Updated on 2024/07/03


Job title
Ph.D. in Political Science ( The Ohio State University )

Education Background


    The Ohio State University, Graduate School   Department of Political Science   Political Science  


    Waseda University   School of Political Science and Economics   Department of Political Science  

Professional Memberships


    American Political Science Association


    International Political Science Association


    Japanese Political Science Association


    Japan Election Studies Association

Research Areas

  • Politics

Research Interests

  • Voting Behavior, Political Attitudes, Public Opinion, Political Process



  • Lecture(The 21th OCU Symposium on Educational Reform)

    TANAKA Aiji

    OCU journal of higher education studies   13 ( 1 ) 11 - 24  2015.10


  • The Patterns of Party Polarization in East Asia

    Dalton, Russell, Tanaka, Aiji

    Journal of East Asian Studies   7 ( 2 ) 203 - 223  2007.07

  • 国民意識における平等と政治—政治経済対立軸の継続と変化

    田中愛治, 三村憲弘

    日本政治学会編『年報政治学』   2006 ( I ) 117 - 147  2006.11


  • “Changes in Japanese Electoral Politics, 2003-2004: The Impact of Pension Reform or the Koizumi Effect?”

    Tanaka, Aiji

    Social Science Japan   ( 29 ) 1 - 4  2004.10

  • 「政治不信世代は年金制度も信じていない」

    田中愛治, 河野勝

    『中央公論』     138 - 147  2004.07

  • “Decline of Trust in Japanese Party System, 1976-2001: Why has the LDP Stayed in Power, and What is the Consequence?”

    Tanaka, Aiji

    Waseda Political Studies 2003, XXXV     35 - 59  2004.03

  • 日本の政党システムの変容——1980-90年代の変化と無党派層の増大」


    曽根泰教・ 崔章集(編)『変動期の日韓政治比較』慶應義塾大学出版会     189 - 228  2004

  • “Political Independence in Japan in the Early 1990s: The Multi-Dimensional Partisanship Concept and the Dealignment of the Japanese Party System,”

    Tanaka, Aiji, Weisberg, Herbert F

    The Waseda Journal of Political Science and Economics,   ( 335 ) 95 - 115  2004


  • “Looking Doubtfully at Pensions Across the Generation Gap,”

    Tanaka, Aiji, Kohno, Masaru

    Japan Echo     13 - 17  2004

  • 「投票率65%で政権交代か!?」


    『中央公論』    2003.09

  • “Decline of Trust in Japanese Party System, 1976-2001:Why Has the LDP Stayed in Power? And What is the Consequence?”

    Tanaka, Aiji

    a paper presented at the 19th World Congress of International Political Science Association, Durban, South Africa    2003.07

  • “The New Independent Voter and Evolving Japanese Party System,”

    Tanaka, Aiji, Martin, Sherry

    at the Shibusawa Memorial Foundation Seminar, the University of Missouri at St. Louis, Missouri    2003.06

  • 「無党派層と有権者の意識・行動」


    アエラ・ムック 新・政治学がわかる』朝日新聞社    2003.04

  • “Electoral Participation in Japan: A Comparison of Two Different Levels of Elections, 1999-2000,”

    Tanaka, Aiji, Airo Hino

    Annual Report, Research Institute of Aoyama Gakuin University, Center for Legal Studies, Vol.6,   ( 6 ) 23 - 32  2003.03

  • “Dose Social Capital Generate System Support in Japan?: An Empirical Study of System Support,”

    Tanaka, Aiji

    Waseda Political Studies 2002, XXXIV    2003.03

  • “The New Independent Voter and Evolving Japanese Party System,”

    Tanaka, Aiji, Martin, Sherry

    Perspective   27 ( 3 ) 21 - 51  2003

  • 「政治的信頼と世代間ギャップ——政治的システム・サポートの変化——」


    『経済研究』(一橋大学経済研究所)   53 ( 3 ) 213 - 225  2002.07


  • ”System Support in Japan (II): How Democratic Values Have Been Fostered and Changed in Japan’s Postwar and Post-industrial Periods,”

