Updated on 2024/07/26


NAKANO, Michiko
Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
M.Sc. ( The University of Edinburgh )
Ph.D. ( The University of Edinburgh )

Research Experience

  • 1992

    - 早稲田大学教育学部教授、早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科兼任

  • 1992

    - Professor(School of Education, Waseda University and Graduate School of Education, Waseda University)

  • 1990

    Waseda University   School of Education

  • 1990

    Associate Professor(School of Education, Waseda University)

  • 1988

    Aichi University

  • 1988

    Professor(Faculty of Liberal Arts, Aichi University)

  • 1981

    Aichi University

  • 1981

    Associate Professor(Faculty of Liberal Arts, Aichi University)

  • 1980

    Aichi University

  • 1980

    Lecturer(Faculty of Liberal Arts, Aichi University)

  • 1979


  • 1979


  • 1979

    Research associate(University of Edinburgh)

  • 1979

    Lecturer of Japanese Language(University of Edinburgh)

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Education Background


    エジンバラ大学大学院   文学研究科   言語学  


    The University of Edinburgh   Graduate School, Division of Letters   Linguistics  


    Tsuda College   Faculty of Liberal Arts   Department of English  


    Tsuda College   Faculty of Arts and Science   Department of English  

Committee Memberships

  • 2008

    大学英語教育学会  関東支部長

  • 2008

    The Japan Association of College English Teachers  Kanto Chapter President

  • 2005

    Asia Tefl  Jomnal Reviewer

  • 2002

    日本英文学会  評議委員

  • 2004

    大学英語教育学会  理事

  • 2004

    The Japan Association of College English Teachers  Board Member

  • 2002

    早稲田大学英語英文学会  会長

  • 2002

    大学英語教育学会  代表幹事

  • 2002

    Association of Waseda University English Language and Literature  President

  • 2003

    Asia Tefl  技術担当理事

  • 2003

    Asia Tefl  テクノロジー理事

  • 2003

    Asia Tefl  Technology Director

  • 2000

    大学英語教育学会  副代表幹事

  • 2000

    The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET)  vice-secretary general

  • 1999

    国際応用言語学会  運営委員、論文審査委員、プログラム委員

  • 1999

    環太平洋応用言語学会  共同代表者

  • 1999

    大学英語教育学会  応用言語学研究会委員、論文審査委員

  • 1999

    International Association of Applied Linguistics  Steering Committee

  • 1999

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL)  Co-chair person

  • 1996

    日韓応用言語学会  共同代表者

  • 1996

    Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics  Co-chair person

  • 1998

    大学英語教育学会  論文査読選考委員

  • 1998

    The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET)  Screening Committee

  • 1996

    日本ソフトウェア科学会  幹事

  • 1996

    Japanese Association of Software Researches  Executive member

  • 1991

    大学英語教育学会  選考委員役員、研究企画委員(テスト研究開発委員会、語法研究会 各委員)

  • 1987

    全国語学教育学会  会計

  • 1987

    The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)  Treasurer

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Professional Memberships


































    Asia Tefl




    Japanese Association of Information Processing


    Japanese Psychological Association


    The English Linguistic Society of Japan


    Japan Association of Applied Linguistics in JACET


    British Association of Applied Linguistics


    Japanese Association of Artificial Intelligence


    The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)


    Japanese Association of Software Researches


    International Association of Applied Linguistics


    The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology (LET)


    The Japan Society of English Language Education


    Association of Waseda University English Language and Literature


    Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics


    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL)


    The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET)


    The English Literary Society of Japan (ELSJ)


    Asia Tefl


    The Japan Association of College English Teachers

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Research Interests

  • 応用言語学

  • 教科教育

  • Applied Linguistics


  • 大学英語教育学会・実践賞


  • The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) Practice Award


  • 日本テスト学会論文発表賞


  • The Japan Association for Research on Testing Award


  • 社団法人私立大学等情報教育協会功労賞


  • Senate Spark Matsumura Award


  • Cape International Award


  • Senate Spark Matsumura Award


  • Cape International Award


  • British Council Award


  • British Council Award


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Books and Other Publications

  • 2011年度ICT授業実践報告書


  • Perspectives on Individual Characteristics and Foreign Language Education.

    De Gruyter Mouton.  2012

  • Perspectives on Individual Characteristics and Foreign Language Education.

    De Gruyter Mouton.  2012

  • 2009年度JACET-ICT活動報告書

    JACET-ICT調査研究特別委員会  2010

  • 2008年度JACET-ICT活動報告書

    JACET-ICT調査研究特別委員会  2009

  • 言語・文化・教育の融合を目指して (生井健一・深田嘉昭 編著)

    開拓社  2009

  • Business Tutorial English Intermediate Tutor’s Book

    Waseda University International.  2008

  • 「第4章 証拠中心の評価デザイン」

    教育測定研究所 池田 央日本語版監訳『テスト作成ハンドブック ―発達した最新技術と考え方による公平妥当なテスト作成・実施・利用のすべて』  2008

  • 「5章国際コミュニケーションの教育利用」

    『大学の英語教育を変えるコミュニケーション力向上への実践指針』玉川大学出版部  2008

  • 『国際人として英語を使って見ませんか』

    三修社  2008

  • 『2007年度ICT授業実践報告書 Information Communication Technology Practice & Research 2007』

    大学英語教育学会(JACET)ICT特別委員会発行  2008

  • 「国際教養育成と議論力及び交渉力養成の為のオンデマンド遠隔型語学国際交流の展開」

    平成15年度~18年度科学研究費補助金 (基盤B 2 研究成果報告書)  2008

  • 「テストの不正行為を最小限度にするための問題項目とテストの作成方略」

    教育測定研究所 池田 央日本語版監訳『テスト作成ハンドブック ―発達した最新技術と考え方による公平妥当なテスト作成・実施・利用のすべて』  2008

  • 日本初の女性外交官 山根敏子没後50周年記念シンポジウム 「日本女性は世界平和にどう貢献できるか」

    (財)山根奨学基金  2008

  • Business Tutorial English Intermediate Tutor’s Book

    Waseda University International.  2008

  • Business Tutorial English Advanced.

    Waseda University International.  2007

  • Asia Englishes and Miscommunication.

    Korea University Press.  2007

  • 「項目応答理論・差異項目機能分析を用いた英語文法能力発達過程の研究」

    平成16年~平成18年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))課題番号16320078 報告書  2007

  • Business Tutorial English Advanced.

    Waseda University International.  2007

  • Asia Englishes and Miscommunication.

    Korea University Press.  2007

  • Self-Check Test.

    Waseda University International研究委託金.  2006

  • アジア世界のことばと文化.

    成文堂.  2006

  • Self-Check Test.

    Waseda University International研究委託金.  2006

  • 英語は早稲田で学べ.

    東洋経済新報社.  2005

  • Education Across Borders: Philosophy, Policy, Pedagogy ? New Paradigms and Challenges.

    早稲田大学メディアミックス.  2005

  • 英語教育グローバルデザイン.

    学文社.  2005

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL)

    早稲田大学CCDL研究所.  2005

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL)

    早稲田大学CCDL研究所.  2005

  • 英語能力診断テスト

    早稲田大学オープン教育センター  2005

  • 英語教育グローバルデザイン(付録DVD)

    メディアミックス  2005

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Vol. 5

    早稲田大学CCDL研究所 ISSN:1347-3360  2005

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Vol. 4

    早稲田大学CCDL研究所 ISSN:1347-3360  2005

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol 8 (2)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2005

  • Proceedings of the 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2005

  • 英語教育グローバルデザイン

    学文社  2005

  • 英語は早稲田で学べ ―ネットワーク型教育が「大学英語」を変えた

    東洋経済新報社  2005

  • Education Across Borders: Philosophy, Policy, Pedagogy ? New Paradigms and Challenges.

    早稲田大学メディアミックス.  2005

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL)

    早稲田大学CCDL研究所.  2005

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL)

    早稲田大学CCDL研究所.  2005

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Vol. 5

    早稲田大学CCDL研究所 ISSN:1347-3360  2005

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Vol. 4

    早稲田大学CCDL研究所 ISSN:1347-3360  2005

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol 8 (2)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2005

  • Proceedings of the 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2005

  • WeTec-mini (英語チュートリアル用のIRTに基づくCATレベル分けテスト)

    早稲田大学インターナショナル株式会社  2004

  • Proceedings of the 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2004

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 7(2)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2004

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 8(1)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2004

  • 改訂版パスポート英作文

    数研出版  2004

  • 第二言語習得研究の現在

    大修館書店  2004

  • Proceedings of the 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2004

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 7(2)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2004

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 8(1)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2004

  • 『いま、最先端の研究がおもしろい 躍動する早稲田大学の研究活動』

    中央公論新社  2003

  • 『早稲田大学新世紀への飛翔』

    東洋経済新報社  2003

  • 平成14年度文部科学省初等中等教育局委嘱研究 教職課程における教育内容・方法の開発研究事業報告書

    外国語(英語)科高度職業人養成研究会  2003

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning and Language Acquisition.

    Hankook MunWhasa, Seoul, Korea  2003

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Vol. 2

    早稲田大学CCDL研究所 ISSN:1347-3360  2003

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Vol. 1

    早稲田大学CCDL研究所 ISSN:1347-3360  2003

  • 応用言語学事典

    研究社  2003

  • 科研費報告書:遠隔授業・双方向異文化語学演習と海外共同ゼミの可能性-教材蓄積と教育評価システム

    早稲田大学CCDL研究所  2003

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Vol. 3

    早稲田大学CCDL研究所 ISSN:1347-3360  2003

  • Proceedings of the 7th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2003

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 7(1)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2003

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning and Language Acquisition.

    Hankook MunWhasa, Seoul, Korea  2003

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Vol. 2

    早稲田大学CCDL研究所 ISSN:1347-3360  2003

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Vol. 1

    早稲田大学CCDL研究所 ISSN:1347-3360  2003

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Vol. 3

    早稲田大学CCDL研究所 ISSN:1347-3360  2003

  • Proceedings of the 7th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2003

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 7(1)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2003

  • 『潰れる大学、潰れない大学』

    読売新聞大阪本社編、中公新書ラクレ21  2002

  • 『だから早稲田はトクなんです』

    日経ホーム出版社編集部  2002

  • 大学院修士課程の「英語科教育関連科目」に関する調査報告

    外国語(英語)科高度職業人養成研究会  2002

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 5(2)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2002

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 6 (1)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2002

  • 2002年度Tutorial English 授業実施に関する報告書

    早稲田大学オープン教育センター・英語教育部門・Tutorial English専門委員会  2002

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 6(2)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2002

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 5(2)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2002

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 6 (1)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2002

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 6(2)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2002

  • 奥島孝康著『早稲田大学新世紀への挑戦』

    東洋経済新報社  2001

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 5(1)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2001

  • CCDL Project活動報告書

    早稲田大学CCDL研究所  2001

  • Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Applied Linguistics

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2001

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 5(1)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2001

  • Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Applied Linguistics

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2001

  • 松岡一郎著『早稲田大学デジタル革命』

    アルク  2000

  • Introduction to English Linguistics and Writing

    Kenkyusha  2000

  • Introduction to English Linguistics and Writing

    Kenkyusha  2000

  • 改訂版パスポート英作文

    数研出版株式会社  2000

  • 動詞の類義語の研究―日英語の比較の観点から

    大学英語教育学会語法研究会  2000

  • 学習書コーパスに基づく音声付発信型電子教材作成に関する研究 科学研究費補助金(基礎研究(C)(2))研究成果報告書

    平成10年度~平成11年度科研費報告書  2000

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 4(1)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2000

  • 奥津文夫著『日英ことわざの比較文化』について

    大修館書店『英語教育』Vol. 49 No. 9  2000

  • Selected Papers from AILA ’99 Tokyo

    Waseda University Press  2000

  • Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2000

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 4(2)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2000

  • Introduction to English Linguistics and Writing

    Kenkyusha  2000

  • Introduction to English Linguistics and Writing

    Kenkyusha  2000

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 4(1)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2000

  • Selected Papers from AILA ’99 Tokyo

    Waseda University Press  2000

  • Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2000

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 4(2)

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  2000

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific of Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 3

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  1999

  • Proceedings of the 4th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  1999

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific of Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 3

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  1999

  • Proceedings of the 4th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics  1999

  • 基本英作文テキスト

    研究社  1998

  • Journal of Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 1

    Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics  1998

  • Journal of Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 2

    Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics  1998

  • 英語教育とコンピュータ

    学文社  1998

  • Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics

    Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics  1998

  • Journal of Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 1

    Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics  1998

  • Journal of Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics Vol. 2

    Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics  1998

  • Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics

    Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics  1998

  • 基本英作文テキスト

    研究社  1997

  • Proceedings of the 1st TESOL & Psycholinguistics Colloquium

    Korea-Waseda Association of English Education and Psycholinguistics  1997

  • Proceedings of the 1st Japan/Korea English Teaching and Psycholinguistics Colloquium

    Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics  1997

  • Proceedings of the 1st TESOL & Psycholinguistics Colloquium

    Korea-Waseda Association of English Education and Psycholinguistics  1997

  • Proceedings of the 1st Japan/Korea English Teaching and Psycholinguistics Colloquium

    Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics  1997

  • 実用英語講座 英検準1級クラステキスト第3巻 Practical English Course for STEP Grade Pre-1 Vol. 3

    日本英語教育協会  1996

  • 実用英語講座 英検準1級クラステキスト第2巻 Practical English Course for STEP Grade Pre-1Vol. 2

    日本英語教育協会  1996

  • 実用英語講座 英検準1級クラステキスト第1巻 Practical English Course for STEP Grade Pre-1 Vol. 1

    日本英語教育協会  1996

  • Practical English Course for STEP Grade 1 Vol. 3

    日本英語教育協会  1996

  • Practical English Course for STEP Grade 1 Vol. 2

    日本英語教育協会  1996

  • Practical English Course for STEP Grade 1

    日本英語教育協会  1996

  • Practical English Course for STEP Grade 1 Vol. 3

    日本英語教育協会  1996

  • Practical English Course for STEP Grade 1 Vol. 2

    日本英語教育協会  1996

  • Practical English Course for STEP Grade 1

    日本英語教育協会  1996

  • Linguistics in the Morning Calm

    The Linguistic Society of Korea/Hanshin Publishing Co.  1995

  • Linguistics in the Morning Calm

    The Linguistic Society of Korea/Hanshin Publishing Co.  1995

  • The Proceedings of the 1994 Kyoto Conference

    The Logico-Linguistic Society of Japan  1995

  • Linguistics in the Morning Calm Vol. 3

    The Linguistic Society of Korea/Hanshin Publishing Co.  1995

  • 形容詞の類義語の研究-日英語の比較の観点から

    大学英語教育学会語法研究会  1995

  • Linguistics in the Morning Calm

    The Linguistic Society of Korea/Hanshin Publishing Co.  1995

  • Linguistics in the Morning Calm

    The Linguistic Society of Korea/Hanshin Publishing Co.  1995

  • The Proceedings of the 1994 Kyoto Conference

    The Logico-Linguistic Society of Japan  1995

  • Linguistics in the Morning Calm Vol. 3

    The Linguistic Society of Korea/Hanshin Publishing Co.  1995

  • A Formal Approach to Lexical Acquisition and Translatability Judgments:Interlanguage Experiments on the Interaction of Information Processings, Analogical Processes and Categorization Part 1

    中教出版  1994

  • 状況と認知

    状況と認知の会  1994

  • 同上 Part 3

    中教出版  1994

  • 同上 Part 2

    中教出版  1994

  • A Formal Approach to Lexical Acquisition and Translatability Judgments:Interlanguage Experiments on the Interaction of Information Processings, Analogical Processes and Categorization Part 1

    中教出版  1994

  • ジュニアエブリデイ英和辞典

    中教出版  1993

  • 英語基礎聴解力標準テストBasic Form B

    開拓社  1993

  • 英語基礎聴解力標準テストBasic Form B

    開拓社  1993

  • パスポート英作文

    数研出版  1992

  • 私立大学における情報教育の目指すべき方向

    私立大学等情報処理教育連絡協議会  1990

  • ことばを考える2

    駿河台出版社  1990

  • はじめての人のコンピューター

    愛知大学情報処理センター  1990

  • 新入生のパソコン・ワープロに対する意識と接触行動

    愛知大学情報教育研究会 Center News No.2別冊  1989

  • 2010年度JACET-ICT活動報告書


  • Issues in English Language Teaching and Learning at Tertiary Level.

  • 英語教育学体系第12巻


  • Issues in English Language Teaching and Learning at Tertiary Level.

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  • 異文化交流実践講座(Cross-Cultural Distance Learning: CCDL)の学習効果調査:学習者の動機を高める授業になっているか?


    Presentation date: 2013

  • 異文化交流実践講座(Cross-Cultural Distance Learning: CCDL)の学習効果調査:ソーシャル・スキルは向上するのか?


    Presentation date: 2013

  • 異文化交流実践講座(Cross-Cultural Distance Learning: CCDL)の音質・遅延・画像についての主観調査.


    Presentation date: 2013

  • 早稲田大学の異文化交流授業(CCDL)におけるネットワーク回線の通信品質とその影響について.


    Presentation date: 2013

  • タブレット端末、モバイル端末を利用した英語学習の試み(2012年度前期).


    Presentation date: 2013

  • 談話完成タスクにおける第二言語の音声認識率向上の検討.


    Presentation date: 2013

  • Successful bilinguals: Who are they? What kind of abilities do they have?

    RELC-PAAL International Symposium of World Englishes 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • Waseda Open Policy in Education.

    APJC Education Summit 2013 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • Implications of global trends for institutions.

    APJC Education Summit 2013 

    Presentation date: 2013

  • 「仮想化デスクトップを用いたeラーニング~英語教育の場合」


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 「タブレット端末、モバイル端末を利用した英語学習の試み」


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 「CEFRの活用:更なる進化に向けて」


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 「英語教育とe-Learning」


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 「大学入試センター試験「英語」で測定される英語学力の経年比較」

    全国英語教育学会 第38回研究大会 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • 「早稲田大学における英語教育の10年の歩みと今後の展望」


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 「『わかる』から『できる・つながる』へ -外国語教育の未来―」


    Presentation date: 2012

  • CEFR-J descriptors and Japanese learners' self-assessment of their abilities, based on Item Characteristic Curves (ICC).

    An International Symposium on the Application of CEFR for English Language Teaching in Japan. 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • The Fourth Waseda University JOCW Project: Making use of mobile technologies and Cloud Computing.

    The Joint conference of OER 12 and OCW Consortium. 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Doing English as a second language - cyber cultural exchange in real-time.

    English in Asia's languages Habitats and Europe's Asia Competence. 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Current Status of e-Learning at Waseda University.

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Challenges of English Language Education for both Korea and Japan.

    The 22nd MEESO Annual Conference, 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Exploration of Cross-Cultural Communication Skills in the Context of Theme-Based Online Discussion.

    17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • A Coh-Metrix Analysis of Pre-Writing and Post-Writing: which of 62 Statistical Features are Relevant to the Assessment of Expository Writing in English?

    17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • Using Mobile Phones in English Reading Class.

    17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • ELF practices in cyber interactions: its motivational merits among Japanese participants and the enhancement of inter-personal skills and social skills among Chinese, Taiwanes, Korean and Japanese Learners of English.

    International Association of World Englishes. 

    Presentation date: 2012

  • 「CEFRに基づいたスキル認定書策定への試み」


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 「日本の英語教育における共通の枠組み: その必要性と実践例」

    大学英語教育学会 英語セミナー 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • 「早稲田大学における遠隔教育の現状」

    平成23年度 工学・工学教育研究講演会 財団法人日本工学協会、 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • 「早稲田大学における遠隔教育の現状と交流評価」

    招待講演 DCC産学交流フォーラム、 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • 「クラウド環境上の仮想化デスクトップを用いたe ラーニング」


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 「早稲田大学におけるソフトウェアライセンスの管理の現状」

    <2011年 大学ICT推進協議会年次大会企画セッション> C1: 大学におけるソフトウェアライセンスの現状と今後の課題. 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • Does vowel quality really matter?

    16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • Evening Seminar: assessment of C1 and C2 users of Asian University students: Whether Asian judgments can correspond to native speakers' judgements.

    16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • A reanalysis: a developmental study of intransitive verbs, transitive verbs, di-transitive verbs and logical subjects in Xcomps among Japanese learners of English based Item Response Theory (IRT) and Latent Rank Theory (LRT).

    16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • An experimental study of critical reading and writing program: an analysis of pre-task and post-task.

    16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • A pilot study on the relationship between learning climate in English classroom and students' motivation toward the classroom activities.

    16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • Giving a wide variety support to online ELF learners.

    16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • A case study of developing a vocabulary testing (2): A progressive report.

    16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • Symposium: A study of assessment of speech production and self-assessment based on Common European Framework of Reference.

    The 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • Creating a vocabulary test focusing on the depth of vocabulary knowledge.

    The 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • Methods of Automated Feedback Systems for Reading Aloud, Individual Differences and Reflection Papers.

    The JACET 50th (2011) Commemorative International Convention. 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • JACET-ICT Survey and Research Committee Special Symposium:A Study of On-line and Face-to-Face Interactions and CEFR-Based Certificates.

    The JACET 50th (2011) Commemorative International Convention. 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • Workshop3: Issues in language - the Japanese language in social and developmental contexts.

    Japan and Germany- 150 Years Cooperation: Dynamics of Traditional Research Societies in a Rapidly Changing World. 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • A study of statistical indices of capturing linguistic features of cohesion and coherence.

    7th International Conference on Teaching English at Tertiary Level. 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • Data Collection Method of English Spoken Utterances in Relation to CEFR

    AESOP Workshop in Taiwan. 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • Sociolinguistic and Educational Aspects of Language Learning Reflected in English Spoken Data by Japanese Learners.

    The 3rd Asian Conference of Education. 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • A Waseda OCW Project: Making use of mobile technologies in Discussion Tutorial English (DTE).

    Asia Regional OpenCourseWare and Open Education Conference 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Partner Search Site for Waseda OpenCourse Ware(WOCW).

    Asia Regional OpenCourseWare and Open Education Conference 

    Presentation date: 2011

  • 研究室で比較的最近行った実験について

    TALK FLTA 合同研究会 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • 「日本の外国語教育はなぜ失敗するのか?」


    Presentation date: 2010

  • 「ICTを利用した異文化交流国際会議の試み」

    大学英語教育学会(JACET)関東支部大会 JACET-ICT調査研究特別委員会企画 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • 「早稲田企画:早稲田大学でのICT活用実践」

    外国語教育メディア学会 (LET) 50周年記念全国研究大会 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • 「ニューラルテスト理論の英語教育における利用」

    49回大学英語教育学会 JACET-ICT 特別企画 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • 「ICTを活用した語学教育と異文化交流の促進」


    Presentation date: 2010

  • Three models of World Englishes and our personal perspective.

    Presentation date: 2010

  • The possibility of the application of Neural Test Theory to SLA research.

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Cyber Collaborations in East Asia and Program Assessments: Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Programs at Waseda University.

    International Conference on Language Education for English for Specific Purpose. 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • CEFR-based Curriculum Development and English Tutorials - Transition from Secondary to Tertiary Education.

    KATE Conference 2010. 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Asian Collaborations at Waseda University: Cross-Cultural Distance Learning.

    The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology: the 50th Commemorative Conference National Conference. 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Pedagogical Issues and some solutions by Information Communication Technology (ICT) and recent Testing Theory (Neural Test Theory: NTT) --- a case study in World Englishes and Miscommunication course.

    15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • A Tentative Method of reforming your assessment of English abilities into International Standards such as Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) (2): ELF and Asian Englishes.

    15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • A tentative method of reforming your assessment of English abilities into International standards such as Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) (3): Comparing European and Japanese language users.

    15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • A Study of CEFR Descriptors: Ranking Task by English Education Experts and by University Students.

    15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Social Skills in English Communication: An Empirical Survey among Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Participants.

    15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • A Comparative Study of Motivation toward Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) Activities.

    15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Comparative study of requestive strategies in textual and scripted oral responses using Discourse Completion Tasks (DCTs) to investigate Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) competences.

    15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • A Study of Request Performance among Asian Users of English: Success and politeness level assessment by Japanese teachers and university students.

    15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Survey Results on Japanese EFL Learners Independent Learning.

    15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Verb Patterns Used in Junior High School English Textbooks in Japan, A Corpus Analysis.

    15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • A Case Study of Developing a Vocabulary Testing: a Progressive Report.

    15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • A "Rank" vs "Cluster" Conflict: Or, is it just an artifact?

    15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • CEFR-based English Tutorials and two validation experiments.

    JACET Summer Seminar. 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Bridging a gap between L2 research and classroom practice: (1) English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in Asia and some assessment based on Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

    INTERSPEECH 2001 Satellite Workshop on"Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology" (L2WS'2010) Co-organized by AESOP, SLaTE, NICT & LASS 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Bridging the Gap between L2 Research and Classroom Practice (2): Evaluation of Automatic Scoring System for L2 Speech.

    INTERSPEECH 2001 Satellite Workshop on"Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology" (L2WS'2010) Co-organized by AESOP, SLaTE, NICT & LASS 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Bridging the gap between L2 research and classroom practice (3) - Online assessment and practical teaching.

    INTERSPEECH 2001 Satellite Workshop on"Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology" (L2WS'2010) Co-organized by AESOP, SLaTE, NICT & LASS 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Accommodation Skills and Social Skills in Computer-mediated Discussion-a survey among Asian University students.

    6th International Conference on Teaching English at Tertiary Level Beijin, 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Requirements to AESOP data from English education viewpoint.

    3rd Asian English Speaking Corpus Project (AESOP) Meeting, 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning Programs in East Asia.

    Asian Conference on Education, 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • English Language Education as an interdisciplinary applied linguistics.

    2010 ALAK (The Applied Linguistics Association of Korea) International Conference, 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Internationalization or Globalization in Asia: Issues in English Language Education.

    Asian Conference on Education, 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • 「早稲田大学における英語教育について」

    Presentation date: 2009

  • JACET-ICT調査研究特別委員会企画「ICT活用授業事例報告:授業形態および成果」


    Presentation date: 2009

  • 早稲田大学の語学教育3段階とICTの活用


    Presentation date: 2009

  • JOCW教材のオントロジー検索の実験-World Englishes and Miscommunicationsコースを用いて-(An Experiment of Ontology-based Search Engine, using JOCW materials)

    平成21年度 工学・工学教育研究講演会 財団法人日本工学協会 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Poster:早稲田大学での英語教育の特徴と卒業生と一般市民へのオンライン英語教育支援(Special Features of English Language Education at Waseda University and Online Educational Services for Waseda University Graduates and Japanese Citizens)

    第48回 大学英語教育学会 全国大会 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Symposium: JACET-ICT調査研究特別委員会企画ICT活用授業と授業評価~1対1対応の遠隔授業と多地点遠隔授業、英語発信力の自動判定、個人差を考慮できるICT活用(ICT-based English Courses and Assessment Issues)

    第48回 大学英語教育学会 全国大会 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • 「英語学習者のための音読自動評価システムの構築」

    2009年(平成21年)度 第23回日本音声学会全国大会 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Construction and implementation of automatic L2 speech evaluation system.

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • A Case Study of the Development of Communication Skills through Cross-Cultural Distance Learning

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • A Case Study on Developing a Vocabulary Testing.

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • A corpus analysis of intransitive verbs used in junior high school English textbooks in Japan

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • A corpus study of passive unaccusative verbs in L2 English produced by advanced Japanese learners

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • A Method of Automatic Acquisition of Typed-Dependency Representation of Japanese Syntactic Structure

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Assessing Japanese EFL Learner's Social Skills in Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Context: A Continuous Study among Waseda University Students,

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning and the Learner's Motivation toward the CCDL CMC Activities: A Survey on Three types of CCDL classes.

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Cyber course on World Englishes1 and ELF: some tentative evidence

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • English Tutorials, CEFR and ACPA.

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • L2 Acquisition of Unaccusative Verbs by Japanese and Korean Learners of English.

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Lesson Review Tests and CEFR Can-do Statements.

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Preliminary assessment of Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) competence using Discourse Completion Tasks (DCT).

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Quantitative Analysis of Speaking in Group Oral Interaction ? Range of Speaking on the Basis of CEF Assessment ? .

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Range Analysis of Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Reflection Work Sheet: A Pilot Study

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Towards the Assessment of the Use of Prosodic Cues in Speech Recognition.

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • A tentative analysis of spoken English among Asian students of English - an introduction to CCDL.

    CCDL International Workshop, Jointly organized by JACET-ICT, CCDL Research Center, and Distance Learning Center. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Leaning (CCDL) Programs and Program Assessments.

    CCDL International Workshop, Jointly organized by JACET-ICT, CCDL Research Center, and Distance Learning Center. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • SEL-Hi: Current and Future English in Japan

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • The Development and Implementation of Task-based Writing Performance Assessment for Japanese Learners of English: (1) A Pilot Experiment.

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Consonant clusters by Japanese learners of English

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Supporting and Assessing L2 Learners’ Self-Regulated Learning

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • The Acquisition of Restrictive Relative Clauses by Japanese and Korean Learners of English.

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • The Development and Implementation of Task-based Writing Performance Assessment for Japanese Learners of English: (2) How to improve rating scales.

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • The Development and Implementation of Task-based Writing Performance Assessment for Japanese Learners of English: (3) Main Experiment 1.

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • The Development and Implementation of Task-based Writing Performance Assessment for Japanese Learners of English: (4) Main Experiment 2

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • The Development and Implementation of Task-based Writing Performance Assessment for Japanese Learners of English: (5) Comparison of Two Main Experiments

    The 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Discourse Completion Tasks (DCTs) for AESOP Community: A tentative framework for request speech acts.

    AESOP Meeting 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Plenary Symposium:Curriculum Innovation, ICT and International Standards.

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Curriculum development and English Tutorials ? Transition from secondary to tertiary education.

