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the Americal Mathematical Society
The Mathematical Association of America
The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
The Mathematical Society of Japan
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Updated on 2025/01/25
the Americal Mathematical Society
The Mathematical Association of America
The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
The Mathematical Society of Japan
Landau-Lifshitz 方程式と可積分系の研究
Coadjoint Orbit上の可積分系
Integrable System on the Coadjoint Orbit
Local well posedness of the Cauchy problem for the Landau-Lifshitz equations.
Atushi Fuwa, Masayoshi Tsutusmi
Differential Integral Equations 18 ( 4 ) 370 - 404 2005
The Landau-Lifshitz flows of maps into the Lobachevsky plane,
Funkcialay Ekivacioj vol. 47, (pp. 83--106) 2004
The Landau-Lifshitz flows of maps into the Lobachevsky plane,
Funkcialay Ekvacioj vol.47, pp.83--106 2004
Generalizations of the Landau-LIfshitz equations,
北海道大学数学講究録 84号 2004
The Landau-Lifshitz flows of maps into the Lobachevsky plane,
Funkcialay Ekivacioj vol. 47, (pp. 83--106) 2004
K. Anada and M. Tsutsumi: Classification of the motion of hypersurfaces for harmonic mean curvature flows by blow-up rates of solutions to a parabolic differential equation
Commun. Appl. Anal. vol. 7 no. 4 (pp.519-527) 2003
K. Anada and M. Tsutsumi: Classification of the motion of hypersurfaces for harmonic mean curvature flows by blow-up rates of solutions to a parabolic differential equation
Commun. Appl. Anal. vol. 7 no. 4 (pp.519-527) 2003
K. Anada and M. Tsutsumi:Stability of solutions of nonlinear parabolic equations for harmonic eman curvature flows.
Nonlinear Anal. TMA vol.51 no.2 2002
D. Hirata and M. Tsutsumi: On the well-posedness of a linear heat equation with a critical singular potential
Differential Integral Equations vol.14 no.1 (pp 1-18) 2001
T.Ishiwata and M.Tsutsumi:Semidiscretization in Space of Nonlinear Degenerate Parabolic Equations with Blow-up Solutions</U>
J. Comput. Math. vol.18 no.6 (pp.571-586) 2000
T. Akiyama, H. Kasai and M. Tsutsumi, On the existence of the solution of the time dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations in $R^3$,
Funkcial Ekvac. vol. 43 no.2 255--270 2000
Iliya Shishmarev and Masayoshi Tsutsumi, Asymptotic behavior for large time values of the solutions of the complex landau-Ginzburg equation
Mat.Sb. vol.190 no.4 (pp. 95--114) 1999
M. Tsutsumi and T. Yasuda, Penalty method for variational inequalities and its error estimates
Funkcial Ekvac. vol. 42 pp. 281--289 1999
M.Tsutsumi and H.Kasai:The time dependent Ginzburg-Landau Maxwell Equations,</U>
Nonlinear Anal. TMA vol.37 no.2 (pp 187-216) 1999
I,A.Shishmarev,M.Tsutsumi and E.I.Kaikina,Asymptotics in time for nonlinear nonlocal Schrödinger equation with a source </U>
J.Math.Soc.Japan vol.51 no.2 (pp.463-487) 1999
Hayato Nawa and Masayoshi Tsutsumi, On blow up for the pseudo-conformally invariant nonlinear Schrodinger equation, II
Comm. Pure Appl. Math. vol.51 (pp.373--383) 1998
第14回九州における偏微分方程式研究集会/九州大学 97年2月5日 1997
石渡哲哉・堤正義"Numerical studies of blow-up of solutions to a nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations"
非線形偏微分方程式研究会/東京都立大学 97年1月24日-25日 1997
M.Tsutsumi,H.Kasai and T.Oishi:The Meissner effect and the Ginzburg-Landau equations in the presence of an applied magnetic field </U>
J.Math.Phys vol.38 no.6 (pp.3046-3054) 1997
M.Tsutsumi and T.Ishiwata:Regional Blow-up of solutions to the initial-boundary value problem for ut=uδ(Δu+u)</U>
Proc.Royal Soc.Edinburgh Sect. A vol 127 no.4 (pp. 841-887) 1997
K.Anada,I.Fukuda and M.Tsutsumi:Local existence and uniqueness of viscosity solution for ut=uΔu-γ|▽u|2+f(t,u)</U>
Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. vol.7 No.1(pp.55-68) 1997
T.Ishiwata and M.Tsutsumi:A Numerical study of Blow-up Solutions to ut=uδ(Δu+μu) </U>(Japanese)
Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 6(P219-231) 1996
A way to remove duplication from $ \sum _{i=1}^{N}1/x_i$, (with T.~Idogawa)
Journal of Number Theory, vol.59 pp.215-224 1996
T.Ishiwata and M.Tsutsumi:A numerical study of blow-up solutions to ut=uδ(Δu+μu) </U>
Proceedings of the Fourth MSJ International Research Institute I;43(P187-199) 1996
日本応用数理学会/東京大学駒場キャンパス 96年9月24日-26日 1996