    Tanaka, Aiji

    Waseda Political Studies 2001, XXXIII     1 - 20  2002.03

  • “The Rise of the Independent Voter,” in a special issue on ‘Undercurrents in Japanese Politics,“

    Tanaka, Aiji

    Asia Program Special Report, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C.     19 - 25  2002.02

  • “The Rise of the Independent Voter,”

    Tanaka, Aiji

    a presentation at a Asia Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C    2001.11

  • “Electoral Participation in Japan: A Comparison of Two Different Levels Elections, 1999-2000,”

    Tanaka, Aiji, Tanifuji, Etsushi, Hino, Airo

    A paper is prepared for delivery at the Waseda Political Science Association Meeting, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan    2001.10

  • ”Does Social Capital Generate System Support in Japan?: An Empirical Analysis of Political System Support,”

    Tanaka, Aiji

    a paper delivery at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, California, USA    2001.09

  • ”System Support in Japan (I): Political Culture Explanations vs. System Performance Explanations,”

    Tanaka, Aiji

    Waseda Political Studies 2000, XXXII    2001.03

  • “Change in the Spatial Dimensions of Party Conflict: The Case of Japan in the 1990s,”

    Weisberg, Herbert, Tanaka, Aiji

    Political Behavior   1 ( 23 ) 75 - 101  2001.03


  • “Political Independence and the Loss of Faith,”

    Tanaka, Aiji

    A paper presented at the Conference on “Loosing Faith in Politics,” Quebec City    2000.08

  • 「人間関係資本とシステム・サポート」


    日本選挙学会(於:武蔵工業大学    2000.05

  • "System Support in Japan: How Democratic Values Have Been Fostered and Changed in Japan's Postwar and Post-industrial Periods."

    Tanaka, Aiji

    A Paper Presented at the XVIIIth World Congress of the International Political Science Association, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada    2000.05

  • “Critical Election of Japan in the 1990’s: Does the LDP’s Comeback in 1996 Mean Voter Realignment or Dealignment,”

    Tanaka, Aiji, Nishizawa, Yoshitaka

    Waseda Political Studies 1999, XXXI     25 - 46  2000.03

  • 「選挙研究におけるパラダイムの変遷」


    『選挙研究』(日本選挙学会年報)第15号,木鐸社   ( 15 )  2000.02

  • 「早稲田大学における投票行動研究のルーツ再訪——1960年11月衆議院選挙の世論調査データの再構築」


    『早稲田政治経済学雑誌』(内田満教授定年退職記念号)   ( 341 )  2000.01

  • “Why Ishihara Shintaro Won?: Election as Tokyo Governor,”

    Tanaka, Aiji

    Japan Quarterly, Vol.46-No.3   ( 46 ) 3 - 9  1999.09

  • ”Two Faces of the Japanese Electorate: the Organized Voters vs. the Unorganized Voters on the Process of Partisan Realignment / Dealignment,”

    Tanaka, Aiji

    Waseda Political Studies 1998, XXX     33 - 51  1999.03

  • 『現代日本政治小辞典』内田満・編,編集委員として編集協力し、「投票行動」 「一党優越政党制」「55年体制」など65項目を執筆


    ブレーン出版    1999

  • 『現代政治学小辞典』阿部斉・内田満・高柳先男・編,「一党優位制」「アファーマティヴ・ ゲリーマンダー」「ネガティヴ・キャンペーン」など14項目を執筆


    有斐閣    1999

  • “Two Faces of the Japanese Electorate: the Organized Voters vs.the Unorganized Voters on the Process of Partisan Realignment/Dealignment.”

