Updated on 2025/03/13


Faculty of Human Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
Doctor of Engineering ( Keio University )
Doctor of Engineering ( Keio University )

Research Experience

  • 2004

    School/Graduate School of Human Sciences, Waseda University

  • 1994

    R&D Department, National Institute of Multimedia

  • 1979

    Educational Technology Center, Faculty of Education,




    Kobe University

Education Background


    Keio University   Graduate School, Division of Engineering   Electrical Engineering  


    Keio University   Faculty of Engineering   Electrical Engineering  

Professional Memberships

















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Research Areas

  • Educational technology

Research Interests

  • Educational data Analysis,Computerized Testing,Distance Learning


  • 日本教育工学会論文賞


  • 日本教育工学会論文賞


  • 日本行動計量学会学会賞




  • Developing a stepping motor remote laboratory for continuing engineering education

    Tatsuya Kikuchi, Takashi Kenjo, Shuichi Fukuda, Keizou Nagaoka

    9th WCCEE (World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education. May 15-20, 2004),Keio Plaza Inter-Continental, Tokyo, Japan  

  • Cross-Cultural Learning Experiments through the Utilization of the Transpacific IP Network

    Nozomu Nishinaga, Yuri Nishihori, Keizo Nagaoka, Kenji Tanaka, Shigeto Okabe, Yuichi Yamamoto, Yoshihiro Ichioka, Larry Leifer, Dale Harris

    Proceedings of PTC2004(Pacific Telecommunication Council 2004), Hawaii, U.S.A.  


  • Enabling a Cross-Cultural Collaborative Community - Networking Technologies to Form Meaningful Environments for Higher Education

    N. Nishinaga, Y. Nishihori, K. Nagaoka, D. Harris, S. Okabe, Y. Yamamoto, K. Tanaka

    ITHET2004 (Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, May 30 - June 2, Istanbul, Turkey), CD-ROM Proceedings, No.176. pdf  

  • A Response Analyzer System Utilizing Mobile Phones

    Keizo Nagaoka

    Proceedings of The Fourth IASTED International Conference on WEB-BASED EDUCATION ~WBE 2005~,No.461-38, Grindelwald, Switzerland February  

  • 携帯電話利用によるレスポンス・アナライザ・システム



  • Enabling Cross-Cultural Learning Communities ? Collaborative Netwaorking Technologies and their Pedagogical Implications -

    Yuri Nishihori, Nozomu Nishinaga, Keizo Nagaoka, Kenji Tanaka, Shigeto Okabe, Yuichi Yamamoto


  • Real-Time Information Analysis in a University Classroom with a Response Analyzer System Utilizing Mobile Phones

    Keizo Nagaoka

    Proceedings of JWSJG2005(The 2nd Joint Workshop of Cognition and Learning through Media-Communication for Advanced e-Learning), Research session 1B, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan,73-78.  

  • Design and Implementation of a SCORM 2004 Execution Engine, Proceedings of JWSJG2005(The 2nd Joint Workshop of Cognition and Learning through Media-Communication for Advanced e-Learning),

    Kiyoshi Nakabayashi, Akihito Nakamura, Youichi Kosaka, Keizo Nagaoka

      Sophia University, Tokyo, Jap

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Research Projects

  • Development of CAT associated with can-do statements in cooperation between teachers / schools

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KIMURA Tetsuo, SHOJIMA Kojiro, NAGAOKA Keizo

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    This study demonstrated that small-scale in-house computer adaptive test (CAT: a form of computer-based test that adapts to the examinee's ability level) can be developed in cooperation between teachers / schools. This study also tried to associate test results with can-do statements. Besides, this study developed CAT programs that run on a learning management system (LMS: a software application for the management of learning on computer) and opened them to public.

  • Teaching Strategy Research of Distance Education among Three-sites using Eye-contactable Type Video Conferencing System

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YATAGAI Masanori, NAGAOKA Keizo, SAKAI Sigekazu, YASUDA Takami

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    In order to monitor and camera is away, the eye of both communicating parties cannot agree, the present eye-contactable type video conferencing systems an unnatural environment. Previous studies, we have developed an eye-contactable type video conferencing system that solves this unnaturalness, we've been exploring the application to education. In this research, the two sites result of research was extended to the learning environment among three sites (multi-site). Among the multi-site, due to the relative positional relationship of each site, recognition of the other party is more important. Therefore, the eye-contactable was found to be a major factor to improve the learning effect.

  • Development of Practical Method for International Synchronous-Symmetry Distance Education of which Purpose is the Summative Knowledge Construction

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The partner institutes of the international experiments of this research are Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China ; Edith Cowan University, Australia ; Ewha Womans University, Korea and Thammasat University, Thailand. A system for summative knowledge construction(concept mapping software system) has been developed by the project team as a tool through the experiment. The result of experiment revealed that there is no difference between cross-cultural use and only Japanese use, then the developed system is effective even in a cross-cultural situation.

  • Teaching Strategies of Distance Learning through Eye-Contact Type Video Conferencing Systems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YATAGAI Masanori, NAGAOKA Keizo, SAKAI Sigekazu, YASUDA Takami

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    In interactive distance education, there is no precedent for research in various didactics on the eye contact. In this research, various didactics in interactive distance education was executed by using eye-contact type large screen TV conferencing system, and practicing educational effect was measured. Moreover, by comparison analysis of three factors of this eye-contact type, present non-eye-contact type video conferencing systems and face-to-face learning, the difference of each learning effect in the difference between various didactics and learning environment is clarified and teaching strategies under each learning environment was shown.