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Adult, Lifelong & Distance Education Plenary Featured Speech: Local Problems and Global Solutions: Cross Cultural Distance Learning in Asia,

    Presentation date: 2009

  • アジアブロードバンド実験 サイバー講義

    アジアブロードバンド実験 サイバー講義 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • 「早稲田大学における英語教育3段階方式」

    日本e-Learning学会 春季学術講演会 基調講演 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • 『英語教育とICTによる国際交流―その可能性と課題』―


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 「異文化交流実践講座」実施報告

    遠隔教育センター シンポジウムeラーニングを活用した新しい授業スタイルの創造 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • 「研究型CCDL授業で活用できる展開型CCDLの教材と教示方法」

    遠隔教育センター CCDL部門会報告 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • JACET--ICT 特別委員会企画: 中・高・大学でのICT活用授業について


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 「項目応答理論に基づいた教育評価:英語教育改善への提案」


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 「多言語利用可能なオントロジーを使った遠隔教育コンテンツ検索システムの有用性評価」

    情報処理学会 コンピュータと教育研究会第96回研究会 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • 「国際理解シンポジウム」


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 「異文化交流実践講座」~ICTを活用した実践コミュニケーション能力の育成

    NIME ICT活用教育入門セミナー 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • 3rdInternational Student Seminar,

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Rater Training Effect in L2 and EFL Speech Evaluation. Information Processing.

    The 8th Phonetics Conference of China and the International Symposium on Phonetic Frontiers ? Celebration of Professor WU Zongli’s 100th Birthday. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning Programs with Universities in South East Asia: e-learning to Foster a Global Citizen in Asia.

    43rd RELC International Seminar -- Language Teaching in a Multilingual World: Challenges and Opportunities. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Teaching of Cross-Cultural Competence in Cyber Seminars in Asia.

    43rd RELC International Seminar -- Language Teaching in a Multilingual World: Challenges and Opportunities. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning.

    The 4th QS Asia Pacific Professional Leaders in Education Conference 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • ICT-based English Language Education toward creating Asian-Pacific Intelligence.

    WorldCall 2008, 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Assessing Social Skills among Japanese EFL Learners: A Pilot Study.

    The 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • A Pilot Study: Exploring a Relationship between Four Kinds of Motivation and Self-regulations for Second Language Learning among Japanese University Students in Cross-cultural Distance Learning Contexts.

    The 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics, 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Creating an Online Feedback System: EFL Learners’ Strategy Use.

    The 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics, 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) via Internet and the Assessment of Oral Presentation in English.

    The 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics, 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Developing a Self-reflection Tool for EFL Learners: CEFR-based Practical Communication Skills.

    The 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics, 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Fundamental Research on Automatic Speech Evaluation of L2 English.

    The 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics, 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • How Conceptual Differences between L1 and L2 Can Be Integrated in the Process of L2 Vocabulary Acquisition.

    The 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics, 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • A Proposal: Inter-university Cyber Collaborations among ASEAN Universities.

    ASEAN Conference 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • ICT-based English Language Education and our experimental findings,

    2nd International Workshop on Language and Speech Science. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Symposium: Setting and Validating on Language Tests.

    The 12th Annual Conference of the Japan Language Testing Association. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • English as an International Languag, World Englishes and English as a lingua franca.

    CCDL Teachers International Workshop. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Tutorial English Tutor Workshop 2008.

    Tutorial English Tutor Workshop 2008. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Pedagogical Issues and Education Network: Cross-Cultural Distance Learning Program between Tsinghua University and Waseda University.

    4th International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • A Proposal for a New-Dimensional Online Feedback System: Focusing on individual learner differences.

    9th APRU Distance Learning and Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • A Self-Asessment Tool for Language Users in Tutorial English based on Common European Framework of Reference.

    9th APRU Distance Learning and Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • An Experimental Report of Web-based Test of English Communication (WeTEC) and the Common European Framework of References (CEFR).

    9th APRU Distance Learning and Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Asia Braodband Experiment on Ontology-based Search Engine.

    9th APRU Distance Learning and Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Leaning (CCDL) Programs and Program Assessments.

    9th APRU Distance Learning and Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Experimental Studies on Automatic Speech Evaluation.

    9th APRU Distance Learning and Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Waseda University Special Presentations. Demonstration of Cyber Seminar among Asian universities: World Englishes and Miscommunications.

    9th APRU Distance Learning and Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • 「海外10大学との遠隔共同講座「世界の英語たち」によるグローバルリテラシー教育の実践」


    Presentation date: 2007

  • 多文化に対応するICT教育の試み:利点と問題点

    JACET 月例研究会 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • グローバルリテラシー演習について

    Presentation date: 2007

  • 大学英語教育における口頭発話能力の評価と測定:自動評価システムの構築に向けて

    第2回 大学英語教育学会 関東支部大会 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • コミュニケーション能力の育成

    Presentation date: 2007

  • 「ICTを活用した実践コミュニケーション能力の育成--早稲田大学の大胆な試み-- 」


    Presentation date: 2007

  • 日本人英語学習者の実践的発話能力に関する評価基準の検討―Common European Framework of References を基盤として―


    Presentation date: 2007

  • 英語教育における技能別授業とテストを考える(小中高大を見通した大学英語教育-一貫したカリキュラムを求めて)

    第46回大学英語教育学会ICT 特別委員会企画 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • 英語学習者による音読における主観的評価と客観的測定値の関係.


    Presentation date: 2007

  • 「日本女性は世界平和にどう貢献できるか」

    日本初の女性外交官 山根敏子没後50周年記念シンポジウム 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • DCC祭り

    Waseda Univeristy 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • An introduction to Oral English assessment among users of English in Asia.

    RELC International Student Seminar, 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • An application of individual differences research to the practice of language teaching

    42nd RELC International Seminar 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • 文藻外国語学院 集中講義

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Cyber Lecture

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Theme-Based Cross Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) with Southern Taiwan University and Waseda University: (1) Social & Global Issues and (2) International Career Path.

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Inter-University Collaborations: Global Literacy Eduation and Cross-Cultural Competence.

    The 8th Distance Learning & Internet Conference, Sustainable Learning in a Global Information Society 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • A Study of Grammar Development among Japanese University Students: Intransitive Verbs, Transitive Verbs, Ditransitive Verbs and Logical Subjects in Xcomps?Part (1).

    12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • A Study of Grammar Development among Japanese University Students: Intransitive Verbs, Transitive Verbs, Ditransitive Verbs and Logical Subjects in Xcomps?Part 2.

    12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Developing CEFR-based Can-do Descriptors to Assess Practical Communication Skills of Japanese Learners of English.

    12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Does Vowel Quality Matter?

    12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Examining Predictors of Second Language Speech Evaluation.

    12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Theme-based Cross Cultural Distance Learning: (1) Social and Global Issues.

    12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Theme-based Cross Cultural Distance Learning: (2) Media.

    12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Theme-based Cross Cultural Distance Learning: (3) International Carrier Path.

    12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Using Differential Item Functioning to Detect Individual Differences of EFL Learners.

    12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Variation in the Acquisition of Unaccusative Verbs by Japanese EFL Learners.

    12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Why do we Need to Teach Communication Strategies to Japanese EFL Learners?

    12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • 早稲田大学の英語教育とヨーロッパ言語共通参照枠組み

    2006年度 教育改革ITフォーラム 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • 特別シンポジウム:大学教育連携の試み~オンデマンド授業流通フォーラム~


    Presentation date: 2006

  • 「プロジェクト研究所の理念と実践」.

    早稲田大学Digital Campus Consortium総会. 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • 「早稲田大学での英語教育」


    Presentation date: 2006

  • 国際教養学部GP特別シンポジウム:基調講演

    Presentation date: 2006

  • アジアにおける英語学習者の口語コミュニケーション能力評価に関する一考察 ─Common European Frameworkの観点から.

    Presentation date: 2006

  • FACETSを用いたアジア人英語学習者のスピーキング能力の評定に関する一考察.


    Presentation date: 2006

  • 個人要因に関するアンケート調査をいかに教育実践に結びつけるか:診断用紙を用いて


    Presentation date: 2006

  • シンポジウム:多様化時代のパワフルな「授業力」-コンピュータと情報ネットワークが創り出す多様な英語教育、


    Presentation date: 2006

  • JACETテスト特別委員会シンポジウム:英語教育におけるリスニング能力を考える、


    Presentation date: 2006

  • CCDL研究部会設置について


    Presentation date: 2006

  • 非母語話者の韻律自動評価のためのデータ作成.

    国際情報通信研究 公開研究発表会, 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • Developing a sample-free grammatical proficiency test for SLA research

    The 10th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • Intelligibility Issues in view of ELF Core.

    Presentation date: 2006

  • The initial state of second language learning of segmental sounds: Does first language inhibit second language learning?

    4th Asia TEFL International Conference, Fukuoka, 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • Symposium: Forum of On-demand Lecture Circulation (FOLC): Sharing of Unique Lecture Contents via Internet,

    4th Asia TEFL International Conference, 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • Symposium: University-Level ELT and CCDL in Japan,

    4th Asia TEFL International Conference, 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • A diagnosis of Japanese EFL learners' individual differences.

    Presentation date: 2006

  • An experimental study of ELF core and intelligibility issues in view of Japanese English.

    Presentation date: 2006

  • Exploring communication abilities of English language learners in the eastern Asian context: From the perspectives of Common European Framework and World Englishes.

    Presentation date: 2006

  • How Asian learners of English have formed or changed their view toward English as an international language (EIL).

    Presentation date: 2006

  • Objective measurements as predictors of second language speech evaluation.

    ALOHA (Acquisition of Linguistic Organization and Human Audition) Workshop, Waikiki, 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • A study of the relationship between second language oral reading evaluation and speech timing control.

    ALOHA (Acquisition of Linguistic Organization and Human Audition) Workshop, 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • Acquisition of English grammatical features by adult Japanese EFL learners: The application of Item Response Theory in SLA research.

    2nd CLS International Conference. 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • CCDL 報告


    Presentation date: 2005

  • 英語使役構文の従属節受動態化と母語干渉に関する一考察.


    Presentation date: 2005

  • 「ネットワーク型英語が大学教育を変えた」


    Presentation date: 2005

  • 「早稲田大学のネットワーク型英語教育」

    New Education EXPO 内田洋行主催. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Critical Writing Program開設記念共同討議:早稲田大学でのネットワーク型英語教育紹介.


    Presentation date: 2005

  • テストティングセミナー2005「テストの現在」:「早稲田大学におけるコンピュータ・テスティングの現状~ネットワーク型教育が大学英語を変えた」


    Presentation date: 2005

  • 「これからの大学教育とオンデマンド授業」 Oicの現在の到達点と課題について

    Presentation date: 2005

  • 「新時代の英語力を目指して」


    Presentation date: 2005

  • 第6回 「21世紀国際フォーラム」 グローバルコミュニケーションと日本人の英語 パネルディスカッション.


    Presentation date: 2005

  • 集中講義 英語教育におけるデータ収集と分析法、アジア英語、


    Presentation date: 2005

  • Production of voiceless plosives in word-final positions by Korean learners of English: An analysis by MULTI-SPEECH.

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Exploring Learner Preferences in Cross-Cultural Distance Learning

    The 9th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Research of Grammaticality Judgment of Dative Shift by Japanese Learners of English Based on Optimality Theory

    The 9th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • The Effective Use of Videoconferencing in Cross-Cultural English Language Instruction

    The 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • A role of feature geometry in acquisition of segmental sounds: In the case of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese learners of English

    The 6th Symposium on Natural Language Processing 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Cross-cultural Distance Learning and Cyber Seminars: Concepts and Practices

    The 6th Symposium on Natural Language Processing 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • First Language transfer in the production of English voiceless stops: In the case of Korean learners of English

    The 6th Symposium on Natural Language Processing 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Networked English Language Education at Waseda University: Toward creating Asian-Pacific Intelligence

    The 6th Symposium on Natural Language Processing 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • A Case Study of Cross-Cultural Differences and Similarities of Pragmatic Usages in Requesting Situations Learned through Computer-Mediated Communication Activities

    The 31st JACET Summer Seminar 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • A multi-dimensional approach to analyzing individual differences of Japanese language learners of English

    The 10th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • A Study on Relationship between Language Anxiety and Proficiency: In a Case of Japanese Learners of English

    The 10th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Networked English Language Education at Waseda University: Toward creating Asian-Pacific Intelligence (II)- CCDL and Cyber Seminars

    The 10th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • World Englishes and Miscommunication: On-demand Internet Collaborative course.

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Cyber Collaborations to Promote Asian Community: Some Pedagogical Principles and Practices (II).

    Global Education Convention. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Cyber Collaborations to Promote Asian Community: Some Pedagogical Principles and Practices (I).

    Global Education Convention. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Cyber Collaborations to promote Asian Community: the on-demand Internet course, "Asian Englishes and Miscommunication".

    Global Education Convention. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • A Study of CMC Skills in the EFL Context.

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • A study on perception of segmental sounds by Chinese, Korean, and Japanese learners of English.

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • An Introduction of WeTEC (Web-based Test of English Communication) and WeTEC- mini renamed as English Skill Check Test.

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • CCDL Project between Tamkang University, Taiwan and Waseda University.

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • CCDL Project between Waseda and Chulalongkorn.

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Development of a new test from the perspective of learner factors (2): Cognitive style, learner preferences, learner anxiety, motivation, and leaner strategies.

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Development of a new test from the perspective of learner factors (2): Cognitive Style, Learner Preferences, Learner Anxiety, Motivation, and Leaner Strategies.

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Grammatical Judgment of English make-causative by Japanese Learners of English ? in the framework of LFG.

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Multi-dimensional approach to analyzing individual differences of language learners of English.

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • On-line Assessment of Classroom Activities in English Tutorial Lessons.

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Vocabulary Acquisition Process in Second Language Acquisition.

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • World Englishes and Miscommunications Revised.

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • English Education over the Network toward creating Asian-Pacific Intelligence.

    14th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, Featured Speech, ETA-ROC Conference. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Universities in Taiwan & Waseda University Proposal for Distance Learning (CCDL) Project.

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Tutors Workshop: English Tutorials: Principles and Practices.

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Universities in Taiwan & Waseda University Proposal for Distance Learning (CCDL) Project.

    Wenzao Southern Taiwan Meeting. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Our role as a teacher in our computer age.

    Wenzao Southern Taiwan Meeting 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Universities in Taiwan & Waseda University: Proposal for Distance Learning (CCDL) Project,

    Wenzao College of Foreign Languages. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • A proposal: what should be our professional stance as an educator as an applied linguist.

    International Conference on 2nd Language Learners. 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • CCDL今後の展望と展開


    Presentation date: 2004

  • 英語使役構文の受動態化における日本人英語学習者の母語干渉に関する一考察

    第二言語習得学会2004年度全国大会 於群馬県庁 

    Presentation date: 2004

  • アジアの英語たちと新しい英語教育法


    Presentation date: 2004

  • 差異項目機能分析を用いた英文法テストの妥当性の検討と第二言語習得過程の考察


    Presentation date: 2004

  • On-demand Internet Course: World Englishes and Miscommunication

    Syracuse Univesity 

    Presentation date: 2004

  • A Development of a New Test from the Perspectives of Learner Factors: Cognitive Styles, Learning Preferences, Motivations and Learning Strategies

    The 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Namseoul University, Korea. 

    Presentation date: 2004

  • A Study of Native Language Transfer of Japanese EFL Learners in Passivization of Causative Constructions: An OT-LFG Analysis

    The 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Namseoul University, Korea. 

    Presentation date: 2004

  • Acquisition of English Verbs by Japanese Adult EFL Learners: Focusing on the Relationship between Dative Alternations and Unaccusative/Unergative Distinctions

    The 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Namseoul University, Korea. 

    Presentation date: 2004

  • Syntactic and Semantic Approach to Analize English Textbooks in Japan

    The 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Namseoul University, Korea. 

    Presentation date: 2004

  • The Development of Grammatical Competence of Japanese EFL Learners: Focusing on Dative Alternations

    The 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Namseoul University, Korea. 

    Presentation date: 2004

  • World Englishes and Miscommunication:On-demand Internet Collaborative course

    Presentation date: 2004

  • World Englishes and Miscommunication:On-demand Internet Collaborative course in Asian Context

    Presentation date: 2004

  • Optimality Theory in Lexical Functional Grammar: language aquisition and second language learning

    Presentation date: 2004

  • Incentive to Reform and Change: Coollaborative Efforts to Create Asian-Pacific Intelligence

    Presentation date: 2004

  • Linguistic Advice for Japanese Business-persons

    Presentation date: 2004

  • A Summary for theExperimental On-demand Internet Course: World Englishes and Miscommunications

    Presentation date: 2004

  • Japanese English? Interlanguage? Glocal English?

    Presentation date: 2004

  • Webを利用した英語リスニング教材及びテストの開発

    公開シンポジウム 早稲田大学教育総合研究所 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • 遠隔授業とリスニング教材


    Presentation date: 2003

  • 早稲田大学海外協定校38大学との遠隔授業


    Presentation date: 2003

  • 東アジアの異文化理解と言語の修得:早稲田大学でのネットワーク型授業+遠隔授業の勧め

    公開シンポジウム『東アジア世界の文化と言語』~世界に広がる早稲田ネットワーク 早稲田大学国際言語文化主催 大学書林国際語学アカデミー共催 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • 日本人英語学習者の文法能力発達過程について:関係節の習得を中心に


    Presentation date: 2003

  • SLA研究とテスティング研究の有機的連携を目指して

    大学英語教育学会第42回全国大会 於東北学院大学 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • 学習環境と言語文化教育


    Presentation date: 2003

  • A Grading Scheme for Japanese ESL Learners: a suggestion from Tutorial English Program at Waseda University: Advanced Course

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan. 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • A Grading Scheme for Japanese ESL Learners: a suggestion from Tutorial English Program at Waseda University: Basic Course

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan. 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • A Grading Scheme for Japanese ESL Learners: a suggestion from Tutorial English Program at Waseda University: Intermediate Course

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan. 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • Preliminary Analysis of Grammatical Judgment Test: dative constructions and their passive forms

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan. 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • Waseda Placement Test Version 1: Analysis of Part 1 (Sound Discrimination)

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan. 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • Waseda Placement Test Version 1: Analysis of Parts II, III and IV

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan. 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • Japanese Learners of English are not necessarily polite in English? -- some evidence from Discourse Completion Tasks and Naturally Occurring Data

    JACET Summer Seminar 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • Intercultural Cyber Education: Collaborative Courses over the Network

    Advanced Network Conference/ 16th APAN Meeting, Busan 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • Intercultural Communication -- collaborative courses over the network

    "International Conference at Kangwon National University, Korea 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • Cross-cultural Distance Learning: at Waseda University

    Presentation date: 2003

  • Introduction to Waseda Placement Test (Listening)

    Presentation date: 2003

  • Intercultural Cyber Education: Collaborative Courses over the Network

    Presentation date: 2003

  • The Collaboration of Language Testing and SLA; The Application of item Response Theory in SLA Research

    Presentation date: 2003

  • Incentives to Reform and Change: Collaborative Efforts to Create Asian-Pacific Intelligence

    Presentation date: 2003

  • Toward the realization of the Cyber University Consortium

    International Symposium: Toward the realization of the Cyber University Consortioum 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • Intercultural Cyber education: Collaborative courses over the network

    Presentation date: 2003

  • 基本英作文テキストについて

    「ライティング教材をめぐって」、大学英語教育学会第40回全国大会シンポジウム2 於藤女子大学 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • 早稲田大学における異文化交流の展開

    遠隔教育センター 早稲田大学 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • 国際交流と英語教育~早稲田大学の場合~「地球市民」=「行動する国際派知識人」の養成

    日本英語表現学会第31回大会 於早稲田大学 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • 英語能力測定テストにおける相関性についての一考察

    日本英語表現学会第31回大会 於早稲田大学 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • 早稲田大学における英語教育~異文化交流を中心として~

    生協主催CIEC研究会招待報告 於早稲田大学 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • 日本人英語学習者の文法能力発達過程について:非対格・非能格動詞の習得を中心に

    2002年度全国英語教育学会 神戸研究大会 於神戸大学 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • 早稲田大学における『チュートリアル英語学習プログラム』の試みと実践報告

    大学英語教育学会第41回全国大会 於青山学院大学 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • 大学教育での多言語・多文化接触の可能性

    外国語部門研究会 早稲田大学 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • 大学英語教育の脱構築: Tutorial Englishの挑戦


    Presentation date: 2002

  • Some Experimental Methods of SLA

    ParGram Meeting at Knowledge Space; Fuji Xerox Research Institute 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning.

    (Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA)) 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • Cyber Challenges at Waseda University

    Young Leaders Annual Meeting in Tokyo; Japan Foundation. 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • A Progress Report on Tutorial English Program at Waseda University.

    The 7th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, RELC Singapore. 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • A Study of a Relationship between English Proficiency Test (Structure Section) and Grammatical Judgement Task (1) - A Learner’s Knowledge of a Logical Subject among Subject-Control Verb (promise) and Object-Control Verbs (ask and tell).

    The 7th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, RELC Singapore. 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • A Study of a Relationship between English Proficiency Test (Structure Section) and Grammatical Judgement Task (2) - A Learner Judgement on Unaccusative Verb s and Unergative Verbs from Lexical Functional Syntax.

    The 7th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, RELC Singapore. 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • A Study of a Relationship between English Proficiency Test (Structure Section) and Grammatical Judgement Task (3) - A Learner’s Judgements on To-Datives and For-Datives from Lexical Functional Syntax.

    The 7th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, RELC Singapore. 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • International Collaboration: CCDL Activities and Cyber Lectures.

    The 7th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, RELC Singapore. 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • Placement Test at Waseda University.

    The 7th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, RELC Singapore. 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • A Proposal of a Tag Set for Learner Corpus.

    AILA 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre. 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • CCDL Project: Learning through Cooperation and Collaboration.

    AILA 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre. 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • Grammatical Judgment Test of Spoken and Written English from the Perspective of Critical Period Effects.

    AILA 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre. 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • Syntactic Information in Japanese L2 Textbooks.

    AILA 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre. 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • マルチモーダル同時通信を中心とした海外とのネットワーク型集合学習の実践

    早稲田大学メディアネットワークセンター(MNC) 公開シンポジウム「メディアを超えて」 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • インターネットを用いた遠隔授業(CCDL)の試み


    Presentation date: 2001

  • 国際コミュニケーション教育における英語チュートリアルについて『21世紀、ともに学びあう社会へ人間とITとの融和を目指して』

    2001年PC Conference, 金沢大学 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • 早稲田大学における英語教育~異文化交流を中心として~

    生協主催ファーストセミナー 於早稲田大学 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • Workshop: Form, Meaning and Use, Achieving a Balance: Cross-Cultural Distance Language Learning and Grammar Teaching

    Presentation date: 2001

  • Experimental notes on some relationships between cross-cultural Communication and the mental lexicon

    The 8th International Conference of Cross-Cultural Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong. 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • Cooperation and sharing of resources

    European year of Languages 2001 Conference, Freie University, Berlin. 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • A Proposal of Learner Error Types for EFL and L2 Learner-Language Spoken Corpora

    The 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Cheju National University, Korea. 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • A Study of Interaction Patterns of Japanese and Korea Learners of English

    The 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Cheju National University, Korea. 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • College of International Communication at Waseda University,

    The 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Cheju National University, Korea. 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • Corrective Feedback and Learner Uptake: Negotiation of Form in Speaking Tasks,

    The 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Cheju National University, Korea. 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • Error Coding, and Error analyses in Essay Writing

    The 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Cheju National University, Korea. 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • Grammatical Judgement Test Concerning Critical Period Effects

    The 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Cheju National University, Korea. 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • Japanese Learners’ Self-repairing Strategies in Standardized Speaking Test,

    The 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Cheju National University, Korea. 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • Negotiation of Form, Recasts, and Explicit Correction in Relation to Error Types and Learner Uptake

    The 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Cheju National University, Korea. 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • Recasts, and Repetition in EFL Classroom Discourse

    The 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Cheju National University, Korea. 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • A Personal View of LFG in Relation to Learner Language


    Presentation date: 2001

  • The Acquisition of Synchronous Communication Competence by NNS of English

    The 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2001

  • コンピューターを利用した英語教育「ネットワーク型英語教育」

    第6回大学英語教育学会(JACET)FD (Faculty Development) セミナー 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • Collaboration without Borders: Experiences with Real-time Multimodal Communication Facility for Joint Seminars among Japan and East-Asian Countries.

    1st International Workshop on Linguistics and Education in Multi-Media Age 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • Interlanguage Pragmatic Features of Japanese and Korean Learners of English

    The 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa. 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • Introducing Japanese EFL Learners to Greater Variety in Adjective Intensifiers

    The 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa. 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • Progress Report: Cyber Learning at Waseda University

    The 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa. 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • Some Methods of Analyzing Computer Mediated Communication Data

    The 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa. 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • Teaching Speech Functions to Japanese EFL Learners: With Reference to Thanking, Apology, Request, and Offer Expressions

    The 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa. 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • Cyber Learning at Waseda

    Presentation date: 2000

  • English Language Education and Applied Discourse Analysis in Cyber Learning.

    Presentation date: 2000

  • An Experimental Study of a Relationship between Lexical Functional Grammar and Learner-language Data”

    AILA'99 Tokyo 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • An Introduction to Lexical Functional Grammar and Optimal Syntax”

    AILA'99 Tokyo 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • Linguistic Theories and Language Education”

    AILA'99 Tokyo 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • Adjective Intensifiers: Some Observations on Native Speaker and Learner Corpora in English.

    The 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. ISSN 1346-535X. 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • Analyzing Computer-mediated Communication Data through the Measure of MLU in words.

    The 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. ISSN 1346-535X. 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • Similarities and Differences Between Face-to-face Dialogue and Computer-Mediated Communication.

    The 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. ISSN 1346-535X. 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • 時空を超えたオープンキャンパスの創出~近未来のネットワーク型教育


    Presentation date: 1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (6): An Analysis of Discourse Completion Tasks,

    The 4th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (7): An Analysis of E-mail Discourse and Variation of Expressions,

    The 4th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 1999

  • A Study of Textbook Analyses (2) Thanking, Apologies, Requests, Offers, in Japanese Junior High School Textbooks,

    The 4th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 1999

  • A Study of Textbook Analyses (3): Thanking, Apologies, Requests, Offers, in Japanese High School Textbooks,

    The 4th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 1999

  • Miscommunication inside the industrial world: An innovation toward process communication

    Symposium Organized by Erich Berendt: Miscommunication: Adequacy, Atrophy, and Ambiguity in Interactive Discourse at 12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 1999

  • A Case Study of EFL Learning among Koreans and Japanese (1): How Cultural Differences Interfere with (Influence) Questions and Answers at International Conferences

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University. 

    Presentation date: 1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (2): Japanese Maestros of English and Learners’ Transcription Errors

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University. 

    Presentation date: 1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (5): An Analysis of Written Data by Japanese University Students

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University. 

    Presentation date: 1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (6): An Analysis of Discourse Completion Tasks

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University. 

    Presentation date: 1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (7): An Analysis of Spoken Discourse Completion Tasks, Function of Pauses, and Variation of Expressions

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University. 

    Presentation date: 1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (8): How Cultural Influence Speech Style? - With Special Reference to Japanese and Koreans

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University. 

    Presentation date: 1999

  • LFG and its Computational Implications

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University. 

    Presentation date: 1999

  • Special Symposium: Linguistic Theories and Language Education

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University. 

    Presentation date: 1999

  • Three Simple Methods of Building Your Spoken Corpora at Your Institution

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University. 

    Presentation date: 1999

  • All Illustration: Think-aloud Protocols in Speaking and Reading

    Presentation date: 1998

  • A study of the acquisition of negative be-verbs among Japanese junior high school students: an analysis within the framework of Optimal Syntax

    Presentation date: 1998

  • ディスコースにおける意味の妥当性とは何か?