    Tanaka, Aiji

    A Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, USA    1998.09

  • 「選挙・世論の数量分析---無党派層の計量分析---」


    『オペレーションズ・リサーチ』(日本オペレーションズ学会機関誌) Vol.43-No.7   ( 043-007 )  1998.07

  • 書評:『転変する政治のリアリティ:投票行動の認知社会心理学』


    池田謙一著,木鐸社,1997年」『社会心理学研究』(日本社会心理学会機関誌)   13 ( 3 ) 213 - 214  1998.03

  • 「選挙研究における『争点態度』の現状と課題」


    『選挙研究』(日本選挙学会年報) 第13号,木鐸社   ( 13 )  1998.02

  • "Critical Elections of Japan in the 1990s: Does the LDP's Comeback in 1996 Mean Voter Realignment or Dealignment?"

    Tanaka, Aiji

    A Paper Presented at the XVII World Congress of the International Political Science AssociationMeeting, Seoul, Korea    1997.08

  • 「無党派層の意識構造と投票行動---新たな理論モデルと1996年総選挙における実証分析」


    日本選挙学会(於:椙山女学園大学    1997.05

  • 「『政党支持なし』層の意識構造---政党支持概念の再検討の試論」


    『レヴァイアサン』第20号,木鐸社   ( 20 )  1997.04

  • 「国民意識における『55年体制』の変容と崩壊---政党編成崩壊とシステム・サ ポートの継続と変化」第Ⅱ章


    日本政治学会編『年報政治学・55年体制の崩壊』岩波書店    1996.12

  • "Political Independence in Japan in the 1990s: Multidimensional Party Identification During a Dealignment,"

    Tanaka, Aiji, Weisberg, Herbert

    A Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association Meeting, SanFrancisco    1996.09

  • "Perception Gap between the US and Japan: A Focus Group Analysis,"

    Tanaka, Aiji

    Round-table Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii    1996.04

  • 「無党派層」


    『アエラ・ムック政治学がわかる』朝日新聞社     102 - 105  1996

  • 面接調査と電話調査の比較の一断面」

    田中愛治, 林 文

    『行動計量学』(行動計量学会)   23 ( 1 ) 10 - 19  1996

  • 「政党支持測定の新しい試み」


    日本世論調査協会年次大会ゲスト・スピーカー(於:中央大学    1995.11

  • 「戦後五十年における政治意識の変容」


    『現代のエスプリ』   ( 341 )  1995.11

  • 「『55年体制』の崩壊とシステム・サポートの継続---有権者と国会議員の意識 構造の乖離---」


    『レヴァイアサン』第17号,木鐸社   ( 17 )  1995.10

  • 『ブリタニカ百科事典』フランク・B・ギブニー編,「比較政治」「政治行動」「政治社会学」に関する162項目を執筆または改訂執筆


    TBSブリタニカ    1995

  • "Changes of Party Identification in Japan's Partisan Realignment, 1991-1994,"

    Tanaka, Aiji

    A Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association Meeting, New York City    1994.09

  • 「アメリカにおける政治不信の現状」『各国政治不信の現状』


    日本選挙学会・選挙研究シリーズNo.12   ( 12 )  1993.07

  • 「無党派層の意識構造と政治不信--国際比較を通じて--」


    日本社会心理学会公開シンポジウム・ゲストスピーカー(於:愛知学院大学    1993.06

  • 「書評:『日本の政党政治1890-1937年---議会分析と選挙の数量分析』川人貞史著,東京大学出版会,1992年」


    『エコノミスト』毎日新聞社     161 - 162  1993.04

  • World Opinion in the Gulf Crisis: An Empirical Investigation

    Tanaka, Wilcox, Clyde

    Journal of Conflict Resolution   37 ( 1 )  1993.03

  • 『政党支持なし』層の研究(2)


    『人文・社会科学論集』(東洋英和女学院大学)   ( 4 )  1992.12

  • 解題・翻訳:ウォーレン・E・ミラー『米国における有権者の構造変動---世代交代論』」


    『思想』岩波書店     76 - 93  1992.11

  • 青年層の意識構造と投票行動


    『青少年問題』(財団法人・青少年問題研究会)   39 ( 7 )  1992.07

  • 『政党支持なし』層の意識構造と政治不信


    『選挙研究』(日本選挙学会年報)   ( 7 )  1992.05

  • 「米国における日本の投票行動研究の現状」


    『選挙研究』(日本選挙学会年報)   ( 7 ) 149 - 167  1992.05

  • 「日米情報摩擦:世論調査報道のもつ危険性」


    新聞研究』日本新聞協会     29 - 32  1992.02

  • 『政党支持なし』層の研究(1)