  • Intelligent LMS with an agent that learns from log data

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UENO Maomi, OKAMOTO Tosio, ANMA Fumihiko, NAGAOKA Keizou, AKAKURA Takako, NAMATAME Yasuko, MORIMOTO Yasuhiko, FUJIWARA Yasuhiro, NAGAMORI Masahito, ANDO Masahiro

  • Experiment for Proof of Synchronous-Symmetry Distance Education among International Multiple Classrooms connecting three or more Universities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The authors have been studying the synchronous-symmetry distance education before this project for thirteen years sponsored by Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research.
    Although IT : Information Technology has been progressed on a large scale in this term, people concerned education, teachers, network engineers, learners and observers, have not stored yet sufficient experiences and extracted know-how. In spite of getting technological means, the culture has actually not been consisted yet. However, the international synchronous-symmetry distance education among four countries and four universities has been seemed successful in the mind of functions and controlablity under the given budget and manpower, so it seems Triple-four Method will be standard.
    Triple-four Method is to divide the square display to four parts corresponding to four sites just fitting without vain display space. We call it Triple-four Method with four countries, four universities and four divided display.
    Three sites(three countries and three universities) and BBS at fourth channel is also considerable, it is overload but for regular university teachers and by the passed experiences, Triple-four Method is easy and in advance for stability.
    On the contents of international synchronous-symmetry distance education, language education and cross-cultural education are most suitable and have been experimented in this by Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research project so far. Hereafter, getting more participants and experiences, it is expected that many contents will be developed to practice in the formal classes which are credit-exchangeable.

  • Development of intellectual LMS that has the advanced data-mining function of the study history in e-Learning

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UENO Maomi, NAGAMORI Masahito, ANDO Masahiro, MIKAMI Yoshiki, NAGAOKA Keizo, AKAKURA Takako

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    This research reports the following : 1) The design of the structure of the learning histories data-base, 2) New data mining method for huge amount of the learning histories data for e-learning, and 3) a development of new LMS with a function of data mining for learning histories data. The details of the functions are as follows :
    1) Online Detection of the learners with irregular learning processes
    2) Online prediction function of future learner's state
    3) Automatic construction of the learner model using the Bayesian belief network
    4) Association Rule analysis of Learning histories data
    5) On-line Gamma distribution analysis of learning time data
    6) Online leaning agent using the data mining
    Actually, we used this system to actual learners. The results show that the system is very effective.

  • Inspectional Experiment for Utility of Credit Exchange by Distance Schooling based on International Broadband Network

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The purpose of this research is to make practical experiments for the feasibility about technological and pedagogical matters for the international credit compatibility between universities of Japan and foreign countries based on the distance instructions using international broadband network and to clarify the knowledge for the conditions of organization and application methodology. The investigators are from Waseda university (Keizo Nagaoka, professor, head investigator), National Institute of Multimedia Education (Toshio Kobayashi, Professor, Hiroshi Kato, Akemi Kawafuchi, Professors. Emi Nishina, Toshihisa Nishimori Jun Nakahara, Research Associates) Hokkaido university (Yuei Nishihori and Shigeto Okabe, professors), NICT(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology), and Stanford university (Larry Leifer, Dale Harris, Professors) and university of Alaska Fairbanks. Through fiscal year 2002-fiscal year 2004,several experiments have been practiced between Hokkaido university and Stanford university, and in November 2003 a demonstration has been practiced at a session of the Meeting of Information Processing Education which was held at Hokkaido university. In that demonstration, professor Dale Harris, a visiting scholar of Hokkaido university at that time, taught his students at a site of Stanford university by real-time remote schooling based on the international broadband network. In the demonstration time, distance class for cross-cultural communication was executed between a class of Professor Yuri Nishihori's English studying class at Hokkaido university and a class of Instructor Lipton Okano's Japanese studying class. In January 2005,a synchronous and symmetric distance class between Hokkaido university and university of Alaska Fairbanks has been practiced of which subject matters were "Distance between two persons" and "What is in your pocket now?" which were related on cultures of each countries. Awareness of participation for international distance class of students were confirmed in experiment. It was seemed an effectiveness of high quality presence based on the broadband network.

  • The Internet lesson system which has Web based computer testing mechanism

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UENO Maomi, NAGAMORI Masahito, AKAKURA Takako, NAGAOKA Keizou

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    We developed a LMS with a web based computer testing mechanism.
    The features of the LMS are as follows :
    (1)Supporting test construction function based on test theory
    (2)Mounting of an item database based on test theory
    (3)The adapted type test function not only using item response theory but a new test theory
    (4)The detailed data analysis system using time required data, the change data of a reply, etc
    (5)Data-raining system for learning historical data is developed
    Contents distribution was performed as an e learning lesson using this LMS.
    400 or more attendance students per year have been studying.
    I.II.was performed in theoretical research.
    I.Development of a new test theory
    II.Research and development of the data-mining technique

  • Development and evaluation of learning environment for supporting emergent division of labor for remote higher education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KATO Hiroshi, INAGAKI Shigenori, SUZUKI Hideyuki, FUNAOI Hideo, KUZUOKA Hideaki, MIYAMOTO Tomohiro

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    This research treats of an aspect of human activities which is referred to as emergent division of labor (EDL), that people interactively and contingently organize, maintain, reorganize division of labor. We argue that such a field of EDL can be a rich repertory of learning opportunities. The goal of the research is to analyze actual process of EDL so that necessary conditions to support EDL become clear, to establish methodology of learning environment design based on the EDL point of view by means of development of CSCL system for supporting smooth EDL.
    In specific, we worked on the following researches,
    ・ Ethnomethodological analysis of the practice of EDL in collaborative learning scenes in face-to-face situation
    ・ Theoretical research on requirements to accomplish EDL and the ways to support EDL
    ・ Development and evaluation of a synchronous CSCL system for supporting smooth EDL
    ・ Development of video observation and analysis tool for learning through discussion on video data
    ・ Research on facilitating discussion on BBS in remote collaborative learning of higher education
    ・ Empirical study on remote collaborative learning over the Internet for continuing and vocational education
    As the result, we proposed design principles of CSCL revealed by analysis of EDL process, developed a synchronous CSCL system KneadingBoard and a video observation and analysis tool CIAO, which is provided as a freeware on the Internet.