    大学英語教育学会第36回全国大会 於早稲田大学 

    Presentation date: 1997

  • Characteristics of Japanese Students' Composition Errors: General Patterns of Errors

    The First Japan/Korea English Teaching and Psycholinguistics Colloquium 

    Presentation date: 1997

  • Characteristics of Koean Students' Composition Errors: General Patterns of the Errors

    The First Japan/Korea English Teaching and Psycholinguistics Colloquium 

    Presentation date: 1997

  • Grammaticality Judgement and English Acquisition-- A Comparison between Japanese and Korean Students

    The First Japan/Korea English Teaching and Psycholinguistics Colloquium 

    Presentation date: 1997

  • 文章理解に及ぼす母国語の影響


    Presentation date: 1996

  • Experimental Testing of Feature-structure Representation in Letter Perception

    XXVI International Congress of Psychology 

    Presentation date: 1996

  • Experimental Testing of Mereology (1): Syllogistic Thinking and Transitive and Transitive Law

    XXVI International Congress of Psychology 

    Presentation date: 1996

  • Experimental Testing of Mereology (2): Typicality and Validity Judgements

    XXVI International Congress of Psychology 

    Presentation date: 1996

  • スタンフォード大学の紹介と私の研究の結果について


    Presentation date: 1995

  • ブール価モデルによる結合錯誤の付加特徴効果の別解


    Presentation date: 1994

  • 格助詞「の」における全体―部分関係と接触関係―中間項省略の問題


    Presentation date: 1994

  • 関係「AにはBがある」推移律:全体―部分関係vs.接触関係


    Presentation date: 1994

  • Experimental Testings of Feature Structures and Unification

    The Joint Conference of The 8th Asian Conference on Language, Information on and Computation and The 2nd Pacific Asia Conference on Formal and Computational Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 1994

  • Generating a Dialogue From Semantic Principles

    International Conference on Spoken Language Processing 

    Presentation date: 1994

  • カテゴリー処理検証の試み


    Presentation date: 1993

  • 観察・理解と学習への科学研究の最近の成果について

    大学英語教育学会第32回全国大会 於東北学院大学 

    Presentation date: 1993

  • Cognitive Semantics and A Boolean Valued Model

    The First Pacific Asia Conference on Formal and Computation Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 1993

  • Interactive Grammar and Discourse Analysis

    10th World Congress of Applied Linguistics Amsterdam 

    Presentation date: 1993

  • Dialogue, A Context of Situation and Interactive Grammar

    International Symposium on Dialogue - New Directions in Human and Machine Communication 

    Presentation date: 1993

  • 類推と発話(II)


    Presentation date: 1992

  • 英語の形容詞の類義の研究--日英比較の観点から

    大学英語教育学会第31回全国大会 於早稲田大学 

    Presentation date: 1992

  • 語彙検索とデータベース利用形式意味論の立場から


    Presentation date: 1992

  • Interactive Grammar: Lexical Representation and Discourse Representation

    25th International Congress of Psychology 

    Presentation date: 1992

  • Some factors of the bimodal distribution of illusory conjunctions

    25th International Congress of Applied Linguistics Conference 1992 

    Presentation date: 1992

  • Some relationships between attention in psychology and perspectives in Situation Theory

    Presentation date: 1992

  • Context and Interactive Grammar

    The British Council Applied Linguistics Conference 1992 

    Presentation date: 1992

  • 語彙修得における汎化と近似性の関係(5)


    Presentation date: 1991

  • 類推と発話(I)


    Presentation date: 1991

  • Assimilation and Accommodation in Lexical Judgements

    Presentation date: 1991

  • 語彙修得における汎化と近似性の関係(4)


    Presentation date: 1990

  • Representation of Lexical Structure and Information Proceedings

    9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 1990

  • Transitivity Judgements and Lattice Operation

    9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 1990

  • Lexical Structures and Lattice Operation

    22nd International Congress of Applied Psychology 

    Presentation date: 1990

  • Transitivity Judgements and Orthogonal Semantic Features

    22nd International Congress of Applied Psychology 

    Presentation date: 1990

  • 語彙構造のブール価モデルと情報処理方略


    Presentation date: 1989

  • 文学・語学系での情報の手法と体制


    Presentation date: 1989

  • 文学・語学系での情報教育の方向性


    Presentation date: 1989

  • 語彙修得における汎化と近似性の関係(3)


    Presentation date: 1989

  • An Experimental Method of Classifying a Group of Learners into Co-ordinate Bilinguals and Compound Bilinguals

    Presentation date: 1989

  • Mother Tongue InterferenceにおけるLearner Strategies語彙を例にとって

    大学英語教育学会第27回全国大会 於四国学院大学 

    Presentation date: 1988

  • 語彙修得における汎化と近似性の関係(2):カテゴリー処理と体制化について


    Presentation date: 1988

  • 単語学習と応用力実験研究法を教室でのアプリケーションについて


    Presentation date: 1988

  • 語彙構造の表現、獲得と言語運用の問題


    Presentation date: 1988

  • 語彙獲得と論性


    Presentation date: 1987

  • 語彙修得における汎化と近似性の関係(1):近似性の計算量法(MDSとThurstone-Torgerson方の比較


    Presentation date: 1987

  • 語彙獲得における類似性の果たす役割

    大学英語教育学会第26回全国大会 於京都産業大学 

    Presentation date: 1987

  • Toward characterizing a learning process

    Presentation date: 1985

  • 動作教示用語の理解


    Presentation date: 1983

  • 位置・姿勢指示命令の理解


    Presentation date: 1983

  • 多義語獲得と近似値度直感についての一考察


    Presentation date: 1982

  • ヴァージニア・ウルフの後期作品の再評価について


    Presentation date: 1973

  • The Author’s Point of View as Mobility

    Presentation date: 1972

▼display all

Research Projects

  • Listening, Writing, Reading through the Internetのコース作成。Lesson Reviwe Task(チュートリアル英語の上級準、上級、中級、準中級、初級、入門コース)の作成。WeTECのCan-Do化


    Project Year :


  • 国際教養育成と議論力及び交渉力養成の為のオンデマンド遠隔型語学国際交流の展開


    Project Year :


  • インターネットを介しての異文化交流とオンデマンド教材を用いた遠隔教育の拡大


    Project Year :


  • WeTEC(項目応答理論に基づいたコンピュータ適応型テスト)の製作、チュートリアル英語の上級、準上級、中級、準中級、初級、入門コースの教科書監修、システムの監修、成績評価のシステム作成、チューターへの指導・ワークショップ、Listening and Writing through the Internet コース作成(初級、中級、上級)。個人の特性抽出とコース選択支援システムの開発


    Project Year :


  • 遠隔授業・双方向異文化語学演習と海外共同ゼミの可能性-教材蓄積と教育評価システム


    Project Year :


  • Developing Real-Time Interactive Cross-Cultural Distance Learning, Cyber Seminars and Cyber Lectures-Internet-based Standard Teaching Materials in Asia and Evaluation of the Program

    Cooperative Research

    Project Year :


  • 学習者コーパスに基づく音声付き発信型電子教材作成に関する研究


    Project Year :


  • A Study of Digitalized Teaching Materials for Spoken English Based on Learner Corpus

    Cooperative Research

    Project Year :


  • 未定項表現を用いた形式意味論と推論体系の研究


    Project Year :


  • A Study of Formal Semantics and Inference System Using Underspecified Terms

    Cooperative Research

    Project Year :


  • 実験研究の教授法

  • CMC分析

  • コーパス言語学

  • 語彙機能文法

  • 第二言語習得

  • 英語学習と言語理論

  • 遠隔授業と双方向異文化交流 (ネットワーク型英語教育)

  • 少人数制による英語対面チュートリアルの教材作成、授業評価システム作成、プロフィシエンシー測定標準テスト

  • 異文化間遠隔教育コース、遠隔演習、遠隔講義の運営、アジア地域での標準カリキュラム作成

  • XLEに基づくLFGの枠組みを用いたコーパス利用の日本語と英語の分析

  • Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) Analysis

  • Corpus Linguistics

  • Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG)

  • Second Language Acquisition (SLA)

  • Material Development of Face-to-face English Tutorial, Development of Program Evaluation System, and Standardized Test in Proficiency

  • Organizing Cross-Cultural Distance Learning Courses, Cyber Seminars and Cyber Lectures, and Standard Curriculum Development in Asia

  • Corpus-based Analysis of Japanese and English within the Framework of XLE-based LFG

▼display all


  • English Language Education as a Lingua Franca in Asia.

    Nakano, M, Kondo, Y, Owada, K, Ueda, N, Yoshida, S

    The Asian Conference on Education 2012 Official Conference Proceedings.     1368 - 1369  2013

  • 異文化交流実践講座(Cross-Cultural Distance Learning: CCDL)の学習効果調査:学習者の動機を高める授業になっているか?

    中野 美知子, 小泉 大城, 平澤 茂一, 近藤 悠介

    情報処理学会第75回講演論文集.   第4巻.   395 - 396  2013

  • 異文化交流実践講座(Cross-Cultural Distance Learning: CCDL)の学習効果調査:ソーシャル・スキルは向上するのか?

    中野 美知子, 小泉 大城, 平澤 茂一, 近藤 悠介

    情報処理学会第75回講演論文集.   第4巻.   397 - 398  2013

  • 異文化交流実践講座(Cross-Cultural Distance Learning: CCDL)の音質・遅延・画像についての主観調査.

    小泉 大城, 中澤 真, 近藤 悠介, 中野 美知子, 平澤 茂一

    情報処理学会第75回講演論文集.   第4巻.   399 - 400  2013

  • 早稲田大学の異文化交流授業(CCDL)におけるネットワーク回線の通信品質とその影響について.

    中澤 真, 小泉 大城, 近藤 悠介, 中野 美知子, 平澤 茂一

    情報処理学会第75回講演論文集.   第4巻.   401 - 402  2013

  • タブレット端末、モバイル端末を利用した英語学習の試み(2012年度前期).

    近藤 悠介, 中野 美知子, 永間広宣, 黒田 学, 神馬 豊彦

    情報処理学会第75回講演論文集.   第4巻.   403 - 404  2013

  • 談話完成タスクにおける第二言語の音声認識率向上の検討.

    近藤 悠介, 中野 美知子

    情報処理学会第75回講演論文集.   第4巻.   405 - 406  2013

  • L2 Learners' Motivation for Learning English in Computer-Mediated Communication Activities

    Yoshida, S, Nakano, M

    Selected Papers of the 17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     82 - 93  2013

  • English Language Education as a Lingua Franca in Asia.

    Nakano, M, Kondo, Y, Owada, K, Ueda, N, Yoshida, S

    The Asian Conference on Education 2012 Official Conference Proceedings.     1368 - 1369  2013

  • L2 Learners' Motivation for Learning English in Computer-Mediated Communication Activities

    Yoshida, S, Nakano, M

    Selected Papers of the 17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     82 - 93  2013

  • CEFR-J descriptors and Japanese learners' self-assessment of their abilities, based on Item Characteristic Curves (ICC).

    Nakano, M, Terauchi, H

    A paper presented at An International Symposium on the Application of CEFR for English Language Teaching in Japan.     24 - 28  2012

  • 「仮想化デスクトップを用いたeラーニング~英語教育の場合」

    近藤悠介, 中野美知子, 平澤茂一, 小泉大城, 斉藤友彦

    情報処理学会第74回全国大会講演集   4   475 - 476  2012

  • 「タブレット端末、モバイル端末を利用した英語学習の試み」

    中野美知子, 近藤悠介, 永間広宣, 黒田学, 神馬豊彦

    情報処理学会第74回全国大会講演集   4   477 - 478  2012

  • The Fourth Waseda University JOCW Project: Making use of mobile technologies and Cloud Computing.

    Nakano, M, Kuroda, M, Jimma, T, Nagama, H, Taniguchi, K

    Cambridge 2012: the Joint conference of OER 12 and OCW Consortium. Online Proceedings.     1 - 21  2012

  • Challenges of English Language Education for both Korea and Japan.

    Nakano, M

    Proceedings of The 22nd MEESO Annual Conference.     1 - 15  2012

  • Exploration of Cross-Cultural Communication Skills in the Context of Theme-Based Online Discussion.

    Satoshi Yoshida, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     63 - 64  2012

  • A Coh-Metrix Analysis of Pre-Writing and Post-Writing: which of 62 Statistical Features are Relevant to the Assessment of Expository Writing in English?

    Michiko Nakano, Satoshi Yoshida, Masanori Oya, Yutaka Ishii

    Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     65 - 66  2012

  • Using Mobile Phones in English Reading Class.

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Kazuharu Owada, Norifumi Ueda, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     67 - 68  2012

  • An Experimental Use of Clickers for a Large Class.

    Michiko Nakano, Satoshi Yoshida, Kaori Koizumi, Ryo Niijima, Yutaka Ishii

    Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     93 - 94  2012

  • L2 Learners' Motivation for Learning English in Computer-Medicated Communication Activities.

    Satoshi Yoshida, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     97 - 98  2012

  • Constructing a vocabulary test to predict learners' proficiency levels.

    Norifumi Ueda, Eiichiro Tsutsui, Yusuke Kondo, Kazuharu Owada, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     85 - 86  2012

  • What can Latent Rank Theory contribute to SLA research?

    Hiromasa Ohba, Kenichi Yamakawa, Yuko Shimizu, Naoki Sugino, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 51st JACET International Conference.     156 - 163  2012

  • JACET-ICT Survey and Research Committee Special Symposium: Integrating Educational Methods and Technology: Its Effects and Evaluation.

    Nakano, Michiko, Kondo, Yusuke, Owada, Kazuharu, Ueda, Norifumi

    Proceedings of the 51st JACET International Conference.     79 - 86  2012

  • CEFR-J descriptors and Japanese learners' self-assessment of their abilities, based on Item Characteristic Curves (ICC).

    Nakano, M, Terauchi, H

    A paper presented at An International Symposium on the Application of CEFR for English Language Teaching in Japan.     24 - 28  2012

  • The Fourth Waseda University JOCW Project: Making use of mobile technologies and Cloud Computing.

    Nakano, M, Kuroda, M, Jimma, T, Nagama, H, Taniguchi, K

    Cambridge 2012: the Joint conference of OER 12 and OCW Consortium. Online Proceedings.     1 - 21  2012

  • Challenges of English Language Education for both Korea and Japan.

    Nakano, M

    Proceedings of The 22nd MEESO Annual Conference.     1 - 15  2012

  • Exploration of Cross-Cultural Communication Skills in the Context of Theme-Based Online Discussion.

    Satoshi Yoshida, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     63 - 64  2012

  • A Coh-Metrix Analysis of Pre-Writing and Post-Writing: which of 62 Statistical Features are Relevant to the Assessment of Expository Writing in English?

    Michiko Nakano, Satoshi Yoshida, Masanori Oya, Yutaka Ishii

    Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     65 - 66  2012

  • Using Mobile Phones in English Reading Class.

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Kazuharu Owada, Norifumi Ueda, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     67 - 68  2012

  • An Experimental Use of Clickers for a Large Class.

    Michiko Nakano, Satoshi Yoshida, Kaori Koizumi, Ryo Niijima, Yutaka Ishii

    Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     93 - 94  2012

  • L2 Learners' Motivation for Learning English in Computer-Medicated Communication Activities.

    Satoshi Yoshida, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     97 - 98  2012

  • Constructing a vocabulary test to predict learners' proficiency levels.

    Norifumi Ueda, Eiichiro Tsutsui, Yusuke Kondo, Kazuharu Owada, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     85 - 86  2012

  • What can Latent Rank Theory contribute to SLA research?

    Hiromasa Ohba, Kenichi Yamakawa, Yuko Shimizu, Naoki Sugino, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 51st JACET International Conference.     156 - 163  2012

  • JACET-ICT Survey and Research Committee Special Symposium: Integrating Educational Methods and Technology: Its Effects and Evaluation.

    Nakano, Michiko, Kondo, Yusuke, Owada, Kazuharu, Ueda, Norifumi

    Proceedings of the 51st JACET International Conference.     79 - 86  2012

  • Does vowel quality really matter?

    Yusuke Kondo, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     74 - 79  2011

  • A reanalysis: a developmental study of intransitive verbs, transitive verbs, di-transitive verbs and logical subjects in Xcomps among Japanese learners of English based Item Response Theory (IRT) and Latent Rank Theory (LRT).

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     337 - 334  2011

  • An experimental study of critical reading and writing program: an analysis of pre-task and post-task.

    Michiko Nakano, Satoshi Yoshida

    Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     345 - 352  2011

  • A pilot study on the relationship between learning climate in English classroom and students' motivation toward the classroom activities.

    Satoshi Yoshida, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     357 - 364  2011

  • Giving a wide variety support to online ELF learners.

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Kazuharu Owada, Norifumi Ueda, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     371 - 374  2011

  • A case study of developing a vocabulary testing (2): A progressive report.

    Norifumi Ueda, Kazuharu Owada, Eiichiro Tsutsui, Yusuke Kondo, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     381 - 384  2011

  • Methods of Automated Feedback Systems for Reading Aloud, Individual Differences and Reflection Papers.

    Michiko Nakano, Yuri Nishihori, Eiichiro Tsutsui, Yusuke Kondo, Masanori Oya

    Proceedings of The JACET 50th Commemorative International Convention     181 - 188  2011

  • JACET-ICT Survey and Research Committee Special Symposium:A Study of On-line and Face-to-Face Interactions and CEFR-Based Certificates.

    Nakano, M, Owada, K, Ueda, N, Oya, M, Tsutsui, E, Kondo, Y

    Proceedings of The JACET 50th Commemorative International Convention     118 - 125  2011

  • A Waseda OCW Project: Making use of mobile technologies in Discussion Tutorial English (DTE).

    Nakano, M. Kuroda, M. Jimma, T, Nagama, H

    A paper presented at Asia Regional OpenCourseWare Conference (AROCC) 2011. Printed in Informatics.   Vol.5. ( No.1 ) 17 - 21  2011

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning Partner Search Site for Waseda OpenCourseWare(WOCW).

    Nakano, M, Mori, H, Inaba, N, Doi, Y

    A paper presented at Asia Regional OpenCourseWare Conference (AROCC) 2011. Printed in Informatics.   Vol.5. ( No.1 ) 23 - 29  2011

  • 「クラウド環境上の仮想化デスクトップを用いたe ラーニング」

    小泉大城, 斉藤友彦, 中澤真, 中野美知子, 平澤茂一

    2011年度日本e-Learning学会学術講演会 論文集(CD-ROM)     86 - 91  2011

  • Does vowel quality really matter?

    Yusuke Kondo, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     74 - 79  2011

  • A reanalysis: a developmental study of intransitive verbs, transitive verbs, di-transitive verbs and logical subjects in Xcomps among Japanese learners of English based Item Response Theory (IRT) and Latent Rank Theory (LRT).

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     337 - 334  2011

  • An experimental study of critical reading and writing program: an analysis of pre-task and post-task.

    Michiko Nakano, Satoshi Yoshida

    Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     345 - 352  2011

  • A pilot study on the relationship between learning climate in English classroom and students' motivation toward the classroom activities.

    Satoshi Yoshida, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     357 - 364  2011

  • Giving a wide variety support to online ELF learners.

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Kazuharu Owada, Norifumi Ueda, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     371 - 374  2011

  • A case study of developing a vocabulary testing (2): A progressive report.

    Norifumi Ueda, Kazuharu Owada, Eiichiro Tsutsui, Yusuke Kondo, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     381 - 384  2011

  • Methods of Automated Feedback Systems for Reading Aloud, Individual Differences and Reflection Papers.

    Michiko Nakano, Yuri Nishihori, Eiichiro Tsutsui, Yusuke Kondo, Masanori Oya

    Proceedings of The JACET 50th Commemorative International Convention     181 - 188  2011

  • JACET-ICT Survey and Research Committee Special Symposium:A Study of On-line and Face-to-Face Interactions and CEFR-Based Certificates.

    Nakano, M, Owada, K, Ueda, N, Oya, M, Tsutsui, E, Kondo, Y

    Proceedings of The JACET 50th Commemorative International Convention     118 - 125  2011

  • A Waseda OCW Project: Making use of mobile technologies in Discussion Tutorial English (DTE).

    Nakano, M. Kuroda, M. Jimma, T, Nagama, H

    A paper presented at Asia Regional OpenCourseWare Conference (AROCC) 2011. Printed in Informatics.   Vol.5. ( No.1 ) 17 - 21  2011

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning Partner Search Site for Waseda OpenCourseWare(WOCW).

    Nakano, M, Mori, H, Inaba, N, Doi, Y

    A paper presented at Asia Regional OpenCourseWare Conference (AROCC) 2011. Printed in Informatics.   Vol.5. ( No.1 ) 23 - 29  2011

  • Three models of World Englishes and our personal perspective.

    Nakano, M, Tsutsui, E

    JACET-ICT Practice and Research 2009     195 - 210  2010

  • A Study of requestive strategies using Discourse Completion Tasks (DCT) to investigate Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) competences.

    Nakano, M, Negishi, J, Watanabe, A, Kumaki, H

    JACET-ICT Practice and Research 2009     85 - 116  2010

  • 「英語教員研修の問題点:英語力の強化と授業力の強化~海外派遣かICTを利用した国内研修か~」


    『JACET-ICT2009年度実践報告書』     257 - 275  2010

  • Three models of World Englishes and our personal perspective.

    Nakano, M, Tsutsui, E

    JACET-ICT Practice and Research 2009     195 - 210  2010

  • A Study of requestive strategies using Discourse Completion Tasks (DCT) to investigate Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) competences.

    Nakano, M, Negishi, J, Watanabe, A, Kumaki, H

    JACET-ICT Practice and Research 2009     85 - 116  2010

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning Programs with Universities in South East Asia: e-learning to foster a global citizen in Asia.

    Nakano, M

    In Anthology Series No. 50. Language Teaching in a Multilingual World: Challenges and Opportunities.     65 - 83  2009

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning Programs with Universities in South East Asia: e-learning to foster a global citizen in Asia.

    Nakano, M

    In Anthology Series No. 50. Language Teaching in a Multilingual World: Challenges and Opportunities.     65 - 83  2009

  • Featured Speakers: Adult, Lifelong & Distance Education Plenary: Local Problems and Global Solutions: Cross Cultural Distance Learning in Asia.

    Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Education 2009.     488 - 509  2009

  • 「テレビ会議システムや音声チャットによる異文化交流 実践的方法論」

    Nakano, M

    『全国調査から見るICT教育―実践・評価・理論 2008 JACET-ICT 活動報告書』     307 - 328  2009

  • アンケート調査によるソーシャルスキルの主観的測定:2008年度調査結果」

    中野美知子, 吉田諭史

    『全国調査から見るICT教育―実践・評価・理論 2008 JACET-ICT 活動報告書』     23 - 57  2009

  • 「学習動機の学習者内観調査:2008年度調査結果」

    吉田諭史, 中野美知子

    『全国調査から見るICT教育―実践・評価・理論 2008 JACET-ICT 活動報告書』     59 - 97  2009

  • Construction and implementation of automatic L2 speech evaluation system.

    Kondo, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     33 - 38  2009

  • Cyber course on World Englishes1 and ELF: some tentative evidence

    Nakano, M, Haraguchi, Y

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     385 - 392  2009

  • Preliminary assessment of Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) competence using Discourse Completion Tasks (DCT).

    Nakano, M, Negishi, J, Owada, K, Murao, R, Oya, M, Yamazaki, T, Miyasaka, N, Ueda, N

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     379 - 384  2009

  • English Tutorials, CEFR and ACPA.

    Nakano, M, Owada, K, Tsutsui, E, Kondo Y

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     375 - 378  2009

  • Lesson Review Tests and CEFR Can-do Statements.

    Nakano, M, Sugiyama, H, Itoh, M, Kondo, Y, Tsubaki, H

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     369 - 374  2009

  • Towards the Assessment of the Use of Prosodic Cues in Speech Recognition.

    Murao, R, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     261 - 262  2009

  • A Case Study on Developing a Vocabulary Testing.

    Ueda, N, Tsutsui, E, Kondo, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     347 - 350  2009

  • L2 Acquisition of Unaccusative Verbs by Japanese and Korean Learners of English.

    Yamakawa, K, Sugino, N, Shimizu, Y, Nakano, M, Ohba, H

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     9 - 14  2009

  • Assessing Japanese EFL Learner's Social Skills in Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Context: A Continuous Study among Waseda University Students,

    Yoshida, S, Nakano M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     363 - 368  2009

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning and the Learner's Motivation toward the CCDL CMC Activities: A Survey on Three types of CCDL classes.

    Yoshida, S, Nakano M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     357 - 362  2009

  • The Acquisition of Restrictive Relative Clauses by Japanese and Korean Learners of English.

    Ohba, H, Yamakawa, K, Sugino, N, Shimizu, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     467 - 470  2009

  • The Development and Implementation of Task-based Writing Performance Assessment for Japanese Learners of English: (1) A Pilot Experiment.

    Sugita, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     423 - 428  2009

  • The Development and Implementation of Task-based Writing Performance Assessment for Japanese Learners of English: (2) How to improve rating scales.

    Sugita, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     429 - 434  2009

  • The Development and Implementation of Task-based Writing Performance Assessment for Japanese Learners of English: (4) Main Experiment 2

    Sugita, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     435 - 440  2009

  • Supporting and Assessing L2 Learners’ Self-Regulated Learning

    Tsutsui, E, Owada, K, Ueda, N, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     479 - 482  2009

  • 「JOCW教材のオントロジー検索の実験- World Englishes and Miscommunications コースを用いて-(Experiment of Ontology-based An Search Engine, using JOCW materials)


    平成21年度 工学・工学教育研究講演会     426 - 427  2009

  • 「英語学習者のための音読自動評価システムの構築」

    近藤悠介, 中野美知子

    2009年(平成21年)度 第23回日本音声学会全国大会予稿集     87 - 92  2009

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning Programs with Universities in South East Asia: e-learning to foster a global citizen in Asia.

    Nakano, M

    In Anthology Series No. 50. Language Teaching in a Multilingual World: Challenges and Opportunities.     65 - 83  2009

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning Programs with Universities in South East Asia: e-learning to foster a global citizen in Asia.

    Nakano, M

    In Anthology Series No. 50. Language Teaching in a Multilingual World: Challenges and Opportunities.     65 - 83  2009

  • Featured Speakers: Adult, Lifelong & Distance Education Plenary: Local Problems and Global Solutions: Cross Cultural Distance Learning in Asia.

    Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Education 2009.     488 - 509  2009

  • Construction and implementation of automatic L2 speech evaluation system.

    Kondo, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     33 - 38  2009

  • Cyber course on World Englishes1 and ELF: some tentative evidence

    Nakano, M, Haraguchi, Y

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     385 - 392  2009

  • Preliminary assessment of Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) competence using Discourse Completion Tasks (DCT).

    Nakano, M, Negishi, J, Owada, K, Murao, R, Oya, M, Yamazaki, T, Miyasaka, N, Ueda, N

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     379 - 384  2009

  • English Tutorials, CEFR and ACPA.

    Nakano, M, Owada, K, Tsutsui, E, Kondo Y

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     375 - 378  2009

  • Lesson Review Tests and CEFR Can-do Statements.

    Nakano, M, Sugiyama, H, Itoh, M, Kondo, Y, Tsubaki, H

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     369 - 374  2009

  • Towards the Assessment of the Use of Prosodic Cues in Speech Recognition.

    Murao, R, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     261 - 262  2009

  • A Case Study on Developing a Vocabulary Testing.

    Ueda, N, Tsutsui, E, Kondo, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     347 - 350  2009

  • L2 Acquisition of Unaccusative Verbs by Japanese and Korean Learners of English.

    Yamakawa, K, Sugino, N, Shimizu, Y, Nakano, M, Ohba, H

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     9 - 14  2009

  • Assessing Japanese EFL Learner's Social Skills in Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Context: A Continuous Study among Waseda University Students,

    Yoshida, S, Nakano M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     363 - 368  2009

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning and the Learner's Motivation toward the CCDL CMC Activities: A Survey on Three types of CCDL classes.

    Yoshida, S, Nakano M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     357 - 362  2009

  • The Acquisition of Restrictive Relative Clauses by Japanese and Korean Learners of English.

    Ohba, H, Yamakawa, K, Sugino, N, Shimizu, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     467 - 470  2009

  • The Development and Implementation of Task-based Writing Performance Assessment for Japanese Learners of English: (1) A Pilot Experiment.

    Sugita, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     423 - 428  2009

  • The Development and Implementation of Task-based Writing Performance Assessment for Japanese Learners of English: (2) How to improve rating scales.

    Sugita, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     429 - 434  2009

  • The Development and Implementation of Task-based Writing Performance Assessment for Japanese Learners of English: (4) Main Experiment 2

    Sugita, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     435 - 440  2009

  • Supporting and Assessing L2 Learners’ Self-Regulated Learning

    Tsutsui, E, Owada, K, Ueda, N, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     479 - 482  2009

  • Rater Training Effect in L2 and EFL Speech Evaluation.

    Michiko Nakano, Yusuke Kondo, Hajime Tsubaki, Yoshinori Sagisaka

    CD-ROM     1 - 6  2008

  • Acquisition of English Grammatical Features by Adult Japanese EFL Learners: The application of Item Response Theory in SLA Research.

    Yamakawa, K, Sugino, N, Ohba, H. Nakano, M, Shimizu, Y

    Electric Journal of Foreign Language Teaching.   Vol. 5 ( No. 1 ) 13 - 40  2008

  • Developing Transferrable Skills and Social Intelligence through Theme-Based Cross Cultural Distance Learning 2008 Spring Semester.

    Michiko Nakano

    『2007年度ICT授業実践報告書 Information Communication Technology Practice & Research 2007』     191 - 199  2008

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) via Internet and the Assessment of Oral Presentation in English,

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics.     16 - 29  2008

  • Fundamental Research on Automatic Speech Evaluation of L2 English.

    Yusuke Kondo, Ri, sumeikan University, Eiichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University, Michiko Nakano, aseda Uni

    Proceedings of the 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics.     91 - 96  2008

  • A Pilot Study: Exploring a Relationship between Four Kinds of Motivation and Self-regulations for Second Language Learning among Japanese University Students in Cross-cultural Distance Learning Contexts.

    Michiko Nakano, Satoshi Yoshida, Waseda University

    Proceedings of the 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics.     97 - 100  2008

  • Creating an Online Feedback System: EFL Learners’ Strategy Use.

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University, Michiko Nakano, aseda University, Kazuharu Owada, Tokyo College of Music, Koichi Ano, Bunkyo University, Norifumi Ueda, Mejiro University, Yusuke Kondo, Ritsumeikan University

    Proceedings of the 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics.     166 - 167  2008

  • Developing a Self-reflection Tool for EFL Learners: CEFR-based Practical Communication Skills.

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University, Kazuharu Owada, Tokyo College of Music, Yusuke Kondo(Ritsumeikan University, Michiko Nakano, aseda Uni

    Proceedings of the 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics.     201 - 202  2008

  • How Conceptual Differences between L1 and L2 Can Be Integrated in the Process of L2 Vocabulary Acquisition.

    Norifumi Ueda, Mejiro University, Eiichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University, Yusuke Kondo, Ritsumeikan University, Kodachi Kota, Shiba Junior, High School, Michiko Nakano, aseda Uni

    Proceedings of the 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics.     217 - 8  2008

  • Assessing Social Skills among Japanese EFL Learners: A Pilot Study.

    Satoshi Yoshida, Michiko Nakano, aseda Univ

    Proceedings of the 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics.     220 - 223  2008

  • 「多言語利用可能なオントロジーを使った遠隔教育コンテンツ検索システムの有用性評価」

    千葉栄一, NTTコミュニケーション, 中野美知子, 小倉健太郎, NTTソフトウェア, 川村誠司, NTTソフトウェア

    情報処理学会研究報告     1 - 6  2008

  • Asia Braodband Experiment on Ontology-based Search Engine.

    Eiichi Chiba, NTT Communications, Kentaro Ogura(NTT Software, Wataru Kameyama(GITS, Waseda University, Michiko Nakano(Waseda University, Yusuke Kodo, Ri, sumeikan University, Eichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University

    Proceedings of the 9th APRU Distance Learning and the Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning,     125 - 132  2008

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Leaning (CCDL) Programs and Program Assessments.

    Michiko Nakano, Satoshi Yoshida, Kazuharu Owada

    Proceedings of the 9th APRU Distance Learning and the Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning,     189 - 198  2008

  • An Experimental Report of Web-based Test of English Communication (WeTEC) and the Common European Framework of References (CEFR).

