussed it.

  • The study of strategy for parallel processing of visual and auditory information in the multi-media education environment.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKO Toshihiko, UMEZAWA Akio, NOJIMA Eiichiro

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    The purpose of this research was to examine various effects of educational media, especially Film/TV, upon learning processes. To progress our research, the following three issues were raised :
    (1)The construction of educational research system to study media effects in instructional situation.
    (2)The development of system for measurement of eye movement and pupil size under visual information presentation in experimental controls. (3)The analysis of strategy when learners process both visual and auditory information from media.
    First, in the early stage of this research, we have developed data acquisition system based on the response-analyzer system which had already been equipped in language laboratory room. With this system, collected were the real-time data, such as the learners'own evaluation for the degree of comprehensions or interests evoked by viewing some educational TV programs. Second, using an eye camera device, we have developed the measurement system of'learner's visuo-motor responses, i. e., eyemovement and pupillary response. Several basic experiments were conducted to evaluate this system as well as to analyze the relationships between simple still TV pictures and such visuo-motor activities. The third issue is chiefly a theoretical one. We have explored learner's models which describe the interaction of media and learning in the context of cognitive psychology, but, at present, only a local model for the recognition memory of motion picture can be proposed with experimental evidence. Further considerations are needed for the construction of more comprehensive model of media-learning process interactions.

  • Study on educational objectives and task analysis of unicycle riding skill

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NOJIMA Eiichiro, YAJIMA Masaharu, UMEZAWA Akio, KODAMA Masahisa

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    As this year was the last year for our study. We had done conclusive experiment. And also we got some important results and considerations as follows.
    (1)In generally, we can say that any students will be able to ride a unicycle if he will have a lesson riding unicycle about 4 or 5 days, everyday 30 minutes. But in this case, "riding" means more than 2 times rotation of it's wheel.
    (2) When we adopt an average number of pedal rotation for Y axis and progress time for X axis, We can get typical motor skill learning curve.
    (3) We asked each student-sujects about their self awareness concerned to their own riding skill every 5 minutes during lesson. We compared their self awareness and their behavior was recorded by VTR camera. At that time we adopted 4 index or check points. They are the direction of a face, the straight line of the backbone, the position of the hip on a saddle and the movement of leg attached to a pedal
    At the beginning of their lesson, their self awareness go ahead of their motor skill. After that their motor skill go ahead of their self awareness. And finally, their self awareness and their motor skill will show almost complete match.

  • Learning Process of Relaxation Skill.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UMEZAWA Akio, NOJIMA Eiichiro, MATSUKI Kenichi, MITSUHASHI Yoshinori

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    A large number of studies concerning effects of relaxation upon psychosomatic diseases have been conducted during the past two decades. However there has been few basic research which dealed with the psychophysiological learning process of relaxation. In this investigation we attempted to develop following new methods for studying learning process of relaxtion skills.
    (1) Japanese relaxation exercises called 'Noguchi Taiso' have many advantages for the relaxation task used in the basic research studies because it is difficult for normal subjects to learn. In Noguchi Taiso's excercises subjects were required to reduce their bodil tension as soon as possible. For in instance, if a subject holding his arm horizontally succeeded to drop his tension from shoulder to arm, his arm should swing like a pendulum. Electromyograph (EMG) recordings showed that the arm swung more frequently when no EMG was observed in the muscles of upper extremities. Subjects could report his cognitive strategies and plannings in Noguchi Taiso exercises more easily than in biofeedback training of autonomic responses.
    (2) Breathing patterns are considered to be closely related to states of conciousness in Japan. There have been, however, few research studies which undertook to reveal the relationships between breathing patterns and relaxation. Our psychophysiological research findings suggested that long and stable post expiration pause time and low minute ventilatory volume are typical respiration patterns under relaxation.

  • Experimental Analysis of Interaction in Encoding Information in the Visuals, Verbals and Letters of an Educational Movie.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MAKINO Ryoya, TAKAHASHI Tetsuro, NOJIMA Eiichiro, YANAGIMOTO Seiichi, UMEZAWA Akio

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    In watching an educational movie, a learner receives visual and auditory information simultaneously. The complex media of television and film can present pictures, audio, and print in iconic or linguistic codes. However, traditional media research has treat media as a total system, what such research fails to acknowledge is that there are separate attributes of media stimuli, and interaction of these components characterizes various media. This study is concerned with the interactive processes of these components , especially with competition between audio and visual components. As its results, it is suggested that audio has advantages for print, and that eye movement during watching an movie reflects learner's understanding.
    For the purpose of presenting the figures drawn up by using of the graphical functions of micro-computer instead of those by blackboard writing and by OHP sheet, CAI materialization is tried in the instruction of descriptive geometry. The contents of developed materials are as follows: (1) Projections of intersecting points of the line and the various solid, intersections of fellow polyhedra and intersections of fellow bodies having curved surfaces. (2) The developments of various solids and drawing of geodesic line.