    『人文・社会科学論集』(東洋英和女学院大学)   ( 3 )  1991.12

  • 「『政党支持なし』層の意識構造」


    日本社会心理学会(於:東京学芸大学    1991.10

  • 『現代政治学事典』大学教育社編「投票行動」「政治意識」「無党派層」など7項目を執筆


    ブレーン出版    1991.04

  • 『ブリタニカ現代用語』フランク・B・ギブニー編「選挙」に関する全88項目を執筆


    TBSブリタニカ     257 - 264  1991

  • 『政党支持なし』層の研究(序)


    『人文・社会科学論集』(東洋英和女学院大学)   ( 2 )  1991.01

  • "Religion and Politics in Japan: An Experiment in Democracy of A Non-Judeo-Christian Culture"

    Tanaka, Aiji, Nishihira, Shigeki

    a Paper Presented at the 12th World Congress of Sociology (The International Sociology Association), Madrid, Spain    1990.07

  • 1988年アメリカ大統領選挙分析


    『選挙研究』(日本選挙学会年報)   ( 5 )  1990.06

  • 特集マス・コミュニケーション研究の系譜:1951〜1990--政治学大衆社会論からの離脱と回帰

    田中愛治, 鶴木眞, 黒川貢三郎, 谷藤悦史

    『新聞学評論』(日本新聞学会)   ( 39 )  1990.04

  • アメリカ政治行動論発展の基礎-ミシガン学派発展の基礎


    『人文・社会科学論集』(東洋英和女学院大学)   ( 1 )  1990.01

  • 書評:『自民党長期政権の研究:危機と補助金』


    ケント・E・カルダー著,文藝春秋社,1989年」『図書新聞』    1989.11

  • 「政治学における計量分析の発展---近年の政治意識論・政治行動論を中心に」


    日本政治学会(於:神奈川大学    1989.10

  • 「政治不信とその意識構造」


    日本社会心理学会(於:東京女子大学    1989.09

  • 政治参加の比較因果分析-オーストリアとオランダにおける政治参加の非逐次パス解析モデルの比較-


    『道都大学紀要・社会福祉学部』   ( 11 )  1988.12

  • A Comparative Study of Foreign Policy Behavior in West Germany and Japan.

    Tanaka, Aiji

    『道都大学紀要・社会福祉学部』   10 ( 10 ) 1 - 17  1987.12


  • 「我国における政治行動研究の最近の成果と動向」


    『レヴァイアサン』創刊号,木鐸社     174 - 182  1987.10

  • 西欧福祉国家におけるデモクラシーの正統性--英国と西独における政治システム支持の比較分析


    道都大学社会福祉学部『北方福祉』   ( 14 )  1987.10

  • 「政治過程とコミュニケーション---選挙と報道」


    日本新聞学会(於:福岡大学    1987.05

  • 「1986年米国中間選挙の分析---大統領の業績評価と政党システムの視点から」


    日本選挙学会(於:駒沢大学    1987.05

  • 政治システム支持再考--D.イーストンの概念の実証的有用性をめぐって


    『道都大学紀要・社会福祉学部』   ( 9 )  1986.12

  • “System Support in Japan: Political Culture Explanations vs.System Performance Explanations,”

    Tanaka, Aiji

    a paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington D.C    1984.08

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • 2009年、なぜ政権交代だったのか

    田中愛治, 河野勝, 日野愛郎, 飯田健, 読売新聞世論調査部

    勁草書房  2009.10 ISBN: 9784326301829

  • 期待,制度,グローバル社会

    田中愛治, 野勝

    勁草書房  2009.09 ISBN: 9784326301812

  • The Patterns of Party Alignment

    Dalton, Russell, Tanaka, Aiji

    Russell Dalton, Doh Shin, and Yun-han Chu eds., Party Politics in East Asia, Lynne Rienner Publisher  2008 ISBN: 9781588265708