    Yasuko Nogami, Michiko Nakano, Hiroshi Matsuda, Norio Hayashi

    Proceedings of the 9th APRU Distance Learning and the Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning,     181 - 187  2008

  • A Proposal for a New-Dimensional Online Feedback System: Focusing on individual learner differences.

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Michiko Nakano, Yusuke Kondo

    Proceedings of the 9th APRU Distance Learning and the Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning,     107 - 109  2008

  • A Self-Assessment Tool for Language Users in Tutorial English based on Common European Framework of Reference.

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Yusuke Kondo, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 9th APRU Distance Learning and the Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning,     171 - 175  2008

  • Experimental Studies on Automatic Speech Evaluation.

    Yusuke Kondo, Michiko Nakano, Eichiro Tsutsui

    Proceedings of the 9th APRU Distance Learning and the Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning,     207 - 212  2008

  • Workshop: illustrative examples for 5 group work topics based on my personal experiences

    Nakano, M

    3rd RELC-WASEDA International Student Seminar    2008

  • Proposal: Cross-Cultural Distance Learning with Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

    Nakano, M

    通産省アジアブロードバンド実験 NTT    2008

  • 早稲田大学の英語教育:3段階方式


    日本e-Learning学会 基調講演 法政大学    2008

  • 報告書 (日本初の女性外交官 山根敏子没後50周年記念シンポジウム 「日本女性は世界平和にどう貢献できるか」

    (財)山根奨学基金    2008

  • Developing Transferrable Skills and Social Intelligence through Theme-Based Cross Cultural Distance Learning 2008 Spring Semester.

    Michiko Nakano

    『2007年度ICT授業実践報告書 Information Communication Technology Practice & Research 2007』    2008

  • Rater Training Effect in L2 and EFL Speech Evaluation.

    Michiko Nakano, Yusuke Kondo, Hajime Tsubaki, Yoshinori Sagisaka

    CD-ROM     1 - 6  2008

  • Acquisition of English Grammatical Features by Adult Japanese EFL Learners: The application of Item Response Theory in SLA Research.

    Yamakawa, K, Sugino, N, Ohba, H. Nakano, M, Shimizu, Y

    Electric Journal of Foreign Language Teaching.   Vol. 5 ( No. 1 ) 13 - 40  2008

  • Developing Transferrable Skills and Social Intelligence through Theme-Based Cross Cultural Distance Learning 2008 Spring Semester.

    Michiko Nakano

    『2007年度ICT授業実践報告書 Information Communication Technology Practice & Research 2007』     191 - 199  2008

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) via Internet and the Assessment of Oral Presentation in English,

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics.     16 - 29  2008

  • Fundamental Research on Automatic Speech Evaluation of L2 English.

    Yusuke Kondo, Ri, sumeikan University, Eiichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University, Michiko Nakano, aseda Uni

    Proceedings of the 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics.     91 - 96  2008

  • A Pilot Study: Exploring a Relationship between Four Kinds of Motivation and Self-regulations for Second Language Learning among Japanese University Students in Cross-cultural Distance Learning Contexts.

    Michiko Nakano, Satoshi Yoshida, Waseda University

    Proceedings of the 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics.     97 - 100  2008

  • Creating an Online Feedback System: EFL Learners’ Strategy Use.

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University, Michiko Nakano, aseda University, Kazuharu Owada, Tokyo College of Music, Koichi Ano, Bunkyo University, Norifumi Ueda, Mejiro University, Yusuke Kondo, Ritsumeikan University

    Proceedings of the 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics.     166 - 167  2008

  • Developing a Self-reflection Tool for EFL Learners: CEFR-based Practical Communication Skills.

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University, Kazuharu Owada, Tokyo College of Music, Yusuke Kondo(Ritsumeikan University, Michiko Nakano, aseda Uni

    Proceedings of the 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics.     201 - 202  2008

  • How Conceptual Differences between L1 and L2 Can Be Integrated in the Process of L2 Vocabulary Acquisition.

    Norifumi Ueda, Mejiro University, Eiichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University, Yusuke Kondo, Ritsumeikan University, Kodachi Kota, Shiba Junior, High School, Michiko Nakano, aseda Uni

    Proceedings of the 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics.     217 - 8  2008

  • Assessing Social Skills among Japanese EFL Learners: A Pilot Study.

    Satoshi Yoshida, Michiko Nakano, aseda Univ

    Proceedings of the 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Conference of Applied Linguistics.     220 - 223  2008

  • Asia Braodband Experiment on Ontology-based Search Engine.

    Eiichi Chiba, NTT Communications, Kentaro Ogura(NTT Software, Wataru Kameyama(GITS, Waseda University, Michiko Nakano(Waseda University, Yusuke Kodo, Ri, sumeikan University, Eichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University

    Proceedings of the 9th APRU Distance Learning and the Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning,     125 - 132  2008

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Leaning (CCDL) Programs and Program Assessments.

    Michiko Nakano, Satoshi Yoshida, Kazuharu Owada

    Proceedings of the 9th APRU Distance Learning and the Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning,     189 - 198  2008

  • An Experimental Report of Web-based Test of English Communication (WeTEC) and the Common European Framework of References (CEFR).

    Yasuko Nogami, Michiko Nakano, Hiroshi Matsuda, Norio Hayashi

    Proceedings of the 9th APRU Distance Learning and the Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning,     181 - 187  2008

  • A Proposal for a New-Dimensional Online Feedback System: Focusing on individual learner differences.

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Michiko Nakano, Yusuke Kondo

    Proceedings of the 9th APRU Distance Learning and the Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning,     107 - 109  2008

  • A Self-Assessment Tool for Language Users in Tutorial English based on Common European Framework of Reference.

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Yusuke Kondo, Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 9th APRU Distance Learning and the Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning,     171 - 175  2008

  • Experimental Studies on Automatic Speech Evaluation.

    Yusuke Kondo, Michiko Nakano, Eichiro Tsutsui

    Proceedings of the 9th APRU Distance Learning and the Internet Conference--New Directions for Inter-institutional Collaboration: Assessment & Evaluation in Cyber Learning,     207 - 212  2008

  • Workshop: illustrative examples for 5 group work topics based on my personal experiences

    Nakano, M

    3rd RELC-WASEDA International Student Seminar    2008

  • Proposal: Cross-Cultural Distance Learning with Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

    Nakano, M

    通産省アジアブロードバンド実験 NTT    2008

  • Developing Transferrable Skills and Social Intelligence through Theme-Based Cross Cultural Distance Learning 2008 Spring Semester.

    Michiko Nakano

    『2007年度ICT授業実践報告書 Information Communication Technology Practice & Research 2007』    2008

  • アジア諸国における大学間遠隔教育の理念と実践」


    『清泉女子大学2006フォーラム』(Seisen Language Education Institute Forum)     35 - 47  2007

  • CEFRに準拠した教科書を学習した学生の英語運用能力自己診断と教員による学生の英語運用能力判定の比較」

    中野美知子, 近藤裕介, 筒井英一朗

    小池生夫(研究代表者)『第二言語習得研究を基盤とする小、中、高、大の連携をはかる英語教育の先駆的基礎研究』     425 - 445  2007

  • An introduction to Oral English assessment among users of English in Asia

    Nakano, M

    RELC International Student Seminar, National University of Singapore    2007

  • 山川健一(研究代表)分担者と共著「項目応答理論・差異項目機能分析を用いた英語文法能力発達過程の研究」平成16年~平成18年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))課題番号16320078 報告書


  • 海外10大学との遠隔共同講座「世界の英語たち」によるグローバルリテラシー教育の実践


    第3回AIDEオープンフォーラム ~国際教育交流の行方~ 国際展開に向けて NIME    2007

  • Spoken English Corpus and Our Initial Analysis

    Michiko Nakano

    北京大学との遠隔講演会 早稲田大学    2007

  • 多文化に対応するICT教育の試み:利点と問題点


    JACET月例研究会    2007

  • How can researches into individual differences be applied to practical English language teaching?

    Tsutsui, E, Hiroshima International University, Nakano, M, Waseda Universi

    The 42nd RELC International Seminar. Singapore    2007

  • Educational Policy and Classroom Practice

    Nakano, M

    公開講演会 文藻外国語学院 台湾    2007

  • 英語教育に役立つ統計と個人要因の計測方法


    台湾・文藻外国語学院 集中講義    2007

  • 中野美知子(研究代表) 国際教養育成と議論力及び交渉力養成の為のオンデマンド遠隔型語学国際交流の展開 課題番号: 15320073 平成15年度 - 平成18年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B)(2))研究成果報告書


  • Proposal for Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) via Internet and Initial Assessment of Oral English in Asia

    Michiko Nakano

    台湾 淡江大学 International Cyber Conference    2007

  • 大学英語教育における口頭発話能力の評価と測定:自動評価システムの構築に向けて

    中野 美知子, 近藤 悠介, 筒井 英一郎, 大和田 和治

    第2回 大学英語教育学会 関東支部大会 立教大学    2007

  • ICTを活用した実践コミュニケーション能力の育成--早稲田大学の大胆な試み--


    大学英語教育学会 北海道支部大会 基調講演    2007

  • Asia Englishes and Miscommunication

    Park, K, Nakano, M, Choi, K-H, Lee, K-Y

    Korea University Press: Seoul    2007

  • 日本人英語学習者の実践的発話能力に関する評価基準の検討―Common European Framework of References を基盤として―

    筒井英一郎, 近藤悠介, 中野美知子

    第5回 日本テスト学会大会 聖路加大学    2007

  • On-demand Internet course book: World Englishes and miscommunication

    Nakano, M

    Waseda University International: Tokyo    2007

  • CCDL Research Report

    Nakano, M

    Cross-Cultural Distance Learning Center, Waseda University   Vol. 6 (2005 Activity Reports), Vol. 7 (2006 Activity Reports)  2007

  • 早稲田大学でのICT事例


    第47回 大学英語教育学会 全国大会 シンポジウム 安田女子大学    2007

  • Gating法の紹介とリスニング教育


    第47回 大学英語教育学会 全国大会 特別委員会 テスト研究会 安田女子大学    2007

  • 英語学習者による音読における主観的評価と客観的測定値の関係.

    近藤 悠介, 筒井 英一郎, 中野 美知子, 鍔木 元, 中村 静, 匂坂 芳

    第21回日本音声学会全国大会予稿集.     51 - 55  2007

  • Inter-University Collaborations: Global Literacy Eduation and Cross-Cultural Competence

    Nakano Michiko

    The 8th Distance Learning & Internet Conference, Sustainable Learning in a Global Information Society, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, Association of Pacific-Rim Universities    2007

  • CCDL Programs with Southern Taiwan University. 2007 International Conference of Applied Linguistics

    Michiko Nakano

    Keynote Address. Southern Taiwan University    2007

  • Three stages of English Education at Waseda University ? our educational efforts in the last decade

    Nakano, M

    DCC祭り 早稲田大学    2007

  • 日本女性は世界平和にどう貢献できるか


    日本初の女性外交官 山根敏子没後50周年記念シンポジウム (財)津田塾会 津田ホール    2007

  • Variation in the Acquisition of Unaccusative Verbs by Japanese EFL Learners.

    Kenichi Yamakawa, Yasuda Women’s University, Naoki Sugino, Ritsumeikan University, Hiromasa Ohba (Joe, su, ity of Education, Michiko Nakano, aseda University, Yuko Shimizu, Ritsumeikan University

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     134 - 137  2007

  • Using Differential Item Functioning to Detect Individual Differences of EFL Learners.

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University, Michiko Nakano, aseda University, Yusuke Kondo, Waseda University, Kazuharu Owada, Ritsumeikan University

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     174 - 175  2007

  • Examining Predictors of Second Language Speech Evaluation.

    Yusuke Kondo, Waseda University, Eiichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University, Hajime Tsubaki, Shizuka Nakamura, Yoshinori Sagisaka, Michiko Nakano, aseda Uni

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     176 - 179  2007

  • Developing CEFR-based Can-do Descriptors to Assess Practical Communication Skills of Japanese Learners of English.

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University, Yusuke Kondo, Michiko Nakano, aseda Uni

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     186 - 189  2007

  • Why do we Need to Teach Communication Strategies to Japanese EFL Learners?

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University, Kazuharu Owada, Ritsumeikan University, Yusuke Kondo, Waseda University, Kouichi Ano, Bunkyo University, Norifumi Ueda, Mejiro University, Michiko Nakano, aseda Uni

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     192 - 195  2007

  • Does Vowel Quality Matter?

    Aya Kitagawa, Yusuke Kondo, Michiko Nakano, aseda Uni

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     224 - 227  2007

  • Theme-based Cross Cultural Distance Learning: (1) Social and Global Issues.

    Michiko Nakano, Remi Murao, Seiko Ito, Mariko Yokota, Annette Karseras Sumi, Darren Mcdermott, Waseda University

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     248 - 251  2007

  • Theme-based Cross Cultural Distance Learning: (2) Media.

    Michiko Nakano, Mariko Yokota, Annette Karseras Sumi, Remi Murao, Darren Mcdermott, Seiko Ito, aseda University

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     252 - 255  2007

  • Theme-based Cross Cultural Distance Learning: (3) International Carrier Path.

    Michiko Nakano, Annette Karseras Sumi, Remi Murao, Mariko Yokota, Seiko Ito, Darren Mcdermott, Waseda University

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     256 - 258  2007

  • A Study of Grammar Development among Japanese University Students: Intransitive Verbs, Transitive Verbs, Ditransitive Verbs and Logical Subjects in Xcomps?Part (1).

    Michiko Nakano, aseda University, Kenichi Yamakawa, Yasuda Women's University, Naoki Sugino, Ritsumeikan University, Hiromasa Ohba (Joe, su, ity of Education, Yuko Shimizu, Ritsumeikan University

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     264 - 267  2007

  • A Study of Grammar Development among Japanese University Students: Intransitive Verbs, Transitive Verbs, Ditransitive Verbs and Logical Subjects in Xcomps?Part (2).

    Michiko Nakano, aseda University, Kenichi Yamakawa, Yasuda Women's University, Naoki Sugino, Ritsumeikan University, Hiromasa Ohba (Joe, su, ity of Education, Yuko Shimizu, Ritsumeikan University

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     268 - 271  2007

  • An introduction to Oral English assessment among users of English in Asia

    Nakano, M

    RELC International Student Seminar, National University of Singapore    2007

  • Spoken English Corpus and Our Initial Analysis

    Michiko Nakano

    北京大学との遠隔講演会 早稲田大学    2007

  • How can researches into individual differences be applied to practical English language teaching?

    Tsutsui, E, Hiroshima International University, Nakano, M, Waseda Universi

    The 42nd RELC International Seminar. Singapore    2007

  • Educational Policy and Classroom Practice

    Nakano, M

    公開講演会 文藻外国語学院 台湾    2007

  • Proposal for Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) via Internet and Initial Assessment of Oral English in Asia

    Michiko Nakano

    台湾 淡江大学 International Cyber Conference    2007

  • Asia Englishes and Miscommunication

    Park, K, Nakano, M, Choi, K-H, Lee, K-Y

    Korea University Press: Seoul    2007

  • On-demand Internet course book: World Englishes and miscommunication

    Nakano, M

    Waseda University International: Tokyo    2007

  • CCDL Research Report

    Nakano, M

    Cross-Cultural Distance Learning Center, Waseda University   Vol. 6 (2005 Activity Reports), Vol. 7 (2006 Activity Reports)  2007

  • Inter-University Collaborations: Global Literacy Eduation and Cross-Cultural Competence

    Nakano Michiko

    The 8th Distance Learning & Internet Conference, Sustainable Learning in a Global Information Society, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, Association of Pacific-Rim Universities    2007

  • CCDL Programs with Southern Taiwan University. 2007 International Conference of Applied Linguistics

    Michiko Nakano

    Keynote Address. Southern Taiwan University    2007

  • Three stages of English Education at Waseda University ? our educational efforts in the last decade

    Nakano, M

    DCC祭り 早稲田大学    2007

  • Variation in the Acquisition of Unaccusative Verbs by Japanese EFL Learners.

    Kenichi Yamakawa, Yasuda Women’s University, Naoki Sugino, Ritsumeikan University, Hiromasa Ohba (Joe, su, ity of Education, Michiko Nakano, aseda University, Yuko Shimizu, Ritsumeikan University

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     134 - 137  2007

  • Using Differential Item Functioning to Detect Individual Differences of EFL Learners.

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University, Michiko Nakano, aseda University, Yusuke Kondo, Waseda University, Kazuharu Owada, Ritsumeikan University

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     174 - 175  2007

  • Examining Predictors of Second Language Speech Evaluation.

    Yusuke Kondo, Waseda University, Eiichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University, Hajime Tsubaki, Shizuka Nakamura, Yoshinori Sagisaka, Michiko Nakano, aseda Uni

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     176 - 179  2007

  • Developing CEFR-based Can-do Descriptors to Assess Practical Communication Skills of Japanese Learners of English.

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University, Yusuke Kondo, Michiko Nakano, aseda Uni

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     186 - 189  2007

  • Why do we Need to Teach Communication Strategies to Japanese EFL Learners?

    Eiichiro Tsutsui, Hiroshima International University, Kazuharu Owada, Ritsumeikan University, Yusuke Kondo, Waseda University, Kouichi Ano, Bunkyo University, Norifumi Ueda, Mejiro University, Michiko Nakano, aseda Uni

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     192 - 195  2007

  • Does Vowel Quality Matter?

    Aya Kitagawa, Yusuke Kondo, Michiko Nakano, aseda Uni

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     224 - 227  2007

  • Theme-based Cross Cultural Distance Learning: (1) Social and Global Issues.

    Michiko Nakano, Remi Murao, Seiko Ito, Mariko Yokota, Annette Karseras Sumi, Darren Mcdermott, Waseda University

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     248 - 251  2007

  • Theme-based Cross Cultural Distance Learning: (2) Media.

    Michiko Nakano, Mariko Yokota, Annette Karseras Sumi, Remi Murao, Darren Mcdermott, Seiko Ito, aseda University

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     252 - 255  2007

  • Theme-based Cross Cultural Distance Learning: (3) International Carrier Path.

    Michiko Nakano, Annette Karseras Sumi, Remi Murao, Mariko Yokota, Seiko Ito, Darren Mcdermott, Waseda University

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     256 - 258  2007

  • A Study of Grammar Development among Japanese University Students: Intransitive Verbs, Transitive Verbs, Ditransitive Verbs and Logical Subjects in Xcomps?Part (1).

    Michiko Nakano, aseda University, Kenichi Yamakawa, Yasuda Women's University, Naoki Sugino, Ritsumeikan University, Hiromasa Ohba (Joe, su, ity of Education, Yuko Shimizu, Ritsumeikan University

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     264 - 267  2007

  • A Study of Grammar Development among Japanese University Students: Intransitive Verbs, Transitive Verbs, Ditransitive Verbs and Logical Subjects in Xcomps?Part (2).

    Michiko Nakano, aseda University, Kenichi Yamakawa, Yasuda Women's University, Naoki Sugino, Ritsumeikan University, Hiromasa Ohba (Joe, su, ity of Education, Yuko Shimizu, Ritsumeikan University

    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     268 - 271  2007

  • Towards a new model of speech evaluation system within the framework of World Englishes in Asia

    Kondo, Y, Ueda, N, Tsutsui, E, Owada, K, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 11th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     98 - 103  2006

  • アジア諸国における大学間遠隔教育の理念と実践


    第20回日本アジア英語学会基調講演 『清泉女子大学2006フォーラム』 "Seisen Language Education Institute Forum"     35 - 47  2006

  • The development of grammatical competence of Japanese EFL learners: Focusing on relative clause constructions.

    Ohba, H, Sugino, N, Nakano, M, Yamakawa, K, Shimizu, Y, Kimura, S

    Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics,   10, ( 1, ) 73 - 87  2006

  • Developing a sample-free grammatical proficiency test for SLA research.

    Shimizu, Y, Yamakawa, K, Sugino, N, Ohba, H, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 10th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     227 - 236  2006

  • 英語教員研修の問題点: 英語力の強化と授業力の強化~海外派遣か国内研修か~. 身体、アーティファクトを用いた効果的コミュニケーション過程の分析とFDへの応用.


    科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)). 研究課題番号16500608.     120 - 137  2006

  • PhonePass講演会まとめ. 第二言語習得を基盤とする小、中、高、大の連携をはかる英語教育の先導的基礎研究.


    科学研究費補助金中間報告書.基盤研究(A).研究課題番号16202010.     321 - 325  2006

  • 活用事例報告:早稲田大学の英語教育とCEF. 第二言語習得を基盤とする小、中、高、大の連携をはかる英語教育の先導的基礎研究.


    科学研究費補助金中間報告書. 基盤研究(A). 研究課題番号16202010.     342 - 350  2006

  • Acquisition of English grammatical features by adult Japanese EFL learners: The application of Item Response Theory in SLA research.

    Yamakawa, K, Sugino, N, Ohba, H, Nakano, M, Shimizu, Y

    Proceedings of CLaSIC.     942 - 974  2006

  • 英語学習者の個人要因に関する一考察.

    筒井英一郎, 上田倫史, 中野美知子

    早稲田教育評論.     213 - 235  2006

  • リスニング力を高めるために1理論と実践.


    三省堂高校英語教育.     2 - 6  2006

  • 早稲田大学の英語教育とヨーロッパ言語共通参照枠組み.


    2006年度教育改革ITフォーラム.     45 - 50  2006

  • CASEC:個人適応型英語能力テスト. 第二言語習得を基盤とする小、中、高、大の連携をはかる英語教育の先導的基礎研究.


    科学研究費補助金中間報告書. 基盤研究(A).研究課題番号16202010.     301 - 305  2006

  • General Framework: CCDL.

    Nakano, M

    In Nakano, M. (ed). CCDL Teachers’ Manual.   vol. 1.   7 - 17  2006

  • Networked English language education at Waseda University: Toward creating Asian-Pacific intelligence (1).

    Nakano, M, Owada, K, Ueda, N, Kodachi, K, Yoshimoto, M, Kondo, Y

    In Nakano, M. (ed). CCDL Teachers’ Manual.   vol. 1.   17 - 26  2006

  • Networked English language education at Waseda University: Toward creating Asian-Pacific intelligence (II)- CCDL and cyber seminars.

    Nakano, M, Bonham, M, Owada, K, Ueda, N, Oya, M, Negishi, M, Kondo, Y

    In Nakano, M. (ed). CCDL Teachers’ Manual.   vol. 1.   27 - 38  2006

  • The effect of NNS-NNS interaction in university-level ELT in Japan.

    Yano, Y

    In Nakano, M. (ed.). CCDL Teachers’ Manual.   vol. 1.   39 - 46  2006

  • CCDL-Centered Courses in 2005 and 2006: Tamgkang University-Waseda University, CCDL-Centered Courses in 2005 and 2006: NamSeoule University-Waseda University.

    Wible, D, Chang, B-M, Yokota, M, Sumi, A. K, Nakano, M

    In Nakano, M. (ed). CCDL Teachers’ Manual.   vol. 1   193 - 208  2006

  • Incentive to Reform and Change: Collaborative Efforts to Create Asian Pacific Intelligence ~ Our Efforts in Academic Writing ~

    Michiko Nakano

    国際教養学部GP特別シンポジウム:基調講演    2006

  • Intelligibility Issues in view of ELF Core

    Michiko Nakano

    ブロードバンド実験講座    2006

  • 早稲田大学での英語教育


    シンガポール校講演会    2006

  • プロジェクト研究所の理念と実践


    早稲田大学 Digital Campus Consortium 総会    2006

  • 早稲田大学でのOCW参加について


    オープンコースウェア世界会議 京都大学    2006

  • アジアにおける英語学習者の口語コミュニケーション能力評価に関する一考察 ─Common European Frameworkの観点から

    Nakano, M, Tsutsui, E, Kondo, Y, Owada, K, Ueda, N

    2006 Convention of the Japan Association of College English Teachers Kanto Chapter, Tokyo, Japan    2006

  • 特別シンポジウム:大学教育連携の試み~オンデマンド授業流通フォーラム~

    中野美知子, 矢野安剛, 森住衛

    第1回 JACET 関東支部大会 早稲田大学    2006

  • 教育目標を達成するためのe-Learning活用事例「.早稲田大学の英語教育とヨーロッパ言語共通参照枠組み」


    2006年度 教育改革ITフォーラム 私立大学情報教育協会 奈良    2006

  • 早稲田大学での英語教育~英語チュートリアル、異文化交流と遠隔授業


    東北大学 教育情報学研究部 講演会    2006

  • The initial state of second language learning of segmental sounds: Does first language inhibit second language learning?

    Kondo, Y, Ueda, N, Owada, K, Tsutsui, E, Nakano, M

    Paper presented at 4th Asia TEFL International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan    2006

  • Symposium: University-Level ELT and CCDL in Japan

    Nakano, M, Yano, Y

    4th Asia TEFL International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan    2006

  • Symposium: Forum of On-demand Lecture Circulation (FOLC): Sharing of Unique Lecture Contents via Internet

    Nakano, M, Yano, Y, Koike, I

    4th Asia TEFL International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan    2006

  • FACETSを用いたアジア人英語学習者のスピーキング能力の評定に関する一考察.

    中野美知子, 近藤悠介, 上田倫史, 筒井英一郎, 大和田和治

    日本テスト学会第4回大会予稿集,     38 - 41  2006

  • A diagnosis of Japanese EFL learners' individual differences

    Tsutsui, E, Ueda, N, Kondo, Y, Owada, K, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 12th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     281 - 289  2006

  • JACETテスト特別委員会シンポジウム:英語教育におけるリスニング能力を考える

    石川祥一, 小林敏彦, 杉野直樹, 松本佳子, 中野美知子

    JACET 第45回全国大会    2006

  • シンポジウム:多様化時代のパワフルな「授業力」-コンピュータと情報ネットワークが創り出す多様な英語教育

    西堀ゆり, 中野美知子, 見上晃, 小張敬之

    JACET 第45回全国大会    2006

  • CCDL研究部会設置について


    FOLC運営協議会 総会 私学会館    2006

  • Educational Missions of Waseda University

    Michiko Nakano

    北京外国語大学 Asia Education Summit    2006

  • Exploring communication abilities of English language learners in the eastern Asian context: From the perspectives of Common European Framework and World Englishes

    Tsutsui, E, Kondo, Y, Owada, K, Ueda, N, Nakano, M

    The 12th Annual Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, Nagoya, Japan    2006

  • An experimental study of ELF core and intelligibility issues in view of Japanese English

    Nakano, M, Haraguchi, Y, Kondo, Y, Tsutsui, E, Ueda, N, Owada, K

    The 12th Annual Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, Nagoya, Japan    2006

  • How Asian learners of English have formed or changed their view toward English as an international language (EIL)

    Owada, K, Kondo, Y, Ueda, N, Tsutsui, E, Yoshimoto, M, Nakano, M

    The 12th Annual Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, Nagoya, Japan    2006

  • 非母語話者の韻律自動評価のためのデータ作成

    鍔木 元, 中村 静, 近藤 悠介, 中野 美知子, 匂坂 芳典

    Poster presented at 国際情報通信研究 公開研究発表会 Honjo Japan    2006

  • Symposium (4) Multi-Cultural Coexistence and Foreign Language Teaching at Waseda University. 多文化共生を目指す外国語教育とICTの利用

    Michiko Nakano

    秋田大学    2006

  • Objective measurements as predictors of second language speech evaluation

    Nakano, M, Kondo, Y, Tsubaki, H, Sagisaka, Y

    ALOHA (Acquisition of Linguistic Organization and Human Audition) Workshop, Waikiki, U.S.A.    2006

  • A study of the relationship between second language oral reading evaluation and speech timing control

    Kondo, Y, Nakano, M, Tsubaki, H, Sagisaka, Y

    ALOHA (Acquisition of Linguistic Organization and Human Audition) Workshop, Waikiki, U.S.A.    2006

  • Speech timing control characteristics as predictors of second language speech evaluation

    Nakano, M, Kondo, Y, Tsubaki, H, Sagisaka, Y

    Workshop on auditory processing of prosodic features and its applications: Acquisition of Linguistic Organization and Human Audition, Hawaii, USA    2006

  • CCDL via Internet and assessment of Oral Presentation in English

    Michiko Nakano

    基調講演 南台科技大学    2006

  • Intercultural Communication or Cross-Cultural Communication for Asian Students via ICT: Advantages and Disadvantages

    Nakano, M

    The 5th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing. キョンヒー大学 韓国    2006

  • アジア諸国における大学間遠隔教育の理念と実績


    第3回 言語教育研究所 フォーラム 日本アジア英語学会共催 基調講演    2006

  • 言語コミュニケーション能力・評価法再考と測定


    第6回 言語文化教育学会 大会    2006

  • 多文化に対応するICT活用授業の実践


    ソニーブロードバンドソリューション 講演会    2006

  • Spoken English Assessment for Asian Users of English

    Michiko Nakano

    ブロードバンド実験講座 チュラロンコン大学    2006

  • Towards a new model of speech evaluation system within the framework of World Englishes in Asia

    Kondo, Y, Ueda, N, Tsutsui, E, Owada, K, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 11th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     98 - 103  2006

  • The development of grammatical competence of Japanese EFL learners: Focusing on relative clause constructions.

    Ohba, H, Sugino, N, Nakano, M, Yamakawa, K, Shimizu, Y, Kimura, S

    Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics,   10, ( 1, ) 73 - 87  2006

  • Developing a sample-free grammatical proficiency test for SLA research.

    Shimizu, Y, Yamakawa, K, Sugino, N, Ohba, H, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 10th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     227 - 236  2006

  • Acquisition of English grammatical features by adult Japanese EFL learners: The application of Item Response Theory in SLA research.

    Yamakawa, K, Sugino, N, Ohba, H, Nakano, M, Shimizu, Y

    Proceedings of CLaSIC.     942 - 974  2006

  • General Framework: CCDL.

    Nakano, M

    In Nakano, M. (ed). CCDL Teachers’ Manual.   vol. 1.   7 - 17  2006

  • Networked English language education at Waseda University: Toward creating Asian-Pacific intelligence (1).