  • A Basic Study of Measurement and Evaluation for Characterization of Observation and Inference Processes by the Use of Eye Camera

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ITOH Hideko, NOJIMA Eiichiro

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    PURPOSe:The purpose of the present study was (1) to clarify the characteristics of individual observation and inference processes in scientific inquiry by the use of eye camera,(2) to develop a new method for measurement and evaluation of the processes,and (3) to porvide the data for effective teaching and learning.
    MAJOR FINDINGS: 1.Development of Eye Movement Monitoring System and its Try out
    (1) Analyses of eye movements while watching illustrations of textbook and educational TV programs revealed the factors concerning concentration and defferentiation of eye spots.
    (2) Eye movements during visual,auditorial,and audiovisual information proceccing were compared to clarify their relationships among presentation methods,stimulus characteristics,and recall,which can be applied to improve teaching methods.
    (3) Patterns of eye movement,number of fixation points, fixation time,traveling distances,vector of eye meovement were revealed to be significant indices for processing of eye movement data.
    (4) Audio-Visual Test was found to be an effective technique for measurement of learning processes through visual media.
    2.Methodology of measurement and evaluation for observation and inference processes
    (1) Applying new analytical methods succeeded in characterizing individual observation and inference processes, which conventional group-comparison methods have failed to clarify.
    (2) Methodology of study of observation and inference processes was discussed in connection with human information processing.

  • Development of Foundamental Training Program for Teachers Performance Skills and its Application for Practice Teaching.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKAHASHI Tetsuro, NOJIMA Eiichiro, MATSUKI Kenichi, TERAOKA Hideo, IBARAYA Yoshio, FUJIKAWA Kazuyoshi

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    In Fukui University, from 1957, Pre-Service of teaching practice was developed. In this study, we improved the curri culum of the pre-training of teaching practice, esepecially we improved micro tea ching. We made a micro the ching of new style. We made clear teachers porformance skills, and a new "Studend Lesson Appraisal Guide" for evalnation of skill learning atlainment.
    We made clear numerical relations between microteaching and attainment of skill learning by analysis of these studend lesson appraisal guides, We made clear that
    (1) Repeating microteaching exactty progress teaching skills, esepecially obsevational abilily of instrsuction
    (2) Selections of Topics of microteaching are necessary to attain of skill learning.
    (3) Sefl evaluaitons are generally lower than others-evaluations.

  • Development of a Multi-Media Leavning System and Basic Study of Audio Visual Testing

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NOJIMA Eiichiro, MAKINO Ryoya, TAKAHASHI Tetsuro, UMEZAWA Akio, ITO Hideko

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    We developed a multimedia type CAIsystem was connected to a Optical mation picture disk and a video tape recorder. For that purpore We developed particular two interfaus. That is, A interface which control remote controller of video by the computer. And another one is a interface which control Sony Products VTR attached a control L terminal. Even now both of our interface is not so complete but anyway we started to prepare a few Audio Visual test concerned to 「the boiling pointand the melting point
    which is a junior secondary Science TV program. Those tests were prepared for our multi-media Learning systems which is available acoustic cassette tape, VTR(motion picture) Optical motion picture disk, Computer display and super inpose function. From the top of this April we are going to start our experoment.

  • A Study on the Development of Observational Ability of Teaching and its Interactions of Questuonings and Responses

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IBARAYAMA Yoshio, MATSUKI Kenichi, TERAOKA Hideo, NOJIMA Eiichiro, TAKAHASHI Tetsuro

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    Developing a curriculum of the observational ability of teahing. we used training of student teachers. Analyzing its results, repeated microteachings are not effective to learn teaching skills but also develop observational ability of teaching. We maked a booklet " The skills of questioning, response and teaching ". for students progress of these skills. This booklets were used in the pre-training of teaching practice in Fukui University. We developed a new table of teaching evaluation which is simple and conveniet for students who start at the teaching. Categorg system of instructional behaviours for student teachers was developed. In this category system, we may counts only the numbers of instructional behubiours, but need not divide into time periods like OSIA or Flanders' interaction analysis calegory system.