石渡哲哉・堤正義"Numerical Studies of Blow-up of Solutions to some degenerate parabolic equations"
日本応用数理学会/東京大学駒場キャンパス 96年9月24日-26日 1996
研究集会「非線形現象の数理とその応用」/富山大学 96年5月9日-12日 1996
日本数学会/新潟大学 96年4月1日-4日 1996
M.Tsutsumi."The time dependent Ginzburg-Landau-Maxwell equations",the 4th Korea-Japan PDE conference,Taejon,Korea
1996 Dec.17 1996
石渡哲哉・堤正義"Numerical studies of blow-up of solutions to some degenerate parabolic equation"Fifth International Conference on Evolution Equations and Their Applications to Technology
International Conference Center,Hiroshima,Japan 1996 Oct.28 1996
石渡哲哉・堤正義"Numerical Studies of Blow-up of Solutions to Some Degenerate Parabolic Equation"
JSIAM-SIMAI First Joint Symposium on Flow Problems and Phase Field Models,Europa Palace Hotel,Anacapri,Italy 1996 Oct.3 1996
M.Tsutsumi."On Initial and Boundary Value Problem for the Time Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Equation Under the Applied Magnetic Field"
JSIAM-SIMAI First Joint Symposium on Flow Problems and Phase Field Models,Europa Palace Hotel,Anacapri,Italy 1996 0ct.3 1996
K.Anada,I.Fukuda and M.Tsutsumi:Regional Blow-up and Decay of solutions to the Initial-Boundary Value Problems for ut=uuxx-γ(ux)2+ku2</U>
Funkcialaj Ekvacioj 39(P363-387) 1996
K.Anada and M.Tsutsumi:On existence of viscosity solutions and weak solutions to the Cauchy problem for ut=uΔu-γ|▽u|2</U>
RIMS Kokyuroku 966(P1-17) 1996
M.Tsutsumi.The Meissner effect and the Ginzburg-Landau equations in the presence of an applied magnetic field.
The Second Congress of Nonlinear Analysis,Athens,Greece 1996 July.15 1996
Convergence of singularly perturbed nonlinear hyperbolic systems,
Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, vol. 24 pp.1673--1681 1995
On numerical results for the linearizable generalized curve shortening equation, (with T.~Idogawa)
Nonlinear Times and Digest, vol.2 pp. 173--178 1995
Decay of weak solutions to the Davey-Stewartson systems,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. vol. 182 pp.680--704 1994
Well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for the long-wave-short-wave resonance equations, (with S. Hatano)
Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, vol. 22 pp.155--171 1994
Well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for Benney's first equations of long wave shosrt wave interactions, (with S. Hatano)
Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, vol.37 pp. 289--316 1994
Uniqueness of solutions to the Cauchy problem for \(u_{t}=u\triangle u -\gamma |\nabla|^{2}\), (with I Fukuda and H. Ishii)
Journal of Differential and Integral Equations, vol.6 pp.1231--1252 1993
On Benney's second long-wave-short-wave equations, (with T. Saitoh)
Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, vol.2 pp.75--89 1993
Global solutions of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations with variable coefficients in exterior domains in three space dimensions, (in Russian)
Differents Uravn., vol.29 pp. 523--536 1993
Well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for a coupled Schr\"odinger-KdV equations, in the proceeding of the international conference on ^^ ^^ Nonlinear Mathematical Problems in Industry",
Gakkotosho, Tokyo Japan pp.513--528 1993
Viscosity solutions of a degenerate parabolic equation with measures as initial data, (with T. Kojyo)
Funkcialaj Ekvacioj vol.35 pp.41-50 1992
On the Cauchy problem for the Boussinesq type equation, (with T. Kojyo)
Math. Japonica vol.36 pp. 371--379 1991
On global solutions to the initial-boundary value problem for the nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equations in exterior domains,
Commun. in Partial Differential Equations, vol.16 pp.885--907 1991
The initial-boundary value problem for a nonlinear degenerate parabolic equation,
Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, vol. 16 pp.997--1009 1991
On global solutions to the initial-boundary value problem for the damped nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equations,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. vol.145 pp.328--341 1990
M.Tsutsumi and T.Ishiwata: On the Asymptotic Behaviour of Blowing-up Solutions to a Nonlinear Degenerate Parabolic Equation</U>,manuscript
1995 大谷 光春, 山田 義雄, 井戸川 知之