    Nakano, M, Owada, K, Ueda, N, Kodachi, K, Yoshimoto, M, Kondo, Y

    In Nakano, M. (ed). CCDL Teachers’ Manual.   vol. 1.   17 - 26  2006

  • Networked English language education at Waseda University: Toward creating Asian-Pacific intelligence (II)- CCDL and cyber seminars.

    Nakano, M, Bonham, M, Owada, K, Ueda, N, Oya, M, Negishi, M, Kondo, Y

    In Nakano, M. (ed). CCDL Teachers’ Manual.   vol. 1.   27 - 38  2006

  • The effect of NNS-NNS interaction in university-level ELT in Japan.

    Yano, Y

    In Nakano, M. (ed.). CCDL Teachers’ Manual.   vol. 1.   39 - 46  2006

  • CCDL-Centered Courses in 2005 and 2006: Tamgkang University-Waseda University, CCDL-Centered Courses in 2005 and 2006: NamSeoule University-Waseda University.

    Wible, D, Chang, B-M, Yokota, M, Sumi, A. K, Nakano, M

    In Nakano, M. (ed). CCDL Teachers’ Manual.   vol. 1   193 - 208  2006

  • Incentive to Reform and Change: Collaborative Efforts to Create Asian Pacific Intelligence ~ Our Efforts in Academic Writing ~

    Michiko Nakano

    国際教養学部GP特別シンポジウム:基調講演    2006

  • Intelligibility Issues in view of ELF Core

    Michiko Nakano

    ブロードバンド実験講座    2006

  • The initial state of second language learning of segmental sounds: Does first language inhibit second language learning?

    Kondo, Y, Ueda, N, Owada, K, Tsutsui, E, Nakano, M

    Paper presented at 4th Asia TEFL International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan    2006

  • Symposium: University-Level ELT and CCDL in Japan

    Nakano, M, Yano, Y

    4th Asia TEFL International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan    2006

  • Symposium: Forum of On-demand Lecture Circulation (FOLC): Sharing of Unique Lecture Contents via Internet

    Nakano, M, Yano, Y, Koike, I

    4th Asia TEFL International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan    2006

  • A diagnosis of Japanese EFL learners' individual differences

    Tsutsui, E, Ueda, N, Kondo, Y, Owada, K, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 12th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     281 - 289  2006

  • Educational Missions of Waseda University

    Michiko Nakano

    北京外国語大学 Asia Education Summit    2006

  • Exploring communication abilities of English language learners in the eastern Asian context: From the perspectives of Common European Framework and World Englishes

    Tsutsui, E, Kondo, Y, Owada, K, Ueda, N, Nakano, M

    The 12th Annual Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, Nagoya, Japan    2006

  • An experimental study of ELF core and intelligibility issues in view of Japanese English

    Nakano, M, Haraguchi, Y, Kondo, Y, Tsutsui, E, Ueda, N, Owada, K

    The 12th Annual Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, Nagoya, Japan    2006

  • How Asian learners of English have formed or changed their view toward English as an international language (EIL)

    Owada, K, Kondo, Y, Ueda, N, Tsutsui, E, Yoshimoto, M, Nakano, M

    The 12th Annual Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, Nagoya, Japan    2006

  • Symposium (4) Multi-Cultural Coexistence and Foreign Language Teaching at Waseda University. 多文化共生を目指す外国語教育とICTの利用

    Michiko Nakano

    秋田大学    2006

  • Objective measurements as predictors of second language speech evaluation

    Nakano, M, Kondo, Y, Tsubaki, H, Sagisaka, Y

    ALOHA (Acquisition of Linguistic Organization and Human Audition) Workshop, Waikiki, U.S.A.    2006

  • A study of the relationship between second language oral reading evaluation and speech timing control

    Kondo, Y, Nakano, M, Tsubaki, H, Sagisaka, Y

    ALOHA (Acquisition of Linguistic Organization and Human Audition) Workshop, Waikiki, U.S.A.    2006

  • Speech timing control characteristics as predictors of second language speech evaluation

    Nakano, M, Kondo, Y, Tsubaki, H, Sagisaka, Y

    Workshop on auditory processing of prosodic features and its applications: Acquisition of Linguistic Organization and Human Audition, Hawaii, USA    2006

  • CCDL via Internet and assessment of Oral Presentation in English

    Michiko Nakano

    基調講演 南台科技大学    2006

  • Intercultural Communication or Cross-Cultural Communication for Asian Students via ICT: Advantages and Disadvantages

    Nakano, M

    The 5th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing. キョンヒー大学 韓国    2006

  • Spoken English Assessment for Asian Users of English

    Michiko Nakano

    ブロードバンド実験講座 チュラロンコン大学    2006

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL)

    Michiko Nakano

    早稲田大学 CCDL研究所   4  2005

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL)

    Michiko Nakano

    早稲田大学 CCDL研究所   5  2005

  • Education Across Borders: Philosophy, Policy, Pedagogy ? New Paradigms and Challenges

    Michiko Nakano

    早稲田大学 メディアミックス    2005

  • Proceedings of the 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Michiko Nakano


  • The Acquisition Processes of Unaccusative/Unergative Verbs by Japanese EFL Learners

    YAMAKAWA Kenichi, SUGINO Naoki, KIMURA Sinji, NAKANO Michiko, OHBA Hiromasa, SHIMIZU Yuko

    JACET Chugoku-Shikoku Chapter research bulletin   ( 2 ) 91 - 110  2005

     View Summary

    The purpose of the present paper is (1) to confirm the validity of the results obtained by Yamakawa et al. (2003) by administering a grammatical proficiency test and a grammatical judgment test to 309 participants, and (2) to present a model of the acquisitions of unaccusative/unergative verbs by Japanese EFL learners based on those findings. The model presented implies that three stages are involved in the acquisitions of unaccusative/unergative verbs.


  • The CCDL PROJECT: Learning across borders in a networked culture.

    Nakano, M, Bonham, G, M

    In Field, M, H. & Fegan, J. (eds.) Education across borders: Philosophy, policy, pedagogy - New paradigms and challenges.     259 - 276  2005

  • Networked English Language Education at Waseda University: Toward creating Asian-Pacific Intelligence.

    Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Natural Language Processing,   vol. 1.   187 - 182  2005

  • Cross-cultural Distance Learning and Cyber Seminars: Concepts and Practices.

    Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Natural Language Processing,   vol. 1.   193 - 198  2005

  • First Language transfer in the production of English voiceless stops: In the case of Korean learners of English.

    Owada, K, Ueda, N, Kondo, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Natural Language Processing,   vol. 1,   211 - 216  2005

  • An Error Tagset and Its Application to the Analysis of the Japanese EFL Learner Corpus.

    Owada, K, Oya, M, Ueda, N, Yamazaki, T, Tsutsui, E, Sunaga, M, Nakano, M

    In CCDL Research Center (ed.) Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning,   Vol.4.   162 - 172  2005

  • Japanese EFL Learners’ Self-repairing Strategies: A Corpus Analysis.

    Owada, K, Oya, M, Ueda, N, Yamazaki, T, Tsutsui, E, Sunaga, M, Nakano, M

    In CCDL Research Center (ed.) Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning,   Vol.5.   444 - 459  2005

  • チュートリアル英語受講者にみる英語スピーキングテストのレベルとエラーの対応関係.

    大和田和治, 上田倫史, 大矢政徳, 山崎妙, 須永美奈子, 筒井英一郎

    In CCDL Research Center (ed.) Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning,   Vol.4.   158 - 161  2005

  • Research of Grammaticality Judgment of Dative Shift by Japanese Learners of English Based on Optimality Theory.

    Oya, M, Ueda, N, Tsutsui, E

    Proceedings of the 9th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     383 - 410  2005

  • 英語クラスわけテスト作成の試み-早稲田大学の英語教育にもとづく学習者モデルの提案と学習者要因測定尺度の開発.

    上田倫史, 大矢政徳, 筒井英一郎, 中野美知子

    In CCDL Research Center (ed.) Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning,   Vol.5.  2005

  • A multi-dimensional approach to analyzing individual differences of Japanese language learners of English.

    Tsutsui, E, Ueda, N, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 10th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics,     257 - 264  2005

  • Networked English Language Education at Waseda University: Toward creating Asian-Pacific Intelligence (II)- CCDL and Cyber Seminars.

    Nakano, M, Bonham, M, Owada, K, Ueda, N, Oya, M, Tsutsui, E, Negishi, J, Yoshimoto, M, Kondo, Y

    Proceedings of 10th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics,     173 - 182  2005

  • A role of feature geometry in acquisition of segmental sounds: In the case of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese learners of English.

    Kondo, Y, Ueda, N, Owada, K, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Natural Language Processing,   vol. 1.   151 - 156  2005

  • CCDL 報告

    早稲田大学学内シンポジウム    2005

  • 大学進学準備コース:早稲田大学での英語教育とアジアの英語たち

    早稲田大学本庄高等学院    2005

  • Acquisition of English Verbs by Japanese Adult EFL Learners: Focusing on the Relationship between Dative Alternations and Unaccusative/Unergative Distinction

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     231 - 237  2005

  • ネットワーク型英語が大学教育を変えた


    NECユーザー会    2005

  • 英語使役構文の従属節受動態化と母語干渉に関する一考察

    大矢政徳, 上田倫史, 中野美知子

    第二言語習得学会 第5回全国大会    2005

  • 早稲田大学のネットワーク型英語教育


    New Education EXPO 内田洋行主催    2005

  • Cyber Collaborations to Promote Asian Community: Some Pedagogical Principles and Practices (I)

    Nakano, M, Kondo, Y, Miyamoto, Y, Kato, N

    Global Education Convention. Singapore    2005

  • Cyber Collaborations to Promote Asian Community: Some Pedagogical Principles and Practices (II)

    Nakano, M, Kondo, Y, Miyamoto, Y, Kato, N

    Paper presented at Global Education Convention. Singapore    2005

  • Cyber Collaborations to promote Asian Community: the on-demand Internet course, "Asian Englishes and Miscommunication"

    Nakano, M, Kondo, Y, Miyamoto, Y, Kato, N

    Global Education Convention. Singapore    2005

  • テストティングセミナー2005「テストの現在」:「早稲田大学におけるコンピュータ・テスティングの現状~ネットワーク型教育が大学英語を変えた」


    教育測定研究所 東京, 大阪    2005

  • 「これからの大学教育とオンデマンド授業」 Oicの現在の到達点と課題について


    戸山リサーチセンター 公開シンポジウム    2005

  • Critical Writing Program開設記念共同討議:早稲田大学でのネットワーク型英語教育紹介


    東京大学 教養学部 付属教養教育開発機構    2005

  • CCDL Project between Waseda and Chulalongkorn

    Nakano, M, Luksaneeyanawain, S, Phadvibulya, T, Owada, K, Ueda, N, Oya, M, Tsutsui, M

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • An Introduction of WeTEC (Web-based Test of English Communication) and WeTEC- mini renamed as English Skill Check Test

    Nakano, M, Ueda, N, Tsutsui, Owada, K, Oya, M, Sugiyama, H

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • Development of a new test from the perspective of learner factors (2): Cognitive Style, Learner Preferences, Learner Anxiety, Motivation, and Leaner Strategies

    Tsutusi, E, Ueda, N, Oya, M, Kondo, Owada, K, Sugiyama, H, Hayashi, N, Soga, S, Nakano, M

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • CCDL Project between Tamkang University, Taiwan and Waseda University

    Nakano, M, Yokota, M

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • A study on perception of segmental sounds by Chinese, Korean, and Japanese learners of English

    Kondo, Y, Oya, M, Ueda, N, Owada, K, Tsutsui, E, Yoshimoto, M, Kodachi, K, Nakano, M

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • On-line Assessment of Classroom Activities in English Tutorial Lessons

    Nakano, M, Ueda, N, Oya, M, Owada, K, Tsutsui, E, Kondo, Y, Negishi, J, Yamagami, A, Kanamaru, A

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • World Englishes and Miscommunications Revised

    Nakano, M, Park, K. J, Luksaneeyanawin, S, Phadvibulya, T, Ano, K, Kato, N, Kondo, Y

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • Grammatical Judgment of English make-causative by Japanese Learners of English ? in the framework of LFG

    Oya M, Ueda, N, Nakano, M

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • Multi-dimensional approach to analyzing individual differences of language learners of English

    Tsutsui, E, Ueda, N, Nakano, M

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • Production of voiceless plosives in word-final positions by Korean learners of English: An analysis by MULTI-SPEECH

    Owada, K, Yoshimoto, M, Nakano, M

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • English Education over the Network toward creating Asian-Pacific Intelligence

    Nakano, M

    14th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, Featured Speech, ETA-ROC Conference    2005

  • 新時代の英語力を目指して


    2005年度 10年経験者研修    2005

  • World Englishes and Miscommunication: On-demand Internet Collaborative course

    Michiko Nakano

    APRU-NET Conference, 北京大学    2005

  • Our role as a teacher in our computer age

    Nakano, M

    Wenzao Southern Taiwan Meeting Taiwan    2005

  • Tutors Workshop: English Tutorials: Principles and Practices

    Nakano, M

    早稲田大学インターナショナル    2005

  • Universities in Taiwan & Waseda University Proposal for Distance Learning (CCDL) Project

    Nakano, M

    Wenzao Southern Taiwan Meeting    2005

  • A proposal: what should be our professional stance as an educator as an applied linguist

    Nakano, M

    International Conference on 2nd Language Learners    2005

  • Universities in Taiwan & Waseda University Proposal for Distance Learning (CCDL) Project

    Nakano, M

    南台科技大学    2005

  • グローバルコミュニケーションと日本人の英語 パネルディスカッション


    第6回 「21世紀国際フォーラム」    2005

  • Universities in Taiwan & Waseda University: Proposal for Distance Learning (CCDL) Project

    Michiko Nakano

    Wenzao College of Foreign Languages    2005

  • 集中講義 英語教育におけるデータ収集と分析法

    Nakano, M

    アジア英語 チュラロンコーン大学大学院.    2005

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL)

    Michiko Nakano

    早稲田大学 CCDL研究所   4  2005

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL)

    Michiko Nakano

    早稲田大学 CCDL研究所   5  2005

  • Education Across Borders: Philosophy, Policy, Pedagogy ? New Paradigms and Challenges

    Michiko Nakano

    早稲田大学 メディアミックス    2005

  • Proceedings of the 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Michiko Nakano


  • The CCDL PROJECT: Learning across borders in a networked culture.

    Nakano, M, Bonham, G, M

    In Field, M, H. & Fegan, J. (eds.) Education across borders: Philosophy, policy, pedagogy - New paradigms and challenges.     259 - 276  2005

  • Networked English Language Education at Waseda University: Toward creating Asian-Pacific Intelligence.

    Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Natural Language Processing,   vol. 1.   187 - 182  2005

  • Cross-cultural Distance Learning and Cyber Seminars: Concepts and Practices.

    Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Natural Language Processing,   vol. 1.   193 - 198  2005

  • First Language transfer in the production of English voiceless stops: In the case of Korean learners of English.

    Owada, K, Ueda, N, Kondo, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Natural Language Processing,   vol. 1,   211 - 216  2005

  • An Error Tagset and Its Application to the Analysis of the Japanese EFL Learner Corpus.

    Owada, K, Oya, M, Ueda, N, Yamazaki, T, Tsutsui, E, Sunaga, M, Nakano, M

    In CCDL Research Center (ed.) Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning,   Vol.4.   162 - 172  2005

  • Japanese EFL Learners’ Self-repairing Strategies: A Corpus Analysis.

    Owada, K, Oya, M, Ueda, N, Yamazaki, T, Tsutsui, E, Sunaga, M, Nakano, M

    In CCDL Research Center (ed.) Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning,   Vol.5.   444 - 459  2005

  • Research of Grammaticality Judgment of Dative Shift by Japanese Learners of English Based on Optimality Theory.

    Oya, M, Ueda, N, Tsutsui, E

    Proceedings of the 9th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     383 - 410  2005

  • A multi-dimensional approach to analyzing individual differences of Japanese language learners of English.

    Tsutsui, E, Ueda, N, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 10th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics,     257 - 264  2005

  • Networked English Language Education at Waseda University: Toward creating Asian-Pacific Intelligence (II)- CCDL and Cyber Seminars.

    Nakano, M, Bonham, M, Owada, K, Ueda, N, Oya, M, Tsutsui, E, Negishi, J, Yoshimoto, M, Kondo, Y

    Proceedings of 10th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics,     173 - 182  2005

  • A role of feature geometry in acquisition of segmental sounds: In the case of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese learners of English.

    Kondo, Y, Ueda, N, Owada, K, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Natural Language Processing,   vol. 1.   151 - 156  2005

  • Acquisition of English Verbs by Japanese Adult EFL Learners: Focusing on the Relationship between Dative Alternations and Unaccusative/Unergative Distinction

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     231 - 237  2005

  • Cyber Collaborations to Promote Asian Community: Some Pedagogical Principles and Practices (I)

    Nakano, M, Kondo, Y, Miyamoto, Y, Kato, N

    Global Education Convention. Singapore    2005

  • Cyber Collaborations to Promote Asian Community: Some Pedagogical Principles and Practices (II)

    Nakano, M, Kondo, Y, Miyamoto, Y, Kato, N

    Paper presented at Global Education Convention. Singapore    2005

  • Cyber Collaborations to promote Asian Community: the on-demand Internet course, "Asian Englishes and Miscommunication"

    Nakano, M, Kondo, Y, Miyamoto, Y, Kato, N

    Global Education Convention. Singapore    2005

  • CCDL Project between Waseda and Chulalongkorn

    Nakano, M, Luksaneeyanawain, S, Phadvibulya, T, Owada, K, Ueda, N, Oya, M, Tsutsui, M

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • An Introduction of WeTEC (Web-based Test of English Communication) and WeTEC- mini renamed as English Skill Check Test

    Nakano, M, Ueda, N, Tsutsui, Owada, K, Oya, M, Sugiyama, H

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • Development of a new test from the perspective of learner factors (2): Cognitive Style, Learner Preferences, Learner Anxiety, Motivation, and Leaner Strategies

    Tsutusi, E, Ueda, N, Oya, M, Kondo, Owada, K, Sugiyama, H, Hayashi, N, Soga, S, Nakano, M

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • CCDL Project between Tamkang University, Taiwan and Waseda University

    Nakano, M, Yokota, M

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • A study on perception of segmental sounds by Chinese, Korean, and Japanese learners of English

    Kondo, Y, Oya, M, Ueda, N, Owada, K, Tsutsui, E, Yoshimoto, M, Kodachi, K, Nakano, M

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • On-line Assessment of Classroom Activities in English Tutorial Lessons

    Nakano, M, Ueda, N, Oya, M, Owada, K, Tsutsui, E, Kondo, Y, Negishi, J, Yamagami, A, Kanamaru, A

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • World Englishes and Miscommunications Revised

    Nakano, M, Park, K. J, Luksaneeyanawin, S, Phadvibulya, T, Ano, K, Kato, N, Kondo, Y

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • Grammatical Judgment of English make-causative by Japanese Learners of English ? in the framework of LFG

    Oya M, Ueda, N, Nakano, M

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • Multi-dimensional approach to analyzing individual differences of language learners of English

    Tsutsui, E, Ueda, N, Nakano, M

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • Production of voiceless plosives in word-final positions by Korean learners of English: An analysis by MULTI-SPEECH

    Owada, K, Yoshimoto, M, Nakano, M

    The 10th Anniversary Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK    2005

  • English Education over the Network toward creating Asian-Pacific Intelligence

    Nakano, M

    14th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, Featured Speech, ETA-ROC Conference    2005

  • World Englishes and Miscommunication: On-demand Internet Collaborative course

    Michiko Nakano

    APRU-NET Conference, 北京大学    2005

  • Our role as a teacher in our computer age

    Nakano, M

    Wenzao Southern Taiwan Meeting Taiwan    2005

  • Tutors Workshop: English Tutorials: Principles and Practices

    Nakano, M

    早稲田大学インターナショナル    2005

  • Universities in Taiwan & Waseda University Proposal for Distance Learning (CCDL) Project

    Nakano, M

    Wenzao Southern Taiwan Meeting    2005

  • A proposal: what should be our professional stance as an educator as an applied linguist

    Nakano, M

    International Conference on 2nd Language Learners    2005

  • Universities in Taiwan & Waseda University Proposal for Distance Learning (CCDL) Project

    Nakano, M

    南台科技大学    2005

  • Universities in Taiwan & Waseda University: Proposal for Distance Learning (CCDL) Project

    Michiko Nakano

    Wenzao College of Foreign Languages    2005

  • CASEC導入事例 早稲田大学

    株式会社教育測定研究所『CASEC EYE』    2004

  • 大学では今、どんな英語教育が行われているのか? 早稲田大学

    旺文社『English Master』    2004

  • CCDL今後の展望と展開

    早稲田大学学内シンポジウム    2004

  • Japanese Learners of English are not necessarily polite in English?-some evidence from Discourse Completion Tasks and Naturally Occuring Data

    Michiko Nakano

    JACET Summer Seminar Proceedings   No. 3 ( The 31st JACET Summer Seminar 2003 ) 39 - 60  2004

  • 項目応答理論に基づいた英語クラス分けテスト開発における一考察


    早稲田大学教育総合研究所   第18巻 ( 第1号 ) 25 - 42  2004

  • Preliminary Analysis of Grammatical Judgment Test: dative constructions and their passive forms

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     231 - 237  2004

  • The Transformative Potential of IP Videoconferencing in Graduate Professional Education: Collaborative Learning in Japan, Russia and the United States

    jointly worked

    World Conference for Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunication    2004

  • 英語使役構文の受動態化における日本人英語学習者の母語干渉に関する一考察

    第二言語習得学会2004年度全国大会 於群馬県庁    2004

  • アジアの英語たちと新しい英語教育法

    神奈川県教員研修会    2004

  • On-demand Internet Course: World Englishes and Miscommunication

    Syracuse Univesity    2004

  • A Development of a New Test from the Perspectives of Learner Factors: Cognitive Styles, Learning Preferences, Motivations and Learning Strategies

    The 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Namseoul University, Korea.    2004

  • A Study of Native Language Transfer of Japanese EFL Learners in Passivization of Causative Constructions: An OT-LFG Analysis

    The 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Namseoul University, Korea.    2004

  • Acquisition of English Verbs by Japanese Adult EFL Learners: Focusing on the Relationship between Dative Alternations and Unaccusative/Unergative Distinctions

    The 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Namseoul University, Korea.    2004

  • Syntactic and Semantic Approach to Analize English Textbooks in Japan

    The 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Namseoul University, Korea.    2004

  • The Development of Grammatical Competence of Japanese EFL Learners: Focusing on Dative Alternations

    The 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Namseoul University, Korea.    2004

  • 差異項目機能分析を用いた英文法テストの妥当性の検討と第二言語習得過程の考察

    第30回全国英語教育学会長野研究大会、JA長野県ビル・もんぜんぷら座    2004

  • 第9回教育の現場に活かすコンピュータ講座

    早稲田大学教育総合研究所夏期講座    2004

  • World Englishes and Miscommunication:On-demand Internet Collaborative course

    APRU-NET北京大学    2004

  • World Englishes and Miscommunication:On-demand Internet Collaborative course in Asian Context

    2nd AsiaTEFL Conference, Seoul    2004

  • A Summary for theExperimental On-demand Internet Course: World Englishes and Miscommunications

    CCDL国際シンポジウム    2004

  • Incentive to Reform and Change: Coollaborative Efforts to Create Asian-Pacific Intelligence

    CUC国際シンポジウム    2004

  • Japanese English? Interlanguage? Glocal English?

    CCDL国際シンポジウム    2004

  • Linguistic Advice for Japanese Business-persons

    CUC国際シンポジウム    2004

  • Optimality Theory in Lexical Functional Grammar: language aquisition and second language learning


  • Japanese Learners of English are not necessarily polite in English?-some evidence from Discourse Completion Tasks and Naturally Occuring Data

    Michiko Nakano

    JACET Summer Seminar Proceedings   No. 3 ( The 31st JACET Summer Seminar 2003 ) 39 - 60  2004

  • Preliminary Analysis of Grammatical Judgment Test: dative constructions and their passive forms

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     231 - 237  2004

  • The Transformative Potential of IP Videoconferencing in Graduate Professional Education: Collaborative Learning in Japan, Russia and the United States

    jointly worked

    World Conference for Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunication    2004

  • On-demand Internet Course: World Englishes and Miscommunication

    Syracuse Univesity    2004

  • A Development of a New Test from the Perspectives of Learner Factors: Cognitive Styles, Learning Preferences, Motivations and Learning Strategies

    The 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Namseoul University, Korea.    2004

  • A Study of Native Language Transfer of Japanese EFL Learners in Passivization of Causative Constructions: An OT-LFG Analysis

    The 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Namseoul University, Korea.    2004

  • Acquisition of English Verbs by Japanese Adult EFL Learners: Focusing on the Relationship between Dative Alternations and Unaccusative/Unergative Distinctions

    The 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Namseoul University, Korea.    2004

  • Syntactic and Semantic Approach to Analize English Textbooks in Japan

    The 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Namseoul University, Korea.    2004

  • The Development of Grammatical Competence of Japanese EFL Learners: Focusing on Dative Alternations

    The 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Namseoul University, Korea.    2004

  • World Englishes and Miscommunication:On-demand Internet Collaborative course

    APRU-NET北京大学    2004

  • World Englishes and Miscommunication:On-demand Internet Collaborative course in Asian Context

    2nd AsiaTEFL Conference, Seoul    2004

  • A Summary for theExperimental On-demand Internet Course: World Englishes and Miscommunications

    CCDL国際シンポジウム    2004

  • Incentive to Reform and Change: Coollaborative Efforts to Create Asian-Pacific Intelligence

    CUC国際シンポジウム    2004

  • Japanese English? Interlanguage? Glocal English?

    CCDL国際シンポジウム    2004

  • Linguistic Advice for Japanese Business-persons

    CUC国際シンポジウム    2004

  • Optimality Theory in Lexical Functional Grammar: language aquisition and second language learning


  • 早稲田大学のe-Learning最前線

    財団法人科学技術教育協会『教育と科学』    2003

  • Webを利用した英語リスニング教材及びテストの開発

    公開シンポジウム(早稲田大学教育総合研究所)    2003

  • The Validity and Reliability of Standardized English Tests and Compilation of "Measure of Englsh Grammar (MEG)" (In Commemoration of Prof.M.Sugimori)

    SHIMIZU Yuko, KIMURA Shinji, SUGINO Naoki, YAMAKAWA Kenichi, OHBA Hiromasa, NAKANO Michiko

    Policy science   第10巻 ( 第3号 ) 59 - 68  2003


  • The Development of Grammatical Competence of Japanese EFL Learners : Focusing on Unaccusative/Unergative Verbs

    YAMAKAWA Kenichi, SUGINO Naoki, KIMURA Shinji, NAKANO Michiko, OHBA Hiromasa, SHIMIZU Yuko

    ARELE: Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan   Vol. 13   1 - 10  2003

     View Summary

    The present study (a) investigates Japanese EFL learners' cue dependencies in sentence interpretation (Section 1), (b) tests the Unaccusative Trap Hypothesis proposed by Oshita (2001) concerning the acquisition of the unaccusative/unergative verbs (Section 2), and (c) examines how differences in cue dependencies might affect learners' distinction of the unaccusative/unergative verbs (Section 3). To these ends, three types of test were administered to 113 participants, i.e., a grammatical proficiency test, a cue dependency test, and a grammaticality judgment test focusing on the unaccusative/unergative distinction. Comparison of the learners' test performances in the grammatical proficiency test and in the cue dependency test showed a strong correlation, which indicated that proficient learners depended more on syntactic cues, displaying target language cue dependency, while less proficient learners depended more on pragmatic cues, which implied they were more dependent on the strategy in their first language to interpret the target language sentences. The results of the grammaticality judgment test only partially supported the prediction of the Unaccusative Trap Hypothesis, and an implicational hierarchy was observed among the target sentence categories. We will discuss a possible interpretation of this implicational hierarchy, taking into account the difference in cue dependency.