  • 現代日本の政治

    久米郁男, 田中愛治, 河野勝

    放送大学教育振興会  2007.04 ISBN: 9784595307324

  • 『年金改革の政治経済学』

    田中愛治, 北岡伸一と共編著

    東洋経済新報社  2005.03 ISBN: 4492701087

  • 日本の政党システムの変容-1980-90年代の変化と無党派層の増大


    慶應義塾大学出版会  2004.09 ISBN: 4766408039

  • 『政治過程論』

    田中愛治, 伊藤光利, 真渕勝

    有斐閣  2004.04 ISBN: 4641120935

  • 『政治学』

    田中愛治, 久米郁男, 川出良枝, 古城佳子, 真渕勝

    有斐閣  2003.12 ISBN: 4641053685

  • “Religion and Politics in Japan,” Chapter 12

    Tanaka, Aiji, Toyoda, Maria

    Ted G. Jelen and Clyde Wilcox eds., Religion and Politics in Comparative Perspective, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press  2002 ISBN: 0521650313

  • 「日本——硬直化した個人主義型リクルートメント」


    吉野孝/今村浩/谷藤悦史編『誰が政治家になるのか』第1章、早稲田大学出版部  2001.05 ISBN: 4657015141

  • 「無党派層の増加と政党編成---1960年代中頃以降の政党帰属意識の変動---」第5章


    久保文明/草野厚/大沢秀介・編『現代アメリカ政治の変容』頸草書房  1999.12 ISBN: 4326301341

  • 国民意識における55年体制の形成」第3章


    中村隆英/宮崎正康・編『過渡期としての1950年代』東京大学出版会  1997.09 ISBN: 4130401572

  • 揺らぐアメリカン・デモクラシーへの信頼」第4章


    大石紘一郎・編『現代アメリカのこころと社会』朔北社  1997.03 ISBN: 4931284248

  • 「選挙過程」第Ⅲ章


    猪口邦子・編『政治学のすすめ』筑摩書房  1996.05 ISBN: 4480014020

  • 「えっ!!投票するの?誰に投票するの?」第1章(投票行動)


    伊藤光利・編『ポリティカル・サイエンス事始め』有斐閣  1996.03 ISBN: 4641085641

  • 1992年大統領選挙にみる米国民の意識変容」第5章


    宮里政玄/国際大学日米関係研究所編『クリントン政権の内政と外交』,同文館出版  1994.04 ISBN: 4495860011

  • 「米国世論調査の動向と日米関係--日米世論の比較を中心に--」第5章


    宮里政玄/国際大学日米関係研究所・編『アメリカの多元的変化と日本』同文館出版  1993.02 ISBN: 4495857614

  • 米国における政治不信のインパクト

    田中愛治, 小林良彰

    『政治倫理と政治不信』(日本選挙学会・選挙研究シリーズNo.6), 北樹出版, 第3章  1991.03 ISBN: 4893843141

  • アメリカにおける政治不信と政治システム支持に関する研究の動向


    『世論と政治不信』(日本選挙学会・選挙研究シリーズNo.2), 北樹出版,第3章  1990.06 ISBN: 4893841688

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Research Projects

  • 市民のニーズを反映する制度構築と政策形成の政治経済学

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(S))

    Project Year :


  • 制度構築と政策形成に必要な市民のニーズの把握-政治経済学実験とCASI調査-

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))

    Project Year :


     View Summary


  • Political Change and Decision Making Mechanism of the Japanese : Integration of Psychological Economic Experiment and Public Opinion Survey