  • ソーシャルメディアを利用した循環型教育システムの改善と教育実践の高度化

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

  • Classroom Activitiesの測定・分析方法の開発に関する実証的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(福井大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

  • オープンフィールドにおける人間の行動軌跡を測定する簡易アクナメータの開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(試験研究(B))

  • 情報教育の現状と課題

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(重点領域研究)

  • 情報教育の現状と課題

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(重点領域研究)

  • 情報教育の現状と課題

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(重点領域研究)

  • 情報教育の現状と課題

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(重点領域研究)

  • 感性レベルにおける異文化間交流能力育成のための教育プログラムの開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

  • 総合学科・総合選択制高校のアカウンタビリティの研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽的研究)

  • アクションリサーチを応用したインターネット利用による日米協同学習の評価

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(特定領域研究(A))

  • e-learning機能を付加した高次講義型授業方式の実践と評価

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)

  • ポートフォリオ評価を活用したオンディマンド型講義における学生評価法の開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)

  • リアリティのある高等教育のためのシナリオベースeラーニングコンテンツの試作

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)

  • 知識基盤社会における高等教育の質保証とデジタル学習資源の共有化に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(独立行政法人メディア教育開発センター)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

  • ライブ映像はEスクールにおいてなぜ有効か?

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)

  • 教授学習過程におけるパラ言語の同定とその機能の分析

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)

  • 早稲田大学人間科学部及び人間総合研究センターと米国ケースウエスタンリザーブ大学間における早稲田-ケースウエスタンコンピュータコミュニケーション(WCCC)プログラム共同研究プロジェクト.

  • 教師の専門性を継続的に発達支援する学校学習システムに関する実証的研究

  • ライブ映像はEスクールにおいてなぜ有効か?

  • 児童への教育活動と教師の持続的な成長機能を併せ持つ循環型学校モデルの開発

  • 早稲田大学・神戸大学との間の地域連携推進研による情報通信ネットワークを利用した現職研修システムの開発プロジェクト

  • 早稲田大学人間総合研究センター共同研究プロジェクト「新しい学校モデル」

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 交信相手の動画像付加がCSCWの作業効率と親和性に与える影響

    1999   佐古 順彦, 西村 昭治, 齋藤 美穂

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     近年、コンピュータ支援による共同作業(CSCW : Computer Supported Cooperative Work)に対する関心が非常に高まっている。これまでに本研究者らは、2者間による共同作業の1モデルである"囚人のジレンマゲーム"をコンピュータネットワーク上で実現し、交信相手の動画像を付加することが協調的行動にどのような影響を及ぼすか実験的検討を行ってきている(石川・野嶋, 1999)。その結果、動画像付加は利得点表という作業内容の違いによって、協調的行動が促進される場合と、逆に減少する場合があることが明らかとされている。 これまでの一連の研究では、動画像を作業者自身が自由に呈示したり消去することができない条件で行われてきた。今回は、作業者自身が自由に交信相手の動画像を作業者自身が自由に呈示・消去できる条件を採用して、囚人のジレンマゲームを実施させ、作業者の動画像に対する積極的な働きかけ(呈示・消去)行動が作業効率、親和性という側面にどのような影響を及ぼしているか実験的検討を行った。 作業効率については協調的行動が多く出現するかという観点で分析した。全般的な傾向では利得点表という作業内容の要因によって作業効率に違いが見られたが、動画像の呈示・消去状態の要因においては違いが見られなかった。さらに、動画像を消去状態から呈示状態に切り替えた後の行動に着目したところ、作業内容の違いによって、協調的行動が促進される場合と、非協力的行動が多い場合に分類されることが示された。一方、親和性については、質問紙による作業者の主観的評価に基づいて分析がなされた。その結果、動画像の呈示が多いほど相手に対して親しみを感じていることが示された。また、作業効率が高くても親しみが高まる傾向が示されており、動画像呈示が直接的に親和性を高めるために有効であったと捉えることができる。以上のように本研究において、動画像を呈示することがあらゆる場面で有効でなかったことが明らかとされた。今後はこれらの知見を考慮し、具体的なCSCW場面に展開し検討を行っていくことが課題である。