    DOI CiNii

  • 遠隔授業とリスニング教材

    桜美林大学公開講座    2003

  • 平成14年度文部科学省初等中等教育局委嘱研究 教職課程における教育内容・方法の開発研究事業報告書 (修士課程における「教科に関する科目」と「教職に関する科目」の内容の連携について―英語科教育関連科目を中心として―)

    外国語(英語)科高度職業人養成研究会    2003

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Vol.2 CD-ROM

    CCDL Research Center ISSN:1347-3360     1 - 147  2003

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Vol.1 CD-ROM

    CCDL Research Center ISSN:1347-3360     1 - 266  2003

  • Proceedings of the 7th PAAL Conference at RELC, Singapore

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics ISSN:1347-3360     1 - 420  2003

  • 科研費報告書:遠隔授業・双方向異文化語学演習と海外共同ゼミの可能性-教材蓄積と教育評価システム

    CCDL研究所     1 - 400  2003

  • 早稲田大学海外協定校38大学との遠隔授業

    大学英語教育学会 月例講演会    2003

  • 東アジアの異文化理解と言語の修得:早稲田大学でのネットワーク型授業+遠隔授業の勧め

    公開シンポジウム『東アジア世界の文化と言語』~世界に広がる早稲田ネットワーク 早稲田大学国際言語文化主催 大学書林国際語学アカデミー共催    2003

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Vol.3 CD-ROM

    CCDL研究所早稲田大学遠隔教育センター ISSN:1347-3360     1 - 350  2003

  • A Study on Interactions between Nonnative Speakers with Differents L1s

    jointly worked

    Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   Vol. 7 ( 1 ) 59 - 75  2003

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol.7(1)

    Naeil Publishing Co.     1 - 167  2003

  • A Grading Scheme for Japanese ESL Learners: a suggestion from Tutorial English Program at Waseda University: Advanced Course

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan.    2003

  • A Grading Scheme for Japanese ESL Learners: a suggestion from Tutorial English Program at Waseda University: Basic Course

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan.    2003

  • A Grading Scheme for Japanese ESL Learners: a suggestion from Tutorial English Program at Waseda University: Intermediate Course

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan.    2003

  • Japanese Learners of English are not necessarily polite in English? -- some evidence from Discourse Completion Tasks and Naturally Occurring Data

    JACET Summer Seminar 招待講演    2003

  • Preliminary Analysis of Grammatical Judgment Test: dative constructions and their passive forms

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan.    2003

  • Waseda Placement Test Version 1: Analysis of Part 1 (Sound Discrimination)

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan.    2003

  • Waseda Placement Test Version 1: Analysis of Parts II, III and IV

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan.    2003

  • 第8回教育の現場に活かすコンピュータ講座

    早稲田大学教育総合研究所夏期講座    2003

  • 日本人英語学習者の文法能力発達過程について:関係節の習得を中心に

    第29回全国英語教育学会・南東北研究大会    2003

  • Intercultural Cyber Education: Collaborative Courses over the Network

    Advanced Network Conference/ 16th APAN Meeting, Busan    2003

  • SLA研究とテスティング研究の有機的連携を目指して

    大学英語教育学会第42回全国大会 於東北学院大学    2003

  • Intercultural Communication -- collaborative courses over the network

    International Conference at Kangwon National University, Korea 招待講演    2003

  • Cross-cultural Distance Learning: at Waseda University

    台湾    2003

  • Cross-cultural Distance Learning: at Waseda University

    台湾    2003

  • Intercultural Cyber Education: Collaborative Courses over the Network

    JICA-Net Seminar How to Inmprove Your Class with IT:DAY3    2003

  • Introduction to Waseda Placement Test (Listening)

    RELC International Seminar, Singapore    2003

  • The Collaboration of Language Testing and SLA; The Application of item Response Theory in SLA Research

    1st Asia TEFL, Busan    2003

  • 学習環境と言語文化教育

    言語文化教育学会第3回大会シンポジウム    2003

  • Incentives to Reform and Change: Collaborative Efforts to Create Asian-Pacific Intelligence

    ~ネットワークと教育~早稲田大学・北京大学・高麗大学共同シンポジウム    2003

  • Intercultural Cyber education: Collaborative courses over the network

    APRU-net    2003

  • Toward the realization of the Cyber University Consortium

    International Symposium: Toward the realization of the Cyber University Consortioum    2003

  • The Development of Grammatical Competence of Japanese EFL Learners: Focusing on Unaccusative/Unerga-tive Verbs

    jointly worked

    Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan   Vol. 13   1 - 10  2003

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Vol.2 CD-ROM

    CCDL Research Center ISSN:1347-3360     1 - 147  2003

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Vol.1 CD-ROM

    CCDL Research Center ISSN:1347-3360     1 - 266  2003

  • Proceedings of the 7th PAAL Conference at RELC, Singapore

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics ISSN:1347-3360     1 - 420  2003

  • Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Vol.3 CD-ROM

    CCDL研究所早稲田大学遠隔教育センター ISSN:1347-3360     1 - 350  2003

  • A Study on Interactions between Nonnative Speakers with Differents L1s

    jointly worked

    Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   Vol. 7 ( 1 ) 59 - 75  2003

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics Vol.7(1)

    Naeil Publishing Co.     1 - 167  2003

  • A Grading Scheme for Japanese ESL Learners: a suggestion from Tutorial English Program at Waseda University: Advanced Course

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan.    2003

  • A Grading Scheme for Japanese ESL Learners: a suggestion from Tutorial English Program at Waseda University: Basic Course

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan.    2003

  • A Grading Scheme for Japanese ESL Learners: a suggestion from Tutorial English Program at Waseda University: Intermediate Course

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan.    2003

  • Japanese Learners of English are not necessarily polite in English? -- some evidence from Discourse Completion Tasks and Naturally Occurring Data

    JACET Summer Seminar 招待講演    2003

  • Preliminary Analysis of Grammatical Judgment Test: dative constructions and their passive forms

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan.    2003

  • Waseda Placement Test Version 1: Analysis of Part 1 (Sound Discrimination)

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan.    2003

  • Waseda Placement Test Version 1: Analysis of Parts II, III and IV

    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Kibi International University, Okayama, Japan.    2003

  • Intercultural Cyber Education: Collaborative Courses over the Network

    Advanced Network Conference/ 16th APAN Meeting, Busan    2003

  • Intercultural Communication -- collaborative courses over the network

    International Conference at Kangwon National University, Korea 招待講演    2003

  • Cross-cultural Distance Learning: at Waseda University

    台湾    2003

  • Cross-cultural Distance Learning: at Waseda University

    台湾    2003

  • Intercultural Cyber Education: Collaborative Courses over the Network

    JICA-Net Seminar How to Inmprove Your Class with IT:DAY3    2003

  • Introduction to Waseda Placement Test (Listening)

    RELC International Seminar, Singapore    2003

  • The Collaboration of Language Testing and SLA; The Application of item Response Theory in SLA Research

    1st Asia TEFL, Busan    2003

  • Incentives to Reform and Change: Collaborative Efforts to Create Asian-Pacific Intelligence

    ~ネットワークと教育~早稲田大学・北京大学・高麗大学共同シンポジウム    2003

  • Intercultural Cyber education: Collaborative courses over the network

    APRU-net    2003

  • Toward the realization of the Cyber University Consortium

    International Symposium: Toward the realization of the Cyber University Consortioum    2003

  • 基本英作文テキストについて

    「ライティング教材をめぐって」、大学英語教育学会第40回全国大会シンポジウム2 於藤女子大学    2002

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Naeil Publishing Co., Korea   5 ( 2 ) 1 - 365  2002

  • 大学院修士課程の「英語科教育関連科目」に関する調査報告

    外国語(英語)科高度職業人養成研究会    2002

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   6 ( 1 ) 1 - 121  2002

  • 早稲田大学における英語教育~異文化交流を中心として~

    第29回協進会講演会    2002

  • 早稲田大学における異文化交流の展開

    遠隔教育センター(早稲田大学)    2002

  • 英語能力測定テストにおける相関性についての一考察

    日本英語表現学会第31回大会(早稲田大学)    2002

  • 国際交流と英語教育 ~早稲田大学の場合~「地球市民」=「行動する国際派知識人」の養成

    日本英語表現学会第31回大会(早稲田大学)    2002

  • 早稲田大学における英語教育 ~異文化交流を中心として~

    生協主催CIEC研究会招待報告(早稲田大学)    2002

  • 第7回教育の現場に活かすコンピュータ講座

    早稲田大学教育総合研究所夏期講座    2002

  • 日本人英語学習者の文法能力発達過程について: 非対格・非能格動詞の習得を中心に

    2002年度全国英語教育学会 神戸研究大会(神戸大学)    2002

  • Some Experimental Methods of SLA

    ParGram Meeting at Knowledge Space; Fuji Xerox Research Institute    2002

  • 早稲田大学における『チュートリアル英語学習プログラム』の試みと実践報告

    大学英語教育学会第41回全国大会 於青山学院大学    2002

  • 大学教育での多言語・多文化接触の可能性

    外国語部門研究会 早稲田大学    2002

  • A Progress Report on Tutorial English Program at Waseda University

    Proceedings of the 7th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. RELC Singapore    2002

  • CCDL Project: Learning through Cooperation and Collaboration.

    AILA 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre.    2002

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning.

    国際協力事業団 (Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA))    2002

  • Cyber Challenges at Waseda University

    Young Leaders Annual Meeting in Tokyo; Japan Foundation.    2002

  • 大学英語教育の脱構築: Tutorial Englishの挑戦

    シンポジウム「『英語が使える日本人』を考える」早稲田大学    2002

  • A Proposal of a Tag Set for Learner Corpus

    AILA 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre    2002

  • A Study of a Relationship between English Proficiency Test (Structure Section) and Grammatical Judgement Task (1) - A Learner’s Knowledge of a Logical Subject among Subject-Control Verb (promise) and Object-Control Verbs (ask and tell)

    Proceedings of the 7th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. RELC Singapore    2002

  • A Study of a Relationship between English Proficiency Test (Structure Section) and Grammatical Judgement Task (2) - A Learner Judgement on Unaccusative Verb s and Unergative Verbs from Lexical Functional Syntax

    Proceedings of the 7th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. RELC Singapore    2002

  • A Study of a Relationship between English Proficiency Test (Structure Section) and Grammatical Judgement Task (3) - A Learner’s Judgements on To-Datives and For-Datives from Lexical Functional Syntax

    Proceedings of the 7th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. RELC Singapore    2002

  • Grammatical Judgment Test of Spoken and Written English from the Perspective of Critical Period Effects.

    AILA 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre.    2002

  • International Collaboration: CCDL Activities and Cyber Lectures.

    Proceedings of the 7th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, RELC Singapore.    2002

  • Placement Test at Waseda University

    Proceedings of the 7th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics RELC Singapore    2002

  • Syntactic Information in Japanese L2 Textbooks

    AILA 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre    2002

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Naeil Publishing Co., Korea   5 ( 2 ) 1 - 365  2002

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   6 ( 1 ) 1 - 121  2002

  • Some Experimental Methods of SLA

    ParGram Meeting at Knowledge Space; Fuji Xerox Research Institute    2002

  • A Progress Report on Tutorial English Program at Waseda University

    Proceedings of the 7th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. RELC Singapore    2002

  • CCDL Project: Learning through Cooperation and Collaboration.

    AILA 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre.    2002

  • Cross-Cultural Distance Learning.

    国際協力事業団 (Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA))    2002

  • Cyber Challenges at Waseda University

    Young Leaders Annual Meeting in Tokyo; Japan Foundation.    2002

  • A Proposal of a Tag Set for Learner Corpus

    AILA 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre    2002

  • A Study of a Relationship between English Proficiency Test (Structure Section) and Grammatical Judgement Task (1) - A Learner’s Knowledge of a Logical Subject among Subject-Control Verb (promise) and Object-Control Verbs (ask and tell)

    Proceedings of the 7th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. RELC Singapore    2002

  • A Study of a Relationship between English Proficiency Test (Structure Section) and Grammatical Judgement Task (2) - A Learner Judgement on Unaccusative Verb s and Unergative Verbs from Lexical Functional Syntax

    Proceedings of the 7th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. RELC Singapore    2002

  • A Study of a Relationship between English Proficiency Test (Structure Section) and Grammatical Judgement Task (3) - A Learner’s Judgements on To-Datives and For-Datives from Lexical Functional Syntax

    Proceedings of the 7th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. RELC Singapore    2002

  • Grammatical Judgment Test of Spoken and Written English from the Perspective of Critical Period Effects.

    AILA 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre.    2002

  • International Collaboration: CCDL Activities and Cyber Lectures.

    Proceedings of the 7th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, RELC Singapore.    2002

  • Placement Test at Waseda University

    Proceedings of the 7th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics RELC Singapore    2002

  • Syntactic Information in Japanese L2 Textbooks

    AILA 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre    2002

  • マルチモーダル同時通信を中心とした海外とのネットワーク型集合学習の実践

    早稲田大学メディアネットワークセンター(MNC) 公開シンポジウム「メディアを超えて」    2001

  • A study of the learners conception of e-mail correspondences and Interlanguage pragmatic features among Japanese and Korean Learners of English

    jointly worked

    『学術研究―英語・英文学編―』   第49巻   61 - 79  2001

  • Similarities & Differences Between Face-to-Face Dialogue and Computer Mediated Communication Using Cu-SeeMe Software

    jointly worked

    『語研フォーラム』   第14巻   101 - 113  2001

  • 語学研究における論理的訓練についての基礎研究(4)―Glue Language におけるLFGの意味論-


    『早稲田大学教育評論』   第15巻 ( 1号 ) 153 - 165  2001

  • Networked English Language Education at Waseda

    大学英語教育学会『JACET通信 第127号』   127  2001

  • 早稲田大学における英語教育~異文化交流を中心として~

    生協主催ファーストセミナー 於早稲田大学    2001

  • A Personal View of LFG in Relation to Learner Language

    JALT2001    2001

  • CCDL活動報告

    プロジェクト研究報告会    2001

  • The Acquisition of Synchronous Communication Competence by NNS of English

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     152 - 163  2001

  • Error Coding and Error Analysis in Essay Writing

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     201 - 205  2001

  • Corrective Feedback and Learner Uptake in English Speaking Tasks: A Case Study in the Japanese University Context

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     206 - 210  2001

  • Grammatical Judgement Test Concerning Critical Period Effect

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     231 - 237  2001

  • 時間・空間・文化の壁を越えたオープンキャンパスの可能性

    DCC公開シンポジウム    2001

  • Grammatical Judgment Test Concerning Critical Period Effect

    Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     231 - 237  2001

  • Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Hyundae Copy and Publisher     1 - 395  2001

  • A study of the learners conception of e-mail correspondences and Interlanguage pragmatic features among Japanese and Korean Learners of English

    jointly worked

    『学術研究―英語・英文学編―』   第49巻   61 - 79  2001

  • Similarities & Differences Between Face-to-Face Dialogue and Computer Mediated Communication Using Cu-SeeMe Software

    jointly worked

    『語研フォーラム』   第14巻   101 - 113  2001

  • Networked English Language Education at Waseda

    大学英語教育学会『JACET通信 第127号』   127  2001

  • A Personal View of LFG in Relation to Learner Language

    JALT2001    2001

  • The Acquisition of Synchronous Communication Competence by NNS of English

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     152 - 163  2001

  • Error Coding and Error Analysis in Essay Writing

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     201 - 205  2001

  • Corrective Feedback and Learner Uptake in English Speaking Tasks: A Case Study in the Japanese University Context

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     206 - 210  2001

  • Grammatical Judgement Test Concerning Critical Period Effect

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     231 - 237  2001

  • Grammatical Judgment Test Concerning Critical Period Effect

    Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     231 - 237  2001

  • Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Hyundae Copy and Publisher     1 - 395  2001

  • 遠隔授業とネットワーク型の語学授業について―現状報告と展望―

    稲風会    2000

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Naeli Publishing Co., Korea   3  2000

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Naeli Publishing Co., Korea   4 ( 2 )  2000

  • A Study of Pragmatic Functions of Apology Expressions among Japanese and Korean Learners of English

    jointly worked

    Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics    2000

  • 遠隔授業の実践報告―双方向異文化語学演習について


    Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   Vol. 3  2000

  • 1999年度後期チュートリアル英語学習実験プログラム 実施成果報告書 分担者


  • 遠隔授業の実践報告-双方向異文化語学演習について

    学術研究/早稲田大学教育学部   ( 48 ) 17 - 38  2000

  • 動詞の類義語の研究-日英語の比較の観点から

    大学英語教育学会語法研究会    2000

  • Collaboration without Borders: Experiences with Real-time Multimodal Communication Facility for Joint Seminars among Japan and East-Asian Countries

    Michiko Nakano

    1st International Workshop on Linguistics and Education in Multi-Media Age    2000

  • A Study of Thanking Expressions among Japanese and Korean Learners of English

    Michiko Nakano, Kyung-Ja Park

    Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education of Waseda University   No. 10   91 - 101  2000

  • チャンクに関する古典的な先行研究のまとめ


    平成10年度~平成11年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)(2))研究成果報告書    2000

  • 「チャンクに関する古典的な先行研究のまとめ」

    学習者コーパスに基づく音声付き発信型電子教材の作成に関する研究 平成10年度~平成11年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)(2))研究成果報告書     91 - 101  2000

  • 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)(2))研究成果報告書


  • 学習者コーパスに基づく音声付き発信型電子教材作成に関する研究

    科研費報告書    2000

  • 英語の体質改善クリニック

    研究社『時事英語研究』Vol. 55 No. 2   55 ( 2 )  2000

  • How Cultural Differences Influence Conference Speech Style? --with Special Reference to Japanese and Korean Speakers of English--

    jointly worked

    Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   Vol. 4 ( 1 ) 14 - 40  2000

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Wizbook Korea   4 ( 1 )  2000

  • Introducing Japanese EFL Learners to Greater Variety in Adjective Intensifiers

    The 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa.    2000

  • Progress Report: Cyber Learning at Waseda University

    The 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa.    2000

  • Some Methods of Analyzing Computer Mediated Communication Data

    The 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa.    2000

  • Cyber Learning at Waseda

    2000年度 PC Conference 北海道大学    2000

  • 第5回教育の現場に活かすコンピュータ講座 CCDLと遠隔授業

    早稲田大学教育総合研究所夏期講座    2000

  • 弟5回 教育の現場に活かすコンピュータ講座、英語チュウトリアル、CCDLと遠隔授業について

    教育総合研究所夏期講座    2000

  • An Introduction to Lexical Functional Grammar and Optimal Syntax

    jointly worked

    Selected Papers form AILA’99 Tokyo     480 - 484  2000

  • An Experimental Study of a Relationship between Lexical Functional Grammar and Learner-Language Data

    jointly worked

    Selected Papers form AILA’99 Tokyo     344 - 361  2000

  • Linguistic Theories and Language Education

    jointly worked

    Selected Papers form AILA’99 Tokyo    2000

  • English Language Education and Applied Discourse Analysis in Cyber Learning.

    大学英語教育学会第39回全国大会 於沖縄国際大学    2000

  • 奥津文夫著 『日英ことわざの比較文化』について

    英語教育/大修館書店    2000

  • 弟39回大学英語教育学会全国大会、シンポジウム:English Language Education and Applied Discourse Analysis in Cyber Learning.


  • A Study on NNS’s Conference Question and Answers

    jointly worked

    Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   Vol. 4 ( 2 ) 364 - 381  2000

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora: An Analysis of Discourse Completion Tasks

    jointly worked

    Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   Vol. 4 ( 2 ) 273 - 297  2000

  • Teaching Speech Functions to Japanese EFL Learners: Thanking and Apology Expressions

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   ISSN 1346-535X.   374 - 487  2000

  • Adjective Intensifiers: Some Observations on Native Speaker and Learner Corpora in English

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   ISSN 1346-535X.   388 - 389  2000

  • Inter-language Pragmatic Features of Japanese and Korean Learners of English

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   ISSN 1346-535X.   208 - 217  2000

  • Analyzing Computer-mediated Communication Data through the Measure of MLU in words

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   ISSN 1346-535X.   200 - 207  2000

  • Similarities and Differences Between Face-to-Face Dialogue and Computer-Mediated Communication

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.   ISSN 1346-535X   190 - 194  2000

  • Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Hyundae Copy and Publisher    2000

  • コンピューターを利用した英語教育「ネットワーク型英語教育」

    第6回大学英語教育学会(JACET)FD (Faculty Development) セミナー    2000

  • 第6回 JACET 「FD(Faculty Development)」セミナー:コンピュータを利用した英語教育「ネットワーク型英語教育」


  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Naeli Publishing Co., Korea   3  2000

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Naeli Publishing Co., Korea   4 ( 2 )  2000

  • A Study of Pragmatic Functions of Apology Expressions among Japanese and Korean Learners of English

    jointly worked

    Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics    2000

  • Collaboration without Borders: Experiences with Real-time Multimodal Communication Facility for Joint Seminars among Japan and East-Asian Countries

    Michiko Nakano

    1st International Workshop on Linguistics and Education in Multi-Media Age    2000

  • A Study of Thanking Expressions among Japanese and Korean Learners of English

    Michiko Nakano, Kyung-Ja Park

    Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education of Waseda University   No. 10   91 - 101  2000

  • How Cultural Differences Influence Conference Speech Style? --with Special Reference to Japanese and Korean Speakers of English--

    jointly worked

    Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   Vol. 4 ( 1 ) 14 - 40  2000

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Wizbook Korea   4 ( 1 )  2000

  • Introducing Japanese EFL Learners to Greater Variety in Adjective Intensifiers

    The 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa.    2000

  • Progress Report: Cyber Learning at Waseda University

    The 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa.    2000

  • Some Methods of Analyzing Computer Mediated Communication Data

    The 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa.    2000

  • Cyber Learning at Waseda

    2000年度 PC Conference 北海道大学    2000

  • An Introduction to Lexical Functional Grammar and Optimal Syntax

    jointly worked

    Selected Papers form AILA’99 Tokyo     480 - 484  2000

  • An Experimental Study of a Relationship between Lexical Functional Grammar and Learner-Language Data

    jointly worked

    Selected Papers form AILA’99 Tokyo     344 - 361  2000

  • Linguistic Theories and Language Education

    jointly worked

    Selected Papers form AILA’99 Tokyo    2000

  • English Language Education and Applied Discourse Analysis in Cyber Learning.

    大学英語教育学会第39回全国大会 於沖縄国際大学    2000

  • A Study on NNS’s Conference Question and Answers

    jointly worked

    Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   Vol. 4 ( 2 ) 364 - 381  2000

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora: An Analysis of Discourse Completion Tasks

    jointly worked

    Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   Vol. 4 ( 2 ) 273 - 297  2000

  • Teaching Speech Functions to Japanese EFL Learners: Thanking and Apology Expressions

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   ISSN 1346-535X.   374 - 487  2000

  • Adjective Intensifiers: Some Observations on Native Speaker and Learner Corpora in English

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   ISSN 1346-535X.   388 - 389  2000

  • Inter-language Pragmatic Features of Japanese and Korean Learners of English

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   ISSN 1346-535X.   208 - 217  2000

  • Analyzing Computer-mediated Communication Data through the Measure of MLU in words

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics   ISSN 1346-535X.   200 - 207  2000

  • Similarities and Differences Between Face-to-Face Dialogue and Computer-Mediated Communication

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.   ISSN 1346-535X   190 - 194  2000

  • Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Hyundae Copy and Publisher    2000

  • The Virtual University

    私情協ジャーナル/私立大学情報教育協会   7 ( 3 ) 56 - 60  1999

  • The Virtual University A Report from a Joint Educom/IBM Roundtable (2)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 7 No. 3   7 ( 3 )  1999

  • 私立大学等情報教育協会主催 第6回情報教育研究会語学部門審査委員と論評

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 7 No. 3   7 ( 3 )  1999

  • 第6回情報教育方法研究発表会語学部門分担

    私情協ジャーナル/私立大学情報教育協会   7 ( 3 ) 24 - 26  1999

  • A Study of Textbook Analyses (2): ‘Thanking,’ ‘Apologies,’ ‘Requests,’ ‘Offers,’ in Japanese Junior High School Textbooks

    Kazuharu Owada

    Proceedings of the 4th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     48 - 54  1999

  • A Study of Textbook Analyses (3): ‘Thanking,’ ‘Apologies,’ ‘Requests,’ ‘Offers,’ in Japanese High School Textbooks

    Koichi Ano

    Proceedings of the 4th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     55 - 59  1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (6): An Analysis of Discourse Completion Tasks

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 4th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     181 - 190  1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (7): An Analysis of E-mail Discourse and Variation of Expressions,

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 4th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     199 - 204  1999

  • 英語の講義コーパスの作成とその教育的効果に関する基礎的研究


    『語研フォーラム』   Vol. 10   15 - 41  1999

  • A study of acceptance Judgements negative be-verbs among Japanese junior high school students: and analysis within the framework of Optimal Syntax

    jointly worked

    『教育学研究科紀要』   Vol. 9   69 - 79  1999

  • A Study of Pragmatic Functions of Refusal Expressions and Korean Learners of English

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 4th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics    1999

  • The Virtual University

    私情協ジャーナル/私立大学情報教育協会   7 ( 4 ) 52 - 59  1999

  • The Virtual University A Report from a Joint Educom/IBM Roundtable (3)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 7 No. 4   7 ( 4 )  1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (7): An Analysis of E-mail Discourse and Variation of Expressions

    jointly worked

    『語学教育研究所紀要』   第54巻  1999

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Naeil Publishing Co.   3  1999

  • 早稲田の英語の達人を科学するためのデータ・ベース作成と公開

    教育のオープン化研究会成果報告会    1999

  • 早稲田の英語の達人を科学するためのデータベース作成と公開

    早稲田大学 教育のオープン化研究会成果報告会    1999

  • A Study of Pragmatic Functions of Apology Expressions among Japanese and Korean Learners of English

    Kyung-Ja Park, Michiko Nakano

    Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     225 - 272  1999

  • A Case Study of EFL Learning among Koreans and Japanese (1): How Cultural Differences Interfere with (Influence) Questions and Answers at International Conferences

    Kyung-Ja Park, Michiko Nakano

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics    1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (8):How Cultural Differences Influence Conference Speech Style? - With Special Reference to Japanese and Koreans

    Kyung-Ja Park, Michiko Nakano

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics    1999

  • LFG and its Computational Implications

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University.    1999

  • LLA全国研究大会記念座談会

    Panasonic『LLA教育研究』早稲田大学特別号    1999

  • Three Simple Methods of Building Your Spoken Corpora at Your Institution

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University.    1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (2): Japanese Maestros of English and Learners’ Transcription Errors

    Michiko Nakano

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University.    1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (8): How Cultural Influence Speech Style? - With Special Reference to Japanese and Koreans

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University.    1999

  • Miscommunication inside the industrial world: An innovation toward process communication,

    Michiko Nakano, Yasuo Tateoka

    Symposium Organized by Erich Berendt: Miscommunication: Adequacy, Atrophy, and Ambiguity in Interactive Discourse at 12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics    1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (5): An Analysis of Written Data by Japanese University Students,

    Michiko Nakano

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics    1999

  • Symposium:LFG and its Computational Implications,

    Michiko Nakano, Y. Harada, E. Moriya, T. Nishino

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics,    1999

  • Special Symposium:Linguistic Theories and Language Education,

    Ronald M. Kaplan, Peter Sells, M. Nakano

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics    1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (6): An Analysis of Discourse Completion Tasks,

    Toshiharu Saito

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics    1999

  • Symposium:Three Simple Methods of Building Your Spoken Corpora at Your Institution,

    Toshiharu Saito, Ryo Yoshimoto, Michiko Nakano

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics    1999

  • 時空を超えたオープンキャンパスの創出~近未来のネットワーク型教育

    デジタルキャンパスコンソーシアム    1999

  • Linguistic Theories and Language Education

    大学英語教育学会『JACET通信 第120号』   120  1999

  • Proceedings of the 4th PAAL Conference

    Naeil Publishing Co.    1999

  • 第4回教育の現場に活かすコンピュータ講座

    英語コースコロキウムNo. 28   28  1999

  • The Virtual University

    私情協ジャーナル/私立大学情報教育協会   7 ( 3 ) 56 - 60  1999

  • The Virtual University A Report from a Joint Educom/IBM Roundtable (2)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 7 No. 3   7 ( 3 )  1999

  • A Study of Textbook Analyses (2): ‘Thanking,’ ‘Apologies,’ ‘Requests,’ ‘Offers,’ in Japanese Junior High School Textbooks

    Kazuharu Owada

    Proceedings of the 4th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     48 - 54  1999

  • A Study of Textbook Analyses (3): ‘Thanking,’ ‘Apologies,’ ‘Requests,’ ‘Offers,’ in Japanese High School Textbooks

    Koichi Ano

    Proceedings of the 4th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     55 - 59  1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (6): An Analysis of Discourse Completion Tasks

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 4th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     181 - 190  1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (7): An Analysis of E-mail Discourse and Variation of Expressions,

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 4th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     199 - 204  1999

  • A study of acceptance Judgements negative be-verbs among Japanese junior high school students: and analysis within the framework of Optimal Syntax

    jointly worked

    『教育学研究科紀要』   Vol. 9   69 - 79  1999

  • A Study of Pragmatic Functions of Refusal Expressions and Korean Learners of English

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 4th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics    1999

  • A Study of Pragmatic Functions of Refusal Expressions among Japanese and Korean Learners of English

    語学教育研究所紀要/語学教育研究所   54   1 - 36  1999

  • The Virtual University

    私情協ジャーナル/私立大学情報教育協会   7 ( 4 ) 52 - 59  1999

  • The Virtual University A Report from a Joint Educom/IBM Roundtable (3)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 7 No. 4   7 ( 4 )  1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (7): An Analysis of E-mail Discourse and Variation of Expressions

    jointly worked

    『語学教育研究所紀要』   第54巻  1999

  • Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics

    Naeil Publishing Co.   3  1999

  • A Study of Pragmatic Functions of Apology Expressions among Japanese and Korean Learners of English

    Kyung-Ja Park, Michiko Nakano

    Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     225 - 272  1999

  • A Case Study of EFL Learning among Koreans and Japanese (1): How Cultural Differences Interfere with (Influence) Questions and Answers at International Conferences

    Kyung-Ja Park, Michiko Nakano

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics    1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (8):How Cultural Differences Influence Conference Speech Style? - With Special Reference to Japanese and Koreans

    Kyung-Ja Park, Michiko Nakano

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics    1999

  • LFG and its Computational Implications

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University.    1999

  • Three Simple Methods of Building Your Spoken Corpora at Your Institution

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University.    1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (2): Japanese Maestros of English and Learners’ Transcription Errors

    Michiko Nakano

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University.    1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (8): How Cultural Influence Speech Style? - With Special Reference to Japanese and Koreans

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University.    1999

  • Miscommunication inside the industrial world: An innovation toward process communication,

    Michiko Nakano, Yasuo Tateoka

    Symposium Organized by Erich Berendt: Miscommunication: Adequacy, Atrophy, and Ambiguity in Interactive Discourse at 12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics    1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (5): An Analysis of Written Data by Japanese University Students,

    Michiko Nakano

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics    1999

  • Symposium:LFG and its Computational Implications,

    Michiko Nakano, Y. Harada, E. Moriya, T. Nishino

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics,    1999

  • Special Symposium:Linguistic Theories and Language Education,

    Ronald M. Kaplan, Peter Sells, M. Nakano

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics    1999

  • A Study of EFL Discourse Using Corpora (6): An Analysis of Discourse Completion Tasks,

    Toshiharu Saito

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics    1999

  • Symposium:Three Simple Methods of Building Your Spoken Corpora at Your Institution,

    Toshiharu Saito, Ryo Yoshimoto, Michiko Nakano

    12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics    1999

  • Linguistic Theories and Language Education

    大学英語教育学会『JACET通信 第120号』   120  1999

  • Proceedings of the 4th PAAL Conference

    Naeil Publishing Co.    1999

  • 早稲田学習者コーパス


  • 早稲田大学教育学部内の英語の達人コーパス(通称『達人コーパス』)