  • The Development of "Role-Playing Game for Healthy Life through Computed Virtual Reality in Dialogical Pattern" for Experiential Self Health

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KIKUTA Fumio, KATO Hiroshi, NAGAOKA Keizo, FUKAYA Keiko, TAKIZAWA Toshiyuki

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    The method of computer assisted health education is developing rapidly after 1970s. Nevertheless varieties of tool, a few model assisting decision making process exists. The purpose of this study is to systematically analyze the contents of "role-playing game for healthy life through computed virtual reality in dialogical pattern" and to make the prototype of a game. The game is respected to provide experiential self learning for health education oriented to decision making. With brain storming and KJ method (originated by Jiro KAWAKITA), the data concerned factor disturbing health behavior were abstracted by college students. For the consideration to realize the scenario of game story simulating behavior of the agent, the game contents map was constructed applied to the group ware "ANDO-KUN".
    In development of a game, the support system of i-mode Java platform (J2ME), Borland Jbuilder7, and add-on software Jbuilder MobileSet were used, and it programmed on the screen of a personal computer in the environment which can be debugged so that it could be used from a cellular phone. Furthermore, in the process of Prototype creation of a game, the opportunity to take in a student's idea was prepared.

  • Academic and Educational Video Material Database System in Higher Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAWAFUCHI Akemi, TRIPP Steven, KONDO Tomotugu, NAGAOKA Keizo, KIKUKAWA Takeshi

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    We have developed several academic and educational databases in order to promote information sharing and reutilization of various learning materials among instructors in higher education. At the end of this study, we have reached 5 models for development of effective and efficient educational material database.
    1. Media Integration Model
    integrates high definition images, high definition video images, graphics, virtual space, (ex. Abbaye de Saint-Savin)
    2. Material Integration Model
    integrates distributed materials which are accumulated on different servers spatially, (ex. Veterinary Medicine Case Image Database)
    3. Digital Archive Model
    includes historical records, (ex. World War II Image Database)
    4. Intellectual Resource Model
    integrates intellectual resources in different academic fields. (ex.
    5. E-learning Model
    integrates on line courses through different media.

  • Intensive Inner-City Lifelong Education Network under Collaboration between Academic, Government and Business.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAGAOKA Keizo, KOBAYASHI Toshio, YUKI Kiyohiro, SAKAMOTO Takashi, KIKUKAWA Takeshi, OOTUKA Yusaku

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    This research was basically planned to make connections between the university in the Makuhari new urban core area, and a company mutually with a pair of laser beam transcmitter and aims at construction of the city concentration type lifelong learning network for members of society by industrial, administrative and academic sectors cooperation. Using the network, some experimental trials were performed and itsvalidity was confirmed.
    The experiment that interlocked simultaneous bidirectional Distance Education and the web based counseling system was conducted in 2001. It was confirmed that the counseling system made into the ex post facto follow-up purpose of a public IT short course functions effectively.

  • Research on Semantic for cognitive mapping tests

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MTAKEYA Makoto, NAGAOKA Keizo, SASAKI Hitoshi

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    In education field it has been pointed out that it is important to educate ability to solve a problem by using a lot of knowledge and know-how. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate individual student7s structural understanding level. As one of the countermeasures related to above problem, we presented the method for cognitive mapping tests and have reported its practical use and effectiveness. This research presented the results on improvement of our instructional methods as an example of its effective use. Next, we discussed the characteristics of cognitive mapping methods based on cognitive maps with multi-valued edges. We applied Design and Drawing class in our university, and confirmed effectiveness of our methods.

  • Proposal of the vision Virtual University and Feasibility Study for its Constructional Factors

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAGAOKA Keizo, YUKI Kiyohiro, KONDO Kimio, SAKAMOTO Takashi, KOBAYASHI Toshio, SUGIMOTO Yuji

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    The purpose of this research regards a "virtual university" as a key concept of the higher education system of the next generation, and is the vision proposal and to do empirical research and development of its elements. About vision proposal, clarifying considers that the directivity of the higher education system of the next generation that our country should take is now important in National Institute of Multimedia Education as a core research organization. About empirical research and development of many composition elements, the researcher of various research fields, such as information communication engineering, pedagogy, an educational technology, psychology, cognitive science, a human interface, and virtual reality technology, was organized, and systems development was performed on the basis of synthetic approach. In 2001, while system development and presentation officially at an international society etc., experiment trial was performed. Especially the effectiveness of systems about computer test and learning community was confirmed practicality.