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANAKA Aiji, KOHNO Masaru, SHIMIZU Kazumi, YAMADA Masahiro, WATABE Motoki, KUME Ikuo, NISHIZAWA Yoshitaka, HASEGAWA Mariko, FUNAKI Yukihiko, SHINADA Yutaka, KURIYAMA Kohichi, FUKUMOTO Kentaro, IMAI Ryosuke, HINO Airo, IIDA Takeshi

  • 世代間利害調整の政治学

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(特定領域研究(B))

    Project Year :


     View Summary


  • Japanese politics after the end of economic miracle

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    This research intends to analyze Japanese politics after the high economic growth era, by conducting the survey research and the case study. The survey research team conducted three separate surveys for bureaucrats, parliamentarians, and interest group leaders respectively (between 2001 and 2003), which are compared with previous two waves of surveys. It is expected that we can observe changing self-perceptions of the policy actors and perceived interactions among them over three waves of survey research. The surveys of bureaucrats and parliamentarians have been completed by 2002, while the survey of interest group leaders has just completed in February 2004. We found several interesting changes : the self-perceived influence of bureaucrats declined ; politicians became less dependent on bureaucrats for policy information, information channel between interest groups and the government (i.e., politicians and bureaucrats) became narrower after the 1993 political realignment. We are now continuing our analysis in order to analyze the impact of the alteration of the government in 1993 as well as long term trends over 30 years.
    The case study team investigated 55 cases of policy making.

  • Research on Political Trust and Political System Support in Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANAKA Aiji

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    This research aimed to examine attitudes of the ordinary Japanese voters toward Japan's political system by analyzing the public opinion survey data and the aggregated election data. This research analyzed those data from 1970s to the early 2000s, and tried to detect causal factors to generate system support attitudes among Japanese.
    Those data sets utilized for this research were (1) JABISS data 1976, (2) JES data 1983, (3) JES II data 1993, (4) JEDS96 data 1996, (5) JDES2000 data 2000, (3) JSS2001 data 2001.
    The major findings of this research are following three points. First, the general political trust of the Japanese public was originally relatively low (about 40%), but its level sharply went down (down to 11.1%) from 1996 to 2000. The level of the Japanese political trust has not quite come back to the original level, even after Prime Minister Koizumi gained extremely high popularity from spring to autumn 2001.
    Second, the Japanese public attitudes toward democratic institutions, such as election system, the Diet, and political parties, were very supportive in the 1970s through the middle of the 1990s (about 70% to 80%). However, these supportive attitudes toward democratic

  • The Impact of New Electoral System on Political Change--US-Japan Joint Study on Japanese Voters

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IKEDA Ken'ichi, YASUNO Satoko, NISHIZAWA Yoshitaka, TANAKA Aiji

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    This project was organized as a US-Japan joint work on investigating impacts of the new electoral system on political change in late 1990s in Japan. The project succeeds to a prior research called "JEDS"(Japanese Election and Democracy Study) supported by the National Science Foundation in US (SBR-9632113). Consisted of the same members as the current project, the JEDS team conducted a national sampling survey all over Japan in the 1996 General Election. The current study started to do a panel survey using the same respondents by targeted to the 1998 House of Councilors Election. The panel data worked well to grasp of the essence of the changes after the electoral system renovation. The papers using the data as is shown in references showed how the political upheavals in the late 1990s are influenced by voters'psychological orientation, Japanese political cultural characteristics as well as institutional changes. The JEDS survey data is accessible in WWW (http : //www.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp /pages/ssjda-e/)). It is open to the ICPSR member institutions in English. The data is valuable in the context that Japanese election surveys are not very well available in English. The project proce

  • The Impact of Independent Voters on Party System Change in Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANAKA Aiji

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    I have examined Japanese party system from 1972 to 1996, and have found that Japanese party system was gradually transformed as the independent voters increased. In addition, Japanese party system clearly changed its nature around 1986 to 1987 when the bipolar structure of liberal-conservative or left-right division started diminishing. Given these two factors as independent variables, Japanese party system has been experiencing partisan dealignment as well as partisan realignment at the same time. It is still in its transitional period, but the transformation took place in Japanese party system will not be reversible.