  • 早稲田大学教育学部内の英語の達人コーパス(通称達人コーパス)


  • 早稲田大学教育学部内の学習者コーパス(通称『学習者コーパス』)


  • 語学研究における論理的訓練についての基礎研究(3)―内包的メタ言語によるLFGの意味論-


    『早稲田教育評論』   Vol. 12 ( No. 1 )  1998

  • Transforming Higher Education-A Vision for Learning in the 21st Century (3)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 6 No. 4   6 ( 4 )  1998

  • Grammatically Judgements and Dative Shifts

    jointly worked

    Journal of Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics   Vol. 1   179 - 224  1998

  • Journal of Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics

    Hankuk Publishing Co., Seoul   1  1998

  • A Reanalysis of Grammaticality Judgements Test Concerning Dative Shifts among Korean, Japanese and Chinese Learners of English

    jointly worked

    Journal of Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics   Vol. 2   217 - 238  1998

  • Journal of Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics

    Hankuk Publishing Co., Seoul   2  1998

  • Transforming Higher Education-A Vision for Learning in the 21st Century (4)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 7 No. 1   7 ( 1 )  1998

  • A study of the acquisition of negative be-verbs among Japanese junior high school students: an analysis within the framework of Optimal Syntax

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     248 - 261  1998

  • All Illustration: Think-aloud Protocols in Speaking and Reading

    大学英語教育学会第37回全国大会 於岡山就実女子大学    1998

  • Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics

    KJAAL   4  1998

  • The Virtual University

    私情協ジャーナル/私立大学情報教育協会   7 ( 2 )  1998

  • The Virtual University A Report from a Joint Educom/IBM Roundtable (1)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 7 No. 2   7 ( 2 )  1998

  • How do Japanese and Korean Learners of English Express Refusals?

    jointly worked

    College of Liberal Arts, Korea University   Vol. 43   21 - 49  1998

  • Transforming Higher Education-A Vision for Learning in the 21st Century (3)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 6 No. 4   6 ( 4 )  1998

  • Grammatically Judgements and Dative Shifts

    jointly worked

    Journal of Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics   Vol. 1   179 - 224  1998

  • Journal of Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics

    Hankuk Publishing Co., Seoul   1  1998

  • A Reanalysis of Grammaticality Judgements Test Concerning Dative Shifts among Korean, Japanese and Chinese Learners of English

    jointly worked

    Journal of Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics   Vol. 2   217 - 238  1998

  • Journal of Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics

    Hankuk Publishing Co., Seoul   2  1998

  • Transforming Higher Education-A Vision for Learning in the 21st Century (4)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 7 No. 1   7 ( 1 )  1998

  • A study of the acquisition of negative be-verbs among Japanese junior high school students: an analysis within the framework of Optimal Syntax

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics     248 - 261  1998

  • All Illustration: Think-aloud Protocols in Speaking and Reading

    大学英語教育学会第37回全国大会 於岡山就実女子大学    1998

  • Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of Japan-Korea Association of Applied Linguistics

    KJAAL   4  1998

  • The Virtual University

    私情協ジャーナル/私立大学情報教育協会   7 ( 2 )  1998

  • The Virtual University A Report from a Joint Educom/IBM Roundtable (1)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 7 No. 2   7 ( 2 )  1998

  • How do Japanese and Korean Learners of English Express Refusals?

    jointly worked

    College of Liberal Arts, Korea University   Vol. 43   21 - 49  1998

  • 第4回情報教育研究会発表会開催概要

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 5 No. 3   5 ( 3 )  1997

  • 韓国人及び日本人英語学習者の予格交替についての文法判断


    『語研フォーラム』   Vol. 8  1997

  • 大学入試から見た高校間の格差に対する研究(4)-全国の高校に関する分析


    『早稲田教育評論』   Vol. 11 ( No. 1 )  1997

  • 英作文と全体・部分の論理学


    『早稲田教育評論』   Vol. 11 ( No. 1 )  1997

  • An Introduction to the Semantic Representations in LFG (1): Notes on the Application of Linear Logic

    jointly worked

    『語研フォーラム』   Vol. 8  1997

  • Proceedings of the 1st TESOL & Psycholinguistics Colloquium

    Korea-Waseda Association of English Education and Psycholinguistics    1997

  • Transforming Higher Education--A Vision for Learning in the 21st Century

    私情協ジャーナル/財団法人私立大学情報教育協会   6 ( 4 )  1997

  • 宇宙の画像作り

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 5 No. 4   5 ( 4 )  1997

  • 情報教育の現状と目指すべき方向

    早稲田教育評論/早稲田大学教育総合研究室   11 ( 1 )  1997

  • Transforming Higher Education (2)

    私情協ジャーナル/社団法人私立大学情報教育協会   6 ( 1 )  1997

  • 私立大学等情報教育協会主催 第5回情報教育研究会審査委員と論評

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 6 No. 1   6 ( 1 )  1997

  • Characteristics of Japanese Students’ Composition Errors: General Patterns of the Errors

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 1st Japan/Korea English Teaching and Psycholinguistics Colloquium   Vol. 2   145 - 195  1997

  • Characteristics of Korean Students’ Composition Errors: General Patterns of the Errors

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 1st Japan/Korea English Teaching and Psycholinguistics Colloquium   Vol. 2   103 - 144  1997

  • Grammatically Judgement and English Acquisition -- Comparison between Japanese and Korean Students

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 1st Japan/Korea English Teaching and Psycholinguistics Colloquium   Vol. 2   67 - 102  1997

  • Proceedings of the 1st Japan/Korea English Teaching and Psycholinguistics Colloquium Vol.2

    Korea/Japan Association of Applied Linguistics   2  1997

  • 早稲田大学教育学部・教育総合研究室共催 校友のための情報処理学 英語コース


  • ディスコースにおける意味の妥当性とは何か?

    第36回JACET全国大会要綱/大学英語教育学会    1997

  • Transforming Higher Education

    私情協ジャーナル/財団法人私立大学情報教育協会   66  1997

  • An Introduction to the Semantic Representations in LFG (1): Notes on the Application of Linear Logic

    jointly worked

    『語研フォーラム』   Vol. 8  1997

  • Proceedings of the 1st TESOL & Psycholinguistics Colloquium

    Korea-Waseda Association of English Education and Psycholinguistics    1997

  • Transforming Higher Education--A Vision for Learning in the 21st Century

    私情協ジャーナル/財団法人私立大学情報教育協会   6 ( 4 )  1997

  • Transforming Higher Education (2)

    私情協ジャーナル/社団法人私立大学情報教育協会   6 ( 1 )  1997

  • Characteristics of Japanese Students’ Composition Errors: General Patterns of the Errors

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 1st Japan/Korea English Teaching and Psycholinguistics Colloquium   Vol. 2   145 - 195  1997

  • Characteristics of Korean Students’ Composition Errors: General Patterns of the Errors

    jointly worked

    Proceedings of the 1st Japan/Korea English Teaching and Psycholinguistics Colloquium   Vol. 2   103 - 144  1997

  • Grammatically Judgement and English Acquisition -- Comparison between Japanese and Korean Students

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of the 1st Japan/Korea English Teaching and Psycholinguistics Colloquium   Vol. 2   67 - 102  1997

  • Proceedings of the 1st Japan/Korea English Teaching and Psycholinguistics Colloquium Vol.2

    Korea/Japan Association of Applied Linguistics   2  1997

  • Transforming Higher Education

    私情協ジャーナル/財団法人私立大学情報教育協会   66  1997

  • 101 Success Stories of Information Technology in Higher Education (3)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 4 No. 3   4 ( 3 )  1996

  • 101Success Stories of Information Technology in Higher Education

    私情協ジャーナル/社団法人私立大学情報教育協会   4 ( 3 )  1996

  • ペンギン課題とディスコース:論理学的アプローチ

    第3回Jacet談話行動研究会    1996

  • Transforming Higher Education-A Vision for Learning in the 21st Century (1)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 5 No. 1   5 ( 1 )  1996

  • Transforming Higher Education (1)

    私情協ジャーナル/社団法人私立大学情報教育協会   5 ( 1 )  1996

  • Experimental Testing of Feature-structure Representation in Letter Perception

    XXVI International Congress of Psychology    1996

  • Experimental Testing of Mereology (1): Syllogistic Thinking and Transitive Law

    XXVI International Congress of Psychology    1996

  • Experimental Testing of Mereology (2): Typicality and Validity Judgements

    XXVI International Congress of Psychology    1996

  • 文章理解に及ぼす母国語の影響

    日本心理学会第60回全国大会    1996

  • コンピュータを授業で使う

    早稲田大学教育学部『がくぶほう』Vol. 74   74  1996

  • パソコンを活用した教科教育指導の方法

    早稲田大学教育総合研究室『コロキウム』 No. 22   22  1996

  • 大友賢二著『項目応答理論とは何か』について

    大学英語教育学会『JACET通信 第105号』   105  1996

  • 英作文と全体-部分の論理学

    第3回教総研研究発表会    1996

  • 101 Success Stories of Information Technology in Higher Education (3)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 4 No. 3   4 ( 3 )  1996

  • 101Success Stories of Information Technology in Higher Education

    私情協ジャーナル/社団法人私立大学情報教育協会   4 ( 3 )  1996

  • Transforming Higher Education-A Vision for Learning in the 21st Century (1)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 5 No. 1   5 ( 1 )  1996

  • Transforming Higher Education (1)

    私情協ジャーナル/社団法人私立大学情報教育協会   5 ( 1 )  1996

  • Experimental Testing of Feature-structure Representation in Letter Perception

    XXVI International Congress of Psychology    1996

  • Experimental Testing of Mereology (1): Syllogistic Thinking and Transitive Law

    XXVI International Congress of Psychology    1996

  • Experimental Testing of Mereology (2): Typicality and Validity Judgements

    XXVI International Congress of Psychology    1996

  • The Proceedings of the 1994 Kyoto Conference.

    The Logico-Linguistic Society of Japan.    1995

  • 形容詞の類義語の研究-日英語の比較の観点から

    大学英語教育学会語法研究会    1995

  • Generating a sentence form semantic principles: a tentative solution for a penguin sentence and a long-distance anaphora

    jointly worked

    『教育学研究科紀要』   Vol. 5  1995

  • 大学入試から見た高校間の格差に関する研究(2)-九州地区に関する分析


    『早稲田教育評論』   Vol. 9 ( No. 1 )  1995

  • 101 Success Stories of Information Technology in Higher Education (1)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 4 No. 1   4 ( 1 )  1995

  • 101 Success Stories of Information Technology in Higher Education (2)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 4 No. 2   4 ( 2 )  1995

  • 101Success Stories of Information Technology in Higher Education

    私情協ジャーナル/社団法人私立大学情報教育協会   4 ( 2 )  1995

  • 試験をものにするリスニング

    研究社『時事英語研究』Vol. 50 No. 7   50 ( 7 )  1995

  • スタンフォード大学の紹介と私の研究の結果について

    早稲田大学英語英文学会1995年度大会    1995

  • The Proceedings of the 1994 Kyoto Conference.

    The Logico-Linguistic Society of Japan.    1995

  • Generating a sentence form semantic principles: a tentative solution for a penguin sentence and a long-distance anaphora

    jointly worked

    『教育学研究科紀要』   Vol. 5  1995

  • 101 Success Stories of Information Technology in Higher Education (1)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 4 No. 1   4 ( 1 )  1995

  • 101 Success Stories of Information Technology in Higher Education (2)

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 4 No. 2   4 ( 2 )  1995

  • 101Success Stories of Information Technology in Higher Education

    私情協ジャーナル/社団法人私立大学情報教育協会   4 ( 2 )  1995

  • ブール価モデルの応用としてのInteractive Grammarについて


    『外国語研究』   ( 第12号 ) 141 - 161  1994

  • これからの図書館:知識管理環境に向けて

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 2 No. 3   2 ( 3 )  1994

  • An alternative interpretation of the additive item effect of illusory conjunction on the basis of a Boolean valued model

    jointly worked

    早稲田大学情報科学研究センター紀要   Vol. 16   26 - 37  1994

  • 大学入試から見た高校間の格差に関する研究(1)-神奈川県下高校に関する分析


    『早稲田教育評論』   第8巻 ( 第1号 ) 41 - 58  1994

  • 語学教育における論理的訓練についての基礎研究(1)―シーン概念における全体「推移律」の問題


    『早稲田教育評論』   第8巻 ( 第1号 ) 125 - 152  1994

  • シラバスについて

    早稲田大学教育総合研究室『コロキウム』 No. 16   16  1994

  • 観察・理解と学習への科学研究の最近の成果について

    大学英語教育学会『JACET通信 第91号』   91  1994

  • Interactive Grammar and Discourse Analysis

    Michiko Nakano

    JAAL Bulletin     12 - 13  1994

  • ブール価モデルによる結合錯誤の付加特徴効果の別解

    第13回日本基礎心理学会    1994

  • 幻錯誤結合とブール価モデル

    基礎心理学会大会    1994

  • 格助詞「の」における全体一部分関係と接触関係-中間項の省略の問題


    『状況と認知』   ワークショップ公募論文  1994

  • 格助詞「の」における全体ー部分関係と接触関係-中間項の省略の問題

    第22回認知科学会大会「状況と認知」ワークショップ公募論文    1994

  • Experimental Testing of Feature Structures and Unification

    jointly worked

    2nd PACFoCoL   Extra Session Paper  1994

  • Generating Dialogue from Semantic Principles

    jointly worked

    Proceedings ICSLP 94    1994

  • 関係「AにはBがある」の推移律:全体一部分関係vs.接触関係


    日本心理学会第58回全国大会発表論文集    1994

  • 英文ライティングの基本ルール

    研究社『時事英語研究』Vol. 49 No. 9   49 ( 9 )  1994

  • An alternative interpretation of the additive item effect of illusory conjunction on the basis of a Boolean valued model

    jointly worked

    早稲田大学情報科学研究センター紀要   Vol. 16   26 - 37  1994

  • Interactive Grammar and Discourse Analysis

    Michiko Nakano

    JAAL Bulletin     12 - 13  1994

  • Experimental Testing of Feature Structures and Unification

    jointly worked

    2nd PACFoCoL   Extra Session Paper  1994

  • Generating Dialogue from Semantic Principles

    jointly worked

    Proceedings ICSLP 94    1994

  • ネットワーク環境の計画と評価

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 1 No. 4   1 ( 4 ) 34 - 37  1993

  • 語学教育における論理的訓練についての研究部会報告

    早稲田大学教育総合研究室『コロキウム』 No. 14   14  1993

  • 情報ハイウェイ-ゴア副大統領演説

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 2 No. 1   2 ( 1 ) 60 - 62  1993

  • Cognitive Semantics and A Boolean Valued Model

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of PACFoCoL I     218 - 233  1993

  • Interactive Grammar and Discourse Analysis

    10th World Congress of Applied Linguistics Amsterdam    1993

  • 観察・理解と学習への科学的研究の最近の成果について


    大学英語教育学会第32回全国大会要網     294 - 301  1993

  • Interactive Grammar and Discourse Analysis

    Michiko Nakano

        32 - 33  1993

  • カテゴリー処理検証の試み


    『英語表現研究・Bulletin』   ( No. 23 ) 5  1993

  • Dialogue, A Context of Situation and Interactive Grammar

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings ISSD-93 International Symposium on Spoken Dialogue     223 - 226  1993

  • ISDNはスーパーハイウェイではない

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 2 No. 2   2 ( 2 ) 57 - 58  1993

  • インターネットアーキテクチャー委員会とインターネットの未来

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 2 No. 2   2 ( 2 ) 58 - 62  1993

  • Cognitive Semantics and A Boolean Valued Model

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of PACFoCoL I     218 - 233  1993

  • Interactive Grammar and Discourse Analysis

    10th World Congress of Applied Linguistics Amsterdam    1993

  • Interactive Grammar and Discourse Analysis

    Michiko Nakano

        32 - 33  1993

  • Dialogue, A Context of Situation and Interactive Grammar

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings ISSD-93 International Symposium on Spoken Dialogue     223 - 226  1993

  • 外国語教育法と教育研究におけるコンピュータ(2)

    私立大学等情報処理教育協議会会報Vol. 91, No.3   91 ( 3 )  1992

  • 外国語教育法と教育研究におけるコンピュータ(3)

    私立大学等情報処理教育協議会会報Vol. 91, No.4   91 ( 4 )  1992

  • 類推と発話(II)

    第14回英語授業研究学会関東支部例会    1992

  • Assimilation and Accommodation in Interlanguage Lexical Judgements

    Michiko Nakano

    JAAL Bulletin   JAAL-IN-JACET ( No. 6 ) 17 - 18  1992

  • 形式モデルと英語教育


    CHART NETWORK   ( No. 7 ) 4 - 7  1992

  • Interactive Grammar: Lexical Representation

    Michiko Nakano

    SICOL ’92 Proceeding     285 - 294  1992

  • Interactive Grammar: Lexical Representation and Discourse Representation

    SEOUL International Congress of Linguistics    1992

  • Some factors of the bimodal distribution of illusory conjunctions

    25th International Congress of Psychology    1992

  • Some relationships between attention in psychology and perspectives in Situation Theory

    25th International Congress of Applied Linguistics Conference 1992    1992

  • 外国語教育法と教育研究におけるコンピュータ~新しいヒューマニズム~

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 1 No. 1   1 ( 1 )  1992

  • 英語の形容詞の類義の研究--日英比較の観点から

    大学英語教育学会第31回全国大会 於早稲田大学    1992

  • Translatability Judgements and Discourse Representation

    jointly worked

    Social Educational and Clinical Psychology   Vol. 3   180 - 181  1992

  • Translatability Judgements and Orthogonal Semantic Features

    Michiko Nakano

    Social Educational and Clinical Psychology   Vol. 3   179 - 180  1992

  • Context and Interactive Grammar

    The British Council Applied Linguistics Conference 1992    1992

  • 語彙検索とデータベース利用形式意味論の立場から

    獨協大学外国語教育研究所    1992

  • Perspectives and Language Learning (1)

    Michiko Nakano

    早稲田大学教育学研究科紀要   ( 第3号 ) 75 - 89  1992

  • 情報技術投資への価値評価

    私立大学等情報教育協会『私情協ジャーナル』Vol. 1 No. 3   1 ( 3 ) 25 - 28  1992

  • Assimilation and Accommodation in Interlanguage Lexical Judgements

    Michiko Nakano

    JAAL Bulletin   JAAL-IN-JACET ( No. 6 ) 17 - 18  1992

  • Interactive Grammar: Lexical Representation

    Michiko Nakano

    SICOL ’92 Proceeding     285 - 294  1992

  • Interactive Grammar: Lexical Representation and Discourse Representation

    SEOUL International Congress of Linguistics    1992

  • Some factors of the bimodal distribution of illusory conjunctions

    25th International Congress of Psychology    1992

  • Some relationships between attention in psychology and perspectives in Situation Theory

    25th International Congress of Applied Linguistics Conference 1992    1992

  • Translatability Judgements and Discourse Representation

    jointly worked

    Social Educational and Clinical Psychology   Vol. 3   180 - 181  1992

  • Translatability Judgements and Orthogonal Semantic Features

    Michiko Nakano

    Social Educational and Clinical Psychology   Vol. 3   179 - 180  1992

  • Context and Interactive Grammar

    The British Council Applied Linguistics Conference 1992    1992

  • Perspectives and Language Learning (1)

    Michiko Nakano

    早稲田大学教育学研究科紀要   ( 第3号 ) 75 - 89  1992

  • 語彙に習得における汎化と近似性の関係(5)


    日本心理学会第55回全国大会発表論文集     392  1991

  • Assimilation and Accommodation in Lexical Judgements

    第3回応用言語学研究会(JAALL-IN-JACET)全国大会    1991

  • 外国語教育法と教育研究におけるコンピュータ

    私立大学等情報処理教育協議会会報Vol. 91, No.2   91 ( 2 )  1991

  • 類推と発話(I)

    第12回英語授業研究学会関東支部例会    1991

  • An Interactive Grammar Framework (2): Discourse

    Michiko Nakano

    『学術研究』   ( 第40号 ) 53 - 68  1991

  • Assimilation and Accommodation in Lexical Judgements

    第3回応用言語学研究会(JAALL-IN-JACET)全国大会    1991

  • An Explanation of Natural Fluctuation in Interlanguage Lexical Judgements

    Michiko Nakano

    大学英語教育学会第30回全国大会要項     67 - 70  1991

  • An Interactive Grammar Framework (2): Discourse

    Michiko Nakano

    『学術研究』   ( 第40号 ) 53 - 68  1991

  • 私情協からの報告

    愛大電算センターニュース2    1990

  • 情報処理教育研究委員会最終報告

    第4回私立大学等情報処理教育協議会総会    1990

  • Representation of Lexical structure and Information processing

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of 9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics   Vol. 1  1990

  • Translatability Judgments and Lattice Operations (Final title: Lexical Judgements: Structures and Operations)

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of 9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics   Vol. 4 (The Educational Resources Information Centreにて Microfischeを準備中)   11 - 42  1990

  • 語彙の習得における汎化と近似性の関係(4)


    日本心理学会第54回全国大会発表論文集     669  1990

  • Lexical Structures and Lattice Operation

    22nd International Congress of Applied Psychology    1990

  • Transitivity Judgements and Orthogonal Semantic Features

    22nd International Congress of Applied Psychology    1990

  • Measurement formulas of ‘inductive limit and projective limit’

    Michiko Nakano

    Studies in Applied Linguistics (Occasional Papers No. 1 JAAL-In-JACET)     34 - 38  1990

  • An Interactive Grammar Framework-1-

    Academic studies. English language and literature   ( 第39号 ) 1 - 16  1990


  • Representation of Lexical structure and Information processing

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of 9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics   Vol. 1  1990

  • Translatability Judgments and Lattice Operations (Final title: Lexical Judgements: Structures and Operations)

    Michiko Nakano

    Proceedings of 9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics   Vol. 4 (The Educational Resources Information Centreにて Microfischeを準備中)   11 - 42  1990

  • Transitivity Judgements and Orthogonal Semantic Features

    22nd International Congress of Applied Psychology    1990

  • Measurement formulas of ‘inductive limit and projective limit’

    Michiko Nakano

    Studies in Applied Linguistics (Occasional Papers No. 1 JAAL-In-JACET)     34 - 38  1990

  • An Interactive Grammar Framework (1)

    Michiko Nakano

    『学術研究』   ( 第39号 ) 1 - 16  1990

  • 語彙構造の表現 獲得と言語運用の問題(1)


    『文学論叢』   ( 第90輯 ) 147 - 162  1989

  • レディング英語研修に備えての秋合宿


    『外国語研究室報』   ( 13号 ) 163 - 178  1989

  • Inductive Limitと projective Limitの算定法


    大学英語教育学会第1回応用言語学会発表論文レジュメ集     6  1989

  • ピアジェの構造主義と群性体(1)


    『FOCUS』   ( 第13号 ) 87 - 97  1989

  • 私情協からの報告

    愛大電算センターニュース1    1989

  • 語彙構造のブール価モデルと情報処理方略


    平成元年度人工知能学会第3回全国大会論文集     129 - 132  1989

  • 文学・語学系での情報の手法と体制

    第3回私立大学等情報処理教育協議会全国大会    1989

  • 文学・語学系での情報教育の方向性

    第3回私立大学等情報処理教育協議会全国大会    1989

  • 語彙習得における汎化と近似性の関係(3)


    日本心理学会第53回全国大会発表論文集     814  1989

  • 情報処理教育委員会中間報告


  • An Experimental Method of Classifying a Group of Learners into Co-ordinate Bilinguals and Compound Bilinguals

    Michiko Nakano

    大学英語教育第28回全国大会論文集     126 - 127  1989

  • Thesis Outline

    Michiko Nakano

    『文学論叢』   ( 第87輯 ) 272 - 308  1988

  • Mother Tongue InterferenceにおけるLearner Strategies語彙を例にとって


    大学英語教育学会第27回大会要網     15 - 16  1988

  • 語彙修得における盆かと近似性の関係(2):カテゴリー処理と体制化について


    日本心理学会第52回大会発表論文集     773  1988

  • 語彙構造の表現 獲得と言語運用の問題


    資料SIG-FAI-8802-3(1020)     21 - 30  1988

  • Thesis Outline

    Michiko Nakano

    『文学論叢』   ( 第87輯 ) 272 - 308  1988

  • Interlanguage of Japanese learners of English: judgments on the translatability of two polysemous Japanese Lexeme (vol.1)

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学大学院文学研究科博士論文   1  1987

  • Interlanguage of Japanese learners of English: judgments on the translatability of two polysemous Japanese Lexeme (vol.2)

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学大学院文学研究科博士論文   2  1987

  • 語彙獲得と論性

    第13回言語科学研究会    1987

  • Interlanguage of Japanese learners of English: judgments on the translatability of two polysemous Japanese Lexeme (vol.3)

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学大学院文学研究科博士論文   3  1987

  • Mother Tongue InterferenceにおけるLearner Strategies語彙を例にとって

    大学英語教育学会第27回全国大会 於四国学院大学    1987

  • 語彙獲得における類似性の果たす役割


    大学英語教育学会第26回大会要網     80 - 81  1987

  • 語彙習得における汎化と近似性の関係(1):近似性の計量法(MDSとThurstone-Torgerson法の比較)


    日本心理学会第51回大会発表論文集     359  1987

  • 語彙構造の表現、獲得と言語運用の問題

    人工知能学会基礎論研究会第3回    1987

  • 語彙修得における汎化と近似性の関係(2):カテゴリー処理と体制化について

    日本心理学会第52回全国大会    1987

  • 単語学習と応用力実験研究法を教室でのアプリケーションについて

    全国語学教育学会第14回国際大会    1987

  • Interlanguage of Japanese learners of English: judgments on the translatability of two polysemous Japanese Lexeme (vol.1)

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学大学院文学研究科博士論文   1  1987

  • Interlanguage of Japanese learners of English: judgments on the translatability of two polysemous Japanese Lexeme (vol.2)

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学大学院文学研究科博士論文   2  1987

  • Interlanguage of Japanese learners of English: judgments on the translatability of two polysemous Japanese Lexeme (vol.3)

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学大学院文学研究科博士論文   3  1987

  • Toward characterizing a learning process

    エジンバラ大学Postgraduate conference 85    1985

  • Toward characterizing a learning process

    エジンバラ大学Postgraduate conference 85    1985

  • A Study of Lexical Acquisition (IV)

    Michiko Nakano

    『文学論叢』   ( 第73輯 ) 221 - 278  1984

  • A Study of Lexical Acquisition (V)

    Michiko Nakano

    『文学論叢』   ( 第74輯 ) 266 - 306  1984

  • A Study of Lexical Acquisition (IV)

    Michiko Nakano

    『文学論叢』   ( 第73輯 ) 221 - 278  1984

  • A Study of Lexical Acquisition (V)

    Michiko Nakano

    『文学論叢』   ( 第74輯 ) 266 - 306  1984

  • A Study of Lexical Acquisition (Ⅰ)16 A study of Lexical Acquisition (Ⅱ)

    Michiko Nakano

    『文学論叢』   ( 第72輯 ) 218 - 246  1983

  • Is the Compound Coordinate Dichotomy Relevant

    Michiko Nakano

    『外国語研究室報』   ( 第7号 ) 1 - 24  1983

  • 動作教示用語の理解


    昭和58年度精機学会春季大会学術講演論文集     177 - 178  1983

  • A Study of Lexical Acquisition (Ⅲ)

    Michiko Nakano

    『文学論叢』   ( 第72輯 ) 252 - 318  1983

  • 動作教示の理解と言語処理の問題


    『FOCUS』   ( 第10号 ) 105 - 119  1983

  • 位置・姿勢指示命令の理解


    第1回日本ロボット学会学術講演会論文集     41 - 42  1983

  • A Study of Lexical Acquisition (Ⅰ)16 A study of Lexical Acquisition (Ⅱ)

    Michiko Nakano

    『文学論叢』   ( 第72輯 ) 218 - 246  1983

  • Is the Compound Coordinate Dichotomy Relevant

    Michiko Nakano

    『外国語研究室報』   ( 第7号 ) 1 - 24  1983

  • A Study of Lexical Acquisition (Ⅲ)

    Michiko Nakano

    『文学論叢』   ( 第72輯 ) 252 - 318  1983

  • A Pilot Study: the Acquisition of Polysemy

    Michiko Nakano

    『外国語研究室報』   ( 第6号 ) 9 - 26  1982

  • A Study of Lexical Acquisition (Ⅰ)

    Michiko Nakano

    『文学論叢』   ( 第70輯 ) 254 - 274  1982

  • 多義語獲得と近似値度直感についての一考察

    第55回日本英文学会全国大会    1982

  • A Pilot Study: the Acquisition of Polysemy

    Michiko Nakano

    『外国語研究室報』   ( 第6号 ) 9 - 26  1982

  • A Study of Lexical Acquisition (Ⅰ)

    Michiko Nakano

    『文学論叢』   ( 第70輯 ) 254 - 274  1982

  • A Study of Interruption of Broadcast Phone-in Programmes

    Michiko Nakano

    『文学論叢』   ( 第68輯 ) 204 - 260  1981

  • A comparison of the Use of Modal predicates by Scottish Children and Adult Foreign Learners

    Michiko Nakano

    『文学論叢』   ( 第69輯 ) 306 - 324  1981

  • A Study of Interruption of Broadcast Phone-in Programmes

    Michiko Nakano

    『文学論叢』   ( 第68輯 ) 204 - 260  1981

  • A comparison of the Use of Modal predicates by Scottish Children and Adult Foreign Learners

    Michiko Nakano

    『文学論叢』   ( 第69輯 ) 306 - 324  1981

  • A Study of Interruptions of Broadcast Phone-in Programmes

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学文学部言語学科     1 - 55  1977

  • A Pilot study: Nonce Forms in Free compositions by Japanese First-year Arts Students

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学文学部言語学科     1 - 76  1977

  • Design study: an Introductory Course in Written Discourse for the First-year Arts Students in Japan

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学文学部言語学科     1 - 35  1977

  • A 3-month Introductory Course in Writing for Japanese first year Arts students

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学文学部言語学科     1 - 86  1977

  • A Study of Interruptions of Broadcast Phone-in Programmes

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学文学部言語学科     1 - 55  1977

  • A Pilot study: Nonce Forms in Free compositions by Japanese First-year Arts Students

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学文学部言語学科     1 - 76  1977

  • Design study: an Introductory Course in Written Discourse for the First-year Arts Students in Japan

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学文学部言語学科     1 - 35  1977

  • A 3-month Introductory Course in Writing for Japanese first year Arts students

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学文学部言語学科     1 - 86  1977

  • An Analysis: “Send No Money” by Philip Larkin

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学Dept. of English Studies (Foreign Students)     1 - 26  1976

  • How to beg to differ in English: a study of mitigation in a radio discussion

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学Dept. of English Studies (Foreign Students)     1 - 27  1976

  • An Analysis: “Send No Money” by Philip Larkin- a note on Pedagogical Value of Stylistic Approach to Literature

    Michiko Nakano

    Tsuda Review   Vol. 21   91 - 117  1976

  • An Analysis: “Send No Money” by Philip Larkin

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学Dept. of English Studies (Foreign Students)     1 - 26  1976

  • How to beg to differ in English: a study of mitigation in a radio discussion

    Michiko Nakano

    エジンバラ大学Dept. of English Studies (Foreign Students)     1 - 27  1976

  • An Analysis: “Send No Money” by Philip Larkin- a note on Pedagogical Value of Stylistic Approach to Literature

    Michiko Nakano

    Tsuda Review   Vol. 21   91 - 117  1976

  • 波のイメージと時間「内」から「外」への変化、(ヴァージニア・ウルフ試論)


    『文学研究』   ( 第3号 ) 73 - 94  1974

  • ヴァージニア・ウルフの後期作品の再評価について

    第45回日本英文学会全国大会    1973

  • ミドルマーチ試論―イメージの研究のことなど


    『文学研究』   ( 第2号 ) 70 - 96  1973

  • The Author’s Point of View as Mobility

    日本ハーディ学会    1972

  • 「ダロウェイ夫人」-意識の流れの小説とイメージの結合


    『文学研究』   ( 創刊号 ) 20 - 29  1972

  • The Author’s Point of View as Mobility

    日本ハーディ学会    1972

  • A Study of the Development of V. Woolf’s Novels

    Michiko Nakano

    津田塾大学大学院修士論文    1971

  • A Study of the Development of V. Woolf’s Novels

    Michiko Nakano

    津田塾大学大学院修士論文    1971

  • 「CEFRに基づいたスキル認定書策定への試み」


    JACET KANTO Journal   Vol.2   48 - 59

  • CEFR-based Curriculum Development and English Tutorials - Transition from Secondary to Tertiary Education.