  • Joint Research NIME-Stanford Joint Project:"Evaluation for Collaborative Distance Learning(Development of Model and Evaluation Method for Collaborative Distance Learning)"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    In this research, it had several research discussion and deliberations by joint research with U. S. Stan ford University (SLL Stamford Learning research Laboratory). The trial experiment of the International Distance Collaborative Learning, which connects between Stan ford University and National Institute of Multimedia Education, was planned and performed. Although Distance Collaborative Learning is tried in the educational field, is the new educational method that never has much accumulation of experience. This research aims at the construction of the model for measuring and evaluating the effect scientifically, and development of the evaluation method. And the examination and construction from both sides of an information study position and a cognitive psychology position are aimed at for the model of Distance Collaborative Learning as communication science. From National Institute of Multimedia Education, this international high-speed network can have the course which connects with the line by the laser beam translmitter to the Makuhari gigabit research center, connects with the gigabit network JGN in Japan. Through APAN/Transpac further, the connection point of U. S. Chicago, connects the inside of the U. S. by Abilene and CALREN-2, and reaches the Stanford University campus, and can always use the band-width of dozens Mbps (es). The experimented research is as follows, l) Implementation of the Distance Collaborative Learning between international project based Learning, and Distance detailed work instruction 2) Enforcement of the chat & debate system in the cultural communication by web based simultaneous bidirectional communication 3) Investigation analysis of International Distance educational implementation aiming at the effect actual proof of the situated learning in theory-study of ME133 (machine design theory lecture) in the Kyoto Stamford Japan center.

  • Study on Utilization of Advanced Information and Communication Technology in Higher Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKAMOTO Takashi, KONDO Kimio, KIKUKAWA Takeshi, NAGAOKA Keizo, YAMADA Tsuneo, SAGA Hiroo

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    To promote the research and development of new educational methodologies and pedagogies in higher education by utilizing advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and multimedia technology, various proposals have been made by governmental, industrial or academic organizations and sectors. In this study, researchers visited excellent cases in overseas (mainly, North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania) and in our country, collected and analyzed printed materials and interviews, and accumulated the latest data and valuable findings. In addition to the latest situation of ICT uses, such as satellite communication, multimedia and Internet, they reported the development and distribution of digital educational contents, copyright processing of digital contents in European higher education, quality evaluation criteria for educational software in North America and Europe, faculty development on ICT use in the classroom, informatics and information literacy learning for students and various support centers and organizations to facilitate ICT use, media utilization in education for disabled students, excellent cases in ICT use in Japanese higher education, virtual universities in the United States and so on.
    The results are disseminated by a printed report and its homepage. We expect these results will be utilized for the reform in Japanese higher education.

  • Development of Behavioral Index for Measuring "Reality" in Virtual Reality

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MOCHIZUKI Kaname, KANEKO Naohiro, KUBOTA Arata, OHNISHI Hitoshi, FURUTA Izumi, NAGAOKA Keizo

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    The project attained experiments into fields. (1) Behavioral Measurement of "Presence" Given by Highly Realistic Display Systems, and (2) Applied Behavior Analysis for Evaluating the Telecommunication System for Distance Education.
    (1) We developed the method to evaluated "presence" in quantitative way using induced movement and stabiliometer.
    (2) We applied the double-agent method of verbal conditioning to evaluated the effects of transaction delay in TV conference system, and found that this method can reliably measure the unconscious psychological aspects of communication delay in TV conference system.

  • A methodology of communication technology Proof of effect of Distance Education by behavior and cognitive

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAGAOKA Keizo, SUZUKI Ryutaro, OHNISHI Hitoshi, MOCHIZUKI Kaname, NAKAMURA Naoto

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    Objectives of this research are to prove the effectiveness of Distance Education by human beings which is becoming a practical use scientifically and to settle on construction of a methodology of communication technology such as construction of a teachers-students model, making it center that is a human intelligent activity such as a education and learning in the network society which will come in the future.
    (1) Virtual reality, research on a high presence environment education systems : Through the multimedia network, we develop and test education system to do live teaching, learning and research, going over a distance even in a long distance by exchanging images, voices and computer data. In this research, we investigate possibilities of Space Collaboration System which includes actual technique factors which has been impossible in Distance Education until now by exchanging moving information with 3-D images and data-glove, using virtual reality technology, adding images, voices and calculation data which are used on usual TV conference systems.
    (2) A basic plan of multimedia higher education system experiment environment : As a new technique of air program production, there is a virtual studio technique which we remove big tools from a studio and make a hypothetical studio set with special influence image technology. Using a virtual studio, we produce education programs experimentally and analyze a burden on teachers when they use them and investigate a direction technique of a light burden on the teachers and virtual studio using technique.
    (3) Research on multi display systems : We measure influences on wide view and sight effects of multi display systems.

  • Development of Higher Distance Education System Using New Media via High-speed Multimedia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This project was intended to study and develop method and system to utilize a high-speed multimedia network in higher education. This network transmits large-capacity multimedia information at high speeds, enabling real-time transmission of HDTV image.
    Specificitems include as follows :
    (1) System configuration such as quality and speed of video and audio data to be transmitted, support software tools
    (2) Education contents such as education goals, methods, effects, materials
    (3) Educational model such as what type anad sphere of new education can be expanded
    The following experiments were executed on multimedia network. "Interactive TV Program for Distance Education", "Chorus Lesson", "Counseling", "Dance Lesson", "Debate", "Computer Assembly", "Multimedia Testing", "Virtual Studio."
    The result of the study indicates that the basically required information has been delivered sufficiently. It also indicates that there are special conditions according to the curriculum details. Generally, we could acquire almost all of the results according to the initial plan, including verification of whether non-linguistic exercises can be put into practice.
    On the other hand, we often suffered from a connection trouble when maintenance of the network foundation for the study and development environment depends on voice quality. This suggests that the high-speed multimedia network foundation has not yet put into a user-friendlyproduct although it has been achieved technologically.