  • Change and Continuity of Legitimacy in Postwar Japanese Political System

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANAKA Aiji

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    This research focused on Japanese public attitudes toward the political system as well as party system of postwar Japan. This research tested the phypothesis that Japanese voters supported the LDP leading government not because they supported the LDP itself but because they supported Japanese political system as a whole. In other words, the "1955 Party System" of postwar Japan (55-nen Taisei) was maintained by the electorate because Japanese public supported the basic political system of postwar Japan under which the "1955 Party System" (i.e., the LDP dominant party system) was operated.
    To test this hypothesis, I examined Japanese public opinion survey data from the 1950s through the 1995, and found the following findings. After the end of World War II,Japanese public became supportive of the postwar democratic system regardless of which party they support in the 1950s and early 1960s. Then, after the high growth period, Japanese public was increasingly accepting the LDP dominant party system. However, they basically accepted the polotocal system as a whole, but all of them did not necessary support the LDP itself.
    In the same token, while the Liberal Democratic Party's dominance

  • Breakdown of 1995 Regime

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The purpose of this study is to explore the end of LDP long term government in 1993, from the perspective of the breakdown of 1995 Regime, which means that we explain Japanese political system itself and its changing nature. We concentrate our power to some important elements which consist of driving force to change, because of the limitation of time and resource. Even thought result is well organized collection of both case studies and structural thesis We could study, for example, structural elements which had caused various change from 1970, secular trends in opinion poll related to the "system support", political process of the struggle among politicians in 1993 spring to summer, comparison with Italian case, the role of Mass-media, the mobilization of trade union political intervention, linkage between central politics and local politics, leadership question and Japanese argument on parliamentary government, and the political thought on government and change in Japan.

  • A study of Voting Behavior and Political Cynicism of Independent Voters

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANAKA Aiji

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    The purpose of this study is to capture cognitive image of political independents through opinion survey. I conducted public opinion surveys twice during the designated research period, 1993-94, in Yokohama City. In 1993, a panel designed mail survey was conducted before and after the House of Councillors Election held on July 26, 1993. In 1994, a panel study of telephone survey was conducted before and after the House of Representatives election held on July 18, 1994.
    In the latter xase, due to the budgetary limitation, I designed the sampling scheme (Random Digital Dialing ; RDD). Also, I developed CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Intervies) system with cooperation of a research group for "Electoral Behavior and Democracy" (chaired by Professor Mitsuru Uchida of Waseda University), and I participated an omnibus telephone survey, some questions of which could be used for this study.
    Analyzing the data drawn from these two surveys in 1993 and 1994, I could confirm the existence of some independent voters who are not indifferent to politics nor interested in elections but chose not to support any particular party. When the questionnaire starts to ask the respondents if they have so

  • An Empirical Study of Voters without Partisanship

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANAKA Aiji

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    This study was based on a mail-out panel survey conducted in Midori-ward of Yokohama City in February-March 1991 and in November-December 1991. Of the original sample of 1, 006, 523 responded on the first wave, and 364 answered on the second wave.
    The purpose of this study was to examine nature of political independents in Japan, with special focus on independents who conscientiously or deliberately reject partisanship. For this purpose, this study tested two types of new measurement of partisanship.
    First, feeling thermometer scale toward political independents was created, and was asked, together with conventional feeling thermometer scales toward major parties, on the first wave survey. The results of a principal component analysis of these thermometer scales showed that three separate dimensions appeared : the conservative-progressive dimension, the middle-of-the-way parties dimension, and political independent dimension. Therefore, in the respondents' minds, political independents are regarded as an independent entity.
    Second, a series of questions to probe the voters' independent orientation were asked on the second wave survey. The conventional measurement of partisanship ha

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Overseas Activities

  • 国民政治意識・政治行動の国際比較研究


    アメリカ   カリフォルニア大学アーヴァイン校

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 国際比較における日本政治システムの正統性の研究


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