    Nakano, M

    The Korea Association of Teachers of English (KATE) 2010 International Conference: Teaching and Learning English as a Global Language: Challenges and Opportunities.     92 - 99

  • 特別シンポジウム「早稲田企画:早稲田大学でのICT活用実践」


    外国語教育メディア学会 Conference Proceedings.     30 - 44

  • Asian Collaborations at Waseda University: Cross-Cultural Distance Learning.

    Nakano, M, Lee, H, Huang, Da-Fu

    The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology: the 50th Commemorative Conference National Conference. Conference Proceedings.     46 - 58

  • Cyber Collaborations in East Asia and Program Assessments: Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Programs at Waseda University.

    Nakano, M

    International Conference on Language Education for English for Specific Purpose論文集     1 - 43

  • Pedagogical Issues and some solutions by Information Communication Technology (ICT) and recent Testing Theory (Neural Test Theory: NTT) --- a case study in World Englishes and Miscommunication course.

    Nakano, M

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     6 - 26

  • A Tentative Method of reforming your assessment of English abilities into International Standards such as Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) (1): The Eligibility of Raters and Rater Training Effect in L2 Performance Assessment.

    Kondo, Y

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     436 - 443

  • A Tentative Method of reforming your assessment of English abilities into International Standards such as Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) (2): ELF and Asian Englishes.

    Nakano, M. Tsutui, E, Kondo, Y

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     444 - 449

  • A Tentative Method of reforming your assessment of English abilities into International Standards such as Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) (3): Comparing European and Japanese language users.

    Tsutui, E, Nakano, M, Kondo, Y

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     450 - 453

  • A Study of CEFR Descriptors: Ranking Task by English Education Experts and by University Students.

    Nakano, M, Yoshida, S

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     333 - 338

  • Social Skills in English Communication: An Empirical Survey among Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Participants.

    Yoshida, S, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     462 - 469

  • A Comparative Study of Motivation toward Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) Activities.

    Yoshida, S, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     454 - 461

  • Comparative study of requestive strategies in textual and scripted oral responses using Discourse Completion Tasks (DCTs) to investigate Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) competences.

    Nakano, M, Watanabe, A, Kumaki, H

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     350 - 357

  • A Study of Request Performance among Asian Users of English: Success and politeness level assessment by Japanese teachers and university students.

    Nakano, M, Watanabe, A, Kumaki, H

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     339 - 346

  • Survey Results on Japanese EFL Learners Independent Learning.

    Tsutsui, E, Ueda, N, Owada, K, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     434 - 435

  • Verb Patterns Used in Junior High School English Textbooks in Japan, A Corpus Analysis.

    Owada, K, Tsubaki, H, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     491 - 494

  • A Case Study of Developmental Process in L2 Vocabulary Acqusition: Integration of Concept in the Mental Lexicon.

    Ueda N

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     486 - 490

  • The relationship between the Correctly-used Unaccusative Verbs Produced by Japanese English Learners and their English Proficiency: A Corpus Analysis.

    Owada, K, Tsubaki, H

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     495 - 499

  • A Case Study of Developing a Vocabulary Testing: a Progressive Report.

    Ueda, N. Tsutsui, E, Kondo, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     482 - 485

  • A "Rank" vs "Cluster" Conflict: Or, is it just an artifact?

    Sugino, N, Yamakawa, K. Nakano, M. Ohba, H. Shimizu, Y, Shojima, K

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     418 - 425

  • CEFR-based English Tutorials and two validation experiments.

    Nakano, M

    The role of European Language Portfolio (ELP). Ed. By L. Yoffe. No. 10.     27 - 30

  • Pedagogical Issues and Education Network: Cross-Cultural Distance Learning between Tsinghua University and Waseda University.

    Nakano, M

    In Shongehe Lu, Wenxia Zhang, and Paul Adams (Eds.) ELT of Tertiary Level in Asian Context: Issues and Researches.     22 - 31

  • Curriculum development and English tutorials - Transition from secondary to tertiary education.

    Nakano, M

    In Li Lan and David D. Qian. (Eds.) English Language Education in Asian Universities: Classroom practices and research issues.     128 - 136

  • Bridging a gap between L2 research and classroom practice: (1) English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in Asia and some assessment based on Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

    Nakano, M, Tsutsui, E, Kondo, Y

    Proceedings of L2WS' 2010 (INTERSPEECH 2010 Satellite Workshop on"Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology" (L2WS'2010) Co-organized by AESOP, SLaTE, NICT & LASS )     1 - 4

  • Bridging the Gap between L2 Research and Classroom Practice (2): Evaluation of Automatic Scoring System for L2 Speech. INTERSPEECH 2010 Satellite Workshop on"Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology" (L2WS'2010) Co-organ・・・

    Kondo, Y. Tsutsui, E, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of L2WS' 2010 (INTERSPEECH 2010 Satellite Workshop on"Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology" (L2WS'2010) Co-organized by AESOP, SLaTE, NICT & LASS )     5 - 8

     View Summary

    Bridging the Gap between L2 Research and Classroom Practice (2): Evaluation of Automatic Scoring System for L2 Speech. INTERSPEECH 2010 Satellite Workshop on"Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology" (L2WS'2010) Co-organized by AESOP, SLaTE, NICT & LASS

  • Bridging the gap between L2 research and classroom practice (3) - Online assessment and practical teaching.

    Tsutsui, E, Kondo, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of L2WS' 2010 (INTERSPEECH 2010 Satellite Workshop on"Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology" (L2WS'2010) Co-organized by AESOP, SLaTE, NICT & LASS )     9 - 12

  • Internationalization or Globalization in Asia: Issues in English Language Education.

    Nakano, M

    Proceedings of Asian Conference on Education,     1 - 19

  • 「ICTを活用した異文化交流実践講座・国際学生会議の試み」

    中野美知子, 根岸純子, 大和田和治

    2010年度ICT授業実践報告書     105 - 115

  • 「談話完成タスク (DCT) インタビュー:話しことばの特徴とポライトネスレベル及び談話行為成功率」

    中野美知子, 熊木, 渡辺彰子

    2010年度ICT授業実践報告書     117 - 128

  • Issues on Professional Mobility in Asia -- Professional Mobility as a Positive Outcome of Globalization and Internationalization.

    Nakano, M

    Information Communication Technology Practice & Research 2010.     315 - 335

  • CCDL CMC交流における英語学習動機:2010年度調査結果

    吉田諭史, 中野美知子

    2010年度ICT授業実践報告書     147 - 159

  • CCDL交流における異文化間ソーシャルスキル:2010年度調査結果

    吉田諭史, 中野美知子

    2010年度ICT授業実践報告書     161 - 174

  • CEFR Can-do式能力記述文に関する一考察:日本の英語教員・大学院生・大学生による難易度ランクづけ

    中野美知子, 吉田諭史

    2010年度ICT授業実践報告書     175 - 182

  • CEFR-based Curriculum Development and English Tutorials - Transition from Secondary to Tertiary Education.

    Nakano, M

    The Korea Association of Teachers of English (KATE) 2010 International Conference: Teaching and Learning English as a Global Language: Challenges and Opportunities.     92 - 99

  • Asian Collaborations at Waseda University: Cross-Cultural Distance Learning.

    Nakano, M, Lee, H, Huang, Da-Fu

    The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology: the 50th Commemorative Conference National Conference. Conference Proceedings.     46 - 58

  • Cyber Collaborations in East Asia and Program Assessments: Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Programs at Waseda University.

    Nakano, M

    International Conference on Language Education for English for Specific Purpose論文集     1 - 43

  • Pedagogical Issues and some solutions by Information Communication Technology (ICT) and recent Testing Theory (Neural Test Theory: NTT) --- a case study in World Englishes and Miscommunication course.

    Nakano, M

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     6 - 26

  • A Tentative Method of reforming your assessment of English abilities into International Standards such as Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) (1): The Eligibility of Raters and Rater Training Effect in L2 Performance Assessment.

    Kondo, Y

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     436 - 443

  • A Tentative Method of reforming your assessment of English abilities into International Standards such as Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) (2): ELF and Asian Englishes.

    Nakano, M. Tsutui, E, Kondo, Y

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     444 - 449

  • A Tentative Method of reforming your assessment of English abilities into International Standards such as Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) (3): Comparing European and Japanese language users.

    Tsutui, E, Nakano, M, Kondo, Y

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     450 - 453

  • A Study of CEFR Descriptors: Ranking Task by English Education Experts and by University Students.

    Nakano, M, Yoshida, S

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     333 - 338

  • Social Skills in English Communication: An Empirical Survey among Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Participants.

    Yoshida, S, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     462 - 469

  • A Comparative Study of Motivation toward Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) Activities.

    Yoshida, S, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     454 - 461

  • Comparative study of requestive strategies in textual and scripted oral responses using Discourse Completion Tasks (DCTs) to investigate Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) competences.

    Nakano, M, Watanabe, A, Kumaki, H

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     350 - 357

  • A Study of Request Performance among Asian Users of English: Success and politeness level assessment by Japanese teachers and university students.

    Nakano, M, Watanabe, A, Kumaki, H

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     339 - 346

  • Survey Results on Japanese EFL Learners Independent Learning.

    Tsutsui, E, Ueda, N, Owada, K, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     434 - 435

  • Verb Patterns Used in Junior High School English Textbooks in Japan, A Corpus Analysis.

    Owada, K, Tsubaki, H, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     491 - 494

  • A Case Study of Developmental Process in L2 Vocabulary Acqusition: Integration of Concept in the Mental Lexicon.

    Ueda N

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     486 - 490

  • The relationship between the Correctly-used Unaccusative Verbs Produced by Japanese English Learners and their English Proficiency: A Corpus Analysis.

    Owada, K, Tsubaki, H

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     495 - 499

  • A Case Study of Developing a Vocabulary Testing: a Progressive Report.

    Ueda, N. Tsutsui, E, Kondo, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     482 - 485

  • A "Rank" vs "Cluster" Conflict: Or, is it just an artifact?

    Sugino, N, Yamakawa, K. Nakano, M. Ohba, H. Shimizu, Y, Shojima, K

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics.     418 - 425

  • CEFR-based English Tutorials and two validation experiments.

    Nakano, M

    The role of European Language Portfolio (ELP). Ed. By L. Yoffe. No. 10.     27 - 30

  • Pedagogical Issues and Education Network: Cross-Cultural Distance Learning between Tsinghua University and Waseda University.

    Nakano, M

    In Shongehe Lu, Wenxia Zhang, and Paul Adams (Eds.) ELT of Tertiary Level in Asian Context: Issues and Researches.     22 - 31

  • Curriculum development and English tutorials - Transition from secondary to tertiary education.

    Nakano, M

    In Li Lan and David D. Qian. (Eds.) English Language Education in Asian Universities: Classroom practices and research issues.     128 - 136

  • Bridging a gap between L2 research and classroom practice: (1) English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in Asia and some assessment based on Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

    Nakano, M, Tsutsui, E, Kondo, Y

    Proceedings of L2WS' 2010 (INTERSPEECH 2010 Satellite Workshop on"Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology" (L2WS'2010) Co-organized by AESOP, SLaTE, NICT & LASS )     1 - 4

  • Bridging the Gap between L2 Research and Classroom Practice (2): Evaluation of Automatic Scoring System for L2 Speech. INTERSPEECH 2010 Satellite Workshop on"Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology" (L2WS'2010) Co-organ・・・

    Kondo, Y. Tsutsui, E, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of L2WS' 2010 (INTERSPEECH 2010 Satellite Workshop on"Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology" (L2WS'2010) Co-organized by AESOP, SLaTE, NICT & LASS )     5 - 8

     View Summary

    Bridging the Gap between L2 Research and Classroom Practice (2): Evaluation of Automatic Scoring System for L2 Speech. INTERSPEECH 2010 Satellite Workshop on"Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology" (L2WS'2010) Co-organized by AESOP, SLaTE, NICT & LASS

  • Bridging the gap between L2 research and classroom practice (3) - Online assessment and practical teaching.

    Tsutsui, E, Kondo, Y, Nakano, M

    Proceedings of L2WS' 2010 (INTERSPEECH 2010 Satellite Workshop on"Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology" (L2WS'2010) Co-organized by AESOP, SLaTE, NICT & LASS )     9 - 12

  • Internationalization or Globalization in Asia: Issues in English Language Education.

    Nakano, M

    Proceedings of Asian Conference on Education,     1 - 19

  • Issues on Professional Mobility in Asia -- Professional Mobility as a Positive Outcome of Globalization and Internationalization.

    Nakano, M

    Information Communication Technology Practice & Research 2010.     315 - 335

▼display all


Internal Special Research Projects

  • アジア英語基準国際化と第二言語教育


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    IT技術の発達に伴い、自国にいながら世界の若者たちが話し合い、お互いの理解を深めることが可能になっている。しかし、英語が世界の共通語として世界人口の4分の一が英語を使用している現在でも、英語による異文化交流の意義は理解されているものの、多くの大学では教室授業のカリキュラムに入っていないのが現状である。国内外の大学間協調を目指しながら、Information and Communication Technology (ICT)の発展に見合った英語教育の方法の開発と評価に取り組むことは21世紀の課題であり、1997年より実践を開始した早稲田大学、NIME、北海道大学、秋田大学での先駆的な実践例を検証し、モデル化すべき時期に来ている:Nakano(2003)、Nakano(2006) 西堀(2005)佐々木(2006)。 英語を日常で使用していないEFLの日本人大学生に英語学習の本来の目的を理解させ、アジアを含む世界の若者たちとの交流をはかり、「自国の社会や文化を英語で説明できる」「相手国の社会や文化を生の声を通して知る」「英語で専門分野を討論できる」など、ICT活用は大学での英語教育の理想を実現できるものであろう。ICTを利用した21世紀型の教育理念を模索しながら、アジアでの研究・教育活動をより密接なものにすることも可能である。 この特定課題では、初期英語能力測定が研究課題であった。英語チュートリアルの初級コースを題材に、オンラインで口語英語発話を収集できる能力成果測定テストを開発した。17ユニットで各unitに8問の課題を設定した。合計136問のDiscourse Completion Taskを作成し、早稲田の学生100名程度と台湾の学生70名程度が参加した。オンラインテストは日本人向けのものと中国人向けのものを用意した。今年の3月には、準中級と中級のDCT課題を作成した。オンラインで受験する学生の学習効果を高めるために、フィードバックが得られるように工夫した。音声認識システムは連携研究者の近藤が担当し、2007年に完成した音読データを音声認識するものに改良を加え、中国人と日本人の話す英語を認識させることに成功した。これは英語母語話者の音声認識技術が発達しているものの、英語を外国語として使用している日本人や中国人の英語の認識技術は未発達であり、画期的なことであると、大学英語教育学会などから、評価を受けている。

  • ICTの高度活用によるアジア学生親密圏の創出とアジア圏英語総合評価システムの構築

    2007   匂坂 芳典, 原田 康也, 原田 哲男, 近藤 悠介, 村尾 玲美

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    平成18年度は、アジア地域に共通する環境問題などの現代的な課題、『アジアの共生』を「国際教養」の中心課題とし、オンデマンド教材としてまとめ、アジア15大学との本格的な教育実践を行った。参加大学の教員と指導法の統一を測るため、Teachers' Manualを作成した。また、学生の基礎知識として必要な『教材集』をまとめ、共通教科書作成の可能性を探った。儒教文化の影響がアジア各地の文化的な基盤として機能しているかを学生に体験させ、文化的な共通基盤が、国際理解の促進になるのかを考察した。7月末に韓国、2月中旬にシンガポールで学生のための海外での交流会を開催した。これらのセミナーは早稲田大学DCCからの資金援助を受けた。講座としてWorld Englishes and Miscommunication I/ II、Coexistence in Asia、グローバルリテラシー演習及び異文化交流講座をオープン教育センターに設置した。また、教育学部での英米文学語学演習I/IIPの授業では交流材料を学生に作成させた。オンデマンド教材で学生を教育しながら、学生の反応を観察し、教育内容の充実を図った。アジア英語(日本英語、韓国英語、中国英語、タイ英語、台湾英語、フィリッピン英語、インド英語、マレー英語、シンガポール英語)についてSegmental Acoustic Analysisを行い、音声分析を行った。教師の主観的評価と客観的評価の相関をもとめ、アジア英語についての実験をIntelligibility, Interpretability, Comprehensibilityの観点からまとめ、研究の成果は、大学教育英語学会全国大会、The 12th Annual Conference of the International Association for World Englishes、日本テスト学会、Asia TEFLなどで発表した。

  • インターネットを介しての異文化交流とオンデマンド教材を用いた遠隔教育の拡大

    2005   矢野 安剛, 松坂 ヒロシ, 小林 富久子, 村田 久美子, 近藤 悠介

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    平成17年度は、講座としてWorld Englishes and Miscommunication、Coexistence in Asia、グローバルリテラシー演習及び異文化交流講座をオープン教育センター設置科目としておき,教育効果を検証するデータとして利用した.また、教育学部での英米文学語学演習I/IIPの授業では韓国との交流材料を学生に作成させ、オンデマンド教材で学生を教育しながら,学生の反応を観察し,教育内容の充実をはかった.アジア英語について音声分析をまとめた.以上の研究について,7月にシンガポール国立大学での国際シンポジウムGlobal Education Conventionで3本,環太平洋応用言語学会で,研究代表者,分担者と研究協力者とともに22本発表した.エヂンバラ大学で学部学生の異文化交流の成果も公開した.上記の科目では遠隔ヴィデオ会議を用いて異文化交流を実施し,Cross-Cultural Distance Learning(CCDL)講座の開発と改善につとめ、Web-Radio Stationを準備した。アジア英語について分析し,11月にタイの国際学会Symposium on Natural Language Processingで研究代表者と分担者が3本の学会発表を行った。また,11月には研究代表者が台湾の学会で3箇所で,国際教養と異文化理解に関する招待講演を行った.12月に中国の複旦大学でCoexistence in Asiaの国際シンポジウムを開催し,中国,日本,韓国,タイ,シンガポールからの参加者があった.2月にシンガポールのRELCで,International Student Seminarを開催し,中国,日本,韓国,タイ,フィリッピン,マレーシアからの参加者があった.3月には,活動をまとめたCD-ROMを作成した。平成18年度は、アジア地域に共通する環境問題などの現代的な課題、『アジアの共生』を「国際教養」の中心課題とし、オンデマンド教材としてまとめ、アジア15大学との本格的な教育実践を行った。参加大学の教員と指導法の統一を測るため、Teachers' Manualを作成した。また、学生の基礎知識として必要な『教材集』をまとめ、共通教科書作成の可能性を探った。儒教文化の影響がアジア各地の文化的な基盤として機能しているかを学生に体験させ、文化的な共通基盤が、国際理解の促進になるのかを考察した。7月末に韓国、2月中旬にシンガポールで学生のための海外での交流会を開催した。これらのセミナーは早稲田大学DCCからの資金援助を受けた。講座としてWorld Englishes and Miscommunication I/ II、Coexistence in Asia、グローバルリテラシー演習及び異文化交流講座をオープン教育センターに設置した。また、教育学部での英米文学語学演習I/IIPの授業では交流材料を学生に作成させた。オンデマンド教材で学生を教育しながら、学生の反応を観察し、教育内容の充実を図った。アジア英語(日本英語、韓国英語、中国英語、タイ英語、台湾英語、フィリッピン英語、インド英語、マレー英語、シンガポール英語)についてSegmental Acoustic Analysisを行い、音声分析を行った。教師の主観的評価と客観的評価の相関をもとめ、アジア英語についての実験をIntelligibility, Interpretability, Comprehensibilityの観点からまとめ、研究の成果は、大学教育英語学会全国大会、The 12th Annual Conference of the International Association for World Englishes、日本テスト学会、Asia TEFLなどで発表した。

  • 国際教養育成の議論力及び交渉力育成の為のオンデマンド遠隔型語学国際交流の展開

    2004   砂岡 和子, 矢野 安剛, 松坂 ヒロシ, 東後 勝明, 小林 富久子, 村田 久美子, 山崎 妙, 平埜 雅久, 勝方 恵子, 筒井 英一郎, 近藤 悠介

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    平成15年度は、遠隔授業の海外協力校のIT環境、アンケート調査と聞き取り調査項目を設定し、アンケート調査と聞きとり調査を行なった。アンケートの項目分類は、(1)利用可能なコンピュータの台数と仕様、OS、(2)コンピュータネットワークのセキュリティー・ポリシーと転送速度、(3)ヴィデオ会議システムの有無、(4)ヴィデオ会議システムの仕様、(5)チャットソフトウェアの仕様、(6)TAとTAの資格、IT知識、(7)担当教員の専門、(8)担当教員のIT知識、(9)第2言語学習者同士の交流への意識、(10)言語コミュニケーション能力に対する意識、(11)時代に対応したカリキュラム改革への意識調査、(12)オンデマンド型教育への意識、(13)国際教養科目の意識調査、(14)日本人学生との交流に対する意識調査、(15)日本文化・社会に対する知識と意識などである。遠隔授業の協力校の大学院生や教職員の報告書をまとめて、Research Reports on Cross-Cultural Distance LearningのCD-ROMを、2003年5月に発行した。大学院生を二人一組にし、Chinese English, Korean English, Japanese English, Filipino English, Singaporean English, Hawaiian English, Malay English, Hong Kong Englishなどの、World Englishesのオンデマンド教材の資料を作成させ、遠隔教育が担当できる教員の養成にも力を入れた。平成16年度は国際教養として知っておくべき事象を1年生から3年生対象のオンデマンド教材として作成し、実験講座を開設した。協力校の実態調査如何で、CD-ROM教材も平行して作成した。2001年度に作成したCan-do Listに基づくプレイスメントテストを再度検討し、受講生の英語力により、初級、中級、上級の区別をつけようとした。中国語は当面初級コースのみとした。歴史的背景と国民性、伝統文化と大衆文化、経済や政治の仕組み、法律の違い、食の安全、ビジネス文化の違い、地球温暖化、人権、ASEANの活動、SEAMEOの活動、アジアにEUと同様の組織が必要かなどの話題を準備し、出来上がったものは「アジアの英語たちと言語政策」と『アジアの共生』に関する基礎知識講座であった。研究分担者は英語教育の専門家であるので、国際教養の内容については教養科目の枠内にとどめ、専門科目担当者の協力を仰いだ。しかし、アカデミズム偏重をさけ、わが国の大学教育に相応しい常識の育成に努め、特殊なイデオロギーや偏った宗教的な信念、学問的ではあるが対立意見を考慮していないバランスのない意見に対して、基本的な人権を尊重するという常識を人間性豊かな観点から反論できるよう指導した。学問を学問として教えるのではなく、対人関係のなかで人間性豊かな論理展開ができるような指導法をとった。韓国については高麗大学、中国については首都師範大学、フィリッピンについてはデラサール大学とフィリッピン国立大学、シンガポールについては、RELCとシンガポール国立大学、台湾については台湾師範大学、淡江大学,マレーシアについてはマラヤ大学、香港については香港バプテスト大学と共同で作成した。理解度確認テストを作成し、授業外でBBSによる討論も準備した。上級者には遠隔講義を開講するが、担当教員が準備コースを演習形式で英語による授業を設けることも大切である。

  • 遠隔教育・双方向異文化語学演習と海外共同ゼミの可能性-教材蓄積と教育評価システム


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    英語教育を増強し、国際人として通用する英語を身につけさせることが最近の英語教育の目標として掲げられている。しかし、大学の教養英語に於いて本格的な異文化理解を外国との実際の更新を通して、いわゆる遠隔授業の一環として実施しているところは少ないという現状を踏まえ、本研究では、以下に挙げる海外の大学・教育機関との実践を通じて遠隔教育の可能性と問題点を考察した。2000年度前期1. エディンバラ大学、理論及び応用言語学科との遠隔講義の開始(Alan Davies教授)Current Issues in Applied Linguistics2. エセックス大学、政治学科との遠隔講義の開始(Ian Neary教授)Human Rights and Japanese Values3. 高麗大学校、人文大学英語科を中心とした韓国の言語学者との遠隔総合講義の開始4. 国立江原大学との米文学遠隔演習の開始5. 国立江原大学との異文化双方向語学演習の強化6. 高麗大学との異文化双方向語学演習の強化7. デラサール大学との異文化双方向語学演習の強化8. 高麗大学大学院と早稲田大学教育学研究科との遠隔共同ゼミの強化9. エセックス大学との異文化双方向語学演習の強化10. マラヤ大学との異文化双方向語学演習の強化2000年度後期1. エディンバラ大学、理論及び応用言語学科との遠隔講義 Dr. Hugh Trappes-Lomax2. ハワイ大学、早稲田大学、高麗大学との多地点制御遠隔講義開始3. シンガポール国立大学との交流開始、スタンフォード大学、メルボルン大学、早稲田大学との多地点制御遠隔講義開始4. ハワイ大学、東南アジア言語文化学科との異文化双方向語学演習の開始5. シンガポール国立大学言語学科日本語科との異文化双方向語学演習の開始6. RELC(Regional Language Centre)との遠隔講義開始2001年度1. ブルネイ大学との双方向異文化語学演習の開始2.中国の首都師範大学との双方向異文化語学演習の開始3.台湾の台湾師範大学との双方向異文化語学演習の開始4.デラサール大学(フィリピン)とマラヤ大学(マレーシア)にてデータ解析のワークショップの開催5. シンガポールのRELCとの双方向異文化語学演習の開始6. RELCにてデータ解析のワークショップの開催7.シンガポール国立大学との双方向異文化語学演習の開始8.タマサート大学との双方向異文化語学演習の開始9.チュラロンコン大学との双方向異文化語学演習の開始10.ハワイ大学ヒロ校との双方向語学演習の開始11.2000年度に交流したエセックス大学、エディンバラ大学、デラサール大学、高麗大学、国立江原大学、ハワイ大学マノア校、マラヤ大学との交流の継続

  • 日本語と英語の意味と解釈における状況依存性の対照研究

    1996   水野 満, 原田 康也, 吉田 恵以子

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     照応表現や指標表現(英語の人称代名詞や日本語の「こ、そ、あ、ど」の指示対照の同定や「の」でつながれた名詞や名詞句、名詞相当表現の間の関係など、自然言語による発話の解釈に文脈や言語外の状況といった情報を必要とすることは広く認識されている。しかし、人間や計算機による自然言語処理のモデルにおいて、言語的情報と言語外的情報を統一的に処理する認知的なメカニズムがどのようなものであるかは十分に解明されていない。本研究の目的はこのような人間の持つ認知メカニズムと言語理解の関係を明らかにし、言語学や認知科学の発展に寄与するとともに、将来計算機上で実現されるべき自然言語処理システムの理論的な基礎を築くことであった。 自然言語のための文法の理論化と分析に際して、理論の限界をさぐるために、ある程度人工的な例文を構成し、その文法性を判断するという作業も避けられないことではあった。しかし、従来あまり分析されたことのない項目について、やみくもに英語の分析結果を日本語に当てはめていた従来の研究方法は根本的に批判される必要もあった。そのために、多くの実例の中から、重要な例文を持ち出して理論を批判するとともに、計量的な分析に基づいてその基本的な性質を明らかにする作業も必要であった。本研究では、こうした点を考慮にいれ、電子的な手段で入手可能な言語データを比較考証の資料としつつ、文法理論上の考察を進めるという、バランスのとれた研究方法を採用した。 研究期間中に学会発表した論文5本と学内外で執筆した論文12本を、状況と意味の第二巻、「状況と推論」として刊行を予定している。

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