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NOGAMI Tomoyuki, NAKAJIMA Hideto, OGAWA Masakata, ASADA Tadashi, JYO Hiroshi, KAWABATA Teturo

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    This project had two aims.
    1. To make clear the idea of Life Skills in Scientific and Technological Society of 21st Century
    2. To develop the teaching materials or curriculum for students to develop their Life skills in school.
    The first year we could find the concepts of life Skills as below :
    (1) We must realize our life is highly technolozied, and our society is information technolozied society.
    (2) We must have a competence or skills to manage the technological subjects, to select proper information, to educate by myself, to develop self esteem, and to be decision making by ourselves.
    We developed life skill teaching programs in the Akashi experimental schools attached Faculty of Human Development of Kobe University. We could find we should develop the cross-curriculum or comprehensive activity programs for students to develop their Life Skills.
    Through the experimental approach to develop new materials in elementary schools in Kobe, We can find the project leader must be play the talented life skill manager.

  • Research on the Present Situation and Future Perspective of Higher Education in term of Multimedia Utilization.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KIKUKAWA Takeshi, MOCHIZUKI Kaname, NAKAMURA Tomoyasu, KOBAYASHI Toshio, NAGAOKA Keizo, IKEDA Terumasa

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    The purpose of this study is to conduct an extensive survey within and out of Japan on the possibility of the use of multimedia technologies for higher education and, based on its findings, to prospect a new learning environment in higher education towards the 21st century.
    In 1995 we conducted a fact-finding questionnair survey on the actual use of multimedia technologies in national, public and private universities throughout Japan with focus upon ; (1) practical education using multimedia, (2) condition of multimedia equipments, (3) the current issues surrounding the use of multimedia, and (4) future prospectives.
    We analyzed the result of this survey and further conducted a research by visiting 22 sites carefully selected among the universities in Japan where the use of multimedia technologies is prominent.
    Following this domestic research, in 1996 we conducted an international survey centering on higher educational institutions in North America on the current situation of on-line education and virtual university concept.
    The primary findings of this survey are ; (1) education shifting from teacher-oriented to learner-oriented, (2)learning environment becoming more open and flexible, (3) education becoming more globalized by the computer network.

  • Development of the multimedia teaching masterials production support system to be shared by users in higher education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This study is intended to develop a multimedia teaching materials production support system to be shared by users in higher educational institutions in Japan.
    We investigated the current multimedia technologies to examine consistency with the existence systems, and developed the multimedia teaching materials production support system based on the following 5items :
    (1) Functions that distribute the audio-visual resources used to produce multimedia teaching materials
    (2) Standardization of scenario and script description techniques to describe contents and structures
    (3) Effective and efficient preprocessing such as digitization and compressing of image and sound data
    (4) Preparation of some authoring systems applicable to two or more multimedia platforms
    (5) System integration
    We put this multimedia teaching materials production support system to practical use as a shared system, and used the system to produce the electronic media of various academic and educational visual resources for some special fields. The visual resources include the following ; old photographs, anatomical slides, aerial photographs, scenic pictures, pictorial arts, videos.
    As described above, we have developed the following techniques to produce the academic and educational resources in higher education :
    (1) Production of a multimedia teaching material "St.Savior's wall paintings"
    (2) Study of techniques to digitize the insert video used to produce broadcast class programs in University of the Air
    (3) Development of techniques to digitize picture scrolls

  • Multimedia Testing System of which Purpose aims at Measurement and Evaluation of New Achievement

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAGAOKA Keizo, EBINA Kuniyoshi

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    The purpose of this research is to develop a computerized testing system for measurement and evaluation of new achievement which is called Multimedia Testing System. The system has functions as follows : 1) to be able to measure and evaluate the educational goals more correct than a paper and pencil tests, 2) to be able to measure and evaluate the educational goals which were seemed to be difficult to measure and evaluate with a paper and pencil test, 3) to be able to create new educational goals which will be measured and evaluated by changing of means to multimedia from paper and pencil tests.
    The research results in the fiscal years are as follows : to clarify the relationship between the multimedia testing system and measurement and evaluation of the new achievement concept. Especially, focusing the scoring evaluation in multimedia, a theoretical model was proposed which is based on generalization of IRT (Item Response Theory). Then some concrete multimedia test items has been developed using pictures and videos. They have been executed to university students. The result data were applyed to the above mentioned theoretical model for scoring and evaluation.
    The progress of multimedia testing system has been discussed : including the view of development and diffusion of multimedia technology, a computerized testing system on network has been considered which harmonizing the distance testing using computer network and item bank. The physics education as a concrete applying field has been considered too.

  • Research in Establishment of Integrated Educational Curricula for the Synthetic Science and Technology Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ASAI Hidekiyo, NAGAOKA Keizo, JOH Hitoshi, SUZUKI Hisao, HIRATA Kunio, OHKI Michinori

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    Realization of the existing state of recent progress of science and technology and its rapid diffusion not only in industry but into social and home life does not admit mutual isolation of science and technology to each other.
    Present science and technology (industrial art) education in Japan was analyzed with respect to each field and territory, and investigated synthetically.
    Logical reasons of science to function to technology and to practical applications, industry and life, were induced to following five courses ;
    A. Substances and materials
    B. Energy
    C. Information and its applications (metrology and control)
    D. Life and Environment (biology and biotechnology)
    E. Systematic sense and thought
    Japanese science education seems to be improved to emphasize systematic sense in new syllabi of every fields which were revised three years ago. However, curricula of technology education are still lacking in systematic composition.
    Dr. Asai (head investigator) presented a series of paper to indicate the review of Japanese technology education with a view to reconstructing its curricula in the near future.
    Dr. Joh (co-operator) published the same opinion from the view point of information education.
    At the meeting of The Japan Society of Science Education, the president Dr. Ohki (co-operator) gave a basic lecture of the symposium to propose applied science education. At the same symposium, Dr. Asai spoke about the basis of the technology education in the future.


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAGAOKA Keizo, JOH Hitoshi

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    We have developed a computer test system utilizing hypermedia technology on Macintosh II and investigated some practices. Hypermedia technology is defined here a combination of a hypertext and a multimedia.
    On the system development, it has been tried to utilize a hypermedia to a test construction, a test execution and a test result marking analysis feedback. On utilizing for a test construction, it is useful to apply mainly a hypertext structure, and on utilizing for a test execution, using multimedia is useful. Using graghs, pictures and sounds especially at a situation of a test execution should be noticed, because it is able to make an environment of the educational test quite different from the previous paper test environment.
    A subject matter of Design and Drawing has been adopted as a target of development. As this subject matter is essentially focused to teach a physical substance, it is necessary to deal with non-verbal information and to use a function of graphics or animation for input and output. The abilities which was not able to be measured so far in the paper test era is being possible to be measured with evaluating by computer. That is an answering ability of knowledge representation exempt verbal representation. New informations of time required data and answering record data, which are characteristic in the computer test, has been analyzed and used as information for educational evaluation. The theoretical model and method has been proposed to analyze data. A telecommunicated test construction and execution system has been developed and investigated by practical trials.

  • Research in Construction of a Integrated Curriculum for Science and Technology Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ASAI Hidekiyo, OGAWA Takenori, ONDO Tomonori, SUZUKI Hisao, SAEKI Keiichi, OSHIO Takanori

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    Rapid progress of science and technology in recent half century depends on the development of the interdisciplinary research of science and technology and their linking. The remarkable advance and diffusion of them not only innovate in industrial structure but are involving human daily lives in Wide-spread system of modern science and technology. Science study in schools is apt to be coceptive memory work of laws and theories, and gives little realization to learners. Technological education is used to be nothing but manufacturing handicraft or assembling. These educational programs lead learners to little instructive results. In the general education in schools, science and technology have to be integrated with each other, and fundamental scientific conception, laws and theories, should be translated into technological realization and also into practical phenomena in daily lives.
    Science education is tried to link to technology one through following five courses of application ; 'substances to materials','conservation of energy to its effective application','concept of the information society to hard and soft ware practice', 'life and environment, biology to human life',and 'systematic view of things' concerning whole courses. Curricular items of science education in primary and secondary school courses of study are allocated to some integrated fields of them, and listed. All over the course, items of science curricula form merely conceptional idea of learners concerning with substance, energy, biology, and surrounding natural phenomena, but are short of providing them with practical realization of material, efficiency of work, and hydraulic phenomena, and so on.
    Curricula of industrial arts and home making education in Japanese schools, being constructed by means of conventional phylosophy below the scientific level of present life, they can not share the responsibility for establishment of integrated curricula of science and technology education without reconstruction of themselves.

  • Research on the Curriculum Development of Information Education at Secondary Level and Teacher Education

  • 情報アクセスに関わる教育カリキュラムと技術的課題の体系化

    科学研究費助成事業(電気通信大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

  • マルチメディア・ネットワークシステムの高度化の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(メディア教育開発センター)  科学研究費助成事業(特定領域研究(A))

  • 体験活動を盛り込んだストーリー参加型ブロードバンド対応科学教育学習システムの開発

    科学研究費助成事業(メディア教育開発センター)  科学研究費助成事業(特定領域研究)

  • 授業討論用グループウェアにおけるファジィ論的グループ構成基準の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(広島大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)

  • 複眼評価を特徴とした電子アンケートシステムの開発研究

    科学研究費助成事業(広島大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

  • グループ学力の評価法開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)

  • Development of a foreign language short sentence prompt translation practice system base on a fuzzified determination procedure of the material

  • グローバル・リテラシー大学英語教育のモデル化と自動成果判定システムの開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

  • 裸眼3D視線一致型TV会議システムを利用した遠隔教育の効果と身体的負荷の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(岡崎女子短期大学)  科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)

  • 10年後の大学教育を想定したゼミ活動の方式提案と評価方法の開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

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Social Activities

  • テレビニュース番組「ニュースの森」東京放送 (TBS)

    テレビニュース番組「ニュースの森」東京放送 (TBS) 

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Overseas Activities

  • アジアにおける非欧米型eラーニングシステムの構築理念と運用に関する調査研究


    マレーシア   マラヤ大学

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 統合ゼミ活動支援システムの開発およびその有効性の実証


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     本研究の目的は,大学教育において中心的活動たるべきゼミ活動を効果的・効率的にすることを支援するSMS(Seminar Management System:統合ゼミ活動支援システム)の開発であり,その有効性の実証である.昨年度に引き続き,本年度は基本的設計理念に基づき,改めて大学におけるゼミの実態調査を実施し,ゼミ形態の分類および形態に基づくゼミの共同体意識形成要因を明確化した.また「地理的に分散した異なる学術文化をもつ複数のゼミによる遠隔協調学習形態」である”バーチャルゼミ”への機能拡張を試みた.これはより広く高い視野を養うことが将来的に実社会において有用と考えたものである.

  • ゼミ活動支援システムの構築と実践的方法論の開発


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  • 10年後の大学教育を想定したゼミ活動の方式提案と評価方法の開発


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     本研究ではゼミ活動こそを近未来の大学教育の中心に置くべきものと考えている.そのことを念頭に,大学教育におけるゼミ活動の方式について,授業支援の基盤LMSに相当するSMS(Seminar Management System:統合ゼミ活動支援システム)の構想を提唱した.現在,継続的にSMSの開発を行っており,その効果検証のための評価活動主体の実施を行っている.  SMSの基本設計方針は,1)ゼミを大学内大学と捉え,ゼミ固有の理念を立てること.2)初任教員でもゼミ理念の達成のためのゼミ活動を効果的・効率的実行を支援できること,3)学生の能力育成にあたっては,相互評価に基づく切磋琢磨による自己増殖的資質の涵養をできる仕組みであること.

  • モバイル端末を思考トリガー装置とする論理的思考能力の育成方式開発とその効果実証


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     本特定課題研究の目的は,複数学習者が協調して解決を目指す論理思考問題(思考パズル)をモバイルラーニングによって提供し,「創造的思考力」の評価法を開発することにある.モバイルラーニングはいつでもどこでもの「すきま学習」に特徴があるが,出力画面の情報量が限定され,多数文字の教材を勉強するのは辛い.出題が簡潔で,知的思考が大いに要求される論理思考問題(思考パズル)が適している.通信機能があることから,協調解決・創発的グループワークを重視し,その問題解決過程における回答正誤・思考時間・コミュニケーション量・議論内容から,「創造的思考力」の評価法開発を目的とした. 教育の場では論理思考問題(思考パズル)の類は,これまで本来の学習の促進のため或いは純粋に遊びとしてとらえられて来た.しかし近年,学術的な扱いの傾向もでてきた.欧米諸国では以前よりLogical Puzzle,Lateral Thinkingなど論理思考問題は学校教育などで用いられて来た.日本でも学会としては,日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会や情報処理学会ゲーム情報学研究会などの存在がある.日本教育工学会にでは2010年9月に開催された第26回全国大会の課題研究「ゲーム・シミュレーションを利用した教育・学習支援」セッションが設けられたように,教育工学系領域におけるゲームの教育利用に関する研究は,2000年代半ば以降の研究論文数の増加に現れている.  一方,モバイルラーニングは日本でも各企業がビジネスベースでLMSシステム,教材コンテンツ開発を競っている.学術の場でも国際会議Mobile Learningが毎年開催されている.日本でも既に大学や企業でeラーニングは実用されてきているが,タブレット端末のスマートフォン急激な普及によって,いっそう「いつでもどこでも」の特徴が先鋭化し,「すきま学習」の学習形態が必要となってくる. 申請者はこれまで大学院授業において論理思考問題を扱っている.教材内容として次のように整理できる.[論理問題,哲理問題,数理問題,物理問題,心理問題,倫理問題,推理問題,発想問題,フェルミ推定].取り上げた教材の事例として2題を例として以下に示す.【哲理問題】 財布の交換:「2人の人間が持っている財布の中身を比べ,金額が少なかった方が多かった方の財布の中身をもらう.両者の中身の平均に対し,もらえる場合は平均より多く,失う場合は平均より少ないので,どちらの人間にとってもこのゲームは有利である.これは本当か?説明してください」→哲理分野でも論じられている問題で,皆が一致する正解はほとんどない.他人に説明し納得させる回答過程の協調的な構成が議論の主題である. 【数理問題】 スプーン一杯液体の入れ替え:「AとB,二つのビーカーがあり,Aに赤インク,Bにミルクが各1リットル入っている.1ccのスプーンで,Aから赤インクをBへ移す.よく混ぜた後,BからスプーンでAへ戻す.結果,ビーカーAとビーカーBのどちらが純度が高い液体となるか?」→厳密に数式計算すれば正解に至るが,閃きがあれば簡明に解決できる.それによる解答を他人に認めさせる解説に工夫を要するため,議論が沸騰した. 研究成果としては,以上の題材についてのオンラインテキストディスカッションを分析した報告およびそれらを授業中に実時間でデータ分析するアプリの援用について検討した報告である.

  • 視線一致型TV会議システムを利用した大学間遠隔交流学習の学習環境の計量的評価


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     本課題研究の目的は,視線一致型TV会議システムを利用した大学間遠隔交流学習のための学習環境デザインおよび実行時の効果について計量的評価を行う方法の開発することにある.ここにいう学習環境デザインとは,TV会議システムに関する一連の映像・音声などの個々の機材の構成と配置,並びに椅子や机と参加者の着席位置などのレイアウトなどを最適化する方式設計であり,それを実験試行することにより下記の各項について,計量的評価の方法を開発するものである. また今回は3D機能ソフトの導入により,一段と機能を向上させている.これに関し3D機能と2D機能の比較研究も行った.ここで利用する視線一致型TV会議システムは,遠隔両サイトの参加者どうしの視線が一致することで臨場感やゲイズアウェアネス(相手の視線を認識できること)の効果が高く,その特性が活かされるかどうかが重要である. 本研究ではアンケートを集計した後,因子分析は主因子法,ブロマックス回転解の方法で行った.その結果,「疲労・違和感」,「積極性」,「視線・表情認知」,「意義・理解感」,「立体感」,「不満感」の6つの因子が得られた.因子得点の結果によれば,「3D視線一致」は「2D視線一致」に対して「積極性」,「視線・表情認知」,「立体感」,「不満感」の4項目でポジティブな結果を示していた.特に「立体感」の項目数値が高く,これは3Dシステム導入による臨場感・親近感向上を示していると示唆される.これによって「視線・表情認知」,「積極性」の向上を促し,結果として被験者が3Dシステムに満足しているのだと考えられる.「疲労・違和感」・「意義・理解感」に関しては疲労からくる集中力欠如などが原因として挙げられる. 本研究の他の成果は次のようにまとめられる. ・3D視線一致型は,動作伝達やその理解に有効であるが,「疲労・違和感」が高く,常用に値する優れた遠隔学習環境とは言いがたい. ・ 2D視線一致型は,立体的な動作を認知できる環境に劣るが,「意欲・理解感」の向上に優れ,本研究環境の中では,最も適した遠隔学習環境であった.未来の教育環境を具現化する試みである.・ 従来型は,他の環境に比べ学習環境として劣り,特に動作伝達を行える環境ではなかった. 本研究はある意味,立体映像による双方向通信を実現し,将来的教育環境を具現化する試みである.一方で高機能ゆえに高い「疲労・違和感」や「3D酔い」(動揺病)などが懸念される.特に「3D酔い」に関しては「3次元映像に関するガイドライン試案」(機械システム振興協会)や「3DC安全ガイドライン」(3Dコンソーシアム)などで,適切な提案がなされているが,いずれも,市販されている眼鏡型3D映像を中心としたもので,本研究で採用した裸眼3D(レンチキュラfー型)については未解明な部分が多い. 大学間遠隔交流学習のような双方向遠隔コミュニケーションでは,画面に注視する場合と,画面外の情報(例えば手元のメモなど)へ目を向けることもある.また,発言や発表時などは,能動的に映像空間に働きかけ,時に極度の緊張を伴う場合もある.こうした行動が「3D酔い」を発症するのか,または新たな症状などをどう発症するのかは,未解明であり,このような潜在的な負の側面は開発者が同時に研究する必要があると考える.

  • 論理思考問題によるモバイルラーニング:すきま学習による創造的思考力の評価法の開発


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     ここでは「すきま学習」を,「学習意図のない日常活動中に生ずる比較的短い時間的すきまを利用して行う学習」と規定した.従来より書籍等によってもすきま学習は可能であったが,情報通信基盤の整備・普及により,スマートフォンやタブレット型端末などのモバイルラーニング可能な携帯機器が,ほぼ場所によらず常時ネットワーク接続できるようになったため,伝統的な「机に向かい椅子に座って行う学習」以外の場面でのすきま学習が大幅に拡大しつつある.  本特定課題Bでは,今後への研究継続を目指し,国内・国外の研究者と研究討議・専門知識提供により研究方針のシステム開発の方向性を策定した.同一教材による学習実験を行い,従来型学習とすきま学習の学習効果・効率の比較を行った.また,すきま学習の成立条件,すきま学習場面の可能性探索などを行った. 大学生および高校生を対象にアンケート調査を行い,98%がすきま学習を経験しているが,その場所は通学等の電車内が92%と最も多く,使用媒体の内訳は書籍94%,スマートフォン78%であった.すきま学習の成立条件についての回答を総合すると,場面としては「動く必要が無く特に他にするべきことが無いこと」,媒体としてはスマートフォンが紙・本より高位となった.また状況として,周囲の状況から浮いてしまわないことがあげられ,参考書やレジュメで学習しては浮いてしまう状況においてもスマートフォンによるすきま学習可能性が示唆された. 次に実験協力者を,今まで暗記ものに関して「紙に書いて憶える」(通常学習派)か「時間のすきまを見て憶える」(すきま学習派)かの両派に分けた.試験教材は高橋書店『漢字検定準1級 頻出度順問題集』を用いた.両派について,すきま学習と通常学習の両方により学習を行い,さらにAパターン「すきま学習→通常学習→すきま学習」とBパターン「通常学習→すきま学習→通常学習」の2群に分けて,計4グループとした.結果,すきま学習派Aパターンにおいて,点数が上がり習熟が見られたこと,また通常学習派Aパターンでも点数が伸びた.共通して,すきま学習は1問にかかる時間が短く,それだけ復習時間が取れたという声があった.通常学習派Bパターンからは,すきま学習のデメリットとしては人の目を気にし,周囲から浮くことを懸念するという声があった. 以上より,すきま学習はきわめて有望な学習手段となりうる感触を得た.なお,今回は得点評価のしやすい暗記的題材を用いたが,これを論理思考問題の題材へ適用して行くことが今後の課題である.

  • 国際間 同時双方向 遠隔授業「異文化コミュニケーション」の正規授業時間帯での実証実験


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    本研究の目的は,国際ブロードバンド回線による同時双方向遠隔授業での国際間単位互換の実効性に関する技術的,教育的要件について実証的な実験を行い,成立するための条件と適正な運用方式に関する知見を得ることにある.研究組織は,早稲田大学,メディア教育開発センター,東京都立科学技術大学,北海道大学,米国スタンフォード大学およびアラスカ州立大学フェアバンクス校の各所属の研究者よりなり,調査研究および実験実施研究を並行して行った.これまで平成14年度から平成16年度にかけ,北海道大学とスタンフォード大学の間で数回の実験を重ねてきた.また平成15年11月には,情報処理教育研究集会の特別セッション「eラーニング」の中で遠隔教育デモンストレーションを実施した.デモンストレーションでは、北海道大学のDale Harris教授(情報基盤センター客員教授)によるスタンフォード大学の大学院生との遠隔ゼミを実施した。また,それに先立ち、北海道大学の英語クラスとスタンフォード大学の日本語クラス(Lipton Okano講師)との異文化コミュニケーション授業を行った.平成15年12月18日には本研究課題に関する<日米「遠隔教育」国際シンポジウム>「外国語教育における遠隔教育-ブロードバンド時代の教授法変革を求めて-」を北海道大学で開催した.平成17年1月18日には新たに北海道大学とアラスカ州立大学フェアバンクス校の間で,同時双方向遠隔授業により実現できる映像主体の日米異文化コミュニケーション実験を実施した.題材は「二人の人間の距離」並びに「今,ポケットに何を持っているか」などを取り上げた.参加した両大学学生は高臨場感の効果による参加意識の高さが確認された.

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